HE TELEGRAPH PITBLISHED EVERY DAY, GEORGE BERGNER. H TERms.,--Smats 811mgotrpri0z. the Onus TzumaArn m served to subscribers in the City at oY, colts per week Yearly subscribers will be barged $4 00. • •.. . • WEEKLY AND SIADWIMICLIt'TILLORAFR. TheTAUDMAPEI is else published twice a week . during T h e -,mien of the Legislature, -and weekly during the remainder id the year, and furnished to subscribere at t he billowing rates, viz:. Single subscribers per year Bemi-Weekly..sl FO • Tee It it _l2 Mari it „„22 00 Twenty gt it Single s ubserlber,'Weekly.. . . ... . 1 00 DM LAW OF NEWSPAPIDIS. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until" ill arrearages are'pnid. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa ,,, from the office to. which they are directed; they, are r e:ponsible until they, have settled the bills and orde, ed, riern disociot,rided. iilettitca. I 13 . 41 i-XAM*I.BdEOXLM: . LOOX .. OOBPIaU . ur AS discovered t ho meet c ert a in,t, epe•ett, aud ellisetnni remedy in tine world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. 221111/ 212 TO TWELTI HOURS. Yo Mari:miry or Noxious Drugs. 0. -- 2 C 2211 WAYRANTiD t 02 TO CHAIWI t 11l PROM 0101 Two , • Weakness of the Hack or Limbs, Strictures, Patna:ln, the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic. Weak uses, Nervous Liability, Decay of the Physical Pow are, Dyspepsia, Languor; Low Spirits, Confusion of deas, Pail Ration of tho Heart, Timidity, Tremblingr„lffinutess of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the SkorailAn; Affections of the Read, Throat, Ncse or Skln—those terra:JO disor dors arising from tile indiecredun or Solitary Habmil of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises .which produce constitutional debility, render marriage imPow sible, and destroy both body and. mind.. . . .VOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have beCoMe the 'defines el solitary Pico, that dreadful and destructive habit; whictt annually swerve to au untimely grave thousands. ol young men of the moot exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked tO ec• tau - the living lyre, may call with full confidence. bIARMAGE • . Married persons or those contemplating marriage, be - ag aware of physical weakness, should Immediately eon cult Dr. J., and be mitered to perfect health. ORGANIC titBARNI7S • bruitev•oely cured and fail vigor restored. Be who; places himself under the•eare of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his boner as gentleman , and eon, edently rely upon hie skill as a physician: Air Office- No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, tfd., on the loft band side going from Baltimore street; 7 feere from the corner, Be. particular Iti observing the flame or ourribor, or you will •mistake the place. Be par ticular for ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the ignite. lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk Doer All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the eply. . _ Dn.' JOHNSTON Dr. Johnsen member at the Royal College of Surgeons, uondon, graduate from one of tho meat•ominent•Collegar if the United States, and, the greatest pert of , whose:life has been spent in the gospitala of London, Paria,-Ritila delphia tind eliewhore, has elfetted some of the most as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and bead when asleep, great ner. volumene, being alarmed at suddensontittaidiashinieetra with frequent blushing, attended sometime, win& derange 'Tient of mind were cured immediately, • TAKE PACTICULAR NOTICE Dr. .1. u.diesses all those who hating injured them selves by r - r mate and improper indielgeimies; that server and solitary obit which ruins bottt body and mind ; an fitting them for either busioess or seciety.• . • - The& are seine of the sad and ritotaacholy ommte pro diced by early habits of youth, via Weekliess. of We Back arid Limbs, Pains in the Bead; Dimness ol• Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of thp lileart,•Dys• 'moils, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functious, General Debility, -Symptoms i `..lnisninp. don, Sm. MENTALLY idINTALLT, the fearful ettecni on the mind are etuee to be dreaded :—Loss of Memory, Confusion of 'dew, proeslon of Spirits, blvd Forebodings, Aversiontot;oete• ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dre., are loins of the evil abets. Thousand& ot r persona of all ages, eau nem Judge. What to the cause of their decline in health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and, emaciated, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and symp. me of consumption. YOUNG MEN who have injured theiii4elvus, by a certain practice, in &deed In when alone—a habit frequently learned from spit zomounions, or •at mime': the uffeMeol ••which are nightly felt, evert when asleep, and if pot mired, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, shonddlii - ply immediately, •, What :a pity theta young.man, the hopes of his, sons ; try, the, darling of his payouts, ishouldlte suatnn,ed graft: all probnects and enjoyment:9 of life by the con Sequencer of deviating from the path of nature, and'indalging In * certain secret habit.' Su sh persOnh must, before contain plating mnuuAGH, effect that a sound 'mind end body lie the Most nedialielri requisites to women/ conuubial haprlineins. 'lndeed without thee°, the journey.tbrough life become nweery pilgrimage; the prospect hourty,darkena to the slew.; the mind becomes shadowed with dWifitir, and mied with th. melancholy ): reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with oar own. DR. JOHNSON'S INVIOOttAIING:RRIIKIDY FOR og GA NIC WEAKNESS. By this great tind , ltaportaut remedy, Weeknese of tbt Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. housandis of the most nervous and debilitated Wht had lost all hope, have boon immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or L •Bettial DiegnaliL cation, Nervous, Trembling. Weakness or Exhaustion or the meet fearful kind, speedily cured. TO gTRANGERS. The many thousands cured at this Instintion within ins butt twelve years, and the clamorous important Surgical' operations porformed by Dr. .1., witnessed by the re. porters of the papern, slid many other persona, nanny] o 1 which have appeared math and again before the public, besides Us 'standing at a 'Matra= of altaraolsw and re• sponsibiatV;is a anfliCinet guarantee to thathieted e . .-• ; .• • DISEASES OF IMPSIMENOIC.—When the misguided. and imprudent votary of pleasure HIRIS he lins'igtbilied the seeds of this painful disease, it tosoftenhappene 'that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread efldistutysry deters him from '410,00, to thew] with, from &ideation and re spectability can. ale nu befriend him, delaying till.thei.eno .; stitutional symptorpe•of • this horrid disease _Blake their appearance, affec.ting the head, hriat, nose, Skin, &c,, , progreesing ob with frikbliel rapidity,' till (Wirt" 'Ages ' period n his dreadful sufferings by sending' him;to "that bourne from whence RD traveler returns.".!. It Is a;melr sischoly fact that thousands fail victims to this terrible disease, owing to the putakillultiess of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the nee (if that &ladle poisotr, L ateresdry, mint the constitution and make the'residue of life miserable. To Srutioasse.- - The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his nines. mg-Lettere meat contain a Stamp tone on the reply. *prltemedies sent by Mal so-No. '7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprlft.dawly romx3E3.39Emmvies DAILY all LINE! • Between Philadelphia LOOK RAVIN, JillBlVi SHORN, • WILLiAIifs.PORT, UNIONTOWN, WeIOONTOWN,. MILTON, LIWINOWBO, NONTEISSBNRLAND, mmlimry, TIOVOILION, GIONGETOWN, LvssYnowN, MILLERS BUBO, PlALwax, DAIIPHIN, AND. HAILRISBUR.G. • The Philadelphia Depot beiinf centrally located the Drayage.will be atthe lowest rates. SiVigondftetor goes through with each train to *end to the Safe 'slivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods debiared at the Det of FR po EED, WARD it FREE!), No. 811 Ma r k et Steet, delphia, by fi it'cluem P. M., will be r,livere4. to Marrisbkittbk neat morning. Freight (always) as low as by any other lino: ' Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of a,li Elarrisbur oods. The undersigned thankful for past imtron ige hopes by strict attention to buainaie to merit a coati a mines of the same.. T. PRIPHER, Philadelphia and Reading spot.. Feats'''. Market 9true , Darrca burg. elB dRm SOHEFFVHS .- BOOK STOOL ( nil.o lEUX HARBIBBinuI BRIDGE.) UNION: ENNELOPESI, NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed in two colors, sold by the thousand and by the ream a} City Cash prices. Also, Flags 'Union Breast Fins, Eagles, Union Rings nil Badges at , very low prices. Call at To9B SCHIEFPItE'B HoOKSTORK. FINTETOILETt-.OAPS, POMADES. HAIR 014 POWDalti, COLOGNNS and EXTRAGTI, of many styles, prices Amid manufactures at NEI.I4Ea 8 I'UD AND FAN(I 7 4241. TELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place to buy Patent MediCIIIM. .•_ , . . ~• , .11. it .n •• ". . , r . ir - -'-"-•--.•Ni-.,„-_, __.:— \_ —:\ :,,, , . ~\..-....•. ~-. •V.•.--' ~,) r__•, . • i - :,. :.u l .. iip , ,\\ VI _ 7 „_ „. _ . __ • , •• L —.. . • :7 .' . ,• •„:,,, : ' ~ , 1: • • _ . • ..,.. . ... ;. ~...• ' ' s ..-.• ,:; ..:: , ..- :: ::.• ,:., • . . :•.: , , . iVOL 167W 1 1 : ::ratel Se 44-ansportatto _!l3 LV ANA- RAIL ROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO . AND FROM. PHILADELPHIA. ON AND ♦PTYR MONDAY NOVEMBER 25th, 1861 The Passenger Trains ofi the Pennsylvania Raiirdiu Company will depart from and arrive at Harriebpwd , 'Philadelphia as follows..;,*. lE' 411r - 4 - W 4 • R D Tilllol4lll ErPEiR.F4TP.AIN leaven Harrisburg daily at 320 a. m. • and .arrives ,Ph 10a! p lit a at 7.40 a. m. FAST LINE leaves IlarrisbutteveVy • morning (except Monday) at 8.46 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at p. m. MAIL TRAM: leaves Harrisburg daily (except guadaY) at 1.16 p. and arrives at . West Philadelphia at 5.20. AODOMMODATION TRAIN, Ma Mount Joy, Mayes Harrisburg at 7.00 a. tn., and arrives at *eat Phila. .delphis &LIMO P. in. . ELAHRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, limves Harrisburg at 4.00 D. and arrives M Waal Philadelphia at 9 20 p. m. • lirls sir w A , THROUGH EXPRERai TRAIN leives PtllladellMla 5 .10.80 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.05%. m., Altoona 8.401 a m., and arrives:at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. . • MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., and. ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. in.; leaTesliiirrieb tug at 7.45 a. in., Altoona, 2.45 in., and arrives at Plttebnig lat 8.45 p. . . PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. M., Harris burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in.• - ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil-. delpida at 2.30 p..m., and i arrives.at Harrisburg at 3.05 MOUNTJOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves 'Lancaster at 11.34 IL m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 P. in. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, oiv. Penna. Railroad' Harrisburg, November 22,1881 —dtf Nortti;ern . ,oeoral.Raitway CHANGE OF ,SCJIED.ULE. WINTER .iiaGIOLENI4 tam nAure To 431660 i 13.AA.1a r i"1.14C0 . .1?# - S3- Close Connection ; made at FiarTiOTg TO :AND FROM NEW YORK. . . . . . SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL RIGHT TRAIJNS . . d AND AF'T'ER SUNDAY, NO y .1881; the Pas/lenge" Trains of the 'Nortlmen Central.. ltillwar will arrive at and ddpart from Harrhiltars and Baltimore as follow', viz . . ' ciots 0,; SOUTH.. WI TRAIN airline at tithisbarg... and ieavea " RXPRRSB" arrives at , and leaves GOING NOitTia• .11.61 L TRAIN leaves Baltimore and arrives at Etarilishurg:.... 1.00 P. M. •.. - . . and leaves . North at 1.20 P. M IDEPRIM TRAIN leaves Bei'Omen at........ 800 P. ld, and arrives at flarriabarg...: 8.00 P. al and leaves North at 8.10 P. M BABRTABUMG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN - Leaves Barrieburg .for Baltimore 8.46 A. M Returning—rleAves Baltimo re al The only train ittivhtg MaYelitheig on atiteitti 'Mlll'll4l the Express Train, South at 3.20 A. M. FM' further informatton apply at the OlRae, Pane , ' Railroad Depot. " Agent. Harriet/nig, Nev. 23. WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NEW AIR UNE ROLYE unix& Tuuls ,NEw TOOK AND PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT MANGE OF CABS. • N AND . AFTER MONDAY, 140VEM - O.131111:4, MI, the Passenger Trains. will leave...ihr etiala,detykla anu ttenahtg R 11.4 1 .064 Depolon Narriahurg, for New York and Phitade4ihht, 44 viz I EAST WARD. EXPRESS LINE leavett Harrlibare at 3.30 a. m.; . Oahr . '. rival: f Periasylianta Railroad Express , Tiain from the West, arriving - in New - York .at 11.5 swati.., and at Phila delphia at 91.00,a. in A sissping, car Iff ±atykchp.:l to_the train taroukh froM ?JIM barg-without oheinge. MAIL 'MAIN leaveallarrwatwg it 8.85 a.An... arriving In New Yorkist 5.30p:15.; and. Philadelphia' at L 25 p. m. resT LThIE loavßa•ilirriabarg4 l 4 l . 4 o mi.: 011, 47 1 0 1 . of Pennsvivivata Itailroad •East .!fail,. arriving in New York at 9. 50 P. o;i.and:fline4aloo- m. . WEIISTWAUtD, FAST LINE leaves New York. at. et a. in, and, Philadel phia at Ba. m. arriving at Hardsourg at - kg. m. lIAII TRAIN leaves New York at la 00noog, and :Obit. adelptila at 8. 15 p. artisulig at qtareasharit at luo %PUN LlNlLlcavealiteic York. At 11„ p. m., wing at Harrisburg at3.,10 a. ra, amiconisactilig ,with the. venneylvar la iiiirtiross Trehe llm rlpsbnrg A olitiaping daft! alto iittaiouticr tot-thie t, • • • • • GO nneraiona aro made'at Heretoharg.wilk trate Am the PBBBB/0174.41.1114 NortberwCeotrakaati cannberlarat Valley 'Rat! aid. at, lieviing for. Plillanelpitio, Fottivaln . , Wgiuietellite; Allentown, Easton, lid. Baggage checked through. Ware betitan • New York and Harrisburg, $5 00; boatmen Harrisburg ind'Phila delphiaill3.26 iu No. I, cars, and 0.70 in No. 2, ; , •;. ; Fort ickets ' or ' inber informatioa - app4 to OLT DN; not ' • General Agent; Harrieburg. ItIBUIS: BIBLE'S!! . , A Largeand thoroughly cOmplete' stock 'of COIPRISING • EVERY VARIETY From the Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and fines FAMILY BIBLES, , Has just been purchased and received from the Fail trade Saes. Having purchased these at EXTREMELY , LOW EAMES, they will be sold at a very small advance. Pleue ealland examine the stook at • • . BEBoNzava atm BOOKSTORE, 61 Market 'Bred. "INDEPENDENT 1* - 4 4 1 A THINGS --NEUTRAL Lig .k6N.E.•'' HARRISBURG/PIA., , FRIDAY . AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 20, , 1801 D'; Wk , ._GRI;VS. - 7,4 CO., DRIJ U I 4 TS • , . NO, 10" • STREET - .RISB UR N' A. fry PHYSICIANS, STORE, !vr: KEEPEIRtAND' CONSUMERS, ' 1 ?1,° 3, We: are daily adding to our assortment of good all such articles• as are desirable, and would respectfully your s atontiOn to tfie" targeat and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS (I; PAINTS Artist Colors andTaols, Pat i sidsottaiii-A*Oais, Burning Fluid and Alcohak. lard,. Spasm and Pine. Oils, Bottles, Vials and La.np Globes, Castile, Soap, Sponges asid,-porks, alle y • =I: 7 iie; , • ..-. POSTIHEERY , duTOILET ARTICLES, selected• from. the best, manufacturers• and Per tamers,nf:Ectiope an,d,tbis 'country: ' Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, UNWED OIL, VARNISHES, • vilag.DOW,gpm , Aimars COLORS, PAINT AND ABITST IB Bigl§fq4, IN ALL THEIR• VARIETIES;. „0:44 1 ;44.440,RAWAti or ALL KINIA‘L, •Tr. 3 mi.,- -• z! • : . D r u • 105 P M. 1.29 P. N. 2.47 A. 3.tdie 'A N. We respectfttily Invite a call, feellotk, conll dent that we can , supply the wants of all on terms to their' satisfaction'. 8.25 A. JONN'BAND WHITET S POROBIAIN TBEIII, PATENT MEDIOWES AND FIAIR RE§TOALATI:VP ; OF 1;111u .:- nds, ‘direct, i f;om j tie Proprietors. SakdflOr and 'Oonoentiated :Wholesale Agents for S r aitonWii, whichiwe sell ds lov as it can be :pnrchaeedin the cities. fIIA:YEWR MEDICAL,FLUID EXTRACTS 'Wog large purchasers in these Oils, n we can Ohm: Inducements to close..huyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the • most Iniproved , Jpatterns, very cheap. All . kinds' ot Changed to burn nein arhp have not gives , our EIO,IISK ttNi4 CA.TELS- POWDERS a trial .know •no tno:►,` ssperiority, and the advantage they are In keeping Hordes and Cattle healthy •and in ", • „ rgotisaade 'telatify to the prOfitilieylave' derbied•from the use of our Cattle Powders by toelnerfasing - quantity and quality of milk; neSkies iMproving. the. general health and ap pear4nce of thnit Cattle. , Ot long exiierieurellltho INlOnesigives 'us thelidvautageAf it thorough knowledge of the guile s and our i iarungernente in the , cities are atieht that is can in n,very snort than furaieh tulything appertaining ko-our bueinese, on the 'neat of ;lerthp Tliank.fol for the liberal mtronage bestow on kerpe„. we : hope by strict attention to business, a careful-selection-of E - "an'tr at fair prices, and the desire -to please all, to merit a, cot+tinnance•of the favor of a discrim . buitikig public. • ' . CAA VNE. OAR.P.I.N'rEat itroaatoo :No. 17 •Nara; &coma Sreft. Li: B—JOBBING AT'INNINID TO crlo WHOLESALE ANDRWrAiL 0,111, varnisher and Glues, Dye-Stuffs, Gilmsa Onity, With a general variety of TEETH TEETH U COAL OIL ! aviaviv-Va kosgsßB;Atip 'GRAZIERS, 11 ltsieftdnwui. NEWBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATRIN.: . "HIG 'MY CONCENTR Ake , . . . . .. Gout; I.r.soltulo ErCRACTAUCHI3., A Positm, and Sperido Remedy . ,... For Mourn 'of ,the BLADDER, • KITINEYS, GRAVEL, and 0R:OP8ICAls SWRCLING: • ' . , • , • 1114 Medicine inc 83 the , powar 'et% liigeation; and excites the a BEItittBENTS int he,s3taysetian,inyoshich: the WAVRY O t CS.I:OsSEGUS depositions, and all 'UN NATURAL ENLiRGE BENTS dro reduced, ae well an PAIN AND INFLAM,TIoN, midis toed ter MEN, WOMEN OR CEILDKEN.. . . • .lIELMBOLD'S kXfILICT ' • • For Weaknesses • • ' itriadig.from Freesses, Habits'. Of. Diadpitdon, Early discretion or abuse., . AITON oaD WITH THY FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indhoosillon to Esertion, Loss of,Power.- Loss of -Memory, ' Difficulty of Breathing. We,k Nerves, " TrembAng, Horror of Inieaso, . Wakrfudness i timness i.I Vition, Paln.in.the A#CK, 'Universal Lgssitede of the Museulid !Plated', riot Hands, • Ffushiog of- the Body, Dryness of the Skin,- ~.Yrupuons on t.e Face, PAL: 0 COUNFENANDN,. ' These BF/inlet:I:LBO!' affottind to go on, which thia.med: ieilie invatleeiV remoVes, seen fel Owl; IMPOTENCY . I .4 IUrrIt,.+PILEPTI7 FIrS, IN ONE or WHICH TH.V.PATIOU Mel CXPIRE. ' 'Who can say that they are not freque_ tly I:anew& by those "iittEFUL prtgAsys;* • • INSAN ITY aN D Many are aware of the Callt3q of their suffering, .BLIT.NONsi WILL GONER :43.: THE RE7.0 t 0.3 OF THE I , RANE TEIMS. And tAiMetancAndf Deaths 'by Con'Uniiition, BEAR AIEPLN WITNI3IBIO Tile TRUTH Or Ills 18$1/ItTION TIM coN.srirulr ON APFECTHH WITH ORGANIC WEAK ;113.3, : .. Magaires the aid of medicine to. Axel:lot/ea and . te igOtat the Syslh: -Tirh limitnolp's,ElCrßACT trvariably does A TRIAL - VIA. 6:U6171081116 mon aurnbAL. . FRHALV—FEMAI E 3-1 ENIALES, OLD OR YOUNG, olalthlED, Olt otingupLA , • 41. , 1111ARKmoi x IN MANY AFFECIIONs Pr.OOLIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Buena it. unequalled by, any other remedy, as in phieronis or fleteotion, Irregularity, Painfulness, Or. Suppregoo ñor Customary, Evacuations, Uluernmd or - Suirrhous state of the Uterus, I.oucoriii I. Wanes, Steril- ity, oral tor all compinints incident to WO sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habita t of .Dissipauou, or in the . DEOLI*E ton - 'CHANGE' Or .1418.. sltillifolls NO FAMILY SELOII,O BB WIEACIIN rr , TABS NO MOBS BLAinc,,llkarrece os usrumum Mau lINPLEAXASIT 'AND DANGitaOl7.9 DIBSLII3. HgaltßOLD'..l EriIZACT BefORII ..0011114 SitCRET DISUSES. . . In alt l their Stages,. _,.- • . .At little Expense .; Littleor no Change in Diet ; ' ' No Ineonyettionoe; :It causes a frequent dente and gives strength to Urkinto, therapy . removing-Onstruetions.. . .. . fraventlng and. Ctillut; „xtrictures Or tuo Vrathre., ... . `Allaying 'Petit 'odd Izadadadationi so Riviera in the ewe ot , oiseelies; unit exi•eldeg ail Poironwti, Diseased I atsd.lo4:rtia.out AtitOei.. • ..I . 5:,.. I :. ; ,• •. . • TuotrsAnne WON TareinaNDS •,_ _. I 'lt SO H.Arit 'BEEN:at:A V:ZOT4.I . OP QU r ADEN, iiiid Lo have paid nit,tvirritas•'te be tinted' iiii.a "short time, ve found they Were 'deeetied; and that the 4, Pol. i , ..Voi.',Auttifthl.A•..eltsutf,-..tifetTohept. Agetemeses.;beed drie,i, , up, ie tile. system, to ,breaz.-out-tu AU - aggravated , . Lorin t anti •'': ' • . • • ' . . - : • - ' I:llit2rik* r Alii , lialialtaeic.' .. ' • trse Raunoloirazraeor gumr for all- attatlast and "diseimetrot the , . • ' ' 11kitilltitir ,IfittiljtAlliit, ... .. W . 400 . 3 rt i1i .. t . 11 0*,...,- " .. ' .. l ___ :. ` ;; .. . : .. , . ~--. .i!.,- , Aiykiv i vot t „' ~ , , • . ], g, iilit t- e•rjr cute odginiiiiig,al.) l rioavitter ci': : tiow 405131. Sta.. 14141licr. ~. Diseases.of these Organs reviire thosid ef • wußzno.. aptiteo4A.Exrii...tcrtuoniT ... • - ... DIURETIC; • ' And lacarkin to have ',the- desired edoet.te alt I:ltemises OOR Willed IT:T.I 11,E7u61a4N450. •: - : Et t*ce.,o,t` tae aidai reliable awl. rapoiiribis . character liiiir seeesieattyliii WU:lleac ' ' ' • ' I GESTIEI.OAO.II OF CIRES;•• • ' - , • , •.• ' . /Intuit to2uyearsv siarfainfi • - Wien Nestle! KNOWN ~ 1 1 . ..• . ' ; 1 . • • B-lEgCS AND FAME. Price $1 00 'per bottle , or "sislor 45 00., Deliveriid to any y eidttreee;teattrely pankuit from ohlier vati0n,.....!: , , : ...- •,: ' .... . .- . .: DF.804.11316 S INIPIOSIS IN ALL OOMNITNICATIONS Cur6C' Guaraikteed I ' Advlce.Oratis I _ _ • AFFIDAVIT.' gerimnally appeared bowie me, an Alderman .of the. !Hstani.dO, trim 'being duly sworh,.dottisay o his preparations eontainso nareotic, tio m Teary, - orother igiurious drugs, bat are purniy,vege ; • ' T. Inucioi.D. Swornandeubiteribedbefore nie;-thid 131 dkyi of No: vemlier, WIC P 43113ww, Alderman • , /i4itu St auoveltace;.klills. Address leiti.rifor intormaci is in confinieno .o EIYI tft3OLD Chemiit , Deptd,lo4 . nixt - B‘.; bei.Uneethin4tdbli, itELWAJttitgEM ciftibrvgicluilkird leit!;trsPagen i utti Dietizas, Wlio ondeitioeto'ffi•iies.es ow's. and 4irrisst" Awrici.W.ots TBID BBECTATION Aitilsst. BY • • Beinitiola's Genuine rrepa.reition.n, • . Lacriet. Du hu, .g flared - .46 Imp:need Ruse Wash. Soh)) by Cl S c eiWr, Yilo'Grosa, .. I ? Per q .l : 7 q, i3 ;: lo *** -Ir " RE ' ASK Yoh Ht.I.4BOLDS, TAKN NO OTHER. Cat ofit'llije' toy it. • • AND AVOlUTltvosinOipliNa ExPOSORk. novia.uly . • • • , •• " ELECTION ARRISBIIiiU KRID&E COMPANY.- ' lho"Stocsliot era or the Eft.rrlsoUrg, Hr o iOdu com- Pouf iarif bee rairttleki f hat 'ibe afloat' alectilo - off be i•II,'MU4%D..II', the tbit 4 , y tif -.hot kHY , wisct, be-- tweet) SUo .tuturs tifylo.Y. lathe • desedoon. and .b o'etiodk iu .the,4l.eftussu, sisbujf,a,tern Yoh House of as d company 'the city - "or ' Harr I.4busg. for, tbo parpos• of 'e,eg.atog oue • PreskleareieiveD • reotora, and ono treasur er' and HS.Nretary, She,eueuteg year. I :. • ,• • • WALLACH; fleo'y. Ef.ssadittustf Buuiusurtuct,Hacerstose 2, 451.., de:f dettiet3t : '• ' ELACTION. itsiDATIETQWN- 'AriojiiiRRISSIZTRG Ayi TUR.OIICMR6•titOsIIiiNY Liheoteelikiiilders in the Middletown and Harrisburg :Tan*lse Rued 'Cern pauy are hereby notified that theeionslahlettint.wul be ;geld on MOnDaY, the Bth day. of ilantutry next,,betweeu the houftthr the forenoon aud3,o'bieen, the titterifoOn, it the °Moe On the ..eurner' of 'Front and Chest] tit streete,• In •• this •Olty, fur the par • ose of erecting one President, 2 ,4 Mauegere, and one frowearerind See. retary, lox. the, museum year. . 2 . WitLIACt, icy • Harrisburg, H:•.cetaber.2; 1801.,—dossr.:3t • . W.II . OLESA Lk • UMBRELLA. • MANUFACTORY No: 69' ) Mcirket • Strcet' 6elOw' Third, I orWls„‘ NABRISBUSG, PA. '4lt: • WI.ANITFACITItkII OF. UMBRELLAS, F4Rsup l a n d WALKING. GUMS; Will nroVh tteeee at WATER Pe/OES tban eau be banal is any .of the Nonteiw ‘olLfcia. efaint 7in rohautki will do well to call and eximiniiitldira and quality, and conlitaie them. lviWor ttda, fact au23-dly.. FURS '4 l l4Tts rtraa I rusts Sable Furs, Liberian.Sgnirrel yore , French. &Ole Pure., Silver Martell Fun, • • Witteir Kb* Fora. Coe, COM laitiNPOrg4 Wkai4 9 b 2' MOM. • Great gales In itirtrs ta t zvery article warm "lre4.r.7oA-111- BROTER, Next to tho girrilbarg H Book. nola E4t Etitgrap [For the TelekraPh FAREWELL. ASCRIBED TO A. FRIEND ET WILL. A. CoIILTER; l'breathed the word long years ago, a school boy fall of glee, 'Twak joy, fur I then, dreamed the world a-flow er and I a bee That'sooo should sweetly, gaily hum the golden hodrs away, And sip its pleasure-tinctured sweets in bright lands far away. I've gem the world, 'tis not a flow'er I find where'er I roam; - • • There are no friends like thoge who give the wanderer welcome home, And as tweet k.Seotia's 4ard I sing, all, all that eharms mine'eye • • Or woes my weary soul, is sure the firstto fail° and die. Musiperished sunny dreams of yore, the'plea sures of today Like 'Borealis-tirited,lights, must quickly pass away, For I, am doomed again to breathe the parting word farewell ; . Bid pleasure cease, bid bliss depart, and break the magic spell Thatitinds me to the hallow'd place, the valley of my birth, Home .of my heart, the brightest spot to me on all the earth. Long gloomy months, long dreary years, 'mid strangers may I. roam, My weary rest in dark damp woods, where wild winds sigh and roam ; May dream where Hyp'rborean snow like a fu neral pall is spread, Lightly as if, by, angel hands over the soldier dead. May wander, in bright orange groves where birds of gorgeous plume, Warble their lays amid its flow'rs of rich and sweet perfume; May 'mingle in the gay soiree, join in the fee tive throng, • Huh to the ring of laughter, list to the jovial song. . . As softly, clearly echos it, throughout the princely hall, , • Where colord bright as Rhaphials' gleam onihe frescoed wall ; Yet 'mid, these scenes in joy or . .woe, _wherevq. I nuay be, Xy heart. shall fondly wander baCk to child hood's home and thee. • Eighteenth Regiment Infantry, • 11. S. A., December, 14361. • I --. •-'• ' 1 ' 'l'. • THE I 1 i ..: • . From _our Mornilog XXXVIIth Congress—First Session. 00ZOLUSION OF TYSTRaDAY'S PROONCDIROI3.] WASHINGTON, Deo. 19 SENATE. Mr. WILZY commended the' proclamations of these Generals' who declared it was-not their in tention to interfere with - loyal , in.stitutions and expressed ;his:gratification sties the :eresi aentin. hid message had reiterated his fidelity to the Constitution. He declared that by no efforts of his should slivery be extended, thougn he believed it was necessary for the present that the African. races should be.kept in bondage; He gave a brietsketchr of the rise of secession, and declared that it was the result of a long cencocted conspiracy as avowed by the leaders of the rebellion. He argued at some length against the doctrine of secession,' and contended that the real cane of see el3ion was hostility to the Democratic principles of a Re . - publican Government. . Without concluding his speech, Mr. Wiley gave way to a motion:for an executive session. The resolution from the House w adjourn' to the Oth of Ininary, was taken up, and Mr. Can tata; (Va.) moved to amend so as to adjourn on Monday next. Mr. BAYAB.D, (Del. ' ) said that Se the resolu tion read only reterred:it to ,the House. He izioir ed am, nd as to rcad 'that both amiss ad journ from Monday next to the third of January.. Mr.. Warm opi.vised. adjuurame4t and moved to lay ihS nubject; on'the table. Lixitt Yea B • l 7, nnyhl.J. • Mr. Ficitisenes, (Me) moved that the Subject be postpoued cal Mouday .tr.e.3cc. 17,.nays 18 Fussainia moved to postpone the enbject till to-morrow. No quortim Voting. Mr. FO#TED., (Convi4 nwired The ,Ne-nate then adjourned. HOSE:QV -BErEIINTATILVICS. Mr. VALIANDIGHAIeF amtadment WAS din agreed to. The bill passed. Mr.. COLFAX, from . the Committee on Post Offices and Post iloads, reported a bill to pro mote the efficiency of the dead letter office, based on the recommendation of the Postmaster General in his last annual report. Passed. On motion of Mr. Wasnetraws, (DLO the Committee on elections. were instructed to in quire and report whether any-person holding offices under , the United' States; and receiving compensation therefore, is at the• same time holding a seat and receiving compensatiori a member of MS Hottsn.• A resolution. was passed directing aminquir' y into trie building of the Capitol and Treasury extensions, whether ' the'contraets had been faithfully performsd, and whether the work cannot be done at less expense to the GOV-. MlD:tent. • • • Mr. COLHAX' reported a bill abolishing the franking prilitege. • • ' . • Its conisideration was postioned until the second Tuesday in January. • The (*neuter and diplomatic appropriation , bill was considered'and passed. On Motion of Mr. Honusai, (Ind.) a resolution was adopted instructing the .select Committee . on Contracts to inquire • whether • the transpor tatiodbf troops by railroad was by_ special con tract or otherwise,. &c and.usliing on the Sec retary of War furnish all- omen's relative to the trauvortation of troops and munitions of - T4e HON then adjourned'. e fttam lyinting fiffim Buying procured Steam Power Present, we axe prepar, ed to execute JOB add B OB PRINTING of every Seserlit; Lion, cheaper than tit can b., done at any other establish-. mentln the country. __ BAIEB ok" AtiVEKTISIr• G. Form lines or less constitute one half square. Eight Ines er more than four constitute a square. Ma square, one day one week ens month three months.... six months it one year....., - One ;:l quare, one day , one week.... one month..., three months, 44 six months. one year _ _ . Air Business notices Inserted In the I.e‘ez/ Calms, OF before Marrtges and Deaths, FIVE CaNT.9 "'to T ." fOr eKichinsertion.,,Alo.- NO: 88 Marriges:aDd Deaths to be charged ea - regular vertiFements ' FROM NEW YORK. SECRETARY CHASE AT THE ' BANK MEETING. Brilliant and Decisive Military Op- erations Expected. TEL' QUESTION WITH oßEA:r:'BßfrAnv TO RAVE A PACIFIC SOLUTION. PROBABLE AMICABLE ARRANGEMENT OF . THE TRENT AFFAIR. • At the bank meeting held tO-411 ail the impending question of. accounts with the Trea sury Department w,re harmoniously adius , ed. Secretary Chase stated that the present balanceS with the associated banks would be sufficient for the wants of thegovemment till about the middle of January, before which time he had contident expectations that our military and . nasal ope 'rations will give brilliant .and decisive results, aucthe did not doubt that the question with Great-Britain ;would have a pacific solution. :He made no propositions for further financial ar rangements atithi,.. time. Exchange on London is firm at 1 11441. The Evening Post says about $300;000 will be. sent to Europe in the steamer Africa. It was adduced in evidence to-day that Chas. Jefferds confessed to the brother of the murdered man his guilt in taking the life of John Walton, his step father, in June, 1860. SECOND DISPATCH. A rumor prevails that Secretary Chase bas received a dispatch from Wasbingbin that lust tides the relief that the Trent affair will be amicably arranged. FROM WASHINGTON. SLATER! IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Congressional Regents of the Smith- -*--- THE DEAD LE PTER OFFICE. The Bill to Abolish the Franking Privilege As, the subject of abolishing slavery in the. District of Columbia is now agitated, it may be of general interest to know that •according 'to the recent census the number of-slaves hs. Georgetown is 677 ; in-Washington, 1,744, and in:the:remainder of the county 834, making a total; of 3,185. The number - of free blacks in the District is 11,131. The total population of Washington is 61,122. -Tbe joint committee to inquire into the out fit:tot:of the war, consists of Senators Wade; Chandler, and Johnson, (Tenn.,) and Represen- tativits Gooch, Covode, Julian and O'DelL lite regents of the hmithsonian iustitntion on. he part of the House. are Representatives Col fax, MCVherson snd Cox:" The bill which was passed by the House to dty, for improving the t f6.ciency of Vie Dead I,etterOffioe, provides for twenty-five additional clerks, at a salary of $BOO each, in aceordatitie with the recommendation of the Postrinister- General to return ail dead letters to their wri ters,•and not valuable letters alone as now, By the , estimates of . the Department at th.o present postage the receipts on these returned letters would exceed the cost of the requiied clerks, $13,000 per year ; but the bill. as report ed from the Post_Office Opmmittqe.inezeitsCf.the; postage on returned money letters to tr 4.10, and on other dead letters returned to "doable the ordinary rates. The bill abOlishing the franking privilege, : reported by . Mr. C o lf a x,.from the Postoffice corn mittee, and the consideration of which was postponed till the second huraday in :January, abolishes all laws authorizing letters or public documents to be sent tree;• butprovides tbak all who are now entitled. to the fraiikini privi lege. may send 'them without prepayment as soldiers letters are regulate t at present—dihe postage to paid-by the recipient. Speeches are 'to be carried for one cent, and pohlie docu-. meats. at two cents p,r pound within 2,000 miles, making the postage on an agricultural' Patent Office Report five cents, and on volumes the size of the Congressional Globe ten cents.— The 6iiimated increase of revenue by the change is over $1,000,000. From, the Upper Potomac. The Rebels Opel Fire on Col. Geary's Rem meat. 0 • THE .FlR.k.' RETURNED. The Rebels Driven from their Position THEIR LOSS, FOOS , TKEN KILLED. 11 1 ",0 L 053 TO. TILE V%CTOL At ten o'clock this morning a rebel battery of three guns flanked with about 200 infantry, suddenly commenced shelling the encampment of OVl..Geary's regiment. About tweuty of the Shells which were well aimed, fell amidst the , enctimpreeot, the first within a fnw .feet of Lieut. CI. Dn Kurponay commandinit The six companies in the camp were immediately well : deployed and. entrenched, and, thd, battery, o f Iris l'enusylvania 2fiiir regiment opened fire with'two guns. The first shot which was sight ed by Capt. Knap, disabled one of the rebel guns, and the second sighted :by Lieutenant Geary ; fell In their centre. • Our battery their, advanced, and poured a continuous fir@ into the rebels, silencing 'all their guns and driving-back a fourth one which was sent to reinforce• them. The rebels were driven from their posbhon la full retreat, , with a ION • of funrieen. killed as far as known • and a great mutiny. wounded. Our side did not lose a m at. The engagement lasted over half an hour. After the rout of the raiela the .victors ,turned their guns on some houses situa . -. led near the old furnace, on the Virginiaaide, where about one hundred and fifty rebels "we're secreted. They drove them out, killing smite ber of them. The gum were admirably served. =I NEW Yowc, Dec. 18 I=l sonian Institute. I=2:= VAstipicrroi,. Dec. 19 in full etreat. Pov Rocxs, Dep. 19 8025 1 00 2 00 3 00 zOO sOO 2 00 3 50 600 .10 00 15 00