pailk Ftiegrao. BARRISBURG, PA Saturday Morning, December 28, 1861. IT is the e xceptions filed to the final report of the City Survey Commissioners, that will be argued before the Court next Monday, and not the "City Charter," as was inadvertently stated iu Thursday evening's edition of the Tatactaaml; •• • • Fox SOITTEI CABOLINA..—Capt. I. S. Water bury, who was detailed some time back on re cruiting service, will left here at three o'clock this morning to rejoin his company at port Royal, South Carolina. The captain took with him a large number of packages intended for various men in his company, the gift of their friends and relatives of this city. Psoossrostso.—The work on Sanford's Opera g o ose, in Third street, is progressing rapidly, and the contractors expect,to have it ready for occupation at an early day in January. The in terior of the building 15 to be fitted up in hand some style, and mad compt comfortably about SOO peg VIM. Whented,.we predict that the establishment will be the great "centre of attraction- to our play-going community. A fist Gammas PHIEURNT.—We are under ma ny o bligations to our friend-Capt. Harvey Brown, now stationed at Perryville, Md., for three fine canvass back ducks. They are the largest we have ever seen, and the marks by which they were killed show conclusively that the Captain is a "good shot," and will play sad havoc among the secessionists should he ever hate occasion to " draw a bead" at their wick ed heads.. The Captain will please accept our thanks. lx TOWN.—Harry Davis, the artist, and paint er of the great panorama of "America and the employees, en route to York; where the panora ma will be exhibited this evening. The Rebellion," was in town yesterday with his exhibition of the panorama at Carlisle and Chamberaburg attracted large audiences, and if we may judge from the tone, of the press In those places, it gave general satisfaction. From York the panorama will proceed to Lancaster, thence to Lebanon, Pottsville and Reading, Puma—Before the Mayor.—Christ. Sheds, was up for drunkeness, and recommitted. A soldier belonging to the Irish Brigade at Camp OClrdn, was arraigned for drunkeness, and after a reprimand, sent to camp. By the Consolidated Police—Wm. Burris was ar rested for assault and battery. Committed by alderman-Kline. Geo. Thomas, arrested for drunkeness and disorderly ine. cluict• Committ e d by alderman Ki Samuel Newman, arrested for drunkeness and disorderly conduct. Committed by justice Bender. B,ooollD'a OPERA, BRANT'S Ram—During the present week there has been no abatement of attraction at the burnt cork Opera in Brant's Hell. Indeed the man who holds the mana gerial reins is not likely to let the public avoid his establishment. Sandford has taken root here, and promises to flourish like a green bay tree. His entertainments are got up without regard to expenses, and nothing can exceed the versatility of his performers. As a come quence of his•liberality he Li well patronised, and every one who has visited his establish ment feels that it was good to be there. The pantomime of the "Three Legged Monster, or the Fighting Shoemaker and Tailor," has been the winning card at the establishment for the last week, and judging from the crowded houses, it promises to remain trump for a week yet to come. It is a bully pantomime, full of comical action, mysterious tricks and capital hits, and is alone worth the price of admission. Tmt PRIM AND TUB GRLHEI.—Of course, every body knows those social dampers—the Prim and the Grime. They are cold-shouldering wretches, pledged against joviality in any form. Total abstinence from mirth is, in fact the fun -; damental principle of their creed. Although': equally hateful, there is some difference between, them. The Prime are animated refrigerators 4 To be near them is like being under the ice of an iceberg ; but, unlike an iceberg, they never thaw in any atmosphere, however genial.— Sparks of wit are wasted upon them. They; are impervious to the shafts of humor. Yon might tire a joke out of an Armstong gun without making their eyes twinkle. Amidi "the feast of reason and the flow of soul" they sit sour silent, puckering their lips at every bit of tadinav, as if swallowing a green crabrapPiej The Grime are lees statuesque and More itaidOrti ic• They seem to look upon the cheerful and lighthearted as predestined children of wrath] mud to derive a secret satisfaction from the bei Ifif that there is a rod in pickle for them.--4 Th e: see all things "through a glass, darkly," and tHeir pictures of futurity are all charcoal sketchei. They lbuld have you, instead of enjo) ing the good thus of life in a rational way, pmt your Etppetitetin Irons, as rebels against the Almighty. Susi fanaticism is not far removed from blasphemy. It bras much as to say that our capabilities for enjoyment were given na without a purpose, and , hatthe Scriptural max: im that nothing has been made in vain is un true. The world, in our osinion, could verY well spare both the Prima and 4 he Grinus. They • don't help ns tb a just a PPreefrAlui of the fath erly kindness of the Creator ; quite the reverse. 'Were Christianity truly their precepts, and correctly illustrated by thei r ample, it world to a cold and cruel creed i n _ stead of a mireole of benefiosnce and mercy. e have no sympathy with bigots who look. '4ou this fair vorld as a place of punishment, 4 -'1 would havens believe that it is only by 'L'Ating our -- ' that we can L 't to open land." We Dreier to regt ) of heaven, stal hold tht Insip s t of its fe only of gratitude bleu tu Sim who Place of sok tch .a goodly , Au shota t 4 114ther McCALLA sera—"Don't be feeling around, but call at No. 38 Market street, and get a good pair of spectacles." GRAND Orman' Dazes Bars.—The Hope Fire company are malting extensive, arrangements for their annual Cilizens' Dress Ball, which comes off at Brant's Hall, on the evening of the Bth of January. "Pam." MOM:NEON, porter at the depot, called at our office yesterday, and assured us that the police item, published in the Tar:l oam' alew days ago, charging him with the larceny of a carpet bag, was "delignantly wrong and contrary tolaw," and that he is"perfectly in hocent of the charge." The case was published by us just as it appears on the alderman's docket, without any comment whatever, for in truth, we did not reeognize in the name our dis tinguished friend, the "Professor,"until he him- Self made his aPpearance; andby soliciting, this notice, courted the:, notoriety which other wise would most 'certainly not have attended the transaction. THE NIGHT AITeR CHHISITYA.S. —The follow ing is an summing parody upon Clement Moore's unequalled "Night before Christmas:" 'Twas the night after Chrittmas, when all through the louse, Every soul was abed, and as still as a , mouse ; The stockings, so lately. St. Nicholas' care, Were emptied of all that was eatable there The darling; had dilly been tuck' d in their beds, With very fell stomachs and pains in their heads. I was dozing away in my new cotton cap, And Nancy was rather far gone in a nap, When out in the nursery auto such a clatter, I sprang from my sleep, crying, " What is the Matter 2" I flew to each bedside, still half in a doze, Tore open thecurtains, and threw off the clothes, While the light of the taper served clearly to show The piteous plight of those objects below ; For what to the father's fond eye should appear, But the little pale face of each sick little dear. 'For each pet that had crammed itself full as a tick; I knew in a moment now felt like Old NI& Their pulses were rapid ; their breathings the Same; What their stomachs rejected I'll mention by I:Larne Now turkey, now stuffing, plum pudding, of COUISe, And custards, and crullers, and cranberry sauce, •Before outraged Nature all sent to the wall ; Yes, lollypope, flapdoddle, dinner and all. Like pellets which urchins from pop guns let fly, Went figs, nuts and raisins, jams, jelly and pie, Till each error of diet was brought to my view, To the shame of mamma and Santa Claus too. I turned from the sight to my bedroom stepped back, And brought out a vial marked " Puly Ipe cac ;" When my Nancy exclaimed—for their suffer ings shocked her— " Don't you think you had better, love, run for the Doctor I ran and was scarcely back under my roof, When I heard the sharp clatter of old Jalap's hoof; I might say that I hardly had turned my round, When the Doctor came into the room with a. bound. He was covered with mud from his head to his foot, And the snit he had on was his very best snit ;; He had hardly had time to pnt did on his back,. And be looked like Falstaff half fuddled with; sack. His eyes how they *winkled! Had the Doctor' got merry ? _ His cheeks looked like Port and h ie breath smelt: of Sherry; He hadn't been shaved fora fortnightor so, And the heard on his' hin wasn't white as the snow. • But inspecting their tongues, in despite of theirs teeth, And drawing his watch from his waiscoat be-1 neath— . He felt of each piths; Saying, 6 V,ach little belly' Must get rid "—here he laughed—" of the reef of that jelly.' • • - i I gazed on each chubby, plump, sick little elf, • And groaned when he said so, in spite of myself; But a wink of his eye when he physicked our Fred, • Soon gave me to know I hid nothing to dread. He didn't promise, but went straightway to his work, And dosed all the rest, gave hie trowters a jeck, And adding directions while blowing his nose, He buttoned his coat—from his chair he arose, Then jumped in his gig—gave'old Map a wilds And l Jalap dashed off as if a thistle; But the doctor exclaimed, 'ere he drove out of sight, " They'll be well by to-morrow—good night; Jones—good night i " Cane QS/EMlL—There will be pr,e,aching . in the drill-house, Camp Curtin, Sabbath porn ~ at half-past ten, and also in the afternoon at half; past two. These services will be continued every Sabbath. We hope that the friends of Jesus Christ, who are interested in the Spiritual welfge of our patriotic soldiers, will aid us by their prayers, and by such means as will make the services profitable to the soldiers. I have been acting as the agent of benevolent friends of the soldiers is Camp Curtin three months. In that time I have given to the a* digs, in the hospitals and in the tents, nearly seventy thousand pages of tracts and religious reading. These tracts anti papers have been init into my liana by the Philadelphia Tract Society, and by the benevolent friends of Harriti burg. The soldiers have received them gladly, and many of them joyfully. They have given me many heartythfudosetvpigs for the interest their friends have in their comforts, and eternal welfare. There can be no doubt the reading which has been given to them, lies been greatly beneficial. I know 'of some instances of con version through the instrumentality of reading and conversation, and also of many persons who have been revived by the same means--:- backsliders renewed. The men are anxious to get:good reading. It is therefore the favorable time to put into their hands Gospel reading, which will direct them into the way of life and salvation in Jeans Christ. God will bless these means. If we do not see all the fruits of our works in this life, we shall see and enjoy them in the glorions kingdom of the Son of God. If there are any persons who have religious Papers, of any denominatiun i Sabbath School Papers, the American jjfeuenger, tracte, or any profitable Gospel reeding, which they can spare, and will put them into my poeseus..;'on, 1 will carry them to the soldiers and see that they are nty and faithfully distributed among them Please said your donations tiro the residence of IL J F lemming, Third Street, near Walnut. J. W. DAVIS aIRRISBIIB6, Dec. 27, 1861. YEITKILDAY.—ChrIstmas with alliteendelF#4; rementbra4 ppicee and associatiot * s, bas ilea and gone, haness and merry doings enerally marked the fl sad seemed to go han Ood me hand with all out door expressions, a ti ga; with lively dry goods trade doing at Ur t cheap dingo corner of Front and Market fittest,. Wien & Odtkitla. ouh , rmiblemtm tintnevithwia -0 . 4#4 1861. I= Passawrs suitable for people in all staged of life—the old, the young, the'gay and happy, :the heart-broken, the heart-seekers, the heart loosers, the heart;AiiieiCi and the heartless, or those that never lOved. For the latter class 'We recciininelid'a l pistoi. All of Which den be :obtained at M'Calla's Jewelry store, No. 38 'Market street. Dauphin County Teachers' Institute• HARameinio, Dec. 27, 1861. The Institute was called to order by the Pres ident. The Bth chapter of Proverbs was read by Prof. 'Brooks, who then offered a very appro , prsate prayer. The National Hymn was then sung by the members. The minutes of the preceding day were read, and'after some correc tions and alterations, the minutes were adopted. The report cif the boniniittee appointed' to select a number of suitable pieces to be sung, was then submitted; which is as follows : 2b the Presiditat and i'rienthers of the Dauphin , county Teachers' Institute Your Committee appointed to select and have printed In slip form a set of pieees suitable to sing ih'our 'several schools, be leave to That we have attended to the drity assigned us, and five hundred copies of the nine pieces se lected have been printed, and a portion of them used by the Institute 'yesterday afternoon and evening. The remainder, with il:W• bill for printing, is hereirith presented. 'We would ask for the adoption of the following : Resolved, That the bill of $5 00 be paid, and an order be drawn on the Treasurer for the Resolved, That the slips be distributed equally among the members. , • The report. was received and the Committee discharged. Wm. J. LAwszNor., D. W. Mums, Committee D. lomum... . Porf. Brooks was .then called, who, before proceeding, to give instructions in Arithmetic, said that in teaching the young we as teachers should throw sunshine around all the studies, in order to make study easy and pleasant, in stead of a task. . . . • Some questions were then asked-with regard to the changing of numbers from one scale to another, Which point was very happily 'explain ed by the Professor. - Recess of ten mini:des. Prof. Wichersham was then introduced to the Institute, by the President, who and that he would confine his remarks principally to the methods of teaching; he proceeded to point out some of the most prewdent errors as existing in our Common Schools. Small children should not be confieed-to l thestOying pf ,the alphabet and reading only, but they ought to be taught to sing beautiful little songs by whiclithey will be benefited greatly, and , have their hearts bn proved. Also, drawing should. be introduced in order to draw out the imitative power of , children. Children..are; very Anuch pleased to see different things to. satisfy their , curiosity.— Pupils ought to have a variety of fessann, i sech as drawing, arithmetic he..:. Grammer should not be studied by pupils when to young. Teach ing should be logical. Closed by singing the 'Parting Hymn." [See First Page for Omtenteation of Report.] A Csan.—The "boys" belonging to company A, Capt. Dorshi3l.iner, awciar to 'be great favor- i ites with the ladies ,of York. Yesterday anoth er large package was' received froth Mrs. Serg't. A. Wolf, containing a number of axe° ent pound cakes, apples, and other edibles "too nu merous to mentions" That kind lady will please accept to soldier's thanks ,• and should she ever visit Camp Patin ; she may rest assured of , receiiing . ,soldier'S welcome.. Godbless the Jadies . Fuss 1 Fuss 1 Foes I—We have received sr new supply of Fe - is, Muffs and rtir Cates, from $2,50 up to $l2, a large assortment-of - Cloaks $2,60 up to SS; - • 26 dos. Hoop. Skirts , at 50a, 75c,;5100, $1.75.: 50 doz. of Undershirts and Drawers while . • and-grey „.• : - ' 60 dos. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 17c. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks; itp allprices. 26 po. of beautiful Mourning. Dekines, black and purple. 100 doz. lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefd from Auction. . . Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for up., Satchels Sontags, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c: Please call at S. Laws's. del° WAR Paroaa.—The undersigned offers the foll lowing goods go per cent cheaper than can be purchased in 'New Terk, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt collars, scar;fteesi, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins,. night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms also ladies' callers, cuff setts, under:gam:o.6U, &c., &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them for durability, mar terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please. maid your order ; it will meet with promptness and chbari ness, and a good fit' guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harrii burg cheap shirt manufactory, No 12 Market street. BOO= next to Heinmel & grocery store. • OARp To THAE LADDV. OR. DUPONCO'S SOtOWPILIS FOR FEMALES. . . . "Read the %ilea kg certificate"- ;rota 'doe of the .11raA_ ladies in Uties, N. Y. who sailed upen my agents to that city (Mr. Wm. Britoil & "Co:,) and fold them that she, of course, did not wish her name. made public. but.if one should doubt the wonderful edestleeY of ;Dn. Thr , " co's Golden Pu b,, . they might refer any Lady to her, da she considered it . a duty, aa .well AS, pleasure, to knowledge. of their efficacy, aa .admiltdekereff bm daughter, a young .1 44 17 years old. She was fast ins into consumption—had taken cold—nature became obstructed Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly-cured--her, and tune is now 4n- robust --health "We Were Perienier is buying the genuine. , Full and , espficit 'directions. accompanying ' ea eh box. 'Place Et.-- Sold wholesale and retail by O. A &Navas; No. 2, Jones Row, end', C. IL IWO; pl. Market ctreet, Harris burg, Pa.. By sending either of Si 00 Wrought be Bartiabnig P 11 24411/. l 4enn; trningeninlW by mail to any pert of the country; "free of poster N. 8.--Look out` for cionnterfbits." Boy au Belden PIBe of any tindi.llll l eoB the romSis efBl t 3, l . Howe. All ethers le,u, base impoaltim and. .una eta; therefore, sot yoh Tante - Yew lives and heel* isiy seething Of bi lug humbuggedout of yournioney,) buy only of Gale who show the sigifature of D..Nowe on every hog, which bps reoeutlY , troPri dded i A=M4 U tile IV° bides nolifiterieitea. ream above Pille are medal known. to (mei Agent; and &holy , are safe, and, will 'militia all iffidesed for them. Sold, Lutkilierkei.; rebshoii J. Sauk man,. Mechanicsburg ; 'M. learibirJewistswei Oarhsa ;* S. G: Wild, Neyvville ; J. C. 'Allick,'Sbiaienii, burg ; .1 Spangler, Chambersburg ; g. t.stiger, yarkl; J. A. Wolf, Wrighttrylltis ; B.'SteeidaVßeeding ;1 sad K. P. Gunter,. Readjugoind by "ouq.druggiatt,'. in *very town and village in the United States, said by IL D. EQ.WE, e 8 4m Sole Sioprietor, New York. PROL - ADOLPR P.t I'ETPSER ~ wouLD.. respectfully &form ' Ids" old TT Airbus i id . the public generally, that be win conthineliCgive Instructions on the PIA NO FORM, WE-- LO.DITON,VIOLIN and also in the seising el ThOMUGEEI 'BA.* ReiiilF4'th plesilare - iiiidt upon pnpliiiit -- dr trams at anyltour dettired,er JesERWI Ar)k he a his residence, in Third street, e few .dckari , th airman EOM P" •2 4mrA.. . • - .: 4 OLDER 111 VINEGAR!!! MADE choitxt abitrielbeitekl Apples; 11l and guaranteed by us to be strictly pure Dou 111.1LITAEY Q4UNTLWES. , A rL KEW LOT-Amst resolved, eCtbe i beir esairMaAM'Cleea 000rerliserogolr HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE 11 Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless, and jlellaltle Dye Known I All others are mere iniitations; and' should • beavoided Myrna. wish to. a catut.ri Itoule..• GREY. RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful anditiatnralßrown or Black, without. the least injury to Halt Or YWERIMI McDAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to We A.:iginguggoa , owe 18 A mid over .200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHBLOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WAIIIIIIINTID not to injure In the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Rots or bad 11, - .69 remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this aplaudid Dye. which is prop erly applied at No. 16 pond Street New York. Md. alltbo cites and torts tbs United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers Henuise.had the name "William A. Batchelor," and address upon a• steel Plate engraving, on the four sides of, each .boa. : Wholesale Factory, 81 BarclaY St., Late 233 Broadway, New York. oct2-dawlF Nifty 2bvertioementi BRANT'S HALL ! CHRISTMAS - WEEK, SANTORD'S TROUPE, IN THEIR GRAND COI CERTS. BURLESQUE RAVEL'S PANTOMINE. Friday .Evening, Deoemb9r 27th, GREAT BILL, . Doors open at Eq. Commences at 7*. d 01241 CHRISTMO GIFTS A FINE ,VARIETY of selected Goods soluble for Presents now open id RELLIDPS 91 Market. street. ERA-COTTA • and PARIAN MA,RBLIC vAar.s TOILET and COLOGNE BOTTLES. MARBLE MATCH •STANDB' MARBLE SEGAR STANDS. MARBLE ASH-HOLDERS. Dressing Cases, :Shaving Cases,' Toilet. ases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Mirrors. Beautiful Powder Puff Boxes. - :Han deems Shnll Bags. sizes , A ll beet Leather Traveling Satchels, Satchels-With Cabe Furniture,. A fine, assortment of T a dies. and Gents Purses rind Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant Confectionary. -Also, with 'other articles not mentioned, Pocket Knives ' Thermometers , Canes,, Portfollosi.Card Cases, Segav,Oases, Segars, Pipes, Guin Tobacco, Pontius, (double and single, ) And the largest and best stock of PEFIIMERY and TOILET ARTICLES in this market. delS KHMER'S Thug and FancY Store. Ho po lidtty resents! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY 414 CXXIDS, has just been_ opeauad at _BERG. NEWS CHEAP BOOK IMRE Among the re cent pubßoations wRI be found= PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM - S i UNICIO7E ?►TIO . HAKE IN STYLE UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, 1 INEQUAT 1' ED IN QUALITY, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIOES. Albamsliound to snit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY ANTIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD, WTCH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, To Hold Twenty Cards, To HbLd Thirty. Cards„ To Hold Forty Cards, To Hold Fiity Cards, To Hold Sixty Cards, To Hold Eighty Cards, To Hold One Hundred, Cards, To Hold Two Hundred Cards, From SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS To TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS: . . . „ . STEAM WEEKLY itim! roux 0rd,.v74 - 0. _ - • -AND LIVERPOOL. rAikriioll3' EICEIARKIN% PA'&. iJ , NAGNits at QUENSIOWI4; (I.rehted) 'The Liver pool, Now lora and Phlbulelphla Steamship company plow a ) timaitching tholr Cull powered Clyde-built iron Lattteihhs. .„. CITY OP WASHINGTON; Saturaey • 26; I. W.ltOtteiiSitubleiVl44. oo TE.4)/00' O Y O PP. 801114 44 , at NOac (rem p% 4, North Apse, - RIME 431..kettillit: • 400 , 00 do to latatogiy.;lsBo;4o ti‘do.,to. London ..S3B 00 do to Parts la AOI do to .. Pane .... PS 00 do i do ._“.._146 _, ,paimmiagers,4BolorWardet.lo). Vir!thini 09.14e0- 410 0 . , AlswerP, Sowat 0 9009.1 4 1tvretev.., . - : lewg. 01114400 f Irliaditeart buy ttekeito teretitt the fonowhicrates, tehlow 'Nark:. Froth Liverpool or Auseuslowat $2O, NS lad SPA'. Smetagefrom: Liverpool 340 o& Primo (Ineetiotow . , These Steatnens have seperior accommodations for Odeliimprs,•andcarry'experioneed•Sergeons. :They are built in Witer:ilight`irentsoiteint; and have' Patent_ Tire Ansi tithdtem .on hoard. , .= • - - • ilnumuthezinformaxmiaPpitin Liver pool tiliANi-Agefit,,Zt Water Street;..sgow , w,.g. DiMAN.L S Enoch Stlnbrii C. D. SEYNOORSt C 0..; in Lotidon to EWEVitßauc St. ; to. No f Io.,tULUS Digamm, 6 nage .deje Bourse; JOMN. EL DAIS; • 'WAWA street ; or itt'ine CoMpany's JNO. G. DALE, Agent, delSdf ur t ,Broadiww New York. Or 0. 0. niwiernutx ARM* flairlsburg. iIacPAAIKENGMEn 110.9..11. - kaprz.—py . order of the ,EiCa#* fry of Stele, tg.,*seekers 'Miming the Uniteid Stites are reetnrel to procure PietMorti before going_ on board the Steamer. JOHN 0:10.11.1 7 , Sniam: . . ` , put PEA . TIER THAN- 1 . g,)3 • . El THE LARGEST. ATEICE, THE 11091" BE UflyUL STYLES ATD PITTZENS Gold and Silver Pencil and Pa Ctitea,. In the piarket, is to be found at BERGIiER'S -. (..,...RU88ER110613 nbrter *Ai ) ' • BubbefTriya generally at : BERGNEct,'EVCHVAP BOWI8T0101: oity, feeling. ea nt Ive would leaf ." ' in im ilt wlY:replenia . hfri : . 7001: tbi. , of =To iliA 91, Market dna, 4we'doorelkiiii4QP?tulik m%. ^ .. - ifliscellaneous GIFTS FOR THE HOLLIDLYS. ' THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF RARE CONFECTIONS, OF THE FINEST QUALITY NOW READY FOR THE PUBLIC. CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly inhoxes, from one to five pounds. FIN E CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGE 2 HER Wllif A. BRILLIA.NT IMPORTATION OF RICH FANCY BOXES. STEPHEN . F. WHITMAN, No. 1210, Market street, del dlm Philadelphia. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF I'ENN'A. A V ING been authorized to recruit a Regiment for the Volunteer service ef Teensy Iva eta we have onneludett to make it a regiment of "sharp boOteis"—r Ilemeurenruit &from the Slate at oirce. We a ant TEN sealable bodied ys.uog men from each county, saes to have every portion of the State fully and equally represented. - Those desirous ofserving tbelrcoantry, of fighting under anti tor our good old rite, have noir a splendid tunitY.tiffiire I, than- We intend to make ibis a "CRACK itle01,1011•FT;" if istesible the best in thel„ service of our tiolitetommonwealth. Oold enhatailleeLkilifiirm will be iurnistisd tiel-kOOl3 as the men.. reach...Csma.and e sworn into tinsheirriCe. Tne Regiment =irlll be 'ar med with !inns or Fittnn.o routs who Suasa BATONS/S. Thrs,e desiring to enlist, as positively only TEN will be taken from each sanely in-the State, Lad better revert item& ately, any time atter We 20th of .December to W. W. firown;Harrisbusg, Pa. any or alloommunicatleaa from &Ault counties will be answered-speedily confiden . • : kitt W. BittiW.l•Lilaptain• P. S.—AlTittipers" favorable to the cause will please ropy. del3 d4w • PRESERVE YO UR LEATHER AND KEEP - Y'OUR. FEET D•RY. • • •• • ••• ONE BOX OF FRANK' MILLER'S LEATHER PRESERVATIVE IND WATER PROOF OIL i BLACKING WILL - ' LAST-101 OUT-DOOR MAN ONE EMAIL, .-COST a 5 CENTSmig, AND save more than four times its coat in the durability or leather, and greatly contribute to health-and comfort. FOR HARNESS, see inside,Label on the cover of large size. For sale in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., No. 19 Market street ; Eby Jk Kunst°, corner of Fifth sun Mar ket greets ; Wm. Dusk, Jr., & Market street Jacob Etaebler,No. 29, Seam/ street, and J. C. Kimball, Mar. ket- str et. .• del24llm-w4l.* • CHILISTMA.I3 PRES E NTS. NOW - 18 Tab 'DIME FOR CHEAP GOODS, SUIT&BLE Fos THE HOLIDdYS. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS from 63(0. upwards. Beautify! Lineu Setts, sleeves and Col. meg 25a. apuards.. Cambria setts all prices. Cambric Collars from 150. to $l, Metro. Flue linen Cellars 12a. Wool Nubian, ' , loads. Sontapi, Sleeves, Leggings, Mitts, Clicivee, Wool, Cotton and Merino [lose bar Ladies' 1,(1 children all prices. Worked liandicerehiers, Wool skit , Log Caps tbr children Cologne's, Extract's, Ox Marrow Punned; Silk - Velvets, Weil Yarn, liqukskin Gauntleits, Sack Enamels, Calicos Gingham, liuslins, Sm., at P.BARS.Oii'S, Cheap Calicos, No. 12, market Square, one dim above Feli*'s Confectionary, Harrisburg, l'a. 18.dViv* ANOTHER NEW STOOK! P ortable Writing Desks, P' Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, Parses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, generalaril a assortment of FANCY ARTICLES; Call at BE RGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE .JUST OPENED! A FINE LOT OF .13XYPERIOR' 411111031 VA, 61;,' • MADE of Good tobacco, and 'from one to two years old, of my Opril manufacture. A fine lot of choice Mewing sod &nue ing Innaceo, Ripe% Snuff and.s large variety of otber ankles constantly en hen II tor sale : wholesale and retail: Jitanklut for former pat. renege; I hem by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of the trade. .. A tine Smoking attacbed, where chstomera may lot blink poy Sottrsititti Tooaccor •o°A 3 l,lbrijettlie-winilkiv with ilia — Snip in it; Ma is the place to buy your Tobacco and cegars. North idarhet. Square, above Market street, Harrisburg. Doc. 4, 464-rti3m WYROFF. SU/11(1E0N OFFERSVillgekkiliti;io. uitizeus 0 Harriaburganu ;43.e solicits a share o the pottlio . patromogo, and Wes trout:nose that Ms best eadtaatraiisahlq DO Allred to road : r Satisfaction in Lie , pro les** .fontigalt old, wellArted. tttaitlei, Bore to .11viting.tate public. generally to, call to' min; ssoseriek lieai thal,:they will net Ite - .thesittisited with hitt settilee.4, 0.1.1110 e tro.l.2ll.2Miike . ! nreet, tn,the Intitso tortaiwiy 00. Oupied near lila Untied r &aeon }plat. Hailtelfurg . rayf .C.EMEIVAAS 8,R0481 A. large collection of BOOM :actable for CEERISTALAS PRESENTS has just been re ceived. at • ..BERGNER'S OHEAP BOOKOzym,. 1;000,000 •EtrOt - Et0013 , 3 I ggimildite:stock of ENVELOPES of every size is now opening at. BERLINER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE IKTOTIONS.--Quite a variety of metal "." n2O SHEr FEE'S BOOKSTORE. QOLDIER'd CARP. COMPANION. A kJ very convOntrat Writt.'ng Data ; also, Portiallse, Memorandum-Books, l'ortakollaalOs,' &c , 41 ze2o SCHEFFEWS 8001Cia)11.B.. DIARIES FOlt 1862 erIEE largest and best selected assortment of I. DIA • TFS ever imported into this city can be found at BIM-NM Jalookstore. • • BUILDING STONE, GOOD Al-I:UCLA of Ltrno Stone. for .Building purposely on luina, dellverod in the short estatotioe at ppeed to suit the Moos. J. KM, . Keystone warta, lower end of the elty. delf34llw, e PORT FOLIOWKI'IINO DESKS. JN entire new assortment of these useful ar tides just opened _ at _ DEEIGNLVS.Cheap Auokstore, ,TTAy 1.. MAY ! 1--Saperkgr, 4 4 - f° . r a!„ 11, , . _••.JAM OS 1114.WEIXELER G 1:.° 11 11 — 14 - T st he . l=t and best ,„ „AEC( pus e)oitstort 0 1 ," 5' place a m—i„ •. a n t , ' WAY .7014011 4 Slizattaraous LATEST NEWS. XTICHOLS & BOWMAN having just _Llre turned from the Bast with an extensive and wet selected stock of goods. purchased for cash, Teepee fully, invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to nail and examine their New Goods at the old stand formerly on• copied by V. Hummel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and fine • OIL, Coal Oil and WlialeOil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the MilL APPLES, Green and Dried,; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, • DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE CIGARS, beatof Imported *kande; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing ; QUEENSWARE i CLUERNBWABS i 1 Sitensive assortment or all 84,5, and pa/derma and pr.cee. Call mud examine our Stock of Goods at the Whslesale and Retail Grocery, Fruit and Provision Store, corner Front and Market atrunt, Harrisburg, Pa, t ountry Produce , taken ATTIC 'IP A large end rresltaesortwent of Goode, • • • •' :tunable for ',regents, among wbidh will be faun d A epleodld stock or Fins, (all kinde lust made,) A large lino of Stubroidered (killers Sleeves, se., A great vartoty of Shawls, (at low prices,) A lot of New Ail .s—Drwe Goods, lb:., Ate., Every kind of Ladies, Gents, and Misses Gaunt kilts and Gloves, Ladles and Gents Hillrts —large sock, Genie Cravats, NOCK Ties, Collars, AM., Ladies, Gents and Misses Sid Gime, Nublem, Caps. i egglns, Armlets, &c. A LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK OF MOURNING GOODS. Bargain') in Goods of all kinds can be had at CATHCART'S No. 14 Market &pare, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. del] COAL! COAL! I $3, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. 0. D. FORSTER, OFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on 1, I the Canal, foot of Nerth sheet, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TRETTB2ON, WILICSBARRE, LYX.ENS VALLEY. SUNBURY and BROAD 10P COAL Famlias and Dealers may rely upon obtaining p Arstdrate article, and full weight, at. the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A l'heral • 'Lemont made to per chancre paytog for the coal when ordered. Ikesent price, $3 and 3 2 2d per tan. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.-03 m NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, • • NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Polio/rice.) rriliE undersigned have just opened a swami large assortment of inn latest styles or clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ail kinds of Gents Wear, nut to the lateetstyleiand lash. iOll2. . We have always on band a large stock of &may made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. n0941,3t0 U. BELELLtiNBUGJAR 6: 880 SOLDIERS' NICE NACK'S, FOR Sale at RINLKR'S DRUG 4.4 D FANCY STORK Camp Writing Came., Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Hatch Oases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Packet' Knives; Poeket Combs, Pine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Tobaccd'Boxee, India Reimer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Leather Drinking Cups, Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Papdr, andEnvelepee. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to, en outfit In small mimesis at Ne. 91, Market street. ,—See "Fort Pickens" In the window. nos U FOR SEWING MACHINES. , JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 efi 500 YD. WHILE, BLACK COLORSD. PHIS thread being made particularly for lL Sewing Machines, is VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND BLASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOB UPPER .TBREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOB UNDER. THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.—. Also, no della or 100 cones YAM, amours° $OB by WAL DENBY mum, Sole Agent. n09416m 86 Vevey street, New York. COAL ! ! ! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. Jjlit 8E Weight Carte are certified by the . Sealer of iiireighta and Measure..qoemmusei k n weigh ttiair Coll at their own disra. It la of grqat partanceAueing them) hard times tor; every one tow that they oat laantFou. nonset winner. A large supply of Coal always to be found on Wad, LYKila VALLEY all sizes. SALT*. CO'S WILKSBASEN, all sizes. DoSSEEEN COAL, (the vendee arth,le,) - Sold by the car load or stogie toe.' ' All colt of the best quality, delivered free from all im purities AT mama TO SUIT THU mom, by the boat or car Ittaksingle, half or third of Loos and by AO busbol.' JAMBS AL .11THISNLIIIL Harrisburg, Nov. 8,1881.—y llarrisbnrg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. VENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and. all repairing neatly and expeditiously done. Per sotr,at a distance can have their Work done by addres sing a letter to the undersigned. Thardrini for past pat ronage-he hopes, by strict attention to business, summit a continuance of the same.' Jar Satisfaction guaranteed both as to prices and work:** ocl9-d6m MINCE PIES, RADIENS, Crestow, •i lIRRANTI3, erions, Suitable for Mince Pies for sole low by dee WM. DOCK, ,TR., &VD AIR, TOOTH, NAIL. CLOTH, HAT, H LAMER and INFANT Bicusaß., In great v - Misty t DRUG AND FANCY &TORN. . . . and RETAIL LAMAR VV . 'iii bontecliouary, Foreigi and PoateritkimitC—.. Am Dates, pruned, Ra 331113 and liuln or ix friada„-- Freak and :4il 01-n, Soap, Candles, Vi negarr#Piceal To baize, Sagan and Country Produce in genorai; Maraca, .met,„-n ea r door to Parke House, also c.raer''.Thini. and Walnut Ertreeta ciet2B4sni " . 7 4* . WISE. NEW BUCKWHEAT riovs 4,500 LBS'.. F&MILY" BOOK.- WHEAT FLOUR (Inn) 12b and %bib bags:: Tnequaty is verynnperiari having been 8•• selected entire:4ly for our retail trade. For lola low by noll WM. DOOR, Jr., & Cb. NOTICE. NVHERE is you destination South Car- Mina? No Cheap to CotterePs, ieap Confection ary Store, No. 101, Market street, between Fourth: and Filth streets, where may be seen the largest smortmeat eras fonhaitiOusrien,"Nnts, Minna, Currants, Citron, 60., for the Handays. Give him a call, and ex amine for yourselves. lel4-d2w* GPO). PENS ! GOLD PENS I 6 Gad most -varied--assortment of tip 7 Lblzl`lirts forssals'at ` 4 • fT 4- , I , OFIERGNKirBVIDIAP BOOKWORK _ _ del° A. R. 211A.RP.11