THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED r:VEIII DAY, GEOI-3,CIE BERGNER. - - TFI \T' ^ cl.rtx Smii , cc o riclg. The pill I 101.1.,14 tYli f•erc,,,,l pi soimeriper, i u the por wee{ Yearly subscriber,: 411 be flit) at lodged d 00 WcsaiN 3:01, iN3IIWINKLY Tstitogartt. Tee 'bocci:Are i!=e published twice a week during the ol the Legislature, aid weekly diltiog the remainder of the year, and furnished to OW...miters al 1110 loilociaz paez, viz: subecrbers per year Semi-Week ly., nto Ten „ 12 00 Tv , ray"' 4, ..'22 00 stilx,:cribe, Weekly.. ...... • • • • ... 1 00 rile LAW OF NICWSPAPERS• it snweriliers ardor the discontiteninee of their clews. the publisher may continne to send them until ill :arrangs are paid II ,ul).eribers negle , t or fetil.,e to take their newapa. t o ffice in which they are directed, they are,le Unal they have settled lie bills and erdeied ,en! di-routleued. yfti'uat D j . ,1 SON 3.•f3k. Ler I MAL' C.? 1-1.3E1 LOCK ROSPITAL, I A. tliscovorci.l 61t) most egartaiti, 'wood . ) ;L:ld Akehhtt reuu xt y iu the wonl.: for tiISKASF,S 01" f PRIIIJENCP; ago.) , IX MI T' MILTS t.ovhs. Vv hirreuiry or INioNtouts Drugs. W A UNANUI., O N N NO UNIINGIN., IN NNW* UN/ r- AYm..lOll n 11e01., PP of the Eat,* Or Limbo, Stridtiirm, Patna IL t!ksioile of the libber wnd Bladder, Urganu r m in is Lietay of the Physic. Pow. „. „„,,rocio, I olleuor. Low Spirits, Confteliou of dear, ut the flort, Iron:tidings, Diinoose i , r ihdduiess, Disease of the Stomach, Affectiom y i'hro t, N;.eu or Skin—thoie terrible diem.. r Irmo the indiscretion or Solitary Habito 01 , „,,.I 41relkilfel dectructlye prautisee which illMouai debility, render marriage itsmuy with body and 111111 d. YOUNG MEN. men vibecially who hays. become the victims 07 Vi; e, that &hull:al and destructive habit which .rd,,.d. 'mops M on untimely grave thousands of awn of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intel -ohc might otherwise have entranced listening the thunders el eloquence, or waked to or, o„. lyre, may call with full coubdonne. VIAKRIAGE Married porous, or these eontemphiting rarirringe, be ,ware nr physical weakness, should Immediately mu Rot ti, .1. and ho restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WI ABNEI3 humediately cured and fall mgor reamed, lie woo places himself under the care nt Ur. J., mat religiously contide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon tidal* roly 1111 , 01.1 his Ail) us a physician. .Ikia• Olitue Nu. 7 South Frederick Arent, Baltimore, do., on tile left lewd Aldo going from Baltimore .tre.t, 7 lours trout the Corner. Re particular to observing the union or number, ot you will mistake the place. Be per. druhic lm• Ignorant, Vining quackt, with false names, Paltry lionarttg Certificates, attrautiod hy the rooks non of lir, Johnson, 1 uric near All Lotorn must connate a Postage Stamp, 'owe on the epty, JOHNSTON Dr. J.llOlOll member of the Royal College of Surgeons, ondan, gratlnatefroin one et the mint eminent Collage! •f the tinned stew!, and the greatest part of whose: I* 011/1 b(1011 spent in the - 110Spitalis 1.010011, Paris, !otot elsewhere, has effected same or the moat oz.. touishing eures that were ever known. Many troehied with ringing to the earl and head when asleep, great ner• v ensmaa, being alarmed At ithlti(Wl sound s, liashruinees, with frequent Cinching, attended sometimes with derange wont or mind were oared immediately, TASK N(YPICK. dresses all those who haviug Injured them. salvo by r,vete and improper indnigencies, that sorrel and solitary obit Which ruins both body and mind, en• fitting them for either businessor society. The.. are come of the sad and m . leineholy all ets pre ducen by early habits of youth, viz Weakness or the Beek and Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Neficular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye. neves, NOTVIIIIS Irritability Derangement °Mho Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symplonts ni '. l tneitmp• Pon, kn. I= gatiTALLY, the fearful effects on the mind are much to ne itrouted :—Loss of &ternary, Cooinglan of Idea; De pression of Beitit. 'gra Forebodings, Aversion toaocie• ty, Actr.instriisi,l.o9o et *Muds, Tonidity,Ale,, are same et the evil effects. Thnosende ut person Cl all itgila, 01611 DOW judge what Is the outlet, ill their dentine in health, Inning their vigor, becoming smug, Palo, nervous and etnacistad, have a singular appearance about the eyes, (tough, and symp. ihn of consumption, YOUNG MEN who have Injured themselves by a o , rtain practice, ID delved In when alone—a habit frequently learned [rote evil zommuions, or at school, the affects el which are sightly felt, oven when asleep, and if not cored, renders marriage iinposalble, and destroys both mind and body. 'tumid apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopen of his roan try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched Iron all prospects and anal meets of life by the consequnnces of deviating from the pallb of nature, and indulging In certain secret habit, Su ,h lierAona most, before content plating MEM effect that a sound mind and hotly are the roost neceasesy requisites to promote onntiubial happiness. Indeed without them), Lilo journey through life hecomen a weary pilgrimagir, the prospeot hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with dospair, and filled with th melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. conies blighted with our owe Plt .14)HNSONN INVTGOKATiNG REARDY FOR OR; I=l ity this great and important remedy, Weakness or the (Irons are speedily cored, and full vigor restored. Visinsuuds al the most nervous and debilitated who had lust all hope, have been immediately relieved. AU Inv.:dims= to Marriage, Physical or Mental lHsquallG• Nervotts, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or moat lbariel hied. spesdilv mired. to evRANGERB Via trimly thousands cured et this lostintion wlthlu the ls-t Leelce yours, sua the numerous important Burgles op...ratites porlormed by Dr., J., witnessed by the re porters el the papers, and many other persona, notices of vlert have appeared amain and again before the public, Att etatuting as a lenatmart ot character anti re htnteitility, :a a autfteient goaraoteo to the alllietod. ItIPRIIDENCE. —When the misguided and inssedeut roWry of pleasure Elects he has ;Imbibed th gre.1,.;0 do evLtni disease, it too often happens that um. "rimor or dread of diecovery deters hie Irani 41)Iyieg io asset who, train education sod re. tl.clanility Nth , V(IIIc befriend him, delaying till the eon • of this horrid disease make their ,ppiqem:e, iffeLilug the head, throat, nose, skin, Ate" libietv&ing oa vsit frightful rapidity, till death pate s p,•riod o hid dr , sios auilorinvs by serattny, him to "that beams Iron] Arose no traraer returns." It is a mel weholy !wit that thousethir fall VlOlllB -t0 territda thwapo, owme to the ung1:111 . 0110AN of lisneradtpreteffd_ el., who, by the ow of that fit ufly wriann, mercury, ruin eongitsttos sod mate the ',shine of life ethereal°. symmas hang in his W6c• thrI.MIPrP mu e.,11k10 h BLlfllp 141141 011 the reply'. 44-K,14.1i0 acct !$.l , %Inn. sip -N, 7 south .;11.1',14.1.1y JP.MXIE*X3E3IIIXIL. 7 O9; LA I 1, y LINE! tetween Philadelphia loot LIVEN, JAILFICY Yiloaa, Oftnumsvoter, 13N10 .01VN, WANIONTOWI, MILTON, I.IWINFIUSO, NOU tINAHOIRLANO I , PNBUILY, TILIVONTON, GI42IIIITOWN, I.TRIMTOWN, MILLIRF DURO, HALIFAX, HATTRIN, AND LIAR RISBURU. Thu P hDadeiPol. th:p being entrally located the Drayage will ho at t.,01,,w,?14 nabs- /A Conductor goes through with all goods oar 'l' (tact d tr tot i atte.,,l tr,e safe ac livery of Depot of he 'lnti: Goods delivered at the FREED, WA D OFP.F,ED, t' , 281.1. Mars et :heat, Phila delphia, y t WeiDe4 P. M. WMI 411 alivorNl I Harrisburg the DeS.iuor.octe n Freight (altrays) as low a., by SL, other , ne. Partietilar attottion paid by tide ,me ' , erupt and speedy delivery .1 all thirriabor the el:demigod thankful 1 4 to 4 past pat, 4, hopes by toms. T. 110101 attention husiness merit a con' oolle, or the rall4Aelpht t and ito oho eta dam Feet or Market mte,.., 1 1. 1, SOHEFFE I BS BOOK STORE, (Mifflin Litaio.lBl3l3ll.o BRIDGE.) UNIOIN" ENVELOPES. morrE PALER' of six different designs, 4,1 , printed ta:WO 101011, Rata by tho thononnil and r the roam at Ciy prices, ALi 4 Float'. gs Utno Plum Nine Eagles. Union itinge iigoA VanHPv priers . 12 ' 41 at FlCHRFliltff'S ROOKSTORK. ISE TOLET, Oily PuicAlti, DahnY Ptvies, ricel rld6 A 4 .0 FAAIV A PS,POIIIA DES, HAIR COLOGNES ood EXTRACTS, of manufactures at KELLER El F , LLEPB D 4 4. IA bill *at x ' G nottE is the place duos. ~,i\-,, ... , ' ,,\\,i,,1.,___ ,,t,' ,./._ ; ....,,, : z.--.. \ \'' ‘ Riff / - ' II• . . • . . ..., , ( . i "1-- co./ _ ...,-).___., ___ n,____ i f '-',. --7-- ' - 4.*C - - Lor '--7 ---- - -- - -- - L s'`,..Lcoorz, ~ ,-;.F . . -.5--- Ir Q'' ' , i 1... '-, .... - ---_ . • . c h * .. • , 2 t7 " :, -. 1! t. - ' 4 's'l VOL XVI Cutts of aratiti $ eunimportatiot PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD; FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND MTV. )MONDAY NOVEMBER 26th. 1861 The Passeoger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrieburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWAIIiO THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN' Harrisburg daily at 320 a. m„ and arrives at West Philadelphia at TAO a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 8.41. a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m. MAILTRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.15 11. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.20 P. m. AOCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount .lop, leaves liatTleburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Phila. delpitia at-12.1.0 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, loaves Harrieburg al 4.00 n. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9:20 p. m. WIESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRPARS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p..m.,Harrisbarg at 3.051 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. In. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., and ar rives at Harrisburg atl.2op. ; leaves Hirrish urg at 7.45 a. m., Altoona, 2.45 p. m., and arrives at "Pittsburg at 8.45 p. M. FAST LINE leaves Philadelpliia at 11.30 a. m. Harris burg 4.03 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRLSBURCI ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves PIM - delphia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 :P MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 11E4 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Raid, Div. Penna , Railroad. Harrisburg, November 21, 1862 —dtt WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NEW Alit LINE HOUR TRUK TkLIN ?i4W -1 ( 01 4L, AND P El ILADELAPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. ON AND AFTER 'MONDAY; NOVEM BER 4,1844 the Passenger Trains wIB leave the Philadol phi& itau : khai l ditig Bailrestl Deppt, at flarrishhrg, fur New Yo* and-Philadeliphiii,ns follows, via:- EASTWARD. EIEPRRSS LINE leaves Efti:rilibtlVeat 3.80 a. in., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 11.6 a.m., and at : Phila delphia at 9.00 a. in. A Bleeping ear la 'the train through from FMB burg without change. RAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.95 a. in.. arriving In New York at 6.30 p. m:, and Alladelphia at L 25 P. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival 'of PennevlvOila Railroad Fast Mail arriving in New York at 9.50.0,,m.,, and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leave; New York at 6a. in., and Philadel phia at Ba. m. arriving at Harrisburg at p. m. MAIL TRAIN loaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adelphla at 3. 16 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p.m. REPRESS LINE leaves New York at j 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg atB,lo a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittabarg. A sleeping car Is also attached to this wain. Connection are made at Harrisburg with (mine on the peeneyb l enia, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and, at Reuling for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wllkesbarre, Al'Madmen, Easton, &c. • Baggage checked through. Pam between New York and Harrisburg, ib O; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, 53 26 In No. 1 ears, andli2 70 In No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, not General Agent, Harrisburg. J. R. INGERSOLL'S • PATENT FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dreaseNNtair without soiling the fingers. It e ff ects aa n og of one-half in the use of hair prepar ations. It does away wit easy hair-oil bottles. IL is handsomer tur a than the common hair-brush. It regulates the ( Pen of Bald used, to a drop. or l on the tis per toilfectlet.y Man; an snot spill over in the trunk It carries enough of any p arationto last tor a voy age or a long journey. Its price Is moderate, and it sir Its own cost in three months. 1 For sale at Keller's Drug and Pane ,store, Market street two doors east of Fourth street, itputkelde 91104 • \ I "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 31, 1861 D W. GROSS & CO., INEIOL,ENALK AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, Wo are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, ORENIOALS is PAINTS, Burning Finid, and Alcohol, Lard; Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Lauiplbs., PERFTRIERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beat manufacturers and Per I umers of Europe and this country. Being yery large dealers in - PAINTS, WILLIE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW (}T -ASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES • IN ALL'THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cone dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. JONE'S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDIOLNES AND HAIR Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye ! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which iwe sell as low as it can be pniciwed in the cities. L'HAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS Being large purchasers in these.oll3, wo can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds.of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. ow of yon who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know no thea superiority, and the advantage they are iu keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g )(xi condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they hive derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Onr long ex parlance in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestow e on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of' a discrim inating public. ituGustiN MAYNE. OARP,ENTEIi . AND BUILDER. 11: IS-40N iOllO KINSNDRIO 10 ID. to. Grass & (go., NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PEA N'A OM,vemMehtmmWOlues, Dye Stuffs, Maim and Putty, A.rtlgt Colors and Tool., Pure Grout Spliceej Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &c., ase., &e., &e., &c., &a With a general variety of ttl 0 , 0 \ •f1..2,1,, ; CC 0-• - - ......, , •T.eirliW l P" -•--,..., -_-__...-- • OR u r : 1.1 , ' 0 0 , • i .! 9hln 15 l ' 9 0 . - -- 1.2"- 13 - - ,•" , .—.-" ' - TEETH! TEETH!! RESTORATIVES 00.4 L OIL I CARBON OIL FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, PURE DRUGS ° istt tuneauL 801IEFFER'S BOOR STORE 1 (Mar the Therriebuty Bricke.) JUST RECEIVED "from the 51.2 a.lotot Sue OOSINEBOIAL NOTE PAPEK, whir we will sell at sl.`4, per ~rearn. $2.50 per ream for NM PA P ER, decimated with Ohs Wad and very handsome emblems and patriotic $3.80 for 1600 wing gNvin.opEs, with national anal :patriotic emblems, printed in two colors. ' Please glve nis a call. THE . F. SCEiIEFFF.R, Harrisburg W.: OLE . SALE .UMBRELLA No. 69 , Market*Set.' eet; betoio 'Third / HARRISBURG, PA. • M. H. LEE : ‘11 1 : 10 - ItTANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARBOLS and WALKING GANES, will fundah !goods at LOWER PRIORI than can be bought in any of I.tie-13astern-eities. Country merchants will-do well to . call and examine prices and quality, and convince them_ :selves or this fact auati-dly GILT FRAMES I GILT FRAMES J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Pioture Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings &C. 43 CHESIWT STREET, NEAR SECOND, HARRISBURG, , PA French Mirror., square and Ova Portrait Frames of 'every tiescriptton. OLD , FRAMES RE-GILT TO NEW DB, Ti J. MILES, DENTIST' SURG.E ON . i f iFF-ERS his'servicee to the citizens o Harrisburg and its -vlcluily. He solicits d share o the public - patronage, and gives ussurance that .his beet endeavors shall be given to rend r Belleau:lion in his pro. fess*. . Being an old, well triad dentist, he feels sure in nvlthig Hie public generally 'to call on him, Mitering hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his-services, ~ Wade N 00.28 Market street, in the Nam formerly co. cupiod,by Jacob R. Eby, near the Finited States Hotel, Harritsbliew; Pa. • ' naytl-dly GENTLEMEN& WEAR. A large itiniortineut of trader Shirts and Wasters, (aU silzea,) Gentlemen' Traveling Shawls and Blankets, Every Kind of Gents aria Wry, Cloths; Gum'mere, and Vestings, (In great variety,) . Silk & QuEunersNeck Ties & Cravats, Large aock of Gloves & Gauntlett% Every kind of Suspenders, 'HANOVER Boot Gums. A Large Stock of these Goode, to setem from can be toned at oesaceirrs nolB Next door to the Barri-AWN Bank. • NEW DRESS GOODS. EII33ROIDERED'REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Merinoes arul•Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior_Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted rakes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Delaines At CATHCART di BROTHER'S Neat door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Square. nov4 JOHN B. 131611 TH'S BOOT &SHOE STORE , " OORNEB stiethtll"AdD . WAiNuTBlls. llardsburg, Pa. A LWALYS' on hand a large assortment of rl - .. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS," &0., of the wiry. beat qualities for ladies, gentlemen, and !children/3' wear.— : Prices to milt the times. All kinds or WORK MADE TO ORDER lathe hem style britiperior workmen REPAIRHIG-donpat short. notice., ont111410: ; -' ' JOHN B. BElTHJlLarrhibere. '4lftifirk B. M. D. D. 8* STazTE 'STREET, OPPOSITE TilE . BRADY HOUSE. A 11 opera'ione Surgical and Mechanical, Zigdedeltiffleally performed- charges Moderate. BLA °KING- lirABON '8 "CHALLENGE BLACK/NG.' ITI 100 Gross, assorted alies,just reoelved, tor sate at Wholesale prime, dellWY. BOOK, Jr., &Of). .TO FAKERS. eon OATS 1 I -- piled for Oa* noteY X.7F11111.1a.- The Death of the Old Year. BY ALYBSD TENRrsorr Full knee deep lia3 the winter snow, And the winter winds are Wearily sighing ; Toll ye the church , bell.sad and slow, And tread softly , and speak low, Old Year, yOu rigid You.eitme to fis:so'readily ; You llvedwithAreqoAteadily.; Old Year, yon roust not die. He lieth still ; he doeth not move ; He will not see the dawn of day ; He bath no other life above : He gave me a friend, and a true, true-love, - And the New Year will take 'em away. Old Year, you most not go ; So long as you have been with us, Such joy as you have seen with us, Old Year, you shall not go. He frothed his bumper to the brim : A jollier year we shall not see ; But though his eyes are waxing dim, And though his foes speak ill of him, He was a friend to me. Old Year, you shall not die ; We did so laugh and cry with you, I've half a mind to die with you, Old Year, if you must die. He was so full of joke and jest, But all his merry quips are o'er. To see him die, across the waste His son and heir doth ride post-haste, But he'll be dead before. Every one for his own. The night is starry and cold, my friend, And the New Year, blithe and bold, my friend, Comes up to take his own. How hard he breathes ! over the snow I heard just now the crowing cock. The shadows flicker to and fro ; The cricket chirps; the light burns low ; 'Tis nearly twelve o'clock. Shake hands before you die. Old year, we'll dearly rue for you ; What is it we can do for you ? Speak out before you die. His face is growing sharp and thin. Alack ! our friend is gone. • Close up his eyes ; tie up his chin ; Step from the corpse, and let him in That atandeth there alone, And waiteth at the door. There's a new foot on the floor, my friend. And a new face at the door, my friend. A new face at the door. emuorra OsciN, on COINOIDENCA.--On Wednes day night, March 20th, or rather Thursday morning at three o'clock, the inhabitants of the metropolis were roused by repeated strokes of the new great bell at the houses of Parliament, Westminster, and most persons supposed it was for a death in• the royal finnily. • There might have been about twenty slow strokes when it ceased. It proved, however, to be due to some derangement of the clock, for at four and five o'clock ten or twelve stroke!; were struck in stead of theproper number. ^ On mentioning this in the morning to a friend who is deep in London antiquities t he observed, that there is an opinion in the city that anything the matter with St. Paul's Cathedral great bell is an omen of ill to the 'royal 'family . ; and, he added, "I hope the opinion will not extend to the West minster bell." This was at eleven on Friday Morning ; and it was not till one A. 1.1., the Duchess of Kent was considered in the least danger, and then she expired in less than twen ty-four hours. Ido not pause to comment on this curious coincidence, but I am told the kernenotion prevails at Windsor. —Notes and Queries. ONE or CROKIVNLVS Dzscasnsivrs Dnext.—The Rev. Itobert Johnson, who died recently , in New. Castle, Lawrence county, Pa., was a lineal de: scendant of Oliver Cromwell, by Bridget, his eldest daughter, who was first the wife of Gen. Fleetwood, and afterwards of Gen. Ireton. Re was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Pres bytery of Ohio in 1803, spent a year as a mis sionary in Ohioand Kentucky, and was success ively pastor of the churches of Scrubgrass and .Bear Creek, Meadville, Sugar Creek and Con neaut lake, Rehoboth and Round Hill, and Bethel in:lndiana county, and took an active part in all the educational, temperance and re ligious movements of the last fifty years. The E. P. Swift, D. D., 'delivered a sermon before the Synod of Allegheny at its late meeting in New Castle, in which the labors of the deceased in the cause of religion were reviewed and a glowing.tribute paid to his memory.—Pittsburg Semmes ITsms.---Memphls papers as late as the 10th, have reached the office of the St Louis Republican. They . are 'filled -with accounts of thefts, highway robberies and other priiate out, rages, the natural results of the political mis deeds of the rebel politician's: A gang of ruf fians, is prowling about the streets of 'Memphis, and twenty-fours rarely pass without unplea sant evidence of its presence:. At Boudon, Talladega county, Ala., from two to three hundred weight of sulphur is turned out daily from a bed of sulphiet of iron. A rebel government' stdanier recently stopped at Napoleon ' Ark., early in the morning, and commenced hauling citizens from their beds to join the service. The people were very angry, bat could MA help themselves. llomarruc.--Mernorial de Lille says ; "Two days ago a young girl' named Maria H—, who was shut up in the Convent of the Ben Pasteur, resolved to make her escape from the place, but which she could only do by scaling a wall. On reaching the top of it she was preparing her self to drop' OIL the other side,' a depth of eight een feet, and was already hanging by her hands, when a man who was passing rushed for Ward and attempted to catch her in his arms. The'shock to him was, however, so great that he was knocked down and rather . severely shaken, and before he had ; recovered himself the' young girl had fled. She has, it is thought, taken refuge with - her family." , PARIS.—The social commotion in Paris is tremendous, The rats are deserting the sink ing ship by thousands. .:Every day brings news of the departure of some , remarkable personage on some pretext or other. The Empress heads the emigration by Nice for the winter. Everybody is selling their goods and chattels. MoiselmaN, the - banker ' Madame lehon's brother, sells , his collection to-morrow ' and Madithe Saletier disposes of hers the day after. By 'Studying the two . togethiw the Philosdpher might imbibe - some very:- curious and novel ideak and *am &tolerably correct idea of the Frew:lt - Morality of the day. '. '- - . i '1,“: ..' " • , e 1 ". - te7 i .... ~..i s- . - 1g t...g 1•': ...7.i.... , . . . • : Ittam tittlintig baring procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepare ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING orevery deserip on, cheaper than it can b s done at any other establish. meat In the country. _ _ _ _ _ Mar Four lines (Riess const3tute one-haitsquare. Night roes or more than four constitutes Square Hall square, one dity one week one m0nth... ...... three months six months.. one year..... galinetquare, one day Aga& one week.... one month... IC 'three months six months. one year BnitineSS notices inserted in the L.;eal Liehann, or before Morrison and Deaths, FIVE CENTS rya "Olt ro. each insertion. NO. 96 /4- Marriges sad Deaths to be charged as regular • rertlsements BY T:ELEG H. From Washington. Report of Quarter Master Meigs ito Congress. Presentation of Colors to the 89th N. Y Regiment. In reply to the resolution of the House of Representatives requesting the Secretary of War to furnish all the General Order issued with reference to the transportation of troops, and munitions of war by railroad and also all orders designating the amount to be paid for such pur pole, the Secretary submits a report from Quar ter Master General Meigs in which it is stated that the Quarter Master General has issued no General Orders on the subject. Accompanying the report is a copy of a letter from the War Department, dated July 12, 1861, establishing a tariff of prices for the transporta tion of troops and stores and directions- to all Quarters Masters and others engaged in pro viding transportation to send the troops and stores by the most direct route. The following is a general basis of prices : Each passenger per mile two cents for the dis tance moved, and equipments, munitions and supplies accompanying the regiments at first class local rates which will average about as follows : Thirty miles or less, ten cents per pound ; there being a corresponding reduction .for greater distances, so that for three hundred and fifty or four hundred miles the amount would not exceed ninety cents per hundred pounds. As to the transportation of horses, full oar loads of thirteen or fourteen horses, were usu ally charged as 18,000 pounds. All other supplies forwarded by freight trains are charged local rates, according to the claini thation of property, which will usually average on provisions and heavy freight two or three i:ents per ton of two thousand lbs. a mile. Dry goods, clothing or light goods, will average three to five cents per ton of 2,000 lbs. per mile. Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson who arrived here on Saturday evening, will to-morrow, present a standard of colors to the 89th New York volun teers, Dickinson Guards at their amp near the city. The colors will be received by Hon. R. H. Dull member of Congress from Mr. Dickin son's District, on behalf of the regiment. FROM NEW YORK. MONETARY' A.FFAIRI3- Nsw Yorix, Dec. 30. The bank statement for the week ending Saturday shows : Decrease id loans, Decrease in specie Decrease in circulation 119,898 Decrease in deposites 8,426,802 On Saturday evening the banks did not hold much over twenty-three million of dollais in specie. Many of the banks paid out specie as usual to-day, while the others are paying out small sums to customers ; there is but little demand, however, for it. Arrangements have been made for an advance of specie by the banks to pay a portion of the State debt and interest thereon. dus on January Ist. TIM BAILING OF THE NIAGARA NO ORDERS NEON LORD LIONS The agents of the Cunard line have ordered the Niagara to be in readiness to sail on.Thes day at noon. No orders have been received from Lord Ly ons about Mason and Slidell, but they probably expect orders to that effect by the mail to morrow. Mr. Cunard denies that the steamer Niagara will sail before her regular day, which is on the Bth proximo. SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS. PHILADRLPHIA, Dec. 30 In consequence of the suspension of specie payments by the banks of the city of New York, the Board of Presidents of the Philadelphia banks met this morning before ten o'clock, and unanimously resolved to suspend the payment of specie. No specie has consequently been paid tc.-day, except in the way of change. The suspension canned no excitement, and but little embarrassment will be experienced by the busi ness community in consequence. The banks of the city were never in better condition, and most of them have an abundance of gold and silver in their Vaults. Fr - ii - imrxwmTi7:v7o The surrender of Mason and Slidell, and the suspenilon of specie payments by the New York banks has produced a feeling of relief in business circles. A Naw Out.—A singular addition to Ghia podic science has been made in the Guthrie Gray regiment, in service in Western Virginia, where they were for weeks at a time with wet feet. Their feet had been so thoroughly soaked that every corn and bunion in the regiment wag killed. We mention this curious act for the benefit of those troubled hi this manner, and hope that every man so afflicted will immedi ately enlist. TEE celebrated histonan Schlosser, says the Oat Deutsche Part, bah' refused to give anything to the subscriptions*hich are being made for the construction of a German fleet. "I have not," he add, "studied the history of nations and States for Iditty yams without learning that a fleet cannot be Mated by charitable dom -110118." Tan Emperor of Rada line given 126,000 Alum to 11. Otto Struve, a dietinguiebbct Ban dui astronomer, for tl o pnrsoom of meting an observatoryon Mount Anna. RMES UP ADVERTISING WASIELNOTON, Dec. 80 ....,1t...... $1,027,912 7,455,6b8 QM= Boerole, Dec. 80 A Contradiction. NEW YORK., Dec. 30 CIIICINNATI, Dec. 80.. ...$O 45 ... 100 ... 2 00 ... 900 ... 6 00 ... 800 200 3 60 600 10 00 16 00
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