ititgrao . 11AFRISBURG, PA sliturday Afternoon, December 28, Is McCsas 500—" Don't be feeling around, but II at No. 38 Market street, and get a good jr of spectacles." imr:::Ei A comma:um who signs himself an " old scriber" can best obtain the information he eks for at the Mayor's or either one of our Al ston's Lillcers. We do not profess to be )Iced up in matters of law. SEW YEAR'S ADDRESS.—Our carriers beg to Lied their patrons that they will, as mug tent themselves at their doors on the morn of the New Year with their annual address, t d express the hope that they will be goner isly received. The address IS no " wishy ihy" affair, but a really beautiful and useful , 31., well worth a quarter to any one. JESUIT or THE FRIENDSHIP Firm Ciostmwr.—.. ford's Opera Troupe will perform next 'rues night for the benefit of the Friendship Fire ipan y. The programme for the occasion is t f "good things," and cannot fail to be utive. The "Friendy Boys" are among met active of our firemen ; and as they s heavy debt yet to pay on their " Steam we hope our citizens will avail themselves this opportunity to contribute liberally to . their relief. THE PLEASIMSS OF A BUGGY REDB.—One of tat young men, who delights in fast horses, times and fun, recently borrowed a horse ,uggy from one of our livery men for the pose of enjoying a ride with his "lady love." fortunately, while proceeding with his team" to the residence of the lady, the horse fright, ran off at 2.40 speed, pitched the er head over heels down a ten foot em :ment, and brought up against a fence post ;where back of the reservoir, demolishing rehicle and slightly injuring the animal. =MEM FRAUDULENT USE OF FRANKE. --The attention ' the Postoffice Department having been called the fact that the frank of those entitled to franking privilege is being fraudulently ' and sometimes forged for the purpose of Kling the payment of postage, and that such iks are being sold to soldiers and others, it , be well to state that the following law will rigidly enforced against all offenders; and postmasters are enjoined to retain all let earing such fictitious franks : 'Chap. 18, Sec. 248—Poatoffics Regulation.—lf person shall counterfeit the handwriting or c of a person entitled to the franking privi ,or cause the same to be done, in order to id the payment of postage, each person so sailing is liable to if fine of five hundred del- BAD BimAvamerr.—A correspondent in us that Mr. Abraham . Burkholder, of th Anville township, Lebanon county, re ly lost foar chidlren out of a family of five, scarlet fever. The children all died within short time of fifty four hours, and were im side by side in one grave on Thursday the inst, in the presence of a large assembly friends and neighbors. The following are lames of the deceased: Harriet died on Sunday, the 22nd inst. Age years, 10 months and 28 days. Aim Elizabeth died on Tuesday the 24th. Age years, 11 months and 26 days. Felix died on Monday, the 23d. Age 8 years months and 1 day. Catharine died on Sunday night, the 22d.- 1 year, 2 months and 24 days. "Insatiate Archer, would not one suffice?" EXTRAVAGANCE IN DaEss.—lt has grown np gigantic evil, from whatever point of it may be regarded—outlay, convenience taste, a girl Is lost in her vast amplitude of Ile and tarlatan. She does injustice to her attractions by swamping them in gorgeous lows of silk or lace, that rise and foam over If the breadth of a room, dwarfing her face insignificance. Dress should be elegant, I need not be ruinously extravagant ; in the ;ping style, but never in the excess of fash which may or may not suit every form and )lexisn, and which never really becomes It shoal always be remembered that rever the eye may be taken at first sight a magnificent dress, it is the wearer that a finally falls in love with ; besides which, re is Flieh a competition in the article that r women can hope to conquer by supremacy extravagance. Pu ttee—Before the Mayor.—Wm. Wolf, who laid he was a lieutenant in the three months' Wilco, was arraigned, charged with violating one of the city ordinances, by driving over pave ments. The lieutenant was considerably ine briated, and threatened divers terrible things. A friend advanced the money wherewith to pay the fine, but the lieutenant was furnished with lodgings in the lock -up. John Gastrock—the supervisor of the Second District—was summoned to answer the charge of obstnicting the public highway in front of his property in Fourth street. The obstruction complained of consisted of a quantity of loose boards and planks. Fined five dollars and thirty-three cents. James Weltmer and Joseph Biggins—soldiers, belongin g to the 110ih Pennsylvania Regi ment, were up, charged with feloniously taking from Barnhart's tavern a coat belonging to tir Jacob Levi. The stolen property was found in Weltrnore's possession. Sent to prison to answer. About a dozen of soldiers were arraigned for nronkenness and disorderly conduct, all of l 'koni were discharged. a 13 'd the Consolidated Police. -Wm. Lunge was n atal for drunkenness and disorderly con Co mmitted to "blra .eihoff prison by Justide Reader. , was l arrested for drunkenness. aroitttd to prison by Justice Beader. haraajel limier was arrtmted for assault and e/7 with intent to kill. Committed to Prim by Alderman Kline. stiont4 - ,_ stolid read Prof.' Wood's advertia4:4Bn aktker.oollamn. PREACHING IN THE COURT House -A. Shoe maker will preach in the Court Houce to-mor row morning and evening, at the usual hours of divine worship. Flamm suitable for people in all stages of life—the old, the young, the gay and happy, the heart-broken, the heart-seekers, the heart loosers, the heart-winners and the heartless, or those that never loved. For the latter class we recommend a pistol. All of which can be obtained at M'Calla's Jewelry store, No. 88 Market street. I== Tai PANTOXIMM at Sanford's Opera, Brant's Hulk still continues all the rage, and the ques tion of "have you seen the three legged mon ster f" is becoming almost as popular as that of "have you seen the elephant?" The panto mime is certainly the best ever performed in this city, and is only a fortaste of the many amusing novelties which the enterprising man ager has in store for our play-going community. LEOTDES NUT MONDAY NlGEL—Holders of ' tickets, and others will remember that the dis tinguished orator Prof. M'Ooy, will deliver his celebrated lecture, entitled "An Historical Vindication Of temperance Societies" in the Fourth Street Bethel next Fonday evening for the benefit of Advance Lags I. 0. of Good Templars. Tickets fifteen cents—to be had at the book stores, and at the door onthe evening of the lecture. Tsui COUNTY TrACHICR's Issrercra adjourned last evening, and the closing proceedings will be fognd on the outside of this evening's Tara- GRAPI. The attendence, during the session was large and respectable, the exercises replete with interest, and the whole affair, through the well directed, ardent, and devoted labors of the County Superintendent; was a most signal, 'and decidedly deserved success. Much good has doubtless been done, much instruction gained; and whilst the brain and the mind have been benefitted, the heart has ebeen expanded, and the genial social qualities cultivated and improv ed. Many lasting lessons have been learned; and so eager and thin3ty for knowledge have many of our young men become, and so desirous are they still further topursue the "pleasant paths," which lead thereto, that many , of them are decidedly of the opinion that the "annual" meeting should occur at least twice during the year. GERM Rim or GooDs.—For several months past Cotton Goods, and Groceries have been tending upwards in price till now they have taken a sudden flight of thirty to fifty per cent. Sheetings usually retailed at eight and ten cents cannot now be bought in the cities at wholesale less than fifteen cents per yard, and shilling prints are held at eighteen cents. Dealers in Teas, Coffee and Sugar have with drawn their stocks from the market waiting for a fandy price, and the prospect is fair that they will eYentually get all they choose to ask. Country dealers are abliged to be governed in their sales by the wholesale men of the cities, and our readers must expect in the future to pay "war prices" for their store goods. Our merchants to-day can re-ship their goods to New York, and sell them at better profit than they have been selling of late. Some who purchas ed early bought .comparatively cheap, while others paid dearly for their goods. - In Justice to themselves and the public, thererore, they have now mutually agreed upnn uniform prices for all staple goods, and though considerably higher than heretofore, they are only at about city wholesale prices, and probably much less than they will be bye and bye. • Tas WAR AND TERN SOMA:El.—Except that the gilt gingerbread in the baker's windows runs more in the line of colossal cavalry than usual, and that toy dealers must affect play things of a more material cast than customary, the war appears to be ignored by the devotees of the seasons. The boys certabitly evince some what of a martial spirit In their choice of holi day articles, when, in the words of the old song— "Rattles and toys they throw away, All for a gun or a sabre, 01" Knapsacks of a limited calibre, tin-bladed swords, harmless muskets, half-pint canteens, and intensely clipperish red caps, with tricol ored plumes, are in high favor ; but upon the whole, the war is merged in the holidays, and King Christmas is too much for Mars. Adult masculine humanity still gives his first glance at the telegraphic head of his evening paper ; but as for the children, Beauregard has given way to bon-bons, and Mason and Slidell are not worth a straw's consideration in comparison with a well filled stocking or a wax headed and flaxen haired doll. Just look at a squad of youngsters absorbed in the contemplation of theglittering stores displayed in the windows of a toy or a confectionary store, about this time, if yon would see en example of earnest undivided attention to a single class of objects. How their eyes dilate at the contemplation of the treasures so lavishly spread out before them; how their months water at the bare sight of saccharine or gingery dainties, and how profound their inward speculations as to their ability to satisfy a reasonable proportion of their desires with the outlay of the few nick els which form the sum total of their Christ mas treasures, and which they instinctively finger with the hands that are thrust, far down into their pockets. Christmas is everything to them, war is nothing, and the news of an ad vance on the line of the Potomac, or of the sailing of an English fleet up the Delaware would fail to divert even momentary attention from the outward signs and symbols of the great holidays. lowieWAitg gPR100128.2-ifrphe: I :n d t erEdgn cheape ed r oir tlatin era th cim ef Ti l e 4 purchased in New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt coliare, scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins, night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; aISO /allele , cuff setts, under-garments, &c. Theee goods being my own manu facture, I gdarantee them for durability ma terial, & All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. order ; it will meet with pr Please send omptness and & your bap nee, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on had large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy yam selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg Cheap shirk manufactory ; No 12 Market street. Booms next to Ibinunel & Kiimniceen Pennspthanbx fiaturbiap 7. ifternoon, Ottetnba 28, 1861 CAMP STOVES ! CAMP STOVi s ! !—The cheapest place in town to purchase Camp Stores, Tin Ware, &c., is at the Tin and Sheet Iron manu factory of Lyman Gilbert, Market street, half way between market house and bridge., 28-3 t Fuss I Funs ! Fuss I—We have r !calved a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from *2,60 up to $l2, a large assortment of Cloaks *2,60 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 60c, 76c, *lOO, 11.76. 60 dos. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 60 doz, of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 17c. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Eden's woolen Socks, at all prices. 26 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Efandkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 14e,, Satchels Sontags, Alapacas, Paramattas, Seta of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. Limy's. delo OR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEM ALES. "Read the fodlo • lag certificate" from OEM of the nrst ladles% in Utica, N. Y., who called open my agents in that city (Mr. Wm. Brutol & C 0.,) and told them that ,he, of course, did not wiab her name made public, bat if any one should doubt the woirierful efficiency of-Oa. Boron colt Golden Pills, they alight refer auy Lady to her, ag she considered It a duty, us well as pie.sure, tO her knowiedge of their alcsey, as administered to bet daughter, a young I ady 17 years old. ..he Well feat go ing Into consumption—bad taken cold—nature became obatructed Two boxes of these Golden Pt& entire ly cured her, and one is now in robust heal& "We Were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explleit directions accompanying etell box. Price Si.— Sold wholesale and retail by Cl. A RILIMUST, No. 2, Jones Row, ad C. - K. gets" 91 Market street, Barris burg, Pa. Ry sending either of them Si 00 through% he Harrisburg Post Mice the Pills will be sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free of poetage." N. 11.—Look out for counterfelte. Boy no deldsa Pith of any kind unless the box. is signed 8. D. Howe. Al ethers is a base imposition and =tale; therefore, a 4 1 you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be lug MuMbllgged out of year money,) buy only of those who dhow the signature of S. D. Howe on every has. oldish has recently been - Add.lll aolcuat of the nits hoar owinterleltsi. The ingredienti composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, MO they are safe, end will, perform alit claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Banff. man, Mechanicsburg ; M. marks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott. Carlise ; 8. G. Wild, Newville ; J. C. Altiok, &tenons, burg; J Spengler, Chombersburg ; E. T. • iller, York; A: Wolf, Wrightsville ; 8. B. Stevens, Folding ; and H. P.!ffunter, Reading, and by "one eruggtst" In every, town tied in the United States, sad by S. D. MO WE, 80M Proprietor, New York. e 8 4m The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known-I An ethers are mere imitttiomi, and should be avoided tryoo wiab to escape ri Mane. GREY. RED OR Rusnr HAIR dyed instantly to a beatiiitul ana natural Brown or Blaok, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FINTHEN 6I , DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wa. A. BITOEUILOR clue 18 9, and over 210,000 applications have been made to the hair of Soo patrons of ble famous Dye. Wm A. BATOHNLOR'S HAIR, DYE product* a color not to be diitinguishe.l from nature and is wAssairrina not to Injure in the least, howerer long it m. 31 be contin ued, and the 111 effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by thin splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 18 timid Street New York. Sold i all lite cites and towns or the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Booth' Dealing The Genuine has the name" William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the item aides of each box. oct2-dawly DELEBOLD , .4RXTRACT RUCH°, IBITI ORE a DIURETIC REGIEROLIPS EXTRACT' BMW, THE GREAT DIURETIC. ELELIIHOLD'S EXTRACT ammo. BBLMBOLD'.i.' EXTRACT And a Positive and IC OR FIRMA& ft, LONG originating and no matter of See Advethrtisdelnmeet Organs " 1115 "41°;" ' send for the bleititilnequrgaes require the aid of DIURETIC. BEwAßirs FZICTRACV BUCK U ng°lB-42m THE GREAT DIURETIC .4heee the deal r ed . Went in all-Diseases - - RECONSIADED. rtvapt Teliabie Mil responsible sharacher YID 'Am medical. , • .ixans OF amis. IkromB to 20 yearn standing, BOOKS P i t ' _CIE_6 AND FAME. - six for 0. A Hew and larg 3 ,P er b°ttle l reou or rely packed fr o mobaer. Aable for Chibie ddress ' BERGNER'S BOOsprous IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS meat will be foam' cod t Advice (Aram AFF TO' ludestruati A full aosortral Books printed Stories from tl Stories from Stories-frr Childs Roust Cool In addition sortment of boy BIBkES, BIBLES for 87 'BIBLES for BIBLES k BIBLES BIBLE BIB) PEAYEJ All ' calved Itsaml HYMN New' Old SI Lath( Meth German In veal 1133 111:1? If Gold In the A-VARD TO THE LADLEQ HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE!! Win. A. liatthelor's Blair Dye I Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay SL, Late 238 Broadway, New York TIM GREAT ART °ROANS, Bladder, Grave BIESTER, AND GILDER, Manufacturer of lass and lioture Frame; Rosewood Mouldings dm SECOND. BRANT'S HALL ! CHRISTMAS WEES,• SANFORD'S TROUPE, IN THEIR GRAND CONCERTS. BIIRL.ESQUE RAVEL'S Saturday Evening, Deoember 28th Doors open at 6i. Commences at 74 del2-U CHRISTMAS GIFTS FINE VARIETY of Selected Goods /t suitable for Presenia now opea at RBLLICW§ 91 Market street. TER& -COTTA TOILET COLOGNE BOTTLES. MARBLE MATCH STANDS. MARBLE SEGAR STANDS. MARBLE ASH-HOLDERS. Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, ' Toilet Cases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Mirrors. Beautiful Powder Puff Boxes. Handsome Shell Elam All sizes, beet Leather Traveling Satchels, Satchels with Cuba Furniture A fine assortment of ladies and Gents Purses and Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant Confectionary : Also, with other articles not mentioned, Pocket Knives, Thermometers, Canes, Portfolios, Card Cases, SegerCases, Segars, Pipes, Gum Tobacco, Pouch , s, (double and single, ) And the largest and best stock of PEFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES in this market. dela KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store. Holiday Presents! LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY 11- GOODS, bag just been opened at BERG NER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. Among the re- cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LOWEST. POSSIBLE PRICES. Albums bound to suit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY ANTIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD, WITH CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, To Hold Twenty Cards, T -1 4 14 01121 , 11",,, , 5ueptrat....._ from the patriotic sentiments I expected to hear from . the descendants of the Puritans, and my ex kehiltions have not been disappointed. [Land. s i pplausti.] Thank God, I Impro never looked; into the fice Of a disloyal Pennsylvanian since the commencement of the rebellion. [lm mense.applause.] Save the distinguished pre sident of this society, and some three or four of the members, I stand in the presence of an as sembla,ge of gentlemen with whom I had not the pleasure of personal acquaintance and I certainly could not have separated myself from my duties in this exigency but to mingle with thoee who harmonize with the people of Penn sylvania in their ardor, their zeal, and sympa thy to suppress this most wicked and insane at tempt to disturb the peace of our hitherto hap. py country. [Applause.] Gentlemen, it is the duty of every man who calls himself an American citizen to devote himself to the suppression of the treason and rebellion which now threaten the stability and future progress of the greatest and most benefi cent Government ever conceived by the mind of man ; not to the restoration of the Govern ment—l admit of no such-fallacy. The govern ment extols, and the Constitution, with all its ample powers, is in full operation—[vociferous applause]—but to suppress an insurrection against legitimate authority, we are now en gaged in actual war. The time for temporizing is-past. We have unsheathed the sword, and the people of the loyal States demand that it and the halter—[applause]—shall perform their duty with the rebellious and the wicked. This attempt to disturb our Government is without a parallel in history, and so the civili Ad world must regard it. For seventy-three years we have enjoyed con stant enlargement of national power and indi vidual happiness, under a form of Government which derives its principles of political and re ligious liberty from the men the anniversary of whose landing on the shores of New England you have this night assembled to commemorate, and the attempt to disturb it must • be resisted by force—force of emu. [Applause.] If the time has come when our Constitution, the most priceless legacy given to us by the Apostles of Liberty, must be purified by the shedding of blood, we must meet the crisis like men ; and; having baptized it in the blood of the wicked, transmit it to posterity as it came from their hands. [Applause.] In responding to the toast, I cannot fall to recognize in it the immor tal. words of an immortal man; and you will pardon me, as a Pennsylvanian, for referring to the fact that the sentiments of political and re ligious liberty brought by the Puritans of Neiv England, and carried thither by its representa tives and promulgated to the world in the Declaration of Independence, and that John Adams uttered the words in Independence Hall, iri the city of Philadelphia ; and it will not, I hope, be considered invidious to refer to the fact that, when-the war of the Revolution had closed in success, the freedom of New England was again carried to Pennsylvania, and represented in the Convention where our matchless Consti tution was framed. [Applause, loud and long.] for all affxNoua sifit tho duly: Ws, no rage- D. f No• •cnalea" LE! MIT PitA/138 'A. at Portrait iun, DIEW. °TOBY I Third, The people of Pennsylvania are not given to sudden or frequent spasms for changes of public opinion. But, when sent in the right direction, as it certainly now is, it flows on with an even and resistless current of devoted loyalty to the Government, LM3:I wiLL rundoli light in any of will do well Invince them- BUS -ay ; It is common to complain, outside of Penn sylvania, that we are slow to move, and Penn sylvania is sometimes called a " blind giant" If it is intended as a compliment, it is, to say the least, somewhat equivocal. Go now and feel the pulse of the giant. You will find the beat regular, healthy, and" strong, and with e heart full of patriotic loyalty ; you will discover that the scales have , fallen from one eye, • at least, and that is turned upon the rebels and traitors with fiery indignation ; and a hundred thousand Pennsylvanians in arms, to vindicate the righLand _thagtruth,r.fully-attest that the gisait__„ *Mae. ffialngnist;MPOulee, aid: 411100 Xfflpiga! :!. M 1 1 from the 1C11114AL,7A013 tox*iiated and.-pittbtb • aldkalaili4- iiCENSIZEV Ntzu 2burtioements PANTOMINE. GREAT BILL. and P ARIAN MARBLE inis(ellantons. GIFTS FOR .T.RE BOUM/at]. TRE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF RARE CONFECTIONS, OF THE FINES I' QUALITY NOW BEADY FOR THE PUBLIC. CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly in boxes, from one to five pounds. FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGEILIER A BRILLIANT IMPORTATION OF RICE FANCY BOXES. STEPHEN F. wEirrmAx, No. 1210, Market street, " de7 dim Philadelphia. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF PENN'A. I AVIN G been authorized to recruit a Regiment for the Volunteer service of Pennsytva. nia we have cnnoluded to make Da regiment of "sharp -ibeoters"—rillarnen—rearuit.- d from the State at terse. We want VON good able bodied yeung men from each county. so as to have every prtion of the State fully and aeuttly represented. Those destrow: ureteral air their coebtry, of fighting u rider and tor our good old MAO, have now a ardent:led oppor. brolly offers t them We Intend to make Ole a ."GRACK REGIMONT ;" if passible the best In the* Service or our noble Commonwealth. Gerd substatito& - onlAirlii- will be tarnished as coon as the men reach Olonwatull a-e" Worn Into toe srretce. The Regiment will be ar tiled with MIMI or EMIL° IVas Witt. Simla HATOMMS. These desiring to enlist, as positively only TEN win be Laken from each county In the State, had better report time ately..auy. time tiller the 20th of December to W. W. Brown, Harrisburg, Pa. Any or all commeinicattons from &neat Counties Will be answered speedily nil cot:Men tiallY • • W. W. fiRtrW.N, Captain. P. S.—All papers faverable to the cause will please copy dein d4w P. 'RESERVE TOUR LEATHER AND KEEP YOUR — FEET DRY. ONE BOX OF FRANK MILLER'S LE&THER PEESERVA'iIvE • AND WATER PROOF OILI EL/LORING/ WILL LAST As OUT-DOOR MAN ONR YEAR, ggrUOiST AS OENTS, AND save more than four times its colt In the durability of leather, and greatly contribute to twalth sad comfort.. FOR HARNESS. see inside Label on the over of large size. For sale In Harrisber' g by D. W. Gross & Co , No. 19 Market street ; Boy & Ronal°, corner of Filth sue Mar ket Streets ; Wm. Dock, Jr., &Oo , Marketstreet : Jacob Buehler, No 29, decond street, and J. C. Mime al, Mar. net str et. deltAl.m.srdes CEERIEITMAO PRESPrip3. NOW IS THE TIME FOR CHEAP GOODS, SUITABLB FOtt THE Houpers. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS from 63cc. upwards. Beautiful Linen setts, sleeves auu Lot. haze{ 26c. upwards. Cambric setts alt prices. Cambric Collars from 160. to $l, Meg.. Fin. linen Collars 12c. Wool Manias, %arts. Sontags, Sleeves, Leggings, tints, Gloves, Wool, Cotton and Merino Hugs for Ladles' a , d children ail mines. Worked Handaercuiefs, Wool akat• tug Caw fa children, Cologne's, !fattens's, Ox algrrow Pomade, Silk Velvets, Wolf Yarn, Sucaskin Ganatletts, Sack Fmnotals, Calicos, Gingham. Muffins, Bo g Sm., at PBARECIN'S, Cheap Fore, No. 12, Mcritet Square, one door above Confectionary, Harrisburg, Pa. dt.l9.diw* All Work Promised in One Wees. 104. Ot :o t. aau rise; agents of the gov ernment; and, in the presence of this intelleo trial assemblage, - men who inherit the sacred and granite priciples of the Puritans, men who have an interest in the prase' nt and the future ' of this great country, lam most happy to ex , press my entire confidence in , the ability, the energy, and prudence of the youthful general who commands the amuse of the United states.: [Tremendous cheering; company rising.) I cong - ratulate you all, gentlemen, that the place of your birth was New England, and I trust that you may often have occasion to re vive again, as you do this night, the pleasant memories of the past. Bat you will allow a Pennsylvanian to say, that if he had never been proud of his State, his heart would now warm to her people for the exhibition of true loyalty and patriotism with which, as with one heart and mind, they have met this fearful cri sis, and that he boasts as proudly of the State , of his birth as New Englanders justly do of theirs. But, gentlemen, I consume too much of your time. [Cries of "Go 0n." . ) I shall not soon forget the intellectual enjoyment of this evening. I return to labor in my place re freshed and strengthed by the patriotism and sympathy of the sone of New England, and in taking leave I have one single word more to say : Let us all pledge ourselves, this night, to our duty to our country. Daupth County Teachers' Institute Afternoon session was opened, and on motion of Mr. Lawrence the Institute resolved to ad journ this afternoon. PAL. Brooks then commenced the subject of mental arithmetic, which subject he treated very ably. Analysis is the golden key to arith metic. The committee appointed to fix upon a time and place for holding the next meeting of the Dauphin County Teachers' Institute, beg leave to report: That after a careful consideration of the subject submitted to us, we are unanimous ly of the opinion that it is inexpedient to take action thereon, but would submit the following resolution in lien thereof Resdearl, That this Institute earnestly recom mend to the teachers of Dauphin County, when assembled for the examination in 'their respect ive districts, that they then decide upon what they consider the proper time and place for holding the meeting of the county Institute in the year 1862, said decision to be made known to the County Superintendent at the close of the examination. -.. Resolved, That the County Superintendent be, and is hereby requested , to call said meeting of the County Institute at such_ place and time as may have the largest number of votes. The committee was then discharged. The following preamble and resolution was offered; which was agreed to : Wmansas, We, as teachers of Dauphin coun ty, when associ ated together irk the capacity of District or County Institute, are not only bene fitted and improved as individuals and teachers, but are enabled by such improvement to ad vance the best interest of the pupils committed to our care. Aiu Wireasss, The present session of our County Institute has demonstrated the fact of their being too much lethargy on our part, in preparing ourselves for a practical participation in its proceedings. Aim Wnnasas, We believe that the nest an nual meeting of the teachers of this county, can be made more interesting and useful than even the present one; therefore, • ' Resolved, That each teacher in, the county be requested to prepare himself• or herself for-an active Participation in the proceedings of the next County Institute, by the Preparation of lectures, to be delivered, or Original "Compotil tionaor essays, to be read; and-alcoldhe 'mode o teaching the differenthrsnches iu , thetechool, D..5:E..1aut05 4 chair**, Nil', tur• s,lected s Invite the exemine il. envied by % Harrisburg,. COFFEE, I SUGAR MOLASt FLOM BCC! RIC FIS'AZIEFArT:tu I aii ; SALT, Coarse and fine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whaleoll ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and IThgrourd, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and ; RAISINS, CURREN ES, NUM, DRIED FRIIIIS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, beat of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ; QUERNSWARB I COJEENSWARE I fixisnaive assortment of all styles, and same= snit prmea. Call end examine our Stock of Goods at the Wlmiseale and Retail Grocery, Fruit and Provision litoro, corner Front and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Country Priouc. taken ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A large and fresh assortment of Goods, I:uitable for pretense, among which will be Rea d A splendid stock of Furs, (all kinds lust made,) A large has of Embroidered Collars Gleevea,sto., A great variety or shawiA, (at low prior:eh) A lot of New ?Ms—twee Goods, ate., &a., Every kind of Ladies, Gents, and MINN Gauntlets and Moves, A LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK OF MOURNING GOODS. Bargains In Goods of all lands can be had al, dell COAL! COAL 1 ! $B, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 Ll3B 0. D. FORSTER, OFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard f.n V/ the Canal, toot of North street, Wholesale and En tail dealer in TREVOR2ON, WLLESEAREE, LYEENE VALLEY, /SUNBURY and BROAD 70P MALL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtilaing a flrat-rsta article, and full wilght, at the lowest. race.. Orders promptly attended t 0..., A I amt made to pur chasers paying for theboal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 2ei par ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—08ni NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. - - - - • (Room formerly occupied by the Pottogee.) TLIE undersigned have juet opened a new and large assortment or coo latent styles or clothing. We are also peoparel to manufacture to order ad kinds of Gents Wear cut to the Imam. 3tyle. sal fate • ions. We hare always on ban i a large stock or Beaty made clothing and Gentleman's Foreiauma 11)0.14. nob aillm H . EidELLICNEIS tGaR is EIRO SOLDIERS' NICK N.S.Cg.'B, FOR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG Am) FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. r ....soannavun DCytmn r0:...._._,. Ml=f=o try and other delicacies. The Episcopalian and Catholic Churches were crowded with soldiers and citizens. Dr. King, the Medical Direcior of this divia ion,,in consequence of ill-health, recently re quested to be withdrawn, but having since re covered, he will continue his present position. Since the promulgation of the general order in regard to the examination of refugees and deserters from the rebels by the Commanding General, from ten to fifteen have been sent to Washington ; there being arrivals almost daily at points on the river under flags of truce. FROM WASHINGTON. The &bort; of the Fire Exaggerated. HEALTH OF GEN. MoOLELLAN. The reports sent North concerning the fire at the Government stables, last night, were gross, ly exaggerated. Not one hundred horses were burned, and the loss will not reach one hundred thousand dollars. General McClellan has so far recovered from his illness as to be able to resume his ditties in dosas to day. Lieutenant General Scott is expected to ar rive in Washington tonight. There is much curiosity to learn the object of hiserrand to this country at present. The contested election case - of the First Dis trict in Philadelphia, will be finally disposed of on the re-assembling of Congress. THE NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Nsw Yoax, Dec. 27. There was quite an excitement in the stock market this afternoon with an advance in prime, which is attributed to the impression that a suspension of extensive payments in specie by the buyers, will precede the next large Treasury negotiation. GENTLENCENS' WEAR. A largo assortmeut of Under Shirk and Drawers, (all sizes, ) Gentleman' Traveling Shawls and Mantas, Every Mud of Gents 11.nlery, Cloths, Gassimers, and Vesting's, (in great variety,) Silt & Cashmere Neck Ties &Cravat', Large .noult of Gloves a, Gamulatin, Every kind of Suspenders, flasovant Bum Glossa A Large Stock of these Goods, to select Dom awa be found at oATErcAtirs nol3 Next door to the Hurriuburg Bank. NEW DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERED BEE'S, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Wailes, Plain Merinoee and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silts, New Styles Low -Priced Delalues At CAIBOART & BBOTHEIL'S nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank Market fkiaans. JOHN B. • SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE , CORNER SECK)ND AND WALNUT BM, Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on band a large assortment of IXIOTE, MORS, GAITERS, kn., or the very best tnehtkis for Ladles, gentlemen, and ohlkirems , wee...— Prices to salt the times. All kinds of WORK NAM TO ORDER In the best style by superior Workmen REPAIRING done at shoMmtioe. einto.dtr JOON R. REIT . Rerrieh E • . TO I'AMERS. nxis OATe4 1.1,, , 0aeh paid for •Oala IL, by JAMM /IL ilrfligAg . r t , novlkUr KPH. • • - Ladles and Genta 'kis —large rook Gents Gravate, Neck Ties, Collars, ke., Ladies, Genta and Mi,sers Kid Gloves, Nutrias, Cape. I egging, Armlets, am. OATH° sRTS No. 14 Mark( t Square, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. WARRINGTON, Dec. 27 dele