Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, December 28, 1861, Image 1
n „, T 111% IE I, 1 -, , (7 RAP Ii IS PTIELISFIED EVEBY DAY, }lv GEORG' P. BERGNER. ---- ---- -------"--- rEK VS -..SINGT 7 tithuTerrrios , The MIS TeL ItitAKl ..i Sert'e'l to SUb,CriberEl in the coy a , tpi c,.nls per WCO4 Wally subEeribers Will be barged $4 a WFVILT lath pc to-Wasetr TULKORAFR. The TWIEGICAPII i 0 ..12:0 publiened twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of tile year, and famished to eubscribore at the dittoing rates, vie : Single en per year Semi -Weekly ..til fie ~ O Ten ..12 00 'WO, ” u it .. 22 00 idrighi subscriber, Weekly.. ......... .• •.. 1 00 THil LAW OF IlltiftiPAPlSS. It ellbSeribell order the diecontinuance of their WM impel* the out:dither may continue to send theta until all arrearages are paid II subscribers neglect or refuse la take teir neerapa. m • from the office to which they are directed, rethnosible until they have settled the bills and ordei ed hem discontinued. they are • . altbitai I) J WIN SUN ii3.A.r_orx3tocomukt. Oa HOSPITAL discovered the most certain, speed' and effectual remedy to the worm tor . DisFASES OF IMPRUDENOR. nun . rE sts TO TWELVE NOIIIO. co Mercury or Noxious Drugs. ~(,tea WATEINTED W , O DATS." ON NO OWENS, IN IRON ONE I. T 4141. 01 ino Back or Limbs, Salida/es, Pains de, yew, alieetiona of the Kidneys and Bladder, Urgent., ealleN, LOTION Debility, Decay of the rtlyston yew Dypo on, tanner, LowSpirits,Coufirsion oi 51E4E, %Lon of she Beam Timidity. ramblings, Etmoom theigig Gialle£lB, DISCIIEIe. ot Stomach, A iruoor Head, Nese or' Sktn—those Pao terrible sq WNW —ibis frow the indiscretion or SolibtrY Habits et outn—ibir, Jeemirni and destructlve_praMises • which dare c onailiiliooNt debility, render marriage impel.. le, and dealroy both body and mind: YOUNG KEN. ouhy wen especially Into have become the victims of gar) V wallyie, Mat dreadful and destructive habit which nai sweeps to on untimely •iirave :thousands 0 , or moo of the moat exalted boot and brilliant Wel-. who mis id otherwise have entranced listening lee with the thunders of elm:Meuse, or Waked to ec• the hying lyre, may call with full 'confidence. MARRIAGE. • • . • red persons, or those contemplating marrlngei be , are of physical weaknessoihould ingusind.iamly r, j., and be restored to peifeof health. • ORGANIC SVKARNitti immediately cured aid 11111 ilfyer restored. Ho alio places himself under the earn of may ellsiously collide in his toner as a gentleman; and con. fdently rely upon ills skill an a physician.. ,r No. 7 South norierick street: Baltimore, de., en the left hand side going from' Baltimore street, T kOre from the turner . Bo particular in obiorving the aame or number, or you wlil.mistekeSimJlace, Be par. culsr for Ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false..Palkie.s, Pastry Humbug Certificates. attracted *by the reputa• 1, on or Dr. Johnson, I urk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to uens on the italtißrON Dr, Johnson member of the Royal College 01 Surgeons, ndon, smdtuitetrom one of tile meet eminent Collegee tf the United States, and the greatest part.ot whose life been spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris,: pbwk• dolphin and elsewhere, has effected some of tho muster. toniabing cures that were ever known. Many trormied sth the BUS Mad tioad.when asleep, great ner• vousnfas,lhelng alarmed at sudden gonads, baehfulnest, h frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange meat of mind were cured immediately, USN PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. creases All these who having Injured them elves by sr vete and Improper ludulganeles, that secret solitary shit which ruins both body and mind, nn :Sting them for.eitherhusineseor society.. MN, are 901110 of the aad and mManehoiy oth pto pro , need by earlY 'habits of .youth,Vli: Weakneen of the ck amid Limbs, Pains in the Mead; Dimness of Sight, s of Muscular Power, Palpitation of Gip lifearti , epala, NO.TVOUNlrritabillty, Derangemettt of f the fligestfire unctions, General Debility, Symptoms of '.fensump. , on, fru bIISNTALLY denim, the fearful elfecteian the mlndartrattlehtko dreaded :..Loos of Sion:wry, Donftutlept of. 'Mesa, De- Tessin of Spirits. Evil Forebodings, Aversion bokiixrle. , Self distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ste., ere eomr f the evil effects. Tboaserolp of pereOns 01 all ages, can lodge; what the pause of their decline in health, losing theli vigor, , icing weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have • pier appeanwee about the eyes, cough, and eymp me Or COnaliciption YOUNG IGEN ho have injured themselves by a e,rtaln practice, to .olyed In when nioue—a habit irequently learned from rll,mmp Or at schOol, the effects of which are lahtly relt,nven when asleep, and tf not cured, renders &Triage Impoasible, and destroys both mind and body. heuld apply immediately. What a - pity that a young man, the hopes of rune try, th e darling 01 his parents, should be snatched from all prospects_ and onitiymonts of life by the consequent= of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in . certain secret habit. is .11 persona must, before costar plating MAR/Udell, Met that a sound mend and body are the meat netverary requisites, to promote mumble] happiness, Mooed without three, the journey through life becomes a weary ligrimagr; the prospect hourly darkens to the 'view; the Ind becomes shadowed. with despair, and Oiled with th slancholy reflection that the heppinees of another be• mica blighted with our own JOHNSON'S INYIOORATING REMEDY FOR OR: DARIO WRAEN&M. ly this great fund important remedy, Weakness of the am are speedily cured, and fell vigor restored, uousands of the most nervous and debilitated wig lost all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All eflinaents to Marriage Physical or Mental Diggp i die, on, s erum, Trembling, Weakness or Rshenstion GT most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS. many thousands eared at this Instlntiou within the. timbre years, and the numerous important .Berglen dime performed by Br. J., alienated' by the re of the papers, and many other persons, nooses 'we appeared gain and again before the public, ', standing as a tentlensan of Assuan. and vs. „ 16 amentiont guarantee to the afflicted. aiNS 07 I . II PRIIDEBOB.—Wheri the. misguided .mprodent wmnry nt Veneers ands he has imbibed seeds of this painful disown, It tee often happeee that, -timed sense of shame or dread Of tifiCOVerey 'dating tom applying to Muse who, from education and re. ability aso &ono befriend him, delaying till the eon atonal symptoms of this horrid dittoes° make their maranee, affecting inn head, throat, age, akin, am., trussing on with nightie' stupidity, till death puts * d to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that front whence en traveler returns." It Is fa met ' udy feet that thousands fall victims to this terrible sum, owing to the uipiklltuineee of Ignorant pretend. who, by the use of Mat deadly poison. mereleflr, constitution and make the residue of life miserable fo . Smeresta.—The iloeter , s Diplomas haw In his lee. eirLetters must contain a Stamp to ea on the reply, GPRemediee sent by Mall. Arlen. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. uprib.dawly DAILY all LINE! Between Philadelphia. lig HAVEN, JIMMY .811011, WILLUILIPONT MONO; UNIONTOWN, WareeNTOWN, MILTON_, LNIVIAUIN, NORTWONItiItraWe, Mimi; TRIIVONTON, GIosairrowa,LIHENNTOWN, 1411.1311e 5e10, flattPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. Ita Philadelphia Dept being centrally Mottled the %yap will be at the lewest rates. A Cendactor goes thII rough with eaoh train to attend to the sale delivery of Pods entrusted to theale. GOO.lB delivared at the uemt id 'RIM, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Market Meet , Philo deIDUI, by o'clock P. M., will be ered In Harrisburg the nest morns Freight (always) as low as by any other Particular attention. paid by this hue to precept and Ilaedy delivery of all Harrlsbur , The l uideriggried thankful for past patron • ga hopes by Kea atteutien to business to merit a cOn, ace of the sum T. PRIPHIER slit its, , Philadelphia and Indio; • opa. Feet of Market Strne . Htrrivburo. %CHEFFE I RS 8110 K STORE, ~., (NIA s nrotatsstato gams®.)kJ XI 1 0 .7, I N ENVELOPES. Nal PAPER, of six different designs, by t,,NtWI in two colors, sold by the thousand and 4, 0, 2 . !kt City Cash prices. Ad RadZO,ninn Breast Pins, Castes, Union Rings mn kt nary law prices. Call at • RCHAPTBR , B BOOKSTOTtit. NE TOILET t•O APS, POMADES. HAIR F 14411 A L, Of POWO ills, C idOLO CTS GNES and Knit_ of ND yt v,; , nlita, prices m manufsoturos ot KELM 5 rUO iv„: ‘l4lL ik ;l4 , ARV , Akkflp / • \ . , . . I// * - • a. I 0.„„t VOL XVI. Cinti-ot itavii SP, araluiportatioi. •INNSYLANIA RAIL ROAD WINTER TIME TABLB. FIVE TRAINS 'DAILY TO AND FROM. PHILADELPHIA. Olt . AND APT= ',MONDAY NOVEMBER 26th, 1861. the Paiponger Trans or the Fennaylvosia Uproot 00Piry departtionc.and arrive ft Harrloborg ant kitla elplto as follows :, E A'l* T - 11' A R D ~. . . . , . TEIROUGHEXPREa TRitlN'leavaa Harrisburg : daily. sit 8.20 a. m. t and arrives at West Philadelphia at T. 40 FAX LINE leaves Hexrisburg every' morning' (inept Monday) at 9A5 a. m., and arrives West. Prdladelphia at 1.00 14 m. MAIWZRAIN leave& klatrisktug daily (exaeptSunday) at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at ?Went , Phliadeiphta at 6.20 ACCOILOATIOr. TRAIN, via Kowa Joy, !eaves Harrisburg ' at' T4O in., and arrives at *est Phila. detail* at 1.2.10.ri, 'IIARRESHUR6' ACOOMMODiTION 00111111- bta, leaven liertisbarg , aU4.oo D. nt...and arrival ia Won Philadelphia st. 9 2Q..p, . . . W T•W Rll/". TEIWEIGHTIMPREBN TRAIN Loses Ptilladeltib!A at 10.80 p. M. Hitrriaburg-at 8.061 a. ni., Altoona 11:4% a. lind.tu4ives si PRAsburg ab 1.25 P. at. MAIL TRAlNieaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m, ,And ar rivet at Harrlsburgati.2o p. m.;leavesatrriaburg at 7.45 a. m., Altoona, 2.45 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 8.45 p. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 1.1.30 a. m., Warts burg 4.05. p. nt., Altoona' at 9.10 p. M., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. M. • gADRISSURG ACCOMMODATION THAlN.leaves- Phil. dolphin at 2.30 p. m.;; And arrlven. at Harrhiburg at 8.06. . ,MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION• via Haunt. Joy, leaves Lancaster at 11.84 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 p. M. sedum 0..i0u No, • • • Bupt. gut,. DM.. Penua. Railroad. HarOsburg, Novetnber 23, mon WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NiIAIR LINB ROUTE. THUS TRAINS DAILY ; , NEW . TORE, AND PHILADELPHIA wrmour ORiEGE OF :OARS. : ON AND AFTER 'MONDAY,' N'OVElf- Bilits4,ll6l;the Auhedger - Trethe trilr the Philadelphia eau heedintßatlreed Oeilotoi 3 / 4 .Etarrhlbiwg; te* New York and Pldtodolptdi; EAEroriu!;:lx . .; EX RsBB LlNkleaves 8.80 a, wt., oder, rival of ,Peonsyliabla Railroad Express Train boot the West, arriving In NewYorlt at 11.5 a: in., and at PM* delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car Is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change.- MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg atB.3ls a. pl.. arrivin g I n H ew yerk et 62tip. ; m:, and :Philadelphia at 1.05 p, m. FAST :LINN leaves Harrisburg it 1.40 p tn., on arrival' of Pemnrelvaula Railroad. Matt arriving In New York at 9.50 p. m, am1 : Ph04444164 at .6.40 p. WESTWARD. FAST I.ollleives New York td 6a. in.; and Phibidel- Vila at ft a. M i . arriving at Harrisburg at 1 e. m. • NAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and MG: adelphis at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p. m. ILXPRICSS LINN leavettNew York' at .8 O. In. atli vlng at Harrisburgat B .lo a. m.; and connecting-w ith the Pennsylvania. Express Train for Pittsbnrg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train. ConneCtions are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wllkasbarre, Allentown, Enaitill, , ho. • Baggage checked through. Faro between New Ybrk and Harrisburg, 53 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 25 in No. 1 ears, and *2 10 in-No: 2., For tickets or other infermation.apply to J. J. GLYDR, ' not General:Agent, Harrisburg. a. R. INGERSOLL'S ' PATENT FOUNTAIN HA.I&BRUSEL It dresses the hair without soiling the fingers. It effects a saving of owe -halt in the use of halt prelim , ations. It does away with greasy bangs. It is handsomer ankle than the comma haintrnak. It rev:dates the quantity of Raid %nod, to a din P.. It is perfectly mum, and cannot spill over in thaetrunk' or °ago tctlm r , , • • Itoinralesanoogh of any preparation% last i.e.& wO7- age or. silting lourneY• • n g primi In moderate, and it mimes Its own orit s in three For agasa/Laikeiiiihniyank Pinky Moroi intAinkain• elanitajonmea ofOrolittli•alenatoovat two •T. • o "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN N.ONE." I HARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY A.FTERNOON, DECEMBER 28, 1861. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "HIQ•ILY CONCENTRATED" Min CRO FLUID EXDRACT_BUOIIiI, •A• PoeßiTa And. Sped* Remedy • I For Dliectra of the BLADDER, REGNRYB, GRAVEL, and DROPSIOAL SWEILINGS.-• . _ Tbls Medicineinereates..the power 'of—filgestioili end. excites the ABBORBRNTAinloZbealesy satin. by *Rich Ute:WAVeRY•ORUALOARROUS depositioes, and all UN NATURAL ENIABOI*BIftiF ere reduced, m well as PAIN AND INFLAKATION and is good for MatiWOMXId.OR CHIUNIEN: - For WealMessea ArielOg from EXCIISISBI3, Habits; or Dkalpailoin, Harty la clisdretion or abase. AFFINDFD WITH THE FOLLOWING STIIIPTONH Indisposition to"Exerilon; Loss of Power, LOB/ of Memory, . Dlflicnity of Breathing, Weak Nerves: ; • Trembliag,'• Horror of Disease,.. , Wakefulness, Dimness of Vleilin . Palm's the BACK, Universal Inasitude of tha Misoular Bystoni, Hot Hands, . • • Flushing of tfle Body; Dryness of the Skin, . . Eruptions on ti.e Face, • PALI II) t)OUN roams, These 'symptoms, if allowed to go on, which loins Invariselfremoves,- soon ibllows IMPOTENCY, inaqUITY..E.PILEPTIO . Frrs, IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAT eXPIRE. Who can say , that they are not fragile tly followed by those "DIREFUrDISRASItS," ' 'INSANITY' AND CONSUMPIION." Many' are aware of the came of theirlinforinyt _ BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. MR RECORDS OF 'nu INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy 'Azar by Chruritption, THAI CONSTIMION ONO , : AFFECTS° WITH ORGANIC WRAKkRA Hogelree the aid of zsediolne to Arengthen and Invigorat the System W7ticrA ITZISHOLD'S •IX TRACT BUCHU' iwooriabty does: . LD OR YOUNG, &ROLE, MARRIED, OR 004TR1fPLA . JI.NR4ILARRI/44 1 ,--, "", IN MANY4REMIONVkiNXEIVASPAPRNALRV the liztractophliti talugginilleilkirrahy it retnettiql . 43 tn. OhioftllatorißiiyidUenOrre inpft, raffikulne aa Suppreslachf OdittOfintrpliiv Scirrheus state of the Uterue, Lencorhcea Whites, Stahl. hp; Wad for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, liabita of Disalpation, or in the Thu NO Kau Ett4sAit:,, idt *Mr AZ *to miat can rag vinsiAsaler ARD Daziagaove oferasza. WAMBOLD'S Xrl/L40.114t0/177 wan SECRET DISEASE. In all their Stages, Little or no change In Diet , And tui Exposure. It oatuies a frequent dedre and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing abstinations. - Preventing and CnrineStrictures of trio Ur 3thra, allaying Pain and IndiammatiotiOcr frequent In the olds of Mammas, and, expelling NU POisonan, DellatiON and soGr#4/4:0044 0 ;4:. . . . THOINILIEDI UPON THOI/WDO 1i H 0 HAVA , REM 21IE Plc r,hts ON QUACKS, and who have paid lialVY:Pailo to be Curite : QA Idled ttme f Lave B!und tier , :kire (teed:44odt • the POl-1, has, py the UPI of . I , OWIaIVI. ANtELINGINDI ', been dried up in the system, to breiv;oct in sc; parivated Ibrm, tad Use ElautioLD'agasetrrametw for all &potions add diseases of the vautAter ORt3tAIVIS;' whether existlng.l4. , - DIALS . Olf, FEN ALLIE;.: •*. • From whatever cause Orientate* mod do matter of ' MOW LONG S rANDING. • .. Mimes of those Organs require the alt: of-DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S E%YR.CC BUCHU. THB GRBkT BILTRITID;' dad Is certain to have. the desired; eneatiu'ali , theessea }FOR WHICH IT lI,RECOMMENOEQ. , Evidence of 144 'magi reiieble and, responsible eharaeler will accompany the mellows: • CEIITIFICA'raII OF CURES, krostB to2o.yetwas skinflint, WITH Naiad anoint MENDE' AEO,FAHIL ' Price sl' 00'per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any addiesa;securely packed from °beer- MORON SYMPriNSDI aLL awituNiceioNs. Cures Guaranteed Advice Gratis!: LtTIDANTr. Personalty appeared before me, an Alderman or the olt.yor Polladelptitai a T. Hananamo, mai,' being ' duly sworn, doth say, bla preparations eontallino narcotic; no tablemercury, or other Wallow; drags, boa are purely rage. . • ' ' H. T. BRUCK:AD. Sworn and eubserlbed. before me,tils- 23,1der of No vember, DM.. WM. P. HlElBERD, , Aidantses, . Ninth. St. above .Race,;Philla" , Address lettere for Information in confldenoe to T:ICELIEBOLD; Chemist; Depot; 104 Soidh Tenth St.; bal. thiC4ll:6llc • • siawAluk, blr botifirtigiumek . .• • • • AND UNPRINCIPLED DR ACLERS, Who endeavor to di4pose "or mom owrrn•and names" Annams on rim lIBMITATION .1117.1.1141112.53 T lielalbOld'B Genuine Praparation a, a L.:tract IM. - hu, " " " Sarsaparilla • 'llmproved Rose Wasii. Sold by 0. K. Keller, D. W,„ Grass i , J. Wyeth,lo,p. BardiVart. " • AND ALL DRUIIJIST3 . . ASK-FOR HIEGMBOLIFS. ' T AKEO 'OTHER. Out oat theadverUrement and send ' . AND, AVOID IRPOSITLONLAND.KIPOSURE. • norlB-dy B. NE • GILDEA ' D S. $ • • STAIE OPPOSITE THE BRADY 'HOUSE: - All openviona, Surgical and Ikteolianical, seleatifloally performed. Charles moderate: *8 GILT MUM I , GILT PRAMS I d. BIESTER; CARVER AND GILDER, Monnfootarer of Looking Glass and riotwo Frames, Gilt: and Rosewood Mouldings &c. 48 omr.sxur =Ku, NEAR SECOND. HARRISBURG, PA French Mirrors, Square and Oval Portrait Frames of-every descriptwo. OLD FRAMES' RE•OILT TO NEW. UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY I M. 69, Market Sweet, below Third, ' • 116281581 M, PA. M.'l3, LEE, ATANUFACTURER OF • UMBRELLAS jffit: PAWLS and . WALKING O&M, will inning goods at LOWER-PitiOlkillian mut be bought in any of the Eastern aim.. Country mPrchants will do well to call and examine, prices and quality, and convince them se Ives of this fut. ap23:,dly _ . SOHEFF.I±III , 'S BOOK STOKE I (New jig Ranilburg Bridge.) • • .11f8T, IttCor:El) • from the • Mille a lotot flue CONKIIIIZIAL NOM 2 - • Per Flu 4o Fe !Maid at 11.1.21 t per roam, IX 'per retie tor MOE trArgic decorated 'with the latest) aid-very handsome lultbleror &ad ' Patriotic - . . aI V II.IO *MOD alba,* latikai, Fio lidera firgeoeCt WittEIPPIN" 311114 intactilcuttuns. HELMBOUY.3 4iXTiUCT BUCHIY, A TRIAL WILL OUNTRIR d; REOLISB:OR oRANOB•OF LIFE. anEYMPTOILI ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT PERHAPS ASTER .MARRIAGX WHOLESALE Etitgrapti. " Now doth the burying Tardier to rise, and earlier - to rest, ' More gorgeously gild with gold the gleaming west, Whene'er his rade is run: The. many colored leaves = , Are sweeping o'er the heath with rustling sound. And. swallows' empty and deserted nests are found The frequent. blast Groins in the night, and moans in lashing seas; tends the dead limbs, and leaves the rifled trees Skeletons of the past. The winds that moan, The leaves that wither, aud the limbs that fall, The flight of birds, but dying years recall, With many a groan. These life doth typify ; , Misfortune is the Mist,' and treasured ' joy the leaves, And friends the birds that fly the winter eaves, Whence comes adversity.. Gov, Curtin in New York. The following is a correct copy of the able and impressive address of • Gov. Curtin, at the ainner of the New England Society, in New 'o,jir , ..'on Monday evening last. The speech as it was published in the TELEGRAPH was taken from a poor and meagre report of the proceed ings of that dinner, and therefore in justice 'to the Governor, we republish the speech rgoisr—"The Union of all the Statew--it may ecskt treasure ; it may cost blood ; but it will standi and amply oompensate for both." Mr. Everts' stated to the assemblage that this was the language of John Adams, in ' a speed' made in the Continental Congress, in the city of Philadelphia, and that it was proper that a re sponse to the toast'should come from the 'Key stone 'State. We ate honored, he *intim:led, by the presence this evening of Governor Curtin, of PeuintYlvania, whom l'now present to you; . Governor Curtin then proceeded to speak as follovis At little El sponse ; No luoonirecqe _oe; Maii Pazinnzarr Aso Gzsrrrames.' Or TEE Nsw lea Somirrir:l accepted the invitation to be pr .*entr Chia evening, that might •enjOy the privileges of meeting with loyal - men 'outside of' the Siam of l'eunsylvania, - atutdraw inspinstkm from the patriotic sentiments 1I expectettto hear from the descendants of- the Puritans, and my expectations have not been disappointed. [Loud applatise I Thank God, I have never looked into they leo° of a disloyal Pennsylvanian. since the commencement of the rebellion. [lnt inettad applause.) • Save the distinguished'pre sident of this society;and some three'or four of the members, I stand in the presence of an as-' semblage of gentlemen with whom I had not the pleasure of personal acquaintance, and I certainly could not have separated myself from my duties in this exigency but to mingle with those who harmonise with the people of Penn sylvania in their ardor, 'their zeal, and sympa thy to suppress this most wicked and insane at tempt to disturb the peace of our hitherto hap py country. [Applause I gentlemen, it is the duty of every man who calls himself an. American citizen to devote 'himself to the suppression of the treason and rebellion which now threaten the stability and future progress of the greatest and most benefi cent government ever conceived ,by the mind of man ; not to the restoration.• of the Govern ment—l admit of no such fallacy. Thegovem meiit ezists, and the Constitution, with all its ample' powers, is m full 'operation— [vociferous applansej—but to suppress an insurrection against Legitimate authority, we are now en gaged in actual war.. The time for temporising is past. -We have unsheathed the sword, and the people of the loyal States demand that - it and the halter—[applausej—shall perform their duty with the rebellious and the wicked. This attempt to disturb our Government is without ¶llel in history, and so the civilized world must regard it. For,seventy-three years we have enjoyed con stant enlargement of national power and hidil vidual happinesa, under a form of Government which derives its principles of political and re ligioni liberty from'the men the anniversary'f whose hmding on'the shores of New England yon have this night assembled to commemorate, and the attempt to disturb it must be resisted by force—force of arms. [Applause.] If the time has come when our Constftution, the twat priceless legacy given to us by the Apostles of Liberty, must bo purified by the - shedding Of blood, we must meet the crisis like men'; and, having baptised it in the blood Of the wicked, transmit it to posterity as it came from their hands. [Applause.] In responding to the toast, I cannot fail to recognize in it the immor tal words of au immortal man ;- and you will pardon me, as a Penntqlvanien, for referring to the fact that the sentiments of politicaland re ligious liberty brought by the Puritans of New England, and carried thither by its represent& tives and promulgated to the world in the Declaration of Independence, and that John Adams uttered the words in Independence Hall, in the city of Philadelphia ; and it will not, I hope, be considered invidious to refer to the fact that, when the war of the Bavolutionhad closed in success, the freedom of New England was again carried to Pennsylvania, and represented in the Convention where our. matchless Consti tution was framed. [Applause, loud and long.] The people of Pennsylvania are not given to sudden or frequent spasms for changes of public opinion. But, when sent in the right direction,. as it certainly now is, it flows on with' an even and rtsistless current of devoted loyalty to the Government. It is common to complain, outside of Penn sylvania, that we are slow to move, and Penn sylvania is sometimes called a " blind giant." If it is intended as a compliment, it is, to say the least, somewhat equivocal. Go now and feel the pulse of the giant. Yon will find the beat regular, healthy, and strong, and with a heart fall of patriotic loyalty ; you will discover that the scales have fallen' from• one eye, at least, and that is turned ripen the. rebels and traitors with fiery ., indignation ;- and alumdred thousand Pennsylvanians in. aimig :vindliste .thevight andithe:truthi fully attestlhat .the gientie awake: .!,11fiunenselipplatusi, the sidil moo rising.] MM!=E3 THE DYING. YEAR. Beneath the trees ==g It is true; that we have not the versatility of the people of New; England. • Our richer soil and our vast material resources afford to , our population an easier means of ' living, and the ingenuityof'our people' is not taxed with change, or new and more profitable pursuits, and yet we have dpiti:,mugh, very,ranch, for development and:progress.. We havesurmounted the natu ral barrier which separates the east fram the west ? Of our State ;''the' Alleglienini have bowed to ehreaseand ;Comfort, and.ccaivenience and tls s iness... We have carried our railroads and canals into an alimit inaccessible mountain re gion-, where Natttre has concealed her almost priceless jeWels, and our black diamonds are now used all through New England, and: the rooM in which we are assembled is made com fortable by fuel carried from Pennaylvania.-- We are indebted to New England' foi lilieial gifts`: in men; and the skill of their mechanics. You 'give us. teachers for our schools, . profestors for our colleges, and the productions of your skilled labor. I will presume upon the good nature of my audience to say that we are some times persuaded to •purchase articles we could. do without, and have ;never complained that yeti Charged us too little. [Laughter and ap plawee.] Besides 'you have no right to complain that we are *kw, if you will tax your memories with the fact that we buy our: clocks in New England. [lmmense laughter.] But there is no egotism in saying that we are not slow now. When the leading conspirators, who now Seek the destruction of our government, retired from the:cOuncils of the nation; when• their deluded • folloWers seised , upon the public property, ob structed the execution of the laws, committed acts of piracy upon our commerce in American waters~; when they' beleagued Fort Sumpter, starved out and would have killed seventy-two of their own countrymen—the ethereal tire of patriotism fell in Pennsylvania amidst the descendants of the Irish, Germsn, and Scotch, and, bursting suddenly into a brilliant flame, it fused with the fires of New England, of New York, and the great West, and, brightly shines as the stars; and, ascending hign as the heav en it will continue' to light the pathway of libertyi to the :downtrodden and oppressed of all the world foreverand forever. [Great applause.] In this struggle, it is the duty of every: man to work patiently, in the sphere of hisallotment for the suppressiotrof insurrection. „Wu are all pledged to fidelity to the and the enprernacy of the laws, unite the support of the visible heads of the govertinient; no matter who they LAPPlainslq l'illor•Were plated thereby constitutiunaLmeaus. The :President of the United State:4,l6e rePresentadve of legitimate authority; is, and justly so, anti tied to a constant, faithful; and active support in. tOi execution of .the laws; ancttlisin we can demand, in the .huiguage of the sentiment to which I respond,' thatthe Union shall be pre eerved, even if it shall doitVldixei and' treasure -and it will amply compensate for both: [im mense, is our:duty not, only, to. aupport- the President In his discharge of , duty, but also"all thri itiitheritetragenti *Of the gov ernment.; and, in the pretence-of this intellee teat assemblage, men who inherit the sacred and granite principtes of the - Puritatts; men who have an interest in the present and: the future of this great country, lam most ,happy to ,ea press my entire contidence in the ability, the energy, 'end' prudence of - the youthful - general who commands the armies or the United States. [Treniendous cheering . ; company: rising ] I congratulate you all, gentlemen, that the place et pow birth was New England,.and I trust that you they often have ()Cession to re vive again, as you do this night, the please& menluries of the past. Bat you will allow a Pennsylvanian to say, that if he had never been proud of bib State, his heart would. now warmitb her people for the exhibition of true loyalty' and'patriotism with which; as with 'one heart and mind ; they have met this fearful cri se t, and , that ha boasts as proudly of the State of his' birth as New . Englanders justly do of theirs. ' But, gentle men, I consume too much of your time. 'pries of. "Go on."] I shall not soon forget the intellectual enjoyment of this evening.. I return to labor in my : place re freshed and strengthed by the patriotism and sympathy"of the sene Of New England, and in taking leave I heve one single word more to say . : Let us all pledge ourselves, this night; to our duty to our country. Dauphin County Teachers' Institute Afternixxi session was opened, and on motion of Mr: Lawrence the Institute resolved to ad journ this after.noon. - Pnd. Brooks then commenced the, subject of mental arithmetic, which subject he treated very ably. Analysis is the golden key to arith metic. • ' ' The committed appointed. to fix upon time and Ouzo for,holdiog .the next: meeting. . the Dauphin Co,unty Teaphens' Institute, beg leave_ to report : That after a careful doosideratiOn of the subjectiubmitted to us, we are Unariirrious ly of the opinion that it is inexpedient to take action thereon, but would submit the following resolution'in lieu thereof Resolved, That "this Institute earnestly recom mend to the teachers of Dauphin County, when assembled for the examination in their respect ive districts, that they then decide upon what they consider the proper time and .place for holding the meeting of the cou,nty, Institute in the year 1862, Said decision to lie made known to the County Superintendent '•at the close of the examination. Resolved, That the County Superintendent be, and is herobyrequested,toxall said meeting of the Cotmty Institute at such place and time as may have the largest nuMber of votes: The committee was theri discharged. The following!preamble and resolution was offered; which was,agreed to : Waxiness, We; as teachers of Dauphin coun ty, when associated together in the capacity of Distridt or. County Institute, are not only bene-, fitted and improved as individuals and teachers, but are enabled by such improvement to ad vance the best interest of the pupils committed to our 01,10. . . - . . Arm WIEFIBILSI4, The present session of our. County Institute hoe demonstrated the fact of their being too much lethargy on our part, in preparing ourselves for a practical participation in its proceedings. AND WIMP,DMI, We believe, that the o rise, an. nual meeting of the teachers of this county, can be nuide more Interecing and nseful than even . the,Presentkaievtheretom ' . /Waived; Th . atelicli teacher in the County be requested' WI prepare . himself or !terse Jot. an Active *PaAlciPaPon in the - Pr9PeOlegli of, tau t next-Oeunty.,los the pry lion of, leeturectto 'dellviiieit or 'origina liens:or easy* -totbe4reWittid4l66 , rlie: t a m e . Lefliseothalthe differeistablesseheitimetsechsoir D. B. B. LA 308, Chairnian. fisam tinting aut. basing procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepay: ed to execute JOB add B OK PVINTLIB of every oesertp. lon. cliever than it can be done at any other establish. must in the oonntry. - - - - 11A lEs F AlLAlstablike. isr Four lines or 1.5 constitute one half square. Eight Ines or more than rest coned .ute • square. Half square, one day.. . one week.. ens month 14 three months " e l z months... IttnejEquare, one day , one week.... one month..., 'three months , t 1 six mouths. One year 41- Business - notices inserted in the Lmei Cohnows, Ise baleen Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CaNTS 'TeR 'XVI., rev each insertion. - -gar Harriges and 'Deaths to be chatted as regular - uarAlementa NO. 94. BY TEMPI. From our Morning Edition• FROM HALIFAX, N. S. Arrival of the Slot'ler Europa, Outward DIABON AND SLIDELL NOT Of BOARD The steamship Europa arrived at five, and sailed at seven o'clock this morning for Liver:. pOOI. Messrs. Mason and Slidell were not on board.. Thejstettmer Asia reached here yesterday The Australasian with troops attempted to.go tip the St: Lawrence, but came back on account of the ice. She will not land her troops here, but sail for New Brunswick to-day. The sixty second regiment will be sent to St. Tohns, In the Delta to-morrow.. FROM MONTREAL CANADA. Proposed Extension of Telegraph Lines No decision has yet been made by the author ities as to the building of a military telegraph line to Quebec. The existing telegraph compa ny of Canada seriously contemplate extending the line some 200 miles to Cape St. Roger, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence via Campbulltown at the head of the Bay of Chalons. If this enterprise is carried out the news by the Canadian line of steamers will be received at lesat one day sooner than by the way of Farther Point. Should the line be extended to Cape Ryser it is expected that the steamers to and from Quebec will make that a port of call next season. FROM GEN. BANK'S COMMAND. Andrew .Beseler, Jr., a member of the late Blaryland House of Delegates, has been releas ed from Furt Warren, to taking the oath of allegiance, and returned to his home in this tviity. ' Gun. Bank's bits issued a stringent order In regard to the seizure of forage without the owner's consent, and another prohibiting the sale of liquor to soldiers. Both will be rigidly _enforced. •, Christmas, in camp, was kept generally as a holiday, but there were, no extraordinary de monstrations beyond the consumption of poul try and other deficit ies. The Epiecopadan and Catholic Churches were crowded with boldicres and citizens. Dr, King, the Medical Diiector of this divis ion, in consequence of ill-health, recently re quested to be withdrawn, but having since re covered, he will continue his ;present position, Since the promulgation of the general order in regard to the examination of refugees and' deserters from the rebels by the Commanding General, from ten to fifteen have been scat to.. Washington ; there being arrivals almost daily atpoiuts on the river under flags of truce. FROM WISIIINGTON. The Reports of the Fire Exaggerated: HEALTH OF GEN. MoCLELLAN. The reports sent North concerning the lire et ; the Gov'ernment stables, last night, were grow ly exaggerated. Not one hundred horses were burned, and the loss will not reach one hundred thousand dollars. General McClellan has so far recovered from his illness as to be able to resume his duties in doors to day. Lieutenant General Scott is expected to ar rive Washington to-night. There is muck curiosity to learn the object of his errand to tills country at present. The contested election case of the Fitst'Dis trint in Philadelphia, will be finally disposed of on the re-assembling of Congress. THE NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. _ Naw You, Deo. 27 . , There was quite an excitement in the stock market this afternoon with an advance in prices, which is Attributed to the impression that a buspension of extensive payments in specie by the buyers, will trecede the next large Treasury negotiation. GEBITL.L'ATERS' WEAR. A large assortment. of Under Shirts and Drawers, (all sizes,) ., • • GentlemensP Traveling Shawls and Blankets, Every Kind of (i.nts Ho .Icry, Cloths, Casslmers, and Vesting; • Hammes Boca Gomm. A Large Stock of these Goode, to select from cab be found at tIATHCAdrB n 023 Next door to the )1 4 rri ~horg Rota. NEW DRESS GOODS. EEMBROIDERED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Debases, Plain Merinoes and Cashmeres, , Fancy Paris Dreas Bilks, • •• Superior Plain Colo , ed Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black.silks, New IstSate Low Prmed.,Delainesi at CA MART & BROTHER'S Next door to the Harriobarir BankAartat.Square. nov4 4011151 .B. fithELTAIL'IS BOOT - 146 . SHOE STORE. CORNER dIiCOND AND WALNUT STS of llartiebnig Pa. Amirays on hind a large aasoiticnont of lidion, SHOES, igklTEtt.9, toe., of he very best mut* „For 441e4, gooshtmen,,aat ohildreast weer.— Prizes to salt the - Gina...l. tints of won MAIM TO Deslikne d 9 slltteruot workmen Mr4aEr ltli j iest ohm Douce. r. 0 04 . 0— • Torv• Fe aVT,II , FA:IIIE.t.B, 1 bAtt3 t Cailti aid for. no ii 1 4 .8 L .tor vegiEr ,80 11 1 00 It 00 8 00 100 800 Eil 2 00 360 10 00 .....15 00 Bound. HALErsx, Deo. 27 Moralize', Dec, 27 Fat nnucx, Deo. 26 WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. cit, great variety.) .911 k & Cabhmere NPOIL Tles & Cravats, large bLOOk. of Gloves & Giantlolls. Every &lad ot Suspenders,