THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE BERGNER, TERNS.—SI GL SummmoN The D4T. : INEORAT43 is served to subscribers tri the City at 8, 1 oasts per week Yearly subscribers will be barged s4'oo. • , • .• • ' • WEEKLY AND Skin , Wistair :Tsussuispav • • The Tcluesars is also published twice .a,weelt. during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during: the remainder of the year, and furnished to subseribers at the allowing rates, viz : Single subscribers per year 60 Ten " . " ~,12 00 Twenty ei ti • ' ..22 00 . Single subscriber, Weekly • ' 1 00 . THE 34W ON. NEWSPAPERS. It subscribers,order, the discontinuance of their newts papers, the publisher may continue to send theme until ail arrearages are it sribstribers aegierit or refuse to take their newspa• from the office to which they are directed, they are re-possible until they have settled the bills and ordered hem discontinued: ~€?tliea~ DR .- JOHNSON LOCK HOSPITAL 1 . 1 AS dificovtiroti lho most certain, epaed, and effectual rernkly in the world tor DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. unity IN •1Z TO TITIIV2 1110024. No iliereory or Norour Drugs AW A GIMP IVARR/AIITAD, OH BO CB/MUM, it nor art Two IDAYB.-Va Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains In he Lotus, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic' Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhysica -Pow em, Dyspepsia, Laugher, Low Spirits, Confueion 01 des*, Pall Ration of the - Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Dunce& of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affectiont of the Read, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits el Youth--those dreadful and destructive practises whict. produce constitutional debility, render marriage Impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victims ti! solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands n! young mon of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have, entranced listening lentos with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to cc tasy the living lyrC, may call with fell confidence, MARRIAGE Marrled.persons, or thasu contemplating marriage, be ar aware of physical weakness, should Immediately eon fait Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAKNgs Immediately cured and fsd/ vigor restored Re who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in his honor 'as'a gentleman, and eon. Edently rely upon his skill as a physician... . jyiroffine No, '1 South Frederick street,Baltimore,; d., ou the lea hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 town Irmo the corner. Be particular in observing the acme or nurebor,. or yea will mistake the place., fle par licular. for Itysormii. Qiinsksi with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the reputet• lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to nee on the -sply. DR. JOHNSTON, Dr. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges 3f the United States, and the greatest part of whose life tae been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as: tonishing cus that were ever known. Many troubled with ringh re ilin tnitears and head when asleep, great nes. voustass, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frtquent blushing, attended Sometimes with derange meat of mind were cured immediately, MARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. a,. dresses all these who having ininPed them selves by r;ypte and improper indulgeneles, that secret and solitary obit which ruins both body and mind, un fitting them for either businessor society. • • ' Thou. are come of the sad and melancholy en ,cts pro duced by early habitS of youth, viz Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys nepsta, Nervous Irritability, Derangement orthe Digestiirr Stnctions, General Debility, Symptoms of 9 ,isnitump• non, An liar.f(mALL l / 2 , .: iltrirrart,v, the fearful effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Low of Memory, rionfuSiOn of PplUi,, Dor pression of Spirits, Dill Forebodinks, Aversion totilocle= ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, limlitity,Ate., are some of the evil effects. Thomanda or pomp/. ot atl.agea,t can now judge what Is the cause of their dacline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, palo, nervone and emacistoit, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and itymp' nil of consumption, YOtTNG NEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dulged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from erfl ZOMIA111011!, pr et aehopt the affects of which an nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders] marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. should - apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his noun try, the darling of . his parents, should be snatched fiver all prospects and enjoyments of the consequences of deviating from the path ,of nature, and indulging in 9 certain secret habit. Su t.h persons must, before minters plating MARIiIAGE, effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey tb toilet lffe.berumes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the' view; the mind becatnesithadewed with despair, mutinied with th melancholy'resection that the happiness of another be. conies bliglited with, our Ore ~. • . •. •,••• .., • R. JOHNSOS'a INVIGORATING , 'Bran' FOR On: _ . WEA ICNFA By this greaVand important remedy, Weakness of the _ rout are speedily cured, and fail vigor restored, thousands of the most neriona and debilitated wba 'had lost all hope, have been frathediateit relieved, All hnpedlmerdele Matriagei Physical or , Meetai cation, Nervous Trembling. We94ctesti.or.Exlykustion es the meet fearthi kind, speedily cared. TO STEL4l93Kgg.ij:; The many thousands cured M this Instiution within Ins last twelve years, and the eumerottithiSportatit- liturgics operations performed by Dr. witxteesed by ihe porters of the papers, and many other per sona, nenco,ol which have appeared again and again before the public, betides his standing as a sentleman of character (Old re wonsthilits, is a sufficient guarantee to the &Mated'. DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed. the seeds of this painful disease, it too often haimens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from Applying to those Who, ; rom education and. re', spectabillty eatraloncltefrlend him, delaying cOr etitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the .head, throat; nose, Oran, dic., progressing on with _frightful rapidity, till death pals a period to Ids dreadful sufferings by , sending himto "that bourne from whence no traveler returns." It le a mei• ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, rub; the COnStntitiOn and make the residue of life miserable. To STRANGIIRS.—The Bootees Dimwits hang in his OfDae. eliirLetters must contain a Stamp tons on the reply , gfirßemedies sent by Mail. sir No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aurl3-clawlY PI7PIFws 13 A atn LIN E Between Philadelphia - - LOOK RAVIN, JNIONY EHOII6, WELLIAMPORT, MuiNcre UNIONTOWN, WNISONTOWN, MILTON, Lzynesuaa, NOILITIUMBNULAND, :•:11 - SHONT, TRIVONTON, • GIORGETOWN, LTHINSTOWN, MILLISI3- BONG. HAWN; DAVPHIN, AND HARRISBURG.: . The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Donducter goes through with each train to attend to.the safe delivery of .all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the ;Depot of ERRED, WARD & FREED, No. 811.1ilart et :fleet, Phil& delphia, by 6 o'oloca P, M., will be cialivered in Harrisburg ths next moraine • Freight (always) as low as by any other !me. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and tweedy delivery of al: Harrisbur; iioods. ' The undersigned thankful for past pearly: . go hopes by Brent attention to business to merit a cow tudiioo of the Same. T. PEIYHER. Philadelphia and goading a1646nl . : • Foot of Market Sires Fkrrtsburg. SCHEFFE'RS BOOK STORE. (NEAR lIARRISIIIIRG BRIDIA.) UNION ENVELOPES NOTE .1) APER,, of 'six different designs, printed in two colors , sold by the thousand and by the ream at City Cash pries, Also, Flags, Union Breast tins, Engles, Union Ri ng , d Badges at very low prices. Call at a lard . POBBFFIrtt'S BOOKSTORE. FINE TOILET tO APS , POMADES, HAIR PoWDEB3, COLOGNES and EXTRACTS, of many styles, prices and -manufactures st ,Nniffigft . ,HUG AND FANO , / • , ".. litel • • - • TELLERrB 'DRUG BTUILS is the place to Inky Mat /Widow. • - ; , • 4. s\\; • eNarr,/ : .*, t 1 7 , ) ban ... • .. - 41 0 3) or g • , • VOL xvn tints of Ofravti 4147.-4ircinsportatioi, ?EIIINSYLVANIA 'RAIL ROAD r. WINTER TIME FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. 41111 ATTU ;MONDAY NOVEMBER 2.6*"1861. The. Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania - Railroad Company will depart from , and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia u , E 1r W A KID • • THROUGH EXPRESSI,TILUN'Ieayse Harrisburg daily Eit'S 20 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7.40 FAST LINE leaves.Marrieburs every ,morning (except Monday) at 8.4.5 a. at., and arrives at .Weet Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m, . . , NAIL TRAIN leaves Hurisbnr g daily (except Sunday) at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Pnliadelphla at 5.20 ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN; • via Motiht • % NT, — leaden Earrisbin at .7:00 a.'m., and arrives at West Piths,- delphia at 12,10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION , via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. m.. sod arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.20 p. m. WESTIVAIRD. • THROUGH EXPREtiIn TRAIN leaves Philadelphia •at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.067 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. -.MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m.; leaves Harristi sirs at 7.46 a. in., Altoona, 2.45 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 8.45 p. M. FAST LINE lanes Philadelphia at 11.80 a.m., Haul& buit4.os p. in., Altoona at 9.10 p. to., and arriving at pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphia at 2.30 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.05 .Pint. • . MOUNT JOY AccoMMODATION via Mount Joyjeaves Lancaster at 11.84 , a. m44wlyeii .. at . Gacriaborg „at }AO SAMUEL D. YOUNG, t Penoa. Railroad. farrisburg, November 22, 1861 —dif WINTER TIME ARRhiNGVEMENT. NEW Alit LINE' ROM AND Vi'11310 . 17 MANGE OF CABS. : r I N AND Ar`ER. MONDAY NOVEN- A,. BRA 4,1861, th e Passeligoi leave th e lniladolphla itho Reading Railroad - Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philaindidgn, as ffidinws. E,4I,I3TWAIELD. EXPRIL43 LlNEleaves Harrisbnig at 8.80 a. ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Exprem .truain'' from the' Witt, arriving in New Vora at 11.6 a. m., and at Phila. delphia at LOU a. in. • A sleeping- car as attached to the tram through from-Pittsburg without change. lAAIL TRAM leaves Harrisburg at 8.86 a. nr...arriving in NOw York at 6.30 p. Uk. 2 and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. FAST uNy, leaelai Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of pennevivaida Railroad Fll5ll thin, arriving in • Noir York at OM p in, and. rtilladelPhie at 8.40 WESTWARD. FAST LlNEleaves kali York at Ba. m., and Phlladel. pnia 'at S a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at .1 p. m. HAIL TRAI L -leaves New York 'at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adelphia at S. lb p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 11.1.0 IMPRESS LINN leaves New .York at R. ; p. m., ant. tins at Harrisburg 1143.10 a. in.; aid eaantrattng with the Peautylvatit Express Train far Pittabarg. A sleeping oar is also attacoed Lo this:awn • Connections are made at , Harriaboarg with trains on the Penuayivania,Northenitentral and tkunberland Valley Ilailroads, and at Needing for Philadelphia, rotteedle, Wilkesbarre, Allentown,. &atom, &a. • • • Baggage checked through. Fare between • New York and Harrisburg, lib 00 ; tetwien Elarthiburg and Prills, delphia, $8 2b in No. l care and 02 10 in No. 2. For tickets or other interination apply , to J. J. °LYDA net General Agent, Harrisburg. 3. IL /DIGERSOLLIS . PATENT • FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dresses the hair without soiling the lingers. It effects a garlogotonalalf in the use of hair prepar ations. It dose sway with greasy hair-oil bottles. It is handsomer 'ratio than the common hair-brash. It regulatei tue quantity of &id u3ed, to a drop. It is perfectlymar, and cannot spill_over in the.trunk or on the toilet. . It carries enough of any preparation What for a voy age or 11,1011 g journey. . ' Its rice le moderate, snit saw hs own east 111 for • swath& for, trila at s. eiter% Drag and Paioratolll Vi hiarlFl4' street two doors east of Fourth week &nth ra& `q . N - -1):E : r WND Eli T - 11 P ALL THIINGS7;-.,N.EViRA:LI-11.-:FON.V.:7. PA.. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY li p 1862 13016DtEREP NICE WACIV9, IC4OR Bale at • Kmaj.sais paw AND isicT Brom . Camp. Writing 048 04 Needle Sewing Oases,. : • Shaving or.iiiiitir• Cues, • • ... Toilet °Mas i , I . • • Match thew iryer Pipes, : . • • Tobacco:Boxes, L.. - ' ••• Judie Rubber Tobacco Paucheei Wicker, Leather Sal.atina Fluke, . • • ~ Leather Drinkitig Pain, Penholders, pouo il a, Paper, luidEnvelepen. Soldleru.will see at gifteee that the place to I kei an to imaAl wares le at'.24. 81;11Eirketi street:' iirSee "Fort Ploltemo ,, in 'wind() ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT 'DELIVER'S; COAL-BY THE PATENT•WEIGH THESE; Weight Carte - ate. certified by '144, Sealer of Weight* and . alessuras. : 'oohaninerircan weigh their , coal at their own doors. It le at great Int. parlance daring these hart times for over! , on§ la ;know that they Ger width ibtx, boxier A large supplyif coa, always to be Noted on hind, L. h . • LYSIANSatt 111110111 • BALTd. CO'S Mee. . ,LOlt,BEßftt COAL; ((hetet:mob attieht,) , Sold tirthe oar Kant nimbi& ton'. • ' ' All coal of the beet quality, dehveredlree front' all 181 4 peritlem AT MOM ta sun TIN TOM, by the boat or car load, single, half or third of tons and by tete bushel. JAMBS /I..%FiIIIELIR. Harrisburg, Nov. 6 s.* 11144i4y 4 • GENTLEMENEV ,WEAR. A knit iiiisortmenior Under FilMe and Drivirire, OM Gentlemen' Traveling Shawls and Blankets, very Kind ot Gents Ho , iery, Clotha,cassiniens, and ,Vestinga., : . . , . On - great varletiy - • Silk Cashmere Neck Zee & Crairaii; • Large Stook of Gloves ils:Gannilettai of. Snapesiaera, , Buss Bun*. A Large Stook of those Goods, to sweet* from cati found At ; . VATHCAirrIi . nol3. 71 4 1eitidoor to tits Barritburg . 13103R.ELL4 MANUFACTORY ;No. 69, Market 'Streeti bikitO Third, LEE,. smungi MANUFACT(IiiRECDTV BktEl#l4 l 3., p/am:Hs ana waltrsit dins, fiainfeb goods at :LOWER PRIOID3 Walk can be bouebt Meier he Kamera CiLio3. Country =whams *an tgi all lad, exami no gip*, paal aaavloat tpemy elv .3 Of this fact,: ; , , 028-41 Y, OIM replenished stook •of =Toilet' and Fancy Goods tifttnittrpialscl in thit eat; 'aid ferAing coniklent of rendering: eatistacilon, wo wand' rig-. poctiully invite a oat. 1444404.,.. 91 Market street, twoloorit.sait of fourth street, south : - PRE ITEI 'TOUR LEATHER BEEP 'YOUR E.E.ET" . ONE • BOX•:OF 'FRANK •MICALER'S LEATHER 1 RFgrip,v4TVE r_it ( !ar 9;10. ...2 11 40 1 4i r; 4. 14413/: A N ; QIIT-DOORMAN : ONE. ycltAg, . , g0re.92%. *5 . CENTSO222... . iC ND save mere than four times its coil A in the durability of leather,, and greatly contribute, w utaith,astd • contforr. FOR HaRNI2IB, see Inside Label On the cover of large size. For sale in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., No. 19 Market street ; Bey & Kuititlee and Mar ket streets ; Wm. Dock -- Jr:, Marketiitieot ; Jacob Buehler, No. 29, deem( strati, ,end J. C. : Kimbell, liar. ket str. et. -• • `. " dol24l.lMmlts W E O FEB T B ~ 0 CUSTOMERS • - •A New Lot of ' LADIES' PURSES, Of besulif9l • Styklubit99ll9lly 399,419,. A SidenaklAiii p iininit NTLE t 9 4.4 171 1 A New and ifelpinkiinfninne, KNIGHTS. 'rEMPLA.II: I B , 4 I)O4IIIET, Put up fa Oat Glow Engraved, Rota*. i,CoikplektAisorlukentlof HANDKERCHIEF PER,FGRES, Of the besl Manufacture. A :fiery Hapdiiikle Vailifi POWDER 'Purr , B , b;•Es, • KELLER'S DRUGSTORE, ', se m • ' 91 Merkel Sirig. 'PORT: rozaos , i . . TIT BITING DESK.S; Vy n .TEAVELLNG BAGS, PUBStS, PORTMONiDES, And a gener4 alsbroic4,o • -1 • , -VANcril'ootd '. have just been received at „ • BFABGNEWS CHE AP BOOKSTORE. . :-PROP. ADOLPH P:.TEUPSHR, WOUla: retepootfully. Anfotini hie .old' patrons and the pub D o. gwrally, that he will continue to give tnetructions on the PIANO FOitTE, ME LODEON, V I OLIN: and sap in thw_liciftltie 01.111DMIMMID BASEL He Will pliiatierewah Upon pupils at their imolai at any hour desired, - or - lessons' will be gives a his residence, la Third strest,a few doors below lb German flefornied Church:. • - deelf•-eli CIDER 111 VINEGAR 1-111 • ANADE from 'choice' aritteeleoted'Applee, and guanuttood by no to bit strictly purl. - 4,114. d • DuOg 00. • BLACKING 1 , AEON'S 4 M ;'CHALLENGE ACKIN . G.' 100 Grab, 'gloried sofigi,Jui# receilr.!lP 1 4 1 4 fo r saw Whokeale pzioep p dell . . • WM. DOOR; Jr., & o°. TVARIEB FOit 11362..,—, igrept JJ at excised's& km prices, st nso- ancriPEß i-BooKerons GOLD PENS I , GOLD PENS riam. largest and most - *wield, assortment 'of GOLD PERS is for lade at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. orAm. piam waxmlino. "TAY 1 HAY 1 I—dupoxior baled kitty JA. for solo .. by . to ' JAMB Itt, WHEELER . . TT NAM; CLOTH, HAT, LATIaIIouidIMANT - sarlegY ANI) FAIVX ATOM& um - Tir s . Hundred , /gilt!". -eugar' JI" ur,S,Bilikaltlit -1 19014 •: , • • Wat DoalE4l. a°, i[S~ tURI[EtLS: Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors; • Pocket Snivew,: • • Pocket Combs, , Fine Oonabe;,r, , . , camp. Mirrors COAL I WHOLSB4%.7•E, 111111 ME illisullantoui. JOOKS FOR CHILDREN! * nevi and large assox4ment of iddiS:Ba it Childn; batjuetbeen i opinolat i +=Nga ro E .Amongthe . t R.ent, vy t yl. bu fould so endjop moiety of TOT BOOKS! Indeetruotible Pleasure ,Books with Colored. Fianna, :; . A full assortment of these popular Childrenlis Books rioted on fine linen, confiding of Stories from the Sctiptures.-- r •Rufla, Stories from the Scrigures- - -Devid, Stories from the Scriptures—Sanwa, ChildkPiotorial Rtlider,• • • Rouse that ..Jack Built, Cock Robin aud Jenny Wren, • • Old Woman and Fig, Farmer Ikry's Alphabet, or ' "Speed the Plough," , Old Mother Hubbard, Little Mnand Maid, • • Little Bopeep, • • • Jenny Wren, &c., &c. In addition to the above I have a large as sertment of bound JUVENILE BOOSS. ' • *BLEB, PRAYER BOOKS Ike. BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 50 cents, BIBLES for 75 cents, BIBLES for $l, BIBLES for $1 25, BIBLES for $1 50, BIBLES for $2, • BIBLES for $B, • BIBLES for. $4, , BIBLES for $59 ' BIBLES for s6,' • BIBLES for • $7, BIBLES foi $8,.. BIBLES for $10,„ BIBLES for $l5; • • • ' BIBLES for $25. PRAYER BOOKS-AT ALL PRICES. latest Books paha' hed 'are daily re Bold at the lowest publishers rates. Examine the stock. GEO. BERGNER. CELEBRATED DANDELION corFEE: ITE N COFFEE P4NPALIO. no* offered rirL to the is prepared trout the rreeh roots. 'eubmittingthis valuable article to the Public later, the manuateturer only complies with the urgent and In neolishig demands of the public..: It is unquestionably .enS of the:most reliable. and &factual remedies yet i. die etittiered for the diseases hie ttpolied. Dos etroagly. commended by the Faculty as a sa,.erfor nutrient' beyer cge for General Debillty i -Dyspeptic, Disease of the User, &thous alfscilens - and irritable condition or 4/10 Stomach. The many. thousands who hayolemn. reluotantly-compet: led:to abandon the nee-o( Coffee, owing to the:Wary does to their health; wilt And ibis superior tothe bdiil /era Dif reed w tigy. nethteit ef 11 grest.t.and actunitelf,ilked deal benefits. The iniehigent p Tann of the community maim well anted Lied iiitaltio hodiainal aiopettin thelitandellon, that they require but the assurease that thecrtiele offerecitO thedls the Ouie Dandelion 'Hoot. Air9ne pound .or this COEN, will make ,ea much as two pounds of the beat, Java For male by , 2- • ' 0030 HYMNBOOKS! HYMNBO OKS!. , 4 New School Presbyterian Hymnßooks Old School PresbYterianliYmn Books, Ltitheran Hymn Books. Methodist Hymn Books. 'German Reformed Hymn Books. various styles of Binding Gan be had at BERGNkft'S &XIS STORE Seleot Bohoo for—Bovs- and Girls FR NIP ,, #801041.4iac4911%. rye - trill' term of .11()46'ktleilLWErz j.; School Mr boys, will_Mien." biiihr first Monday In .Beytember., .111*,,ruem is well wentMeled, iooMfortebly • tureiatted;Wnd "eery respect adapted , for school par LATHAMINM BVELW3II'S &Mod tor girls, located n Me mine Will upon'for the Fill ternfat Mb same time. The room has been elegantlY fitted lip to promote be health and comfort of lawman. aumladd MILES;'-- D.ENTIST) . •• ()FFERSSet viiiess to • die. *oitizeiuts' . , narrhtourg sad , itt 'IMMIX. —MO 60Belti a anars-o the jpublioloattonage, Andtgoves sastiranee tbat.his best endeavors omit,* *won to rend .1r sktishustien in hie pro, ressioi. HiiintaffUld; well t.ried eenteft,'he feels sale in hafting ' the poiblify generally to , rad On him, asifuring' heM that they will not be dimiatisftedwitit'hisrairviixos; Mo. US Market streetdn the house formerly mi.. Copied by Jaoob R. lBby, near the United Stites Hotel; Harrisburg. Pa. - • - • BLEACHED _BILITSLIEB . . (aL old prices.) 10PLANKETS, ' L lelsouels, Ticking , Dr~Lin~e; Giughams, Ciilloool3, All kinds of Dothestid Goode, A splendid Liu° of &MAVIS. ALL kinds of Mumand Boys WeIT, _• In great variety to be found at ;; 041.110Lara i g nOV 4 Market Square. FURS 1 FITREI I FITEIS 1 FURS 1 Sable Furs, i Liberian Squirrel Furs, • • . French Sable Furs, , ' - Skiver Harlan Furs, - ' - Water' leak ! 4205, cm** Lira imires„ Largwassaiiiitani.• • • Great bargain* in these Hoods. Evarpartials;warran tisk i° _ be aa v:rlice"Cuil at R illiar . Next to tile Harrisburg tank. :41 . • woaciEsTralr ;ROYAL ..QUARTO , DRITIONLEY • V: Vih neat defining and prononneing"Dio• J. : tionary of the Anshan langmnie ; Aiscv,L Worceiteer hoticiol Dictionaries. Weatse's Pictorial Quarto and iinhopl Dictionaries for sale at " 80EUE.17111V2 BOOKSTORE, Wait ' - Near s h r Harrisburg Brills- NVW , IIUCZWILEIAT FLOUR tio' 1138. BUCK 500 W Adel' 122, mad 2bll-ibia Tuo quality la very ouporio4 bait* boon la fkolimMoo oxproooly ifir our Mail mode. flar;saiii low by 1,000,000 ENVELOPES I- gl4 immense stock of •ENVELOPES of ovary , able is now Opening at - • - • BEFIGNEIVS (,HW BOOKAMOVii. - 'l' 0T10N13.-uite * - variotr i tig .iusehil sad isterialaiNg artumii—canal—at MOM% 900111110/111. = I i .: I . _Js- Front our Morning Edition. From Withlgton. SENATORS POLK AND .TOIENSQN EXPELLED. THI TRAITOR ,EBOIEKB, SMITHSON. WASHINGTON Jan. 10 1862 The, Secession Senators from Missouri, True ten Polk - and Waldo P. JOhbson, were expelled to-day . without a dissenting'vote. Smithson, the broker of this'• City, who has been .arrested and sent .to Fort Lafayette, is fOund to have communicated to the rebels full plans by which they might capture Wash ington. ' • '• lie hall also given them full inforination as to' the ImMtierOf troops, and the position and strength of , the forts conFtructe,d for its defence, the huMbif of their guns,arc Eije From the Eighteenth United States Infantry., For the Daily CAMP TilpMAlli, OKIO, Jan. 7th, 1862 Ma. Emma :—lmagine a rail car filled with a band of Vali soldii3rs; some of whom are butchering the English language, with such accents, _whiltpottiers give it the nasal sound of a regular Yankee, and occasionally rising above the babble a rough brougue from the tongue of AlLjesting and laughing at the lone - rose of Ireland,, so whons they have facetiously Ni pped the respectable and somewhat unclassified cognomen of the Irish nagar for having pre tended to be etiamored with a Sable daughter oti Africa. Pat takes. it coolly, however, ditows back his teriiip-ahaped head, with the grace and dignity of a curpulaut ildernian; 0386111 We — of his butter-milli tdne ey esas though he • considered 'himself a pearl. Braid swivel, and gives beck retorts that ,create / peal after peal of laughter. Imagine this, and if fariCY is not a stupid artist you will hare - a correct` piCture'of the proceedings of a smsil.:band,ofcmete belonging to the 18th In fadtry, regular army, who bade farewell to the neat pity. of H— and its hospitable people a teW days ago, and journeyed weiiiward to join theirecimpauions in' ainisi and shariwith thew the sunetune and shadow of Camp Thomas. Our, journey was a little tedious, yet not altogether.void of pleasure. It was, a varia tion tif joy and some medley of laughter and grumbling, a•CombinistiOn that did• not appear to injure us mentally, or physically; as we arri ved with good appetites whole heads, and (perhaps) whole hearts, in ;limp Thomas which us situated three miles north or. Columbus, the capitol of Ohio. Itietricatioa is not more - beautiful than that of I Camp.Curtin, and its rural surroundings, I will admit, are_not so picturesque, ot so likely to inspire the ; bard and excite the admiratiou of the artist • 'Yet, for the neat "and artistic arrangement' of its tents, the cieanline,s of iis,streete end the conduct of the men, I deem, it the most beautifni coup I have seen in all my travels. . All are taipplied with the Sibley tents, whfch have good fluors; stoves; ticks tilled with straw, arid blankets sufficientto kep the men warm and comfortable, A large kitchen, constructed of rongh pine. boards, is elected at the east end of each conipany street it has in it a cook etevit and other utensils necessary for the 'sol diers' cullinary: depatmeat, so th 4 .all can eat, dtiek, and, if . necessary, be merry.. At present their are lour hundred men en cadiped here, all - belotiging to the Third bat tallitne-of the; 18th • intautry, regular army. This Firet:and Second. battellions • are in Old Kentuck,and when we join, them,' which we will era, long, we hope to find them crowned with the laurebi of victory: They are 'a fine, stalwart set Jof 'fellows; armed with excellent rides, and commanded by skillful officers. • Yet the Thitd battaltion, commanded by Major ;Will. A. Stokes, which is composed of toe daring and patriotic sons of the old Key Stone Otte, matirfrom Harrisburg and victuity, is universally acknowledged to both° elite com pany C, which is to be commanded by Captain. J. al. Eyster; althongh hiving been here but a brief period We have been bigot) , complimented 4 , the (dicers. They are as accurate in coin a_.llrl battalion drill' as those : companies that have been here a number of weeks, and I doubt not that under the command of such an excellent officer as Osphdri - E. it will, in a short rime become - the moat correctly &Med and or clerly. company ; bi,the regiment. , ,; 'l he band la an excellent one., It consists of a geed' large istuaber of silver instruments, Whole sweet tones 'are full Of such 'Monti - slut melody, thatrit transports the weary soldier in fancy . back ; to: .his:' distant home, soothes hid drooping ; spirit and fills hie brain, with de lightful vieidue of" the future. Its melodious echoes' chime - upon hie ear with" a"sweetness that would make him stand and - fight as bravely al did the ,Spartan heroes at Thermopolae. It it field byi connoisseurs, to be oue of, the beet bands in the army, and I tully,coincide with them in their Viewa. • • -` 'The officers here are all active and energetic. If ever a colonel was loved by bis men, it is Cotenel Carrington. Ire is a good soldier, a fine 'balmier and Witbal,"a 'pertect gentleman; ever oiligeut in the performance et nis duly, is not sahaufedeo-work analog his men, and hover expects them, te_ perform more than. they .are capable of doing. I think if .. his example was. imitated by a large 'majority of' our army otti cers, it would not only be highly beneficial to themselves, butodd greatly. to the comfort of their brave man. „I i It is expected by ; the Ofileers,,thut the Bat taliim' will be completed in a fevi Weeks, when we Will start for gentnaky, , and ere smiling spring has robed the- hills and valleys of the florin in its Verdankminitle, and garlanded it With dainty flowrets, I hope to dine in the heart of bet:ekes and pen yOu'a letter in the shadow of Nomairagmenroratige-grove. ' • • Arussiair. tin agho* Ziki"SA of Cincinuatii cloaking of tt+. liie in Chulestorte Bays: I.W. coounisenite eindiheifthe condition df the •Catbolion in that *inn* city - , and would mina finati ki —. I ham tinting Out Raving procured Steam Power Pressex, we are prepay;, ed to execute JOB add B )0R PRINTING °revery deacrlp• op, cheaper than It can be done at any other establish. mot In the country. RAt ES OF ADVERTISIe.G. jar Four lines or less eonstitute one-half square. Sight .tnes or more than four constitute a square, Half F.quare, one day one week one month • • " three months.... If six months.- ti one year..... • One;Equare, one day " one week.... one month... It ?three months six months, at One year • Kir Wellness notices inserted In the L.^.41. Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS 1'47 , nn sach ineer Lion. NO. 6 • sag- ilarriges and Deaths to be charged as regular Vertisem.nts The Calais (Me.) Advertiser relates that last week, as Mr. Nickson Peters, of Baileyville, *is returning from the woods, with his axe in his shoulder, he espied an animal near the toot of an old tree, a little way off, and on going to the spot discovered it to be a large bear, which had taken refuge tinder the roots of the 'tree. He furthermore found that.there Were two or three of the varmiuta " under the tree, and 'that they had three places of egress and ingress to the den. .His deg corn coerced the attack by stationing -himself at one of the holes and barking furiously. Mr. Peters stationed himself at another, axe in hand, ready, should any of them attempt to leave the den, to give battle. Soon th- old est and largest one essayed to run the block ade, whed Mr. , Pet.?rs struck her a blow be tween the, snout and , the eyes, which cut through to the lower jaw, and drove her, back to her den with a growl, where she remained somb time.. She then attempted, to escape by one of the other holes, but Mr, Priers was too quick for hM., and dealt her a blow on the email of the back; which laid her out dead. In the meantime one of the other bears gut out and Mr. Peters immediately gave it his atten thin, despaichlng• .witti a blow just back of the foreshoulder, the axe penetrating to the hekt and producing 'levant death. By this time it had got quite dark, and the other one shOwing no dig:position to leave his den he coilelnded to suspend operations for that night. So ; shouldering the En:wiliest one he st rted for home.; , Next morning he returned with three of 'his neighbors to,the scene of his previous night's explbits. They found the old cam where he had lett her, dead. On looking round they soon found the other one up in a tree. The . party had two guns with them, but neither of them would go off. Presently Bruin began to descend the tree, and as soon as he struck the eround Mr. P. again raised the fatal axe and dealt him a blow which killed him. Thus Mr.' Peters killed all three of the "varmints" with his own right arm. The largest would weigh upwards of 350 pounds, and each of the other two was as big as a large sheep. TM WONDERS OF TILE MICROSEOPE.—We AU- . derStaDd it is through the agency of this marvel viewing instrument that Dr. Ayer has at length succeeded in finding the PALUDAL ntesst and determining its character. Of its effects we in this section have abundant evidenceln the Fans and Acme which it alone produces when absorbed through the lungs in the blood. It has long been held to be a vapor or some thing in the vapor of water from decayed or decaying vezetation. Under a great - magnify ing power, the Doctor has found this vapor to contain distinct- organisms, or living bodies, corresponding precisely with those found in the'blood of Ague subjects. They are 18,000 times less than visible to the naked eye, but have distinct character and form. He thinks they are reproductive in decaying matter.or in the blood, and hence their long continued life, or the remote effects of them in the system,— He maintains that they resemble in character the other fermentative poisons, or such as the virls of rabies or of a dead body, Btc., all of which are known to reproduce themselves with great rapidity like yeast in moistened flour, so that the slightest quantity impregnates the whole mass. Yeast through a powerful mag nifier is seen to be a forest of vegetation which grows, blossoms and goes to seed in a short time. kiiastn is • not so distinctly vegetable, but has more the appearance of animal life, although its motions cannot be perfectly din-" tioguished. What the Doctor claims to have settled is that it is an organic substance, and be has further found and embodied in-his "Ague Cure" what will destroy it.—Leader, St. Louis, Mo. THE PRINCE OF WALII3.-Tt is amusing to read the, London Times lecturing the - Prince of _Wales abont behaving himself, now that his mother is a widow. The poor boy is talked to as if he was Inclined to be a ruffianly debau chee. • • Holiday Presents! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY 3 GOODS, has just been opened at BERG NER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Among the re cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PareES. Albums bound to suit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH 1u KEY ANIIQUE, WI 111 VELVET AND GOLD, WITH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, To Hold Twenty Cards, To Hold Thirty Cards, To bold Forty Cards, To Hold Ft tv Cards, To Hold Sixty Cards, To Raid Eighty card,. To Hold One H atimd To Hold Two Huodreti Cards, &Ora SEVIOITY-FiVe. CENTS To TWEN !Y-FLVE DOLLARS Vi/ALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY. .• • . IiARRISBURGind PHILADELP Eli A. Wm. 1a../364*,/*rit, 812 Market stied, philacies p,, , forrserly Lanagatos 4 Co. Q pecial Lonductor in charge ol each Oltrain. Goode delivered at ttue Wauretiouse, Philade pia; at 4,,t4 o'eloalr. P. M., will be deft sated in Harr' ei renext morning, J. WALLOWER, JR., Agent, iny2kditi • Office heading Depot, Harrisburg. MILITARY GAUNTLETS. • A 'IiEW - Lo'l% just received, of the bee riL quality, at CaTtlJeti.T'3, next claw te Barrlnbar on.a7 Mit! TO FAMERS. OAT,4 I OATS 1 1 Cash paid for Oats by• /um x. Immure. sksromisc A Bear Story; $0 25 1 00 2 00 8 00 . 5 00 . 800 2 00 8 50 600 10 00 15 00