Feitgra HARRES'EUICC PA.. Moodny Afternoon, December 16, 1661, WANTED.-- In a private family a colored boy to make fires and do general errand work. Ile must bring good rec:ommendations ; none other need apply. Apply at this office. I===:l ARRIVAL OF CAVALRY ,I:IC!R§E+3.--Five or six hundred U. S. Cavalry horses arrived here to day, from Derry :ownship, where they have been quartered for some months back. We be lieve theyare intended for Gen. \Vynkoop's caval ry regiment, which leaves camp Cameron to morrow or next day for the seat of war. DAVIS' GREAT PANORAMA of America and the Rebellion, continues to draw, crowded houses at Brant's City Hall. Hundreds were turned away from the door last Saturday everting, not being ableto get even standing room within the hall. The panorama is exhibited again this evening, and we advise all who want to see a really great painting to be on hand. BRETAL ATTACK UPON A Smarm—Last Satur day a man named John M'Cullonch committed a violent assault and battery upon a soldier, longing to Camp Curtin. The affair occurred in South street, and is said to have been entire. ly unprov. ked. M'Cullouch, in his attack, used brass knuckles, with which he inflicted several severe wounds on the soldier's head, and then made his escape. The soldier was taken to the Mayor's office in an insensible condition, where his wounds were dressed by Dr. Martin, after which he *as removed to the military hospital. M'Cullouch was subsequently arrested by officer Campbell, and taken before the Mayor, who in default of bail committed him to prison to an swer. • =IMO Tax CoLunge DAM.—A large meeting of per sons interested in the Fisheries was held at Bainbridge, Lancaster county, on Sattirday, December 7th,lBfil , at the public school house, at which Mr. Emanuel Nagle presided, and A. H. Glatz acted as Secretary. On motion of Dr. rt H. Jones, of Bainbridge, ti committee from the counties of Lancaster, Dauphin and Ye, k was appointed to conduct such correspon dence as might be deemed necessary to further the object of the meeting, viz: the enforcement of the laws concerning the obstruction of the free, passage of fish in the Susquehanna river by the Columbia Dam. .-The President announced the following gentlemen as composing said com mittee of correspondence: John Haldeman, Henry Smith, of Lancaster ; Michael Shelly, John Shelly, G. W. Eiter, of Dauphin ; Isaac Frazer, John Burger, A. Heistand Glatz, of York. On motion of Mr, Glatz, Mr. Nagle,the President of the meeting, was added to the Lan caster county committee. I=l FATAL, RAILROAD ACM/RM.-70R Monday morning, on the arrival of freight train which left this place on Sunday night, at West Phila delphia, 'Christian Wagner, a brakesmen, resi dent of Columbia, was missing. The wheels of the train behind the car he was on (the third from the rear of the train) were examined, but no evidences found of an accident. On the arrival of the succeeding train, however, its wheels were found smeared with blood and with other traces of the missing man. The body was found on the track in the morning below Morgan's Corner, the head entirely crushed and a wound in one side. The remains were brought home the same evening, and the fu neral took place on Tuesday. It is supposed that the unfortunate man fell asleep, the train running very slowly, slipped from the bumper, probably so stunning himself that although he fell clear of his own train, he could only strug gle into the track of the one following. The trains were, as we have said, running slowly, and the two were close together, so that the flagman on the rear of Wagner's train was busy watching for ana showing his light to the fol lowing engineer ; otherwise by the light of his lantern he might have discovered the insensi ble man on the track and saved him from des truction. Mr. Wagner was a young man of steady habits, and leaves a family—a wife and several small children. I=l==l PROP. brCOY'S ORATION.—Prof. M'Coy deliv ered his celebrated oration " On the London Times and the American Rebellion," in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the capitol, before his excellency, Gov. Curtin, a number of military field and staff officers, and a large number of our citizens, including many ladies, last Saturday evening. Among the audience we recognized the venerable forni of ex-Governor Porter, who, although very feeble; from recent severe illness, still desired, by his presence, on this occasion, to mani fest his love and loyality to the Union. He seemed very much interested in the oration, joined heartily in the applause, and at its tar ination, was among the first to congratulate the orator on his success. The band attached to Col. Wm. Murray's Regiment was present, and entertained the audience with a number of lively and spirited airs suitable to the occasion. But we shall not want to report the oration ; nor yet to describe it in adjectives. It was simply grand. Patriotism flashed in every sen tenet, from first to last, and the music of the Union rang through every paragraph. It was received throughout with great applause, and marked satisfaction by the brilliant audience. All were delighted and moved to a feeling that rcolde true, genuine, patriotic love for the Union and the Constitution tingle through every nerve. At the close of the oration the band played the national airs. Several of our leading and most influential citizens have intimated that the oration should be repeated before the orator leaves the city ; many who heard it would rejoice at the oppor tunity to hear it again, and we apprehend the only great trouble would be to keep those away in order to give others a chance to hear. Let our citizens take this into consideration and act promptly in the matter. If possible by all means let us have it over. This sort of medi cine our people can take in large and frequent dozes, the more and the oftener, the better. MUSTERED FOX PAY.—CoI. Wynkoop's cavalry regiment were mustered for pay this morning, and will probably be paid off to-morrow, after which they will proceed to Pittsburg, and from thence Dixi.eward. - - TICE Fos:yr-Siam Ilammicr.—Colonel Knipe, from all accounts, is down on the liquor sel lers. Recently a negro and white man belong ing to Frederick, were caught in camp selling liquor to the soldiers; When each were ordered to receive twenty lashes, well laid on, in the presence of the regiment. The account says that the results of the punishment were appa rent gat evening parade where nine hundred men appeared, instead of seven hundred, as on the day previous: Do.ANFORD'S TROUPE, on their return here Mon day evening next, will be strengthened by sev eral first class singers,and some more musicians, making the troupe still stronger in merit than at the last visit, which was an unprecedented success. We see by our exchanges they are drawing large audiences. They are now en route to Harrisburg, stopping at Pottsvillle, Wilkesharre, and will positively be at Lewis burg on Saturday night, coming here in the train after performance at that place. =:=I1 Bis NA_ME.--The name of the man killed last Friday night on the Railroad, near Camp Curtin, noticed in Saturday's l'aurnitain, was Jana Darrah; of Bellefonte, Centre county, a private in Capt. John Cottrell's company—Company C, Thirty-eighth regiment—now in Camp Curtin. The de,:eased was highly esteemed by all his officers jand fellow soldiers. The day before hils death he asked the captain for a furlough to visit his family, prior to his going south, which was promised him as soon as the regiment re, ceived marching orders. Fearing a disappoint- Ment, however, and anxious to see his family, he left camp without orders, and started on foot for Centre county, intending to return in a few days. The unfortunate man had only walked on t he rail road a few hundred yards above the camp, on his way north, when he was caught by a down train and ran over, causing, it is supposrd, al most instant death. An inquest was held over the remains by Alderman M'Farland of the 6th ward, and the jury returned a verdict in ac cordance with the above facts. The body of the deceased was sent to Bellefonte by his fel low soldiers, where he leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death. \ - tr , . "OUT n Ins Wrrnsasess."-±Att'StuntA Republican, of last Friday says that about a week ago Ben Watson, who runs the locomotive "Wilkesbarre," attached to a gravel train on the southern division of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and western Railroad, while running his train near Oakland station, scared up from the track e bear and cub. Bruin was somewhat in jured by the engine, and the engineer stopped the train, and, with the conductor, immediately started in purSult with the hope of capturing a prize. Bear and cub, however, sought the pro tection of a swamp in the neighborhood, and . successfully avoided all further acquaintance with the pertinacious engineer and the diabolic contrivance - of modern civilization which be manages. More recently, John Langstaff, en gineer of the locomotive "Constitution," at tached to the express train on the same railroad, met with as remarkable, an occurrence in the same wild and romantic locality. While pass ing through the rock cut near Oakland, a wild cat crossed the track in front of the 'engine, and in endeavoring to ascend the rocky side of the embankment, lost its foothold, fell on the track, and was struck by the parallel rod of the engine and killed. That region, we think, wouldprove a perfect "Paradise" for hunters. ..-...... ~-.--. THE OCCUPATION OP HARRISBURG BY OUR ARMY. —Amidst the desolation and strife that has visited our once happy country, and the many heart bleeding.circumstances attendant upon its progress, the citizens of Harrisburg have much cause to be tharikful that the occupation of Maryland by the rebels, prevented only by the far-seeing national Executive, has not brought the war to our own doors. In the absence of the army, our, business is prosperouS and indus try throughout its different avenues is rewarded with happinels and plenty, and notwithstand ing the great advance in dry goods, Urich & Bowman continue to offer the best inducements to buyers, south-east corner front and Market streets. I=l Funs ! Funs ! Fuss !—We have received a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from s2,soiip to $l2, a arge assortment of Cloaks $2,50 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 50c, 75c, $100,:51.75. 60 doz. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. 50 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 17c. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 25 pc. of beautiftd Mourning Delaines, black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 12ic., Satchels Sontags, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. LENVY' s. dell) WAR PRICES.—The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New Yolk, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt collars, scarftees, half hose, jackets, oVeralls, muffins, night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also ladies' callers, cuff setts, under-garments, &c., &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them for durability, ma terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please send your order_; it will meet with promptness and cheap ness, And a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manufictory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next to Hummel & grocery store. Ntm 2thatt6entento. WANTED. T wo competent Bar-keepers and Two Waiters, apply at the European House, Har 6Th burg X l6• risa* GENERA L ORDER, NO. 12 Thr,ADQUARTERS PIIMBYLVANIA. Harnsburg, December 16, 1861. MILITIA, All regiments, or companies, heretofore au thorized to be raised within the State of Penn sylvania, 3f not filled by the 16th day of Janu ary, A. D., 1862, will be consolidated. By order of. A. G. CURTIN, Governor and Cominander-in-Chief. CRAIG BIDDLE. del6-at A. D. C. Pennanthania Datil) elegraph, Illontrap afternoon, December 16, 1861 LIST OF LETTERS RE6IAINING IN THE HARRISBURG POST - OFFICE, MONDAY. DEC. 15, 18111. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. CAI:west'LIST. Anderson, M ' Jones, K Arnold, S Jacox, J Anders, M Jones, F Anderson, H Kend, M J A Albright, lid Kerr, S AdleY, M A Kennedy, M C Andrews, F E Keen, M A Anderson, M Keimer, A Miley, A King, L Betton, F 0 Line, C Beard, M A Lowe, N E Bexler, S Low, H Blesser, K Lyons, M }Meyers, L McClellan, M Bixler, J McGlaughlin, C Black, P .McCafferty, M A Boyle, A McCoy, L A Boyles, C McClure. S E Bock, C . Miller, E C Brown; lit Miller, W F Brown, S Miller, M Bixon, M Minnick, F Burk, J Mader, R Buckner,S Makle, RI Byen, lk Magary, S Butane, S Miller, K Cain, M J Minick, E Carolan, M Meers, M Carlin, M Miller, J H Carter, M Miles, S Crampton, M Mader, C Coonealy, M J Macklen, M E Coy; M A Morrisson, J Craig, A Newcomer, A Davis, Newcomer, 8 C Davis, N Obitz, R Davis, J Park, R Davis, 'S Pell, E Darr, M Patterson, K J Donely, C Perdon, A Donelson, Id Powell, J E Dinkins, M Ray, E Edmonds, .14 F Reed, M Ensiuger, H M Reed, E Eppler. E 2 Roberts, C Ellis, N Rawn, M Entrekin, R Ruse, R Etlar, S Richards,M Etter, M Richwine, A M Etter, 'M A. , Ritcher, M E Ervin, E ' Ryen; M Ensinger, H ' Robinson, B Fesler, R A Rhoads, S C Fi-her, C Ross, E Fasho, S J . Ryan, M Fry, M A Rumbah, 2,1 Flahetty, J Sailer, H Flower, C .. Shriner, J Fost, S J - 500,.t, ~,,i ns, S D Franklin, L Schriver, E Fry, C Schrom, K Frey, M Scholl, lid A Fueman, A. F Schrick, A AS Geager, Ai Sauspan, B Gammon, AI t Schoffner, M ' Garver, E Sherk, C Gillmore, R Shindle, Gooweiler, S J Smead, J R Graham, E Snyder, M M Groff, C Squibb, 0 E Goodman, L Spangler, M Groff, E . Spring, R Green, H Stipe, E Mays, 0 Strohaiker, Al Harper, E Snowden, D Harris, J Stanton, S M Harts, R Stephens, M .. Hartman, M Thompson, A H Etimmelriek, M " Thompson, 'R Hill, M Wagner, R Homer, RI Walter, A Hoffman, SA Wheeler,. S E Hurst, liE Weitzel, J Hudson, M ' Weitzel, M L Hudson, M., ' Woolf, C Hufferd, C Wyant, E Intricken, R Young, K A Irvin, E Allen, G S Arnold, R Albright, A B Anthony, A Anderson, C Anderson, J Alter. D G Armstrong, G Rains, J &skin, - Cr Backus, J C Baskins, L Basehore, S Barnhart, H Baker, W J Baer, H G Uerugner, J Basehore, F Biyney, R Berinzer, J Beggs, 11 T Benitz, C Benedict, P Bennett, J Belford, G W Bell, W Black, T Bilger, D M Blubaker i H Bigler, C Bingiman, J Blinn, M Blanck, W Bonsall, S Booser, J Bolton, L Bowman, J Bolton, L Ports, hi Boilston, Booc, F Breon, G Brown, J Brown, W Bradley, W H Brown, E F Bridges, J U Brenner, M F Brenner, M Bradley, J Brubacher, G Buttiss, F Buokwalter, J Burkhart, J F Brickell, W B Chinkens, G uhalfant, R H Carson, J Carpenter, H F Channett & Co Christopher, A Carter, J Canning, M P Campell, P Christmas, L Clark, W G Clarke, A AI Coever, J Cook, H C Cumpton, J Commes, F Coupples, W Cooper, S S Cole, G B Crowshill, J H Crossons, R Daugherty, 0 Dean, II Dehart, Capt Neu' 'Abuertisemento Yabel, C GIDNTLEMEN'S LIST Dates P Dorsey, W Denning, H Davis, Deither, G W S Denny, S M Dishong, J M Dixon, C A Dickey, A S Dunkel, W H Dyer, Dohomy, P Dolphin, J Danham, H Dooner, J Everso, W 0 Edwards, W H Eller, W H Entrekin, H D Emu, W Etter, B J Eshleman, J • Erb B Eshnar, C B Fields, J W Einney, D A Fitzpatrick, M Faley, P Fessler, G W Farrest, C P Finney, E C Fenstermacker, J Felty, J Flickinger; J Flinn, J K Faley, M (ship) Ford, W R Freeland, A Frankenstein, W Gaon, J Gerbench, E Gipson, W R Gibbons, R Gandy, hi Gnoman, R C Grove, G . Gnevon, J Grover, R L Guinn, W Guar dsburg, E Barrington, J liennery, H I. Handel - levy ' B Hamaker,D B 2 Hamill, b J Hardcastle, J Rant; W Harsh, E Haunel, R Haas, J B Hallett, J Harshbarger, J Hanshue, J Howard, 11 Haas, J Heintzelman, M T Hercher, D Heckard, J Herd, J Histman, A Hirsh, L Hill, A Heitschler, S Holmes, S Hoover, G Hoffman, G Hoofnagle, W H Hooker, J • Hoffman, D F New 22wertiotinents. Hoffman, J N Holmes, D E Rocker, D C Honk, H H Houston, J C Holing, J Hughes, I H Ruling, W B: Irwin, B F Jacobs, A S Johnson, A. Jarrett, H Reniedy, J Keller, J Keefer, S Karper, P Kelltr, J W Keifer, H Kiffer, P Koughfer, W Kalb, G Krum, J Kider, A King, W Levis J C Lawrence, J K Landis, S Lanark, J Lindenmuth, R Lauck, D Landon, G Lewis, Col Lamy, J Line, L Light, J Linton, W Livingston, J Lanord, J Likner, P Liddich, Loucks, J H Long, p Lowry, M B Loyd, W E McClure, J McGuire, J McPhalicher, J McKan, A McClellan, F A McClure, W McGorern, T P McKinney, W McCallum, J McDermond, J MeMeck, H Madden, J Mead, E Merriman, E C Manahan, A G Mayb , nks, W Merrell, L Meeker, H Matchett, J T M.apman, S E Mullen, C Miller, R D Miller, S Miller, B Miler, E Miller, W Michard, W kt Mosel, W Moyer, M Montgomery, B Moore, J B Rosser, J N Morrow, W W Myers, J H Mulgran, 111 F Narreganby, W Nyman, H Nail, H B Olmstead, S L Painter, J Phelps, A Perrin, J Penny, J Patton, S Pane, H. F Pine, J Peeples, W F Piper, J W Price, A P Purviance, S A Prakett, W F Riley, W Rawles, J B Rums, J Rainier, N Reigel, 11. Ramsey, 0 P Raum, G B Raiser, D Reigel, H J • Richards, S R Riddle, S Ritner, J R Richwine, D Rice, A Risser, P Richards, 0 Less, J L Reed, E W Robinson, F H (ship) Rodier, 0 Runkle, M 2 Rhoads, W W Romich H Roberts, D Russell, N Rounds, W Saritz, H Schimpf, Scully, F Schwartz, 0 S Schnver, Schneider, H Scannell, J Searfaus, J Seaton, W Scanlon, J H Sheesley, E Schumann, S Shirk, H B Shim, L C Sherman & Marsh, Spicer, C A Shorno, D Shumberger, 0 Sheesley, J Shaner, J Shaffner, F W Slagel, F Suydam, C A Smink, H Smith, H 2 Sinans, Sauer, M Spangler. W H Spence, F Sponsler, J A Strunk, S . Swope. A C Strominger, D Stichle, A Swartz, A Shone, Quiggle & Co Sterrett, J 8 Stainton, S 2 Stone, W Sturgeon, F Swartz, 0 Stouffer, J Strait, y Thomas, H Thompson, W Thatcher C F Tischinger, B Vanhorn, F H Vauhorn, F B Wagener, F H J Walters, Walter, J B Walker, A DI L Walker, L Walters, H Weaver, G 2 Whitman, .J Ways, J Wartell, W Werthoeffer, F M Wells, W Weaver, J Welsh, J H Wbrine, F Wilson, J Wilcox, B W Wynard, W Winegardner, A A 4 Wilert, J Wise, S Willer, J D Wilter, A Walvington, J W 2 Wolf, T B Woodward, J Wonder, P 2 Worley, W Wolford, D Wyenkoop, J E Tarington, D A. Young, S MILITALLy LIST. Lutz, D H McCracken, P McGough, J A McNeill, H B McClure, W M May, JP Marquart, W H Nixon A H Neill, W F M B Owen, M B Paxson, S H Robinson, G J Reber, C Rogeis J Rome, J L Smith, L Sasseman, L Seip, J AZ Seale, J R Smith, E Spe,ce, H Schoonover, W Shreffier, J ' Stewart, J Streight, Slaybaugh, G W Shirk, 1-1. Torrence, W M Thitesenreth, J P Walter, P B Willett, R T Wheeler, 14 B Weight, A Welfry, S Allen, R Bellew, J Bankens, J Boons, A M BuHers, W Bender, J Boubry, D Boggs, W Brenners, F Cook, C Curry, S W Cupler, S Cartney, W A Campbell, M. Clary, M Cavanagh, M D rues, D R Dodd, C Edwards, W R Fravel,.l Fisher, W Geerheart, E M Groff, F Gillespie, J Graham, J L Gohis, F Hanson, R B Hensler, F Huber, W Hough, G L Highy, C Harvey, E Hoffman, D Hanger Jones, R J Leader, R 0 . Persons calling for any of the above letters will please sty they are advertised. One cent due on each. It GEO. BERGNER, P. M. CHRISTMAS A FINE VARIETY of Felected Goods suitable for Presents now open at KELLAR'S 91 Market street. ERA-COTTA and PARIAN MARBLE VASES TOILET COLOGNE BOTTLES. MARBLE MATCH STANDS. MARBLE SEGAR STANDS. MARBLE ASH-HOLDERS. Dtessing Cases, IShaving Cases, Toilet Cases, unfurnished, Work Cases or Ladies Companions. Splendid Double and Single Hand Mirrors. Beautiful Powder Puff. Boxes. Handsome Shell ILA. All sizes, beet Leather Traveling Satchels, Satchels with Caba Furniture, A fine assortment of Ladies and Gents Purses And Portmonaies. A large lot of Fancy Balls, A Fresh stock of that elegant Confectionary. Also, with other articles not mentioned, PLcket Knives, Thermometers, Canes, Portfolios, Card Cases, deg+rOaeee, began, Pipes, Gum Tobacco, Pouchts, (double and singe,) And the largest and best stock of PEVURERY and TOILET Al TIOLES in this market. 014 KULLEIV3 Dm; and Fancy tstore. NOTICE. . WHERE is you destination, South Car olina? No ! But to CotterePs, Cheap Conteetion• ary Store, No. 101, Market street ' between Fourth and Nit lb streets, where may be seen the largest assortment of Fine confectionaries, Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, &c.. for the Holidays. Sive him a call, and ea amine for yourselves. del4.l:l2w* GOLD PENS !: .GOLD PENS! r i - I HE largest and most varied assortment o I_ GOLD PENS is for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE : ALL PENS WARRANTED. - CHRISTMAS BOOKS ! Alarge collection of BOOKS suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS has just been •re ceived at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOkSTORE. BOONS FOR CHILDREN 1 IF you want to get suitable BOOKS for your Children, go to BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. 1 000,000 ENVELOPES 1 AN immense stock of ENVELOPES of every 11 . size is now opening at _ BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. FOR SALE.-ONE SINGER SEWING MArHIME iu working order for $27. Aho Family Sewing Me,:hine (new,) $3O. Eulnire of D. W. Mechanicsburg, dunitiorlandeounty, Pa. del3-Iw* TO THE YOUNG MEN I:T . PENN'A. .ITAVING been authorized to recruit a Regiment Pot tne Volunteer service of Penneylva uin we have e4neluded to make it a regimen c t.f "itharp hooters"—r fl.3ineu—reernit d from the State at large We want TEN goof able nodied yi.ung men lreua each county. so auto have every portion of the State fail and equally repre-ented. Those desirous of serving their country, of fighting u oder and to nur good old Pisa, have mow a stile did - oppor tunitv ofllfre them We intend to make alba “Ctta OE KMGIHbNf;"tf possible the hest la the service of our noble Commonwealth. en id substantial uniform , will be turnlstied as soon as the men reach Cam. , and a e bworn Into toe s •fr , fice. Tao Regiment will be armed With Mune or Flume sines wits S:asse'PATustas. Tho-e de-irleg to enlist. as ' , Ohi ively ony TEN will tie taket from each (foamy ;a the Sate, tad belt -r revurt imam ateiy any tiapi er the 20 , h of De.fember to W *owe, Harrlktb.. g, ea any or all mfmtra °sift= d last moieties Pia be answe *eft spe-dily nil coutittee natty. W. W. 4f cap . 3.—.4.11 papers favorable to the camie will please copy. del3 d 4 w ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CAKE% `llH+ SE Weight Carts are ce, titled by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. Oonsuiners can weigh their coal at their oan doom It is of greet lm pertain: , during these hard times tor every-one to Irmo* that they GAT THEIR PULL HONAFIT WEIGHT. A large supply of Coal always to he found on hand. viz : LYKENS VALLEY all sizes. BALTg. CO'S WILICsEtAtt RE, all sizes: LOsBZIRRY COII., (the &tame aracle,) Sold by the car load or single ton All coal of the best quality, aelivered free from all im puritks AT' PAIOES TO SUIT THE TIMM!, by tile host or car load, single, halt or third of tons au i by tae JAMES al. WELICELBR. Harrisburg, Nov. 6,1861.—y PRESERVE YOUR LEATHER AND KEEP YOUR FEET DRY. ONE BOX OF FRANK MILLER'S • • LEATHER PRESERVATIVE AND WATER PROOF OIL BLACKING WILL LAST AN OUT-DOOR MAN ONE YEAR, sircosm 25 C.ENTS, — Eigi A ND save more than four times its co /I. in the durability,of leather, and greatly contribute to health aad comfort.. FOR HARNESS, see inside label on the cover of large size. For sale in Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., No. 19 Market street ; Eby & Kunkle , corner of Fifth and Mar ket streets ; Wm. Dock, Jr., & Co , Market street ; Jacob Buehler, No. 29, Second street,. and J. 0, Kimball, Mar ket str et. dens-dlm-w4t. ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! A large and fresh assortment of Goods, Suitable for presents, among which will be foudd A splendid stock of Furs, (all kinds lust made, ) A large line of Embroidered Collars Sleeves, ate., A great variety of Shawls, (at low prices.) A lot of Ncw 9iL. e-1.0 .ms Goods, Arc., Every kind of Ladies, Gents, and Misses Gaul:Heim and Gloves, Ladles and Genta Hakfs —large sock, Gents Cravats. Neck Ties, Collars, &c., Ladies, Gents and Misses Kid Gloves, Nnbles, Caps. I eggins, Armlets, Sc. A LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE 'lO OUR STOOK Or MOURNING GOODS. Bargains in Goods of all kinds can be had at CATIIC ART'S No. 14 Market Square, dell Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. PORT FOLIOS! WRITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE WAN FED, A good Tennant tor a large farm near .Northumberlaad, containing about 300 acres with good improvements, fountain at the Hous • and Parn.— Church and School House couvenint, a liailLo.ti I main= though it 180 Ivrea cleared, 30 acres go al river bottom suitable •or raising truck, a person who understand. 'frees harming as well as raising Wtiett and Corn wunia be preferred; good re erence will be required. Address A. L., Ilarrianurg, P. U. dell alOt A. HUMMEL, DRALICE IN SADDLES, TRUNKS, HARNESS, HOUSE COVERS, and BUFFALO ROBES, Corner of Fourth and Market streets, deto.dlw Harrisburg, Pa. HAVING rdturtted from the city with ow usual varety of CPOICK GOODS for the HOLIDAYS, We weal respeetfu Iy invite au easy tall, feeling it t be to the intrreit purehahere.. /..memb,r og aria F.ncy Store. 91 Market street. dell) WM. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, GIFTS I PIANOS, MELODEONS, ACCORDEONS, FLUID?), FIFES, GUITARS, VIOLINS, and MUSICAL MERCHANDISE IN GENERAL PETOREI AND LOOSING GLASS FRAMES, OVAL AND SQUARE ROSEWOOD AND GILT, SHEET AND BOOK 11111S1a del . WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY EIRTWIUM HARRISBURG and PH I LADELP H 1 A Wm. E. Bork, Agent, 812 Barka area, Phikow phia, formerly Livingston te Co. cri pecial tionduotoi in charge of each • 'train. ';cods deliverer) at the Warehouse, Philadel. Ana. at 4i4 o'clor:14 P. ii alit he dell /ore,' in Elirrie erg next morning. J. WALLOWA Rt., Agent, , Jet Can , . Romdin . oannt Flgorrichm, DRIED SW EhT CORN (SHAKER) EGMONT, GRITS, BAMP, BEAM, PUS, 0840BIIIRRMs, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PRACIIRB Fresh Peaches, On oar's.) • " Tomatoes, " " Corn, &0., Just metre and for sale by lon Nun -2Chertigmtnts COAL!!! CHRISTMAS ! DEALER IN WY. DOCK, Js. & CO. Illiattllantous JUST OPENED! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR GALRIES, MADE of Good Tobacco ant from one to two years old, of my own manufacture. A floe of of choice Chewing and Smoiting tonaceo, Pipes, &tiff end a large variety of other mates constantly on hand wr sale wholesale and remit. lhanktut for former pat- Nsuage, I neve by- strict attention m Onziness to receive a liberal share of the ilr..de A tine BMOSI i.g Room attached, where customer 3 may lay back and teat my Szigi.rs en. To , iacco Don't forget the window w th the Sup in it; that is the place to buy your Tooacco atm e _ars. North Market .iituare, above ket street, Hirrrourg. Deo. 4, 1861 —Om WM. WYKOFF. SOLDIERS' NICK NACZ'S, F OR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Rdzor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pock-t Combs, Fiue Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Toba , co Boxes, " India Rub er Tobacco Pouches, Wicker. Leather & Piatina Flasks, Leather DriuSieg Ca d s. ?ens, Penholders, Peuoih, 'ap r, andEurelepts , Soldiers will see at.a ghat' Ihe plane to .k et an .aus. in email war s 6 at AO 91, Market street. agrz;ea "Fort Pick ns" la .he wino THRtE STE al ENi4IN.-I,b FUR -SAL NE undenogned offers fur gale ONO Nh.W 30 E sEDIE, .nd two second Hand ensine, of sw.ner The engines wol be anal she 1p reah ur APPr.VO , paper. Apply a the steam En gm.. Works, -mai street, betwem Wuiout SaLla M.rcet, tinrrntnag, Pa. JAWS M ; 7Z - n092-d3w-w3t REMOVAL. WM. BREIT&NUER has rem ved his restaurant from tne cor.mr of Dewbe.ry .Iley tad Nar et street, to the noose former' occupied by the ••tted Lion hotel" in Mar et street between oewberry easy and third street which be has refitted threngbont in the !awl beautiful manner, and ‘4.3 now prepared to forntah as timid, oysters and all the delicacies of the season, in that recherche style widen has distinguished his establishment from the time of brat opening - N. B —Private 'Rooms have aeon nixed up for the ac eommodation of Ladies and families. Entrance next door to the main entrance. novlS-d1 m NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, N. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Postonice.) 11.11 E undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ail kinds of Gents Wear, cut to the latest styles and fish - ions. We have always on hand a large stuck of Ready made clothing and Gentleman's Furnisning Goode. nog-d3en H. StIELLENBRROAR & BRO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— Fits, Dates, Prunes, Raisins and Nuts of all kinds.— Fresh and ::al tFish, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices Ta basco, Segars and Country Produce in general, Market street, next door to Parke House, also coraer Third and Walnut streets. seta-dont JOHN WISE. CIEDER L FEMALE SEMINARY _ ON PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, NEAR blonr Jo; Lazt- CANTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA.-111. Fiftieth Semi-annual zeesion of tnis Institution commenced on the first Wed nesday (6th) of Norember. For Circular and Catalogue, apply to N. DODGE, A. M., Principal, Ceder Hill, near Mount Joy, Lancaster county, Penieyl. yenta tie3.2was LATEST NE WS. NICEIOLS & BOWMAN having just re tamed from the East wan an extenzive and wel ewes of goods, parchaeed for emu, respee. fully Invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to call and examine their New t30011}3 at the old stand tOrinerly On copied by V. Hum nal, corner Front and Market. streeta t Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFhE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels end sock; BUCK- W HEAT and COHN -MEAL ; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds; SAL I', Coarse and fine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Ungiouud, trash Iron the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; ItAlslN 8, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED lettUl WAYS, Common and Fdricy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE; CIGARS, beet Lit Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smutting and Cuew , ing ; QUEESSWARE ! QUEENSWARE Xleastve assortment of ail sty I a, and taverns and ,noes. ma extuniue our SArcx of tioous at the 411 lasale and liat.a. tituccry, 51 au and P. 0v.5,,,n Sure, Winer Frost and I:priclA -- o..ntry PrJouc FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1 KRINGL E . S Ii&AD QU AiltrEftSl - OPENED, AT NO. 75 MAnK. eT BEET, next do..r Zeigler 8 1.1qa.,r e, a large au well 681- leCtea aBbortmeaL of rid X.S, C 811, a we lor panic. and nolway .preau,..t4 Ine 613/13,110LL exri- Jra •e+ m p ,rt LaDIEs BASKETS, PAYEE HOUSES, SEAR r WETS, EAITIAS, TOY SWORDS, GUNS, CAiiFS. DOLLS, of great 'gaiety, ALINA.TUHF, CHINA TEA SETS, WHAI2-NOT uRNALENT6, MINA I UHEitiUzIcALINSIMUNIENTS, maz...euEi-us3 FRENCH Ai`, D AMEELLAN CONFECTIONS, eaUN RAI3INS, CIGARS, Together with a greet Willa" or articles too n9nierolui 4.0 Me del4)-d J )NES $ WAGSoNet, PORT FOLIOS—WRIPING DESKS. N entire new assortment of these useful ar- A tides just opened at BEhGNEWS Cheap Bookstore, FAMMS,S. O! OATS ! Cash paid for Oats by JAMEd WaSIOLER. bov6-dif BLACK.LN ! MA801%; '6' "CHALLENGE BLACKING.' 10*) G-oa!, ascirted sizes, just received, and Far azue.t Wbuiessie prices, dell nns tf QM WY. DOCK, Jr., & Oo