pailp u_Tettgrapi. LiARRISBURG, PA Monday Afternoon, December 9, 1861. A SPECIAL meeting of the Harrisburg Typo graphical Union will be held this evening, at the Citizen Engine House, at 7 o'clock; 1=3=21 SUOOTINQ MATCH.-A shooting match is to come off at Halbach's tavern on New Year's day for two hogs, each weighing four hundred pounds, and a cow. There will no doubt be some good shooting and rare fun on the occa sion I=l NEW POLICE AI RAIMEMENTS.—OffiCerB Fleck, Carichner, Wickert and Cole, of this city, have formed themselves into a sort of partnership for the transaction of police business. They have taken an office in Shoemaker's building, Raspberry alley, opposite the Court House, where at least one of the firm will be found night and day, ready to respond to any call that may be made requiring the services of a I oliceman. MAJOR GENERAL McCLaueri returned from Bal timore to Washington the other day, with Mrs. McClellan, their infant daughter whom he never saw till that day, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. General Marcy. The ladies came from Pitts burg, via this city, to Baltimore, in the Dime • tors' car of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, having a special engine. The car is the same used by the Prince of Wales, President Lincoln and other distinguished persons. The General and his family are now at housekeeping. Nsw ARRANGEMENT.-13y an arrangement made recently between the clergymen of our city, hereafter the bells of the several churches will be rang for the Sabbath services as fol lows : MORNING SERVICES Bells ring at 10.16. Services commence at 10.30. EVENING SERVICES Bells ring at 7. Services commence at 7.15. This arrangement went into effect last Sun day. A Vamix VOLUNTEER.—Among the privates in General Wynkoop's regiment of cavalry, stationed at camp Cameron, near this city, is Captain Sawers, who commanded a company called the Brownsville Blues in the army under General Harrison, in the war of 1812. In 1816 Captain Sawers was placed in command of the steamboat "Enterprise," by direction of the Monongahela Bank, of Brownsville, and during General Jackson's administration he was ap pointed as assistant superintendent for the im provement of the Mississippi river, and was placed in command of the United States steam snag boat "Heliopolis." Captain Sawers is now considerably past the meridian of life, but he still retains an active vigor, and as he himself says a "strong arm to strike in defence of his glorious country." May success attend him. FUNERAL OF HENRY CHAYNE.—The funeral Of Henry Chayne, who died from wounds received at the battle of Rich Mountain, Western Vir ginia, tools place from the residence of his mother in Second street, near the Square, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The cortege moved from the house in the following order : Capt. G. W. P. Davis' Company. First City Zouaves. Capt. C. C. Davis' Company of Cavalry, form ing a guard of honor to the corpse. Clergymen and relatives of deceased in carriages Harrisburg Typographical Union. Band of the Fifty-fourth Regiment. Friends of the deceased and citizens generally. The military were under the command of Capt. J. M. Eyster, of the 18th 11. S. Infantry, and made a very fine appearance. The weather was delightful, which served to draw out a large concourse of people, who followed the re mains to the cemetery, where after the deliv ery of a few impressive remarks by Rev erends Moore and Hay, and prayer by the for mer gentleman, they were interred with the customs usually attending a military funeral. "Soldier rest, thy warfare's o'er, Sleep the sleep that knows no waking, Dream of battle fields no more, Days of danger, nights of waking." CITY Comm.—The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council was held at the Council Chamber in the Court House last Saturday evening. The minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. Dr. Bailey moved that in order to be able to pay the interest of the city debt, falling due in January, the Council pass no bills until next mouth, excepting the payment of salaries. The motion was agreed to. Communications were received from the Mayor announcing the dismissal of his Chief Police Constable, and in reference to the bad condition of the va . rious'pavements throughout the city; asking an abatement of the nuisance. The ordinances on the subject were referred to; when the matter dropped. A petition was presented from citizens of Fairhill, asking for a foot-walk between Paxton creek and Allison's hill. Referred. Mr. Verbeke presented a petition from citi zens of the northern part of the city, asking for a gas-light at the corner of Filbert and Walnut streets. Refused for the present. Mr. Martin presented a petition from citizens of the fifth ward, asking for the grading of Rose alley. Referred. Mr. Verbeke presented a_petition from Ger man citizens of Harrisburg, asking that the or dinances and resolutions of the city be pub lished in German in the Harrisburg and Lan - easter Democrat. Referred to the Ordinance Committee. Mr. Hamilton, •from the Committee of the Whole, on the new city Lock-up, reported that he with others had visited the same, and thought that with a few alterations it might be made comfortable. The subject was again re ferred to the Water Committee, with instruct ions to confer with the County Commissioners. Mr. Maeyer offered a resolution for a gas light at the Lutheran church mission, corner of High and State streets. Agreed to. The Council then adjourned. MONET SENT HonE.--The "Colder Fencibles" of this city, attached to the Thomas A. Scott re giment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, were paid off last Saturday, and the members of the company have sent to their friends and families in this neighborhood the sum of nearly two thousand dollars. PERSONAL —Col onel A. James Mulligan, the hero of the battle of Lexington, Missouri, pass ed through our city last Saturday, over the Pennsylvania Central Railroad from Chicago, Illinois, en route to Washington city via Balti more. The gallant officer was accompanied by his wife, and several distinguished military gen tlemen, whose names we could not learn. I=l CAPT. ISAAC W. WATERBURY'S company, mostly recruited in this city, has been heard from in the neighborhood of Fortress Monroe, Va., and are under marching orders to`penetrate further into the "bowels" of Dixie, probably bringing up somewhere in the Palmetto State. The officers and men are all in fine condition, and anxiously awaiting a passage of arms with the rebels. PoucE—Before the Mayor—Samuel Blew and George Sage, both colored, were arraigned, charged with the larceny of four dollars and fif ty cents, in "small change," from the store of. Mrs. O'Donnell, corner of Walnut street and Tanner's alley. Remanded for a further hear ing. Several casesof parties charged with violating city ordinances, will be heard before the Mayor at 6 o'clock this evening. =I PLEASANT WEATnER.—The weather was de lightful to-day, the temperature having been more like that of spring than the cold blasts of December, so piercing only a few days ago. The wind throughout the day was from the southwest, but at the time of writing the bar ometer indicates an unfavorable change. During the day large numbers of persons visited the coun try, and in the afternoon the appearance of the children on the streets was like the opening of the spring time. THE AMERICAN FLAG.—Bishop Simpson, in a sermon delivered in Brooklyn the other day, made the following graceful and eloquent allu sion to the flag of our common country. Our flag, be remarked, is on every sea—it visits ev ery port,and wherever it goes the people love it. No one but he who has been abroad in distant lands knows how that national symbol is re spected. A man says "I am an American," and nations protect him wherever he goes. I, as well as others, doubtless, in this audience, have felt its protecting power in foreign lands. Oh ! it is a glorious ? flag. Sometimes it seems to me as it an angel's hand had clipped it out of the blue heaven, with its own stars of gold, coming down like angel's eyes of mercy as it goes on its mission of good will over the earth. It is a glorious flag, and nations love it. INDIAN Summa.—The smoky haze which fills the atmosphere, the hectic flush upon the variegated cheeks of our neighboring hill sides; the fallen leaves ; the golden beauty of the landscape, announces to us that it is the return of that crowning season of the year—lndian Summer. But we opine before many days, In dian Summer will have taken its departure from us, for at least a year. It rarely, if ever, tarries long, when it makes its appearance at this season of the year. The birds of summer have flown to their Southern homes, and not until the departure of the cold and dreary Winter, will their sweet music be with us again, but their more hardy cousins, the few that remain are searching for nestling places, near our houses, and if kindly treated will gather the seeds from our gardens, and pick the crumbs from our doors. Their cheerful presence will repay a thousand fold for their scanty support. The little squirrels are busy in our woods, gathering into their homes their winter stores. The pretty quails in little flocks become half domesticated, and with their plaintive music, seeking proximity to human habitations, seem to ask consideration and protection at our hands. The busy year is winding to its close, and many are the sad and gloomy thoughts that are turned back in contemplation of the_ varied scenes of the past year. The season will be a brief one. Jack Frost, with his icy fingers, has already touched the leaves of the forest. Every season has its joys and sorrows ; but look on the bright side and we shall always be happy. BRANDY AND HEALT.H.-"A glass of brandy can't hurt anybody. Why, I know a person, yonder . he is on high 'Change, a specimen of manly beauty, a portly six-footer. He has the bearing of a prince, for he is one of our merchant princes. His face wears the hue of health, and at the age of forty, he has the quick elastic step of our young men of twenty-five, and I know that he never dined without brandy and water, and hr. never goes to bed without a ter rapin or an oyster supper, with plenty of cham pagne; and, more than that, he was never known to be drunk. So here is a living ex ample and disproof of the twaddle about the dangerous tendency of an occasional glass, and the effects of a temperate use of good liquors." Now, says the intelligent editor of Hall's Jour nal of Health, it happened that this specimen of safe brandy drinking was a relation of ours. He died in a year after that, of a chronic diarrhea, a common end of liquor. He left six children, and he had ships on every sea, and credit at every counter, which he never had occasion to use. Four months before he died (he was a year in dyiug,) he could eat or drink nothing without distress ; and the whole alimentary canal was a mass of disease, in the midst of millions he died of inanition. This is not the half, reader. He had been a steady drinker, that is, daily drinker, for the last twenty-eight years. He left a legacy to his children which we will not name. Scrofula had eaten up one daughter at fifteen ; another is in the mad house ; the third and fourth were of unearthly beauty. but they blighted and paled, and faded away, into heaven we trust, in their sweetest teens ; another is tottering on the verge of the grave, and only one is left with all his senses, and each of them is as weak as water. Why, we came from the dissecting room and made a note of it, it was so horrible. Pettnovivania 113ailp aelegrapii, itiontrav 'afternoon, Mamba 9, 1861. TneAltmone Sociery will meet for rehearsal and practice on Monday evening, D, e. 9th. in the lecture room of the Baptist Church, Pine street, at 7i o'clock. A full attendance of ac tive members is particularly desired. An invi tation is hereby extended to the members of choirs to be present and unite with the society. COLONIZATION.—Thomas White, agent for the Haytisn Emigrant Aid Society, will deliver an address in the Fourth Street Bethel to-morrow evening, at 7 o'clock, on the subject of assisting the colored race to emigrate to Hayti. A large number of this class of people are said to be in Western Virginia and other locations who only need the means to get to Haytia to place them selves in comforable condition, and we hope the subject will claim the attention of onr citizens generally. Mr. White is a native of Virginia, residing near Wheeling, has long been engaged in the Cause, and will no doubt be able to give much valuable information on the subject. THE LOCOMOTIVE Rs - PLOSION AT WRIGHTSVILLE.-- The ex plosion of the boiler of a locomotive on the Northern Central Railroad, at Wrightsville was noticed in the telegraphic column of last Friday morning's TELEGRAPH. We have been able to gather the following additional particu lars respecting the explosion. The locomotive was in the act of backing up for the passenger car in Front street, when it exploded, killing the fireman, Mr. Jesse Hortner, instantly, and so injuring the engineer, Chas. Geiselman, that' he died in about halt an hour. The former was om Glen Rock, and the latter from York, and leaves a wife and family. The explosion was terrific, and shattered engine and tender, throw ing the former a complete summersault, blowing fragments in every direction. The accident happened directly in front of Solomon McCau ley's Confectionery, and the explosion shattered this and neighboring houses for half-a•square, breaking windows, covering everything with mud and soot, and in one instance knocking a considerable hole through a brick wall. The track was torn up and the ground hollowed by the force of the blow. Attached to the engine was a train of freight cars, which were, we be lieve uninjured. Several persons standing near narrowly escaped destruction. FOGGY Mom:Nos.—The fog hereabouts for the last two or three mornings was "thick enough to cut with a knife," and would have rejoiced the heart of a Londoner. As described by a cotemporary, moisture hung upon the clothing and beards of those who were 'abroad, it clung clammily to inanimate objects, and rendered window panes almost as dim as though the glass was ground or frosted. The sidew s were as damp as if there had been an universTa early application of the Susquehanna, and the streets were coated with mud of the stickiest description. The fog was worthy of the Lon don article of that description, and objects could scarcely be distinguished at a distance of a hundred feet. Railroad cars and other vehi cles seemed suddenly to emerge from the gloom and as suddenly to plunge into semi -darkness, leaving no trace behind but feebly rattling wheels. Foot passengers looked weird and ph. as 1.1,tv ‘l6ll - me - mg, and worthy mechanics with their dinner bask ets, and old market wo men with their cotton umbrellas, appeared as shadowy and unsubstan tial at a distance, as though they were so many "ghosts of Banquo's line," seen dimly through a stage fog of double gauze. FABLE FROM LESSllia.—"Now I am going to fly—now then ! " said the huge cstrich, and all the birds crowded round in anxious expectation; "now," he said, and spread his vast wings; but instead of rising, he only tumbled over, and lay flat on the ground. When a great rebel, Governor Letcher, of Virginia, makes his complaints and gives you notice that he is going to fly with his southern army from the Potomac to the banks of the Susquehanna he frequently ends by such a fall as the ostrich's, that at least is the opinion of Urich & Bowman, at the cheap dry goods store, corner of Front and Market streets. Funs, Pints, Funs.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; 25 doz. hoop skirts for 50c., 75c. and $1 25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 50, $3 50 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 12k, 18 and 20 cents ; 36 large woolen blankets ; nO pieces canton flannel, at 12i cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; 50 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers De Laines, at 22 and 25 cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. "Read the Co losing certificate" from one of the first ladies in tides, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that chy (Sr. Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wise , her name made public, but if any one should noubt the won 'erful efficiency of Da. Dacron co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she consicered it a duly, as well as a pleasure, to her snowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 17 years o.d. :he was fast go ing into cons amption—had taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Palls entire ly cured her, and sae is now in r.. bust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions 'accompanying each box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. K. hats;, (bruggist,) 91 Market street, (sole agent for) Harrisburg, ?a. By sending him $1 00 through the Harrisburg Post Office' , the Pills will be sent confidentially by mall to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. id.—Look out tor couaterlelts. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. Au ethers is a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterleited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg 3 . M.. narks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott caritas ; S. G. Wild, Is ; J. C. Aitick, Sbippens, burg; J Spangler , Chambersburg ; E. T. .111er, York; J. A. Wolf, W, ; S. 8. Stevens, Reeding; and R. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one oruggist" In every town and vilage in the United States, and by S. D. HO WE, Sole Proprietor, New York. HELMBOLD'S EXTR ACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, TOE GREAT DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, I== I=l I= A CARD TO THE LADIES e3-4m THE GREAT DIURETIC. BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHE, TOE GREAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Sea Advertisement in another column. CM it out, and send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE O 1 COUNTERFEITS. Do►lB-d2m ItIPOR'FAIVT TO FEMALES DR CHEESEMAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY THE combination of ingredients in these A_ Pius are the remlt of a long end extensive practice. Thu are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful klenstruations. removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the side. palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affl.ctions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Bm, disturbed sleep, which arises from interrup tion of nature. TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheerematos Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappo nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheesemau's Pills doing all that they represent to do, NOTICE /here is one condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot be taken without producing a PEJCI.fA It RESULT. The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result MISCARRIAGE. Such is the irresistible ten- deny of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a format condition, that even she reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it. . . Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should bo road. ac corn any each box. Price $l. Sent by mail Oil enclOs ing $1 to De ..:01MMICS L. CHEIP6MAN, Box 4,531, Poet Office, New York City, Sold by one Druggis tin every town in the United States R. B. HU TCHINGS, General Agent far the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom all wholesale orders should be addressed. nov29- dawly HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE I 1 Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known All others are mere imltetiorm, and should be avoided ifyou wish to escape ridicule. GREY. RED OR RUSTY RATE dyed instantly to a beauniul and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Siam REITER hts DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wm. A. SATOBELOR slam 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Mid. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is vrAttasarrso not to injure in the least, , however long it may be contin ued, and the ill fleets of bad D - ••es remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. which is prop erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four .ides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York. oel2-dAwly MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; Price 6 cis : A I eoture os ttte Mature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Sperm ,torrhco or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary omissions, sexuel Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Boil epsy and Fits : %foetal and Physical Incapacity, resulting from self Abuse, &c.—By HO H. J. CULVEEWELL, D., Author or the GREEN BOOR &u. "A Boon to Thou sands of Suffers," sent under seal, in a plain ouvolpe, to any addreo, POST PAID, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by De. CH. ,1. C. KLINS, 12 Bowery, New York, Post Office, Box 4586. sep9.daw3m --- "GET THE BEST.” Webster's Unabridged Dictionar New Pictoral Edition. i]Pictorial Illustrations of Military Terms. • ,llrebsk7da•ernd. i.2.41e.1,a34 _has, 4*.fma - ouiers,loofortai reyresantatsons of the following Barbpcan, Bastion, Battlement, Bar-shot, Block-house, Bombs, Conoor4Carronade, Chain shot, Chevaux-de-frise, l'altrop, Limbers, Madrier, Martello rower, Mortar, Port cullis, Ravelin , Redan, Star lons, No other English Dictionary publishod in this country has a fourth part of these. SO ALSO PIS Definitions of Military Terms As, the foregoing, and Abatis, Ambulance, Ambuscade, Armistice, Banquette, Bivouac, Brevet, Caisson, Caliber, Canister-shot, Cantonment, Capouiere, Casemate, Cone terscarp .Chef de baltstarn, Cul de aac,Dablghren gun, blithe rifle, &u., &c. Ad by Geo. Bergner, Harrisburg, and all Booksellers. ne29 davalw CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. PIIE DANDELION COFFEE now offered j_ to the public, is prepared from the fresh roots. In submitting this valuable article to the public laver, the manufacturer only complies with the urgent and in creasing demands of the public. It is unquestionably one of the most reliable and effectual remedies yet dis covered for the diseases it Is spoiled. It is strongly re commended by the Faculty as a so, erior nutrious bever age for General Debility, Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver, Bilious Affections and Irritable condition of the Stomach. The many thousands who have be- n reluctantly compel led to abandon the use of Coffee, owing to the injury done to their h. altb, will find this superior to the best Java Cof lee, to say nothing or its great and acknowledged medi cival benefits. Tno intelligent p !don of the community are so well acquainted wilts the medicinal properties of the Dandelion, that they require but the assurance that the article offered to them is the pure Dandelion Root. .11fai—One pound of this Coffee will make as much as two pounds of the best Java For sale by no3o Wti. DOCK, Jr., & CO. NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ! 4,500L85. FAMILY B LiCK wHeAT FLOUR (Extra) in 12Th and Xbib bags. The quality is very superior, baying been se selected expressly ior our retail trade. For sale low by null Wit. DOCK. Jr., FE Co. GENTLEMENS' WEAR. A large assortment of Under Shirts and Drawers, (all sizes,) Geatlemens' Traveling Shawls and Blankets, Every Kind of G.uts fib fiery, Cloths, Casaimers, and Veslings, (in great variety,) Silk & Cashmere kincic Ties & Cravats, Large Stock of Gloves & Gauntletts, Every kind or Suspenders, ILimovErt Brea Gwyn. A Large Stook of these Goods, to seiect from can be bound at GATGOAST'S nol3 Next door to the Harrl,burg Bank. B. M. GILDEA, D. D. 13. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and Mechanica smenhtleally performed. Charges moderate. jeB WALLOWER'I4 LINE, DAILY 13STWINN HARRISBURG and PHILADELPHIA , Wm. B. Burk, Agent, 812 Market street, Phtiattet phia, formerly Lioingeton 4 co. Special Conductor in charge of each tram. iioods delivered aL the Warehouse, Philadel . Oda, at u'elook P. M., still be delivered is ELirris burg next morning. J. WALLOWER, JR., Agent, 2141.1 e Office Reading Depot. Harrisburg, COAL! COAL ! ! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, S ()FtFheICE foot 00t 7 . 4 f , No lt rt a h rke ee t t tre o e l t, la arn d a R o e n • tail dealer in TREF - ORTON, WILKSBARRE, LEEENS VALLEY. SUNBURY and BROAD 101" COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pia , chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 26....d3m illistellancous. SHIRTS! SHIRTS !I SHIRTS !I 1 HOME MANUFACTURE. THE CHEAPEST IN THE HAREM THE undersigned having opened his Manufactory of Shirts gm., at No. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Ps , mos 'respectfully solicits the patronage and attention of the ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture SHIRTS SHIRT BOSOMS, COLLARS, CUFFS, WRIST-BANDS, NIGHT SHIRTS, &c., &c. ' Am., Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment of under garments , (from the latest im proved London and Paris styles,) LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, SETTS Ste., in great varieties, ail of which being our own maueufactare we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirous of furnishing their own materials, can have cutting, sewing sc., of every variety done a...cord ing to order. Allot' the aoove named goods for Gents wear we will mate to measure, guaranteeiug to tit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and m iterial. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most reason able terms. P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or ender garments of any discription, can have them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may he desired. JAMES A. LYNN, No. L 2, Market street, an29-d6m Harrisburg, Pa Rooms next door to Hammel & Grocery Store. A large assortment of Gentlemens' Furnishing Goods &c., in addition to the above can al ways be found cheap for cash. STEAM WEEKLY BET W EEN NEW YORE ; -- - - AND LIVERPOOL. jANDINu- AND EMBARKING PAS /M QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. Naw York and Philadelphia Steamship company intend ti.npatching their full powered Clyde-built iron dtertmehioe as follows CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday December 14; KAN GARD°, Saturday December 21 ; CITY t , l( NEW YOits Saturday, December 28 ; and every Saturday, at Nam from Pier 44, Norm Elver. . =! FIRST CABIN 875 00 STEERAGE.... $3O 00 do to London $BO 001 do to London ..$33 00 do to Paris 185 00 I do to Paris $39 00 do to Hamburg..sBs 00 do to Hamburg $33 00 Passengers also forwarded to HarrO, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates, *sr-Persons wishing to bring nut their friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, $B5 and $lO5 . Steerage from Liverpool $4O 00. From Queenstown, $3O 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. . . . . For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street; Glasgow to VAL INMAN, 5 St. Enoch Square ; in Queenstown to C. & W. D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; in London to ILIVRS & MALY, 61 King William St. ; in Paris to JULOS DECODE, 5 Placa de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to HOW G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, nol4-tf 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg. AnimPASnENGEfta FOR EUROPE.—Hy order of the Secretary of State, aq passengers !diving the United Suites are required to procure Pa , soorts before going on board the St Rimer. JOHN G. DALie, AGENT. REMOVAL. WM. BREITENGER has removed his restauraot from the corner of Dewberry alley and Market street, to the house formerly occupied by the "tied Lion hotel" in atar,et street between Dewberry alley and Third street which he has refitted throughout in the most beautiful manner, and he is now prepared to furnish as usual, Oysters and all the delicacies of the season, in that recherche style which has distinguished bis establishment from the time of first opening. N. B.—Private Rooms have been fitted up tor the ac commodation of Ladies and families. Entrance next door to the main entrance. novlB-di m DRIED - SWEET COk N (Saascsß.) HOMONT, GEM, SAM., BEANS, PEAS, . CEANBEREHE, DRIED APPLES, DEM PEACHES. Fresh Peaches, (in cans.) Tomatoes " Corn, &e. , ,,k0. Jost received and for sale by no3o WM. DOCK, is. & SOLDIERS' NICK NACK'S, F OR Sale at KFLLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket - Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather Sr. Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Papdr, andEnvelepes. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small wares is at No. 91, ',lariat street. • ga-See "Fort Pickens" in the window. no6-tf FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL- COTTON. 200 dE 500 YDg. WHILE, BLACX cf COLORRO. rrHIS thread being made particularly for L igewin Machines, is VEitY STRONG, SMOODI AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.— aISO, IN OF 100 °WAN BACH, ABBOATILD SOS , by WM. klEgitY &surd, Sqle Agent. no9•d6m 36 Vesey street, New York. 3E O MI3PIMM.EI.',6I. DAILY an LINE Between Philadelohia LOOK Rev's, JiRSZY SHoes, Wulismsroin, MUNOY UNIONTOWN, WAIVORTOWN MILTON, LIWIFIBURU, NORXHUJOBSILLAND, :-1: , / , 6171311r, TREVOKTON, Grokorrows,LYSXNSTOWN, MILIAPS BURG, Rumex, Demur, AND HARRISBURG. 'ho Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A CAulactor goes through with each train to attend to the safe le livery of en goods entreated to *le line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mart et Steet, Nana • delphia, by o'clock P. M., will betelivered to flarrieburg the neat morein.t. Freight (always) as low as by any other line. Particular attention paid by thin line to prompt, and speedy delivery of an Harriebur •.00ds. The undersigned thankful for past patron .4e hopes by strict attention to busiaess to merit a cony' iuence of the T. PZIPHER, Philadelphia and Roadie; up ii : Feot of Market Stree , dirrf3barg IMMO. el6-d6m W E OFFER TO CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made. A Splendid assortment of GENTLEMIEN'S WALLEITS. A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, put up in Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, Of the best Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety a POWDER PUFF BOXES, HELLBB'S,DBUG STORE, septit • 91 Market Otreet Imactllanern.. HELMBOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATION. "HIG RLY CONCENTR AT ED" CCM'. oUIRD FLUID Erma BUCHV, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGs. This Medicate the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS int healtuy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGE eENTS are reduced, as wall an PAIN AND INFLAMATELiN, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HERMLBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak nerves, Trembiing, Horror of Disease, Wak , rfutneas, inninese d Vision, Pain in the Back, Univrrsai iessitnde of the Muscular arSteM, tiot Hands, Flushing of tfießody, Dryn,se of the Skin, Eruptions on ttos Face, PAL , ID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soon foloss DIFOIENCY Ft9IIITO. E PILEPTIC FITS, IN 9NE OF WHICH THE PATI MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not freque.tly fouowed by those "DIREFUL DI-dsdSe 5," •‘.INANITY AND CONSUMPTION.' Many are aware of the cans- of their sullenng, _ _ _ BUT NONE WILL CONFE,S THE REOO oF THE IsS NE ASYLUMS. 4w4 the Meranckoly Dorhs by Con tonplion, HEAR AMPLE WITNZAITJ TEA TRUTH 08 sHki ASSIRIETON THE CONSTICUII AFFECTED WITH OW:A p:11.3 %RIK E,S„ Requires the aid of medicine to -trengthea and Itivigorat the gyStPIR, Which HELTOOFVB EXTRACT BUCHU i veriabig doe A 'MULL WILL (1../WVICE IHE WOW/ 883/FIIOALL FEM4LE 4 .-FEMAIE3--IENALES, OLD OR YutiNG, E, ithi®, OR GuNTESIPLA.- IN MANY AFFECTIoN, P • CULTAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Buena u< unequaled by any other remedy, as in chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Supprestio n or Customary alone, Clcera‘ed or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucornos t Wailes, Steril ity, and for all co upl tints in i tent to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretioa, Habits of Disaipation, or in the DECLINE OR rrf 4NOR OF LIRA 88s BYMPT•'Ms eB .vg NO FAMILY Skluti. D BE WI PH JOT IT I TAKE NO MORE BLAS&N, M.Clirr6T, OR lINPLUSANT MR FOR lINPLIANANT AND D 41VG•tRolIS DIAILANRI. HELAIBOLD , ..I EXIRACf Baarar CORNS SECRET DISEASES, In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet ; And no Exposure, It causes a frequent de-ire and diveS strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructidn3. Prevent ng and Cu,inv, Strtctures of too Ur 3thra, Allaying Pain and Imdammation, so frequent In the ewe ft diseases, and expelling ad Poisonous, Dsassupd and worn-cut dialler, THOOSI , NDS •7PON THOUBANDS WHO HAVE BEEN lIIE VICT QuAcxs, and who have paid HEAVY F& to be cured io short time, have found. they were deceived, sod that the 'POI• SON" has, by the use of ..rowearol. asrmsoams, " been dried up in the system ; to breat out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use EaLMEIDLIVe Ranier Buono for all affxtiona and diseases of thu IN-tINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE From whatever cause originating add no matter of HOW LONG S HANDING. Diseases or these organs require the aid of DIURETIO. HEIAIBOLD'S Ex nt Cr EtGait, I'3 THE GREAT DIURETIO, And is certain to have the desired eileet in all Diseases SOR WHICH IT Ei RE.3iIHNIENDED. Evidence of the most r disble an/ respossale oharaolor will accompany the medices. CERTIKICAIIB OF CURES, .tromB to 20 yearse standing, WII3 NAMES KNOWN 70 BLIENCE AND FAnE. Price Si 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, rodurely packed train obser vation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMSI.T ALL COMMUN/CATIONi camas Guarrnfoed I Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared betore me, an Alderman of tho city-of Poliadelphit, fl T. atILIfaILO., woo being diny sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic', no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table H. T. HELMBOL D. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 231 day of No vember, 1854. WM P. HIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth St above Race, Phila. Address lettere for information in confidence .0 H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bet. enestaut, BE WARE OF GOON PE LAO ITS AND lINPRINCIP..EO DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose —or mom ows" and "ossea" ARTICLES ON THE REPUTATION ATTALYED BY Relmbold's Genuine Preparation s, 0 lactract Bu htt, '• " Sarsaparilla, " " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by O. K. Keller, D. W, Gross, .1. Wyeth, C. A. Batnvart. AND ALL DRUMM BFERYWHEREL ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cot out the advertleemeat and send for it, AND AVOID lIIPOSIT/ON AND EXPOSURE. novl3-oly COAL!!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. ;pH t SE Weight Carts are certified by the 1 . Sealer of Weights and Measures. Conaamera can weigh their coal at their own doors. It is of great bit pertain:, during taw° hard times for every one to know that they GAT Tattle FULL HoNierr WZIGILT. large supply of Coal always to be found on hand, viz : LYKENS VALLEY all sizes. BALTW. CO'S WILESSAAAE, all sizes. LOSBARKI tOsL, (the g-inaine article,) Sold by the car load or single ton All coal of the best quality, delivered tree from all fin purities al MOM TO CURT Tin Tam, by Sae bust, or oar load, single, ball or third of . tons anJ by tee bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, Nov., 6,1861.—y FURS! FURS I FURS I FURS 1 Sable Furs, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Furs, Silver Marten Fars, Water mink Furs. UPS, CCIFF3 AND 110523, LAME A3S4I/TMLeNr Great °Argenta in trusetioola. livery article warran ted to be eXa. .uy ae repre.eutett, at CAIIICaRT & BROTHER, Next to tee Harrisburg sank. nola NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the PostoPe.) THE undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of tae latest styles of clotting. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds ef Gents Wear cat to the latest styles an t fain ions. We hare always oa nand s large BLOCK of Ready made clothing and Gendeman's Furetaama GackleV ne9-aBco H. SdEt.LeNBBstiAR & BRO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER. in Confectionary, Foreign ana Domestic Frartr Pips, Dues, &flues, statues and Nuts of alt Cada.-- Fresh and tet,h, Soap, Paroles, Vinegar, SpIOES, Ta basco, Segare and Country Prudhoe in ganerai, Market, street, next door to Parke House, also c.raer Third and Walnut streets. imt2B-dsm JOHN WISE. Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT WIREET ABOVE LOCUST. HE Fall term of ROBelta fiI'ELVVEra School tor boys, will open on the first Monday in September. rhs room is well ventilated, comfortably furnished, and in every respect adapted for school per. paws. CATHARINE WELWBS'S School for girls, located n t h e same building, will open for the Fall term at the same time. The room has been elegantly fitted up _to promote he health and comfort of scholars. t atuaddtf SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE 1 (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) 5125 JUST lo ß tortin E e lVE a D mß from,NOTEtc rare t, w awn we will sell at 51.25 per ream. lia.oo per ream for NOTE Pena, decorated with the latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. $3.50 for 100 e WHITE ENVELOPES, with nattonal and patriotic emblems, printed In two colors. Please give us a mall. EURO. P. tiaIEFFER, - uarrieturg At little B 'pose ; No inconvenietioer,