paiig titgrapt 8111813URCI, PA Thurso) Afternoon, January 2, 1862. _ _ , No —Several members of the next le -1,11111.0 have already arrived in the city, and odd lodgings for the weinter. Others will arriv by every train of cars, and by nextNon ning we presume every member will be d . l) da hand to respond to the roll call next ixrriarrese a tremendous storm of wind I : Jit, which shook tenenants, tore limbs , Ts, tattered awnings, slamned and bang , ;ow shatters, and produced a rattle and ; morally so as to make sleep almost out pwstiun The effect of the storm is ap , this morning in the increased rigidity of , .ip rattr, reiidering shawls, over -coats, tires very agreeable companions. i'W;FYINANIA RAILROAD ComPArir are dierting immense quantities of freight, ,f it for points in Indiana and Illinois. the various articles shipped for Phila , are heavy guns and bombshells, dat l'ittsburg. No lees than flue large , of the last named implements of war 1 the \%,t Philadelphia depot yesterday, eti for the Navy Yards in Philadelphia Volk TEEK ur rItAYER ron 1862.—The Com_ of the Foreign Evangelical Alliance, •ed of distinguished persons from most of t t Diluent denominations of Christendom, r ; übliiheci their annual circular, TeCOlll - the observance of the first week in 1862, as a seasou of prayer for the con - of the world. A similar season was ob i it the commencement •of the past year, ity, by the different denominations, with table degree of unanimity and profit, proposed that a like method of proceed !;_ pursued at the opening of the present L.UPET9 OF TEXPZRANCIL-At the last stated m eeth'g of State Capital Section No. 21, Cadets of Temperance, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing term : W. P., G. li'milington Fenn ; 2d P., William T. Bishop, Jr.; L., Charles W. Maurer, Y. A., Charles W. Koper ; T., James V. Fenn; A. T., John Edwards, Jr.; S., C. Warren Rowan : A. S., 1). Truman Boyd ; G., Jacob A. Steinman ; Henry A. Krichbautri ; W., John S. Detweiler; A. W., Andrew J. Mcßeynolds ; C. S., G. Wash ington Fenn. Representatives to P. W. A. D. C., at Philadelphia, G. W. Fenn and W. T. Bishop jr. The section is in a flourishing condb Lion. "Orms BY STEAM" are the last luxury. 'An enterprising genius has hit upon a plan by which they are cooked by steam, in the shell, retaining all their juices, and puffing up like )ughnuts in the operation. How they cut, tterwards, may be imagined, but cannot be de ribed. A cotemporary says that they go down le throat like oysters first fattened kand then iritualized, and the taste lingers on the palate the memory of the first kiss given us by a elty little girl with brown curls, when we ere seventeen. The sublime of luxury in oy ra, and really worthy of a patent of nobility the discoverer, as a new glory to the palate, 7 are at the same time supplied at about half a cost of the same oysters prepared in any ler manner. Which one of our enterprising suranters will be the first to supply us th this new luxury ? Pouca—Before the Mayor.—James M'Manus ' James M'Cleester, were arraigned, charged th creating a disturbance in the Grotto Con t Hall, Exchange, during the performances night. M'Clester was bound over to answer the sum of $4OO ; and in default of bail {anus was recommitted. leo. W. Poist was up charged with attempt to release M'Cleester and M'Manus from the :up, and in default of $5OO bail was recom- Ited. Pat Daugherty, a soldier of the 110th regi tt, Was arraigned charged with stealing a from the store of Mr. Livengood, Market A. Committed to answer. loseph Davis—also a soldier of the 110th— arraigned for interfering with the officer / arrested Daugherty. Discharged. Charles Wilson and Stephen lit'Cluskey, also Idlers of the 110th regiment, were arraigned r drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and smiting officer Campbell, who made the ar it. Sent to prison for thirty days. Oft Car li ra.—The following should We been attached to the article in last even- TusaaAPe, in reference to our city met ; but was accidently mislaid : DRUGS, PRIIMIZZY, so. We doubt if there is a town in the interior of te State that can boast of more extensive, more bly arranged, or more beautiful drug ores than those of Messrs. Grass & Co., Keller sad Bannvart, all in Market street, in this city. At these establishmente everything in the ma lota media; may be found, together wirh the choicest; brands of segue, tobacco, soaps, cos ta* perfumery, pen-knives, ladies satchels, sad a host of other little Rim - cracks, all useful in their waY, an admirably adapted as Presents for either ladies or gentlemen. Their Bieck is puree, and was evidently selected with much cure, so that if our readers purchase an article Tateither ofthese establishments they may be sure a t they are getting the worth of their money. heir prices, too, have been reduced to suit the fi e , which fact should of itself be a sufficient ' 4l ennent to give their establishments a call. noon Alen moss. ~,1 14 that the reader has provided himself oott4ror fa ller clothing, and cosmetics and hair hie s 'upper works," he should examine t boot of feet-gear, and ascertain if apatobed r worn off heels are fit con:Tanjore; for his / /ew clew -,, eg• Throw them aside, and pnrohaae Pair of boots, shoes, or gates of Smith, 8t you of Second and Walnut street". Re pp. ." MI to th e quoins pokkof TOOK Possissum.—The Pennsylvania Railroad Company took possession yesterday of the Phil adelphia and Erie Railroad. . H. J. Lombaert, Esq., succeeds Edward F. Gray, Esq., as Gene ral Superintendent of the Western Division. No changes will be made in local officers. 1=:1=1 Sotniaa VISIT3.—We have had the pleasure recently of taking several of our soldiers by the hand who are in the Virginia service. They look hearty, and the best of all is they are fond of the life of a soldier under Uncle Sam, as they all agree he provides their wants with everything necessary for their comfort. FLAG PanutNTATION. —Col. Lewis' regiment was presented with one of the State flags this afternoon by his Excellency Gov. Curtin. The prebentation ceremonies took place at Camp Curtin, and are described as being very interest ing. The regiment expects to leave this even ing for Williamsport, Haryland,via. Hagerstown. LIBINZEIS 6F CoL. Bears.—The Philadelphia Inquirer of to-day presents to its readers a wood cut, representing it to be a likeness of Col. Kane. The Colonel is a brave soldier, and was severely wounded in the late battle at Dranes ville, but it is a libel upon his fair fame to be represented by an old wood cut which may have been used for some criminal. The picture does not bear the least resemblance to the gallant Colonel. SINGULAR KABILLA.GEI.—A few days ago a young clergyman named Willard, of Lorain county, Ohio, wrote to a gentleman in Cleve land, confiding to him the plan of his contem plated marriage. The bride elect desired that the nuptial tie should be joined by her pastor, the Rev. George Gordon, and, as the latter is now in jail at Cleveland, serving out a sentence for aiding and abetting the escape of a fugitive shsve,it was found necessary that the bridal party should see him there for the purpose of having the ceremony performed. They accordingly started for Cleveland on Christmas Day, and, on arriving at the jail, were soon made man and wife. The ceremony is said to have been very affecting, and deep interest was manifested in the bride, who, moved by holy sympathy and regard for principle, left her home and the cir cle of family connections for a strange city, and sought the frowning jail, because it contained her beloved pastor, and in that grated recepta cle of vicious men and vile women began her course as a wife. Brazier FOR JEN'. DAvrs.---On Christmas eve, says the Lebanon Courier, an individual who has great faith in supernatural agencies, undertook to cast a bullet that should kill Jeff. Davis, at a, cross road, in the neighborhood of Jonestown. He made all his preparations, fixed his furnace, drew the magic circle, and was moving along "all right," when an explosion took place in his furnace as if powder had been concealed there ; frightful creatures with horns and ghastly adornments gathered around his circle, spout ing fire at him, and the whole scene seemed as if Pandemonium was on an earthly jubilee.- The knees of our patriotic friend began to quake, his blood chilled, and not being able to withstand the terrors longer, he broke and run for town, pursued for some distance by the fiery demons he'seemed to have evoked. He arrived in Jonestown speechless and almost helpless,no doubt willing that Jeff should live rather than than that he should undergo such another or deal to get a bullet to kill him. Whether his tormenters were agents of ' the old fellow with hoofs and horns, or some mischievous chaps in the neighborhood, there may be a difference of opinion. WIT Asa Wrenow..—To believe a business im possible, is the way to make it sit. How many feasible projects have miscarried through des pondency, and been strangled in the birth by a cowardly imagination.... Dog-fancier—" Going to India, sir f Oh, then I couldn't sell him, sir. Not out . o' England, sir. No sir. Why, I should never see him agin, ten to one—and he's a regular hannuity to me !" ....Nobility of birth is like a cipher ; it has no power in it self, like wealth or talent, but it tells, with all the power of a cipher when added to either of the other tw0....0f unwise admiration much may be hoped, for much good is really in it, but unwise contempt is itself a negation ; noth ing can come of it, for it is nothing.... "Oh, my friend," said a doctor to an Irish patient, "be composed ;we must all die once." "And it's that that vexes me," replied Pat. "If I could die half a dozen times I'd not , care a cent about this time."....Somebody once remarked that the Englishman is never happy but when he is miserable ; the Scotchraan ib never at home but when he is abroad ; and the Irishman is never at peace but when he is fighting. ... A green one, who bad crossed the Atlantic, told a story of a storm, whgp the rain poured down in such torrents, that the ocean rose six inches. "There's no mistake," said he, "because the captain kept a mark oil the side of the vessel." Sxsxma.—The "Skating Club," composed of young ladies and gentlemen, to which we alluded a few days ago, was out in all its glory this morning. Some of the male members are quite expert in the use of the "irons," and roll out " high dutch" with the ease and elegance of old professionals. A few of the ladies also skated remarkably well, and will, with a little more practice, be able to compete success fully in this exhilarating art with their sex of Philadelphia, New York or Boston. In this connection weappend a few of the most useful "hints to skaters," taken from Rall i s Journal of Health : Avoid skates which are strapped on the feet, as they prevent the circulation, and . the foot becomes frozen before the skater is aware of it, because the tight strsping benumbs and deprives it of feeling. the foot I it is not the object so ranch to skate fast as to skate gracefully band that is sooner and more easily learned y skating with delibera tion ; while it prevents over-heating, and di minishes the chances of taking cold by cooling off too soon afterwards Never carry anything in the mouth while skating, nor any hard substance in the hand; nor throw anything on the ice ; none but a 9arel ger a ete, reck fellow-skatless ignoramus would thus %dam . er. . Always keep your eyes about you, looking ahead and upwards, not on the ice, that you may 'not rim against some lady, child, or learner. Pettnonlvattict 40ai1u ittle4raph., elptrobag 'Afternoon, lattuatv 2, 1862 A Goon SONG.—We commend the following song, set to a popular tune,' for its good rymth and souneUnion sentiments. The au thor is a volunteer at Camp Curtin, and the piece is dedicated by permission to Col. S. A. idereclitb: respectfully Inscribed to Col. 3 A. Meredith, beth We're the boys that's true end loyal To the banner of the Free ; We may sail through seas of trial, But we'll reach Port Victory. Cuoaus—Then let your voices join in the song, We're for the Union, right or wrong— For the Union, for the Union— We're for the Union, right or wrong. Well we mind the olden story ; Freedom's planet is not set ; And we will, in all its glory, Seep the old Flag flying yet. CHORUS. If the Union's wrong we'll right it, If it's right we will defend ; And if Treason rise we'll fight it To the bitter, bloody end. CHORUS. Still our flag shall wave in glory, As on , many a famous field ; We'll die fighting, grim and gory, Cr we'll make the traitors yield. CHORUS. Shall that patriot blood be wasted? Shall the star of Freedom set? No—by all the wrongs we've tasted, We'll preserve our country yet. CHORUS. CAMP CURTIN, Harrisburg, ra. GCrott4 Afttaic Hall, Exchange Building, Walnut street.—Songs, Dancing, etc., etc., very funny. SANFORD'S Opss.s.—A staving programme of entertainment is out for to•night's performance at Sanford's Opera, Brant's Hall. Go early and secure good seats. Thesownoe.—The firm of A. Hummel& Co. has been dissolved. The business will be car ried ou at the old stand by A. Hummel. See advertisement. Marrow ov THA Lloistertqua.—Our State Legislature which convenes on Tuesday next will add a large number of persons to our float ing population; and to the seedy members we invite their special attention to the cheap ave nue of replenishing their wardrobes, via : The large stock of cloths, cassimeres and vestings at Urich & Bowman's, corner of Front and Market streets. '2. Fuss ! Fuss I Fuss I—We have rxeived a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from $2,60 up to $l2, a large assortment of Cloaks $2,60 up to $B. 25 dos. Hoop Skirts at 60c, 75c, $lOO, $1.75. 50 dos. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 50 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 160 and 170. 40 pc. of white, yellow and re 4 100 dos. of Men's woolen Socks, M all prices. 25 pc. of beautiful Mourning ' Delaines, black and purple. 100 dos. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 1210., Satchels Sontaga, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. Lawx's. delo WAR Parcae.—The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : . Shirt collar; scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, mains, night shirts, undershirti3, drawers and shirt • bosoms f also ladies' callers, cuff setts, under-garments, &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them for durability, ma terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness and cap ness, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment, of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manufactory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next to Hummel & grocery store. Am, should read Prof. Wood's advertisement n another column. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "React the foil°. ing certificate" from one of the first ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (iir. . Wm. Bristol & 00.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wise her name made public, but if any one should doubt the wonderful efficiency of Os. Demos co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 11 years old. the was fast go ing into consumption—bad taken cold—nature became obstructed, Two boxes of these Golden. Pills entire ly curedher and sue is now hi rb bast ' health We "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box, Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. Ai BaNtrTharr, No. 2, Jones Bow, ..nd 0. K. Hausa, 91 Market street, Harris burg, Pa.. By sending either of Sheol 11 0 tbrOUght he! Harrisburg Poet Office the Pills will be itenfiontidenually by midi many part of the country; "free of postage." , N. s.—Look out for counterfeits. any no Belden of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Hew& Ail ethers is a base imposition and unsafe; theretbre, as you value your USW and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the Mgnature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills betas onuntartelted. Tha ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent e ano they are safe, and will perform all claimed, for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumbergor,isbanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechsnlcsburg M. narks, Lewistown ; S. &Ilion- Ourlise ; S. G. Wild, N ewvlUe ; I. C. Attick, Snippet's,. burg; J Spangler , Chambersburg ; E. T. .11Ier, 'Tors ; J. A. Wolf, Vidglausville ; S. 8. Stevens, Reading; and S. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one oruggint" In every tows and village in the United States, and by 2. D. HO WK, Sole Proprietor, New York. e 3 4m HAIR DYE I HAUL DYE I I Wm. A. Ratehelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known I All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or MAGIC, without the least injury to Reit or Sinn. FIEIIIIIN 11061 S AND DIPLOMAS have been away ded to Wm. A. BATOUILOit shme 18.9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons at Wu famous Dye. . . Wm. A. HaTCHNLDIVB HAIR DYE produces a color not to be dlatinguiehed from nature and is WARSZAZII) Dot to injure in the heart, however long it may be contin ued, and the W diets of bad remedied. The hair Is invigorated for life by this apleodid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 16 dond Street New York. Mad in all the cites and towns of the United States, by Drugglins and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuinerbas the name William A. • Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate *waving, on the iber fides of etioh box. c liTholeaMe Faetenr, 81 Barallay ,late 233 ataadwity, New York. Union---Right or Wrong• Regiment, P. V BY D. J. DICKSON Ara— Gay and Hwy Freedom's tree hath lived and flourished, Fair and stately, eighty years • In its youth 'twas fed and nouri shed With a nation's blood and tears. Cumin& BUSINESS NOTICES. =l= I= A CURD TO THE LADIIK New Mocrtisements. “GET THE BEST.” Webster's Unabridged Dictionary New Pictoral Edition. [l7 - Pictorial Illustrations of Military Terms. Webster's Dictionary esters in thee. and has, anstmg others, *Worse rep/wen/atm= of the Mknoing Barb•can, Etamlon;l3attlement, Ft,r-shot. Block-house, Bombs, Oannon,Oarromule, Chou shot, Ohioans e-frl'e„ Caitrop, Limbers, Aladrier. Monello cower, Mortar, Part. Raven'', Redan, "liar Forts, arc. No °that I nglish Dictionary pubitshod in this country haus rourth• part of these. so ALso rra Definitions of Military Terms. As, the foregoing, and Abatis, Amboiaoce, Ambuscade Armistice, Banquette, Bivouac, Brevet, Caisson, Caliber, -Csnistershot, Cantonment, tAtponiere, Casemate, Coun teraciarp Chef de bettaiihm, Cul de sac, Dablghren gun, Wale &o. B•dd by Geo. Bergner, fiarrisburg, and all Booksellers ne29 dawftw HYMNBOOKS! HYMNBOOKS! New Sohool Presbyterian Hymn Books Old Sohool Presbyterian Hymn Books. Lutheran Hymn Books. Methodist Hymn Books. German Reformed Hymn Books. In various styles of Binding can be had at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. GIFTS FOR THE HOLLIDAY& THE LARGEST AND HOST VARIED STOCK OF RARE CONFECTIONS, OF THE FINEST QUALITY /V 0 W READY RJR TEE PUBLIC. CHOICE MIXhD SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly in boxes, from one to five pounds. FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGE7BER WIZH A BRILLIANT IMPORTATION OF RICE FANCY BOXES. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210, Market street, del dlm Philadelphia. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF FEDIN".A. LT A VING been authorized to recruit a 11 Itegimeut for the Vinuateer service of Penaltylva. Ilia We have omoluded to make ,t a cognac:etc of "obarp , hooters"—rifinmen—recruit d from Lila State at urge. We want res goof able uo.lied y cog men ;rout each county co as to have every Rotior. of th State folly and ego repre+eate•t. Thoso desirous ofserviog their country, of fighting a user and for our good oil MAW, have ti iiv a sple ALA oppor tuoity Were tham Wu Intend to m ike this a . 4 CRACIE Riga 11 Leff ;" if passible the Don le the service of our nobie Commonweidur. Ha substooti.d uniform. will be iornislied as coon as the men reach Cam 1 and a•e sworn into toe es-sine. Toe Regiment will be armed with Rims or Homan limns wit•: boson ilavoarave. Those de-tring to edam. as raisiiively only TRH will be taken from each coaniyin the dude, bad beat, report Rema de/3'l clay Mew alter the 20th of WJember to W W. Brown s Harrisburg, Pa Any or ail amain anicatm as prom disbud ametiesWill baanswered speedily nd °trodden W. W. Bft.OVN,Oaptain. P B.—All papers favorable to the cause will ploaee COPY • dela d4w COAL COAL ! ! ' $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS O. D. PORSTNIR, - i )FFICE No. 74, Market street, yard on IL the Coma, foot of Numb strong, Wbolasele and /to tal dealerin - TaIITrOMON, WILICABA ERA ZYKENS VALLEY; SUNBURY wad BROAD ZOP COAL Fannies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal Jisoanni made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $8 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d8in GENTLEMEN& • WEAR. A large assortmeut or Under Shirts and Drawers, (all sties,) Gentlemons' Travelieg Shawls and Blankets, Every Bind of Celts Ho •tery, Cloths, Cassimers, and Vesting, (in grail, variety,) Silk & Cashmere Neck Ties & Cravats, Large Stook of Gloves & GAIIIIIIOII3, Bvery kind of Suspenders, /Damns Bum Gums. A Large Stock of these Goods, to semot from oan be found at CATHCART'S nol3 Next door to the Harrisburg Sank. NEW DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Bich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Marianas and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles LOW Priced Delaines At CA THCART & BROTHER'S Next door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Square. ney4 NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Eoom fortuity occupied by the Postoffla.) undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We are 11380 prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Gents Wear, oat to the lateststylei and fash ions. We have always on hand a large stock of Beady made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. nog-a3m H. ISGELLKNBERGILR A; GRO Hanitiburg Blind Manufacitory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. TENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all trpairing neatly and expeditiously done. Por tions at a distance can have their work done by addres sing a letter to the undersigned. Thankful for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuanoe of the same. orSatisfaancin guaranteed both alto prim and work.-Cet oct9-dem jr.. NCE PIES, Ream, Crrnan, caftans, Snags, &c., Suitable for Mince Hen for was low by Ae6 W DOCK, JR., &CO HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL CLOTH, HAT, LATEIEJR and INFANT BRUSGR , in great variety t hoSLLER'S DRUG AND I. ANLY eTuRK. WHOLIZALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— Pigs, Dams, Primes, Nailing and Nate of all Mods.— Fresh and -al ti ft-h, Soap, Dandles, Vinegar, Spices, To. based, Segars and Country Product in general, Market street, nest door to Parke House, also aster Third and Walnut streets. octZli-drun JOHN WISE. NEW' BUCKWHEAT FLOUR I ,500 4 LBS. FAMILY - BuCK WHIII62 FLOCIR (Litre) In 12lb and lb bags. The quality Is very superior, having been se selected expressly tor our retail wade. For sale low by Doll Wit. DOCK , Jr., & Co. , PORT FOLIOS--WHITIN-l; DE6KS. A N entire new assortment of these useful ar Ai tick* just opened at BBEtGNEIt'S Cheap Bookstore, MILITARY GAUNTLETS. NEW ihn', just received, of the bee Tway, at GAL TWA •WS, nod door, to noinclabor BOOKS FOR ( HILDREN! A Hew and large as-ortment of BOOKS suit able for Children, has just been opened at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. Among tbe assort ment will be found an rndles variety of TOY BOOKS! Indestructible Pleasure Books with A full assortment of these popular Children's Books printed on fine linen, consisting of Stories from the Scriptures—Ruth, Stories from the Scriptures—David, Stories from the Scriptures—Samson, Childs Pictorial Reader, House that Jack Built, Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, Old Woman and rig, Farmer Boy's Alphabet, or "Speed the Plough," Old Mother Hubbard, Little Man and Maid, Little Bopeep, Jenny Wren, &c., &c. In addition to the above I have a large as sortment of bound JUVENILE BOOKS. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS &c. BIBLES for 37 cents, BIBLES for 60 ceuts, BIBLES 'or 76 cents, BIBLES for $l, BIBLE i for $1 26 , BIBLES for $1 50, BIBLES for $2, BIBLES for $3, BIBLES for $4, BIBLES for'ss, BIBLES for $6, BIBLES for $7, BIBLES for $B, BIBLES for $lO, BIBLES for $l5, BIBLES for $25. PRAYER BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All the latest Books published are daily re calved and sold at the lowest publishers rates Examine the stock. ONLY YARD IN MOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CART.. Tt SE Weight Carte are certified by the 1. Sealer of Weights and tdeasnres. Consumers can weigh their coal at their own doors. It is of great Im portant" during these hart tin-is for every one to know that they ore Tells DULL notwar wooer. A large supply of Coal always to be found on band, via : LYKENS VALLEY all slam. BALTIC. CO , B WILESEARRE, all sixes. LONBERRY CO (the penalne arthola,) Sold by the car load or single ton All coal of the best quality, delivered free from all Ini nurltke AT mina bd SUIT TSB TIMM. by the boat or car load, single, ball or third of and by toe buslipl. JAMBS hl. wIItRLER. • Hlrrieburg, Nov. 6, 1861.—y FOR SEWING. MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE. MEDAL SPOOL COTTON, 200 el 510 Yin. BLACK eg COLORRD. TRIS thread being made particularly for sewing blachines, Is 1/ RAY STRUNG, SMUUPH AND BLASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by (fiction of the needle. Per Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Bic Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.— Alan, 150.10113 OR 100 DolltX ILACO, ASEINITCD NOO , by WM. MRS av SRI rd, Sale Agent. no9.dBa 86 vete' , Asset, New York. LATEST NEWS. Nicaois & BOWMAN having just' re tames from the gust with an extensive and wet selected Koos of goods. perch...sod for ease, respeo fully Invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to call and examine their New Conde at the old stand formerly oo• copied by V, Humniel, corner Front and *whet streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as tow as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Cuoice * Syrups.; FLOUR, in Barrels'and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and fine ; OIL, Coal Oil and"WhaleOil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and llnground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, • , • SOAPS Comniqn and Fruit& • WILLOW skid OEDAIOVABE ; CIGARS, bestof Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing ; •.t • - A,IIERNSWAILE QIIVENSWARE I I hateadve assortment of, elkstylli, and. patterns. sod prices. Call and examine oUr Sweir or ,Goods at Abe Wh arid:Mat‘h Grociery; trultitod Fri:mien:hi Stork corner Front and Market strent, Marrisberg, Pa. Country Produce taken delo-1y STEAM WEEKLY I.IIISW E'EN NEW lOU . ;,:AND LIVRIIPOOL. I AN 1.• ti AND EMBARKING L lipAGEttz , at QUERNSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pool, New lore and Philadelphia Steamship company Intent U.-yawning their full powered Clyde-built iron ateamabloas MOWS CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday December 28 EDINBURG, Satorday, January 4, and every Saturday, at Noon, from Piet 44, Ranh EMT CABIN .. ; „:4'.575 00 STEERAGE ....... ~.$BO 00 do to London $BO 00 I ` d6' to - London .".838 00 do to Parts SB5 00 do to Paris $3B 00 do to Hamburg-885 001 do to• Hamburg 838 00 Plutesugers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, Re., at equally low rates. ,Person wittininp to wins euttheif titan& can Mot tickets here At the following rates, to New lurk: From Liverpool or Queeestderii; Ist Clable,".s7s, 885 sod'Blos . Steerage from Liverpool 840 00 grout Queenstow n, 830 00. These &ewers have seperior sooommedations : tor pasaengera, end carry experienced aurgeona.., They hre built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM *WAG, Agent, 22 Waier Street ; Glargow to WV. LIMAN, 5 et. Enoch Square ; is Queenatown to 0. It M. D./354HOUR tic C 0.;,, in London to Balla 6r. MA.:2, 61 Sing William Si.; . hiParll4, YOLOS'DEOOIJR, s' , Place de la 13matve ; in Philadelphia to JO qN G. GALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Oompanra often.' • JNO4G. ialat, Agent, 501341 15 11ruederay, New York. Or 0 0. XiMinerinan. .14ent, darrlaburg. /Er PASsICNOSitu YOU 41010 M—By. - or.lor of the Secretary of State, a I passenger; leaving the United SIAN are required to procUre l'a=swirta before going on board the Steamer. JOHN G DAtc„. AGENT. A. IL SHARP. • RUBBER GOODS ! Rubber Bulls , ' Rubber Watches, Rubber Battles, ' Rubber Toys generally at BERGNEWo CHEAP 800K.61.0it4i;7 PROF. A.IIOLPII P. TEUPSER, WOl/ Lli respectfully inform his ola patrous and the public generally, that. he will continua to give tustractions on the PLINO AMIE, ME. LODEON VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGP RAM. He will w'th pleasure wait spec pupils at their comes at any hour desired, or lemma will be given a his residence, is Third street. s, few doors Mow Eh German Reformed 6herch. GOLD 'PENS ! GOLD P'ENSI riIHE largest and most varied assortment of SiaMPlP&Ntlia far tilt at • aNtiaNAH'§'BOO ,S IlleitilintiWaiiiterrr'en. • • I -7 - AX I ! b 6 ■ twinkle by c< WOO - . b4lool.74Riaplia Ntw 71bvtrtistintnts. Colored Pictures. GEO. BERGNER COAL 1 1 ! Mr3M=l filizuttcnuotul. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! A. FINE VARIETY of selected Geode ri suitable Tor Presents now open at HILLIS'S 91 Harker street. If ER it -100 TVA and PARIAN MARBLE VABES TOILET and COLOGNE BOTTLES. MARBLE MATCH STANDS. MARBLE SEGAR STANDS. MARBLE ASH-HOLDERS. Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Toilet Cases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Mirrt.r3. Beautiful Powder Puff Boxe& Handsome Shell Bas. All slim, beet Leather Traveling Satchels, Satchels with Caba Furniture, A fine assortment of Ladies and Gents Purees and Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant 'Confectionary. Also, with other articles not mentioned, Pccket Knives,Thermometers, Canes, Portfolios, Card Cases, Seger Cases, Segars, Pipes, Gum Tobacco, Pouch:~, (double and single,) And the largest end beet stock of PEFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES in this market. deli KELLER'S Druz and Fancy Store. Holiday Presents! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS, has just been opened at BERG NER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Among the re cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LO WEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Albums bound to suit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY ANTIQUE, WITH VELVEr AND GOLD, WITH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, To Bold Twenty Cards, To Hold Thirty Cards, To hold Forty Cards, To Hold l'i tv Cards, To Hold Sixty Cards , To Hold Eighty Cards, To Hold One H d:tdred Cards, - To Hold Two Hundred Cards, From SEVENTY-FIVn; CENTS To TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! A large and rre.b aseortment or 04xx1., Suitable for presents, among which will be faun d A sple.alld stoat of Furs, (all Wads lust made, ) A large Imo of Kmbmidered Guitar, Sl.Livro, A great vari• ty of Shawls, (at low prices,) A lot New id- a—,D•ers Goods, ats. Every kind of Ladies, Gems, and allow Gauw lona and Gloves. Ladies end Gents Li kfi —large a oak, Genoa Cravats. Nee,: Ties, Coitars, I,,dior, Gaols and fli,ses Kid Gloves, Noble., caps.. eggius, armleta, am. A LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK OF MOURNING GOODS. Bargains iu Goods of all tools Clk.o be bad at OdTHOSET'S No. 14 Market Square Next door to the Harrisburg CID PORT, razaos wRITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, • PURSES, POBTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE "THE PAN MIGHTIER THAN THB SWORD." Tue. LARGEST STOCK, THE, YOST astampuL STYLIDI AND PATTIORNS Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. CHRISTMAS !RESENTS. NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHEAP SUITABLE 106 TkLE HOLIDAYS T . INEN HANDKNRCHIEFS from 6)( 4 434.:. AA upwsrds. iseausiCut Linen arms, sleeves sag 4.41- du • 250. upwards. Csmbrie aeita ull prices. Cambrid Collars from iSo. to El, Chem.. Vino linen Wham 1 1 0. wool Nnoies, Scarfs, Soma t a, Sleeves, Leggings MUM, Gloves, Wool, Cotton and Merino Hose For Lades' arid children all prices. Worked lismilicereniers ' Wool aka- . lug laps for children, Cologne's, .V.xtrant's,ol. Marrow Pinnacle, Silk Velvets, WOJI. Yarn, Suotskin Sack. Pumas's, t ahco3 , Gingham, Mu,ltn , Sic., at heap Store, 010.12 Garnet Square, one door above Felm's Confectionary, Elerrisburg, Pa. urlis.dtw* ANOTHER NEW STOOK!, For table Writing Desks, Backgammon Boorde, Traveling nags,., Purses, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. j JUST 'OPENED! A PINE LOT OP SUPERIOR i9F 413R15ti, MADE of good Tobaxeo, an i from one to two years ula, of Loy ion' manufacture. A fine .u. uhuico Ltoewuka /Mid onafralng runacoo, Alpe% sour and a largo van iety et tailor attiona3 opti3a/Igs On nail a a,r ankle whottilaln aunt roma. Lhanicaul lot former pal, moat" I bolas oy swan attention w Duaulesa w ronalva a liberal Share of We trade. A nun braoatag Boom attached, where customers may lay dock. and Mx my Bogard dna rOmmdo. ihaet forget too wittauw tha Sulu in It; that is the pace to buy your TIJDACJO ALM Ze,llllll. NOM/ garret dquare, soy ea market street, klartiluarg. Dec. 4, 1861.--u3ut ' 11. WYKOFF. CHRISTMAS ROOKS!! Ahuge collectiun of BOOKS stutabiti for ULIELSTALAS BRESENTO has just bush re tvived at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOoKgron. 1,000,000 EN r 7 ELOPES A N immense stock of ENVELOPER of every size is now opening at BERLINER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. NOTIONB.—Quite a variety of 1184)&1 and entertainun; artactea--cuaap--at ~ate SUS ISE'S dOOI3BTOSE. zuLDLE,W3 DAMP Uthltra.NlON. -- A very 0 rkvsnient Wria.og D e ; also, ...inotatudam Vona:Lou...sues, au , .. lica) 110..K.ATOELE lAitl FUIN 1862.—A great. vartety- A./ at elLUbealls - g lox pnuvi, 8114.11Tiat% sourcertm.d. ruren - auumod taus' itigsgia ILV: voted llama Inn reeihrod by • • W/ki DOCIg JttAft./