paillloi.elegapo+ PA s a turday Morning, January 25, 1" A' AIRS t.l) OVlat.—Both houses of the DlN box,: Ijoarned over until three o'clock P. )1 Ntouday. I!=I=Il ISFANE FATIENT6 REMOVKIL—The insane pa tients who were at the Stattt, Lunatic A4lum, this city, from Nortlnunpton county, have re ctntly hero removed to the new county Lunatic /Ist low near Naz trent. Moo. Bic Ilons J toll) Buck, of Upper tgnship, in this county, recently kill h, g,, %vbich wdglied, respec ivelY l 5591,. 509 and 4711 lbs., maklog 1,570 pounds clean Lt Mr. ligNJ WHITNIAN, formerly of this place, conic one 01 the proprietors of the Erie Olarver, under whose editorial management t h a t piper will doubtless prosper. Mr. W. is a p il l* wan of decided ability, and will make Ids mark its a writer. ins "Guam, ' Exchange Hall, continues to like IL green bty tree. Matt. Gabler !is an excellent comic singer, and never fails to ritiiir the "119 i i)les" on the most serious cone- The ethiopian minstrels are also ..p ira ," while the dancing of Miss Julia is iilwals encored. There is fun at the, tto." Tl , SMOKERS —Our friend Bannvatt, the drug gist, has just rectived a fine lot of imported H 1V.L113 cigars from Mr. Hoin's establishment, wider the Continental Hotel, consisting in part of Cabereas, Globo, Tulipan, Elegantes; &C., all well known' brands. Lovers o the weed should not forget to call at his store, under the Jones' House, and see the assortment. COURT PROCERDINGS.—The following cases were tried in Court since our last report : Com. vs, Robert Baskine. Assault and bat tery. Nut guilty, but directed to pay the costs. Com. vs Jno. Williams, (colored.) Larceny. EMI Cora. vs. E , I. Loeb and Leopold Hersh. In dietmilit—setting fire to their store to defraud insurance. On trial when our report closed. Sean PUS ACCIDENT.—Last week, Miss Emma Jordan, daughter of Edward Jordan, Esq., re siding near Middletown, met with a serious ac cident while on a visit to Philadelphia. It appears while she in company with a number of other young ladies, out skating, she slipped and fell upon the ice, and severely injured her spine. She was brought to h-r home on Si mday. We have not-been able to learn the extent of the injury she received, nor what the prospects are for her recovery. New SLEEPING CARS.—Two handsome sleeping care, (Woodruff's patent,) manufactired at the Philadelphia car works, passed through here yesterday westward. They are intended for the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad, and differ somewhat from those of the same pttent heretof re in use, they having had sev eral important improvements introduced into them, ono of which is the manner in which the cars are ventilated. luau WATEIL—Thu water in the Susque hanna still remains at a flood height. The same may be said of all the creeks and small streams throughout our county- The Middle town Journal, of yesterday, says "the Swatara river is bank full of water, and overflowing in some places. 11 commenced to swell rapidly as early as Monday morning, on which day the greater portion :if the ice was forced loose and swept into the Susquehanna, which was a fortunate occurrence for our timber merchants, as the timber in the stream could not have withstood the heavy body of water now in the Swami, combined with thepresure of the We believe but a few longs were carried away by the freshet." I=l IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE.—Newspaper hfc --With a view to the accommodation of readers along the line of the Penn- ,), ‘huia railioad, that company will, on Mon uvxt, , uakuieuc J r tinning a n.wspaper express, \SLI , :II V.lll l AVO Pedadelpaia every morning, I,lur alid reach this city at 8 45, A. X. I, a ..;(eAt accommodation, not only Ai „e., but to those residing along the la„. ui [ia• 1i,a.1 further west. At present the uua.l,:tddit papers are received in this city by ut ikaiiug and Lebanon, by one o'clock, P u. Toe new arrangement wilt put the Oen ahead iu the news business, and it is itlitah:r evhietno of the readiness of the Nark " ;) aui.l rainua , l to accommodate the citizens ut the I=l Ace010101)ATION WANTED. —A correspondent tt,e Middletown Journal says that there are WAily Very few points along the line of the ' 1,,z3ivii.1.1 railroad in which there is more ti tb[ot daily uceurB between Middletown i il,misherg. The points are closely con t dti p. it ba[iiness relations and the travel dt, Lugo. For some time past considerable , ivelii,o(Ai bite been experienced in conse ,. [[[[ of then being no train over the road Mit! unlock in the day—which under the al [augment affords but little time for 1,,.. miNictiou of business at Harrisburg. The I vatiLt railroad'could,without subjecting td - rilF , lc e6 to any additional expense or incon- obviate the difficulty by placing a car on the local morning freight 1. It the company would adopt this sag _ it would have the effect of increasing tiavd aria at the same time give universal , tacti:ut to the busiuesa public. It is to be 1 that the present indefatigable Scperin lelA or the road will endeavor to grant ihe ihite , ranniodation by ordering a passen- Le attached to the local freight from to this city in the morning. Ice Wilting the ub me we have been inform that tile company will commence Yenning utithil,g train on the Told next Monday, ich AV presume will afford the aocommoda cns dulled by our Middletown friends. Jtteafnm , ..inwlm?is. GRAIN Count Among will find an advertiaeC meat in another column, that will benefit them by its reading: ==l Tus Mimi CABAL.—These are at present about one hundred and twenty men employed along the line of the Union Canal, repaitiog, Weaning out, and otherwise improving the same. The Work is be ti pushed forwatd, so as to be ready, for the:OPe4ing_ of navigktion, as early as the, season will permit. The carry ing capacity of these works is being gradually but surely imuroved. Since the enlargement, the capacity has been increased thirty-three per cent. Among other improvements, the construction of a new sluice-way at the "Big Dam," near Jonestown, is worthy a notice. A drift or tunnel is being made from below the dam into the pool of the same, above. This drift will be circular, eight feet in diameter, awl about two hundred and fifty feet in length, through a solid trap rock. In the pool of the dam, over the mouth of the drift, a stone sluice, or gate-house, some forty-five feet high, will be erected. This work is progressing as rapidly as practicable, a night and day force being em ployed. A Nom, WEDDING. —Our citizens will recol lect Father Kemp's " Old Folks," who gave several concerts at Brant's Hall, in our city, several years ego. The troupe are now knovim as the "Continental Old Folks," and are at present ' giving a serious of entertainments at the Musical Fund Hall, Philadelphia. Daring the present season a young couple, known upon the posters and programmes as " Cousin Reu ben" and "Granny Slocum,' have added much . to the reputation of the t recipe ; and, from an invitation received, we judge as they increased in the favor of the public, they also increased in the esteem of each other Last evening the sequel was made apparent to the attendants at the Concert, it having been so determined by the parties interested that, at the close of the entertainment, Miss Hattie A. Annable and Henry E. Holloway, clothed in the garb of "ye olden time," would be united in the holy bonds of matrimony, in the presence of the audience, by the Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D. The ceremony being concluded, ' the witnesses were invited to partake of a collation of doughnuts, cider, &c., similar to those served in years gone by upon such occasions. C=l DIMMER! OP A NSW BORN INFANT.—Probable Infanticide. —At an early -hour yesterday, 'a roll of white cotton cloth was discovered lying upon the floor of a privy in the yard of a pri vate residence in Mary's alley, between Second street and_ Meadow lane, which, upon being taken up and unrolled, revealed the naked body of a new born white male infant. It had evi dently been placed there the night previous by some unknown person, and was quite dead when- first discovered. The circumstance created quiet an excitement in the neighbor hood, 'and notice of the fact was conveyed to Justice Bender, who proceeded to hold an in quest over the remains. Several witnesses were examined ; but - nothius-wres could lead to the indentlflcation of the body, or the discovery of the parties who placed It where it was found. Tun child was about one day old, its body w.lll formed, and it is the opinion of a physician examined at the inquest, that it was living when born. The jury re turned a verdict in accordance with the aboVe foots, and the corpse 'was sent to the Poor house burial ground for inter,ment. It might be proper to state that the family who occupy the house to which the privy belongs, are highly respectable, and no one entertains any suspicion of their complicity in the affair. The privy is of easy access from the alley, the gate of the yard being open more than half the timeand it is supposed that this was taken advantage of by the heartless mother of the child to be relieved from its care, and at the Fame time to shield herself from the penalties of outraged law. Tan "Rim or Ave" AGAIN.—We stated yeS terday that this " humbug " had turned up in Pittsburg, and that the newspapers of that city were after him with a "sharp stick." It ap pears, also, that the Pittsburg police authorities discovered a city ordinance against, each." lot tery" arraugement's as that advertised by the "Fakir," and warned him of their intention , to enforce it in his cage 'shcipld he persist in the " gift " portion of his entertainment. The Pittsburg Dispatch of 'yesterday contains . the following in relation to matter : " The Fakir appeared, by request, at the Mayor's office yesterday afternoon, and was in formed of the existence of • the ordinance re ferred to, also of the intention to enforce it. He was not a little surprised, and after some pleas ant conversation with the diayor—the Fakir being extremely polite and gentlemanly in his demeanor—he stated that rather than abandon his exhibition on the advertised plan he would consent to appropriate the proceeds to some chatitable purpose. The Mayor replied that in that event he would enforce the ordinance, be lieving it could not be evaded in that way. " Then," said the Fakir, "if I give a perform ance thre will likely be a disturbance in con- sequence Of *the gifts not being distributed." The Mayor assured him that he should be pro tected. If the Fakir concludes to forego giving a performance in this city, the license fee paid by him , will be refunded, and he will depart to a region where humbuggery is more popular. Since the above was written we have learned that the performance will certainly be given to night with the omission of the prize drawing portion, which has been forbidden by the au thorities." The following notice also appears in another part of the _Dispatch. It winds the "Fakir" up handsomely : " Timms for sale •at Hunt's book store, un der Masonic Hall," is the announcement at the head of the "small bills" of the " Fakir' of Ava," who, according to report, considers it a sharp feat of "'magic " to gull simple people with gifts of gimcrackery. Mr. J. P. Hunt sends us a private note to say "he will not sell any of the said Fakir's tickets." To ma P umw—Having just got through auditing our last years account of last years business, which shows a reasonable margin of profit, we are induced to say, (notwithstanding the great advance in dry goods,) that with a large stock of goods on hand, boughrtntich be low the present ruling rates. We are deter mined to offer such inducements, during this year, that the mostprudent buyers can not help b,ut pleased. . Yetlre, mica ar * J an ()or. Front it Market Sta. ===E Vertniplutitita taiiti - attegtaph, Vatiii•av - Morning. IlanuarV 25, 1862 NOTIGR ! BARGAINS i BARGAINS ! ! - Gentlemen - now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam . now making a gocid shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 75. All work guaranteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a bargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12. Market street, next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling . without regard to cost or the advance of goods. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. —25 pieces of beau tiful DeLaines, black ground with set flower, at 25cts., worth 37ets. 50 pieces of while, yel low and red flannels, all prices. Hoop skirts at 75, $l, and $1 25. 100 dozen white linen pocket handkerchiefs, front auction. S:hirt breasts at 15, 25, and 27cts. A new lot of those white ribbed stockings. 60 dozen white end greY draWers and tuniershlris.- 50 'dozen loilf wool and all wool socks. A larg.i lot of velvet ribbons. Children's wool stockings, all prices, 12/eta. and upwards. Oar balance of stock of futS at -Cost. Beautiful mourning DeLaines, pant stuffs, satchels, alapacas, merinos at 75c. Full stock of all kinds of domestic goods at L. Lewy, Rhoads old stand. jylo. JUST. ARRIVED. WELT °RANG ES and Confeotionarg, Lemons apple', Dried_Fruits, Dandelion OiNee, Prunes, Plga,..Datos and Cranbury, Nuts of all ainda, &a &O. at JOHN Wl3; jy2l-2ts Corner Third and Walnut-St. TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. THE • BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 South Strtef, Baltimore - Afd. I S PREPARED to furnish Government Contractors and others with Linen or 1141.90 Begs 'or ad sizes, proinptly for comtr at low prices: Oats and Corn (Infractors will Sod it to their advantago to give me a call. JOHN 0. GrtaFFLIN., BalUmore, Jan. 17th. iy24-2mds tHiiSYLVANIA ilAlLltoAli . `BU. TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND &Fria • MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862. the Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : _ . THROUGH EMES4 TRAIN leay.a Harnetrurg daily a(3 20 a. m, aim arrives at Wait Philadelphia • It. 4o PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday,) at LOU p. m., and arrives 'at West Philadelphia at kid AAILTRAIN leaves ftarrLiborg daily (excapt SalldaY) -Lt. 5.55 p. m., and ardvagat West PtilladiiiO4/. LLOO AUJOMMUDATiON., blount JO, Ravi* tiarriabura at I.B'l a. m., auR arrives Wmt &Apia at. 12.85 p. in. - ar . .o)2lldUDA.Vltial ULM, via IJOtain 41a, leaves at 200 p. m.. and arrlysii Wait . 4 hiLuttelphla - 4 7 204. m. - ' ' . VW VW 4 0: lu. 11 atria a . RariG t riat q r :4 11„.r-iiitilly&ftk m., and arrives - at Paaburg . leellrell Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. , and at - ztvasat.tlartiaburg at 1.281.. m.; leavesii trrisburg at 9.00 m., tkIWOOa, 8,18)p. m., and arid Vat at , Pittatin it FAST LINE lea Tea Palled4plita at 11.2.6 s m., Raids burg 4.05'p.'m., AitOOMt at '9.10'0. tn. , iind atTlytAg at Patabarg at 1.40 a. m.' ` • r • Al2:011M140 4 11141.1. ritAia loa yea 1111.1 delphla st. 230 p. m., sed arrive d% . 14 liartlaparg at 0.00 MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy.leaviis Lancaster al 1L33 a. in., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 P. in • . . . The NEWS EXPAESS and PAtIIIiNGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07 a. m.; mount Joy at 7.43 a. m.' ' Itidalvtown at 8.2 h a. m., and a r rive at Harrisburg at 8.65. a.m., connecting with Mall Train west; rrem Harrisburg, at 9.t0 a. in. • •- SAMUIia. D. YOuNG, tiuix.Bitai s inv. Yonne. liaulruaa tiarrisbarg,January z 4, 1582 —at WILL be sold at :Public Sale at 10 o'clock A li., on KAIUBDA V.zaz 'EIGHTH imti ua .O.KBRUAKY; a D., 1562, at tne Court Howie in liai risourg, the :blaming valuanie Real entate, viz : •-• A certain lot or Drouno situates in Upper dwatasi umnsuip, Dauphin :Aunty, about one quarter• of a mile be.ow the line of UlO city of tiara isburg, containing- nine acres, mare or less, on wition is erected a hags thstillerY (Knowu an Lae Keystone. Ditaillary,) together With: wanti uteut number of l'ens for leetting One .lamMatittelogsl so, other out ouguingi neva:nary about an eatablisomein oh toe Kind. Thu Distillery is located ou the Pommy'vents Railroari with a eating belouging to the property, the Penneylvii ma Canal making too ouuudary line of the east end tit said property. any , cram Wiabing to, examine the premises- ; before the day of Bale, will please 0111 on Mr. John Young, near the same, woo will give any Information Mat may ue re quested. .If .he premises Sebald, not be sold °timid. day racy will for rent. ALteudance will be Liven and Geedliable or sale made known by J ia ,Sw JACOIILBIRY. COAL•I PO WDERI! COAL REDUCED 11 1 . I. consideration of the hard times, and as 1 sell exclu.ivoly PUB CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal us follow. I.ykens Valley Broken (&• $2 90 per ton Largedittg •• 290 " " ; clinad ltigg " 290 " ' Stove 2.90 " Nut " 225 " " Wilisbane a9O 4, ~ Lorberry " 290 " " /Well Goal delivered by the rsmaidr Waled( Caen; ii eau tie weigued di the purchasers (icor, and 11 it Wei Sheri 10 PoUSDS, the Coal Willi be forleitea. All Uoal of tun beet quality, uelivered free from all impurities. Avg-Coal sold In qui/tine; at the Low= Wnotieiwie PftlosS. . . Agout for Dupont's Colooratid #der, a larg6 supply aiW4ya nn hazil y at manufacture:re prices. Xfa-A Loge tot of superior baled Nay for sale. JAIdted.M..W.I3BELER- NOTICE, IS hereby given twit Mra:Lavinia beet& has died on application to the bourtef cater ter a ft einna of Daupnin county, rot Tavern :License th 4th Ward 01 the city 01 Harrisburg, and that the will be pres;nted to the said Court on the 6th day. o February, 1862. J. C. YOUNG, Clerk. INSTRUCTION IN, MUSIC. . ALady, qualified by a thorough Musil cal Mutation acquired by a long coarse of study iu Europe nutter Eminent Masters and by several years of seccessruk' teaching, desires a few pupils in Plano music and singing, Operatic and Balled sales. Address L,, Box 87, Harrisburg, P. U. 128 2wd* CHOICE Syrups, Lovering& and other choice brands, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, jl6 corner Frobtanithfarket streets. 1,000,000 ENVELOPES I • AN immense stock of ENVELOPES of every j t,L, size is now opening at • BERGNER'S OHEAPSOOKEITORE. LiftN2l:l 1317 ITER, and EGGS constantly on kand and for aide by • • • , 1410HOLS ir,BOWMAN, 9 come yront, and Mutat streets ra tAN J ARAJM," Dried Fruits, Freed APPIIOIw, & BOWitank corner, Front and market streets. VIES 7 Nov Ibutrtustuients E A 8 'l`*** ♦ Ili IN PUBLIC SALE Wriiettkeinents - - G BEAT SAI.F. AND FREE DISTRIBUTION DR. W. BARR, OF HARRISBURG . . Having purchaied ar icr tire right end interest to mono M lj NNEL S GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL, - LIVERY body ought to join in circulat log Ii ; if the 1 . .14. we represent are so. All are in - terested, the well and &Bile ed. 'rim GOLDEN MEC !RIC 1 , , is useful in Chronic and Nervous' Areases, such a's Rheumatism; Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Catirrah, Scrofula, riles, Fresh or Old Sores, Blears, Glandular Strellinge, Femsle Complaints, foie Breista, dm. In fact there is no family medirine that .cts with such magic power as the Golden Electric (11. Hundreds can certify t 'lts virtues. ' For the gurPose of lulrodnclrg it into every family, with tweet my own vamsble preparations for Coughs, Croup, Weak and Inflamed Eyes, and as an indum-ment to those who assist me to dispose of 20 gross, I place:in asesslon of a committee of hoooraule gentlemen the following valuahleartieles. for FaSEdistribmiod amougst the purehasers : 1 Fla 6-nwave Piano $lOO 00 1 FMB Dressing Bureau 16 00 1 Fine Cottage Bedstead 8 00 1 Fine Et gl eh Gold Lever Water' 85 00 I Fine Ladiee' ... do 30 00 2 rine Silver Watches, 85 00.... 10 00 1 lid Violin and Bow. 5 00 1 Mu-lo Bor. 300 1 Flee Deuble.banmlled Gun 9 00 I line Semi-tone Accordeon.... 4 00 4 Gold 13racelets, $1 00 400 600 Boxes Valuable Pills, 26 cis 125 Ou 400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 25 eta 100.00 200 Copies Life of Dan lice, Embellished, 25 cts 50 00 1 Copy, 6 volumes, Christian Union, 81 00.... 600 1 Fine Silk Dress ..... ............. 20.00 1 Fine DelitineDrev . 00 2 Fine Lawn Dresses $3 00.... 6OO 6 Fine Gold Pencils, $1 . 00,,,, 6 00 200 Fine Suume,Buttoes 12% ...... 25 1,0 24 Fine Ladies' Guards, 26 eta 6 00 20 Fine eats of Jewelry; $1 20 00 20 Fine Double Heaallions, 1 00 20 00 60 Fine Locket Pine, 50 eta 25 00 600 Vine ( 1 606 Stszds,.26 cts - 160 00 500 Floe 18-karat limge„26, cut 126 0000 200 Fine Gent= Sleeve softens, 12% chi 25 100 Funs alien's Razor Powder, 25 eta......... . 26 60 1 Gilt Family 8ib1e.... 00 1 Barrel F10ur.... - 70 0 Ou the payment of : 50 Gents for each Bottle or Box of the idedolne, the purchaser, will receive a receipt and an order for an envelope, which will contain the nunie if cue of the above sifts. on the day of the dist...Menem of gifts, the envelopes will be placed Ma boxer wheel, with a hole to pass the hand into it, the envelopes all 'put into ths wheel, well ahook up add secured, each purchaser will draw out his or her own envelope; the gift named therein will be given as soon as the drawing chases. No tice will be given to agents; and'ln the papers, of the day of distribution. Parc nacre a. a distance will have an etjuel eltare*i.b these residue - or liarrbiburg. On re• eeipt the money for one or more dozen, the medicine, with cerificate and orders, will be fbrwarded by express, free of charge. In alt eases the medicine is warranted:to wire Or give relief, Or no charge. See cerdllcates. pt,lys Boat}-bats str.:=—Aa •beivo learned that you have purchased tbdright Mlnarinfaddin and sell 'M'Con noirs Golden Electric Ott, for the beheflt of the afflicted, I send the fallowing :—I have been afflicted with a run ning bore on my lett leg for tort years. 'Daring that Use I have been muter the treatment of ten of the best Doc tors In Harriitiarg, talliinore and Cumberland county ; but all could not t libel a cure. A litile over a year pest, going into .tuy blacksmith chop after dark, I hurt my right leg also, below`the %nee.- Slireid all around the leg, and bedadno, a ; running sore. Several Doctors told me I must have my leg taken off, mortification having taken place: Forttinatoly.l got a boWer of 'your Golden El, etrie oil for my child's sore mouth. It cured so wen that. I thought I would try it on my legs. I have been using It about six weeks, acid my. legs are new haaled up —sound and well • . RUSH& T. HOOCH: We, the Midendgisd, who are well acquainted with Elisha T flouch, do certify to the fact as btatea above, and the benencitl effects of M'Coniteli's Golden Electric Oil on many otonr neighbors. - . HENRY ANDREW, C EBIRLY, A.l'. EBB, (Bridgeport Hotel.) BENJAMIN CLaY, J LONGSZfeCtiXR, Esq. I have been using=Dr:••Barr'a Group Syrup In my family for the past tso years. I would not be withoht it at any price, 'as my children axe imbjeetite Golds rid Croup. I belle's I have saved their lives by the use of the , ..ntedledurr. Lilo 'Utak , with children: ought to be without it. 7 11 . 2 L nitycra Most" album. ly for the v. Dallies t (hut meet you gave me for myeyes. I have oily used it a leis times, and am now entirely tree from inflamatiouand pain which-is kluge Altana. Ilk*, heed. for the, last Aire yea rs I hope God win bless you for the tree gift. parson affilctea with: eak or inflamed sore eyes ought to be without it J. C. HILES. Being: rell acquainted with J. 0:•nliles, what he• certi fies to abovd is correct and true, as : singular .B 2 it may sash. , J. B HELM, 0. C. for Bedford. • 'illutfrielisliive certified—l have only given the above. Piles, Totter, Poison, Itch, Look Jaw, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Lelinorrlite,:androll secret diseases on. ed with same sun. cess, charge. 'ten per cent. will be paid to all persons selling one or more dozen. ' W. BAHR, .120-dewtf Harrisburg, Pa. THEO. 'l'; OCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER t , NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HABELSBURG. gerFarticalar atlantic:ln paid to Muting, Range and *Blueing of Railroad Blanks; Manifeets, Yollelet, Cheeks, , CARDS primula, 'at $2, $3, El, and 05 Per thensarat In elegant style. , 120 SHAEFFER'S RESTAURANT, THIRD STREET, OPPOSITE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE,' - fiAVING handsomely fitted up the bulldog formerly occupied by the "State Semi nal, pi luting office; the undersigned Is' prepared to fur nish tns public with tleiresbments in good style and quality._ °yin rs seryed up hi every 4yle, and tho table suppliod with all the delicacies of pa melon. Oysters by the Quart coy Bag, lteadingAlt feiger, Beer, duzi., constant ly on hand. 024 E. C. SELaEF.FaR. A GRAND SOIREE Will be given at BRANT'S HALL on THURS DAY Evening, Jan. 80, 1862, by the German citizens. TICKETS - - - - $1 00 FLOOR MANAGE RS. - D. J. Unger, David Herr, Fred- Dachau', Ben' 0: Patera; hiqtz.gar, Pbilip .121.-dtd Rensselaer - Poly*hnio Institute. TROY, NEW YORK: THE seventy-sixth semi-annual session of this Well , known Institute for , instruction in the hematical, Physical andlfatural 'iCieLloBB, wilt com mence oti Wednesday. Fab .19th, 1862. A lull course in IdilltaryPcience is nowt n progreed. Graduates, of the Institute find twidlfficulty In ontaining very d esirable pci altions as Civil, Naval and Topegraptucal Engineers. The Regilter, giving fall particulars, can ne obtained 'of Prof. Charles Drowne, Director. .1a9418w-w6w N. 8. a. SEMAN, Presiden t SOMETHING NEW NO excuse fort hiving Boots and Shoea not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on wet or. gmay boots. Jut the thing for she times, when every one cannot afford two or three pairs of shoes or boots. Galena examine, at N71210L.5.k BOWMAN'S, • 121 corner Front and Market streets. VOR , I3A.LE CEERAP.-A. TWO STORY rRAMB HOUSE, 123040 feet ultuated . on Grad street, tn - the .rear of the ill Reservoir: Fcr further particulars apply on . the premises to 122412w* L M. MATER . TO FAMERS. OATS OATS t 1 Cash paid for - Oati 1..7 by JAMES M. WHSZLER. nov&tbf Vir MING MEN desiring to serve in an Intentry Regiment, which will likely be sell South, would do well to apply 11. updersigned, who has authority to raise i*company. j2t-dlw J. WRIGEIt AWL . , . HAY 1 HAY I I—=so tons superior baled Hai, for Salo wholesale and retail by 'iss JAMES M. WHEELER. HEAP SIIG.A_RE 1 I—Call at lIJJ NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 116 ;comer Front!and liarlret streets 124Xfitik. FA:MI.ILT LLAMA in fourth. ugd xi hall bbL askoks,.,alsoOrtiolesabrond _reudl at pe asittEinicery and Provision &orsront and Morlue,sbid on a BOWMAN. Miscellaneous To Volunteer Officers UNIT= STATES MUSTERING AND DLSBURSING OFFICE, Harrisburg, Pa., .Jan. 20, 1862. By direction of tie War Department, the following is published for the information of volunteer officers "in command of organizations yet incomplete, in the State of Pennsylvania,: The only camp of rendezvous in this State, now officially recognized, is Camp Curtin, near Harrisburg. All incomplete companies or regiments now organizing at other points will be removed, Without delay, to CarinrOurtin. ' From and after the' let day of February, 1862, bills for the board and lodging of troupe at points other than Camp Curtin will not be paid for a period longer than ten days. The attention of volunteer officers is called to the long time which 'is enffered to elapse be tween the enrollment of their men and their appearance White the mustering officer. Here after men must be brought to be multered into the United States service within five days of the time of their arrival in.the camp of ren dezvous, or within fifteen days of the time of their enrollment. RICHARD I. DODGE, Captain Eighth' - Infantry, dlw Mustering and Disbursing Officer. HITNIPHRE TS' SPECIFIC HOMCEPATHIC REMEDIES! E have received a fresh Stock of these valuable remedies—suitable for an manner of disease -for list of Specific Remedies see Almanac for 1862. In single boxe3, with direct'ons, for 25 els. and 50 cts. In case of six boxe. , with book of directions 81 00. In case of fifteen boxes with of directions $2 50. In case of twenty large vials with book of directions 84 00 In case of •' It . it I t ti ICE $5 00 We are now prepared to fill miss vials of any of the Remedies from No. 1 to 20, and to furnish Humphre ys' Remedies as customers may desire. t POND'S hXTRAUT OF HastaiiELlS, or Vegetable Pain Destroyer, prepares by F. Humphreys, Y. D., eau be purchased by wholesale or retails/. SELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store, 91 Market street UNION - RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. ry ■ THE subscribers having erected a larg e - J.—building at the above plsoe, expressly for the pur,, o sew above iodicated, beg to call the attention of the pub ho to the Collor:tug TEA R19141311.1.NT, oil the Ural:Mar, with a dining room atittchiii, La dited up to first-cliss)ityle, and it will at all times 018410. d With the best OYSTERS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish and alt klads_ot game in season. Oysters served up in every style, and meals to be had 'at all heura.• The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. 'TheTeti-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, Is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the !event of :VW healthy exorcise can enjoy the 'Wolves. The Billiard Saloon is up stairs—elegantly litied up, and °mastics throe marble top L c imbittatiou cabliton ta . bles;•equal to any Made. Harrisburg has long felt. the want of a grand combln. ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine .1 to conduct it in.n quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to make it a fa.sstonable retort, they hope to receive a liberal snare of public patronage. jai -dll wit. Liam G. ideFADDigN & HO. JUST OPENED! A PI N E LOT- OP SUPERIOR Ea GrALRIS IO XIADE of Good Tobacco, and. from one AIL to two years old, of my own manufacture. A tide lot of choice °hewing md gmoslng formes*, Pipes, &MI and a large variety of ribber articles constantly on Imo ior sale wholesale awl retail. 'fhanitiul for former pat ronage, I Dope by strict &mullion to bilSine!Sit to receive a lay Back and brat my &gars and 'tobacco. Ain't forget the window with the Step in lt;.theit to the place to buy your Tdoacao and aelare. North Market Square, abovo Market street, H irrisbarg. „ Wbf. WYNOFF. JUST OP.ENED, A LARGE STOCK OF 30" 17 R. SI RICH DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ai CATHCART'S, de23 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. • "THE PEN MIGHTIER MAN THE SWORD." THE LARGEST STOCK, THE MOM BEAUTIFUL STYLES AND PATTSR,NS OF Gold and Silver - Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. COAL COAL OuAL i 1 ! T ' undersigned would inform the con kumers of Coal that he is now-prepared to furnish Cedl fromuader cover perfectly dry and clean in all kinds of weather, Lykens Valley Broken Coal " Large Egg " Small kgg " " Nut. Pittston Lump Coal. bo. 1 tt 44 2 f t Mt It 3 - II • ft ‘. 4 4 . is S 6 it Lorberry, Broad Top and Allegheny, also Hickory -and. Pine Wood. 5.. BYOS. Harrisburg r Jan. 7, 1862. A. L N , MOWER OF Piano, Melodeon, Guitar and Singing. AIiTICULAR attention will be paid for P -the education of the voice after "fleasim'a" cele. Orated method. OffiO3 In William ithoe,he's Music Store; 93 Martel dread. Ja3.dlm ALMANACS I ALMANACS I - "DEAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL- L) MANACS in every quality can be had at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. • PORT FOLIOS--WRITING DESKS. N entire new assortment of these useful A l tides just opened at BERGNFR'S Cheap Bookstore, CROSS & BLA.i;KWELL'S Celebrated PICKLES SAIMES, PitESEKVEY, &0., G. A large supply of the above, embracing every variety, jam re ceived and for sale by 310 WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co. NEW Fruits Currents, Raisins, Citron and Lemons, 4 the new Wholesale and Retail, ore. cery and Provision Store, corner rront and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. NICHOLS & BOWMAN. VREStI Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, J2l. corner Front and Market street, ATALENTINEd.--Just opened a fine as sortment of Valentines at very low prices. SCHRFFEit'S B STORE. FOR RENT—The &ore Room corner of Second and Walnut streets, from the Ist of April next. Apply (In the same building) to JOHN P. ONA LLS, Dentist 118-dtf cOAL OIL, BEST COAL OIL, Wholesale and Retail, for sale by NICROL - 3 k BOWMAN. corner Front and Market streets. T .ARGis and Extensive Assortment of I_l Glass-ware, just received from the factories, auditor saw cheap by NlOticiLs & BOWILOT, jl6 corner Front and Market streets. MADIER'S CAMP COMPAbI lON. -,::A Wetting -Doak + lajgootortiblim aferanthunßooltap , litulmonnateic- lowa • A n2O BCHRFIRR'S stmusemtnto. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE I THIRD STREEt BELOW MARKET. Great Success of the New Opera House This new and Beautiful Establishment will open for the Season, presenting SONGS, BALLADS, OVERTURES and LAUGHABLE BURLES QUES: In which Messrs. SANFORD, CARNOROSS, HIIGIttb, EDMONDS, BECKET, HOLDEN and the Great Troupe of ARTISTS engaged will sustain parts. Admission, 26 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, $6.00. Doors open 6i o'clock ; Commence at 74 o'clock. Orln preparation the the OPERA OF LA SOMNAMBULA, &c., &o. l 6 GROTIO MUSIC HALL! WA_LNUT BELOW THIRD STREET CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY ! Hundreds Unable to Obtain Admission The greatest array of Talent ever appearing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE SPATE. EVERY EVENING! EVERY EVENING ! ! Composed of MALE and FEMALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR in their Profession. LOOK AT THE NARKS. BEHOLD I OBSERVE Miss ROSA VOLANADT, the most pleasing Songstress. Miss JULIA PRICE, - the Philadelphia Favorite 1% IrTllOllOlOll4O - tltl 11 the Fascinating panseuee BILLY CHAMBERS, the Champion Bone Player OLE BULL DICK MYERS. the Greastest Violinist on the Stage. GEBLER, the Prince of Comic Vocalists FULTON DINERS, the Celebrated Wench Dancer BILLY WORRELL, the Great Negro Comedian WILLIAMS BROTHERS In Songs, Duetts, Glees and Choruses. Prof. Strade will preside at the Piano. Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Admission_ - - 10 and 15 cents. Doors open 6i o'clock. Commences at 71 o'clock. FRED. AIMS, Proprietors. O'Positively no Boys admitted. A. HUMMEL, DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AN.D GUM ova SHOES, TRUNKS 'AND CARPET BAGS. AT THE.= STANDcorner of the alleb_next to_ the Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon the late firm of A. pummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to businei3s,. and by keeping it.wellmetscran WOOL OF GOOD, to merit a Coll.inllllOoo of the same. Flquyi cs Ijand ezamtn our ATOM and mass ,byore buying' elsewhere. jan A 411:1111UCIL Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to Bell very tow. COAL! COAL ! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. 0. D. FORSTER, . vFFRIE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tell dealer to TI2EVOR2ON, WILESBARRE, I.I7LENS VALLEY, SUNBURY. and BROAD 701' COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $ 2 26 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d8m WHOLESALE UMBRELLA HAITUFACITORY ! N. 69, Market Street, beloth Third, 50. HARBISBMIG, Pk. M. H. L-E E vrANUFACI'URER OF 'UMBRELLAS, ILL PARSOLS, and WALKING CANES, will furnish goods it LOWER PRICES than can be bonzht in any of ho Eastern cities. ot-y m Tchaut3 will do well to all andexesniae prices in .t qa taw, and con vine them 'elves or this Cut. . an23-dly ANOTHER NEW STOOK I Portable Writing Desks, Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, Pumas, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE WORSTED GOODS, LAMES .NIIBIAS, Misses Head Dresses, Ladies Hoods, s Raids, Ladles Sontags, Misses Mitts,o&c., Etc. A . 1, eshitneoicojust opened at CATHCART'S, nOv4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. FOR RENT. • riIHE commodious STORE ROOM on odarket Square, neet door to the ' , Jones' Hoose,” (Coverly's Hotel,) occupied during the last eight or nine years as a Jewelry and Watch making establishment, dm. ALSO.—Several DWELLINtt Hi Aida io the vicionlty of the Capitol, some of then. having stabling, smoke house, Le house, &c., and vacant lots attached. i• Possession given the Hirst of April next. CHAS. C. RAWN. Harrisburg, Jan. 9, 1862.—i94192 FOR SALE. A valuable Two Story double frame ABL Dwelling Nouse and Lot of gram d, situated on the Corner of North street and East &venue, 30 feet On North Street and 110 feet deep, two basement kitchens, two cel lar, and eleven reoms, also a never failing spring of wa ter. The building ie well Calculated for a store or hotel. Terms reasonable. Menke of . W. BAUR, Jane City Auctioneer. REMOVAL. Tin E Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road Company have removed their otlhe to the up. per end ofthe Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot. Jan. 6,188.1.-1 m UTHOINSALE and RETAIL DEALER v v •in Confectionary, Ferelign and Domestic Fruit.— Datesi-,Yrnnee, Baialas and Nate of all kinds.— rreeh andAd Wish, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spews, To bacco, Regara and Country Produce in general, at the owner of .Third and Walnut streets. JOHN inn. Rkt's DRUG 13 "PURE is the place ja b to buy Patois Medioinee.