Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 03, 1862, Image 2
1011 Ettegrapil. . . .....—.."--- eltiliVlll . /that that standard sheet I re Wier breathes the.for but Irapfiblyckore Ws: Wi t h . , eau's Intl hanSailkidtirilislek, And random's banner streeisithig o'er nil iHt PENNSYLVANIA, MEGRApIi FOR . 71C LEGISLATIVE SESSION. The publisher of, tip pabpsyLvskaa Tam artAPn has made the most ample and complete arsenic. by the eniptgernent of and ; rtev, Xrden4-4 0- 0 1I NLAtifii&thil l eke Synopei : of the proem:M:lga o f e - Legislature, embraciezetaligbdation that will be of a general character, and such private Mild ness as may have an effeet or influence on the public interest. Added to these reports, with ths;reports of the Heads of Departments, the debates *SAW be : published wheuthey are of a character involving questiOns in. which the people are interested. These features :regularly =4 carefully conducted and supervised by ex.- perteur reporters, Mr reports; of the proceed tugs Oongress at the approaching session, the current events in the progress , of the, war, tngether with Bush domestic and foreign news as shall daily occur and come within our reach, will,huiko the Prassrx.vezne. Trzzausru one of. ths most valuable and interesting newspapers is the country. E=ZI ,The D&my. will be published during the ses sion of the egislature for $l,OO per copy. Us SEM-WEEKLY will also be published at the low rate of $l,OO for the session. WRICKLY is printed on a very large sheet st:the low rate of $l,OO per year. Andress, GEORGE BERGNER, Harrisburg, Penn'a ll , Au. i tt I 8 1$ thRG'. II 40 • May morning, January $,1862. GOFERPOR'S VAWSAGE. We intend to print a large number of extras c°ol4 4 elf the, me sage of the Governor, and will be able to furnish, our eotemporaries of the rural press with any number, printed with the . • title of their owli newspaper, if the orders are sent into ;this office before Monday evening 'Those of bur cetemporaries who desire suCi extras will tape notice accordmgly. ARE WE SOLEMNLY IN EARNEST? . . While pondering : the stupendous,, work in which government is engaged for its self preservation, and .contemplating the effect it harPalteitqy had on the bushiees, the Society; titelielilleal . nud domestic relations of the loyal states, we are reluctantly led to confess that then ts the inuott levity attending the people in tioifieStiepti with the efforts fonrash the rebit* :l 4o l :* Wefilifian4likvior indifference` among those who have:titerhui officially bxcharge. We do not mean by this that the } government;' is neglecting its work—we do noldsinthae that there is lack of ,discipline, the ranks of the army or, enthushuen in the "the nave w ha t meenm,..ttw ws• are' if - sidacireitly impressed with the &dein nity. elf our condition as. a nation, and the, poi rditigel'bf o posittoa as - a peo ple. We have the ardor without the reflec tion, the impulse vcithont the discretion, so es sentially, necerisery to' success. Because there hatbeen necessity delay, Witt not tOlie claitned thalhtfe,!iPs.Oo':bee4 neCePeA4,c B :o l 9P , ,uB9 4l in id i l l ths .orgenisation and operations of the govern:wont to crushthe rebellion. There hail , Trifissid Into the army Mist aßkeda tiokf 4tent of the labor it . itexpect i ed that army,Aolurt perform, .whichmen should entertain who pewees a full knowledge of the responsi briVei assumed. if this were so, ae;a natitirt,'Ciur'.actien would be marked by.more aolehmity the solemnity due to the danger by which' We as Surrounded, as well' aethetiolexn DUT. PeAffgarY invocation of Divine in terposition in our behalf,. without which there can be no utoceill,hiiiiever, invincible' our valor, impregnable our positions, and unequalled our fox* hilintiln*;r. a. To read the lecounfs trout .Wath*thkilmioisierve the own midst, a plain man would suppose that this"" tfuggle was inaugnrattid merely for the disAf'of Indiildual ability, personal ambition ortelerA p c hise k tylii Nlrct was not more derpiiii ately Pilaf tor convivial Steil - he scraped Sat; gut at the nonfiagration of Nome, than are some •6f Our 'Officials "at thia 'day, though to the masses they would make the hwiinkitifiii that .their latiiits are Blarctdean in efforts contribute to the success of the Union. Thig i stent ; before the werld inblut3 cloth; gold lace and brat* buttatis---they are assiduous rt the etiquette of the toast, proMpt . in libation, unequalled in - "gtitiliandisingk= and Ml' this Wi t t i l ri tn. bleeding . : .a. tiwusami woun —white the muscles of industry, are,. witlisaii#,=l&fe the - hopes — of enteiprble :- ariF paling, and the destinies of a nation becoming more uncertain day day. This is wrong— grevionsly,tst,foly, monstrously if not insane ly wrimig: It is a levity and an indifference which would disgrace the humblest man in. the land if he practiced them while in the pursuit of the most insignificant object.. .God must eventually dispise a people who are so dull to the magnitude of the work they have underta ken—who are so prone to debanchand pleasure when the heaven born boon of liberty is in danger, .and who, like Nero, fiddle and dance, eat, drhik and are merry, while the fire of treason lights the very portals of the capital, and thenlamors of rebellion are heard in al most half of our territorial possessions. **lmo that we exhibited as well as prao eked the solemnity which should invest our cause. .So nation ever stood in a position of such embarrassment, no people were ever sur rounded by more danger. We are: fighting the ; battle of liberty—tbat liberty which secures' social equality, Political franchiii‘; and religious independence: We arefigh- . ing that man may own the soil which God bequdethed to him, and which he is expected to enrich with the sweat of his labor. We are fighting for free speech and a free prees. In such a contest; there must be nollsvity mixed . .with its campaigns - no immorttlity mingled' with its responsibility—no dissipation to grace its votaries—no"tigllegrade victories.. If Gime are not omitt4end banish ed, God will not bless ouritiforts 4 crown our banners. If our cause is not Worthy of a care and respectful solemnity, it is not worthy a vigorSkrikeart-7 - tullii..lvii4ritaffec. ll ng a. Pere sonal excellence either in morality or religion, we nevertheless sincerely believe that ou vie tortes will _be . postponed until our vices are pu ,rified and our virtue established by our own solemn practices. TRAM21141,117:4.ND ' 27aTIVIFUI!, In this community, perhaps it is neediest to vetci from ein i cA - spiatAq an itiftbAddlit jddinal, Cheta - whim thl pld Breclllixticitrottnaiiii this" Et irr i hisla. abroad, but a LAW Orth - 4 - 'ciunifutthsPn k elegraph ixurtairm,suolt a truthful an k d trench**, cznee *' flier iinhilty and tendency of: t' t'es*h .l a che Poo*** l ?no!, 1 roll a pUblic wrong u?oltthe article from the public of the state capjtal. The Germantown Tr 4 Cr u t l lW .9190 P ch tegret, in a late rtu4i.ther, of the Banlsbbrg Patriot and Union, aiteditiokkillieaded, "Whither are we Drifting," which, invite judgment, has an influence_ only for...evil. It is calculated to weaken the government in its efforts to put down the poweritti rCheillon aimed at its ovei ihm! ,00 04 tr114 66 the:nine time the article aellteevitteegthen the hands: of =the enemy. -We have ' noticed moreover for some hot without pain; a Gauping :41)090** ;onthetatt of our cOtem- . rorttry whist tlm Masques of, the government, *ithant stoppingtoconiiddrthe wislom of the steatites, lad 'especyjij:::the imperOkii necee city for.filteir 444.9. l g l k geei 2siqfrk..gFieel'ery step taken.. to suppress. the rebellion, and to re dorothe operation of the Ckirrititution and laws Where they are noW'whoWahrtenrintd or Patti ally inePerettrii withggparg . and compass ; ; and. Where, every. movement Aloes not accord with the =then:titled intactness, &bred -Out by our ciotemporav,, it forwith indnigariii a dirge for the 41*.ties..itithkekYirtit414 041 ItIP 3 4.bY the government of the nation..itiseem4 indeed, to be untiring in its watclifilldeSs for the objects sip food ',for the eierCiiin of I* - hotetiliV, and Itttie 44E 4 4 it* tine e3'4V4fNV*t: is made the subject of unfriendly comment. While the Patriot miff is' gdod news- pa er, Piam te5P.?443n 1 1, - 94.0410W could exproiss„,i;ly- renolgtelly, andl,,ehergetbud- ly, maintaining' the 'title which !it beats, in 'our' struggle for Nation's:l -ciSlitence,' "aluable thence. /lut;howe!(u . int# it may be denied; it Photoes to pursue a,4 l ffet.o4: COPthe, stood of atrengtheningthelhands of Government and encouraging lite' soldier'Offering his life as sac i in o6f or*! 3 (4 01 1 t 109 ? 2,, its ooiWilOa Acrid .to Patl l 4l.lo Pont: , 4" Partiox from the •Landmarksi". 'however •ingeniously co-lithe:l, or plin4bly` iipreited; defend,' y9ti. Difftakw time- - and thetis, tat.we.have before; qi 4 k,rigritha4tiiiom Ormolitite. nod journals of the State, Which; would Indig nantly resent the 'Charge' that At . . ) , ,A44 . ,tutifeli withthe'gigantiC'treaion now raMpant . hi our land; and would probably invoke the. prot on tion of the law to diskbrkseileelf of the base li bel and,putdahthe utterer ; y.et_w,a bava_not our mind atiiiirthanent a eingii 'hearty, whole waled editor ,Onuticifi* by it . of trettion, and the trait. Who have brOttght ,*pon this.cruel and fiendish iaternecineetrife, drench ing the land With bleod, and intalving the cou n try i n • a n ' anelity,g744le debt,' Whenever it dues say anything, it has no,than; derbolta for the rebel-enemies of our: peace and institutions, coming froth ;the deptlui of it beatt ; feriendy 'winch proceed only from sincerity , of . PNIVNe.; opg denanatiOn which would carry • cOnviction, sincerity—only:mincing terms Of 'regret at the Mistake phs'iebels_htOe' made- of the. folly theirfrOni the Mnion—if the misfeirtunes that must overtake them, &c. &c. gineridiyWitidlng up With' aside-lick at the Goirernment ot BinFh of its` - echt,;,ri4 matter is made up.from 'fishy". papers #thihe liew York Jorrtaai cf Commitice, freim which its itorke vcopied.' If the Nei* *anti Urnon semi is evidence of itSclidni tO,,:the,nanse bsia, we trust 4,3411 never findwa oneofita deSiipleta she truth - appears to be, that our cotemposary iiptild rethei see ths`trilion'fill;t4an ifi at 'the rebellion ShOul4 he, Put4iWr4l,o, - ,iith'er way than by the squareand compass :process_ which it so persiat' ently prescribes.. ' ask'' men . of Etitt.r,lsburi frankly4:4 .014 q; is *ea; OP4OOI the isAependentheditot of. the Gerseantaus, grophts wrong in the,above estimate br' csir I** And we mil!. 1 10 0 *. tti*.i0 .4 t,, tOO;wilttlO, they R9l l detilig 4 41 1 :14O tl,lo..attiolo abo ve , that the writer is a partismof theicaxci• foco school; yet 'a gentlethali aad a Citizen aboAre reproach, both in hie political and personatrehi- • , wall .14 TO 14' .borfs. gppip , :t4 lola* tie activity and _rumors in connection_with the army, ao oppressite for the laid, six weeks, we now have the conjecture' cou ,1 134 . 14 ! . . 61 I t r "r q!" armies . tha *punne t Wil). au, piutinn, before the middle of .Jamlary,'a very small increase of thoie ambiguous "ten days," tbat . so aroused the'imtietimtion, fear kid'hopfai can PoOP/Eft9J4 may_ to, 7N9.V0.14*. Of the :last year. But all this conjecture and' anticipation are to give Way to lariat facts to Remand b 1 604 . fa4B4*bi _O4 4 /071 1 **,4r*I 1 J.. if WOW!' 11olieve,.tho. correspondents from Washington, who profess' to write at the ' ' dicta= 4 1 t4OxitY. attiiany , tq have a moveino 77 i4fiska vision only—or-of asingleut. of all our forceuom the laptAkd_tlta rovingigglmdfight t . ins in concert, and man* pne_time, but from differentclitectipreh gemoriglnerable point in P 4 "4 1 4 4017 - j a44 1 1 1 - 1 . 1 010.P1M 941* vgiormthr a they 10 11 . Amid fOr bates. , :;Tbiti irtalf:Ve . ty .Mag`tik , fLosikidi4dyggikaiditir*#o4iNctifik. gaff Ziligrajk Jt will it be accomplished ? We have t4l: , the field, the wood and iron afloat, bearti ' ig the gallant tars ready for any action ;. these forces cannot direct, themselves. The lack swifts to be in the hauling. The deficiency, if 7 we dm call it such, isi not with the men, but In s man —wa *Am At raepm. Sticina man is in 'the army--bis heart Is swelling with love for the Union''—, his hand is steady for the blow— arutfor aught we know, he may be carrying a musket: If the report of an advance is correct, we will discover tha.mostimportant faott.,of 4fie. rebel lion, viz i Whether we are as prolific in leaders as* are in soktierzi- Never' befintt luta inch an army been recruited and organized-; no army has ever contained in its ranks men of such va ried ability, genius, , knowledge and experience.lluder ritttiol of a , !eadet i .weahouldihnaghke such an: army capable of any achievement. Aral therefore, the rumor of its . movernent awaken Char her end sti mulate air !anticipa tion in regard, to its , encountens, For the .; . : PHLADELPHIA, Jan. 2, 1862 ; Geo: lbstarren.Eso.: e , --4 , &Serve from yo:; ' I ,'valuable Journal-that the Chairman of the Stars bestial Oommitteelhawoonvened that 1)46 , for 6 4 461 thepnrPOseof Slant the thhesul laceof re' -- -' g inof the +next- State! -oMrven " tth Matters are of rnlnorinipertanie; blit''l ' didatelothenelsoted for Auditor Genera' Surveyor • • Genet& - are , - of-the retried inipor , otAl . Lance, particularly' . that of -Auditor Get - ; andl am sawn° better:seleotiont •be ' e thanibrrenomMating -the putddt hi t, Hon.-Taos : E.-. Gootatsm—lie -has • ', t poet daring the past two years with -lemur ,to• himself and great benefit ttplini ) State. 4ie duties are nismat responsibilitly, andliiherhtik•e never been so promptly perferniedilby any -bf his -predecesusni. The - nutaerous military amounts settled-during the , past stinceer , ibiore been thoroughly and honestly4cralildbeite and these duties base been very-laborinus.- The in terests of the Stab-itself,. and those-whobavOlfo , counts with the -same -require Ilnit gifr.' etiCit itAN should.rmehre a unanimous nerkinatiorribr Auditor-General: , - • A Hating Mot-Pita: The Business orthe-tr.13.11.13*' '• The following is a statement §rit x ti t and Cana& thelJnifed Sta t, for * . e Month of December, 1881:' DIMNI.Trk• I'.': 0:+old $Bl3 80 Silver and . . .... .lB l9Ztift Total ;484 CoppertiintalWS) receitid 4 sl ' 141 'change foenit* Ise 7 .. 11 s, 470;-12f.a.fleces...: . Vabse. tuPIP .. . . AZ.66 . 5811,,820 uarkeF ~41105.,295 0: .4 288 $10412,221 i=via ocaNAGc. ,. . ii for Do ar5 . ........ ," ....,:42 44 9 1 :c0x:5 116' ,.: ustrAer-Dollaxs. : : .-.',.. :242,000-% tpium - - ' 44 344 %. 3 174;000 , • Half Dimes 172,0001, Cents . , 1 $ • . • • A`• • '" -2- ' Total ..... 2,218,115 $1,751,281 .0 During the month of'D.e&eraber, the -business of the U. S. Asiiiioffteit; intrivi York, was as follows ••• • • • • t • Deposits—Gold, $1,966,-(X)o;iSilver, $ 136,000; tOtai $2400,1)00, Gold •bars , atamped, $1,948;-' 9$0:; aent Ito U.S.. -Mint at• Philadelphia, for obinage,:sB62699B; • • .. Thei,followingdsa statsment of• the receipts' aid disbursements of .the AmistantTretuturer of l e United States forNel York, for December, 13e0..1, 1861, by• balance—. ........ $1,087441 ' I Reoeipts , durmg.thomonik : • • - I , ". On accettnt .. of.Oustonn ($1,802,211 - • - ' ' Patent. fees. J 4028 " :• Pcstoffico Dep't , • 260,089 - • , Mate; •4 • • :29,806,079 1 • 0 ldiwellaneousy: 3,029,674: Total- • • ... • • ... •.• • • •••$5A. 8 9%97,4 Payments during the rnotOlk: , , Treasury drafts — ' $,82,4P,8,609 Posto£'drafts .t 93 Balance Dec. 31,,1861,,,t . The. Grand 'Ettnif 'of t the trhion ? great army o freemen nc w sgl tng for the lidegritY or the Union is contributed bv.the several States is, followsr—the second ixdumn showing the per centage Of sOldiers..,to thespopr tdatioo of the w3VeriX.B6.tei, thethiplgiermin, berizof Ithabitintalci [ each ' . solder sent: " No.Tei Prop'nio Pop. California, 4,688 1,,,,28..0r Ito ..82.inhab•ta. Conner:tient, 14,636 8111WVto 81 is Delaware, . 2,175 -2 - ,47-orl to- 40- . jmnois, . -94,9.41; 5.913-or.l to-. 20 6 ' ' Indiana, . 62,018 4.52 Or Ito -42 si lowa, .• • 20,768 8104=or Ito 88 si 54000.1.2t0r Ito • " -- Kentucky, . 15,00 Q. 1:29.0r 1 tok-,2r • Maine ; 15;007:.2.42.0r-Ito. . 41 .d, 7,000. 0.96- or Ito 105. "-- - okrets„ 80,195 2i45 :or l,to ;ehigan, 29 4 831. B.9Qpr . • 4,180 2241 or Ito •••• 49 is 81,886,2;57 or lrto i 88- " Platnp'rei.l.lo,B79 838 or-1. to -41 iliew Jersey, _.12,420..1,84 0t..1,.t0 . 54 Kew York, 110,889 2,97:.0r Lto. 86 si Ohio, 91,441 8.84 1 0 r Ito 26 , si Pennsylva. 119,969'8:89 pr.l tto .29 is 434 Island, - 7,183'4.06 - orl .•24 t 4 • • Verinont, 8 - ,780 .- 2;78,0ri. to 86 " Virginia, 12,77.9 1 5:80 - or Ito '125 Wisdinsin, 14,946 V.:94 01'to : 51' is gmckumati--rErArtio# Afire a riatteras Inlet letter of,pec, 17th : "The sauciest thing. that !, &Kew i las .done occuKred theother , Two,steamen4 the Fanny and Curlew, .9eme Miles of the forts, ateletther:destroyed or took 'With them two large cam buoys which marked the channel —Out , ships:blared- sitar at'therg, Whilethey were four °rive Miles distant "; - 1-,,tlt as they came closer the firing slackened, and When they were Wisest, our ships did not fire a t shoti'hut'allowed-thernto do the mischief, and leave Withdfit All this •#rne,-there; Werettio'trige, lying:l,t , the -fcirt l 41ricli could liavegone-out ta - meet - them, but they never inotrettc !Mire is a very large screw 'dowel:inn *here; and it ought tebeattended to":"Proba bly all the officers - of - theaNawy7—with- - treason- Abloprixdivities,..luite-matiyet rooted out:: Tas Pwleamtm Of - -Th9 tad - ' ' t , .. , ~,, - , . : • erfiq_ndeiilay - 46 gßveriiiiil4 ill'Oie p',..t.. 'l* of 1 ketiO# qa2 l * aver" , ;- 1 , 't , ;1 - '* 411 4 147 i 9iL, vA , -w . H . " iii ,.: n m d, : , ,.. - ..* A6 . 0 • ,-, , , i . Illivaill lire dapari r ktsMtl 4:: . went, nit - MM. I,li CoomaramoATED:l '214,600 50;500 1q,400 , 8600 - JA ,O .9777i,000i • is 86*,4111110, - . B;eoe ItEcrApmfi:ithJ3it W,801,929 82,792,g91 • $2406,,782 , tt.• I " 4 . 11 ; : I i IL. Wutg, lanuary 3 11 "Idr Eveninglttiou or Testerday. OM WASHING-TON. irted Death of (lei. MoOall. IM=l OK& 110011191114 N. f : ; Wisabraxolt, Jan. 2. 1 • Pe Light House Boarrithrough - ltsSacretarY, Mt Jenkins, giyes evidence. of b ite vitality by advertising -for a= kit/severity thousand sllons of the beat qualitrof pure Winter strain Sperm oil for the use, of ,the establishment. i' , 0 iyeshirdar refo44 4 PS OW McCall ad been kitlCd in a skirinish. The innocent ring of guns on the night previous being the my foundation for ! the rdMor. Berhaps the reports prevailing in distant Cities,.indabont which questions by tehigraph line stated to-day, of the fleithtbf Gen. Afcclei. lin result from a partial similarity of names. ! ; The response to a specific, Inquiry this morn• gin the proper quarter warrants the assertion - Mut at no time recently has Gen. MMellon bean dangerously illiAluitlie hes nearly ream . from his • . .. tiOn, that. he is attending ~ . bunt. contiertMl i gant d ex bunt ' : several days. . i ttain has been releasectfioni eterat, kird ',t to duty at once. The court of in -1 culry iglicand the charges as soon as, they were • Col. meson's regiment of mechanic fuslleers has been ordered to report to Gen. Lane, at Port Leavpiworth. Tll line officers will be selected ib st o. the States from which each company tOM MEXICO. Reported Occupation of Vera Otnz, by the Spaniards. ii`he Spanish Flag 'Waving Over San .Juagn' d'Ulloa tirial of Prone4Land, English- Vessels 1 , .of "War., _ . ' , - ' • 1 .. A 0 .AN,,,,...0tt1ii1i TO RETURN. —..-- . ~ 1.4 Niw Yourc, Jan. 2. $ e steamship Columbia arrived at this port lainoMilig*Pnv.tin*ana. .'• 7.1:2 - :CCIE telligence had reached 'Havana that the of , V,era Crus had been ocoupied,.by the rds and that the Spanish flag_wits waving ,o er San Juan de 131loa, - ' ' 1 - Th . . . ( t. s och, ,The French ships of war Allasairus, AlriAwe, -dent and Lastree, the. fcinuer„b*ppg , . 11 4,d- Ail Lagraviere, arrivedat llidiradatni &birth it. The British:ships of war Ohalienipt,Spite dl, Steady and Flood arrived on thallium day. The Spanish - squadron took puistssion of San .1n d' Mott on PeoembOrldth. The city was e al t . laC y. Ua T tid hey bY re t tired he M wi eal th ain ont tfitrcing9s-iv`Pgruf.ll" next 'Havana letters state. that- San* Ajpiltand Alinuaon are both to go to Mexico, Gen. Price is at Havannit:itiaarbbitt4o leave th reinforcements for kleithx).7.. fmasoemottek . . —...., . i .. r • Arrival of the Exchanged Prisoners. FORUM Mosaos, Jan. 1. Cap ShMinglaw. and Manson, of the 79th New York regiment; Lieut. W. Dickinson of the 3d regiment of Infantry U. S. A., Lieut. J. W. Hart, of the 2 4 3th : indium regiment and NorpomlThomas McDonell, of the Seventy inth New York -regiment, arrived fiom Miclunond last evening by flag of truce from Morfolk. They are part of the two hundred and fifty who Ka to be released.* exchange for an equal number Sent to Richmond 'last week. Their stories are listened to with the greatest intereit.but add MU° to the numerous similar !statements already published. A great improvement in the treatment of the prisoners is said to taken place within' the last two weeks. . ; , The above officers 'will go to 'Baltimore to night on their vim home. • The remainder' of the number to be released are expected to arrive here to-morrow after noon. and anwidar,of.our.worindoci making la total of 284 to be released, are expected in a few days. • Last night's flag of truce also brought the captain and crew of the schooner John F. Crouch, from Alexandria, for Dighton, Mass., with a cargo of coal, which is reported to have beached inside off Cape Henry, on Friday night last. . • New Year's calls are being made to-day and most of the officers have *led upon General Wool this morning to lay him their respects. ,92% flag of truce whieW arrived early this Morning brought over„& young lady go North. Capt. McQuade, of the 86th New York vol. ,unteers and a Lieutenant of regulars died, at jlichmond on the 26th of December. FROM MISSOURI. chiptare of Notorious ißridge Burners. Rebel Guerilla Banda Scattered. Dispatches have been received' at Headquar ters announcing the capture ,of the . notorious Zee*. Owens, Col. YOnes and fifty of their bridge burning gang near Mattinsburg, Adrian county, byiGen. Schofield commander• of the,State 11a, and that the various guerrilla bands along the North litissonri.Rallroad have been pretty thoroughly scattered. ix regiments of federal troops have leftDt terville and Lipton for Weston onan expedition the objects of which are unknown. FROM PO'R ' T ROYAL WO NEWS OP IMPORTANCE. ~~~ NEW Youx, Jan. 2. • The steamer Ariel arrived yesterday, from ;Pr* Royal on the 28th 3,leNnews is un important. ThirtrS:lniate Sabine - also ar rivW. here today frein- Oeorget9W l . l l-: S.. C-, Port Rey'al for repairs. The prize bark Einpress hai arrived from NOW Orleans bar: • - ENGLAND. ' 'Porrisarrow#, Mass., Jan; 2 The B&W iteain'inn•boat Binaldolefloas ye o'clock yesterday afternoon with Mason lelli Slidell? 'The& Seceihhies - were foird. The aiindigter;ilunxicalisilidlidght. XXXVIIth Congress—First Session Mr. Kian, (N. Y.,) presented alie - tition nu.- merously signed. by citizens of NOW York WA, praying for the adoption of thepolicy of Oman:- cipation under the war forever Mr. Larrrax, W.O presen*d the petition of the 'Chamber of Commerce . * San .Francisco, for the establishment of a 'steamship line be ttpen that port and China. " Mr. SUMNER (Mass.) offered a resolution that the president be requested, if not incompatible with the.publie intereat i .to- transmit to the Ben- ate all correspondence which has taken place since the Congress held at Paris in 1856 re lating to neutral and belligerent rights on the Ocemr.. :Adopted. ._ . Mr. KENNCDY, (Md.) presented the resolutions of the Maryland Legiabiture protesting against any interference with slavery in the States by the general government. Mr. Larriax i (Cal.,) offered a resolution in structing the Committee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of establishing a District Bureau for the Treasury Department to regu late and control *Ms. Agreed to. • Mr. Wusos (Mass.) offered a"resolution in structing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the necessity of modifying-the act of July , 1 861,incriashe,g the military stations of the UnitediStatiee. ; Agreed to, „. Also a it:solution tailing on the SeCivitary of War to transmit to the Senate a statemealt Of the- of pays to ' statiMied, - taid d be Ia; , into the service , into , of . . ttl , try. Agreed to. I Mr. WELMON introduced a bill to provide for the appointment of auttlers for the-Volunteer service of, the army.aad to datistartheirdutimt Iteferred to the AtilitarY Committee. • Mr. Germs, (lowa,) introduced a bill in re gard to the admiiiistmtion of jutitineinthe ttla triet'Of Ciiinmbia. Referred. ' Mr. NEB1111:11 (Qregou,) offered a resolution calling on the Secretary of WAr for cap►'ea (at the Reports of the Surveyor General and Sanitary Commission on the health of - thearmy. Agreed =III The Senate then adjourned till Monday HOUSE OF REPREMINTATTVES. On motion of Mr. Drain (N. Y.) it was Resolved, That Secretary of War be re quested to inform the House why certain vol enteer regiments from the State of New York, ncamped in this city, are not provided with arms, and whether any legislation is necessary on the part of Congress to enable the War De itartment to farriish arms to the regimente now in the field. Mr. Mum, introduced.a bill to provide for the defence of the city of Philadelphia aird Delaware river. Referred to the Committee on Military Affidts. ' Mr. Varterrousrasn e (Ohio,) asked leave co offer a resolution,, &Bing onthe,Seoritary„ok He Treastry to report at an early day, to the ouse the sum total of the present floating debt of the United States as nearly . as therarpe am to ascertained or estimilt4...guhrtalao-aa iar as.ractkable theseveral heads , as it9e , ^ subjedt;Maitter , nuclei IWhk.k. t said • ebt may be ranged. Also, that the Secretary of the Treasury_ be directed to report as soon as practicable the amotint in pounds of. the impartation of 4 .4, coffee and .augar .in the., sevoo4-2 0 . 1 * of 4is United Statile f9r a110t..m.541 of the fisca l i endQJbnelikthl ;. • ; I . Also the amount , in pounds of the imno#o - of thi Saida- articles for each mei:air - of Me current thical.year upto January lat,,/862, with the dyty eollected. o ,llftethilio4.o the gth , OtirMegintlehit. : . .L r (Pa.,) pod Mr. Fitroort, X tit t Fe the intradtiOthin of the I‘. • ....,, r. srils; urs. --- ourfirrtormsztiftrn leave, to introduce a bill . extending the laws now in force regulating trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, to the Indiana in Califor nia The House then adjourned till Monday TREMENEOIIS GALE AT NEW YORK There was a tremendous gale last fight, and nearly a dozen prize vessels in the Atlantic dock were more or less damaged. „Several ves sels-in the bay. dragged .their anohurs, and were slightly•damagea. • THE 11. S. SHIP OF WAR MACEDONIAN AT BOSTON, Jan; 2. • The U. S. ship of war Maoadonum from St Thomas is at anchor in the Bay. Lott the 24th Ind L.; by Rev.` °haring A. Hay, Mr. Da= BARNHILL, and MIN CA:II4=M 10240.1211,0811 t. both _id Cutaber=hula; ccluT? ; t.. t I = ;• On the 26th [att:, by; the same, Mr..lonx S. WEAVII4 or AMoona, Blair county, and MISS :MARY M. WITZLAI4 of B.Ockvtlb; Danpltic county. r'HE l'artnership tieretofOre existing un der the firm of A:11I1Alli&I. &Co., is , this - day - dew Solved by mutual consent. the books of the late firm are in the bands of A. Hum inhl, who will continue the business at the old stand where all those knowing themselves to be indebted to the firm will please cell and. Make: ; • A, oUlditEL, JOHN 81.6.011 R. • JANUARY, ldt, 18132.—J248,e0w : NEW Fruits,: Currents, liaisinn, Citron and Lemons, at the newThojesale and Betel. Oro. eery and Provision BtoreThorner Front 'ind Market ttieet w Ituviebarg, Pa, ESS - Eu.NTOE, of VANILLA: Elguiriee of . Lemon, Flavoring ltairsdis, for sale at the new w uoiesale and .Refuel Orooory and. Provision Bore, oon err Front and Markel street. 4/ C GARS alio Tobacco, of all.kindil Fa twelve assortment or agaroOtt- , _ 141C1AOLS:111:BOWMAN'S, Ji corner.. Front and Market atreet. ST. Louis, Jan. 2 CPRANBERRIEB,. Fruits, Frei& AP*, HeMO l3 9, at . hIVE DOLLARS REWARD. , . LOST.—A SMITH & WESSEN ; seven thoLPIESTOL; eilvdr pbyed, and. haa-the unto of the tuniereggh.44,4'eartied on the Mask. the above Itgward will bo - phid by leafing the pittg/ tit th e, White Hall Ho tel; 1da.141,3t9 . RICHARD Fox- IOR 'SALE CHEAP.-A. TWO - STORY FItAILE ROUSE., 12Ux60 feetaltu- ;RE ati4,l on Grand stre et , . in the rear of the Reser- N voir. Forluilbei particulars apply on the pram- Weil to de3l-d2s* „,...„Arithrlll44/1.11,„ MIXTRA foartiLand _,12,1 hall bbl. asteibi,"agit'irlibteiliiici and idyl - at the Near Grocery and Prevision St4reilriOne and Market eta , NICHOL'i &GOINAN., _ ladiak,il:ll:l Kitio:half .bar . recta, and, barrels, ,014 rho Mew Grocery and.. Provi don Store; Front and Market streets. .• 2410f10111 !u BOWMAN; coßmlsa.op - ek.l • . 1 Jur " , 1103kolft. 14 4 ' 4 ' - 41113:*'' war, mars, • ' ' , 'sect; "' 'Csieworterse:". mum pr" ~ n enel!4Olgo• Fresh Peathte:rrh " " Toprstoes, " 91.?-a5ni t 0664.10 % .,....4 , 0 • ins& recetstemrhaAbrudebioswA L • noBo WS. DOCK, Jr. is CV. SLIDELL FOR. SENATE WALSHIBIGTI Jan. 1 Nxw YoRK, Jan. 2 BOSTON Lilarri,eb. Nero 2thrertismtuts. rucam.s &sowmizi. NICIIOMIt BOWMAN NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner, Front end-Market streets 5 21. tiLYcLlStments _ _ :GROTTO MUSIC RAW *th.sur BELOW THIRD STREET. OROWDED HOUSES IsTIGIITLY I 11%u:dry& Unable to Obtain. Adinitnion The-greatest array of Talent ever appeaaing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE SLATE EVERY EVENING! EVERY EVENING!! Composed of MALE and FEMALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR in their Proft2ion. LOOKAT THE NAMES. BEHOLD: OBURVEI SUM ROSA VOLANADT, the most pleasing Songstrea; Mies JQLIA PRICE, the Philadelphia Ffivorttc Miss MILLIE MARIE, the Fascinating Datieu,v. BILLY CHAMBERS, the Champion Boric Pia) et OLE BELL DICK MYERS. the Greaatest Violinist on the Stag e (4 T. GEMLER, the Prince of Comic 1- a rs e, FIULW MYEgt, the Celebrated Wend/ Danc,r 'tiaLY WO, the Great Nego WILLIAMS BROTHERS in Songs, Duette, Glees and Choruses. Prof. Strad° will preside at the ham, Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Ad=Beim - - 10 and 15 cents Donn open 6+ o'clock. Commences at 7 o'cl. FRED. AI HS, THOMAS FOUNTAIN Proprietors. OrPositively no Boys admitted. FOR THE NEW YEA . / NOW OPIWINO AT KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY SitIRE, 91, Market street. A FINE variety of those t ar ., CoriFioCTioN A, so , f rom too yummy. A. most F.LEGINI (the lined yet reoelved,) neatly 1.11 l m boxes. Call soon. , Alin, &halter lot of those splend Lielies' Satchel+, 1441ne Wire and I.e.ator 1.4 0 :11 0 8 , Oompaoloni or Wor., iart and other fine goods WhiCh you Wadi lo well to qt 'dein JUST OPENED, • A LARGE STOCK OF 11. S RICH DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS At CATIICAII de2B Next door to the Harriabilly ANOTHER ARRIVAL or ?Alai CY GOODS liivawe 411000 0 R + lif So, gs,s H Ati . o .imile,e L I D A I ..!: ! LI for work 'more. ' ..A. I . FEW SMALL CABAS, For Md.! Girls. LADIES PURSES and PO EITEMONAI: , , op adod nks,prozeit. NEW STYLES FINE TOILET WATo.ik , 13PXES FINE TOILET SOAP for $1 OJ Pall and see the varieties that ~ v .. are !LIAO, J 2 q a tti:an advertisement. F. IVO- Paz Su - : 4e28 • 91 Nlar , , , I -t PRESERVE YOUR LEATHER • AND KEEP YOUB, FEET DRY ONE BOX OF FRANK MILLERS LEATHER PRESERVATIVE 'WATER PROOF OIL BLACHING WILL LAST AN OUT-DOOR MAN UN, YEAR, 4211 — COST 25 ClitlNTd,-VI AND save more than four titneb its In the durability of leather, and graatly :ntr,ndie toihaalth sad comfort. FOR HARNESS. see inelde Label on tha c crr m Jrr alie. For sale In Harrisburg by D. W. tiro .Market street- Eby dr K mmle, cornea of FAD A.. keit streets ; Wm. Dock Jr., & , Slarcat Ehiehler, No. 29, Second street, and J. C EITC , I . g ket str et. aalZolt. 4.1!` CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. THE DANDELION COFFEE now offtrel to the public, is prepared trom tee fresh r v ia submitting this valuable ertVe tl the p IN,: LISI the manufacturer only complies with the urprit ai.l creaming demands or the public. It 13 UO {,/ezl , JLj , i one of the moat reliable and effectual reale •t , ± y , t , ' covered for the diseases it In ap Ted. It is itr ,acis r commended by the Faculty sea sa, eriiir uutn.a i tAt'! age for General Debility, liyspetvia, o eate o; t1, . BMWs Affections and Irritable coed:buil of 1./ , ...WI ra The many thousands who have eta , u reluctant y di led to abandon the ace of Coffee. owing Lo the ~, r ; c . c to their health, will find this superior to the 6,1. J, , f i r . fee, to say nothing or its great and arca: uaw or t, ,F. , algal benefits. The Intelligent pry:lollin the ,: 11,-1.. , h VOW welt sequel rated witn the medicinal yr.iiii, ii . , the Dandelion, that they require but the a.- the article offered to them to the pare llandait U. is , ra ,One pound of this Coffee w,lt make a: nia.b a twb pounds of the best Java For sale by Tr tC' uf g. ri• C 4. OoSO DIARIES FOR 1862. . rE, largest and best selected asiortineat ci DTARTFIS ever imported into thi.s city Cal. be:found at . ... BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore BLEACHED PLR/SLIMS (at old prices.) BAITSETS, SHEETIIk:GS, Flannels, Ticking, Drillings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Towiings, All kinds of DAntstic Goods, A splendid Lille of Shawls. All kinds of gat and Buys Wet t In great variety t ) be foutui CAT O A 'S, M alca ua e , nor& FURS! Fuss! FUR S] Aug !Sable Fare, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Furs, Siker Herten Fars, Water tuk Far, Coe, con AND runs, wais AiSATIIe..Nf n . Great bargains in these Goods. livery at ta,le a Ad d r be c" tiY " represeote ' l. at BROTBER, CATHC3RTseat nol3 WALLOWER'S LINE, MAY ORDRISIN , ;HARISBURG andPHILA PELF II IA ket Orel PA.IIO as . Ag , 812 Au' will. , I , Mr.*, -•- Oa, *wily Laif4sten If Co h 4 ,fiedil Conductor in obarso otewitcr aittair4"-jiris-aguviredrbui delivered e, i.„, 0 . iattz ..p. Ili Agoni, nky22040 Office Barr% DePot,fiar-"J'"ri'