Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 04, 1862, Image 1
E I, E(; RAP H PIibLISFIEL) NVIKRY DAY, I3ERGNER. , ........-- iEIiNIS —,lNats Pnitscanfrtoi. 11, , nA „, T ,L,Gsvii ,4 serve(' 10 - flabserlbere la the CR, gt /04 O.OA por wee:, Yearly subscribers Will be i.ccd f.. 1 110 • i • Wssio T 11rD gem-MIMI TIILZGRAIn. TO nu COLON 1, ll'CI 11001hillad twice IL week dur the ing .hp -, 1012 01 ie legislatufurre; sod weekl during e • ' n irr of th e yew . , Ind nished to su y bscribers at 1111.'411n. wing role:, VIZ: ;:inghj EUhfer,hoTo per year lilendMeekly•.sl AO 1W . 12 00 Ifc WY 0 0 ..22 00 mogl: subscriber, Weekly. ....... . • • • • ... 1 00 ice I.AW OP 10110124 11,1118 . 11 subseribera order the discontinuance of their news flier.; the 01111114100 may °outlet* to send them until ,`,ll,,,goagageg are paid il sutperibers negtod or retuse to take their newspa. ~ fnict the A ce 10 which they are directed, they are re punstble uutil they have settled the bills and order ed ,111 fill: cont..ied. Medical. i). JOIINSON ) 1 LOCK Al 3 discovered t hfiptaat certain, speed I r,d eilertual rowdy in the world for DIN KR SKS OF IMPRUDENCE SUITT 111 41 TO ',waive unties, No Atereary or ikoklottle Drage. w e o,awreo, oe No m rani Ore as Two mows! of the Rack or Limtis, Strictures, Patna in „,„ Al,OlOOll of the lildneyeund Bladder, °result. Nervotie Debility, Decay of thePhyglea Pow Dl,pepet. isognor, LowSpirits,Confriett.ol. Asp. of 'the ileart, Timidity, Trembling - a, 'Dena rim ,;.q t widin<vs, Diseasegif tbalitomeeki;Affebtione l",•: ‘ ". Hew , Thr.m., %se or Skin—those terrible disor. daps 4r,th g IMO the indiscretion or Solitary Habits oi Dighlbthe dreadful and delitnictive practleine:which MIMI' • .titntlonal debility, render marriage impee. I•OIL ill*, And destroy both body OUND and mind. Y NEN. • yadug eepecially who bac beceine.the victims ot military Vice, that dreadful and datatothre habit which "Nally sweetie to an untimely grave thousands of olio men of the moot exalted talent and brilliant intel— lect, who might otherwise bave entranced :Ilistenkeg Rona With the thunders of elisquence, or *and to e4C. t a g y iho i iv ari tyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. • Married persons, or those ocatemplating narrater,' be. ng aware of physical 9/eakness, aborildlmmediatelycao. hilt Dr, J., cod be metered to perfect health. ORGANIC WKAKRES ensiodialely °Wetland AEU vigor "Wore, fie who places himself under the care of . Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor es gentleman, and eon (Wendy rely upon his skill as a physician. eg-Office No. 7 Reath Frederick, street, Baltimore, On the left hand aide gob* from Baltimore etreet, I loom from the corner Re particular in observing the lame or number, or you will mistake the place. 'Be par. Ruler ler ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Cetlificalcs, attracted by the repate• We of fir. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a'Peetageflitamp, to use on the eply. PR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnsen member et the Royal College of Surgeon". ;onion, graduate from one 01 the meet eminent College. if the United 'Mates, and the greatest portrait whose lift me been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila. dolphin and elsewhere, has °B l eated some of the meet as. ioniebing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing In the earn and head when asleep, great mar• rounceseheing alarmed at sudden *trends, bashfulness, soh frequent bluehing, attended sometimes with &armee oast of nVgid were cured immediately, TARE PARTICULAR NOTICK, igDr. orate/kali those who having Injured them selves by end Improper indulgenciee, that eecre• End solitary chit which ruins both body and mind, or gating them for either businessor society. Three are come of the andsod mcladtchaly Surto by early habits of youth, via: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Head, Dimness of Sight, Lou of Muscular Power, Palpitation of thge Heart, Dye epela,Nervous Irritability, Derangements rthe Digestive functions, General. Debility, Symptoms od ntaume. Wm, he MiCNTAILY. ilostunr, the fearful effects on the mind aro mush to De dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Do• preosioo of Spirits, WI Forebodings, Aversion iicoViole ly, Solf-dietrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, ars., are some of the evil ofTeots. lithe canes of their decline la health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and innaelated, have a gamier Appearance about the eyes, cough, and 'mop ma of consamption, YOUNG GIN rho have Mimed themselves by s certain practice, le doired in when alone—a habit frequently learned from zompsulone, or st Sabool, the affects which are tightly felt, even when asleep, and if not mired, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and hodv should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes ol his eoun. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched Iron all prospects and enjoyments of life by the epilogues:Leer of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging In certain secret habit. Slu .hpersons must, before neuter. plating hUIHUAGL erect that a sound elind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness, jndeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; Or mind becomes shadowed with despair, and Oiled with tit melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. own blighted with our own DR JOEINSOMI INVIGORATING RIMED'S? FOR OR: GANIC WEANNF2B. By tele great and important remedy, Weakneme of the rims are speedily cured, and full vigor restored-, rtioueands of the most nervous cod debilitated who had lost all hope, ii,ve been Immediately relieved., All impediment! in Marriage, Physical or Mental Mon, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or lilzhanstlon or the most earful kind, speedily cured. TO aRANOERS The many thousand' cured at this Instiution within UN hat twelve years, and the numerous important Stirglea operations performed by Dr. J., witneesed by the re, porters of the papers, and many other persona, notices of which have appeared again and again before the 'public. beide his Handing as a landensan of ahareadar and re , nurinbailv, u a sufficient guarantee to the 'Acted, DI~FA9EB OF IMPRIIDENGE.—When the misguided end improdont 'mars of pirouette finds he has imbibed the mode ol this neode disease, It too often hammier that thtimed lease oi shame or dread of disernrery deters him from applying to {hide who, from odnoation and re* epeolability Can alone befriend him,delaying till the Cos 'Mullane] eymptoint thia horrid disease make their appearance, eggnog the head, throat, DORN akin, &c.: Meiling 011 with frightful rapidity, till death • pubis period to hle drcadi meetings by sending him to "that betirne from that tra.eler returns." It Ohm mel ancholy fact that thonsands fall victims to thin terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend— ers, who, by the use of that deadly pawn, mermerg , nil' the aonstitatioe end mate the residue of life miserable.. dTo Sinemases.—The Doctor% Diplomas bang ti isc inFionert must (motion a Stamp to on on the reply, nirßemedies seat by Mull. lir•No. 7 South Frederick. street, Behnooro_ surlLdswl7 Ii'MIPIEI.III3EVIS DAILY alg LINE! Between Phil adelphia Loa RAVIN, JIMMY Siloam, WILU AR WINO; Natatory, WainerrinWri, Mitten, 1,11V1111101141, NoknitinletitLAND, Straiten', TWORION, Gozonanons, Litspravons, tinfaxis. Suva, Rau's; I.lAntena s AND HAR RIB B KU. Tho Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lotteet rates. A Coed actor goes DINO with each train to ammo to the safe delivery of 41 Bowls entrusted to the line. Hoods delivered at the Depot of TIMED, WARD & FRRDID, No. SU Market theet, Phila delphia, by 5 o'clock P. M. will be (..ilyered in Harrisburg the next morula:. freight (always) as low ao any other , me. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt anal ePerdY delivery of all Harrisbur.: ~0 0ds. ion undereigned thankful for past patron a hopes b e sinet attention to business to merit a coma O r el ems, T. PRIPHEII, Philadelphia and Reading ep Feet of Market Stria ris burg, WI SCHEFFE'RS BOOK STORE. (gllAlt TEY HaiLIUBSI3IIII BITAR.) '•INION ENVELOPES. V.RE PAPER, of six different designs, Printed In two gu colors, sold by the thousand and le ream at City Cash prices. ~dt kes lags, Usion w Breast s& Pins, at Eagles, Union Rings Ni at nen lo prie Call 1 48 80111.171008 BOORBToTte. F IN ETOILET:3OAPS, POMADES, HAIR 4 1 POWDE:118, COIAGNIS and ECU AOTS of ja, l 4 l oa, ohne* and manufactures as HELLEWB D F ANCIV 41 -A N. itOlatall'S DUG STORE is:, the plate qUilat leadeel. • ' '" • ...... • , ' . , 1- .' Ns s :.' :" '"-... • . . , '• ' ''' , C' ' : , w ' '.-\,:\ iti r V ' f p, ' 4 L 4. 44 '::-: ' e labli . , . ' 4 ' --4 4 (-.' yr: - ------- , -- • • • .. . E&Z==.-- -..-&'' _ ' 14, - ',' .-- 1---=-__-.-.--.. . \:. : , .: 4-.,.. " , :. - . 7 1 --- . '' . i - • .. . t D IA ' : 101 4 - - 4. e • ,:. , i. ~ .: - - -,- -co -74.. i..... .- . ... . -.: • '. -..--- • • .- .- -- „.- - •,!..- - w ••• * , l' .: ..'. .. VOL' .XVI :inns (1,14-a,nsvcirtatias POINSY*VANIk:RAk 10-ADI. FIVE TRAINS' ,DAILY TO ANP FROM .PHILADELPHIA 1094 AND 47111 Z ,MONDAY' NOVEMBER 25th 1861 The Pageant* Trains of the • Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows EASTwArip THROUGH TRAlN'leava , Harrisburg daily at ,3 20 a. m, and arrives at West Phdadelphia .at TAO a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harriebtirg every morning (except Monday) at 8.45 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. M. HAIVYRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.15 v. m., and arrives at West Pldladelphin , at 6'.20 ACIDOMMODATION TRAIN,; via Mount Joy, teaves Elarristad's at 1.00 a. at., and arrives at vilest PUMA delphiteat 12.10 p. HaltliftgitUlta ACOOI4IIODATION TRAIN, ,via Cohan- Ma, leanarlianiationt at 4.00 ty.'m.. and arrives at Want Philadelptiland.9lo:o. ID. : *.IE,STW A Ft D. • . THROUGH EXP RESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p. m., Harrilburg at 8.057 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at - 1.25 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaven Philadelphia at 8.00 a. ra., and, ar riven at Harrisburg at 1.20 p.lll. ; leaves linrrieb An at 7.45 a. m. Altoona, 2.45 p. m.; and arrives at .Pittaburg , at 8.45 ;a M. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.80 a. m., Harris burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40. a. m. ' HARNISBURO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. dolphin II 2.80 p. sod arrives at Harrisburg at 8.06 MOUNT JOT *COOMMODATIONvIa Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 1.1.1 . 14 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 P. - SAMIJKL. D. YOUNG, Supt, Shut, Lily. Padua. Railroad Harrisburg, November 24 1861,-dtf - Northern Oentral ,Railway WINTER ARRANGEMENT,. Tllllll TRAINS DAILY TO AND .1110 N 13.A.I_ITIMOR1311. Close Connection. made at Harrisburg SLEEPING CARS RUN 13N AU. NIGHT TRAINS. NP AND 'A:rrER BUNDAY","NoIir. 24, 1861, the Passenger Trains at the Norther(' Central Rattans artive'st and' d4part from. 'llarrisberit • end Baltimore as reliows, vim t. • • • 1:61 . 43} SO H - ' Math TRAIN arrives' at .. . . LOA P K. and mime a • LAO P. PI. EXPREIII3" arrives at a • MAY A. M. and leaves " 3.80 A RE, GOINO NORTH. MAIL TRAIN leaves Rioter. at . 8.28 A. M. and arrives at Harrisburg* 1.00 P. M. and leaves North at 1.20 P. M. 11XPRES8 TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8.00 P.M. and arrives at Harrisburg.... 8.00 P. M. and leaves North at 8.10 P. M. RA ORtrilltfße AHOOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at_ 8.45 A. M. Returning—leaves Baltimore 8.30 P. H The only train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Express Train, South at 8.20 For fMher Information' ipply at the Mee, Ie Penn i% R tilroad Depot. • JOHN F. .lIHRICH, agent.. Harrisburg, Nov. 28, ilOl.-Idtj . WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT AND P ; Li, A DHa A, WITHOUT ORANGE OF OAKS. Q a N AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV-EM HAPassetiger Trains wilt Halve the delpida anu Reading Railroad Depot., it Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, aa Mows,- els EASTWARD. 6XPRES3.I.ThiI leaves Havibbargmt 8 . 80 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania: Hallrowl bee t from the Watt, arriving in New Yeti at 11.6 a. m., and at Phila delphia-at 9.00 a. in. A sleeping car Is attached to the tesinAtirough from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN: leavesHarrinburg at 8.85. a. in.. arriving in New Tort**. AMR. in,, and Philadelphia a 41.26 p. m. ICAfftLINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. on arrival of Penniedvania Railroad Fast Mail, Arriving in New ifork at 9.60 p. M .4 411d Philadelphia at 6:40 p. m. WES n T' VV./IRD. , . • FAST LINE leaves Ne w York at a , m„ and Philade 1. phis at 8 a. m, arriving at Hartisburg at I p. m. VAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adoiphia at B. 16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg 'at 8.10 P. m. EXPRESS LINE leaves New . York at 18 p. m. arri ving at Harrhiburg atB,lo a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A Bleeping car is alas atiaotiedto this train . .. ... .. .. . .. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Penney manta, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Ratlroada, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wllkesbarre, Allentown, Easton ) An. .. Baggage citecked th rough. Faro between . New York and Harrisburg, $5 00.; between Aarriaburg and Phila. delohia, $S 26 in No.l cam and $2 70 in No. 2. Tor tickets or other Information apply to , . J.J. CLYDE, no 4 general Agent, Harrisburg. IT. R. INGERSOLL'S PATENT • FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dream the hair without soiling the lingers. • It effects a easing of one-half in the use of halt peeper: It does away with greasy Lair-01l bottles. ' • It is handsomer article than the common hair-brush. It regulates the quantity of quid used, to a drop- It is perfectly moss, and canna apM over In the trunk or on the Wet. It carries eanugh of any preparation to last , tor.* Tttir - ,. age or a long journey. Its p - 100 is moderate, and It saves its own wet in three m Mks, , sit Boner's Drug and Panoy Store, 91 mart' et sired two doors east of Fourth - street, south side "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS NEUTRAL IN NONE " HARRISBURG, PA_ SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 4, 1862 D W. GROSS & WHOLESALE AND,JELETA IL D R U. .G .14 , I s MARKET 4ST RE.LT DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, ST9RE. We are daily adding •to our assortment of goods.all 'such articles as are deeirable, and would respectfully. ,call your atention to the largest and best selected steak in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS .& PAINTS, Ranking fluid ant► Alcohol, PERFUMERY * TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the bed menufacturers and Per tumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED DIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW. GLASS, .ARTIS&S COLORS, PAINT AND . ARTIST'S BRUSHES= IN IN ALL THEIR VARLEM:I33, 001.0.118 AND BRONZE& ° !:4" 1(1441:•. • We respeotftnly feeling,, confi dent that we OW impply the wants of 41 on term; to their satisfaction. .JOI4W S AND warrEs's PATENT • MEDICINES : AND . HAT, Saponifier and Ooneentrated Lye , l Wholesale. Agents for f3aponifier, whielflwe sell as low wit oan be purchased in the °Ma., i'.lff.*Bll'B MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS . . being large purehaaera in 'these Oils, we can oiler infineemente to close buyers. • Coal Oil Lampe ;of , the; wont , iinprove4 parternp, very ,cheap; Nl kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. . • • 0. o r you who have not gives -liar 'Epsoz AN.D 4 0*TTLE POWDERS: Prid !wow: . n o thetr superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Hones and i*tie itealtby .and, in. g•wd condition., Thmumods can testify to the profit they have d er i ve d : from the we of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and gnalityof •milk, besides improving the , general health aud ap pearance of their Cattle..-. Our long ex perience in the business gives us the advantage of thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements, in the cities are such that we cars in a very short time faintish anything appertaining to oar, business, on the best of , terms. . Thankful for the liberel, patronage bestor; e on our house, we hope by st#ct attention to busineer, a . careful selection of at fair prices, and ,the desire, to , please ,all, to merit a continuance of the favor of edbaltim7 inath3g public; 'ID. U) .- o.rovo & NOt - 19 ,HARRISBURG, PEA,N'A KEEPERS AND. CONSUMERS,. OIL, vandahes and Clines. Dye-Staffs, Glass and-Patty, Arpst colors and, Pure Ground SlNeees Lard, Sperm and Pina Ode, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Glebes, Castile Soap, Swinges and Corica, &a., dro., 4ke., Am., Ice., ao With a general variety of in co 0 0.1 t • TEEitil TEETH!! RESTORATIV.EB Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors: COAL OIL 1 0.411.13041 0111 HARMERS AND GRAZIERS, • PURE tßuOs AUGUS,TIN E. t. IDA.OpTpi- ,tatp--BOMpip. Roraig go. Bo* iffathami , altiettot ' 'S. filalliinteArtillitilib a I ifiierttlarttoUs FREIGIIT REDUCED, I award &Hope EXPItESS CO:8 . mar & ROETt TO AND . PROM N.:E..w," V.ORK, GoOds Ordered in the 4 o rnin g Returned the same Night. I;ea6 New York at 7j P. by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. Order Goode marked I via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office. 74 Broadway, New York. Branch " 412 " " For further information enquire of GEO. BEE NEB, Agen . thamannao, Aug. 1861.-dtf ,13litok and Seoond. 34owning :I>VLEss Go - orts, - &O. ea and ' , orble Tumme Cloth—Silk sod Wool, Pada Black CSIIIOI4 Flair Cloth, Extra Qtalit y, 'blink sod Purple Rug V)oue Reps. pttin'sBlciperittio:7323ektifrabf;r4l.o:sat th ted reotlgnesrel:, • • BbieivEcabordpired 'kaoline Clothe, New, Varela and Black. Footpad Cashmeres, Lupins Extra 8 . 4 All Wool Detainee, P . l4Z e ß r t i r o te m Engll4h Oh t utzes, nor _ Very Boat bite Al! Wool Detainee, • Meek & New A.r#Olty ' odllitarn avows, go„ ko., &a Ex aA ARIIIOI.II BLACK Bvn. R1:2.:11E403. - 617tallIon BUOIC AND Wan MOINOIL'III IdO PIIRPLOAND BUNS do do Areal, many addniona of new and dottrel:de eille es In the. 0R633G40D3 LIMB are made daily. l.Ang l 6 417-4 'Mabel Shawls, &vase do do • ;do And Long French Blanket Shawls, Neat & Broken Brd. 'du do MI • English urepe Veils. (every size.) hew Style Crepe Veils (very desirable) • de tArenadine., do do Shielding Flannels and Cashmeres, do Parsmettas and Coburga, , Black Gauntlets and Gloves ;Grey Mixed °sentient; and Gloves, Black Bordered 11111 , 11CerchtelS (all kinds,) Silk and Cotton. Hosiery, (titanic ) • ‘.- 2d llourning.eoliars and Sleeves, Balmorni dant(' (suiteble for mourning.), Oar stock of "ALL GOODS OF TEM KI s;I:)" is now , complete and we would respectfully ask the 10glotion of buyers, _ CATHOART & BROTHEIR, IIO: Next door to the Hmrrisburg Bank. , 4Toart , :z: lithllTBl3 BOOT &S.U.OE...STARE , , I:XIF4I. 43C TIP 4" 54 / 1 41 : 7 6 ,TIEL ' • .... Harrisburg, Pa... . : A. LW4Y.s. on hurpta largu.assortmont of bi . Bkorp, Mg% ti A.lT4ti4' lie., of We Tory best aualitible, fat ladebrlentlemen; and - Of:MO.l..3ns' Wear.— Primo ixi euittbe dines.- All - kintbrof WORE 514,DE TO . , MDR% 4415:beet style by supetiorrworkows . - REP ' , fp dr_ml.,,t.stpre u9ttafo_.. . . , ..wad tr , ' ' 'JOEIN- B 8311TH..gorrisburo, STATE_ ISTREET, OPPOSITE THg BIi4PY HOUSE. A II op erations S urgical , and If echonioal, actstittrAlly Performed. Charges moderate. jeB . . . • _pw.val 4 i ;.- VINUGA.R . 11l IijrAIDE frOm.ohoiee tui,d aeleotpdApples, ANL and guaranteed. by, us to be strictly pure. p p.. 4 i • WM. DOOR &"00. . Taft E'STEilitt ENGINES FOR• SALE.; 11HE tinderalgried o ff ers for sale ONE 1. NE 80 HOBBS &SHINE, and two Sedond-Hand engines smaller size, The engines will be sold cheap or oa-li .approved paper. Apply at the Steam. En gine Werits, Mit& street, between .Walnut and Market, Harrisburg, Pa JACOB llui.TZ nov2-48vrAv8t - . WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO.DIOTIONARY. rpElßibest.defmingAnd proitoturing Die .mc of theldoglish ;:Also. Worcester's Eicktsel scariest. Webster Pictorial Quarts and Soliool_rk Wearies* sale at • ' WHETTER'S BOOKSTORE, • Near the Harrisburg Brldg WALLOWER'S 'LIRE, DAILY awn rpm, HARRIS BURG and PH [LAD EL PH lA. Wm. Burk, kenf, 812. Marke.i Week rhawlei f"serk LalaPta r Co. pectal Conductor. in charge of each train, Goals del yara it at the Warehouse, Minute' la, atu'ekiek aid be deli cared la Hoer' argiext sooting. '.l. WALLOWER, Ja., Agent, y 2141 • • Moe iteadlus Depot, Oarriabora. • aLwiiiii BHAVinig A large Ureic* of-Nbw Styles' of French Blanket nol r AT# Teivo4 l 4 l o. l br' - 1 4 RPX IIIO B - ' ' cyttg - iL l.zihseo I:llWlrcii away, duet , 11 .!.f.ired HMI $1211% r0C41111.417 , J 0.401 01 By Tusi From oar Morning Ramon; From "WttssUigton. Thee Charges Against Gen, Benham. Settlement or the Land Olehn 'Between ten. Lane4ind Gans, Jenkhm. Compensation of Members of Congress. Report of the Superintendent of Public Printing. I==9 ARRIVAL OF UNION PRISONERS FROM RICHMOND GEN. fIoOLELLAN'S HEALTH. WASBINGTON, Jan. 8 The correspondent of the Associated Press did not, as is publinly, alleged, repeat or circulate the report that Gen. McClellan has dismissed the charges brought by Gen. Rosecrana against Gen. 'Benham; nor has he, until now, said a sigle word upon the subject. The facts are briefly these: The charges involve the conduct of Gen. Benham, as to the pursuit of Floyd, and the cause of the escape of the latter with his army. Gen. Benham has denied the truth of the charges and asked for a court-martial, but this was refused at the present time, from the fact the chief witnesses attached to the army of Westein Virginia, are now serving in Kentucky, and cannot even temporarily be withdrawn. In other Words the trial is postponed to await the convenience fif their attendance without detri ment to the public interests. The.long contested land claim between 'Gen. James". H. Lane and Gans Jenkins, involving the title to a valuable quarter section of land ad joining. Lawrence, Kansas, has been finally de cided by the commissioners of the laud office, commissioner of Indian affairs, and the Secreta ry of 'the Interior,. unequivocally in favor of General Lane. The merits of the case have been ethaustively presented on both sides by eminent legal advice and involved . the original parties in a peilional conflict, on the claim re:, suiting in thewounding of Gien....its Clettgeoi has excited great inteuviiiilthrougli oaf legal circles and the various departments of the country at large. The deeishin vindica reniticred onthii"LatilLditYt to the property was At the commencement of presented to the attorney of • Mrs. Jenkins the sum of $1,600 as a tree will new year offering ot kindness and sympathy. The opinion of Uutuptroller Whittlesey, ac quiesced in by Secretary Chase, is, that accord ing to the present law regulating the compeu ertion of nuembens of Utingrosa, they can re ceive mileage only for the regular sesaions.- 11ereture toe mileage for the July extra session remains to be proviued for by iuture dun. It may be stated that several Senators were paid the two mileages before the opinion was officially furnished fur ministerial geld dice. Arisistaut Secretary of the Treasury Rarilug ton been ati.ent trout the Department tor a week or ten days past ou account of sickness. It appears by the Report of the Superintend ent of Public Printing, John D: Defrees, th .t the blvirernment Printing Bureau has been con duCted, will:rate utmost ‘tlicienoy and satisfact ion. The wisdom of, Cougreas in superseding the former arrangements by the prevent es,ab listuneat is fully indicated. As compared with the prices formerly paid to public printers there has, during the pat seven months, been an actual baying to the Government of $60,000. °apt; Dickinson of the SS Infantry regulars, 'end Cain:tins Skillington and Amason of the New York iptti, taro prisoners in Richmond, have strivedat. Washington. A committee of representatives of the New York City Santis reached this city today to °outer With Secretary Chase on the financial policy which should. be adopted by the Govern ment. -.- The Committee on Ways and Means of the House are drawing up a bid providing for heavy excise duties to be levied on materials of luxury. Secretaries Seward and Chase have offered their aid, in reply, to applications, to procure cotton Seed for growth in Southern Illinois and in othei parts of the West, where it is thought cotton can be cultivated. The National Republican, of this morning, con tains the following :. "We are happy to state, on the authority of Dr. Verdi, the attending physician of General -McClellan, that the General- is convalescent and doing well, and .that there has never been any cause for serious apprehension in his case We saw Dr' Verdi at 7 o'clock last evening. He stated to us at the same time, that Gen. Marcy was quite well, not confined to his bed, and would have been out yesterday; if the weather had been pleasant." MICHIGAN STATE LEGISLATURE. THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE The extra session of the Michigan IP.eiala tore convened at 'Lansing yesterday. The Gov ernor's Messege suggest the liquidation of a di rect Federal tax. by releasing the Federal Gov •ernment from reimbursing the State on account of war expenses to an equal amount. Twenty-four thousand men have been fur nished by Michigan for the war, of which ten regiments are for three years, one battery of ar tillery, and one regiment of three months vol tnteets have been raised at the expense of the State, costing $539,000, of which $92,000 have been refunded by the United States. Govern ' meat. In view of the manifest disposition of foreign powers to intermeddle with our domestic affairs he recommends that provision be made for the organization of uniform militia to Constitute an active force, their speedy enrollment to be sub ject to draft at oy time, and while , nOt voting the, eo - tcdon of extensivefortifications,'rabbets Legislature to urge upon COngress the hrui=dhlAte noDeeidtY of ostabliahing,, atom= Etiam Vrinting fiffirt. poured Steam Pnwar Preer.e.4 We are prep": d to execute JOH add Et Olt NMI nwo Of OWTY nederip. on cite .per than t can b done eta y other eateblith. Dent in tae country. Sir roue lines or less coo ratate one 11.11aquare. Bight Mee or more time roar cowl owe square. Hatt square, one day $0 25 one week "1 00 eue month 2 00 three amain!........800 de six months ........ ..... 6 00 one year.. ....... ............... 8 00 One Square, one day .14 one week 2 00 a one month . ........... ........ 3 50 three moo the ..... ... .... 600 six mouths 10 00 GI one year............. ......... .15 00 far Business noticra inserted in the Lftent Chisnart, or , e , ore uarriges and Deaths, }Mk CehTd "..". • or, ,ach Insertion. *1), Marriges and DeathP to be charged se regular • ,rrtt•-i.m••nt. NO. 100 convenient place in the North-West. an arsenal 'M manufactory o i arms and munitions of war, tend also a naval station to be located in Micht gab, as being the most advantageous, both for the extent of her coast and her unrivalled re sources for ship-building. In alluding to national affairs he attributes our complications abroad and troubles at home to the inactivity of the army. Mad says the ped. : pie will not tamely submit to see our armies used to'protect the slaie property of the rebels whet the most active means should be taken to t suppress the rebellion, sparing nothing and apologising to nobody for our actions. Deatraotive vFire in Philadelphia. Burning of the 01Et* 4f Howard's B[- press and the American Telegraph Dom parry.:.. • NARROW ESCAPE OP LIVES About three o'clock this morning; a fire was discovered inthe extensive granite building No. 106 South Third street, and No. 248 Chestnut streets, the structure having two fronts. On Chestnut street the building is six stories in heighth, and on Third street five, and is one of the moat substantial edifices in the city. On Third street the basement is occupied by Sohn TrenWith, dealer in newspapers and peri odicals. A portion is also occupied by the American Telegraph Company as a storage room. The telegraph battery was kept in the vault, under the pavement. The first story was occupied by the American Telegraph Company as an office and the fourth story by the same as an operating room. The remainder of the building was occupied by Mesan3. Obertenffer & Fretytag. On Chestnut street, the basement and first floor were occupied by Howard 8t Co.'s Express, and the Hamden 8t Howard Express Companies, and the secculd, third, fifth and sixth, by Messrs. Oberteuffer & Freytag, 'importers of nudge dry goods-l—French, German and bwiss fabrics, con sisting' of silks, white goods, laces, ribbons, &o. The fourthfloor formed a part of the telegraph ing operating room, the building being in the shape of an L. The fire broke out in Trenwith's newspaper depot, on Third street, and burned very fiercely. All the stock and fixtures of this room were destroyed. The Ices is estimated at two thou,__ tontehts of the ethio „...,„ ot the cel sand dollars, upon which there is no ire. , .—' l ‘ ,ll . The lar were al etely ruined. so_ the telegraphic weartsimpl The.offi.ce of the Telegraph Company; which • been recently been tittedup; $ coniplete y wrecked, but, fortunately, the operating room escaped, except a slight injury to the in struments, from rust, which was epeedly rem edied. The loss of the company will be aboat Insured in the Fire associatiOn. been iu the Ripressornue - . - --e55,..........._ta fet us ._ furniture, ordinary account bo ks, way bills, ' lames, and a quantity of Lowe papers were all destroyed. This principal books and money packages were in the tire proof, and were saved. But few packages ter 'shipment were on hand,. three large loads having 'men sent to the depots, Last evening The goods teas ved by the late, trains were nor taken into the building, but were upon th sidewalk About two hundred packages of different; description- , stored in the odder, prin unclaimed iy unclaimed goods, were de s ray ed` Their value cannot be estimased.— £he loss of the ex re s s company will be about $2,600. No insurame. The building is owned by Dr. David Jayne. • Loss about $2,U00. Insured in the Roy al and other oompaines. The occupauts of several of the adjoining buildings suffered by water. At the time the fire broke out four young me., were on duty iu the fourth story—tele- graph room They were Win. F. Snyder. and Marion Smith, operators and ueorge klaulland . Edward Summers, uthee buys. The haul:mays having been open, a dense smoke soon pervaded the room and the retreat of the young men by - the Btairaw on Third street was cut off. The atmosphere was momentarily becomii.g more suffocating, and the chances of escape were ex ceedingly slim. The endaugernd persons made their way to the windowii on Chestnut 'street, by whicki they obtained fresh air. Through great exertions they succeeded in attracting the attention of the firemen below, on Chestnut street, and arrangements were at once made to release 'them from their perilous situation. The scene at this moment was very thrilling. A ghat delay and the unfortunate individuals would have been compelled to leap to the ground' or suffer death by suffocation. FROM PORT ROYAL Preparations for Another Naval Ex pedition. Letters . from Port Royal to the 80th ult. state that Commodore Dupont is preparing fora new naval demonstration. The gunboats are con centrating there, and the sailors are practicing with a large number of launches in the work of lauding troops. About ten thousand soldiers . could be spared from Hilton Head, in addition to Gen. Stevens' Brigade, to operate against Charleston, Savannah or the rebel forces at Cosawachie. The latter is moat likely the point to be attacked. Dnraori, Jan. 8 Prepartions for the Reception of the Eldon Prisoners from:Richmond. Passengers by the Old Point boat state that a flag of .truce had come down from Norfolk, but brought no news. The Union prisoners from Richmond were expected to reach F ortress . Monroe to-day and will probably arrive here by the boat to-mor rdir morning. Arrangements are making to gill° then a grand reception here and there wil be eneinterYmaCOrt and our Union citizens will alscon4e a demonotration worthy of the caw don: ' RA I.lki •F MY 11.1 ' 0 -•. PHILAWILPIIIL, Jan. 8. Naw Yon K, Jan. 8 FROM BALTIMORE. I=l Bezamosa, Jan. 3