tit to EIAURISBURG, PA. Ileilnestlay ilornlng, Januar— y 1562, NOWT DEPUTY GRAND MASTIR.—At the Wail Communication of the Grand Lodge of &Isom, held in Philadelphia on the 27city, th inst. was , Robot A. Lainberton, Esq., of this appointed Deputy District Grand Master for the counties of Dauphin, Franklin, Cumberland, Ad.uns, Juniata and Perry, NAVIOATION CLOSED —The cold weather of F r idge put, an effectual ice embargo on the Eastern Division of the canal, which was doing busk busioas up till that day. It is believed next gluon will be a prosperous one on the dice, ," sad boat building has accordingly. been commeneed. The main line, east of the mountains, especially along the Juniata, is to he put in thorough repair during the winter. .o 8 cattalos will be "around" bright and cull} today with their usual offering to the Fano', of the ‘`TRLEGRAPII. " They flatter thou,lties, it will be an acceptable present, „, ~ne gad turn deserves another, they Meet with a sutantial mark of appro lon from tl their numerous well wishers out tie city. As they only make one he ki din a twelve•month, they do - • .11111:dog else than a cordial . , occasion. IsIViTION. — The following Is an m ini the report of County School Su lest Ingram for the month of Decem- I ,5 schools in Lower Paxton, London and Harrisburg—spending 524 [hest' schools, making the average uf visits ono hour and fifty minutes 131 1 1111103 ; walked 67; in ears 78, and i t coon. yance five. Twenty-five days lit in ufticial duty, of which tour were s ni conducting County Institute. BRIGADL — A correspondent of the New Y,.ik Tribune, in speaking of the recent ad vuu c Gen, Buell's army to Green river, says: Our wen behaved finely, and, although fatigued by a I,ng march, General Negley' a brigade Callit' up at the double quick, all eager for the hild, condemning in as strong terms as soldiers are permitted to indulge in, the orders from prohibiting the command from cross iv and bringing on a general engagement. It was the general opinion that if they had notbeen (=aliened by orders given at a distance of eveuty- four miles from the scene of action, they could have captured Hindman's whole force, or, at least, have captured his battery. I===l CORE doll FROSTXD ie said that fro zen feet can be speedily and certainly cured by being bathed and well rubbed by kerosene or coal oil for a few times at night before retiring to bed. Several persons have already fried it, all of whom unite in pronouncing it an effectu al cure, which, if they are correct, is an easy aul cheap mode of getting rid of a very sore and troublesome affliction. Those who have ti,d it say that the feet should be well warmed ,y a hot stove during and after application of ,dl, and it will certainly effect a speedy cure. Persons suffering from the pain of frosted feet will no doubt ,do well in giving it a trial fur it is surely every chewy ointment and which it very easily applied. PoLlCß,—Before the Mayor.—David Robinson and Jacob Christy—two "gemmen ob color" writ) brought up on a warrant charged with contempt of the police authority, in refusing to obey a summons to appear as witnesses in a criminal case. The party were confined in the lock-up, until they agreed to purge themselves of the contempt, by making the necess try apol ogies, after which they were discharged by pay ing the costs. Several soldiers were arraigned for drunken ness and disorderly conduct. and all discharged except one, named Thomas Simmons, who was re committed to the lock-up. By the Consolidated Police—Albert Warner, Henry Souders and Mary Pall, were arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Commit ted by Justice Seeder. Mrs. Sauter was arrested for assault and bat teal. Bound over by Justice Baader to answer. John Winters Was arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Discharged on ptiying the costs. DEATH ON THE CAILS .—As the passenger train of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which left this city last Saturday morning, reached the vicini ty of Spruce creek, a passenger was discovered to be dead. He got on the carts, 011 FritraY af tefpoon, at Jersey city, and took a berth in the sle.plng car. When the porter came to make up his bed, in the evening about eight o'clock, be wets lying on the seat and complained of ill ness, retuarking that he believed he was threat ened with the ague. He went to bed, and nothing more was noticed of him until Saturday morning, when, as stated, he was found a corpse. His body was placed in a box, trans ferred to the baggage car, and taken to Pitts burg. Coroner hi tlung was notified, and im lodi ttely upon the arrival of the train held an inquest on the body, which was indentifled by Conductor W. H. Watt as that of George Arnold, residing at Latrobe. "Lettere found in thepock- Its of the deceased also i ndicated his identity. lie was, we understand, traveling agent for a New York firm, with a branch in Cincinnati, and frequently traveled over the Pennsylvania 'Railroad. He was on his way to Latrobe, and his wife was anticipating his arrival, as was as certained by a telegraphic dispatch received by SliPerintendent Carnagie, in answer to one sent by bib/. His identity was not ascertained un til atter the train had passed Latrobe, else it have been left off at that place. It was, 6yeeer, neatly eoffined by undertaker Devore, 44 f orwarded by the first train East. Kr. /44 1 was about thirty-five years of age, and 4101 fine appearance. The Coroner's jury Yea dered a verdict that his death resulted from Nils:a to them unknown. Ant shc -dolhonld read Prof. Wood's AdVeriblelnPt another Gaon° Mvsio Harl.—lhe Exchange, Wal nut street, is henceforth to be known in amuse ment circles as the "Grotto Music Hall," and was duly dedicated last evening to the tu tular divinity of song and all that's funny by Messrs. A imy and Pountain, two enterprising managers, hailing from . New York. The tiriupe employed by these gentlemen comprises a num ber of professional "Stars," who will no doubt shine brilliantly in this latitGle. The pro gramme for this (Wednesday) evening prom ises a rich fund of entertainment, and will no doubt attract a large audience. Tao New Yasa.—As this is the last time the "local" will address his readers during the pre sent year, he most heartily wishes them all the compliments of the season. As travelers who have reached a mountain top pause and look over the valley through which they have tra veled, so stand we, on the verge of this old year, looking back over its various lights and shadows. Onward we have hastened, through sunshine and storm; sometimes with hope t,eam ing radiantly in our hearts, sometimes burden ed with disappointment, but the web and woof ever running with an irresistable im pulse.' How many flowers have faced from life's green paths; how many weary ones have sunk to rest since the year was ushered in ! Lips then eloquent with tones of friendship, are mote and motion less ; eyes that danced with joy are closed forever What changes, even in one short year f The new volume lies before us ; its leaves are yet pure, and how Wall we fill its pages—with high and noble deeds, with manly acts, or with deeds of shame and darkness ? Have we fulfilled life's great design in the year jest flown How many crushed hearts have we healed? How many streaming eyes dried ? How many of the guilty redeemed ? How many misspent hours, how many neglected op portunities ? The days of the new born year I will glide as noiselessly away as did those of the past year. But let us employ them for life's noble purposes, that when we stand -upon its farthest verge, we can look back with an wire gretful glance and bear its harvest with a clear conscience to the judgment of that unseen land —the eternity of God. ItTng Lzortma.—The Lecture of Prof. M'Coy, at the Fourth Street Bethel, Tuesday evening, was attended by a highly intelligent and appreciative audience. A very intereating fea ture of the meeting was the introduction of a movement which promises to become part of the history not only of Temperance but of the War. Professor M'Coy read the following "National Patricide. Temperance Pledge," which he drew up at the tomb of Washington, on the 21st of May, when he made his way through the rebel pickets to ascertain if the report was true that they had stolen away the remains of Washing ton. It will be seen that this form of pledge asserts temperance as a war measure.— It alai. asserts the intimate connection between personal and political self-government. Prof. M'Coy said that the first persons he submitted it to, after returning from Mount Vernon, were the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the Chairman of the Military Committee of the United States Senate. AU of 'Ahem approved of the positions taken in the paper, commended the movement, and had or would sign it themselves. It seemed to meet with very general approval on the part of the audience last night. A number of our citizens, both ladies and gentlemen, immediately signed it ; and it was signed also by a ntimber of re mita who were on their way to reinforce the Round-head regiment at Port Royal. While the Rev. Mr. Glen is about to introduce it at Camp Curtin, these recruits who start to-mor row, will take it to be circulated among the soldiers now in South Carolina. We should be glad to hear that Advance Lodge of Good Template, undet whose auspices the lecture was delivered, would afford an opportunity for sign ing it to every citizen and soldier in Harrisburg; for we feel certain that all who signed any tem perance pledge would sign this, and many would sign this, who never signed a pledge be fore : NATIONAL PATRIOTIC TEICKRANCR PLEDGE.- We, the undersigned, citizens anti soldiers of thArnited States of America, hereby express our belief : • 1. That a general abstinence by our people from all intoxicating liquors, would contribute largely to the suppression of the rebellion and the war against the National Constitution. 2. 'That it would promote the health, the morals, the discipline, and every soldierly quali• ty od the men in the field, and add to the means of those who remain at home, to furnish food, clothing, arms, and every other necessary sup ply. 8. That while the strength of a republican form of Government, even in times of peace, is the aggiegate self-government of all its citizens; much more are they called upon to practice self denials, while its " internal and external ene mies" are waging war against it, and when, noi only its honor but its existence depends upon asserting the superiormoral and physical power of loyal citizens over conspirators, rebels and traitors. Acting upon these views and feelings, we the undersigned, hereby pledge ourselves to abstain from, intoxicating livuora except when pre scribed by a physician; and:we respectfully re commend the same form of agreement to all who are loyal to the Republic of Washington, and who strike hands with us, for the Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws. A Cuss WORTH TansO.—Take a new axe, put a white hickory handle in it, bore a hole in the top of the handle, fill the hole with gum camphor, and seal it up. Then take the axe and cut cord wood, at fifty cents a cord, until the heat of the handle dissolves the camphor. Doses to be taken daily before breakfast. Wes Prucza.—The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt collars, scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins, night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also . ladies' callers, cuff setts, under-garments, f &c., &c. The above goods being my Own manu acture, I guarantee them for durability, ma terial, &c• All of the above goods..l will make to order or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness and cheap ness, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please selves of the fac callal d satisfy your- t at str L's Harris bru tlw el)eep shirt m anufactery, No n l Market ee. der Bootee next to Remind & Ki ll inger's glecer7 • • BUSINESS NOTICES. FIVE DOLLARS IttwAso is offered for the re coveTy of a lost piaol. See adver isement. Ca - sswrstts WAIPTED.—See adiertisement in anothercotutup. FOR SALE CHEAP.— ei two story frame house. See advertisement. FRESH GROCERIES by Nichols & Bowitau, cor ner of Front and Market streets. Give them a call. AMITHEMHHIB TO NIOHT —lS:Word's Opera Irroupe.—The Three Legged Monster. Benefit of the Friendship Fire Company arouo Music Hall, Exchange Building, Walnut street..—Grand Opening Night —Singing, Dan cing, Comedy and Farce, Acrobatic. Feats, &c. ==l A. D. ' Lls A stands for Articles, fancy and rare ; B is fin: Buyers with money to spare; C's for Confections to cure you of cold. D for the Dealer who is after your gold. E stands for Extracts of elegant kinds. F for "Foy t Pickens"—at Keller's you'll find.. G stands for Gentle Men ; step in andlry Havana cigars, the best you can buy. I stands for Indigo, Inkstands and Ink, And J standifor something' of which we can't think. li stands for Keller, attentive to all, Ladies you'll find him whenever you call. lei stands for Medicines all should procure. N stands for "Ntz cum arose to be sure. 0 stands for Open your purses and trade, And P stands for Taper, Pipes;' Pills and ,Po- wades. Q stands for Quarters we're ready to take, Whilei R stands for Battles for babies...to shake. S stands for Satchels for ladies to use, And T for Tobacco which gentlemen choose. U is for Unguents, disorders to cure, And V stands,for Vases of marble so pure. W stands for Wafers and, Wax, And X for Xcuse, if your patience we tax. Y stands fur Yourself, if you call without fail. Our Zeg we will use to effect a good sale. &c. The place Is at Yo. DI,. Market Street. STILL THE CHEAPEST. —Having determined to sell cheaper than the 'cheapest, I now announce to the Ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity that I intend selling the best make of Calicos at 12f c. per yard, and all other Calicos and. Muslin pro potionally cheap. I also intend closing out my Furs anti other winter goods at and below cost prices. Ladies in want of good Shawls snould not neglect this opportunity. Do, not forget the place, A. Ernsrarri s new Store, cor ner of Second and iArallmt stpc *. Ws ARE PASSING AWAY.—The wick In the lamp of time.for 1861 is almost burned out, and instead of peace and prosperity, rebellion rules the day. A little while, and a true man.steer ing the ship of State silence the,rebellion and arrive safe at the not distant harbor, and then will arise from twenty millions of glad hearts the exultant shout safe ! add! at last, and if they do not purchase dry goods at Urich BoOman's, corner Front and Market streets, it is not our fault. dBO. Fuss ! Funs ! Fuss !—We have received a new supply of Furs, bluffs and Fur Capes, from $2,60 up to $l2, a large assortment: of Cloaks $2,60 up to $B. • 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 600, 750, $lOO, $1.75. 50 doz. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 50 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 17e. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 26 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple: ' • • 100 doz. Latly's.Litten.Pocket Handkerchiefs froin Auction. Together with a large LA of other Goods such. as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 12ic., httchels Sontags, Alapacas, Parainattas, Sete of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 120. Please call at S.lLswes. del° A CARO TO THE LAMP DR. DUPONCO'S GOLCItN PILLS FUR FEMALES "Eckel the folo%lng certificate" from one of the first ladies'in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that ci y (hr Bristol k u 0.,) and told th e m that, the, of coerce, did hot wta: her uaate mndu puulte, but it' auy one should uoubt the woo erful eWuency of La. baPtist : Co's Golden late, they aught refer auy Lady t.o her as she catio..ered it a duty, as wed as a pletsure, to her silo. lodge of their efficacy, as admiaisterOd to nor daughter, a young any 17 years o.d. rho was feat go ing tutu cons impti .n—bad taken cald—nature became uusironted Two bOX...s of these Golden Pala eutirn ly Stared her, and eau is now in r...bast health —We were particular in buying tee genuiue. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box Price Meld wnolceale and retail by 0. A BamtvAter, Na. 2. Jones. Row, nil C. K. Swanky 91 Racket Street, barn& burg,..A. By smiling 'subsea theui 31 00.throught he rlsrrisburg Post Otiluo the Pills will toe sent confideueally oj, mall to any part of tun country; "free of postage." ' oat for counterfeits. Rey eat atentun Plii. 01 any kind miasma the boa is signed S. D. Howe. Ail others is a bass impositann add ensile; thorefbre,. as you ealue year lives and health, (to say nothing of - bs• lug hainhugged out of your money) buy ' only Of those who snow the sigigature or S. 0. idowe. on ovary box, ".arciabt ties recently `oich -oldest oo excanint of Arts Phis itounterielbm% Tha ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, in- they are sae, sod will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lutribergtir,laibsnon ; A. J. [(Ruff. ,man,inectimumburg ; narks, Lewistown ; S. Itillott. ; 8. (4. 411 d, Newville ; Aitick. Slimpeus, burg; J Spangler, Obantocrsbu.g; K. T. a.iller, Yore; J. A. dolt, tP, ightdvihe ; S. 4. Stevens, Peaking ; and S. F. Hunter, Reading, 'tad by one aruggist" In every town And vili.ge In the inited States, sinker ' ' HOWE, e 3 4m Solo Proprietor. New York. DYE i Al4l, .I)YE . I *ln. A. Batcheiiitla •11.Alr Dye The !only Hartaleaa and Beatable Dye: Known alVothere aro mere ihutetiows, and should be avoided (*you wish to escape rtcu i.ile: GREY, RED Olt RIISf Y HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Macs, without the least Injury to Haar or gam. IlthEN 11 , DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. BATOLIZLOR sin le 18 9, pad over 2:10,000 applications nave been made to the hair of -toe patrons of hAi famous Dye. WWI. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not it. be - tilltingaistreat from nature and - iSWARSISCraII not to injure io the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Beets Of had is invigorated for life by this spleadid Dye, which is prop. ally applied at No, 16 dpun Streefftqw York: nolli is all the cites and towns of the Vititifi States, by Druggiell and Fancy GiSlids • I The Genuine has the name !. William'A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each bog. ; Wholesale Factory, 81 Barilay .Late 233 Broadway, New York. octS•dawly ' RVBBEILIGrOODS R ubber Balls, • ' • Rubber Watellee, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BCOKSTOAE. WE OFFER TO CUS.TOMERS A Now Lot of LADIES' Of beautiful Styles, substantially made. A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEETN',S WALLE,Td. A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLA.RBi BOQUET, Put up to Cut Glass Engraved Bodes. A Complete Assortment of r. HANDKERCHISF PERFULES, Of the test lisinufactere IA very Handsome Variety ..PLIVIDAR PUNT , BOXES, . , loguiggatttmpTosi.,. sell • , 4. i•''~` etu 211ittertifttmtuto BOOKS FOR CHILDREN! A Hew and urge assortreethit'a BOOKS ,snW 1-1. able for Bbildp3o, has just been opened at WAGNER'S iIOOKSTGRE. Amon( the assort ment will be found aniendles 'variety of ; • • • T :1" .8.0-0 IC 13 ! Indestructible Pleasure Books with Colored Pictures. A fall assortment of these popular Children's Books printed on fine linen, consisting of Storks from the Seriptures—Ruth, Stories from the Scriptures—David, Stories from the Scriptures—Sanuon, Childs Pictorial Reader, &lose that Jabk; Built, Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, Old Woman,and Fig, Fernier BOy's•Alphabet, or "Speed the Plough," Old Mother Hubbard, Little Man and Maid, Little 'BoPeep, • Jenny Wren, &a, esc. In addition to the above I have a large as sortment of bound JIIVEHILEBOOIIB.. BIBLES, PRAYER. BOOKS &c. BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 50 cents, BIBLES tor 76 cents, BIBLES for' $l, BIBLES for $1 26, BIBLES for $1 60, BIBLES tor $2, BIBLES for $B, -131BLIIi for $4, BIBLES for. $6, BIBLESIor $B, BIBLES for $7, BIBLES for $B, BIBLES tor $lO, BIBLES for $45, 4 BIBLES for $25. PRAYER BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All the latest Books published are daily re ceived and sold at the lowest publishers rates. Exaniine the stock. CHRISTMAS GIFTS! A FINE VARIETY of t elpeted GOoiia etable for Preeeule a A 0.1.1 . 011 at 11.1ELLER'S 91 Market reet. Eit&-carrA. • • and P CHIAN DIARBLIC VASES TOIGET and. COLOGNE- BOTTLE MARBLE MATCH, STANDS. MARBLE SEG AR STAN HS. ' MAR dLE ABEL-HOLDERS. Dresr-ing Cases, Shaving Cases, Toilet Cases, unfurnished, • Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Siugle Hand Mirrors. 13sautitul Powder Puff Boxes. Handsome Snell fia..s. All sizes, beet Le ither Traveling Satchels, Satchels witk Os ba. Fu r piture A fine talsortiriedi of Ladies and Gents Purees and Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, ~,A:lnicsti stock of that elegant Confectionary. Also, with other arriclesr not mentioned,' Pucket KlaiVelb o lhormumeters ' Cane., Portfolios Card Oilifes, • Beg a ()tures, Seirtreyritise, Gum Tobacco, Pouch a, (d./Ole and single, ) And theisrgair surf but stuck of 'PENTiIIIERY and TOILET ARTIOLES in this markor. deli KELLEIVS Drit.i and Riney Store. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES stniumniros, - Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 26, 1861. 1 PItOPOSALS will be received at tubs office until 12'teelock.;. X., the Id day of January, 1862 for fitiniAtifuglor Mai me of the United States army; at such thnes and in such quanti ties as may be required during the, month of January, the - fdllowing "Suroliiitenee Sturt s, viz : SOO barrels Mess Pork. 600 " Extra Superfine Flour. 260 bushels first quality new white Beans, in good dry barrels; • 10,000 pounds prime Rice, in good - flour bar rels. 10,000 pOunds prime Rio Coffee, in barrels. 20,000 " light yellow Sugar, in barrels. .600 gallons Vinegar. :50Q good Molasses or Syrup in bar rels. • 4,000 pounds good bard Soap, full weight. Samples in- boxes distinctly marked, to ac company Proposals for all articles except meat. Ali of the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for trans portation. - Bids will include packages and delivery at the COgr.LLISPAU'S Stores at this place. The meat will 6e inspected and' passed upon by parties .from this °thee, on the part of the. United States: • All the Stores-will be carefully inspected, and compared witty al's retained sioutiles. R4titurci of iieights sigued by a public weigher must, be furnished whenever required. Each bid must have a printed oopy of the advertisement pasted at its head, and mast be specific in complying with all the terms. Payments'lo be made in ilish bruits as may be on band. If none on hand, to be made as soon ea - received. -- ' ',- Proposals to be endorsetr" Proposals for Sub sisteiree.Stores,t!, and:directed . to CAPTAIN ,Ii:: JONES BROOKE, C. S. Vol. her. U. S. A. dec26-dtd liferritiburg, Pa. BLEACEIE D 201 GOBLINS ulci prices.) 131PLANKETS, StIEETINO, 1.0 Flannels, Tte4ug,'Driliinge, Gingname, qaticoea; Tewttoge, Ad kinds. of D:anLatie Goode, • A splendnt'Lioe of Bruiwle. All kindii of Men, and .ooya wear, In great variety ti be found a 'CATLIOAKVS, nov4 Marko square. pftor. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER. OULD rtsliectfully. inform A% CSO patrons and the public generally, that be all cilithnue to give intdrucilentron the 'flak) FORTS, Slit. LODEONi3IOI4N. and 111110111 the science of THOltutlfal B&W?, He will with pleasure Wait dpou pupibrac :wet? nowise at any hour desired, er , isitisons will. be givens his residence, in Third Wiwi, a few door below, fier*ia."Ainekiid elittichz' " • deelibldif FIIREI: _FURS 1 FUR S 1 FURS , . . ... Sable Furs, : Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Furs, ' Silver Harbin Furs ...-. Water Kink Furs. CAPS, Gera AND ItolloS LABGI ASSOIMINNI, Great bargains in these hoods. Erory.artude Warren ted IA be exaAly as represented, at ! . ' CATHCART & BROTHER,noI3 Neil Leine - Harrisburg sank. DLIALES. Ft)tk 1862 .` largest and best selected assortment of DIARIES ever. imported Into this city cant be found at ` • •• •• - BERGNEB'S Cheap Bookstore GOLD PENS ! GOLD PENS ! largest aaii-most- varifti assortment o I GOLD PENS iSzfoi salt, at '-' ' ' Jaw . 134447:4-C .ESTOP. tufar Azateasio: • BcOday : Presents! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY A GOODS,- has just been opened .at BERG NER'S CHEAP WOK STORE. Among the re cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UN EKCEETIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LOW EST POSSIBLE P sIC:HS. Albums bound to suit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY ANIIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD, .WITH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To HOld Twelve Cards, To Hold Twenty Cards, To Hold Thirty Cards, To Hold Forty Cards, To Held 1 0 1.1 r Cards, ' To Hold SixtiCards, To Hold Eighty Cards, To Hold One H Indreif Cards, ' To Hold Two Hundred Cards, From wirllatti-FIVE CENTS I" . tWENTY FIVE DOLLARS' GIFTS FOR TSB HOLLIDAY& THE LARGRST AND MOST VARIED • STOCK OF RARE CONFECTIONS, OF THEM:REST AiLf NOW READY Mt TRH PUBLIC. CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, Put up matlyiip boxes, from, one to.fivß,P9l l .ll4 FINE ''CHOCOLATE CONFEOTIONS; GREAT VARIETY. TOGE7RER,, Wl2ll A BRILLIANT IMPORTATION OF RICH FANCY 80X43. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210, Market street, del dim Philadelphia. GEO. BERGNER. TO 'IIIE YOUNG MEN OF YEDIN'A. HAVING been authorized to recruit a Regiment fir the Voinateer service of Peuosy 414 we bays o .neindea to.reake st a regiment. of "sharp bootets"—r.flateau—raeruit d from the State at large. - We want TEN food able oodied.young, men lrom each county: so as to - tiviiiiery oftAbe'liate!.fullg and squally rspretented.. Thosedeslrous of serving their country, of dzhtiog u oder and for our good oft trilo;:have nett a splead,d odour molt, offere them We intend tsiinaire thhia "tit ACR. ithtilifbk4 ;" if penible the °etc le the serome of our noble Communwrahh. .d satirise - nal. noif.irtn will be iurolsoed as icon as tho men roach Cam i aud a e sworn into tee o - .Tee Regiment "Mine er teed With Mims nr Er MILD rlnits Wit Susan RAT.gtegil. Thn` e de-irltig so millet. as' nositively - ins y rEN wilt be taken from eacti county in the Suite, tad belt .r tedert forme &rely. any limo *nor The 20i.b 'of Os ember to iv . W: drown, Ha, risb,3ol. Pa. Any or atle.min.ini eitlO us from dotaat cumuits wul be inswecel spe-dily nd conlidou w. w Car.t•in. P- 8.-1.11 papers favoilible co the c cause ' wil l please copy. ' • del3 d4vr -- . PORT POLLOS 1 TATRITING DESKS, v TRAVELING BAGS, PORTMON ALES, And a general assortment of • FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CI:LEAP BOOKSTORE "'THE PEN MIGHTIER. THAN THE SWORD." TEE LARGEST STOCK, THE, EMT BEEIITIFSE STY,LEE AMA , PATTERNS CST Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. ... In the market, is tole found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE HYMNBOOKS! HYMNBOOKS! New School Presbyterian Hymn Books Old Sohool Ptesbyterian : Hron,Rooks. Lutheran Hymn Books. Methodist Hyom Books. German Reformed Hymn Boobs. In various styles of Binding cau be had at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. CHRIST) tAti PRESENTS. NOVi IS THE TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS, SUITABLE FOE THE HOLIDAYS LINEN 11ANDKERCIIIEES from 6Ato: upwards'', .Deautifut. Linen :zoos, atenvns snu tkli. 'kn.{ As. upwards. C.mbrio amts all prices. Cambric Collars from 150. to Si. Che fp. fire. knee dollars. 12d. .roll NutoesksoarfsOcnimga,..l3leeveg,..Leggings, Mitts, Gloveis, WooLiCoitonsind ' Merl& tLiiMt fEr'; :Ladies' iOd children all prices. Worked tilindsereinefe, Woul dkli• tag Cap= fa children, Cokigne's, Extract's, Ox st.rrow remote, Gllk Voivem, Wool Yarn, Atisofskin .thfuotleits, Sick Ftattiteifii?Caltuoi, - Gwent= stc, PitiFfko .14tiatxp - fSicirs,'Ao.lAtarfaet .eriusre,, one deor above Veltzfa tioitectiouary,'..l.osburg, ' dilg.dems " - •• • ANOTHE:ll z AtkvitllfiCK ortable Writing !t - 1 P Backgammon BoArds, Traveling bags Pnraes, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of • FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. JUST "UP•E'N, r A TINE: LOT Or .131:7rER/OR SEIAEIGEALELSECiI - - ,itirAD2OtUdi l id"Tobacco, and from one to two year's old, of my owe manufacture. A flue cham Mewling an Smoking Amaze°, Pipes, Suuff ands large variety of other ArliC/89 CODalaVy on ir.ll Mel [ or former ra w gaitl . AhOltedie and rello4. — hi • ••toti.e d ia, a ronage;Th4elSrittilitlittehiron tblttts ehe. liberal share of the trade. A tine timostog Room attached, where customers may lay back and test my &gars and Tooacco. *on't forget the window wAh the Snip in It; that is the Mace to buy your Tobacco ace acitara North Market notate, above Market street, HAITI/011fg. Dco. 4,1861.--48 m ' WYKOFF. CHRISTMAS BOOKS!! large collection of BOOKS suitable for CiiiIISTALAS P.RESE.NTo has just been re calved at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. .1,000,000 AN CELOP.EB I . A 14 immense stock of ENVELOPES of every size is now opening at • BERONER'SCREA.P BOOKSTORE. NOTIONS: ---Quite a variety of useful and entertaining articles—cheap--et SUE FBA'S eOOIIIITORE. 4,2 ULDItat'S...OAI.I2 _ .3,j Very c nartujenc watrong DraK i Osp,'port . ftiioa, *eutoranduat . BodiriVrOrillioubanis; - 1t0... I n al ;,ECHEFFEWS 130,11VITORE I) LA gl gibri., .1.862:—a great, variety . eXceedlng /01 pric.s. at u:4O . .8H WM% 84;80;81.0 4 1 /LJ . tsuio• • are!VPFlrtiCtinWikiclitliiCiit.tid.. IMES9 misullantous. illistethmeous. LATEST NEWS. & BOW WAN having just re : taxied hone the foil with ao en 86111911 and wel ,reted 8140 , 34 of goads purcheird for Darn, rupee fatly invite the eltiseaa of liarrisburi sod to call ead examine their New Goods at the old ;wad Ibroterly **- copied by V. gum-oet, corner frost stelibLtrlloit 'dregs, 4tarilaborg, Pa. Pricea *a low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; • SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Cgoice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and 34ck ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE. BEANS. POTA ICES ; FISH, of all kinds; SALT, Coarse and,fine • 0/L, Coil Oil and WheleOil ; SPICES, all kinds Groundwnd 131:ground, fresh fri,in the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAIPINS, CU RREX IR, *VTR, DRIED FRIII Is, BOA PS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR -WARE; CIGARS, best of hdported Roads; TOBACCO, Smoking ana.gbiest bag ; • QUER N SWARE I IaIiTRENSWAB.E 1 I . lkttansive assortment of all styles, and patilkins and Mess • Ca.lE4 ort examlse our stock of donde at OS Wh lesale Mid Ret et Grocery, Fruit and PromaIMSBIAMO, corner ,Prookand Market atreat, Harrisburg. Pa. • • ouotry Piodoe taken dslo.ly ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! ;liege and fresh mkortaiient at : duitsble for preseata, ansosgmblch will be foun d Splei.dld stock of rote, kinds' heat made, ) .4 large line of Embmidered Cellar, Sleeves, bo g A great yeti ty of shawl:, (at low prices.) A lot New . 111-e-4Pses Goode, 4pe.,111C, Ivory kind of Ladies, Gents, and hits... Gaon' legte and moves, Ladles 111311 Genie H dclll —large week Ghats Cravens. Necx flea, Colette, lid, Camas, Seaweed Mines Rid Skivs, Nub's*, Caps.leggine, airmless,ae. MO A LARGE ADDITION HAS BMW MADE 10 ; . OUR STOOK. ON' MOURNING GOODS. /3iiigelne In Goode of all /rands can be bad at OAT/30 .11. T'S No. 14 Mart. I Square Next door to the Fle , n4bitrg Batik. dell COAL! COAL!! $3, AND $2 2b PER TON OF 2,000 UM 0. D. FORSTEB,, IFFICE-No. 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot or North sweet Whoiegale and Re tail ctomi,er ie TRETUR7ON, WILIZSBA RR g, LYIKENS vALLzr, SUNBURY *nd BROAD 70P COAL Vanities and Dealers may rely upon ohtdulng a drat-rata crude, and .full w.•ight, at the lowest rates. Ottders promptly atteuded to. A l.beral Aut./170e made topar • tha.erii payeag•for the noel when ordered. Presiut prise, lid end 32 25 'per ton. Darriselgo, Out; .IQE W CLIOTHIN% STORE. SEIFLLE:NHERGER & BROTHER, . NO. 80 M.ARIKET STREET: • (Room formerly occupied by the Poolofeee.) uliderslgned have just opened a new sod large sesortment of toe latest styles of clothing. We are also pampered to motifs/Aare to order ad kinds et Gents Wear cut to the latest etyle< mei fash ions. We here alvveye on ban 1 a tarp swot of Ready . made Clothing anti Genile nazi's Fdretsoing /cods. no9-03es H. S SELL ANBIII +GAR & BRO SOLD/ERB' NICE NELCIC.I3, F OR Sale at KOLLER'S DRUG Asp TANGY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shavlug or R.sur Cases, Toilet Caere, Match Cases Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Qonibe, . Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Bubuer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Flasks Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, °ill:, -r, andenrelepea. Soldiers wilt sea at a gl.inee toot Use place to last as Mit& In small w,o , s is at Nti 91, Market street, • "iron Plea.nis" in the wtrulo sr. not Ut FOR BdiACEIZIN . M. JONAS. BROOK de BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL.SPOOL COTTON. :::• • 200 4 SJO .17).3. WIIIIB , BLACK 4 COLGAN°. . PHIS thread being made particularly for riesling idachlaes, le VERY ST &Me, S6llwfH AND ELASTIC. Its streagth N not impaired by washing, her by friction or 1118 Uendle. for iLhittictes, usc Brooms' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Btx Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable ocelots througatiat the country.— Also, IN OASIS Of 100 Doffs UCH, sasJaritit sus , by ' Ali Xs f &MU, 6 , de Agent. nog ; 6m 86 Veeey =Wert, .sfew COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN T}WN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTA, Ira SE Weistrt Carts are certified by the Sealer or Weiskas and aleasures. Containers loan weigh their coal at weir ONU doors. It is of greet ha peruna• during these ban times fOr every One to know Meet coy GAT isms InlLLll9Nita WirjeaT. M=M=i;ii=ll LYAENS. VA.q.,EX BALTIC ,Ijrll-1(.41A.1i di, all aims. LOirßefitHl LOALAtbe eciadirie ardefej Bold by the car load or au gle toe All coal or the bat quality, delivered free from. madden At MitiOl. to ititltrztutintitai by the bust ofteer load,'singie, halt or third of tons and by toe bulhel. F.MiiiSiiii2 Harrisburg Blind Manufaotory. onoND BTItEET BELOW CHIIIINT),T• EIsTITIAN BLINDS made to order, and V repit:tog neatly and expedidowili d , se. roes at a dr.Lidsemge save weir win. dam by wo o l. 81 4 a let.er to tue undersigned Tnan