IlLtbital DARLING'S LIVER R EGULAT OR, LIFE BITTERS, 4e.- RE pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system.— y regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeys , they give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalize the *Gu mucio, an d purify the blood. Thus all bilious complaints —some of which axe Torpid Liver, Sick kleadache, Dys pepsia, rues, Chills and Fevers, Costiveness or Loess ness—are entirely sontrolcd and cured by these reme dies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR BOMOvels the morbid and ballet's deposits from the atom ach and bowels, regluattn the liver and kidneys, remov ing every obstruction, restores a natural and healthy ac tion In the vital organ& It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Mach better than pills, nod much easier to take DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency female weakness , irregular, eke, pain, in the side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding piles, and general debility. READ TUE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY ; Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, writes, August 18, 1860 : ‘ , l have been afflicted with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three years ; I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE EBITTERS, And now ommldet myself INIIIMLT minim." Be. John A. Oros writes, "Brooklyn, March 16,1860 hi the spring of 18591 took a severe cold, which amino ed a violent fever. t took Iwo doses of DARLING'S LIVER REGULATA. It broke up my cold and fever at ouce. Previous to this stkok, had been troubled with dyspepsia several Menthe ; I have felt nothing of it alone." OW &wily, Esq. 128 Bast 28th Street, N. Y,, writes "August 12, 1880-1 had a difficulty with Kidney Dom - =three years with constant pain in the small of my 1 had used most all Muds at medicines, but fo and no permanent relief until I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE BITTERS I passed clotted blood by the urethra. lam now en tirely cured, and tate pleasure to recommending these nimedies.2, lira. O. Tebow, U Christopher Street, N. Y, writes 4, 11bb 20, 1880.—I have beau Boldest to attacks or Asth ma tha Wt twenty years. I have never round anything Wait* Darling's Liver Regulator, n affording immediate robot It is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 28, 1860. In Kay last I nada severe attack of Piles, which ciontla - 04 me to the house. I took one bottle of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS and was entirely cured. I have had no attack since," &Mastery. of South fith, near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. 1., writes : "August 6, 1860.—Having been troubled with a ditlicuhy In the Liver, and subject to bit kiastisuacks, I was advised by a friend to try DARLING'S LIVER REQULATOR, I did t 0 and found it to.operato ad mirably, removing the Nei and arousing the liver to activity. 1 have also um/ it as a FAMILY MEDICINE When our children are out or aorta, we give them a few drops and it wits them all right. i and it mama the general wanted the stomach and bowels when disorder ed." RUDER, if you need either or both of these most ex • oellent Remedies, inquire for toem at the stores i If you do not find theca, take no other, but Inclose One Do liar In it4Oter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Rtithes will be cent according to your directions, by Mad or express, post-paid. Address, - DAN'L B. DARLING. .102 Nassau street, New York. Put up In 5D cent anti slBottels each. citAiht-dent O. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE O,ORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what Its name indicates, for while pleas. ane• of the lute, K is revivifying, exhilarating and assn.gthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, ro, inbtaeltandronews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to - Wicks of disease. It is the only preparation over catered to the world in a popular term so an to be within the rush of alt. So o oimloolly and sklllitdly combined, as to the most powerful tonics and yet so perfectly adapted so As TO Aar IN memos AOZORDANOII Wifli Till LAWS OF NAME, AND 5005111 WILAXNEW aromaaa and tone up the dt geidiVe Organs, and allay all nervOUS Irritation. It is also Weca exhilarating in its abets, and yet tt is never w by lassitde er depression of spirits. It la com p° .;ed entirely of vegetables, and those thoreugly com .lnishigpowerful tonic and soothing properties, and con sequently can never bore. As a sure preventive and °twig_ aItIONSIIETTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS, NER VOUS LIMITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PALPITA VON OF THE HURL' MELANCHOLY H FPO “OHONDELt__ 14113111 1 SWEATS, Lalecron, EMBLEMS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF OASES SOFEARFULLY FATAL OALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND ' IRREGULAEITIgs. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver cc m plaints, Himmel of the Kidney, or any general derange ment of the Urinary organs It will not only care the debility foil swing MULLS and e BM, but all prevent &Mote arising from Miasmatic Influences, and cure the dlaeaaes at once, if already at tacked. Travelers should have a bottle with them, as it botallibly prevent any deleterious consequences follow ing upon change of climate and water. Akatt prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive wpm, It should he In the hands of all persodg of soden terzilisbits, es not accustomed to much ont•door exordia should always Use it. Mothers should use it, lb? It is a perfect relief, taken • month or two before the Anal trial, she will pass the dreatllltd period with perfect ease and safety. THOU 21 NO =TANI ABOUT rr TES OCIEDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIN Fos IT I i 1 itlothers Try It I I And to you we appeal, to detect the ilium or decline not only of your daugteto before it be too late, but also your sons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known In time the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business, that If It were not for you, they too, would travel in the same downward path, until it is too late to arrest their fatal Rai Hut the mother Is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your never-failing agfebtku win unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD'S RISTORATIVD OOBDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should always be on hand In time if seed. 0. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Martel Street, at Louts, Mo., and sold by all good Druggists. Price One Do' lar per Bottle. knit-claw-cow HHICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale. OVI TO iIIUTE OR CORD LEMUR - TO 37112 PORORASERS. AMA LOUUS2 POR2S AND ORRS7.NO7 RAILS CUR 2'o ORDER. AIJO, STONE AND SAND FOE BUILDING PURPOSES 71agoire *Me subscriber at ate residence on the Ridge nod e opposite Ills Good Will engine House, or at th e Tazdootner of Second sod Broad street/3, West Har inky27.t.f 1 G. B. COCK. STAGE LINE FOB GETTYSBURG BAR BEDIRHED VI $1.25 .THROUGH TO GETITSB1:1110. nom , undersigned has established a A. rapier LIMB OF STAGE COACH - SG from Mechanic". burg, eonneWpg every other morning with the Camber and Valley Railroad oars. The coaches leave every very Temiiiy, Thuroday and Saturday, returning every her tiuy. Passenger' Mr Sheppardstown, Dillaburg, toolbars and 011ity101111 Ille carried at radaaad ell• Sit WM. J. TALL% Pennovivania iDailv &amyl), ittmobau 'Afttrnomt, lanuaru 23, 1862. firtscellautons. LADIES' WINE, SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI, WINE, CELEBRATED for its medical and bone Octal qualities as a genuine+ Stimulant Tonto, flu• retie and Sodorinc, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families In Xturope anl America. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE Ts not a mixture or manufactured article, but is Pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Onem efts and Physicians as possessing medical properties st• parlor to any other Wines in use, and an excellent arti. le for all weak and debilitated persona, and the aged Lod infirm, Impraringthe appetite, and benefiting ladle. and children. _ A LADIES , WINE, because It will not intoxicate se other wines, as It con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is ad mired Or its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties , imparting a healthy tons to tho digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy mein and complexion. No, Von Ana unless the signature of ALFRkI .iPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINK. A. WEEP, Proprietor. Pusaio, N. J. Moe 208 Broadway, lien Yor. J. H. BATON, Agent., Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. Grose, & 00., C. Heller, John Wyatt' and by &aged' generally Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND. IS ilik.; ONLY KNOWN READY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia' . AND A BURL With . TOR All Mercurial Diseases. is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a mac °lt 1 compound, to be worn around the Waist, without upper to the most delicate persons, no change inhabits of living is required and it entirely removes the disease Item the system, without producing the Injurious effects arising from the use of powerful internal medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and g ire temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained in the Baud, oome in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting in weer instance a perfect cure, and restore the parts afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most powerful Airmldzaiuntut. agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pensicieue of facts of Mercury. Moderate eases are cared in a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of Sts efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. PRIM $4 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Once, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. IirAGENTb WANTS]) EVERYWHERE...IW ,bl-dew INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MDTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCO)3POBATED 1835. MIMI, AND ASSETS 5904,907.51 rMMM COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. OAPITAL AND ASUM3.... 51,219,47141 THE undersigned, as Agent for the woll known Companies, will „make Insurance against lees or damage by Are, either perpetually or an nutty, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken, Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUBBLER, Marrisburg,'Pa. 00t4 , 61-dAwl7 JOHN WALLOWER, JB,, Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. 12.00D13 AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Centraland ,Canal. Cumberland Valley and Penneylirania Raitreads HAULING AND DRATINGI to and from tU parts of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brant , s European Hotel, or. at the store of E. S. Zollinger, will reeetve prempt attention. Con alignments of freight respectfully solicited. JOHN WALLOWER. JR., Agt., ape Oilee Reading Depot. JEWELRY, WATCHES CLOCKS , FANCY GOODS, &O • AIDED F. ZIKKERAUS & 00: No. b 2 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, ra. opposite HEWN Hord and adjoining the Etnteradi Hard, having purchased the deck of E. P Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solicit patronage. Wiliebni, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and promp ly re paired and delivered. ALFRED F.2IIII.IMMAN 600, Having disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman St Co., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer customers as practical and experienced Watch Makers, and soiled fbr them a continuance of the patron age which has been so generously extended to me during the lad six years. )1229 ELMER F. JENNTNas. DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. STiNE, graduate of the altimore College of Dental Surgery, having perma neatly located in the city of Harrisburg and taken the office formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third atr eet, between Market, and Walnut, respectfully informs hie friends and the public in general, that he is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either surgimd or meonanical, in a manner that. shall not be ennoseed by operators in this or any other city. His mode of !needing artificial teeth is upon the lateh im proved scientific principles. Tee* from one to a inn set, mounted en fine Gold, Gil. per, Retina plates or the Vulcanite Base. Itake great pleasure in recommending the aouve gen: Homan to ail my termer patients at Harrisburg and vi; y end feel confident that he will perfbrin all opera tions ia a eo►entine manner, from my knowledge of Ith Itnyikitt] -P.J it HOMO, D. D. H. 4000 & (Srooltgo SOMRTHENG FOR THE TINESI orA NECESSITY IN E'TKRY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE IIE3T GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE le the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOO'), Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Out Glass Bottle WLITLL MEND IVORY, • Don% throw away that broken Ivory lan, it la easily re• B. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cape and Staters can bonnets as good an new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong an ever. - IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken Pitcher did not cost but a shit. ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That wetly :Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match It, mend it, It will never show when pat together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AIOIII,II3AN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it Is mended. EXTFL6G7S: "Every Housekeepers' should have a supply of Johns is Crosiers American Cement Glue."—N. Y. Times. "It Is so convenient to have in toe house."-IP. Y. BxPrers• It is always ready ; this commends finer to every body."—Esdependant. "Re have tried it, and End It as useful onr homes as water."— Weld Spirit of Me Man. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per year saved la every fandtriby One Bottle MERMAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. • , Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Lewd , Reductions to Wholuale Buyers. TERMS CASH. Sp-For sale by all Druggists, and Storekeepers general - ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole lianufacturers,) 'lB WIIJJAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW Y ORK Important to Rouse Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies . Important to Farmers. 1b all whom this may concern, and ileconcerns every JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROTED GIITrA MORA OEIURNT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AIM WATER PROOF. It can be applied to law and OLD ROOPII of all kinds, steep or Hat, and to Samna Room without removing the Shingles. The Coat le only' about One. Third that of Tin AND IT a TWICE AN auxusian. This article has been thoroughly tested in New York Cray and all other parts or the United States, Canada, West ladies Central and South America, on buildings or all kinds, such as FAcrosurs, FOUNDRUIS, Oginumas, ItAur, Rau) DIM; ens, and on POEM Becomes generally Govmusrairr Bonze/Gs, 80., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it Is in every respect A FIRE, WEIBR, WEATHER and TIME PROOF covering Ibr ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. This is the ONLYseaterial manufactured in tke United States which combines the vary desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability,' which are universally acknow ledged to be possessed by OODIA PEMBA AND IN RUBBER. No Heat is required in making applkuition. The expense of applying it is trilling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the same day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly Fins Pnoor ear face with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by MILT COLD or swum, &moan of Sour Boman, nor any ex ternal action whatever. LIQUID GIITTA. PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and Its :P: e : • . :e, e AD, . HOOFS OF ALL KINDS. This Is the only Composition k nown which will =coca rally reelst extreme changes of all climate; for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad hares firmly, terming a body equal to coats of ordinary mint, costs much leas and will ;LAM' THREE TIMIXi AS LONG ; and from its elasticity is. not thsiured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal ROOM, consequent udon sudden changes of the weather. E. wall not CRACK IN COLD BR BUN IN WARM WIA2ECBI2, AND WILL NOY WA Ont. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can be readily repair ed with GUTTA PEROITA CEMENT, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a per fectly tight roof for many years. This Cement in peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILING.. STOVES, RANGES, SAVES, AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, An., also, for general menu lecturers use. GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT For preserving and'repaing Tin and other Metal Roofs of every deacription, Cram its great elastloity, is not injured by the contraction and expanition of Metals, and will no t crook in cold or run in warm Weather. These materials era ADAPTED TO JAL auxcites, and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the maw. try, at short notice, for GOTTA PERMIA ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GOTTA PEROHA GENT in l barrels, with trill printed directions for app. cation. AGENTS WANTED. We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangement• with responsible parules.who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in Amor of our Improved Roofing having applied them to several thousand Roofa in N,ew York. City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., barrier of Liberty Street. ME W YORE( descriptive Circulars and Prioee will be fernlnhed on application. SPICED SALMON 11 E u .ESEL AND VERY DELICATE.- P u t . p neatly in live pound GAM. ' • . ' Jr.,4oa. IniSt tututru us EI.TXTR PROPYLAMINE, TIM NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; A NEW REMEDY, 1 FOR A CERTAIN REMEDY, - ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, RHNUMATISM OS Brzur KIND; HOW STUBBORN, No MA rnot HOW LONG STANDING, PROPYL4MaI WILL CONQUER Er, WILL CURE IT, WHAT IT HAS DONS, IT WILL DO AGAIN, DOCTORS READ DOCTORS EXAAIIE, DOCTORS TRY IT. THE BEET TBEITIMONT, BEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. DOCTORS SNOW IT, • PATTIiNTS BRUM IT, TRIAD AND THUR. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL VzolipnicluJ6 Hcarreu Fes.) hisr 19, 1860,—filler &, set. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she bad an attack of acute rheuma• tism,trom which she was confined to herbed for two weeks andsubseqently from &relapse fur four more. She has been well since then till last Bator day, while engaged In house meaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, hot bad so decided chill. Two days later her ankles be. on so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the bands. She has now dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right is most so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as it is now Ihshionably called, rheumatic fever. It Is a well remarked typical case. We will careftilly watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to the vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her bettors you now, Is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I thstnpropylersin' a. Dr. .Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, having deri red:great benefit from its use In 260 cases which came nailer his carp. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give it another trial. I must confess I. am always Incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted ita specifies ; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. • 1 Mar 23, 1880.-1 will now exhibit to you the pallet' for whom I prescribed Propylamlne, and was then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. Ithe has steadily taken It In doses of three grams every two hours (Intermitting it at night.) The day after yon saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other attack. (The patient now walked into the 'vein.) The improvement be steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice a marked change in the appearance of her Joints, which are now nearly all of their natural size.— Thus tar our experiment would have seemed very suc cessful ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be fore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last; she has long been suffering from o hronlo rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and tome. She toot the chloride of Propyla - mine in three grain doses every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of the joints h as much dimin ished. THREE DAYS LATER 1 I May 26, 1880.—This"Ls the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylaniine, the first of those to which I called your attention at Mir last chute, She is still very comfortable, and la now taking three grains thrice daily. In this cake it has seemed to be followed by very, sat isfactory resells. The second ode) to which your atten tion was called at oar bat lecture, has also continued to do wel i. I will now bring before you a very character bilks cake or mate rhpumatism, and if the reseal be sat. factory, I think, mimed jurymen, we shall justly render our verdict In favor et prom? bine He la a seaman, let. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has had ocLudenal rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep big bed, until eight days ago. The pains began In his rightpi ee, subsequently affected the le ft knee, and later, the is of the upper extremities. These Joints are all so en, tense and tender. ma tongue is furred hisakin, at present, dry, though there has been - mach sweating. His pulse is fall and strong, and about 90. He has now used propylamine itor twenty-four hours. This gentleman Is what may be called a strictly typical case of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a &ening of coldness, severe &Mouliar pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower Joints. There is fever end the profuse sweating, so generally' attlendant oa *cute rheumatism. I did not bring this patient Within you with the i nten non of giving you a lecture on all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trill to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical cue, as I have ca ll ed it, than which there on old not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no misgivings as to which was the efilclent remedy. You shall see the came of a baler° clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Armee, 1860.—The next of our convalescents is [the case of mute rheturuitima before you at our aide of May 26th, which I then called a typical case, Ind 'which It was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It was therefore steadily given In three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to walkabout, as you Bee. Ido not hesitate to imp that I have nevea seen as severe a case of acute rhea mat so soon teetered ,to health as this* man has been, and %Wand being prepared to decide positive by as to the val ue of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to ens to that In the eases In which we have tried the Chloride o Propylamine, the patients have regained their ,health lunch earlier than under the treatment ordinarily par sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try It, and report the results. For a full report of which the above is a eondensed extract, see the Philadelphia Medical and Thavioa' 1 Re— porter. It is the report after a fir trial by the beet med ical authority in this country, and makes it unnecessary to give numerous certificates from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A WEEDY CUM!, AN EFFBCTIIAL OURS THE WM BOLT IN EVERY CASE, . WHENEVER TRIED, • !: „ WHENEVER TRIED. WHAT IT EAR DONE, . *NA,. • botio b , ..r JT WILL DO AGAIN. Bullock & Crenshaw, a *ell known to most medi. cal men, by whom the MIX* Propylamine has been in. troduced, have sok to us the exclusive right to mambo 'lure it according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of inch magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form we invite your attention to the Puss One remmo CI3IOIIMI PROPTLAYINZ , Puss Psorrtata am Demo, Puss Peormrsass Oosconentsmo, Pau 'mos Paorniwata, of which we are.the sole manufacturers. far-We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propylamine than is contained in Pure Crystalized ( Moeda of ?IVY famine. THE KL1313 HORN CONY FaTIENT__ , AND ALWAYS READY FOR IMMEDIATE URN, AND MAY BE TAKEN, AOCOBDING TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY ONE, BY EVERY ONE, WHO HAS RHEOMATISM OF ANY KIND. Bold in Harrisburg by AT 76 ins. • BOMB Orders may be widremed to PROPYLAMINE mAirurAcruszNolooo • Office, Room No. 4, &W. Cor. Fourth and Chemut streets, Pnßadelphlik Or to either of the renewing Wholesale Arabs. - • ' ULLOGIC kURINSHAW ritsrtc ß a, walkups k ch i JOHN St: MMUS Ss 00;• GIX).-D. WETHERELL k CO., MORT. WRIER op„ mumps 'a SEIO,I . - WORRIBISHOT k 00411 Fwkenasszai flentat AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub- Joined varieties of Mateo : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Blaine, and all bkin Diseases. OAELhan, Ind., 6th June, 1869 J. C. Arta & Co., Gents : 1 feel it my duty to acknowl edge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it In various ways for years. Sometimes It burst out in Ulcers on my bands and alma ' - sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the st omach: Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and several physi cians, but without much relief from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was rejoiced to read In the {impel Messenger that you had prepared an alternative (Sarsaperilla,) for I knew irom your rep nankin that any Ming you made mast be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. 1 took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a mostly and used almost three beetles. New and healthy atn soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell Cerny skin is now clear, and I know by my feeling that the disease has gone tram my system. You can well believe that 1 feel what I am laying when I tell you, that I hold petite be one of the %melee of the age, and remain ever guarani. Tours, ALFRXD B. TALLNY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipalz Tetta and Salt Rheum, Scald Ringworm, Sore Byes, Dropsy. Dr. Room% Y. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1869, that he has cured an inveterate case of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the parse. oaring use of our &seaway, and also a dangerous at. tack of Malignant bryrApelas by large doses of the same says ho cum the common &options by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebuton Sloan of Prosper.; Texas, writes : "Three bot tles of year Sarsaparilla cured me items Germs—a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years." Leucorrhom or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, ' Uterine I.lloeration,lremale Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Charming, of New York City, writes ; "I mast cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent In saying I have towed your oaraapanua amo texcellent alteruauve in the numerous complaints Sir width we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in featele Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 Luce oared many leveler ate cases Or LOUGOIT111:61 by di, and some where the com plaint was ceased oy ulceration of the uterus. The ul ceration itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowledge moats It fur these female derangements." Edward B. Marrow ,of Newbury, ea., wrilea, "A dan gerous worths thmer on one of the females In my lamily, which had delled all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your &tract of ll az gamed's. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief., but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and It proved effectual alter taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease reinalDB." pa yphilis and Mercurial Disease. 9361 F OILLSASts, 26th August, 1969 Dr. J. C. Ana : Sir, I cheerfuily comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you come Of the effects 1 have realised with your banaparilla. I have cured with it, In my practice, most of the com plaints for which it is recur:monde; and have found its effects truly wonnerful in the cure of Ventral and Mer curial .Diseases. one of my patients nad opal Itto ulcers in his throat, which were cousuming nia patete and me top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily take; cured him in live week. number was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eat en away a considerable part of it, so %bat I believe the disorder wools soon ream ma brain and kill bun. But it yielded tri my ruirulaistration of your Sarsaparilla: the ulcers heated, and he Is well agam, not of course without some illellipoution to his face. A woman woo had been treated ior the alone disorder by mercury was suffering irom this poison in her bean. They had become eu sensitive to the weather that en a damp day she suffered excruciating pain in her pinta and bones. She, too, was Cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla is a few weeas. I know from its formula, which you agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy r, consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have net surprised me. Gig k .litaternalLy yours, G. V. LAIUMER, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. aimmaannai, precion 00., Va., attiJuly, 1869. DE. J.O. alma: Sir, I have hien abaftd with a pain. fbi chronic Rheumatism for a long Gme, winch balled the skill of physicians, and stack to me in spite of all the remedies I could An , until I tried your Sarsaparilla.— One bottle cured me In two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that. 1 am far natter than bolero I was attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. !RUM. Jules T. Getchell, of et. Louis. writes : "1 have been afflicted for years with an affection of the liver, which destroyed my health. 1 tried every Gung, and every thing failed to relieve me ; and I have been a broken down man for some years from no tiler cause than de rangetentie the Liver. My beloved pastor, the Rev. kr Zspy, advised me to try your Sarsaoarrilla, because he said he knew you, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God It has cured me. I feel young again. The best that can be Bald of you is not half good enough." Schirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of eaten have beereporled to ua where cures of Mese formidable compuuntl have result. form the use Of this remedy, but one spew here will not admit them. Sum,: of them may be found in our Amer MA Almanac, which the macula below named are pleased to foram gratis to all who call for thede Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, .Nenralgia. Many remarkable cures of Iroise affections have been made by the adternadve power of this medicine. 111 sum mate. the vital functiona Into vigorous action, and thus overcomes dlaordrn which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such aersiedy has been required by the ne cessities of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR THE RAPID CORR,OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption, and for the Belief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease This lea remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the Cure of throat and lung complaints, that it. Is useless here to publish we - evidence of fos virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cores of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth.— Yew are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of Its stream.— some living trophy in their miust of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadtul fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects ix this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the oonfidence 01 mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. A! ER dc CO., Lowell, Mass. Bold by C.:A. Thumvart, O. K. Keller, D. W. Grose & Co., .1. IL Lutz, & Co., drmatrang, Harrisburg, and deal ers every where. ocil4-6mdaw AVID HAYNES 110 . MARKET, ST. D EURBISBUBO. Agent for T.TT .TE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled Ircn Flre and Burglar Proof 4161.4eLlff r aliti. Strictly the ONLY Mercantile Sale made, that is both Are and Burglar Proof. marßil-dly IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. TAR. P. H. ALLABA.CH, Surgeon Ben i." list, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method that obviates every objection to the use of arti ficial teeth, embracing partial, bait and whole sets of ono piece only, of pure and indestructiole mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccumnlation annual pa rti cles of food and therefore, no offensive oder from the breath, as no me tal is usedin their construction, there can be no galvanic NAM& or metallic taste. Hence the Indio Huai Is not an noyed with sore throat, headache, &c. Office No. 48 North Second street, Harrisburg. can dly O. 0. ZIMMERMAN'S 111NlaNG STOCK, BILL AND COLLthrING OFFIOZ Has been removed from No. 28 Second St to NO. 130 MARKET STREET seßxisßUße, PL ' • - TREASURY NOUS TARS AT PAR. pesaidtt They go right to the Srr,t: INSTANT lINLIEF roj Yo(.1. PURIFY YOUR RTREN lorß s. SPALDING 8 Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLPIEGVArPai, GOOD FOR LEcrumErsz. GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKEIA:,, GOOD FOR SINGERS GOOD FOB CONSIIIIPTIVF.- GENTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING'S I riHOAT CON LADIW ARE DRLIGEITED SPALDING' S THROAT eoN CHILDRVi CRY FUN SPALDING'S THROAT coN Fmius TheymilevearliuhiMantly They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the They Impart a dellcloua aroma to the Iv.. They are delightfhl to the tor=te They are made of simple habit and ca-11 I advise every one who has a Cougn or a or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty rd the package of my Throat Ootifection9, they w ostantly, sod you will Bud them very u..„..“ ant while traveling or attending pubbe mt,t . log your ( ngh Or allaying your third if ; . package lam ofe in saying that you erer . v) wards oonsider them indtspensible. YllO at tha Druggists and Dealers In Ife,tice2e. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENT, xy signature Is on each package. AU terfets. A Package will be sent by mail, prepvi, Thirty Ciente Address, FIERRY C• SPALDING, No. 48 OLDER MEET, N.,V YOR, CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEAD ACIIE, CUBE ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the nee or these Pills tha perto.x vests OT Rid Headache may be meTtat..d 0140 - CUMMIMIMMeIIt or an ,011210,1 hi. 1,2 -L. pals and sickness may hcobthised• They seldom tell In removing Newel &Li tiods:v which females are so subject. They act genUy upon the be L, ramornq cl - egeo , For Literary Neu, 13ladonta, Dolicsto Fena.,o, persons of sedentary habits, they an 2 laser Ile, Improving the Armin, ginue 7 , 1 , 1 Ar 7. I th the digeseve organs, and resuming hp , uL,utl (Sty and strength Lo the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are tn.; Ne,t, J 1 :..„,1. gallon and earalhlly conducted esperm.q.2, In Dee In many yearn, during Tented and relieved a vast amount of tilt qr.: from Headache, whether originating In tt, twnxt.s tern cc from a deranged state of the Moms A. • They are entirely vegetable lo their coinputitite spay be taken at all times" with perfect B.:Ay making any change ef diet aad the absence ;J, renders ii easy to adminisier ;I , n :1•,/ RIIWARX OP 001711TERFEIT:r The gamine hare tee eignaturee of lirnr, L on each box Sold by drtable and all other Ugh:l'? 41,11.; A Box will be sent by mail prepaid ou tempt PRICK IWIINTY-FIVE OEN IS ♦ll ordirts should be addreeeed HENRY C. SPALDING , 48 Cedar :Are , I, Xea 1c.3 XrA. single bottle of SPAILDLNWS PitEt'3gh,l vL will save ten times ita cost anopuily lit SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARbi) GLUE SPLLDING'I3 PREPARED GLEE' BM Tai P/Bel`B ECONOMY fir"Cevtim Inn saris sove "JO jj axi"“B:u4a:kaPPett, ekri0abre0.1,......;(,... 11 is very desirable to have some swap ar.r, exica al Watfor repairing Furniture, Toys, Cteeit. SPALDING'S_rsEPARED art Meat. all inch Otnergneles, and no honsenc,iJ can 'Pr . IA be without It. It Is always ready &ad up to Mesa inepobit. ,4081:10-L IN EVV-Y EIOUia." N. B.—A Brush socootraotes e 1.36 bottle, PrIBP Addicts .303tY C. SFALDIS S No. 48 Cedar Street, Nor fora, CAUTION , Al certain unprincipled persorware attempting 1 0 PO aa " the willwlPectlug public, Mations rd 111. PARED GLUM, I would caution all persons to erawi re befbre porttutalug, and Bee that do hall new, ALDI NG RITEP'S Par.PARNO aug.,411 hateeasita wrappar;lllWrien a edling car os Ufrdellp -rdrebil 1111, DI-FA 7,r,