Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 22, 1862, Image 3
'l' 11AJ 1 14: 1,14, (I. It A p IM PtiI;LISHED EVERY DAY, - 01 , GEO Red.:: BERGNER. _ - NI Ser . velllrto subscribers in the TO PO y 1 Xi. Aeo eel sir • s' lit.eribils Will be $.4 00. la ads - slice ""r. WAE.I , I Aati Semi-Welaus Tetinsarii. Te is ~be published twice a week daring e I el LA , LIT ;on ol the Legislature, anti week‘ly duriug the reineilider yeAr, alit I arnishii , l to subscribers at 110i501i, rash rates, viz euhe.c r.herd per year semi:Weekly _l2 00 Ten 44 ig • — 22 00 Twruty subscriber, Weekly ........... ..... 100 UDC LAW OF NeWerAPERS. enbseribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the pantr,,bee , may continuo to send them MI .& 'lrfaragosit subscribers are pain, ell noglout or [Tien to take Mei , ,•N from the office to %Odell they ate 0 4 . • re,piiiisible oval they have settlecUr. Benjamin Erb, Cumberland county, and recently slaughtered four hogs, weighins - re,pect 'rely 502, 511, 672 and 609 pounds —mak ituz a lona of two thousand one hundred and n ipouqour pounds of pork I Bully for old mother ! u mbellai , (l I Grew BALL—A grand soiree dansante will he given at Brant's Hall, on Thursday evening, January 30. It is got up under the a nspicirs of several of our prominent citizens, awl nom the arrangements making, we have no doubt it will be one of the most brilliant affairs of the season. SANFORD'S OPERA House.— The " Seven &s -tele." at Sauford's Opera House, last night, were gretted with a large, fashionable and ap preciative audience. It is decidedly one of the reo , t slirring plays yet produced by Mana ger Sanford, anti promisee to have a successful ran. Co and see the " Seven Sisters " by all menus. CAMP WAYNE —The recent attempt to set fire to camp Wayne, and the fear that it will be burned down by the enemies of the Govern ment, has induced Governor Curtin to order it to be taken down. the work of demolition will be at once commend d. It is. hard to conceive any motive a loyal man should have fur the van dal attempt to set fire to this establishment. WAu MATEatith.—A large number of thirteen inch mortars have been passing for the last few days through this city on the Pennsylvania Railroad to Philadelphia, en route 'for New York. They were cast in the Fort Pitt Foun dry, near Pittsburg, which establishment has turned out some of the heaviest ordinance in the service, in addition to a large supply of smaller material STABBING AEFRAY. —Two colored men in Columbia had a difficulty a few days ago, with quite a serious result. One of them named Johnson, supposed to be from York county, stabbed his comrade several times, cutting him severely in the abdomen and in the lungs. The Mitred man, it is thought, will die of his wounds. Johnson was arrested and taken to Lancaster by Constable M'Ginttis, and taken to the County Prison to await trial. IT IS ROMANTICALLY, and we hope truth fully, told, that a young lady, now an operative at a slice fa-tory at Lynn, Mass., was formerly one of the "upper ten" in Central Europe.— She received a superior education, learned three or lour languages, moved in high circles in early life, and waltzed and flirted with the younger members of the loyal family of her native land. She left her castle home with a false friend, and on discovering her position, preferred to earn her living by steady toil in an humble calling, rather than plunge in the gulf of vice. COURT PROORRDINOS. —The following cases have been disposed of since the issue of yes terday morning's edition of the Timcnas.PH: Com. vs. Patrick Moore; indictment of keep ing a disorderly tippling house; verdict guilty. Corn. vs. Nich•das Cooper ; larceny of a watch; verdict, guilty. Com vs. Erqms Utz; indictment keeping a disorderly house; verdict, guilty. Com. vs. Henry Johnson; indictment, lar- veny; guilty Corn, vs. Ellen Heard ; indictment arson; not uilty. Com. vs. Elinore Miller and Catharine 01- sine ; indictment, keeping a disorderly house; on trial. =I A lEhr ON THE MUSIC MANIA —ln most of the popular frenzies on the connection of mind and body, some piece of successful treatment of dis ease is seized upon and held up as the • legiti mate system to he pursued in health. Because a showe r brt h occasionally gives to a disordered system the freshness and vivacity which it had forgotten, people tell you to take one every day, and that you shall be sure to be fresh and alive. The experiment fails. Because a bon mut going spirit and energy when he cuts off half his luxuriant dinner, Sylvester Graham tells Lim, virtually, that if he will give up, the other half, he will have twice as much spirit and energy. And in physical exercise, because a man works more lightly and happily after a walk, or other exercise sufficient to promote diges tion and renew appetite, we are told to work like Retell' a in a gymnasium, and to walk like ll.tpt lin Walker iu the training ground. All this is absurd. If a man wants to work with his mind, he only wastes food, time, and life, by bringing his body up to the mark of a blacksmlth' e or a bosses. He needs to runs mile in five-thirty, nor to lift six hundred Pounds, nor to walk' up to the house-top by the lightning rod. He wants exercise enough to keep him in high spirits, good appetite, and that absolute health which almost forgets there is a body to be cared for. The truth is, that a prime condition of vivid intellectual labor is that one give as little at tention as is practicable to the tools with which he works• And just as the mower loses repute for mowing who is constantly setting his scythe anew, or stopping to sharpen it, and just as he a dvances more slowly than the more skilful w orkman who does not complain of his tools, the mental artisan who works lightly in the harness with which it has pleased God to clothe hie spirit, advances with the moat success and most rapidity. It is fully to pretend there are no tools. It la folly to leave them to rust in the Meadow over night. It is folly to pretend there is no harness. It is folly to leave the harneael Without oiling it. But it is worse folly to specid all one's life in sharpening one's scythe, or #i beautifying the traces of the collar. • dd weather and ,site a flood in the 0 water was several ll r k, and sti rising. Ile 111 From seven o'clock in the er eleven, the management of kn.." Le of arriniernent - ...nent,presents a rapid performances the ; best of their — p up- that, the itudience never -grows weary. .."4 charming danaense, Mies Amu. PRIM; made a decided hit, last night, in producing a new dance, which exhibited her talents in the Terp,tachorean art to fine advantage. • SufsFRENTSNMINT OF THI PUBLIC GROUNDS. Tbe .committee of both Howes oa. Public buildings nod grounds met yesterday and appointed Mr. JOHN B. WIALAND, of this city, Superintendent of the Public Grounds for the next year, in the room of Mr. Gao. W. BOYD. Mr. Boyd has occupied the , position for the past two years, and discharged his duty faith fully and to the satisfaction of all concern ed. We hope Mr. Wealand will be equally attentive, and from his well known character, we have every assurance that he will make a popular Superinkmdent. Duo TN COMMUNE:ON 011 INHALING THEIR OWN BREATH—PoIice reports are made in Philadel- . phia ccasionally of infants smothered in bed, in consequence of inhaling their own breath. Great care el uld used to give them fresh air, and not allow bed covering entirely to en velope them. Cases sometimes occur when women begging in the streets completely wrap shawls round their inf nts, lac:ludo 'air to suck a degree that the children are overpowered as with the fumes of charcoal, by the delecteri one atmosphere, and die without a struggle, when they are thought merely to be "steeping. Axovaaa EXPIDITION CONTYMPLATIM.-It 15 stated that another expedition will shortly despatched from Philadelphia for some point on the Southern coast, and that the troops in tended for it will include a full brigade from this State, to be made up of the incomplete regiments now stationed at Camp Curtin and elsewhere. Col. Wilson's: zegiment, now at Camp Curtin, will, it is believed, form one of the brigade. It is alsoutated that Col. Good's regi ment, the Forty-seventh, Is about to be de tached from the lines in front of Washington, and sent on duty- to the Florida coast. It is not said whether or not any other force accom panies it. Coxizowasrit " SIIINPLASTIMS " Captain Brooks, of the Verbeke Rifles, now stationed with the army at Hancock, Md., has sent to a gentleman connected with this office, a sample of," Shinplasters " Issued by the various town, liorough and city corporations in "Dixie," for the purpose of keeping the " machinery in motion." The sample before us represents the value of "five cents," and was issued by the corporation of Winchester, The picture on the loft. corner of the , note was evidently 41- tended to represent a juvenile god " Mer cury," but looks more like the battered im pression of a worn-out wood-cut of a turkey burzard. Directly below this is a large-sized figure "6," enclosed in check-work. The right end of the note contains a similar figure "6," flanked above and below with a continu ous "border" The main body of the note reads as follows : State of i Issued under the Act 1 I vi il iha of the .Corporatlon. ' r g { Vignette: I Winchester, Agricultural Oct. 8, 1861. Implements. _ No. 8128. Done by the Corporation of Winchester. FIVE CENTS. Payable in Virginia Bank notes by the Treasurer to Bearer on presentation of these due bills, in sums of ylvs nomens. W. A. B. Cottroth, • J. E. Boren, G'. C. ~ F red. The note is printed on miserable, flimsey brown paper, with a texture, soft and greasy es a cast off finger rag; and is altogether a curios ity. THOMAS WIMAIEB Olff TECII RitsursON, —Copies of the London Anti. brought over by the last steamer, have been passing about the House of Representatives in this city, And hate been very eagerly read:. -Thercontain a letter written by ThomayWillismi,'-oria-sif the Rep resentatives from AllagherircOunty, to Captain Schenley, of the n English 'army. It has been very generally read and commanded high en comiums for the remarkable cleanlees of style and the force its statements. It is a ,resume of the history of the leading events, both mili tary and civil, which have occurred =Since. the breaking out of the rebellion up to .. just before the meeting of Congress. He was most hearti ly congratulated , upon. all sides by his fellow- members of the House. • HI Coin or Hoses Betis.=.--The sisceptibility of,: toe Ametican people, to run wild in their homage to human nature In the shape of things called Princes, Londe, Actresses and English Poets, who have visited these United States, called forth the Fotitude in...xamphlet form a fel Yeari since, of Didraes and Amy . re - mr;ze . , but all that folly can be safely passed, compar ed with a fifty cent ride some of our citizens had with the ifakir of Avast Brant's Hall, a few nights since. Oar sable friend, Gen. Planning Mitchell says it glorifies him so, he - has had to lanai at your ignorance, the gentleman, who failed to get a ticket, can invest his little 25 or 50!cents to advantage at the--cheap store, cor ner of Front and Market Sts. MIME & - waf. j -20-2t. _ I===!l NEW GOODS, Naw Goons.-25 pieces of beau tiful DeLalnes, black ground with set flower, at 25cha., worth 87ets. 60 pieces of White. yel low and, red flannels, all Prices. Hoop skirts at 76, $l, and $1 26. 100 dozen white linen pocket handkerchiefs, from auction. Shirt - breasts at 16, 25, and 87cts. A new lotof those white ribbed stockings. 60 dozen white end grey drawers and undershirts. - 60 dozen half wool and all wool socks. A large lot of velvet ribbons. Children's wool stockings, all prices, 12icts. and uPwards. Oar bakune of stock of fen at cost. ' Beentifel mourninethrLaines, pant aka, satchebk alapwas, merinoi ai 76c. Full stock of all kinder of domestic goods at L. Lewy,Banads old stand. jylo. • AFL should,read Proc Wood's -advertisement hi another column. RMISI gamma i , NOTICE lietulAnis i BARGAINS ! !—Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. I ant now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to and oth er now in the market for $1 76. All work guaranteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on band a large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentlemaus' Furnishing. Goode at the old prices; also a large lot of A'l. ' , Irish Linens at the old - prices. If you want a bargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street, next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harrisburg,' Pa., where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. N ttv airtirrtisements lIAY 1 HAY I 1-50 tons superior baled Hay, for sale wholesale and retail by iZi J tIIES M. WHEELER ANTANTED. -A girl to do Cooking and . general Housework ins mall family. Goad ref. erence required, none ; mba-s need apply. Enquire at THIS - FITCH J tl•dlt* VDUNG MEN desiring to serve in an Infant y egimeot ; which will likely be Bent SOuth o would do well lb apply the undersigned, who bee authority to raze a company. J. WESLEY OELEBRATED. DANDELION COFFEE. TL) This good, notations, awl fine, flavored NO" Is now'sae for so very lOw by.. -16 1 .11E511 . Lereons,. Appilea,. Cranberries, r for sale by N..IOHOLS & BOWMAN, j2l • . corner Front and Market street, A GRAND SOIREE Will be given at BRANT'S HALL cin THURS DAY Evening, Jan. 80, 1862, by the Getman citizens. TICKETS - - - $lOO Beni Peters, Wte. Metzger, Philip Linn. j2l-dtd EOMETHING- NEW 1 X,7,0 excuse for haiing Boots and Shoes 11 - not blackened. Blackleg that with give a polish on wetor greasy boots.. Just the thing for .be times; when one pmcot aford two or tttree pairs . .of shoes or Call and examine , at NICHOLS& BOWMAN'S; j2l - -,corner Front and Market streets. PUBLIC SALE. pprananee of an OrdOof the Orphans' Court of Dauphin 'county, Will be expo , ed .to ; sale, on :-..,TORDAYriII fosa DAT or FBEIWARY, 1862, at the Court Conseil) the any of Barrieburg atone o'clock the following 'Real Alatate, viz . a cattail Ideasuaie and tract. of ,about, fifteen acres of land situate In Susquehanna townalitp, Dauphin county, adjoining Wade of John . Pyp,her, Peter Pox cod others.— There is a out thirteen acres olaaredand to . fence and under a good stile of culticalJon s ,thatemalnderts,Wool. land well covers with timber; on said land there is erected a Ooe and a halt story Log House, a Beiilo with a threshing floor, and also Baying a Young Orchard with choice fruit and a - good Spring near the' house. Late the estate of John Bower, deu'd„ Attendance will be given and cionillUons of sale made known by SEAL, A dministiatar of Big deceased. Joss RDICILLND, Clerk, an2l-doawts* ' HUIdPHR,EYS' SPECIFIC 'IIOhItEPATHIO REMEDIES! (ATE have received a fresh stock of these VV valiable.iiiinedies-44bible for all • Meunier of iliseftse -for 114 of Specific Denudes see Almanac for 1862. - SU; -- g6'Gl5O cis. L E OIIBO of stz:bosee With6oolt of directions Si 00. In case, of Aileen bona with book of book $O. Ie cape of twenty large' Vials with book of diresditais $4 00 in case o f of ft It '' .u . 14 ~ss*. 00 We are now prepared:kis fill pose - vials of any. of the Remedies from No. 1 to 2P , . And to, forsish klumphre7 8' Remedies, ai oListowers•Wilf POND'S' Ii.W...RAOI' OF HAYANQiS or Vegetable Pato Destroyer, prepared by F. Humphreys. M. D., can 14 purchased by wholesale or retail at.; 1 SpaLLEIR'S Drug and /*toy Stars, ntl, _ ; • ~ 91 Market flatfeet: •M. THOMAS & Auctioneers, Pine. 189 and 141 South Foifltiti street; Philadelphia. Animal Sale No: 624 Walnut Street. ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE. Stack'of Sails J. Henkel& ON FRIDAY MORNING, 24th inst., AT 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the wawa:ns, No. 624 " Walnut' street, the ,Etpolc :of elegant Rosewood , Walnut,' Mahogany, and Oak drawing room, parlor, dining..mem, library and ebaniber i ;twat tUre manorietured and neighedin the bestmeaner, and %lathe best • ninteriate, by Mr. prairels; expoisaly, tor Ida private aale4, add warranted every inspect. /Arne Furniture Is now arranged and, may be exam: cued auy day previous - to Sale. FtdlPnriloulars In tabu loguea, Untie daya previous sale. _ .4.611,Me0d' - VbSENCE ,of VANILLA' 16 86 . 4 04) ' , 45f jug Lemon, Flavoring Ballasts, for sale at the new Wilt/113We and Befall Grocery and Prevision .ntore,. tar. der FrOLA and hiaritet streets. - jl iiI6IIGLS& BOWYLN. . • I. 4 IXTRA FAMILY fourth. and bbl, sacks, also, wholesale and retail at the how Grocery and Prevision &ore; s ieront and !dulcet ate. NYOBOLg es BOWMAN. . . F RESH ,BUTTER and EGGS co&atantly, on band and for We by imams & BOWMAN; . 9 corner Front and Market- meets CRANBERRIES, Dried - Frpit,e, fresy Apple, Hammy, at . . FOR RENT—A Two StOry Mick il."0 ILO on"Plue greet with ethers. &nquire of Mrs. MIT, FOR corner of Second ind Pine. jle•datlem C HEAP SUGARS I - at , ' • NIOHOLMai BOWMAN, jtB cornet% Front and market streets CROSS & BLA.OKWELL'S - Celebratid troluans SAljtattS, PKESEaVM , ;,:dto;;"AIe. A large aunitay lit the a bove, embracing every variety, just re. otiv.d and for sale by 310 WM. DOCK, Jr., Ai Co. COAL OIL,- 'BEST'COAL OIL, Wholesale and Retail , for . sale by . . DUCtiOLfs & BOWMAN. .19 ndiner Front and ligarket sireetEL LARGE and Extensive Assortment of Glass-ware, pea received from thegaceor tea,end for ease cheap by NtOfLuLd & BOWL N, jl6 corner Woke 'and 'Market stVeets. FURS ~Fl7Rt3 I , FURS *.l Sable Furs, Liberian SqUifiel Furs, • French Sable Furs, .• , Silver Marten Furs, Water Mink Furs,. rem, ousts AND rum, taws Asiontsarrr. ' 'Great bargains' In these Geode. Every article warran ted to be exa,:tly as represented, at CATHCART & BROTHER, no's Next to the'Harrieberg Beek.. CHOICE Syrup, Lovarings and other choke lorands, for selel ientis NnwltAN, jl6 cornerirront and 14arket streets. - EUROPEAN RESTAURANT, HARRISBURG, PA. T. HE Restaurant under the European Hotel, is now open with All the - delicacies of the j6.4211* ; 1,000000 ENVELOPES Nimmons.° stock of WV - NU:WEB of every IL size is now openink gt BEIONEWSVECEAP .BOOKSTORE. (101.,11 Pli/Mil- 7 The largest and beit Ur -stock, Nan St.ooia*.oa—aarranted_at, ago ' _ , EIDISEKBE BOOKSTORE ucK-WREAT MEAL and CORN MEAL Jost ielpfrod sof la; 4alo low fit ?WHOM k MAMA corm Awl and Market' groom. . . NICHQt & BOWMAN, corner k'rOet and Market streets FLOOR MAHLON Es. D. .1. Unger, - David' Herr, Fred. Haehulen NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner, Front and Market Avesta ME'====Zl Moining, ,Ilapary 22, 1862 etn ../toritittlientents = AGREEABLY to the directions Of an act of the ii/enend Assembly of this Common weabh,-approved the ninth day of April, A. D. 1856, I hereby give notice that : the Speakers of t. 6 Beni& AO - House or tapreeetitatives of said Commonwealth, will receive proposals un til the fourth Tuesday of January, being the 28th day of January, 1862, for doing the Pub lic Printing and Binding for the term of three years from the first day of July next, at a cer tain rate per. centum below the rates specified in the act 'relating 'to the Public Printing and Binding, approved the ninth day of April, A. D. 1856, and according to ,the mode and manner and 'cobtlithins•theroin specified Said Proposals to, specify the rate per centum on the whole , of the rates of said act taken to gether, and' not a specification of the rate per centum below the rates on' each item. The fol lowing is the form of proposals for State Print ing and binding " propose to do all the State Print ing and Binding in - the manner and in all respects subject to the provisions of the act lof the 9th ,of April, A. D. 1856, for the pe clod of three years.' from the first day of July next, : at the rate of per centum below •the rites specified in said act, and should the State Printing and Binding as aforesaid, be allotted to use, I will be ready forthwith to give bond•with sufficient sureties, for the faithful performance .of the work so al lotted," which said proposals shall be sealed and endorsed,, ". proposals for Public Printing and Binding ;" and shall be directed to the said Speakerry and'be delivered to one or 'both of them to be opened, announced and allotted, on the 28th daY of 'January,. inst., 'agreeably to the provisions of the act of 9th of April, 1856. • ELI SLIFER, janlf.-St. *'y of the Commonwealth To Volunteer Officers. . • . therm &ens NtURBUING AND DISBUMINO OFFICTS, Harrisburg, Pa., .Jan. 20, 1862. By direction of the War Department, the folldwing Is published for the information of volunteer officers i 9 command of 'organisations yet incomplete, in the State of Pennsylvania : The only camp of rendezvous:ln this State, now Officially recognized, is Camp Curtin, near Harrisburg. All leboiliplebil cOmpatries or regiments now organizing at other points will be removed, Withiint delay, to' amp Curtin. From and after' the Ist day of February, 1.882 t ?Wales the f bettrdltorli lodgiwof troops at pointscitifferthltri Ortinto ! Ciiitin Will not, be paid for - a - period longer than•ten days. The attention of,- voiunteer officers is called to the long lizne which.ia.ruffered to elapse be tween the enrollment of.their men and their appearatitiNfiire the'ronstering officer. Hire after metilliiiiat be bronght to bb mustered into the the UniteLlStatesleeryice within five days' of the time of ; ,their arrival. in the camp of ren deivdirs; or wifhiu fifteen' days of the time of their enrollment: ' HIOHARD I. DODGE, Captain Eighth Infantry, latustirtibt arid:Dlabiffing, Officer. [Patriot and' Union, Harrisburg; Inquirer, Philadelpbia3 Dispatch, Pittsburg, please copy one week, and send bill immediately to this office foi: pr_ lug persoystafrkille4 patbdoss tp The (Marti 01 .tartar Sessions Itlufffilti counti 'Mart - kid licences • APd a r#loLlPt ir c r inil ibP Preilento . hhe said Gourtltni this la ay SittarY dell, as recalled by law : John Shearer, Mk -Warty.:Harrisburg, e. J. Wartleld, ' sro sa b i gl gg martin Erb, " " • " George Falk, " DILV4. Ltrirakelly r 84rWaid, pittrMk H. Ityan, dth =Wird, " James lefiellan, 6th Ward, irate& H. Miller, d. IV. P., Soh.- " " " • 4 1 fitifOrriAt Mary Ryan, I. W. liusbor,:flusittehanna township, . • H. G. Imhoff; ti mnenn-Warnes, " Sarnueflisah, Halifax townibip, (hfatamoras,) John4F. Bowman, Sisherville , Jackson township Geo.: W.Alladden.llpper.Pakton township, oestpli Lower, • " . " J,.mes Hoffmat, Washington " flatistis*ReCker; cbnitco, Wiconisixt township, Gideon Seidel, Wittelili3CO . township, Ispa,c Iteaber, Lykenstown, J. S. Kaufman, watara, townshi, Clernent Schimele, Sib. Ward, Harrisburg, &intik Collier, Wastdogton township. ~,j8420:241,1ter• . C., YOUNG, Clerk. IN„; OP'ERAIION" AGAIN THE BLAMES SUBDUED AND BUSINESS RNISUMEDI After a temporary suspension of businets at the ' ,E ' BOOTUNION AND SHOE STORE, . CORNBR OF FOLIATE AND = MARRIT starsri. EVERYTHING has been 'repaired, aid the lisle .Of. :BOOTS AND sinus. ot all kinds And apes resumed, on the cheap (sash principle. New GOss itemised daily, and the low prices maintained et au has_ Thesubscriber nol, only returns thanks for the liberal patroli befit° wed - upon hi oi ;but also - to•those citizens who aided in saving his stock on the light of the fire, al though fully Mowed. J. O. RI aIBALL. SHAEFFER'S RESTAITRANt THIRD_, STREET, IfIiTOSITE TELEGRAPH ..PRINTING OFFICEV • da.ASlNG,,..hxndooraely. , attua. up.the bolidagfetnterly occupied by the ' : Slate &ILO. net" p toting offlee tha undersigned le Ikepaied t.) OA the pub.liciritriguttairentunenp good style and quality. Opt !,rs serves:lhp every ety!e, and the table .iupellad withdelicacies of the section. Oysters by the Quarter Bag, /Leading Ale, Lager Beer, &a, ousstant iy en - braid, 020 dei ty 4? - O . atIALETeR. • 'ittkitirrEß • :Jr' • . • BOOK ;' AND:: 'JOB 'PRINTER, NO.' 18; MARKET- STREET, HAR BURG etkeottoi. Pad 4:1 Erinting, Ruhtni And -owing of Railroad, ' Books, Mandests,.rodales, Chedicp, Acc.'" Caddis printed at S; s; 14, and $5 per itiousandln igegitia• stile. • 120 WM. T. BISUOP, ATTORNEY TAM — LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S "FTATZ OPPOSITE .214* . COUld-HOUSE. Amin diations is Cleinian and English. j2O-a3t B.7r..ENS MILMIKKa i Piano . Melodeon , Guitar and Singing. PARTICII.L.A.R attet4ioa will be paid for the educatiod hf the voice after "Ramiro's" cele• hinted method. Office in William Knoche's Mimic Store; th) , /darket street. ja3.dlm ' , TO FAMERS. /MATS OATS 1 I Cash paid for Oats %./ by JAMES M. WELIALER.' I.ovA•ali SOIiDJ R'B OA)APL :COMPANION. A very onnvenlemt, Writtlos, Desk ; also, Portfolios, elemorandSn?.DOoks i _ltrtusiaual &0.,, at 4 ;•• im.pocncooßP. .; • •= IIIA.RIEB FOR 1862. 7 96118 larked al* bed selected 118Bortment of 1 DUI:LIES evei imibbitad into this city can X, Nutmeat of Tt, at very lvw ees. .- , t- Atig141141"11 - ' ' '' _,... 4.4 .0311 juir4-.4)Eitilin.g.4leitrf NOTICE; ~ Bookstore Iniste GREAT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION ! DR. W. BARR, OF HARRISBURG, Having purchased the entire right and interest to manu facture and sell M'CONNELL'S GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL, -9VERY body ongbt to join in ciroulet- Ing it, if the figitt we represent are so. All are in terested, the well and afflicted. The GOLDEN ELECtjtl9 t .nseful in. Chronic and Nervous Diseases. such. Rbenmatism r - Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Cabaret). flerefula, Mee, Fresh or Old Sores, Giandular .B.wellings, Female Complaints, Fore Breasts, &c. In fact there tenet fernily.medicine that acts with such magic power.asethe Heiden. Electric Oil. Hundreds can certify ti its virtues, For the immeee of hilir.oducirg it Into every family, with two of my own vain l / 2 ble preparations for Coupes. croup, Weak and likfi4nitid:Byee,-and as an Irdne- meet to those wlm-alartist.mel9 dispose of 211 groae, i phice to p ssession or. izoommitke • kif hosarable gentlemen the following trainable articles. forYNEEdietribution amongst the purchasers: • 1 Fine &octavo $lOO 00 1 Fine Dressing Bureau 16 no 1 Fine Cottage Bedstead 8 00 1 Fine Ergifelt Gold Lever Watch 86 00 1 Fine Udine_ do ... de 30 00 2 Fine Silver Watches, $5 00 10 00 1 old Violin and Bow 600 . 1 Mu-do Box 800 1 Fine Donble.barrelled Gun 900 1 Fine Bemi-terse Accordeon.... 4 no 4 Gold Bracelets. $1 00.... 4 00 500 ilexes Valuable Pine, 26 eta 123 00 .100 Boxes Tooth Powder, 25 ets.... 100 00 200 Copies Life of Dan Hee, Embellished, 25 ate, 50 00 1 Copy.6volnmes, Christian Union, $1 00.... 6no 1 Fineßilk Drees 20 00 1 Fine Delaine Dresv 800 2 Fine Lawn Dresses. $3 00.... 6 00 6 Floe Gold Pencils,3l 00 6 Oft 203 Floe &peeve Butters, 13% et 5........ ...... 25 00 24 Floe Ladies' Guards, 25 ins 6 00 20 Fine Felts of Jeivelry, $1 00..... • ...... 20 00 20 Fine Double Slecallions, 1 00 20 00 50 Flee locket Pin*, 50 eta .25 00 00 Wine Felts Studs, 25 eta 150 00 600 Fitki 16-karat Rings, 25 .... ....... 125 00 ••60 Floe Gent ' &ewe Muttons, 12X cis 25 00 100 Flee Allen's resew Powder, 25 ...... 25 00 1 Gilt Family 8ib1e.... . BIX 1 Barrel F10ur..., 7 00 On the payment Cl 50 cents for each Bottle or Box of the 111-dieltre, the purchaser, will leoelve a receipt and an order for an envelope, which wilt contain the crime f one of the abr ve lets. On the thy of tbe ibution of gifts, the envelopes will be placed in a honor whea with a hole to pass lb- band into lt, the eavemper all put Solo ih - wheel, well shook up and secured, h pureba-sr will draw out his or her own envelope; the gift veinal' therein Will be given as soon as the drawing closes. No Lice Will be given to agents, and iu the patent, of the day of distribetion. Pure. eters at a iistance wll have au equal share with those residing In Harrisburg. on re °dot of the money for one or more dozen, the medicine, I -with cerificate and orders, will be forwarded by express. free of charge. In ail cases the medicine is warranted to cure or give relief, or no charge. Fee certificates. Da.;l9. 13.0te--Dass Sin I baye,leareed that you have purohaftedthe i right to manufacture and sell 11Con nell'siGobileei Electric ill, for the + beeellt of- the afflicted. I tend the &Bowleg :—I have been afflicted with a run. ning sore on my lett leg for ten years. Dating that time I have beenunder_ the treatment of ten of the bet Doc tors Harrisburg. Baltimore and Cumberland county but alleould not effect a cure. A little over a year put, /lOW bid rey:blectsuilth,shop after dark, lintrt my right-leg also,. below the vine. Ic spread all J round the legoand became a running. sore. Several Doctors told me I must have my log taken off, mortification having taken place. Fortunately I got a bottle of your Golden patigrio.ol for iny lore mode, It cured-so noon that I thought I would try it on my legs. I have been using it about six weelul,- and my logs are now hhtleduP —sound and well. • • • ELISHA T. HOUCH. 'We, thb undersigned, who are well acquainted with Elisha T. Roush, do certify to the fact as stated above, and the beneticial effects of M'Conneli's Golden Electric Oil on many of our neighbors. HENRY ANDREW, C EBERLY, A. P. ERB,(Bridgeport Hotel) BENJAMfar C LAY, LONGENEOBBB, Esq. I have been using Dr. Barr's Croup Syrup in my family for the past two years. I would not be without it at any price, as my children are subiej s t i, lo Colds nd .oroirp. - 1-trmlevaTugym-wv - m- sztaur-n- - rare IMF VI the medicine. No family with children ought to be without F. X. SWARM, (llvery,) Harrisburg, Cusp CUMIN December 6,1861. Da. PARR : —I thank you most sincerely for the Oint ment you gave me fbr my. eyes. I have oily used its few times, and am now entirely tree from inffunationand pain which is more than J. leave been for the last fivel hope God will bless you for the free gift. No person afflicted. with weak -or inflamed sore eyes ought to bo without it. • • J..O. MILES. - Ruing well acquainted wit h J. C. Miles, what he certi fies to above ie correct and 'meow singular- as it may seem. J. _B HELM, C. 0. for. Bedford, aundreds h sae certified—l have Only given the above. Tiles, Viler, Poison, Itch, Look Jaw, Gonorrhces, sleet, Leaners: M e, and all secret (Meanest cu. ed wbh same Mg. ncrp.barge. Ten per cent . will be paid to all persons selling one or more dozen. W. BARR, J2o.dawtf • Harrisburg, Pa. A. H E , DEALER_IN 1300 TS AND SHOES, • BUFFALO AND GU OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS. AT THE OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Court House, Harlot. street, Harrisburg, PA. Thaulcful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon the late firm of A. Hummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to business, and by keeping a well inniOrse STOCK or, coons to merit a cominuance of the same. Please call and examine our eroc and PRIM before buying elsewhere. A .EUMMEL Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very low. COAL ! COAL ! I $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 Las 0. D. FORSTER, OFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot of North atreet, Wholesale and Re tail dealer In TRXVO.R2ON, W.LEKSBAKNE, LYJIRNS YALLET; • 'SUNBURY and • ... • BROAD 20P, COAL . , . Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first•rate article, and full weight, at the loweal, rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to our • cheaters paying for the Anal when ordered. Present price s3' and $2 2b per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. JUST , OPENED! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years old, of my own manufacture. A fine ut of choice Chewing gigd Smoking tobacco, Opals, Souff and a large variety of er animas consiantly on ban u fur sale wholesale and retail. 'thankful for former pat, renege, I cope by strict attention to business to receive a 11.beral Share of the trade. A tine Smollog Room attached, where customers may lay back andtest my &gem and Tobacco . Don't forget the window with the Scup in it; that is the Owe to buy your Tobacco awl cetera. North, Market Square, above Market street, If frnsourg. Dec. 4, 1861.—d3m la M. WYKOFF. U FOR RENT THE commodious .STORE ROOM on Market square, next door w the "Jones' House," (Coverly's Hmel,) occupied during the last eight or nine years as aJewelry and Watch making establishment, &o. ALSO—Seversl DWELLING. HuUdeS in the vioioni ty of the Capitol, some of • theat having stabling, smoke house, Pe house, &e., and vacant lots attached. Peesension given Xhe first of April next XIL&S. C. BAWN.j Harrisburg, Jan. 9, 1802.—j9-dim NOTICE THE partnership - heretofore;exiFting wi der the Arm ofd. lIPMMEL & CO., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The books of the late firm are in the bands of A. Rom mel, who will continue the business at the old stand where all those knowing themselves to be indebted AO the firm will please call and make setilement. A - HUMMEL, JOHN 06JeSLAGER. • January int, 1862—j2-d3 cow• NNOTIONS.--Quite a variety of usefil and entertaining articles--chean--at n2O BIIIIiTSB'S BOOKSTORE. FOR RENT—The Store Room.oorner of Second and Walnut-atreett, from the tat of April net. Apply (la the same building) to JOAN P. gpjuil, penttet- I h V LP - 8 ...N.A s TOES,-,A ,000 btulLe 8 Q :QtatlNl, - 0 .whaleinds 'kid ratan, by ' ~..---- ~,4,1 , S4IP. 'EBY k ztablzu, 'Amusements. BRANT'S EAU! Madame Anna Bishop, THE• WORLD RENOWNED CANTATRIM urrno, SINCE HER APPEARANCE IN VV the Uelted Elates, has made the ebrtMlt of the world, begi3 to announce ONE GRAND CONCERT, On Wednesday &ening, January OM. MADAME , _ANNA BISHOP Will be agsl.sted by EDWARD SEQUIN, The American Baritone, Bleve du Conservatoire Imperial oe liusique, Paris. GITSTAVE DE SPIESS, The eminent Pienisi, (Pupil of Lists.) Doors open at 711'. Concert to commencest 8 o'clock TICKETS 50 Cents IftTThe sale of tickets wi 1 commence on Monday morning January 20, at Mr. Hueco&A Music Stowe. where seats may. be secured without extra charge, and a dia gram of the Hall an be seen The sale of ensured seats will cloe. at 5 o p. m , on the day of the concert. afa`Tha Grand P ano used upon this isocesiOn hue been Kindly tarnished by Wm. Knoche. veg. ill-did P. C. LA HUM, Manager. GROTiO MUSIC HALL! WALNIII BELOW THIRD STREET. CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY Hundreds Unable to Obtain Admission The greatest array of Talent ever appearing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE S PATE. EVERY F.v.KNING ! EVERY EVENING! ! Composed of MALE and iENIALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR in their Profession. LOOK AT THE NINES. B E HOLD! OBSERVE! Miss ROSA VOLANADT, the most pleasing Songstreet Miss JULIA. PRICE, the Philadelphia Favorite. Hiss MILLIE MARIE, . • t .• the Fascinating Dansense. BILLY CHAMBERS, the Champion Bone Player. OLE BULL DICK MYERS. the Greastest Violinist on the Stage. MATT. GIESLER, the Prince of Comic Vocalists. InTLT_ON MYERS, the Celebrated Wench Dancer. BILLY WORRIBILE, the G r eet... Negro Comedian WILLIAMS 'BROTHERS In Songs, Duette, Glees and Choruses. Prof. Strade will preside at the Plane. Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Admission - - 10 and 15 omits. Doors open 6i o'clock_ Commences at 7,} o'clock. FRED. AIMS, Proprietors. SANFORD'S' .OPERA i 'HOUSE! THIRD STREET BELOW MARKRT. Great gui3oess of the New Opera Houae This new and Beautiful Establishment will open for the Season, presenting SONGS, BALLADS, OVERTIMES and LAUGHABLE ITURLES QITIM. In which Messrs. SANFORD, OARNCROSS, HUGHES, EDMONDS, BECIOLT, HOLDER and the Great Troupe 9f ARTISTS engaged will sustain parts. Admission ' 25 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 60 cants. Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, $5.00. Doors open ei o'clock ; Commence at 71 o'clock. OM preparation the MUMMYoIso the OPERA OF LA SOMNAMHULA, Ac;, Ac. j 6 UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR TEE subscribers having ereote4.a,larg e Budding at the above piaiiii,eapreasiy for.the woo see above indicated, beg to call the attention Of the pub lic to the followhig Ins RISTAOSANT. on the first floor, with a dining room attached, is fluted up in first-Yeas style. and it intim all times re . s rppted with the best OYSFERA . .to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, flah„had all kinds of game in season. Oysters served. ap in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and conttins three alleys of modern Azinstruotion, where the lovers of this healthy everclas can eribythentssives. The Billiard 'Saloon is up stairs —elegautly Ili ad up, and contilias thine marble top c athination cushion ta bles, Equal 10 any made. Harrisburg has long felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as th. preps. tors are determine it to conduct it in a quiet and orderly maim r, ant do eve rything in their it wer to in 'se it a fas me ibis re o t, they hope to receive a liberal snare of public patronage. jail-dtf • Wti. lsi C. Hera DORN R ll.l. COAL! COAL!! ot)AL! 11 THE undersigned would inform. the con bunters of 64a1 hat he Is now prepared to furnish Cod from uede , cover perfectly dry and clean in all wadi of weather lykerus Valley Broken Coal .` Large rgg . 44 small ltgg 6, a Nut Pittston Lump Coal. 44D0. j . .6 tt C 4 2 44 3 14 t/ 44 4 4. 4. 5 It Lorberry. Broad Top and Allegheny, also Hickory and pine Wood h. BYImIIS. Harrisburg, Jan 7. 1882. REMOVAL- • • . rifiHE Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail j_ Road Company have removed their MB 43 to the up. per end or the Lebaneu Valley Railroad Depot. Jan. 8. 186:1.—lm FOR SALE. valuable Two Story double frame A_ Dwelling House and Lot or ground, situated on the corner of North street and Bast &venue, 80 feet on North street and 110 feet deep, bateaux% eitehene,_two cel lar, and *yea rooms, shw aaever of wa ter.. The liailditight well calculated for:a aterwor OWL Terms reasonable. Enquire of W. BARR, jan4 City Auctioneer. ALMANACS I ALMANACS BB":B'GERMAN AND ENGLIStI AL MANACS in every quality can be bad at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. RUBBER GOODS ! libber Balls, 'Kt ; Rubber:Watches, Rubber Battles, • " litibbeiTorlgene CHEAP 800 ita