glailp ilitgraplo. 11 RISBURG ,PA Afternoon, January 25, IS Nisi)N INSPECTOII--tha court yesterday ap Dlr. Daniel Snyder, one of the County ne i ns peciors, for the period of three years. Nut-muter) Is.—The volunteer companies of c ol a that Dontheimer, Deagou, Newcomb and l ea ve teen mustered into the United mid attached to Col. Zeigler's regiment light infantry, at Camp Curtin. iIE MARK ET.— Owing to the inclemency of ith,r, there was a slim attendance of our wry collides" at the market this morning, e.resepienee was a limited supply of Prio s, however, were moderate MOM I=l lI,ENIS IN THE COAL MINES. —A on of Mr. .131, nitc, of L)lteaotown, recently had an ,3t 3 leg broken, and was otherwise b, t.. iug run over in the mines. A :H a. name unknown, was also very serious -1 .1, mi. a m the mines by the falling of a rock. B PROCEED ING!.—The following cases t,e (14 , 1 at court since our last report : Edward Loeb and Leopold Hersh. l 1 6,1k' srtting fire to their store to defraud • company. Not gullty—county for vg. Catharine. Fisher. Indictment for :tery. Guilty -..•._ OPERA HOUSE.—The first part of mon:mime at this popular place of amuse s to-night is the singing of a number of t , , : ot,gA and chorusses by the troupe in fitcos Dances and solos will follow, 11,e p:-Iforrnances will- conclude with the ,tubly funny play of the "Mummy." ,T114.P. POINTED. —An exchange paper, in iu of a subscriber who has taken the f.r a number of years, and then refused t• ~,) tor it, sap : 'Be would steal a passage Haven in a secret corner of a streak of _lit !ling, and smuggle gold from the streets of New Jerusalem to buy stumps of half-penny BE • ‘NF,MtD AMONG THE LIINATIOS.-A portion of iii rd's Ethiopian opera troupe visited the ~tate Lunatic Asylum yesterday, by special in vitation, and favored the inmates of that estab lishment with a vocal and instrumental con- Lei t. The unfortunate patients, at all times pie iced with music, were particularly gratified Mill the singing and instrumentation of San ford's "merry men," and loudly applauded the ,etformere. EEDUCED THU Pnrces.—By reference to an ad vertisement in auotmer part of the TILLEIRAPH it will lie aeon that James M. Wheeler has made a coruiderable reduction in his scale of prices for coil. This movement is highly commend able, considering the hard times, and we have no doubt Hr. Wheeler's liberality will be duly appreciated by the public. The coal sold at his establishment is of the very best quality, free from dirt, and as his carts are provided with the patent weighing apparatus, purchasers may bs certain that they are getting "full weight." A CORRESPONDENT, writing from York, who signs himself "A. B," is informed that we pay no attention whatever to anonymous commu nications. The proper name of the writer must in every case accompany the communication, not necessarily for publication, but as a guar antee of his good faith. The affair to which our correspondent alludes Is certainly a very singular one ; but what strikes us as still more singular, is the fact that none of the York newspapers have never made any allusion to it. I=l Exreurrou Issuen.—The Mayor yesterday is sued execntione against Messrs. rway, Gestrock and Weitzl, city supervisors, for the amount of the penalty inflicted upon them some time litlce, for neglect of duty in not keeping the street crossings rind gutter inlets clear of snow. Thra prorult action had the effect of hurrying upthe "d - lin , inent3," and last night they ap pealed be!ure tho Mayor and respectively socked" the penalty, with the costs, amount ing la each case to six dollars and two cents, when of couree the executions were withdrawn. There officers will doubtless exercise a little to re vigilance hereafter. Diprittata.—As the newspapers are fall of natelies for this dangerous affection of the throat, some oLthem very good and seine of them very still, we will give what we know to be used by some eminent physicians, which we have !lever known to fail, if applied early. Diptheria in its early stage may be recognized 1 4 any person of ordinary capacity, by two marked symptoms; the sensation of a bone or Lard subitance in the throat, rendering swal lowing difficult and painful and a marked ketid, or unpleasant smell of the breath, the reault of its putrefactive tendency. On the aPPtaran ce of these symptoms, if the patient is old enough to do so, give a piece of gum camphor, of the size of a marrowfat pea, and let it Le retained in the mouth, swallowing Slowly the saliva charged with it until it is all Pte. Is an hour or so give an other, and at the end of another hour a third, a fourth will O t thiutivally be required, but if the pain and Pleasant breath are not relieved, it may be OsA two or three times more, at a little longer intervals, say two hours. If the child is young, Powder the camphor, which can easily be done by addin g a drop or two of spirits of alcohol to it, and mix it with an equal quantity of pow dered loaf sugar or better, powdered rock 'lrttlY, and blow it through a quill or tube into its throat, depressing the tongue with the haft of a spoon. Two or three applications will re lieve- Some recommend powderel aloes of pellltury with the camphor, but 'observation and experience have satisfied us that camphor 18 sufficient alone. It acts probably by its vir tue as a diffusible stimulant, and antiseptice FOURTH STREIT Baran.—The protracted meeting recently commenced by Mr. Colder's congregation is still in program, and is attend ed with many indications of success. A num ber of persons have already presented them selves for prayer, and the religious interest of many in attendance seems to be increasing. During the past week Mr. Coder has been as sisted by Revs. Morris, Elwell and Felty. The latter gentleman, who is a Chaplain in the army, will preach again to-morrow (Sunday) evening, and probably on several evenings of next week. THE WEATRIEL—For the first time for severial days the sun was visible yesterdiy. The wind changed to the north, and the clouds partially dispersed, while the temperature grew cooler us the day advanced. The appearance of the sun was welcomed by everybody, and the prospect of a favorable change was well calculated to remove the gloom which the previous spell of rain, hail and snow bad cast over the commu nity. But, alas, for the stability of human hoped i As evening approached, the sky again became overcast with "dark and lowering clouds i " which shortly discharged their con tents in the shape of sleety snow, covering the ground to the depth of two or three inches.— As we write this morning, the sleet has changed into a cold drizzly rain, which promises to con tinue for an indefinite period. Re.maoin ACOIDENT.—The body of a- dead soldier was found on the railroad a short dis tance Booth of Dewart, Northumberland county, on Tuesday morning last. An inquest was held over the body, and a verdict rendered in ac cordance with the following supposed facts.— It is supposed the man was intoxicated and going on the platform of the cars, while in motion, fell off, breaking his skull. The man was an Irishman, and appeared to be about forty years old. It was not known up to Tues day evening where he belongs, and if not al ready claimed by friends, his body has been buried in the vicinity where found. Another.—An elderly woman named Marten, while walking on the railroad between Johns town and Conemaugh, on Wednesday after noon, was knocked down by a passing train, and bad both her legs so badly injured that it is supposed amputation of both feet will be ne cessary. TIN " FAKIR" Firaomors.—The Pittsburg Dispatch says that the Fakir of Ave called at the Mayor's office in that city day More yes terday, and desired to know what it would cost him to whip"six men. He was evidently an noyed at something that had been said of him, or of,his attempt at humbuggery, by certain parties, and appeared bent ori having satisfac tion, expressing his belief in his ability to "put through" at least six of the obnoxious persons at the same time. The Mayor's clerk, Mr. Barnhill, informed him that such a proceeding would cost him considerable, naming a large amount, as he would probably be required to answer at court for such a display of his pugi listic powers as he proposed. The Fakir then Inquired, in case what he proposed to do would bring him within the jurisdiction of the Mayor, what the extent of the fine would probably be. After learning that the Mayor was limited in fines for breeches of the peace to twmity-five dollars, the Fakir left, apparently satified. A GOOD Sconamoz.--We cheerfully joinwith our cotemporary of the Pittsburg Dispatch, in suggesting to our representatives in the State Legislature, the propriety of securing as soon as possible, a register of the names of volun teers enrol!ed in this State. Nearly every Western regiment has printed lists, giving the name and rank of every man in the regiment. Tee field officers, with their home address, company officers, and the district in which each company was raised. It would cost but a com parative trifle to prepare and publish such a list, but the matter is not of a character to be undertaken by private enterprise, even if the necessary papers were accessible to individuals, and the work must be done by the State or not at all. The value of such a record, showing the organization of every regiment, is too ap parent to need explanation. Let us have a book printed by State authority, giving the name and rank of every man in the three months and three years' service. The muster rolls at Washington, in the possession of the Paymaster General, will furnish all the facts, and the reports of the battles in which "our troops" are engaged, will be read with satis faction. ~.-.-..,411.-. Man or Busnnsa.—The true man of business, says our cotemporary of the Lancaster Ik press, who Is determined not to allow any lull in his tiles, whether caused by the season or the dullness of the times, to damp his efforts to succeed, does not withdraw his advertise ment from the public press, close as it were his doors, and retire within his shell, deploring a lack of customers. But he redoubles his efforts to secure customers ; displays his goods and wares with more care than ever to attract the ' community ; increases the size and im proves the appearance of his announcements in the columns of the public press, and by these means, persistently and liberally used, he is enabled to continue his business line with nearly an undiminished amount of success. What a contrast such a course presents to the sleepy or over-cautious man; who would rather sit himself down, dry pp and complain in idle ness than to expend a few dollars in an effort to resuscitate or keep up his accustomed busi ness in seasons When, without such effort, it is naturally doomed to sluggishness. In our col umns at this time will be found the evidence of the live men in our community, as well as in the absence of many cards the dead or torpid par ties, who await the balmy days of spring to bring them to life again. It is a subject of well-grounded surprise to persons who look at things intelligently that, from the course pur sued by many who seem anxious to get along in the world, they should thus take in their signs during a large portion of the year, regardless of the consequence, not merely for the time being, but in the neglect to retain their sus toners in the futwe. Ars should read Prof. 'Wood's advertiaemen in another column. PenttopWank Mailp telegraph, „Scan ci 'Afternoon, Jannarp 25, 1862 Dr. ADDISON, styled the walking clairvoyant, is now stopping at room forty-five, Jones' House, for medical practice, where he invites ladies and gentlemen, who are suffering for want of health, to call from ten A. w. to eight P. M. MILITARY FIINERAL.—The remains of a vol unteer, who died at Camp Curtin, were interred in the cemetery this afternoon. The hearse, bearing the coffin, was followed by the company to which the decears.d belonged, with arms re versed, and preceeded by martial music, play ing airs appropriate to the occasion. THE GERMAN BALL.—The arrangements for this grand soiree &inmate in Brant's hall next Thursday evening are progressing finely, and everything promises that the affair will be one of the most brilliant of the season. We are requested to state that as the acquaintance of the managers with the ball-going community is rather limited, no regular "invitations" have been issued, so that gentlemen purchasing tickets will have the privilege of bringing res pectable ladies with them. Ncrrics.—lf the persomwtto by mistake, took took two odd boots, a Ave and a Seven, from the of store S. C. Kimball, cornerof Fourth and Market streets, on the evening of the fire, (the 13th inst.) will call at my office, in Third street, with them, be can have the mates. S. S. CARRIER, Agt., Girard Fire Insurance Co. Norma! lisnaems I BARGAINS !—Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 75. All work guaranteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a bargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street, next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling without regard to coat or the advanc6 of goods. Haw Curios, NEW Goons.-25 pieces of beau tiful Delstines,.bleek ground with set flower, at Mots., worth 37cis. 60 pieces of white, yel low and red flannels, all prices. Hoop skirts at 75,.51, and Si 25. 100 dozen white linen pocket handkerchiefs, from auction, Shirt bre fists at 15, 26, and 37cts. A new lotof those white ribbed stockings. 50 dozen white and grey drawers and undershirts. 50 dozen half wool and all wool socks. A large lot of velvet ribbons. Children's wool stockings, all prices, 12icts. and upwards. Our balance of stock of fins at cost. Beautiful mourning DeLaines, pant stud's, satchels, alapaces, merinos at 75c. Full stock of all kinds of domestic goods at L. Lewy, Rhoads old stand. jylo. The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are more imitations, and should be avoided ry.rn wish to escape rEttoule. DitEY, BID OR RUSPY BAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without te least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFFEEN Id , DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wm. A. Baroaktuit win.* 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of hie famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from eaters and_ is WARRANT= not to injure in the least, however long it may be contiAL ned, and the ill (Zhou of bad Duds remedied. The hair leinvigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is prop erly applied at No. 16 dopd Street New York. Sold in all the cites and Lewes of the Clanad States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steal plate engraving, on the four aides of each box. oa 2-dawly DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. "Read the foie ing certificate" from one of the „first, ladies in Lilies, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (Ur. Tim. Bristol fic C 10.,) and told them that she, of course, dlo' nor vast. her name made public, but if any one should doubt,the won ierful efficiency of DR. Duns. co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, its well as a pleasure, to her Knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young Lady 17 years old, ehe was fast go ing Into cons amption—bad taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of those Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now in ra bust health t•We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by O. A Rudman; No. 2, Jones Row, .nd C. K. fixtut, 91 liarket street, Banis hing, Pa. Ely seeding either of them $1 90 Wrought he Harrisburg Post Wilco the Pills SEill oe sent confidentially by mail to any parlor toe country; "free of postage." N. ls.—Ltwar. out for counterfeit.. Boy no doldou Pll6 of any kind imbue the box is signed S. B. Howe. Ail others is a base impoaition and unsafe; therefore, us you value your lives and health, (to tarnothbig of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who snow the signature of S. ft. Howe on every boa, which has recently neon aided on account of the Pills using aounterteitod. Th. ingredients composing the above Pills are wade Known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed fur them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, litectuummbur. ' ; ht. :darks ' Lewistown ; B. Ifiliott- Jadise • S. G. Wild, Newville ; J. C. Silippens, burg; J Spangler, Chambersburg ; K. T. stiller, Yori ,• J. A. Wolf, Wrigharville ; S. S. Stevens, Reuling ; and I K. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one uruggiat" In every town and village in the United States, and by B. D. HO WE, e3.lm Soli Proprietor, New York. N consideration of the hard times, and L as I sell exclusively FOR CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : Lykens Valley Broken €9 , $2 90 per ton • If L arge E gg a 290 " u gmaLlSgg 44 290 " " 'I Stove " 290 " " " Nut " 226 " " Wilkobarre z9O 41. LS Lorberry " 290 " WAR. Coal delivered by the ?Ars= Wales Cans; it can oe weighed at the purchasers dcor, and it it falls short 10 PJUNDS, the Coal wall be forfeited. All Leal of the best quality mined, delivered free from all impurities. WrCoal suld In qantities, at the LOWEST Wards:Ms PAWLS. Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Po wdor, a large supply always on hand, at Manufacturers prices. WA large lot of superior baled klay for sale. 323 JAMES M. WHEELER. NOTICE IS hereby given that Mrs. Lavinia Roe beet has Sled on application to the Court of Quarter Sewsions or Dauphin county, for Tavern License in the 4th Want of the aqui Harrisburg, and that the same will be pres.ntod to the said Court on the 6th (lay of February, 18132. J. C. YOUNG, Clerk. J. 23 Md* INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. ALady, qualified by a thorough blued cal Education acquired by a long course of study im Europe under BrainCll4 Masters and by several years of successful teaching, desires a few pupils in Piano music and singing, Operatic and Balled sty lea. Address G. L., Box 87, Harrisburg, P. U. j 23 2wdis CHOICE Syrups, Loverings and other choice brands, for sale by NICHOLS Ai BOWMAN, 416 corner Front and Market streets. 1,000,000 ENVELOPES 1 A N immense stock of ENVELOPES of every size is now opening at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. FRESH BUTTER and EGGS constantly on band and tor side by * NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, 9 corner Front and Market streets CRANBERRIES, ,Dried Fruits, Fresh Apple , Relrl et NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S, - ••• • corner, Front and Market drools.' I=l -....--- HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE 1 1 Wm. 4. Batchelor's Hair Bye 1 Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, Now York A OAR!) TO THE LADIZ4 COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 I New 12thertistmento ` AT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION L : W BARB, OF HARRISBURG, purchased the entire right and Interest to mann feature and sell M'CONNEL I LDEN ELECTRIC OIL, 'RY body ought to join in ciroulat i,u, if the Mott we represent are so. AU are in the well and atfite'ed. LDEN ELECIRIC (IL is useful in Chronic and Diseases, such u Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 5, Cutarrah, Scrofula, Piles, Fresh or Old Sores, iandukr Swellings, Female Complaints, Sore innt ME I. there is no family medicine lhat acts with such er as the Golden Electric (.11. Hundreds can ins vlitoei. In t magic certif .1 For purpose of introdnarg it into every family, with t . f my own valuable preparations for Congas, Croup, k and Inflamed gym, and as an inducrment to thus. ho assist me to dispose of 20 gross, I place in p acres of a commithe of houoraule gentlemen the folio ' . aluable articles, for FrtifE distribution amongst the pm Mrs 1 Fin cgsavo Piano— • 3100 IA 1 Fin missing Bureau 16 00 1 Fin. :a Bedstead 8 00 1 Fin- glish Gold Lever Watcn 85 00 1 Fine , lea'.. °.. So.-- 30 00 2 Fine ver Watches, $6 00 10 00 1 cid 'i in and Bow 600 1 Siu z . ). 3 00 1 Flue ble.barreiled Gun 900 1 ilille i•tcne Accordeon .... 400 4 Gold T s, $l . 00 400 1 Sox I blePials, 26 ma 125 GO Box ~.. fowder, 26 ots 100 00 CV _Pro okDart liice, Xmbeillabed, 25 ots 60 00 omes . ; - ' -inn Union, $1 0 Cup Fine Fine Fin Fine : Flo: Cbristian Union, $1 00, Dress .... It Dresses $3 . Pencils; $1 Ilk ,-"," e Butsona,l2% cis.. as.l3tatathe, 26 oak.— lot Jewelry, $1 00. Do '"S*7 o Mudslooos l 1 00 • ,4_l BO t r Loclit Pile, BO di 25 00 600 Va F. Studs, 25 cts 150 00 500 o 1 karat Rings, 25 cu 5........... 125 00 200 00 ' ' Kelm Sultans, 12N cts 25 00 100 F 0 A en't3 Razor Powder, 25 eta.— ...... 25 00 Ila F tip Bible..:. - 0 00 1 1 B rel 0ur.... 70 0 On e went of 50 seats for each Bottle or Box of the li iol , tke purchaser, will receive a receipt and an or r f an envelope, whiciftwlll contain the name of one o the ve tills. ,On the day of the dl-tribution of gifts e e elopes will be placed ins boxer wheel with a ho to Gm hand Into it, the envelopes all put into tits ie.l, ell shook up and secured, each purchaser will sw ut his or her own envelope; the gift named ther wile be given as soon as the drawing closes. No tice 'II ibe given to agents, and in the papers, dr the day of d ribution. Pura seers a' a listance will have au equ share wl b those residing in Harrisburg. On re vela f the money for mitt or more dozen, the medicine, wit 'erfiltiate and orders, will be forwarded by express, free I t: a' In all cases the medicine Is warranted to cut ic give relief, or no charge. See oertitleatep. 1) W. 13mus—Deas. Sus :—As I have learned that you havepurcieed toe Nettle amourecturnand sell Itillon ne ll* Golden Electric Oil, for the benefit of the afflicted, I see the fullOtriiftg •:-4. have been afflicted with a run. ning ore eh my lett leg for ten years. Daring that time I bat .be under the treatment of ten of the best Doc tors 1 risburg, Baltimore and Cumberland county ; but oleo d not eflect a cure. A little over a year past, gain in my blacksmith shop after dark, I hurt my riga tag iso, below. the hitt*. It spread all. i round the log, d tearne a running sore. Several Doctors told t I me mu have my leg taw 00r, mortification having lake pi a. Fortunately 1 got a bottle of your Golden 1 El. c is it for my child'a.sore mouth. It cured so soon that I ught I would try it on my lege. I have been using it bent six weeks, and my legs are now healed up --soup d well. , HUSBA T. HOUGH. We he undersigned, who are well acquainted,with Ella T. Botch, do certify to the fact is stated above, l a& and t. benedclil effec miA ts . e : f .a kt imy 'Co A n 7 n ßri el as P dg e ic l or olde t n Er ffl ote ec l. t ) ri:i Gil on by of our neighbors. 0 SBISRLY, BENJAMIN CLAY J LONGENECKER, Esq. Ii ve been using Dr. Barr's Croup Syrup In my %mitt for the pet too years. I would not be without it at city price, as my onddren aro subject to Colda .nd Croup. 1 - believe I have saved their liVes by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to be without it. • ' . -------- F. K. gWANT4,illyeTy4Fisirrlabarg. Cmetik beChiber s; Du. btu' :—T. thank yon most sincerely for the OW mentyea'gave me for my eyes. I'have co ly used it a few times, and am now entirely tree from inilamation and pam which Is more than I hive been for the hat dve years.— I hope Odd will bless you for the free gift. No person &Maim with weak or inflamed sore eyes ought to be 'without It J. C. MILES. Wog well acquainted with J. O. Mlles, what he need ling to aboei la Correct and true, as singular as It may seem. J. B HELM, O. O. for Bedford. thindreds have cortified-1, have Only given the above. Piles, Trtter, Poison, Itch, Leal Jaw, Gonorrheaa, Gleet, Leocorrine, and all menet diseases en. ed with same erao cam, or' no charge. Ten per cent. will be paid to all persons selling one or more dozen? W. BARR, ' - a. J2o•d&wil THEO. F. BCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, • HARRISBURG. sir? ar tl culler attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Matufests, Policiss, Checks, Drafts, &o . CAM printed at $2, $B, $4, and $6 per thousand in elegant style. 120 SHALEFFER*I RESTAURANT, THIRD STREET, OPPOSITE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE, Li A VING handsomely fitted up the 11 buildlog formerly occupied b y the "State Senti nel" Tinting °Met the undersigned is prepared to f tar nish the petal° with Refreshments in good style and quality. Oyst rs served up in every style, and the table supplied with all the delicacies of the mien. Oysters by the Quart or Bag, 'leading Ale, Lager Beer, &c., constant ly on hand. (j2O dst*l B. 0. NI:ISMER. A GRAND SOIREE Will be given at BRANT'S HALL on THURS DAY Evening, Jan. 30, 1862, by the German citizens. TWEETS FLOOR MANAGE RS. D. J. Unger, David Herr, Fred. &shelen. Beni G. Peters, Metssar, Philip Linn. jet-dtd Rensselaer Polyteohnie Institute TROY, NEW YORK: Tseventy-arsth semi-annual session THE of this well known Institute for instruction in the Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. will com mence on Wednesday, Feb .19th, UM. A lull course in Military. Science is now n progress. Graduates of the Institute find no difficulty in obtaining very desirable po sitions as Civil, Naval and Topographical IMigitmers. The Annual Register, giving full particulars, eau be obtabied of Prof. Charles Drowns, Director. lag dlw - waw N. 8. S. BEHAN. Presides t .SOMETHING NEW I NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on wet or greasy boots. Just the thing for she times, when every one cannot afford two or three pairs of shoes or boots. Call and examine, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, J2l corner Front and Market streets. IL - 10R SALE CHEAP.--A TWO ju STORY FRAME' Roush:, 123000 Met ti situated on Grand street, In the rear of the gig Reservoir. Fcr further particulars apply on I I - the premises to j22-d2w* TO FAMERS. OATS! OATS I I Cash paid for Oats by JAMES M. WHIBLEIL nova-dd. YOUNG MEN desiring to serve in an Infantry Regiment, which will likely be sent South, would do well to apply to the undersigned, who has authority tortoise a °Coinpany. j2l-aw J. WESLEY AWL. RAY 1 HAY 1 1-50 tons superior baled Hay; for sale wholesale and retail by 1 22 JAMBS M. WEIMER. CHEAP SUGARS 1 I—Call at - - -- NWHOLS & BOWMAN, IL6 corner Fronkqed Market streets FrRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and halt bit asalia; etaleasle retail at the ow Grocery and Provision ?knit andliarhat. ata. role a Bomar. To Volunteer °Moors UNITED STATES MUSTERING AND DISBURSING OFFICE, Harrisburg, Pa.; Jan. 20, 1962. By direction of the War Department, the following is published for the information of volunteer officers in command of organizations yet incomplete, in the State of Pennsylvania : The only camp of rendezvous in this State, now officially recognized, is Camp Curtin, near Harrisburg. All incomplete companies or regiments now organizing at other points will be removed, without delay, to Camp Curtin. From and after the let day of February, 1862, bills for the board and lodging of troops at points other than Camp Curtin will not be paid for a period longer than ten days. The attention of volunteer officers is called to the long time which is suffered to elapse be tween the enrollment of their men and their appearance before the mustering officer. Here after men must be brought to be mustered into the United States service within five days of the time of their arrival in the camp of ren dezvous, or within fifteen days of the time of their enrollment. RICHARD I. DODGE, Captain Eighth Infantry, dlw' Mustering and Disbursing Officer. HUMPHREY - 8' SPECIFIC HOMCEPATHIC 6 00 20 00 8 00 6 00 6 00 . 26 00 . 6 coo ..... 20 00 REM.EDIE•B: Wh, have received a fresh stock of these valuable remedies—suitable for all manner of , disease —for du of Specific Rnmedies sos Almanac to r 1862. In single boxes, with direct'ons, lee 25 Ms. and 50 Ma. In cue of six boxer with book of direetions It 00. In case of fifteen boxes with book of directions $2 80. In cue of twenty large vials with book of directiOna $4 00 In case of 6 , ~ . 4 " " $5 00 We -are now prepared to fill CllB3 141118 of any of the Remedies from No. 1 to 20, and to furnish Humphreys , Remeiles as customers may desire. POND'S 4.XTRA. , :r OF HAMettilllSS; or Vegetable Palo Destroyer, predarel by F. Humphreys, M. D., can be purchased by wholesale or Watt at KELLER'S D and Fancy store, 191 Market street. .... 20 00 UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above plane, expressly for the porn o sea above Indicated, beg to cell the attention of the pub. tic to the followhie : Tea RICEMAIIIIANIT, 0 , 1 the first floor, with a dining room attached, is Utted'up in first-class style; and it will at alt times be sippted with the best ovg.R.R.B to be did ie the Atlantic cities, to:gether with terrapin, fish, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served ap in every style, and meals to be 11 td at all,hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. The Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers'ef this healthy exercise can euloy themselves. 'Yhe Billiard Saloon is up.stairs—elegantly fitted up, and oontatatt three marble top c imbination cuebion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has mng felt the want of it grand combin. ation of tint Stud, and as the proprietors are determine a to conduct it la a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to mine it a fait namable rerort , they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. jah-tilf Vlti.LlSai C. McFADDItN & CU. JUST OPIINEDI A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR 5513E1431-49. - JELISI, . MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years old, of my own manufacture. A due tot 01 choice Chewingmd Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff and a large variety of - ogher articles constantly oa has d for side wholesale and retail. Thankful for former pat ronage, I bops by strita attention to business to receive a liberal shame( duk trade. - A dee Smolciaglitoom attached, where customers may lay back and test my Segars and Tobacco. Don't forget the window with the Ship in It; that is the place to buy your Tobacco ana senars. North -Market &luxe, above Market street, Hwriaburg. Dec. 4, 1881.—d8m WM. WYKOFF. A LARGE STOOK , OF 17 R. SS RICH DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS At CATHCART'S, de23 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. Harrisburg, "THE PEN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD." THE LARGEST STOCK, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STYLF AND PATTERNS Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. In t h e market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. COAL ! COAL I ! COAL I ! THE undersigned would inform the eon- Burners of Coal i hat he Is now prepared to furnish Coo from under cover perfectly dry and clean in all kinds of weather, Lykens Valley Broken Coal " " Large Egg " t 1 to Small Egg if I " Nut Pittston Lump Coal. " No. 1 tt It 2 tt It 8 44 tt 4 4. $1 00 c 6 46 Lorberry, Broad Top and Allegheny, also Hickory and Pine Wood. k. BYkRS. Harrisburg, Jan. 7, 1862.41m* • A. LENZ, TEACHER 08 Piano, Melodeon, Guitar and Singing. PARTICULAR attention will be paid for the education of the voice after "Bansint's" Cele. brined method. Office in William Knoche'a Muth: Store; 93 Market street. ALMANACS 1 ALMANACS 1 EAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL -D MANACS in every quality can be bad at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. N entire new assortment of these useful ar tides just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, OROS3 & BLA.6IIWELL'3 Celebrated PICKLES, SAUCES. PRESEBVEI3, tae„ ate.. A large supply or theabove, embracing every variety, Just re ceived and for solo by jlO NEW Fruits, Currents, liaising, Citron and Lemons, at the new Wholesale and Retail, Gro• very and Provision Store, corner trout and Market street, Harrisburg, PIM E. M. MATER VREB/i. Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, sal corner Front and Market street, VALENTINEB.--Just opened a fine as sortment of Valentines at very low prices. SORREFEWSOK STORE. FOR RENT—The &ore Room corner of Sibond and Walnut street; from the Ist of April next. Apply On the same building) to JOHN P. KM LLB, Dentist jlB-dtf c OAL OIL, BEET COAL OIL, Wholesal and Retail, for sale by . NICHOM A BOWMAN. corner Front and Market streets. LARW and Extensive Assortment of Glass-ware, put received from the factories, and for sale cheap by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ,jll3 corner Front and, Market streets. OLDI.Eirt3 CAMP COMPANION. very oonvtnient Writting, DeltiLj.-4K00#4101..4 morandipp:o2ioxiinnes, om, - , • , n2O ' • KIIIITURVI Miscellaneous JUST OPENED, Wit. DOCK, Jr., & Co NICHOLS & BOWMAN amusements. GROTTO MUSIC HMI WALNUT BELOW THIRD STREET CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY Hundreds Unable to Obtain Admission The greatest array of Talent ever appearing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE S FATE. EVERY EVENING! EVERY EVENING II Composed of KATY. and FEMALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR in their Profession. LOOK AT THE NA RES. BEHOLD I OBSERVE! Mks ROSA VOLANADT, the most pleasing Songstregs. Bliss JULIA PRICE, the Philadelphia Favorite. Miss MILLIE MARIE, the Fascinating Danseenie. BILLY CHAMBERS, the Champion Bone Player. OLE BULL DICK MYERS. the Greasiest Violinist on the Stage. MATT GEBLER, the Prince of Comic Vocalists. FULTON MYERS, the Celebrated Wench Dancer. BILLY WORRELL, the Great Negro Comedian WILLIAMS BROTHERS In Bongs, Dnetra, Glees and Choruses. Prof. Stitmle will preside at the Piano. Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Admission - - 10 and 15 cents. Doors open Of o'clock. Commences at 7} o'clock. FRED. AIMS, Proprietors. Of — Positively no Boys admitted. LATEST NEWS. VICHOLB & BOWMAN having just re 1\ tarred from the Ernst with an extensive and wel selected stock of goods. purchased for ease, respeo fully invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to call and examine their New Goods at the old stand formerly oc cupied by V. Rommel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and tine • OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing ; QIJEENSWARE i QUEENSWARE txtensive assortment of all styles, and pattern' and prmes. Call and examine our 'Stock of Goods at the Whllesale and Retell Grocery, Fruit and Provision More, corner Front and Market strent, Harrisburg, Pa. Country Produco taken delo-1y A. HUMMEL, HEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUM OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND CARPET BLOS. AT THE OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Court Nouse, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon the late firm of A. Hummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to business, and by keeping a well esineran men OF GOODS to merit a continuance of the same, Please call and examine our mew and rams before buying elsewhere. A-.HUMMEL Goode are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very low. COAL! COAL ! ! $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBIB. 0. D. FORSTER, FFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the WA foot of North street, Wholeossle and dea lor la TEEVOR2ON it e ILKERAERE, MUNE VALLEY. SUNBURY and BROAD 20P OVAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a &stems article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d3m WHOLESALE UMBR_ELLA. MANUFACTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, 'ELMIRA:MG, PA. 11 0 M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAWLS and WALKING CANES, WIU funk& goods at LOWER PRICEY than can be bought in any beEasund nines. Country m reheats will do well to all andesamice prices cad quality, and convince them elves of this fact. au23-dty ANOTHER NEW STOCK ! porta ble Writing Desks, Backgammon Bodrds, Traveling Bags, Purses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. WORSTED GOODS, LADIIM NULLS, Misses Head Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Misses Hoods, Ladies Soutags, Misses Mitts,,f Bre. A froshiiavoicejust opened at nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank FOR RENT. THE commodious STORE ROOM on Market Square, nest door to the "Jones' Hottse,” (Coverly's Hotel,) occupied during the last eight or nine years as a Jewelry and Watch making establishment, Lo. ALSO--iieveral DWELLING HardliB In the victual ty of the Capitol, Home of them having stabling, smoke house, La house, arc., and vacant lots attached. possession given the Qret of April next. LHAS. C. HAWN. Harrisburg, Jan. 9,1862.—p-dim FOR SALE. Avaluable. Two Story double frame Dwelling House and Lot of gronrd, situated on the corner of North street and Neat Avenue, 80 feet on North street and 110 feet deep, two basement Sitehens two cel lar, and eleven rooms, also a never falling spri ng of wa ter. The building is well calculated for a store or hotel. Terms reasonable.' lintpdre of - W. BARR. jan4 City Auctioneer. REMOVAL. rE Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail lioad Company, have removed their dace to the up. per end of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot. • , Jan. 6, 1862, Kf t W'S DRUG STORE is the place !In