ai'lli'-'l' - " P. 't.itgrapl, HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, December 14,1861. FOURTH STREET BETHEL. —Owing to the ab sence of the Pastor, Rev. J. Colder, to fill an engagement at the State .Normal School, the 13ethel4ii)pit will occupied to-morrow Morn ing by Rev. Joseph Gregg, of the Ridge Avenue M. E Church, and iri the evening by Rev. W. S. Wood, of the Baptist Church. I=l THE CHURCH BELLS —By the arrangement be tween the pastors of our city, the bells of the several churches will be rang for the services to-morrow, as follows : ' Morning— Bells ring at 10.15, services com mence at 10.30. Evening—Bells ring at 7, services commence at 7.15. I== A SULDIED KILLED DY rim CARS.—A soldier, whose name we could not learn, said to belong to Camp Curtin, was' ran over by the cars on the Pennsylvania .Railroad near that camp some time last night, and instantly killed. His mangled remains were found on the railroad track this morning, and taken to Camp Curtin for identification. ICE —The weather for two or three days past has been so cold that ice is formed in the gut ters every night, and in an exposed position fre quently remains all day. Some of the ponds in the suburbs have been frozen to a sufficient thickness to bear people, and some ambitious youths have already ventured to indulge in the healthy exercise of skating. The indications are that an abundant crop will be gathered by the ice dealers this season. l=:=I DAVIS' GREAT PANORAMA OP AMERICA AND THE REBELLION.— Davis—a IlinTisburg artist has achieved wonders, and is, as he deserves to be, meeting with the most flattering success. Another crowded house greeted the exhibition of his great panorama of America and the Re bellion at Brant's Hall last night, and the indi cations are, that if his arrangements permitted, it would prove a drawing card for a week to come, so great is the anxiety of the public to witness its gorgeous beauties. POLlCE—Mayor's Office—Sarah Price, (colored,) was arraigned, charged with threatening to kill one Julia Robinson, also colored. Discharged on paying cost's` and givin'g bail 16' keep the peace. Boles Moore, (colored,) was up charged with threatening to kill a sick colored man. Re manded for a further hearing. Several soldiers were arraigned for drunken ness and disorderly conduct; and discharged with a reprimand. I=o=ll THE FIFTH ARTILLIRY:—Three companies of this fine regiment of regulars, as we stated in lasteveuiug's TELEGRAPH, are-quartered at Camp treble, near this city, under the command of Capt. Seymour, oue of the most competent offi cers in the army. Their parade through the city yesterday elicited much praise, not only.for the fine healthy appearance of the men, but for their proficiency in drill, and good appoint ments generally. The men are comfortably lodged at camp, and no regiment in the service is better provided with ereyything calculated for efficient action than the Fifth Artillery. Young men, who desire to enter the service, would do well to consider the advantages of en rolling themselves in this fine regiment. I=l RETURNING TO FIRST PRINCIPLES.—We under stand that in consequence of the increase in the price of coffee, many of our farmers have gone back to the custom of their fathers and are us ing Rye as a substitute. It is said equal quan ties of Coffee and Rye make a very good bever age, but we don't believe it. Wheat is also coming into use. If it is first boiled and dried then roasted and ground the same as coffee. It is said to make a pleasant and wholesome drink. It has economy to recommend it. The cheapest plan is to use cold water, but people who have been accustomed all their lives to drink coffee, find it as difficult to take to drinking water, as it is to quit chewing tobacco. During the war of 1812 a good article of coffee sold at 33 cents ; it is now up to 25 cents for the best. 1163IEMBEIL THE POOIL.- - For though to-day; you may be revelling in all the luxuries that money and friends can command, to-morrow's setting sun may find you a mendicant at the door of charity. Though to-day all may seem sunshine and happiness to you, to-morrow may bring its howling blast, and storm clouds may well up in your path and engulph you in their vortex. Perform the part of the "good Sa maritan"—visit the children of poverty in their lowly dwelling places—minister to their wants and necessities—for by those little actions you will not only prevent much suffering that would otherwise occur, but will be carrying out the golden rule "do unto others as you would that others should do unto you." You will, too, feel much happier and better for having fur thered the ends of charity by the performance of a kind action towards your poorer neighbors. THE CrneF OF POLICE. Officer Barney Camp bell has not been appointed Chief of Police, hav ing as we distinctly stated in yesterday's TELE GRAPH, only been "honored by the Mayor with the right to flourish the badge of that office. It seems that a few of officer Campbell's friends in tile neighborhood of the depot, knowing him to be the only active policeman under the orders of the Mayor, were naturally led to believe that he was the chief officer, and in a quiet way they proceeded to have the badge manufactured with the words "Chief of Police" engraved upon it, which they formally presented to Barney as a token of their esteem for his vigilence as a policeman. When these facts became known to the Mayor, his honor, fully appreciating the spirit that prompted the donation, and not wising to interfere with the intention of the liberal donors in the premises, very kindly permitted officer Campbelfto wear the badge, the more especially since in the absence of a regularly appointed chief, this gentleman is performing the duties appertaining to that office. As previously stated in the TELEGRAPH, the Mayer has postponed the appointment of a regular Chief of Police for an indefinite period. WOOD AND (CAL.---A large lot of pine wood has jbst been received at 0. D. Forster's coal yard, at the canal, foot of North street Orders left at the coal office, No. 74 Market street, will be promptly attended to. • I=M=l Ho! FOR CHRTSTICAS.—Toys in endless variety to please the little folks can be had at the cheap variety store of S. H. Ettla, Second street above State. Prices from one cent up 'to a dol lar. Call and examine them, and save money. I=o=l FLAG PRESENTATION.—His Excellency Gov. Curtin presented one of the State flags, author ized by the last Legislature, to Col. Maxwell's regiment this afternoon. The presentation ceremonies took place at Camp Curtin, and were witnessed by a large concourse of people. Col. Maxwell's regiment is undev marching or ders, and will leave to-night or to-morrow. I==l INTERESTING TO IRON MEN.--41 may interest our iron men to learn that the Navy Depart ment invites proposals for furnishing, fitting and securing to vessels of war iron plates of three inches thickness and fifteen and a half feet in length, to have planed edges and counter-sunk:h.:lles ; to be bent to the shape of the vessel from stem to stern, and fastened to the timber with conical-headed bolts of one and a hall inches . in dilmeter. It is understood that the Department designs to thus clothe vessels of war with the least possible delay. I===l PROF. MCCOY To-NranT.—The oration on "the London Times on the Rebellion and the War for the National Constitution," will be delivered in the House of Representatives at the Capitol this evening, commencing at half past seven o'clock. • It will be superflous to urge upon our citizens the propriety of attending --there can be no doubt of a full house. All who have heard of this;great oration will avail themselves of this opportunity 'to hear it. Let all the standing room in the hall be occupied, and every citizen who hears will iejoice and feel glad that he was of the audience. His Excel lency Gov. Curtin will,preside, assisted by the- Heads of Department ; and Col. Murray's regi mental band will be .present and. furnish the appropriate music' for the occasion.,, Tickets have been left at the principal hotels and book stores. Admission 15 cents, to defray expenses. THE WIDIEBRENARIANS ix Prrmitrao—A Female Pastor.—The following, from the _Pittsburg Chronicle of yesterday,- will interest a - large por tidn of our readers in this locality who are con neked,With the denomination alluded to The great mass of our people are innocent of the knowledge tliat a woman is now pastor of a small but growing congregation in Pittsburg, and is discharging the duties of the 'sacred office with a zeal and faithfulness worthy of inaita don. We refer to Mrs. Beecher, of the Wine brenadan Church. Two. months since, this lady, and a few of her followers,' rented - the Old Aslibury Chapel, on Townsend street, near Col well street, Sixth ward, for the purpose of es talilishing a congregation of their peculiar faith in this. city. Meetings hair° been held -every evening, for' preaching, prayer and prai-e, and large audiences have generally attended, moved more by curiosity, however, than by any 'other feeling. The labors of the pastor have not been without their reward, for, we are informed, that she has now between thirty and forty commu nicants. A gentleman from the eastern part of this State, named Hickerwell, assists Mrs. Beecher in her arduous labors. The Winebre narians are little known, but, though small in numbers, they are entitled, we suppose to, re cognition as one of the many divisions into which the Christian church is unhappily sundered. 1 Their doctrines do not differ materially from other evangelical denominations. In worship 1 they resemble the Methodist, but in church government and discipline, the Winebrenarians are different trom all others, in their leaving members genet ally to be governed by their own consciences in judging what is right and wrong. The prime distinction of this denomination is their practice of "washing the feet" before the pulpit, in presence of the whole congregation. This peculiar rite they find ample warrant for in the , holy Scrietures, and it is administered at the set times appointed for the Lord's Supper, the women bathing the feet of their own sex, and the men doing the same. the Winebrenarians have two other small congregations in this immediate vicinity, one in Birmingham and another in Temperanceville. There are also two more, we believe, not far distant, at Bethany and West Newton ; at least we know that revivals have been held at those places. Mrs. Beecher is well.known to a great number of our citizens, and is highly respected. She was born in this region, married here, and is now a middle-aged widow, with a grown up son and daughter. Her style, of speaking is very vehement, and both hand and foot are liberally used to enforce and impress the lessons uttered. The matter of her sermons and ex hortations is plain, and the hearer leaves the church more impressed with her apparent sin cerity and earnestness than with anything else. zdrs.:Beecher has, however, an extraordinarily powerful voice, which, when raised to a high pitch, fills the "Old Asbury" to a sense of pain fulness, and she is said to possess in a large ue gree the power of persuasion. She has been preaching at different towns for a period extend ing over five years. Protracted meetings are held every night by the Winebrenarians in their new house of worship, and in a few months, apparently, Mrs. Beecher will have quite a Tee pe.ctable congregation in Prtsburg. Funs ! Funs ! Fuss !—We have received a new supply of Furs, Muffs and Fur Capes, from $2,50 up to $l2, a arge assortment of Cloaks $2,50 up to $B. 25 doz. Hoop Skirts at 50c, 75c, $lOO, $1.75. 50 doz. of Undershirts and Drawers white and grey mixed. . 50 doz. of white ribbed Stockings at 16c and 17c. 40 pc. of white, yellow and red Flannel. 100 doz. of Men's woolen Socks, at all prices. 25 pc. of beautiful Mourning Delaines, black and purple. 100 doz. Lady's Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs from Auction. Together with a large lot of other Goods such as Blankets, Shirt Breasts for 12ic., Satchels Soutags, Alapacas, Paramattas, Sets of Sleeves and Collars, and 200 Towels at 12c. Please call at S. LENT'S. deb) WAR Pnicss.—The undersigned offers the fol lowing goods 25 per cent cheaper than can be purchased in New York, Philadelphia, Harris burg or elsewhere, viz : Shirt collars, scarftees, half hose, jackets, overalls, muffins,- night shirts, undershirts, drawers and shirt bosoms ; also ladies' callars, cuff setts, under-garments, &c., &c. The above goods being my own manu facture, I guarantee them• for durability, ma terial, &c. All of the above goods I will make to order or from sample. Please send your order ; it will meet with promptness and cheap ness, and a good fit guaranteed. N. B. Always on hand a large assortment of Irish linens. Please call and satisfy your selves of the fact at J. A. Lynn's Harris burg cheap shirt manufictory, No 12 Market street. Rooms next to Hummel & grocery store. Ptungplvania Mailv (Telegraph, Saturbap lfteracton. nerember 14, 1861 THE LAST ARRIVAL.- But later than the latest yet, Brought in by steam propellers, That flew along their iron track, And landed safe at Keller's : Goods suitable for holidays, All sizes and devices, The finest in the market, At the very lowest prices. Call at No. 91, Market street, and examine for yourselves. d2t. HE 121BOLD'S EXT R T BUCHU, . 'I LIE GRE ,T DIURETIC . fiELMBGLD'S E 't TRACI GUCHU. THE G'REsT DIURETIC • TIELREOLG'S EXTR.I.CT BUCRU, Tan G , EAT DIURETIC. HEltial , h•D' • EKTELACT BU :ffli, THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a ro.;i Ice au., Specili. Remissly Da 146CliSeS Of the Gla,Rlcr, Kidnep, - - (ir“vei, I TOp y, Organic Weakness, • An! all Diseases of Ihe Urinary Organs. Sus Adrertis.etneott In another column. Cut it OUT, and .3,,L...1 ior.' the Medicine at onue. • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. uoirt3.a2m. li Alit DYE! HAIR DYE 1 Wm.' 1. Batcheior's Hair Dye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dye known ! • AU others are mere itnitatlons, and ~hoold be avoided iryou wish to escape ri doule. I GREY. RED ~/R RUSTY HAIR dyed inotauily to a beawilul and natur..l Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. Fi..FfEEN ii DAIS AND DI PLMIAS have been awar ded to Wis. BATOOELOR 'l3 !S 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made tt the hair of trio patrons of his famous Dye. TVw. A. 11%,TC.J.ELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to .be di-itirienisliea fro II nature and is WAR:IEIII'ID not to ipjur tie least, however long it m be contin ued, and at.; to tents of bad DJes remedied." The hair isinvigoraiddilbi life ibis ' splendid Dye,.whieh is prep -9r4 apl.:kd at No. 16 -toad Street New York. all the sito3 end to , vms •S the United Statea, by IDiugeisia and Faust, Goods 'balers The Genuine has the aume William A. 13atelielor sod. addresq upon a. steel plate . engraving, on the four :idea of each box. ocl2-lowly OR. DUPOfsh:ol GULDEN PILLS fL,Ft FEMALES 4 .itea..l the fa .to lug certificate" from one, of ,t be first ladies iu Lriica, N. Y., who called upon Lay :agents in that ci y (fir , Cut. Bristol ttr. C 0.,) and told thorn that she, of eouree, did not wis' her intaFi mode public, but if any .The should uoulit the wuu.erlulefficiencyof Lot. Dol'oN co's Golden Pula, they might refer auy Lady to her, as she cousi,ered it a duly, as well as a pleasure, to her .mowletli.te of their efficacy, as administered to her diMghter, a soons ady 17 years 04. ,he was fast go ing into ,on: , n—has taken cold—nature became o , ,s.rumed Two ' bests of these Golden Pills entire. IV cured her, and sue is now to r health . . 4 , We. were vorticular in buying the genuiue. Full and explWit direbtlibbi ..ccompanyttig e.cli box Price - $l.- - , ,t1 w.ole,ste and ',Lail by U. K., (,t,) tiEglirlte e,q, (sole agent for) Harrisburg, By sculling huh $1 00 through the tlurciaburg Pust Office the PibO will re sent contitieutially by mail to any part et tue couctry;••frea of postage." N. .I—int;ii out or ab tioablen sine tinbee to sigbed S. th.HOwe. others is a base tutposiLiou aud utts.ilo; therefore, ion value your lives .nd health, (to say nothing of be lug humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those rho show the signature of S. D. Howe on every bux, vMe'n has reoeutly urea +.•!rind nr ‘,.cunt ot the .a - molcr ;eau lii ingredioetS composiug the above Pills ,Lre made KI:104411 to every fluent, awi they are safe, dud will perform all claimed for them. Sal aISO by, T. Li Lumbergur, LebAnon ; A. J. Kaufr. man, Sttuti.tnicsburg ; NI. Niarki:, Lewistown ; S. Elliott- Judea ,• S. G. << lid, A rwviile ; J. C. Auiek, Snippet's, burg ; J Spangler, Cb tmuersburg ; E. T. • Hier, York ; J. A. ,cOlf, jgh. Wale S. S. Stevens. l'etding ; and .t. P. Hunter Reading" and by "one druggist" In every :own and in the United States, and S. D. HOWE, Proprietor, New York. 11301 PRESERVE YOUR LEATHER AND KEEP TOUR FEET DRY. ONE BOX OF FRANK AfILLER'S LEATHER PRESERVATIVE WATER PROOF OIL BLACKING WILL LAST AN OUT-000R MAN ONE YEAR, AtarCUsT CENTSivEk A .ND save more than four times its cost iu the durduility of leather, and greatly contribute to imalth aa , l comfort. FOR. HARNESS, see inside Label on the cover of large For sale in Harrisburg by D. N. Gross & Co , No. 19 :Market street ; Eby & Sutnsle, corner of Fifth atm Mar ket street: , ; Nm. HJek, Jr., &Co , Market street ; Jacob Buehler, No. 29, Second street, and J. C. Kinab.:ll, Mar ket sir et. delY-dltu.w4t* NICUOLS & BOWMAN having just re tarned from the East with au extensive and we) astound stone of goods, purchased for east), reopen fully invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vitautty to call and examine thew Now boOds at the old stand tormerly oc• copied by V. Hummel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTAIOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and fine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENIS, NUTS, DRIED FEUIIS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing; QUEEN SWARE ! QUEENSWARE I Extensive assortment of all styles, and patterns and prices. Call and examine our Snack of Goods at the •lesale and Retail Grocery, Fruit and Provision St oPe, corner Front and Market streat, Harrisburg, P/4. Country Froth/0 taken delo ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! A large ano fresh assortment et Goods, t'uitable for presents, among which will be foun A splendid stuck of Furs, (all kinds lust made,) A large line of Embroidered Collars Sleeves, we., A great variety 01 Shawls, (at low prices,) A lot of New •iil,s—Drers Goods, BE%, Every kind of Ladies, Gums, and Misses Gamic= and Gloves, Ladles and Gents Mikis—large ock, Gems Cravats, Neck Ties, Collars, &c., Ladies, Gents and Ifi,ses Hid Gloves, ' , Nines, Caps. I eggins, Armlets, 3:0. • BLACKING lASO.N '6' "CHALLENGE BLACKING.' 100 G. assenud sizes ; just received, ae,cl fot Sale Wholessie prices, dell WM. DOGS, Jr., & Co. The last arrival we have had, Brings us the information, That ingland's anger is aroused Against this Yankee nation ; Because two traitors have been caught, On board an English mailer, By one of Uncle Sam's fast - ships— A real Yankee sailor. Shame noisy, boasting Alhia, . Our cause you have derided, and now you'd act the coward's part, To fight us when divided. But we can whip you even yet, As twice we done before like fun, So you : can meet us when-you will, And we will make a John Bull run. Wholetp Faqt au - , 81. Barclay. St., Late 233 Broadway, New York 1 OAR r) TO THE L9.DIEB Nap Zhvertisenunts. LATEST NEWS. LARGE ADDITION HAS BEEN MADE TO OUR STOCK ON MOURNING GOODS. Bargains in Goods of ail kinds can be had at OATH() %KT'S - - NO. 14 Mark. t Square, Next door to the Harrisburg Balk dell N eti) lbertisntents A. HUNI M E , DEALER IN ' SADDLES, TRUNKS, HARNESS, HORSE COVERS, and BUFFALO ROBES, Corner of Foirtb lila Market struts. Harrisburg, Pa. CHRISTMAS ! HAVING returned from the city wilb bur usual variety of CPOILIE GOODi for thy HOLIDAYS, We wou d rvpectfuly invite an early call, feeling h t be to the intereat f purchm-era. hemenaber KELLE4 , :' ug and Fancy Store 91 Market street, WM. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, =I PIANOS, MELODEONS, ACCORDEONS. FLUTES, FIFES, GUITARS. VIOLINS, and MUSICAL MERCHANDISE IN GENERAL PIL TURF; AND LOOKING. G L &Si FKAMIS, OVAL AND SQUARE ROSEWOOD AND GILT, SHEET AND BOOK MUSIC. dell-2wd THE WAR AGAINST THE HIGH PRI.CE FOR BOOTS AND SHOES ! BROKE OUT IN A Mg 3E' P IA AL C, ID I 11:11] subscriber has taken the STORE ROOM Lately occupied by JAMES R. K EMBLE, CORNER OF MA REEF AND FOUR.TH S7REE7S, Where he is prepared to tbrow HOT SHOT AND SHELL In the c mtp of the enemy who refuses to come down to MAP 0015 on the 800 f Ann SHOE question. He has en. gaged the services of Mr. r. F, ~SWARTZ, long and fa. vorably known in the ioct and Shoe business in this city, who, no civil engineer;; aiIC RIIN THE MACHINE On the same plan that has enabled the PHILADELPHIA . CHEAP STORE Torun such a career of triumph All kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES. : On hand, AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, AND NO MISTAKE! J. C. KIMBALL. BOOTS - AND SHOES A CARD --The subscriber having connected himself with lilr. KlitifiALL'S NEW Sldatt STORE, corner of Ed. it and Mar7cel, Stress; will be pleased to see his nu merous friends and acquaintances whenever they want anything in that line, resting ,aasured that, they can be supplied with THE BEST ARTICLES AT THE LOWEST PRICE. deh-dtt A. F SWARTZ. SCN(..D/ERS' NICE NACK'S, FOR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors _ Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Ruiner Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, andFaivelepes. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small wares is at No. 91, Market street. inr.ien "Fort Pickens" in the window. n 0541 COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTt. TH''SE Weight Carts are certified by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. Consumers can weigh their coal at their own doors. It is of great im portant:, during these hart times for every one to know that they GAT TARIA FULL-HONEATWAIGHT. A large supply of Coal always to be found on hand, viz : LYKENS VALLEY all sizes. BALLS. CO.'S WILKSBAMEM, all sizes. LOMMERRI COAL, (the genuine ariicle,) Sold by the ear load or single ton. All coal oft he beat quality, delivered free from all im tairiti. S AT PHIOES TO HIIIT THE TIMES, by the boat or ear load, single, hall or third of tons and by too bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, Nov. 6,1.861..... y JOHN B. SMITE'S BOOT & SHOE STORE 00£1NEE SECOND AND W A.LNEFT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS un hand a large aseoriment of ti BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, /to., of the very beet tualitice for terries, gentlemen, and chitln:us' wear.— Prices to suit the times. .All Kinds of 101 , .!E. 4/0 - 1F: TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. netts-dtf .TORN B. SMITH. Ilersishorr FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 530 YDS. FYIiIIE,BLACE& COLORED. LHIS thread being made particularly for Sewing Machines, is VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Sts Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.— Also, IN CASKS OF 100 Dons BACH, ASSONTICD No 9 , by W.ll. HENRY SHIP d, Solo Agent. no9.d6m 30 Vesey street, New York. ti B. M. GILDEA, D. D. EP STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. dill opera ious, Surgical and Mechanical Rcaentat , lhlly perlormed Charges moderate. JeB WALLOWER'S LINE, DAILY airrwaati H A 1111 IS litlß.l.l and 1" EILLA_DELP 11 1 A Wm. L Burk, .Agent, 812 Market sheet, Philaciet phia, formerly Livingston sr Co. pecial Conductor in charge of eact t inset , !nods delivered at the Warehouse, Philach , I tibia 41 4,it i M. vii I e dell ✓ored i., atrris ria . rt soorning J. WALLOWER, JR., Agent, n,•/1-dll ultlro ?padin NINA FlArrishuri, DRIED SWEET CORN (SHAKER.) EIMONY, SAMP, . BURS, PEAS, Appygo, DkuLD .1%40388. Fresh Peaches, On cans.) Tomateies, ‘• 0.11.1 , Jug received and ier sale by •030 WM. DOCK, JR. & CO trdsiettantuus BRANT'S HALL ! CHRISTMAS WEEK,' SANFORD'S TROUPE, IN THEIR GRAND CON CERTs. CHRISTMAS DAY, TWO PERFORMANCES. BURLESQUE RAVEL'S PANTOAIINE. Monday Evening, December 23d, GREAT BILL. Doors open at 61. Commencesat Admmission - - 25 Cents. del24f GIFTS FOR THE IiOLLIDAYS. THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCK OF RARE CONFECTIONS, OF Tl► FINEST QUALITY NOW READY FOR THE PUBLIC, CHOICE MIXED SUGAR PLUMS, Put up neatly in boxes, fionk one to five pounds. FINE CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONS, IN GREAT VARIETY. TOGE7IIER TVIIH A. BRILLI A.NT IMPORTATION OF RICH FANCY BOXES. " STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, ' No, 1210, Market street, del dlni Philadelphia. JUST OPEN.N.DI A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR .163 M Gr. - 4a.. - ELI% MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one io two years old, of my own manufacture. A flue Ka at chine chewing sod Smoking Menu°, Pipes, Snuff and a large variety of other articles consiautly on has u tor sale wholesale and retail. Thankful for former pat ronage, I hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of the trldo A tine .g Room attached, whore customers may lay back and teat my Sugars ant Cowmen Thn't forget tne window w Lb. tha Snip in it; that is the place to buy your Toode.:o and ears North Market Square, a 1..., alarket street, H ,rr:s. J urg. Dee:4, 1361—dam W bI. WYKOFF. CELEBRATED D +ANDEL lON COFFEE. r 111 E Iid_NDELION COFP'KE now Offered to the public, is prepared loom the tresh rots. In submitting this va unble article to the' public laver, the inantuacturer only complies with the urgent and in-. creasing demands to the public. It is unquestionably one of the most reliable and effectual retne.den yet dm covered for the disesees It is up It is strongly re commended by the Faculty as a as 'crier outruns bever age fur General Debility, es - soup:la Disease of the Liver, Billions Allen' ions and Irritable eCeAllbon of cue Stomach The many thous-ads who have he n reluctantly compel led to abandon ihe use of Culfce, owing to ihe injury done to their h alth, will fled this superior to the best. Java Cof lee, to eay nothing of its great and acenowmdged medi cinal benefit,. Tue intelligent p mien of the community are so well sequel ted witn the medicinal properties of the Dandelion, that they require but the assurance that the emote cffured to them lb the pure Dandelion Root. ,One pound of this Coffee will make an much as two pounds of the best J.,va. For sale by no3o WS!. DOCK. Jr., & Co. THREE STEAM ENGINES FOR SALE. CBE undersigned offers for sale ONE j NEW 30 HORSE ENGINE, and two Second-Hand engines of smaller size, The engines will be sold cheap ar cw.h or approved paper. Apply at the Steam En gine Works, sixth street, between Walnut ana 31.,rket, Harrisburg, Pa. JACOB M u1:1Z nov2-d3w-w3t GERTLEMENS' WEAR. A largo assortment of Under Shirts and Drawers, (all sizes,) Gentlemens' Traveling Shawls and. Blankets, Every Kind of GAats Go iery, Cloths, Cassimers, and Vesting's, (it. great variety,) Silk & Cashmere None Ties & Cravats, Large Stock of Gloves & Gamatletts, Every kind or Saspeneers, liasovnit Bras. GLovEs. A Large Stock of these Goods, to Select Trona can be found at CAT DCA tvrs nol3 Next door to the Barri dsurg Bank. COAL ! CO AL ! ! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER IFFIOE No. 74, Market Street, yard on 4,1 the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TREVORIOIV, WILESBARRE, LYKVS VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD 70P COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a flrst-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended. to.. A bberal 'Account made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—u3m T-T 13 JO JELTAIL]M.3EII=t, - STATE Street near Third stroet, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A flee new Hearse Ready made Comas always on band and neatly finished to order. Silver plates, Re. Terms rea sonable. [an3o-d3ms] C. BARER. Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term of ROBERT Al 'ELWEE'6 School for boys, will open uu the drat Monday in September. fh room is well venti!ated, comfort ably furnished, and in every respect adapted. for school par. poses NVELWEE'B School for girls, locate! o the same buildin , will open for the Fall term at the same time. The room ha, been elegantly bated up to promote he health and comfort of schmars. auglzd.f GUI PE N 6 !—The 1 irgest and bea stook, from $l.OO to f 4 )—warranted—at SELEFF,ER',S BOOKkaoa.K. filiseellantutts HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION i 'HIGHLY CONC ENT R ATED" LONIP , lIND FLUID EXCRACT,BITCHU, 1 Positive and Speoide Remedy For Dlienegt of the BL DDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGI. Thli Medicine ine,el.-et the power of Digestion, and excites the A BSOKBENTS into healt sy action, by which the WATi4tY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGE viENTS are reduced, as. well as PAIN AND INFIAM TioN, and is gold for _ . . _ _ MEN, WOMB CI3ILIMEN HELMBOLD'S iX rtiACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses ArisMg from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or ,b Ise. An'EN i tM D WITS THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to E-xeriion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Wear /Nerves, Trembthig, • Horror of Disease, Walvefainess, • Dimness of Vision, Pam in the Bunk, Univr , rsal LAssitude of the Muscular System, dot Bantle, Flushing of tile Body, Dryntes of the Skin, Fruptione on the trace, PALI 11)1.101:TN - PENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, wliich this med kind invariably removes, soon folmws IMPO I ENCY FATUITY . , EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY h%PIRE. Who eon say that they are not freque tly followed by those DI hASi . S," `INsANITY D CONFEMPrIOST." ;Lay are aware of the coos- or their Suffering, BUT Rog y. WILL coNFE,S. TH:.: RE i 0 DdofeTHEI ANE ASV'RMS. And the Melancholy Deaths by Can uniptiaa, REAR AMPLE WITNESS I'J T 1! TRUTH OF !OH A29ERTPYN THE CONSTIFUII , N ON:3o: aFFhCTEO WITH ORGA.NIC RE.AII E iS, Reqinres the aid of medicine to trengthea and Invigorat the :.iyistem, Which iitiLMBUI D'S EXCRACT BUCHLI ir variably does. ==! FEMAIRL—FEMA E3—PEIIALES, OLD OR YOUNG, tING:.E, hteßtdED, OR CONTEMPLA -II,G MAR24.44>E, IN MANY AFFECIP)N, P,CULIaIt TO FEIIaLE9, the Extract Bunn is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or tiuppresiion or Customary Evdzu duos, Ulcerated or Scirrbous state of the Uterus, Leucorbcet Whites, Steril ity, and for ell co nplaints in itatit to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretioa, Habits of Dissipation, or in DECLINE OE CRINGE OF LIFE. axe SYMPTOMS AB ;VS NO FAMILY SINU,D BE WITHOUT ir TAKE NO MORE BLASAM, 11L WAY, OR UsPLEABANT MELO ONE FOR UNPLEASANT AND D ‘NDEROLIS DISEAsEi. HEL,MBOLD'S EXIRACT LitICHU CURES SECRET LISEASES. In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet ; Ara no Exposure It causes a frequent desire an wives strength to Urinate, therapy removing übatraction3. Preven:,.ng end Curing striecuree tile Ur aura, Allaying Pain and lindaininatioo, so frequent In the daze 4 oiseaaes, and expelliug all Poison,,z4s, Diseased an worn-cut Atalier. Tool:moms nem; TH:AN:AND.I HO HAVE BEEN IHE PICT MS OF QUACKS, and who have paid HEAVY FABA to be cared la A skull time, have found they %ere deceived, and that the .POl - - :zuN" has, by the use of "POWza.FUL ASITLVGENTS," been druid up,in the system, to area: out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE Use EIOICIOLD'e Erraeor Buouu for all afnctions and diseases ot the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MA.LE OH FEMALE Fr3En whatever cause originmang and no matter or HOW LONG S VANE/MG. Dlsevei of these orgitos require the aid of DIURETIC. EELtttBOLD'S ELM Ce 811-HU I THE GRFAT DEW:IIJ, And is certain to hive the riaiired etinet in all •Dweages Wet WHICa IT I,: RE JoSitiENti Evidence, of tne most , eli sble sni responsible character win zzoco_opezuy • Llb znethoes. CERIIFICATES OF CURE'S, prom 8 to 2u yesrss standing, Wrra NA3IES owN 8./ENCE AND FA 'A E. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for . $5 00. Delivered to any address, : , ,e,...ureiy - paeltoll ITOM obser• 9,211011. DESCRIBE SYMP.COMSLN ALL COIIIII7NICATIONS Utiles Guaranteed I Advice Gratis!: AFFIDAVIT. Personally appe trod betore zne, an Alderman of tho city cif PoiladeLpaii,ll. T Ebitimqn, woo being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations coat tha na narmtio, no rcury, or other injurious drugs, but are purel vege table H. T. HELSIBOi IL Sworn and subscribed before me, this 231 di,' of -No vember, 1854. WAI P. HIBBERD, Aldermaa, Nintu St a ,rove Race, Phila. Address letters for informoti In in .o H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 south Teutu St., 0u1.. - tluesinut, Ptiila, BE WARE OF