Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 30, 1861, Image 3
pailp ''ettgrao. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, November 30, 1861 ARRIVAL os Tnoors.—All the volunteers, numbering some 800, left at Camp Grossman, near Huntingdon, after the departure of Col. Murray's regiment, arrived here last night, and bare gone into quarters at Camp Curtin. Pomcs—Before the Mayor—lsabella Burke—an Irish " Biddy," with " very dirty clothes, and rum blossoms on her nose"—was arraigned for drunkenness, and after a hearing, recommitted to the Lock-up. Chas. M'lntyre was up,charged with vagrancy Discharged. James Phillips and Barney Skanklin, was chat g d with the offence of drunkenness and breaking in a door at the Seven Star tavern. Sent to prison for thirty days. APPLES.-It is said that the apple crop of Or leans county, in the State of New York, will amount to 130,000 barrels, and that a profit of $25,000 will be made by the farmers upon it. Do the farmers of Pennsylvania ever calculate the profit which they might make by giving more attention to the culture of fruit, and how much harder they have to work to make money by growing grain ? Even with the large foreign demand for breadstuffs at the present time, the profit on a bushel of wheat, raised in the interior of the State, will not average more than thirty five cents ; so that the profits on apples alone in one county in the State of New York, amount to more than is realized in Pennsylvania upon 800,000 bushels of wheat. Tua LOCHIEL CAVALRY.—ThePittsburg Chron cle of yesterday says that the Ninth Pennsylva nia regiment of Cavalry, (Colonel E. C, Wil liams,) together with some 1200 horses, arrived in that city on Thursday, in squads and de tachments, and were immediately transferred to the fleet of boats chartered for the purpose of conveying them to Louisville, Kentucky. The companies as they arrived were handsomely en tertained at the City Hall, by the members of the Subsistence Committee, who, with their ac customed foresight and liberality, had made ample'arrangements for refreshing the inner man. The regiment, adds the Chronicle, is un der command of Col. Williams, and the men generally appear to be of the right material— hard and rugged. I== SANFORD'S OPRRA TROUPE.—Bones' Benefit. A spanking bill of entertainment is up at Brant's Hall to night, being the occasion of Brudder Bones' benefit. In addition to the singing, dancing, and the performances of the burlesque circus, a fine gold pencil will be given to the author of the best original national con undrum to be decided by the audience. Ten of the best will be read, and the one receiving the most applause will receive the pencil. Also, ten giftswill be given to the audience. Each person purchasing a ticket will receive a gift number that will entitle him to a gift if his number is selected from the box—ltt the close of the performance. These arer-very liberal ar rangements on the part of "Bones," and we have uo doubt his generosity will be duly ap preciated by the public, who, in return, will give him a "full" THE Om BusiNESS.—We have already noticed the organizatiq,n of an association in Venango county for the avowelturpose of regulating the oil trade in that district, and preventing those sacrifices on the part of the well owners to which they have lately been compelled to sub mit. At the last meeting of the association a plan of operation was submitted to include all operations on Oil creek, from Titusville to the mouth, and from Tidiute, on the Allegheny, to live miles below Franklin; the organization to elect officers annually and continue for ten years; an inspector to regulate the production of the flowing wells ; sales to be made at not less than ten cents a gallon at the wells, and the proceeds to be paid into a general treasury, where it is to be held subject to the order of the seller, subject to a per centage assessed. This plan is to be considered at the next regular meeting. In the meantime, active efforts are being made for the construction of a plank or timber road to con nect with some feasible point on the Philadel phia and Erie Railroad. Some facts have also been laid before the association in regard to the prospect of a Railroad from the mouth of Oil creek to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. A survey of a portion of the route has been made, and steps have been taken for securing a charter. I=CIECI THE " Sri,vEß Guars."—We have already al luded to this volunteer company' recruited, chiefly in Cambria and adjoining counties, and composed of men whose hair is tinged and sil vered by Time's gentle hand, but whose hearts are as brave and dauntless as those which beat in the breasts of the youngeit and most active of our country's gallant defenders. The com pany is at present in quarters at Wilmore, Cam bria county, and will probably be moved to Camp. Curtin near this city next Monday or. Tuesday. Wm. Palmer, Esq., of Wilmore, is the Captain of the company. He is represented as a brave, energetic and efficient officer, who will not hesitate to lead the "Grays" wherever duty may point—even to the cannon's mouth. Captain James Murray, of Ebonsburg, is the First Lieutenant. He is a brave and experien ced officer, having been Captain of the Cambria. Guards during the Mexican Campaign of that company. He enjoys the reputation of being one of the best drill officers in the State. Ma jor Isaac Teeter, of Johnstown, has always take❑ a deep interest in military matters, and is an excellent officer. Their is no braver or bettor soldier among the Silver Greys than he. Among the privates are many of the best citizens of Cambria county. The fact of their offering their their services to the Government, although past the time of life when they could be compelled by law to perform military duty, is the best evidence, of their pure and lofty patriotism. All honor to them for the love of country they have manifested, and may success and prosper ity attend them, through the trying scenes which the future has, in all probability, in store for them. Peummluemia ails Celegraph, Saturktp 'afternoon, November 30, 1861 THE JUDGES of the Court, Prothonotary, Re gister, &c., chosen at the last election will be duly qualified and enter upon the discharge of their duties next Monday. I=l=l Tna PORK Scum—The pork season is upon us The shrill screams of the dying porkers have taken the place of the " morning call of the chanticleer, arid sausages, per consequence, constitute the "bill of fare" of almost every household. Hog killing is a general and im portant business at this season of the year, and . is beyond all comparison the most disagreeable duty that devolves on the housewife. GEN. ROBERT ANDERSON.—This brave defender of the Union, accompanied with his family, ar rived in our city last evening and took lodgings at the Jones' House, where he remained until 8 o'clock this morning when he left with his family for Carlisle, where he goes to review the fine company of young men who were, origi nally intended as a body-guard for him as the commanding officer of the Department of Ken tucky. During the brief stay of the General at the Jones' House, he was called upon by a large number of our citizens, who were anxious to pay their respects to one who had so gallantly maintained the honor of his country at Fort Sumter. CCM= ARREST OF A LIEUTENANT CHARGED Vint. THE LAMENT OF $5OO.—A man named James Van stavoren, said to be a Lieutenant of volunteers, was arrested at the depot of the Lebanon Valley Railroad, upon the arrival of the train from Lebanon at noon to-day, by officer Cole, upon the authority of a telegraphic dispatch from one of the Philadelphia detective police force. Van stavorn is charged with lifting soldiers' letters from the post office in Washirigton city, and converting their contents, amounting altogether to about five hundred dollars, to his own per sonal use. He was lodged in prison here to await the recognition of the authorities at Washington. DIE MARKET this morning presented a very inviting appearance to those whose pockets were in a condition to enable them to purchase the good things offered for sale. The supply of poultry of all kinds was unusually large, and game was in abundance. The purchasers were numerous, and their baskets bore evidence of the good cheer which they had provided for over Sunday. The prices asked were about as usual—rather higher, as a general thing, than the mass of purchasers were willing or able to give ; but, notwithstanding, all appeared de termined to provide something extra for the occasion. Fruit, vegetables, and garden pro duce generally were also in abundance, and sold at aonablerice_ GAxS rti THE Moummais.—Deer are said to be unusually numerous in the mountains this year. A few days since, F. B. Titlo, of Union town, brought down a fine doe near Fayette Springs, and T. H. Lewis of the same place, succeeded in killing a monstrous buck on Nig ger Mountain. It weighed nearly two hun dred and fifty pounds, and was shot through the head at a distance of eighty yards, the body being entirely concealed by a fallen tree at the time. Later still, a party went out for a few days hunting near Ohio Pyle Falls, in the same neighborhood, and shot two large bucks. We hear that they are equally numerous in Blair and Cambria counties, and that already several fine ones have fallen before the bullets of the hunters. AN ELOQUENT SPEECH,. AND JUST TRIBUTE. Among the gentlemen who participated in the deliberations of the recent State Educational Convention, was Mr. Armstrong, for many years the Principal of the Harrisburg Seminary. He removed from this city some ten or twelve years ago, but has again taken up his residence with us, and although not at present profession ally engaged, he still retains a warm attach ment to the cause of education, and its noble institutions. The following is an abstract of a speech delivered by him before the Convention on Thursday night, which we publish for its local allusions: Mr. Armstrong founded his claim upon the attention of the convention, not on the fact of his being at present engaged in the business of teaching, but on the ground of long experience in the service. He had entered upon the work of instruction probably before one half the members of the convention came into being. Nearly forty years of his life had been thus spent. He adverted to the members of different academies and literary institutions over which he had presided, among others that at our own capital ; and to the large number of young men who had gone from his care through a liberal course of education. In almost every college of our State, and several out of it, many of these were now occupying the highest positions in society—some adorning the pulpit, others distinguished in the medical and legal professions, one an ambassador at a foreign court, another a consul, and - not a few were now leading our armies to battle and to victory. He had been present at the birth of the com mon school system, had witnessed its struggle into youth, and now lived to behold its matured manhood. He spoke of his early prejudicce against the system, and how it was forced to yield from the obvious good results of its working. The common school system had fought its way and won its claim to the present high regard in which it is held by its own intrinsic merit. In proof of its excellence in elevating the masses, he referred to the character of the troops that compose our army, and the manifest mental improvement in the jurors in our civil courts. He adverted to the condition and character of the common schools of this city, almost all of which he had visited, and spoke in highly com plementary terms of the efficiency and extent of of the instruction given to some of them, and especially in the Female High school of the North ward of this city, under the superintend ence of Miss Woodward. He thought it a model school of the kind, and not, perhaps, surpassed anywhere in the State. In regard to the general subject under discussion, viz : That of linking together and harmonizing the different parts of our great educational system, he believed that it could not be carried out with strictness, that our colleges, academies, female seminaries, nor mal schools, high schools and common schools, had, in some sense, separate interests and were under different governments, and of necessity, therefore, could not brought to work together, with the limits of each precisely defined. Yet, for all purposes of harmony and of public bene fit, they might be regarded and ought to be re garded as indispensable parts of one great sys tem—all necessary. BERTH-DAY SERMON. —Rev. Charles W. Gard ner, of the Second Presbyterian Church (colored) having closed the 77th year of his age, and the 53d year of his ministry, will preach his birth day sermon at 7 o'clock to-morrow evening in the Church, corner of Walnut street and River alley. NEW COUNTERFEIT —The Philadelphia Ledger says :—A counterfeit ten dollar note on the Me chanics' Bank, Pittsburg, is now being circula ted in this city. It is thus described : "On lowei left quarter of note, scene in an iron foundry ; on lower right quarter, scene in ma chine shop ; 10 on each upper corner. An exact imitation of the genuine ; well done." CURE FOR STAXMERING.—We take the follow ing from "Lewis' Journal of PhysiCal Culture." It may prove of value to some of the stammer ing fraternity: The secret is simply this. The stammerer is made to mark the time in his speech, just as it is ordinarily done in singing. He is at first to beat on every syllable. It is best at first lesson to read simple composition, like one of David's Psalm's, striking the finger on the knee at every word ; then read in a newspaper, beating each syllable. Soon you need only beat on every word. You can beat time by striking the finger on the knee, by simply hitting the thumb against the forefinger, or moving the large toe in the boot. I doubt if the worst case of stuttering could continue long, provided the sufferer would read an hour or two each day, with thorough practice of this simple act, observing the same in conversation. I=l FATAL RAILROAD ACDIDIENT.—An accident oc curred on the Northern Cen.tral Railway last Thursday evening, which resulted in the death of a soldier supposed to belong to the regiment of bridge guarders stationed at Cockeysville.— It appears that he was riding on the cow catch er contrary to the rules of the road, intending to get out at Melville, and the supposition is, that in attempting to get off, his foot slipped, and falling upon the track, he was run over by the train. His body was found next morning by several gentlemen, who had him taken to the camp of the regiment, but his face and body being so mutilated it was impossible to recognize him, Several persons have leave of absence from the camp, and when they re turn it will be known who is missing. Justice Peregoy, of the county, held an inquest, and-a verdict of accidental death rendered. No blame is attached to the railroad. Funs, Fuas, Furs.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; 25 doz. hoop skirts for 50c., 75c. and $1 25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 50, $3 50 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels ; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 12k, 18 and 20 cents ; 36 large woolen blankets ; bO pieces canton flannel, at 12 cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; 60 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers De Laines, at 22 and 25 cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. Aran's AXEEICAN ATAaArnlc has now arrived and is now ready for delivery, gratis, by all druggists, to all who call for it. Our readers may be surprised to know that this little pam phlet which has become so much a favorite in our section has quite the largest circulation of any one book in the world, except the Bible.— It is printed in many languages and scattered through many nations as well as supplied to al most the entire population of our own vast do main. Every family should keep it, for it con tains information which all are liable to require, when sickness overtakes them and which may prove invaluaide from being at hand in season. If you take our advice, you will call and get an Ayer's Almanac, and when got, keep it. n026-d&wlw MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; Price 6 cts : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermalorrhma or seminal Weak nese, Involuntary Emissions, Sexuel Debility, and Imped iments to Marriagegenerally, Nervousness; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits: dental and Physical Incapacity, re sulting from calf Abuse, &e.—By BURT. J. CUL VER WELL M. D., Author of the Green Book elk. "A Boon to Thoimands of Sufferers," Bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pail paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. %UNE, 127 B twery, New fork, Post Office, 80x4586. sep9-daw3m HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! 1 Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye ! The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape annul°. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Blacs, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. ElirfEEN Mr DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wt. A. Bkrostmon sins 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of tne patrons of his fatuous Dye. Wm. A. BaTCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARREN/IED not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill ffects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 16 Send Street New York. Sold is all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name" William A, Batchelor," and-address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York ock2-dawly A CARD TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FUR FEMALES "Read the folio ring certificate" from one of the first ladies in Mica, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (Ur Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told them that she, of -course, did not vial. her name made public, bat if any one should doubt the wonierful efficiency of DR. Devos co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to h ras she consieered it a duty. as well as a pleasure, to - lier Knowledge of their efficacy, es administered to her di:tighter, a young I ady 17 years oid. the was fast go ing into cons amption—had taken cold—nature became astructed Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sae is now in robust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. K. KELLER, (Druggist,) 91 Macke , street, (sole agent for) Harrisburg, Pa. By sending him $1 00 through the Harrisburg Post Office thel'ilis will ue sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free'of postage." N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pills of any Mud unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. Ail others is a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to nay nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently hoon added on account of the Pills siounterteitee. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon : A. J. Kaulf man, Mechanicsburg ; 11. marks, Lewistown ; S. hilliott, larlise ,• S. G. wild, Newville ; C. Auick, Shippens burg ; J Spangler Chembereburg ; E. T. Bier, York; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville; S. S. Stevens, Reading; and it. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" in every town and village in, the United, States, and by • S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. de34m iMPORTANT TO FEMALES eIIEESENIAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseinan, M. D., NEW YORK CITY THE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the remit of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation removing all eb struc,ions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pole pi the pi :e palpitati 4:kol the heart, whites, all nor vuus aib chops , hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c, disturbed sleep, which arises from interrup tion of nature. TO MARRIED LAOI.Eq, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappo nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE There is one condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot be taken without producing a PECTU Lid It RESULT. The condition referred to is P REG YANG" Y— the result MISCA It ft IA OE Such is the irresistib ten• dency of the medicine to restore the sexual function: to a normal condition, that even the reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road ac corn! any each box. Price $1 Sent by mail on enclos ing $1 to DR. 4.:ORNELIUS L. CHEZI.T.MAN, Box 4,531, Post Office, Now York City. :mid by one Druggii tin every town in the United Slates B. B. HU WRINGS, General Agent fur the United States. 14 Broadway, New t ork, To whom all wvolesale orders should be addressed. nov29 (Wyly Nap abriertisements. SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE 1 (Near the Harrisburg 13ridge.) e sl.2s.i.u.btsla' to R t I n E e (_%: N h[) from t o h T PA t'El - t, wham we will sell at 01.25 per ream. SA.w.) per ream for NOTE PAPER, decorated with the latest and very band9Oulr, emblems and patriotic mottos. 53.50 ter 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPEE, with national r.. patriotic emblems, printed hi two colors. Please give on a call. THE F SCHEFFER, ie2 2 -d Harrisburg, SOLDIERS' NICK. NAME'S, F OR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, • Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, • Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, andEnvelepes. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to teL an outfit in email war:s is at Ne 91, Market street. gip. .See "Fort Pickens , ' in the window. nos tt WANTED. ryiwo Machinists, and Bix Wagon Mak i., ers. Apply at the Harrisburg (Jar Works. nel2.-dtf W. T. BMW?, Sup't. FURS I FURS FURd ! FURS ! Sable Furs, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Furs, Silver Marten Furs, Water Mink Furs. CAPS, CUFFS AND NOFFA, LARGE ASSORTMENT• Great bargains in these Goods. Every article warran ted to be -.xa Cy as represented. at CATHCART & BROTHER, noel Next to tne Harrisburg Bank. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Postogce.) TIER undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds cf Gents Wear cut to the latest style au d fash ions. We bare always.on hand a large stock of Ready. made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. no9-03m H. BRELLBNBERGRR & BRO. GUM GOODS • FOR THE ARMY, SUCH AS Beds, !Pillows, Blankets. Coats, Caps, Legging, Drinking. Cups, Ike., FOE BALE BY W M S'. SHAFFER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. aug2l.dams lI.ZikTr)3III.ELMALS-P-1 pe ir STATE Street near Third ere et, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, darrlsbarg. A fine new Hearse Ready made Calms alWaYii on band and neatly floished to order. Silver plates, &o. Terms rea sonable. [m3o-0313.9 . C. EtAKER.a BLEACHED MUSLIMS (at old prices.) BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, Flannels, Ticking, Drillings, Gingbanis, Calicoes, Towlings, All kinds of Domestic Goode, A splendid Line of Shawls. All kinds of Men and Boys wear= ; In great variety to be found It CATHCART'S, nov4 Market Square. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, uTOULD respectfully inform his old V V patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. He will w 4 th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given s his residence, in Third street. 4 few doors below th German Reformed ebnreh. deelF•dtt SPICED SALMON 11 FRESH AND VERY DELICATE. Put up neatly in five pound cans. 1e25 .Tr../tCo. NOTICE. • ALL persons indebted to the Estate of John B. Thompson, late of Harrisburg, deceased, are required to make payment to the subscriber, and all persons having claims against the said decedent,. will pre sent them for settlement, to Hamilton Alricks, Esq., of Harrisourg, or to GEU. W. St,HROTER, Administrator on the Estate of John B. Thompson del ceased. Lancaster, Pa., Oci. 29, 1861.—d6t.oaw* SIGN OF THE Glorious Star Snanwled Banner ! 1 NOTHER SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER, BORDERS, Sc., SPLENDID WINDOW BLINDS, to which we call the attention of nur friends, and cordially Invite them to examine our goods and prices. We are determined to sell cheap. Mind the place. FICEIFYFER'S BOOKSTORE, "Par .11. 'larrisbnriz tirldse WORSTED GOODS, LADIES NIIBIAS, Misses Head. Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Missed Hoods, Ladies Sontaas, Misses Mitts, &c., &c. A fresh invoice just opened at CATHCART'S, nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank §MOKE I SMOKE I I SMOKE I I l—lt not objectionable when from a CIGAR purchased ea LLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market street. Ntm ahertistments FREIGHT REDUCED Howard &Hope EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 74 P. X., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 3 A. M. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General, Office, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 it For further 'information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agen Hanarsutrao, Aug. 1861.-dtf SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS 11 1 HOME MANUFACTURE THE CHEAPEST Thr THE MARKET. THE undersigned having opened his Manufactory of Shirts &c., at N 0.12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , mos irespeotfully solicits the patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods 611 of which are our own manufacture : suirs SHIRT BOSOMS, • COLLARS, CUFFS, WRIST-BANDS, NIGHT SHIRTS, &c., &c., &c., &c., Also the particular attention of the Ladles to our large assortment of under garments &c., (from the latest im proved London and Paris stylee,) LINEN COLL tES, CUFFS, SETTS &c., in great, varieties, all of which being our own maunufacture we will sell Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirous of furnishing their own material; can have cutting, sewing &e., of every variety dune accord ing to order. Ahof the above named goods for Gents we it , we will make to measure, guaranteeing to lit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style durability and m terial. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most rear on able terms. P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any discriptiou, can have them made to Order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired, JAMES. A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, au29-dem Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms next, door to Hummel & Killinger's Grocery Store. A large eeeortmentof Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods &c , in addition to the above can s always be found cheap for cash. " STEAM WEEKLY -,...,.....,...t., -- - -1.- , ..6--, -- BEIV.KEN NEW YORK v!.-4,1-7A,:h.,.k,. . . AND LIVERPOOL. L. 9.Nillo:u AND EMBARKING;PAS •.;NG Ed 4at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver. pool. New.. ior and Philadelphia Steamship company Mimi i a. !patching their fall powered Clyde-built ire ateainsuips we follows : ETNA, Saturday December 7 ; CITYoF EANCHESTER, Saturday, December 7 ; CITY OF tsALTISit RE, Saturday Decemberl4 ; sand every Saturday, at Noun, from Pier 44, Norio liver. . . . I= FIRST CABIN $75 00 .I STEERAGE. $3O 00 do to London $BO 00 do to Londou ..$33 00 do to Paris $B5 00 I do to Paris $3B 00 do to Hamburg..sss 00 do to Hamburg, $35 410 Passengers also.forwarded to Havre. Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, kn., at equally low rates. • 'Persons wishing to bring euitooir friends can buy tickets hero at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, $B5 aad 5105 Steerage from Liverpool $4O 00 From Queenstown, $3O 00. These &earners have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Fire Annihilators on board. Fnr further informationapplyin•Livemial to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; is Wasp* to WM. INMAN, 5 et. Enoch Square ; in Queenstown to C. & D. SE',VMOUR & CO. ; in London to EIFH.S & MACY, Si King William St. ; In Paris to .LULUS DECOUE, 5 Place de Is Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JOqN G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices. JNO. G. DALE,' Agent., n 0144 f 15 Broadway, New York. Or 0. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, Harrisburg. sor PASbBMIERb FOB. BIIBOPE:—By Priler:•,or. the Secretors , of State, ad paeseogeir-feovuni the united StAtes are required to procure Passports before going on board the St-amer. JOHN G. DAL „ , Ansyr. COAL !I! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT,DELIVER'S . . . COAL BY THE PATENT; WEIGH CARTr... TH 118 E Weight Cuts Are._eertilled by the Sealer of Weights and measures. Consumers can weigh their coal at their own &airs. It is of great im penance during these harl times for every one to know that they ma Ton You,monserwzattrr. A iarge supply of Coal always to be found on hand, viz :--- LYKENS VALLEY all sizes. BALTS. CO'S WILKSBARRE, all sizes. LORBERRI COAL, (the genuine article,) Sold by the car load or single ton. All coal of the best quality, delivered free from all im- Puritirs AT MOSE TO SOU THE rims, by the boat or car load, single, half or third of tone and by toe bushel. JAMES hi, WHEELER. Harrisburg, Nov. COAL ! COAL ! I $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LtS O. D. FORSTER, OFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in WILL 4WARRE — , LYEENS VALLEY, . _ . SUNBURY and BROAD 10P COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered.. Present price, $ 3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—dam COAL! COAL I,l_ COAL ! I i IHE subscriber s now prepared to sde liver to the citizens of Harrisburg either by the Car, Boat, Load or single Ton, the choicest kind of Wilks barre, Sunbury, Ly kens Valley and Pinegrove Coal, hauled oat by the Patent Weigh Cart, and full weight guaranteed. Orders left at my office, 4th and Market will receive prompt attention. Harrisburg, Oct. 30, 1861.--6wd3; NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the estate of John Bower, late of Susquehanna township, deceas ed are required to make pay uebt to the subscriber and all persons having 'Cianne; against the said decedent will present them for settlement to GEO. W. SEAL, of Harrisburg. Administrator on the estate of John Bower, dec'd. novill-dea-ltw* - VINE TOILET :-. 0 A PS, POMADES. HAIR orb, Pt/W . INRS, COLOGNES and EXTRACT A, of many. Myles, prima sad amputActures /44 KELLER)B BOG AND FANCY Al'claN. WE OFFER TO A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' ROQUE?, Put up in Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. Mal FOUNTAIN HAIR-BRUSH. It dresses the hair without soiling the Lingers. It effects a swing of one.half in the use of hair prepar ations. It does away with e - revy bottles. It is handsomer artici than the common hair-brush. It regulates the quantity of fluid u.ed, to a drop. It is perfectly num, and cannot spill over in the trunk or on the toilet. It carries enough of any preparation to last for a voy age or a long journey. Its p-ice is Moderate, and it saves Its own cost in three minths. For sale at Keller's Drag and.F-incy Store, 91 Market street two doors east of Fourth street, south side. ootlo PEll="l:l3Ert'f3 DAILY aft LINE! Between Philadelphia Loo. HAVEN, JERSEY SHORE, VVILLIAMPPORT, MI7NOY, UNIONTOWN, WATSONTOWN, MILTON, LEIVISBUSAI„ NORTHUMBERLAND, SUNBURY, DIEVORTON, GEORGETOWN, LYEENATOWN, MILLERS BURG, HALIFAX, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. Tee Philadelphia Helot being centrally to Led the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Code or goes through with each train to attend to che safe dc ivery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods deliver i at the Depot of FREED, WARD & FREED,' No. 811 Mark et 2 , -et, Phila. deiphia, by 1 o'clock P. M., will be ci.liver.:d in Harrisburg the next morning. Freight (alw ..ys) as low as by any other tine. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harrisbur : oods. The undersigned thankful for past patron e hopes by strict attention to business to merit a con a nee of the same. T. PEPHER, Philadelphia and Readiu old dem Foot of Market Sir •i',rl burg 3011 N B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, COBNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., Harrisburg, Pa. A LWA YS on liar i a large assortment of AL BOOTS, STIOES, or the very best 'wanks for lathes, gentlemen, and ehildreas' wear.— Prices to scat the timeq. Ah kind. , of ;NOME MADE: TO ORDER In the nest style by superior werkanet 10:PAIRING done, at sheet melee. netl6-dtl R. SMITH. Llarrishnrs, ST. NICHOLAS dOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Board Reduced to $2 per Day. SINCE the opening of this vast and coin mosioas llctel, in 1851, it has been the single en deavor of the proprietors to unt:e it the most sumptuous, convenient and comforttole some for the citizen and stranger on this sire the Atlantic. And whatever has seemed liKeiy to administer - o the comfort of its getests they have endeavored, without re gard to cost, to provide, and to Combine all the eletnents of individual and social enjoyment which modern ar has invented, and modern taste approved ; and the pat f ronage which it has commanded during the past six years is a gratifying proof that their efforts have been appre ciated To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re qutred to practice the most rigid economy, the under signed Have Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars nor Day , at tho same abating none of the luxuries with which their table has hitherto been supplieu. TRE aDW ELi WHITCOMB tr. CO. New York, Sept. 2, 1861..—5ep9-aim* WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— Fite, Dales, Prunes, Raisins and Nuts of all • kinds.— Fresh and:-al tFiah , Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices, To basco, Segars and Country Produce in general, Market street, next door to Parke House, also cvroer Third and Walnut streets. 0ct.28-dsm JOHN WISE. Select Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. rTIHE Fall term of ROBERT bI'ELWEE'B School for boys, will open on the first Monday in September. fh, room is well ventilated, comfortably furnished, and in every respect adapted for school per. poses.. CATHARINE Ill'ELkt'EE'S School for girls, located n the same buildin2., will open tbr the Fall term at the same time. The room ha, been elegantly fitted up to promote he health and comfort of schotars. augU2dtf WORCESTER'S ROYAL Q lIARTO * DIO TIONAR Y ellE best defining and pronouncing Die tionary of the English language ,• also, Worcester's :Eeho,l Dictionaries. Weoster's Pictorial Quarto and School Dictionaries for sale at SCEEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, anla-cf N. , nr the Harrisburg Bridge.; FOR SE WING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S . PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON: 200 di 530 YDS. 19:1111E, BLACK cd. COLORED. I `HIS thread being made particularly for iewiog Machines, is v EttY STRiiNG, SHOO - Ili AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not unpaired by . washing, nor by friction of the needle. ' For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brtioks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout tkte country.- 2M60, IN CUPID OP 100 DOZEN NACU, AS.SOSTED NON by WM. HENRY SALM, Sole Agent. no9.d6na 36 Vesey street, Sew York. SHAWLS ! SHAWLS / A. large invoice of New Styles of French Blanket Shawls received this morning by nol3 C AT d.',ART 8: BROTHER. GENTLEMENS' WEAR. A iarge assortment of Under Shirts and Drawers, . (all sizes, ) Gentlemens' Traveling Shawls and Blankets, Every Kind of Gents Ho -iery, Cloth; Cassimers, and Vestings, or_ great varietyd Silk & Cashmere WOE Ties & Cravats, Large Stock of Gloves & Gauutletts, Every kind of Suspenders, HANOVER BUCK GLOVES, A Large Stock of these Goods, to select from can be found at CATHCART'S a 01.3 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. B. M. GILDEA, D. D. El- STATE STREET , OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera ions, Surgical and Mechanical, gmeetlfkl lly performed. Charges moder,..e. jeB DAVID McCORKICK BUTTER (good, sweet and fresh) in one pouud rolia, and fresh EGGS ill large and small gutunidag taken at all timeg and cash pal or groceries given in exchange. Regular mareet rates aiwaya paid WM. DOCK, .In., &co. - Opposite the oourt, angl9 Miscellaneous. CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES , PURSES, Of beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WALLEITS. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, Of the best Manufacture A very Handsome Variety of P(iVirDER PUFF BOXES, KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market Street J. R. INGERSOLL'S PATENT TO FARMERS !