pailp "eltgrapt. HARRISBURG, PA Toys(ln , Afternoon, December 3, 1861. ➢lusTsa ROLLS FOUND. —A set of muster rolls were left at Bergner's Book store, and can be obtained by paying for this notice. To Asarir OFFICEBEL—BIank pay rolls and fur loughs handsomely printed according to the army regulations, on fine white and durable paper, are for sale at this office. SK ATING.—From all accounts the "cold term" has already commenced up in Tioga county. Dickeivon's pond near Wellsboro' is now frozen over, and the editor of the Democrat has been "stretching his pins" on it. THE REMAINS of two soldiers named Washburn and Whelan, who died recently at Camp Curtin were forwarded in the noon train yesterday to their relative in Wayne county. The deceased belonged to Capt. Osman's company, of Col. Meridith's regiment. I=l= AMONG the "many inventions" which the war has called into being is a novel cartridge, styled a combustible cartridge. Every one knows that in the common cartridge the end has to be bit ter or torn off before loading. The new cart ridge dues not require thi.s operation, the wrap ping being combustible (it is water-proof also,) admitting of instantaneous ignition by the per cussion cap. =I RAILROAD APPOINTMENT.- We learn that Mr. Du Barre, whose name was recently mentioned in connection with the superintendency of the Northern Central Railroad, has been appointed by the board of directors superintendent of that road, vice Mr. James C. Clarke, who has re signed. Mr. Du Barre is from the Fort Wayne and Chicago (Illinois) Railroad, and brings to his new post considerable experience In railroad matters. Mr. Du Barre entered upon his duties yesterday. I== TEACHERS UNION INSTITUTE.-- A teachers' Union Institute, composed of seven teachers of Middle Paxton township, and three of the town of Dauphin, was organized on the 16th ultimo, by the election of the following officers: President—Wm. J. Lawrence. Recording Secretary—W. S. Poffenberger. Corresponding Secretary—H. G. Sheesley. Treasurer—Benj. Moyer. The objects aimed at by the organization are, Ist. The advancement of the cause of edu cation in the districts and Commonwealth. 2nd. Individual improvement as teachers, and thereby the improvement of the pupils. 3rd. The dissemination of a code of pure morals in the schools. To accomplish these in part, the members are required to deliver lectures and essays, and to give illustrations of the modes of teaching the various branches of study introduced in the schools; all of which are subject to discussion and criticism, for the purpose of endeavoring to secure those which may best benefit scholars and teachers. I= POLlCE—Before the Mayon—John Baker, John Talburt and Mary Todd—all first class "vags" were arraigned for "lying around loose." Dis charged with an injunction to leave the city for the city's good. John Short—a volunteer wearing the uniform of a Zouave—was arraigned for vagrancy. Short it appears, had enlisted in one of the Indiana regiments, but it was subsequently discovered that he was afflicted with some ailment which rendered him unfit for service, and was accord ingly left here by the regiment during its pas sage through the city two or three months ago. Since then Short has been staying about the city, living on the charity of the public, and lodging at night either in the market house or on the most convenient cellar door. After hear ing Short's story, his honor, the Mayor, fur nished him with a note to Mr. Young, Superin tendentof the Pennsylvania Railroad, by whom, we have no doubt, he was passed over the road free to Pittsburg. Peter Ducker—said to be a soldier—was ar raigned for drunkenness and breaking in a door at the residence of Miss Kate Castor. Sent to prison for 30 days. Peter Minus and John Johnson both "drunks" —were arraigned, and discharged with an injunction to "sin no more." I=l=l THE Quarter Master General of the State of Pennsylvania acknowledges to have received for t the volunteers at Camp Curtin the following do nations : From Upper Strawsburg and vicinity,. Franklin county—Mr. William G. McClellan, 6 pairs woolen socks ; Rev. George R. Zacharias, 1 pair ; Samuel Lahman, jr., 1 pair ; Mrs. Harriet Kramer, 2 pairs ; Mrs. Catharine Stake, 1 pair Mrs. Mary Bigler, 1 pair; Mrs. Jane Kasy, 3 pairs; Mrs. Adeline Ramsey, 1 pair ; Mrs. Rebecca Det rich, 1 pair; Mrs. Susan Gullinger, 1 pair; Miss Mary Gilmore, 1 pair ; Miss Eliza Gilmore, Mrs. Kay Andrews, Mrs. Eliza Ramsey, Mrs. Sarah C. Carbaugh, Mrs. Catharine Cummings, Mrs. Mar tha A. McClelhn, Miss Catharine Foltz, Mrs. Mary Freet, Mrs. Westhafer, Mrs. Susan B. Logan, Mrs Statira C. Britton, Mrs. Mary E. Weist, each, 1 pair woolen socks ; Mrs. Elizabeth Rife, 2 pairs; Mrs. Mary Flora, Mrs. Catharine Wingert, Mrs. Leah Harbaugh, Mrs. Yount, each, 1 pair; Mrs. M. Patton, 3 pairs ; Miss Margaret Yoe, 2 pairs ; Mrs. E. Rife, 3 pairs; Mrs. Wilhelmina Harney, 4 pairs ; Mrs. Elizabeth Coffman, 2 pairs ; Mrs. Elizabeth Lehman, 2 pairs; Miss Rebecca Bach tol, Miss Juniata J. Ramsey, and Mrs. Caroline Rigner, each, 1 pair. Twelve pairs woolen socks and 12 pairs fine carpet overshoes from Miss M. H. Brown, 1832 Spruce street, Philadelphia. Ten pairs woolen socks from two ladies of the German Reformed congregation of Chambers burg, and 2 blankets from a lady of the same congregation for hospital use. Four pairs wool socks from Christian Musser, Juniata county. From Rev. Dr. Hay, of Harrisburg, 18 night shirts for hospital use at Camp Curtin, donated by the ladies of his church. Two pairs wcolen socks from Mrs. Elizabeth Gorges, Lower Allen township, Cumberland county. B. C. ITALE, BAREISEUBG, Dec. 2, 1861. Q. M. a' A STATED meeting of the Paxton Hose Com pany will be held this evening at seven o'clock: SWORN IN. — Captain G. W. P. Davis comFa ny, who are serving as guard to the public pro perty in this city, have been sworn into the United States service yesterday morning by the U. S. mustering officer, Captain Dodge. A few more recruits are wanted to fill up the company to the required standard. I=l=l m. H. Coss, several years ago connected with the editorial department of this paper, and now Deputy Clerk of the U. S. Senate, was recently in Tioga county, on a visit. While in New York, on his return to Washington, with his wife, their trunks were stolen by burglars, and all of their clothing, and valuables taken.— What makes the loss far more severe, all of Mr. Cobb's private papers and manuscripts, (the lat ter the result of much intellectual toil, in the interval of editorial labors,) were taken. MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR.—We clip the following from the Philadelphia Bulletin of yesterday af ternoon:—Coroner Conrad was sent for this morning to hold an inquest upon the body of an unknown man, a soldier, who had arrived yesterday at the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot in a box. It seems that the box was taken to the depot at a squad of soldiers, and the freight was paid to this city. A soldier came down in charge of the body, but has not been seen since the arrival of the train. From appearances the deceased had evidently been run over by a train of cars. He belonged to the McClellen regiment, which had been encamped at Huntingdon. THE STATE APPROPRIATION TO COMMON SCHOOLS. The following circular relative to the State appropriations to the department of common schools has been published by the State Super intendent, Thomas H. Burrowes, Esq. : An erroneous impression is entertained in some parts of the State that the appropriation for the school year, beginning on the first Mon day in June, 1861, was withdrawn by the State Legislature, and applied to the support of the War. It is, therefore, proper to say that our State bas not thus disgraced herself. On the contrary, while the amount of appropriation payable per taxable to the districts will be the same as it was last year, the aggregate appro priations were greater in amount than for any year since 1840. The appropriations to the dis tricts, will, therefore, be paid out as usual, as soon as each shall have filled the proper certifi cate that the schools were open and in opera tion, according to law, at least four months after the first Monday in June, 1861. Tam BODY RECOGNIZED.—The body of the sol dier killed on Friday on the Northern Ce ntra railroad, between the Bolton depot land Wood berry, previously noticed in the 'TELEGRAPH, has been recognized as that of Benjamin Snyder, a member of Captain Albright's company of the Scott regiment from York, Pa., and stationed at the Relay House on the above rjad. He was in Baltimore on Thursday on a pass, and it was supposed attempted to jump upon some of the outward bound trains passing during Thursday night, and falling beneath the cars, was killed in the attempt. The body was horribly man gled, having been dragged some thirty or forty .yards. The top of his head was crushed entire ly off, and his left foot and right arm severed from his body. The body of the deceased was taken in charge by the company's agents and forwarded to the encampment of the company to which he belonged, and from thence to York Pa., where he has a wife and children living. As has been heretofore stated, the jury in the case rendered a verdict of accidental death. THE CASE OF LIEUT. VANSTAVOREN.—Lieut. Vanstavoren, whose arrest at the Lebanon Val ley Railroad depot in this city by olcer Cole, was noticed in last Saturday's TELEGRAPH, was taken to Philadelphia yesterday, where he had a hearing before Recorder Enew, of that city.— Vanstavoren, as we have already stated, was charged with being a fugitive from justice from Washington, where he is alleged to have stolen $5OO from Lemuel Howell. Several witnesses were examined. It appears from the evidence that Howell and Vanstavoren were Lieutenants of company G, Seventh regimerikZ R. C.— They both resigned, left camp together; V Washington. Upon his departure, Lieut. .116 - ell was entrusted with a quantity of letters to be delivered personally to the families of the men belonging to the company. These letters con tahied from $lO to $6O eachond were placed in lb trunk, but were subsequently removed to a *llse. Vanstavoren advised Howell not to tad them, as there might be trouble if any i:: n lm e lost. In Washington they stopped at pson's Hotel, and the baggage was all placed I the baggage room. Vanstavoren was in that room once to get something from his trunk.— #owell was taken sick and went to bed early. lirnvtavoren left the room and sdd that he return shortly, but Lieut. Howell did not seeim again until the next morning, when he met him at the depot about to start for Phila delphia. kantri who was with him testi£4 that they had , stiyPd all night .. „ at th • ....,,,.. ~ Hotel. After rea r L , i,.) covered that his valis• • n".A:'' ` : : ; a ll the letters stolen. He was arrested - for the lar ceny of the money. The matter, however, was referred to detective officer Franklin, of Phila delphia. Mr. Franklin found that Vanstavoren had been acting somewhat suspiciously about Myerstown, Lebanon and Reading, and by his orders Vanstavoren was arrested on Saturday in this city. After the hearing he was committed to await a requisition from the authorities of the District of Columbia. He remarked that he desired a speedy trial that he might have an early opportunity of proving his innocence.— The accused was formerly a clerk in the Phila delphia Post Office, and subsequently an opera tor on the Local Telegraph of that city. " How empty learning, and how vain is art ; Save when it guides the life, and mends the heart." PRUDENCE. —" One grain of prudence is of more value than a cranium crowded with the unbridled genius, or a flowing stream of vain wit. It is the real ballast of human life. With out it, dangers gather thick and fast around the "rail bark of man and hurry him on to distruC ion. The shores of time are lined with wrecks driven before the gale of imprudence. It is not prudence for children to disregard the good counsel of their parents and teachers. It is not prudence for parents to let their children grow up in idleness." It is not prudence to pay high prices for dry goods when you can purchase them much less at the cheap store of Urich & Bowman, corner of Front and Market streets. Peuttsvluattia iDailp Celegrapli, Zuesbap 'afternoon, number 3, 1861 Fuss, Funs, Fuas.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes sue muffs, from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; doz. hoop skirts for 50c , 75c. and $1 25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 50, $3 50 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard —of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 12i, 18 and 20 cents ; 36 large woolen blankets ; 50 pieces canton flannel, at 12} cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; 60 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers De Laines, at 22 - and 25 cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. AYER'S AMERICAN ALMANAC has now arrived and is now ready for delivery, gratis, by all druggists, to all who call for it. Our readers may be surprised to know that this little pam phlet which has become so much a favorite in our section has quite the largest circulation of any one book in the world, except the Bible.— It is printed in many languages and scattered through many nations as well as supplied to al most the entire population of our own vast do main. Every family should keep it, for it con tains information which all are liable to require, when sickness overtakes them and which may prove Invaluable from being at hand in season. If you take our advice, you will call and get an Ayer's Almanac, and when got, keep it. n026-dawl w DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the lb to clog certificate" from one of the firs t ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my agents iu that city ( ilr , Wm. Bristol & Cu.,) and told them that-he, of course, did not wish her name made public. but if any one should doubt the won tercel efficiency of Da. Duren co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 17 years Md. ,he was fast go ing into cons impti to—had taken cold—nature became obstruoted Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now In r.ibust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. K. knots, (Druggist,) 91 Market street, (sole agent 'for) Harrisburg, ea. By sending him $l. 00 through the Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will be sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. B.—hook out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. Al others is a base imposition and unsafe; thereibre, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be Mg humbugged our of your money,) buy only of those, who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box. which has recently hoes added on account of the Pies enunterfeite , % ' The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Soldi also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg ,• M. marks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott, earlise ; S. G. Wild, Newville ; JPC. Stappens burg ; J Spangler, Churiberiburg; E. T. miller, York; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville; S. S. Stevens, Reading; and k. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" in every town and village in the United States, and by S. D. ROWE, eS.4m Sole Proprietor, New York. DR. CHEESELVIAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., MEM combination of ingredients in these Pills are the remit of a long and extensive practice. Thy are mild in their operation, and certain in correoting all irregularities, Painfut Meuecruations . removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the mile. palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous &Motions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs km., disturbed sleep, welch arises from interrup tion of nature. Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence i n Dr. Otteeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. There is one condition of the female system in which the Pins cannot be taken without producing a PROVE. All RESULT. The condition referred to is PREG YANG' Y— the result MISUARRIA GE. Such is the irresistible ten. deny of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road ac company each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclos ing $1 to Ds. UOItNEIJUS L. Ointgassuri, Box 4,531, Poet Office, New York Guy. cold by one Druggis tin every town in tho United States It. B. HUrCHINGS, General Agent for the United States. - 14 Broadway, New York, To whom all wholesale orders should be addressed. nov29-dawly 11 AIR DYE! HAIR DYE! I Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFtEEN I 4: DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been ewer .ded to Wa. A. Bensalem sin le 1869, and over 200,000 'applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to 'be distinguished from, nature and is WARIMITILT not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of bad Dees remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 16 dond Street New York. Sold Is all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. act2-dawly : MANHOOD. HO_-,. -, OST, HOW RESTORED Published in a Sealed Envelope ; " .6 cts : A t ecture oa the Nature, Treatment, • radical Cure of Spermitorrb ce or Seminal Weakness, neoluntary Emissions, Sexuel Debility, and Impediments -*0 Marriage generally, Nervoueness, Consumption, Epil spay and Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from self Abuse, &e.—By Boat J. CIILVERWELL, D., Author of the GREEKS' Boos &c. '‘A BOOD to Thou sands of Suffers," sent under seal, in a plain envolpe, to any address, POST PAID, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. RUNE, 127 Bowery, New York, Post 011itee, Box 4686. sep2-daw3m HE LMBOLD'S EITEL ACT BUCHII, THE GREAT DIIIRETIC• HELAIBOLD'S EXTRAM' BUCHII, _ . TUE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT HUHU, THE GREAT MIMETIC. HELMBOLD , S =TRAM' BUOkIU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Sea Advertisement in another column send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE 01 COUNTERFEITS. novl3-d2m PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS &c., &c. Ou baud and for sae at We very lowest rates for cash, Hair Mattresses and Spring Bottoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHIABS, HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Repaired and made equal to new, very reasonable, all a No. 109, Market street, between Fourth and Fifth, by oe9.2md J. T. BARNITZ. A CAROL TO THE LADIES IMPORTAN C TO FEMALES NEW YORK CITY. TO MARRIED LADIES, Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York UPHOLSTERING. IV cw '2tbrtrtianneuts 1 3 '."`IJP.L3EJEt. 7 11$ D A I 1. Y a n LINES Between Philadelphia LoGic ILIA vim J al:Say 'SHORN, WILIIAILHPORT, MONO!, UN/ONPOWN, WAIVONTOWN, SIILTON, LICIVISHUHU, NORTHUMIHRLAND, ! , UNAIYHY, TRHYOrtION, leCiktikTOWN, LYKENSTOWN, MILLHHS• HUH% DAMPS; DAUPHIN, A.NI) HARRISBURU. The Philadelphia Depot being ,entrally located the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each train to attend to the sole delivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mark et Bteet, Phila delphia, by 5 o'clocK P. It., will be cPlivered in Harrisburg the next morning. . Freight (al ar tya) as low as by any other line. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery or all Harrisbur oods. The undersigned thankful for past patro, hopes by itrict attention to busiutt,s to merit a con uce of the same. T. PEIVBEER Philadelphi t and tte,din •• Fent of Harket nitre GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, BUOR AS Beds, Pillows, Blankets. Coats, C aps, Leggin., Drinking. Cups, &c., FOR SALE BY W IYIP. R. SHAFFER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. ang2l d3ms T.T.NrIIIII.IELTALIE.M.I Xl., 6 .... ....„.„,,....,„.,.,;_:. STATE Street near Third stre et, a few doors below Brady's Hole', Harrisburg. A,the new Hearse Ready made Cottirvi always 011 band and neatly finished to order. Silver plates, am. Terms rea sonable. [qu3o-d3m*] H. MBAR. JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE COUNER SECOND AND WALNUT Harrisburg, Pa. • .1 LW SYS on. hand a large assortment of ill BOOTS, sillOti:S, GAlTErizi, &c., of the very hest tualities for ladies, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to suit the times. kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDRH in the Deg style by superior workmen REPAIRING dour: at short notice. ontlii.dtf JOHN B. SMITH. Harrisbu4 Glorious Star Spangled Banner A NI UT' HER SUPPLY OF WALLPAPER, Roitomts, dm., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to which we call the attention of our friends, and cordially Invite them to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the place. SCHEFEER'S BOOKSTORE, e•ar *h. INrrieburx gridxs WORSTED GOODS, LADIES NIIBIAS, Misses Head Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Missei Hoods, Ladies Sontag-8, Misses Mitts, &c., &c. A fresh invoice Just opened at CATHCARPS, nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank BLEACHED 11117BLINB (at old prices.) BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, Flannels, Ticking, Drillings, Ginghams, Calicoes, Towlings, All kinds of Domestic Goods, A splendid Line of Shawls. All kinds of Men and Boys wear, In great variety to be found at CATHCART'S, nov4 Market Square. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE 1 (Near die flarristrurg Bridge.) • JUST loco[R E lineCiE I.OOVmE COMMERCIAL from E - Rei the • NOTE g1i.,.w211105 U h we will sell at $1.25 per ream. s2.e per ream for NOTE PAPP:it, decorated with the latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. $3,50 for 1000 WHITE ENVELOPES, with national and patriotioomblems, printed in two colors. Please give us a call. THE . F. SCHEFFER, }e22-41 Harrisburg ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. MTV OF HARRISBURG, ?SHWA. my/12 dcl TO FAMERS. OATS ! OATS ! 1 Cash paid for Oats by JAMES M. WHEELER. nov6-dif OUR newly replenished stock of ToLet and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and feeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we would res pectfully invite a call. 11 ELLER, 91. Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south s d e. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MA.NUFACTORY 1 No. 69, Market Street, below Third, HARRISBURG, PA, M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARA9_OIS and ALRING CANES, will furnish goods at LOWER PRICES than can be bought In any of the East Pro cities. Country merchants will do well to call and examine prices and quality, and convince them selves of thin fact. aug23-dly. Harrisburg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. VENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing neatly and expeditiously done. Per eons at a distance can have their work done by addres sing a lever to the undersigned. Thankful for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. ,o-Satisfaction guaranteed both asto prices and work.-up act9•d6m riIHE ATTENTION OF GENTLEMEN A. is solicited to our very large assortment of UNDIES/HIM AND DRAW= of every size and quality Gam , donna KID il,ovss, best article manufactured ll the different kinds of WINTER GLOVES. Largest assortment of Hammy in the city. CRAVATS, SUSPENDERS, MANDEERORIEFS, Ready Hemmed ed everything in Gents' wear, at Cubit out, and WE OFFER TO CUSTOMERS LADIES' PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WALLEITS A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put np In Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES, KELLER'S DRUG STORK, Ample 91 Market Street SIGN OF THE A. R. SHARP CTEICttr '9, IN7nwt to the Fllstrrishnr¢ R net A New Lot of Of the beet Manufacture • filisullantuns. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION .1316 LY CONCNNTR ATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Speoitio Remedy For Dimanea of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Afedicine involves the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS int healtay action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are redured, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXPRACT BUCHII, For Weaknesses Aria ng from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness et Vision; Pain in the Back, Universal Lsssitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of tfle Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on tee Face, PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soon follows IMPO FENCE. F ATUITY, EPILEPTIC PITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not freque, tly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," 'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NO:fit WILL CONFESS. THE RE'3O • Dd OF THE I \ SANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Consumption, HEAR AMPLE WITNESS TO THY TRUTH OF IRE ASSERTION. THE CONSII.TUTIONONV , AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the System, Which Hauteou's EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A TRIAL WILL CO/MOE THE MST SKEPTICAL, FEMALES-FEMALES-FEMALES, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARBLED, OR CONTEMPLA 'LING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFFCIIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES the Extract Beam to unequalled by any other remedy, as in IMtercels or Retention, Irregularity, painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Loucorhcet Whites, Steril ity, and for all complaints incident to .the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. SEE SYMPTOM ABOVE NO FAMILY BEIOULD BE WITHOUT IT 1 TARE NO YORE SUSAN, MRCVS; OR UNPLEASANT MIDI LINE FOR UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DISEASES. HELMBOLD'S EXIRACT BaUHU CUBES SECRET DISEASES. - In all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change in Diet ; No inconvenie,ce; And no Ezposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and. Imliammation, so frequent In the claee et diseases, and. expelling all Poisonous, Diseased and morn-out Matter. THOUSkNOS UPON THOUSANDS • RHO HAYE BEEN 2HE VICT,MS OF QUACKS, and who have paid HHAVY Pees to be cured la a sh'irt time, have fount they were deceived, and that the "POI :(!N" has, by the use of "POW itTULAILSTRUGENTS, " been dried up in the system, to breac out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. 1:lee Esaisow's Buono for all affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originatiug and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of theie Organs require the aid of DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTIL.:Cf HUH U IS TILE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to hive the desired elect in all Diseases NOR WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, /rum 8 to 20 yearss standing, Wise NAMES KNOWN TO SCIENCE AND FARE. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, F.ecurely packed from obser vation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATION; Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeired before me, an Alderman of tho city of Philadelphia, H. T. MILNEOLD, wtio being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vege table D. Sworn and subscribed before me; this 23.1 "d No vember, 1854. WE P. 'HIBBERD, Alderman, Ninth St aboveßace, Phila. Address letters tor information in confidence to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth SL bet. Chestnut, Phan, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "or nun ows" and "onus" ANTICLIES ON ISM REPUTATION ATTALIED Br Belmbold's Genuine Preparation s, 14 Latract .13u' hu, " Sarsaparilla, . " " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by C. R. u eller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, Bannvart. AND ALL DRUGFIST.I EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Get out the advertisement and send for it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. novlB-illy CELEBRATED DANDWON COFFEE. r 11RVPRIRDILION COFFEE now offered 'Fff thilliiedlithy-teptinitared from the fresh roots In entinifttiiiip" this ansaultble artii le to the public favor, the mannlisettrrePonly,„ complies with the urgent and in creasing demands oPttler public., It is unquestionably one of the most reliable and effectual remecies yet dis covered for the diseases it is willed. It is strongly re commended by the Faculty as wait, erior nutrias bever age for General Debility, Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver, Billions !drool ions and Irritable condition of the Stomach . The many thousands who have be.h reluctantly compel led to abandon the use of Coffee, owing to the injury done to their hattlth, will find this superior to the best Java Col fee, Liesttt nothing of its great and acknowledged medi civatlleneiltii. The intelligent wrtion of the community Wei° well lingual Lted with the medicinal properties of the Dandelion, that they require but the assurance that the article offered to them Is thepure Dandelion Root. Olr One pound of this Coffee will make as much as two pounds of the best Java. For sale by no3o WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co. DIARIES FOR 1862. rrIED largest and best selected assortment of I. DIARIES ever imported into this city can be found at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore DRIED SWEET CORN (SHAKER.) ROXONT, GRITS, BRANS, PEAS, GELMISRRIES, DRIED APPLES, DRUZ PEACHES. Fresh Peaches, (in cans.) " Tomatoes, " Corn, &G., &c. Just received and for sale by no3o WM. DOCK, Js. & 00 COAL ! COAL ! ! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, OFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on JF the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TEEVORION, WILKSBARRE; LYEENS VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD POP COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d3m COAL ! COAL 1 ! COAL ! ! ! • IIHE subscriber is now prepared to de -1 liver to the citizens of Harrisburg either by the Car, Boat, Load or single Ton, the choicest kind of Wilke barre, Sunbury, Lykeus Valley and Pinegrove Coal, hauled out by the Patent Weigh Cart, and full weight guaranteed. Orders lets at my.otlice, 4th and Market will receive prompt attention. DAVID McCORIHCK. Harrisburg, Out. 30. 1061.-6wd* SPICED SALMON !I VRESII . VE.g DELICATE. Pu lip amid o. EL Jr.oltko. Itlistt tlaneous. SHIRTS SHIRTS !! SHIRTS I! I HOME MANUFACTURE. THE CHEAPEST LK THE MARKET. THE undersigned having opened his Manufactory of Shirts &c., at N 0.12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa mos )respectfully solicits the pat , onage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the followiug assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : SHIRTS SHIRT BOSOMS, GOLLAKS, CUFFS, WRIST.BANDS, MGM SPURTS, itc., ' Stc.. &c.,, Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment of under garments to (from the latest im proved London and Paris styles,) LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, SETTS &c., in great varieties, all of which being our own maunufacture we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persona desirousof fornishing their own materials, eau have cutting, sewing &c., of every variety done accord ing to order. Alt of the above named goods for Gents wear, we will make to measure, guaranteeing to flt, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and m terial. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most realmn able terms. P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any dhcription, eau have them mad.: to order by sending sample or such kinth as may be oesirecl. .1.311FS A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, au29-dran Harrisburg, Pa Booms next door to Hummel & Killinger's Grocery Store. A large assortment of Gentlemene Furnishing Goods Sze, in addition to the above can always be found cheap for cash SOLDIERS' NICK MACK'S, F OR Sale at %FILER'S DRUG AN FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, . Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubcer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencilo, Pap :r, and Envelopes. Soldiers will see at a ginice chat the place to set an outfit in small wares is at le Pt, Market street. inj-See "Fort Pickens" in ihe window, COAL ! ! ! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. r SE Weight Carts are certithd by the JIL Sealer of Weights and :deasures. Con,umers can weigh their coal at their thyn iio6rs. It is or great im portance during these hart times For irrery pile to know that they GET xzate FIILL 113 NEST WEIGEIT. a large supply of Coal always to be found ou baud, viz LYEENS VALLEY all sits. HALTS. CO'd WILKA3ArtdE, all siz.33. LOltElhattl CO al., (the g Amine unicle,) Sold by the car load or siugto too All coal of the bout quality, delivered tree Irom all im - ouriti s AT Pal Cal To SUIT 'MO TIMES, by the b..,st or car loan; ?Ingle, hall or third of tons art , l by toe bushcl. JAgES M. bViIgRLF.R. R.irriiburg, Nov. 6, FURS! FURS! FURS! FURS! Sable Furs, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Furs, Silver Marten Furs, Water ',flak Fun. CAPS, CUFFS AND MUFFS, LAMIE ASSURTSIENT..t_ Great bargains in tluseGoodi. Every article warran ted to be uka tly as represeutel, at nAMICART.& BROTHER, Nest t. the Harrisburg Bank. MEI NEW CLOTELLIG SToiirk. - SHELLENBERGER & BROTII4.R NO. 80 MARKET STREET,- (Room formerly occupied by the .Postclze . e.) rtffE undersigned have jus: r eened a new azi largo Inisortmont, or the I nt seylet or clothing. We t..,.."e150 prepared to man aretto order all kinds cf Gents Wee, , et to thc.latestelfle , 4lll4 WI/ - ions. We' hare always On. nana ntrAergi. rip 43. Many - made clothing and Gentleman's FuraiNtiing Gooqs. n094131M.* B. SEIF.,LLENBE,KGAIR & BRO. WHOLE4ALE and RETAIL DMA.LER la.Comeetionary, Foreign tlrld DrnestiC:Frun.— lias,.Pates,,..Pruaes, ataisins and Ndts. Fresh atalrhal tFish, Soap, Candles, Vinegai, Spices, To baxo, Segars and. Country Prsluce in: geneeal, Market street, next dour to Parke Hoase, also nard et Third and Walnut streets. oet2B-dsm •JOHN WISE. Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. rrHE Fall term of ROBERT IVEL WEE'S School for boas, will open on the first Monday in Seoember. itt-: room is well ventilated, comfortably furnished, and in every respect adapted for - school par- PSIW. . _ CATHARINE M'ELWEE'S School for girls, locatel n the same building, will upen for the Fail term at the same time. The room has been elegantly Sited up to promote he health and comfort of scholars. aug22.dif WORCEiSTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY '111:111 best defining and pronouncing Dic tionary of the English language ; Also, Worcester's School Diotionaries. Weustor s Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at SCHEFFEK'S BOOKSTORE, apl3-tt ' Near tne Harrisburg Bridge. FOR SE WING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 s 500 YDS. WHITE BLACK ca COLORED. rpHIS thread being made particularly for Sewing Machines, is v EttY STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable uealers throughout the country.— Also, IN C. 1838 OFfin 1_ _ DOZBN BACH, -c.9808.1 . 8D NOB , by WM. BENNY MUM, Sole Agent. nog-d6m 36 Vesey street, New York. SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS I A large invoice of New Styles of French Blanket Shawls received this morning by nol3 CAT & BROTHBA. REMOVAL. WM. BREITENGER has removed his 'restaurant from the corner of Dewberry alley and Market street, to the house formerly occupied by the "tted Lion hotel" in Market street between Dewberry alley and Third street which he has refitted throughout in the most beautiful manner, and he is now prepared to furnish as usual., Oysters and all the delicacies of the season, in that recherche style which has distinguished his establishment from the time of first opening. N. B.—Private Rooms have been fitted up for the ac commodation of Ladies and families. Entrance next door to the main entrance. novlB-d 1 m WANTED. TWO Machinists, and Six Wagon Mak ers. Apply at the Harrisburg Car Works. nol9..dtf W. T. HILDAIIP, Sup't. NNOTIONS.— Quite a variety of useful and entertaining articles—cheap—at n2O SHEIFER'S BOOKSTORF. OPENING. THE Restaurant connected with the Jones HOUSe having been put in first ci‘sa condition is now open for visitors. n019.2wd WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. AN entire new assortment of these useful ar , ticles just opened at BEBGNER,'S Cheap Bookstore, MEI