oTeltgao ----- EIARRIBI3URG, PA Thursday Morning, December 5, 1861. A ran of Col. Wilson's regiment, at Camp Ca rlin, favored our citizens with a street parade this Worniog /ASTMS TINE ON RECORD.—One morning re rei4ly a train of dump cars on the Pennsylvania Baillsri ran oft at Bennington Furnace, ten miles kere Altoona, and came down the moun tain in the short space of seventeen minutes, arriv ing at the foot of the hill without injury to either the caw or the men employed on-them. fixomorivs AnosioN —A locomotive draw hg a freight train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, when near Newton Hamilton, yesterday, sud denly exploded its boiler, instantly killing the ergliver and fireman, and destroying a number of cars attached to the train. The regular Morning passenger train from• Pittsburg was de tained about two hours by the accident. HOLBROOK'S U. S. 4;4'11 and Post Office As &taut, officially endorsed by the Postmaster- General, contains collected Foreign Postage Tables, Lista of New Poet Offices, Post Office gegniations, ffia, tte.,.indispensible to Post masters, Clerks, Merchants and others. Pub lished monthly, at $1 per year. Address "11. S. Mail, New York." TEE "SILVE a GRAYS."—This volunteer COM pay, composed of men over forty-five years of stre,recruited chiefly inCambriacounty,previous ly noticed in the TELEGRAPH, arrived here last Monday evening and went into quarters at Clop Curtin. The company is commanded by Captain Palmer, of Wilmore, and Lieutenants Teeter and Murray—all experienced officers. Coassonos.—lt seems we committed an er ror in announcing day before yesterday that the Director of the Poor chosen at the last election will enter upon the duties of his office on the second Tuesday in November. By a special act passed at the last session of the Legis lature, that officer takes his seat at the same time the new county commissioner enters upon the duties of his office—the fourth Monday of January. I=l=l ANOTHIR POCKET PICKED AT THE DIVOT.— Pickpockets still continue to flourish about the Pennsylvania Central Railroad depot, notwith standing the presence of the "indefatigable" =- Chief, the ndere announcement of whose appoint ment as policeman at that post was to have the effect of scattering the chevaliers d'indueiria and bummers generally like a seventy-four would scatter a flock of Jeff. Davis' privateers. The victim of the light-fingered gentry in this case was a sergeant proceeding to York, Pennsylva nia, on recruiting business. He had purchased a ticket at the office to go by the morning train yesterday, and was about proceeding to the car, when he met a. friend with whom he shook hands. Directly afterwards, he discov ered that his pocket book, contain ng twenty three dollars, was among the missing. There was a considerable crowd about the cars at the time, which, of course favored the operations and escape of the thief. The sergeant made known his loss to his honor the Mayor, from whom we have gathered the above facts. PENNSYLVANIANB IN Inn atta.—The Indian_ apolis Daily State Journal of the 30th ult., says that Capt. Williams' company of regulars re cently paraded through the streets of .that city in full dress'uniform, with rifled muskets. The company is composed exclusively of young men from Cambria and Somerset counties, in the mountain districts of Pennsylvania, recruited by Capt. Williams in just one month. The Journal adds : We rarely see this sort of men in the ranks, but Capt. W., who perhaps has not his superior as an officer in the army of the Union, possesses the entire confidence of the men, who are deter mined to be regular soldiers. The other commis sioned officers of this company are First Lieute nant Louis T. Snyder, and Second Lieutenant John B. Hays, also Pennsylvanians, making this a Pennsylvania company all through. It will leave for Kentucky in a few days. Penn sylvania furnished a regiment for Califonda— the late lamented Col. Baker's comrades, and she is now sending men to Indiana, having more than filled herquota of volunteers. It seems that she is also determined to fill up the regu lars'. Bully for Pennsylvania ! I== COI'M Pumas' bisvrrirra.—We have al ready noticed the fact that a County Teachers' Institute will commence in this city on the 24th instant, and continue in session until the 27th inclusive. The attendance of teachers and others interested in the caws of education promises to be large, and the exercises replete with interest. We subjoin the following letter on the subject, from Mr. Ingram, County School Superintendent, which fully explains the object of the Institute, RIS, Dec. 3, fir ' Editor h HA aa R alreadyßUßG been noticed in your paper that a County Institute will be held in Harrisburg on the 24th. 26th, 26th and 27th of this month. Professors Bates and Row, of the School Department, have promised to aid in conducting it. Prof. Wickersham, Principal of the State Normal School, will be present one day ; and Prof. Brooke, of the same Institution, will spend a couple of days with us. Dr. Bur roves and other educators will address the In stitute. Several teachers of the county have Promised to aid in rendering the Institute an interesting one. All are respectfully invited to ce'oPerate. Arrangements will be made to add to the interest by introducing music by a class fro one of the public isceools of the city.— Th m e County Commissioners have kindly granted the use of the large court room for the evening meetings ; and the directors of the North Ward the use of one of their buildings for the exerci ses of the day. Arrangements have been made w ith Messrs. Hoffman, Miller, Buck and Peters, te entertain teachers at seventy-five cents per d', l .Y. It is respectfully urged upon the teachers ° L the county to attend. It is also very desire -1 that the directors of t the county grant the time for attendance. Were the importance of ee meetings fully appreciated by all directors g y r e would be no hesitancy. To the teachers, v t,her the time may be allowed or not, I I :, t t 'd earnestly say, come one, come all. Pre 01„tNirselves thoroughly for your vocation, l a r,,Pe can command longer termsand higher Col t Attendance at Institutes, whethe of et District, is one of the many meting ti nipro vment. Directors and friends et edul le°4 generally are cordially invited attend 14 ' 2t thille of the approaching /rusfaßite. D. blentsx, &pt. Dingy?* = telegraph dhpaheh has been re . mincing the death of Mr. Henry MILD.— I ceived here tive of this city, occurred at yesterday, of wounds received in the rebels. Mr. Chayne IS a desidon, and was following this oc- Chayne, a Beverly, V battle • printer by cupation at .clianaindis, Ind., - at the thus the rebellion co mewed, when-actuated by patri otic•imptd::, he enlisted - as a privatein one of the Indiana liments, and served in the army under Gen. cOlellan irkWestem Virginia un til incapacitated by a serious wound, when he was plus:a -in the horspital Beierly, where he remained until his death yesterday. The remains of the deceased will be brought to this city for interment. Mesceiro' Ersorrow. l --The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, A. Y. M., held an election, kik offleers last Monday evening, in Philadelphia, with the following result : R. W. grand Master, John Thompson. R. W. D. Grand. Master.•—navidtt Skerrett; R. W. S. G. Warden.—Lucius EL Scott: W. J. G. Warden.—John L. Goddard. R. W. G. Treasstrer.—Peter Williamson. R. W. G. Seciatity.—William H. Adams. Pnatees of die Gireark ! Ba2uoL—Samiiel H. Per- Irina, James Hutchinson, A. Bournonville, M. 4, David Boyd, David Jane, M. D. Makes of the Mamie Loam —William Badger, William English, Philip R. Howarkl, James Shields and Frederick Lenning, in Connection with the Elective Grand Officers. rrudeee of Grand Lodge Charity Flaur.-4 - blui Wilson, Sr., Joseph S. Riley, William S. Black, William English, Angus N. Macpherson: The officers will be installed in accordance with the proper forms on the approaching St. John's Day, December, 27th. Tzzs "MIIIIIIIIIOIIS AMIEL"--the Philadel phia Bulletin of. yesterday says that the body of thesoldier, which arrived at the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, in that city on Monday, noticed in last evening's Timiciaara,,haa been recog nised as that of Patrick McLaughlin. He vas a member of the McClellan (Thirty-eighth) reg iment, Colonel Wood, commanding. When the regiment broke camp at Huntingdon, Mc- Laughlin left just previous to the striking of the tents, and was soon after found upon the rail road track in a mangled condition. Arrange meats were made for the interment of the deceased in this city, and the shipment of the body to Philadelphia was entirely unauthorised. The remains are alleged to have beim carried away by a squad of drunken soldiers, who de serted in consequence of an unfounded 'report of the breaking out of the small-pox at Camp Cur tin. Officers are now in Philadelphia for the purpose of looking up the deserters. TIM COMMON &1110010 of DAIMON COMITY.— The following extract from the report of Mr. Ingram, County School: Superintendent, to the State School Department, exhibits, in part, the labors of that officer during the month of November : During the month, visited 84 schools in Sivatara, Susquehanna, Lower Swatara, Dau phin and. Deny districts; spending 04} honks in them—average duration of visits Ihour 63 minutes. Attended at the oripsnhation of " Union In stitute," for the borough of Dauphin and Mid dle Paxton district ; also, spent a day with the teachers of " Derry Institute." Spent 25 days in official* duty; two of these in visiting for a short time each 27 schools in Harrisburg ; the last week in the month was spent in attendance on " State Educational Convention." Traveled 188 k miles ; walked 84; in care 105 ;by other conveyance 18. = • At the dose of each visitation, during the half hour spent in interesting, the, pupils, I asked a number of questions in reference to our State Government and General Govern ment, for the purpose of directing attention to the importance of studying the Constitution of our own State and of the United States. Also, have striven to awaken an interest in the his tory of our country. ' ' BUMMED Daara.—A girl about air years old, a daughter of a widow lady whose name we could not learn, but who'resides in or near , the village of Paxton, on the ridgo.east of onr ; city, was so severely burned yesterday as, to cause her death to a few hours. It appears that her mother had gone early yeelordaj morning to do some work at the residence of Mi. Elder, about three miles distant., leaving the daughter and a son about five years to take 'care of the house, when some time towards noon, the clothes of the daughter caught fire from an over-heated stove, and she was soon• enveloped in flames. Her brother instantly went to her . , relief, but could render little aaidsbuice ; and the poor girl, half crazed with , frighfy ran fro m the house into an adjoining field, where she was fortunately seen .by Mr. Althouse, a neigh; bor, who quickly threw off his overcoat, and wrapping it around her_.bodj, succeeded 'in arresting the progress of the dames, not, however, until portions of her limbs were literally burned to a crisp, Mr. Althouse car ried the girl to his residence, and sent for her mother, and to this city for aphysician both of whom arrived promptly, but notwithstand ing the utmost exerrions of the latter, the childl lingered in the most excruciating pain, until last night, when death relieved it of its aufferizigal , HAIR, DyE DYE! I Win. A. liatehelor% Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye KnOwn 1. Alt others are mere imitations, and should be avoided yon wish to WPM* V. • GREY, RED OR R aim inelanUy to a beautillal and nature/ Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. . YHTEEN lIISDALS AND DIPLOMAS have team awar-: ded to W. A. Baroanos sines 18 9, and Over=2oo,ooo applications have been made to the hair ;of the poem of hie famous Dye. , W. A. BAWDY:LOA'S DAM DTE"PrOduotei a 'color not to be distinguished from nature and to wataserrso not to injure in the Nast, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill tffeois of bad De es remedied. The hair is invigorated far bib by this twilenditi'Dye; which la prop.: *Hy ap passive! aos&Street Mew York. hold in all the sites and towns of the United States, tgr Druggists sad Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A.- Ditohelorp and addreei Oran a steel plate engraving, on the tba* sides of each box. Wholesale-Factory, 81 Barclay 81 .9 Late 233 Broulerly New York. ocC2-dAwly CEDER RU L FEMALE SEMINARY-- Os itzweenvama RAILIIODD, ammelloOseklor, Lair: ?lOW COMITY, Pamisacm.—The Fiftieth Seml•annual aeedny (thh) of November. ..•esetou or Ma institution comnattuded amthe 4 1 14 Wed For throttler and Catalogue, ' apply to Ceder H N. DODGE, a. M., Principal, yenta, A near Mount Joy, Liumate r county, Penneyr 7 de.4.2wdo TEN DOLL A RS EWABD!. L OST, on the 29th ult., at or near the eanay la ()antral R. R. iar Depot, Danish a Portemonnale, containing •bout forty _diahlrg notes with papers valuable only to themosoneer,:aelon In which is a Promissary note. with 1480 or rohrPaYnkell endorsed nth subsonber's signature. Tel oeuwe. be laid CO rei10,417 of mild property by goo ODGE. Mt. Joy, Lanciater onty, Pa. Nay, ISOteIB6L otherabygtvon against say person's reekting add note. THE PENNSYLVANIA TELEGRAPH loft THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION. The publisher of the PINNINLVANIA Tina- GRAPH has made the most ample , and complete arrangements; by the, engagement,oD au exo - corps of reportets, ..to give the public a complete synopsis of the proceedings of the Legislature, embracing aillegislatioh that will be of a general character and such private busi ness as may have an effect or influence on the public interest. Added to these reports, with thelreports of the Heads of Departments, the debates will also published whenthev are of a character invyiving questions in which the people are Interested. These features regularly and carefullytxmducted and supervised by ex perienced reporters, our reports. of the proceed ings of Coigress at the approacintag session, the current events in the progress oUthe wart togethey'with shot doinestl4 , and foreign news as iiht9fdaily occur and come within our reach, wili. Asko the Passrsrtverns TarAxoalre one' of thotnost valuable and interesting newspapers inthe country. • . . mums. The DAILY Will be published during the me rlon of the Legbdatuze for 11,00 per copy.. Tnalisur-Wasura . will also be published at the low rate of $l,OO for the maim The Wntry is printed on a very large sheet at the low rate of $l,OO per year. Address, • GEORGE ' BRIIHNIKEt, Harrisburg, Penn's. A OARn TO THE LAM;IO4 . . ; . • ; • DR DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PIUS FOR FEMALES "Read the fo lo • lniegirittlunte , trot:libels of the Aral ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my mends In that city (Mr. Wm. Bristol & GO.,} . - and told them that she, of course, did not wial her name made IC any one should dmibt the wonderful efficiency of D u. OW" cot Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she collagen:4A daty,'es meg us, a platters, to, her knowledge of their Mammy, as administered to tier daughter, a young / years' Old. -he was fad ge t in into cons imption—had taken IMM-I:nature became oh trained Two boxes of thane Golden Pills entire ly., mired her, and . abe Is now in r.. bust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. IRO :and exloit directions partying each box Price sl. bold wholesale retail by O. K. Rausit, ( druggist,) 91 Market street, (sole agent. lbr) Harrisburg, dl. By sending him 11 00 through the Harrisburg Poet Moo the NH dill ow sent bloadentially , lip mail to any , part of he country , "free of postage." B.—Look out for mounerfeits. Boy no Golden Pills of. any kind anima the , hign 4 Is* aligned-I& D. Howe. Ail others le a r baser imposition and unsafe • ,theredhre, as you value yo. un.Ubee and health, ( to, se;nodi)lilt of to'. leg humbugged out of your money), buy only'of those Cu" show„the signature of S. D. Howe on every . box, whisk hue rdoeutly hems gelded` tin "Inceninecif Niing cbuntertilita., Tht ingredients' compbelng the ahoie made knot - en 'to every Agerd.,"atid they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. ld altlet WIZ /4 . lellittterflonflifithiwilvi num,.llltchaniceburg - H. marks, Lewistow ; B. Amu. Oarlike ,•*- B. G. Wild, ifewville ; O. :Ankh. BidiPoills. burg; Spangler, Chambersburg; E. T. itiller i , vorit .7t Wol4 ..Wrightsville ; 8. 8. Stamm Reuling ; and, P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" hi every town and village in the United States, and , , B. D,,KGAIK e 8 dm ' Sole Propridtor, Hee York. MANHOOD HOW LOST,' ant 'RESTORED eU6T — Eitirelope . ; el Price 6 cis ; Were On the HAMM; TreaUconit and radical Cure of Spermatorrhcea dr SeminkiWimitneen, Involuntary Emissions, Sonnet Debility, and Impediments td Marino generally, Keivenkitieht,Aonstelption, spit. ellfind Pita ; Mental and Pliyalpai Incaply, resoling P m :Salt 'Abase, ROST, J . Cr.lo ISWELT4,III. „ Anther of the GnizieWok Atb. abn to Thou.: sands of &dere," sent under seal, in a *ski /tnyrtipe, In any address, mar PAID, on receipt of six oents, or two ;dotage stamps, bjr Dr. OH. J. 0. ; KUNZ,' ` ISTBewerl, New York, Post , olllce, sep9-dawSm ; , , PROPOSALS FOR RAY AIM EAI 1101 1 68.W1 1 443114- 4 642" 6441 1 until Tuesday - the llttriast.vfinctim whole or any tart of 100. tons of Hay (2240 The,) and'l;6oo bushels of Corn in the ear (70 The.) to be deliver ed at Harrisburg during the month"Of Decem ber at such times as rettuired. The Proposals will be addressed to Capt. H. Jones Brooke-011 Si d " -VOLLS arible• Haribitaugi: P ennsylvania, and endorsed for. Hay ! HarrisburPa., Dec. 8, 1861.--d4t PROPOSALS FOR FLOUR EALED PROPOSALS will be received until Friday the 6th inst., for Five Hundred els of "Extra Superfine" Flour to be deliv ered at the Commissary Stores in Harrisburg on or before the 16thinst. Said flour to be inspect ed by a legal inspector or such other inspection as the subscriber may direct. The Barrels containing the Flour to be strong and well hooped. • The Proposals to be addressed to Capt. H. Jones Brooke, C: ft bervioe, Harrisburg, I'ennsylvans, and endorsed "Prqrsels for (Flour." nisi Ha burg, Pa., No:2, 1861.--ilB-417t Rauh'Foirrs BAKERY! CORNER OF 4TH AND CHESTNUT STREETS. riIHE most extensive Baking Betel)Flak maul in the City of Harrisburg. • The subscribers recommend to the particular attention of the public, their. BOSTON BREAD, ea light as it Is nutrition'. Pariloulirly suited for the use of persons of weak digestive organsand such as may be Misted with Dyspepaia. Manufactured exclusively by us, and recommended by the most eminent Physi cians of- thin city. WARY DISCRVMONIOF BARAN manufaciu;ed at our aetaillahrient liliu4e of very beet Bitra Family Flour, and chittlengee competition from what quarter. Beaver::: 1.1 Butter, Vater,lugar and Soda Crackers manufactured of Extra Euperdne Blear of best quality, unlike similar articles baked in the large cities of the United Statem Which are chiefly made oCisterior Astir. COIENON CAN= of the best quality alwaya on hand. Fancy and Ormunental Caket Or wedding and other parties, on hand and baked to or.; der., pfarrentedtßgive aatieactlon. • • / Fruit pie, . . , Mince and of every, sription baked to order and delivered at any hour to fees, Hotels, Blom and' Reataurtirits. ' • Frei* Tea Thsettite ißuns iStio will be SAO at Usatore:everyafternoon at 4 P. M. EXTRA! 1 1 FLOUR OF TEI quaorr•tor °se by She Barrel or In smaller quantities, selected with the greatest care from the beatings in thaStates, &Imam hand. Orders left at opr *pre, cornet.pf Atli and ..,..heatinat or the drivers of