paitp etlegrapi. HARRISBURG. PA Friday Afternoon, December 20, 1861, PROMOTID.—Gov. Curtin, commander-in-chief of the militia of Pennsylvania, has appointed Charles O'Neill, Corporal of company E, First Pennsylvania Reserve Corps (Col. Roberts,) a Second L4ntenant in company C, Eighty-fourth regiment, Pennaylvania volunteers (Col. Wm. Murray.) Lieut. O'Neill is now on duty with his regi ment in Virginia. He is a native of Lancaster, Pa., and a printer by profession. BULL RUN PRISONERS. —On Wednesday some four or five soldiers, belonging to Minnessota and Wisconsin regements, and wounded in the battle at Bull Run, passed through the city, on their way homeward. They came from Rich. mond direct, but were unable to tell much about matters there as their wounds were too serious to permit of their going about. They were all fine looking men, but are maimed for life, all a c'tf them having either a leg or an arm taken off. Pimp. MCCOY AT CAMP CURTIN. —Prof. M'Coy, the distinguished orator, has accepted an invi tation, signed by the commissioned officers at Cimp Curtin, to repeat his great oration "On the London Times on the Rebellion and the war for the Constitution," before the officers and soldiers at that Camp at one o'clock to-morrow afternoon. The oration will be delivered on the parade ground, from a platform, to be erected for that purpose, the troops occupying the front, formed in a hollow square. The oc casion promises to be one of great interest. BROKE Jam —Two prisoners- the only ones in the Lebanon county jail—escaped on Wed nesday of last week, by cutting a hole through the ceiling of their cell through which they got on the roof of the prison, thence to the jail wall, and thence to "freedom." Their names are Jonas Hoffman and Jacob Zattazahn. The for mer is about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, with black hair and sandy complexion ; the latter is about 18 years of age, about 5 feet four inches in height, with light hair. Sheriff Bender offers twenty-five dollars each for their recapture. The hole through which they es caped must have made a tight squeeze for them. Since writing the above we learn that Zatta zahn was captured the next day in the barn of Mr. Gerberich, in Union township; and was re turned to prison. ORATION ON TEMPERANCE. —Those of our citi zens who had the good fortune to hear Prof. iticCoy deliver his great oration "On the Lon don Times on the Rebellion and tho war for the Constitution," will be gratified to learn that an opportunity will be afforded them next Mon day night to hear the distinguished orator upon another subject—that of Temperance. Prof. M'Coy has for a number of years been a, zealous laborer in tha cause of temperance, both in the forum and through the press, and takes a live ly interest in any measure that tends to the advancement of this great reform. The title of the proposed lecture is "A Historical Vindi cation of Tempqrance Societies," and is repre sented to be a beautiful production, abounding with humorous, descriptions, thrilling incidents, and unanswerable arguments. The oration will be delivered in the Fourth Street Bethel next Monday night, forlhe benefit of Advance Lodge, No 39, I. 0. of Good Templets Admission fifteen cents. Tickets to be had at the book stores, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. PoLim—Before the Mayor.—Chris. Bing was arraigned for drunkenness and abusing his wife. Committed for 30 days. Richard Galshall and R. C. Tompkins, were arraigned charged with stealing officer Camp bell's cane. Re-committed to the lock-up. Andrew Pilliar and Henry Simpson were up for drunkenness. Re-committed to the lock-up. James Berman and Wm. Sing were charged with drunkenness and discharged. John M. Dean and James Muskey were charged with assault and battery on Alex. Rug gles. By mutual consent the case was settled by defendants paying costs. Yesterday a woman named Catharine Hamil ton made oath against Geo. Robinson, -charging him with the larceny of a blanket. A search warrant was issued to officer Campbell, who suc ceeded in recovering the blanket at Robinson's residence, but the defendant was non esf. A dashing specimen of the "frail sisterhood," attired in silks and satins, was arrested last night by officer Campbell for drunkenness and disorderly conduct on the streets. The officer placed her in the city lock-up, but when he went there this morning to take her before the "Mayor, it was discovered that she was non est.— Subsequent investigation proved that during the temporary absence of the watchman from the Mayor's office, ono of her pals obtained the keys of the lock-up, and released her from du mace. She has doubtless left the city. By the Consolidated Police. —"Whisky Jim"— an Irishman—arrested for drunkenneis and dis orderly conduct. Committed by Alderman Caldwell. Joseph Miller. Passing counterfeit money. Committed by Justice Beader. George Hoopey. Passing counterfeit money. Committed by Justice Beader. John Arent. Passing counterfeit money. Committed by Justice Beader. John Scanlin —a soldier, drunk and disorderly. CoMmitted by Justice Beader. J. M. Miller. Passing counterfeit money. Committed by Justice Beader. James Bradley—drunk and disorderly. Corn mated by Justice Beader. Geo. Eyler— drunk and disorderly. Commit ted by Justice Beader. Edward Kansas—drunk and disorderly. Com ted by Justice Beader. John Daugherty—drunk and disorderly Committed by Justice Beader. John I M'Alister —drunk and disorderly. Com milted by Justice Beader. John Cunningham—drank and disorderly Committed by Justice Beader. PROBABLE FATAL OCCIDENT. —Mr. Jacob Hal bach, residing a few miles above the city, was shot this morning by the accidental discharge of a pistol,which he 'was examining. lho ball entered his body in the neighborhood of the heart, inflicting a wound that will most proba bly prove fatal. BATAILION PARADE. —A battalion of Col. Campbell's regiment from Camp Curtin, favor ed our citizens with a street parade this after noon. The battallion was preceeded by an ex cellent brass band, and the fine appearance of the men attracted much attention. The com panies marched with the precision of regulars. I=l GOOD ADVIOE.—A volunteer who prides him self on the domestic arts he has learned during camp life, writes home to advise the girls not to be in a hurry to marry, for the boys will be home in a short time, and they can get good husbands that can cook, wash and iron, and do general housework, or work in the garden, or run errands for their wives. Lima. SMPPLEY. —The many personal friends of Lieut. Ales. Shippley will be gratified to learn that he rendered distinguished services at Fort Pickens during the recent bombardment of the rebel batteries at and around Pensacola. Major Arnold, commanding the batteries on Fort Pickens, in his official despatch of the en gagement, published in this evening's TELE oftepa, in alluding to a marvelous escape of Lieut. S. and his command, adds that he " ob served with admiration the gallant and efficient manner that Lieut: Shippley commanded his Battery during the two days of the bombard ment.' • WIRE WALKING. —Prof. Donaldson, who has opened Brant's Hall for a series of entertain ments in magic and ventriloquism, astonished the natives " hereabouts" yesterday afternoon by walking a rope attached from the roof of Breitinger's restaurant to the roof of Braftt's Hall—an average heighth of probably sixty feet. Long before the time announced for this performance a large crowd had assembled in Market and Third streets, anxious to witness the perilous feat. Shortly after four o'clock Prof. Donaldson in all the pomp of " tights " and spangles appeared on the roof of Breiting er's restaurant, where he was greeted with a rousing shout of applause from the assembled multitude. After quiet was restored the Pro fessor with ballancing pole in hand stepped on the rope, and with the air of a French dancing master, proceeded -on his hazardous journey, performing several gymnastic feats as he went along. When he reached Brant's Hall, he blindfolded himself and started on a slow but successful walk to the other end of the rope from whence he started, and which completed the performance. The feat was performed with great courage, and was highly appreciated by those who witnessed it. Bums. STATISTICS.—Few people have any idea of the immense quantity of butter that is daily shipped from the several stations alethg the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the in terior of the State, to the eastern market. The . Johnstown Tribune gives the following state ment of butter shipped from that town during the months of September, October, November and December up to Saturday last, the 14th inst., to wit : September 1,157 kegs. Octuber November .6,988 " December, (to the 14th inet.,)..1,568 " Total butter shipped in 3} m0nth5..13,995 kegs. This amount of butter, when viewed in-the aggregated number of kegs, will at once strike the • reader as enormous—especially to be handled at a single station in so short a time as three months,and a half. But when the amount of butter contained in these fourteen thousand kegs is reduced to pounds, the immensity of the quantity becomes more apparent. We estimate that each keg contains upon an average fifty-six pounds of butter, (each keg and contents is manifested at sixty-two pounds.) This, by simple multiplication, gives us a pro duct of seven hundred and eighty-three thousand, seven hundred and twenty (783,720 !) pounds as the net amount of the butter thus shipped A huge pile of this table-essential, surely--enough, one would think, to spread the "pieces" of the non producers of half the realm. THE CHRISTMAS HOLlDAYS.—NOtWithStallding our political disturbances, the approach of the holidays fills us with the same joyous anticipa tions as in by-gone years of peace. Our politi cal troubles will not for a moment be suffered to come in contact wilh our social enjoyments, and must give way before the hallowed memories of "merry Christmas," and the time-honored associations of the "happy New Year." Old and young, rich and poor, are alike counting the few long-tarrying days which intervene be tween happy re-unions, the merry . greetings, the gifts, the feasts, and the thousand bless ings which good Santa Claus showers upon poor mortals. The shop-keepers, as usual, give evidence that they are awake to the near approach of the holiday harvest, and many of them are availing themselves of our columns, and our nice display type, to let the public know what they have. See the displays of goods, the very mention of which in type creates an unappeasea ble appetite in the female heart till it is grati fied; see how careful another is in providing some new fashioned articles of wearing apparel which will secure the body against the changes of the weather. One has books for the mind, another blankets for the body. One has am brotypes and photographs for remembrance, another has trinkets and jewelry for adornment. One has work baskets for stowing away the knick-knacks of the ladies, another sewing ma chines to render them more free from the sla very of labor. Everywhere thertiare evidences of mind actively employed to add - to the com forts of life, and of shrewd, sharp business sense, making the facts known in the most public way in the newspapers to the multitudes readers who now peruse those brief records of politics and of business with greater avidity than ever, filled as they are with the history of the world of to-day, and left, as they are, at their doors daily, for the smallest coin that the Government condescends .to embellish with the likeness of its- representative bird the eagle. . peunepluania Oak) telegraph, frittav 'Afternoon, ll:lumber 20, 1861 ATTENTION Goon WILL —A special meeting of the Good Will Fire Company will be held in their hall this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. By order. SLIPPERS FOR THE SICK SOLDIERS ,--Among those articles indispensible for hospital use, are slippers. They may be made of Brussels or three ply carpet, and almost every house keeper has peicea of one or the other lying by, there need be no difficulty in procuring the ma terial at least. Five hundred pairs of such slippers might be made here within a month i our wives and daughters would but try to get them up. , AItRIVAII OF MILITARY. —A fine looking volun teer company, numbering some eighty odd men, from Bellefonte and vicinity, commanded by Capt. W. W. Brown, arrived here at noon to day, and went into quarters at Camp Curtin.— Capt. Brown is associate editor of the Centre Democrat, and although we believe he never had much experience in the art militaire, he neverthe less wears the sword with all the grace and digni ty of a veteran, and we have no doubt that when an occasion presents itself the gallant Captain will show himself an adept in its use against the enemies of his country. In this connection we might notice that the proprietor of the Centre De mocrat is the Second Lieutenant of the company, and that among the privates, are three or four printers who formerly worked in the same of fice Bully for the Centre Democrat. • PROMOTED.—By Special Order No. 33, of the commander-in-chief, published in another col umn of this evening's TELEGRAPH, it will be seen that Mr. 0. W. Sees has been appointed Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph De partment in the State military service, and will assume the duties of that position next Monday. Lieut. Col. St es—we believe that is the title of the rank which goes with the post—was for merly chief telegrapher in the office of the At lantic and Ohio Telegraph Company in this city, but since the commencement of the rebellion he has had charge of the telegraph apparatus in the Executive Department, in which position he has given general satisfaction. He is a young gentleman of considerabh3 intelligence, polite deportment, and correct business habits, and will . faithfully serve the interests of the State in his new and responsible position. • FOUND. —A new pocket, book containing a railroad ticket from Williamsport to Philadel phia, was found id Judge Murray's lumber yard. The owner can have the same by- calling on B. G. Peters' Farmers' Hotel. 2t. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS.—We have from com mon consent denominated the week exclusive from Christmas to New Years the holidays, re joicing and good cheer with an interchange of presents, and friendly expressions With those we love, is a becoming emblem of the great event that gave birth to the salvation of mankind; it would be as well to sky that the presents spoken of can be had at Urich & Bowman's cheap store, corner of Front and Market streets. dec. 19-2 t. Finis ! Fula! Fuas !—We have received a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from $2,60 up to $l2, a lrge assortment of Cloaks $11,50 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop. Skirts at 50c, 75c, $lOO, $1.75. 50 doz . . of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. - • • 50 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16e and 17c. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 25 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs • from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for laic., Satchels Sontags, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12e. Please call at S. LEWY'S. delo WAR PRICES. —The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per teat chaper than can be purchased in New Yolk., Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt collars, scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins, night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also ladies' callars, cuff setts, under-garments, &c., &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them for durability, ma terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness°and cheap ness, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manuf tctory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next to Ho mel & Killinger's grocery store. — H.A.IR DYE! HAIR DYE! I ' Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided Ryon wish to escape ridicule. Glp?. RED OR RCM HAIR dyed instantly to beaniirul and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFfhEN 61,DA1S AND TTIPLOMAS hise been away. ded to Wm. A. BATCHELOR. Bin h 18 9, and over moos Applications have been made to the hair of Ins patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. B ATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is wAnniurran not to injure in the least, however long it may bo contin• ued, and the ill trews of bad Lb ea remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. which is prop. arty applied at No. 16 good Street New York. mold I all tbe cites and.towns of the United ; States, by Drugeisis and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four Ades of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York. oct2-dawly. Ift DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the folio 'bog certificate" froth one of the firs t ladies in Udca, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (fir. Wm. Bristol & C 0.,). and told them that she, of coarse, did not wise her name mule public, but if any out should doubt the won , erftil efficiency of Du. Dtreozi no's Golden MS, they might refer any Lady to her as she conctlored it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her Knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young ady 17 yearso.d. :he was fast go ing into coos amption—bad taken - cold—nature became aosireeted. Two boxes of these Goiden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now in ',bust health.— `-We were particular .in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box Price $l.- 1 Siiid wholesale and retail by C. K. HBaise, (Druggist,) 91 Market street, (sole agent for) Harrisburg, ea. By sending him $1 00 through the Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will be sent confidentially by mail to any part ofthe country; "free of postage." N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe, Al others is a hose imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing or be ing humbugged out ef your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of too Pilts being counterfeited. The higredieule composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, anti they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold alsoo by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. KauIT MAU, Mechsuicsburg ; M. works, Lewistown ; 8. Elliott- Jarlise ; 8. G. %lid, Newville ; J. C. Auick, Shippeus, burg; J. Spangler, Uhamberabarg ; E. T. v iller, York; J. A. Wolf, WI ightsville ; 8. 8. Stevens, Heading; and K. P. Hunter,Beading, and by " one uruggist" in every town and vilage in the United States, and by S. . HOWE, e3.4ra Solo Proprietor, New York. -....-... =:=l A CARD TO THE LADLES New 121bnertistmento Holiday • Presents! ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY GOODS, has just been opened at BERG NER'S CHEAPHOOK STORE. Among the re cent publications will be found— PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE. UNSURPASSED IN BEAU FY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY, AT THE LO WEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Albums bound to suit all tastes, in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY ANTIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD, WITH. CARVED WOOD SIDES, To Hold Twelve Cards, ... To hold Twenty Cards, To Hold Thirty Curds, To Hold Forty Cards, To Hold Fii tv Cards, To Hold Sixty Cards, To Hold Eighty Cards, To Hold One Hundred Cards, To Hold Two Hundred Cards, From SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS To TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. HYMNBOOKS! HYMNBOOKS! New School Presbyterian Hymn Books Old School Presbyterian Hymn Books. Lutheran Ryinn Books. Methodist Hymn Books. German Reformed Hymn Boobs. In various styles of Binding can be had at - BERGNER'S BOOK STORK BRANT'S HALL ! CHRISTMAS WEEK,I SANFORD'S TROUPE, IN THEIR GRAND CON CERTS. CHRISTMAS DAY, TWO PERFORMANCES. BURLESQUE RAVEL'S PAN.TOMINE. Monday Evening, December 23d: GREAT BILL. Doors open at 6i. Commences at 7i. Admmission - - 25 Cents. delz-tf WM. KNOCECE, 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, DEALER IN PIANOS, MELODEONS, ACCORDEONS, FLUIE-1. - >_-:, GUITARS, VIOLINS, and MUSICAL MERCHANDISE IN GENERAL PICTURE AND LOOKING GLASS FRAMFS, OVAL AND SQUARE ROSEWOOD AND GILT, SHEET AND BOOK _MUSIC. Cell-2ved LATEST NEWS. I\TICOOLS & BOWMAN having just re- II turned from the &et with an extensive and wel si..cteil shies of goods purchased ror cash, rospec fatly invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to call and examine 'heir N.w uoode at the old stand formerly oc capied by V. Humnel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Cooke Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL ; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and fine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground aud_Ungronnd, fresh . from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, • SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing; QUEEIVATAREI QUEENMAREI! xtaosiye assortment of all styles, and patterns and prices. Call and examine our Stock of Goods at the Wh lesale and Rath Grocery, Fruit and Provision St ore, corner Front and Market streat, Harrisburg, Pa. t ountry Praduc , taken del° OIFTS FOR THE HOLLIDAYS. THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF RARE CONFECT►ONS, OF THE FINEST QUALITY NOW READY FOR TEE PUBLIC. CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly in boxes, from one to five pounds. FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. TO GE7.IIER Wl7ll A BRILLIANT IMPORTATION OF RICH FANCY BOXES. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210, Market street, del dim Philadelphia. BUILDING STONE, AGOOD ARTICLE of Lime Stone for Building purposes, on band, delivered in the short. est notice at prices to suit the times. J. MISH, Keystone Farm, lower end of the city del9 diw DRIED SWEET CORN (Sasses.) EGMONT. GRITS, HARP, BRANS, PEAS, ORANERCRRIES, DRIED APPLES, DRIPA , PEACHES. Fresh Peaches, (in cans.) Tomatoes, Corn, kc., Just rectilved and for sale by no3o WM. DOCK, Js. k 00 WANTED. TWO competent Bar•keepers and Two Waiters, apply at the Europeau House, Harrisburg, oel6-3w* QOLIMER'd CAMP COMPANION. A 'very convenient Writing D •sic • also, Portfolios, Memorandum Books, Porimounmes, n2O bCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. DIARY V 4 FUR 1862.—A great variety at, exceeding low prices. at u2O EUIFYPER'N BOOKltiosz. Illistellantouo. "GET THE BEST:, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary New Pictoral Edition. Pictorial Illustrations of Military Terms. Webster's Dictionary excels in thee. csr , d has, among others,pictorza/ representatlans of the following: Barbscan, Bastion, Battlement, Bar-shot, Block-house, Bambs, Cartoon, Darronade, Chain shot, Chevaux. otri.e, Galtrop, Limbers, Madrier, Martello rower, Mortar, Pat- Ravelin, Redan, Star E orts, &c. No othor I nglish Dictionary publishod In this country has a fourth part of these. CIE3EI Definitions of Military Terms. As, the foregoing, and Abatis, Ambulance, Ambuscade, Armistice, Banquette, Bivouac, Brevet, Caisson, Caliber, Canister-shot, Cantonment, Caponiere, Casemata, Couu terscarp. Chef de battaillrn, Cul de sac, Dahlghren gun, Minis ride, &0., Sold by Geo. Bergner, Harrisburg, and all Booksellers no29.claw6w CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! AFINE VARIETY of Felected Goode suitable for Presents now open at KELLER'S 91 Market street, TERA-COTTA and PABIAN MARBLE VASES TOILET and COLOGNE BOTTLES. MARBLE MATCH STANDS. MA RBLE SEGA R STANDS. MAR ttLE ASH-HOLDERS. Di eeeing Cases, Shaving Cases, Toilet Cases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladles Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Mirrors. Beautiful Powder Puff Boiee. • Handsome Shell Ba s. All sizes, beet Les her Traveling Satchels, Satchels with Cabe, Furniture, A fine assortment of Ladies and Gents Purees and Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant. Confectionary. Also, with other articles not mentioned, I",ctiet Knives, Thermometers, Canes, Portfolios, Card Cases, SegarCases, Segars, Pipes, Gum Tobacco, Pouches, (double and single,) _ _ And the largest and best stock of PEFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES in this marker,. Kl 3 KELLER'S Druz, and Fancy Store. To; THE YOUNG MEN OF PENN'A. iff A VING been' authorized to recruit a Regiment for the Volunteer service of Pennsylva nia mo have cmeluded to make d. a regiment cf ":_Marp t s"—rflomen—recrutt d from the State at large We sat TEN good able bodied y. ling men from rash con y eo as to have every portioc of the State fully one e.tu Illy rome-ented. Th. s.; desirous of serving their coantry, of flzlating tinder and 4 r our good otri FLED, have now a spleodid ' tool] thaw we intend to mike this a "CRACK ttEGI 41 - Nr ;" if passih. e tha het in the service of our Indite Commonwealth. Howl substanttil uniform, will he iurnlaned as soon as the men reach GEM:, and woe sworn Into tne srvice. The Regiment will be ar med with Maus or ENFIELD , 'IFLE3 WILLI SABER PAIDNETS. The's de.iring to enlist, as posi,ively only TEN will be takes from cacti county In the gate, bad bett ,r report imme. ately, any lima after the '20,.h of Deoember to W W. Brown, Harrisburg, Pa. Any or all enmmanicat'otis from dstant counties will be answered speedily nd condden tially. W. W Captain. P S.—All papers favorable to the cause will please copy. del.3 'l4w PRESERVE YOUR LEATHER. AND KEEP OUR FEET DRY. ONE BOX OF FRANK MILLER'S LEATHER PRESERVATIVE AND WATER PROOF OIL BLACKING WILL LAST an OUT-DOOR MAN uNE YEAR, ArirGOUT 25 CENTS",-/at A ND save more than four times its co it A in the durability of leather, and greatly contribute to Uutaltti and Comfort. FOR HARNESS, see inside Label on the cover of large size. For sale in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co , No. 19 Market street; Noy & PI uncle, earner of Fifth atm Mar ket streets ; Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co , Market street ; Jacob Buehler, No. 29, Second street, and J. C. Kimb,ll, Mar ket err et. del '-dlro w4t* JUST OPENED! 4 -FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years ad, of my own manufacture. A fine /(IL of chuice Chewing and Smoking fonacco. Pipes, Snuff and a large variety of other articles constantly on hxau tor sale wholesale and retail. Thrutklul for former pat. ronage, I hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of tho ti,de A tine smoking Room attached, where customers may lay beck and teat my S.ig orbi Tooacco. Don't forget the window the Sam in it; that is the place to boy your Tobae.* ano :e .are. North Market Square, above market street, Harrisburg. Dec:4, 1861..—0.t3m k. M. WYnCIFF, DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST' IFFERS his services to the citizeus o Harrisburg and its nciinky. Ho solicits a share o the public patronage, and Irwin issurance that his beet endeavors shall be given to rend r satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried Pettit, he feels safe in aviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Shy, near the United States Bow. Harrishure, Pa. mob 411, 11 - 3N113711 ELarALIE.3E: 111111111.' STATE SeltorweeSt Brady's j o h w i i rd a,, e r t i r_e b e u t, a few new Hearse. Ready made coffin; always on g bantl ' a fi n i l neatly finished to order. Silver plates, leo. Terms rea sonable. [au3o-d3159 C. RAKER. NOTICE. WHERE is you: destination, South Car olina? No I Bat to Oltterel's, Cheap Confection• ary Store, No. 101, slarket street, between Fourth and Filth streets, where may be seen the largest a sortment of Fine 1 onfeciionaries, Nuts, ft dsins, Currants, Citron, &c.. for the Holidays. Give him a cad, and ex mine for yourselves. Sel4-(l2w* PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DkKS. AN entire new assortment of thesir'usefular tides just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, 136,,kaiLUW6 DRUG. STORE is the place to And anythetchi the way Yerkunery. Iltis[ellanecius. STEAM WEEKLY ;=-.7%-i.. BETWEEN NEW YOKE AND LIVERPOOL. ANPINU AND EMBARK ENG PAS LA; 2.(lErt: at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, Nair I ore and Philadelphia Steamship comiany Miami ih spatenlng their full powered Clyde-built iron Steamships +l5 follows : CITY OF SAUDI! BE, Saturday Oecemberl4; OCAS. COW, Saturday December 21 ; CITY or NEW YOBK, Saturday, December 28; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, Norm &vet.. C=! FIRST CABIN 575 00 BTS RAGE.... 530 00 do to London $BO 00 I do to London ..$33 00 do to Paris $B6 00 I do to Park $3B 00 do to Hamburg.. $B5 00 do to Hamburg $O5 00 Passengers also forwarded to Hac—e. Bremen, Rater. dam. Antwerp, be., et equally low rates. gar Persons wonting to prom -Att their friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to_New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin ' $75, $55 and 8 , 105 . steerage from Liverpool $4O 00. From Queenstown, 530 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Waier Street; in Glasgow to WM. INMAN, 5 St. Enoch Square ; is Queenstown to C. & W. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; in London to EiVi. S Ai MALY, 61 King William St. ; In Pori, to JULUS DECODE, 5 Place de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JOHN G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, lb Broadway, New York. Or O. 0. Zimmerman. Agent. Harrisburg. ,SPAS-BNGERn FOR BUROPE.—By or-er of the Secretary of State, rassengers ie..vmg the ',allied 81-tes are required to procure Pa Boosts before going on board the St-atner. J 411114 G n sonar. 12MISI ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A lag, aaa tresh a , ,ortment or Good., Suitable for presents, among which will be bun A sple. did SLOGS of Furs, (all kinds just made,) A large hue of Emhrddered Galan: A great vari-ty of Shawls, (at low prices.) A lot of New ill s—.lfre-s Goods, &J., &_;., Beery kind of Ladies, Gems, and Mines Gaon le is and Ginve. Ladies and Gents, —large s Oak. Gems Crava,s Neovi. Ties, Coiars, , L wies. Gents sad MI sea Bid Gloves, Noble-, raps. egrsins, armlets, LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR bTOCK. ON SIDURNINd GOODS. Bargains in Goods of all Kinds eau be bail at CATHO R.T'S No. 14 51.ra t Square, Next doer t., the Ha. ri=bu, g Bank. dell COAL! COAL!! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS O. D. F 0 RBT OF'FICE No. 74, Market Street, yard ~n the Canal, foot of North sweet, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TREVOR7ON; WILKSB.ARRE, LIKENS VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD 70P COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obt.iaiug a first-rate artude, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A bberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the noel when ordered. Present price, $3 end $2 25 per ton. Ilarristourg, Oct. 25.--o3ou FOR SEWING. NIA.CHILiNd. JONAS BROOK & BRU'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON, 200 & 500 YDS. WHITE, BLACK cr: COLORKO. 11HIS thread being made particularly for rerving Machines, is vEml( STRONG, ~ 1 100 A• 11 ELASTIC. Its strength is not unpaired by wasoiog, our by friction of the needle e'er AL.:nines, use Brooke' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOR - UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable ~e aters througtmout tee country.— Also, teasers ON 100 ChASS SACS, 588.)5151) NuS , by WM. iiVitcY 8111 rd„ SU Agent. n09.d6r0 - 3 6 Ves.'Y -treat, New York. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Postoftce.) TtlE uudersigned have just opened a new and large a.ssortment of Lae latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds cf Gents Wear cot to the latest style: an 1 faM - ions. We have always on hand a large stook of /team' made clothing sod Gentleman's Fareisaing ne9-03m EL BdELL . O . BE iGaR & BRO SOLDIERS' NICK NACK.43, F OR Sale at H . FIII,ER'3 DRUG AND FANCY b'TORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cassel, Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, POcket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Tobacco Boxes, India RubLer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather Sr. Piatina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, .apdr, andEuvelepes Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small wares is at .se 91, Market street. ifirz . :ee "Fort Pick. ns" in , he winao COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. 11.11 ESE Weight Carte are eel tifled by the A . Sealer of Weights and Measures. Consumers can weigh their coal at their own doors. It is of Brest tm pertanci• during these hart times for every one to know' that they GAT 'Duna FULL HonrBT WEIGHT. A large supply of Coal always w be found ob. hand; - viz : .LYEENS TALLEY all siz BALTg. CO'd WlLKski.t , all sizes. IOitBERKI LO AL, (the g,uaiue article,) Sold by the car load or single ton . All coal of the beet quality, delivered Free from all im purities AT PalOiti To etnT THE TIMi?.3, by tue boat or car load, single , hat or third of torts ariii by tae JANI.E.9 .d.. WHEELER, Harrisburg. Nov. 6, 18t31.—iy Harrisburg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CEIESTNUT. YENITIAN BLINIJ6 made to order, and all rspsitine neatly and expeuid.utsly d , ne. Per. sous at a di•tance can nave melr wtrk done by addrtz- Mug a letker to the undersigned Thanslul fur past pat ronage be hopt, by strict to business, to merit a continuance of the same. ear dstisfaetton guaranteed both as to prices and work:l, oct9-d6m WAN FED, Agood Tennant for a large farm near r•orthumborland, comaini , g about 300 acres pith mproveinews, iouidain at the Roue and Parn.— Church and School Hooee coo reuint, a bail 0.-1 a-eing th0u. , 13 it 'Sevres ckared, 30 acres go .d riper bottom But able for raising truck, a pereon who u..deraanda trues farming as welt as raising Who t and Corn would he pref, rred; good , e erenue wdl be reqmraid. add•ess A. L., Harrisburg, P. dell toot CfirtlS ThIA ! HAVING- returned from the city with our usual variety of CRPICh, GOODS for the HOLIDAYS, We would nupectfully invite au early call, feeling it t be to the interest of purchasers. bemember KELLEA'S tig and Fancy Store, 91 Market street. delo WEIOLEBALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit. Fits, Dates, Prunes. Katsina and Nate of all !dada.— Freeh and -al Wish, Soap, Candles, Vinegar. Spices, To badoo, &ears and , untry Prt , duee to general, Market street, next door to Parke House, also cs..r er Third and Walnut streets. ock.B-diim JOHN WISE, EW BUCA.W.EIEn.T FLOUR ! 4,500L85. F a MILY B t CK WHCAT FLOUR (Extra) In 12b and :dab bags. The quality is very superior, having been se- Want k axpresaly for our retail trade. For sale lo w by noll DOC K , Jr., &Cio. nos 0 A. R. SHARP