Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 14, 1862, Image 1

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TERMS..—Sissns Strascuomos.
the psnx TELIGRAPII iS Served to subscribers in the
City at 6) cents per week Yearly subscribers will ba
barged S 4 GO.
The TRI.EGRAPII is aiSO published twice a week during:
the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the
remainder or the year, and furnished _ to subscribers af
the follovOing rats, via
gle subscribers per year SomiWeekly,.sl 50
Ten :4 14 if • .12 00
Twenty '' tf 41
..22 00
Single subscriber, Weekly .100
If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news
papers, the uublasher'may continue to send them until
all arrearages are paid.
It subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa•
: , ert from the office to which they are directed, they are
responsible untilthey have settled the bills and ordered ,
hem discontinued.
AH discovered the most certain, speet - 1 3
jui and effectual remedy M the world for
alerearl or Nozioui Druga
Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Paine is
he Loins, Affections of the gidneys and Bladder, Organic
Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhysied Pow
ars, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion 01 •dess,
Pali halloo of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings ' Dimness
of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affections
of the Head, Throat, Ni ue. or Ain—those terrible disor
ders arising front the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of
Youth—thos.e dreadful and destructive practises which
produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos
table, and destroy both body and mind.
Young men especially who have become the vie/Amcor
solitary Vice, that dreadful sad destructive habit which
.annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of
young men of thsmost exalted talent and brilliant intel
lect, who might otheraisc have entranced listening
Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or Waked to ec•
Way the living lyre, may cal/ with fell confidence.
Karrled persons, or those contemplating marriage, be
ng aware of physical we:lamas, should immediately con
tall Dr„T., and be I'mb:wad to perfect health.
immediate/4 cured and NU rigor restored
Re who places himself under the earn of Dr. J., may
religioasly confide in his honor as a gentleman, and roe.
'fideutly rely upon his skill us a physician.
larOfftee No. 7 tenth Frederick street, Baltimore,
oullie left band side going from Baltimore street, 7
loors trona the corner. Be particular in observing the
_game or number, or you will mistake the place, Be par
tiCular for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with Nice names,
er Paltry Fittrattv Certificates, attracted by the repute-
Ilan of Dr. Johnson, lurk near
All letters must contain a Postage &amp, muse on the
Dr. Johnsen member el the Royfil College of Surgeons,
...ondon graduate from one of the meet eminent Colleges
if the United States, and the greatest part of whose life
Me been spent in the Devil...Le of London, Paris, Phila
delphia and eisewhore, has affected some of the most as
tonishing cures that'were ever known. Many troubled
with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great oar
00118111ESS, being alarmed at sudden sound FS, bashfulness,
with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange.
went of mind were eared immediately,
Dr. J. tt. -tresses all those who having injured them
selves by r vrte and imeroper indulgeuciee, that secret
and solitary abit which ruins both body and mind, ❑m
fitting them for either business or society.
Thep's are some of the sad and melancholy ettscts pro
ducal! by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the
Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimon of Sight,
Loss of Muscular Power, Palpllatiou t 4 Heart, Dys
oepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement °Abe Digestive
Functions, General Debility, Symptoms dr `iinfinmp
lion, &e.
MINTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are mush to
be dreaded :—Loss of Nfoulory, Confusion 01 Ideas, De
pression of Spirits, F.vil Forebodings, Aversion to:4 - 0016.
ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, kw., are some
of the evil effects.
Thousands of parsons ni all ages, can now judge Oat
is the cause of their decline iu health, losing their vigor,
becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, nave a
Singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp
ms of consumption.
. .
wholtave Injured themselves bye certain praotice, in
Mired In when aloud---a habit frequently learned from
evil sompanlons, or at School, the effects of which are
nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders
marriage impalsible, and destroys both mind and body,
should apply leamediatety.
What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his coon.
try, the darling ol his parents, should be snatched rrom
all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences
of deviating from the path at nature, and indulging In a
certain secret habit. afu lh persons must, before content
effect that a sound mind and body aro the most necessary
requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed
without these, the journey through life becomes a weary
pilgrimage; the prospect hourly
. darkons to the viow; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with th
melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be.
comes blighted with our own .
By this great and important remedy, Weakneas,:of the
Organs are speedily cured, and full-'dgor restored.
- phousands of the moot nervous and debilitated who
had lost all hope. Mtve been Immediately relieved. All
Impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifi
cation, Nervous. Trembling. Weakness or Exhaustion or
the most fearful kind, speedily cured.
ETftis many thousands cured at this instintion within
last twelve years, and the numerous important Aurgica
operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed by the re
porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices ci
which have appeared again and again before the public,
eafflea his standing as a vcntlemais of aticsracter and re
apocadaligy, to a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted.
DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided
and imprudent votary or pleasure finds ho has imbibed
the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that
an Lumm e d sense of shame or dread of discovery deters
him from applying to those who, from education and re•
gpeetability can alone befriend him; delaying till the eon.
atientional symptoine of this horrid disease make their
appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, Az.,
programing on with frightful rapidity, till death puts •
period to his dreadful suffering's by sending him to "that
bourne from whence so traveler returns." It lea mei.
&unholy fact that thousands tall victims to this terrible
disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend
ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, rids
the constitution and make the residue of life miserable.
_ . . .
T o Elmateipp,—The riontnea Diplomat , hang In bit
wirLetters must sontam a Stamp sous on the reply
emedies sent by . Mall.
sa-No. 7 south Frederick street, Baltimore.
Between Philadelphia
The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the
Drayage will be at the Mwest rates. A Cendeetor goes
through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of
all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the
Depot of
FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et Sleet, Phila
delphia, by 6 o'clock P. M., will be delivered in
Harrisburg the next morning.
Freight (always) as low as by any other fine.
Particular attention paid lir this line to prompt and
speedy delivery of all Harriebur4 t , oods.
The undersigned thankful for past patron hopes by
Strict attention to basilicas to merit a con , .. a ounce of the
game. T. PRIPHER
Philadelphia and Reading e p
Felt of Market Stree Harrisburg.
NOTE PAPER, of six different designs,
printed in two colors ? sold by the thousand and
by the ream et. City Cash prices.
Also, Flags, Union Breast Pius, Eagles, Union Rings
d Badges at very low prices. Call at •
many styles, prices and manufactures at SELLER E
TrELLER'6 DRUG 6T01.E is the place
be buy Putout Illedicluee.
• ; ,
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The Patriotism of an American
The following eloquent communication from
the pen of one of the most accomplished women
in the State of Pennsylvania, cannot fail to
elicit a patriotic response from the readers of
GEoitata BERGNER—Editor of the Telegraph:—lt
is with feelings of the highest gratification that
your many readers notice the continued and
elevated American tone of the editorial articles
in regard to the seizure and release of Mason
and Slidell, in the TatEciankit, since oar late
misunderstanding with England. You repudi
ate, as all other true Americans should, that
affiliation for Great Britain which she in her
arrogance and conceit seems to expect from us,
in return for her insincerity and pretended
"national friendship" toward us. England
seems to forget that the American nation is an
educated one, and that our masses can and do
read her many dissimulation toward us, as
readily as her learned ministry would those of
any other government toward England. The
American people, however, have more genuine
christianity among them, than the proud aris
tocracy of England have, and American forbear
ance and charity is frequently mistaken by the
blustering and aggressive Englishmen for an
ignorant submission to "English superiority."
England, likewise, has ever . apparently looked
down upon our growing Republic with a sneer
ing contempt for the perpetuity of our institu
tions. She has also shown a great readiness to
ridicule our military defences, our pecuniary
resources, our enterprises, our habits, our edu
cation,--all that pertains to us
.as a nation, ex
cept our commerce ; that was a golden link which
England has long acknowledged and compla
cently bowed to. Our commerce has added
greatly to the comfort and wealth of England ;
whereas our glorious institutions, and our un
precedented national prosperity under the be.
nign influence•of those institutions, is a contin
ual contrast for down-trodden Irishmen and
poor Englishmen to dwell upon, and long
for. The aristocracy of England foresee a:,
element of monarchial destruction in so
bright an example as the American Repub
lic sets to their people and the world. They
therefore sincerely hate everything pertain
ing to American greatness, so they sneer and
hiss at it, like any other venomous serpent
would. They try to hide their fears under a
show of contempt.. Americans understand
this, and they only pity England's weakness,
hoping for better things hereafter ; when Eng
land too shall have shaken off her gilded
shackles of royalty, and all men there declared to
be free and equal. There is however a strange
inconsistency in the persistent disposition of
English Lords, etc.,' to call England • " The
Mother Country" of the United States of Amer
ica. There must he some dissimulation in this.
England either seeks by it to .renew and estab
lish her old colonial claim Upon us, or she
seeks to flatter us into certain commercial re
lations most favorable to herself. It is, how
ever, becoming more and more offensive to the
good taste of our American people, and since
the "Trent affair" is perfectly intolerable, and
it is right that we should henceforth emphati
cally disavow any, and all parental relations
with England, or any other kingdom of Europe.
The American people are descendants of
Europearg who sought America as an asylum
from monarchial oppression, and who by so
doing sundered the tiea that bound them to
the kingdoms of thefe- several nativities,
they became, as their children afterwards were
by birth, American citizens. They were no
longer Germans, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Eng
lishmen, Ste., but legally Americans, and as
such they and their posterity scorn to call any
other country a " mother country." American
freedom and her glorious form of government
had a higher origin than could possibly be de
rived from the pampered and rotten institu
tions that England glories in. American insti
tutions were .modeled after the teachings of
Christ. The. Bible bequeathed us from Heaven
was the book that our forefathers loved and
took counsel from, and they learned therein the
value, capacity and inalienable rights of a hu
man being; and they shaped our form of free
government to suit all of our wants and exigen
cies as a free and enlightened nation ' - just as
our God and Heavenly Father indicated them in
that blessed book. Heaven then is the paren
tal country of American freemen, and not rot
ten, tottering England. It is a libel for Eng
land to assume a parental relation toward us,
and we resentingiy fling it back to her. We
are nationally as distinct from the English as
we are from the Hottentots. It is true that a
few Englishmen have emigrated to America,
and have becomce one with us; but to their credit
we may say that they have renounced their
citizenship in England, and they and their ,
posterity are Americans, and we all regard them
as such. Our flag protects them as such from
future English tyranny. Futther if all of Eng-
land, including the Royal family, were to emi
grate hither, and take the oath of allegiance
they would receive the same rights and pre
rogatives of other loyal citizens of this Union,
and cease to be Englishmen thereafter. We
trust, however, that the day is not distant
when British soil will be free, and Britons,
whether English, Irish, Scotch or Welsh
will no longer need to Americanize them
selves to enjoy the inalienable rights God gave
them. In the meantime let us consider wheth
er it would not be to our advantage to contract
our commercial relations with England, who
has shown herself to be so bitter an enemy of
ours. Taking the earliest , opportunity to make
war upon us, when we already have made large
drafts upon the patriotism of our people, to
quell an unnatural rebellion, and where bluster
and insolence only was foiled by the superior
statesmanship of our present administration,
and their strict adherence to, the American ver
sion of -neutral international law. Would it
not be better for America henceforth, to de
pend more wholly upon her own resources?
England can sell America nothing that Ameri
ca cannot raise, produce or manufacture in one
or other of her great States herself ; then why
not, if need be, pay a trine more for au Amer
ican article, and thereby encourage hours in
dustry, and home enterprise, and secure
upon a solid basis American prosperity
and wealth. What if one individual
save a few pennies, or dollars, by
purchasing a British article, cheaper than an
American article can be produced for, by em
ployers who pay their workmen just wages.
Is mean economy the kind that an elevated American
, cople should stoop to? Is it to be the low policy
of a claristian people, as we are, to save a few
dollars by substracting largely from our Na
tional wealth and prosperity, to add to that
of English capitalists, who tread their poor
laborer into the dust, and make very slaves of
them ? No ! we cannot thus crush out our
consideration for the noble working classes
that America is blessed with. Their welf ,re
must be cared for as well as our own, and since
England has refused to sell to our government
such articles as our present emergency de
mands for the immediate use and comfort of
of our brava and patriotic soldiery, let j us
scorn to buy or wear English silks, laces or
fine linens. We do not need them, and it is
in very bad taste for American women to con
tinue their use, and we trust that, hereafter,
Fashion will eschew everything of English
manufacture. Much might be done to humble
British consequentialness without immediate
war, but at the proper time we all expect to
take the thcrepid old " British Bull" by his
hollow horns, and let him feel " Brother Jon
athan's" strength of grip, who has an enlight
ened' people to aid him on the battle field, as
well as stout arms, and good guns, and great
ships. A christian people too, that are blessed
by the guidance and protection of Heaven,
and who are not afraid of British prowess
even now, with a Southern rebellion to quell
iu addition, Americans feel that they have the
'right, and they leave the issues with God,.
who in his own good time will end their bat
ties right, and give them the victory.
M. D. F.
The Regular Army—Changes in the .
Army List•
Since the publication of the official army
register.for September, 1861, several important
changes have taken place in the personnel of
the army. The following is a correct list of the:
heads of d-partments and the commanders of
regiments :
Comnzarukr-in-Chief—Major-General George B
Adjutant-General—Brigadier-General Lorenzo
Le Judge-Advocate of the Army Major John F
Senior Inspector-General—Randolph B. Marcy.
Signal Offlcer of the Army Major Albert J.
Quartermaster-Genera— Brigadier-General M.
C. Merge.
Commissary - General of Subsistence Colonel
Joseph. P. Taylor.
. Surgeon-General, with rank of alone Dr.
Clement A. Finley.
Paymaster-General—Colonel B. F. Lamed.
Corps of Engineers—Brevet Brigadier-General
J. G. Totten.
Ist Cavalry, Colonel B. L. Beall.
2d " " T. J. Wood.
3d " " M. S. Howe.
4th " " J. Sedgwick.
sth " G. H. Hunter.
6th " Maj.-Gen. David Bunter
Ist Artillery, Colonel J. Diniick.
2d " " W. W. Morris.
3d " " W. Gates.
4th " " C. S. Merchant
sth " " Harvey Brown.
Ist Infantry, Colonel C. A. Waite.
2d " " D. S. Miles.
3d " Brig. Gen. C. F. Smith.
4th " " S. Casey.
sth " Colonel G. Loomis.
6th " " W. Seawell.
7th " Brig. Gen. J. J. Abercrombie
Bth " Colonel P. Mortison.
9th " " G. Wright.
10th " " E. B. Alexander.
11th " Brig. Gen. E. D. Keyes.
12th 't " W. B. Franklin.
13th " W. T. Sherman.
14th 14 " C. P. Slone.
15th " " Fits J. Porter.
16th c , " A. Porter.
17th " " S. P. Heintzleman
18th " Colonel W. B. Carrington.
19th " " E. B. S. Canby.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
MONDAY, January 13, 1862.
. The Senate met at 3 o'clock r. K., and was
called to order by Speaker HALL.
Prayer by Rev. W. R. DeWitt, D. D.
The Journal of Thursday last was read.
The SPEAKER. In accordance with the
Twentieth Rule of the Senate, I have appointed
the following Standing Committees of the Sen
ate of Pennsylvania, for the session of 1862.
The clerk then read as follows :
Federal Mations—Messrs. Ketcham, Smith,
(of Philadelphia,) Bound, Clymer and Crawford.
Finance—Messrs. Benson, Connell, Crawford,
M'Clure and Imbrie.
Judiciary—Messrs. Penney, Ketcham, Smith,
(of Philadelphia,) Clymer and Bound.
Accounts—Messrs. Berrill, Hamilton, Connell,
Smith, (of Montgomery,) and Stein.
Estates and Escheats—Messrs. Irish, Boughter,
Lamberton, Imbrie and Johnson.
Pensions and y Gratuities—lmbrie, Hiestand,
Landon, Donovan and Glatz.
Corporatums—Messrs. Smith, (of Philadelphia,)
Robinson, Nichols, Clymer and Lowry.
Banks—Messrs. Fuller, Hiestand, Wharton,
Mott and Irish.
Canals and Inland Navigation—Messrs. Landon,
Benson, Johnson, Hamilton and Kinsey. •
Railroads—Measrs. M'Clure, Lawrence, Ket
cham, Nichols and Reilly.
Election Districts—Messrs. Connell, Meredith,
Boughter, Glatz and Donovan.
Retrenchment and Reform.—Messrs. Robinson,
Wharton, Lowry, Meredith and Smith, (Mont
Education, Messrs. Lawrence, Landon,
Bound, Irish and Stein.
Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures.—Messrs.
Hamilton, Serrill, Lawrence, Kinsey and
Militia —Messrs. Wharton, Irish, M'Clure,
Lowry and Donovan.
Roads and Bridges —Messrs. Meredith, Serrill,
Eflaniltim, Mutt, and Reilly.
Topographical Engineers—Colonel S. H. Long
Ordnance—Brigadier-General Jim. W. Ripley
Compare ssrs. Kinsey, Itubrie, Fuller,
Smite, (Montgomely,) and Nichols.
rice and immorality —Messrs. Johnson, Lan
don, Fuller, Stein and Glatz.
Private Claims and Damages—Mesers. Lowry,
Penney, Ketcham, Lamberton and Crawford.
Public Printing—Meserst Hiestand, Robinson,
Smith, (Philadelphia,) Mott and Connell.
Library—Messrs. Bound, Penney and Lam
Public Buildinga—Messrs. Boughter, Robinson
and Crawford.
New Counties and County Seats—Messrs. Nich
ols, Meredith, Clymer, Benson and Boughter.
Mr. ROBINSON asked and obtained leave.of
absence, for several days,for the Senator from
Northumberland, (Mr. ouan.)
Mr. LAWRENCE presented several petitions
from citizens of the borough of Washington,
county of Washington, asking for an appropri
ation in aid of the Ashland Institute, of Chester
Referred to Committee on Finance.
Mr. PENNEY presented the memorial of cer
tain private bankers and brokers of the city of
Pittsburg, for the repeal of an act relative to
brokers and bankers.
Referred to Committee on Finance.
Mr. LOWRY presented the' memorial of C.
A. Derrickson & Brother, of similar import to
the above.
Referred to same committee.
Also, a similar petition, signed "by all the
bankers and brokers of the city of Erie.
Referred to same committee.
Also, the petition of officers and privates, who
served under Colonel John W. McLane, asking
Referred to the Committee on Finance. .
Also, the memorial of E. P. Bennett and two,
hundred and fifty-six other citizens of north-,
western Pennsylvania, praying that the Legis- ,
lature may take action favoring the establish
ment of a naval depot and navy yard in the
harbor of the city. of Erie. .
Referred to the Committee on Federal Rela
Mr. CONNELL presented the petition of
Henry Neelis, asking for a law annulling the
marriage contract between himself and Anna,
his wife.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.,
Mr. .LAALBERTON presented the petition of
.members of the "Constitutional Guard". of Cia-'
riou county, praying for a law granting relief to
the families of voiunteers.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Mr. PENNEr . read in place an Act supple
mentary to an Act incorporating the Pittsburg
and East Liberty passenger railroad company,
approved April 9,,1859.- •
Referred to the Committee on Railroads.
Mr. CONNELL read in place an Act annulling
the marriage contract between Henry Neelis
and Anna his wife.
Referred,to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. LA.MBERTON read in place a further
supplement to an Act to establish an asylum
for the insane poor, approved. April 4, 1845.
Referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. KINSEY read in place an act relative to
forged mortgages. ,
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
The SPEAKER laid before the Senate the
annual report of the Auditor General made in
pursuance to Act of May 1, 1861, untitled "An
Act to establish a system of free banking in
Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against
loss from insolvent banks."
On motion of Mr. PENNEY, the Senate then,
at 3.20 r.
The House was called to order at 3 o'clock
P. M.
A number of petitions were presented and
laid on the table, including one from five of
the qualified citizens of the Twelfth- Represen
tativeii District of Philadelphia coniplainin f
the undue election of Win. 0. Eloyder t
House ; also, one from citizens of Washi
county, praying fce.i an 'appropriation to e
National Institute.
Mr. SMITH, (Chester,) offered a resolution
that so much of the message of the Governor
as relates .to the establiskupent of a military
school be referred to a select committee of
three,- with instructions to report by bill or
otherwise. Agreed to. •
Mr. VINCENT offered- a resolution that*a
select committee of five be appointed by the
Speaker to act in conjunction with a similar
committee on the part of -the Senate (if such
committee shall be appointed by that body) to
consider and report upon so much of the Gov
ernor's message as relates to the sea coast and
lake defences of this State. Agreed to:
Mr. ISI'MA.NUS offered a resolution that the
House will on Tuesday the 14th inst., at 12
o'clock, st., proceed to the selection of a com
mittee to investigate and try the contested elec
tion in the case of Richard Wildey, now a sit
ting member in the House from the Twelfth
district. Philadeiphia. Not agreed to.
Mr. EARLY submitted a reiolution that the
members of the House frank fifty envelopes
each, and deliver them to proper officers for
distribution among the soldiers at Camp Curtin.
Mr. MAINE moved to amend by striking out
all after the word "resolved," and substituting
that every member of this Legislature shall
contribute five dollars at' his own private ex
pense for the purposes indicated in the original
The SPEAKER declared the motion out of
The further consideration of the resolution
was then postponed.
Mr. CRA.THAM. presenled a joint resolution,
that (it the Senate concur,) the Speaker of the
House of Representatives shall-appoint a com
mittee of three members whose duty it shall be
to ascertain the number of soldiers now in Camp
Curtin, and to frank a number of letter envel
opes, not exceeding three for each private sol
dier, per month, and place the same in the
hands of the respective captains of companies
to which said soldiers are attached; and the
said committee shall perform the like duty for
all volunteers that may arrive during the pre
sent session of the Legislature, when applied to
by the companies that may so arrive..
Mr. SMITH (Pailadelphia) moved to amend
by striking out "three' and inserting "six."
Agreed to ; and the resolution as amended was
then adopted. •
The joint resolution from the Senate to print
the reports of the Auditor General, Surveyor
General, Adjutant General, Surgeon General,
Rm., was , taken up, considered and concurred
in, with an amendment increasing the number
of Auditor General's reports to 3,000.
Joint resolution from the Senate relative to
the pay of retiring officers of the last session
was taken up, considered and concurred iu,
with an amendment so as to make it apply
only to such officers as are required by an act
of Assembly passed in 1855, to return at the
opening of the session.
Mr. DUFFIELD offered a resolution provid
ing for the retention of Mr. Mathews, Sergeant
at-Arms of the last House, until after the dis
posal of the contested election case. Not agreed
The House then adjourned.
From our Morning Edition.
The committee representing the Banks of
Philadelphia, New York and Boston, are now
in, consultation with Secretary Chase. Their
interview has been a protracted one.
The discount on Demand Treasury Notes is
not so heavy as it was last week.
Napoleon Dana and Major Davis, of the-re•
Ruler army, have been appointed Brigadier
Generals of Volunteers.
Senator Wilson has resigned his position as
aid on McClellan's staff.
Western official despatches, received at
headquarters, fully confirm the previous ac
counts of the disbanding of Humphrey Mar
shall's rebel force in Eastern Kentucky.
Senator Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, resumed
his seat to-day, having recovered from his re
cent illness.
he House Committee on Elections has de
cided to report against the claims of Hon.
Joseph Seger claiming to represent the district
of Eastern Virginia, in which Fortress Monroe
is located. . .
A bill will be introduced in the. House by Mr.
Hutchins, of Ohio, ,crcating a territorial gov
ernment for the seceded States, and prohibiting
the holding of slaves - therein.
Late from. Kentucky and the South.
The Journal discredits the story about the re
cent meeting of General Garfield and Hum
phrey Marshall, near Painesville.
The Nashville Courier of the 4th says, that
ex,-Minister _Preston bas been appointed Major
General of the rebel Kentucky, forces. The
Legislative Council on the third instant, elect
ed H. C. Burnett and Win. E. Simrus Senators
to the rebel congress.
The Little Rock (Ark.) Despatch says that
Cola 111eIntosh's command of four regiments
fought the Indian Opothloyohola, seventy-five
miles northwest of Fort Gibson, on the 20th
ult., routing and driving him towards Kansas.
The federal loss was two hundred killed,
wounded -and missing, and one hundred .pri
soners, and, a large number of wagons, with
one huhdred Indian horses, were taken. The
rebel loss was twelve killed and twenty
[This last item is an old story, having been
published lag week.]
From Fortress Monroe.
Sailing of the Burnside Expedition.
Most of tbilkyessels composing Gen. Burn
side's expedfffon left very quietly, at intervals,
during last night. Others left during the fore
noon to-day, including a large fleet of schoon
ers which had been here for some time.
The New York transports did not leave till
eleven o'clock to-day and the transports Louisi.
ana and New Brunswick are still here this after
noon; A number of schooners and several gun
boats, sailed to form part of the expedition, are
still in port.
From St. LoUis, Missouri.
Ix-Senator Johnson in Price's Camp.
The Republican learns that es-Senator John-
Son, of Missouri, is in Price's camp, with a
commission from the Confederate Government
to raise a regiment of rebels in this state.
The steamer Pensacola has arrived here in
safety, from Alexandria.
The bank statement exhibits the following
results compared with that of the previous
week :
Decrease in loans $2,333,64 1
Increase in specie . 1,389,19 2
Decrease in circulation... 464,699
Increase in deposits 2,100,529
Cotton quiet, at '34(3,35c. Flomr firm-26,-
000 bushels sold. Wheat firm—eales 42,000
bushels at 41®43e, for red. Corm firm—sales
29,000 bushels. Whisky lower sod =settled
—sales at 2814324. Stocks are higher.
NO. 8
Loutavilta, Jan. 12
ST. Louis, Jan. 13
Nxw Yogi, Jan. 13
NEW YORK, Jan. 13, 1862
ittam tinting flu.
Having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepay;
ed to execute JOB add WANK PRINTING of every deecrip•
ion, cheaper than it can b e done at any other establish
moot In lite country.
Four lines or less constitute oue.half square. Night
ines or more than roar constitute a square.
Half Square, one day SO 23
one week 1 00
one month 2 00
three months. ......... 300
six. months ........... ...—..... 5 00
14 one year 800
OneAuare, one day
one week....
one month...,
!three months
six months.
one year
*ir Business notices inserted in the Lncal Column, or
before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CI TS VCR rx`rw: in*
each insertion.
Mgr Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular
XXXVIIth Congress--First Session.
Mr. KING, (N. Y.,) offered a resolution, ask
ing the Secretary of War to inform the Senate
what payment was made for freights to the
railroads in Maryland and Virginia for trans
portation in connection with the army.
The morning hour having expired the Senate
proceeded to the consideration of unfinished
business, and the bill providing for the appoint
ment of sutlers and defining their duties was
taken up.
The question was on Mr. Cantata's motion
to recommit the bill with instructions to abol
ish the office of Sutler, and provide tobacco as
a ration. After a discussion the bill was again
postponed at the suggestion of Mr. WILSON,
who said he would Wing in another bill in
regard to the subject, which he thought would
be more satisfactory.
On motion of Mr. Wthsox, the bill to in
crease the clerical force in the department of
the Secretary of War, was then taken np.
On motion of Mr. HARRIS, (N. Y.,) the bill
was recommitted.
On motion of Mr. Clam, (N. H.,) the case
of the contested seat of Kansas was taken up.
Mr. COLEMAN, (Vt ,) moved that the con
testant Mr. Stanton be allowed to be heard be
fore the Senate on the question. Agreed to.
Yeas 22, Nays 4, as follows : Dixon, Hale,
Sumner and Wilkinson.
Mr. RICE, (Minn.,) called attention to the
rules of the Senate.
Mr. FEssiaNDEN (Me.) moved to reconsider the
vote. The 19th rule of the Senate reads that
no motion 041 be deemed in order to admit
any person within the doors of the Senate to
present any petition or make any address.
The motion to reconsider was retused.
Mr. STANTON, the contestant, then appeared
and took a seat.
After a lengthy discussion the Senate went
into executive session, and subsequently ad
The House resumed the consideration of the
amendment reported to the House from the
committee of the whole on the state of the
Union to the civil appropriation bill.
Mr. Dawns, (Mass.) from the Government
contract committee, said, in explanation of his
former remarks, that the charges on the Trea
sury art, now such as nearly to reach its bot
tom. He called att.intion to some facts, touching
the manner of immense public depredations.
One of the very first contracts made is April
last was for furnishing two thousand two hun
dred cattle. The parties who received this con
tract put into their pockets thirty-two thous
and dollars without moving from their seats,
they having Fold it to parties who furnished
the. cattle and who also made twenty
six thousand dollars by the speculation.
Next was the article of shoes.—A million dol
lars worth had been already worn out and a
million more are to be manufactured, and to
each of these there has been a waste, of seventy
five cents. There were 83 regiments of cavalry,
a thousand strong, eech in the field, and it re
quired two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
to put each regiment in motion. Twenty mil
lions were thus required to be expended on the
I cavalry before they left their encampments.
Many of the horses bad been brought hither
and literally starved to death, while many parte
of the district present a horse Golgotha. Four
hundred and eighty-five of a thousand horses
which had just reached Louisville were found
to be utterly worthless, while the others were
not worth twenty dollars apiece. Some were
blind, spavined, ring-boned and affected with
every other disease to which horse flesh is heir.
These 485 horses cost the government $58,200,
and $lO,OOO more to get them to Louisville.
They were purchased in Pennsylvania, and be
longed to Col. Williams' regiment of cavalry.
Two millions of dollars were placed in the hands
of an incompetent editor of a newspaper for dis
bursement. He went straightway into the pur
chase of linen' pantaloons, straw hats, London
Porter and dried herrings, until he spent two
hundred and forty thousand dollars. He then
got scared and quit.
Firewood has been contracted and drawn at
seven dollars a cord, while the Government
was left to draw the wood. He noticed other
abuses, saying that a hundred millions have
been expende since Congress met in Decem
ber for the army in repose. What, then, will
the expenditure be when that coveted day of
our army in motion arrives. When the
history .of the present times shall be writ
ten, the question will be determined
whether the guilt will rest on him
who conspired to destroy the country, or upon
him who proved incompetent to preserve the
institutions bequeathed to him by our fathers.
As to our finances, treasury notes were now at
five per cent. discount. The sutlers—the curse
of the camp—was following the paymaster as
the shark follows the ship and buying for four
dollars in specie five dollars of the wages
of soldiers paid in Treasury Notes.
An ignominious peace is upon us unless we see
that the credit of the country is sustained and
unless we convince the people of our determina
tion that we will treat as traitors, not only
those who, in arms, boldly and manfully meet
us face to face, but those who clandestinely and
steadily draw our life blood from us. In con
clusion he argued against paying for printing
the treasury notes on the ground that the con
tract was improperly obtained.
An amendment was adopted appropriating
one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the
engraving and printing of Treasury notes, in:
addition to the former appropriation. It pro,
vides that no part shall be applied in the pay
ment of any sum on any existing contract.
The bill was then passed. Adjourned.
provincial papers of the "Old Dominion" are
seeing hard times, now that they cannot invoke
the aid of Yankee paper mills and machinists.
In the counties of Frederick, Clarke, Jefferson,
Berkeley, Morgan, Hampshire,
Warren, Rockingham, Augusta and Loudon,
there were published, when the war commenc
ed, twenty-three papers. Those entirely d
continued are the Berryville Journal, Charles
ton. Spirit of Jefferson and Independent Demo
crat, Shepherdstown Register, Martinsburg
American, Berkeley Springs, Constitution,
Romney ntelligencer and Argus,Piedmont In
dependent, Woodstock Tenth egion, Luray
Review, Front Royal Gazette, Harrisonburg
Citizen, Valley Democrat, Staunton Vindicator
and Leesburg Mirror. There are seven papers
published in those counties, only three of
which are isued as often as once a week, and
all, with a single exception, are much reduced
in size.
2 00
3 60
6 00
.10 00
15 00