I . llaitp . Ceitgrap4. U Every ;Family Should Use. . SPEER'S SAMBUCI WI t`E CELEBRATED for its' medical and bone tidal qualities ae a genuinh Stimulant, Tonie, Die retie and Sonoran . , highly entormed by eminent Aye ohms, and some of the first &milks 111 Europe an' America. ' SPEER'S SANIBUCI WINK is not a mixture or manufactwed article, but is ?urn, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by One/n -ista and Physictans an possessing medical properties nu parlor to any other Alive , rt nee, ..nd an i.xeell .rti ale for all weak and deboitrad oamorri, and the age , i and infirm, Improving the 1. wenn), end nnnelning 101 ' • and children A LALII &lc+. s't INV, because it will not Into:ciente a, other wines, as it con tains no mixture of spiels c.r other liquors, and is 11 , 1. mired for its Nob peduliar fever and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to tne digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy sum and complexion. . 01,11 line unless the sigeature of pont, Passaic, N. J., Is oast 'he tort of etch bottle, NARK ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE, A. SPEER, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J. Moe 208 Broadway, New Yotk. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. For ed.. by D W. Gross, Fs Co., C. E. Keller, John Wyetit and by druggists generally jyl-dawly. PROP. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE OIORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATIM. Is precisely what its name Indicates, for while pleas ant to the' taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and strengiheningitothe vital powers. It also revtvlfies, re instates and renews the blood In all Its original purity, and thocrestores and renders the sysiem Invulnerable to attacks of disease. It Is the only preparation ever offered to tho world In a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. . . So anemically and skillfully combined, as to the most powerful hada, and yet BO perfectly adapted BO AB TO AOT IN PERROT AOOOHDANOI WITH THB LAIR! OP NATUNII, AND ROM 'WWI Tel Wamtser STOMACH and toile up the di gestive °rpm, and allay CI nervous Irritation. It is also perfectly exhileratlng in its erects, and yet it is never Mewed by lassitdo or depression of spirits It Is com p* d entirely of vegetables, and those thoreugly com bining powerful tonic and soothing properties, aud con s fluently can navel. Injure. As a dare prevenLive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCITITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOS' OF APPETITE FAINTNESS, NER VOUS HIRITABILTPY, NEURALGIA, PALPITA TION OF TEE HEAR P, MELANCHOLY, HYPO. CHONDRIA, NIGHT SWEATS, Lasouoß, GIDDIDEBS, AND, ALL THAT CLASS OF OASES RO FEARFULLY FATAL CALLED • Pro&r..o. :r; 'every i emocra s• a be invi 7 71, no matter on what principle he was elected,ythether it was a pledge to eschew par ty, a vow to maintain the Union or a solemn promise to stand aloof from a distinctive loco foco organization of the House, these men are still to be invited, and when once in the caucus they are to be bribed, (such is the inference from the article in the Getzetle,) with a division of the offices in lieu of their support of any man whom the caucus may nominate for Speaker and Clerk. This is an honorable proposition, and Womb* the character of the Bedford Gazette. The men who are thus appealed to, were elec ted on Union principles and in many instances against the.regular locofax. nomination. They were elected to oppose and crush out treason as it is promulgated through the columns of the Bedford' Gee - tie, and we are much mistaken if they can be induced to become parties to any such plaills that proposed by the same sheet. We allude to this subject merely, to show the different shifte to which the leaders of locofoco ism wiltrun to secure their ends. They want the organization of the Legislature in their hands, that they may send greeting to their old allies in the south, signals of sympathy. They want power now to aid rebellion. This is their only object and purpose in attempting to get possession of the organization of the House of Representatives. Fll3ll LABOR must fight the aristocracy, not only of this country, but of the world. This seems to be its fate, whatever may be the pres ent disguises of the diplomacy of European na tions. Our system of government is their plague spot upon. the world. Remove this, and European dynasties are safe. Crush liberty on this hemisphere, and tyranny will reign su preme in all the lands of the universe. But on the other land, let labor succeed in this strife, let the Feat fact be established more firmly than ever that' man la eminently capable of self government---that his condition must be free to secure the prosperity of the world—do all this, only this, and the rotten fabric of European aristocracies will be shivered before its advanc ing progreas, like gauze in the fierceness of a winter gale. And for these reasons, we must expect to be opposed and trampled on by every ar istocracy in Europe. From the system of gov ernment based on a distinction of classes, men struggling to maintain a system based on an equality, have no right to expect aid or sym pathy, only when they have achieved their success and asserted their power with the ability to maintain it, and then the very governments in Europe which now treat ns with freezing formality or haughty overbear ance,will be the first to extoll out patriotism and mask our alliance. Let us, then, not shrink from thia-fight. It is something more than preserving the territorial extent of our country. It has higher ends than the mere punishment of traitors.' It embraces the destinies of the world and the hope of freedom until the end of time. When we have achieved success in our own midst, and once more established our government on the foundation of peace, we may have usefor our arms abroad, in teaching that aristocracy 'which now treats us with disdain, a lesson in humility which maybe-bonefinial to both their souls and their sympathies. It is bard to speak of the future. • Tileirefore,lst EurOpo beware I Iff=ffsME2 ifttbica IYER'S SARSAPARILLA, POE PUBTPYTECf THE BLOOD, AND for the 81+66 , cure of the sub joined varieties of Mom : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection inch as Tumors, 'Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, andesn, • Bltches, Boils, Blams, all Ski Disea o ses. OAKLAND, hid., elth June, 1859. J. O. Am & Co., dents : I teel it my duty to ackoowl ?.dge what yam fikursagswgiatkicdone for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it to. various Wayi tbr pat Sometimes It burst' out In Ulcers on my hands and arms • sometimes turned in ward and distressed die at.the st omach. Two years ago It broke out on my bead and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, whiehivas, painfal and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicinta and several phyel- Cans, but without much rata from.any thing, In fact, aw the disorderj * Worse. .; .:./‘t length 1 was rejoiced to read In the. . Joel )11staanger that you bad preparcd an alternative Mk). for _I knew irom your rip: citation that any thing you made must be good. leant to analturati and got it, and deed it till it cured me. I took It, as you advise, is =au doses or a teaspooatul over a month, and used ahnost three bottles. • New and healthy aka Wen be4art to form under the scab, which after a while fell off my akin Is now clear, and I know by Mr taeliogi that the disease hes gone from my system. You can well believe that I teal what I sin saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the aostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose 'or Erysip_o . las, .. Tat tei - sod Salt Rhetua, Scald 'Head ': Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Hebert M. Preble Rriteh from 'Mem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1859, Olathe nes cared an inveterate came of Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally; by the per's- Tering use of- our Saraaparilia, and also a dangerous at• lack of Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same says he cures the common Eruptions by It constantly. Bronohocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebuion Sloan of Prospect, Texas; writes ...Three bo4 ties of . your Earimparilla cured me brom a Gmrsa—a hid eous swelling ,opilie neck, which I had stilfoecd from over two years."' Lenoorrhosa or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, female Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Channing,'Of New- York City, writes ; moot cheerfully comply:with the .respect- or your agent In saying I have kinnd Youi nhesaidirilla ametteteellent alternative in the numerous complaints for which we em ploy suck e.reenady butpapettielty in4reasuie Dimness of the Scrofillinisfillatlintle. tilificureerimilly inveterate oases of Leicorrhuet by li, and 'lame where thei com plaint was canned bystlceratfon alba uterus. -The ul ceration ittelf was MIL cured. : Nothing within my knowledge equals it fir these female derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala. writes, 6, A dun. gerous work* tumor on one of the females in my lamlty, which had dotted all the remedies we weld employ, has at length bean completely cured by your liktraat of Sur. saparilla. Our phyaintan thought nothing:. but extirpa- Men could afford relief, but he advieed the trial of your Sarsaparilla the last retort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease-remains." Syphilis and Mereiirial Disease. New Deities, 26th August., 1059 Dr. J. C. Aria : Mr, I cheerfully comply with the ro quest of your agent, and report to you some of the eaball 1 have realised with your gareapanna. I have cored with it, In my praetlite, most of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and have found Its effects truly wonderful In the cure of Ventral and Mar curia/ Diseases. One of my patients bad ityphilltic ulcers to his throat, which were coo:laming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured hint In five week. Another was auacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ulceration had eat en away a considerable part or it, so t hat 1 believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla: the uloers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some dagnration to Ida false. A women erbo . bud. been treated for the same disorder by Mercury was silfrOxlmit from this poison in her bones. /hey had become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating pain In her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla ia a few weeini. know from ire formula, which you agent gave me, that this Prepturalkiiifrom your laboratory must be a greet remedy ; oonsegdlmtly, these trillY. remarkable rest lie with It have net surprised. . fraternally years,'' It. I). • :et• e., , • I)/ ; It• , „ . trample either into the dust in the shadow of a throne which they claim as immaculate and in vineible. Tarn Emu; are indefatigable in their efforts to convert Europe over to the slaveholders' faith. Their agents are übiquitous. Great Bri tain, France, Austria, the German states,swarm with them. Their name, at every Capital, at every centre of Fashion, of Trade and Com merce, is legion. They throng reading rooms, they frequent clubs, they infest hotels, cafes and restaurants, write pamphlets ; they contri bute to newspapers. They have even invaded * the Isle of Man. In a copy of the Manx Sun, published at Douglas, we fine a long communi cation signed "An American," in which the writer endeavors to prove that the south has been ground down by Northern tyranny and trodden in the dust by the foot of Northern power. He informs the aston ished Islanders that " out of twenty millions income, more than sixteen mil lions are paid by the south," that "bribes are offered for murder, larceny and incendiar ism" by the Yankees, that the "Press of the North is wanting in courtesy, nay in common decency toward the south," that we are at tempting "to seduce a people whom Almighty God has drought proper to give to the South to christianize, to civilize, to feed and clothe," that "Abraham Lincoln's name was never known or seen south of the Potomac" and "was elected by absence of votes," that the South is the paradise of social arid political excellence, and the North a whitened sepulchre—fair without, but within full of dead men's bones. This veracious scribbler claws his screaming epistle by asking : "where will the Northern army be when the money ceases ?" and pro phetically answers, "the quarter-masters will be the only bankers left solvent in all the Northern States." IT IB AMUSING to hear a certain class cf men in the north modify their talk on the Mason- Slidell question, to suit an old purpose of venting their spite on the administration wldch is now so ably guiding the destinies of the country. When Mason and Slidell were first arrested, these men, with Vallandigham at their head in Congress, were ready to burst at the bare mention of giving up the captured traitors. It would be a national humiliation and disgrace to surrender them to England ; an acknowledgement of our weakness before the world thus to fail in punishing a brace of rare old rogues, after we had them in our possession. These pleas were set up by these men, with the prayer and the hope of provoking a quarrel be tween England and the United States. They were the poorly disguised efforts of the men who opposed the war to crush rebellion at the start, to aid rebellion now by hissing on another enemy to fight the national government—and what is most singular in the entire matter, is the fact, that these men, too, are to be found among that class in the north who have been persistent in doing just the contrary of aiding to crush rebellion. Since these efforts tabling England and the United States/ into a quarrel have failed, the very , men. who wpreig furious on the. subject of sugsgulailng,_*o4M liiiidel~, stns naw asholamorcniniiiaooo • : a i! EN!=M p ennogiv an SOM*TIELIIR FOB TAE rail3l eirAlittEsi IN EV E ir ibri§ttfan. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement . TEE STRONOSIT GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE dfirAT'EST THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY:IREI:LABLE GLUE IN IRE WORLD. THE BM GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE • Is the only article or the kind ever prottuced which Witt W.ITASTAND . *ATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save . your l tirokeo Fornltur-% IT WILL MEND LEATH E R, Mood your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c. IT WILT., MEND GLA/813; ; :Save the - Pieces or That exper;Elve Cut ites Bottle MALL MEND' MORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan, it hi easily ra• paired. Your . broken Mon Cups and Saucers oan be made se That piece knocked out or your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong , as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken Pitcher did not'oest but a OH ling, a shilling saved is e shilling earned. IT WIIA, IstedVD ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster *sae is broken and you can't match It, mend It will 'never show When put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AItIRICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where It Itmended. "livery Housekeepers should have a Supply of Johns /k Crosiers American Oement “It is ea convenient to have In toe home. "—N. Y. Ewen. "It le always ready ; this commends' itself to every body."—hukpendant. • "We have tried 1 and find Was useful In our homes as water."— Wilke Swit of the Timer. 110,00 per year saved In every Iltualtyaby One Bottle of AMIIII.OANMEM:ENT , GLirA: u , -1' • • Price 26Cents per Bottlo. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents - per Bottle. • Prioe 26 'Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bcittle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle.. i Very Libiralliviiicii;ma BiVers- T mks gar For sale by all Druggists, and Storekeepers general - • ly throughout the oountry. JOHNS & CROSLEY (Sole Mionfonturers,) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Oornor of Liberty street. ' NEW V ORM. of hoodlitiea between Enghwid and the 'lfni' States at a very early period, and believes in the necessity of prompt action on the part of our Government to avert a collision. lie is satis fied (in what manner and for what causes wilt be explained hereafter) that in no case can 'we expect any aid or even countenance from France, and believes that whatever action may be taken by the latter, will at least operate against us in the event of an appeal to arms. The General, it may be added, is much grati fied with what now appesrs to be the position of our government, and regards the prospect of a peaceable adjustment of the difficulty as much better than it had seemed to be in Europe. It will he remembered that General Scott's embarkation for Europe in the Arago (the same steamer in which he has returned) occurred al- Most immediately after his- arrival litre from Washington, on the 841 of November. The in terval of five or six days w.is occupied in receiv ing a few of the most distinguished of his nu merous friends and acquaintainces, who desired to manifest their respect for him and their re cognition of his great public services. The for mal reception of a deputation from the Cham ber of Commerce and the Union Defence Com mittee took place on the Bth, and the next day he left the Brevoiort House at an early hour in the morning, and privately, in order to avoid the demonstrations which otherwise would have attended his passage through our streets. His feeble health compelled him to forego the pub lic ovation which would have been given him. Great crowds, however, waited on the depart. ure of the steamer and gave him a round of parting cheers. After a rough passage of nearly fifteen days, the Arago arrived at Cowes, England ; but the. General and his party remained on board the steamer, and during his whole absence from his country he did not set his foot on British soil. He landed at Havre on the 25th of November, and remained in that city one night, starting for Paris the next day. fib stay in Paris was but fifteen days. Soon after his arrival the news of the Trent affair was received, and a whirlwind of excitement was occasioned by it; breaking in upon the General's anticipated quiet. He did not at first intend to return ; and it was but 'a few hours before he actually set out for Havre, on the 10th inst., that he de cided to relinquish his tour. His health had rapidly improved during the brief recreation he allowed himself. His return was so sudden that the captain of the Arago only knew of the fact that the -Gen eral was to be his passenger when he actually arrived on board that vessel at Havre. Among the visitors received by the General in Paris was Prince Napoleon, with whom the General became acquainted in Washington.— The interview was protracted and very cordial It occurred after the news of the Mason-Slidell capture had reached Europe, and when the temper of the British nation had been devel oped. The Prince expressed his well-known friendly feelings towards the United States; and under the circumstances believed that the wisest course in regard to the Trent matter was for our government to disavow the responsibility of the seizure, a course which, in his opinion, could alone prevent war. It is undendoixl that the Prince's conviction was that England would demand the restitution of the rebel ambassa dors, and would not accept any other result. --- He could give no encouragement as to the posi tion France would be likely to assume. After the arrival of General Scott on board the Amgo, ho had an interview with M. Thouv enel, French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Minister ,remained with the General nearly:lna an hour. It,is underetooffthat the subjects dia. cusse d were principallyof a private character, M. Thinaven4,cob 4 ucting the cotiversetion Entht figudAkthelligoica bsikicli affair, wentiuMaNrred.bo opinion ,exeept a taiefilgetepA the xiepliet.bat ENtlattsimes Ociturbar 7t:ftertuion. ioectittbrt 28Y 1861 IT ILL MEND CHINA, good as new, IT WILL. MEND MARBLE, EXTRACT& ECONOMY IS WEALTH. Inqitort= to House Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road. Oompinies THE JOURNIT THE INTERVIEW WITH PRINCE NAPOLEON Y. THOITVIINEL'S VISIT TO TES OESIBRAL itlisullazuou DARLING'S LIVER R EG VLAT OR, LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure yegetable extracts. They cure •U bilious disorders of the human system.— They regulate CM' Invigorate the ans tandem' they give tone to the digestive 0 route ; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalise the carom tattoo, sad purify the blood. ,Thus all bilious complaints .some of whieti are — orpld Liver, Sick Heed Drs. pew la, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costiveness or Looia- ness—are eidirely controled and Mood by these reams= dies. DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Itemorea the morbid and billicas deposits from the Mom .mob and bowela,. leg Wages We liver and Maws, team- Ins every obstruotioo r reeteres a mural aud,healthy ac tion to the'rltal grim= • Itle a wiped& • • • FAMILY MEDICINE,. Yeah better than pills, and much aster to take. DARI:ING'S LtFE BITTERS is• superior Wale and diuretic ,- =awn in cues of lees of appetite, Sistuleney,, ferule weakness, irregunizi ties,paln, re the side end boWth, bliiikpritrudhig sad bleeding piles, arid general debility. • • SHAD THE FOLLOWING TIOCILIONY ; Jas. L. Bromley, merchant, 184 Follow streak New York; writes, August 18, 1860 ; "I hare ' been Meted with piles, accompanied wtth 1110011 u, the last three Yom' I used DARLD:OI LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE MITERS; And now consider myself =max oinus." Holt. John A. Oroast writes, i 'Vrooklyo, March 311, 1860., _hobo spring of WM 1 took a severe cold, Which induc ed a violetit fever. i took Iwo dates of DARLING'S LIVIA .REGOZATOR. It becks up my odid and alver at ono& Previous to this Weer, I had been troubled with dyspepsia several months ; I have felt nothing of it since.". Otis Studly, Esq., 128 Bast 28th Street, N. Y., writes : "Aught* 12, Il3Bo—l had a difficulty with Kidney Own plaint three years with °oxidant pain In the mall of my back. I had used most all kinds el medicines, but brand no permanent miler indll I used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, LIFE BrITEES. I passed clotted blood by the urethra. lam now en tirely oared, and take pleasure la recommending thus remedies." Mrs C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y., writes ' , Feb YA, 1800.—I have been subject to attests of Asth ma the last twenty years. Ihsve.never _foetid anythir4 equal to Darling's Liver Regulator, ►h Wording inunediate relfet. It is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy?' !Mrs. Young. of Brooklyn, writes, "February 28, 1860. In May last l hada severe attack of Piles, which conftn ed.ma to the house. I took One bottle of WILING'S LIFE 13TI1ESS and was entireiy cured. I have had no attack since." D. Westervelt, Esq., of South sth near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. 1., writes : "August s,lB6o.—Having been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to trW Ices attacks, I was advised by a friend to try DARLINGI3•LIVEII REGULATOR, did ea, and 'bend ft to operate admirably, removing the bUe and arousing the User to activity.. I have also mei it as a rzwmrmr:7;Tr When oar children are out of sorbs, we give them a feWdrope and It sobs them all tight. I And tt masts the general wants of the stomach and bowals when disorder ed." R7ADCR, If you need elthor or both of these most ex pedient Remedies, innire for theset, thp stores; If yea do not And them, take nir atroicvaitiblere - On 4 Dollar In stetter, and on receipt of the motteY; the Remedy or Remedies writ be cent according to your d'reeßona, by mall or excreta. post7eadd. Address, • DAIN'L a. DARLING. - v.- The National the - official ann the Trent diffa tureen Load LT published in " WASSNGTO3 President in ' explained in ‘. has the appro\ net. The Named ently "semi-offix the disappoints the Adruinisixei of a quation upon the Exect we are Rue that .. and sincerity with which the, Lion; restating a natural tended by the concerted drift of public -.; .' !1 . ' • own*Wiry has resolved to do -.; .. to be tight is. the premises, an. Viale' of the give ri,' pause to alrwtio may .. dry, riving perms lenge the propriety of the - . ars. mid roma ithe the Administration has comeZem T 144 street, y learns his that a contrary decision word h e t .fi o rtipoto to positten, not only to the vi pAtession. Aker especti t er taro, but also to those which that shalLnal be of France announces r ' '`P.„7,,nlitt city . : Hie public law in the transactionl "`"" '"' in. The intelLigencer has fiVer-ounten On Ana Gold, en. pondence. 4ie raw. • The Editors say :—"Earl .. unlit Majesty's Secretary of fits T l Nl. l9 oni ,` l 7:ll7 i : after reciting the circ wil!perAwm WI opera he understood the capture my knowledge or hie to have been made, J. e• GORGAB, D. D. 8. actin* it as an out -- - flag, and after eapressim that it had not been went, Asks as reparati. aggreeition that the fot should k be released,and given for what the got deems i an affront to 111111611%EiV footed I according to tl offiwig, and thus dc and omissions of Brii to analyse the facts public law involved rives: et the conclusim Capt. Wilkes, partly vol part, to bring the Trent i prisenhay be justly held 1 _ feiture of beligerant right of capt cording to the law of nations, that the Government of the United Stet well from this consideration as in c tency with its own traditional policy re ing maritime rights of neutrals, word in its own wrong if it should refuse a, pliance with the - - as relates to w) . • of the persons Wilkes, under to be justly open thus indicated. asked for by the tendered, because facia, as they are I fence could ha , government, as 7 whatever in the 1 of Capt. Wilkes, the benefit of his to the rules of t' considerations of The decision o as announced am patch of Mr. Sev gator, has the a) Cabinet. Mr.l3eward i in core case in favor of - disavoW its mt. mew and foriiiet *eon i ThßoteW ‘: 1 ~... - 4 t...{-, sltDual ELIXIR PROPTLAMTKR, THE NSW SIMEDY RHEUMATISM, A NSW EMMY, „,.. A CWITAIN StOLIDY,tI ACUTE BEI FUMA CHRONIC EHATIM, RHNURATIRM OR EVERY ILIAD; lie Jur= ROW STUBBORN { t IDNG BEARDING. PE OPYLANIA BUZ CONQUER IT, RILL CUBA IT, WHAT IT HAS. DONS, IT WILL DO AGAIN. MX BEST UST imotollintkrry PENIiSYLVANL4HOSP/TAL. (11m:fMu:usabil!zuf. Roans.] NAT 19, 1880,—Mlen S., at. MI, Bogle, neverwas very stoma. Two years ago the hadan attack of acute rheum tienymni nigh the was iititilided Mt flit bed kiln/ Wirth and subeetieny ton a relepsoisr fourteen: Mahn been well since then till lest Bator while onealled In hour cleaning, the took cold; - batiWn.ln bet beek;fidt fkibt, hot bad Jw deshitel chili. Two days ben her angle° be. gun so wiaoh was followed by swelling of the knee joints and or 'llue bands.! illts boa now AD pain in her shoulders. and her knuckles are very tender, red andlabirel ; bothhittidtfireaßboted, but (be Might is most eo. - Tide, that, Is s manor acateriteamatimo, or, as it is now tishlonably call d rbeamatte fever. Ilia a well rebound typitsal one- 'We will oirefolly -Witch the cue, and from ,limo to tion.hall your attentka Mtn vart. 048 symptoms which present themselvia My chief °tiled in bringing her before you now, Is to tall attention to remedy which has recently been recommended In the treatment of rheumatism.- 1 m empagootamtas. Dr. Awensulthi, Of St. Petersburg, recommendi it in the bighead terms, having derived great.omiefit:from its -sat in 250 cases which came under his care. Various tio mesdatoty UelaiioioalVre9peotint It appeared 'ln oat jolusels, anti I propose 3htztefore;to give In another • trial I must warns lam always tooredulous as to the worth °flew reteedlet,- what Ware Venetad in opielles ; but this comas to as recommended so highly, that we are bound ' n give it'a Ewa CAM ROUE DAYI3:LAXICIL Mat 23, 11300.—1 will pow exhibit to you the pothunter wboai I presiiribed Propylamloe, and wa s then latish , lug under an Mack of Opole ,bedmiatfem. She bas steadily takestit in doses of three vitas imory two boars (toterinittiiii itititgia) Theday offer you net her, I rounding roach more begat Ahem she peakto be for a we or. "ore, Judging from her of her at (The padettinorrilato the Titre imprairemeat,Wa steadilyprogresuo4.4o4., rig CalLaC4, fall to make a riniiked ;diatom - in appearan ce of - her Joint; which are not itearly , all of their Sitar& MIL—. Thus far our experiment ,would havihisemed ve.q " a. mow but, gentlemen, Ukentuat *An Mb 'w hile bit• fibre we Can give a decided °Odom ma to what, is I. be , the mull. Hare h another patient who was placed on the as of the same medicine on Sunday last; she , ha, long Poen soaking train o hroolO rheturtathm, and I Mond her at that Um with an alcute , attaok sitpersaall4 aiptat her chronic affection. The wrists ad knuckles were much swollen and teen. She took the chloride of Propyla mine In three grain doses erery.twaliours,and you will nd. perceive that the sialklitol Pinta lairmithh-tinhat la THE= DAYS LATER 1 tier 26, 1860.--Thia's the ease of acute rheumatism Yemen with propyLmine, the drat of those' to watch I. called* your attention at our last clime. Sin b stilt rap comfortabba, and is now titiag Wee grains Union' dally. _ In this MUSS it his seemed to be *Hewed by very. sat isfactory results. The second o.ae to winch year tiftes tice was called at our last leoture, hula& continned to do well. • I will now bring befoirlkyoun very 40/DraD_Ykr links cone of acute ihetunatism, and if the result De DM , factorrOthlrac, se toodjuryineuVweomill justly milli our verdict In= foetal:ma He is a iierman; 'wt. wherein mindtleit a few demi ago. "Hal he t rheamido pains, Mat DOC* an to keep his bed; until eight deft ago. The began In his right litiale,'ldtielaPilintly *Meted the nag , lalierdhe Joints of Me !spar extrooltbiab . Them are all swelled, tense and tender. Bit tongue is nirreet his aldneat present dry, though there has:.bean :meta; sweatlaw ELDI 11111114081DIU and. strong, an& about 00,— He has mei mil proPylitinine Ilr twenty-Ibtfr hairs. This tiO iiskedit *lot& sip • ease of acute rheumatism. moo was expos** to cold and wen, gal this In Iblieenia * of coldness, severe *alienist pain, beginning, as lt on does. ihildvier OM. There uSeer and prefle.- swealtinit ts a; ....lA:Situ bring this patient belbre you, with the idea tion of giving you ageoterti on ell the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a Aria!, ati, the new remedy we are Jolting, and to exhibit to you this tiptoe ease; eat lave than which than • Cid alit not be a fairer opportunity.. for testing the, medicine to ' are; therelbre, avoiding the GA id" all other Medicines; trValiskaodynes, that store inar be sib miegivingter to which was ellicd,ent remedy. You shall see the ease ot fatme ' THE RESULT. A FAVOIWIJE VERDICT. • Jona 9, 1800.—The next of our oonvalesoents tot. the 01148.01 anterhenmasin'berorei you at Gorelick' ot May 2, lik w liioli l thee oalitd:s .tYatoid attlehlied .Attledt was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, -Is lam Madera 'etsaito given in three grain doses every two bours.for, fOur dept. The Patient'his got along Way [Liddy, and le now ible to walk shoat, as you see. .1 do not herniae to dry that I have Ravin seen as severe a case of acute rheumatism, 0.0 'restored . to heeith as adir Min hie bee 4 antl anklet being prepared to decide positive by as to the vai n. of the remedy we have used, I fool bound testateto , , that hi the caste to which wiiitso trtodlruir Chloride at Propylemine, the pedants hive'LA* , soit' their .hotarith: much butler than under the treatment Ordinarpy par; sued. I with gentlemen, you wield 'yOuntelves try IS and report the remits. Fora full report of which the above, Lt a. eoniten extract, see the Phibuielphla lediced and porter; It a the report after &fair Wei by the lieitikusdk Mal authority In Unit tawdry,' iuid nitigoessiry -- go give awnennicestrtintsnse ;troth astoplabed Maim and re.ijoiolog.paiketits. ANEWWM , AN EItFAICTUAL•OURE. ; THE BAYS B.E131:11:r ' van n. SAB, D ONE, Bullock & Orenshaw, a Ores well known to most mid oal men, by whom the Elixir rropylandne lumbeal troduc,ed, have white Ca saolltsioe Slat t 9,11449.11. taro Nocoordios to tin Qr)/lif* rectP. l 4 1314. se ha" made MTangements of such Magnitude si to enable as to welter It" toroadibaVamongitt: damning &amenity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If yew prefer to use.the same remedy in_astether ibrm we brvite'your ititesition to the " - Pull cetistiuthe otatwiterPettrilehm Pose theirrsaants fawn; Pau ptarnSteraw Otoweenwswao, . P u ß ir , of which we are the sole Wetwafticturers. p -We Oaken° other virtue for the ElizirEroulamihe , than la contained in Plata Crystalized Chloride of Propy- TIM *ball IS . TM MORE lOO_NteXem AND AL - ATS nor FOR muniATl AND NAY BE TARNN, AOCOILDING TO DIRECTIONS, • BY ANY ONB, BY BIBBY ONB, WHO HAB ansratelm Or. ANY KIRL OM In Barrisbnn bY , i . it Till*. a *MX. Onion nu be addromed to PROPYLAIUME NARUFACIVIRMO CO., Mos, Room No: 4; t S. W. C4mWourth and Closom4 street; Pidla#APOia• • Or to either. ot'the Nitride; Wholesale Ageats. , BULLAXIKAIMBRINICIORti . !4: ago.. sr , S T D. e ietiot'; ti . 1 * % 11;i, l'.. !,466511111163611261 6 aAs: .. r •-''. l • • movi-tim T. NORRIS PIERIA' 6 012,y o st mummum/A. MUNI }MLLE, STop y ocß cot. 4 SPALDI (4 Throat Confectiots, DOCTO IX(MRS EB=IN DOCITUUS TRW: E, GOOD FOR OLERGYVIRM DOCTORS KNOW kr, PATBNIS BRUM IT, nisi,' AND TRUK GOOD FOB LECTURER:I GOOD. FOR PEIBLIC SPEAREtt!, f3PALDMO'S THROAT CONFErno, LADIES. IRE DILIGHTED SITE HPALDrHG'S THROAT CONFEORON SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTION, They retina a (bile hastAiniy They deer the Threat. They give ohmage arid volume 10 . tbe rnle, Thy impart a delk4ona aroma to the hr.ett, Ther,are.dolightful to the taste. They ars made of gimp], herbs sod caanoi hug I advise every ono who bee a cough or a fluky 'or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, linklMP o< my Throat OlthreetiObir they will reherr arlasoly, and you will find them very oaerui Cod pi.u. ant while traveling Of attending Quell° meounre for tL likir year Cough or allaying your Mira. lr you try t:t pealaugia ant age in earplug that you taut errs a%o wards atetabler them thdirmenstble. You a-ul fiat to at Lb. gfruposto and Dealers in Medicines 11 7 filmdom Yas ilia wing& All ocher are c 44061111.: A PACrins will be wet by mall, prepald, on rmc ThirtrOMMl SICK HEADACHE *NERVOUS HEADACHE, &LL INDS OF HEADACHE By Bio Imo or dome Palo Ma parioito 11121X1 of .5"!. Oars or Mot Hoodoche may be prevented, 10,14 Au , tlw Olanmarmement of an attack named:ate pan Sad sickness may neobtained. They Whim WI la reheyel at Atm and goadsat:. Walsh teesales are a) subject. 13147 Mt gently SIMI the bowels, removing Cagsteatu /11XLIterary Yea, &adepts, Delloate Yamaha ati ration of sedentary Imbue, the/ are “Ill3M Zieligdos, Improving the leTTErri, airing pma to t ae digageir• wane, sad restoring the Warm ewe ear emigrant& to the whole egetem. 41 116 . 11 1 C PILLS are to. rc.ult mat Wan and earehehy conducted elixir:mos, 53714 D' A ' hk nosy years, during wittch Caw ttav pare rr Ireeitd and relieved a hut amount of pun: 'Li screr4 AVM Ideeinehe, whether originating tir ilk norm et amen or frank * . deranged state of the stoma& rirrirs entirely vegessbie In thou 801111/010 0 a. rae nay be taken at all times with perfect Imlay wiu.a. asking any *bangs et diet MI tAe absence it cwio Pvmbli iniuk rondos a easy to odetinieer Rent to titeiro The gamble Mere Ave signatures of Henry C. diAaLog On meal= bold by !Jrl4lolllo and all other dollars in medicaid A Box min be NM by mail prepaid on receipt of OA AU orders should be addressed ta IN STEW Oft I=I7I4IStED. IT WILL DO AGAIN 61P - A emu bottle of SPALDING'S PSIPLEO As aceeksidt totithappis, Pen is weli•repiaaternalk" / 1 . 1 . 11 Very tleatrable to bare SOW Cbeap awl ,vvvelLea, WlT:idt repairing Fanelli*, Tor, Crooveri ve Mew 111 suelt ontentetoote, wad no toasenoid Oa afar' to be without it. it Is always ready sad op lo &be tug larPotat. N. 8.-4 grub atoompanies atm Dottie. five £ddrom BIXBY C. SPALDISG, New Tart. No. 48 Cow greet, CAUTION "Ft" WlPrigGiPial persoaeare attempting to Pam a° the usiguirectthg publie, tantanonslnl P 0 PAM was Gannon persona W WON ipheebadng, sad gee that the fall hem, eee ~fiTALDINalit PIIRPARED GLUE,Jer inupper;all Ohio aditei 91a. ovlkdahlrritOlg "They go right to the Spot,ll- PFFRIEn You BRiLtriT mire 'trim lOCR GOOD FOR SINGKEIB, GOOD FOR CONSTriiPTIV EIENTLXMEN CARRY CHILDREN CRY FOE PRICE TWINTY-FIVIC CENTS C. SPALDING, Mc 48 ODER STEM, NO' San CEPHALIC PILLS CUBE WIWARI OP COONIZEPEITt PRICI TWIINTYTIVE OINTLI RENBY C. SPALDDIGI 48 Clethir Street, New Vitt will save ten timm:lte east annually:ft BPLUNNG'I3 PREPARED GLUE' SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUEI SPALDING'S PREPARED GLGEI sees THE Plica iltieq enrol nir mistiaine son. J 3 BFAIMINVB PRIPARED 61111 .rugi7ol. LN EVERY BOUM." DISPATCH