ifibuttlantons. LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SA.MBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medical and bone tidal qualities as a genuine gtimubmt Tontc Pia retie and Sedorifle, highly °deemed by eminent physl °lane, end some of the first fill/01W in 'enrage air' America. SPEER'S NAMBVCI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but is pure, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Onem- Ms and Physicians as possessing medical properties su parlor to any other Winn in use, and an exoell arti• ale itir all weak and debilitated Downs, and the aged and infirm, Improving the covetito, and benenting laa3 and children. A LADI KIS K tNE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it con tains no mixture of spiels or other liquors, and is ad mired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, Imparting a healthy tone to Dm digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and health) , nth and complexion. No . • , 913 tine unless the signature or ALYlic... -Pali% Passaic, N. J., Is mon he cork of etch bottle, SURE ONE TIDAL OF VIM WINE, A. SPEER, Proprietor. Passaic, J. OS* TSB Broadway, New York. J. H. EATON, Agent Philadelphia. For gels by D W. Gross, & Co., C. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by druggists generally jyl—dawly. PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE OIORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. Is precisely what lts name indicates, for while pleas ant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and etrengthrming to the vital powers. It also revivifies, re instates and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores ant renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever Offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined, as to the most pow,eritil tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so as vo ACT PWAPPET aooonnasos WItH TON LAWS OP NATURN, AND OWN DOM= no WPAIONN incases and tone up the di gs/dive organs, and allay all rwans irritation. It Is also perfeCtly exhilarating in its ef.octs, and yet it is never followed by lassitde er depression of spirits It is com po id entirely of vegetables, and those thereagly com bining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and con s •quoutly can never injure. as a sure preventive and COONSHIIPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA LOSS OF APPETITE, FAINTNESS NER- VOUFTERiTABILITT, NKOIEALCHA, PAL:PITA. TION OF THE HEART, ELELANCHOLY, HYPO. CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, LANGIEJoR, fAIDDIDIFBS, AND ALL T FATAL CALLED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND • IRREGUL&RFM. THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver sem plaint*, Disease* of the Kidney, or any general derange ment at the Urinary organs , It will not only sure the debility foil )wing CHILLS and RIVER, but all prevent attacks arising from Miasmatic infinences, and core the diseases at once, if already at tacked. Travelers should have a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences follow. tag upon change of climate and water. • Agit prevents costiveness strengthens the digestive Orga taryns i t should be in the h ands of all pereods of seden habits,. Ladles not accustomed to much out-door exercise `should always use it. ,Mothers should use it, far It is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the dual trial, she will pass the drssfltl period with perfect ease and safety. ULM ES NO ININTANS ABOUT IT. THE CORDIAL IS Atl, WS CLAIM FOR IT l I I gathers Try It 2 2 And to yeu we 'appeal, to detect the Illness or decline not Only of your dangler' before It be too late, but also =no and husbands, for while the former from false often go down to a premature grave, rather the lot - their eendition be known in time, the latter are: rest so mixed up with the excitement of business, that it'were not Ibr yoa e they too, would travel in the eawe downward path, until it Is too late to arrest their fatal ha Bat th• mother Is always, vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal ; for we are sure your never -fitiling affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD% BISTORATIVD CORDIAL AND BLOOD RINOVATOR as the remedy - which should always be on hand In time of need. (/..11 WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, et. Loots, Mo„ and sold by all good Drtigglala. Price One Polar per Bottle. j7 , -daw-eow .Great DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOB .Rhemnatism, Gout and Neuralgia' BORII UUB IPOR Ail Mercurial Diseases. ifioiddiiienienu f irntika4 Band, containing a taw I Gated Compound, to he worn around the Waist, without tam, to the most delicate_persons, no change in habits zof living la required, and It entirely removes the dialyse teem the system, without producing the inpuious Othdlig from the use of powzrful Mental medicines which weaken and destroy the constitution, and give .*mporary relief only. By this treatment, the medical pprteovergoe contained in the Band, come in contain with ' the iced and reaches the disease, through 'the pores the olds, abating in aft instance a perfect cure, and yeatore" ,he parts ailloned to a healthy condition. This -Bend Is also a most powerful aart-illuaomuat agent, and Will entirely relieve the system from the pernicionsef• feats of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured' in days, and we are constantly receiving testimonialaroi itj efibutey In aggravated eases of long standing. Paws $a OG, to be had of Drunists generally, or can be sent by mailer express, with full directions for use, to any part of the country, direct frm the Prhicioal Office, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. . G. SMITH Ss CO., Sole Proprietoie. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. jyB- pa-AGENTh WANTBD EVaILYWHKRE.-Igg daw JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCWTT• DS AND MERCHANDISE ' Crw P + Y tbrwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Nor ern antral, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads void Canal. ELANIJNG AND DRAPING to and from Rapids of the to the dillerent ,Railroad depots will be done at the erleitistrates. MUMS removing win be promptly mended fi x. ardent. Ad Brout's Roropeau Betel, or at the store • utn. >d Zollinger, will reveive prmittot attention. Con inenis relliasarong sonetted. JOHN WALLOWIR JR., Agg„i Office Reading Repot. moms - 1. mit/Ail pm: : ivy , New Stlr 3 les 'Of t =oh et , 11;1W/2s tb ! ii ! I r lffin itafiCAßT &MOM& • filtYucrt ATER'S SARSAPARILIJA., A ND for the speedy cure of the soh. : Wiled varieties sp eedy : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimplos, Pustules Blotches, Ws, 1 11 Ritidi andnll Ski n Diamises- Oasuan Ind J. C. Arse lb Co., Gents : I feel it my duty to acknowl • edge what your • Varaaparilla has done for me. Having .nberited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it in various ways for Years. SOmetimes it burst out in Ulcers on my, hands, and arms ; sometimes turned IS ward and distresied'me at the stomach.• Two years ago It broke put on my head and covered my scalp and ears with 'one sore which was painful and loathsome beyond I description tried many medicines and several pbyei clans, but without much relief • from anything: In fact, the disorder grew. worse. At length I was reioleed lu read in the Gospel' Messenger that. pan bad prepared an alternative (SaraaparWa,) for .I knew irom your rep• illation that any thing you ' mademust be good. I sent to Cineinnati and got it, and used it till it cured me. I look it, as yon' advise, - in email dosei of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three battles, New and healthy ekn soon began to form under the scab, which idler a while fell off my akin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the abase has gone from mystystem. You can well believe that I Mel what I am saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the at °sties of the age, and remain ever gratefully. , ' Toting, ; ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Brysip_olas, Totter and. Balt Rheum, Se • eld'Head. Ringworm, Sore Eyee, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Prelde writes irom Salem , N. it.,"l2th Sep:; 1859,1 hat be bturcured an Inveterate case of Drop. sy, which - threatened to terminate Madly, by the perse vering the of our Sireigardla, and eitso a dangerous at lack of Malignant erysipelas by large doses of the same says he cures the common r repaint by it conalautly. Bronohooelei aoitre or Swelled Nook. Zobulon Sloan of Prospect, Tails, writes i "Threo botL ties of your Sarsaparilla eared axe from a Gamis—a hid eous Swelling on the peek, which I had suffered from over two years.", ' , - •; ; Leuoorrho3a or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Uleeration,Female Diseases. 9r. J. B. 9. Channing;Of Igew-Vork City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent in saying I have found your Stursaparitla &mod excellent alternative In the numerous complaints in which wo em ploy such a remedy, but . especially in female Diseases of the Scrofulous,diathmdi. thrve caredmany. Inveterate cases of Leucorrhom by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by alteration of the uterus. The ul ceration itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowledge equals It for theirs female derangements." EdwaraN.Jilarrow of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous oturktn tumor on one of the females in my lamily, which had defied all the rehtedies .we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your &tractor Sar saparilla: Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford rellef, bat he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla. as the text resort before cutting, and it proved effectual After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remnins." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New Mussel, 25th August, 1959. Dr..l. C. Area : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realized with your. Sarsaparilla. 1 have cured with it, in my practice, most of the com plaints for which It is reenuunended, and have found its effects truly wonderful in the cure of reseal and Xer curial Diseases. One of my patients bad Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming hip palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily, taken, cured him in live week. Another was attacked by sec oudary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eat en away a coosiderable part of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsapolla the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some dlidiguration to hie face. A woman Who had been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering from this poison in her bones. shop had bedoine so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating nate in her joints and honess:r, She, too, was cured entirely by your ffersepolla se afaw weeks. I knew from its formula, which yen agent salvo. me, that this Preparation from youelaboreffiuff must be a Erika remedy ; consequently, these trulyl.iskeble malts with it have net surprised me. . . , Fraternally yours; LAMERS; M. -D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. lanaPsornsans, Wooten Co:, va. 61,1%Ju1y, 1869. Ms, d. O. Ain:. Sir, • I have beetf a pain. fal chronic Rheumatism for a. long time, which balled the skill of phyekdans, and stook tome in spite of all the remedies I could Sn , Mal taled sour Sarsaparilla.— One bottle cured mo in two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so mulch that am far Witte/Alvan before I .was attacked. I think it IL wonderful medicine. J. FARAH. Jules Y. Gelatoll, of St. Louis. writes : "I have been Afflicted for years:withan Orogen of the 14ver,,which destroyed my health. I tried - every ;tang, an d every thing Jailed to relieve me;.andl have been • broken down man for some years irom no ther cause than de ranounter the Lfter. My beloVed pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised me to-try rtur darpriPitriall% heenee he said he knew you. And anything you made was worth trying AS, the Mewling of Ged.ienaii oared ma I; reel young ligalo:-;: Thibodt that Afinditi iiitabflyoir•iii not hag" good enoup.!' Wiirrno; Clanooi-puilors, - Itolargenient, lllceratiop t Caries a4cl. Exfoliation. of ' the Bones' A great variety of • eases , have b,tt ireporled to us Where cures of these fbemidabla cootPliints have reatilte form the use of this remedyi but one maw here will not admit them. Some of. , theummay boiltkund in ent-Atuter. Can AlnanaC, Which the agents below named are pleased to furnish &albite ell Wild oallAr. Mum: Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Tits, Zpilep sy,:.Nelaaeholy,. Neuralgia, Many remarktibleeuras of these :affections have been made by the alternativepower of this medloine. It stim ulates the vital (Unctions into vigorous kitten, end thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Such a remedy hai been required by the ne cesellles of the people, and we are conlident that this will do for them that medicine as} 40. • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral! FOR THE RAPID CURE OP 00Ut ir ti, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, up, Bronchitis, Incipient Con sumption,' and for the Belief of Consumptive - Patients in advanced Stages , of .the Disease This•isa rails 4 shavittialilikYtoivii.kkittipitas any ; other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that, It azaleas here to publish the evidence Of virtues. , Its; unrivaled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderlul coma of pulmonary ,disease, have made iti known throughout ,the civilized nations of the earth.—' Few are the communities, itir even families among them who have not some Personal experience o its effects.—• some living trophy in their midst of i ts•victroy. over the: subtle and dangerottil &Bader; of.the throat and As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and; as they know too, the Mots of this remedy, we need not more than'lo assure them that ittas• now all the vtr-: tees that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly epee OM **Menge ei. mankind. Preparedchißr. 4111.8 & CO., Lowell; Masi' Sold by Cl.W..Bannvatt,._o.:B.; D. W. Gross & Co., .1. IL Lutz, h Co., Armstrong, Harrisburg, and deal ers every where. • notl4.43mdaw t AVID HAYNES; 110 MARK.kr,- ST: D BABED3BURO, Agent for T,II.I.IE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled Inn Leo nd: Burglar Proot Wetly . the ONLY. Mercantile *lli' made,' that le both flri. nod Burglar Proof% ippon dlo IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. IAR. P. H. k GriCRACH; Surgeon Dela y/ tha, Mou/rectum of Mineral Piste Teeth; the only methotilhat Obviator! everr abjection , to:the.rote of art, Wel biota, embracing partial, half_anekwhole sets of one piece only;or pure and indestructiklW,OnLeridj *ere are, no crevices for theanccomniation ofsmalt petioles of food and therefete, notifterWirrO oder front the tireath, ad twine tal is used in their constructioo; diorama' be nolalittill' o action or metallic taste::. Hence We tuft Idtial is not an noyed with sore throat, headache, Sm. Moe No. di North Second street, Harrisburg.. ,• • eau, dly 0. 0. ZIMMERMAN'S BANKING *cm, BILL AND , am/amnia °rue! Has been removed from No. 22 Second * No. 130 mkatir STREET • noramnrrwatrviWAY:74x_L "olll4er - h , 1 , 14 INDIr SOKETHIEG FOR THE TIMES It firA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS I CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLOE IN =WORLD. THE OHRAPEST GLUE IN,THE WORLD. THE MOST DDHABL.II4nDE IN THE WORLD THE ONLY WiLLLBLE GLUE lN THE WORLD . THE BEST attElll'ltit AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article . or the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broke', Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, am IT NMI, MEND GLASS, Bev* 11 101*as of that =Madre Cut Glass Bottle 1859 6th Jane ,MkND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory lan, it Is easily re - IT' W ILL•MEND Your bibken Suine, can be *lute an good`ia new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out of. your Marble Mantle can be put on as stroncr IT WILL MEN D:POROHLAIN No matter if that brOen j inhaler dtd:noecost bet a shil ling, a abilling. eived la a WWII earned. IT WILI A JA I ND'AIiiIAST ER, That costly Alabioiter Vase. la lirokes - and you can't match It, me>al It, It will lora- show when put together. It will Mend Butte . Coral„Lava, and in t faceverything but Metals. Any article Oominitod with AMILRIOAN CEMENT GLIJI wilt not show where It le mended. "very Honsekeepire should have a, supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement ilitte?'—N. T. BTU/ . “It is as convenient te-have in taw honee.”—N. E “It la ahem ready ; that commends itself to every body."—fisdecencimd. 4 , 144 s bar tried it, and dud it pascal in our homes as water.”_frOiselfpuit .L 510,00 per year saved in every flioallyilby One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cl:eita per. Bottle. Price 25 Oen*, per pcittle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liboraißectuetione to Wid i esale Buyers. -TERMS CASH. HFor sale by all Druggists, it'd Storekeepers general. ly tbrotgbout the country. 'JO/NB`& CRQBLEY , kau l lfaciurih ß tj 78 WILLIAM. STREET, Corner of Liberty street. • NEW YORK - Important to Holum Orman. Important tea/Ware: , r. Important tdpiu,Road () c alu m nies . i nu mit e nt In Pinner& - 26 all tphoWigiis nereg conear, and, it amoerese every JOENS & ---- cit9stamr's impicorepouriiiiiratcrii - 9 4...g.EAT,..,.4:0;-9TAA_O„ The 4:Thiespe4 and most duratile !tip: P4,111'118., 0/81±altiaikWAORPOOF: IE Calvin spitheri in inn ant nu? noon all steep or AA and letilluir.S l .!ißoolo :i 11 44 0 9‘.. removing the =meat . . . . . 'The Cost As only about Otio-Thlurd thnt or Tin ARD.IriS TWICE . . . This article has heal thoroimbly,tested In Now York City and all other parts or the United 'Slates Canada, West Indies Central and South - Anierick, on .bnildinge of . all kinds, such es FACTORIIM, FOUNDRIES, 01111110118, RAIL Etoan•Darove, tow, and :On PUBLY4ABIRLIPOS ‘116[106117 GovxMalart Runaway, .ho., prinaJpaLgaildere. l Architects end' Where, derlft the - Past foot ygant, - an d. has proved to be the CHWMTIaiId'HOIST %ISMAEL& BOWING ib etc; It le .ht evoity.deepeet 1 - .11R4 WATER, I WEATHER and TINE PROW' covet-Ink ibr ROOlfd or, ALL RMS. RRIt nitre Orternaterial manufactured in ihe United' &atm which comblowt,tlm very desirable ,propertlee of i 1114gficity and Durability, tibia are anlverealiracsknow 'edged to be panes* by 00314. -.PEROHA AND INDLCRUBBER: No. Heat is required in making applioStion The expense of applyingit k trifling; .11aesolginary rood be covered andpdahed t he same day. It can be applied by any one, and when nabbed forms a perfeotly Flax Rime ear faoa with an elastic body', Which cannot be *Jared by Haar; Coin or Swum, dmmeametiof 'lloot-Boanne i nor-any ex, 'onkel action wlaatevar.: • GUTTA r ox , co4b2i 44364 of 911Fari,if eip t sed: • to the Action of , the Ifonther FOR PRESIKSVING AND BF:FEARING lIMAL ' - ROOFS OF ALL RIND& • This ls the only Coininstithm IMOWn Whith *Minute* fully 'int extreme•changes of ell- ellthstes, for an y 1 of ef when 4 applind to metals, to widish It ad heresArmly,: MnisittlL body equal to costaociordloar paint, code much loss and will LASE' TMIR, 'MM. A* LONli and from ile,elasticl% le notlnjured, by thel eentratttonthrd . expentdon ofirtn:iing other :With! Hal consequent upon !sudden changes of the weather. R will not CRACKZY ,q 1117.44912 RITA I.llf iF. I iTTI( WRAY AzFATI4 NOT , Leahy Tin and lie*lßoofs can be readily nimbi ed with GLITTA PIRMA CRIERNT, v prerented from further corrosion andleiskifig, thereby -ensuring a per-. featly tight root for manylliars. • -This Amine's peculiarly adapted for the preserraUmi of IRON RAILINGS, MOVER, RANGRIS, RAM, AGRII CULTURAL Thi.PLEMUS, &a., also . for general maga fecturers use. GIITTA. P.ERCHA. CEMENT For preserving and'repaing Tin and other Metal Boob; of every description, tironi its great elasticity, is not Wired by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not crack In coldor run in warm weather. These materials are Ammo To ALL cuitetse. and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the coon; Try, at short notice, for GUM! PERCHA ROOFING in ro il s, ready prepared for use, and GOTTA MORA OZ -11:ENT4u-barrels, with frill Printed-directions for cation•— • AERATE. -- . . WANTED. We will make liberal and satisfactory urrangementS with responsible puttee Who would hits bi establish them!. selves in a lucrative and permanent business. We ma give abundant proof of all we *tabu in &Tor et, our Improved Rooting having applied ahem to several thousand Rooth in New York Ctiy and vicinity. JOHNS CROBLEY i M t;! l eil lr e ter MßSt Wilde 0101)/49NY, i its) Full descriptive Graders and Prices wiq pt, ; * aPiati,latiott" - - I rz;:t c lakiOND SA 7 'SION fF- 4 00 1 _REIBIT , ANIFYVERT pdt newsy initatuitiairr. .L 1 A illimaa2Oua a 11,, jr it ied .witrz.v.z.u:TV ate 1 a-:E:."41§1 itligittowns KITRLOTE. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. OUR TERMS ARE CASIL fUisteUamous DARLING'S LIVER R EG ULAT 0 R, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of the human system.— ey republic and Invigorate the liver arid kludeya, they give tone to the digestive* roue ; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalize the circu lation, and purify the blood. taus all bilious complaints —some of erhich are !cupid Liver, Sick Headman= pew* Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costivene a or ness—are entirely • ontroled and cured by these reme dies, DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Ramona the morbid and billions &media item the stom ach and bowels, regluides the, liver and kidneys, remov lo every otetroction,inatores a natural and healthy sc tion in the vital organs It tir a Imperlor FAMILY MEDICINE, Moab better tbnn pills, and mnoll easier to take. DARLINGS LIFE.. BITTERS „ Is a superior toile and dfuritar; excellent in Valtedg of lees or appetite, ilaUdeney, tamale waskneag, irregular} , WI, pain" Witte side and bowel!,bpPd, protruding and bleeding piles, and,genessi,deldllty. FAQ THE POIA . . OMINO TESTIMONY ; Jae. L. Itimmley, merchiuit, 184 Fulton street. NeW York - , write; August 18, 1880 : 4 q here been afflicted with annoinpnnied with bleeding, the:lest three years ; I used DARLDIG/ 3 LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE MITERS,' And now madder myself IINTIRIT OCIRED." Join A.Oroes writes, `•Brooklyn, March 10,1880 In thejspoing nt 1850 1 tdok a townie cold, widoh Indust ed , W4lolent fever.-' c took two doses of DARrilltra'S LIVER lIRGULAIVIL It broke up my cold and reser atOnce. Pievioas to this al/seS, 1 bad beim tiroubled With 'dyspepsia several moothii 1 have Mit nothing of it einoe. , ? Otte Studly, Iffie Raft ISM Street, N. T., writes •: ii.august,l2,•llloo , 4 had 11 difficulty with _Kidney. oom plaidt threaryeam with ocastaut, zwilq in the small Of my back. /13a&used. mostall kinds tiat.p* no Minim/WOW ebtll' Tinted • 1.01141, INVIGOLS.TOR, LIVE' 13.11116119. I paseedolotted blood by the urethra. lam now Ri ling), cured, and slate pleesereao recommending thee. rentedimi," • 2.. - , Ittreso; %%bow, 11 Christopher areal, K. Y., writes : wieb .20, 1860.-1 here been subject to attacks or Astb." MI U 111) iIIAtMOW yam.lave serer round stiythlut euttil to • Darhng e Liver Regulator , In affiwthug immedirMe MIME. It L a Moron& biser and bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, ''February 28, 1860. In gay bet I hada sorere stack of Piles, which oondn .ed mete the house. :I tooklnie bottle or DMtLINGI3 Uh)11=11Et8 , and araa entirety cared. lutve,bad no attack since." D.Westerielt, Foe., of South ktli near Sib Street, Wit. Laaiebnrg, witia :' , ..kettiat 6,lBBo.—Having been :troabkd with. a difficulty in the Lt*er, aid•snajeet,to bil low snacks, litres advieett-by tk Wand. to try . • - • DARLING% LIVER 11101:1.46.TOR, ; I did ia,•and tbired 11 , te'ciperate admirably, radiating the bile and aronsidg t&Uver toaollvitv. I have also used. It FAMILY MEDICINE When our children are out of aorta we give them a taw drops and it seta them aright.. 1 and It meets the mineral waniaottheattenaoh and bowels when dLeorder . e 4." . . ;11.1tima, If you need either or both of those m oat ex cellent HamadMe t inwure foi them at the Mores ; 1r you do not lied there, lake at, other, beilniitose One Dotter hi 4iletkee,and on receipt °Mite money, the-itemetr Or ErenedleeWtllibooeel locerdio :tolt ,PlorPrebb9 loB ,, Pell Pf#T-PreißSlY 0 01Pal,d , . DA.W,L11.1121. 102 Nassau street 6. New York. Put up In 50 cent $ 1 Botitd• "Oh -0C124-41601 I.III4VALRY W &TURES, • OLUOKS S • 'ANC Y '001)13 &O. ALFM F, A I 111 BMA* di DO: O. 62 MARIE 8` iteirisbarg e : zLVIPo.; oppoolte RAM. tiotiL Atotolos Attroommo,llo l oll,l4/11,11111 12 40441hR, 11 1, of 4. 1' Imams and added almito ilesartment...ar.Alig MAW MRY *WWI and , we ea e • , **it patronage, WoO3tiotAlookoimi , lowelry meaty and moat ly se= :pared tonamrNAAl3 flomOg dummied of my mak of Jewelry to ai IN Zim merman & 00., I cheerfully recommend them to my for mer; immomma, as ,prommall. oad experiopoed Womb! Ypk polfoltIto: WM oontitnioriod of Me lige been — lo ninereuely emended OS iridditrimi thelaw years, •: • yom29 11,1111, r. limiartaa. DENTISTRY. (1130. graduate of the adthnore.Oulls oiallookilturirMy, having. perms nowt twisted tee eity .of HarylePnrg,, end tauen the! °Pio formerly oomplest Hr, gs, on Thlitliti eat,t between Aorta iuut wathut, re§ our ItilVOks Mundt and the public in general, lie bif prepared to ioAll'opersitono in the - Dental profession, eltkor4 marginal or numnimieutl i , • In.* manner that shall not be surpassed by opfinttors In' this or any other city.. Hui made of Mambas artleolal teeth la upon the laws: m. proved solenililo principles. Teeth, from one to a Lull sot, mounted on line Gold, :li ver, Amin. plates or the Vakomito Dam. / take great pleasure in recommending the sour* gen: Um= to all my former patients of*:Darrbtburg and 11 4 OlintY, and feel confident that ne will perlbrot all opera llone In aolentlile manner, from my lame/ledge of his - lak32 -I Dl' GOMM, D. D. B. STAGE ME FOR GETTYSBURG . . iritigkt FARE ItEDUORHTO $1.25 THROUGH TO • - GRTTII2IBURG. rituß undeisiined *has established a Jl. regular LING OF AGd oaecass from Mechanics. burg, couneeting every other morning with the timber. land Valley Railroad oars. The , coaches leave every'. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every ether day. Yemenite for Sheppardatowe, Dillebtrg, Prearaburg and Gettysburg are Carried at reduced rates:: cell dtf WM. J. TATS. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE METAL SAFETY INSUROCE CONIPANY. OF PIDLAMELPOLL INQOBPOBATED 1835. UPTIAL AND &lOUS $904,907.61 -TgriNSUBANCE COMPA.I . 4 TY:,OF. NORTH A.MMIUCA: " 'Or kateatipme. ' L'''IN6OIIPOIIAI'ED 1194‘: OAPITAL AND ASSETS ..... THE undersigned, as Agent for . , -11- well known . Companies, will make hasuranou unaltuit los or domain by aro, either perpetually or an nually, on property hi either town or country. Marble andlnlemi Trinsportatlon Risks also taken. Apply panonally or by letter to ' ww.thui =wow, . iirornburg;ra. 00t4'61-dawl7 IaariCEORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD jut. CSC su tiers OR man zsNour IV 3UII PLIZORAIKELI. rifkop., Aug 4664418021141 SPILDIMI • PURPOSES ..... t , : , :• t 4_! : Inquire atthesubscai cm . tt, Ita lPte try le the - Uresitstriest Har " •', 6 ouzo t-,.:, —t: • --L. , • ert= SialWii-Ct."l ci 4. HO I:UTZ Mali 13,. * 1 '•c • r r3l ititbitai ELIXIR P ROP YILMM]n, MB NSW REMEDY FoR RHEUMATISM: A NEW REMEDY, FOR A CERTAIN REMEDY, ACUTE RH h UMATIBM, CHRONIC 1011 , .UMATISR, RHEUMATISM OR Errer KIND HOW STUBBORN, Na Karim HOW LONG ITANDLNO, PROPY L MINI WILL CONQUER WILL CURE IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. las EIEST TESTIMONY, BEST MIDICAL AUTHORITY PENNSYLVANIAIHOSPITAL [Pim Climes/a HaseriAL &rms.] lair 19, 1860,—Eller S., let. 53, single, never was very strong. Two years agoshe had an mask ofaoute Itieume- Us. m,froin .whichph,e was confined to her bed for two weeks and antieeqemay nom a rehttise Air four more. She has been well slat* then lest Sales day, .while engaged In bowie cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back , cold, hot had la/decided chill. Two days later her rankles gen no swell, which , was followtsi by swelling of the tote joints and of the hands. She has now doll pain in. heir shoulders. and her knuckles are very,tender, red and painful; both banns are ado hid, but the right then,le mew t so. This, lira case Of acute rbeumatietn, or, as It, is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. hie a well remarked typical ease _We will carefolly watch the Cabe, endfrom timeti to me ill your attentice to the Miri am symptoms which present themselues. My chief object bringhig'ber before ydu now, I s to call Attention to a neinalY which has recently been recommended An the treatment of rheumatism. 1 sut propyleattee. Dr . Aliimartal, Of St. Petersburg, recommends it In the highest term; keying derived great !tenant from its use in 260 cases whionrnme under his care. Various com mendatory; testbionlidareapeetlngig %ace appeared In our journals, and I propose therefore,. to eve it another trial. I must confess I. am itiriatnt uthrbddlisis he to the =tiller yew remedies, which are vaunted as opacities ; out thin 40/310/ 1.0 .us reoommended so, highly, that we al4rterthid to givb it Luba. • semzpase, YOUR DAYS LA'JER Mai 23, 181XL—I will now exhibit to you the patient for Whoml preeiribed Propytainfite; and wa tnen labor ing ,undegjan; attaek. of &tete rtiedtoattein, Me bat Uineadily takenin doses of three greets every two hours (intertnittlinp that night.) tinalay lifter you 'saw her i l=ber nth* room .00mfortittde, better than oho cx. to beTor a weitt, or smote, judging front her Other Once. (The patient now Walked toW the room.) .The improvement hateteadlly.progreseed, mid you Canso( hit to notice a marked oba th - ktie appearance or her Jolule 1100)111r0 now nearly ; 0.11.4341 t Agora' Ate. -- 'rhea far our experiment would nays grouted very sec ressfal ; but, getitlennitOre unlit Wait a little while be ton we c a n give a de:404_91)111101 . as loSrhat to to be the result.. "'' Bare Is another patient who was planed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last ; she has tong boon sabring from o Monks -rbeumitiam; and f MOM 'tier at that , thee with al" acute attack supervenin_ caeca bet ro chnic& effetkoril" Th e weal and icouoliles were much 'swollen and tedie. " She took the et/kedge Propyla mine in three grain dams every two hours, and you we perceive that the &ratting of the Joints tem much Motto- THREE DAYS LATER! MAT 28, 1840.—This;is :the case of acute rheum:dein treated with propylidnine; the first of those to which I called your attentwo at our hue ellakt onitis still veal comfortable, and is new Liking three trains thrieri* daily. In this ease Ii has seemed td be !billowed. briiry„ tat latamory results. Tito „second o.es to which your atten tion was called at our hiatleettire; him siso continued to 40 welt. I will bring before you a very .eharaoter lido ease of , acute rheumatiatn, nod if the' result be sat. fatititry, I thhilr, as good jurymen; we snail teddy render our verdict in favor. ef ,propyhdtun , He la a hiliiinan, 26, who was admitted a few days Ata aim tutiknoustlienartuannetyl tuns; but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago, The pains began Whin right knee, subsequently liaMeed the lett knee, and later, the Joints of the upper extremlUes. These pinta are all swolien k tense and tender. His tugue is furred ; hie "kik' aPpresent dry though Mere :has' Wan much etuatiug. Abfpulsptalkill and strong, and abut 90.- 1k du now used propyliwillnelbetWenty:four - hours. , This•radii:Wan IVwhati may be adledlt strkitly tyliktal case or, auntie rJtenntatlsm. There, was, exposure to cold and wet,' and Ibis **moire'by telllig of coldness, severe, suilesdar pain, beginning, as IL usually delta, lit the lower joints. 'there Is fever end the prohtee Sweating, tab generally atitendant on acute rherunattims. 1,41 d net bring, this outpost before yen with that n tea don of giving you a redure all the pante connected with: qiieumatism; 'bit to again give a trial to the new remedy;We are testing, and to exhibit to you this typicalcase, as have called it, than which there eo old nut be_falreir opportunity for, testing ' the ; lisistieht e in question. We 1111.4 therefore, avoiding 'the use of all other meakdaesieVen anolydes, tbera may be zio misgivings uto which was the efficient remedy . . Yoe shill needle ease hi a future clinic. ' • THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VEBDIOT. • Re a 9, 1880.—The next of our, convalescents la i the cue of 'some rbeututtem before you itt our clinio'ot hi 260, with* I theumalled typical ow; And . which it was remarked weep 'fair. opportunity fur, than* the' worth Of our new remedy,- , It:pis Outlets - 'Seedily given in three grain doses enfacy : twQ*llo for, four days.. The itatientlea got airing Very nicely, and Is now able to' ai*Jkabontout you.. sae. - Tikandt hesitate to ty: that have novel, eten as severe acute ,of upte rheumatism so loon riestoreeki health as this num' hasebben, andi without, Using preptmitto,decide 1 9 the yil - ! ue Of the remedy. wp have used, I feel bound to, state' that:in thh mum in Which ere 'have 'hied the:Chloride 4f. Propylandue, the p lu ients nava ,X egailied, their . health. 'much earlier tiutaltidino ihe treitmeat ordieirily 'pur sued: I wish gentleinen, yoti would yourahres try it, and report the results., For a full 'report of Which the above . ' tit a 7 etikeneed. intact, lee the 'Phltadelehht • Meditxst died' Seevteed Re porter. It; Ja.thd report after &fate ririerbk thn Warned leaks uthortly, to thle acnunry, se pelt° tt:unnelonesary, to glue nudtertt . tte: oertifloat4r from , adke!*etl doctori and rejoicing padents. ♦ F2EZDY.QURE, ArraTEcrue.l. ants. ' TRESAILE RESULT IN &VERY CANE, SVIIENNVIIII 'IItIND WHAT IT HAN DON WHNNIPINIt THUD 'r f 'IN= Do AGAIN _ . BR IIO 4 & CrepAhAW, niAL mg! ILlK!RlO o Ellost.medi• cal ara,,by wh o m PpglybTlike :hog' been i n t . tiodneed, h a v e 'sOld to na the exclusive right teireanitfao. tare it according to the original recipe, and we have midentringeniente:tiVenith megitlittife air to enable ud toikaiiir it tirkiiiiitu r itAitiongstittfer* himanity. *woßDiTo.nooroßa . , . 'lf y:inipiefette nap' tamp reMedyinanothtugorm we Wine your attention to thj) gnu Cairn4Cren pEtwi.7.Fpltorcumna, PPA! * * l 7 l 4 Aarii - L lQuuli P Thull P! clandi '; l9ii ° l24 " lATlD, PR*" ;OPP , F* o ? L iumcg,. 9F:rikicareFetherievwxunkon . . ers. sii•We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propylamine thanklacontainedin Pure.Cintallied :Chloride of Propy• T116:1;11138IS - ' • ' MORE WNVeNIENT . ; . l eit t YB REAII/Y F.O AND KAY DR TARIM; " P sr, AOIX)IiDING TO DIREDDIONS, ' - ; WllO MU RECIMILkililt OF Al Rls "7/4 Bold in Harrisburg by at' 75 ori3. ih4reaL Orders may be toidreesed to •• • .111.4?Iglgrraialtf • 4 4tafF 46 7 17 # 10 " 41 45 3 4 01 4 PV.k. 10 - 4 , ,• ;•'' ..11:-.11.11 LUG'. Muth az,gbeffnut street; Pnibidelphia. Or to either of the follersii- At...BEILI‘KOKAIcOR.IIIII3IIIW, L .l Fts lialtaiga, i ll 9 ll l • T)irq,,,lfr.4ll :r t aefißals . r GT uffripErn , - PtimoostrOlO, nolod tribk tiela,l34 INSTANT 111111 AV Throat Confections, DOM iti READ DOCTORS IXAIIINE, LIOOTuRS TRY IT. GOOD FOR CLE3GVII EN DOCTORS SNOW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, TRIAD AND TRUE. GOOD FOB LECTCP.Itic SPALDING'S TITIIoAT c, N FE, SPALDING'S THROAT cuNFEur,,,, SPALDING'S THROAT O,lNi. F) .11 They relieve a Cough in Eihntiy They clear the Throat Th e y ey e etreagth uud volume 1, 11, They Impart a delicious arome t They ars delightful to the 1a,.1* They are made of simple herb: I advise every one who has a Co-: t. ~r era Bad Breath, or any ;ink Way th T v pittage of my Throat Ooorocoom, titoy tt- natantly, awl you wilt Ond them v, . u, ant while traveling or ettnudmß punl... In your Cough or alloying y.tur ILI(.1 package I am see hi ssp,,g th..t v.. 0 4., wards conalder them incti,y,osible it th. Drutpisia and 11.2. airs in SI, fic liy signature Li on earl) partage. Late% A Package will he seat by mail, .re,a I, Pigsty Oasts Address, SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL RINDS OF HEADER By the ass of these Pins the p.r,lic Ex., 3. MU Or:Sick Headache may be rev.t.d the commencement of ai ,ot.- am, L lr , .. • - Pahl and sleknoo , urtt .robtatilea. They seldom tall In remoci wttlett females are so subject. They act tau tly upon the towel!, rer,,,v4 Tor Litsrary Mpo, Andente, 11011 , t , 2 persons of sedentary [moos, way • Lastative, Improving the Arrrrrra, LINI In the digestive organs, and rata' LL: 04, and strength to the w Hale +yltom. The CSPHALIC PILLN n . !w. r • ... • gallon and carefully cuadeet%: ..• in nee In many yearn, •, „ vented and relieved a vast ELMO:101C: ,0.: -- from Headache, whether uripulitln.. 111, tern or from a deranged elate 01 It, “71,10 i. They are entirely vegetable in r '- msy be taken at all 1011,i Witt I , ' 1341 4 11 g any change of diet and the at,/ , V , . 1 protabk taste renders it exit The grimace have ere Higunturca dear:: oo each box. Bold by druggists and ill w t 10,.r= 1E I:. Box will be sent by wail prepaid rezci,l t All orders should be sdkireased IQ MrA abatis bottle of SPALDINWS BPAIDING's PREPARED SPALDING'S PREPAR GLL frarcß .16111;tivr9 As accidents v4aFren, aer. •;....W.ri It V TerY dastr. to dive sow, Way:fer reps: g Furniture, Toy!, Cr ItPAIDING'S PRE Is all such emergencies, ►a. to be without it. It is alienim higlPotnt. N. B.—A Brash sccatapsales Address es oortain noprincipled pew' off oo the ansospectlog pabl, RABID GLUE, I woold cautou before purchasing, Rod see WA agra,ALDING'S PRO. is I tbsionisid arrepor; o sits. 311t4..,,, , "They go right to the Spot," !, - 111p PlitiFY Y 4311/ RkLATP N'Orß vik SP ALI)1 GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKEL-, GOOD FOR SIGs GOOD FOR CONsni GENTLES( F , C.kF,Ry LADII'..! SKr INFUGHTPC, CHILDRFS CRY F‘), PRICE TWENTY-FILE HENRY C. SPALDING. to. 48 (HOER STP.E.a, , CEPHALIC PILL CURE OtTRF MEM BEWARE OP COUNTE11101`; PRICE TWENIY.FICi CENI> HENRY C. bPALLOG, 4$ Urdu' SlYcet. 'C a IMq SRVO tea cost conta,ly BPALDINGT PREPARED 01 SAIN ITU P.. 01nPAT, ' LOONOIiY MEI ay .Ba FIZI "Dorm IN EVE t oil' Al 'I CRY ar ` l, ' 1 ' IMIZ OAO II are SID.III{IO4 ,tl3 m a 0 . r ... • MEI EMI ogi vit.dady•Ofebil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers