paiip itlegrao, lIAHRISBURG , PA loam Morning, December 93, 1861. 110! FAI. TITS HOLIDAYS I—The beautiful and raettral blended in the Gifts offered for sale al Berg_ n's Book Store / —The approaching Christmas Sollidays are bringing with them their addmitom sty anticipations of gifts and presents, one of the honored costume; too, in the observance of which there is a pleasure that is equally shared by the Mier and the recipient of a gift. Nor is it the cost or the extent of a gift which inoreases riehlship, because the simplest remembrimce betoketts often the sincerest friendship. In ,or der that all tastes and means may be gratified , the shape of articles tor presents 'dining the ppreaching holidays, the stock of Books and i'aucy Articles at Bergner's Book and Stationery :tore has been most extensively. enlarged, and oiv embraces a variety of the beautiful,. the .4ul, the practical and economical, such as not be found in any other establishment out de of New York or Philadelphia. The saver , ement in another column presents these ard es in detail, and to this we invite the atten ,en of the reader desirous of supplying himself his blends with rare articles for Christmas e s entstion. n the ar uele of books, there is every description, in the well established and popular standard 'ter, to the young and timid author, full of fe sad hope and ability, just about to do bat c for public favor and applause. Books of Po in every possible style and binding, more utifal than the thoughts of the slid:Lore emselves could have invested their produc ens. Books of History and Memoiers, in solid , hrary style or the ornamented binding eo de rable for adornment. Books of Romance em ,. fished with every conceivable fancy of the tilt and the painter. Books, intact, from the Jo to the gay—designed as gifts for all tastes .d;aB companions for all ages, can be found at .:rgner's. One of the most beautiful gifts of the season, the Photographic Album. This is an entirely ew construction in the shape of an Album, otten up in size for the preservation of the or !nary photographic pictures. They will con in from 10 to 100 pictures, and when the hoitographs are inserted between their folds, I ,ey can be preserved and handled for years ithout danger from light or injury from the ,uch . of the hand. As a suitable and valuable esent we consider these albums in all respects perior to any other articles which can pandbly purchased. The stock at Bergner's is more tensive and more select than that at any other tablishment in the 'city_ : , ' The other articles at this establishment, in m line of superior Cutlery, Turkey Morocco tchels, Pura s and Pocket-books, Stationery, ,din fact all that is beautiful and:tuieful, must examined to be fairly appreciatei and rained. mere description is inadequate to an idea of , eir extent and value. Call at the store, and ~lize by actual observation, the extent and uty of this immense stock of Books, Fancy tides and Stationery. Pura—Before the Mayor.—Eliza Eater was aigned, charged with keeping a disorderly wdy house, andselling liquor to minors. Her tab ishment is located somewhere back of the pital, and from all accounts hi a source of uch annoyance to the Surrounding neighbor , d. In default of bail, Eliza was committed answer. Nary Aikerman, Mary Carney, Anna Meyers .d Barbara Edwards—all dashing specimens of e "frail sisterhood," with painted cheeks, 'rk•screw curls, silks, satin and expensive 'saline—were arraigned, charged with being sputa of the aforesaid Pliza's residence.— ra to prison. Benj. Fry wascharged with being a drunken ;taut, and ordered to leave the city forth th. John Dunn, Irwin Hill and John Ellis—a pa. 1 guard with muskets, from Camp Curtin— are arraigned charged with being drunk, and lilting a sergeant of Capt G. W. P. Davis' Jovany. Discharged with a reprimand. Ellen Canada—an Irian lady, of rather pre t-hsing appearance, was charged with being nk and disorderly. Remanded to the .k -up. Mrs Beim—one of the "frail sisterhood"— e dashing lady insilke and satins, whose mys .rious escape from the Lock-up night before :t, was Doti ed in yesterday's TILEGRAPH— as arraigne.d for drunkenness and disorderly onduct. Fined $; and remanded for hearing .11 another chit, ge. By the Coludidated Police.—Henry Kuser and aieth Wel tmer—" unhappy Jeremiah"—were rrested for drutikenees. Goramitted by Justice [vier. Two soldiers, whose names we could not learn, were arrested for drunkeness and having in their. Poss:vsaion a number of chickens, which are s uPPoBed to have been stolen. The soldiers the were committed to prison, and the chickens to P,,lice station, Raspberry alley, where they cati be got by their owner. Lis ilAsmer.—There was an abundant sup- TAY of all seasonable articles at the marketipat rirdaY, including meats, poultry, game and legttibles. Fish were scarce. Prices for poul try' conaidering the nearapproach of Christmas, was re motiable, being held generally at the ra tes which have ruled for weeks past. Another e " d derice of the approacljof the season of fes tollil is the appearance in the market of hol /Y, 'Nee and other evergreens, with mosses ' l '"ie..l for making the " Christmas trees," ao 14 11 : kh the delight of the little ones about the t:'"hr-'l`l, together with a large assortment of e ill ieraCkB" to make the tree completed. tkr present to your soldier friend keCtil.,"ll4, then call at Keller's, 91 Mar urr.inreet aud purchase one of those cheap ilg .liing,e4m, or a Sewing Case, or a Camp . e, vat pork and S Pouchttached ; or a ror a Pip e or Tobacco %Hp for di /Clit JANUAHHar Bpers Magni& kliarY just received at ateau's .13vok . - zuca 2tl (mute. SANFORD'S TROUPE open Brant's Hall in this city this (Monday) ev4ming, for a series oftheir inimitable entertainments dining the holidays. ~:- Tx BATTLI.—The "Kgmer...Fairibles," Capt. Samuel Wilt, of this city, formed a portion of that part of General McCall's Division, who en gaged the rebels at Drainsville,`Virginia, anac count of which. appears in our telegraphic des patches this morning. Oua Gummi friends of the Liederkians Sing lig Am:dation give another of their delightful Musical soirees at Frhch's Market street, this (11 , ionday) evening. Lovers of good music, and Votaries of Terpsichore will of course be on hand. TICE OF AINNIOWAL SHOOTLNG.—We are pleased to leain that Mr. Halbach ; who was shot on Friday by the accidental discharge of, a a Ostol, bi not iefichislY ' bell entered his loins, but' it has since been ex tmeted„ and. Mr. H., under ' skillful medical treatment, la now rapidly recovering. listyruni IDONVO,—PrOfessor McCoy Silt &Bier his Selitbinted lasture, n entitled "A Historical rutdicatibn of Titurip*ape SOdetiee" in the Fourth Street Bethel, this (Monday) even ing, for the binefit of - AdvanOe Lodge No. 89, I. O. of GOod Temphint. Tickets, 15 cents ; to be luul at this Boa Stores, and at the door on the evening of the TOCt4e.., LIMB MORTAR.-11 mammoth - bomb mortar passi3d through our city on Saturday en route for the West. We had PinVinalAy met a large number bound in the same direction. They are intended'or throwing shells about thirteen inchhs in diameter, and their in:in:tense strength was n source of astonishmen t to the curious, wholnspectid them. oine idea of their strength may be formed from the fact that although they are only abed four feet in length, they weigh nearly nine tons:each. ORATION AT CAMP CUILTIN.—Prof. M'Coy de livered his great oration "On the London Ilmes and the Rebellion" at Came Curtin at one, o'clock on Saturday. All the troops in the Camp were on parade, formed into `a 'hollow square, in the centre of which, from a platform erected for the Occasion, the Professor'delivered the Craton. A large number of , our Citizens were present, and altogether the occasion was one of great iaterest. We understand that the Artiat, Beet, succeeded in taking a very fine photographic view of the interior of the Camp, with the orator and aariemblage in the fore ground, done at the instance of a number •of military gentlemen, who desire to preserve copies of the picture as a memento of the inter esting occasion. Tits HUNTINGDON Gross hears that it is strongly suspected that the innn Patrick lido. Laughlin, a membel i of the. tfc(2llellan Itegi= meat, and' whom Alkaloid as being killed by . the Oars the night before that regithent , left Camp Grossman for this city Was unfairly dealt , ' ' As the 'story' , rune, he and 'Boris others were at a house in the lower .md ofl'll'untirkg don,'suid *ldle there they got to fighting, and after beating this man almost to death, they carried him out and laid him on the railroad, to hide their crime. The editor of the Globe, however, doubts the story, and adds "we know to ode own peril/nal Ithowledge that the man was intoxicated in the early part of thei even ing, and we are inclinedio believe that he laid down on the railrdiul 'of his Own - accord and went to sleep, and was struck by a locomotive. Taacanuts' Isercruri—The teachers of Derry school district., held their sixth semi-monthly meeting, of the present' Will,' at selibot house No. 14, near Hummelstovrn, on the 7th inst.— The weather was favorable, and at an early hour a number of patrons and friends had as s embled to welcome the teachers as they arrived. The directors of the district, who are zenleitsly de voted to the common school cense, were also present, and participated in some of the discus sions. The Listitute opened by singing and prayer, when after the transaction of business,' some questions of a scientific character, referred to certain members, wale answered. This irks followed by an exercise in reading, conduoted by one of the members in an interesting man ner. ' A spirited discussion on school govern ment took place, and an esinty rend on Botany, whist' elicited high ' encomiums for original thought and practical ideas. ifter s few closing remarks, the Institute adjourned. • . SAD ACC ID ENT AND Da . —The Huntingdon Globe of Thum* announces the death of Mr. David M.' Confer, Dispatcher for the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company at that pled'. It apPears that last Wednesday evening about five o'clock, while in the act of coupling some cars, • he was caught between the* and so' severely injured internally,that he died in about two hours' at: terwarda. Dr. McCulloch , was in attendance, and tendered all the assistance medical skill could suggest, but his injuries were of too seri ous a character, and but little, relief could be given. He was sensible up to the time of his death, and although suffering under the most excruciating pains, he conversed freely with those around him. Mr. Confer was a sober, polite, industrious, acconlintidating n actrie and energetic business man, and,during the four or five years he resided in Huntingdon, he won to himself a large circle of friends and acquain tances. He was universally beloved and es teemed by all who knew him. The demised leaves a wife and. seven small children, the youngest only a week or two old, to mourn his unexpected death. MI wife lOses a fond and affectionate husband, his children a kind and in dulgent father, Htintingdon a good' and useful citizen, and the Railroad Company, a Prompt, careful, active and trusty employee. Thir d S Cnnurrnas arm. NEW Yatil.—John O'Dell, t. near Market, respectfully /dorms his friends and former patrons, that ha is supplied with confections, candies, cakes and everything necessary for the Mondays which he is prePared to sell and deliver in any Put of the city at the lowest cash prices. Fotntn.—A new .pocket, book containing a railroad ticket from Williamsport to Philadel phia, was found I I Judge Murray's lumber yard. The Owner can have the sam e by calling on B. G. Peters' Farmers' Rotel. 2t. Lois tit'lletra down at. Seller's from fi wars upwrie, of ap kinds and gbiej •Pnüiitrniüa PRZBINTATION OF A Swosn To Lunar H. C. %AIM OP COKPAST I Fo*IENRAO.BY CAPT. S. 'HuYsrr, 110TH Rsourifii —Lieut. Weaver, . rece9tly, an ':eMploys,* of,thnearialXlSMastiti Pennsylvania Railroad Company, was presented with a sword by the employees of the company at 'the office of T. T: iVierniau; EngMeer and Su perintendent, on 'l'hursday evening, many of the officers of the, regiment and citizens being presimt. The 'presentation devolved on John Runk Jr.. He observed : Limn .Wrisysar have been delegated on belialf of your friends to bear you this sword, in remembrance of the many virtues that prompted you to join the great &my that-ii now arrayed in defence of our country and Constitnizion., It is with feelings' of no ordintuy pride, by 'virtue of old associations, that your officers and fellow eniplo3 ees Congratulate you on your p-sitiorr, sod that one of our number is found. SacrificiOg the; comforts of honie and all ; domestic enjoy meUte for the purP6set of assisting in establish ingiour Government again on its < riginsi baSia You are going tplidircliin defence of .law,and Government against, rebellion, and the most unholy of'sll rebellions of.which history affords, a record. 'You are not marching to. destroy, plunder 'and overthrow; - but . td build up, to' assist in asserting the power bf our Govertunent, and enforcing the obsetvimoe tit all laws. • • Eki,ypn;;ll:tetigoris,iii consider:4CM of _the lea 'Pbriance and diVitilty of the caws, true to the putpose, just and firm in your endeavors, and invincible incur devotion to,the and the Constitution. You, as Lieutenant of a company, have a meet important truit. Be; You Mindful of tbp comforts of your fellowLsoldieri, and ever look ing Ito their effibiencyand capacity to. defend themselves against our enemies. Lieutenant,. be a soldier, aud,let your record be a good one. Honor this iribute , -L-Wield 'it in all Justice to your own-honor- ' and may it stimulate you to deeds of 'gallant bearing. Again I assure you of a heartfelt interest in your welfare, on the part of yonrifriends,. and hope to see you return soon, crowned with lau rels earned by good soldiers, that we may wel come you back. To which Lieut. Weaver replied in the .fol lowing happy and patriotic manner: Gentlemen : It is with feeling of no ordinary character, I assure you that I accept this beau tiffil and valuable sword. When the traitorious villians in the south struck the first blow at Fort Sumter and compelled the brave Anderson with his 'little band of patriots to surrender, I was following my usual vocation in the employment of the Canal ,Department of the Pennsylvania Railroad Coinpany tinder Your co'atroL- I-felt it my duty at once to resign the position I then. held as assistant master carpenter, join the ranks of the Union army and march in defence of our Constitution: and laws, but my situation was such at that time that it was impos,iiible for me so to do. But as soon as I could so - arrange matters - to leave my home, my wife = and lit tle children, I enlisted in the service of my conn-- try;'and this evening, gentlemen, letme assure you. that whilst I Rye I shall at all times be willing to sacrifice all.that I possess for .the welfare of ray country, my once prosperons and happy country ; but now since the arch friends of hell has plotted their damnable treason, and have undertaken to overthrow our free institu tione and all the rights arid privileges that have heed hoiight„by the liVeis of our forefathers and cemented by the- shedding of their blood, we feel it our duty, yes, we feel it our imperative duty, to join the great* Union-- army and fight if needs tie until the last infernal rebel Audi have been exterminated from. our land. lii conclusion, Mr. Runk, let me assure you that I accept this beautiful sword with many-thanks' to ray friendslarkolliairetlionoreiditiastimuch in presenting, to mi 4 ;I 81341. *51" 1 4#41 0 2 14 r and wield it in time erhattleilaift may r eflect credit alike to the kind &Cora aintto.mYself. Hons.—Live or dead•hogs' can be had cheap for Dish, at the, Black Horse tavern, Paxton street, by Wm. tisicznen. . . Roast Funs hive •recrsiveri. , ti , new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from s2,qo up to $l2, a arge assortment of Cloaki $2,60 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 60c, 76c,5100, $1.75.- • 50 doz. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 60 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and , 17c. - 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 dos. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 25 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple. . 100 dos. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large let of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 1210.,' Satchels Sonfisugs, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. LIMY'S. dell) WAR Parogs.—The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg ofelsewhere, viz : Shirt collars, scarftees, half : hose, jackets, overalls, muffins, night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also ladies' callers, cuff setts, under-garments, &c.,..&c. The above goods being my own menu tacture, I guarantee them for durability, ma ter?, &c. All of the above goods I will make to rder or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness and deep ness, and a good fit guaranteed. Ni 8. , Always ion hand alarge assortment of • Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manutictory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next tOliumlnel grocCry store. OUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES ',L,Read lhe folio lug certificate" from one of the first Lidice in ljdna, IL. Y. who-canal upon my agents in that ear. Wm. Bristol & and, told them that she, of course, did not wish her name mada public, bat If any one should doubt-the ertm , erful &Rowney of Da. Duroir COI Golden Pills, Whey might refer any Lady to :her, as she considered it .a.duty, as well he a filtstanre,:tiLlouti snowledee of their efficacy, as administered to ber daughter, a yonqg I ally /7 years old.; Abe was fluttgo• tug Into cone hoptlon—had taken eidd--nature became obstructed. , Two bates of: these , (Odin : Pills entire- , ly ' cured her, and sue IS bow in r bust health.— "We were particuLtr in buying the genuine. Full and explled directions sccompanYmil each bq= , • Priee Sold wuoleeale 'land retail by 0. Bastivarr, No. 2 Jones Row,'. nd F ELLER, 91 Marks: sec, Harris burg. fa. By sending either of them 81 SKI throned Le fiarrlaborg Pest Office th 4 PAW will bitten& oonfidentially by mail to any Tan a the country; "free of,pcestage." N. out fOr inunterftifts:.. Hay no tymdesurillal of any kind unless tha bps Is styled S. D. /lowa. A.I others is a hose imposition and " unsafe• therefore, a v roe *Me your Hess skid heal th , (tUssinsithingf of:be ing inimbugged ontbf your money) buy only of UMW who show the itignatilre of S: D. Howe on every boa. stitch has recently been added on eitesnnt of the Pills 4eing counterfeited. .The ingredienta:composing the abote Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe; and will perform all claimed for them. - Sold also by, T. Lumberger, Lebanon; A. J. KanS man, Mechanicsburg; M. Marks, Lewistown • 8. Elliott.:arils° ; 8.0. ; J. O.- Aida, Bbippens, burg; .1 Spangler, Chthrbersburg ; E. T. iner t York; J. A. Wolf, W. ightsville ; 8:8. Stevens, ReidlngT nod t:. P.:Hunter, Reading, and by "one arugglat",th every town and village in the United States, and by S. D. HOWE, eB.4m - Solo Proprietor, New York. BELMBOLD'SEENTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIIIRBTEC• amm:min EXTRACT edam, THE GREAT DIURETIC. lIIILEBOWS EXTRACT BMW. ' THE GREAT DIIIRITLIO. BEXiIiOLD'S EXTRACT thaw TUk GREAT And t Positive and Specific Reniedy tor lkisenscs of the • Bladder, • Kidne" Gravel, • „{)ropy, Plutoweairoess„ , • Acid allrthiaiso or. lbe Urinary . Sett Allno,eweckt Cat It out, and ~ r ß send 4110/ 00 DMigitara itfifilkEint &Si airy teregrapb, .filonting°' iptie t iber 23, 186 L s CARD TO- THS LADINSI LI AIR DYE I HAIR DYE 11 WIC The onlyitaznilees Mid; ItellAbleiTrtirlEntivtwl !' All +ahem are mere imitations, and aaotud be avoided Ifyon wish to Nei*. itty3sist. • GKKT RED rib R [l:)rY 1.1" AIR dyed Instantly to a Brd-ra,aturet or Black, 'Ohm& k??ts, InJurY:talter •1; - • •7: FIM riEN DAIS AND DINA/11AS have been awar de t to WM. A. Bereenten @Ws [ll 11; and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of toe patrons of hie famous Dye. • , Wm. A- It wifalllClttli MGR b7E producia a order not to be dittingruhbed frotri nature ind is winsurrie not to injure to tb, lesst, however long it LILLY be eilletle ued, and the ill &cm of bad D , es remedied. The hair is invigorated We uythinsplendid Iktc. which to NV erly applied at 5Z0.1.8 •iedd * Streeir New "(irk. ?6ht I . ell the Sites and towns of the United dummy hy Druggists and Fancy Outdo Dealers The 1514313 - pitlehaerethe lexeis K.WII ** and' ticrift-cio upon a steel plate engtavlag. on the foot sides of each box. r i liYbolessle Factory, Si Barclay St-, - Late 2911 - '9re4lirsy, New Tort ocel.lawly 1 • %, - • ' Ntuk.abotrtistintuts IM==l32 BRANT'S EAU ! !CHRISTAI AS W EEK,I SANFORD'S TROUPE, IN THEIMAND - CON CERT& CHRISTI/8 DAT, 'Tlyo-traroitinicEs. BIIRL - El - QUE RAVEL'S PANTOMINE. Mcinday typing; Decoder 23d. GREAT BILL. Doors open at Si. Commences at 7}, Admmission - 25 Cents. LATEST `NEWS, XTICtiOLS & BOWMAN-having just re. tamed from the gut with an extemalVez mid*. 1 s4coled Moe* Of loot% purchased forroae respeo faily invite the cittiena of Efarrisbark andyloinity to min and emu:goo their New tioods et the old stand formerly oa e'llgid by V. aummel._lxifbeb+Frbbt 1 4tor Markle stream, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices si low au any other home. OOFFIBIL Gremrand Browned ; . SUGAR of all grades ; ' MOLAo3o . lumi Obsdoe , . FLOUR', 4to. • : BIIOII,WHICAT and; CORN-MEAL; RICE, ,8114.418.. POTATOES FISH of all MON ; SALT, CiArse find fine • OILI, Coaloll and ; SPICES, all kinda Ground and lingroand, fresh from the . APPLES, Green and , D led ; RAISINS; CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, - • SOAPS, Common and Fanny,: WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CtAikpfint Of Importodßriade; RAM), Smoking and • ' • QtrkENEATARE'r QUIIENOWAIiz I toMalirei t f all etyttn, and patterns and PrMa... oll . the Wit iad Nash grocery, Pratt and Provision atom, corner Front and 4'OE4 acroat, EfArisburg, Fa. 4:bontry ProdnoiiTOM . dela TEMYOUNG 1141 4 atetrikeell amtlitwized ito'rectuiCla . IteA'atwitter the YO,uoteer tief7ioe of Penneyha ' hooTirs bv. Ites °l o l344 re to ornit d from ,a 1 Lk a. Wwiapeßldt,poodtable tioliaklyinuM Men trier slo t h ~ n.aiy.eoweeellavewwwy orotipi"...6t iha Rafe Tar end entail y represented. Those deshuqjtorltritint thelrpetntry,lit 2004 tuidey sod tor our goo& oM ittilf,liavorli , ir a Meidld 'Popo r odbret them. sfe in tend; to matte this lowoß, key Ith.GlllitNr;" if nesillPe the best in the service of our noble Comortimalth. 0004enlimtan*.1 vital:Trim, will btOurnlelledlui the Men—resod theeu and ace iwitru had toe servi6e.. TlAo Rollmop' will ne, ar mei loth Omni ofFierninit Thine dwdrbills.4 l ,9,..S tkldltrakr.94lY TEN will he taken TrOskssoh Wm.W. :1114 1 00 4591_1A Mei &attar resort fauns atelyt any time !Mar the 'Ma at Ma:ember to W. W. Brown, ilairlibure,ft. , Any 6r alleptitnunicatM n4114)61' lfrbtnt oonatiervillte amnrerel elowitly eoneden Pally. t Btir , WN, Captain. Wremble tw.the mow. wilt,pleeee. nom, t; . Atela PL ESEa3I7II TOW". LEATHER KEEPY-DUR.FEET , D,RY. ONEBOX,.'CIF. FRANE, bIIGLER'S • PREBEEIYATIVE WATER • moor , OIL" • IBLACIEI2II3I WILL LAST AN OLIT-000R MIN ONR YMAR, ,111111r0OWP SWORNT2,IOI 011) sate mart Alan foUr times - its aoit • •iii ttiy anraboity of leather, and greatly contribute. to health - Mid oomfOrt. • FOlt HaItNESS, see Inside Label on the cover of laiie else:- For For tale to! Hatilltiurl by - a W. &retie Et Ch., in. 10 litarket tame • Any It Kunkle, corner of Ftlth and Mar.. ket 'drools ; tdtq. Dock. Jr., & Marketetreet Jacob 'Budder, No. 29, Smoot street, and .1. 0. Xlmbol, Mar ket ttr. et. s" Atel24Lot.waut All Work 'Promised in One Week. P IR usciA • -4r. • ,-.2:ge ••4:4 4 - . 74 - .E :;• • N 13 . 5 IrLIT NI & rrint Dyzme , ,zszt,BLlstatENT. 104 illArkosCßefreifb:Astiees and sth, HARR•ISBU WG, , PA. , ' HERPreverr desoriptiou of - Ladies' and einittmadastaannetite, , Pieroe Goodie, age ; and - Dyed., %sensed and,finipbed. in the beat manner and, at theahorteet boded. . DODGe.k C 0.,. gwe-dawly Pi,oprietura. JUST.OPEN D I - • A F INE LOT OP SUPERIOR =304: - .3kaLizus lIKADROf- food Tobacco, and from one iy_j_ to two yearuoW, of my own manufacture. A Atli lot of choieefilheurfng 41 Smoking rOOlicao, Llpeq, goel* and a large vatieti-Vtaher articles tObinintly on haa fur aele wholesale and retell.. Thankful for former pin, tousle; I not* brattier ' g entian le basin* ta 'moors, • liberalaturre of the trade. A fine SzliOltlttlittkint attsubokirite.riOtiatoniten may lay back and teat my Se sit and Yobatilo. Denl for Sat thelrisdow- with the gam in It; that ie the place to buy your Tabasco nod beWs. North Market Square, above Market Orem, Barnibarg. 1881.-48nt WY. 'WY1(0117. .. • : . DA. - T.,..1. .11:11ga l . . . 6 . • .• SURGEON. •DENVISTIL . t. ... ~ ~. . .. irjok n k i ty ,t o the. Oi t tiz a tione t 0. Harris ' leatv - t Ite the public patronage,'lteti* ghreer essure,ncerehat 'hie trees endeerPriAball he Witt to rend! r Batuttaatkon ba his pro ression.„ ,Etoto i t, ootniti volt hied dentist,. he %de alit) lavitin the Pabno #0 110)1 44 .to' .nail on hint, aiming hem,that they_tartit.etot thr,,enteetiettad with l it tir n yto. 00/03 No. 1438261kkatt in *thou/to espied by by Jacob ,it. Kby, near, tbe : -Unnod attnas st d. 'i annisburg, Y's; : ays.dii ... . _. - '• ' •"- '" .' TD: ' • - I .. z .,pofit gap , koopeia..T . W 9 anas, ap p `at the 1119Fouips; Hariginrs, deldlio• 0 0 . 12D1E81A3-0* MP — COMPANTON. - ::.• A 0 .very omvlnieliii. *stss g. ii.4fic ;Csia;.'Paitiblic!, memorawAtni 13100f,Pm f eltiiii' 616334 ." •TVIARIBB , TOft - 1862.--A Arrest variety J." at esseediej leergeseee. at an 11111111;r3100111 gibutliirntotcs. giGET THE IBEsT.Is Webster's Unabridged Dictionary NOW Plictoral Edftioili. agrpiotorial Illustrations of •• • • Military Terms. Freiiteris Li.Linnnr y ands in atcd, smi hay amm o othei*peitirial reptainianons of ate following Bitrikpain, Bastion, Battlement, Ear-yhot, Bloat house, Blrabs, Cannon,Carronade, Mato oho., enemata. rintrlgs, Csatop Limbers, , Mildrinr. Marina) rowsr, /inns*, P.nrt call% Raven; Rabin, Sawlons, ink other begin& Dlotionsry published in this country tae it Iburth port of Mese. =1Z:l Definitions of Military Terms. . thif Toreartig;olAbativ,Asibulsooe, Ambuscade, Armistice!, Hadquette, !Arnie, Brevat, - 06Mon, Caliber, thiniemr:slot, emitoselmeta, CapaniereoZWemaio, Coaa torsoirp...Chet de triittallra, Cul de sea; Dahlgicels Asa, Slade rill, be, he. ikdd br„Geo z -Bergker i jiiirrieburg i enligilk guditi..dsigdir 7 .' 6 ! • GENTLIEJMOUIfr WEAR. A. lane ass oruneutmf.llndertlbirte sad. Drawers, Gestlemons' Tr egitingBbawknand Blankets, Every Mad at Gentallo,leeN.... Olottat,.Casetmere,lind Tateknp,. . great:varietyo,_ & Cps,hmere Nnsalles &Bravo* largelVidk a4SlieNien iliginittetts; , ....Beery kind otaispenoers, • • Hamm Brea Ekens. Io A i trge Steak at these Goods, -$e select Alma in mum be at OATEOAt n 43 tinxt.49o; t 3 t .15farrkt)erg peak. • *OUSTED GOODS, T ADZES N.11131A3, jj Wool Elead Dreams, Ladies Roods ? • Mies& Ha* . ladies Sontsics, - Mimes ?Etta, &0., Sto. • A ••1 tairokiejnit opened at • OaTiiO3Br'B, Larik Next door to the Harrteberg Bank 'TOH E B. lIMITEre tr_IOT & SHOE STORE, • NKR smog]) ein: weialtri wrs.. liarrieburgt N. LAY 4I4 S 0058,4/aVri hand &large assOOTtmentot . 'NoTB,.ia4-, oliaier,4* very :best t'or MalaCgetitleinen, and itilktranewsti/ sett theiSmee; Wads er.WORIC NABS TO C. 4" , a the bed 1414,4 eupor.torivorketten CMG done at short, Dodos... • sow= s- agroi.E4Kbibuirs wAtiaainnaws 'tau, 'MU BMWS= • • . i • !'n LSBEIRGand PIInADELPtiI kt Burk 444 812 Market griegt, PAiladet Phict, farm* .Limisoilwit G a . , „ , I Conctuiltor diarge c 4012 k O . 414 k pods liiktregt kkkk Like .*lrahaMe, Phillikie 1.. nL J tAb' o'clock R. W.. sitl.tio alivared ELstele wearing.. J. W#LIAWSR, 4480., . klrk 91140 Rett4lzki: k..,Ffarpieb ik , PORT ',FOLIOS I IE - PETTING DOM, - Vif TEAVELING BRAGS, MBAS, POSTAIOITAIEi3 ' - And a general assortment of ; FANNY, GOODS have jnit been refadved at, kilt:llMM% 01211fAillekdatOitli: 80: L' ' 'B_ . K., 811-4 A I 'li (New Lis onsfisiry Bn4p.) ' . w', JTST ItRCETY,O from the .tclo Mica ingot taaMaIedUOMILL NOTE tPA• W WO lifillieil 1111 41 2hper SOISMI.o 01 & par ream lir MOTE PA.lta, elsootatad with % le West and 'err handsome emblem and patriotic ENTFLOkirs,III “Okal 83.86 • Cuificis. .r „hitatlA 044- 611°I;acifi70.1M, aar patrioLlti etiblem - Please:lv, W . TJZ! r noo - CHILDWITI: ! IF you wont :to get suitable BOOKS for your Children, go to BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOItIL DRIED kiVir,.o,4T COkkiBgAzza.,), zumarri, . alai% Banc ' PAW 112. 1 jugaula, Ml= Anne, bit= PLC. Irak teaches, ( in cams.) • tt ib reafoi , , , Cent he., ko . Just resolved and for use by Ja. -.• INOTIOE.HERB v -• • • • . yot. estination, - South air ytr 'dinar No I But to Onterers, (Neap Onateetioti toy &ark No. 101, market envoi, between Fourth "and Fifth street', where trey be seen the largest whoruneat of flee coolbotloloiNak Nebo, Ithishae, Gatrauts, Citron-j -am, ter the Notbitert. Oleo him a oill, and ermine for yourselves. " 401442 we GO:I4D „IPENIU?-0.r.t.D.P.Mg.13 I , irnOviriad; iiiiarttotiont GOLD PENS is for NM at BEBONER'S CRUX BOOKSTORE, VrALII.2I:I6 WAMUM3W.:: - .. • - ei. • . • Cdint STSCAS gK,BI! large Collection of Boosa OO for OH - RwrmAS PRESENThIiii4I jest been re ceived at BERGNFAIL'EttifeIf 1360ktTORE.., 1 000,000 ENT RLOPIOB , I A N immense stock'Of ENVEURIiki of every sire is now opening at, BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. - • .B.LAUKING ! - irill - 4E(ON ?EV !PIiA.L.LkNizE .i 3 _ n 100 Gras, aseslruxl. dzias,jurrecalved,-aed for sa.e id, Wholesale prises, dell Wli DO`ig, Jr.; & 00. FOR 1862 largest and best %selected aissorivoinkt.ef DIARIES ever upported into this city can 'be found at" ' • BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore. TO FAMERS. OkllBl OATS. 1 1 Cash vaid •=for Osta by JAME§ IL WEIBALER. nov&dlf a NOTIONS.-- Qua* a variety of useful and entertaining arttoles—theap—at dOORSTORP . Select Schools for Boys and Girls :FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term of ROBERT bi'ELICHE'.z , .. &hoot tcw boys, on th e •Ifet Monday in Mayamnbor. rba room le ' Well vendlatea ootrderuhly forniehed, end in, ern respect Welled forechoel put. CAITYARIMM WELWMIPEI School far "girls, Immo , u the.eame will open for'the Fail term ILL the Wee time. The remittal been elegantly Wen op to promote he health an/ cement of atholans. assgßAX . . QIIR - nowlrropleniohoil . .otdok' of TOP'et and Tatty . Cfaoda iii nanurpanoad in thla .oily and • • g milldams 'o,m:wanting aatlittaotioa, we W 01144 res pectfully invite a oall. . "Milk 91 liarkan Wallet, two doors own ofyourth stream, lieWth da. . . ___ , . , , PORT FOLIO&=. 1 4111TtNO "WIER. 'A k it entire new respirtsheat of these esehil di'' .a. Bolatjestlktioneli Os: :: BERGNXB'S Cheap Bookstore, _ . ltir WOE PIM% '- : ~ -.4 ~ :,..1 • • BASEUNII, 011101,.., • , t , , ~ ; „ h, " thhalt*,6ll6l; t fic ble ra :•Min e re hI P -1ii 15 41 r t . " 4 4 r ' e'o 4 4 ~ Or ' ' .. L 0 . DA .0 G 610 , ~ ii -D" , -11. , 6 IS re the pistoe 10..+ sayilatitiklie way Isdiarw. ....„. I listttiattwuL STEAM WEEKLY BITWILIN nor lOU . 9541,1 C . AID wirnßrooL. AN.4IN, AND EMBARK' LNG PAS ' -• Pi GideviaQUERNMOWN, (Ireland.) The I...leer pool. Naw tom end Philadelphie iitremerdp oompeny Intend thspincidur.their fun powered Qyde-biellt Iron eteereen+re -,1% renown : GLASGOW, Saturday Deorentpv 21 • Crry or NEW YOLK, Saturday, Deoentter TS; EatiLNBURG, Saturday, January 4, and every Satbrday, at Goon. Aroma Ben 614, Soria River. RA* at wawa. 1 rim calm - .... .175 Oil irirERAGR_ .., . ..... flede do to London • Os Oa do to Loot:ion ..:401 00 do to Party 4116 OIY do -to ram ..., 00 00 do to Walburg_ W5lO do to , flaroLvg Z 4 00 Passengers .Iso forwarded - to - Havre. fin, Rettta 4am, ,uowerp, do., .t steady tow Mai. gig- Persona wishing to bnng eatiadr rrtends ematlawy tickets hero at the Werffling rates, to New York: groat Liyorpookrit Queattatottni lot Cabin, 575, SSIS old. - alb • *gorses from Ltyerwaet ats O. *rota s.lotenstelt c. SOO 00. . . These !learners Mee tapertor aroma NadrAlesx for PaSaangais; and , narrial:Parieucted Romroc* Thy are bath In Water-tight tree Bee Atone, and have enceat rim Anttibilotoro ou board. For turther Information apply In Liverpool to Wll.ll/IJI 'Mt AN, - agent, 22 Wirer Street ; in Cietgow to Enoch Square ; ha Queenstown m O. W. e - A D: B SCOUR le 00. ;in onion to NIVI.S & Mak.l, 61 Sing WlBism St. ; in Pal to MATS 1)800121, b Moe do to Bourse ; In lialedelphie to 301 N 66 RAJA 111 Walnut street ; or re the Oompen" ot6oee. • • , JNO. O. NALS., trust. • O. ihuadway, Npw Yore. Or BYtnabeinu.n. agent. , ari-PLSANOilfts POK 1117ItuPS..-13y cee'er of Vie Sow tdor of lose, • 1 , liMpugers I. Tow the rout 8,. toe are required to procure Pa • sports b. fere going on Opera the St-ewer. JOHN 0 DAL., tonsil'. CM 10_01441 11 kThill4:14;filAtirl'44 tar atm ire•-11 mAtortthent 0. FuttAbie for immune, among widen will be round A eple.Alif Mont of Fine, (all Wade lost cadsiej A large boo of efebr. ider , 4l 613., A great sari ty of Shawls, (at low prom) A lot of Now *4l 11—D.s. s (Inds. & 4.4„ livery kind or Ladles, Genie, lied Maw Gaun le.ta and gloves LadiesAihi Gents HIM —large a ock. Gents eravaA Nees Ties, (Wig's, tiny L. , , el. Genii and ILI sea Kid Worse, Nuble4, Cape_ mine, trmlets, &c. . . A LARGE ADDITION GAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK ON' MOURNING GOODS. Ball/ulna in Goode of all mode can be had at CAM RT'S No. 14 Nett- t Square, Next divir 1.41 the Harrigburg Sant dell COAL 1 CO Ala ! $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LB& O. D. FORaTER, I'FFICE :No. 14, Market Street, yard till the Coral, foot of North street, Wholesale sad Re tail dealer la TEEYOE2OE, TWEEBARRE, • LYERNE VALLEY, . ' 3G:NAILTAtY and • BROAD .70P 00AL Familesand Dealers may rely upon obtaining A firat-rats Arillekt, and. WI Weight, at the 101111,84 rater. Orders promptly attended to. 4. I•berel Amount mede to pur • chasers paying 6)r the red when ordered. Present-price, $3 and $2 26 per ton. Barrisourg, Oct. 26.—e3m FOR BE WING MACZINES. TOMAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. di 660 TM WHIN BLACK dl 001.08110. rim thread being made particularly tor k Pawing bisoblues, la VEKY STRONG, SIKKIM ANY mutsne. Its strength Is not impaired by woobbab aor by &talon of the emus Per uao Brooks' Paean Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and litoolin:Patant 81.1 cord, End Tiakst, FOR UNDER THREAD, Bold to , revealable dealer* Utrontaout the oonnary.... Akio, maim of 100 nvaaa . l Ace. ail•nt VD 004 a/ • int. LOWRY &URN, Bt 4 e iJcstat. *Wiry -tract, stew Y.wk. no 9 dim NEW CLOTELING. SHELLF.NBERGER 'BG 1 / 1 10THER P . NO. SO MARKET STREET. (400ns formaly ompiai by the Partifike.) TOE, .audorsigaed have" pat opened a . uewand Guigo awiortmeot of Lo la3Mi . - tiles or olothittt. ff.ti are also wowed to ot , tturtAlturt to orate ul Id4CIA Cif to Wear oat to the Wadi MAO. and . lons. We bars always on touLt a Largo stook o: &tray !madeotothing and Goadaotaa's Foetus otto. On) it. . na.aam H. fIetELISNEIB.-.150. BRO. sputa:saw NICK A .C.l l B, FOR Sale at' Etat Taws DRUG im FANCY nTORII Camp Writing Omen, Needle or Sew Fig Canes, Shavlog or 11.sor Cases, Tulle' Ofiem, Match Cans. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combo, Camp Mirrors. Brysr Pipes, o Tobeca 13oza, India Rub. er Tobacco Porsches, - -Wicker„Leather • Leather lirink.icT Chips. • Via,P 999 49dors, Penile, , r, andEuvelhers. o diem will 4ee at a gl ',hoe tau the plaAx• to ,eat an outfl.:to vomit war et, at 91, market stmt. airzeo "Fort Pict. na' 11.1 =he wiado COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN 'TOWN niAT, DRLIYER's coat' a '4, ATEtrr SF: Weight Caeca are oei titled by the Beeler of weights and agee.auree. Colleuflierd Can weigh their ocai as tbew.ogn doore. la or grist mums; dunno neve heri mew for every :me o knOW that they air Thu Vila. Eosin WiaGelt. • • 4rge suppl or wa :niwaya te be found on bind, viz ;-+.. : • .1 LTENB VALLEY all .4 B Tic. 'COPS WILKALL,..,. Ity an Lotathattli (the gnom) aroole,) 801 d Ily,tOe Oeripeot or sonve tou • - - of the b,t quality, rered tree tTOM All fin pod* a AT MVOS TO CUIT Toe net., by Pie boat or 1311 Z IMO, stogie, bah or third of ton. au ;oy Lot buitket. • JA e. NELIDILBR. Hirrlalo — arg,l 4 :ov: 6,1861.-y Harrisburg BFnd Manufactory, EgEbNI)- BELOW L.LEMINUT. . ITIAN BLIN.Un made to order, and Vla repairing neatly and azirmalitiously d •ue. • mum at a diatance tau nave toeir wrrk done by tuidree el g w Inc utteeredgn,d Tuan,i at fur put pot ruung• Be hOpee; by etrun mitten lan cu nutmegs, to merle • coulluunnee of the dame Mhip - dolatiabon g .srenceed 'beta mato prime and 0ci94:143m W A good Tennant. tor a large farm near r‘orthumbrruiun, eoutainvit .b o, t 300 . 6 " . .'S With rood mprovewenid, milldam di the Church aad.iirhooi Bouts conveutut, a nall.OA I le k ai ng tbuu K tk it, 180 a ree 01.-nrco, 30 acted go river boiadwil cut able or raising truck, a jermin who nodandanda Trues larmintaa w o o au r Who and Curu would ptel d rro.,; goon re orate will be requited. Adth e m i A. L, del/ ales CHRISTMAS ! HAVING rcturbed &ow the city with • ott r mud raretr of C et.KID.I tor the, L Ix, A Y S We won't' raepeetto ly Jayne au early , aIL, feeling It t be to the 'overeat of oral:wawa. uomeMbar MUSK% Gig anu law Store.. dela . ..' •!. .. • • • to Market street. - 17[T4OLNIALE and RETAIL DEALER . prl in Conte:denary, Fonsign and Domestic Fruit.— Ftis, Dates,' Pinned, biaLiner' and Nuts at all tied...— Freels and •-al ttiut Soap, Candles, Vinegar, dolma, To. batecyldeigaia and Ouunury Pretties In general, Markel inset, next dour to Parke House, also Third end Walnut atreati. . - 43121i-dron • - • , JOHN wisr. aEW awns Air riaotra Apt, mis. PaMILY 26 9 A l riligiVlLOUß Otani) ta 12i iad quality is very superior, baeaaa 11010t00.1111511114, SW oar Estee trade. Ow low DS oda V& SISK kw Cm. nail A. R. RHARP4II