gia4 etttgrapij, lIANHISBUTIO, PA puesiay Afternoon, December 31, 1861. - DORICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER.—At the annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of masons, held in Philadelphia on the 27th Inst., Robert A. LaLlIbETtOl2, Esq., of this city, was appointed Deputy District Grand Master for the countits of Dauphin, Franklin, Cumberland, Adams, Juniata and Perry. ----**---- NAvmArios CLOSED The cold weather of Friday put an effectual ice embargo on the Foteru Division of the canal, which was doing brisk busiosss up till that day. It is believed [lest season will be a prosperous one on the ditci.," and boat building has accordingly been commenced. The main line, east of the mountains. especially along the Juniata, is to be put in thorough 3 epair during the winter. OUR CARarsas wlil be "around" bright and early to-morrow with their usual offering to the Patrons of the I"ISLEMIAPH." They flatter then ekes, it will be an acceptable present, and ne one good turn deserves another, they hope le meet with a substantial mark of appro bation from their numerous well wishers tittuu lout the city. As they only make one o f the tied in a twelve-month, they do not anthip anything else than a cordial grktiie: on the occasion. :%11001, VISITATION.—The following is an ex tract from the report of County School Su lintendent Ingram for the month of Decem brr Visited 3Feehoole in Lower Paxton, London derry, Conewago and Harrisburg—spending 624 Lours in these schools, making the average duration,of visits one hour and fifty minutes. Traveled 150 miles ; walked 67; in cars 78, and by other conveyance five. Twenty-five days were spent in official duty, of which tour were Pent in conducting County Institute. SANFORD'S OPERA—Benefit of the Friendship Fire Company.—The proceeds of the burnt cork' opera at Brant's Hall to-night are to be applied to the renetit of the Friendship Fire company, and of course, the house will be crowded to excess with the fashion and elit,l of the Capital city. The •rogramme for the occasion is brimfull of choice, songs, burlesques, and negro eccen tricities, terminating with the great holiday pantomime of the "Three Legged-Monster or the Fighting shoemaker and Tailor," in which the giganticfamily will appear as usual. A number of ew tricks have been added to the pantomime, hich gives it increased attractions. Every body for the Opera to-night. CURE You FROSTED EEET.-It is said that fro. ten feet can be speedily and certainly cured by being bathed and well rubbed by kerosene or oil for a few times at night before retiring to bed. Several persons have already tried it, 11 of whom unite in pronouncing it an effectu al cure, which, if they are correct, is an easy and cheap mode of getting rid of a very sore I nd troublesome affliction. Those who have rit d it say that the feet should be well warmed I a hot stove during and after application of he oil, and it will certainly effect a speedy cure. Persons suffering from the pain of frosted eet will db doubt ,do well in giving it a trial or it is surely every chewy ointment and which very easily applied. Pomo.— Before the Mayon—David Robinson and Jacob Christy—two "gemmen ob color" were brought up on a warrant charged with contempt of the police authority; in refusing to obey a summons to appear as witnesses in a criminal case. The party were confined in the lock-up, until they agreed to purge them selves of the contempt, by making the necessary apol ogies, after which they were discharged by pay ing the costs. Several soldiers were arraigned for drunken ness and disorderly conduct. and all dirharged except one, named Thomas Simmons, who was re committed to the lock-np. By the Consolidated Police—Albert Warner, Batty 'Souders and Mary Pall, were arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Commit ted Uy Justice Beader. MN. Sauter was arrested for assault and bat tery. Bound over by Justice Beader to answer. John 'Winters was arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Discharged on paying the costs DEATH ON rus Cass. --As the passenger train of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which left this city last Saturday morning, reached the vicini ty of Spruce creek, a passenger was discovered to be dead. He got on the cars, on Friday af ernoon, at Jersey city, and took a berth in the er.rping car. When the porter came to make Ilir)is bed in the evening about eight o'clock, he ive lying on the seat and complained of ill neSSl 'marking that he believed he was threat ened wit, the ague. He went to bed, and n othing mre was noticed of him until Saturday morning, wren, as stated, he was found a corpse. His Lidy was placed in a box., trans ferred to the batgage car, and taken to Pitts burg. Coroner hillung was notified, and im mediately upon the n‘,rivnof the traiM held an inquest on the body, wk4eh\Taa indentified by Conductor W. Watt as Mag ofGeorge Arnold, residing at Latr be. Letterbfciuml in thepock . eta of the dece eil also indicaud his identity. Re was, we untleritand, traveline agent for a New York firm, with a branch in 'lincinuati, and frequently trareled over the Penutylvania Railroad. He wagon his way to Latrobt. and hie Wife was anticipating his arrival, as was es. ~. itained by a teleiraphic dispatch received by ' l perintendent Carnegie, in answer to one sent ''m. His identty was not ascertained un ter the train lad passed Latrobe, else it d have been ' ' -- ,t place. It was, `rver, neatly tdertaker Devore, a" f o rwarded In train Wit. kfx• was atm rears of age, and a man of fine apt to Coroner's jury rendered a verdi tth resulted from cauaes to them ka, should Yew la [mother colturi. Gam° Music /W.L.—The Exchange, Wal nut street, is henceforth to be known in amuse ment circles as the "Grotto Music Hall," and will be duly dedicated this evening to the tu tular divinity of song and all that's funny by Messrs. Almy and Fountain, two enterprising managers, hailing from New York. The troupe employed by these gentlemen comprises a num ber of professional "Stars," who will no doubt shine brilliantly in this latitude. The pro gramme for the grand opening to-night prom ises a rich fund of entertainment, and will no doubt attract a large audience. Nrar,ar's BRIGADH.-A correspondent of the New York Tribune, in speaking of the recent ad vance of Gen. Buell's army to Green river, says: Our men behaved finely, and, although fatigued by a long march, General Negley's brigade came up at the double quick, all eager for the fight, condemning in as strong terms as soldiers are permitted to indulge in, the orders from Louisville prohibiting the command from cross ing and bringing on a general engagement. It was the general opinion that if they had not been trammelled by orders given at a distance of seventy-four miles from the scene of action, they could have captured Hindman's whole force, or, at least, have captured his battery. THE New YE/La.—As this is the last time the "local" will address his readers during the pre sent year, he most heartily wishes them all the compliments of the season. As travelers who have reached a mountain top pause and look over the valley through which they have tra veled, so stand we, on the verge of this old year, looking back over its various lights and shadows. Onward we have hastened, through sunshine and storm; sometimes with hope beam ing radiantly in our hearts, sometimes burden ed with disappointment, but the web and woof ever running with an irresistable im pulse. How many flowers have faded from life's green paths ; how many weary ones have sunk to rest since the year was ushered in ! Lips then eloquent with tones of friendship, are mute and motion less ; eyes that danced with joy are closed forever! What changes, even in one short year ! The new volume lies before us ; its leaves ate yet pure, and how shall we fill its pages—with high aqd noble devil', with manly acts, or with deeds of shame and darkness ? Have we fulfilled life's great design in the year just flown ? How many crushed hearts have we healed? How many streaming eyes dried ? How many of the guilty redeemed ? How many misspent hours, how many neglected op portunities? The days of the new born year will glide as noiselessly away as did thaw of the past year. But let us employ them for life's noble purposes, that when we stand upon its farthest verge, we can look back with an unre gretful glance and bear its harvest with a clear conscience to the judgment of that unseen land —the eternity of God. The Lamas Luz Nramr.—The Lecture of Prof. M'Coy, at the Fourth Street Bethel, last night. was attended by a highly intelligent and appreciative audience. A very interesting fea ture of the meeting was the introduction of a movement which promises to become part of the history not only of Temperance but of the War. Professor M'Coy read the following "National Patriotic Temperance Pledge," which he drew up at the tomb of Washington, on the 21st of May, when he made his way through the rebel pickets to ascertain if the report was true that they had stolen away the remains of Washing ton. It will be seen that this form of pledge asserts temperance as a war measure.— It also asserts the intimate connection between personal and political self-government. Prof. M'Coy said that the first persons he submitted it to, after returning from Mount Vernon, were the President of the United States, the Vice President, and the Chairman of the Military Committee of the United States Senate. All of them approved of the positions taken in the paper, commended the movement, and had or would sign it themselves. It Seemed to meet with very general approval on the part of the audience last night. A number of our citizens, both ladies and gentlemen, immediately signed it ; and it was signed also by a number of re cruits who were on their way to reinforce the Round-head regiment at Port Royal. While the Rev. Mr. Glen is about to introduce it at Camp Curtin, these recruits who start to-mor row, will take it to be circulated among the soldiers now in South Carolina. We should be glad to hear that Advance Lodge of Good Templars, under whose auspices the lecture was delivered, would afford an opportunity for sign ing it to every citizen and soldier in Harrisburg; for we feel certain that all who signed any tem perance pledge would sign this, and many would sign this, who never signed a pledge be fore NATIONAL PA.TRIOSIO TAKIIIBANON We, the undersigned, citizens and soldiers of the United States of America, hereby express our belief : 1. That a general abstinenge by our people from altintoxicating liquors, would contribute largely to the suppression of the rebellion and the war against the National Constitution. 2. That it would promote the health, the morals, the discipline, and every soldierly quail. ty of the men in the field, and add to the means of those who remain at home, M furnish food, clothing, arms, and every other necessary sup ply. 8. That while the strength of a republican form of Government, even in times of peace, is the aggregate self-government of all its citizens; much more are they called upon to practice self denials, while its " internal and external ene mies" are waging war against it, and when, not only its honor but its existence depends upon asserting the superior moral and physical power of loyal citizens over conspirators, rebels and traitors. Acting upon these views and feelings, we the 11 ,. 11 chrsigued, hereby pledge ourselves to abstain nem Intoxicating livuors, except when pre scribed by a physician ; and we respectfully re co.tainund. e same form of agreement to all w ati li ' d ) . le i lo Y to the Republic of Washington, the an o iltrike * laws. ds with us, for the Union, stat lition, \nd the enforcement of the A Cmta Wotan put a white hides new hol e in the top of the we a hole gum camphor, and Beal with axethe and cut cord wr untll the twits Qf UP • elves the \ ho to Pones to be taken daily before vmuuma; 's advertisemea fleuttoptheatia natty telegraph, utsitap lfternoim. Iltlecentber 31, 1861 BUSINESS NOTICES FIVE DOLLARS REWARD is offered for the re covery of a lost pistol. See advertisement. CARPENTERS WANTED.—See advertisement in another column. FOR SALE CHEAP.— A. two story frame house See advertisement. FRIER Gatocaars:s by Nichols a Bowman, cor ner of Front and Market streets. Give them a call. Amass/dem To NIGHT —Sanford's (4)era Troupe.—The Three Legged Monster. Benefit of the Friendship Fire Company. Grotto Music Hall, Exchange Building, Walnut street.—Grand Opening Night.—Singing, Dan cing, Comedy and Farce, Acrobatic Feats, &c. A. B. C. A stands for Articles, fancy and rare ; B is for Buyers with money to spare; C's for Confections to cure you of cold. D for the Dealer who is after your gold. E stands for Extracts of elegant kinds. F for "Fort Pickens"—at Keller's you'll find. G stands for Gentlemen ; step in and try Havana cigars, the best you can buy. I stands for Indigo, Inkstands and Ink, And J stands for something of which we can't think. K stands for Keller, attentive to all, Ladies you'll find him whenever you call. If stands for Medicines all should procure. N stands for "Ntz cum arous" to be. sure.' 0 stands for Open your purses and trade, And P stands for Paper, Pipes, Pills and Po- mades. Q stands for Quarters we're ready to take, While R stands for Rattles for babies to shake. S stands for Satchels for ladies to use, And T for Tobacco which gentlemen choose. U is for Unguents, disorders to cure, And V stands for Vases of marble so pure. W stands for Wafers and Wax, And X for Xcuse, if your patience we tax. Y stands for Yourself, if you call without fail. Our Zeal we will use to effect a good sale. &c. The place Is at No. 91, Market Street. Slur. TEE CLESAPEET.—Having determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest, I now announce to the Ladies of Harrisburg and vicinity chat I intend selling the best make of Calicos at 12fc. per yard, and all other Calicos and Muslins pro portionally cheap. I also intend closing out my Furs and other winter goods at and below cost prices. Ladies in want of good Shawls should not neglect this opportunity. Do not forget the place, A. Enurram's new Store, cor ner of Second and Walnut streets. 6 WE ARE PASSING AWAY.—The wick in the lamp of time for 1881 is almost burned out, and instead of peace•and prosperity, rebellion rules the day. A little while, and a true man steer ing the ship of State will silence the rebellion and arrive safe at the not distant harbor, and then will arise from twenty millions of glad hearts the exultant shout safe ! safe ! at last, and if they do not purchase dry goods at Urich & Bowman's, corner Front and Market streets, it is not our fault. WAR Paross.—The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt, collars, scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also ladies' callers, cuff setts, under-garments, &c., &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them for durability, 'ma terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness and cheap ness, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manufactory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next to Hummel & grocery store. Fuss ! Fuss ! Fuss !—We have r.lceived a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from $2,50 up to $l2, a large assortment of Cloaks $2,50 up to $B. • 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 50c, 75c, $lOO, $1.75. 50 dos. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 50 dos. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 170. 40 po. 6f white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 25 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines,: black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 12,}c„ Satchels Sontags, Alapaces,•Paramattes, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. LEWY'I3. delft A CARD TO THE LADLES OR. OUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FuR FEMALES "Read the fo lo • tog certificate" from oue of the firs t ladles in thins, N. Y., who called upsu my agents in that city (Br, Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told thin that of course, did not wlat• her name made public, but if any one should doubt the won ierful efOolenoy of Ds. Duos co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her as she conaleered it a duty, as well as a pie &sure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young l ady 17 years old. :he was fast go ing into cons iimpikn—had taken cold—nature brooms obstructed Two boxes of these Golden fills entire ly cured her, and sue Is now in bust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box. Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by O. A BANNNART, N. 2, Jones Row, • nd C. K. HILLI3R, 91 Market street, Barris. burg, Pa. By sending either of them $1 00 thrOught be Harrisburg Poet:OM= the. Pilis will be sent cOnlidenually by mall to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. u.—Look out tor counterteit... Boy no .semen Pits of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. LI others is a base =position and toulaje; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be log humbugged one of your money ) , buy only of Mesa who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every boa. which has recently Dean added no keenest of the ems **lug counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every ligen L they are safe, and will perform all clainied for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kea'. man, Mechanicsburg ; M. Marks, lawistouln ; 8. MilloaL •Jarltee ; 8. G. Wild, Sidppens, burg; Spangler, Chambersburg; B. T. +lller, Non. ;: J. A. Wolf, W. igbtevdte ; B. S. Stevens, He 'thug ; and it. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one cruggist" la every town and viiiige In the United Blatt% and by S. D. HOWE, SoIR Proprietor, New York e3.4m HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE!! Wm. A. Batchelor's flair Dye The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known I All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape rl bottle. GREY. RED OR RIISrY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Glens, without the least Injury to Hair or Side. FIFfiIEN IittDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been away ded to Wu. A. BATORCLOR Mule 18. 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of hie famous Dye. Wit. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distlogulahed from nature and is wawa:wren not to injure In the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Labels of bad Dyes remedied, The hair Is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is prop- erly applied at No. la deed Street New York. Sold is all the cites and towns of the Unite* States, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers The Genuine has the name William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the bur sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay Bt., Late 298 Broadway, New York octsl4awly RUBBER GOODS Rubber Bane, Rubber Watches • Rubbex Battles' Rubber,Toys iweicauerscw BOOKSTORE. Nom 2thtrfisenteuts BOOKS FOR CHILDREN! new and large assortment of BOOKS suit- A ablee for Children, has just been opened at BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. Among the assort ment will be found an endies variety of TOT BOOKS! Indestructible Pleasure Boas with Colored Pioturea. A full assortment of these popular (:hildren's Books printed on fine linen, consisting of Stories from the Scriptures—Ruth, Stories from the Scriptures—David, Stories from the Scriptures—Samson, Childs Pictorial Reader, House that Jack Built, Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, Old Woman and Fig, Farmer Boy's Alphabet, or "Speed the Plough," Old Mother Hubbard, Little Man and Maid, Little Bopeep, Jenny Wren, &0., &o. In addition to the above I have a large as sortment of bound JUVENILE BOOKS. BIBLES, PRAYER BOONS &c. BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 60 emits, BIBLES lor 76 cents, BIBLES for $l, BIBLE•t for $1 25, BIBLES for $1 60, BIBLES lor $2, BIBLE' tor $B, BIBLES for $4, BIBLES for $6, BIBLES for $6. • BIBLES for $7, • BIBLES for $B, BIBLES for $lO, BIBLES for $l6, BIBLE , for $25. PRAYER BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All the latest Books published are daily re ceived and sold at the lowest publishers rates Examine the stock. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! FINE VARIETY of t•eleoted Goods suitable for Preeents nJ.V open at KELLER'S 91 Market Street. ERA-CUT?.s. and PA.RIAN MARBLE VASES TOILET and COLOGNE BOTTLES. MARBLE MATCH STANDS. MARBLE SEGAB STANDS. HASSLE ASH-HOLDERS. Dreseing Cases, shaving Cases, Toilet Cases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Mirrors. Beautiful Powder Puff Boxes. Handsome Shell Bass. All sizes, beet Leather Traveling Satchels, Satchels with Cabe Furniture, A fine assortment of Ladies and Gents Purses and Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant Confectionary. Also, with other articles not mentioned, Pt,cket Knives,Thermometers, Canes, Portfolios, Card Cases, Segar Caeca, Segura, Plpes t Gum Tobacco, Pouches, (double and single,) And the largest and best stock of - PEFIIMERY and TOILET ARTICLES in this market. delft KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES OSPICS Op COMMISSARY or Stratuarssos, Hairisburg, Pa., Dec. 26, 1861. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, M., the 2d day of January, 1862, for furnishing for the use of the United States army, at such times and in such quanti ties as may be required during the month of January; the following Subsistence Storrs, viz : 300 barrels Mess Pork. 500 " Extra Superfine Flour. 260 bushels first quality new white Beans, in good dry barrels. 10,000 pounds prime Rice, in good Sour bar rels. 10,000 pounds prime Rio Coffee, in barrels. 20,000 " light yellow Sugar, in barrels. 600 gallons Vinegar. 500 " good Molasses or Syrup in bar rels. 4,000 pounds good hard Soap, full weight. Samples in boxes distinctly marked, to ac company Proposals for all articles except meat. All of the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for trans portation. Bids will include packages and delivery at the Commissary's Stores at this place. The meat will be inspected and passed upon by parties from this Wise, on the part of the United States. All the Stores will be carefully inspected, and compared with the retained samples. Return of weights signed by a public weigher must be furnished whenever required. Each bid must have a printed copy of the tuiveitiaement pasted at its head, and must be specific in complying with all the terms. Payments to be made in such funds as may be on hand. If none on hand, to be made as soon as received. Proposals to be endorsed " Proposals for Sub sistence Stores," and uirected to CAPTAIN H. JON ES BROOKE, C. S. Vol. Ser. U. S. A. dec26-dtd Harrisburg, Pa. BLEACHED. MUSLIN'S (ac old prices.) IaILANKETS, SHEETINGS, AI Flannels, Ticking, Driliings, Gingbarns, Calicoes, Tuwiiogs, Ail kinds of abaketie Goods, A splendid Line of Shawls. All kinds of Men and Boys wear, In great variety to be found at onnosiivs, nov4 square. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, wouLD retipeoutiny intorm- his 010 patrons and the public generally, Max he all •ontinue to give instructions 0/3 the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGL BASS. He will WM pleasure waft upon pupils at their comes at any boor desired, or lessons will be given 11 his residence, is Third Street, a few doors below Oa German Refonned Church. dee.l6-6 FIIRS FURS 1, I FURS 1 Fable Fars, Liberian Squirrel Fars, French Sable Furs, Silver Marton Fars,Water ink Furs. COS, CUM AND NOM, TAROS ASSORTNitter. Great - bargains in these Goods. Every article warran ted to be era Aly as represented, at CATHCART at BROTHER, • nold • Neu to the Harrisburg dant. DIAIUES FOR 1862.. and 'beet selected assortment of ever imported into this city can be found at BERGISER'S cheap Bookstore • GOLD ATINSI., ROW) PENS I frilattgAkilekriltstrie of -J., BERGNER'S CHEAP avvapowram.. WALL bite Wessarap. Holiday Presents! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS, has just beerrbopened at BERG NEE'S CHEAP BOOK STORK Among the re cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAU CY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Albums bound to snit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, • WITH TURKEY ANTIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD, WITH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, . To Hold Twenty Cards, To Hold Thirty Cards, To cold Forty Cards, To Hold Fit tv Cards, To Hold Sixty Cards, To Hold Eighty Cards, To Hold One Hundred Cards, ' To Hold Two Hundred Cards, Frord SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS To TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. GIFTS FOR THE HOLLIDAY& THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF RARE CONFECTIONS. OF THE FINEST QUALITY NOW BEADY _FOR THE PUBLIC, CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly in boxes, from one to five pounds. FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGE7LIER WITH A BRILLIANT IMPORTATION OF RICH FANCY BOXES. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210, Market street, del dlm Philadelphia. GEO. BERGNER TO THE YOUNG MEN OF PENN'A. HA VING been authorized to recruit a Regiment for tile Volunteer service of Pen nsy' va efia we have c inoludott to malta ft a regiment of "there -hooters"—rdletnen—reermt d from the State at large. We want TEN goo" able bodied yeuog men tram each county so as to have every puller of the state fully and equally reprerente•l. Those desirous of servlug their country, of lighting u oiler and ior our good old matt, have nate a spleod.d minor Malty offers them We intend to mike this a "CRACK Kb:GT.III3NT ;" if possible the 004 In the service of our nob ie Commonwealth- Go al suhatantial uniform will be iurnistied us wan as the men reach 0 tmo and a - e morn Into tee s •relce. Toe Regiment will be or med with Mime or Fignsi,D PIPLES wit &BNB ?ATM./ITS. Those desiring to enlist. as positively only TEN will be taken from eaen manly in the State, had bett.n. retort Immo ately. any time atter the '2oth of December to W. W. Brown, Harrisburg, Pa, any or all canom eat cation 4 from distant counties will be answered speedily nd confideu W. W. BR. uWN , Capt , fin. 5.--All papers favorsbio to the name will please COPY- del3 d4w PORT FOLIOS WRITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PIIRSNS, PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE "THE PIN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD." %ILE LARGEST STOCK, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STYLES AND PATTERNS Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE HYMNBOOKS! HYMNBOOKS! New School Presbyterian Hymn Books OM School Presbyterian Hymn Books. Lutheran Hymn Books. Methodist Hymn Books• German Reformed Hymn Books. In various styles of. Binding can be had at 'BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE iioun &is. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS from 63 o. upwards. Beautiful Linen setts, sleeves Olill ur 21ls. upwards, Cambria belts all pricini.. Cumbria Collars from 160. to Si, ch . ,' • Fins linen Collars 120. WOOI NO.bitiO, Scarfs, Sonless, Sleeves, Leggings, Nuts, Gloves, Wool, Cotton and Merino 110.4 for Ladies' a d children all prices. Worked kluodeeroelefe, Woul alto. iug Cap. for children, Cologne's, .E.xtraot's, Ox M.rrow Pomade, Yarn; kluclieicin Gamitie.ts, Sack Pannell, Calicos, Gioghain, MU,liai , acs., Sto PEARSON'S,..Cheap Htorii, NO. 12, siarset square, one door above relix's Confectionarj, Harrisburg, Pa. dt.l.B.diws ' • • ' • ANOTHER NEW STOCK ! Portable Wrltiog Desks, Backgammon Boards, "'mauling tags, ' Parses Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of FANC,Y ARTICLES, Call at BY.RGNER'S CHEAP IX)OKSTORE A FINE LOT OF - 6U ERIOR 53E3131-49.11L1Eil MADE of Good Tobacco, and, from one 10 two years Wit, of my own manufacture. d floe .lot at choice Chewing aud ihnokingl.ooaceo, t ipae r .3uelr and a large variety of other artinie6 constantly on Ix an tor sale whoidiale and retail. Thankful for former pat ronage, I bope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of the vide. A line Smoiciog Room attached, where customers may lay back and test my Begtrs Imo Tooacco. Don't forget the window the Sum in it; that is,tbo place to buy your Touacm ana :re,ars. North Market Square, above market street; Harisourq. Mak 4, 1881.-413 m MM. WYKOFF. CHRISTMAS BOOKS!! Alarge collection of BOOKS suitable for CHRISTMAS FEZ-SE' NTS has just been re ceived at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. 1,000,000 Wily - ELOpts! gN immense stock of ENVELOPES of every else is now opening at BERONER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. VOTIOSS.--Quite a variety of useful .1.1 and antertalin4g aocles--cheap--at • "z° SHE -ISR'S BOOKSTORE. Sol..Dl.&it'6 CAMP COMPANION. -. A ' very colifanteat Writt'ng Dag' also, Portfolios, memorandum Hoorah; Tarim:stomas, ft., e t• s2O CHEFFSh'S BOOKiTORE uitibb 104 1 1862.—A. graft; variety D idalleidieg low pilaw, at trkso • SNIFFER'S Boomarroas 116/:—'l l lfreti AMP. b um , : -11t1 wed BMX 101 l received by wc INA DOCK IL & 00i alisultancous JUST OPENED! nigul!means LATEST NEWS. NB M OLS & BOWMAN having just ilre turned from the with an extensive and we selected stud of goods purchAsed fur casn, respite fully invite the fluters of HarrPiburg and vicinity to call and examioe their New Goods at the old stand formerly oc cupied by V. Hummel, corner Front and Make% streets, Harrisburg, Pa, Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL ; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds; SALT, Coarse and fine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the mu APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, bestof Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing QUERICSWARE ! QUEENSWARE 1 kateosive assortment of all styles, and patterns and prmes. Call and examtae our Stock of Goods at the Whlasale and Rettii Grocery, Fruit and Prnvision Store, corner Front and Market atreat, Ilarriaborg, Pa. Country Produc. taken ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A largo and Crest) ae , ortment of (90 1• eudable for pre,enta, among walna will be food d A splendid stock of Furs, (all kinds lost made, ) A large hoe of Embrnldered tloilar. Sleeves, ma., A great varl ty 01 Shawl,,, (at low prices.) A lot 4 New Sil•s—D•os Goods, &1., dm., Every kind of Ladles, Geute, and Misses Gaud' ic'ts and Gloves. Ladies and Gents II •IcL3 —largeock Gents °rave's beet Ties, Collars, &0.,. Luoies. Gents and iti,set Sid Gloves, Nnble4, Caps.legglns, Armlets, &e. A LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK oe MOURNING GOODS. Bargatme .111 Goods of all Kinds can be bad at CaTHO ‘RT'S No. 14 Stark , t Square, Next dew. to the Barretburg Bank. dell COAL! COAL ! $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. 0. D. FORSTER, FFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot of Nerth street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer In TREVORTON, WILITSBA RUB, LYICENS VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD TOP COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtsioing a 6ret-rate article, and felt Weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly nattered to. A IMeral dm mut made to per • chasers paying for the ooel when . urderad. Present price, $3 and $2 2b per toe. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d8in NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 IKARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Postoftce.) uudersigued have just opened a .j_ now and large assortmant of tae Mast styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds cf Genie Wear. cut to the latest atylef and fasb • lone. We have always on band a large stock or Ready made clothing and Genikinsan's Feralshing GJOIB. ne9•aBm H. BdELLERBEIAG6R & BRO . SOLDIERS' NICK NACK'S, F OR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG L...a. FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or R4sor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Bolster Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather do Plating. Flasks, Leather Drinking Oups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Path:r, andEnvelepes. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to iget an outfit in small waresl; at as 91, biarset street. .q- See "Fort Pickmas" in the window , FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON, 200 dl 520 YDS. WHILE, BLACK ce COLOR SO. LllllB thread being made particularly for eewiog Machines, la vEctY STRONG, SMOOrd AND ELASTIC. Its is not impaired by weaning, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, nee Brooke Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, • Sold by respectable oealern throughout the °emery.— Also, mamas or 100 Dena SAC; Assault° sue ,by WM. idE sitt Y Slit rd, s tie gent. no9.di3m 80 Vesey Amy New York. COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTO. T H t SE Weight Carts are certified by the Sealer of Weights told Measures. Consumer* Gan weigh their coal at their earn doors. It is of grout im part/me, during these hard Limas ior every , one w Know 014 they GOT Twilit MU HONOR VIAIGHT. a large supply of Old always to be found on hand, viz : LYKENS VALLEY all sizes. BALT& CU'd WILKeB&K kg, all sizes. LOKBERIta 4_041., (the Fen nue aruole,) Sold by the car load or su gle con all coal of the best qua ity, +elivered iree lrom all im paritl• a AT Palthla TO *MT Toe Ttres, by toe Othtt or Car load, single, bah or third Of tons au Oy tae bushel. JA11146 sl. d I RICSLEIL payylaborg, Nov. 6,16.61.... y Harrisburg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STIIEET BELOW CHESTNUT. VENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing neatly and expedidossly done. Per smt at a dintalaCe can nave tnelr work done by &diked si.g a lever to the undaraigned. Tian:nth for past pat ronage tie hopes, by arm 'Menden w betiness, to merit a coutineahee of the name gtjramisfaohon guaranteed both as to prices and work.-lip oct9•d6m MINCE PIES, RAILUNS, CITRON, UKIUNIS, Snob, &c., Suitable for Mine.) Pies for s. le low by be 6 ut)CIK, JR.. & 00 1_1,31R, TOtYfli, Na IL, CLOTH, HAT, LATHER And INFANT BR SW -, in great variety AALLEkt'S DRUG AND r ANLY ATuRA. WBOLE6ALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confoctionary t Foreign and ',I A oaten, kisses, rtaioas and Nate of an Cada.— Fresh and ' , al tet-h, Soap, Glades, Vinegar, - SpICES, Tn. balm% degara and t,..LauLtry Pr4xtuce general, Marini% 'tweet, nest dour tu Parke Howie, also Third and Walnut aimed. ect2S-dbm JOHN MEM NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR 4500 LBS . FAMILY B u OK WEDCAT FLOUR (titre) nib and 'Oegs. The quality is very superior, baying been so selected expressly for oar retail trade. For sale low by null WU. DOCK, Jr.. & Co. PORT FOLIOS—WRI DESKS. AN entire new assortment of these useful ar tides just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, HAY 1 BAY 1 I—Superior baled Hay Al. for sale by ue.24 G ro th,D, Ii.EN6 I—The largest and beet rromaLoe lko $4 CO—warranted-4f. 811 'S aJoirato R Tr..foihita's DRUG STORIS is the.: . 40 glad sayikaliglwthe way rerhumay4,ll. nob tt A. R. SHARP JAMES M. WHEELER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers