Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 06, 1862, Image 2

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    iPa4 Etitgrapl.
OUR 1. A 'll' 1 0 0 it MI
Monday Afternoon, January 6, 1862.
Cercus.—The Republican members of the
Senate met this afternoon at three o'clock.
Lewis W. HALL was unanimously nominated
for Speaker, GEO. W. HAMERSLY for Chief Clerk,
and G. S. BERRY for Assistant Clerk.
Pennsylvania has always been fortunate in
her selection of men to represent her in the
United States Senate, and, with one or two ex-
ceptions, those who have been appointed to rep
resent our interests in that august and influen
tial body, have wisely advocated our claims,
and as zealously guarded and maintained our
rights. The two men now representing Penn
sylvania in the Senate of the United States, are
of that character which always wins the esteem
of a people and the respect of a legislative body.
Both are men of decided ability and extensive
acquirements ; both comparatively young, and
both ardently attached to the state they repre
sent and the Union for which they are impow
ered to legislate. Hon. David Wilmot is per
haps the mck , t, extensively known of our two
Senators, having already served as a Representa
tive in Congress, and having also participated
largely in the politics of Pennsylvania. Since
his election to the Senate, he has been cons
pelted to be absent from his seat most of the
time during its sessions, by a severe though not
dangerous illness. This does not prevent us,
however, from alluding to his capacity as a man
of ability. Those who know him understand
the compass of his powers, and with what thrill
ing effect he can participat 3 in debate. His
logic is lucid, keen and comprehensive. He
has a large knowledge of public affairs, and will
rank with any man now in the Senate as a
parliamentarian. Added to these abilities, is
that trait of character in Senator Wilmot which
never fails to win a warm confidence, and
which consists of a devotion to principle. The
country had an opportunity to behold this
devotion in the advocacy of the cele
brated "Wilmot Proviso," which of near, as
a principle, has had much to do in revolution
izing public sentiment in the north, because it
was liberal, comprehensive and progressive ; and
on the other hand, for the same liberality and
justice, has served as a pretext for precipitating
rebellion and anarchy in the south. Judge
Wilmot, when fairly at work in his seat in the
Senate, will sustain his old reputation, and
leave none of the interests of his state to suffer
by his representation.
Hon. Edgar Cowan, though not as popularly
known to the masses of the people of Pennsyl
vania or the country, as his colleague, is never
theless one of the most accomplished gentlemen
in the country, and will soon rank high as a
legislator and statesman. He is a devoted stu
dent, precise in his facts and industrious in his
investigations, all of which are essential quali
ties in a man who aspires to the responsibilities
of legislation. In his profession, few other
men in this commonwealth, are as assiduous in
the practice of the details of the law, or while
in a cause, display more devotion to their client.
When fairly engaged in legislation, Edgar Cow
an, will take his place among the leading men
of the Senate as an equal of the ablest. He
has ability and courage,and has cultivated an in
dustry which amounts now to an invincible will
in its achievements.
—Taken together, we are proud of our Sena
tors—taken as individuals, they are worthy of
our respect and confidence. In them we recog
nize men eminently fit to represent the great
interest of Pennsylvania in the United States
The month of January last year was marked
by a rapid succession of events in development
of the rebel conspiracy—the seizure of forts,
arsenals, custom-houses, he., the formal seces
sion of several states following South Carolina,
which seceded on the 20th of the preceding
month, and other proceedings of like nature.
The imbecile old public functionary, Buchanan,
looked on in helpless bewilderment, in mortal
terror from threats of vengeance, if he raised a
finger in resistance. The conspirators knew their
instrument when they choose him. Had the
executive then been a arAN, had a resolute
WOMAN even filled the office, the plot might
have been thwarted and the leaders brought to
summary punishment. In all charity let us
not impute treasonable purpose to the wretched
old man. But it requires the mantle of charity
spread to its greatest breadth to cover his neg
lects and misdeeds under the defence of imbe
Tam BEAVER ARGUE, one of the most influen
tial and intrepid organs of the Republican
party in Western Pennsylvania, has changed
editors, and will hereafter be entirely under the
editorial control of T. C. Nicholson. From a
personal acquaintance with Mr. Nicholson, we
are able to declare his entire ability to keep up
the former reputation of the Argue, and render
himself eminently useful in the great lattle
reserved for those whose duty it will hericeforth
be to defend and promulgate the principles of
the Republican party as editors of a Republican
press. We welcome Mr. Nicholson to the tri-
The world can afford to tolerate the insolence
and the tergiversations of the English govern
ment, because the rotten fabric is likely to go
to pieces any day, either by a blow from an
Irish shilalah, the collapse of an ale keg, or
the refusal of John Chinaman to eat opium—
but it seems to us that the toleration of the
Englishman Russell, who is delighting cockney
ism in Great Britain, through the medium of a
correspondence in the Landon Tam a, is more
than we owe even: to our self-respect, and more
than should be asked of this government or
people on any account. This Mr. Russell has
been in the United States ever since the slave
holders have been in rebellion, ostensibly as a
correspondent of an English journal, but really
as a spy of the British government, and while
thus engaged, he uses his facilities as a newspa
per correspondent to circulate the most infa
mous falsehoods, both in regard to the stability
of our government, the intelligence of the peo
ple, and the force and power of free institutions.
His last lie is to the effect that the surrender of
Mason and Slidell would so arouse the people,
and the fact so exasperate the mob, that all our
forms and authority of government would at
once vanish or be doomed to destruction by the
mob. He bases this assertion on his own esti
mate of the American people, which is at a scale
little above the brute though still far behind the
savage in humanity, reason and decorum. It
seems strange to us that a common liar such as
Russel has proven himself to be, should be re
cognized among the decent portion of society in
Washington, or that he should be tolera
ted at all in any quarter of the country.—
His mission to this country is designed to mis
represent the true extent and condition of our
domestic differences, while he promotes his ob
jects by alternately traducing or flattering the
belligerents in this contest. Of, course, we do
not imagine that anything we can w dto or
print will have the effect of silencing this cock
ney liar, but we feel it a duty to labor within
our own sphere to place the maligmr of our
country fairly before that number of our coun
trymen we can reach through these columns,
so that if Russell should venture in this vicinity
he may be treated to the civilities a duck
pond. He is as base a lying scoundrel as ever
concocted mischief under the protection of the
British flag.
The irritation naturally - generated by the
abusiveness of the Canadian press, or rather of
a portion of it, towards this country during the
recent controversy, has been taken advantage
of by the western men to create a feeling favor
able to the abrogation of the reciprocity. trt aty.
The wheat growers and stock-raisers of the
west, have always, to a certain extent, regarded
that treaty as the work of the east for eastern
interests. They have felt the effect of Canadi
an competition--the Canadians producing the
same articles that form the staples of the west
ern states, and having the advantage in some
parts of nearer and easier access to our greatest
markets, and of lighter taxation at home. The
free import of Canadian produce to the amount
of runny _...intons - annuarry, they look upon,
therefore, with jealous and envious eyes.
The reciprocity treaty, however, cannot be
terminated till 1864, except with the consen
of Great Britain. By giving one year's notice,
either party may terminate it in 1864, or sub
sequently. It is hardly likely that Great Bri.
tarn will give her consent to its abrogation, and
the most that could be done at present in the
matter would be to induce our government to
give the necessary one year' a notice for its ter
mination in 1864. Whether it is wise or prudent
to cut oil' or impede free intercourse with our
neighbors under the transient provocation of
passionate and ill-considered language of a few
foolish journals, may well be questioned. But
a graver and a higher motive will enter into the
consideration of the matter under the pressure
of the exigencies of civil war, which may yet
compel us to resort to every possible mode of
raising money. It is alleged by the enemies of
the reciprocity treaty that under it our usual
imports from the British provinces amount to
twenty millions of dollars, on which duties
might as well be paid to the advantages of the
federal treasury. Still, the advantages of un
restricted intercourse with the provinces are so
manifest that there is little probability of any
disturbance of the treaty.
THE CONSERVATISM which looks at wrong in all
its imports and tendencies, is working a wond
erful influence in the south, while the boldness
with which it points out the real causes of the
rebellion, is as much a rebuke to the dough
faces of the north, as it is a deadly blow to the
desperadoes of the south, who are fighting now
that wrong and evil may be perpetuated here
after in the entire Union. One of the effectual
means of perpetuating wrong in the south, is the
manner in which the r ebels themselves are arming
their slave Population, a fact which is establish
ed by two regiments on the Potomac, composed
entirely of negroes and also officered by negrOes.
It is an old aphorism that the wrongs of society
and abuses of government will themselves
educate their own avengers. It seems almost a
destiny that these leaders of the southern rebel
lion shall themselves furnish all the means and
point the way for the destruction of the institu
tion, which has for nearly half a century been
the source of all our political troubles, The
Hotspurs of the south have invariably reopened
slavery agitation whenever it has been closed
and driven from our political arena. They and
they alone; have kept alive the abolition fac
tion of the north to enable the Democratic
party to retain its hold upon power. They
have furnished to the anti-slavery men of the
north every argument that has been effectively
employed against slavery. They have now
madly set before the slaves an example, ap.d in
culcated among them ideas that cannot help
resulting disastrously, and eventually making
the abolition of slavery and the removal of the
black population as necessary to the safety of
the whites of the southern states, as was the
abolition and removal of the Indian tribes from
the same localities.
TILE New Orleans rebels say they have thirty
thousand troops in that city, and twenty thou
sand more within short call, and that the forti
fications for the defence of that place mount
four hundred cannon.
PennvAgnan - to (Oath) OTtitoraph Itionbap 'Afternoon, 3anuaril 6,1862
First District, Philadelphia.—Jeremiah Nich
ols, ( T. M. Donavan, George R. Smith, George
2d. Chaster and Delaware.—Jacob S. Se: rail.
3d. Montgomery.—*Jacob C. Smith.
4th. Bucks.—William KAnzey.
6th. Lehigh and Northampton.- O G. W. Stine.
6th. Berks.—Hiester Clymer.
7th, Schuylkill.—°B.
Bth, Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne. —Henry
S. Mott.
9th. Bradford, Susquehanna, Sulivan and Wyom
ing.—G. Landon.
10th. Luzerne.—W. W. Ketcham.
11th. Tioya, Potter, .3 I' Kean and Warren.—l
12th. Clinton, Lycoming, Centre and Union..=
H. Johnson.
13th. Snyder, Northumberland, Montour and
Columbia.—F. Bound.
14th. Cumberland, Perry, Juniata and Dliglin.—
E. D. Crawford.
15. Dauphin and Lebanon.—A. R. Boughter.
16th. Lancmter.—John A. Hiestand, William
17th. l'ork.- O A. H. Glatz.
18th. Adams, Franklin and Iflulton.—A. K. M'-
19th. Somerset, Bedford and Bunting(lon.—S. S
20th. Blair, Cambria and Clearfield.--Louis W
21st. Indiana lnd Armstrong.—.T. E. Meredith
22d. Westmoreland and Fayette.—Smith
23d. Washington and Greene.—G. V. Lawrence
24th. Allegheny.—John P. Penny, Elias H
25th. Beaver and Butler.—De L. Imbrie.
26th. Lawrence, Mercer and Venango.—J. H
27th. Erie and Crawford.—°M. B. Lowry.
28th. Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and L
Philadelphia -Ist District—Joseph Caldwell,
2d District—Thomas Gaskill, 3d District—S.
Josephs, 4tli District—S. E. Thompson, sth
District—Jos. Moore, Jr., 6th - District—John
M'Arackin, 7th District—Thos. Cochran, Bth
District—W. L. Dennis, 9th District—D. A.
Quigley, 10th District---Thomas Greenbank,
11th District—J. W. Hopkins, 12th District—
Richard Wildey, 13th District—F. M'Manus,
14th District--James Donnelly, 15th District—
W. F. Smith, 16th District—T. W. Duffield,
17th District—C. F. Abbott.
Adams —J . Buzby.
Allegheny—Thomas Williams, T. J. Bigham,
A. H. Gross, Peter C. Shannon, William Hutch
Armstrong and Westmoreland—T. A. M'Culloch,
R. Graham, S. Wakefield.
Beaver and Lawrence—William Henry, J. W.
Bedford and Somerset—G. W. Householder, E
M. Shiock.
Berks—C. A. Kline, D. K, Weidner, W. N.
Blair—Thaddeus Banks.
Bradford—H. W. Tracy, C. T. Bliss.
Byll-.3—L. B. Labar, J. R. Boileau.
Ca7fibria—C. L. Pershing.
Carbon and Lehigh—T. Craig, Jr., W. C. Lich
Chester—P. Fraser Smith, McClellan, W.
Clarion and Forest—W.
Clearfield, Jefferson, .31 Kean and Elk—Dr. C.
M. Early; G. W. Zeigler.
ainton and Lyeaming--J. Chatham, W. H.
Columbia, Montour, Wyoming and Sullivan—L.
G. Tate, a. L. Tutton.
awford and Warren—E. Cowan, S. S. Bates.
centre—B. F. Barren.
Cumberland and Perry—J. B. Rhoads, J. Ken
Dauphin—James Freeland, Thomas G. Fox.
Delaware—Peter. N. Gamble.
Erie. —J. B. Vincent, E. W. Twitchell.
Fayette.—D Kaine.
Franklin and FuPon.—john Rowe, W.
Greene--P. Donley.
Hantingdon.—John Scott.
Indiana.—James Alexander.
Juniata, Union and Snyder.—J. Beaver, H. K.
Lancaster.—H. C. Lehman, Nathan Worley,
James Myers, Abraham Peters.
Lebanon.--Isaac Hoffer.
Luzerne.—W . S. Ross, H. V. Hall, R. H.
Mercer and Venango.—M. E. Beebe, J B
/I.llfflin.—J. W. Ross.
Monroe and Pike. —G. H. Rowland.
Honigoinery.—..Toseph Rex, H. C. Hoover, Geo
W. Wiml ey.
Northanyton.—D. C. Neiman, Aaron Hess.
Northumberland.—J. N. Brown. .
Potter and Roga.—S. B. Elliott, B. B. Strang.
Seltuylkill.—James Ryon, Lewis C. Dougherty,
Adam Wolf.
Susquehanna.—D. D. Warner.
Washington. -John A. flapper, William Hop
Wayne.—F. M. Crane.
York.—F. Dellone, James Ramsey.
IMPORTANT DECISION. —The long contested
land claim between James H. Lane and Gains
Jenkins involving the title to a valuable quar
ter section adjoining Lawrence, Kansas, has
been finally decided by the Commissioners of
the Land Office, Indian Department, and Sec
retary of the Interior, unequivocally in favor of
Gen. Lane. The merits of the case have been
exhaustively presented on both sides by emi
nent legal advisers, and involved the original
parties in a personal conflict on the claim, re
sulting in the wounding of Gen. Lane and the
death of Mr. Jenkins. The case has excited
great interest in legal circles, the various De
partments, and the country at large. The final
decision, vindicating Gen. Lane in his right to
the property, and in his identification with the
Jenkins tragedy, was rendered Dec. 31, 1861.
The following day Gen. Lane presented to the
attorney of Mrs. Jenkins the sum of fifteen
hundred dollars as a free-will New Year's offer
ing, of kindness and sympathy.
THE newspapers state that a sketch of the
battle of Bull Run has just been published in
Richmond, being lithographed in Charleston.
It was drawn by Captain Samuel P. Mitchell,
of the First Virginia regiment. It is not much
in the matter of art, being but poorly printed ;
but it illustrates the plan of the battle, and
confirms the fact that Gen. McDciwell's plan
was both admirably formed and executed. The
Confederates acknowledged that they were at
tacked on their weak part and outflanked, when
some unaccountable panic seized upon the Fed
eralists. As a matter of justice to an able
general, this evidence from the enemy is inval
A °mum theory relative to the Trent affair
has been started in France. It is that the sei
zure of Mason and Slidell entered into a gen
eral plan of rebel tactics for the success of seces
sion. In other words, that it was a trap laid
for our government, into which it incontinently
fell. In proof of thi4, it is asserted that Capt.
Pegram, of the rebel seamer Nashville, an
nounced in England that Mason and Slidell
would not arrive at their destination, and that
the La Plata, would brings news of ther arrest.
It is also contended that the British government
was in the plot.
Pennsylvania Legislature
7 eNewly elected members
Important from Cairo.
Rebel Submarine flatteries.
Six hundred submarine batteries have bean
planted between Columbus and Memphis by the
rebels. A gentleman who witnessed the experi
ments made with these batteries stated that
they were entirely successful.
The crews of the Federal gunboats were mus
tered in on Saturday, and the whole fleet will
probably be anchored in the stream on Monday.
The Memphis Appeal of the 18th ult. has the
following from Texas. The Galveston CiviWan
of the 18th says that last night's mail brought
advices from the Rio Grande to the effect that
one of Lincoln's steam propAlors had arrived,
and was blockading the river. She had cap
tured and burned a schooner.
The fight was still progressing at Matamoros.
The Houston Telegraph of the 20th ult. says
that the people of Galveston are in a considers
-Ile stew over the report that General Herbert
has ordered the destruction of Galveston, if the
city could not be defended:
The Federal fleet near New Orleans and Lake
Pontchartrain have captured several rebel
From Washington.
Rumored Arrest of a High Officer in
the Army for Treason,
Commotion Among the Army Surgeons
It is stated very positively that a very high
officer of the army, has been arrested to-night
on the charge of being a medium through
which the rebels have been constantly obtaining
important information relative to military
movements. Prominent persons here are un
derstood to be involved in the same affair. The
hour is too late to admit of verification of the
story, and I give it on rumor only.
It is said that the introduction of the Homeo
pathic practice of medicine has raised somewhat
of a commotion among many of the regular sur
geons of the army.
Commissioner Dole will soon leave for the
west on business of iwportauce with the Indian
It seeras that a definite though informal
mode foriesehange of prisoners has been inaugu
rated. The prompt reciprocation by the South
ern authorities will soon be followed by our
government in forwarding another large party
for a similar corresponding return.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.—The painful rumors in
regard to the arrest of a prominent military of
ficer of the Government for treason is without
the shadow of foundation in fact. Some mat
ters of importance in the shape of correspon
dence has been discovered, but in connection
with parties entirely different from the officer
named in the rumors now current. All the
parties implicated are now under arrest. This
city is full of southern sympathizers and spies
in high social position. The time has arrived
when they must be rigorously dealt with.
POENT OF Reuss, Jan. 5.
Six thousand rebels attacked the Fifth Con
necticut regiment, near Hancock, yesterday,
while protecting the railroad. After a slight
skirmish, our men retired to this side of the
Potomac to await reinforcements. Meanwhile
the rebels destroyed the railroad and telegraph
line, breaking our communication with Cum
Gen. Lardner is marching to the relief of the
Fifth regiment with a sufficient force. The
loss on either side is unknown, but is believed
to be trifling.
The rebels have been shelling our position at
intervals all day: Our artillery is responding.
The rebel shells did no mischief.
Arrival of a Prize Schooner.
The prize schooner Wm. H. Northrup, for
merly a Charleston pilot boat, arrived here this
morning, having been captured by the gun-boat
Fernandina while trying to run the blockade at
Wilmington, North Carolina, with a cargo of
coffee and quinine. •
GASPER BAY, Jail. 4.
On Monday last the shores of this bay were
strewed with half barrels of butter and boxes
of cheese, and small portions of the cabin of
some wrecked ship ; also a number of boxes,
one of which contained twenty pairs of Canadian
boots of the rifle brigade, marked " Austral
asian ;" one cask of butter marked R. Lemant,
Liverpool, and a box cover marked G. Smith.
A portion of the keel with copper attached,
and a portion of the wheel came ashore yester
day, but no bodies have yet been discovered.
It is supposed that some vessel has struck on
St. Fault.
DOVER, N. H., Jan.
The Union block of buildings was burned this
morning. It was occupied for offices by traders,
mechanics and others, who suffer a very heavy
Union Troops Ordered to Evacuate
the Town.
Advices show Gem Landers arrived at Han
cock, also that Jackson with a large force, one
24 and two 12-pounders, appeared opposite
Hancock and threatened to shell out our troops
unless they evacuated.
Gen. Lander gave them a fitting response.
They commenced shelling, which continued up
to the latest advices last night doing little inju
ry to the town and none to our troops. At an
early hour this morning the third brigade left
here for Hancock, leaving the 46th Pa. at Wil
liamsport. The rest of the division was wider
order of preparations complete ,and were await
ing marching orders. Nothing from Hancock
this morning.
°Juno, Jan. 5
The Rebels Attacked at Hunters
ville and Routed.
SO,OOO Dollars Worth of Army
Stores and Clothing Captured.
A special dispatch to the Gazette from Hutton
vine, Va., says an expedition consisting of
four hundred of the Twenty-fifth Ohio, three
hundred of the Second Virginia, regiments,
and forty of Bracken's cavalry, sent out by
Gen. Milroy to attack Huntersville, was com
pletely successful. They attacked the enemy
on Saturday, consisting of four hundred cavalry
and three hundred and fifty militia. After
skirmishing an hour, the enemy retreated with
the lox of eight killed and wounded. On our
side, none. Eighty thousand dollars' worth of
army stores and clothing was captured and de
XXXVIIth Congress—First Session.
Mr. S➢IITH, (Oregon,) presented the credentials
of Benj. Stark, appointed Senator from Oregon,
to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of
Senator Baker.
Mr. FEssmrDEN, (Me.,) moved that the ad
ministration of the oath be suspended for the
present and that the credentials with certain
papers, he held in his hand be referred to the
Committee on the Judicary. lie had papers
well attested by many of the most respectable
inhabitants of Portland, Oregon, stating
that Mr. 'Stark was undersTood to be
an open and avoid secessionists defending
the course of the south, and had given utterance
to sentiments at war with the government, such
as approving the attack on Fort Sumter and de
claring that in case of war he would sell his
property and go south to fight for the rebels. He
(Mr. Fessenden had examined the papers with
deliberation, and therefore made the motion.
Mr. Barony, (Ind.,) said there was no prece
dent for such a motion. He had never known
a case where a Senator had been denied the
oath. He thought the Senator had better be
sworn in and then let the Senate take cog
nizance of the papers. There had never
been baser falsehoods uttered than those which
have been sent to the Senate about himself.
He had in his pocket a copy of the New York
Herald where it was stated that he (Mr. Demur)
was a Brigadier General in the rebel army.
Mr. FESSENDEN, said there was no precedent
for the course he propo.Red, but the presentstate
of the country was without a precedent. He
said" these papers were all attested from the
neighbors and townsmen of Mr. Stark.
Mr. BAYARD, (Del.,) thought the case had
better go over till to-morrow.
On motion of Mr. Dom., (N. Y.,) a resolu
tion was adopted instructing the Committee on
the District of Columbia to inquire into the ex
pediency of establishing a steam fire department
similar to that of the city of Philadelphia.
Mr. ROSCOE CON.KIING, (Ky.,) rising to a ques
tion of privilege, called attention to the fact,
that on the second day of the session a resolu
tion was adopted with reference to the battle of
-Ball's Bluff. The resolution proposed no inves
tigation into any further transaction whatever.
It simply requested the Secretary of War to
inform the House whether any steps had been
taken to ascertain who was responsible for the
dieastrous affair at Ball's Bluff. The resolution
was handed to the Adjutant General who sub
mitted it to the Commander in Chief. He (Mr.
CoNxial)'was unwilling to believe that the Com
mander in Chief had read the resolution, because
he could not impute to him a design to trifle
with the House and return an evasive answer.
If he did read it he certainly misunderstood its
purport. He seemed to have received the im
pression that a future inquiry was to be institu
ted, and that of a very general character and ac
cordingly he expressed an opinion to the adjutant
which was reported to the Secretary of War,
and by the latter transmitted to. the House.—
The response was an evasive one now. This is
a disregard of the privileges of the House
which required prompt notice. Unless we con
sent to our;rights bening trampled on we should
watch with a jealous eye the right of whole
some inquiry.
The inquiry proposed Millis resolution rela
ted to a great national calamity to the most
atrocious military murder ever committed in
our history—to the meat humiliating triumph
of the rebellion, to a blunder so gross that every
man can see and none has ever dared to deny or
defend it. Besides the defeat and the large loss
of arms and munitions of war there was a sacri
fice of nine hundred and thirty men.—
The resolution to which he referred proposed,
out of respect to the memory of these men and
in deference to the public propriety and self-re
spect of the nation, to inquire whether the mili
tary authorities have taken any steps whatever
to ascertain who is responsible for the slaughter
of the sons of New York, Massachusetts and
It was proper that the House should be in
formed, and the same inquiry should be made.
Gen. Stone, who was in command, is a member
of the regular army.. Col. Baker was a
volunteer officer, and the respective friends
of these gentlegien had raised a question
as to the' merits of the case involving the
efficiency of regulars and volunteers. He had
no toleration for such a controversy, but an in
quiry was absolutely necessary. Suppose it
should turn out that Gen. Stone was only half
way proficient either in soldiership or loy,
was that a reason why there should not be lt an
investigation? Was that a reason why he should
be relieved from the responsibility of the dis
astrous blunder_ The man who is to blame
should fall upon his knees and ask pardon. If
Baker was responsible, most lamentably has
he suffered. If Stone is responsible a greater
weig—t of guilt never rested on any other man
than upon him.
NEW YORK, Jan. 6
WAsimoTow, Jan. 6
Trouble in the Common Council.
Two Sets of Councilmen from Several of
the Wards.
rEfIL-UMPEIA, Jan. 6
To-day being the time for the organization
of the Councils, a scene of confusion occurred
from two sets of members being returned to the
Common Council from several wards. Each
party elected a President and Clerks, and occu
pied seats and proceeded to swear in respective
members. Each party sent a committee to the
Mayor, who returned answer that the Common
Council would be recognized when properly or
ganized, and not till then.
No News from Fortress Monroe or
the south,
The Old Point boat has arrived, but brings no
news of interest either from Fortress Monroe or
the South.
The snow storm to-day has kept the mercan
tile community within doors and there is very
little doing. Flour is dull, sales 1,000 bbls. at
$5,37 for good super., $5,75 for Lancaster co.
extra, and $6 for extra family. Rye Flour has
declined to $3,75. Corn Meal is dull at $3.
There is a very good demand for wheat,
ten thousand bushels were sold at $1,340,1,35
for red, and SI 40®1 45 for white. Rye is
steady at 72®73c. Corn is in good request, at
58®60c for new yellow, and 56 for white. Oats
are dull at 78c. The stock of coffee is very
low. Small sales of Rico at.l9®l9ic. Sugar is
firm. No change in naval stores. Provisions
are dull. Small sales of mess pork at $l2.
Lard has declined to Bc. 600 bbls. Ohio whis
ky sold at 2110., now held higher.
NEW fabnertistmento
THE Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail
Road Company have removed their care to the rip.
per end of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot.
Jan. 6. i 1m
WANTED—A middle aged White Wo
man to do House work in a small family. Good
reference required. Apply at tbis cane 16-11*
NV &NTH f),
TN a small family, a girl to do general
house work. To a good wa , her and Ironer. liberal
wages will be pal& Enquire at No. 72%, Chestnut
WANTED to hire a comfortable House,
of front 6 to S rooms, for Which a good 'Tot will
be paid. Addrow J. L , Box 165 Post 0f11.1., jg6-11.*
ffiRE Restaurant under the European
A Hotel, is now open with all the delicacies or the
j 6 ,I?ws
xi' jest received and for sale low a
j 6 corner Front and Market streets.
PURE Fresh Ground and Whole Spice,
Pepper, Alspice, Cinnamon, Nutmegs and Mace, at
Jg corner Front and Market streets.
PURE Cider Vinegar, for sale at
tsienots a: BO VMAN'S,
.f 6 corner Front & Market streets
FRESH Choice Teas, Black and Green,
in ;4", and 1 pound papers, for Slide at
Js corner Front end Market. strode.
'TE HE accounts of A. 0. Hiester and C.
W Muench, aasignees of Jobe Wallower and John
allower, Jr., and of them respectively, have been tiled
in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, and
will be confirmed by the said Court ou the fith day of
February, 1862, unless cause be shown to the contrary.
jane..d3toaw Prothonotary.
This new and Beautitul Establishment will open
for the Season, presenting SONGS; BALLADS,
In which Messrs. SANFORD, CARNCROSS,
and the Greif, Troupe of ARTISTS engaged will
sustain parts.
will appear for the first time in this City in her
popular Dances, Passes, &c., &c.
Admission, (no half-price,) 25 cents.
Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents.
Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents.
Entire Box, $5.00.
Doors open 64 o'clock ; Commence at 74 o'clock.
Erin preparation the MUMMY, also the
A valuable Two Story double frame
Dwelling House and Lotof grour d, situated on the
corner of North street and East Avenue, 30 feet on North
street and no feet deep, two basement k itch: ns, two cel
lar, and eleven rooms, also a never failing spring of wa
ter. The building is well ea tools' ed fore store or hotel.
Terms reasonable. Enquire of W. BAHR,
City Auctioneer.
BOARDING. -A few, gentlemen friends
desiring to room together ur separately, can have
pleasant apartments, with good board, in a private fami
ly. Enquire at No. 5, Locust atm t, near tbe. river.
CRANBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fresh
Apple, Romany, at
corner, Front ana Market streetB
STORY FRAME HOUSE, 193 i es;‘ feet i 4107
awl on Grand street, in the re tr or the reser
voir. For further partioulars apply on the prem
ises to [de3l-d2 x*J h. M. MATS%
NEW Fruits, Currents, Raisins, Citron
and Tenants, at the new Wholesale and Retail. Gro
cery and PrilViSioll More, corner Front and Market
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
D ANDELION COFFEE !--A Freah and large supply of this Celebrated Coif .ejast received
by [o ,3 ] W 54. DOC;{ ft Co..
A PPLES,Oranges, L3monB, Dried Fruits,
ti Beans, Homony at J, WIBEA corner Third
and Walnut. ja343i*
Bavrixoss, Jan. 6