Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 30, 1861, Image 2

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The publisher of the PENNSYLVANIA TELE
GRAPH has made the most ample and complete
arrangements, by the engagement of an expe
rienced corps of reporters, to give the public a
complete synopsis of the proceedings of the
Legislature, embracing all legislation that will
be of a . general character and such private busi
ness as may have an effect or influence on the
public interest. Added to these reports, with
thireports of the Heads of Departments, the
debates will also be published when they are of
a character involving questions in which the
people are interested. These features regularly
and carefully conducted and supervised by ex
perienced reporters, our reports of the proceed
ings of Congress at the approaching session,
the current events in the progress of the war,
together with such domestic and foreign news
as shall daily occur and come within our reach,
will make the PENNSYLVANIA TELEGRAPH one of
the most valuable and interesting newspapers
in the country.
The DALLY will be published during the see-
Bien of the Legislature for $l,OO per copy.
Tax SEMI-WEEKLY will also be published at
the low rate of $l,OO for the session.
The WEEKLY is printed on a very large sheet
at the low rate of $l,OO per year.
Harrisburg, Penn'a
Saturday Afternoon, November 30, 1861.
The fact that the House of Representatives
was organized at the late extra session of Con
gress will facilitate the delivery of the Presi
dent's Message, so that, if a quorum is present,
we may expect to receive that document on
Monday next. Our arrangements are such as
to be able to give the message to our readers in
a very few hours after its reception in this office.
If we receive it at noon on Monday, we will
print it in our evening edition, and if we do not
receive a copy of the document until after we
have gone to press with the evening edition, it
shall appear iD the regular edition of the Mors
xxo TELEGRAPH. We will also publish the De
partment4eports, or. such synopsis as will con
vey all the necessary information of the opera
tions of those branches of the government, as
soon after they are received as a large force of
compositors .• can put them into type.
avowal of a determination to oppose the gov
ernment,' made by Charles J. Biddle, we are re
minded that he was forced on the people as a
candidate for Congress, by a certain class of
politicians in Philadelphia whose boast of con
servatism makes them very popular in commer
cial circles. The "respectability" and family
connection of Mr. Biddle gave him the benefit
of . this conservative influence, and into this cir
cle of "divine social" attraction, honest Repub
licans were enticed, their votes obtained by the
false pretense of Biddle's devotion to the Union,
and an honest, straight for ward Republican candi
date 'sacrificed to please this conservation. The
`organ of tape and calico is Philadelphia, the
North American, was the most urgent of those
who were anxious that this conservative senti
ment should become triumphant in the person
of the immaculate Charles J. Biddle, while the
Press, a semi Democratic journal, opposed his
election, on the ground that Biddle's loyalty
would become a doubtful quality when invest
ed with power. The result has proven to the
Republicans who honestly supported Mr. Bid
dle, that they were then deceived and are
now about to be betrayed—and as he has
acted, so may we anticipate the course
of every Breckinridge Democrat who was
either , elected to Congress or the Legislature
m , Union candidates. They will oppose the
administration in its efforts to crush re
bellion' whenever an opportunity is presented,
and claim the result of their election as the
'triumph of those principles which have been
paying homage to slavery for thirty years. It
is not too late, however, for the honest and de
termined Republicans of the land to be warned
and instructed on the subject of locofoco de
moralization and deception. Let us gird on our
armors now for the battles of the future, and
scorn every proposition hereafter that would
unite us in bonds with our enemies. Our party
organization is as essential to the success, peace
and prosperity of the American Union, as is the
triumph of our arms. When we are fully im
pressed with this fact, the contests in the halls
of legislation and on the fields of battle will be
'short and decisive.
Th BOROUGH or AlrmuzrowN, one of the
thriving towns scattered all over Dauphin
county, has acted nobly in contributing men
for the support of the Union cause. With a
population not exceeding two thousand, she
has'aent boo hundred and twenty-five volunteers into
the ranks of the Federal army. This, in pro
portion, exceeds that of any other borough or
city in the loyal states, and is 'none the less
gratifying because Middletown WaS the old resi
dence of the Secretary of War.
The announcement that James Buchanan was
engaged in the preparation of a work designed
to be a defence of his administration, has elicited
the expression of various opinions by the press
throughout the loyal states. It is predicted
that he will have a wide hearing, for it will be
refreshing to everybody to know what he can
say in mitigation of the sentence which has
been recorded against hiin. For instance, one
might wish to know with what excuse or ex
tenuation he will meet the single 'fact stated
below, or how express his gross, willful, trai
torous neglect of a duty so plain, imperative,
and easy of performance.
On the 29th of October, 1860, Lieut. Gen.
Scott addressed a letter to President Buchanan,
in which he referred to the secession excitement,
which the conspirators were then actively fan
ning at the south, and remarked that if this
glorious Union were broken by whatever line
political madmen might contrive, there would
be no hope of re-uniting the fragthents, except
by the laceration and despotism of the sword.
Pointing out the danger, he proceeded to point
out the prevention :
"Flom a knowledge of our Southern popula
tion," he said, "it is my solemn conviction that
there is some danger of an early act of rashness,
preliminary to secession, viz: the seizure of
some or all of the following forts ; Forts Jack
son and St. Philip, on the Mississippi, below
New Orleans, both without garrisons ; Fort
Morgan, below Mobile, without a garrison ;
Forts Pickens and Mcßee, with an insufficient
garrison for one ; Fort Pulaski, below Savan
nah, without a garrison ; Forts Moultrie and
Sumter, Charleston harbor, the former with an
insufficient garrison, the latter without any ;
and Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, without a
sufficient garrison. In my opinion, all these
works should immediately be so garrisoned as
to make any attempt to take any of them, by
surprise or coup de main, ridiculous."
General Scott then expressed the belief that
"with firmness and moderation, there was good
reason to hope that the danger of secession
might be made to pass away without one con
flict of arms, one execution, or one arrest for
Seven of the nine forts named are now in the
hands of the rebels, as foreseen by Gen. Scott.
Mr. Buchanan may possibly obtain an explana
tion from John B. Floyed, then his Secretary
of War, if indeed he thinks his inaction in eir
'eumstances so urgent, and with advice so plain
before him, require excuse. But it must re
quire uncommon assurance on his part to recall
to the minds of people many other chapters in
the history of his memorable four years of
Trrs vomowiso is an extract from the speech
of Senator Mason, of Virginia, at the inaugura
tion of the statue of General Joseph Warren,
on Bunker Hill, June 17, 1867. It is of interest
at the present time:
"Something was said by the eloquent gentle
man who represents Connecticut (Governor
Holley) in deprecation of that dishonored day
which should witness this confederation broken
into fragments. I sympathize with him. I
am here to-day to say to you, people of ISlEU3Sa
chusetts, that our Government is a Government
whose only sanctiorids in the honor and in the
good faith of this Union—to proclaim that so
long as there is honor and good faith in the
States and the people of the States, the Union
will be perpetuated. I invoke here on Bunker
Hill, come from my own honored State in the
far South—l invoke from you that you shall re
quire those who represent you, to administer
the Government as it was framed by our fath
ers under the Constitution. I would ask, in the
spirit of that patriot who has departed from us,
if he can look down again upon the earth,which
he once honored, to inspire you all with that
feeling which would require that the Govern
ment should be administered a in honor and good
faith. And 'when I return to my home I shall
have the satisfaction of assuring my people that
the spirit of Bunker Hill yet lives in Massachu
Wonder if some of those identical spirits ever
visit the traitor Senator Mason, as he is held in
durance vile in the vicinity • of Bunker Hill.—
That they "yet live" there can be to doubt—
and that they hover around our armies and
soar above our banners, the rebels who were
induced to armed resistance against this gov
ernment by such men as Senator Mason, will
soon discover.
the most influential and independent Republi
can journals in this Commonwealth, in referring
to the See'retary. of War says : We were always
kindly disposed towards Secretary Cameron.—
We are now more than ever convinced that the
President acted wisely in ,choosing him as a
member of his Cabinet. No man, we venture
to say, could have taken the office of Secretary
of War, at such a time, with the condition it'
was in when he entered upon his dual
have administered it more comprehensively or
more successfully. We have watched his course
in the magnitude of his labors, closely and with
great interest, and the result haa been only to
admire it the more. If he has not shown him
self to be a man of many words, he has at least
convinced the people that he is something more
—a man of great foresight and, judgment, and
rare statesmanlike qualifications. It is not
worth our while to enumerate his many import
ant services to his country, because they are
known. We willingly pay this tribute to what
we consider genuine worth.
sand troops are expected shortly to arrivt
Fortress Monroe, and an order was read to those
already there to the effect that they would not
be furnished with winter !porters.. This ; would
seem to indicate an advance, especially es no
more flags of truce will leave that post for
three weeks.
TIEN DECRZASE of exports from England to the
United States for the nine months ending Octo
ber 1, compared with the same period last year,
was about £11,000,000 and about £2,000,000
with other countries from the same cause—the
THE OMISSION of the southern states is im
proving the finances of the Post Office Depart
ment. The deficit the current year will be
less by two and a half milliOns this than last
year. Its an ill wind that blows no-body any
Ta!i Persmal Liberty Bill , of Vermont has
been repealed by the Legislature that adjourn
ed on Thursday of last week.
Pennoptoanio Math) etlegrapt), eaturbap 'Afternoon, Nouetnber 30. 1861
A Harrisburger in South Carolina.
At Sea in a Storm—Almost a Wreek—The Bom
bardment of Port Royal—The Climate, 4c.
Correspondence of the Telegraph
November 23, 1861.
MESSRS EDITORS : You will be somewhat
surprised to receive a letter from me after so
long a silence, but as I now have the time I
will give you a short account of the dangers
that we went through. On the 19th of October
we shipped on board the Gen. W. Scott, at An
napolis, to sail to some port in the South, the
exact place we did not know. We arrived at
Fortress Monroe where we laid at anchor until
the 26th of October when we.
,set sail together
with the Steam Frigate Wabash and a whole
fleet of gun boats, men-of-war and transports,
in all about fifty sail. The first day out was
very fine, and we sailedpnder a fair sky, and I
think it was the fairest sight ever I seen. We
were always near the centre of the fleet so we
could see the other vessels all around us. The
next day it was rough, and about 3 o'clock we
got out of sight of land, for we had been sailing
along the coast. The third day out we had fair
weather, but the next day, it being the Ist of
November, then came the tug of war. About
10 o'clock in the forenoon the wind arose and it
was not long before we had to alter our course
and head out against the wind. We soon lost
sight of the other vessels, and we went on
pitching and tossing, but did not dream of dan
ger At dinner time we went to get our rice,
but we could hardly keep on our feet, and in
the evening it was too rough to cook any sup
per, so we went to bed without. About mid
night we were aroused by the alarming cry "get
up men, the ship is sinking." We jumped up
and took off the hatches when we found five
feet of water in the hold. We went to work
bailing water and soon found we were gaining
on the water a little. We now felt sure that
we could keep her afloat until morning, when
we hoped we would find relief by meeting with
some friendly sail, or that the storm might
break. It was a long and dreary night, but we
worked hard. Daylight at length appeared,
but brought us no relief. The wind, instead of
going down, increased and there was no sail in
sight. Our steam pump at length got choked
up, and we had to work the harder ; but thank
God, we kept the water out very well until
about 12 o'clock when we spied two other ves
sels to windward of us. We immediately run up
our flag, union down, as a signal of distress. It
was about 3 o'clock when the other vessels came
up with us They then tried to get our men
off and succeeded in getting off 35 or 40. They
however, soon found that the sea ran too high,
and that they could never get all the men off ;
and as the men would not work but only crowd
to get off, the captain of the ship told the other
vessel to leave us, but to keep near in case we
should go down. It was now found necessary
to cut, down our *main mast, our fore mast, and
throw overboard all our cannons— the
anchors had already gone overboard. The
water was fast beginning to come in
—six inches more and the fire would be out,
and, then our ship would be unmanageable.—
At work, however, we went again with a will,
and soon had the satisfaction of gaining on the
water. About dark we gut crackers. This was
the first we ate since the rice dinner the day
before; and we went to work again for our lives.
A man swill work hard to save his life, much
harder than if, only working for pay. We had
another hard night of it. The sea ran mountains
high and we were meet a watery
grave every, minute. For fifty-six hours we had
death in our hands, but thank God we are all
safe once more on shore.
Towards morning the storm abated, and dur
ing the day we got the old shell bailed out
nearly dry. They now got the steam pump in
working order again, and then we were relieved.
We had fair weather again, and on the second
day after the storm we got off Port Royal
'and cast anchor. On the sth of November,
1861, the famous battle of Hilton Head com
menced ; but before proceeding any further I
will try to give you a description of the place.
Hilton Head is an island at the mouth of Sa
vannah river, in South Carolina. Near it is
another island called. Hunter's Island. Be
tween the two is a deep channel about four
miles wide. On the points facing this channel,
and on both lands, the rebels had erected strong
sand batteries and 'fortifications, and they
thought themselves impregnable. The negroes
afterwards told us that when we first came there
that they laughed at the Yankees, and said
they were glad of an opportunity to give us a
good licking. Well, on the sth the battle com
menced. Some of the gun boats got in xange
of them. They fired at them, however, and as
the larger vessels did not get over the bar that
day there was not much done. The next day
it was too rough. On the morning of the sev
enth day the battle was opened ,in earnest.—
The whole fleet opened o on Hilton Head. Broad
side after broadside were sent in until we could
not see anything 'for the smoke. The battle
lasted, just four hburs 'and a quarter, when the
traitors retreated; but left some darkeys to serve
their guns andapver their retreat. At 3 o'clock
precisely-the tfaTs and stripes were run lip where
a few:minutes before the flag of the traitors had
been floating.
Towards eveni began to land our troops,
but our compa as not landed until the
l ir
next day. Qin, - es was 13 killed and wounded;
that of the e : .. y of course could not be as cor
rectly ascert . F.d, but it is estimated at between
.260 and 30 I: - ," e are now encamped on the
Hilton He •"> is and. We have plenty of sweet
potatties, p;rOpadnuts and oranges here. We
like thephige very well, and I think we will
stay here;,ill spring. It is as warm here now
as in thi(,lmmer in your place.
ct , ' 41 .lIIIIP p
Wiliroxasass msurs, next month, some im
porta changes will be noticed, and some
seats left - vacant that were occupied during the
extra session. John J. Crittenden and James
Guthrie, or Joseph Holt and Nathanial Wolf,
will probably occupy the places in the Senate of
John C. Breckinridge and Lazarus W. Powell,
of Kentucky. The seat of K. S. Bingham, de
ceased, will be vacant, unless filled by appoint
ment by the Governor of Michigan. The chair
of the lamented Col. Edward . D.,Baker, of Ore
gon, will be occupied by Bei:0On Stark. Jesse
D. Bright of Infliana, if repor,ts are true, having
gone South and .joined the rebels, will probably
not make his appearance again in the Senate.
In the House, the two representatives from
California—T. J. Phelps and A. A. Sergeant—
will take their seats for the first time. The
place of Brigadier General John A. McClernand,
formerly representative of the Sixth district of
Illinois, will be vacant. James F. Wilson will
represent the First district of lowa, in place of
Bl4gadier General Samuel R. Curtis, resigned,
and, Samuel Hooper, elected in the Fifth dis
trict of Massachusetts, will take the place of
William Appleton, resigned. Elijah H. Norton
and John W. Reed, both of Missouri, and now
in th 6 rebel army; will brobably be expelled, as
will also the arch traitor H. C. Burnett; of Ken
tucky. Charles J. Biddle, will fill the vacant
seat of the Second district of Pennsylvarda, s and
three or four new members will make their ap
pearance from the loyal sections of Virginia.—
The delegates from the seven Territories have
been chosen, and will also appear in the House
at the opening of the session.
REFUSE DIEM. —The Philadelphia Ledger says
that the Egg Harbor City Bank, New Jersey, is
unworthy of credit, that its bills ought to be re
fused by everybody, and that some of the per
eons who have been instrumental there in giv
ing them circulation stand a very fair chance of
getting within the pale of the criminal law. Its
bills are refused by banks, brokers and business
men generally,
Particulars of the Engagement.
The American has received the following intel
ligence from the South.
The Richmond Dispatch of the 29th gives the
following particulars of the fight at Pensacola,
taken from the Pensacola Observer of the 22d
and 23d inst.
The fight commenced on Friday and the
Observer of the 22d thus announces the begin
ing of the fight.
At five minutes past 10 o'clock this morning
a heavy and continous firing commenced at the
forts below. What it is, or on which side it
commenced, we are yet unable to say. Up to
this writing (one o'clock) the firing still con
tinues and we cau only give it and hope that
the bombardment has opened in good earnest.
We shall give the news as fast as we get it.
We learn from a person just from the navy
yard that the fire was opened by Fort Pickens
. upon the confederate steamer Times and was
returned by our batteries and forts. The IL
S. frigate Niagara is trying to cross the bar for
the purpose of entering the harbor.
The excitement in town is immense.
Tim business houses are closed and the house
tops are crowded with the excited populace.
The Observer of the 23d has the following
The firing as we stated yesterday began from
Fort Pickens. The whole of their firing during
the morning was directed at the steamer Times,
but with very little effect. The Times came
up last night and with the exception of two or
three little holes made with rifle shot, she is
unhurt. This shows that their guns are of very
inferior quality or that Brown and his Yankees
are all drunk—very probably the latter.
The steamer Nelms was also in the engage
ment with the steamer Times at the beginning
of the fire, but only one shot struck her and
that did not do much damage. The Nelms
went over to the mainland and found the Flori
da regiment all right.
In passing Billy Wilson's batteries she gave
them a couple of shots, which were returned
The U. S. frigate Niagara tried hard to come
in, but the reception was too warm and she had
to back out.
The only loss of life we can hear of was a pri
vate of the Louisiana regulars and the wife of
the sergeant of the marine corps. Both killed
by the explosion of a shell in the navy yard.
A great many shot and shell fell in the yard,
but did very little damage to the buildings.
Our guns were worked all day and must have
told with terrible effect upon the other side.
We think that the greatest damage done was to
one of the ships of war which ventured too near
our batteries.
The editor proceeds with a tirade of abuse
against.the Yankees in general and Col. Brown
in particular. He speaks of Brown as follows :
"But the meanest and most contemptible act
was the execution of the threats made some
time ago by that prince of hardened scoundrels,
Harvey Brown, that he would not respect the
hospitals. One shot was so well aimed at the
building that .it went through it but did no
damage. The baseness of this act places this
blackguard below the lowest cut throat and vag
abond of New York.!"
The account continues : At thirteen minutes
to eleven o'clock this morning the fire was re
opened and still c,ontiues at a very brisk rate.
The people are not so much excited as they were
yesterday, and we can see every appearance of
a determination to resist to the last extremity
if need be, but every one seems to place unlim
ited confidence in our success.
We hope now that it will continue till the
conflict is settled. Hurrah for the southern
confederacy, and hurrah for a little more grape.
The Montgomery Advertiser of the 24th says :
For more than six months past the garrisons of
Fort Pickens and Pensacola have faced each
other, making preparations for the desperate
struggle which might be commenced at any
moment, but the suspense is now over; the day
so long wished for by our gallant volunteers,
who have been compelled to pass the summer
in comparative inactivity has now arrived.
The fortifications on each side side are very
likely to be, fully tested ;fore either party will
acknowledge .a defeat. 'Me works erected by
the confederate forces .have doubtless been con
structed with great sip, and we should judge
by this time are ina"rtdition to withstand the
combined assaults of the fort and the Yankee
fleet. " '
This will be no child's play on either side.
It will be no Hatteras or Port Royal affair. The
Confederates are to strongly entrenched too en
tertain the ikea of succumbing to anything like
an equal force. How long it will continue no
one can tell, but when it is announced that
there is a cessation of hostilities we hope to be
able to announce that the flag of the Confeder
ate States floats in triumph over the walls of
Fort Pickens.
he Richmond akh 'says that an official
atch received on=` esday night fom Gene
ral Bragg, states . th everything was quiet
about Pensacola, and that the Federal fleet
keeps at a safe-distance from his guns. He is
fully prepared for a renewal of the fight. The
editor adds:-;"We have every confidence that
General Bragg will give Harvey Brown and his
ruffians more grape, that; they can comfortably
The above is all the information that can be
gleaned from the rebels.
The result of the fight is not given.
Contradictory Reports from Pensacola,
Gt. Bragg Reported to have been
The Old Point boat has arrived, and the pas
seugers furnish a variety of tumors,oftthe most
contradictory character in relationld ',the fight
at Pensacola.
One report says that Fort Pieki a had been
taken and another that the Federal forces bad
been victorious, and that Gen. Bragg wasl4.illtd,
while a third report is that after two day fight
ing a great storm came on which rendered a
cessation of hostilities necessary.
The steamer Karnak has arrived from Hav
ana with dates to the 23dinst., and Nassau, N.
8., to the 25th. At tilvana sugars were dull.
N. 0,, 12s. 7-1-48 f. Stock in port, 30,000
boxes. No transactions in molasses or stock on
hand. Freights are nominal. Exchange on
London, noicii. New York, sasi premium,
Two Vessels Sunk by the Rebels in
the Savannah River.
I. Cargo of Cotton Loading for the North.
Two Gun Gun Boats Anchored off
The Town Visited Daily by Officers of
the Army and Navy.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30
The steamer Ocean Queen, from Port Royal
on the 27th, has arrived at this port. She
brings only a small mail.
The steamer Bienville hence was going in
Port Royal as the Ocean Queen came out.
Commodore Dupont has transferred his flag
from the Wabash to the Susquehannah. Be
and General Sherman had just returned in the
steamer McClellan to Hilton Head, having lan
ded a force of marines on Tybee Island. The
marines had commenced repairing the fortifica
tions and constructing new ones. Eight gun
boats were off Tybee Island to cover our troops
in case of necessity.
The rebels sunk two vessels between Tybee
Island and Fort Pulaski in the narrow part of
Savannah river channel to prevent the fleet
front going up to that city.
A small schooner is to be sent up to one of
the Islands above Hilton Head to load with cot
ton and would.sail in a few days by order of the
naval authorities.
The fleet that was fitting out for another ex
pedition was all ready awaiting the orders that
were expected to arrive by the steamer Bien
The town of Beaufort was still unoccupied,
but two gun boats were anchored off the place
and the town was daily visited by officers of the
army and navy.
No engagement had taken place with the
rebels nor had any of the latter been seen either
at Hilton Head or Beaufort. The health of the
troops was good. The steamer Vanderbilt was
to sail for New York in about two days.
From Washington.
Successful Reconnoisance Toward
A gentleman from the Virginia side of the
Potomac, arrived to-day, states that the Fifty
seventh and Sixty-first New York regiments,
the later under command of Col. Cone, made a
reconnoisance from Springfield, which is nine
miles from Alexandria, on Thursday and went
three miles and a half beyond our pickets, to
wards Manassas, when they discovered a rebel
force, numbering, it is supposed, about eight
thousand men. They returned to their starting
point, reaching it in good order and without
There are now confined in the building known
as the old capitol, seventy-five prisoners of war.
The District Court has condemned the schoon
ers Alena and John S. Evans heretofore seized
under the blockading act.
Reported Despatch of a British Steam
Frigate to Consort the West India Rail
The Frontier of Canada to be Placed
. in a State of Defence.
A London letter to the Times of this city
mentions a rumor that a steam frigate had been
sent to watch the United States steamer James
Adger on her departure, in consequence of the
belief that her errand was to over haul the
West India mail packet and avrest Mason and
Slidell. The letter says that the chase was de
sisted from when it became obvious that she
had other business.
A Quebec letter also published by the Times
says that at a Council of War it had been deter
mined to prepare for emergencies by placing the
frontier of Canana in a state of defence. There
are also rumors that it had been resolvel to call
out ten thousand volunteers, but there is noth
ing authentic.
On the 21st lost, by Rev. C. A. Hay, Mr. MARTIN BRIX
vox, and Mies NANCY Darn., both of Cumberland county
On the 24th lost., by the same, Mr. WILLIAM. F. F..toKuni,
of Harrisburg, and Miss SARAH R. Metir.sus, of Dan.
On the fAth not., by the same, Mr. Jona RHEINNEWI.T.,
end Miss Urea TCOMEY, both of Perry county.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. DAVID CLAM, Of
Dauphin county, and Misst BARIOTTE BALMER, of Lancas
ter county.
On the 24th bast , by Rev. C. W. Gardner, 'WIRY /M
-um., of Lisburn, Cumberland county to MARY E. Come,
of Middletown, Pauphitt county.
On the 28th Mat., by Rev. Robert J. Carson, Mr, Damn
Mussmt, to MISS Suites (OBLE, of Cumberland clarity.
New 2brierttsements.
~ to the public, hk,prepared from the fresh roots.
!--.„ In submitting thisliktaibte article to the public laver,
Iciit; 1 -•
the manufacturer on - Jill.. with the urgent and In
creasing demands of ' dblic. It is unquestionably
one of the most reliabt nd effectual remedies yet dis
covered for the diseases it is up lied. It is strongly re
commended by - the Faculty as aan i.erior martens bever
age for General Debility, Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver,
Billions Affections and Irritable condition of the Stomach.
The many thousands who have be , a reluctantly compel
led to abandon the use of Coffee, owing to the injury done
to their by alth, will Sod this superior to the best Java Cof
fee, to say nothing of its great and acknowledged medi
cinal benefits. The intelligent p:rtion of the community
are so well acquai r.ted with the' needlelhall properties of
the Dandelion, that they requireMit the assurance that
the article offered to them is the:intro Dandelion Root.
fOr 'Ono pound of this Coffee will make as much as
two pounds of the best Java
For sale by
no3o Wit. DOCIZ , Jr.. & co.
WANTED.—In a genteel family one
or two "unfurnished rooms," with boarding for
a gentleman, wife and child. Address, HENRY, this
once, stating terms. ne29
NOTICE is hereby given that applica
tion will be made to the Governor of Pennsylva
nia for the pardon of William lb uthart, convicted in the
Court of D •uph n county. no3o-dat
THE largest and best selected assortment of
DIARIES ever imported into this city can
be found at
gN entire new assortment of these useful ar
tides just opened at
BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore,
&cep, BRANS.
Fresh Peaches, (in cans.)
Corn, tkc , &c.
Just received and for sale by
no3o WM. DOCK. Jva. & co
THE undersigned would respectfully in
form the ritizens of Harrisburg that he has com
mencd the manufacture of eausages and Pudding. Ho
tels acd private families will be supplied with a first rate
article an d at low rates Stall,upperone,inuppermar
house, west side.
J. WALLOWER, Jr„ Agent.
XTOTlCE.—Saturday evening being set
VI apart for the Benefit of Brudder Bones, A. Hughes,
On which occasion he will present a
For the best mistrial NATIONAL CONUNDRUM.
To be decided by the audience. Ten of the best will he
read, and the one receiving the most applause will re
ceive the Pencil.
Will be given to the audience. Each person purchasing
a Ticket will receive a gift ❑umber that will entitle him
to a gift if his number is selected from the Box—at the
close of the Performance. n 079
Webster' s Unabridged Dictionary
13 'Pictorial Illustrations of
Military Terms.
Webster's Dictionary ezcels in them, and has, among
others, pictorial representations of the following
Barbocan, Bastion, Battlement, Bar-shot, Block-boose,
Bombs, Cannon, Carronade, Chain shot, Chevaux de-irk°,
Caltrop, Limbers, Madrier. Martello Cower, 'Mortar, Port
cullis, Ravelin, Redan, Star Forte, &a. ,
As, the foregoing, and Abatis, Ambulance. Ambuscade.
Armistice, Banquette, Bivouac, Brevet, Caisson, Caliber,
Canister-shot, Cantonment, Caponiere, Casemate, Conn
terscarp Chef de baltaill, n, Cul de sac, Dablglarea gun,
Minis rine, &c., &c.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30
No. 69, Market Street, below Third,
M. H. LEE,
PARASOLS and • ALENECG• CANES, will furnish
goods at LOWER PRICE tnan can be bought in any of
the Eastern cities. Country merchants will do well to
call and examine prices and quality, and convince tbenl
selves of this fact. augnallf•
Harrisburg Blind Manufactory.
ATENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and
all repairing neatly and expeditiously dime. Per
sous at a distance can have their work done by addres
sicg'a letter to the undersigned. Thankful for past Pat
ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit
a continuance of the same. ,r -Satisfaction guaranteed
both asto prices and work."9ol.
,SO WIIPIAT FLOUR (Extra) in 1211) and
Alb bags. The quality is very superior, having been se
selected expressly for our retail trade. For sate low by
null wm. DOCK. Jr.. & On.
LATHER and INFANT BRUSHE', in great variety
New 2tbrertistments.
BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore
New Pietoral Edition,
No othor rnglish Dictionary publishod in this country
has a fourth part of these,.
Definitions of Military Terms.
Sold by Geo. Bergner, Harrisburg, and all Bonkndlere.
n 029 daw6w
AGOOD PASTRY COOK at the Buehler
House. un27.3td
R. A. MARTIN, M. D.,
OFF - Mb' his professional services to the
citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity Office in "Pa
triut and Union" Building,
Third street above Market
very convenient WrittMg Desk" ; also, P,
Memorandum Books, Portmonumes, Ace
DIARIES. FOR 1862.—A great variety
at exceeding low prices. at
w2O . a lligpFEß'S BOOKSTORE.
GOLD PENS I—Vir 14 - rgest and beet
stock, from $l.OO 0 $4 03—warranted— , t
NOTIONS.---Quite a variety of useful
LI and entertaining articles—cheap—at
n2O SHE iFER'S 130011ST0M .
1 11 BE Restaurant connected with the
j_ Jones House having been put in first class condition
is cow open for visitors.
nol9-2wd WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor.
WM. BREITENGER has removed his
restaurant from the coruer of Dewberry alley
and Market street, to the house formerly °coupled by the
"Red Lion hotel" ill Marttet street between Dewberry
alley and Third street which he has refitted throughout
In the most beautiful manner, and he is now prepared to
furnish as usual, Oysters and all the delicacies of the
season, in that recherche style which has distingelsbed
his establishment from the time of first opening.
N. B.—Private Rooms have been fitted up for the ac
commodation of Ladies and families. Entrance next
door to the main entrance.
Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth.
myl2 dU
OATS OATS I I Cash paid fur Oats
OUR newly replenished stock of Toi:et
and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and
feeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we would res
pectfully invite a call. KFLLER,
91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, soutil
s d e.
oct9 d6m
ELLER'S DRUG STORE is, the place
to buy Patent Medicines.