Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 15, 1862, Image 2
i4it2 Ceitgrao. ORR. PLATFORM THE UNION-THE CONSITrtYIION-AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Morning, January 15, 1862. POLITICAL UNION. We asserted a few days since, that, from the culmination of the rebellion at the south, the Republican organization had been unceasing in its efforts to conciliate the loyal men of the loyal states, and produce such a union of all as was essential to the success of the general course of the Republic. blues the appearance of that article, the Philadelphia Press has in dulged in a most urgent appeal for the same object, whether in response, to what....wn.ixr&. toforetelriti - traine subject, or in obedi- Waite to its own solicitude for the success of the same purpose, we leave our readers to de cide ; but one thing is certain, that between the avowed and fearlessly sustaiuel principles of the entire Republican party and a large portion of what was formerly the Democratic patty, there is no important difference, either , in the purposes to be attained or the manner of, their attainment. Theretore, a union with that wing of the Democracy is of the most simple as well as practical character. It requires no invitation on the part of the Republican party, provided the men who thus boast of their ad hesion to a principle are honest, and if there is, any renunciation to be made, it must be de clared by these same Democrats, who would be expected to give up all their old preferences with regard to men, all their currupt predilec tions on the subject of urganizatiuus, and come Into the enthusiastic ranks of the Republican party, with those principles of high regard for the . Union and respect for the Constitution, which have so far rendered these wen decent iu the eyes of their countrymen; and which act would give thew a position in the politics of the Union, which no struggle or covenant of their own, as a separate organization, could possibly accomplish. But to ask the Republi can party to give up one idea of its sublime principles—to ask them to surrender a single feature of its creed or compromise its organisa tion to conciliate any man or set of men, would be as ridiculous and as unholy as the emenda tion of the Lord's prayer, by omitting the in junction against stealing toy conciliate the thief, or that on murder to compromise with the, assassin. The men who are so anxious to unite with the Republican organization, and yet so desirous that it should modify and renounce certain portions of Its Pol icy, forget that on the triumph of that policy depends the success of the law, and on the force of the law, rests the permancy of the Union. If we yield to the crisis, or are moved by the beseeching voice of time serving politicians, we run the risk of a political abnegation, which men battling for principle cannot afford to en dure, and which no principle or truth can suf fer, without the clinger of actual and complete destruction, at least so far asp the truth can be destroyed by affecting its influence for good among. mankind. And thus, too, if the Repub licariparty yields now to this spirit among a few anxious politicians in the north, who 'regard their own position and , consistency, 'even if it relate to error, aSqif • more importance , to ;the. Union than the law and authority by which it is to be sustained, we invite into our ranks a set of men whose first labor will be the possession of the Republican organization, its prostitution to their own purposes, until Republicanism is, made what Democracy was, and is, a rotten or.— ganization of speculators and demagogues,. slave breeders and drivers, traitors and assassins. In six years the Republican party would become what the Democracy was, under the rule of Buchanan, if such conciliation and compromise were made, which are now de manded by Borneo former leaders of Demo cracy, a sacrifice too great for the end to be at tained, particularly when it is remembered that without these leaders, the great mass of the Democratic party have united their political fortunes with the masses et the Republican rarty, satisfied that our principles are patriotic and our policy practical. They have united with us without compromise, and therefore it is rather late in the day to ask for a modifica tion of any measure of argent public policy, that a few men may be enabled to escape the great odium which belongs to them in having so long clung to a Corrupt political organiza tion, and take their places among those who have been atrugglingfor years in the broadest path of duty which patriotism has ever marked out for mankind. We report, therefore, that at this period in the history of the Republic, when great truths are stirring the people to greater efforts for the right and for liberty, it would be worse than suicidal to modify any just principles, merely to accommodate a few men who,are anxious to maintain their consistency. The services of men who can make,no sacrifice for principle, are ever of the most questionable character, while those who ask the sacrifice of principle, that theiepride may be preserved from humilia tion, do the Republic more damage in an hour of danger than those who are openly arrayed against its existence. So far as we are oon cerued, there is not a policy- or a prindiple in Republicanism that we would surrender to conciliate the friendships or support of any man. On that policy and those principles we rest the safe**. of • the Union. Modify and abolish any ration of , eltbe them and we jeopard the present and the future peace of the Union. Maintain all in their strength and their purity, and, although we may be forced to struggle in deadly combat for a few years, the end will repay the sacrifice of life and treasure, with a free people secured in their freedom, and a nation forever blessed with peace and Union! THE RESIGNATION OF GEN. CAMERON. The telegraph confirms a rumor which was prevalent in this city last evening, to the effect that Hon. Simon Cameron had resigned his po sition as Secretary of War. The report and its confirmation have created great sensation in political circles, but among the immediate friends of the distinguished ex-Secretary of War, it is well understood that he occupied that position with great reluctance, and that it has been his deterthination for a long time to retire from.that Department as soon as he had accomplished all the good in his power, for the immediate organization of the army and the fu ture' success . of the "Struggle to crush rebellion. These ends having been accomplished, Gen. Cameron feels constrained to return his port ' folio to the President, and ask to be relieved of the immense labors and responsible duties of the War Department. Before that resignation was accepted, Presi dent Lincoln pressed on the acceptance of Sec retary Cameron, the post of Minister to Russia, mule vacant by the resignation of Qualm M. Clay. In consideration of themanner in which 'the position was tendered, and the wide, el it presented'for the abilities and experience,weAnorerstand that it has been "v. tecliAly-tccepted as it was tendered, and that the nomination. of Secretary Cameron as Minister to Russia is now before the Senate. ;The political and personal friends of General Cameron receive the news of his retirement from the Cabinet with regret only equalled by the high - esteem and consideration in which he ie held throughout his native state of Pennsyl vania. Bat that • regret is mingled- with the satisfaction that he is to go hence to represent the Republic in a sphere where his exalted vir tues and plain republicanism will adJ addi tional lustre to the esteem in which our coun try and cause is held- by the Crir of Russia. The appointment of the Hon. Edwin 11. Stanton- as the successor of Gen. Cameron in the War 'Department, must 'become very popu lar, notwithstanding Mr. Stanton is so little known to the, mass of ~the„people.,, Re is.a men a .tile: 4,108 t. edurmanding ability, '6f 'the largest and most comprehensive views and opinions, and in every respect fully capable to administer the War Department with the suc cess and the vi'gor which distinguished its de tail@ during the past nine months. LEGLS'LA7'IVE SHARP PRACTICE. We have frequently referred to the fact, that as politicians the Democracy were the most uncertain allies and dangerous friends the Re publican party could possibly cultivate, and when we made these assertions we referred more particularly to the leaders or representa tives of that organization. As an evidence of this fact, we intend briefly to bring forward an incident which occurred during the organiza tion of the House.of Representatives. The Re publicans of tha Roost, as fs wi.ll known, agreed to sustain a regular Union organization, and in good faith voted for John. Rowe as Speaker. But when the election of clerk came up, and the candidate nominated by the same caucus which placed in nomination John Rowe, two Union Democrats—one from Lancaster coun ty, Mr. Worley, and one from Hunting don, Mr. Scott, refused to vote for Mr. Rouch, the Union - crin - diditte, bebanse he was a Rep . utli can, and unconditionally cast their votes for another candidate. These men may claim that they had a right Uq vote for whom they please, bat they had pledged themselves by every high obligation which is binding between gentlemen and patriots to sustain a certain number of candidates nominated Ina caucus of which they formed a portion, and when they succeeded in electing.a man to• the Speaker's their of their own political proclivities, it illy became them to desert the candidate of the same caucus for the clerkship, because he is %Republican. We allude to these facts now, to keep the record pure- The Representatives from both:Lancas ter and Huntingdon, who thus basely betrayed their covenanted trust, could not have been elected to the House on the issue which they made• the test in voting- for the clerkship of that body. Bat these men are welcome to.the opportunity of thus evincing their deep prejudices in favor of:a corrupt old organization.. When theY re turn to their , constitnente they . will be treated with the worn and contempt which we have %either time or room to deal out to them in these columns. UNANSWERABLE ARGUMENT. We print to-day the argument of the Hon. Ross Forward, before the committee in the con tested election case of John Cessna against Geo. W. Householder. A perusal of this argument will aVonce convince the public that, Whatever maybe the action of the committee, the facts of the case are all in favor of the setting mem ber, Mr. Houstiholder, and in strict justice he is' entitled to his place in the House. It will be impossible successfully to answer thiS argu ment, as it will be difficult justly to deprive George W. Householder of hisseat in the House of Representatives. In this -connection'we will only offor a word in reply , to the silly otiarges which , were made in this morning's-Patriot and Union in reference to the printed report of Mr. Rose Forward's arga-1 ment. By the merest accident, the compositor substituted the prefix Wall. for Ron on the sub-titliof the pamphlet, when the conclusion of the argument is correctly priuted with the signaturtrof Ross Formant). This error'is' made use of by the - Patriot to damage the force of the argon:tent and principles laid down in the pamphlet, bat the intelligent reader had made his own -correction before the wisdom of the &lona of the Patriot hid moved their moun tain and brought forth its mouse. Boni T. HURD, of_ the Broansvias Clipper, says " no two mutts will mono- a brighter Page in the history of this Ivor for the restoration of the:Union, than those of Simon Cameron and' Andiew,fii Onrtin." ' ' m•••••••••“••••••••••••••••= mr Pennopthania Ctligtapti itlebncobapMorning , Januar') 15, 1862 Synoptic of Vie Argument Delivered by the Hon the seat of Geo. W. Householder, member elect from the district of Somerset and Bedford, is contested by John ammo, Esq., of Bedford county. He bases his claim to the seat, upon tho un constitutionality of the apportionment bill of 1857, connecting these counties in the same Le gislative district. The 4th section ot the first article of the Con stitution, on which is his main reliance, reads as follows : "Within three years after the first meeting ot the General Assembly, and within every subsequent term of seven years, an enu meration ot the taxable inhabitants shall be made in such manner as directed by law.— The number of Representatives shall, at the usual periods of making such enumeration, be lined by the Legislature aud apportioned among the city of Philadelphiai and the several coun ties, according to the number of taxable inhab itants in each; and shall never be less than sixty nor more than one hundred. Each county shall have at least one representative, but no county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a separate representative until a sufficient num ber of taxable inhabitants shall be contain* within it to entitle them to one repiesentative, agreeably to the ratio which shall then be es tablished. This section, as well as the , previons ones, is verbatim the constitution of 1190, not having been altered or in the least Amended oy the convention to revile,theircoistitution, and whose amendments .were adopted in 1838. It consesuantily 'relates only to the counties as thry existed in 1790, and not as they were in 1838. A position which the new counties were disposed to contest at the first apportionment after 1838, but very soon abandoned, because there was no re-ivactment of the previous con stitution at that time, but simply an adoptiOn of the amendments as made by the convention. Now, hlr. Cessna's claim to a seat for Bed ford county cannot be sustained for two princi pal reasons :- Ist. Because the question of the constitution ality of the law has been decided by the only tribunal having any authority over the subject, and its decision, whether right or wrong, can not be inquired into or reversed by the present Legislature, or any committee thereof. 2d. Because Mr. Cessna is eutirely at fault in his construction of the constitution. And the apportionment law of 1857, when examined iu the light of the facts Connecting the counties of Bedford and Somersekt, will be found strictly in accordance therewith. In support of the first position we have only to examine the constitution, and observe to whom is entrusted the carrying out of its pro visions, and on whom we are to depend for its preservation. The powers of the government are divided into legislative, executive and judi cial. The members of the Legislature, sworn to support the constitution, there is confidence reposed in them that they will make no enact ments contrary to its provisions. If, however, they should fail in their judgment, it is the duty of the Executive, should he think differently to interpose ; but if his opinion simply is opposed to,two-thirds of the Legislature, the enactment, notwithstanding, becomes I.lw. If any citizen thereafter feels himself aggrieved, he may re !use to comply therewith, and bring the ques tion before the Judiciary, who enter their judgment in the matter, and if the law is ad judged to violate the fundamental law, they refuse to compel obedience, or carry it into effect, and the law properly fails. Now their decision may chance, in fact, to be wrong ; but, however, otherwise desired by any man or body of men, it cannot be interfered with or modi fied, without a change in the fundamental law itself, procured under proper forms and regula tions fur that purpose. - But while the Judiciary is the only resort to determine most Constitutional questions arising upon enactments of the Legislature, there is one kind of question which the Curistitution confides to the Legislature itself. It' provides that the number of representatives shall be fixed by them, and apportioned among the several counties. It is lett to them entirely to decide how they will apportion it. Confidence is placed in theta that they will do it according to the Constitution, but if they should fail; their decision cannot be reviewed or reversed; for they are the only tribunal having jurisdic tion over the subject. And it is the province of' the present Legislature to decide upon the qualification of its members, according to the !My r prescribed' by a previous Legislature, under the provisions of the Constitution. They dare not enact a new law to confirm their own membership. For it is only a previout Legislature that can prescribe the district, and direct how the members 'of the succeeding Le gislatures shall be chosen. If it was otherwise there is nothing to prevent anybody of men, chOsen according to the fancy or pleasure of the several counties, assembling here and assuming that they are the Legislature of the State. And if it is alleged, they have not been elected ac cording to any previously enacted law, they have only to go to work and enact, that, • the manner in which they were severally chosen, was proper and constitutional, thus making thdruselves a self-constituted body. This would be Subversive of all law and order. It must be conceded thqu that the previous Legislature haOng decided upon the manner of chosing from the people the members of the succeeding' Legislature, it remains only for them on assem bling to inquire whether this law prescribed by a proper authority has been followed 'by the people. lii so far as it has it must be sustained. Otherwise it is a fraud upon their rights: The proper authority has told them how to elect, and they have obeyed. .You now tell them they should not have done so, but should have elected according to the construction of the con stitution by some wise head, who undertakes to bring the construction of the Legislature in question, and who has no more wisdom than to say that although the law is unconstitutional, and there is therefore no law on the subject, yet the people shall elect according to a law which, though not enacted, should have been. For the law of '67 being unconstitutional,. tlte result would be there is law, and therefore Mr. Cessna must fail in getting a seat as a mem ber, sent here from Bedford county, even, if Mr. Householder should be rejected. Mr. Cessna's complaint then is not, that the law has been observed, but that it has been, which concedes all that you have any right to inquire concerning. For it does not become this Legislature to decide that the man elected according to . the provisions of the same law, which is alone the test of their own membership, Was - iinproperly elected. Where is the power given! in the constitution or by virtue of what law, Can a committee of nine members, chosen in groat part by lottery, from the present Legis lattini, undertake to veto and make null and void that which has been .previously enacted by. the Senate and. House of itepre.sentatives, and been fully carried into effect by the action of the people. Having full authority, as has been heretqfore Shown, the judgment of the Legisla ture was expressed, and the law pronounced, and it has been executed by the citizens who were bound by its action. ,It is too late now to apply the remedy for that which is past. there is no power and no authority given anywhere to any, man or body of men to interfere with it, except: to the whole Senate and House of Rep resent4tives, with the approbation of the iktechtive. If they think the prelim's legislature erred, they might alter the law fur fuLure membership, but they dare lot Contested Election Case. Ross Forward take upon themselves the authority to alter the law so as to affect the Luella,. rbl, p of the pi L,eut Legislature, and thereby take ad vantage of the people, giving them a representative they had no thought of choosing. It would be such a disregard of the established usage and prece dents, for the last seventy years, that it is hard to imagine bow any man could conceive the idea of attempting it, and still harder to think it possible that he can convince any body of sane men of the propriety of so doing. But let the first position be decided as it may, there can be no question as to the false construc tion, which is attempted to be made of the 3rd section, of Ist article of the constitution. Mr. Cessna reads it as though it said, "each county shall have at least one representative," and there stopped. But the men who made that constitu tion had wisdom enough to know that in the progress of time, it would become necessary to make new counties, and they in anticipation of a difficulty which might be raised, proceed to say iu the same sentence, "each county shall have at least one representative, but no county hereafter erected shall be entitled to a separate representation, until' a sufficient number of taxable inhabitants shall '.3e contained within it, to entitle them to one representative agree ably to the ratio which shall then be estab lished." If then the new county is not entitled to a separate representation, the necessary con sequence is, that it must be included with the county, or some one of the counties, from which it is, stricken. But in that case, what becomes of the right of the original county to a separate representation as claimed by Mr. cessana. Why it has no ex istence in reality, because it is founded upon the fiction that this right of representation was given to a mere name instead of all the people within the bounds of a certain district known at that time as the county. It was not given to the people who might, half a century after wards, be within the bounds of what should then be known as Bedford county, for perhaps the present district may be divided and subdi vided, until, what is lett to be known as Bed ford, is but a mile 'square, with one hundred inhabitants. To say that they shall still be represented by one member when the ratio is perhaps 10,000 for the balance of the State, shows the absurdity of such an idea. It was to the people then included, or who might in all time to come be included, within certain boundaries then known as counties, that was assured the right to one representative. And so long as they have one, two or three or more, electing in conjunction or respectively within these boundaries, according to the directions of the Legislature they bave all that is guaranteed them. Now iu 1790 and for some years afterwards, every foot of land now in Somerset county was embraced within the boundaries of Bedford county. - Tne people of that portion of Bedford county applied by petition to the Legislature in 1795 for a separate, county organization, and, they deeming it: advisable to grant the privi leges prayed for, on the 17th of April of that year, erected the new county of Somerset. Then came up the question of representation, how was that to be arranged ? Why just as the framers of the Constitution contemplated. They agree to give them a separate county organiza tion, but say in effect as to the matter of repre sentation, you shall continue as heretofore con nected, with the parent county, and- within the limits of what was known as Bedford countyat the making of theConiititntiori,and to which was assured a member, there shall be three members elected. Somerset, a part of Bedford county, and that part left, still known as Bedford, shill together elect three representa tives. Such is the provisions of the Brut enact ment which gave a certain portion of Bedford county a new name and certain privileges, which did not at all interfere with the constitutional right of the people in that district, to be repre sented in the Legislature. Is there any man of sound judgment, who can really think this was an unconstitutional proceeding? There is Ger ' tainly nothing in the constitution u prevent ch. organization of new counties within the old I ones. And when done, how are they to be rep resented except in connactinn with 011 , 4 Pe CA4lWatieB to which the territory originally be longed? And who but tue Legislature of the State shall direct how this representation shall be arranged? And if they have the power on the first ; separation of thd county, have they not the same power at all times after wards? Bedford and-Somerset for the first ten years elected their representatives together. Then Cambria, which had also been in great part originally Bedford, was erected and was joined with Somerset. Then Cambria and Bed ford was connected for some pins, Somerset sleet ing alone, and in 1857 Bedford and Somerset were again united. . Neither 13edford or Somerset had sufficien taicables, according to the ratio then establish ed, to entitle theni to a member. The ratio was 5976. Somerset had 5254 and Bedford : And:Mx.. Canna, in order to oliviate the crushing lorce of this fact upon his claims to a seat from Bedford county, undertakes to con strue the latter clause of the 4th section as meaning "that when a new county has once obtained the number of taxables agreeable to the ratio then established, it is forever after en titled to a separate representation, no matter bow far it may fall short of it at the times of subsequent enumerations and apportionments. A construction - that is directly in opposition to its plain words and obvious meaning. " But no minty hereafter erected shall be entitled to a separate representation until a sufficient num ber of taxable inhabitants shall be contained within it to entitle them to one representative, agreeably to the ratio which shall Taw be es tablished." Now what does this word then refer to P Certainly to . the several periods of making the enumerstion and fixing the apportionment by the legislature as contained in the previous sentence. And any county not being an original county, and failing to have at any one, of the several periods of enumeration and appointment agree ably to the ratio which is then established is positively prohibited by the Constitution from having a separate representative. Admitting, Mr. Cessna, now then that Bedford county as she now is, and not as she was in 1790, is enti tled to have at least one representative, although she had not the number of taxables Somerset was not an original county, and can make no such claims ; and having fallen behind the ra tio then, in 1857, established,lis properly, and of necessity connected with another county in rep resentation. • And with what other can she be more fairly joined than with the original county to which she belonged. But even if Somerset should have had the requisite number it was a matter entirely it the discretion of the Legislature, depending upon their judgment of the necessity or con venience of so doing, in districting the State. For the latter clause of the 4th section of the constitu thin is merely declaratary of a right which the new counties should nothave, and not a positive en actment that they should have a seperate represen tation, whenever they had the full ratio of taxa bleS at the time of making the apportionment. If they had the number, it would be proper and con- stitutional for the Legislature to, give them a member. But en-necessitate it must depend upon its position and connection_ with other counties which had not the ratio, and which the Constitution positively direct shall not have a seperate representation and must be connected with some adjoining county. To take any other :view, is to say we have had no constitu tional apportionment from 1801 to the present time. And that under the present apportionment there are now in_the Legislature 22 members front unconstitutional districts. The following table, :including the two .from Bedford and Somerset, gives an exhibit of these districts— one or more countieain which wouldbe entitled to lheparate representation, halting more than the ratio of 6,976-taableo. ~~~il /71 f<2' thLc Lehigh t Carbon }coming & Cliutou ..2 Cumberland a Perry Franklin & Fulton ....2 Arrest' g a, Westmorel'd 3 Beaver C Lawrence.... 2 Mercer & Venango.....2 Clarion & Forrest 1 Crawford & Warren.. ..2 Potter & Tioga But the law being merely directory, it is a matter of favor or convenience resting upon the judgment of the legislature. And surely in the matter of doubtful interpretation of the constitution, that one, which has been unques tioned, and sanctioned for three-quarters of a century by the legislature ''and the people, is not now to be overturned, when there- are but two years left within which the question can be mooted. For the amendment of 1857 going into effect in 1864, has abolished the wholeidea of separate representation as embodied in the 2d and 4th sections of the constitution of 1790, as impracticable and unfitted to the ever-chang ing condition of population and geographical boundaries which pertains to these times. In 1790 there were but 21 counties, while at the last apportionment there were 65. Mr. Cessna claims to have obtained the opin ion of many eminent lawyers and judges, all of whom support the position taken by him.— Granting that he has such opinions, upon what are they based—on the statement of the case as he puts it, not on the facts as they really are, and of which they may have known nothing. He has no opinion whatever that touches the points, made in this argument, based upon the law and the facts. And I venture to assert that he never will obtain any. But salt is notorious that lawyers as well as judges will differ, he is careful not to inform us what emi nent lawyers and judges, in the course of his ap plications for opinions, decided the case against him. It needs no one particularly versed in the law to form a correct judgment in this matter. And I venture to say that nine tenths of the voters of the State will undertake to say that they can and do understand it. And if the outrage of throwing from his seat Mr. Houssaowsa, a member acknowledged to be duly elected by the voters of the district, form ed by the only proper authority, is perpetrated, it will be met by such a howl of indignation, such universal derision and contempt, as should make its authors and perpetrators Vail. ROSS FORWARD, Counsel for (leo. W. Householder. Pennsylvania Legislature IMPORT= EXPRESSLY POR THS TELEGRAM TUESDAY, Jan. 14, 1862 SENATE. The Senate met at 11 o'clock, A. m. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. R. Dewitt. PETITIONS Air. RE ILLY presented a petition of two hundred and sixty-four citizens of West Penn township, Schuylkill 09unty, praying tit the repeal of the act of February 17,1869, relating to a stricter accountability of public) officers, so far as the law relates to said -township. Re ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Hr. CLYMER one from Samuel J. Walker, getting forth an affidavit showing that he has erroneously overpaid colateral, inheritance tax on the estate of Joseph Sellers, deceased, aba asking that the earns be refunded. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. I= Mr. CLYMER read in place a bill, entitled "an Act to refund to Samuel J. Walker certain monies erroneously paid by him as colateral inheritance tax on the estate of James Sellers, deceased. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary System. Mr. BOUGHTER one to incorporate the Har risburg Exchange and Mercantile Company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. PAY OP REFIRING OFFICERS The Senate, after a protracted &bite, ref used by a tie vote to concur in the amendments of the House to the joint resolution of the Senate, providing for the payment of ten days' ser vices to the retiring officers.of the last Legis lature. DAILY LECIISL=IVI 111120IID The chairman of the committee on the part of the Senate of the joint committee of the two Houses, anthorized to contract for the pub lication of a daily Legislative Record, sub mitted a report, accompanied • by a contract made with George Bergner, which was read and unanimously concurred in. The Senate then adjourned. • HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES. • The House was called to order at 11 o'clock, P. M. The SPEAKER announced the :followln,g Standing gpmmittees for the session: Ways and Means—Messrs. Armstrong, Smith, (Cheerer) Bighorn, Abbott, Ross, (Luzern,) Alexander,Pershing, Chatham, Craig, Windle, Zeigler, G amble, Beaver, Brown, (Mercer,) and Hoffer. Judiciary, (General)—Messrs. Scott, Williams, Smith, (Chester,) Shannon, Strang, Banks, Vin cent, Brown, (Northumberland,) and Dennis. Tudicituy (Lccal)—Messrs. Bigham, Duffield, Pershing, Chathain,• Ziegler, Cochran, Ryon, Grew:Aar& and Bliss. • Pawns and Gnituities—liesars. Bliss, Graham, Giant, Ross, (IMMO Bates, Potteiger and Rus sell.. Estnies and Escheatt—Messre, Strang, Kaine, Vincene, M'Culloch, Quigley, Blanchard and Beebe. Agriculture and Manufactures —Messrs, Gross Caldwell, Windle, Thompson, Barron, Hatch man and Lehman. Aiwa/ion— Messrs. Elliott, Duffield, Blies, Diiins, Donley, (Greene) Boileau, Early, M'Clellan, Twitcnell, Householder, FOX, Kline, Rowland, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) and Wim ley. Banks—Messrs. Crane, Ross, (Luserne,) Ab bott, Tracy, Worley, Roads, Brown, (North umberland,) Cochran, Gross, Neiman, Dennis, Chatham and Hoffer. Accounts—Messrs. Schrock, "Gaskill, Twitch ell, Rex, Kennedy, Leber and Fox. Vice and Immorality—Messrs. Wakefield, Don ley; (Greene,) Dennis, Warner, Vincent, Peters ana liutchman. Election Districts—Messrs. Happer, Tutton, Bates, Leber, M'Coy, Hall and Delone. Claims--Messrs: Tracy, Worley, Qaakill, Cow an, Greenbank, Gamble, M'Culloch, Beebe and Clellan. Raids, Bridges and Canals—geasrs. Liehten wrdineri Hopkins; (Philadelphia,) Russell, Hess, kV Manus, Peters, Ramsey, Rhoads and Pot teiger. Corpraiion.s—Messrs. Banks, Cowan, Shrock, Wildey, Kaine; Smith,•` (Philadelphia,) Henry, Manus, Roes, (kfielin,) Ritter, leClellan, Kenedy, Rex, Bushy and Quigley. Library—Messrs. Williams, Smith (Chester,) andlamstrong. Rao Cemiies and Cbunty Stato—lifesers. Blan chard, Rapper, Beaver, Elliott, Ramsey, Hoo ver, Wolf, Ample; Lehni4n, Tata • and TAW. onnjxzre Bills-Messrs. ifoore, LichtenWall ner, Early, Rowland and Busby. s. Taxaldes. Lehigh 10,000 Carbon 4500 Lycoming 7474 ,Clinton 3600 Cumberland ...7904 ' Perry 4700 Franklin. 8381 Fulton 1898 Armstrong ....687.1 Westmorel' d .11,482 Beaver 6101 Lawrence 5026 Mercer 7828 Venango 4814 Clarion 6268 Forrest 212 Cmwford 9674 1 Warren 8769 Tioga 6618 1 Potter 9000 militia Sy,,n.: --;11er, 'ki (Washington,) Smith, ( P hiladelphi a ) .. ili ' ~ - , . , t t, Wimley, Crane and Myers. Railroad)—Nlessrs. Hopkins, (Wliint,,,, Alexander, Sellers, Moore Dougherty, mr,:.,, Tate, Craig, Barron, Al-Makiu, Freeli;ud, I-' nelly (Philadelphia') and Grant. City Passenger Railroads—Nl, ssrs. Wilde), ii a „. per, Divans, Graham, M'Coy, Caldw e ll, ((-' i ner, Ritter, Brown, (Mercer,) Thomp scu , na Warner. Mines and Minerals —Messrs. ltyou 8.,i1i,.„ Householder, Wakefield, 11 :Mackin. i i. , , Wolf, Hoover, Delone, .Tosephs, 1,,,,:,),„.,:.,.. (Philadelphia,) Kline awl Weidner. Printing—Messrs. Cowan. Ndurtn, ),,,.),;,, Tate and Henry. Public Buildings—Messrs. Dutheld, lii,,.:l_,rt; and Freeland. PIDINSTIVANIANS Li COL. LAIION., Mr. GROSS submitted the fellowiti. Whereas, Some six hundred men gaily recruited in the county of the purpose of being attached t n I. brigade in Virginia : and tt havin:z 6 , 1 1 4%; tained that said men are in a ' •• , fr suffering pondition, ti erotic Resolved, That the Governor of Penn-vicar,: be requested to furnish to this as possible, all the facts vonnetnal case, and indicate at the same matt 10 Irha manner relief can be afforded. The preanible and resolution wa, a lo: , to' RRPKAL of Tile TONNAGE TAX LILL Mr. HOPKINS, (Washington,: off-r, I a solution that the • onamitten on tn.- I.; system be instructed to bring it, a t,i 1 • r tt. repeal of an act of the last ses-i latute entitled "An Act for the rei,tl TOnliage Duties:" agreed to. Mr. HOPKINS, (Philadelphia, solution that this House will proce-1 nesday next at 12 o'clock it, to the - ti,: a committee to investigate ai ,d try uis tested election in the arse of !tics-tut Wtti, now a sitting member of this L. , 4141aut-- The resolution, after a protract,l &bd., adopted, as follows; YEAS—Messrs. Biuks.Bar lon ,11,ilow l 1; r0 (Northumberland ,)Caldwel I , rowan, 1 lone, Divine, Donley,(Grßene.)DAl,..llv El!, delphia,)Duffi Id, Early,Giskiil,llrallou.or: bank, Gross, Hess, Hoffer. II iov. r. (Philadelphia,) Hopkins, (Wa4hiciLlo n , l Kline, Labar, Llehtenwallner, t ,. Mackin, M'Manus, Neiman, Potteiger, Quigley, Rex, Rho a d s , Rowland, Ryan, Scott, Shannon, late, I son, Tutton, Wakefield, Weidner, W,ry Wolf, Worley and Zeigler—TO. NAYS—Messrs. Abbott. Alexamk, A strong, Bates, Beaver, Beebe. High VII. NM ard, Bliss, Brown, (Mercer.) I.l[llley. it , ; , Cochran, Dennis, Dough, rty, Elliott . F Freeland, Gamble, Grant, ilapiw r . ii Householder, Hutchman, Josephs. Reun Lehman, M'Clel:nn, Ritter, Ross, (Luzerne,) Russell, S.,tr,ck,. lem, Smith, (Chester,) Smith, Strang, Tracy, Twitchell, Vincent, Windle and Bowe—Speaker- 1 . So the question wa determinc.l iii it tlrtuative. The Renee then adjourned. CONTMTED ELECTION CA F. tr 2bntrttsrinintl FIVE DOLLARS RE WA STRAXED away on the night ei inst., a Red and While Sent IN q, : old, had on a chain collar, without name Wt.. return Paid Dog or give inforinat,or w:,er found to Philip Lynn or alien C tuior, above reward. RAILROAD TRACK LAY Efts; \V PERSONS who are good ''T era" can find employment :n IV.iz L.Lo. calling on the undersigned at ma in. H tweet' the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, I. 11 116 d2t NOTICE. A GRIKEABLY to the direction , at AL a id_ the General Assembly of [hi= l:01111 wealth, approved the ninth day of 1856; I hereby give notice that the Si elk.. the Senate and House of rt _.epreintoitr ,- said Commonwealth, will receive propse , t til the fourth Tuesday of January, 28th day of January, 1862, for dollat ti,e lie Printing and Binding for the term f years from the first day of July next. at taro rate per centum below the rates ,pe in the act relating to the Public trace Binding, approved the ninth day of 1856, and according to the mode and IL, and conditions therein specified. Said Proposals to specify the rate I,r o: on the whole of the rates of said act t tk, gether, and not a specification of the rat centnm below the rates on each item. lowing is the form of proposals fe r State ing and binding : "I propose to do all the mate ing and Binding in the manner and respects subject to the provisions or t . of the 9th of April, A. D. 185 i, fur I. riocl of three years from the tint July next, at the rate of per below the rates specified in sail ad should the State Printing and built aforesaid, be allotted to me, I will I.e forthwith to give bond with sufficient :of for the faithful performance of the work lotted," which said proposals shall be and endorsed, " Proposals for Polite Pr and Binding ;" and shall be directed to fl Speakers, and be delivered to one or I them to be opened, announced and the 28th day of January, inst., agteealt!y, provisions of the act of 9th uf April, I'D ELI SLIFELL janl4-6t. Sec'y of the Comuo.fevea INTERESTING BARGAIN AT "JONES' STORE" there are, GOOD FURS, Few MANTELS And CLOAKS For LADIES And some other Goods whioh will lie tow cost to close out J14412t OWNER WANTED.—A fine Sca - I , , land Dog followed a 12011tienal to lOAC days since. The owner of the animal caii or , " information as will lead to his illionve,ry l.y We office. ,I LOST, ON Saturday evening last, be tWeen Old School Presbyterian church `43.d' Mr.rd t • small LAVA BREASTPIN. uy came to No. 9, Market Square, SUiLlb y rdA .03 d2t* A. H I.„ DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUI! OV StluE.;. TRUNKS AND CALWEL' b. AT THE OLD STAND corner or iii oLLv Court Rouse, Market street, Ilarrli.hoe.,, Thankful for the patronage beret.dotror 1. , •ug ,d the late firm of A. Hummel k Co, • :‘,..t tentlon to businedS, and by keeplog A 1 E Ecan OP Goya.] LO merit a roniatiauer 01 thc_rr b Please call and examme our tToC, tiUd buying elsewhere. A GUMMI 141E1U-Iyd Goods are purchased direct from ho loutamar cash enabling thorn to Kell very 10W. r,Q SAAWLS S$ of large Invoice of New Styles e" reaji 131' 4. Owls received this moral ng AVylC,Aftf & BROM hola C ESE