Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, December 07, 1861, Image 3
'mbq s Ft G PA It I; I qlortlay liornlng, December 7, 1561, Gentlemen in want of a really or chewing tobacco, should 19 tiew store in Market Square. yr hi, r.i‘ erti,,eulent • • oz , soo.—David Fisher was the name r I ile•inar and Benjamin Gushard the o the fireman, who were billed by the l w aplo,iou of tic locomotive at Newton Hamil cut. poured iu lot evening's Tiflis- Oros. Both of the deceased resied in Patter on. So otlfer per were injured by the l'AErlt 1, IN DIRECTING Lrrrzas.—Last 5 14 1 ,' tlaa . r p wen, received at the dead letter jog thousand and twelve letters. Of 'sell - ',even had been misdirected, two 1,11:1:: and eighteen had been uncalled for, aidred and fifty-nine were unintelligi ': titty-three contained money amount ju' the aggregate to $394. Forty-three tad !hafts and checks to the amount of $12,853. THE ovms SsAsor is now at its height, and laither quantitc,quality nor prices seem to be perceptibly atlected by the war, though some of the points irom whence the bivalves are a nima h. on disputed ground. In fact the plen Oa; pr,,,enee of several favorite species In the torlict is presumptive evidence that they have ro the Tiockade successfully on One side or the other The pickers are doing a fair business, extensively as formerly. INATITITE.—The teachersof London ddo Sillool District, met at the school house 5,6, at liainshurg, on Saturday last. The l i nt , of the previous meeting were read and after which the Constitution and by -3,, revised. An election for officers was .1, , I I. which resulted as follows : President, ALl,Juan ; Vice President, J. S. Arnold ; .1 W. Moore ; Treasurer, James „ft,r which the President stated the . -v , rciks, and appointed teachers on Ile:. of common school education. etc is well attended and the teachers •c.akr a deep interest in its prosperity. • ‘••• IA SoterErar POISONED.—No little • , prrcails among the 78th Pennsylva- Cot. Hay, now stationed on the N, , ltlivra Central railway, guarding . , Two of their number, Forrester -- Sypes, were on Wednesday • .. 1,, , ],0ncil by drinking some whisky uwai l i an unkuowu person, while on ,• joel. al Luther vale. Sypes died on Li. ',mains were conveyed to York .• .: hy an I interred. Little expired on • ,:jail en Sunday his remains were con , • kidiy,harg, l's., his birth-place, for Gies were examined by se , al, alai pronounced to be the result • aluinktered by liquid. They were ,ital said to be highly respect . knew them. About five weeks kul, of this city, attached to 1',. , 10,11.,Laia Artillery regiment, sta came near losing his life by • . tlil been• • , similarly tampered /“. Hie following is a list of the !..:u her of the regiments, and the t titt..lll,, bow i❑ Camp Curtin 1111-t. Regiment). -11. (ilenD, U. W. May, A. W. Mat. li W. Bowers, Henry I , M. Armor, P. Sides and Wm. ...17th Regiment). • • Nunuouton, T. S. bhoecker, G Maxwell, C. J. Winn, J. B. chme, Jas. Griffin, H. W. • P(ek. Regiment). e. Ireile.on, 'l'. S. Watus, WILL " Hunter, A. W. Richards, F. - I ltli Regimnt). I t O Lpley, F. e 13. Long, E. D. t JIIO L Hite , P. Graham, Wm. • I; I \Viler, (band). , .t •catlmi, R. S. Wood, P. B. ,!. Capt. Crossen. Clytin, E. D. Roath, A. Cam •` Wm. Smith, D. L. Hoard, h:, II W. Miller. C:11=1 = As there are many young of presenting gilts to their diunued this season, by—to lack of cash, we would suggest souvenirs can be made at a `• .se value would be enhanced by ~1 ILaudiwork expended upon them. Lit e fancy hanging baskets of MOBS i L one picture frames and brack- ra- 1 , , etc., the materials for which it „ te,l at once—nothing can come , [l,, all kinds of pine cones, MOM, _ autumn leaves, etc. ILbee Working Farmer full di \ for the making of phantom iN s. Mesa are very beautiful We lately saw a boquet of , ye , l :taking a host of showy wed - ;with er the flashing of gems nor ;ul,l silver could detract from it. I el iness ,‘IHI eilbeS, and work-baskets, are k,l••crochet-work. The material used ~,t ton ; the work is shaped row ' l 4 ~v er a pine wood form, which obtained, of any desired shape, 11,rners. When finished, it should I",{ , po n the block, there starched very "Awn Perfectly dried, varnished alp I of gum shellac dissolved in .h. , 1 And suffered to remain on the Articles made in this way AY ,trul,l:, exceedingly pretty, and afford '"l,t. of natural taste. The ,1,,,i114 be lined, and trimmed with „ilk,. These item s are merely f,,rth ail hints for the benefit of our lady awl we would be glad if some of them, ‘‘l,,uld let us know of anything new, ,' -1411 Y is rustic work, that might be added the list OUT or TOWN.—Gov. Curtin and his aids left town on Thursday for Philadelphia, to present colors to the following Pennsylvania regiments now in that city, Sixth Cavalry, (Lancers,) Col. Rush ; Forty-eigth Infantry, Col. Jones ; Sixty seventh do., Col. Stanton ; Ninetieth do., Col. Lyle ; Ninety-first do., Col. Gregory. The pre sentation and a review of the troops took place in the field in front of the Odd Fellows' Ceme tery, on Islington lane, and were witnessed by an immense multitude of people. AccmiarrAt Suomi:No.— John Ellinger, an adopted son of Colonel William Ellinger, pro prietor of a hotel in Baltimore, was accidentally shot by a soldier, on Friday night last. Young Ellinger and the soldier were engaged in con• versation, when the pistol of the latter was ac cidentally discharged—the bullet entering Ell inger's breast. The unfortunate youth was still alive at last accounts, bat was in great agony. The F.llingers formerly resided in Middletown, this county. . A GOOD EXAMPLE.—The members of the "Roberts Infantry," a volunteer company from Beaver county, now in Camp Curtin, have re cently.signed the following pledge : We, the undersigned, soldiers of the "Roberts Infantry," believing that intoxicating liquors are the bane of the camp, destroying alike the health and peace of the soldiers who indulge in them, do pledge ourselves on our honor diem, that we will not touch taste or handle intoxicating liquors of any kind while we are in the service. APPuoariort sort A ClidalMß. —The "Salem's Church of the Evangelical Association of Har risburg" have made application to the court of common pleas of this county for a charter, which will be granted at the next regular term of said court mama cause be shown to the con trary. The congregation has recently purchased a lot Of ground in North street, near the reser voir, Upon which they contemplate erecting a neat and substantial edifice for church purposes. They at present worship in the first story of the Sons of Temperance Hall in Second street, and are said to be in a very flourishing condition. t3OIiOOLS SHOUID as Aprasortva. It is the duty of teachers, as well as of parents and school committees, to see that the circumstances under which their children study, are such as shall leave a happy impression upon their minds; - for whatever is brought under observa tion of the young must have power over their susceptible natures for good or fir evil. Shabby school rooms induce slovenly habits. 11l con structed benches may not only distort the body, but, reflex. influence, the mind as well. Win try blasts, sweeping in through open floors or broken windows, not only injure the health, but chill the warm glow of youthful enthusi asm. Conditions like these seldom fail to dis gust the learner with his school, and neutralize the best efforts of his teacher. On the other hand, neat, comfortable and agreeable places for study may tend to awaken associations en chaining the mind and heart to learning and virtions instruction with links of gold bright ening forever. Pomm.—There was a " full house" in the city Lock-up, and the tenants, in the absence of his Honor the Mayor, were heard before Justice Beader. The " wigs" and drunken sol diers were discharged, the former enjoined to leave the city, and the latter to mend their ways. Among the arrests were two females—Atary Toy and her right bower, Anna Locher, both of whom were arrested at the lager-beer saloon near the reservoir at half-past 8 o'clock yes terday by officer Campbell. They were dis charged. Owen Blue—a colored " gemman," said to be chief engineer of the heating apparatus at one of our principal hotels—was arraigned charged with palming himself off asa, police officer, and threatening to arrest a sergeant of one of the military guards i The justice felt strongly in clined to give Owen a term In the building op posite, but pleading " first offence," &c., he was lett off by paying costs. PRKPARING 10K ASSISSECNTS—The several county assessors are preparing for their duties by the issue of circulars under the act of 1846, making it the duty of every assessor in the commonwealth, at the time of making assess ments in his ward, borough or township, or re quire every person, firm or partnership, and the president, secretary and cashier, or treasur er of every corporate body or company, subject to taxation to deliver him, in writing, a state ment of the aggregate amount of money due them by solvent debtors, and all other incomep, with the exception that banks are not required to make a return of notes discounted or negoti ated. This statement must be made to the as sessor within fifteen days, certified as correct by the proper person. In case of refusal, the as sessor is empowered to make out such a state ment from the best means he may be able, to obtain. In case the parties above indicated, shall re fuse to make a full and correct statement, they are subject to a penalty of one, hundred dollars, one half of which goes into the County Treasu ry and the other to the prosecutor. The statement must inclose all moneys due by solvent debtors on mortgages, judgments, bonds, decrees, notes contracts, agreements, ac• mounts and settlements in the. Orphan's Court and Common Pleas and other accounts; also the amount of stock in banks, institutions and companies, public loans or stocks, and money loaned on interest in any other State. 4. r.anotra Is the superior of capital, and de serves much higher consideration."—From the message of Abraham Lincoln, PRESIDENT OF THE "UNITED STATES. "Our boast is not of castled homes Upon our thousand hills .; ; Our boast is not of noble blood That thfough our veins distils No, 'tis our pride thet we were born In freedom's chainless clime And if escutcheon we could clime, The plough were choice sublime ; We're tillers of our yankee land, We're stalwart men and true, Who toil with ready heart and hand Where'en there's work to do?" All these fellows purchase Dry Goods at Thum & Bowmen's Cheap Store, corner Front and Market iltreeta. . 2t Aix Should read Prof. Wood's advertisement in another column. peonsplvania Jailßn gletegraph, eaturtrap Morning, number 7, 1861 WALltima —The heel of the boots or shoes should not be high, because it makes the step less steady and secure, and, at the same time, shortens it, and impairs the action of the calf muscle. A high-heel piece, moreover, renders the position of the foot upon the ground oblique placing the forepart at a lower level than the heel ; thus the weight is thrown too much in the direction of the toes, and they are driven forward and cramped against the upper leather of the shoe. The high heel of a boot, there fore, tends to aggravate the evils which are caused by the insufficient and ill adjusted space which is allowed to the toes. A good foot is not only charasteric of man and his intellectual faculties, but in each indi vidual the foot receives an impress from the mind. To walk well, we must willwell. There is little difficulty in' recognizing three chief classei among pedestrians. First, there are those who pay too much attention to the move ments, who walk with a pompous strut, or mincing gait, or affect some style or other. We are naturally very little inclined in favor of such persons ; indeed, we have usually to make an effort not to be decidedly prejudicial against them. Secondly, there are those who pay too little attention to their movements, who do not seem to be sufficiently alive to the responsi bility attaching to the possessors of so noble a structure as the human frame, and who do not give themselves the,ezert the powers of the glorious mechanism with Which they are charged. , . • They slouch, or dawdle along in a listless, lazy manner. Instinct tells us, and tells us rightly, to beware how we trust such persons with'the conduct of our affairs, or with any office of responsibility. We feel that the lack of energy manifested in the guidance of their limbs is too probably, a feature of character, which unfits them for the active duties of life and we know that such men are not usually successful in their calling. Thirdly, there are those who show, by the firmness and precission of their step, and in the regularity of the suc cession of the movements by which it is made, that'they are conscious of the dignity of their species, of the responsibility attendant on that dignity, and of the respect due to themselves. Such men, we feel, are likely to pursue their avocations energetically and methodically, as well as with punettiality. iany points of character peep in the way men walk. Oar poet tells us that in one way we may read -rascal in the motions of his back, And scoundYel in his supple sliding knee, Another has a halting, shuffling, undecided gait ; while a third walks in a bold, determin ed, straight forward, erect, and independent manner. One has a cautious, parsimonious step, as if sparing of shoe-leather, or afraid to trust the ground ; he has, however, probably trusted the funds with considerable invest ments. Some walk with long, pretentious, measured strides ; other make short, quick, in sigr,kificant steps. Some, again, are hurried, haw, noisy ; while others glide along in & qui et, shrinking, unpretending, it may be timid, manner. For the Telettapit, CIEDAR Hun Sonsamt.—Mr. Editor: In look ing over your advertising columns we noticed a card from the old and long established seminary at Cedar — Hill, near Mount Joy, and thought you might not object to insert a few well writ ten remarks in regard to that•institution from one of its former patrons. The Rev. N. Dodge, who founded and still continues at the head of this seminary, is deemed by those who know him best, to be one of the most successful edu cators in our country. We may truly say that he: is a living Encyclopedia of knowledge, and combines the rare faculty of imparting easily, pleasantly and effectually, his vast fund of knowedge by conversation to others. No one can be in his society without gaining informa tion on one or another subject, and it is owing to this fact that young ladies educated at his school possess so much general knowledge in addition to their scientific, classical and other scholastic attainments. His method or system of teaching is likewise thorough and complete. His assistant teachers are educated and instruct ed in the art of teaching,„principally under his own immediate care; and to ensure to each scholar perfect justice. He not only has a regular teachers meeting where all difficulties are reported to him for his counsel, he., but he gives each department every moment that he has to spare from the senior classes. Few men in the prime of life would, or could, endure his daily labors, and yet he at an advanced age shows no fatigue or diminution of mental vigor. He is truly a re markable man, and if parents generally knew the many advantages their daughters would have in this institution it would be the most largely patronized of any in the State. But it is an unpretending one, and is only best known to those families who have at one period or another sent scholars to it. , For many years a large proportion of its pupils were from the south, but since the rebellion they have been withdrawn and in some instances there has been alailure to pay, what, was due, the Principal, and he has consequentlysuffered pecuniarily as well as numerically from his southern pat rons. Knowing all of these circumstances in regard to the school, we felt called upon to, write a few commenadtory words in its favor to a loyal and cultivated community; and although disinterested should like to see an institution so worthy of patronage, rot chive a fair portion of pupils from our city. It is true we,have,good schools here that young ladies may attend' with 'profit, and we would not wish to depreciate or take from !them the high merit and position they have attained; but an intimate knoWledge of many of the semina ries of learning in our State, enables us to say that the Cedar Hill Institute, under the control of Rev. N. Dodge, still remains at the head of all others, and is the model School of Pennsyl; vania. It possesses a great superiority is this, that it is an old establishment, having an ex tensive library and laboiatory, With all the con veniences of apparatus, ho., and has been pro fitted by a large experience intertiehhig and cul tivating the minds of young ladies to the best advantage. The whole mind is cultivated in this school. The'intellect, the sensibilities, the morals, and the will, all are moulded by kind ness and gentleness, according to the highest standard of excellence—Christirmity. It is a school, too, which is free from sectarian influen ces, true piety alone is revered and- impressed upon the hearts of its pupils, and the =remit ing care of the Principal and his highly gifted lady over the health, comfort, manners and gentle breeding of those entrusted to their care, can scarcely be overrated. It is likewise a bene fit often to young ladies to be sent from home, where they will be cut off from wild and thoughtless associates of their own age, who exert a counteracting influence upon the good 'instructions of parent and teachers at home, and 'Although the current session commenced in the 'fall, a favorable time for , young ladies to enter this institution will be after the Christmas liolidays. • - - • F Fuss, Fuss, Fuss.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; 26 dos. hoop skirts for 50c., 75c. and $1 25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 60, $3 60 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels ; 100 plebes of splendid dark calico at Sand 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and ecitton, at 121, 18and 20 cents ; 86 large woolen blankets ; CO pieces canton flannel, at 121 . cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; 60 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers De Lanes, at 22 and 25 cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Levy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. IMPORTAN 1• TO vicmeLtr.s DR. CHEESIDIAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY friElE combination of ingredient's in these _L Pills aro the result 01 a long and extensive mactice. It• y ern mild in their operation, and certain hi correcting all irregulditlesPainhil Aleustrnations removing all ob struction'', whether trom cold , or otherwise, headache, pain lo the el le palpitation of the heart, Whites, `all ner vous allicdobs, hysterics, 'fatigue, pito in the back and limbs, Ace., disturbed sleep, watch mime; from interrup tion of nature. TO MARRIED"I4I4IO, • Dr. Cheesemanhs Pille are invaluable, aa they • will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladles who have been dhulPO'nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Dr. Ohoeseman's Pala doing all that they represent to do. NO,TION. There is one oendelipn Um female system in which the PsNe cannot be taken letthotet producing a PEOULIAR RESULT.r Theconditiols referred to is PESO IfANO 7 the muff mzsaudareok.. Sack it the irrutetthle tea. deney e the medicine to restore the sexual Amadeu to a normal eonditioni . that (*ea * reprottactive power' y/' here cannot resist st. Warrtutted purely vegetable, and free from anything Injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road: ad. company each, box. Price 91 Sent by mall on enclos log i 1 to Da. COILNILIUS I...omaracen t • Box 4,981, Post Office, New York Qtr.' old by one Drug& tin every town In the United Slates R. B. IitIfOEUNGS, General Agent for the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom all wholesale orders abohld bitekldreoaed. nov29 dandy A CARO TO TOR LADITV DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR .FEMALES "Read the iblo trig certificate" from one of the first ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called open my agents In that city (Br. Wet. Bristol & and told them that she, of course, did not wish her, name made .public, bail' any one should doubt the ivon lei tIA Albion:l'hr "MR. Dons ExPe Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she consiaered It a duty. as well as a pie Laura, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, earning I ady,l7 years out. be was. fast go ing into- {akin Odild-vaaturef became obstructed Two boxes of these Goldin - Pills' edtlre ly cured her, and sue .is now in racial ; health "Wewere particular. in buying the genukoe.. Full and explicit directions aCcointanyini etitth box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. H. XXIX; (Druggist,) 91 Marks' street, (sole agent ibr) Harrisburg, Pa. By sending bun $1 00 ibt o ngh the Harrisburg Pea Office the Pihs will De sent.contldenually by mail , to any part of the country; iifree of Pestage. • N. s.—Look out for canulterfelts. . Bey : no oeiden Pills of any kind animus the box ,is signed AD. Howe. All others Is o bead imposition - add Unsafe; therelbre, as you value your lives and health, (to say Bottling of be. lug humbugged_ out of your money ) , buy only of those who show the signature of B. D. Howe oti every box, which has recently be , * added he account of the Pills "wag eounterlelted. T.tir ingredients (*mewing: the above Pills are Inkde known to every Agent:imi they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Linitberger,.Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg ; ltarks;.Lewhitown 18: Billott- Cardin;: S. 0: Wild; Rewville ; O. /thick, &appalls, burg ; J Spangler, Chambersburg ; K. T. miller, York ; J. A. Wolf, — Wrightsville; 8. 8. Stevens, Nettling; and N. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" In every town and vill fige In the untied Mat". and br S. D. MOM"; e3.4m Sole Proprietor, NOW 'York. HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I Wm. A. Batalielor'a Hair Dye I The only Hannha and Reliable Dye Known All others are mere imitations; and should be avoided Egan wish toescape ridicule _,..._. GREY, RID :RUSTr.N.AIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or also; without the least InJury to Hair or Sidh. MIRED IibDALS AND DIPLOMAS hays been awar ded' to Wa4.llxiaaittoarairitte 18 9,rind over. 200,000 applications bad boebratideto the hair or the patrons' of his fat:aqua Otlt Hu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE prodtices a color not to be ,disldnifoished from nature and is wAttaihrun not to injure In the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Labels of bad Dyes remedied. The hair la levigorated for Ufe by iblahpleralld Dye, whleh io prop. arty applied at No: la tiondStreet New York. bold itt all the altos and towns of the United States, by Druggists indtPancy Goods Dealers , The Genuhsahas the halite INURARI . A.. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four Bides of each box. Wholesale'Factory, 81 Barclay St.., Late 233' Broadway, New York IWI2-dawly HELMECLEPSmaacT BUCHU TA , DREAT DibRETIC. HBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU„ TRE GREAT DIURETIC. KELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Buono. Tait GREAT DIURETIC. BELMBOLD , 3 EXTRACT BUCHU, - • • TOE GREAT DIURETIO. And a Feeds% and Specific' !eniedy itir Disown of the "Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Drop..y; Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. See Advertisement is another column. Cut it out, and loud for tho.Niedloine at once. BEWARE 07 'COUNTERFEITS. novl34l2nlL,c, MANHOOD HOW LOST, 110 W RESTORE D TIIST Published in a • Seided Envelope ; PriCe a cts : A Lecture on dui &lure, Treatment, awl nidlealetneot Spermatorrares or Seminal Weaknacs, Inioluntary Emissions, SernelDebillty, and. impedimenta to Marriage..gentirally,4lerno49Mona, gottsmilittifat. epey and Fits : . Mental And Ayalcalinoapeoliy r esulthig from self AMMO,' &O.;- - 13y soar: 3: Cf.rtYIKWNGL. M. IX,,rkethor.ot ; the Op= popir&c. Boon to Thou- Banda of Suffers " intei *Lir seaVleW.:ol.ili . i.pwrelpe, to any address, roltiram; on receipt - six 'bents, or two postage stenips, by Dr. CH..I. C. ELE, 127 Bowe ry, Bew York, Poet Maze, Box 4sse. setis.owsm T 0 O:I:IBTOii.ERS • A New Lot, of LADIES , PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, aubstaMlidly made A Splendid Amortment of GENTLEICHN'S WALLEITS. A New and Elegant Perfmne, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Pat op, in Cut Glass Engraved BonGee. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF pEAFTIMES, Of the best Manotiveture A very fisodaanie Variety of POWDER 'STET BOXES, XELLEB'S DRUG STORE, seplB Dl Market arse'. COAL t COAL! 1 . $3, AND S 2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 L 133. • • 0. D. FORST'Itjt , N 0.14, Market Street, yard on .ILI the Wed, foot of North street,' Wholesale and Re tail dealer ilk TRE,VORTON, WILB3BARRE, LYKENS xr, , . . SONBURYand BROAD 20P OVAL Flunlles and Dealers may rely umm °Wining a Bret-rate "reel°, mod_ full weigitt, :the :lowan Mee. Orders 'promptly, *waded to. A liberal uhicount made to per Cdiaaere paying for the coal , when ordered.. ' Present price, $3 and $2 26 'per ton; Harrisburg, Oct. 26.=d81¢ likilleregV l- ; - 114:111;1110TH, HAT, LAth Mt nuatfirsitusi# great VartelY klivg:4Pir.ol" filiscettarteinta SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS 1! 1 HOME MANUFACTURE TEE CHEAPEST IN 771 E MARKET THE undersigned ..aviug opened his Manufactory of Shirts kc, , at N 0.12 West market street, Harrisburg, Pa , mns respectitilly solicits the pationago and attention of the ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of which are oar own manufacture : BEHR rs, . • SHIRT BOSOMS, CULLA ' ccrria, WAISTBANDS, NIGHT SHIRTS, , &c. also the particular attention of the Ladies to our large assortment of under garments Ac , (from the latest im- proved London and Pans styles,) LIZiliN COLLARS, comes, sErrs &a., in great varieties, all of which, being our own mautmfacanre we will sell cheaper than can be purchased eliewhere. rersous desironsof tarnishing their own MaterjalN car , have cutting, sewing Ere., of every variety done accord ing to order. All of the above named geode for Goma we it we will make to measure, guaranteeing to fit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style, durabilit and m Iterlal. All special orders will be promptly at. tended to upon the shortest notice and moat reasonable terms. ' Also Metal:tenni:supplied upon the most reabou.. able terms. P. &Itches wishing skirts or Rader garments of any diacription, can bays them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired. . JAMES A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, a029-dBm Harrisburg, Ya Roosts next emir to Hummel & Grocery Store. .- A large assortmentof Gentlemen' Fur.nkihing Goods &c. , In andltiou to the above can always be roan& cheap for cub. _ . STEAM WEEKLY ;7 0 - 1 : 1 ; - ' 91 -.:, BETWEEN NEW TORE . - - AND llvElzeso.L. - •_. I IN FD . EItBAARING . -PAS - qUIXENSTOWN,, (Ireland.) The Liver pool, NeW ION apd Philadelphia Steamship company intend .1. - spatchlns their full powered Cdyde.bnilt iron Stearns lupe as follows : =HA, Saturday December 7: ;CITY OF MANCELPSTEIt„ Saturday,'Detembee ; VITrOF SALTIKI RR,'Llatitrday December 14 and ninny Saturday, at Noon, from Pler 44, Norm River. =I FIRST. CABIN $75 001 BTRCRAHE . $3O 00 do to London $BO 00 I do to London .438 00 do to Parte $B5 00.1 do to Paris ~.. $3B 00 do to Hamburg.. $B5 001 do to Hamburg 835 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, U., at equally low rates. xi-Persona wiehing'w bring euttheir friends can buy tickets here at the Mowing rates, to New 'York: From Liverpool or Queonstowu; let Oabtu, $76, $B5 and 8105 , Steerage From idrorp6itt $4O 00. From Queenstown, $3O 00. " • These Steamers have superior accommodations tor passeugers, and awry experienced Surgeons. They are built 1n Water tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. trot ttirther Information applytta Liverpool to WILLIAM , INMAN, Agent, :t2 Water Street is Glasgow to WM. INMAN, 6 at. Enooh Square ; Ia clown - A:town 43 C. St W. D. SEYMOUR CO: in LOndbfild - ELVES & 61 King William St..; in Paris to JIJLOS DECOUM, 5 Place do la Bourse; in Philadelphia to JOHN G. DALE, 1.1.1 Walnut sweet ; or at Company's offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, L 5 Broadway, New York. Or O. O. Zimmeraum. Agent. Elturisburz. PASeRNGERn FOR RtlttißE,—Sy order of . the Secretary of state, al reasengers.,learing the United States are required:to procurePtosporta before going on board the St amer. JOHN G. DALE, entaNT. REMOVAL. WM. BREITENGER has removed his restaurant from the corner of Dewberry alley and Market street, to the house formerly occupied by the "sod Lion hotel" In Martet street between Dewberry alley, and Third street which he has refitted throughout In the most beautiful manner, and he is now prepared to farniuti as intuit, Oysters and all the delicacies of . the season, in-that recherche style which has, distinguished his establianment from the time of first opening. N. 'S —Private Rooms have been fitted up foe the ac commodation of Ladles and families. lintranco next door to the main entrance. noirlB-dlm DRIED SWEET CORN (SHAirsn..) HOiIIONY, Gann, BAYP, BEANS, PRO, DR= APPLES, D 11111) MOM. Fresh Peaches, (In cans.) " Tomatoes, " " Corn, &c ., &O. Just received and for sale by noBo WK. COCK, Ja. & CO SOLDIERS' NICE NACIt'S, 'DOR Sale at /KELLER% DRUG AND FANTOR STORE Camp Writing Cases, • Kepi's or Sewing Cases, • Shaving or Razor Cases, • Toilet Cases, Match Oases. Pocket Ink. Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, - Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather &Platins Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pennlis—Paper, andilnyelepes. Soldiers will see at a glance that the phiee to ket as outfit in small wares is at No 91, Market street. ler-see "Fort Pickens" In the window. nos•tt FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDikL pP9O4 COTTON,. _ • !;; 200 ae 600 YDS. Wm.7.4-BLACK ca COLORRD. THIS thread being made particularly for Sewing hiss Wes, yEttY STRONG, SMOOTH. AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not iniPtilted by, washing; nor by Crictiots o(, the heeds:, For 'l4sellinee,' use. Brooks' Patent Glace,' " FOR "UPPER TREAD, and Brooks Patent 814 Cord, Bod-'4lre n t, FOR ENDER. MUM), Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.— Also, in mess or 100 D4Z/LV sem assoarau Nos , by lizsar Hal CA, Sole Agent. n09.410m 38 Vesey street, New York. Nb3x=imcmwvassi DAI4II . allt LINE! Between PliilacielDbda Loot Hex* Jimsnr &mom, Winiumport Maya, Clartoinows, wemoprrowmi 111120 N LNIVNIErusa, NOBBNCINIBIBLAND, SUNBURY, TIMOR:CO; Groinerowni L LMNEITOWZI, SLUARS BURG; HALIFAX, Dewar*, ANDE=A•#iRISBIIRU. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Dundeelac goes through with each train to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to tho line. Goods delivared. at the Depot AL - • • FRXED, WARD & FRRID, No. 81111ara et alteet, Philo • • delphla, by 5 o'clock. .11., will be Alivered in Harrisburg the next moralnA Freight (always) as low as by any other atie. Particular attention paid by this line io prompt and speedy delivery of all Harriaburz The undersigned thankful for pant palm: • :e hopes by strict Mennen to lin/simian to merit a con • ilea of the fame. T. PIFLFEIIiii, Philadelphia and &Wilt :• OH -dem Fein of Market Simi ri.atirg GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, SUCH AS Dods, IPilloany Blankets. Coats, Caps, Loggias, Drinking; Cups, &c., FOR SLIM BY Wilt SHAFFER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, 131Thgr, PA. aug2l•d3m* , newly . fe r ri . lenished stock of Toilet O V4 • itudTaiicy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, arid feeling conlldemt of nmdering satisfaction, we would yes immtfully Invite sea% • . KILLER, 91 m ar ket stieet,;•tire doors'east of itoiAl street, south dim •,. 1 . -* , '.11.'":1:1 - 2, A, 1U scdtaneov.. NEWBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION, "HIG C3NCENTF &TED" COMP. 'UN° FLUID EIPRACT A Positive and Specific Remedy For Dl , ea-rot of the BLADDER, KIDNEY/I, GRAVEL. and D-lOPHCAL SWELLINGS. Tb Medicine ine-en , el the power of Digestion, and eicite3 the A RSIMBF.STS hit ly action, by which the WAT , RY O t CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN. NATURAL. ENLARGE AENTR are reduced, as we/ as PAIN AND INFIA hi kTioN, and is gond for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELIIHOLD'S iiXTRACT DUCH% For Weaknesses Aria ny from Excesse% Thrills or Ditaipailon, Early In discretion or Abase. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Moak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefuluesa, Dimness ci Vision, Pam la tbeDatik, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Syslem, Hot Hands, Flerahlug of the Body, Dryness of the :Ain, ktrupdons on cue Face, PALI ID COON TENANOE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which ME med icine Invariably remove*. soon follows IMPOTENCY FtIUITY, PPILEPTIC IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY hICPIRIL Who can say that they are not freque tly followed by those "'IREFUL DPEASFS," 'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their auffitrlng, HUT NONE WILL CONFEsS. THE RED •DS OF THE I \ et NE ASYLUMS., And the Melancholy Dealts Ly Connoeption, IMAR .4.11P15 WITHROI TO Tile TRUTH OF IRS ABarimmt: THE cONAIITIIGN ON n: AFFECTED WITS ORGANIC wicur. , EM, Requires the aid of medicine to ,trengthea and Invlgorat the Spann, Which Elisunloin'a EX fRACT RUCHU i•aariebty doss. • TRIAL WILL coxviog mil MOOT SERATIOAL. FEMALE 4 —FEM.A.LE3—F EM A LEE, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TIXO MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECIIONi PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Hatred Hoehn is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Ohloreds or Retention, Irregularity, Paintelnen, or Suppression at or Customary EvecusUons, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorhtet Whites, Steril. ity, and tor all complaints Lied to the sex, whether arising from Indiseretioa, Habits of Dissipation, or In the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. BEE EITIEPTOMi ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT I C I Taal No MORE BLisix, biscoas, oz. uNrmt: INT MEDI CUR FOR uNruoLNANT AND DANGEROUS DIMS*, HELMBOLD'S EZIRACT B(10110' cum SECRET DISEASES. Ia all their Stages, At Mae sponse ; Little or no change In Diet ; No inconvenience; And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and elves strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Prevent'ng and Caring Strictures or tile Urethra, Allaying Pain and Itudaunnatiouso frequent la the Owls of incenses, and expelling aU Poisonous, Donated and worn-out Matter. 111008kNO8 'WON TeousANDs 1180 HAVE BEEN INN norms OF QUACKS, and who have paid HEAVY ratty to be cared In u laort, time, have found they were deceived, and that the 4 ` PO/- FON" has, by the use of ..rowsavut airrsoutarrrs," been dried up in the system, to breas out la an aggravated form, and PBRHAPS 4FTER MAIIM4O.II. USO ElO-111301,013 .IWrRUT Boons for all alfections and diseases of the UtiINARY ORGANS, whether existing In MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG s rA NDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of muslinco. lIIALUBOLD'S EXTRAU BUCHO THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to him) the desired enact in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECult MENDED Evidence of the twat reliable and responsible character will accompany the =dices. CERTIFICAMS OF CURES, Prontl3 iv 20 writ stveciiiv, WITH NAKAO =TOWS TO !MINCE AND Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, ....acutely packed from obser vation. Dh,s3CRIBIt SYMPrOSIS ISI ALL 0311MIMMITIONS Cures Guaranteed t Advice Grans AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of Oho any of Ptaladelphl a , H. T Haute , Lo, wno btang duly sworn, don Bay, hls preparations coot tin no narcotic', no mercury, or other Wartime drugs, but are purely vege table N. T. HELMBOI D. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 231 day of No vember, 1854. WM. P. EUBBERD, eiderosaa, Ninth St soave Race, Phila. Address letters for li/formatOn in confidence to H. T. TTEratIBOLD, Cheraist,, Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bol. Chestnut, phils,„ BE WARE OF GOUN VERB BITS AND UNPRINCIP . ..EO DEALERS, Who endeavor to divose "ov THOR own" and •-ocasa” ARTICLOS ON TIM IMPUTATION ATTAINND BY - Helmbold'e Genuine Preparation B, tt Lstract Bu hn, " Sarsauarllls, t. " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by C. K. oiler, D. W, Grose, J. W.teth, C. Baunvart. AND ALL DRUOFISTS EVERYWHERE'. ASK FOR INIABOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the advertisement and send for It, AND AVOID IIIPOBITIOn AND FICPOSURIt. nov13•Oly COAL 1 ! ! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. pH hSE Weight Carts are certified by the y. Sealer or Weighte and Measures. Commons can weigh their coal at their own doors. It hi of great in. penance during these liar.' times for every one to know that they oar WWI PULL HMV WIMIT. ,barge supply of Coal always to be found on band, LYKEEE VALLEY all sizes. BALTIC. CO'S WlLlCsimitaz, all sizes. LORBERRY coat., Oho genuine aruolo,) Sold by the car load or single Lou All coal ortha best quality, delivered free trom all Im purith 8 AT raiciai TO suit TUC tam, by the boot or ear load, single, ball or third of tons and by too bushel. JAMES al. ViEHiSLIH. Harrisburg, Nov. 6,1881.—y FIIRI3 I FURS 1 , FUR*l' FURS . Sable Furs, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Furs, Silver /tartan Furs, Water Utak Furs. CAPS, CUFFS AND MUFFS, LARGE ASSORTJIM. Great bargains in thaseGocds. Every article warran ted to be era tly as represented, at CATHCART & BROTHER, Next to the Harrisburg Sank. nou NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (R oo m formerly occupied by the Postoffice.) rriHE undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of tne latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds cf Gents Wear, cut to the latest styles and rash - ions. We have always on hand a large stock of Ready made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goads. nog-03m H. BIiELLENBERGSR & BRO. WBOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER In Confectionary, F o reign and Domestic Fruit.— Pip, Dates, Prunes, Raisins and Nuts of all kinds.— Fresh and rial trish, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, aldose, To haaeo, &gars and Country Produoe in general, Market street, next door to Parke House, alao evraer Third and Walnut streets. 0ct2.8-dsm JOHN Msg. Seleot Sohools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall farm of ROBERT fit'ELWEE'S School for boys, will open on the Ora Monday In September. the room fa well ventilated, oomforiebly furnished, and in - every respect adapted for school pat. CATHARINE BVELWEIrd School for girls, locate.), n the same building, wilt open for the Fell term at the same time. The 1.00131 has been elegantly fitted up to proniatit he health and comtbrt, of Reitman. aug22duf 80.11EFFER'8 BOOK STOKE 1 (Near the Barrietiterg Bridge.) ED ‘ 0 1 )1W25111 j1U 1i1121 81 1: lo ß t O E I Fin k.l e l oo V td Ifll o a.L in N th OT: woman we Will eel! at $1.25 per teem. 1411.60 per ream for NOTE Pet&it, decor , Lod with the-iataat-and-very- bauciaouku cochlea= aoa patriotic mottos. w. 43,.50.r0p Iwo WRITS DIVFLOPE4 wits, national and paubue anblems, printed tu two colors. Maio girt no a WI. Tag P. 80110:11131, 1 02514 woo.. Harelabowg,