paity ettegrapij. BARRISSURG, PA soda Mumling, January )3, AULIVAL OB MILITART.—The several volun teer companies which were quartered at Camp Slifdr, near Chambersburg, have bccu moved to Camp Curtin, near this city, where they will join some of the regiments forming there far active duty. Ftsc Corp.—There is again is circulation in the city and county, a very good imitation of ball and quarter dollars, which is well calcu. listed to deceive. Several specimens wnere exhibited in our office,which none but an expert would suspect to be spurious. • SANDFORD'S OPERA HOUR —The sad hearts Few wea l, and even bereived people fOrget their grief, in the atmosphere with which San ford's Artists surround theme-lves in his beau tiful temple of mirth and melody. A auccesision of novelties, in rapid production, evince that =our Sanford is making a bold and success ful Mart for public favor. The production of the amusing extravaganza entitled the " Bat g al ue" last night, was a decided "hit," and fully appreciated by the large audience, It will he rr-producel tonight, and we advise e v e rybody fond of enjoying a good laugh to b e p r omptly on hand. I=2:=l masa, do not allow yourself to feel relieved all of obligation to attend to the poor by the fact that we have an organized Society in onr midst, whose declared object in part, Is to sup ply the wants of the destitute. Perform the work of the "good Samaritan"—visit the chil dren of poverty—their lowly phices=rulnister to their necessities—for by these little actions yin will not only prevent much suffering that would otherwise occur, but will carry out the, golden rule, "do unto others as ye would they should do unto you." Yon will also be made happy by the consciousness of having furthered' the ends of charity and bettered the condition of some of your fellow-beings. las DROWNZD Sorsura..—We have received seine addition it particulars respecting the boxy of the Cavalry soldier which was found in 'the canal near Bchock's mills, on the Slat ult., and which was noticed in the TELE:IRAN( at the tinto. The deceased was apparently about 85 years of age, stout built, about 5 feet 6 or 7 Inches high, with short, red whiskers. Noth ing was found upon his person Indicating his name except a pass which runs thus : " OitIVAIN WILSON, the bearer, is a member of Cul. Williams,' Cavalry ; was home on fur lough when the regiment left. He was prob ably included in the order for transportation— as I did not give it, I cannot Bay, positively. J. D. POITS. "S. D. YOUNG, Esq., Sap't. P. B. Road. "Col, Porn-- "This man was included in transportation o the regiment. S. D. YOUNG. • The Vannes Sepias.—This gallant body of eoluoteer., representing Harrisburg in the Forty-Sloth Pennsylvania regiment, Col Joseph P. Knipe, at preeent located with the army on the upper Potomac, is suffering for want of necessary clothing, including sloes "and stock ings. Our attentive correspondent attached to the 46th regiment, in his last letter, alluding to some contemplated military movement, said : "We are, however, illy prepared for a forced I march at this time. Everybody is comple i ely "broke." On Tuesday the paymaster should have made his appearance, and our requisition for shoos and clothing would have been filled in a few days. Many of the men are now nearly barefooted; very few have stockings worth wearing, and some none at all." The patriotio Treasurer of the York Aid Society, Mrs. Dr. Roland, after reading the letter stating the above facts, iu the Morning Telegraph, a few days ago, at once sent us a letter offering to furnish the suffering men of this . Company with one hundred pairs of stockings, if we would give her the necessary directions to Insure their prompt and safe delivery. We have. in reply to this truly generous offer, sent that lady the Dame and address of Capt. Brooks, and we presume it will not be long until the gallant boys or the " Rifles " are well provided for in the way of stockings, which they will oWe to the noble-hearted generosity of one of - York's most patriotic daughters. PATRIOTISM AND POETEY.-A private, serving in the 101st Pennsylvania Regiment, (Colonel Vilion,) sends us the following - patriotic efftt• doi, which we print as we received it. The style is a idle uncouth, and .his rhyme in tome listances Is perhaps a little "rough," bat of km patriotism or earnestness In the good cause which he has espoused there can be an d oubt. So, we join in the chains of THE SONG OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIRaT. . . iun—"Gay and Ham." We are men who love the Union, Who despise a traitorous foe ; Awl with Wilson's words to cheer us, We will fight the rebels too. Ostostue.--tio let the traitors say what they will, We'll be for the Union still. For the Union, for the Union Well be for the Union I If the flag our fathers gave us, Hai *aid the blood it cost ; Irbil:3ls worth some to retain it, Worth the lives that will be lost.' Bo let, &a. Foss haire tried to stain and tear It, And to take some stars away; But our motto Ca, Stand by It ; Bight will Surely pin the day. So let, &c. It shall wave o'er all our country, As it did in days gone by ; Or upon the field of battle, We before our foes will lie. So let, &c. We are men who now are ready To detend our country's cause ; Abd with Wilson to command us, We wh fear rio •Southern boys. Bo let, &o. s pir, 4:46, Jan. 10, 1862. Georro Music HALL.—There is•"oertaioly piquancy about this establishment truly re freshing, exciting, and interesting. The per formances are excellent In their way, affording a rich fund of amusement to the large audiences that nightly assemble in that cosy little tample of fun. ' ALARM or num— The alarm of fire about ten o'clock on Satur lay was occasione by the discovery of a large volume of smoke issuing from one of thp frame stables in Rom hen y alley, attached to the Win. Tell tavern, opposite the Court House, which, upon inves tigation, .was fiku,ndyp,proceed.frqm gration '`lt' of tit--the yard of the Farmer's Hotel, kindled by the hostler, for the purpose of " singeing" a num ber of chickens he was preparing for the dinner t4ble of that establishment. The apparatus of the several fire companies were promptly on the ground, but of course their 'serviees . were not deeded. CONCIERT AT )&iCHANIOdBTIRIL—The citizens of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, are de cidedly a music loving people: . Beside num ber of singing associations they support two ex cellent bands, one with brass, and the other with stringed instruments, which• latter a correspondent mites as follows : iliacanaicetmaa, Jan. 10, 1862., " Music bath charms to soothe the savage, are.," se said" the poet and so say I; but would also add that some who, are not savages (or at least flatter themselves into that belief) can appreciate the charms of music as we experi enced Thursday evening, when the Hiawatha string band of this place drew forth bewitching strains from their instruments. Three cheers . for Mechanicsburg- and 'its institutions, and three times three (we might also add a "tiger") for the Hiawatha. , Id. E. K. FRIGHTFUL RAILROAD ACOIDRNT.-A frightful accident occurred on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad to the train going West at one o'clock last Thursday morning, when about three miles below Williamsport. The train was speeding along at a rapid rate, when a rail broke, and plunged several cars.down a rocky bank about twenty.ftve feet high, leaving th In a wreck on the ice below. Six men were severely wounded, but happily no one was killed. One car turned over four or five times, and landed on its top, a crushed up pile. That all its inmates were not mangled and maimed, is alone attributable to the signal providence of an overruling Providence. Fortunately no ladies were in this smashed up car. The one they were in ran straight ti.,:wn the bank, and did them no more injury than merely precipi tating them in ono undistinguishable mass in the front end of the car. Amid the wreck and consternation, one of the cars took fire and burned up a quantity of baggage ; but the flames were immediately extiugul hed by the conductor, Mr. Nichols, who, we are sorry to say, received a severe wound by the accident, The locomotive soon brought several cais from Williamsport, and removed the - passen . gers thither, where they-; arrived at four o'clock, a. M. Endorsed on back CHURCH AND OAR Ernprerre.-11 you will be a little observant in any of the churches in this or any other town, yon will soon be able to make two principal classes of persons attending. One man enters church seeing no one and knowing no one; seats himself in the end of his pew near est the aisle, olbseis tbd door; and Wrapped up in his owu idea of self-safficiency, cares not to admit a stranger nor a neighbor in his pew. That Man kseldsh. •: ' i', , Two or three ladles eater a church and spread themselves out in a seat auffroient to accomo date five oesix persons, to the exclusion of all others. Those ladies are proud and ill-bred— deficient as well in good sense as in good man ners. We have noticed ladies on entering the car, not being satithed with one seat, they must throw luck the seat facing them and thsreby have a double seat, and place a few trinkets on the seats not occupied as a n indication, "taken." Those ladies never give these seats to any one, no matter how full the oars mty become, and should the conductor politely ask them for the! seat not occupied, they put him down as beingl rude. Now, a lady is only entitled to one seat,i which would be well for her to remember, and! try and be accomodating. HORRIBLE MUMMY. AND ARSON Ut CIDEDERLAIDI Contrrv.—The people of Outribmland county have been astounded to hear of a. wicked and diabolical case of murder and arson, corn- , milted a few days ago, near the South Mountain, in the lower, part of that county, , and about sixteen miles from this city. The victims of this foul and atrocious deed were John Berger, (an industrious unoffending old German, who lives near the South Mouri tats, about a mile from what was formerly Ege'e Forge,) and William'iltist, a colored boy, abol fourteen or fifteen years of age, who lived vrit hum. -Thc deed wasprpetrated`sometime.on Tuesday evening, and the first indication of foul play was the disoovery between 9 and 10 o'clock, by a neighbor, that the house (a small log one) occupied by this German, was on fire The alarm was given and several persons ar rived, when the , old man was 'discovered lying on his back, at the door of a email cave, a short distance from the house, in whicfi he had kept his provisions, clothing and other articles. HI, was quite dead—having been shot through the head. The ball'entered behind, and lodged' just above the eye. His brains were scattered over his clothes. His gun, an old U. S. rifle, was standing close by, having been lately dis charged., Among the ruins of 'the house, (which was entirely consumed,) was found the burnt and blackened corpse of the colored boy, so much disfigured as to render any attempt tit investigation impossible. The only possibb3 incentive to this murder must have been rob bery. The old- man frequently attended our market, and was suppmd to have some mosey. Those acquainted with him say that he has sono $l2OO or 1600 deposited in Baltimore. About $l6 was found in the cave, locked up in a trunk Suspicion attaches to two travelling Germans seen in thdt vicinity, early in the evening, and a party started in pursuit, but had not, up to oco th nr is own tl ede m r Reoesucceeded Cumberland l il a:I: in n : c and o capturing unt y held e them tnin q u T e it b e t rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts. Th e . commission era of Cumberlaud county offer rewar‘ off,s l oo for the arrest and oon of the derers.Muir - • .0 Pulukuluania„SteibJakimhationba! alorning.Jannarn 13, 1862 =MEM 101 ciinsiiir —The large bank_ . barn, staining,:oste-house i aud arriage house, belonging isf.n:Chrillitophor Mellinger, of _Stonglistnifii,Cliniterbindcoun: ty, was consumed-by :fire rrecetttly.-,:r.f.The de vouring element spread so . rapid that if was with great difdailey . anything inThabarn cohld be saved. Fain , traliaible . horses; kiss :milch cows, wad three head of young cattle, were . burned.large quantity of . 'oats, - }fay titid straw, together' with several sets of horse gears, harness; &0., were also consumed. The fire was the work of an incendiary, and the loss to Mr. Mollinger, although insured to the amount of 111.505,. will be heavy. Several at tempts to burn other buildings have beim made in 'ha same neighborhood recent 4, and the people - seem to be Wreatly4tlaititid fO'r the sire. ty of thernselien and property: Farmers should keep an eye on all stragglkrs and per ems running through the oountry.:who have no regular calling or, business. Taa HAUSISBUSG Hours TO WASHINGTON.— This route, says. the . New York Post, was opened for the traniportation df troops early last summer, and, is Secretliy Oarniron in his official report stye, .?has saved the . country Millions, not only by the redeCtionof the rate Of transportation between NOW York and'Waih ington, but in fixing the. rate at ; two cents per Mile'on all the railroads in theloyA statear., The route is now talk open to the public for the transitaltationtot hll ralioallaneoile freight. Its advantage : ls; that it enabletlihippers Send large quantitiea of freight withal:it change of cars, thus avoiding the danger a1 . :4'41;16y of re-shipment. The capacity of the road is said. to be unequalled. , Recently one thousand 11 ,, rsea and cine thousand man -vyere vice, making a train of one hundred and forty cars; all were sent through without change of cars. We regard this route es of. great importance to the government and the people. Let us add that in the superintendent of the ''Gov arm:nett. Despatch," Col. A. D. Hope, the public hawks. sure guaranty that their ,intereats will lie fully protected, While the government is faithfully Served.. ALL should read l'rof.l74;;Oa i a . advertisemen in another column. BIZSINESS • Losr.—A pair of gold, apectaeles. See ad vertisemeat. • - ! Ln.urzo PARTNII, riotibein another column. ' " ; GEISAT BARGAIVEI atat Wiler's-FiCo.'s store old stand, NO: 411fatkerecnate:. ••:See their an nonueement. . • . • •• Tax causer Emirs and sideways of the past few days, admonishes ua that if we would es cape from coughs and colds, - We Must wear good, wai m aud4comfortable boota,such.akthose sold at the establrefirdent Of "Mr. A': lilitmmel, 'at the old Stand, ebrner •of the alley to the Court House..? Mri Manual makes 'it a point to buy his goods in the city for cash„ and is thus enabled to retail them out at prices astonishingly low: His home , le disposed of at war prices., Give his establish ment a call. ' ' • • - • : • (user BARGAINS ! BARGAINS t at M Wiler Co.'s old - stand, No. 4, Mit many other good* whiett:itill3 tkomfactritk, lunch below the present tuaritet value, will 1$ found the follotking: ' .' ' • ' 800 pieces beautiful 641'63mM:oat 12} cts. 200 "-.• - aligached uittelin 124 , " 200 " shirting checks a `l`23. " 80 " noir - styles ilelalds .11 -20 sr. 22 " Our stock , of:fine dress gogda c cloakcand furs, whicitisiktdch=tlie tizgirst obtain-fide citir, ;Wilt closedat greatly.mlucadltrlol3o.: • r• - We will also sell carpets of any description at last yeah prices I P, d-1 t. Naw Goons, Nww GOODS.-25 pieces of beau tiful DeLaines, blickgrounii.witti set flower, at 25cits.t, worth 87ota.t'' 5011160 es of:white, -yel low and red flatinele i all .ptices. Hoop skirts'. at 76, $l, and $1 25. .100 dosenZwhitet linen ! picket handitt-rchtefiti from. ¬ion.. :Shirt! bre nits at 15, 25, anti 87cts... A lot of those! a s wte ribb..d.stotkincs; 50.,dusen. white endi grey dtawers and undershirts: • 60: , doado half! wool and all 'wool eo..lnt. 'A !mtg.-, hit of valveti rilthoits Cliildieces wool stockings. all ;prices.; 121Icts. and upwards. Our balance Of,iVrielt" tuts at cost. Beautiful mourning DeLsinea.t pant stuffs, satcbehi,alaciao3s, merinos', Full stock of all kinds of domestic. goods:at L.I Lewy, &toads old stand. •• ' talagrApooga:l: - : i t'7. Howard &Hope t'7 FIXER:VASS PP.'S 811ORToti1itt.::841.11 To '4 1 %1P FROM ,N.E::•:W: . Y O:RK, goods Ordered in the Morning -,Returned the same Night. Ma Leave New York at 7iiP.l4 : , by the Fast Through Express Trabioarrivinglln'Heirishurg at . $, A. M, WITHOUT' ORANGE Or ; ,04RO. MGM Order Goods marked ' Via ROPE.EXPRESS CO. General Office, 74 ; liirpailvray, N ew York - 412 , • it , • • id ' For further Inforniatign• e a gtiiteof GEO. BEAGNIER,, ;igen dRREWAL Namouiok'BOW " Itt‘ - • eon* Ireg- 1 0 1 40 1 fisArets4- XTRA FAMILit ItoIIR in 19441 and • batt-bbirs•ake r tgeo r wbetmleand.—i*CiA the Now ercerrfkAi ilitar id and Market *. a BOWMAN.; r 4! V:A !1!;41)414 nCidOt Baatiamal -Baia 'aim I ! now is the time to ha - ve a Rood 11 - tting Shirt made to - measure -or-from-sample. la= now making a good shirt for Si 26 equal to any oth ,er now in the market for Si 76. All work guaranteed tofit and to give entire satisfaction to the weEtran: iAlivsyson hand a large. asliort pent of 'Ladles' and' Gentlemans' Furnishing Goods at the old prices;,also a large: lot of ,A 1 Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a bargain or a good fitting 'under garment, just go to James A. -Lynn, kfanufacturer, No. 12 Market street,- next to• Hummel & .gillinger's arooety.!_store, Harrisburg,. -Pa., whin* he is selling 4 aithout regard to•costor the advattOe of goods. OR. DUPONCO I S GOLDEN FOR FEMALES "Rend the ro to rinicerlificata" from one of the first ladle& in:Utica, Y, Y., who called upon my agents In that city (Mr Wm. iiirtstod& (1 0 .,)44 4 Vold thlpt tbat Ale, of course,. did not her name made tniblie; but - 11' any one should dqubt.the won 'erful DA' DirPOSI Co's Golden PAL they might refer coy Lady to her re a : she coneicered it duty, a' well as " pre taut., to her Knowledee of their elhery, as ittd.keloletikeil 'to 'bet daughter, e.young t ad' 17 . years o !gilt Was *St IC -14 into cone umptim—* d tak en Obstructed. ~Terp 344,0 f theie GoidiSti Fille'eritfre- Iy _cured her,,,aud sae i,boar health were.paniehlar in buying the gebelec, *Wind expllcetchrecAtope vissoutpetwunr pleb bOZ . *IA wholegale.htld (a .0. k Besinuanifi . No. 2 JonasJlow,. : ol„ C. K. it sus?, :01 ) lstik& street; Eisrrbr burg, Hy atinding either of theingl' 00 theought be fierriaburtauet ogtoo th,s,PaititFitl es debt' cobadentielty by mail to any pariof toe cduntry ; . !liesti pt . riiikage.w N. 8e..-I.oilk qui toe ttelden Of any kind unless the liez Is signed S. It. Howe. Ad libinallthiihJahtlttlitaKekie an. rivxmazie VerAYea4pitritj(i9,: a «How e , be. lag humbug/R.0%0)1:4' nwn bitty •onlide who show thkehAstbire WI& which has recientln..Uooll.-addAtdOa anga , UnitiPf 'Pe hi* unteir. , ..rnemarietso, ingredbmts..ix.ompeititi . g . the, ere. they ere safer,. endrivla-perrovw. A4,. 4 1:049rA. auh Sold aleo:by, beams; 'AI 'T. 'muff *Lau, Hechantcatturc.tarks,, iit!lettiwn S. e ; Amok, Shijapene, Ourg-;-J;Splengfeiolobint J. a. Wolf, Wrightsvlllel. S. it. ,Stevens,,,Re Wing ; and Hunter,Reading, and ' by ,?;otto arulistet";th every town and vile lit the United &at* lad by 2.1 i. HOST, Sole Proprietor, Neff York. e 3 4m, HAIR DYET 11Allt"DYg 1 _ Wm. A. 'Batchelor% Hair Dye I . The only Harmless era Dye . Known 1 _ All others.are merchnitations,and.9hOulit avoided tryou wish to steeps ridicule..: . , , 08E4, RED OR ausrir 'WE dyed 'tastsitiy to . a beautiful. arid natural Brown. or: Blass, without the loud Injury to Hair oullitin. FIFIWIEN.ItaDALS AND DllO,OtfAS have been awar ded to Betnesurit, Mr* 18 9, and. over 200,000 itppueations.havo-beentmada to Utah* of 001w-trona Of btu fa,mone.llye. • •• . . . . WK. A. RaTCEIRLOR , B HAIR. DYE produces a color hot to be dialngaishea froin.intare and is Kasai:Km not to Mjurain the least,. however Jong it rniyha cuntla nod, and the 11l Roma of bad Elves remedied. The hair is invigorated far life by thig,isleadid Dye, which Ie Opp. arty applied at No. 18 *lad &root New York. , sold in allthe sites and, Mains of the United Bhdes, by Drugalsti ffahny , Geods‘Deidkirs.. The Genuine has dm mune " William A. Batcbalor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each ' ' • • wlied.hate'rictorT p 81 BireliT irate 233 Broadway, weir York cx,l2.4uwit raft SEWING. 'MACHINES. ! JON AS - BROOK & BRO'S • ;PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 dl 500 YEAT. ILLAUK COLOWIED. 1 1 . MS thread being made partidularly' for L,,Pewing Machines, te VEttY STR O NG, suoorti . ND ELASII.G.: Ds strength Is hot tonstinsi by wishing, nor by trictiop of; l,beFor std,o4 t;t 0, noe rroolts. .Patent. Glace, 2H0A:15; !inn Brooks Patent Sts Cord, Red Ticket, FOR LINDE& THREAD, reepectabo qtpiers,teroagion the wintry.— ascii Oitenhl4oo oinsionsixOsistteress.nosihy,. •esur,d, Sale Agen t. no 9 dein' . '39 , 4. ey .tiNaPt; New FOR THE •N E TEAR 1. ,1143 w WANING. AT • • . KELLER'S DRUCt-iNb FANcy grout 81, • Market street. FINE variety of those A , ' - cusrscrims, , halt from t h e k'actory. A most SUM IN! ktrrugg. (the apicet let reorlyed,) neadr put up in one Call soon. Alio, another lot nt those splen did Lades' Satchel', Lades' Woe and Leather Parses, • Lefts , Cone thioas or Work Oases, and other good,s itrylchyott Voddno . vfell to see.. 'THE P.E.N MIGHTIER ifititt4o2 -BWOED.!' • • .• •• • -- . . 7111 E LARGESt wrocE, • THE NWT BEAUITFNEr STYLES .A...ITD PATTERNS Golannit Silver Pencil and. Pen ...L L rv aseis . In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOESTORB.. • JUST 6 liki:N A LARGE STOCK •O F P . PEI iSS : , • DARK ..RHADES. VERT, •FiEift:P;:oo.ol)&.4l,Pll THE •• • 1 • ' . ~..41COATHCIABTS, de23 Nevt - dookcilinalarriabarg Bank JOHN , B. SMIT H'® rity cortiomexcoNntqaul•WALNUTATtl, . . Efaxtfalwrg Pa -- A LWAYBEchiltaiad alarge assortment of BOOTS,. aIIOF4 GAITERS, Ate. ; or ette-ery best t uft taes rot , Dame, zioMima; awl obildrensP 'O4nG GLAlrdis.. - Atfkoloe•ar WORE MADE , ro hpartpr iinxr#lOri ••• Aeriidtiew. , ar 1 • • MVO': • ' ' offM4l`llMtle, 4ltrrlebarg. _ =LI SOJIMPER'S Biaol3 i • STAUB Weakl4i Eanisburg Bkdge.) IQ)e; -25 .11181" AEC &IVED from the • entigiswoutexpi. Nina, Which we irillaelrat,4l.2s•pei reata. • SA.6O per ream for NOTE. PAYEtt, — dimoritad with TI - ' handsome emblems and . patriotic 113.4 . 0 For, with national and patriotic eiblema, , printed in-two colors. Please give ne a NIL. TUB .F. 130BEFFEtt, Je22.d . Harrianura • =MI FRESH Choice Teas, Blaok and Green In ,X; 3 and 1 pound papers • for sale at &MOE ' S BOWMANI, je cornerVrarit•siktMarket streets. ESE OR. BALE CHEAP.L—A. 'TWO F STORY FRAME ROUE 12Mx50-feetilltu-- tbs. rev.. kir• itepor, rasavole Poi. further partkbiani on the iram - to_i. ide l ig -6 ?41$ :!;- Y. MATBB. i • • PIiANDERIIIES, 'Dried Trakth, reeh 16"1"7 ', ht 1.71C110123 & n• cerneraxpot and likkikiit streets.; - • E3ENCF, •. of 'VANUA,* 28881100 Of Lemon, FlayStlSg sale - st - . the new AolOgikand ltetal Grocery ASO, PFSillapnOtOr° , 4 T' Der Front and Bitarketitreeik. - ' , • s j 1 • '0 41. 4 4 144 , T.olkacco,,of ail kiuda: lagtve 61snieilviit:Cigarivit • ~m c s 3 14 1 ( oorno . front and Itarkpt street.l puicE Older Vukoir,ar, for Bale at • dI Ls ,o &BOWMAN'S, eirsiblfroliNdlimellut attests.' 3 A V:1114 ICIII4II AAel i 7 0 ';:•liiiiti`itl A HAIM TO THE LADDE4 2mustmtnts. GROTTO MUSIG HALL WALI , TUr BELOW TEIIRD STREET CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY Hundreds Unable to Obtain Admission The greatest array of Talent ever appearing in the OA.PIrAL of the KEYSTONE S FATE. EVERY EVENING ! EVERY EVENING 1, Composed . 4 . 3 f MALE and FE%IALE ARTISTS, each one being aSTAR in their Profession. LOOK AT THE NAINS.IIIFROLDIOBSEILIFIL 4n1 4 7..R05A *alpAilt DT, ng fitISSJULIAL • Favorite. Min IEtILLI* 3 4IIAiItIiE, • eClna ting Danseuae. BILLY the'.diainpkrikee Player ; • the GreasteetTloliniat onthe Singe. iIATT GEBILERi '• • the Prince -of Comb: 'Vocalists FtLTON MYERS, oe,le_brated Wench Dancer BILLY "1"2446, the Great Negro Comedian. WILLIAMS- BROTHERS in Songs, toilette; Glees 'and Choinsia. Prot Strade will preside at the Piano. Ole Bull.Dick,Myers, Violinist AdintsgiOn. 'lO and 15 °nuts -o:toreopen 6,10 'clock. 7i o'clock.. " FRED AIMS, THOMAS FOUNTAIN. • • . Proprietors grPos!tively no Boys admitted. SANFORDI OPERA . .11011SE THIRD. STREET BELOW saUkgr. Great Snociess of' the New Opera House 'ills new and Beautiful Establishment will open for the Season, presenting SONGS, BALLADS, OVERTURES and LititiHAßLE BURLED can.' : • • j • In which Messrs. SANFORD, CARNCROSS, HUGHES;;;;EPMONIA JAEOKET, HOLDEN and the.qrsat Troupeof ARTISTS engaged will " ' • ' - r -- Admisskin, (no half-prioe,) 25 cents. Orchestra. Chairs, - - . . 60 cants. Seats in Private Boxes, ' 75 cents. Entip 3 .B.oxy Doors open ei o'clock ; Commence at7i o'clock. gran preparation the MAMMY, also the by ERA: OP LA SOMNAILBUL &c. j6' 7 . taak ADA •RecioilaMotirtung - 'DRESS 'GOODS &C. -Blaok and:Parbte.TILMIZA Clota-r-ilk and Word; , ?IBM aigcliCtenelt Bilr Cloth; RxtrA Q tent Y, 1,. .Bhicli:and,enrolh:lll4,Veloae 11 8 PC •-tdruhee Superior: g.tality Merino, do; ach mares,• Phi n .81.4010 h Wgplqad ihaakarmoordnred Beiel'do Cloths. w, sod' Stkoh•--. 4 4arud umak..r.ta,„7 - _ Lapina .Iftrra. 8 41,rarold • . Plain Jai 40r. Ph 41 1 .11 °Wats 0 . Su senorm4ke-ur Very;!‘kurt. make Bo'nhazi nes, Black Jr Writs All Wool Uelatuee, . 'Ruda Clol-tkl t .Neir A. Vela, HAM F g ured .Sine•iara, ,Pu..4und Mourning Chintzeb, . - thl;utius, ac„ so, &), &whom BLACK Era: Rs.r. - r.ruca . BLACIIVAsD `Anne _MAWR gee SILTS. Th ',Terfo. AND 'BLACK do • do 02 ,Sei NUittaiols ot',:now - and de,•iraN e ' a r .1 9 112541 ' tut ' ' liali f l / 4 1 4.a3i.1NE are made dal iy Lung 4 114 Thltilith Square do ' do AO 'and Loug French 1311nhet. eh* wig, NW &' Broken Ihrd. d. 4 31.111,11,fi tfilve'Vellik, (ever? size ) MifltzlaGrejo Vet.l.(rery destrable)- do ,1 1ireu:idtai do -do Shrouding Flanneht And Cashmeres, do . Parsmatlis and CubergS, . . ,• Bleak Gauntletta and'Gtoves • Grey .laii - -)d Gaon taus and Gloves, Sleek Bor — doredilltuattereme!a 1 all kinds,) •-, tris and cake Etnierfri (bill") _ .. , 94:MtirutugUellaretend dieeve. ; Bablicitardeirts,.. (suitable for - mourning.) ;X, • .......Z IL Our.eteads-ot . 4 .. ~, (i f:o 43 . 0 . 5''11211.3 ILI \D" Is 'now macaw, addles would: respectfully ask the • iniiiiiquctu," ot.bqiers.- v . .., •,, : 1:- . CATI.iIC4 11T fa lIRDTHISR, ' nell - Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. ANOTHER . ARnrvAt . FANCY GOODS o . 1 1:0 3,. l'P AYSI A Noir FATterr BOXE%-•• • • • SuitabJe for work boxes'. A FEW SMALL OABAS, • . • • • • • . „ For. little Girls. LADIESTI,7IIEBE and POETEMONAIS, A splendeA assortment. , . brEirlitias,frnip Tcqua . wAT,E44. BOXES FINE. TOILET gO•A•k: P r, • • • ibi 6 * 6 ikuabf° m not In iA lidverVaement A _ Rt 3 Dragito re. Mtrk,el,B.lreet• NEW- DRESS GOODS. BROIDERED'REPS, ° - - E_Plain and Figured Reps, Figukta Delivinegt • _•:•.;.1.1...?1.44440 11 0) and Cailhuleres, Superior Plain Colcired•Dras Silks, • • WarraPtedP 2 4 o3 ° l PlaW black silks .•; - Aet 80 1 es 1 4?„ 1 "......,..4 cut lakVA ies At CA l'HuAt4: k- Neit*ltlr VkAlltlfiltriAkirik :Alga. -4 t Itl 10 '1. 0 &; . • I • .1, ; N..:; 11- 1 1 ... r. • EM le 14,', Market Street, yard on t.j the °anal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer is TREVOR:2ON, • • . . WILLSBARRE, ' - LY.KANS VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD .101° COAL ratlines and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rata article, and full weight, at the 'lowest rate. Orders promptly attended to. A l.beral ,docount made : to pap• chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present priati 63 and 82 25 per ton.: • Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d3m NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHILLENBERGER & BROTHER, , (Room formerly occupied by the Poetortee.) TIRE undersigned have just opened -a new and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We are also pcepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Gents Wear, Out to the latest styli/3.041 fash • leas! We tlitic. always on nano. a large eteeltier g li k y made clothing cud Gentleman's Farnishing Goodi. no9dBm . H. SHELL KNHEROGR & BM. .WHOLESA LE and IiSTAILL . I4ALEA in c o nre e tkme.ry, Foreign and.Dossestie I m o, D a t es, prunes, Raising and Nnts.. of Fresh and $3.1 tnsh, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, S To. basso, Segars and Country Produce in gab market street, next door to Parte House, 1130 0.311 a - Wed sad Walnut Oman. pe32B-dsm 30EN WEIL A valuable Two Story double frame Ad. Dwelling House mid Leto( grow d, situated eti the corner of North street aud Nest avenue, 80 feet ito North street and 110 feet (Map, two basememklolo6oo,. two eel *route. alarm rooms, also a never aprutg of wa t„. The building is well ea loulmett for a more or WWI. Teritts reasonable. .huquire of BANitte 3104 City A uithaieer. DIARIES FOR 1862 T HE largest and best selected assortment of ever imported into this city Can be :found at, BERSOIIIO Cheap Bookstore. Olt' Wantons STEAM WEEKLY BURRS& NNW YORK • , - AN uveaPoat. "„.., .., L ' t?.„ AND EN4 A itk.t NG PAS .: ...GC: 4 aIA iEfO;BI . OIWN, ( 16.1 " 4 4 MM. / .1 2YP • OP , AIM Philadelphia' BleillitabiO 100 *pnaCtlitny their fun powertJ Clyde-built iron Siaanuitnra follow : 'ETN i, Sward', January: KANGAROO, Saturday Jana Lry ;CIEf Or R , ItE, Saturday, Januar ry 26; .n. every thturaay, at Noun, front Pier 4 14 :torn. Amer. I= MST CABIN 375 or s ri• - ektAOR ...... 00 do to Laudon $ B4l no I do to London 00 do to pima Pto 00do to P.rl4 ....OR 00 do to N ,mburg..lBs Oo I do to. U u n b urg 0 0 Pessedgere ..lso forwarded to Bremen, Ron ey . dam,'Anfwerp, be, e4usfly , ow rate; oar, ereone wrantun w url , •ut tow friends eau buy tickets here at Nor following rides, to New York: From [Anerpooi or. Queenstown; let Cabin, 376, 186 and $lO6. 4 ' brag° 117 , m- PrlirPdo's ! 340 00 • From geopilitipWn, WO 00. These Stertmers have superior .accrunnitadations: for isissengers, and carry experienced - Surgeons. Titer are built In Water-tight Iron &minims, and bare Flaunt !'Ere Annihilators on board. For turther inrortuation apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM ENMAN, Agent, IS Wa• or Street; In Glasgow to Wl[. INMAN, 5 et. Hood' .Square ; Queeosidgea to C. - /t W. D. SE% *MR & CO. ;. in 'onion to EIVro - &MA Y , et Sing allilinri• St. Parl flane do In Soave ; in L'hilAcklphos to .10 -4 N G. 1).i.1.3, 111 Wathinetteet ; or at .oe Company's offices.' .150. G. DALE, Agent, 16 Broadway, New York. Or 0.0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg. Are - Pkimmit.R.h mkt Ellattin.-13g . order of the Secrete", of ntate,a I rassengere ie , ving the United Elvtoe are required to proeurePa•seporbt before 004 03 boire the fkbeiter.' •• P/ifsilellgera will not be enbiected to any tronbhior de lay in prccarng them. if 111 , 7 can kw instruction. at the Company'e (dices, 15 Broauway, New York. . jenbat JOHN 0 DALE, Adam LATEST NEWS. NRCHOLS & BOWMAN haviog just re .l3 Lnrued frOM the siit"witti an eitenaire and wet selected mei of ends, parchmed far cage, Fovea golly invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to call and *gamins the& /its; Gaup au the old stand formerly oc cupied by V. trammel, corner Prom and 11Nrket, itrfsets, Harrisburg, - Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Obnice Syrups.; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds; SALT, Coarse and floe ; OIL, Coal Oil and WhsleOil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried; RAISINS, CURREN IS, NUTS, DRIED FRUIIS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE; '-' CIGARS, beef of 'lmported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing QUEENSWARE 1 QUEENSWARE Extensive assortment or all styLs, and patterns and prices. Call end examine our Siena of Goods at the Wh +male and-I[oElllo , room,', Fran and Provieun St 6re, corner Front and Market street, [Luneburg, Pa. watery Praclun- (skint de10.17 UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON; NO. 119. MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a large htuldltnt at the above pia e, eiprati yllm the pure e. see above indicated, beg to nail the attention of the pub lic 10 the following log Rellitua.ver, oa the first doer, with a dtilug room sleiehed, 1s [Wed up In tlvst.oiase etyla, and It will at all 111083 he supp!ed with the best oydrcii to be bed In the Atlawie cities , lopthrr with terrapin, ash, and all kinds of game in sea,on. Oysters served ,it in evaey style, and molls to be hurl at all triers. The'Mel or all the celebrated breweries la the country conitsistly on hand. The Ten-pto Alley, or Bowline Saloon, is in the rear, and coot doa three alleys of ro, , lern cpti4cdclio y grimes the lowers et th s braloy cm,.c s, cap eliby them The 'Milliard &hem is iv stairs —olegaud y Ct ed up, and three , itutibiti UV' c mbiuslitinildatilJa ta bles, tga.l , 0 on/ iti.ict Horn-Wily , tObs oJg felt (be worn of a grand amain. about of awl iimd, a n d ea pr.-pro ttor4 ara deteraiato u. o,aaom.t it ia a qakt. Uhl orJer.y m to J. r, .0 I do bVe• cyrhing thor t. ore tom co o a las m , ..bla re ot, Lb y boom to reaklta alt aer4i ah e al' -Runt; pmroome. J Wti.t.l t C. MGFA ocir-Arrix. A. L NK , TEACUBB. Ow Piano, Melodeon, Guitar a d Singing. pLA it uttetitiou paiti.tor doodtiu I of •ait -toed" me t, A ted rne , hu I huh • ICI Ar,,itacri &CM Ala it Laglu Qtaro; 93 Mar... t. Ltreet J,ll.oam JUST OPENED! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR ISM Or AL Eus, ADE of seco au from one -IL .o. , wo , pittre ,61, or my qpr., man doorpr.s. A Los 001 co jut+ ersowtoz. a ,114 I .iu4 Co ....ea ripal, .4 air 4 0,1 o lar,v an 10(.7 ..r .Llor 0,01% 0., I r 'Ala a - tm.-a Ati.l &tut I. null( ill Olt I%i - 11.r ott. noaage, / uope oy oinot attootlOu 11 ou.loeil w reOolre IL iltotrOl eh tie Or the ti. .do A. our stnoci Room attached, wttarn CU.3l.onerl may lay 0 4nk and 14.0 my to , anna forget the wiunktur [h. It; thtt a the place to buy your T 1 , 141110 au ,1 .0 :are. North Market Aquitre, aboyu Mick...lst - oat, H,rrl .u:g,. D,o. 4, 1881 --uSm wit ttry4:orr; ti„ ' a. tc. , :coTirw4 4 .. D. a -717 E I'IZE ET; OPPOSITE THE'IMADY HOUSE. Wee:0 0 E 18 , 4 0 1004 1 and Mechanical, AtLecioettOoOly mirrormed. ebeirzeo roalerate. 1.38 COAL! = COAL I! $3, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LES O. D.,FORSTER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. FOR SALE.