Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, December 19, 1861, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH . IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BEROrNER, TERMS.--B[NOLZ BIIBBORIPTON. The DAILY TRLYGRAPIIIS Served to subscribers in the City at sy emits per week Yearly subscribers will be barged $4OO. WEEELY AND SEMDWIEKLY TeLIIGBAPH. The TELEGRAPH is AlSO.publistted twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly 'during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at Lho following rates, viz : Single subscribers per year 60 it Ten .12.00 Twrrity ff ff it ..22 00 Single subscriber, Weekly.. ......... 00 .1111 i LAW OF_ wicWSPAPEILS. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until sll arrearages are paid. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordef ed hem discontinued. fittilitaL DIL 4QHNSON BAIL,Ma! 'IIWC)!Vt.3II LOCK HOSPITAL HAS dis Covered the meet certain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OP IMPIIUDIENOE. 111L111 IN OM TO TWIDAII BOOMS. No Mercury , or Noxious Drugs. larA CORN WANitearrn,ox AO CHARON, DI /BON 01111 TWO DAp3.-is Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Pains is the Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic Weakness, Nervous Del:nifty, Decay of thePhysica Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor; Low Spirits, Cebfaeion fleas felt itation of the Heart, Tremblings, Minnow of Sight or Giddinms, Disease of the Stomach, Affection! of the Head, Throat, Ncee or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising froin tbe indiscretion or Solitary 4labits Vontb—those dreadful and destructive practises • Which produce Constitutional 'debility, render marriage impos table, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victims el solitary Vice, that dreadful and destiuctive habit whict annually sweeps to 'art untimely grave . thousands cs young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise nave entranced. listening Senates with the thunders of elvenence, or waked to eo tasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married persons, or those eontemplatiog marriage, be Ing aware of physical weakness, should Immediately con runt Dr. J. and be rentorod - to perfect health. ORGANIC, WEAIENRS Immediately cured and full eigor restored. Re who. places , himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and Con lidently rely upon his skill as a physician. • . • darflince No. 7 South Prhdbrick street;` Baltimore dd., on the left hand-Side going from Baltimdrelitreet, .7 boors Iron] the abrner: - D , •particular ih • obier l aing the name or number, on you will mistake the place. Be par molar for Ignorant, Trilling Quacks, with false names nr Paltry Humbug Certificates, attracted by the repots lion of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson member of the floyai College of Burgeons, London, gradnateirem one of the most eminent Dollop. 3f the United States, and tho greatest part of whose life has been spent In the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila.. deiphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most as tonishing sores that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears all d bead when asleep, great net , venoms'', being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing,attended sometimes with derange meet of mind were cured immediately, TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. ..•ilresses all 'those who having injured than solves by r ivftto and improper indulgeucies,- that seem and solitary obit which -ruins both body and Mind, on fitting them for either buslnessor society. Tilan. are some of the sad and melancholy ell •-ots pro. decea !)y early habits of youth, via : Weakness ortht. Back and Limbs, Pains in the-Head, Dimness of Sight. LOIN of Muscular Power, Palpitation of Dv Heart, Dye. oepsia, Nervous Irritability,.Devangement ofthe Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms elf. thmeump• Lien, ka. MENTALLY. MirrrALLY the fearful (Weeds on the wiled are mneh to be led Metoory, ot - see.a.;:ties , p r cif Spirits, Forebodings, Aversion toSocio ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &a., are some of the evil effects. Thousands 01 persons 01 all ages, can now judge- what le the cause of their decline In heslth, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous - and emaciated, have • singular appearance about the oyes, cough, and symp me of conaumplion. YOUNG WIN who have injured theauselvee by a certain practice, in dutged in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil dompanions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and Knot cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Whets pity that young man, the hopes of his noun try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment! of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in e certain secret Obit. Smiiipersons must, before conies. plating inARRIAGE, effect that a sound mind and body are the moat neeeaeasy requisites to promote connubial happiness'. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to tho view;the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with tit melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be. comes blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR OR GAME: WEAFIN.S. By this great and Important remedy, Weakness of the rgans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. rhousis of the moat nervous and debilitated Wile had lost all im hope, have been Immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Illequalifi. cation, Nervous, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearful kind, speedily cured. TO STRANGERS ' . The many thousands cured atthis Instintion within the last twelve years, and the numerous Important Susie"' operations performed by Dr. witnessed by the re• porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices 01 which have appeared again and again befere the public, besides his standing at, a ondentan etcharactei .and re. iponsibiiite, Is a aufeicienfgaarantee to the afflicted. DISEASES OF IMPItUDENGE.—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure ands he has imbibed the 'beside of tine painful disease, it too often happens : that an Di-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery delete him from applying to those who, from education and re• epectabillty can alone befriend him, delaying till the con stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, ,s.ln progressing on witb frightful rapidity, till dealh .puts at period to his dreadful euflerings by sending him to "thai bourne from whence so traveler returns." It is a mel ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible. disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend-. ere, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, Mit' the constitution and mato the residue of life miserable. To STRANUIR6.—The Doctor's Diplomas hang in hit office. sgrLetters must eel:dein a Stamp to to on the reply iirßnmedies soul by Mail. u-No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore. aprla-lowly P3EII2I:'.IEILMIL. 7I9 DAILY Between Philadelphia LOOK ELVIN, JSRPHY SHOHZ, WU,LIAMSPOHT, hinisaY, Usloaroww, Waisoarrows, MILTON, tawnennita, NORIIIUNEHRLAND, t,UNBURY, THAVOKION, GIORGHTOWN, LTHEN3TOWN, MILLSHB- 511103, HALIFAX, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. Tbo Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Condaetor goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivered delive a r he y, oi all goods entreated to the line. Goods t t Depot of ERRED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et, Sleet, Phila. delphia,.by b o'clock P. M., will be oidivered in Harrisburg the nest anmorning. line. Freight (always) as low as by y other Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Darrisburi oodB. The undersigned thankful for past patron i ge hopes-by strict attention to business to merit, a coal nuance of the same. T. THIPLIER Philadelphia and .Reading --epotr Foot of Markotris"rg" an dam SOHEFFEIRS. BOOK STORE, (NEAR THNSAIRISBURO BREDGB.) UNION ,ENVE . I_,OpES. VOTE PAPER, of BIX differeut designs, .111 piloted in two colors, sold by the thousand and by the ream at Gity Cash prices. Also, Flags, Union Breast Pins, Nagles, Union Rings n d Badges at very low price!. Call at myB SOBEFFtta,R 11001CAToRir VINE TOILET b 0 APS, POMADES. HAIR 1 • oth, POWDaD,S, COLOGNES and lardACT3, of many styles, prim and,- maunfacturog g4pR EUG AND Felcv .•,. • • ELLER'S DRUG . STORE is the piss, li ). 'to bay Patent Xedictneti. \ • _......_ .... ..\.,, t . ... haring procured SOt., . VAI ilitiP' V eonto execute JOB add 11, _ . , cheaper than .t.ciuk ••• , 1 ' / . 40 5 ' „... ......-- - "l' ' ' ' 1 :i.i .i.,:,: ''''',;o„,\_\ .. 4., . / ;:;' , ,, ,., • ':- "Y- --- - .- :• : . : - . • . . co . \ • 0 1 1 .. ..,,, )----. - ms Ike ' Mo w : o . k .! ...... 1. 'llll till - . , ~.......,:•..Igilleg Or len CO _,. ... ,titt l ..lini O , H r ,.Hl...t. t....;_:.... , ~, . , _Qpitittil,.::,,.....,inidiazzvoiir - ~,, i .., ''':',-o -_ „„„...--""' ....• " \ ....., - • . it,... (... ,• ~ 7.;... •.. . . .: ". . .1 • • :;., !.• : 1 .. Ada k " _. SI day I ' three e7ra n uis O tb lltba. . . ... .... :::-...-....: .. .. .. 3 IS VOL Kyr Cults at; sllraott a transportation ?ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! WINTER TibiE TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND 4FTIE MONDAY NOVEMBER: 25th, 1861 The Passenger Trains of the 'Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart &MD and arrive at Hariieburi and Philadelphia . tts follows EASTWARD. THROUGH IMPRE93 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3 20 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.4 u FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 8.45 e. in. 3 and arrives at West Philadelphia At 1.00 P. In. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except. Sunday) at 1.15 p. m. , and arrivennt West Philadelphia at 6.20 p. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount ! toy, leaver Harrisburg at 7,00 a. in., and arrives at *eat Phila.. delpina at 12.10 p:: m. i . • HARRL9BURO ACGDMHODATION TRAIN, via Comm.u bia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 u. m.. and arrives at. Weal Philadelphia st 920 p. m. • ," ; ; • WESTWARD. THROUGH EIPREI3I3 TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.05'a. m., • Altoona 8.40, a. in., and ar r ives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m.; leaves Herriebnrg at 7.45 m., Altoona, 2.45 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 8,45 p. 51. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Harris burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p . m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.90 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphia at 2.30 p. m. , and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.05 p m. MOUNTJOY ACCOMMODATION vla Mount Joy leaves Luanoaster at 11,84 a. m. ; arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 P. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, • , Rept. East, Div. Penna. Railroad. Harrisburg, November 27, 1861 —dtt Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, maps TWIN DAILY TO LTD PION - )3 1.:1 ZaVrj — ) Close Connection made ...tirmfiViagfti-g. TO AND . FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. AND AFTER BIJNDAY, NOV. 24. kir 1861, the Passenger Trains of the Northern :Central itullway will arrive at and ddpart from Harrisburg and Baltimore u follows, viz : 001N6 SOUTH. .. _ NAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg 1.05- M. arid l eaves " 1620 P. M. NSPRRIIS a arrives at " 2.47 A. 10 and leaves a 3.30 A. 111. GOING 'NditTR. RAIL TRAIN leaves BalVmore at 8:25 A.)11. and arrives at Harrisburg . I.oe P. M. and leaves North at' .... 1.20 P. M EXPRESEi TRAIN leaves Baltimore at........ 800 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg.— 8.00 P. M and leaves North at 8.10 P. HAIM:MIRO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore 8.40 A. M Returaing-4eaves Baltimore at ............. 8.80 P. N The only train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Express Train, South at 8.20 A. M. South. a t For further information apply at the office, in Penn's Railroad Depot. JOHN F. lIHRIDH, Agent. Harrisburg, Nov. 23, 1361.—dtf WINTER' TIME ARRANGEMENT NEW Allt LINE ROUTE MUNN TRLINB DAILY' ._ TO NKW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA • winiour CEUNGE OF CiLES. N . AND AFTER' MONDAY, NOVEM O• HER 4,1861, the Passengei Trains will leave" the nolseielvhle gnu Readistßailroad Depot,.st Hirrliburg; for NeW York and Philadelp hia , as follows, ins EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaves Barrliburg at 8.80 a. m., on ar. rival of Pennsylvania Railroad •Express Train irum the West, arriving in Neei York at 11.5 a.m., and at Phila. delpwa at 9.00 a. Ea. A sleeping car is attached to the tram through from Pittsburg without change. • NAIL TNALN leaves Harrisburg at 8.q5 a. m., arriving in New York at 5.30 p. to ' and Philadelphia at 1.9 5 p.. m. FAST LE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad IF Mail, arriving in ;finer work at 9.50 p. nt,, and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. . WESTWARD. .. . . . ~ FAST LINE leaves New Y ork at 8 . a. 171., and Philadei. phia at 8 It. m., arriving at Hari Isla rg at 1 p. m. MALL TRAIN leaves New York at 1 . 2.. OD noon, and Phil adelphia at 3. 18 p. m., arriving' at Efarrtabarg at 8.10 11. Dm. _ 4 , XPIticEIS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. in., and connecting with the Peunsylvaali Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping oar is also attamied to this , rain Connecuona are made at Harrisburg with trains on the eardisylvantai Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading lbr Philadelphia, PottbVille, Arilltosbarre, Allentown, Easton, kn. !Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and' Etat debugs,: S$ 'OO ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia $3 26 in No. 1 cars, and $2 10 In No. 2. For tickets; or other informationi apply J to • . . CLYDE; General Agent, Harrisburg.. BIBLES ! BIBLES Large and thoroughly complete stock of BIBLES, COMPRISING EVERY VARIETY From the Smallest Pocket to the largest sized and tines FALIKILY BIBLES, Has last been purchased and received from the Fall "Trade Sales. Having purchased these at EXTRIMELY LOW RATES, they will be sold st a very sumll advance• Please call and ezam►ne ON steak at DOWNER'S OREM' BOOKSTORE, ill chat Street "IN.DE - I".E,NDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONg." HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 19, 1861 D W. GROSS & CO., RA, -U , G.;' , G-1-i8 TS ,]i MARKET STREET DRUGGISPS, PRYSICI/OTS, STORE- We: are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS,. Cf[EXICAI4,4 , PAINTS,; earning Fluid and Alcohol, I . l.ard,.Staiwnti and Pine 0111; PERIMMEBT 4 TOILET ARTICLES. selected from the best. manufacturers and. Per timers of Europe and tictis cortntry. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, warm LEAD, • LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, • . WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S • COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES We respetfully invite a'call, feeling, coral 3eut , that cat r- supply the wants of all on t e rms'to tneir satisfaction JONESAND WHITES'S PORCELAIN' TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Saponifier ead Concentrated Lye Wholesale : Agents' for Saponifier, whiChpive se as low, as it can be• purchased in the cities. ID. DJ. Gross H OLESA LP, 14ETAIIL, NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PE'lvlV:',±l. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, varnished and Glues, Dye4tuffs, °lam and . PFtty, Artist Colors and yool.s, Pure Ground Si ifts; Mottles, Vitals and Lamp Giobes, Castile,§oap, Sponges and Corya, &c:, Sc.; &c;~ Sic., Sce:, Ste:, Sick With a general variety of „ .Ij3B —Sgi'"'t is ------ H E,S r it t ” • "(41‘11— OftEr:MP 0 i;.51 eT.S . 1 TEETH 1 TEE'T'H!! RESTORATIVES Of all l kinds, direct from.the Proprietors. L'HAAMWS FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL! OARBOIV OIL Being large purchaser* in these Oils, we can oiler inducementi to close buyers. Coal Oil ... Lamps of the most- improved patterns;! very . . cheap. All ILhARCof lamps - changed to balm Coal 011. FARMERS AND. GRAZIERS, one of you who have not given our. HOME &ND IDATILg POWDERS a' trial know — no tirea superiority, and .the advantage they are ui 'reaping Horses add, otpie healthY and in 1.,)0d condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from . the use of our Cattle Powders by tne increasing. quantity and, quality of milk, besides improiing the . general . health and ap . pearance of their Cattle. our long ea perience in the brudrow gives us he advantage of a thorough knowledge of the rade, and our arrattgements in the . cities ire such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to' our business; on the best of terms Thaulifull'or the iibaret patronage "hestowe on our house, we, hope by strict attention to bwailoat!, a oireful4election of PlT,Rs' 4 laßt 7o l 3 ' at fair pricea,, and the desire to please all, to . . . merit 1a continuance of the favor of a• cliscrim- abating public Alibits'fillt L. CHAVNE. PAIIPANT EU .4 14 0 .8U14.1)E Hoagie Sao, :No. :27 Worth ,A.4l:orci Itrett: 14.11--J013111N4.4 Artiti4DlED 'TO 9! Mindlantons HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION 4 9E11G LILY CONCENTRATEbu , UN 0 FLUID EXIIte.CT . BUCHU, A Positive and Speotlicitemedy - For Di.lea,a.a of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS.. Thi, Medium , : incres-es the power. of Digestion, and °Sefton the. A BRURBENTS int> healtly action, by which the WAT , IRY OR CAI OAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGE, •lENTS - are reduced, ea well as PAIN AND INFLAM ,TfuN, and is gond for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN.. H F. LI4IBOTAYS :17$ rEACtiMPIEIU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits;', of Dhalpailon, Early In• discretion or abuse. ATTENDED W THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Itidigposition'idgairtion; L'oB..Or Power, 1.0213 of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, We .k. Trembting, Horror of Meuse, 9- Waketuiness, innoess LI Vislon Pain in the Back, UUniversal Lsssitude of the Ifueoular fivsiem, tiot Hands, . : • 'illushing of tfle Body, Doxv..iss of the Skin Eruptions on tim Face, PALi II) WOMEN These symptoms if illoW go on, which this med icino invariabiy removiW, mkt foinWa- Ft , lijrlT ePILEPTIC IT'S, • IN isi.E OF WHICH THE PATIPINT MAY SXPIRE. Who can say thatlbtiy are 'not frequirAly folldwed by those €.IdREFUL .I)I4MASt• • • INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the aaus. of their suffering, BUT NOgg WILL COSIF4B:.. THE RE7.O°HB OF THE &NE - AS V . Amd the 3fetaneltd4 Liewhe by Con iimptifiti, •BAAR A • winikss TO ,THE TA13111:01,1fla ABeTRTION. • THE CONzTITUIION ONO .AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAK' EiS, • Requires the aid of ineditihie io levivirat e System; ',Which ilmamonA9 EXISACT BITCHiri 4 . 4 Nti•iaiNY does. A TRIAL WILL cUirire Tag mon essenciAL. FF.SIALDA—FENDLI E3—FEHALEH, OLD OR YOUNG, bINGLJE,' RARBIED,'OLOONTERPLA'- IN MANY AFFECtIONS Pr.OULLAI TO FORiqbPi tile Extract Buono is,uneitioolled by any other atentsidy, 4 in chlOrodlS or R:etOntitin, IrrOgillartty, Painfulniis;, - Or .Simpres n Castomary • Stractittious, Hiceratbd or. •SCirrnous stato the Uterus, - Leueorh®i.Wtiites, Steril ityi.antt for all co imlxints In bleat to- ttte sex, whether arising from, Indisnretitm, Habits of Diasipaiion, or in DECLlATE sza il:c ia tr . "• w r Line: NO FAMILY SlioU,D BE WIfROUT IT I TARR NO MORE BURMA, MitruktY, OR lINPLIASINT IIIDI C6il FOR lINPLROANT AND DANGSROUSDIREASIM.' IIEtHBOLD',3 KriftitCl' BeIMI Doses SECRET all - their Stqige3, ' Little or no change in Diet ; • And no Erposure It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, there ey- removing obstruct' on 3. ' Preventng and Curing Scrictures of tnelitrihra, Allaying ' Pain and Insdanimation, so frequent In the .claps of aiseases,, and expelling all Poisonous, Dsseased worn-out, Afa (Ger.. ' . ' TROIA 'RON TUCKIPANDS E(0 HAVE BEEN IHE vicr,ms OS QUACKS, and who have paid, mart Ins to be cured in a short titne, have found timrsgrejlaani..44-vu...ka-tbaisr.annra . AIABRIAGB. Use HEIMBOLVIS EITRAGCBtrani tOr all affections; Aid dismiss the • • • - , URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in -MALE OR FEMALE, - From whatever:eanie orignatiii r g and`no matter a HOW 143N0r S rANinNo. Diseases 'of these Organs require the aid of IAURETIO. HELMBOLD'S ISUu'HO IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, 'Ahd is certain to have the desired enact 1¢ all Diseases Ott WHICH IT II RITJuktstENDED: ' • Evidence ?retie most reltAble Quid respoittibie altdiunter Vrill'accorapany awl:codices. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, . . iromB to2o yearns standing WiiEE 'Netres KNOWN 76 B,IENCE AND'PANIE; Price $1 00 per bottle; cir tit for $5 00. • Delivered to any address, securely picked from obser tlatiou. • • ; DESCRIBE SYMPTOM'S IN ALL COUSIZNICATIONg •- . . clisi3s.Gutaranteed. I Advice Gratis I AT FID - . . ; Persbnallynyipeared before . me; an • • Aldermari . of tho OW of' Peillidelpeis, H. f. Hamm) Nino' being duly Brim, doth say, his preparations cocLin - nomarentic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege. *tile H. T.•HELLIBOI D. , Sworn and snbeoribed before me; this 23.1 day of No dember,;lBb4a WE P. OIRBERDy Alderman, . Nintu 8t above Race, Phila. Address letters tor couthldu4e 13ELMBOLD,•Ohemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth Bc., Rol: Cueetnuti "%Rai, • BEWARE OF couNilattP9irl.4 AND LINPRINCIP , ..ED DRILLERS, :Who endeavoi to•diiiptrie 'maw oirtim and "100555" Ammar° oN TUE RKPITEITIONATTALVID BY Ifolmbold's Genuine PrepiratiOa Latract Bu ha, 4$ " " Sareamrilla, • " " Improved Ruse Wash - . ; Sold ,by: C. K. D. W, Gross,,_ J. Wyoth, fC. ,A, Bal.avart.., , , . . • AND D ALL RUGY7STI EVERY' vraEAR.: ASK FOR lIEWAROLCPS. TAKE NO OTKEIR. Out out th, a iverUpecniuu apt sand for it' AND AVOID LAPOSItIinAND EXPOSURE. - ; novl3-uly 1111171 Black and second Mourning Ditg.S.S .ctoons, Black and Forbid' Tamlzsi-Cloth,,,Silk alit Wool, /man Blatik'Cluielif Satre, qtallt y, Black and Purple Bag Velours Reps. Lupin's Superior Q tansy 61:drillG3 & Cashmeres, Pia'n Black & B k Si Gray Woested Poplins, ' Mack. kaindestereditatellidaVuths, NeW, Purple and Black Pigured Cabmen/a,: Lupins Extra 6 4 - Alf Weil Delaines, Plain Blink Engli 'lt Chintzes, itsibrior 'm Ake' of ' Alp Lucas, Very. Seat make of 13otimazi nes, Black &z Waite All 'Wool Delaines, Turin Clottia, , ,Nesi - Ai ticlei - Plain Fig urea; tdoltairsi, Second *earning Chintzes, Lelames Str; ilva &a Firma Aittietißis.oit Esti. Nit: emits, hIIPERIOIL Buck Aso Waits Monastic' Silks. do FIIIIMSAND BLACK , do do • A great many additione of . new and desirable articles to the ll& 666 EkeiGNS LINN are made 4ng :16 417 1 Thilibet Slitetvirt, - • Square' - do ' do do and Long French Blanket Shawls, Neat & Broken Bril: du do English Lirepe Veils, (every size,) . • New Style Crepe Veils (very desirable) do sirenedine do, do Shrouding Flannels and Cashmeres, 'do riarametias and Coburge, Black Gaunt'tette aad Gloves, , Grey blixad Gauntlots and Gloves,. Bladk Bordered Haritkeronuila kinds,) Bak and Cottb . v Ilosidryi'(btack ) ' • Sct idouitdog -Collars' an d Slerive4,• • Balmoral Skirts, (suitable for. mourning.) • Our stook of "ALL GOODS OF THIS KIND" . Is now complete and we would reePecthOly the inspection of buyers; CATHCART & BRO:MBR," , noB Next door to the Hirriaburg Bank. MOKE SMOKE. . BAOKS 1.1 1-It not objeciirMatile when' from s CIGAR parshased - as , S DRUG STORE, 91 Market area: .' From our Morning Edition• FROM XISSOURL The Rebels < Persecuting Men and Plundering Irrivate Plopertyl Their Probable Surprise and Capture RAPID ADVkifOR OF GEN. POPE. Gentlemen who left Harney county on Sun day say Clinton, the county seat of that county, Was in the possession of from 6UO to 800 rebels, Most of whom were from Price's camp at Osce ola, and the balance recruits from tne north- West counties. Theft. informants also say that late on . Sun day evening' they - tnet the advance 'guard of General Popes division three. miles- from Olin ton. They think the rebels were entirely igno rant of the ap)roach of our troops and express the belief that they have been surprised and cut off. Osceola is about . twenty-five miles South of Clinton, and if our informant's esti-- mates be correct a very rapid advance of Gene rals Pope and Steele's divibion has doubtless been made upon Price s headquarters. Advices from Lexingtun are to the effect that since Gen. Prentiss threw a few shells into that town the rebels have been very, sdvere towards the Union men, searching and plundering their hbuses and threatening to burn them. CHARLESTON CAfLAGERATION. FURTHER DETAILES. BALTIMORE. Dec. 18. The Norfolk Day Book, of. Tuesday, received by the Old .Point boat., contains extracts from the Uharlesten Courzer and Mercury relative to the fire, but there is little additional to what At Dahl apense ; No IticoOvenie-ce; has already been sent. ! W. B. Russell & Co., owners of the sash fac tory where the tire commenced, say that the establishment had been closed, and the Furnace of the boner 'covered with water before the'men left. The proprietor did not leave for an hour and a half, or more, after the workmen and Yibtat.kkAAdtkaiserzra....6l-4-,rieue circumstances he infers that the fire was set, or was the result of carelessness ou the part 01 nutab-r of country negroes, who had , been quartered under an old stied adjoining his es 4blishment in allowing their, camp-fires to get the better of them After the'breaking out of the fire, the flames continued to increase in violence, and with the scarcity of water, seemed to defy ail human efforts to arrest them. Keeping a southwester-. ly course, the . roaring element rushed through like forked lightning to' commence the work of destruction. in King and QUeett streets the sOne was truly terrible. ;Ruit after roof fell the fire rushed out of the windows and leap-. ed round buildings with an awiully sublime ap pearance. The flames spread right grid 'left, destroying and making clean sweep of the fine residences on Logan, New, Savage, klazyek, abd the lower end of Broad streets;:nor ebuld the work sof destruction and de- &Mat& hair() twin stayed, if it had not been that the tire exhausted itself for • the Want of material. In addition to . the churches already mentioned, as destroyed, there was the quaker Meeting House, on King street. The savings institutions' were burned, and also the large southern, exprcss buildings. The Mills House was only saved through almost super human exertions, and its blackened walls attest the severe trial. The cathedral was rated as one of the finest architectural ornaments of the City. It was constructed of brown stone, in a Very massive and costly manner. , The tine building of the Sister's of Mercy was saved. The atensive foundry and machine shops of Came ibn &Co entirely destroyed,embraced buildings the oflice,erecting shop, machine and luting shop; foundry, blacksmith shop, two boiler shops, pattern store room and iron room, the stock of materials on hand, including a large quantity for Government purp ses, valued at dot leEB than $204,000, is all, gone. The ineu ilinth is not stated. Messrs. McCabe & Narck- els State Cotton Preis was 11160 destroyed—the. Value of the building'and machinery was ninety thousand dollars--the building contained three hundred thousand , pounds Sea Island cotton, in ~Ced, worth $15,000,. Whinging to Edisto Br. Johns, Island planters'; no'insurance. On the cotton press there was an insurance of $2:3,000. It contained; also, fifty-two bales of Upland cot ton. Among the handsome residences destroyed are'those of Bishop Lynch,' 'George 'M. Coffin, Kr. J. B. Heyward, Postmaster' Huger, Miss Bhwman, John Laurens, Dr., Hazyck, • Captain Rutledge, 'John Bunnell, Messrs. Midilletun, McSidg, Gravely and Williams. The Courier says the mOst gratifying incident of the fire wag the zeal manifested by the sl tves, by,their efforts as lirenatin and laborers. The entire population, male and female, worked most earnestly. .subscriptions for the poor sufferers by this terrible conflagration had been opened at the Sank of Charleston, and $2,000 had been - • ;The Commissary General had posted a notice' that food and shelter for those deprived of their Wanes by the sad calamity might be obtained. on 'application to F. S. Holmes, at the Scildiets' Wayside Depot, Aun and Mary streets. :The Mercury, of Friday, says yesterday was a gloomy day for Charieston—business .was uni versally suspended, and with one impulse our community has united in giving sympathy and aid to the victims of this great liublic calamity. The Courier says : "the fearful conflagration that has just passed over our city 'will cause the 'eleventh and twelfth of Deoember, 1861, here after to be remembered as one of those dark, trying periods, which for a moment seem to paralyze all our long cherished'hopes and bright anticipations of the future. We have' been vis ited by one of those mysterious 'dispensations of Providence which we cannot attempt to solve. Our city has received a terrible bloiv which it will take work of years to repair. Let us nerve ourselves then for another start; thankful that we are still left with the same bold spirit and strofg arms to make new and perhaps more abstantial prosperity far our beloved city. NO. 86 Jeppeesox err; Dec. 18. ... di six monk 'l~Mln is One year.. ...... .... _ _OnelSquare, one day.. ........ ..... ...... ... one week 2 00 • TO - " one month . 8 50 Mite" three months ..... .... ....... ... 6 00 Ilki." six months 10 00 44 one year 15 00 ifir Business notices inserted in the Leal Column, or selore Marriges and Deaths, FIVE GENTS Pv.t TX" , RI Int each inserlion.,g6.t. irs. ilar Marriges:and Deaths to be charged as regular - 7erti,em,lits FROM NEW YORK. he Tone of Commercial Letters from.' Englaaid. CALM. AFTER A STORM. I===l NEW Yom, Deo. 18 The E.Viiraing P.ost learns from commircial. letters of the: hi g hest;character from. London that the, British government proposes to see]; explanations of. the Trent affair, and perhaps an apology will be asked for an irregular pro ceeding, but no,i mention is made of, a demand 6.r the surrendei of the Tenet prisoners.. The English writers of these letters hope that the subject wilt be treated by us with patience and & kindly spirit. FROM SAN FRANCISCO, CAL R,eltef for • the Sacramento Sufferers. THE CITY NEARLY OUT OF WATER. Sex Famimeo, Dec. 17 Sacramento is now mostly out of water. In fluential partieft 'of that city have advocated that the money already appropriated - to pay the in. erest on the city debt be used for meeting the expense , of building an embankment to pre vent another inundation. proositivn was defeated through the ac tion of a public meeting, wheel leading citizen's subscribed forty thous-end dollars. The Jan nary interest on the Sacramento bonds will be paid. • The people of San Francisco will send fifty thousand dollars. The markets are excited on account of a possible war with England. MARKET BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, Dec. Cotton firm ; 1,400 bales sold at . 37®45c. elour heavy 14,500 bbls sold at 6 cents decline, State $5 4005'45, Ohio $5 85a5 9d, Southern a 35 7W; 05. Wheat decimeu 1 cent; 14,000 hu.sheis sold, Chicago Spring $1 25@,1 SO, Mil Waukee Chib $1 32@,1 33, Red .$1 590143, White slso ' . Coin ()reined 102 cents; 5000' bushels sold at 65063 C. Polk quiet ; Mesa $l2 25612 75, Prime $8 2568 75. 'Sugar firm at 7*oBt. Coffee firm. Stocks dull and irregu lar : heading 30k, Virginia es 36, lakiLed States clupvn livei of 1874 79. . . • Tr V A. 111313.1 JUST PUBLISHED AND FOE, dALF. AT BERGNER'S CREA.? 330 K STORE, NO. MARKET ,NTRLET; HARRISBURG, PA. Major Genefal MoClellan's Works. i - j - ‘IIE ARMIES OF EUROPE : comprising des crtptious in detail of the Military Systems tit. England, France, Russia., Prussia, Austria, and Sardinta. Adapting their advantages to all Arias of the United States Service. EmbodY tug the Report of Observations in• Europe our lug the Crimean War, as Military Commis,' sign er from the United States Government in 1855. 46.. By Ow: B Mcozeciert, Major-General 13. S. Army.• Originally published under :. the direction of the War Department, by order of Oongress. 1 val. Bvo. illustrated with a. fine steel Portrait and several hundred Engravings.: - $8.50. • • . • This most interesting volume, prepared with . great labor by General McCiamais,•truni copi ous notes taken during his tour of observation in Europe; under orders from the War Depart- anent, opens to the reader much of his own military history and culture.. "Here will be . found his matured views on subjects of imme diate and absorting interests, and the noble . and bold suggestions contained herein he is ndw inpositionto realize, aild is, in. fact, every day applyingin practice. The book is a:strik it:lg prophecy, of which his present position and his assured tame are the bright fulfilment. REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FIELD SERVICE OF THE U. S. CAVAN-. IP( IN TIME OF WAR. By tiso. B. MoCi.sti nazi, MajorrGeneral U. S. Army. To which is. the of instruction fur the U. S. Cavalry, from the'authorized Tacticli, Madding . ' the lurmatiou of regiments and squadrens,-thu. duties and posts of otlicers, lessons in the train ing use of the horse, Illustrated by numerous diagrams, with the signals and calls now in use ; also, instructions for otticers and nun cbuimissioned otlicers on outpost and patrol duty. With a drill for the use of cavalry as ski, mishers 'mounted and dismounted I vol. 12uio. Fully illustrated. $2. • - - E LE ON, ITARRISBIJAG•BRIDGE . aweauel, era a' the thrrbuurg Aridga Cam paay are trere y rerifLed that the Anneal clued oi ALL be hi Id ~ n• MOND - AY, the 6111 yof J neri twee,. the houre of 10 u'elo .k is Ilya fo,ane.,ia and 3 eTelock in the afternoon, tit the lia• tern Vit kleaseof ea d romp..ny in the city at: Barr isdurg, lur tae perpoeo of `eatalug one President twelve D rectors, add one iraaaal'- ei and D.:eratery, for the . eue mug year. • ' ' ' • . . . J W ILLACE, .BARIdsaIIRG BRiD46 CRIIOE, Deeenyaer 2, OWL ELECTION'. • DDLETO WN AN D 'HARRISBURG TU3NPI.IID3O D cti IP>NY =ihe snieattiirceiti to Lu. 5441,,10t0wn and Harrisburg Ti rnpi.e.3 9301. pit.y are hereby Lottned mat the • Lnu.l cleat eu at 1.0 stela on MONDAY, %Meth day of Janaary ricaa , between. , the.hours of 11 o'cluce tn. .010 PAre4 l ) , U a teetuee. to t o B .9,berooon, at the Mikae on the eZrtier'er froA and' Chesnut streets, to this city, fur toe ,ptfr lose of !e , eGant eec PreSideLkt, sib Mauegerd, .9:La one freesorer and retary, for the eneiong year. J. WILLLiCi Harrisburg Thaeraber 2, 1801.,--duisw-at WANTED, . A .purcbaser for a -first otitis Picture xi. Wagon,. Tate wagon is 'trate an* t own) , isnl in g:Akt rotten., with . Isrge sky ligota an ,sidotigtos.. .en Ihti'auparatud and:furniture as of the best and niost 0 ' verdant kind.". I will seal out very chtwat as -taw/4 qul tho buttneee. For farther paruouJars address apply: to • . • , L. P. C.031.FN 11st, .del2-dtt-wit* Petersburg , Ad ant 'cikinty,' reun'w. ``NlilA BU BU Fr ALu HORN, RAW HOMN and 'SHELL DR Fa'SIA'G Ca.Wit6; Ali zte, at liel,Lere2B 01.1.1,0 . A ,D,AFANC,II UrAlit; TOOTH,' NAIL,'CLU al. LATHER and INFANT BRUSHX: 4 34teat'Tiiiiity. t KNILLEWB DRUG AND FANGY *son. sOO