PaitD Ettegrafil HA RR I-8 BIT G - P 7 A . Saturday Afternoon, January 11, 1862. ARRIVAL OF MILITARY.—The several volun teer companies which were quartered at. Camp Slifer, near abamber4turg, have been moved to Camp Curtin, near this city, where they. will . join some of the regiments forming there for active duty. I=Cl=l Ban,con,--There is again in circulation in the city and county, a very good imitation of half and quarter dollars, which is well.cwlcu lated to deceive. Several specimens wnere exhibited in our office, which none but an expert would suspect to be spurioes. SANDFORD'S °MIA HOUSE —The sad hearts grow weary, and even bereaved people forget their grief, in the atmosphere with which San ford's Artists surround themselves in his beau tiful temple of mirth and melody. A succession of novelties ; in rapid production, evince that manager Sanford is making a bold and success ful effort for public favor. The production of the amusing extravaganza entitled the " Bal Masque" last night, was a decided " hit," and fully appreciated by the large audience. It will be re-produced to-night, and we advise everybody fond of enjoying a good laugh to be promptly on hand. =3:=l EXADIM, do not allow yourself to feel relieved all of Obligation to attend to the poor by the fact that we have an organized Society in our midst, whose declared object in part, is to sup ply the wants of the destitute. Perform the work of the "good Samaritan"—visit the chil dren of poverty—their lowly places—minister to their necessities—for by these little actions you will not only prevent much suffering that would otherwise occur, but will carry out the golden rule, "do unto others as ye would they should do unto you." You will also be made happy by the consciousness of having furthered the ends of charity and • bettered the condition of some of your fellow-beings. Tam DROWNED SOLDIER.—We have received some additional particulars respecting the body of the Cavalry soldier which was found in tbe canal near Schock's mills, on the 31st ult., and which was noticed in the TELEGRAPH at the time. The deceased was apparently about 85 years of age; stout built, about 5 feet 6 or 7. inches high, with short, red whiskers. Noth ing was found upon his person indicating his name except a pass which runs thus : "CAPTAIN WusoN, the bearer, is a member of Col. Williams' Cavalry ; was home on fur lough when the regiment left. He was prob ably included in the order for transportation— as I did not give it, I cannot say, positively. - J. D. POTTS " S. 0. YOUNG, Esq., Supt. P. R. Road. " Col. PoT2l— man was included in transportation of the regiment. S. D. YOUNG. Tar Vannixs. Itrmss.—This gallant body of volnuteer4, representing Harrisburg in 'the Forty-Sixth Pennsylvania regiment, Col Joseph F. 'tulips, at present located with the army on the upper Potomac, is suffering for want of necessary clothing, including shoes and• stock ings. Our attentive correspondent attached to the 46th regiment, in his last letter, alluding to some contemplated military movement, said : "We are, however, illy prepared for a for Ced march at this time. Everybody is completely "broke." On Tuesday the paymaster should have made his appearance, and our requisition far shoes and clothing would have been filled in a few days. Many of the men are now nearly barefooted ; very few have stockings worth wearing, and some none at all." The • triotio Treasurer of the York Aid Society, • rs. Dr. Roland, after reading the letter stating the above facts, in the Morning Telegraph, a few days ago, at once sent us a letter offering to furnish the suffering men of this Company with one hundred pairs of ,gockings, if we would give her the necessary directions to insure their prompt and safe delivery. We have, in reply to this truly generous offer, sent that lady the name and address of Capt. Brooks, and we presume it will not be long until the gallant boys of the " Rifles " are well provided for in the way of stockings, which they will owe to the noble-hearted generosity of one of York's most patriotic daughters. PATIUOTIEnt AND POBTAY.—A private, serving in the 101st Pennsylvania Regiment, (Colonel Wilson,) sends us the following patriotic effu sion, which we print as we received it. The, style is a little uncouth, and his rhyme in some instances is perhaps a little " rough," bat of his patriotism or earnestness in the good cause which he has espoused there can be no doubt. So, we join in the chorus of THE SONG OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST Ailt—"Gay and Hwy." We are men who love the Union, Who despise a traitorous foe; And with Wilson's words to cheer us, We will fight the rebels too. Pt:mm-8o let the traitors say what they will, We'll be for the Union still. • For the Union, for the Union— We'll be for the Union ! If the flag our fathers gave us, Has repaid the blood it cost ; Then 'tis worth some to retain it, Worth the lives that will be lost. So let, erc. • Foes bave tried to stain and tear it, And to take some stare away; - But our motto is, stand by it ; Right will surely gain the day. So let, &c. • It shall wave o'er all our country, As it did in days gone by ; Or, upork the field of battle, We before our foes will lie. So let, &e. We are men. who now are ready To defend our country's cause ; And with Wilson to command us, We wi►l ifeai no Southern boys. So let, Bco. Comp Win, Jain. 10, 1862. PREACHING IN THE COURT HOUSE.—Rev. J. S. Hostetter, of Mechanicsburg, will preach in the Court House to-morrow morning and evening, at the usual hours for divine service. GROTTO Music Ham,.—There is certainly a piquancy about this establishment truly re freshing, exciting, and interesting. The per formances are excellent in their way, affording a rich fund of ..amusement to the large• audiences that nightly assemble in that cosy little tample •of fun. P"lcf APPIRI3• ;-- Setierar• cases of 'drunken ness and vagrancy were heard before the Mayor this morning, all of which were properly dis posed of. The only arrests made yesterday by the consolidated police, was that of John Boyle for drunkeness, who was comnsitted . to prison by Alderman Kline, to sober up. THE PEAK Famitv.—The &mood of the Peak family in Brant's Hall last evtming, was one of the most entertaining we have attended for a long time. Never have we heard sweeter bell music than that of the Peaks, while the singing and acting of the children of the troupe was superior to anything we have yet witnessed. The hall was crowded with'an appreciatillt au dience, whose repeated rounds of applause fairly shook the house. Master Frank, who is not much larger than a sixpence, may be set down as a trump. The rest of the little ones are al ways perfect in their parts. We advise those who have not seen the Peak family to go to the hall to-night. Farotrrnm RAILROAD ACCODFINT.—A frightful accident occurred on the Northern Central Railroad to the train going West at one o'clock last' Thursday morning, when shout three miles below Williamsport. The train was speeding along at a rapid rate, when a rail bioke, and plunged several cars down a rocky bank about twenty-five feet high, leaving th ut a wreck on the ice below. Six men were severely wounded, but happily no one was killed. One car turned over four or five times, and landed on its top, a crushed up pile. That alt its inmates were not mangled and maimed, is alone attributable to the signal providence of an overruling Providence. Fortunately no ladies were in this smashed up. car. The one they were iii ran straight down the bank, and did them no more injury than merely precipi tating them in one undistinguishable mass in the front end of the car. Amid the wreck and consternation, one of the cars took fire and burned up a quantity of baggage ; but the flames were immediately extingui hed by the conductor, Mr. Nichols, who, we are sorry to say, received a severe wound by the accident. The locomotive soon brought several cars from Williamsport, and removed the passen gers thither, where they arrived at four o'clock, A. 3f. CHURCH AND CAR ETIQumL-Tf•-foii will be a little observant in any of the churches in this or any other town, you will soon be able to make two principal classes of persons attending. One man enters church seeing no one and knowing ho one; seats himself in the end of his pew near est the aisle, closes the door, and wrapped up in his own idea of self-sufficiency, cares not to admit a stranger nor a neighbor in his pew. That man is selfish. Endorsed on back— Two or three ladies enter a church and spread themselves out in a seat sufficient to accomo date five or six persons, to the eXclusion of all oihers. Those ladies are proud and ill-bred— deficient as well in good sense as in good man ners. We have noticed ladies on entering the car, not being satifised with one seat, they must throw back the seat facing them. and thereby have a double seat, and place a few trinkets on the seats not occupied as an indication, "taken." These ladies never give these seats to any one, no matter how full the cars may become, and should the conductor politely ask them for the seats not occupied, they put him down as being rude. Now, a lady is only entitled to one seat, which would be well for her to remember, and try and be accomodating. HORRIBLE MURDER AND ARSON IN CUMBERLAND Counrr.—The people of Cumberland county have been astounded to hear of a wicked and diabolical case of murder and arson, com mitted a few days ago, near the South Mountain, in the lower part of that county, and about sixteen miles from this city. The victims of this foul and atrocious deed ware John Berger, (au industrious unoffcnding old German, who lives near the Smith Moun tain, about a mile from what was formerly Ege's Forge,) and William Grist, acOlored boy, about fourteen or fifteen years of 'age, who lived with him. The deed was perpetrated sometime on Tuesday evening, and the first. indication .of foul play was the discovery between 9 and 10 o'clock, by a neighbor, that the house (a small log one) occupied by this German, was on fire. The alarm was given and several persons ar rived, when the old man was discovered lying on his back, at the door of a small cave, a short distance from the house, in which he had kept his provisions, clothing and other articles. He was quite dead—having been shot through the head. The balPentered behind, and lodged just above the eye. " His brains were scattered over his clothes. His gun, an old U. S. rifle, was standing close by, having been lately dis charged. Among the ruins of the house, (which was entirely consumed,) was found the burnt and blackened corpse of the colored boy, so much disfigured as to render any attempt at investigation impossible. The only possible incentive to this murder must have been rob bery. The old man frequently attended our market, and was supposed to have.some money. Those acquainted with him say that he has some $l2OO or 1500 deposited in Baltimore. About $l5 was found in the cave, locked up in a trunk- Suspicion attaches to two travelling Germans seen in that vicinity, early in the evening, and a party started in pursuit, but had not, up to this time succeeded in- capturing them. The coroner of Cumberland county held an inquest on Wednesday morning, and rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts. The commission ers of Cumberland county offer a reward of $lOO for the arrest and conviction of the mur derers. Air. should read Prof. Wood's advertisement in another column. pettiteglucatia lOallp elegraph, eaturbetp 2tfternoan, lanitarp 11, 1862 =E= UNION PRAY= MEE:rms.—The last meeting of the series will be held this evening in the Old - School Presbyterian Church, corner of bird and Pine streets, The meeting will be opened at precisely a quarter pasts even, and continue one hour. As this church has no bell, those who design attending;wilt; see , the necessity of being there a little before the time for commencing the exercises. Amex or Frac— The alarm of fire about ten o'clock this morning was Occasione t by the discovery of a . large volume of smoke issuing from one of the frame stables in Rasp berry alley, attached to the Wm. Tell tavern, opposite the. Court House, which, upon inves tigation, was found. to proceed from the confla gration of a small quantity of straw, in the yard of the Farmer's Hotel, kindled by the hostler, for the purpose or " singeing" a num ber of chickens he was preparing for the dinner t ible of that establishment The apparatus of the sever al fire companies werepromptly on the ground, but of course teelr setvices were not needed. CONCERT AT MEOHANICSBUSG.—The citizens of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, are, de cidedly a music loving people. Beside a num ber of singing associations they support twoex cellent bands, one with brass, and the other with stringed instruments, of which latter a correspondent writes as folkws Macumaosucao, Jan. 10, UM " Music hath charms- to soothe the savage, Ste.," so Beall the poet and so say I; butwould also add that some who are not savages (or at least flatter themselves into that belief) can appreciate the charms of music as we experi enced Thursday evening, when -the Hiawatha string band of this place drew forth bewitching strains from their. instruments. Three cheers for Mechanicsburg and its institutions, and three times three (we might also add a "tiger") for the Hiawatha. M. E. K. iNCENDIABIES CUIBSBLAND COUNTY.—The large bank barn, stabling, oats house, and carriage house, belonging to Mr. Chris6pher Mellinger, of Stoughstown, Cumberland coun ty, was consumed by fire recently-, ; The de vouring clement spread so rapid that it was with great difficulty anything in the barn could be saved. Four valuable horses, five milch cows, and three bead of piling 'Cattle, Were burned. A large 'quantity of 'oats, hay and straw, together 'with several lasts .of horse gears, harness, &c., were also consumed. The fire was the work ' Of an incendiary, and the loss to Mr. Mellinger,. although 'insured to the amount of $1500; will be heaiy.: Several at tempts to burn other buildings bays been made in the same neighborhood recently, and the people seem to be greatly alarmed for the safe ty of themselves and property. , Farmers should keep an eye on all stragglkof aildper- Bona running through the country who have no regular calling or business. Tux HARBS&BOBO ROOT' TO WASHINGTON.- This route, says the , Rew York .Post, was opened for the transportation of troops early last summer, and, aa'Secretary "Canieron in his official report says, "has. saved the country millions, not only by the, recluctien.of.the .84e of transportation between New York and Vhesh ington, but in fixing the rate at two cents per mile on all the railroads in the loyal states.',' The route is now fully 'Open to the public for the transportation of all miscellaneous freight. Its advantage is, that it- enables shippers . to send large quantities of freight without change of cars, thus avoiding the danger and delay of re-shipment. The capacity of the road is said to be unequalled. Recently, one thousand horses and one thousand men were sent at once, making a train of one hundred and forty cars; all were sent through without change of cars. We regard this route as of great importance to the government and the people. Let us add that in the superintendent of the "Government Despatch," Col. A. D. Rope, the pablic have a sure guaranty that their interests befully protected, while the-government is faithfully I served. BUSINESS NOTICES. Loer.—A pair of gold spectacles. Bee ad vertisement. LIMITED PARTEMBBRIP.—See notice in another column. GBRAT BARGAINS at- M. Wiles & C9.'s store, old stand, No. 4 Market Square. • See their an nouucetneut. , • . • Tan swaiar mums and sideways of the. past few days, admonishes us that if we would es cape from coughs and colds, we must wear good, warm and comfortable boots, such as those sold at the establishment of Mr.• A. Hummel, at the old . stand, corner of the alley , to the Court House. Mr. Hummel makes it a point to buy his goods in the city for cash; and is thus enabled to retail them out at prices astonishingly low. „His home-made work also, ie e dis L call. posed of at war prices. Give his establish m GREAT BARGAINS! BARGAINS! at M. Wiler & Co.'s old stand, No. 4, Halite, osquare. Among many other goods which will be found much below the present market value, will be found the following: 300 pieces beautiful styles calico at 12i chi. 200 " bleached muslin at " 200 " shirting checks at 12i " 80 " new style detains at 20 &22 " Our: stock of fine dress goods, cloaks and furs, which is much the largest one in this city, will be closed at greatly reduced prices. We will also sell carpets of any description at last year's prices. d—lt. NEN Goons, Nzw Goons.-25 pieces of beau tiful DeLaines, black ground with set flower, at 25cts., worth 87cis. 50 pieces of white, lel- . low and red flannels, all prices. Hoop skirts at 75, *l, and $1 25. 100 dozen white linen pocket handkerchiefs, from auction, Shirt breasts at 16, 25, and 37cts. A new lot of those white ribbed stockings. ' 50 dozen white and grey drawers and undershirts. 50 dozen half wool and all wool socks. A large lot of velvet ribbons. Childrenrs wool stockings, all prices, 12?cts. and upwards. Oar balance of stock of furs at cost. Beautiful mourning DeLaines, pant stuffs, satchels, alapacas, merinos at 750. Full stock of all kinds of domestic goods at L. Lewy, Rhoads old stand. ' jylo. BUCK -WHEAT MEAL and CORN MEAL just received and for sale low at • - ' NICHOLS k BOWMAN, - IS corner Front and Market streets. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and half bbl. sacks, also, wholesale and retail at the hew Grocery and Provision Lore Front and Market ste- NiCHOLM &BOWMLN. DIME Fresh Ground and Whole Spice, Pepper, Malik" 0211211111011, Nutmegs and Mace, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, • ' - corner front and Market Weeks. NOM& ! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS I —Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 75. All work guaranteed tofit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand &large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentlemans' Furnishing Goods, at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. lrish Linens - at the old Prices. If you want .a bargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street, next to Hummel & `K liinger's grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. A CAW) TO THE LADIFS. 'DR. OUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Head the fobo •mg certaluato" irom one of the first ladies in Utica, N. if, who called upsn my agents in that city (sr .t - m. Bristol & c 0.,) and told them. that she, of Course, did not wisr her name madd public, bind(' any oue should doubt the won erful elllcodity of De. Duran co's Bolden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she conAkered it a duty, as well as. a pleasure, to her .tooaled,te of their etile.tey, as adminietered to her daughter, a young ally. 17 years 0,41. 'lll.l met fast go ing wan row..mptt n—hail taken cold—liature became onslructedi. , Two "130.T...8 Of LISSA., GOldSa ['WS entire ly cured her, and sue is now r • bust health— "We were partmular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each hoe Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail. by O. A . BANIKVART, .No. 2, Jones Sow, nd K. Fistula, 91 Market street, Barris. .burg, Pa. By sanding either of them $1 00 through', he Harrisburg -Pest 0111 Se the-Pilis Will be sent confidentially by men teeny •part of .ttie conntry; "free of postage." N. 3.—leok out for counterfeits. ..Hey no tiolden Pills of any kind unlettethe is signed S. D. Howe. All others is a base Imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of -be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show7theelgnature arS. D. Howe on every' box, 'Which has•rimantly : Moon added ne 11011,011Elt of the Pills being con:Aar:ethyl. rho ingredients compoeing the above Pills are niaide . known to every Agent, and they are safe; and 'will-perform all-clahned for them. • - Sold also by, T. L Lumherger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg ; M. Marks, Lewistown ; S. Mlliott- Carlise .1 8. G. - Wild Newville.; -J. O. Altick, - Shlppens, .burg ;Spangler, Chambersburg; E. T. 7:1111er, Yore ; J. A. Wolf,, VI, ig,ht ; 8. 8. Stevens, Belding ; and it. P.-Bunter; Reeding; And by' "one druggist" iti every town auddritige iu thettnitedStilt, and bit' S. D. MOWN, Sole Proprietor, New York e 3 am HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE 11 Win. A. liatchelor's Bair life The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! all others are mere imitations, and should be avoided If you wish to escape GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR' dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Blac s t without the least injury to Hair or Skin. YEYTEEN 18..DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to. Wm ..A. Elavossum sin.:e 18 9, and over 200,000 applications hays been made to the hair of the patrons of pis famous Dye. Nu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE . produces s color not to be distinguished from nature and is waaasarrap not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Teets of bad Dl'as remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No, 16 Bond _ Street New York. dold in all the cites and towns.of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " A. Batchelor," . and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each boi. Wholeiale Factory, 81 Barclay Late 233 Broadway, New York ocl2-dawly illisallantouL FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BED'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 (6 500 YDS. •WILLTE, BLACK te COLORED. I`HIS thread being made particularly for L newiog Machines, is VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOB UPPER THREAT), andEtrooks Patent7fils Cord, Red Ticia, . • • FOR. UNDER THREAD, So!d by respectable , dealers throughout.the country.— eIIB9,IIIOALMIS OF 100 POZIN semi, ASSOATID SOS by . ,WSt. HE' T 851tril, Sole Agent. nog-dom 36 Vesey street, New York. FOR THE NEW YEARI NOW OPENING :AT • KELLER'S DRUG AND -FANCY STORE, . . 91, Market Street. A A . FINE variety of those rare cuivrEcTioNa, just from the Factory. A most ELEGANT MIXTUBIT, (the aneht yet receve4,) . neatly put.up in one pound boxes. Call soon. Also; another lot of - those *len did Ladies' Satchels, Labs , Wire and Leather Purses,. Ladios' Companions or Work Cases, and other fine goods which you. Wbuld do well to see. deBo "THE PEN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD." THE L&ROEST STOCK, THI MOST "BEA.UPFIJL STYI ! ES ~t,;4 I D PATTARNS OF Gold and Silver Pencil and . Pen Cases. In Ike market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE J'U T OPERED, A LARGE STOCK OF M"' Itt is; Rion DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP•GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS At CATHCART'S, de23 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT SM., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAPEERS,. Ito., of the very best eintilties for ladies , gentlemen, and children , wear.— Prices to suit the timed. All kimle of WORK *APE: ZO ORDER in the beet style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. oetleAtt JOEIN H. 81111T11. liarrisburr. BCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE 1 (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) $1.25. ,1178T. RECEIVED from the • Mills a lot of tine COMMERCIAL NOTE PARES, which we will sell at 01.25 per roam. $3.30 per ream for NOTE Pane, decorated 'with the latest and very handsome emblems and. patriotic mottos. $3.50 for 1000 WHITS ENVELOPES, with national and patriotic emblems, printed in two colors. • Please give us a call. THE . Y. SCHEFFER, Jev-d - Harrisburg FRESH Choice Teas, Black and Green, in 3(, and 1 pound papers, for sale at NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S, . - corner Front Ind Market streets: FOR SALE CHEAP.-A. TWO STORY FRAME ROUSE, 1234x5(1 feet situ- iRI awl on grand street, in the rear of the Reiter- I I voir. For further particulars apply on the Prem• ices to [de3l-d2wl E. M. MATER. C R A A p rI . R . R . I y ES m , Dried Fruits, Fresh NICHOLS k BOWMAN'S, jl comer, Front and Market streets. ESENCE of VANILLA, Essence of Lemon, Flavoring Extracts, for sale at the new wholesale and Retail Grocery and Provision Store, cor ner Front and Market streets. j 1 • NICHOLS k BOWMAN. CIGARS and Tobacco, of all kinds: Ex tendre assortment of Cigars, at NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S, jl corner. Front and Market Street. pIIRE Cider Vinegar, for sale at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, Omer Front & Market Weds. 1 2tmustmento. BRANT'S HALL ! F OR THREE EVENINGS ONL Y , THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Jan 9th, 10th and 11th, 1862. Also Saturday afternoon. THE WORLD RENOWNED PEAS. FAMILY NORALISTS, HARPISTS AND LANCASHIRE BELL BINGTIBB, Prom Niblos' New York, most respectfully announce three of their chaste and novel entertainments at the above Hall. Having awed asoccessful engagement at Nibloa' aad Academy of Music, Brooklyn, will appear as adver tised. The Company will appear in SWISS COSTUME, Introducing their TWO HUNDRED SIM R.BELLS The only Silver Belle ever mannlnctured. The evening's entertiinmont will embrace new and original music upon the Bells, new Bongs, Ballads, Duette, humorous and Characteristic pieces. For Further Particulars see Programmes. Tickets 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Doors open at Of. Commences at 71-. A Grand Matinee will be given on Saturday afternoon for the secommodation of Families and Children. Cbil di eL 'admitted to the Iditinee for TYN CENTS. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. Great Success of the New Opera House This new and Beautiful Establishment will open for the Season, presenting SONGS, BALLADS, OVERTURES and LAUGHABLE BURLES QUES. In which Messrs. SANFORD, CARNCROSS, HUGHES, EDMONDS, BECKET, HOLDEN and the Great Troupe of ARTISTS engaged will illustain parts. Admission, (no half-price,) 25 cents. Orchestra Chairs, so cents. Seats in Private meg, 75 cents. Entire Box, $5.00. Doers open 61- o'clock ; Commence at 74- o'clock. Dna preparation the MUMMY, also the OPERA OF LA SOMNAMBULA, &c., &c. j 6 GROTTO MUSIC HALL! wALNur BELOW THIRD STREET CROWDED 110138. ES NIGHTLY I Hundreds Unable to Obtain Admission The great array of Talent ever appearing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE S PATE. EVERY EVENING! EVERY EVENING ! ! Composed of MALE and FEMALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR, in their Profession. LOOK Al THE NINES. BEHOLD! OBSERVE! Miss ROSA VOLANADT, the must pleasing Songstress. Mies JULIA PRICE, the Philadelphia Favorite. Kiss MILLIE MARIE, the Fascinating Dansense. BILLY CHAMBERS, the Champion Bone Player OLE BIILL DICK MYERS. the Greastest Violinist on the Stage. MATT REELER, the Prince of Comic Vocalists FULTON MYERS, the Celebrated Wench Dancer. BILLY WOMRELL, the Great Negro Comedian. WILLIAMB BROTHERki In Songs, Duette, Glees and Choruses. Prof. Strade will preside at the Piano. Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Admission - - 10 and 15 cents. Doors open 61- o'clock. Commences at 7i , o' clock. FILED. AIMS, THOMAS FOUNTAIN. • Proprietors. ('Positively no Boys admitted. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A FEW FANCY BOXES, Suitable for work boxes. A FEW SMALL CABAS, For little Girls. LADIES PURSES and PORTEMONAIS, A splended assortment. NEW STYLES FINE TOILET WATERS. BOXES FINE TOILET SOAP for $l.OO Call and Gee the varletiee that we are unable to notice In an advertisement. KELL&R'S Drug Stow de23 91 Market street. NEAP Fruits, Currents, Raisins, Citron and Lemons, at the new Wholesale and Retail, Gro cery and Provision Store, corner Front and Market street, Rarriaberg, Meet, N/0800 k BOWMAN. - STEAM WEEKLY 0E3% EEN NEW YORK -*A AND LIVERPOOL LAN t fiNti AND EMBARKING PAS -;,olihte at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. New i Org. and Philadelphia Steamship company iaterid despatching their full powered Clyde-built iron Steamsnips as follows ETNA, Saturday, January 1 1 ; KANGAROO, Saturday January 15 ; CITY OF BALTTIT.ORE, Saturday, Janua ry '26; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, NOM] liver. FIRST CABIN $75 RAGE.... ..... $3O 00 do to London 580 00 I do to London ..5a3 00 do to Parta ..... $:B5 00 do to Ptri 3 •• • • 534 00 do .0 u k0000 . g..385 04 I do t, Hamburg 1.:5 00 l'aEsengers torwartid to tia: .2. Bromeu, e.laally iota ratda. 44,..ersohs walrda2 -0141:00v triendu 040 buy ttek-eta here at the 001 , 04,0,,, ,, 7. , 01* ,, , to Kew Yori: idiom faverook or Qt0.111A61.14 , 0, I,t 0.9.bi0. $75, $B5 x2O 3705. -Iteerage Er.:m t. , ye , ";.• 0 L-14 00 Frod, 00,%001-001w n, S3O 00. Tbaaa tilearoer, u4vi, , -4perier aczomultmlasaunr, Tor pafseugure, ulati aNt.i , fisenc..l Sur g ee et . They are bulb In Water-11141a Irnii S.; ;it:A hay.. Fire AnelbilKtors ms bo.rd. For further information apply in Liverpool to WILIJA M INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street; in Glasgow to WM. INMAN, 5 tit. Enoch Square ; in Queenstown to e. & W. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; in London to EIVf.S At MAi_Y, 61 King William St. ; in Paris to LULUS DEODUE, 5 Place de la Bottrtu ; in Philadelphia to JO IN G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at ine Campany'a offices. .150. G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, New York. Or O. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg. ,jerPASSENGERs FOS EUROPE.—By order of the Secretor? of State, ad passengers leaving the United Stttes are required to procure Pa-oporto before going on board the Stainer. Passengers will not be subjected to any trouble or de- lay in procuring them, if they call for instructions at the Company's Offices, 15 Broaaway, New York. CEMI NICHOLS & BOWMAN having just re turned from the East with an extensive and wet selected etoct of goods, p0rt:114.4,1d for casb, teepee fully invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to 0411 and examine their New Goods at the old stand lorcaerly oc copied by V. Hummel, corner Front and :.farket streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups . ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and fine • OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENIS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Common and Fmcy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing ; • QUEENSWARE 1 QUEENSWARE 1 ! •C. C. CHASE, . Businea3 Manager Extensive assortment of all styles, and patterns and prices. Call snd examine our Stock of Goods at the Whlesale and Retail Grocery, Fruit and PrOVIEPOII Se corner Front and Market streat, Harrisburg, P.S. (oantry Endue, taken delo-1y UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. 'FRE subscribers haviug erected a large X bwldiug at the above pease, expreia.y for the pur p ees above holicated, beg to call the abolition of the pub. hu to the following : IRE RESTAURANT, on the first floor, with a dining room attached, is titled up in firstivictss style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best 01(8rERS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served up in every style, and meats to be had at ull hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern constroctioe, where the lovers el this healtey egefcistt can enjoy theilvelves. The Billiard Saloon is up stairs —elegratly tit ed up, and OClLltailB three marble top c .mbination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has long felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the prepri