paiki i.eligrapt. GARRISFiIIFIG, PA --- Friday Morning, January )0, 1S - - JUVENILN BILLAItn PLAYA:M.—Au interukting g of billiards came me yesterday morning at Poulton's Hillard Saloon in the rear of liritrit's Hall, between Master Lebo, aged 12 Star; of Lock Haven and Master Poulton, aged Ii years, a "chip of the old block." The game was well, played, and terminated in the victory of Master Poulton A NEN CUBE. -A singular addition to chiro podic science bus been made in the Guthrie Grny r egiment, in service in Western Viiginia, where they Were for weeks at a time with we) feet. Their feet had been so thoroughly soak ed that every corn end bunion in the regiment was killed. We mention this curious fact for the benefit of those troubled in this manner, and hope that every wan so afflicted will im ediately enlist. A SPORTING ITEM —lt may be of interest to some to know what it costs the State of Ohio to ~apply her dogs with a first class sport for in vetr .we give it. '1 here were killed by ,A w s. is Ohio during the year 1861, 42,781 shier, valtad at $64,216 25. During the „,,, e per.od 'hire were injured 19,000, valued at E.2 . .!,579 70—total, 81,782 sheep, at $86,- 795 io That is more than all the dogs in Cbthtendom are worth. Dean of '6l.—Among the notices of the diad of '6la prominent place should be given to King Cotton. ghat powerful despot, in his ef forts to extend his power, receiving an "inter nal injure which speedily brought his reign and life to close. Had he been content to "li are well enough alone," he might have been en-ured many and prosperous days ; but in striking for universal dominion he fell to rise no more. A pregnant illustration of "vault ing ambition that bath o' erleaped itself !" A RAILROAD &usu. —On Thursday, while the afternoon train of cars, on the Franklin Rail road, was on its way to Chambersbarg from Greencastle, quite an accident occurred. One of tie axles of a car belonging to the Pennsyl vania.liallroad broke, causing a general smash up. Three cars were broken, all loaded with flour Whinging to Sehafhirt, Wunderlich Si Co., of Greencastle, destroying, we were informed, ti a great extent, about twenty barrels of flour. The sour lost, in connection with the breaking of the cats, will make the loss considerable. I=l BALI. OF THE HOPE FIRE COMPANY.—This de serving fire company gave,their annual ball at Brant's Hall Wednescl iy night. The evening was not very propitious, but the attendance was large and highly respectable. A famous string band was on band, but as the people about here know how to appreciate good music, it would be useless to say anything more about it, with the exception that It was " tip top." The hall was handsomely decorated, and the dancing, taking into consideration the crowded state of the room, went off finely, no disturb ance whatever having occurred upon the Door. The guests seemed to enjoy themselves, and the '' hop" broke up towards the " wee sma " hours, all highly pleased with the festivities of the occasion. " Too LATIL': —Did a train ever leave the depot at this place without some unfortunate genius bting left behind, to take his chance in the next train ? How olten does some indi vidual come puffing and blowing, and hear the minute bell strike, when he is over two squares from the wished for depot. How he likes the suggestion of some younster, who sings out, "Hurry up, you, sir! only a minute left," and profiting by the advice, he vainly endeavors to "make time," but he just succeeds in getting in one end of the building as the train is get ting out the other. For all the good that train will do him, he might as well have been two hours behind time, and wiping the perspi ration from his brow, he takes the " back track" to try to miss it again in the course of the day. If he does succeed in getting on, some one else will just have the bad luck to do the same thing he did, and we doubt whether a day passe s but that one or more repeat these few welds, "too bad ! too late !" P B OL WOWS ORATION.—Prof. M'Coy, of Washington, D. C., the distinguished orator, having received and accepted an invitation from the members of the Pennsylvania Legisla ture, delivered in the chamber of the House on Wednesday evening last for the fourth time in this city his celebrated lecture on the "Lon don Times the American Rebellion and the War for the Constitution." The Chamber was filled with a large and intelligent audience, in cluding a number of ladies. In the absence of his Excellency Gov. Curtin, who sent a note explaining Lis absence, ex-Speaker Davis, of Penang° county, presided. The oration was delivered with all that thrilling eloquence for which Prof. ItrOoy is distinguiaheci, and was frequently interrupted by bursts of applause from the audience. At the conclusion of its delivery the following resolutions, offered by Ml. Abbot, one of the Representatives from v'hiladelphia, were read, and unanimously agreed to : Resolved, That the Senators and members of the House of Representativ es of Pennsylvania tender to Prof. McCoy, their sincerest thanks for delivering before them his eloquent oration in which he vindicates in ISO ename l ly a manner our national cause, against the assaults and misrepresentations of English presses and states men hostile to the American Republic. Resolved, That as a means of fixing in the minds and hearts of the people of the United Sates the great Nal tonal principles and inter eats at stake in this war, this audience Join with those who heard it in the National Capi tol at Washington, in the desire that this ora tion may he repeated as fax as possible through out the Union. Resolved, That the Governor of the Common wealth, and the Speakers of the Senate and Luse of Representatives be requested to act es a committee to address a circular to the pa triotic citizens in the principal places in Penn sylvania, setting forth the advantages which alight accrue to the country, by the delivery in !heir respective communities of this appealpower p to American patriotism, as against internal and external enemies," who lic, aro now plotting the overthrow of the Repub- THE YOUN9 RASCAL —We overheard one' of our deeds retrark yesterday, after " picking Liniself up" from the icy pavement, that he entertained the best possible feelings for man kind generally, but most devoutly wished to see the streets of our city laid in ashes ! THE bleams.—This unwelcome visitor of the nursery is now extensively prevalent in the rural portions of the county. Its ravages are confined mostly to cbildren, but adults are frequently attacked, and we have heard of families where seven or eight have been sick at the same time. Cuaious ANIMAL. —The Huntingdon Journal says that last week a curious animal of the deer species was brought to that place, having been killed by some hunteis on the Broad Top Mountain. Its hair was snow white, resem bling a goat's in length, and the animal appar ently was a cross between the deer and goat. BEARS AT COLD SPRING.—We understand that several wild bears have been shot recently in the mountains, near Cold Spring, Lebanon county, and that bear meat has became quite a common luxury in that neighborhood. Sports men hereabouts anxious to take a "pop" at these animals can reach the hunting grounds via the Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad. BROKE THROUGH - THE Ica. —While a number of boys were engaged skating on the river un der the Harrisburg bridge yesterday,:one of them, named Isaac Smith, broke through the ice, and bad it not been for a couple of men who happened to be working near by, he would in all probability have found a watery grave. Skating is a good exercise ; but persons ought to be careful not to venture on ice not thick enough to bear their weight. I'L PAY THF. CONDUCTOR.-0/1 OHO of the railroads the conductors have come down on the dead head system, and very much curtail ed the free list. An individual, who had been in the habit of traveling to and fro without any charge, recently applied to the superinten dent for a pass, and was much offended on his being refused. As he was leaving the room, he angrily exclaimed ; "I'l pty my fare this time, but the road shan't be any the richer by it. I pay the conductor." I=l Tun ICY 81111 SWAYS that prevailed throughout the city this morning were a source of much annoyance to pedestrians, especially those who happened to be in a hotly, and whose boots were not provided with the accommodating little fixtures kno'n as "creepers." We wit ness( d quite a number of "prostr ttions," some few of which resulted in the slight injury of those who experienced them, while others were highly diverting, and caused roars of laughter from the more fortunate spectators. THE LAKE DEFENOIIB.—The newspapers in the towns situated along Lake Erie are carrying on quite an interesting discussion relative to the necessity of Lake defences, and the establish ment of nayal depots. Bach of the 'papers of course commends its own locality to the favor able consideration-of the government in thia matter, and takes particular care to in•licate all the bad points of their competitors. A. Cleveland paper, noticing the claims of. Erie says that "the II S. steamer Michigan lies in the bay, and, being made of iron, would add great weight to the defence," and alluding to another town, adds "that the principal defences of Dunkirk are the high price of board and poor whisky !" A Thema Dams Wrra.—The Bucks county Intelligencer says that the personal property of Robert Tyler, late chairman of the Democratic . Mate Committee, and leader of the Democracy in Bucks county, now a traitor in Richmond, was sold in Bristol a few days ago, by Sheriff Simpson. When the rebellion broke out last April, Robert op mly took sides in favor of secession, defending the infamous work of the southern conspirators. His treasonable senti ments shocked the patriotism of the loyal peo ple of Bristol, and finding that it was no longer sate to remain in a community where the glori ous stars and stripes were revered, he fled to the land of treason, and hat since devoted his energies to destroying the only free government on earth. Hisfamily followed him soon after wards. Try LOCHTEL CAVALRY.-This fine cavalry regiment, commanded by Col. E. O. Williams, and to which the Harrisburg City Cavalry, Capt. C. C. Davis, belongs, is still located in the southern part of Kentucky with the Union army under Gen. Buill. The commissioners who were appointed by Gov. Curtin to visit our troops in that State, report the following of the "Lochiel boys," which will be read with inter our citizens : "Oa returning home the Ninth (Luchiel) Pennsylvania Cavalry regiment, Col. E. C. Wil liams, was visited. This regiment was en ramped about one mile above Jeffersontille, Indiana, awaiting orders. Your commission ers received a cordial welcome from Col. Wil liams, who promptly commenced having the rolls signed, expressing the belief that they could be made complete and ready to forward in a few days, and although not yet 'waved, your commissioners have been advised sine° their return home that very little delay will ensue before they are sent forward. The latter named troops we found well and thoroughly equipped. besides being supplied with all that was required to promote their comfort auclwell being. Your commissionets believe that doth. ing was left undone on their part, to impress earnestly upon the minds of the citizen sol diers the full importance and object of their BUSINESS NOTICES. GROTTO MUM HALL.—This popular place of amusement draws to 'Wahl large and steadily increasing patronage, which is putting money in the purse of its managers. The perforances are rife with fun, and the pieces follow in such quick succession that the attention of the au• thence is never suffered to flag, ANDFORD'S OPRRA Souse. —Mr. Sanford CBT tainly deserves the thanks of our amusement loving public for the untiring efforts be has made, and is making for their enjoyment: , It was a great risk to attempt to establish an Opera House ; but Mr. Sanford "knew it,thing or two," and has dashed right into the good graces of the public, which renders his stares certain. A famous progranuno la out for pia eveniap entertainment, Ipernisplnattia Map qlkgraph, .ftitrap Morning, Januar, 10, 1862 ÜBICH & Botrauur, dry guods merchants south ea•t coiner of Front and Market streets. We call the special attention of buyers this day to our stock of ginghams, calicoes, shirting and sheeting musling, at a small advance on iorrner prices. jan O. • Funs! Funs ! Fuss !— We have r.3ceived a new suppli of Furs,Muffs and Fur Capes, from $2,50 up to $l2, a lrge assortment of Cloaks $2,50 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 50c, 75c, $lOO, $1.75. 60 doz. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed.. 50 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16e and 17c.• 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 25 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 12ic., Satchels Sontags,'Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. LEW'Z'S. delo Norms I Bgaaams BARGAINS !—Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 76. AU work guaranteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentlemans' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Nat Linens at the old prices. If you want a bargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street, next to Hummel & grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where be is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. ALL should read Prof. Wood's advertisement in another column. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. "Read the folo ring a:tilde:He" from one of the first ladies In Utica, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (Er. Wm. Bristol .tt H 0.,) and told thum.that she, of course, did not wise her name made public, but if any one should doubt the won i extol efficiency of Dm Deeps co's Holden Nis, they might refer any Lad); to her, as she considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered le her daughter, a young I ady 17 years old. the was : fest go ing Into bons imption—had taken cold—nature became otistructed Two boxes of these Hoiden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now in robust health "We were particular In buying the genuine. Fall and explicit directions accompanying mon box Price 51. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. A BANNVART, No. 2, Jones liow, K.. Hansa, , 91 Market street, Barns. burg, Pa. , Ily,sending either of . them .91. 00 Wrought he Harrisburg Post Office the Pius will be sent cOnlideunelly by trail to any part of the country.; "free of postage." u.—Look out for counteried.k. Boy nu eteldeu PAW of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. Ail others base , imposition, and nes ale; therefore, as on value your lives nniLhealtb,, (to say nothing of be. Pig humbugged out of your' oney,) buy only of the who altOw the SlgllaLlatt of S. U k Howe on every boa, stitch h at, recently t.&si Adam' on arnonil n 1 th., I'll e• e4.lmlerluate.% The' Ingredients composing the above pills are made known to every Agent, an they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. sold also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kariff• man, lalechanamburg ;,If. Marks, Lewistown ; 8. Elliott. Carus*; B. G.. Wild Newville ; .1. 0. Attick, Snippet's, burg; J Spangler, Chambersburg ; E. T. .Aller, York J. A. Wolf,. Wrightsville; B. S. Stevens, Beading; and it. p. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" In every town and vill ige in the United States, and by S. D. BO WE, Sole Proprietor, New York. Et c 3 4m HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair. Dye The only Hermless and Reliable - Dye Known I ail others aro mere,imitatiock and should be avoided ifyou wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Inalariny, to a 'beautiful and immure' Brown or Blies., without the , least Injury to Hair or Skin. _ FinEEN 11JDA.LS AND DIPLOMAS hive been lilt ded to A...BATORILOR Ai 18 9, and over 200, 0 applications have been made to the hair of too patrons of his famous Uyo. _ . WIG A. BATOHNLOR'S iItAIR DYE produces a oolor not to be distinguished from natare-and fa watuderrsh not to Injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorkted for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly. applied 4 Nil. DI Bond Street New York. Sold in &lithe sites and towns of the United Slates, by Druggists and Flimsy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. oct2•dawly RE LMBOLD'S EXTR MDT BUCHU, THE ORBIT DIURETIC EELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. , IiECRBOLD'S EXTRACT BUDILU, TELE GREAT DIURETIC.! RELMBOLD'S EXTRAC2 BUdfiU, TILE GREAT DIURETIC.; And a Posillvd and Specific Remedylor Diseases (of 'Wei Bladder, Kkineys,, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. See Advertisement in another column. Cut it out, and send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF 00UNTFRRE115% novlB•d2m . COAL COAL I I COAL ! ! ' T •• • • . HE undersigned would inform the cod rimers of Coal that he is now prepared to furnish Coal from node , * corer perfectly dry and clean in all kinds of weather. Lykena Valley Broken Coal Large Egg " " " Small Itgg " .§ 41 N ut 41 Pittston Lump Coal. "To. 1 " IC CI Ci 44 4. - CS 6 .g Lorborry. Broad Top and Allegheny, also Elekod and Pine Wood & 8Y.E.R.9. larriabarg, Jan. T,1882. BETWEEN" WEE I BETWEEN NEW T KH ..r. AND LIVERPOOL AN.IAINt, BIABARKISG. I s l..ziox4 : „ t o QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Oyer poet, New lark and Philadelphia Steamship company !tumid deimatenins their _full powered Clyde-built iron Shia - iv:Otto at fOIIOWS : ETNA, Saturday, asnuary ;: KANGAROO, Saturday January 15 ; otyr or BALTI MORE, Saturday ; - Janis ry 28 ; ana eery Saturday, at . Noon, from Pier 4 4 , Norte idea. FIRST GAM . $75 Oo ..... 00 do , LetLtuidon......sBo. 00 . do •to ;London ..$33 00 do to Paris 365 00 Ido to Paris $3B 00 do icillamburg..s4ls 001 do .. to Hamburg SO 00 Passengers aiso torwarded to liavre...gremen, itinter dam,itinwerp, ho., at equally low rates.- no-Persons wining to rows .euttheir frleuda can buy tickets here at the 1011owleg rates, to New York: prom Liverpool or Queenstown ; , Ist ckbig, vtivsB6 aid $lO5 . A.:erase front* Liverpool $4O 00 From QtoeinitOwn, $3O DI These StharnGoill nails auktior a6aol7ltOthitioltil for passengers. and Mini experiendedSurgeons: They are built in Water 7 light Iran E l ections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board; - for further information apply in lavinnord to Withal% INMAN E Agent, 22. Water Street ; is Glasgow to .W.V. INMAN, 6 elt, Enoch:Square ; is Queenstown to C. It W. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; In .London to. motes & MALY, Al King William - St. ;'in Pedalo 'AMOS DEMUR, 5 Place de lallourso; In Philadelphia to. •JOON O. DALE, 111 Waluar. street ; at the OompanrisoMoeiL JNO. O. DALE, Agent, lb pros4ray, New York. Or O. 0 Ammerman. Agent. Flarriaborg. orPASMINGSM VOR .1117 ROPE.—By (moor of the Secotary pCdtatp,,ta- po x : 10 r.. 1 4 Ole t Ultited titztai ererritaiteh £6 -procure Pat spkorts before going on 'untie thiSteamer. lassongsgs will not•tna subjected to , any trouble M. de , lay In'procormoinitn. ,theynall for structions at the Company's 015ce5,16 Braaway, New York. 1454 , glattla.../dALF, dup. . ItAINGSME% -41P1.1-"fiCKßam 7 ~m see y 'Mb Etglable for b wm.1 4 34 (to : • dee -L.... A (LAW) TO TRH LARIIk; Wholesale Factory, SI Barclay 64, Late 233 Broadway, New York. New rAtnitrtisementa. =I New lbrertumments ALMANACS 1 A LMANACS I BEAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL MANACS to every quality can b i had at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. CHOICE LIGHT READING. rinHE SUIBIARLANDS, by the author of "Rutledge," Price $1.25. Mao new ellitiona of RUTLEDGE—uniform with "The Suther lands," Sl'2s. BEULAH—twenty-fifth edition—V..2s. EAST LYNNE—A new Novel— 60 cents TOM TIDLER'S GROUND, by Dickens, 25 cts. FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE, 38 ots. Together with all the New Books, soon as published at BERGNER'S CHEAP I3OOKSTORE, NOTICE! HARRISBURG BRIDGE COMPANY. 'PIE President and Directors of the Har i riabarg Rrid , e Comnany have this day declared a dividend of. SIXTY CENTS per share on the ovital Fula' of said company, (Ref THRZI Pee ositi,) for the lag half year ; and have direoted.the same tole paid, at this of fice, to the stockholders or their legal rerresentativesar. , er the 16th lust. J. WALLACE, Treasurer Harrisburg, Bridge Office, Jan. 6th, 1862.—)7•81d 0 1 MACKERAL in Kitts, half bar -17 and barrels, at. th.,Mew Grocery and Rrovl• Mon More, Front and Market meets NICSOLS & rowmAN “GET:THE BEST.” ebster's Unabridged Dictionary - New littoral Edition. 0 : 7- Pictorial Illustrations of Military Terms. Webster's .Dietionaty excels in acts, and has, among others, pieoriai representaoons of the following : Barbscan, Bastion, Battlement, B4r-shot, Block-house, Bombs, Cianeou,Darronade,Ch.tut shot, Clieveux..te-frlie, raltrop, Limbers, Measles. Martell° sower, blostar, P.ll. cane, Revell°, Rodeo, Star Forts, kn. No other rnglish Dictionary published in this country has a 'mirth part of these. E:ESSIM Definitions of Military Terms. AB, the for , gouis, and Abatis, Ambulance, Ambuscade, Armistice, Banquette, BD/lila:1C, Brts,t, Caisson, Canor, Canister-shel, Cantonment, .mponiern, Ca.emst Couu ierscarp Melds battalll. a, Cul de sac, Dahlgbreu gun, Mane rifle, &a , &a. Said by Geo. Bergner, Harrisburg, and all Booksellers tin 29 daw6sr TO THE YOUNG MEN OF PENN'A. AVING been authorized to recruit Regiment for the Votuateer service of Peo osy Iva ma we have c oteludea to 'mire it a reshnent of . 4 a-harp -hooters"—rtomen—recruit d from the State at large. We want Tits good able bodied young merr from each county, so as to have every praloc of th i State folly and equally represented. Those desirous ofeorviug their country, of fighting d oder and ior our good old visa, have new a oppor tunity offers them We Intend to mane this a "CRACK itkEDILiNf ;" Ir pessibio the boat in the service of our noble Commonwealth. Glut subatanu uniforms will be lurrdscied as soon as the men reach CAMP , sod a-e sworn into toe service. Tao Regiment will be ar reed with, Hum Or ENFIELD MYLES wit &DEE BEEONEED. Th ese witing to enlist, as tool ively onty TEN will be taken from each county In the State, nad bottn• report Immo ateiy, any time atter the 20th of December to W. W. &pin, Harrisburg, Pa any or alloommunicatio na from distant counties will be answered speedily .nd oonficien tially. W. W . BauWN, Cap tn in . P• S.—All papers favorable to the cause will please copy. delb d4w OE • SE WING ...MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S • PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. .":":900 6eo 1VH1214 BLACK d ooLonio. 11HIS..thread being made particularly : - for L Sewing Machines, is VEitY STRONG, ntoora AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washini, nor by friction of the needle. Per Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, lied Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country. Also, INOASN3 or 100 DOUR SACS, ASSORTS° NOS , by WM. ILENRY SEIM, Sde Arent. no9.d6m 36 Vesey street, New York. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. A N entire new assortment of these useful ar 11. tidies just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, ANOTHER NEW STOCK I ylortable Writing Desks, r Backgammon Boards, a Traveling Bags, . Purses, Wallets, 4 Toilet Bottles, _ and a general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at F:imttizomtlizim:l4.l:ay.cozi:gto:l4 REMOVAL. tiiHE Schuylkill aud. b'usquehanna Rail AO4 ComPain' .itatql removed their, oilibie to the up. Per end of the Lebanon Talley Railroad Depot. Jan. 6,3861.-1 m EUROPEAN RESTAURANT, HARRISBURG, PA. rtHE itestamlatti. under the European Hotel, is now open with all the delicacies of the season. j6.d2w* BLICK- HEAT MEAL and CORN MEAL just received and for sale loW at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, je corner Front and Market streets. PUKE Fresh Ground and Whole Spice Pepper, A/opine, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace, at NiOBOLS Ar BOWMAN'S, J 6 corner Front and Market streets. pulis Oder Vinegar, for sale at D.ronot.s & BO //MAWS, J 6 " corner kraut a Merkel. streets Sli Choice Teas, Black and Green - and 1 pound papas, Per sale at NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S, j 6 corner Front ends Market streets. • WUR SALE CHEAP.—A. TWO - STORY lettnhiE HOUSE, 12g go teat Ftw- r. rte/ oa Brand street, in the re it of the .Heser- ' 2 voir. For further particulars apply on the prem. fates to [ae3l-d2esi h. M. MAUR. EW Fruits, Currents, Balms, Citron and I among, at the new Wholesale and Retail. Gro twry and Prevision Store, corner kiront sad Market street, auTieburg, Pa. ii NIOHOS3kBOWM4w. - .CPO/MD.IN G.—A few gentlemen friends deairiug to room tosether or separately, can have i.orwant apartments, with good board, in a private fami ly. Inquire at No. 5, Locust Etreet, near the river jan4-4L5 CRANBERRIES, Dried • Fruits, Fresh . API". Henm3Yl at NICHOL?. HOWhIeWB, it corner, Front and Marketstreeta.. A PPLES,Oranges, Lemons, Dried Fruits, Beans, Moinony &e., at J. WlSn'tt, corner Third an d Walrut. jeBll3l* E P -8 h' — NION: of VANILLA, Esseoce of Lemon, Flavoring Itxtracts, for sale at the new w ...wage and hetet! Grocery and Provision Store, sor nry Front and Market streets. • 3 1 • • NICHOL: & BOWMth.l. .01(1-ARS ano Tobacco of all kinds. Ex ILA tonsivi assortment ofagars. at _ NA330,14 dr, BO WMAN'S, .1 1 coiner. Front add ?dirket Urea.. aostoDS RUBBER Ober Bails, 8' watchest R übn "H Alid Battltel at ibq bar Toys Beal! " 4 B.E. • Bob BOWL 11f _kurat„g , 0 LE' BMW filisultantotti Holiday Presents! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS, has just been •opened at BERG NER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Among the re cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Albums bound to suit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY ANTIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD, WITH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, To Hold Twenty Cards, To Hold Thirty Cards, To told Forty Cards, • To Hold Fiqv Cards, To Hold Sixty Cards, To Hold Eighty Cards, To Hold One Hundred Cards, To Hold Two Hundred Cards, From SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS To TWENTY-FM, DOLLARS "THE PEN MIGHTIEJI THAN THE SWOED. THE: LARGEST STOCK, THF. MOST BEAUTIFUL STYLES AND PATTERNS OF Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE JUST OPENED, . A LARGE STOCK OF .131=L RICH DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS FOR TILE HOLIDAYS At CATHCART'S, de23 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank ours FOR THE HOLLIDAYS. THE LARGEST AND MOST VARLED STOCK OF RAU CONFECTIONS, • OF THE FINEST' QUALITY NOW READY POE ME PUBLIC. CHOICE MIXIW SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly inboxes, from one to five pounds. FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS., IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGE7BER A BRILLIANT IMPORTATION' OF RICH FANCY BOXES. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210, Market street, del dlm • Philadelphia. FOR THE NEW YEAR! NOW OPENING AT KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91, Market street. A FINE variety of those rare li cosyscuoms, just from the Factory. A most ELEGANT MiXTORE, (the finest yet teceloed,) neatly put up in one pound boles. .Oall soon. Also, another lot of those splendtd Ladles' Satchels, Ladies , Wire and Leather Purses, Ladlos' Companions or Work Oases, and other tine goods which you would do well to see de3o WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— Figs, Dates, Prunes, - }Midas and Nuts or all kinds.-- Fresh and .7 , al ttilah, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, StderS, beano, Segars and Country Produoe in general. Market street, next door to Parke House, also corner Titled and Walnut, streets. ect2B-45m • • • JOHN WISE. FOR SALE. Avaluable .. Two Story double frame Dwelling House and Lot of grow d, situated on the corner of NortWeireet and East Avenue, 30 feet on North street and 1/ofeet deer', two basement kitchens, two cel lar; and eleven rooms, also a never failing spring of wa ter. Tne building is well calculated fora store or hotel. Ter= reasonable. Aro:Dare of W. BARR, jau4 City Auctioneer. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A FEW FANCY BOXES, Suitable for work boxes. A FEW SMALL CABAS, For little Girls. LAbIES PURSES and PORTEMONAIS, A spleuded assortment: NEW STYLES FINE TOILET WATERS. BOXES FINE TOILET SOAP for $l.OO Coll and see the varieties that we aro tumble to notion in an advertisement. IiELLES'4 Drug Store d e2S et Mark et Wert GILT FRAMES oILT PRAXES 07. -BIEST ER, CARVER AND 4:11.1.3DER, • 14anufactprer of Looking Glom and -.Picture Frames, Silt and Rosewood NouldlOgs &c. 43 CHESNDT STREET, NEAR SECOND. HABILISBURG, PA. ILLlt:rora, Square and. Oval Portrait Fa.ainea.otevary. , descripttoa. OLD FRAMES RE.curir TO RSV WORSTED GOODS, LADIES NUBIA.S, Misses Reid Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Misses Hoods, Ladies Sootazs, Misses Mitts,3B:c., &O. A V&A hwoiopjust opened at CaTileakr , s, noV4 Neat door to tke Hapisbqrg Bank szcAwlifi BHAtAnss .. , oarge invoice: of . Ne o StYitle of French Blanket, wtrAnive4A.Vne morning by OnTlit) norinag. • ifits • tilatteans LATEST NE WS, IC - 10110LS & BOWMAN having just re. tdrned from the with au attendee and we! selected Anc. of is pin - dialed ea4u, reaper invite the eivaens of liaeri;bure and vicinity t..).1 ell and examine !hair New hood, 3t the 011 man 1 formerly on. copied by V. Hummel, corner Front and Mtrket streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL ; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and tine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENIS, NU IS, DRIED FRUItS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy • LL WIOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing ; QUEENSWARE i QUEENRWARE katensive assortment of all patterns and prima. Call and eXamine our S'n , k or (400d3 at the Wl , lastde and Kalil Grocery, Fruit and Pzotrusion Store, corner Front and Market streat, klirraburg, P. 4 , t °unto , PrAUCO taken delnly UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND .110 W LING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a large forldlug at the above p•a , e,,apexasi for the per o ses above indicated. beg to call the at.entioe of the pub lic to the tothwiu..: : TRU IMTAUFIA , T, on the first with a Wins rsuni attiched, is Used up in lintt WILMS style, awl It will at all times t o supptari with the best 4nr3lER4 to be had the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, ash, and all kinds of game in sta•on. Oysters seEred to every style, awl meats to be had at all hours. Th, Aloe of all the celebrated breweries in the country conatately on bane, , The Ten-pin Alley, or Powllns Saloon, is in the rear, and emit dos three alleys et modern cotitructto t, where the lovers of th s healtr y ern , ma can enj...y them- , elves. the Brlliartt Saluou i> u, stairs 1.1.40 tit ed up, and cmiai n 4 three marble top c utbioattun cushion blee, tquAl to any cued , . Harr-burg has .nay felt the want of a grand comble *tom of thi+ kind, anti as th, pr-prt tor= are determined to Conant - to it is fl quit and crier.) , C 11.1111.1. r, :irrl do eve rything in their t^ veer to nt tko I. a las ion 'bin ro n 1, thy hope to receive Wit bent so of nubilc pitronage. n C. SIcVA WAN RCa. A. L INK , TEACHER OF Piano, Melodeon, Guitar and Singing. RTleu h atteutluu `Ai I he i aid ita• the • doexho.a ul th • V.. 1 u .itt t• •113 i3e1e ....El in but onle •In Mit:final nLu lies MUSA: 93 Slur.t.t theta. J.3.,11tn J usT OPENED! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR MADE of Good Tobacco an Irotn one 10 two years .14, cf my !taro matiefacture. A floe int of 411)Ace ebevrtna and ecu,t.iutt 100 co, 1 ipus, sdulf and a large va. nay of oilier artide:t con,..dtly tat ti-to ts,r tale whelk/3de and read. tbeit't ul for ft , otter itat retiage, I [lope by [stria attention tt bu•ine4+ to receive a liberal share of the wide A title .t Room attached, erb , re cuitomPri may lay b4clc and lost wy Sac Lra .acco 1./..n't forget the %ludo* o is it; that us th. , place to boy your T . 0 awl e :ars. North Market Square, anore starkot evest, H .rrumurg. Deo. - 4, 1861.-413 m v. M. WYROFF. JOHN B. KNUTH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE t.X:IIIRES 6.ECON D AND WALNUT BTS , Eferrisburg, Pa. A- ',WAYS on hand a large assortment of ROOTS SHOES, GAITE.tS, Am., of the very bunt !matinee for ladies, gentlemen, and etilldreos' wear.— Prices to snit the Minos. All kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER In the best style by superior workmeo REPAIRING done at short notice. ontla.dtf JOHN H. SMITH. RartinbUre. afte*, B. M. GILDEA, D. D. 8. STAIE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. A II opera•ious, Surgical and Mechanical, rxeciekalticoly performed. Merges moderate. 7eB COAL ! COAL ! I $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORBTER, IFFY% No. '74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot et North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TREVOMON, WILKSBAI2I2B, ZYKENS VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD ..7OP COAL Pamlico and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and 62 26 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 26.—d3m NEW CLIOTEING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & - BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Postoince.) , gl±lll undersigned have just opened a now and large assortment of too latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds of Gents Wear, rut to the latest style< mai fash ions. We have always on hand a largo stock or Heady made clothing and Gentleman's Furst.; Mg GOO4l. D09413(11 H. SHELL IiNHH -*RR & 13110 DRIED SWErrf CORN (Same t.) BONONY GRITS, RAMP BEANS, ALB, OHANBEEEIES. DRIED APPLES, DRIED MAO= Fresh Peaches, (In cons.) " Tomatoes, " " Coro, &0., &c. Just received and ter sale by no3o WALLO WEE'S LINE, DAILY arm= HARRISBURG and PH [LA DELPH t A Ws. A. Burk, Ageri., 812 Narked sired, Phdatia ph*a, formerly Liormisrom lir Co. pecial It: charge 01 each —cm& delivere.t Phliacio 431; ,s• S. turn to.oroarlg. .1. W n LLOW VC, .liiAeent, •••, o e , rri.hory M !LIT AUNT LoP2o. A is; EW LOT just received, of the bee qUahLy, at Co r'a, uext uour W tioxriobor U..uo Llx - TRA FAMELI' FLOUR iu fourth and .1:;/ hilt Wit. BA.:ltrp, also, wholesale and rota at ibe ttnw o,a:cry anti rr, , vis.ou S.ure, 1.1013 and M act atn, NitHOL'i at BuW.M. DIARIES FOR 1862 -O\llE largest and best selected assortment of DIARIES ever imported into this city can be found at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstoro oCHEFFE It'S BOOK S'l'Utsll (Near the fiarnsbury Bridge.) .ISI ) JUL'& KrA;ta V hit iron) the •mini j• +.148 It $Ol.lll. N ! 1 E t'aece, ateuti we will nen I.t. 31.25 per re,un. per reurn fur Nol't deCOTAteli With Ult iti.kMt dud very eaudecoake crab ewe and j. 4 tar i 0..; motive. $3.50 for tow se HITe; ENVELDPIeB, with catioual ae - patriotic emblems, pnnted ie two ewers. Pleaseewe us a call. 1111. ti. z.Cti ER" W 2241 liArnKruire TO FAMEIto. A I.BOATS I I Cash raid for Oats by iThiliaLga. 4014-die WM PANIC Js &Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers