• ftLzbiLal DARLING'S UVERRF,GULAT OR, LIFE BITTERS AleyltE pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious d.orders of the hutuau eyetem.— . regulate and •tuvtgoride the liver and klmleys, they give tone to the digestiVe organs; they regulate the Iserettons, excretions tuld eabialations, equalize Ms circa /okm, Ind Purify the blood. Thus all bilious complaints •••40010 of ithlo h are 'torpid Liver, Sick tleadaohe, Dye sod Fevers , Costiveness or Loom:- • eidtrely boutrohui and cured by these roma ,. 4 40; „ • • DARLING'S 915 'LIVER REGULATOR Removes the morbid and billions deposlt3 Item the atom soh Ind bowels, r esniesee the liver and irldoeys o rerun , leg every °ben action, restores a natural end healthy se don In the vital organs. It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Much bettor than pile, and much easier to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is a superior tonic and diuretic ; excellent In Cases of lose 01 appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregulari ties, pain, la th e Moe and bo*els, blind, protruding and Waling piles, awl general delnlity. • It TEE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY ; fitumley, merchant, 184 kudzu greet. New Uric, Writes, August 18, IWO ; have been &filleted with piles, accompsnled with bleeding, the last three Jean; I used DARUNG'S ,LIVER INVIGOBATOB . . LIFE kEITTERS, And new consider myself zwriassr cuarm. , ) Hon. John A. Orme writes, “Brooklyn, March 10, 1880. Was spring of /859 1 took a severe cold, whion induc ed & violent fever. i took two doe4a of DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR. It breke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this ewes, 1 bad boom troubled with dyspepsia several .otOntba I have teat nothing of .1t elnoe.” Otis Studly, Bsq., 128 Bast 28th Street, N. T., writes : isAtignst 12, 1880-1 had a dation!'" with Kidney Oam - CI: three years who musters pain in the small of my 1 had used most all kinds al medicines, but /band no Mamma relief until I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE . BITTEBS I passed clotted blood by the Urethra. ram now ca cured, and Late pleasure is recommending these remedial& Mrs 0, %bow, LI Christopher meet, N. Y., writers "Nob 90,1800.—1 have boas subject to attacks of /Lath. ma the last twisty, years. 1. have never found anything aqua, to , Darling's Liver Regulator, n aural immediate relief. It la a thorough Liver and Wilde. remedy." Mn. 'Tenni of . Brooirlyn writes ' , February 28, 1860. In May listl"Lada severe attsek of Piles, whlah condo ad mete the house. I took one bottle of DARLaNG'S LIFE BITTERS -qtettl .wing entirely cured. I have had no attack since." Westervelt, faq., of South sth, near 6th Street, .Wil hantsburti to 1., writes : "Aighat I.B6o.—Having been ' nbled with~ csniculty in the Liver, and subject to bit was +Weed by a friend to try "KAN, WS REctuLATort, did so, and Ibuild'tt to operate acocrably, removing the blle an d aeon/lag the fiver to activity. also used leas FAMILY MEDICINE When mu' children are out or sorts, we glue them a few drops and it sets them all right, I fled it meets the general minis 011ie stomach and howeLs whoa disorder• - • • Stoma, if you need either or both of these most e:_ Niblitt Remedies, inquire for them at the stores ; if you do not And them, We no , other, but Inolose One Dollar 4sclatter, and on reenlist of the money, the Remedy or ells wtU be smut according to your Wrist Lions, by snail or express, postpaid, Address. DAN'L 13. DARLING. u , ip2 Nassau strea k New York. Pitt up in 50 cent and $1 Bettis each. 1011540 m • • • .PROP. 0. J. WOOD'S g ATIVE AORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. precisely what Its name Indloates, for while pleas ant 'to the taste, it Is revivifylng, exhilarating and jhenlog to the vital powers. lt also revivides, re. In. ales and renews the blood in all its militia' purity, sa't Lbw resterot and renders the system invulnerable Id Oita*/ of disease. it la the' only preparation over odertaillo the world in a popular lorm so as to be within th,:lbaeh of all: Go cosmically and skillfully combined, as to the most plaVekhil Write, and yet so perfectly adapted ab As TO Aar it rWica eOOOIUNINOI WITEI TEM LAWS Or TILTON; AND AIM Wain TUX RUE= BTuiLiett and tone up the di gestive orgsns, and allay ad unryollB Irritation. ills also Yebrietstly stralarating to Its eLbcta, sun yet It Is never Ibillallkst by bussltde .r depressant of spirits Ilia corn ,Lpo ..s.setepUrely of vegentoses, cad those. tborougly coca - bliolig powerful tonic and soothing properties, and con s !spent(' ban never Injure. AS a sure preven.lvss and fIINIGKETION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS. : PREVIA, .I.lrBl OF APesalTry FAINI.NASS, NRK VOW IBRItARILITY, NaURSLO/A, PALPITA TION tar ttilClsitLlte NINLANCEILILY NYPO . . .CRONDRIA, /*WRY Ssettard, LANGUOR, GaDDlDlidd, AND ALL TILAP oidem of UAd SO FRARFULLY PA rat 0.11.413) FBRALe W/Ean:NRSS, ANA/ 4 . • TEM= IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Ake, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver oem ' *luta, Messes or tbe Kidney, or any general derange• went id the Urinar orgaan it Will not only n o te the debility foil wing CHILLS and • Wait, but all prevent &mums analog from Miasmatic Mammas, and care the diseases at once, II already at• Tim".less should have a bottle with them, as It will tnhlflbly pre►eot any deletermus consequences follow. log upon change of /Inmate and water. As it prevents Otetivenses, strengthens the digestive 011101116; It Should be In the hands of all pereoda of widen. easy habits, Imago not soeuMeined to much oal.door =mho should always nee it Niatbera shook use it, tip ft is a perfect reale; taken a month or two before the final rial, sue will peas the driatfal perkul with perfect easo and safety.' lERII3 CO AO M I ABOUT rt. 00MDIA.L19 ALL WE CLAIM FOB IT I I I Mothers Try It2l And to you we appeal, to detect the illness or decline not only of your dentists before it be too late,but also year SOU and husbands, tor while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a prem.ture grave, rather than let their eendition be knows in time, the latter are often so mixed up who the 0201i011:10111, of bluntness, that If it were not (be you, they too, would travel in the Raze downward path, until It le too late to arrest their fatal 11111 ]feet the mother le always vigilant, and to you we oonftdently appeal ; for we are sure your never-failing affection will uoerringly point you to PROF. WOOD'S sitifrotunvp CoulnaL AND BLOOD ltßstuVATalt as the remedy which should always be on hand In time of wed. U. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 214 Market Wet*, M. Louis, Mo., awl eold by all good Druggist& Prlee One Co lar per Bottle. tyll-daw.ecnir TIIOKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD fbr sale, !ti alurz CORD LENGTH IT) SUfl POROJEZAWS. . ALIA LODUAT . PO3I.O AND OHILTINUT RAILS GUY TO CRAM ALVA NIONN AND SAND MB BUILDING PORPO3II3 Inquire of the eabeeriber at. Me reasidenee on the Ridge rorA Opposite the Good Will Regina House, or 1/.1 th Irilleftfitor Second and Brand atrates, %VIM liar eliburge.• - Itoradt • aB. COLE STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG !ARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH. TO ~ GETTYSI3ITRG. r. , . • Undersigned has established a irf ri =4t . _, eigArr tilil l Wi t trih M e wha b: ea valle7 vasa can. The macho leave *yeti wir y Tammaz Thareda, aadjiitarday.ieturettet,Ovtry use dar. ratillaaltl.4l%*=KOWN DUlSbUrgt Mirpitilt tileagerttif Rs at. r educed rame• ....r Po, J. oo'. :.I...itt , . . .. J. TAU. I IlliettUautons. LADIES' WINE, PEER'S SAM.BUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and bens finial qualities as a genuine Btimubuit, Tonle, 1413 retie and Sodortßc , highly esteemed by eminent physi vans, and some of the first amities in Swope an t America. _ . SPEER'S 3AIIIIIIICI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is Sure, Iron cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by °Dem ists and Physicians as postmasing medical properties en perior to any other win e in use, and an exceilmt arti in km all weak and debilitated venous, and the aged And alarm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladk and children. A LAIIIIVS' lIVE, because it will cot intoxioate as other wines, sa it con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is - ad mired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, Imparting a healthy tone to tho digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy saki and complexion. Iro , , • veniine unless the signature of ALFRIst, SPICES, Passaic, N. J., is oval 'he cork of each bottle, VASE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. BIWA Proprietor. Pan&le, N. J. Moe 208 Broadway, New Yolk. J. H. EATON, Agewt,_Phlaadelpbla. For sale by D. W. Growl, & On., O. K. Keller, John Wyeth Ind by dregglete generally ,41-dawly. Great Cur e• DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN EMMY FOB Rheumatism,.. Gout and Neuralgia' AND A BUBB MU JOB LO. Mercurial Diseases. is a conveniently arranged Band, containing met.l oat I compound, to be worn around the Waist, without me , / to the moat delicate persons, no change in habits of living Is required and it entirely removes the disease tram the system, without producing the Injurious enacts arising from the use of powerful internal medic Mee which weaken and destroy the constitution, and lave temporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical properties contained In the Band, come in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of Rra6rea#Binegfarglrittrtgattir.e. Band is also a most powerful Awn.Mitiountath agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the postfcietu ef fects of Memory. Moderate eases are cored in a few days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of its efficacy in aggravated wee 'of long standing. Puma $1 00i to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. 1 yl.l-daw sir AGENTd WANTBD EVERYWHERE-lE. INSURANCE AGENCY THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. Of PHILADELPHIA. INOOIIPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $901,907.61. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS....... ....... $1,219,476.1 . T EE- undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will make Insurance against lees or damage by ere, either perpetually or an. nually, on property In either town or country. Earle° and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by teller to oote6l-dawl7 JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Can d nel, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads 4a Canal. ' HAULING AND DRAPING to and from all parts at the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. PABULUM removing will be promptly attended to. Orders en at Rrant's European Hotel, or at tile, qtore of E. 8. Zollinger, will resolve prompt attention.,. Con- Armenia of treignt respectfully' solicited. JOHN WALLOWRR JR., Ain., n 2 Unice Readies Depot., JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F, ZIM:MERMANOt No. 62 miautsT STREET, Harrisburg ' Pa., Opposite Renee Mom and adjoining the Ensartus Ham having Madded the stock of E. / Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY, we wi l sell the same at the lowest cask price, and solicit patronage. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly and prom. ly re paired and delivered. ALFRED F. ZLlnumtmAN & 00. Baying disposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. F. Zim merman & Co., 1 cheerfully recommend theta to my for mer customers as precincts' and experienced Weigh Makers, and solicit fbr them a continuance of the patron age which has bean so generously extended to me daring the last six years. *129 EIMER F . JENNINCB. DENTISTRY. D. GEO. W. 3TiNE, graduate of the enamors, Oolle ge of Dental Surgery, having permit neatly locatenin the city of Harrisburg and taken the office kormerly mended by Dr. Gorges, on Third tstr eet, between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs his Meads and the public in general, that be is prepared to perform all operations in tne Dental profession" either surgical or mechanical, in a manner that shall not be surpsaaed by operators In this or any- other city, mode of Inserting artificial tooth is upon the Tate ld *- proved setentloo prlucintelL Teeth, from one toe fill not, mounted on One G e ld, 811- rnanla plates or the 'Vulcanite Bus. ......... .t. t I tags great pleasure in raceininending the Ilitklirtr . theme to aII my former patients of Harritiburg a chilli% and ciee feel molded tis lie will gerfbplif - *wife eatwo inexaset te vfiver At I aletr. vskylidifj P. tf - 11.430Itilek . ;:t. . fitnnoptianta telegrapt) ttletnuoing .fflonting .llanuarp ECONOMY IS WEALTH. ism() per year saved in every famitylby One Bottle AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Pries 26 Cents per Bottle. , Price 26 Centa per Bottle, Price 26 Cents per Bottle. • Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very bleat Reductions to Whokoats Buyers. • TkRILS CASH. , WFOr ante by ell Drage:Ws; end Storekeepers general ly throughout the.conotry. JOHNS & OROSLEY,. (Soltillanufeetitrers,) • 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Liberty street. NEW Y mac Inipoitsai saiugg i o t ni t ers. Important to Builders. _ Important to Bail' Road Companies . Important to Farmers. 26 all whom this may amen, and itteonmens eery OEMENT ROOFING • The Cheapest and most durable Roofing In nee IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. A an be applied to saw and an toss of. all kinds; steep or flat, and to Samna Room mittiont removing the Shingles. The Coatis only about One-Third that of Tin AND Zr I 9 Twics As DVRABLIO This article hem been thoroughly tested in New York Qty and all other parts of the United States, Canatla, West Indies Central and South America, on handbags of all kinds, such as rAcroluss, YOUnnatee, MUM% Km Bunn Darwin, CAR% and on PUBLIC BOThinteld generally GOV,IR2ant .BOUDIN9B, &c., ,the priaoipai. Builders, Atotiliecta and °them- daring. te peat Itraeydate, and sae proved to be the CHEAt'EBT and MOGI DURABhE ROOFING in use; it is in every reepeet A fins, WAIER, WEATHER and TIME PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL RINDS. ' ' This is the ONLY' esataviat masusfactsered is Ow United Stater which oomblase the very desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability, eblott are balverstally aetno ar tedged to be pommel. by GO"114 ?snout AND INRIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making applioadim. The expense of applying it is trifling, an an ordinary roe can be covered and finished the same dity , It can be applied by any one, WILLIAM BUZEM&R, Harrisburg; Ps and when finished terms s perfectly Foie Patoor ear flee with an elastic nody, which cannot be injured by Han Cow or Swam, SHRINELMO or Boor Bow" nor any of - terns' action whatever. LIQUID • GUTTA PERCHA. CELT , For Coating Matt& of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the - Weather, and FOR PRESERNTNG AND REPEARING METAL ROOFS OF ALL BIRDS.' • This is the only Composition known which will success fully resist extreme changes of alt cllmatos for any length of time, when . applied to metals, to which it ad heres lirmlyoortning it body equel to coats of ordinary paint, costa bro much les! and LASl',Tatiall 111/114 Ail LONG ; and - from Alaaticity . la Tad