TEE TELEGRAPH yg PIIBLIFEKD EVERY DAY, 13v GEORGE BERGNER. ughis......Sitiare BUSSORMILON. The Deus TaLsaaArii is served to subscribers in the city a t Aii colds per week Yearly subscribers will be barged S 4 00. Waiscor ash SMII-WinwLY TILIGRAPIL The TRLIORAre le ASO published twice a week during the session or the Legislature, sod weekly during the remainder of the year, and Welshed to subaoribors at the following rates, viz : Single subscribers per gear oeml-Weekly..sl 50 Ten —l2 00 Twenty ~ o 4, ..22 00 'Angle subscriber , Weekly.. ......... ...... 1 00 UM LAW OF raWSPAPYRS. If subscribers order the ittscontlnuannie of their mina_ papers, the publisher may continuo to send them =pi all arreareges are paid, It subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspe. leas from the office fo which they are directed, they aat. responsible until they have settled the bills abd ordered Gem discontinued. Ismilf. illebicaL DR. JOH.NSON .7BALLI2'INECYJELI±II LOCK HOSPITAL HAS discovered the most certain, speed) Bee effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF lIIMUDENCE. nun la WI To TWEVI BOON& No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. ar t, mai WANWITID, Oa NO MARGIN, EN 72011 01113 se Two DAva.lizot Weakness of the Back or, Limbs, Mediums, Pane is he loins, Affections of the Hidneye and Bladder; Organic w ea toese, Nervous Decay of thePhydea .pow. nee Lauver, Low Spi,ritei, Contaelen ofetibe, iptYn'tiePetrof the Heart , Tiroldh Tre of y. mblingi, Dimmer of so, • Giddiness Disease - the Stomech, Affections offal/foe Throat, NOM or Skin—these terrible' disor der, teeing trod the Indiscretion m Solitary Habits of routo—those dreadful and deldruetive pegietises which produce constibitional debility, render ADviage Ole, and destiny both body and mind. . YOUNG BON. ' Dog men especially who have become the victims 01 solitary Vice, that. dreadful and destructive habit which uneasily sweeps to an uutimely grave thousands of lect, w m o n o m f i g th h e t m otherwise te dh av en te a n n tr d a nbcr e il d li ant l n i e ng - Senates with the thunders of elimnence, or waked to w hey the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married perso y ? or those contemplating marriage, be ng aware of ph vet areaknesi t ihould Immediately cen.. mit Dr. J ., and eliiitaid to perfect health. • ORGANIC 'IMMENSE, boxedidtely montane full vigor restmed. Ho who) plume Matson under the Caro of Dr. J. may raligio y telly con one fident hie honor physielan .as a gentleman, and eon, tidall rely u his skill as a , -OlDce No. 1 Muth Frederick street, Baltimore, on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, lowe lune theeorner. Be par ticular in observing the same or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. fielder for /porcine, Frifiing Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Hanged Colificatee, attracted by the repute; don of Dr. Johnson, lurk near Alt letters must contain a Pentagonal:tip, to nee on the egyi DR. JOHNSTON, Dr. Johnsen member of the Royal College of Surgeries, Load s% paditaerrom one of the meet eminent College' •if the ysled meta, and the greatest part of whose life hue been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila. d,Wbbtated elsewhere, has effected BOMB of the moat as ghlllll CUM that were ever known. Many troubled with rinsing in the ears and head when asleep, great net , voiteness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange milli Mind wire Cared immediately, Ooze PARTICULAR. NOTICE. Dr. J. acdrodels all these who having injured them. saver by erivetemnd Improper indulgencles, that secret and ettlyery alliewldoh ruins both body and mind, un- Ittlitillent for either businessor society. Theenre some of the sad and melancholy en sets pro duced by early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the Bad *CI/MN Dinli ,h ;bp Heel, /SIC et sight, Lai Of meow& ftworohiipitittioa of Wart, Dye. oeVervons Irritability, Derangement o e Digestive , Dentfrfa, 1:06614y, , Symptoms og Qinstimp. id • , *ENTALLY *I v i the. fella* abate on-the mind ere mush to be :—Lees ef liemory, Confusion of Ideas, De. presska of Spirt*, YMI Feretiodings, Averetbn tosoole• ty, Bsif.dlatruet, Love of Solitude, Thuidity,Ste.,are Rome of the elti effeetw, Thai/mile of perms ofall Agee, min flow Judge what of maXi.tULlNwlth,=4hair , vigor, - 02 d have s singeleur arum about the eyes, adult, and -symp tom el oonsturption. 'SOUPS YEN who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in dieted,* when alone—a habit frequently learned from sdlcomparilonthoriskeelitiol,the effects of which are sightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders mryieterltand deetroya both mind and body , What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his noun. nreihedarling el his parents,snat should ched from end enjoyments of life by the consequences of l ug toe path of nature, and indulging in a secret habit. Su th persons must, before content plating idARRIAGI, effect that a sound mind aud body are the most necessary requisites to predicts connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a:weary pilgrimages the prospect hourly darkens. to the "few; the mind hammed shadowed withdespair, &Mailed with th melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be comes blighted with our own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING RINIREIT FOR 01: GANIO WARNERS: . _ this great and Important remedy, Weaknels at the Organs are speedily cored, and frill vigor restored, thousands of the most nerVollll and debilitated whit had lent all hope, have been Immediately relieved. Al! Impedimenta to Marriage Physical or Mental Disqualiti. cation, NORMS, Trembling, Weakness or Exhalation or the meet feared kind, speedily mired. TO STRANGERS. The many thousande Oared at this 'pollution within on. last twelve years, and the numerate important Street operations performed by Dr. J.,' !itemised by the re• porters of the papers, . arid many °the;moon s. whichhave appeared *Still and eadin.Ware the public of , buidel hit standing al a lan(kweigkitg‘ktsrAnd IlF ol llllo.re - Y, ts a soMoient guarentettdybui e.M10.0,4. DIRASES Or IMPRODENOE.—When the misguided and Imprudem votary of Mamma finds he has imbibed the seeds at this palatal Mamie, it toe often happens that an 11141 mod seam of Aims oi dreairof discovery deters' him from applying to those who gpl . nn educiatiwand re. oPootatillity ma &Moo bertha:l4 hlaniftilaykrelitikbP Gm* sti lutional symptoms of this horrid Mime niake their appearance, affecting the hem; I eoeg nose, akin, aro., poprogr rt aming on with hightffferingeurrapldlty; ttendin g ill death puts I al hia dreadful a by ” hint to "Oat borne front whence no u traveler rettenk. It "'Mel "chi/ feet that Montanan tall ykailms to this terrible beam, owing to the unskilftdness et Ignorant pretend ers, who, by tho and of that deadly poison, wintry, rail the catmint/Mon and make the residue otlife inisernble. To erusrmes.—The Doctor's leptomaa hang In his Oleo. arLetter. must contain a Stamp to u on the reply. irkenedies sent by MRII. ark,. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. enrlß-lowly DAILY at ill LINE! Between Philadelphia tom Havre, Jamey Mutsu:ma; Murray, Ummerowa, WaremelowN, Mneorr, Lawlor:me, Norrecuesatate, rtrearriti, Tuvowrop, GIORGIROWN,LTILINSTOWN, 111111018- an% hiamirax, Nunn; AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depotbeing centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through !lib each train to attend to the safe de li very of ell goods entrusied to the line. Roods delivered at the Depot of • PRAM), 'WARD & FREED, No. Ott Mark et Bteet, Phila del** br.s o'clock P. M., tem beereq in &,,ralburg the next morning. Not (always) as low as by any other line. puticuur attention mild by this line to prompt and rpeeiy delivery of all Harrisbur; The Undersigned thankful for Pest Pairoo ,ite hopes by Strict attention bllaialta ICI merit a coal 1114 floe o f the same. • T. PRIPHRE, 0 8 Philadelphia and Readin; vat, Oink not olNliarket Steve , Ihrrihbeng. SCHEFFEIRS BOOK STORE, *Aar • "•• . • \\ , • • • • • " .I\\lll/1,1- • • •. • ; - 4 r top ..• • • .. .. • „t‘ . t tf, , BEIM VOL. XYII. tints at enuel & IsansfurtOtati PENIIRYLVMA RAIL ROAN WINTER' TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PEELOELPIIIA. ONANDAMIE IIdONDAT NOVEMBER 26th, 1861. The Pamonof lho Penitolvasis 11111roa4 Company wil4eparebWald arrive tt Ehamistautg tad .11idelphiaas f ows EA.STWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS THAlNlle a .ves Harrisburg daily at 8 28:a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia a t Leo net LUTE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 8.45 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p. m. MAIL TIiALN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 P. m. ACCOKKODATION TRAIN, via. Mount joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 12.10 p. m. HARRIHMIIO 'ACCOMMODAITHN TRAIN, irlit bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. in.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 20 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPREan TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.80 p. m, Harrisburg at 3.051 a. m., Altoona' 8.40, a. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. in. HAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in..,and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. In. ;lenval Hirriaborg at 7.45 a. m., Altoona, 2.45 p. m., atm arrives at Pittsburg at 8.45 p. M. FAST .LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.80 a m., Harris .berg 4.06 D. in., Altoona at 9.10 p. in., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1,40 a, m. HAM.4IB I 3IJR4 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves MU. delphia at ISO p m., and arrivea at liarrlaburg at 8.05 :To m. • MOUNT JOY AOOOMMODATION via Mount Joy , leaves Lancaster at 11.84 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 p. m SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, Div. Patina. Railroad. Harrisburg, November 22, 1861 WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NBUI AIR LINE mutt arm P H I.L4,~D,F f PH I`A wraum OROGE OF CABS. . • t .::.• ON AND AFTE R MONDAY, NOVEttV. rk,„/ SIR 4,1861, the Pialeiter Tratile will' hare the Philadelphia pine 'Reading Railroad pepekst Rairltburg, , for New York and Philadelphia, Ids • .; • . tiOsTNITARTs. imparia UNE leaves. Harrisburg at &BO a. tn.; on ar rival of Pa l eanly Railroad Exprii.4B Train frotai the West, arriving in New York' at 11.5 a.m., and at Phila. delphia at 9.00 . 1. m. 'A *Wiping car is attached la „the tram through from igliabitrg without change. • , 114 11, TRAIN leaveitilaretsburg at 8.515 a. m.. sirivhig in NOW Twit at 5.50 p. and Philadelphia at 1.26 in. TAX LINE leavee Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of PedffillyiViOgi • Etailroal • Fast Hail, arriving In New York as 9.60 p. loi, andiehlladelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New Tort at 8 a. in., and Philad& pia at 8_ _ i s. tn. arriving at Hartisourg,la 1 p. m. 11. UL TWIN leaves New .York at 12 OD noon, and Phil. "MAI* at 3.16 p.- m., arriving' at Harriaburg at 8.10 p.m. hEPRBE3IINII leaves New Trek -at p. ra.; :arri ving at Harrisburg atB.lo a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for littabing. A sleeping ear la also &napped to this train • ' ; Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains On the Penneylvanla, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Raiding Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wintecharre, Allentoirn, Anton, 6a.;; • Baggage chbok through: intWtetween Remi York ‘ lll ll:barisbun4.ss 00; betsrabil, Harrisburg and I.lllllla. delphia, $8 hi in No. 1 cars, mtd $3 70 in No. 2. Ivor tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, . not • • General Agent, Harrisburg. '- I IT. R. INGERSOLL'S \TENT .A.IR-BRIIKL Gag the llogara. • t tits Mos or roc--oil lie comma hair-liroodt. Add mod, to a•droll: - mama gall over la the: trunk' Praparaaa a what tat a IRV V;s own atnellingn &mei , Shwatoionth Oda "IIi . DEPANDEN4 IN ALL THINGS--NBUTAAL IN NONE.-" HARRISBURG, PA, FRIDAY LF TEtt NOON, DECEMBER 27, 186.. Etitgra4 , • .. . The following is the report of the .00C1112219- , stoners , appointed by Gov. Curtin to visit our 'troops in Kentucky, and the 16* of the Gov ernor, acknowledging the mei* Of. the same. We print the letter of the Governor An, acknowl edgment first, and appen=rt solollows: ILIADQUARTS6 JAILEEIL7 liarnsbiirg,lies;24, 1861. Gwarrannis reoeived, , some days since, a package of allotment rolls, transmitted by you, and to-day your very•satisfactory- report of the purposes and results of your mission, and also the•sanitary report of the surgeon of the bri,gade of Pennsylvania volunteers, and now in service in lienincky. It is just that I should express to you My en tire satisfaction with the manner in which you have fulfilled your delicate and important trust. It will be a consolation to you, gentlemen, to feel that yon have contributed alike to the com fort of our patriotic and brave men now in the service of .their country, and to the interests of their families and friends at honie. Yoa will be amply rewarded, in this hour of your 'coun try's trial, in the consciorumess.that you. have faithfully performed your duty, and' I know I can express-to you the thanks of the; loyal people of Pennsylvania. Very respectfully, your ob't ser't, A. G. CURTIN. Jr.,Messrs. T Peas, Aß. r, o and W. W. 86L.12110W111., Commissioners, iirc. Prrremea, Dec. 24. 1861. Ms Excellency, A. G. Curtin, Gammen. of Pennsyl- vaniar The commisioners appointed :by your Kxcel lency the-purpse of visiting Itheseveral re giments oi Pennsylvania volunteers now in the field in Kentucky, and entrusted with . the im portant mitiskin of impressing upon the soldiers constituting the' same, the solemn duty they owed to their faMilies at home, in assigning to them a portion of their pay, the same to be done as indicated recent enactment for that purpose, would respectfully report that t 4 ,ort the receipt of the blank allotment rolls. on the of November 26th, your commissioners. left by the next train thereafter, arriving at Damp Negley, near the village of 'Minn, iu fiardin , county, Ky.;152 miles south of the cltyof Louis ville on the 29th of November, where they were received by Brig. Gen. James '8: Nbgley,. and staff, with-s most cordial and'heart wel come. The commissioners' thankfulacknoiledg: inente are duo ' to 'these patriotic OfIk) not only for=eceptlow,bnt' forth sigeg ous and • lad co-Conatfoitld dering in the , fiirther' 7 • ance of a/1 tha , P ert4i t ed t° .tk e A" • V " .u.O Jl 4 • • nnran mim humus 5 ).. ley the weather, was unusually severe; very heavy rains being followed by snow and Severe moldi' during which:the Itharraihreaterlell to two degrees above zero. Notwithstanding this, and the very sudden change which :had ensued, it was a heartfelt and great hatisfaction tai your commissioners, that the good CommenWealth of Pennsylvania and those authority over the same, bail,wlth commendable foresight, pro vided against the inclemency, by furnishing to: the soldiers. i the largest abundanbe of ;warm and comfortable clothing, with lull supply_ of blankets, so that, even with their limited expe rience; they were enabled to beer,' withoht in convenience, the rigor 'of . their present; posi tion. *During the time which elapsed befO4e the arrival of the paymaster, your con:wfdagioners endeavored to improve the time by presenting and explaining to , the' brave soldiers of Oen. Negley's Brigade, the many benefits and advan tages connected with the admirable plan adopt ed by Congress to facilitate the allotment of such portions of their pay as they knight' set apart to their familes and - friends who'll they had' left at their honies. In' this endeaVor, your commissioners were moat zealously and ably assisted by the sincere, earnest, andluntir fag 'efforts of the Colonels of the different regi ments, together with that' f many of the other officers, and they take 'great -pleasure in acknow ledging the obligation they are under to them for the kind and faithful interest they manifes ted in the entire .proceeding, feeling that to them may be ascribed the fact of many taildiers signing tho allotment . rolls. Through the kindness of the Several Colima*: permission was granted -your commissioasia -to -meet each of the; regiments imniediately after dress-parade r tout affording large- opportunity forexplaining to the volunteers - the •natare of the allotment:-rolls;- and• bringing plahily their comprehension and theii , henitts; theibrace-; ticent effects of such - wise • proidsion, maki ng clearly manifest Abe:advantage of the measure which, thus ; brought so l much, comfort and haps , piness to their *Mlles and friends. ; . , In furtherance of their efforts your certain's eioniim embraced the.oPportunity of . reading to the soldiers the admirable .aud patriotic let ter prepared by a similar . normedetticei to Ceti re gimeuts on the Potomaii a ri d to the gentler:4on composing that commi ssion, Hon. Edgar ',E. Cowan, Thos. E. Franklin , and E C. Mime* they are indebted for much valuable aiiliest-, dered by the arguments and appeal rio effectliell expressed in 'their whiniest :te."meeting of the Captains' was also ernriened - ,'eit which all neces sary esplanade:lntel to - the p rovisionsof the al lotment act was made in detail. Appreciating, its advantage:et, they cheerfully cwoperaterin obtaining the, sigiaturee of •the pen. Aelt was however, necessary-to have Mere familiarinter course with the soldier§ them the public Meet ing of large -bodies of them afforded,: some; them requiring a more detailed, explanation of the object of your commissioners visit, mat.: Mon was taken, as. opporttutEr'm .presentod themselves, , to, explain to company, squad, and individual Whir * 320 on bad' thus come accredireo, from your Exc - ellency ; and'ln this way =Ay rttli satisfaction. was given as to busin pertaining to the mission. • The brigade - of•Chnt: Neglet" etinn ated. of twenty ein - cornpanhas, - ill of width with ths ex ceptkon of two; elgned the tilhoinriiiit MK ;mak dg an aggregate mum if - tweatOrrOtbotwand obis p 4- Ibi) 4raasimifth inaboord, Anal with. lbs psolisiima of the law, t the pay iinoWiddl3644 4 , 1111. **lll *tot* lat' la iii-owbutora be, ~7our Owornigkewon did nail interferei iggeirte the ideworm and - chelos cOmpa Our Tr - coops in Kentucky. WEE nies, and it is hoped that these Selected,.not withstanding the duty May be attended with some trouble,. will clieerfidly stifinit to anyli convenience occasioned tffereby,"feeling that in doing so, they 'will merit stud receive the thanks of thol whose fidelity': d devotion to the cruise their country pro fa them to forego sk im the co m forts of their homin, it firesides, and the ciiinpanionskdp of their families and friends. During the stay of your mananaitisioners at,Camp Negley, from the 29th of IToveinber to Decem ber 10th, the hospitals *weiii frequentlY visited, and were much ;gratified le Observer that the sur geons of the different r • !..., eats were untiring i.v. the discharge" of their .', ty, rere4exim i with great eheerfulnees,,no . . ... .n that - and atteAlion.ceiddidfdraf, . . : eviate the sufferings of those under their chaige. Such of the patients as were Veil siCk, had been placed In buildings adjacent to the camp and made as cimnfoktable as circumstances would admit, while tfie few who were ill with contagious diseases, Princi pillk measles, were placed in a separate build ing. The convalescent were furaished a' room or tent apart frem the others. The Brigade Burgeon, Dr. F. H. Gross,' ; with marked kiadnete and courtesy, entered into the spirit of the mission with must cominttidable zeal., and efforded every informal ion flit his puwer - relatiie to the sanitary condition of the commlnd. His very able report accompanies this, from which it is evident that the ratio of sick compered with the other brigades of the division is very 'much in favor of that of Gen. Kegley. The accompanying consolidated morning re port of the urigad e , es now constituted,' will give you a complete list of the number ofoffi cers and men of cad/ regiment present forOuty, and,abient, with ratio of sick; also the ni4mber of serviceablis and unserviceable horses attached thereto.,Fro the accompanying report id the brigade nt Quartermaster, you will find the sup plies of clothing,.hlankets, equipments, Sm., is sued to the ,command, all sulticicnt to insure to the soldiers ample oomfort to prepare then" for any inclemency of the weather and for service in the field. Previous to leaving the camp, 'the following change, was made ,try Major General 8411 iu the formation of Geol. Negley's brigade : F. S. Stumbaugh was transferred to Brigadier m Geral T. J. Wood's command, whilst the Firet.Wisconsin•regiment, Cul. John C. Stark weather, and the Thirty eighth Indiana regi • - ment Col. B. F. Scribntr, were added to Gera. Negley's which, is. wow 'composed of the last two named • with the Seventy-eighth, Col. Wm. Sirwell, and the Seventy-ninth; Col. H. Eiambright, Pennsylvania regime*. Gerulug Neg . ley, with Ii desire to compile:int your Bxcellenoy through 'your commies! ners, afforded them an aPportnitity of witnesslng a grand review of the brigade, thus enabling then to Sited to the martial excellence and efficiencrof the'troops among whom they were , sent.' While they rentairlisd k in Camp Ifegley they bad daily, almost htinrit ' opportunity . to 'Witness` the drill and effective - discipline which everywhere prevailed. .`, In all, eipktota the likkisatiaeardf the efficetti andliietrithe PiftWon oftheirmbVementis, and their fine soldierly appeattu*le thallenvd balm!-. ration. Immedieti3ly after ' the arrival 44 the parthaster Nolin On the 6th 1E1564-your cent: , niissioneis *ere actively engaged in receiving ritenoy , froth the'soldiers. Alarge dittount was broughtloine and- distributed as clitecthd to On returning home the Ninth (Icich.i . Penn's. Cavalry regbnent, Col. E. C. Williams, Weil Visited. MU :regiment was encamped aborit one mile above Jeffersidiville, in Indiana, awaiting orders. Your coMmissioners *caved :cordial welcome fimis Col." Williams' who prinViptil comrounced 'haling the rolls *iced, itxProidnk,tbsrbelief tbaftheY &mid be !made complete;and ready to forward in a few' : days, and although not yet received, your ootnmis !donors have been advised since their return hoine Wa l k very little delay will ensue before they 'are sent forward. The lett& named troops we fonnd well and thoroughly equipped, Vesicles being Supplied with all that was required to promote their iximfort and well being. : Your cominlaikkeis belieire that nothing was left un done' on that; pert; to :impress earnestly upon the minds of the citizen soldiers the full im portaern and, object:of their mission. . 'Any would here acknowledge the thoughtful kindness of the Presidents of the. Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, the •Little Miama, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad companies, and also of ihe Cincinnati and Louisville Racket .Line.company, who on learning the appoint ment of your Excellency, very generousljr fur nished your:commissioners with free passes go iog and returning, , •In conclushiprit a ff ords your Commissioners. *the'radat sincere' pleasure to acknowledge the kind attention and - courtesy received - frOin . all tlieoffieersr and men of the PeruisylVania regi: iheritenow in - Kentuckyouid express their full etaifidera3e.that when the hoar of trhd ! shall have come, Pennsylvania will not mist the conduct 4ffthriciiis t r lint on ;the C011b24 have'the tirond isiurance that thby have inabi hiked itniatthilie& the • glory of their P.tate, bringing ud tinabilipbn ' her' eseutcheObi, and castiurno *witch upon her gallant - ichildiin havaillovedevoted their lives and hooor 'Of their flag and the vrelfare 'of the lieldved•Union.' • : Tay linill'!ind"respbeffully, • Your obedientserfrante, • • • JAMES PARK, Ja. • • W. i\r . . BELTZEI.ONOIEL • I= ` x AttemaimiT Eilterax%:-L-Agene or der-6:lDi 'the WELT' Department defines tleCrega' latimis'og" die new "allotment system ih the army, Ms follows : " nit, The assignment of pay will be!made on a ser e to be executed under' the su,*trisi9 9f the captain or immediate; com mander op the resinllt, ait i fitttiniii'd,f the 011st ment of 'the soldiei in ramp. Second. When completed, thaalsotment roll is to be transmit ; ted to the .Paymaster-General, by whom the lednetione bif 'Made h a each suissistrient aggregate amount of each company's asidgiimenc will be tnuuleired by hike to Ake tidied in 'the pa Y roll, together wirli a'copy, of said roll." EVIL Intamitm.-4 correspondent of the edeaßo .2 7 r3eadmitew from Kentucky:, John Qr. B " l 4intidfle l laOngreesional Distriathiesent 6,016 . men to the Federal army, and VOX) to the task.: The evil influence of BreettitOrtige, Pewelli,ifegotitaiLand Ditushall is the foo l of • saiLdafection in-this quarter. • , A cliti ltia BoalaiditP i tin ir 'M b Ettagrp,Th f " *l n i til A2lma 0." o 4 ' . v . -. ."% ir lf Zieletie r ter ° .1, re. li 1 1 lillY itibuth. BY THEM Frolll ouiMiorping Edition- lnfoortaxa,. Foreign News. THE AMERICA AT HALIFAX, Twelve Thousiih b?:sent to Cquada. CONTINIIND AGITATION OF THX.II/80N _ SLIDELL AFFAIR. Opinions of the English Press. ACTION OF TEA' &ENFIELD .FORIEIGN AFFAIRS COMAII2TEE. HALIFAX Dec.* 26. The steamship Niaginiabas arriVcci with I.,iv erpoonlates to the 16$ inst. The.shrp Coronet from Deal from New' York hid;put. back. • ' The ship John Jay from Hong Kong foi. New Yorkhad put into . arigapore leaking. The ship Vanguard from Liverpool for New Yokk put backon, the 14th with loss of sails, &c. Gann Barran .—lt is intimated that about 12,0u0 troops will be sent to Canada. Two battalions of the guards were expected to sail On the 18th inst. in the Atlantic 'and Parana. No cavalry or horse artillery will be dispatch ed for Qanada till spring. 'l he Paris ccuilespohdenoe of the London Globe, says that hirdainveners , dispatch to Mr. Mealier is known to have confined the Federal Executive, to the. simple dilenama, "are the Southerners beligerents or rebels They have been flatly remised any'rights in the first Capac ity, ann'in the second, the right of attyltim ac quired by political refugees has been bet at naught, and Frithce t rinist make the awe if the Tient sublitentialtyAker own. The London' 2lwati oubliehes a' letter ifrom Thurlow-Weed defending. the American gov ernment and Mr. Seward in particul4r, fr9m the alleged hostile intentions towards England. The Zeds say that England asks nothing but that she•shall abstain-from actual 'outrage, or that if ibis committed that the shall maze re sonable reparation, if, not the ~alternative Nall not come in the desired form of protracted ne gotiations.:.- - 4 The London iiferz/di tekes..strong- ground. against the argument of psi LondOrt , Aloe in favor of arbitration. At says that negotiation rennet helialeitedle ^l23lltlastm, ' tMidell .The Sheffield foreign ~affainr .committeil had petitioned the.,Govrnment to„,visit its high dis pleasure on Capt. - Moir and ,Commander Wit=' 'lianas 'for having; in the Trent - affair, violated the Queen's . proclamation and thereby show to America that ..England'arteutrallty is strict and impartial. . ; FsAuoto ' The Paris Press says that General Scott's 'mission appears to have been arrataged sow to.allow him: time to fulfil it before the ultimatum of England is remitted, and ptirhaps modify the natureof this step on the part of England. • The Pays, on the contrary; asserts' that the English ultimatum * to benf an absolute charac ter.. XXXVIIth Congresa--First goision. THE MASON AND SLIDELL AFFAIR ; Speeches of Senators Hale and Sumner. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 IN SENATE. . • ~ . LOONCLIMON Oy IMITUDA.I. 8 ITAXIENDINGIB.) Mr.` Hers said he had understood from tile public press and from those who held more in timate relations with the Administration. than himself, that for- three or four dayti past the Cabinet has had under consid4ra ion a proposition fraught, with more ! evil tor the country than' anything that had yet marked its. history, and that was the .surrender, of . Mason and Slidell„ to ;Great 'Britain.' By , this we would yield , all wb hid gained 'in the revolution and be humilbited to theicondition of a. second -rata power: No man would: o farther•tlian himself for peace, but he would not submit it to national disgrace and dis honorto obtain such peace He" would favor the arbitration'of MS:other poVrer,'but if a de mand had been made by Great Britain for the surrender of Mason and Slidell, war • should' be declared instanter. lie" would make elk honor , able, concessions for peace, but a peaceinvidtring 'such a surrender -would be infinitely an'i'se than -war; His friend:from Indiana , (Kr'. Laws) hail had remarked this morning that .his State had 60,000n0w 60, men,ln, the ketd, and could double this number to maintain the national honor.— If this' Senates shorddlo home atteritich a , sur render pd humiliation, it would be the subject ef scorn sod, Indignation , of tire-country. He regarded the urgent , demand of England as a pretence for war. Shri Was determined to futiniliate " lint and 'fight us afterwaFds.— lotr our .cities and villages be - pillaged and burned, but let our riationakhonor be preserved. Francis I. said after the battle of Pavia that all Was lost but honor :11e . Would pray , thst this Administration might notbacrifice our national honor. •:. Thorwands would yet come :to =the field t 9 .440 it, If, this surrender was mtoe, the Administration would he met with such it fire' in: the rear that 'ft ' Would ' be" hurled from power... If We.lhad a ' writ , With' Targland it.would be for , the, same - came that had sent ono ,Kieg tp the block. and . - soother honieleas and - houselesi over the,World,. end one that would appeal to miii*Wheriver the English language Will&erloken. -He belived too, that. if • Napoleon- - had ~ one " deaire . more than another,it walk te.wiPe eet the. stabi bithe French arms at 'Waterloo. All over Canada there iraretliailiandi of Irishmen who Would ruffh to arms to' sustain" stieh `'acause:'. ' OM' . principle was our great strength ; ,:and; if . w a r l WeeketteXM. h.e Igeidd 4ef 0 1 1 1 tit AMP" apitima s , we Fere talcinstrlme444,l4 how& ili z atily worst we age ~ f llifeeml, Ida &t the ~,, tai • oisinitt-lailiitiliiikaWit l iddet it •'. !Ukases:U-76n thhised'fiteltioniti watts ;' " ,thligPsTet NA ti '' .. '1 A ' "....^.' , ffbAi weir I‘, Ev„ r i ms treated the whal • iiiiittei4n Alt' .".'lrif He- Etta% tinting fifin. }wring procured Stem Power Prawn, we are ed to execute JOB add BUM PiUNTING ofsvOl7 ion, choam than it can be done at any ether estabdeb . meet In the °Dimity. RAMS OF ADVENTBILIeCt. fir Four lines or less constitute °mohair square. klighl him or more than fore constitute a squeinsh Half Square, one day $0 26 44 one week OO 61 ene month I 00 " three months .......... ........ 3 00 CI six months ........... .......... 000 41 One year....... 3 00 . ..... ..... One t quare, one day one week. . .. a one month.— II Ithree months , u six months.. 64 one year. , air Business notices Inserted in the biota Maw, oe before Marriges end Dentist, PTVS CUTTS MR ;INA fee each insertion. Marriges:and Deaths tn.be charred as rapier rertlsements NO. 93. had said that Great Britain had made an arro gant demand of this government. How did the Senator know this? or the Bead& or the country? He (Mr. Sumner) did not krurrit. The Senator had said he would favor an arbitration. How di i be know but what the administration had considered that? The Senator was too swift in his conclusion. His own belief was, that the difficulty would be honorably and amicably adjusted. It was in safe bands, and it would be better for the Senate to reserve themselves for facts, and not to act upon a hypothetical case. The resolution of Mr. litra was then laid over under the rule. . ' ... .. V. It* Mt. Revrs, ( Hy.,) gave Miles unce ne should 4 Z ad introduce a bill codfteca every Species of property of:all persons w any connection with-Ike Southern rebel!' 'in eitbm• dvil and military and navalcapacity. Mr. nesmit, (lowa,) initeduced if bill for es tablishing provisional goveinments in all CA seceeded States. Referred.. &r. Howz;'(Wis ,) introduced a bill mend ing the fugitive slave act. The. Senate then adjourned till Monday. FROM ODNitETtOUT. Heavy Oannoading in the Difeotien of Gardner's Bay. ; A heavy =wading has been hqini ell day in the direction of Gardner's Bay. A pseseen ger from' Plato r's Island reports a mysterious light last evening in the TEE ABAGO AT NW MIRK ARRIVAL OF GENAI&L SOOTT. The steamship Arago from Hie andteouth funpton arrived at half-past 5 ef a ock the even ing. She trought fall files of pera but no mails. Her advises have bee* -aticipatM by Niagara at Halifax. General Scott is among tbcetrago'aolaasen : exi. . ARRIVAL OP TROOPS FOROAVADA. The Steamer itshralatelak at lalibx, The steamer AmetralasitaiwrAWNl tadartrom England with 1265 troopti,w , fidtt baNazy , U. COL. MULLIGAN AT TRENTON, N. J. • . Tomos, N.. 7 : ?, Dec. 26. The biave Col. Mangan ? , Whose heroism is in everybody's month; arrived. in this City last night, with his family. Be was visited by our State, military and civil functionaries. . CAPTURE OF THE REBEL BOHOC)NER FASHION: • • • Nrit'Yoak, Dec. 26. The rebel schooner Feehiou; was captured by the United States sloop of WS; /Mall Allen, on the 25th of Noveraber, and. sent into /coy West. E. M. isni.l)BA • . STAIE STREET OPPOSITE THE ERADY H9IISE. A 11 opera. ions, Surgical, and MpAturmioal, riLacientlfictilly perrottned GILT FRAXRB /. P4.IIKKB I J. 33 lESTER. ) , CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of . Looking Glass and Pioture . Fitmes, QM and itosew9o 4 .! l o l 4o#o',oo. 43 CEIZ3NI# STREET, NEAR 13.EOND. HARILISBURG, PA. • French 314 - rfra,. equate. And Ovokt Portrait Frames of ever? dna . • cur.li eniehride RE-G I LT TO . OEM. • GENTLEMEN& WEAR. A large ausorpneut of Under Mils and Unworn, ((all sizes, ) • 13ealltimein , Travellug ghavlir and:Bhuakele, Fussy H 4141 of Ho Cloths, Caaainieni, and Vatting; 50k &great variety,) claehnere N.sit Thu .16 Cravats, 'Large stock or ineyeai & eituntletts, • , Every Wed 01 , *avenue's, Rum= 6u Guns. A Large Stock of these Geode, le sedan trout eau be an . -9411941018 nol3 sex; door is ini! Barri sburg Bank. NEW DRESS , GOODBi EMBRQIDERED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wee' Detainee, Plain Merinoes and Cashnieres, Fancy Paris Drees Bilks, Superior Plain Colo. al Dress Silks Warranted makes of plain bla..ck silks, - New Styles Low 'Priced Defame Al CA 'MART & BROTHIMIII no N v e 4 xt door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Squars. ITIEBRELLI MAITUFAOTORY 1 No. 69, .Market AStreet, bekno TAird, RAMUMW; Pt. , . m . MANUFM II3 ACTURER Qp!. W3B.M.LAS, psitsOLS and ni.KING C107$8„will tUrnlah goodi at. LOWILEVAIOI3II rhea ';Can Db Ibilitart hi any or the Easters cities. count-7 namthente well to call and examine pritc . cat and qualit y, 'and taint - onion) theta st loader title l'aet!—A au2S-dly ficKEFF.Ett' . trItOOK 13 i tthili (Nei; the ' ')'' 4EI 4)0 - TNT BIPED from the • lials a least COinisKaia. Nam P 4 Pls i t i wN ,We 11 /4 'pa 44,41.26 pee nays . Sea. per ream artns"ziesikAhroonsim wpb Os UM* o.l"Mealste.eaableauf mai yabletie akin& PAO tea 1000 mars ENviiiesh,arilh natibsal aid Plariogia embleasariskiktediaaewo °Wen. Deese givelat a sail. I's* t. F. 13011,71118, , ; «garridmpie .1 lid. v.::•71r11,7:71010Tip: n 7 3,4 r 60811 1 bileito!Oats 1:7 J WAIMMD. nove-dif SToznanricult sae-, De% 26 I= Nsw 7TuE, Dm 26 Dee. 26 WHOLESALE .. 200 ..sae .. 000 ..10 00 ..16 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers