Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 28, 1862, Image 2

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    D - / geiegrapt.
Forever float that standard! sheet I
here breathes the foe but falls before us
With Freedom son beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner utreaming o'er us
Tuesday Afternoon, January 28, 1862.
The news which we publish to-day,and which at
first will appear disastrous and disheartening, is
not so bad in reality, and we are confident that
further accounts from the Expedition will revive
the confidence of the American people in the
ultimate success of that magnificent military
undertaking. Gen. Burnside is a cool, discreet,
able and indomitable officer, in whom the
country can confide with a faith that is worthy
these virtues, and we are certain that the Expe-
dition will yet accomplish all the good for
which it was devised and constructed. We
must expect disasters when the aroused ele
ments cross our path—but from the rebels, when
in a fair contest, we must never look for defeat•
After an army of more than half a million
men has been recruited; its organization accom
plished, its discipline, arming, subsistence and
quartering provided for, it becomes the sacred
duty of the American people calmly to con
template the result, and behold the immense
labor necessarily attending these efforts. When
the signal of rebellion rang from one plantation
to another, and every slave driver in the south
armed for the contest, the loyal people of the
land little imagined that the emute then would
assume the dreadful proportions of the rebel
lion now. As commonwealth after common
wealth asserted their mad independence and
arrayed their citizens in the ranks of treason
those best acquainted with the southern peo
ple least imagined that the rebellion would
ever pass beyond the resolves of state legisla
tures or the threats of disappointed southern
politicians. The entire free states were lulled
to repose on this faith, strengthened as they
were in the consciousness of numerical superior
ity, force of population and wonderful prosperity_
and progress. After all these facts, after our
flag was insulted in rebel territory, after it was
betrayed by those sworn in its defence, after It
suffsred insult, assault and contumely, the
country suddenly awoke to the dreadful neces
sity of meeting a foe armed with a portion of
that country's own resources, stealthily pos
sessed of its forts and arsenals, traitorously
and truthfully boasting in its ranks the
skill and experience of the army, and the
daring and valor of the navy. After all these
dreadful facts were forced upon the conviction
of the people—the nation almost aghast with
the stupendousness of the rebellion which
threatened its extinction—and the government
appalled with the magnitude of the responsi
bility thus suddenly forced upon it—after all
these occurrences and startling events, then it
was that but one Department of the entire go
vernment was looked to for succor and defence.
We did not need diplomacy, and therefore the
able head of the State Department could fold
his arms and quietly contemplate the wild scene
by which the administration was surrounded.
• We did not need fmanciering then, because the
labor must be performed before the laborer
need be remunerated for his services. We
needed an army, and the material for that ar
my, though amply sufficient for all purposes,
was yet rough, wild and undisciplined. We
require I the resources to equip and subsist that
force ; and these were offered—but above all
these we needed a calm head and a stern hand
to direct, control and fashion this mass of
men and over-abundance of resources. This
was accomplished—accomplished, too, while
the nation was yet struggling in the grasp
of rebellion. And now that our innumer
able armies attest the spirit of the loyal
people of the land, when the bugle notes
of our cavalry are heard wherever there is a foe
to meet them, and the revile and tatto resound
along the entire border of rebellion or send
their shrill notes through the very heart of
treason—after all this herculean development
of resource and wonderful power of discipline,
let us not forget the man who grasped the helm
of the War Department when it was doubtful
whether a dozen officers in the American army
were devoted to the American Union. Vial
Men Awas SIMON CAMERON. Whoever may reap
the glory of victory , when battle achieves that
result, and whoever may be in authority
when peace is once more restored to the land,
the people will have cause to remember the
Secretary of War who welcomed the first sol
diers that arrived for the defence of the Amer
ican capital—and in them and in him the deeds
and the glory of the present great struggle will
both be concentrated as the historian records
the bloody transactions of the present, as well
es the ingratitude of those who would seek the
aspersion of their country's benefactor. The
present, full of uncertainty and dark rebellion,
will give birth to a future full of hope and glory,
_when the faithful public servant, amid the calm
judgment and repost of the American people,
will meet his just reward. It is this felththat
animates the friends of Simon Cameron, as
they renew their devotion to the national ad
ministration, and arouse themselves to an in
creased vigor in the cause of the Union. It is
this that will make their as well as hi s A im
From whatever stand-point we can observe
this body, and however we may respect it as
one of the important branches of the govern
ment, there Is no use denying this fact, that
Congress is far behind the spirit and . energy of
the people, and that it is also shamefully neg
lecting its duty. Discussion seems to be the
standing order of the day, as if words hastily ut
tered in impromptu debates or quietly matured
and cautiously declared for the purpose of man
ufacturing personal reputation, were the eset n
dais to order and discipline in our organiza
tion for defence and preservation, or necessary
to our successful efforts to put down rebellion.
Every thing in Congress is regarded with the
false notion in either branch, that the particu
lar body acting on a certain subject, is abso_
lutely and in fact the possessor of all the pow
er and the controller of the full destiny of the
government. Imbued with this notion, Con
gress is running after the authority of other de
partments and co-ordinate branches of the gov
ernment instead of quietly attending to its own
business, until individual members of both the
Senate and House of Representatives are im
pressed with the egotism that they are cen
sors instead of legislators, military direc
tions instead of legislative projectors.--
The world is beginning to laugh at the
spectacle presented in some of the proceed
ings of Congress, and unless members curb
their passions and their ambition, the country
will next be called on to resist the mad ab
stractions and political follies daily originating
and transpiring in Congress, with the same
resolution with which the people are now re
pelling rebellion.
Congress should work more and talk less,
while individual members would win a nobler
fame in silence, than they are earning by a
constant exhibition of their collaquial powers
It would be a fortunate resolve for the country
if a parliamentary rale were adopted restricting
debate to the committees where acts of legisla
tion originate, and forbidding any member
from making more than one speech during a
Congress. The country would be the gainer
in time, legislation, exemption from nonsense,
the shame of ridicule and the suspense of delay.
We have repeatedly alleged that the object of
the slaveholder's rebellion was the organization
of an aristocratic class by the establishment of
exclusive political privileges in the south. This
assertion has as often provoked the old political
allies of the southern slave breeding rebels, as
it has been the means of assisting to place the
issues of the rebellion in their proper light be
fore the people of Pennsylvania. Since our as
sertions on this subject, the debates in Congress
have elicited some strange sentiments both in
favor of and against the assumptions of the
slave master in the rebellion he has so wickedly
precipitated. Among the most profound and
truthful of all those who have spoken on this
subject, is the speech of Senator Davis, from
Kentucky, who, while he claims to be loyal, is
also one of the most tenacious defenders of
slavery in Congress. And
_yet Senator Davis
does not hesitate to make this candid ad-
mission :
"The cotton states, by their slaves, have
amassed fortunes, and many of their planters
have princely revenues—from fifty to one hun
dred thousand dollars a year. This wealth has
begot pride, and insolence and ambition, and
these points of the southern character have
been displayed most insultingly in the halls of
Congress. I admit it all. But in these southern
states, and among these planters, are some of
the truest gentlemen, in the highest sense of
the word, that I have ever known, and some
of the purest patriots. I admit, however, that,
as a class, the wealthy cotton growers are in
solent ; they are proud ; they are domineering ;
they are ambitious. They have monopolized
the government in its honors for forty or fifty
years, with few interruptions. When they saw
the sceptre about to depart from them in the
election of Lincoln, sooner than give up office,
in their mad and wicked ambition they deter
mined to disrupt the old Confederation and to
erect a new one, where they would have undis
puted power."
The discussion which ILts been elicited on
the subject of the alleged treason, or complicity
with treason, of Jesse D. Bright, a United
States Senator from Indiana, has had but one
influence among the loyal people of the coun
try. There is no question among the people
as to Bright's inclination to betray his country
—no doubt of his purpose to aid rebellion.—
Therefore, the special pleadings of a certain
coterie of Senators in behalf of Bright can effect
only the popularity of these gentlemen, with
out doing Bright any service ; and on this ac
count we would remind those who still possess
the loyal esteem and respect of their constitu
ents, to beware how they trifle with these sen
timents in their connection with this case.—
Those who touch pitch are defiled.
THE LONDON Trims says that the British gov
ernment would have done as much to rescue
two negroes as it did to release Mason and Sli-
dell, after they had been taken from an English
mail steamer. The same journal also protests
against any extravagant welcome being extend
ed to the released traitor envoys on their ap
pearance in England. All this is a backing
down on the part of the Thunderer, as the let
ter of Secretary Seward produced a greatohange
of opinion among the English masses, so that
the Times to be up with its patrons, was bound
to change also, or loose its accustomed share of
Con. H. C. LONGNECHRR, appointed to the
command of the Twenty-third Pennsylvania
regiment, is one of the bravest and most ac
complished gentlemen in the country, and we
rejoice sincerely that he has once more been
placed in a position where active duty will af
ford him the opportunity of doing gallant ser
vice to his country. Col. Birney, who organ
ized this regiment, has deservedly been promo
ted to the position of Brigadier General.
Harrisburg, January 27, 1862.
due to the Hon. H. L. Dieffenbach, to whom
you somewhat tartly referred, in last Saturday's
issue of the Telegraph, to say that he was not a
candidate for State Treasurer. This is due to
common justice. I nominated him in caucus,
without his knowledge, and as I have good rea
son to know, against his approbabation.
Tours respectfully, LEVI L. TATE.
p ennsigoania ilattv +telegraph, gueottap 'Afternoon, January 28, 1862.
I 1
I 1111 1
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Treachery of the Pilots at Hatteras
Suffering for want of Water and
Col, Allen and Surgeon Miller drowned
Portions of the Fleet Gradually Arriving
VI I / 4 1PSI_A
The Rebels Frightened and will not make
By the arrival of the steamer Eastern State
we have the first direct and official intelligence
of the arrival of the Burnside expedition at its
The Eastern State lett Hatteras Inlet last
night and arrived here late this afternoon. The
recent storms were unusually severe at Hatteras
and considerably delayed and crippled the ex
pedition, but when the Eastern State left every
thing looked favorable.
The expedition sailed from Hampton Roads
on the 11th and 12th insts., and consisted of
over one hundred and twenty-five vessels of all
classes. It arrived at Hatteras between the
12th and 17th, having been greatly retarded by
the severe storms and adverse winds, which
prevailed about that time. After their arrival,
they experienced a series of storms of such un
paralleled severity that for two days in succes
sion, on more than one occasion, it was impos
sible to hold communication between any two
vessels of the fleet.
After the first storm it was discovered that
instead of vessels drawing 8i feet being able CO
go over the swe.l or bars, as Gen. Burnside
had been informed, no vessel drawing over 7
feet 3 inches could pass the outside bar drawing
over 13 feet unless skillfully piloted. Cones
smantly_f_6. Ammer Clig_a Maw Trbric_lairnok
on the outside bar, loaded with a cargo valued
at $200,000, consisting of powder, rifles and
bombe, and proved a total loss. The captain
and crew, after bravely remaining in the rigging
for forty hours, were saved.
The gunboat Zonave dragged her anchors,
stove a hole in her bottom and sunk. Total
loss. Her crew being saved.
The steamer Pocahontas went ashore near
the light house and become a total wreck.
The valuable heroes . belonging to Eistand's
battery were on board and were all drowned,
including several valued at $5OO each.
The Grape Shot parted hawser, and went
down at sea ; crew saved.
An unknown schooner, ladened with oats,
and another schooner, name unknown, and six
of her crew, were also lost on the beach.
The Louisiana struck on the bar, where she
still remains. The report of her having been
burnt is entirely incorrect ; she may get off.
The Eastern Queen, and also the Valtisan,
are ashore. The latter will probably get off.
The water vessels had not reached their des
tination when the Eastern State left, and had
it not been for the condensers on board some
of the vessels, and one on shore, terrible suffer
ing would have occurred. As it was the water
casks were old whiskey, oamphene and Kero
sene oil casks.
It is thought that the Union pilots of Hatter
as proved traitors, having intentionally run
several vessels ashore.
The storm can only be described as terrific.—
The waters in every direction were covered with
foam. Waves dashing, with a clear sweep
across Hatteras shore and completely cutting
off the fort from all outside communication.—
The current was running at the rate of five
miles an hour, and chop seas prevented General
Burnside from answering any signals of distress
or communication ;with his generals. At one
moment the flag would appear union down on
a number of vessels, indicating want of water,
coal or provisions.
Colonel Allen, of the Nineteenth New Jersey
Regiment, and hie surgeon, Miller, with a
boat's crew and second mate of the Ann E.
Thompson, when they found that the troops
needed water; manned the life boat, in order
to reach the General. Unfortunatel‘the boat
was swamped, and the Colonel, Burgeon and
Mate drowned. The crew of the boat were
Despite ail these adverse circumstances,
General Burnside has succeeded in getting over
the bar one half of his vessels, all the gunboats,
and 9,000 troops.
Everything appeared to be in a satisfactory
condition when the Eastern State left. The
large transports with troops remained outside
of the bar until the arrival of the S. R. Spauld
ing from Port Royal on the third, when Captain
Howes volunteered to bring them all inside.
This was accomplished yesterday afternoon.
The Eastern State, as she was passing last
night left a portion of the tug boats chartered
by Gen. Burnside for the expedition who re
fused to proceed any further than Fortress
Fair weather has now set In. Schooners are
making their appearance with water and coal
and everything looks more promising.
a Stand.
Gen. Burnside has been indefatiguable, day
and night. He has been at his post, perform
ing the duties of his staff of officers. He is con
fident of ultimate succesq and has the respect
of every man under his command.
General Burnside left Fortress Monroe on the
Picket, but subsequently took possession of the
Spaulding, which he will occupy as his flag
ship. She will be ust d for taking the remain
ing troops over the bar.
The only troops that have been landed are
the 24th Massachusetts regiment and Rhode
Island battery.
Col. Hawkins' regiment goes with General
Burnside's expedition, and their place is to be
filled by the 6th New Hampshire,
There has been no loss of life, except what is
above mentioned.
Eleven deaths of soldiers have occurred since
he fleet sailed.
Mr. Spelbturn comes In the Eastern State as
bearer of dispatches from General Burnside.—
We are indebted to Dr. A. Rawlings, the only
other passenger who goes north, for the above
Different reports are received at Hatteras from
the surrounding population in relation to the
diaposposition and intentions of the enemy.
Some who come in say they are completely
frightened and will not make a stand. Another
report is that large masses of troops will be
concentrated in the vicinity, and still another
story confirmed by many, is that their exer
tions will be directed chiefly to placing obsta
cles in the way of our progress to Norfolk.
The rebels keep a good look-out for our
movements with their gunboats. Two of them
made their appearance immediately after the
storm, but disappeared when chased.
The mails by the Eastern State will be for
warded to-morrow.
Arrival of the Second and Fourh Wis
consin Batteries.
Return of the Admiral of the French
Steam Frigate Pomone•
More Prisoners Exchanged.
Extracts from Southern Newspapers
Gen. Beauregard to Take Command of the
Rebel Army at Columbus, Kentucky.
Disastrous Fire at New Orleans
Another Rebel Steamer Burned by the
EORTRISS Iflonnoz, Jan. 27.—The Pensacola
left this afternoon for Key West, Pensacola and
Ship Island, and will report to the Commodore
of the fleet in the Gulf of Mexico.
Four paymasters bound for Ship Island took
The Baltimore boat brought down this morn
ing the 2nd and 4th batteries from Wisconsin
who will remain at Fortress Monroe for the
prest nt.
Marquis De Montaignac, admiral of the
French steam frigate Pomone, returned from
his trip to Charleston yesterday, and proceeds
north to-night.
A flag of truce was sent out this afternoon to
meet the rebel steamer Selden and brought
back the followmg released prisoners:
Adjutant C. L. Pierson, 20th Massachusetts.
Lieut. Parks, 4th Micoigan.
Dr. W. B Fletcher, 6th Indiana.
Lieut. Wm. Booth, 2d Wisconsin.
Lieut. C. M. Hcoper, let California.
We find the following in southern papers:
To-day's Richmond Dispatch has reliable au
thority for making the statement that General
Beauregard takes command of the army at
Columbus, Ky., and that General Gustavus W.
Smith succeeds him in the position he has so
long and acceptably occupied. At Columbus,
We understand, he is subordinate to no one
except Gen. A. Sidney Johnston. This change
goes into effect without delay.
NASHVILLE, Jan. 24.—Reports from Bowling
Green confirm the washing away of the pon
toons and newly constructed portion of Green
river bridge.
Naw ORLEANS, Jan. 25.—A large meeting was
heldat the St. Charles hotel last night to ex
press regret at the death of the distinguished
s'atesman and soldier, Gen. Zollicofler.
New ORLEANS, Jan. 25.—A disastrous fire oc
curred this morning, destroying two stores on
Magazine street, occupied by C. C. Gaines & Co.
and H. H. Hansen. Loss $160,000. Insurance
not exceeding $20,000.
AuoisrA, Jan. 25.—The Charleston Courier of
this morning says, information has been re
ceived from New Orleans that the Confederate
steamer Calhoun,on her way from Havana, with
a large and valuable cargo, was chased by a
Lincoln cruiser and abandoned and burned.
The Richmond Despatch has heard that in
Wayne county, where it was proposed to draft,
the militia, to a man, instantly volunteered
for the war. This unexpected response was so
unusual that contentions resulted upon ques
tions of remaining at home, and those upon
whom this lot fell were loud in their expres
sion of disappointment.
A dispatch from Augusta says that the Sa
vannah .News confirms the report of the capture
of Cedar Keys.
The Federals burnt the town, wharves, five
schooners in port, also fifty bales of cotton, and
one hundred and fifty barrels of turpentine.
The enemy have left the place.
The Official Despatches from the
Burnside Expedition.
The Reports Greatly Exaggerated.
Appointment of Commissioners to visit
the Prisoners at Richmond.
The official reports from General Burnside
have been received. The accounts already pub
lished are officially stated to be greatly exag
The Secretary of War has issued an order ap
pointing Rev. Bishop Ames, of the Methodist
Churcb,and Hon.liamilton Fish i ng commission•
ers to visit the prisoners belonging to the United
States army, now in captivity at Richmond and
elsewhere, and will proceed under a flag of
truce from Fortress Monroe, and make known
to the rebel authorities the object of their mis
sion, when, if refused, they will return.
Destruction of the Long Bride on the
Hannibal and St. Josephs Batilroad.
Rebel General Geo. B. Crittenden
The military commission assembled at Pal ,
ruyra, for the trial of the bridge burners, have
found seven persons guilty and sentenced them
to be shot. The sentence has been affirmed by
Maj. General Ha!leek, and they will be execn•
ted at a time and place to be hereafter desig
A gentleman who reached this city yesterday
from Palmyra reports that the long bridge on
the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad was
burned by the rebels on Saturday night. The
bridge bad just been completed.
Lomsvms, Jan. 27.—Gen. McCook arrived
this evening from lolumfordsville. He reports
all quiet down the road. A rumor, generally
discredited here, prevailed to-day, that the
rebel Gen. George B. Crittenden, was wounded
at the Logan Cross Road on the fifth.
XXXVIIth Congress--First Session.
WassuaTon, Jan. 23.
Mr. HARRIS, (N. Y.,) presented the petition
of a large number of merchants of New York
in favor of the restoration of the warehousing
Several petitions were presented in favor of
the employment of homeopathic surgeons in
the army.
Mr. TRUMBULL (Ill.) presented the petition of
W. C. Jewett, of Colorado, favoring the con
eervatite policy of the Government, and the
issue of United States bills as a legal tender.
Mr. FOSTER (Conn.) offered a resolution that
the Secretary of the Treasury inform the Sen
ate what, if any further legislation is neces
sary, to enable the Executive department to
take charge of the cotton and other lands of
Sout i Carolina now in possession of the gov
ernment, and to place the same under cultiva
tion. Also if any turther legislation is necessary
to provide for the blacks of those localities and
furnish them proper employment. Adopted.
Mr. Wilms, (Mass) introduced a bill to de
fine the pay and emoluments of Captain offi
cers of the army. Referred.
Mr. Summit, (Mass.,) introduced a bill to
provide for the revision and consolidation of
the Statutes of the United States. Referred.
On motion of Mr. WADE the bill to authorize
the President to take possession of certain rail
road and telegraph lines was taken up. Mr.
WARE 'said that the bill w.s intended only as
a war measure and to affect such roads as were
not willing to be used by the Govetnment.
Representative Eta of New York took his seat
to-day for the first time since his release from
Mr. Wars. (N. Y.,) rose to a question of priv
upg.,&-uarix.43 ii_atateunent In a news
paper but the speaker ruled that a newspaper
statement is not a question of privilege.
The House then went into committee of he
whole on the state of the Union, and reanmep
the con ideration-of the executive, judicial and
legislative appropriation bill.
This was subsequently laid aside and the
special order proceeded with, namely—the bill
to authorize the issue of United States notes,
and for the redemption or funding thereof,
and for the funding of the floating debt, which
was published last week.
. Mr. gPAULDING (N. Y.) rose to address the
committee, when
Mr. MORRILL (Vt.) inquired whether the gen
tleman proposed to leave the bill open to dis
cussion and amendment.
Mr. SPAULDING replied that the bill would
take the usual course and an opportunity would
be afforded for debate as long as practicable
compatibly with the pressing demand on the
Mr. MORRILL gave notice of his attention to
introduce a substitute for the bill omitting
such part as makes the notes legal tender.
Mr. SPAULDING proceeded to explain the bill
saying, that the Secretary of the Treasury has
acted in strict conformity with the law, and
borrowed money at the rates authorized by the
act of Congress. He has borrowed a hundred
millions at 7 3-10 per cent, and issued 6 per
cent bonds for fif tymillions for which he has
received not quite forty-five millions.
The Secretary has acted in good faith and
should be sustained. We were never in greater
peril than non, and our best energies are re
quired to meet the crisis. This was a war
measure, one of necessity and not of choice.—
The public debt on the fifteenth of January,
was three hundred and sixty millions seven
hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars.
Rattier more inquiry for extra family flour,
but low grades are dull ; sales 2,600 barrels of
the former at $5 75®6 12/ ; small sales of su
per. at $5 25, and extra at $5 5045 62/. Rye
flour steady at $3 75 ; and corn meal at s 3.—
There is very little wheat offering, and the de.
mand is good ; 4,000 bushels red sold at $1 32
®1 35. Rye commands 72®73c. Corn is
lower ; 60,000 bushels new yeilow sold at 56f
®s7c. Oats are steady . at 384 c. Provisions
dull , 200 b rrels mess pork cola at 12®12 50.
Hams at 6®Bc.; sides at fi®Etfe, and shoulders
at 44e. Green hams sold at 6047 c ; sidesat 6c.
and shoulders at 4c. 200 tierces lard sold at
B®B4c. Coffee very firm, but there is very
little doing. Sugar and molasses are dull.—
Cloverseed is selling freely at $4 62f. Flax
seed is better ; 200 bbls. Ohio sold at 25®254c
NEW Yortx, January 28.
Flour, heavy, sales 6.600 bbls. at $5 45®
$5 55 for State, $5 95®56 00 for Ohio, south-,
ern, unchanged. Wheat, dull, sales of 6,000
bush. at $1 40 for red. Corn has a declining
tendency, mixed 64c. Pork, steady. Lard
quiet at 81-®9l-c. Whiskey, steady at 24c.
Sterling exchange unsettled and dull at
$1 13} ®,l 14. Money unchanged. Stocks
lower ; 111. Cen. R. R. 61t ; Mich. Southern
; New York Cen. NI; Mil. and Mississippi
Tits sound Unionism of St. Louis. Missouri,
is rather equivocably demonstrated by the fact
that the "semi-secession ticket" for officers and
directors of the Mercantile Library Association
has just been elected, (sixteen hundred and
eleven votes being polled,) over the "Straight
Union" nominees. This is the sort of Unionian
to which the administration defers and adapts
its policy on the slavery question—puts down
Fremont, and sends Zagonyi and other heroes
into exile! How long.
Sr. Louis, Jan. 28
New York 'Money Market.
N/IW Yoax, Jan. 28
On Monday night. January 27th. Cn/Fcsi A.. son .11
CHARLES and ELVits LOUISA JACOBS, aged 1 year, 7 months
and 22 days.
[The funeral will take place to•morrow (WedueAes, y
at two o'clock. The relatives and friends of the finis
are invited to attend without further notice.]
Ihis morning, at 4 o'clock. Loma M., oldest daughter
of Fatima:es C. A. and C.:AMAIN" SCRIM-KR.
The friends are invited to attend the funeral, which
will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from
the residence of the parents on Front street, five , leo r ,
below Mulberry street.
Direm `2Lbverttsemtnts
FOR RENT.—A two-story brick Lous e
Pine s'reet between Feeond and Third ; also. PAU r
frame houses . Enquire of Mrs. Murray, corner of
and Pine streets.
European Hotel, Barri Orirg city, Pa.
AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per
funwry, &c. Alto agents for the sae Of Retluol
Petroleum, BlumMahn bil, ettorror to any coal nil
furu'ebed In an, quantities at the lotrwt mark et rates.
170 and 172 William Street,
lIBROUGH WA.KING Clairvoyant per
' cepti El of the causes or dmorde re?
the celebrated Idedlcal Haimfuer has arrived at lihrris
burg and taken
Room No. 45 at the Jones' House,
where he will remain a short time for medical oxamina•
lien of persons ellicted with any tbrm of disease or suf
fering. The remarkable correctness of the krawle lee
he acquires or emu person's case without asking any
questions whatever, is fully shown to each one he ex
amines. by his accounts 1 taeir le •'liege and sensation
arising from the disorders he ti ids existing in the aye
tem, the blood or say organ affacted. In c mseguence
of this, his cures in Philadelphia and Poston and other
plaees where he has practiced to any extent. have been
numerous and remarkable for many of the most extreme
case. have been brought to, his care, and his success in
prompt relief end speedy restoration of his patient in
health and comfort, has corresponded with hi, great
Skill in mastering and showing the nature of complaints.
Dr. Addison's Examinations and Consultations
are made without cha'ge, so that a visit to him does not
cost anything ; and to many it may be the means of a
cur• almost beyond valuation. Where meilci.l treat
meat is desired, charges will be made moderate and t
suit the times. j in2tt-tw.
SWEET ORANG ES and Confectionary,
Lemons, Apples, Dried Yruite, Duidelion Coffee,
Prunes, Figs, Dates and Cranbery, Nuts of all kinds„.te ,
&C.. at JOHN Wl3te,
jy24-2t* Corner Third and Walnut St.
No. 77 South Street, Baltimore, Aid.
IS PREPARED to furnish Government
Contractors and others with Linen or Cnton B•gs of
au wzes, promptly for cash at low pri net. Oats and
Corn Contractors will end it to their advantage to give nae
a Gail. JOHN' C. GrtAFFLIN.
Baltimore, Jan. nth, 1862. 1y24-2md.
IN pursuance of an Order of the Orphans'
Court orDauphin County, will be ex.r3 od to sale, Lti
sATUROAY rat Irrra DAT or FEBRUARY, 1861. at the
Court House in the city of Harrisburg at one o'clock P. Si.,
the following Real Estate, viz :
A cartel's Mesmer.e and tract of about fifteen acres tit
land situate in Susquehanna township Dauphin county,
adjoining lands of John Pypher, Peter Fox and °then.—
There is a mut thirteen acres cleared and in fence an t i
under a good state of cultieatlon, therremainder Is Wooa
land well covers i with limber; on said land there is
erected a Ooe and a halt story Log Rouse, a 8 a'ila with
a threshing floor, and alasnavine a Young Orchard with
choice fruit and a good spring near the house.
Late the agitate of John Bower, don't!.
Attendanee will be given and conditions of sale made
known by GEORGE W. SEAL,
Administrator or said deceased.
Jolts EDMUND, Clerk, 0. C.
WILL be sold at Public Sala at 10
o'clock A. M., on SATURDAY THB EIGHTH Der
OF FEBRUARY, A D., 1802, at the Court HOWIE! in Har
risburg, the following valuable Real Estate, viz
A certain lot of Ground Mutated in Upper Swear*
townsnip, Dauphin county, about one quarter of a mile
below the line of the city of Harrisburg, containing nine
acres, m ire or ieee, oa which is erected a large &emery
(known as the Keystone Distillery,) together with a
clout number of Pens for feeding one thousand Hogs;
so, other out buildings nooses try about as establishment
of the kind.
The Dundlery is located on the Penusylv:mi.'. Railroad
with a siding belonging to the property, the Pennsylva
nia Canal making tue boundary line of the east end of
said property.
Any hereon wishing to examine the premises before
the day of sale, will please sill on Mr. John Young, near
the same, Wl.O will give any Information that may be re
quested. It 'he premises shoold not be sold on said day
they will be for rent.
Attendance will be given and conditions of sale . made
known by
AS air
1 N consideration of the hard times, and
IL as I sell exclutively FOB CASH, I have reducer the
price of Coal as follows :
Lykens Valley Broken @ $2 90 per too
Large Egg " 290
tt " SmalllEgg " 290 " "
it " Stove ". 290 " "
" Nut " 225 "
Wilkebarre 20
Lorberry 4l 220
,q -All Coal delivered by the PATENT WEIGEL Casa; it
can oe weighed at the purchasers (Mor t mil it it falls
short 10 POUNDS, the Coal wild be forfeited.
All ("Jed of the best quality mined, uelivcrad free frem
all impurities.
Sar,Coal sold In qantatiee, at the towsar WHOLLIUS
Agent fir Dupont's Celebrated Po order, a large supply
alwat e on hand, at Manufacturers prices.
flarA large lot of superior baled Nay for sale.
ALady, qualified by a thorough Must
cat Ethic...Ewa acquired by a long course of study
in Europe under Kminenc Mailers and by several veW -,
of Baccessful teaching, dosi , es a few pupils is Fuse
music and staging, Operatic and Balled sty lcs. Add!' Es
G. L., Box 87, Harrluburg, P. O. j 23
FOR RENT—The &ore Room corner of
Second and Walnut street', from the Ist of AI ril
next. Apply (in the same beddiog) to JOHN P. Ko:i UK,
Dentist jIS-dtf
and Retal, for midst,/ NlCtiOtei h BuwmAN.
corner Front and Market eaeols•
LARDIi and Extensive Assortment t• t
mass-ware, pot received from the factories and for
sate cheap by blICElOl.'i BowILIN,
jl6 corner Front and Merest streets.
very warm:tient WrittAg D,ViIK ; 1030, edrtfaMoi,
Memorandum Boot; l'orusionalues,
n2O t.. 4 CELEF PER'S EIO.)EN` 'IR •
1,000,000 ENVELOPES
AN immense stock of ENVELOPES of every
size is now opening at
FRESH BUTTER and EGGS constantly
oa hand and for sale by
corner Front and Market StreeLS
CRANBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fresh
'IL,) Apple, Hammy, at
corner, Frout and Market streets
line supply of this Celebrated Coffeejert, recelveld
by WY. DOOR, Jr., & Co.