paiip '(l,7titgrapil. HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon, December 19, 1861. CHURCH CONSECRATION.-St. John's (Episco pal) Church was consecrated at Carlisle yester day. The sermon on the occasion was preached by Rev. Mr. Leacock, of this city. I=l CANAL NAVIGATION.—The IRwistown Gazette of yesterday says that canal navigation may now be said to be at an end for this season, as the water will be drawn off in a few days.l The construction of a new aqueduct at that place will we suppose be at once commenced. THE WEATHER was again delightful to-day, the mercury having marked 47 degrees at noon. The sky was clear, but the barometor indicated some humidity in the atmosphere. There is, however, very little prospect of an early un favorable change in the weather. =2= Tug HAvnas Emma Alas.— By letters received last week we learn that the party of colored people who left thip , neighborhood about the middle of October for Hayti, reached Sts Marc, a port of that island, on the 2d of November, after a favorable passage of eleven days. So far the emigrants were well pleased with their new homes. =1 HEALTEI OF OUR TEOOPS.—The Philadelphia Press says is a remarkable fact shat there is less sickness in the Pennsylvania regiments on the opposite side of the Potomac than in the regiments from any other State. This is attri buted, in a great measure, to the many neces saries and comforts which are sent to them by their friends at home. =:== REMY. M'COYS ORATION.—This great oration was repeated in the Fourth Street Bethel last evening to a large and fashionable audience, who listened with breathless attention to the thrilling eloquence of the orator. Es-Governor Porter presided, and among the audience we observed all the government Heads of Depart ments, excepting his excellency, the Governor, who had been called suddenly from the city on important State affairs. The fine band attach ed to Col. Murray's regiment was present, and furnished excellent music for the occasion. SOLDIER'S Mrrs.—We have been requested to pu'Aish the following card Cure Clams, I Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 18. We have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipts of one hundred pair of excellent mili tary mite, received through the influence of our Colonel, H. C. Longnecker, received by him through Mrs. Hymon Longnecker, from the pa triotic ladies of Shiremanstown and Allen township, Cumberland county, for which we re turn thanks in behalf of the members of the company. CAPT. E. R. NEWHARD, LIMAS. WAGNER and QUIER, of Allentown, Pa. ENGAGING lifiammis.—There are a thousand pretty, engaging little ways, which every per son may put on without running the risk of being deemed either affected or foppish. The sweet smile, the quiet cordial bow, the earnest movement in addressing a friend, or more es pecially a stranger, whom one may reoommend to our good regards, the inquiring glance, the graceful attention which is so captivating when united to self possession—these will insure us the good regards of even a churl. Above all, there is a certain softness ol manner which should be cultivated, and which, in either man or woman, adds a charm that almost entirely compensates for lack ofkbeauty. The voice can be modulated so as to intonate that it will speak directly to the heart and from that elicit an answer ; and politeness may be made essential to our nature. Neither is time thrown away in attepgling to such things, insignificant as they nay seem to those who engage in weight ier matters. I===l POLICE Mews.—The following cases were "worked up" yesterdaY and last night by the consolidatel Police. Station, Raspberry alley, opposite the Court House: Wm. Curtis (colored) charged with assault and battery. Committed by Justice Bender to answer. Mrs. Howard and Elizabeth Howard (both colored,) druuk and disorderly. Discharged by Justice Beader. Jesse Howard, (colored,) assault and battery on his wife. Committed by Alderman Cald well to answer. Samuel Derham, (white) drunkenness and indecent conduct on the streets. Committed for 48 hours by Alderman Kline. Geo. W. Turmas, (white) drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the streets. Committed by Alderman Kline for 48 hours: Wm. Carher, (white) drunk and disorderly. Committed by Alderman Kline for 48 hours. Emma Lutz, (white) larceny of a watch from her husband, and disposing of the same to a soldier. The watch was recovered. Commit ted by Alderman M.aglaughlin for 30 days. 1=:1=1 THE BLITZ OVERCOATS.—Time was, says the Philadelphia Bulletin, when the blue regulation overcoat was a sort of badge of disgrace. En listment in the regular army, in peace time, was generally considered the last resort of des perate men. Poor foreigners stranded on our shores, after striving in vain to obtain some other employment, sank down into the ranks as they would into an almshouse.- Our own countrymen, whom reverses in fortune or love, diseased imaginations, misanthropy or what ever else of an unhinging sort had made reek \ less, would finally lounge into a recruiting office, \ and put down their names, just as a bear seeks ut a hollow tree in winter, wherein he may aintain a simple existence. But the war has anged all this. The regulation suit having n adopted very generally among the volun 8, is now a badge of honor. It does not ate the wearer as a lounger in barracks, or ueller of border Indians, but as a patriot wh rushed to arms for the salvation of his try. It is really refreshing to see the brig 'blues" flashing energetically around town , looking like men who have a great work and, and showing themselves to be eutitl rank among the most go-ahead por tion of countrymen. DEPARTURE OF Con. WYNROOP'S REGIMENT.— AB previously stated in the TELEGRAPH, thistit,e regiment of cavalry left here last evening by a special train of cars for Pittsburg, eri route to Kentucky. The State stand of colors was pre sented to the regiment at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, in the Capital grounds, by his Ex cellency the Governor, in the following eloquent speech : SOLDIERS : The part you are to take in this struggle is much magnified by the fact that the theatre of your action is to be in the State of Kentucky, where a loyal people are in arms to defend themselves against the mad and wicked efforts of the rebels and conspirators to force them out of the Union, to defend the State against the ravages of the enemy and the homes of the people from the desolations of the incendiaries. We must all remember that we are engaged in actual war, and you go my friends to share in its vicisitudes and dangers. The arrest of two of the leading conspirators who held high places in the councils of the nation, and plotted there treason, even within the portals of the Capitol, has been made the pretext by our ancient enemy for warlike demonstrations against us. The thunders of British wrath and their demands for Slidell and Mason, falls on the ear of Pennsylvania with no other effect than to inspire her patriotic and loyal people with renewed determination to put forth all her great power to surpress domestic insurrection, and it need be repel foreign invasion come from where ever it may. Armed with the right and the truth we will strike hands with all the people of the loyal States, and invoking the blessings of God of battle, contend to the end with all foes without and within. One hundred thous and of our people are now bearing arms to maintain the suppremacy of the Constitutign, and as with one voice we ask the powers at Washington to maintain the dignity of our na• tionality, and to hold the traitors for punishment; and one hundred thousand more of our people stand ready to follow you whereever their ser vices may be required. This speech was received with great enthusi asm by the members of the cavalry regiment, and the crowd of people present, as being the first official recognition of the attempt of Eng land to interfere in our struggles to crush re bellion, and the first bold avowal of a-determi nation to resist such interference with any 'means and at all hazards. It will elicit a hear ty response wherever it is read, as being emi nently patriotic and peculiarly Pennsylvanian in temper and spirit. The flag was received on behalf of the regi ment by Col. Wynkoop, in a neat speech re plete with patriotic allusion. . The following is a list of the field and staff officers of the regiment : Colonel—George C. Wynkoop, of Schuylkill county. Lieutenant Colonel William B. Sipes, of Philadelphia. Majors—John E. Wynkoop, of Schuylkill, James J. Seibert, of Schuylkill, James Given, of Chester. Adjutant—R. F. Mason, of Schuylkill county. Quartermaster—Thomas H. Rickert, Schuyl kill county. Surgeon—Alex. M. Spear, Allegheny. Assistant Surgeon —J. L. Shirk, Lebanon county. Chaplain Reuben A. Drake, of Tioga county. i=cm=l FASHION AND Snavma Bausass.—The changes of fashion operate oddly upon business. Since the beard and manatachn followed the, wake _of lager and meershaums, and became American ized, the number of barbers' shops in this coun try has fallenoff from over one hundred per cent. A leading brush maker informs a cotemporary that five years ago he constantly employed three journeymen theyear round for the sole purpose of making shaving brushes. At the present moment a single journeyman can sup ply the attire demand, without occupying more than one half his time. While this is true of shaving brushes, it is eqUally true of razors al so. Houses that used to import fifty to a hun dred gross for a season's sales, are now unable to dispose of one fourth that number, while many of them still retain stock lying upon their shelves for many seasons past, an excess of im portation upon the continuance of smooth jowls and shaven lips. Things hang queerly together. It is in the power of fashion to ruin any busi sinew in a single season. The class of manu facturers who have had the best and longest run of luck, are the makers of hoop skirts and ad- justible bustles. At one time quill pens sold so high that geese took on more airs than any fowls in existence. At this moment goose quills are scarcely worth the task of preparing them for market. Tux Um or Tosacco.—lt is not enough to know that Dr. Parr smoked twenty pipes in an evening, and lived to be seventy ;. that Thomas Hobbes smoked thirteen, and survived to ninety two ; that Brissiac of Trieste died at one hun dred and sixteen, with a pipe in his month ; and that Henry Hartz, of Schleswig used tobacco steadily from the age of sixteen to one hundred and forty-two, nor would any accumulation of such healthy old sinners prove anything satis factory. It seems rather overwhelming sure, when Mr. Fairholt assures us that his re spected father "died at the age of seventy-two ; he had been twelve hours a day in a tobacco manufactory for nearly fifty years ; and he both smoked and chewed while busy in the labors of the workshop, sometimes in a- dense cloud of steam from drying the damp tobacco over the stoves ; and his health and appetite were perfect to the day of his death ; he was a model of muscular and stomachic energy ; in which his son, who neither smokes, snuffs, nor chews, by no means rivals him." But until we know precisely what capital health the venerable to bacconist inherited from his fathers, and in what condition he transmitted it to his sons, the statement certainly has two edges. TVs Tr roues Ou Waus.—The Erie Dispatch says : "The oil wells of Tidioute refused to give oil to pumpers during the summer, but, by some strange and unaccountable means, within a week past oil has been found in all the hitherto pumping wells, and now they yield a fair product of oil. This unlooked for event has gladdened the heart of every Tidiouter, and they feel as though they had been lifted into klabommed'e Third Heaven." ===i ENCICeS Com:lr.—This well-known periodical comet is now visible, with the aid of a telescope of moderate power, in the constellation Pegasus. Its average time of revolution round the sun is forty months, or three years and a third, which is the shortest period of any known comet. It will not reach that point in its orbit which is nearest the sun till the sixth of February. Petutzvluania Daft cletegraph, Oursimu afternoon, tlecember 19, 1861 DAVIS' great Panorama of America and the Rebellion was shipped to Carlisle, this morning, where it will be exhibited this evening. PROF. DONA_LIOSON opens Brant's Hall tonight with a series of entertainments in the magic art, which are represented to be very amusing, in structive and bewildering. ConmoN SOIREFI. —The grand cotillon soiree of our friend Sprucebanks comes off at Ex change Hall this evening, and of course the beauty and gallantry of the city will be prompt ly on hand: to "chase the rosy hours with flying feet," and enjoy a good time generally. Tam MYSTERY EXPLAIRED.—The Lebanon Ad vertiser thus explains the case of mysterious dis appearance in that borough last week : "The mysterioui disappearance of Mr. S. 11. Shirk, of l this borough, created considerable excitement last week. The mystery of the matter was par tially dispelled, however, when it was discover ed that a number of papers are held by parties, with •names attached as endoriers, which the owners thereof pronounce forgeries. Among them w :instance a note of $6OO in the Lebanon Bank, $BOO each in the Lebanon Valley and Lebanon Deposit Banks, $5OO by Mr. Jacob Shank, $350 by 'Dalai*. & Worth and $375 by ex- Sheriff Hauck. His father and father-in-law are the endorsers of said papers, and which are said to be forgeries," [For the Telegraph.] A PLEA FOR nis Willa.—" Buying for the little ones, eh, Dent !" said Mr. Harris playfully peer ing over his friend's shoulder at a small pile of substantial and beautiful toys lying upon the counter, which as his "purchase" the clerk was about tying up. "Yes," replied Mr. Dent, with an extremely self-satisfied smile, "I have made a pretty good investment of my loose change ; that cannon alone will keep my Harry in a good humor for two months," pointing as he spoke to a tiny brass one, well loaded with a cork ball. "Anything more in our line, sir?" interrupt ed the shopkeeper producing a tempting array of perfumery, vases and other elegant bijou, which from their beauty alone would have been a "thing of joy" to the possessor, independent of any other association. o," said Mr. Dent, beginning to button up his overcoat, "those are unsuitable for children." "But the very things for your wife Dent," said Mr. Harris, examining them admiringly. "Oh! "replied Mr. Dent, with a tone of pro found assurance, "she don't care for Christmas gifts—the day for such trifles is over long ago," and receiving his package he left the store. Kind father, but thoughtless husband! Had he forgotten.a certain Christmas eve of y ears [since, when he had gladly expended a whole week's earning upon a richly bound volume of Burns' Poems ' as 'a gift for sweet Anna Brown, whom he would soon call wife ? Did he not remember her timid acceptance, and how fresh it still looked, gracing a table in their neat parlor as one of her choicest treasures ? Has he forgotten the ring, with its pure ruby, which, as he placed it upon her finger, he bade her mark was a symbol of his love, which, like it, tiid no end ? True the 'sentiments and remark were very old fashioned, but it was love's own truth, and he had the right to use it. She had been his wife tor almost a score of years. The girlish beauty of her round, bright face, was partly lost in shadow's which motherhood and its serious duties had brought upon her, yet she Linked the green spots in her own happy child hood with her children's joys, and like them, thought no love token or new pleasure a Mr. Dent appreciated his comfortable house, his laughing children, his good dinners, and at tentive wife, but that the romance and chival ric tenderness of courtship could or should be lengthened oat through the daily familiarity of married life was to him a humbug—ail non sense. His wife was well clothed. Eveiy ne cessary want carefully provided for. But that the same hands which flitted until midnight through the green boughs of the " little one's" Christmas tree, or stuffed the turkey and mould ed the mince pie for the Christmas dinner, would thrill to receive from him another book, another lithe ring, another anything which would make her feel as in old times, that above all else, she was to him the first, the brightest, the best, was a stranger to his imagination. Apia we say, kind father, but thoughtless hus band. M. HAarassuao, Dec. 18, 1861. Crraisrmas Efounars.—We have from com mon consent denominated the week exclusive from Christmas to New Years the holidays, re juicing and good cheer with an interchange of presents, and friendly expressions with those we love, is a becoming emblem of the great event that gave birth to the salvation of mankind; it would be as well to say that the presents spoken of can be had at Urich & Bowman's cheap store, corner of Front and Market streets. dec. 19-2 t. =mon I===l FURS I Fuss ! Foust—We have raceived a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from $2,50 up to $l2, a large assortment of Cloaks $2,60 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 60c, 76c, $lOO, $1.76. 50 doz. of. Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 60 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 17c. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 26 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 12ic„ Satchels sontag,s, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. Lava's. dell) WAR Parcza.—The undeisigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New Yolk, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : shirt collars, scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins, night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also ladies' callars, cuff setts, under-garments, &c., &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them for durability, ma terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness and cheap ness, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact r.t. J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manufactory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next to Hummel Sr. Killinger's grocery store. Au should read Prof. Wood's advertisement in another column. • HE LHBOLD , S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC . EfEUMBOLD'S - EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MICRO, THE GREAT DIURETIC RELMBOLD'S ETTEACT BUCHU, TI3E GREAT DIURETIC. And a Peallive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, A n d all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Sea Advertisement In another column. Cut it out, and sand tor the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. novis42m HAIR DYE ! HAIR DYE!! Win. A. Batchelor's Nair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known 1 All others ate mere imitations, and should be avoided irynu wish to escape ri mule. GPM. BED iP. RUM FAIR dyed instantly to a beaudiut and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FlleriiEN air DALE AND DIPLOMARrinvo been awar ded to Wm. A. BATINIELOR sines. 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons or his famous Dye. Wm. A. B kTCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguisheo from nature and is WARFISNTID UM to injure in the least, however long it m ty be contin ued, and the ill . trews of bad Ores remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which Is prop erly applied at No, 16 , iond Street New York. sold f , all the cites and toured of the United States, by Drugeists and Fancy Goods Dealers 'the Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four Ades of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York oe 2-lowly A CAROB TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the folio • ing certificate" from one of the fire t ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (Mr Wm. Bristol At C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wish her name made public, but if any one should conbt the won•lerful efficiency of Da. Dupont co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her Knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 17 years mil. she was fast go ing into cons ymption—bad taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Nis entire ly cured her, and sue is now in r.,bust health.— "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and directions accompanying etch box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. K. I{III3.IER, (Druggist.) 91 Market sheet, (solo agent for) Harrisburg, Oa. By ending him $1 00 through the Harrisburg Pose Office the Pills will in sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. R.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no Golden Mr of any kind unless the box is signed S. 1). Howe. Ail others is a base imposition and negate; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing oL be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on every boa. irbieh has recently been addri en account of the Ms eminterleiteo. The .ingredients composing the above Pills are made known 'to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. 3. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg ; ti. harks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott oarlise • S. O. Wild, Newville J. C. Aitick, Sbippens, J burg ; J. Spangler, Chambersburg ; E. T. v tiler, Yora ; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; S. 8. Stevene, Raiding ; and N. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one oruggist," In every town and village in the United States, and by S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. OM New tairnertistments BRANT'S HALL ! CHRISTMAS WEEK,I SANFORD'S TROUPE, N THEIR GRAND CONCERTS. CHRISTMAS DAY, TWO PERFORM/MRS BURLESQUE RAVEL'S PANTOMINE. Monday Evening, December 23d GREAT BILL, Doors open at Elf. Commences at 7f £dmmission • - 25 Cents dell-t 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! AFINE VARIETY of F elected Goods suitable Ter Presents now open at KELLER'S 91 ltiarket street. - 1 ERS-COTTA and PAELLAS MARBLE VASES TOILET and COLOGNE BOTTLES MARBLE MATCH STANDS. MARBLE SEGAR STANDS. MARBLE ASH-HOLDERS. Diessing Cases, Shaving Cases, Toilet Cases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Minors. Beautiful Powder Puff Boxes. Handeome Shell Ba4s. All sizes, best Leather Traveling Satchels, Satchels with Caba Furniture, A fine assortment of Ladies and Gents Purses and Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant Coufectionary. Also, with other articles not mentioned, Pocket Knives, Thermometers, Canes, Portfolios, Card Cases, Sepr Cases, Segars, Pipes, Gum Tobacco, Pouches, (double and single,) And the largest and best stock of PEFITMERY and TOMEI' ARTICLES in this market. dela KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF PENN'A. HAVING been authorized to recruit a Regiment for the Volunteer service of Penneylva nla we have c , noluded to make d. ®iment of "eharp -hooters"—r flamm--reornit d from the State at large We want TEN acrod able obdied y. nag men trom each county, so as to have every portion of the State fully and equally repmented. Those desirous of serving their country, of fighting under and tor our good old FLAG, have Hitt a aplw,dtd, oppor— tunity I them. We intend to make this a fiCR SCR. Kai,' HUN C ;" if possible the beat in the service of our noble Commonwealth. Cold substantr.d uniform will he iurnlstred as noon as the men reach Comm- and a- e 'worn Into tee service. The Regiment will be armed with MINIS or ENPUSLD HIFLE3 wile SABER PAYuNITS. Thome desiring to enlist. as posi.ively on, y TEN will be taken from cacti county in the Senate, bad better report Immo. ately. any limps atter the 20th of De..iember to w W. isrowo, Liar risbusg, Pa. any or ad enmmunicat - ons from d =taut counties will be answered speedily nd midden W . W dVN, Captain. P. S.--All papers favorable to the came will please co py, - den d4w WM. KNOCH.E, 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, 1= PIANOS, MELODEONS, ACCORDEONS, PLUMS, FIFES, GUITARS, VIOLINS, sod MUSICAL MERCHANDISE IN GENERAL PICTURE ANL/LOOKING GLASS FRAMES, OVAL AND SQUARE ROSEWOOD AND GILT, SHEET AND BOOS .3111S1 C. rielL-2wd DRIED SWEET CORN (SErarEa.) ROMONY, GRITS, BAMP, RUNS, PEAS, esszonotants, DRUG) APPLES, DUD MAORIS. Fresh Peaches, (In cans.) " Tomatoes, ,4 " Corn, &c., Jost received and for sale by no3o WM. DOCK, Js. h CO BLACKING ! MASON'S 'CHALLENGE BLACKING.' 100 Gress, assorted sizes,just received, and for sadi at Wholessle prices, dell DIARIES FOR 1862 pHE largest and best selected assortment of DIARIES ever imported into this city can be found at BERQNER'S Cheap Bookstore OLDIER'S CAMP COMPAMUN. -- A !very emveuient Wetting Desk,.also, Portfolios, Memorandum Books, PoTlmonnales, n t n2O BEHESTER'S BOOKSTORE. Webster' s Unabridged Dictionary New Pictoral Edition. 02 - Pictorial Illustrations of Military Terms. Waster's Dictionaty excels in these atd has, among Where, pictorial cspresentattons of the following : Barbscan, Bastion, Battlement, Bar-shot, Block•houss, Cannon,Carronado, Chain shot, Chevaua•re-frhe, Caitrop Limbers, Madrier, Martello fower,lffortar, Pert- Javelin, Redan, Star Forts, Arc. No othor tnglish Dictionary publishod in this country has a fourth part of these. Definitions of Milltary Terms. As, the foregoing, and Abatis, ambulance, Ambuscade, Armistice, Banquette, Bivouac, Brevet, Caisson, Caliber, Canister-shot, C,amonment, Caponiere, Civemats, Cons lerscarp. Cher de battaillrn, Cul de sac, Dahlghren gun, Minie rifle, &c., &c. Bold by Geo. Bergner, Harrisburg, and all BooirsoHors n029-dawear PRESERVE YOUR LEATHER AND KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. ONE BOX OF FRANK MILLER'S LEATHER PRESERVATIVE AND WATER PROOF OIL BLACKING WILL LAST AN OCT-DOOR MAN uN kl YEAR, gfirCONT MS CHNTSMigt A ND save more than four times its coil A in the durability of leather, and greatly coutribute to be ilth aad comfort. FOX HARNESS, see inside Label on the cover of large size. For sale in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co , No. 19 Market street- Eby & uncle corner of Fifth anu Mar ket streets; Wm. Duck, Jr., &Zio , Marko tstreet ; Jacob Buehler, No. 29, Second street, and J. C. Klmb ii, Mar ket sir et. del ?-dlm A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR XI GrALIELSSI, MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years bid, of my owe manufacture. A due ioL ca. choice Chewing and Smoking fooacco, Pipes, Snuff and a large variety of other articles constantly on hue v tur sale wholesale and retail. Thanktul for former pat ronage, I hope by strict attention to haziness to receive a liberal share of the trade. A hue Smoking Rcom attached, where customers may lay back and teat my Beg trs and Tooacco. Don't forget the window wdh. the Snip in it; that is the place to buy your Sioacoo and eiare. North Market Square, above Market Street, 13.irrisuurg. Dec. 4, 1861.--u3m MM. WYR(IFF, SURGEON DENTIST' FFERS ( his services to the citizens o jf Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives tasurance that his best endeavors shall be given to rend rsattsfaction in his pro ression. Being an old, well tried ientist, he feels safe in milting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Eby, near the Unitud State. Hotel. Harrisburg, Pt.. mva die UNDF3 Et.T.49:13C1E3 •••• ri 4; • • I STATE, Street nedr Third streEt, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg: A flee new Hearse Ready made Coffins always on hand and neatly finished to order. Silver plates, are. Terms rea sonable. (m3O-o3re*] C. BARER. WE OFFER TO A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put up in Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. sepia BLEACHED MUSLINB (at old prices.) 111)PLANICETS, SIIEETINGS, Flannels, Tickiug, DriLings, Giognauds, Calicoes, Tow Hugs, Ail kinds of D ,nitstic Goods,. A splendid Liue of Shawls. All kinds of Men and Buys wear, In great variety t . be found at CAIEICART'S, M ,rket. STiare. nov4 GENTLEMENS' WEAR. A large assortmeut of Hader Shirts and Drawers, (all sizes, I Geiatlemens , Traveltag Shawls and Blankets, Every Kind of Gents Ho-fiery, Cloths, Cassimers, and Vesting's, (in great variety,) Silk & Cashmere Wok Ties & Cravats, Large Stock of Gloves Sc Gauntletts Every kind or Suspenders, iforovna Brcx G.ovas. A Large Stook of dome Goods, to seum from can be found at OATEWAsT'S nol3 Next door to the Harri burg Bank. PORT FOLIOS ! wBITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE SCIIKLITE, it'S BOOK 8'10.6,N, (Near the Barriebtirg Bridge.) A• 25 . ' 8 41111o rr a loßteEl C fin E e l c lir o E n D ußa fr ci o A m the i. ran: which we will sell at 51.25 per ream. , per ream for NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. $3.50 for 1000 *RITE ENVELOPES, with national are: Patriotic emblems, printed in two colors. 1-lease give us a call. THE F. SCHEFFER, Fl.rv,ohnro WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO BOORS FOR CHILDRuN 1 Iyou want to get suitable BOOKS for your Children, go to BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. filistellantons. "GET THE BEST." JUST OPENED! DL T. J. MILES, CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PUIESES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made. A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEIVAN'S WALLE,TB A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, Of the beet Manubetare i A very Handsome Variety 'of POWDER ?LIFE BOXES, KELLERTSDitOO STORE, Market Street filiscrtlantuus. STEAM WEEKLY itv oll oroo val BETWEEN NEW YORK - AND LIVERPOOL. ANI , ING AND EMBARKING PAS- N N Cris at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. New ore and Philadelphia Steamship company intend d. spatching their full powered Clyde-built iron Steamships as follows CITY OF BALTIW. BE, Saturday December 14 ; GLAS GOW, Saturday December 21 ; CITY tile NEW YOKE, Saturday, December 28; and every Saturday, at Noun, from Pier 44, NMI , Aver. I FIRST CABIN $75 00STEERAGE.... $3O 00 I do to London $BO 00 do to London „MB 00 do to Paris $B6 00do to Pariss2o 00 do to Hamburg..sBs 00 I do to Hamburg 835 00 Passengers also forwarded to Have, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &e., t equally low rates. . far Pardons wishing to bring auttheir friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, 375, 385 and $lO5 . steerage from Liverpool 140 00. From Queenstown, - $3O 00. These Steamers have snperlor accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. •• For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 WaJer Street ; is Glasgow to WM. INMAN, S St. Enoch Square ; in Queenstown to C. & W. D. SEYMOUR Ai CO. ; in London to ErFt..6 Si MA_Y, 61 King William St. ; in Pali- to LULUS DECOLIE, 5 Place de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JO l l N G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at ate Company's offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg EMI ga-PAS-RNGER FOR BURuPE.—By or 'er of tho Secretary of state, rassenge,s le.ving the *:-mod gt.tos are required to procure Pa snorts b.fore going on board the St-amer. JOHN G nAL--, ewer. ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A larg- sue trebb a...orteuent, of Guoid‘, .nibble for presents, among winch will be fnun A sple , .did stock of Fors, (all kinds lust made, ) A large line of Ernbrtider , d Collars Sleeves, Ace., A groat vari. by of Shawls, (at low prices.) A lot of New s—D•e.s Goods, Sg.t, Az.;., Every kind of Ladies, Genii, and Misses Garr lets and Gloves. Ladies and Gents H , kfi —large s ock, Gents Orava.s Neca Ties, Coi,ars, Limes, Gents and Mt set kid Gloves, Caps., eggins, Armlets, me. LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK OF MOURNING GOODS. Bargains In Goods of ail Minds can ba had at C ELT'S No. 14 Nlark t Square, Next door to the Flarngburg Bank. QM COAL! COAL !I 83, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FOR6TER, )FFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard via the Canal, foot of North atraet, Wholesale and Re tail dea ier in TREVOR.7ON, WILKSBARRE, LIKENS VALLEY, SUNB UR Y and BROAD ..TOP COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and fall weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A 4bersl dtivain L made to par chasers paying for the coal when ordered. present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—aim. FOR SEWING IVEACIII 1 g JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 YDS. WHILE. BLACK &COLORED. THIS thread being madeparticularly for sewing Slachiuee, is v EaY ter SEOG ill AND ELASTIC. Its strength is no impaired by weaning, uor by friction of the needle. For Shuteues, use Broc Pateut Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable •eaters tlarou tioaL .be country.— Also, ENCABO OF 100 pass BecH, aBSI6TFD Nod by WM. CBIOS SALCd, d 1e Cleat. 36 Yes...y -trePt, New Y wk. no d6m NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLRNBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Poslopee.) THE uuderslgued have just opened a new and large a4sortnieut of toe latex mica of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ail kinds of Gents Wear cut to the latest style= an.l fash• ions. We have always on haul a large stock of Beady made clothing and Genileman's Formaniue G uo9-aam H. SiELLENBE , GIiat dt 13130 SOLDIERS' NICK NACK'S, F OR Sale at RULER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Selling Cases, - Shaving or R,zor Cases, Toilet. Cases, • Match Cases Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs; Fine Combs, ' Camp Mirrors Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubcer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drukkiug Cuss. Pens, Peubotiers, Pencils, ands uvelepes PoStiers Will see at a glince tnit the place to get an outfit in email wars is at ',s 91, Market street, e e "Fort Pick us" in , he Will .0 4. COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN CHAT DELIVEa'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIO-1 CAR c.o. • ilia rShl Weight Carte are COI titled by the. Seller Wel.hts and Measures. Consumers can weigh their coal at their own doors. It. Is of pelt im panando during these hurl hinds tor every one co know that they Ger 1 . 45112 FITLY ILINhBT waxisT. large supply of Coal always to oe found on hand, viz : LYKENS VALLEY all SIZ3S. BALTit. CO'S WILK-Bitsrtg, all sizes. LOABKILHA iO IL, (the gnmiue artmle,) Sold by the car load or stogie ton an coal ot tue bat quality, oulivered tree from all im• S AT PRICKS TO .1111 T TEES TIMKS, by the boat or oil* load, single, halt or third of tons au i ey Lie bu,hal. JANES id. WIllill&LEH. Harrisburg, Nov. 6, Harrisburg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CIiESTNUt. YENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing neatly and expeditiously d ,ne. Per. sons at a distance can oave tneir work done by addres slug a lever to toe undersigned. Tinantinl for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict ittLenioll w businev, to merit a continuance of the same. /Or Satisfaetion guaranteed both as to prices and worIE,IVA _ oct9-d6m WAN TED, A good Tennant for a large farm near I..orthumbeslaod, coataining about 300 cures wlh. grad Improvements, sountam et the boos and Pam : Church and School blouse conveolut, a hail. ot , i I asOng though it 180 aeres cleared, 30 acres go la riper bottom sui able for raising truck, a person who uuderstands Irons farming as well as raising Whet and Corn would be preferre4; good re erence will he required. addiess A. L., liarrisourg, P. v. dell 0101 CEERISTAIA 5 ! HAVING- returned from the city with onr usual variety of CUOMO; GOOJS for the HOLIDAYS, We won'd riePectin ly invite au eel-iv call, feeling it t be to the interest it purchasers. remember KELLEtt'a ug and F .nay store. 91 M.rket, street. delo WIiULE6ALE and _RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— Fits, Dates, Prunes, Helena and Nets of all kinds.— Fresb and -al tVish, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices, To bade°, Segura and Cenor.ry Pr duce iu g mere', Market street, next door to Parke House, also e,,,r .er Taint and Walnut streets. net,2B-dim JotrlN' WISE. NEW BUCts-WHEAT FLOUR 4,500 LBS. FAMILY BcCIC.- wawa FLOOR (Extra) In 1215 and 261 b bags. The quality is very superior, having been se select& d expressly for our retail trade. For sale low by nell WM. DOOR, Jr., & 00. 1333 A. R. SHARP