Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, December 05, 1861, Image 4
iniatliatuous. LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. Every runny Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE gELEBRATED for ita medical and bone Octal qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, ids Q and SedoriOc, highly esteemed by eminent phyid lane, and some or the first famines in Europe an i America. SPEER'S SAMBIICI WINE Is not a mixture or manufactured article, abut le pore, from cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Onem his and Physicians ae posseming medical proaerties en peer to any other Alin -a •a use, and en excel' la. mitt s/a kr all peak and debilitated oersona, and the aged sod miltvti Improving the it'ipetite, +nd benefiting and shUdren. A LAD! tt:9 NINE, because It will not intoxicate as triter wines, as It con- MMs no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is at. aired Or its lice Peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to Um digestive organs, and a blooming, solt and healthy' sain and oomolezion. . ols ADS anima the signature of , PFER, Pomade, N. J., Warm he cork of each bottle, as ARE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPEER, Proprietor. N. J . Office 2013 Broadway, New York. J. H EATON. Agent, Philadelphia. For RIM by D W. Gimes, & Co., O. K. Keller, John Wyeth end hr dram:lsta generally kio=lo ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence da Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, OLERGYKAN, Indies and Gentlemen, In all parte of the world testily to the effloaey of Prof. 0. J Wood's Hair Restorative, and gentlemen of the Press are unanimous in its praise. A few teethrionhila only can be here given ; see circular 'or bore, and ft will be imims telt for you to doubt. 47 Well Street, New York, Dec. 20th, 1858. Gemara: Your note of the 15th inst., bas been te etered, saying that you had heard that I had been bens. Iliad by the use of Webre Bair Restorative, and request leg my aertlffaate of the foot if I bid no ' , Mention to give It. I award it to you cheerfully, ovum's I think It due.— My age la about 60 years ; the color of my hair auburn and Intl ned to curl. Some Ave or six years since It be -1101 '0 torn gray. and the scalp on the mans of my head to its endlidlity and dandruff to forte upon It. Ketch of west u,tagreeabilltles increased with time, and about tour minute mince a fourth wait added to them, by hair felting off the top of my head and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was Induced to try Wood's flair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling an of my hair, for 1 had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from dyes. I was, however, aridly surprised to And after the use of two bottles only,linat not only was the Wing on arrested, but the color was restored to the gray hates and mentality to the scalp, and dandruff firm do my head, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whose solicitation I was Induced to try It. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, strongly recommend all husbands who value the ad miration of their wives to profit by my example, and nee it If growing gray or getting bald. Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To O. J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New York. My family are absent from the oily, and I am no, long er at No. 11 Carrol place. Slamaaton, Ala., July 20th, 1859. To Paw. O. J. Woon : clear Sir : Your "Bair Restore, live" has done my hair so much good since I commenced the use at it, that I Wish to make known to the PUBLIC its sabots on the hair, which are great. A man or wo man may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a retort to your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more beanittul than ever; at lea-t ibis is my experience.— Delleve It all I Yours truly W I M. H. KINEDY. P B.—You can publish the above if you like. By pub lishing in our Southern papers you will get more patron see mouth. I see several of your certificates in the Me. lakihreurt a, strong BonthernApape r . W. H. Renedy. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Paw. O. J. WIXID: Dear Sir Having had the Water line to lose Ike heal portion of my hair, from the effects at the yellow fever In New Orleans In 1851, I was in ducted to make a trial of your preparation, and found It to answer as toe very thing needed. My hair Is now nick and glossy and no wards can express my oblige. Mng to yon Is giving to the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. 'the nootorable V put Up in bottles of three sizes, vie : largo aod.unt, and small ; the small holds half a pint, e'a retails for one dollar par bottle ; the medium holds at le .st twenty per tent more in proportion than *he mu ill , ratio le fpr two dollars per bottle ; the large kids 40 per °vat. more In proportion, and retails for J.. 1. WOOD & CO., Propletore, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market lanai, Bt. Lon* No. and solid by all good Druggists aid Fancy °soda Nolan. .Iyl3-daweow G reat Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, •19 THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia. LID A BM CURL TOR All Mercurial Diseases. r is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a Mel i' oat, a commando° be worn around the Maim, without Moire to the moat delicate persons, no change inhabits Of living is required and it entirely removes the disease from the system , without producing the Injurious elects arising from the use cd pow,rfo! internal medic toes which weaken and destroy th. kmettation, and give lampornri relief only. By this treatment, the medical propel ties contained in the Baud, come in contact with thrilled and reaches the disease, through the pores of the chic, alleging in every instance a perfect curs, and restore .he parts afflicted to a healthy condition. TIM Bindle also a most powerful ArrrinileaostuaL agent, ant VIII minty relieve the system from the pernicious et Ws of Mercury. Moderate oases are cured in a lee days, and we are constantly receiving testamonlahi of its mosey in aggravated eases of long standing. is,Pincts Si 00, to be had of Dreggists generally, or can be sent by mail or express, with full directions for use to any ?art of the country, dirset *out the Principal Offiar, No. 400 BROADWAY, New Moak. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. 11.--Desoriptive Circulars Bent Free. yorAGICNTS WANT= liThltYWHEltil...ll9lr 'IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. EUM. P. H. ALLABaCH, Burgeon Den- . , Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only that obviates every abjection to the use of ant. *dal toots, embracing partial, half and whole seta of one pow may, of pure and indestructiale mineral, there are, no Gravities for the aoccumatation of small particles of food and Mieredlere, no offensive oder from the breath, as no me. tal is main their construction, there can be no galvanic the Mow or metallic Mate. Hence the Why 'Mud la 'titian. .rmytid with sore,. throat, headache, &e. °Mon so. 4g : North decond street, Harrlaberr„ mg % dly REMOVAL. MEM.BIII3OO , IBER has removed hie .2. PLUMBING AND BBAS3 FOUNDRY from Markel otiGoM VI Youth /drool &boos illsrke4opposite the' Bathe &mac Thankratir lost pstramagm he hopes by strict Word= to basins% to aim* tinsswooom of , it. sow/SAW WX MUM . ettbito! AYER'S SARSAPARILLA., FOE PIIIIIFYThre THE BLOOD: AND for the Sp eedy owe of the sub- Joined varteale. Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Plains, and all Skin Diseases. - Oaaram , Ind., 6th June, 11109. J. 0. AM & Co., Gents : I feel it my duty to acknowl edge whet your Sarsaparilla has done for me., Baring Inherited a &retraces infection, I have suffered from it in ranch; ways for years. Sometimes It burst out ft Ulcers on my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description I tried many medicines and several physi cians, but without much relief from any thing. In feat, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Messenger that you had Prepared en alternative (darsaparilla,) for I knew trom your rep. cation that any thing you Made most be good- I est to Cincinnati andgot it and used it till it cured me. •' I took It, as YOU advise, in email doses of a teaspoonful over a month, and used almost three bottles New and healthy she soon began to form under the scab, which after a while fell of my skin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel what lam saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the 1401086 of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRIID B. TALLY ; St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or ron Tette and Salt Rheum, Sc ald e Ringworm, Bore Byes, Dropsy. Dr. Mgoert M. Yrebielliliee from Salem, N. Y 12th Sep., 1859, that he nes cured an inveterate ease of Drop• ey, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the peree. voting lase of oar Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous M sch of Malignant knalpelas -by large doses of the same says he cures the common Eruptions by It constantly. Bronchooele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Tanaka Sloan of Prospaut, Texas, writes : "Three bot• Use of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a Garnta—a Lid eoue swelling on the neck, which I bad snared from over two yearn', Leneorrhcea, or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, ,llterine Ulceration,Zemale Diseases. Dr. J. B. 8. Charming, of New York City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with the rasped or your agent in saying I have found your aarsaparlila a most excellent aiteruauve in the numerous complaints for which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially in .PainaLe Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. I hive cured mieny Inveterate cases of Leurorrbtea by It, and some where the com plaint was caused by likeratiow of the 'stereo. The ul ceration itself was soon enrol.. Nothing within my knowledge equals It fa' these female derangements." ECIWOZ.I 8. MLITOIII 7 Of fieWbOXy, Ala., writes, ..11 dan gerous oxen= hatmoron one of the females in my family, welch bad defied all the remedies we could emplo7, has at length bean completely cured by. your &tractor Sar saparilla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. after taklogyoor remedy eight weeks no symptom of the doom remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NSW 03L/ M, 26th Migue l 1969 Da J. 0. AZ<sa : tHr , I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your pont, and report to you some of the effects I have realized with your Sarsapardis. I have cured with it, in my practice, most of the corn pla'nts for which It Is recommended, and have found he effects truly wonderful In the cure of Venezia and. Met - curial Diseases. tine ot my patients bad ityphillile ulcers to his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him In Ave week. Another was attacked by lee. °Mary symptoms in hie nose, and the ulceration bad eiti en away a considerable part of it, so that 1 bejleve=rthe disorder would soon reach his brain and kill lifin:',l3nt It yielded to my adudnistration of your SarilaParlilit : the ulcers healed, and he Is well again, not of course without somenlatlguratioa to his face. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering IrOM this poison in her bones. they bed become so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating man in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla is a few weeks. I know from Its formula, widish you agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a great remedy; oonsequently, these truly remarkable results with it have net surprised me. Fraternally yours, Q. V. LABIA:KR, M. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. INDErmantsait, Preoton 00., Va., Soh July, 1369 DR. J. 0. ens: alr, I have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic Rheumatism for a long time, which baffled the skill of phyaiciane,`and statue to me in spite of all the remedies I could lin , until I tried year Sarsaparilla.— Ono bottle cured me In two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that I am far ocher than before I wan attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. IRIAN. Jules Y. (ietahel , of St. Louie. writes : have been &Mimed for years with an affection of the Liver, which deutroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing tailed to relieve me ; and I have been • than down man for some years from no Cher cause than de. rongistentor Me Lbw. aly beloved pastor, the Reg„ Espy, mimed me to try your Banaparrilia, because he Odd he Mum you, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God it nix oared me. I feel young again. The beat that can be said of you Is not half good enough." Eichirrns, Omer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration; Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of canes have been reported to ue where mires of these formidable complaints 'have result: form the use of this remedy, bat one space here will not admlu them. Som •of them may be found in our Amer can Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to Weise grata to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia, Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made oy the alternative power of this medicine. It etim- Wm= the vital functions Into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond Its reach. Stich a remedy has been required by the ne aesalties of the people, and we are confident that this will do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR TEI RAPID CORR OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis , Incipient Con sumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease This Um remedy so nniierasily known to surpass soy other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that It is useless hereto publish the evidence of its virtues. its unrivalled ekoellenoe for coughs and colds, and Its truly wondenul cures of pulmonary disease, have made ft known throughout the civilised nations or the earth.— Few are the communities,or ..,ven families; among teem who have not some personal ekperomee (Cita effects.— some living trophy tq the/r tolias of Its,vintory,over tot stiotle and dangerous disorders of the tlAsit and lungit As all know the dreadiul rabidity of iele disorders, aid as they know, WO, th e drama of this remedy, we need not do more than to wore chain that it tuna now all the vir ,us, that Itdid have when making the carom/hick have won so strongly upon the ounkdoinie of mankind. Prepared by Dr..T. C. AYES & CO., lowall, lass. Sold by Bannvart, 0. K. Keller D. W. Grose & Co., J. Y. Lola, & Co., Armstrong. Harrisburg, and deal ers every where. oetl4-6mdew I %AVID HAYN b 4, 110 MA RKET, ST. HABBISSUBS, Agent • LILLIE'S PA, TENT Wrought end Chilled Iron t nd Burglar Proof E11.191-10 *4 1 6:113. Strictly the ONLY hlertanole date made, that is both lire and Burglar Proof. , tuar294l/). NOTICE. TIRE UNDERSIGNED has opened hie' _Luxus OFFICE, corner of Third. str <.•. And Black berry alley, sear Hen's Hotel. umber of eli kinds and qualities. t e sake by • W. • mums?. The undersigned will sell Horses, Carnage.' end har ass low for cask, gygo—gorset sal amines to biro et the seinetidne, curly. ' }RANG' A. MURRAY: O. O. ZIMNIERMAN'S BANKING STOOK, BILL AND COLLECTING. OFFIVI Rae been removed from , No, 28.8emi Si In NO. 130 MAICKET - STREW NAINIGIO, PA. IlarikatT IMM Tan AT PAlt aepsi-ar Penn,ogivaitia ,Morning• Werembtr 5, 1861 SOMETHING FOE THE TIXES I I 'FA NECIMISITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN TIM - WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BENT GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL - MEND WOOD, Save your, token FarnitUre. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your„Harcess, Straps, Belts,,DoCtuitc. • IT WILL MEND GLASS, Bare the pieces of that eapttnelve Cut Glow Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Doa't throw away that brokto Ivory Pan, It it easily re. paired. . IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken Chins Cope and Saucers can bower's as good an new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, • That pieceknooked out of your Marble Mantle ow be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, il tio matter it that broken Pitcher did not oast but a That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and yOu can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and' in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with Ai?OMAN CRIMPY LGU:II wUI not show whore it Is mended. "Every Honiekeepers should hive la inaliply - of ,Thhita It Croaley'a America& Cotten% Olawa."—N.r. .qt, SI cons"is"t to!liavw In toe' honle."-Lif. - ..T. “Itis always ready ; this commends Itself to every body."—/ndependant. "We have mod Is and nod It ea mad In our homes in water."— WW& of the Mom ' 810,00 per yeiuleivedk in every isinitilby of AMERICAN CE BENT Price 26 Cente per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. - Price 26 Centa per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. - Price 26 Cents'per Bottle. Price 25 'Nuts per Bottle. ray L.berai Reductions to Whoksais Buyers. TERMS AAS U. ,For sale by all Druggists, sad Storekeepers general - ly throughout the country. Corner of Liberty etreaL Importantto House Owners. Important to *alders. Important to Railßoad Companies . Importantto Farmers. 46 cll lithom this may commis, andiit body. JOHNS & 'CROSIEIEY'S The Cheapest and most durable •Roosng. in use. IT IS FIBS ASIDWATEIt nog/. It tan be altpllad to nEW sad cam acioati of all Cat% steep or fist, and lb Smuts Roomi wallah • removing the Shingles. The Cost I. only about One-Third that of Tin AND' V 1$ TWICEAS OIIELABLIO. This article baR been thoroughly tooted In Lliew . , Tort Qty and all other parts of the United States;Caiada, West Indies Central and Booth Amerta. on buildings of 10 kinds, such as racroszes, Souinauss; Osusenes,, ROAD DiPoni, Cans, and on PUBLIC Bonnimas generally 1/ovsamasmr BUttotsoe. Sto., by the principal Builders, 'Archltoas and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAYBST and iosr DURABLE ROOFING in use; It is in every respect A 1/I.IIB, WAIBR WEATRER and TillS PROOF- covering tier noors or ALL BOMB. _ This it the ONLY material stanufactured * /IMO ;Starer which combines the very desirable propertiedat ; Illaaticity and Durability, which are universally aeknow ledge(' to be paiseas.A by GUT2A. PER U AND INDIA RUBBER. , .No Heat is required in making epplieation. The expense of applying it to trifling as an mammy roof can be covered and finished the name day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished ibrins a perfectly Fuse Moir emir thee with an elastic body, which cannot be Injured by BRAT, COLD or STORM. tiLOWIDLOO or Boor HOMO, nor any ex ternal action wbiteter. LIQUID GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating idetahi of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOR PEMERVING AND BEPEARING METAL ___ _ _ _ This Is the only Composition known which will suorwma fally resist extreme champs of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres Ormiy, torming a body, equal to coats of. ordinary paint, costa much Leaa and will Leaf THREE Taiga es LONt4 ; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other moult Rooth, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. . . beaky Pin and other blew Rooth oati Le readily - re ed with OUTTAR . CRVILI ObAiiNT, and.prevented pece, further uoiroiton and leaking, thereby anaarigg it Der. feebly light roof for =my years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation er IKON Ita:LING.I,,S2OV.P.B, Safilet, AGRI. CULTURAL. IMPLEAENT4 also for general mann fectarers use. • . • GUTTA PEOCHA; CEMENT For preserving and'repaing Tin and other MOl4 Boob every deadriptioll, from its great elasticity, la no. Injured by the contemner and expansion or Metals, and will nos crack in cold qr run in warm woodier, We can give abundant proof of allwe Mahn in faro of our Imptoved BMidlug having appli ed them to several thousand 800/kiln New York qty and vici n it y . ITOHNI3.Ik. CROBLEY, BOLB MANUFACTURERS ; • ' Wholesale WarehouelB William St., :tinier or_ Liberty Street.. -- ppkw . Tonic Fall descriptive Pir o 4 l3l l and prices willbit PUPlaked ' . V, OE is hereby. 'USA .4;4, otki. riaria Miglo 'mke Gkiverntror heves. nia me pardon of William MoUlars, coooloted Cowl of Dauphin county. inizailantom JOHNS & OROSLNY'S ling, a Wilts saved is a shilling owned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, 1:4 ECONOMY IS WEALTH. JOHNS & CROBLEY, (Sole Manure&totem) 78 WILLIAM STREET, • DIPROY BD GUTTA PJERCHA 0 T 0171.1 i GI GOOFS OF ALL KINDS Lt tarn nod CRACK IN COLD DR SUN IN WARM - , WEA2HIDE AND WILL NCI WASH OPP. Th em materials are ADAPT= TO ALL =TAM, Alkik. we are prppared to supply orders from any,art of thi Ten-, try, at short notice, lor Guru11001illtd; in, rolls, ready Prepared for nse, and lauTre PERCHA C.E, MEND in barrels, with fdll printed direotions for appli, nation. AGKM - WANTED. We will make liberal and salleactory arrangement. with responsible plumes who Would like to eedablish them selves In a lacrosse and permanent business. OUR TEEMS ARE CASH. LIVERREGULATOR, ARE pure vegetable extracts. They care all bilious disorders of the human system,— They regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeys they give tone to the digestive organs, tey regulate the se c retions, exeredims and exhalations, etemitse the circu lation, and purify the blood. Thus ell Why's complaints —some of whiob are Torpid Liver, Sick lieviacbUt. pepots, Filet, Chills and Fevers, Othilvensit or ness—are entirely rontroled and cured by %tee reme dial. * DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR Remoras the morbid and Willow deparits film the aMn. soh and .boirela, regbiatee the liver and kidoeya;remm. tog every abstraction redone a natural and healthy at. tire In the vital organs. It la a superior Much better than pills, and much aster to take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS Is& superior tonic and diuretic ; 'excellent in asses of loss of appcpte, Astalesey, female Westness, irregnYH tiss,pain, in tbetside and bowels, blind, protniding and bleeding piles, and general debility. BRAD Tril FOLLOWING TNGEDIONY Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, ISt Fulton street. New York, mites, August Di, 18.30 : have been afilleted with pike, accompanied with bleeding, the last three yam; kneed DARING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR LIFE BITTERS, And now molder myself EITISCILT 00111111." Hon. John A. Ones writes, "Brooklyn, March 16, 1660. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which Induc ed a violent *mar. I took two doses of DARLING'S LIFER AEG MAIM. It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attics, I Lad been troubled with dyspepsia several months ; I have lett nothing of It since. ), Otis Staidly, On., 128 Hest 28th Street, N. T., writes : "August 19,1880—1 bad a difficulty with Kidney Com plaint three years with constant pain Liam small of my bacir. 1 bed used most all Studs el mues, but found no permanent relief until I used . DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, I passed clotted blood by the urethra. lam now en tirely cured, sad tate pleasure to reootausendlag these remedies." Mrs C. Tabow, U Christopher Street, R. r., writes : "Jfeb 20, - 11100.-1 haVe been subject to attacks of Asth ma the last twenty year*. I have never found anything equal to A Darling's Liver Regulator In etrording Immediate relief. It la a thorough Liver and Mous remedy." Mrs. Town, of Brooklyn, writes, "February 93, . In May last I nada severe age& of Piles, whiah condo • ed me tote house. I took one bottle of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS and was entirely cured. /lave had no attack since." D. Westervelt, Fan., of South fith near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. L, writes : "August 6,lBoo.—Raving been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to Ml lo= Musks, I was advised by a friend to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, I did so, sod found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and aiming the liver to activity. I have also used it as a When our children are ontof sorts, we give them a few drops and it them all right. I find it meets the general wants of stomach and bowels when diaorder- NEW YORK Elam; if you need either or both of theta moat ix aellentltganedlea, bemire for them at the stores; if you do not And them, take no other, but look*. One Dollar In &letter, and on reoelpt„of the money, the Remedy or laminas will be cent according to your Wrea thug, by tg . oxpremipootliaid. Ad d ress, • • . DANIIIB. DARLING. _ 10a altassau street, New York. Put lap In ISO oentillilla 'IL Dot/tele amok. fmtPhdem JEWELEy, "WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, SO. AMU. F. ElitalifilAti di 001 X4I'62 . IIiARICHT WHEW, Harrisburg, • r... op t. l aane end etholteng the sera IRMO, named: possessed the stook of AL / ~. ... 11400 4 1 .1 sod added e large assortment 4,4 Jaw JlW sada, we will MA Um oMneiu the oink prico,ana lowest . _ soma patronsgs. , maybes, Goma IMO Jewelry wail/ AntProntr.t7 re• *red and dell"red • - ALM= P. SiliiMlßMAilf a co. &Muir disposed or my Moos or Jamell7' to A.T. Zim merman es ohm:0014 rommusead them to my tor mar clustomers as prosaic* and einerleimed Watab Maim, and melba' for them* oonlannanee of the patron. 4kge which be been so generously extended to me during lb 41111, six yeers. • • ' Jan 29 I. eiadmaa. Ga a . W. SrLoTlii graduate of the jugiltlatore oAla ea w Vestal durgery, having perms neatly loomedin the nitytot Harrisburg, and Eaten the °Mee ftrinerly °coupled by Dr. Giirgas, on Third atr eel, betwiiir Markel WaluWreepeourallpsforna: his fries/emit theimbiloin geherel,lbes' ite-teittirpared perform all operations in, tee Dental prole/mien, either thrginal or tneohanimd, in a manner dud ebill'not be enflamed by operators in . GO or any other city. Hie Mode of Ineertang artilltdal teeth te upon the %%tea =- moved galantine principles. . Teeth, tram one to a bill set, mounted on lbw Gold, Sil ver, Phan" plates or the Vulcanite Have. !tate great pleasure in recommending the &olive gun; Osman to all my formeepatleate ot Harrisburg and vi, Ardiy, and feel oonMent Mat he will peribrm all opera tions in a solentlfle Manner, from my knowledge' of his abtlity. ImyB-dtfl ; t QORGAS. H. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG • FARR , RIEDUCED , TO 1048 .THROUGH: TO GETTYSBURG. [IRE undersigned has eitablished a regular LING •cir STAGlR..alacati Non Mechanics: burg, connecting eiery eilieriesitft with the dumber laud Valley Railroad oars. Ils) embus leave every . every TueedayT TllurllflaY3434 didurdaY, viAuvllted every otherfor-ebepiardstotra I-Ginsburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are earriedaa re duced pates. JellAtt . _ WM. TATI. INSURANCE- 1 AGANCY.- ' THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAKETic.INKI_RANCR, .10 . 0.111. WY; . OF PHILADELPHIA. itTOOItgORATED 1816. CAPITAL AND MINTS 3904,90741. • TH.t 1118IIAANOE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. .INCORPORATED 1794. - CAPITAL AND ABMS $1,410,470.1 • THE under signed , . es. Agent _for the • 11- well known Companion, will make Laurance a/Stmt lass or damage by are, either perpetually : or ;al easily, ea property In either town or wytuoi7. Marine and Inland Treasportitkin Rieke also taken- Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM MILLER, • - Harrimborg;Pa. , HICKORY, OAK. AND Elms woo]) CU! ID iron 02 CORD LWOW' 10 sun POROII4BIOIB. ALSO, LOOM! Padrd AND alillifitnlT ROM IN* ORDER; iI.EB6I,,yIONE.AND sewn ITNE - BUTLDINO at bisi elgiii on tie r 4 l:l *.tobiht ' : 4165d WM Engine ai Ekona,* maw at Sawa and Bread atnalln, WORM? alabarg. Ifollid4rl Id, B. OOLI.II lisußcuttous. DARLING'S MID LIFE BITTERS, FAMILY MEDICINE, LIFE BITTEN FAMILY MEDICINE. DENTISTRY. ELIXIR PROPYL.AMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FUR RHEUMATISM& A. NEW BEILIEDY A OIItTAIN REMIDY, Boa AMITE RHEIDNAHISM, CHRONIC RH.EpLeTII3II, RIZEITMATRIM OS Brim , KIND ; ROW STUBBOKN, No Bur/mama HOW LONG .S..TANDEgo, PROPFLA WILL CONQIIMIT, WILL CURE WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN, THE BEET 13SMIONY, NET MEDICAL AIITHOEITY. PENNEWINANIMHOSPITAL.:: [nom OrmAx. Harr= Itzeossel krax 19, ,11160,—Elka S., mt. 26, single, never was very Strom. Two years ago alte had an atm& of acute rheum. tiam,irom will& she was confined to barbed for two weeks wand Bebe:gent) , from a edge. ter four more. Sheba& been e since then till last Bator day, while engaged th boom doming, she le:Avoid, had pain in her back, felt cold, hot bad no decided chill. Toro days later her ankles be gan so swell, which was fofiowtd by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now doll pain in her sbeulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painfUl ; , bollt bands are affected but the right Is most so. This, then, Is a case of achte rheumatim, or, as it Is now fashionably called, rheumatic lever. his a well remarked typical ease We will carefully watch the cue, and from time to time call year attention to thorazi- Oda symptoms which present themselves. my chief object in bringing her before you now, is to mall attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended In the treatment of rheuniatism. Imma propyiamine. Dr. Awenailus, of St. Petersburg, recommends it In the highest terms, having derives great oenefit from its use in 260 cases which came under his care. Various com mendatory. temintordaLs respecting it have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give It another trial I most confess Ism always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies but this 00mee to ns recommended SO highly, that we Ire bound to give It a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER 1 1880.—I will not► exhibit to you the patient for whom prescribed Propylamlue, and wa s then labor ing under an attack of SOMA rheumatism. She hos steadily Oaten it In doses of three grains every two hours (Intermitting It at night.) The, day , after you saw her, 1 Wend hie much more comfortable, better than She ex pected to be fora week or -more, Judging from her other attack., (Me patient now walked Into tne room.) The improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice a marked change In the appoaraeoe of her Moue, which are now nearly all of their natural size.— Thus far our expeilment would have named very sac outdid; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be. tore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to be the molt. • Sue Is another patient rho wee plaited on the use of the same coedlelne on Sunday last; She has long been suffering from o ironic rheumatism, anti found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affeatura. The writing and imuckles were much swollen and 14.1110. She soak the chloride of Pro ppm'. mute In three grain do,es every two hours and you will perceive that tbsiewelling of the joints ha s mush dimin biked. THREE .111UB LATER,I 1 Hair 26, 1860.--This Is the case of saute rheumatism treater with propylamine, the drat of those to which I called your attention at our last ciliate. One is dill very oomformble, and is now taang three grains thrice daily. In this case It has seemed to be followed by very, eat letacllery resells. The second owe to winch your atten tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do wet I. I will now bring before you a very entracte,- Who Mae of Mite sheumatiani, and If the result be sat. factory, I think, as good Jurymen, we snail Justly nuttier our iewhet In favor of propylamtne. He is a amain, at. 26,' who was admitted a few days ego. flashed oatasional rheumatic pone, but not so as to koep his bed, untll eight days ago. The paths began In ids right knee, subseguenuy.alfected the left knee, and later:Um aina of Ha upper calamities.. Theee joints ire let 'swollen, tease and tender. His tongue is fared ;, Lis skin, at present, dry, though there Alas beed utuch sweating. His palmier bill and strong, andabout 90. He has now used,propylatienellartwerity4our hoar*. This gentleman le whairmay be Called a strictly typical ewe of souterrheirmatisin. There was exposure tr cold "end wet, and this exposure la followed by a Haling_, of Voidness, severe articular pain, beginning, as It usually does, in the lorrerjohna. there a diver and the - profuse sweating, so generally attendant on acute Thane:Maim. 1. f:11d not bring this patient before you with the i nten hen of giving you a lecture on all the plena connected ' with , rhe but to again give a trial to the new remedy wit are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical cart„ as Thrive ca ll ed it, than which there co uld not be a fairer opportunity for testing, the Medicine in question., We are, therefore, orldang the ale, off, all other medleinee, even `anolynes, Whit tiler ' nay be no iniseeingillS to whirl was the efficient remedy. Yoa shall see the case ot a interactions. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Josue, IS43o.—The next of our orinvaloseenta isithe case ol ante rheumatism before you at our clinic ot May 26th, which I thea stalled a typical case, and which it was remarked, wee a fair opportunity for testing the worth ot our new remedy, It wee thereicire steadily give* In three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient hie stations very cutely, and la now able to walk about, as you' Me. I'do not:hesitate to styth at 1 nevea.seea as severe a One of acute rheumatism so soon restored to health as this man lute been, anu without being prepared to deoide poolltvo nyasto the Aral. ue of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to state that In the cases in which we have tried the Chloride'of Propytamine, the patients hoe roamed their _health, much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily per - sued: I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. , For a full report of which the above Is a eondonsed extnct, see thaw Philadelphia ltedieca and Surgical Sa porta. It is the report after it fhb trial by the best med iae]. authority In Dill country, and nukes it unnecessary td giiOndnereueertifloates 'from woodshed doctors and rejoicing patients. • . A SPEEDY 001tE, AN ILFEHICTUAL MOM. SAANABLICTLT. W$4T IT R& pONA &idiot* & Crenshaw; a Arm well known to most medi cal men; by whom'the fabdr Propylamine has been in frocinced, have soh} to us the exclusive right to manufac ture it awarding to the original:recipe, and we have made arrangements of such,. magnitude as to enable us to aratibr a broadcast amongst auffeiing humaidty. A WORD TO DOCTORS. -If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form we invite your attention to the • Pim annum Gammon PIOPILAMINI, Pon Monona am Loam, Puna PRommonn Commonumnii, Pm Immo Pacommthiti, of which we are the sole manufacturers. ,q -We claim no other eixtue for the Elixir Propylamlne than Ia contained In Pore CrintePled Chloride of Pron.' Tin ELIXIR IP KORB CONVOILITNT, 4 AND ALWAYS BRADY AND MAY BR TAKEN FOR INIERDIATS USE, ,_ , AOCOADINO TO DIREUT/ONS, BY 4124 T,,, WHO HAS aaiumaxisit BY 2 ' l " °NM ' OF ANY KIND. Sold in Hoinioburg by az 76 QM • worn* Orders may be addressed to - PROPY&L.LIIII7.II4I.N7II4OTURIN9 00 °Woe, Boom No 4, ' * - S. W. Cor. Fourth and Cbeanut streets, Paelpbba Qr So toner 04, the following Whateras Agents- • . BULLOOK k 011XNEIRAW. 4;ul, " .FREWOH, 1111.11411DS & G 1 a r,, ZaNlNec le said & CO_ GEO. D. WELIIERELL II CO., T.,,WEGIGT & zOGLIS &fauns. • -' -Ai 2.1101R113 nein kw., narT4l,l Pwardaniusta. INVI'ANT BILLS? BTOP:YOLIR equGa Throat Confections, DOOrnRS READ DOCTORB sikkirta, DOOTuRS TRY IT. GOOD FOE OLFIEGYMF2I, DOOTOBB KNOW IT J PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, TRIAD AND TRUE. 000 D FOB LEM:MBEs SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECHOA's LAMB ARS DPIIGHTED WITE SPALDING'S THROAT CONFEt7IoN!. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFRcrioN They relieve a Cough blatantly They clear the Throat They give strength and volume to the rely, They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath They •ro delightful to the taste. They axe made of simple herbs and cannot tt , tra *Ly I advise every one who has • Comm or a Bust)* TN , or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat v. M package of my Throat Oontectioas, they mu reli eve ym aeleatly, and you will OM them very ueon sod Woe. ant while traveling or attending Peek meetinze for %I. kg year Cough or oil tying your vitro. If foe try 'a package I ma sate In saying that you will me, c„,. Mira consider them indisprnslbie You will del cp oi at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. danasare 15 on each packege. All Genet are c , 41 tiriett. A Package will be sant by amil,prewt, ac rec; TWAT Osele Address. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE ALL KENDS OF HEADACHE 27 the Ise of these Pike the petio4k enacts a: 1, vow Cr 3M Headache may be preveote4. the Canunanoelneut 0; SIJ ...a. re.Y paku end sickner. They seldom tall in removi eg Noses nod Headset , I, yid& females are so subject. They act, gently upon the boards, removal trearem. For Literary Wen, Students, Delicate Ved,e , el; persons of sedentary habits, they are' 41,15 , f Zfigaia4 improving the arrarrrra elmeg lose ra., to the digestive organs, and reectruor the esturs city and strength to the w hole velem. The CEPHALIC FILLS we gallon and carefully conducted :atm 03, MO Ut many years, durthg winch tan: .aat tar A voided and relieved a vast amount of pam sod sate , from Headache, whether originating In Me nom I:: lain or from a deranged state of the stomach. Day are entirely vegetable to their alit:1101*n L. witty be taken at all ernes too p,•rtocE making any change of dlet told the clbserwe 4 my I. erosoble Moto Mader/ it earl to administer Wr.l A...lff Tin gamine have five ataltoree ul Elrarf fg.n , . on each box. OA by druggiate and all ogler dealua !Den , . A Ban will be sent by mall prepaid ou Nolo of Lc. TWZNTY-FIVE OVIT2 All °Mars should be addressed to TN EVERY CASE, WHENEVER TRW, WHENEVER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN 4irA &isle bottle of SPALDING'S PKSPASL,, acoGkists Sapp" even neil•retiei °2"l"‘ 11 Is very desirable to have some cheap nay for repairing Furniture, Top, 'T MAN 11,11 MUM OnnergenCien, nod no lonnettoid an affir• to be without it. It in always rawly sad ap to We taca• be point --- 1148.--A1 Broil accompanies mon witio, PArise 910 i Address nom a en'LIR G, No. 411 Cedar NnAt, New Y° 6L OAIITIONI turtain unprincipled personsare attaminingy FEL AIN ea an the unsuspecting public, Imitations Wood of m eARED ocua, I would citation all Minos t Woos purchasing, and see that the MU name, A.I.DINGIB PREPARED OW& AN IS A thainteuni Wrapper ;ail *era •... PAM 0T041W17-nileti. ititbital "They go right to the Spot," PURIFY YOUR BREATh t SMINGTHRN YOUR VOICE, SPA LDING'S, GOOD FOB PUBLIC SPainms. GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR OONSUGETPirE^.!. GENTLIOIO24 CARRY CHILDREN cay Fort PRICE TWENTY -FBI CENTS. HENRY C. SPALDING, N.. 48 OLDER STREtT, N tog, NERVOUS HEADACHE, CUBE • obtained BIWARI Olt COUNTERFEIT:. HBNEY C. SPALDING , 48 Cedar %or Y. wt slave tea times ha Cost SPALDING'S PREPAIOLD GUI EXALDING'S PREPARED ULI BPALDING'B PREPARED GLUE SINN THS PlgCt.'? KOONOII7 sole,. VIM . 11l TOO UY AWL " NIULDING'S PRIPLEID Gal ‘9:10.101Th iN &TOY Roos." DISPATCa