Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 27, 1861, Image 2
f ) lAilp . Ceitgrapo. I=E:= Fai ever float that standard sheet I Where breathes the foe but falba before us! With t'reedoin's roll beneath our feet, Andrreedom , s banner streaming o'er u 1 OUR PLATFORM DIE UNION-THE CONSTITUTION-ANL' THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW THE UNITED STATES LAWS ARE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY IN THE PENNSYLVANIA DAILY TELEGRAPH. HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Afternoon, Noveiliber 27,1861. TBANKSGIVING DAY. To-morrow, Thursday, November 28, 1861, in obedience to the proclamation of the Governor of Pennsylvania, the day will be observed as an occasion of general thanksgiving and praise, to the God who created and, during years of pros perity and peace, preserved us as a nation.— The policy which dictates the setting apart of one day in the year, for the purpose of render ing thanks for blessings enjoyed and benefits promised, is alike a tribute to the Christian spirit of the age and an evidence of our own gratitude as a Christian people. It is befitting for us to do so because by it we remind our selves how weak we are as individuals, how de pendant we are .as a people on that Supreme Power which is high above all earthly authori ty, and how, amid our trials and dangers, our own deceit and dereliction, the woes we have are of our own creation, while the advantages and blessings we enjoy come alone from God.-m- Thus, in the hour of our civil strife, God has had no hand in the dismemberment of our once glorious and compact Union. He has bad no influence in the guiding of the rancorous spirit which now antagonises brothers, arouses ani mosity between friends, and beleagures localities where commerce and trade, legislation and so cial intercourse assisted in strengthening by friendly reciprocity, the bands of our political Union God's work has been one of infinite and divine mercy—bidding the seasons to train their fruits and fructify. in abundance—filling our graneries with the products of rich harvests --bleSsing the land with health—enlightening the people to deeds of mercy and to efforts of salvation. Such are God's works, and for these, not only to-morrow, but to-day and at all times, we must render thanks and praise or sink by out ingratitude into a deeper disgrace than that into which our perverseness has now plunged us as a nation. We trust that the day will be made one of rational and dignified thanksgiving and praise, and not be perverted into an occasion of riotous debauchery and gluttonous feasting. The gratification of the appetite is not the tribute of thanks such as can be acceptable in the sight of God—nor can the letting loose of the passions be regarded. as praise such as either elevates a man's soul or pleases his God. It is the tribute of praise in honest acknowledgement of God's gifts by a rational happiness, that is acceptable —and in such praises, even amid the gloom of the nation and the political destruction which seems impending, we must indulge or our thanksgiving will be of no avail. THE ARROGANCE displayed by the rebel Presi dent Davis, in his message to the rebel Con gress, was appropriately followed by the an nouncement that the rebel capital at Richmond would be removed to Nashville, Tenn. There is more in the fact of this removal, than most people will be able at first to discover. From the beginning, the object has been to keep this war out of-the cotton states. In view of the success of this object, Viiginia was selected es the seat of Wair, and Richmond made the rebel capital to tickle the pride of the F. F. V's.— The removal from Charleston was gracefully acquiesced iin by the South Carolina rebels, because with the capital they imagined went also the danger of invasion. But since the operations of the federal fleet have made it apparent that Richmond would be attacked from the south, and after its capture the de molition of the works at Manassas made the work of mere amusement for the federal forces, the rebel government seek by the re moval of their .capital to remove the war also from North and South Carolina. There is no doubt that this is the object, and there is less doubt of, its, failure. The war on the coast is the attack of the vulnerable part of secession. By invading the Carolinas, eastern Virginia ex poses its weakness—loyal men in that section become aroused—the Union feeling spreads and pervades the masses, and these causes together conspire to hurry the removal of the rebel cap ital. It will thus be seen that within the very heart of the slave states, the rebel rulers are fearful to trust themselves. Surely treason is poverty stricken when its adherents and repre sentatives are compelled to wander like vaga bonds over a country they profess to have con quered. JEFF. DAVIS, in his la.te message, says that the blockade is totally inefficient, and proposes to invoke the aid Of European nations in breaking it up. On the other hand, Yancey, in his speech to the fishmongers at'London, says that the confederate states, "though cut off by block ade from all foreign trade, have been able—from their 'internal' resources alone—to equip and maintain in the field an army of over 250,000 troops." There is 'a considerable variance be t weep master and than in this case. TILE STATE EDUCATIONAL CONVEN TION. The meeting of this body, in this city, has excited considerable attention, from the in terest with which every movement connected with the cause of education is invested ; and during the three days of its session the proceed ings of the Convention have been distinguished for a zeal and an ability deserving of the im portant objects the deliberations of the delegates are designed to attain. In the work of free education, Pennsylvania is among the first s tates of the Union, both as to the extent of the arrangements to secure such benefits to the children of the masses, and the ability and char acter of those engaged in the work. The sys tem, too, which is now in force and operation is decidedly the best yet adopted by any com monwealth, and when the teachers, from the highest to the lowest, throughout all the grades of schools in the state,b egin to view, their voca tion as a profession of great practical utility, the result will be seen in the increase of-educa tion, the elevation and enobling of labor by the refinement and enlightening of its votaries through the same system of education, which, however perfect we may now regard it, is still yet in its infancy when we compare it with the improvements and advances that are being made in the other pursuits of mankind. There fore, we trust that the result of the deliberations of the State Educational Convention may be en• tirely practical. The State Superintendent, Hon. Thomas H. Burrowes, is one of the most experienced and practical men in the country on the subject of education, to whcse early devo tion we are indebted for most of the present practical effects of our system of education, and to whose present labcirs we trust the people of the future may point with the same pride that we of the present regard his services and labors in this cause. Our reports of the proceedings of the Conven tion are full and complete, to which we direct, the earnest attention of the reader. OFFICIAL The following circular letter was addressed severally to Hon. Galasha A. Grow, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. H. B. Wright, of the same body, and Hon. Edgar Cowan, of the 11. S. Senate, by Gov. Curtin, requesting that they act as a committee to de liver the flags to the various Pennsylvania reg iments without regimental flags in the vicinity of Washington city. We suggested on Mon day la,st that something of the kind be done, and we are therefore pleased to note the prompt response which the Governor has made to our suggestions by appointing this committee. The letter explains the manner in which the flags are to be presented : EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, Harrisburg, Nov. 27th, 1861 :—The Legislature at the last ses sion directed the Governor to procure standards for the Pennsylvania regiments, raised for the service of the Government of the United States during the existing rebellion. I have accor dingly already presented flags to several regi ments at their respective camps, but the heavy and unremitting pressure of my public duties here prevents me from leaving Harrisburg at this time, and thus compels me to forego the pleasure of meeting in person the other regi ments which have gone. I request therefore that in my stead you will present these flags to such regiments in the field as have not yet re ceived them, assuring the brave men of Penn- sylvania, who have given themselves to the military service of their country, in aid of right and justice, that they have the hearty applause and sympathy of their fellow-citizens, and that this Commonwealth expects them to do their duty, and to reflect honor on her by gaining re nown for themselves. Very respectfully, . Your obedient servant, A. G. CURTIN. Hon. EDGAR A. COWAN, Hon. H. B. WRIGHT, Hon, G. A. GRow. NORTHERN WOMAN in Baltimore are'complain ed of as being the most rancorous and implaca ble opponents of the federal authority. They are represented as having been raised, educated• and married in the north, and therefore, should be imbued with some regard at least for those institutions which refuse to recognize slavery as a safe basis for the structure of society. But the reverse is the case and condition of a large majority of these women, and we have the au thority of a Baltimore cotemporary.for declar ing that much of the spirit which provoked the mobs of that city into a collision with the' federal troops,was attributable to the encourage ment of such women.. We can excuse for a mo ment the women of the south,those born under and educated near the institution of slavery, and after having imbibed a prejudiced attachment for its provisions—we can excuse such as th ese for their violence, but when we hear of northern women and northern men engaging in the worst of rebellions and treason, we are ready to judge them at once as meriting a punishment harsher than any that has yet been devised for the crimes of the wicked. And this Punish ment is in store for such as these, as certain as their actions are brought before the proper tri bunal of an outraged nation. Noarueamort aid Accomac counties, Virginia, which have been invaded by Gen. Dix's army, and where, on the approach of the Union for ces, the militia threw down_ their, arms and hoisted the National Flag, embraces a small peninsula, separated by the Chesapeake from the mainland of the Old Dominion. It is, in fact, a tongue of land, attached to Maryland, and should have been a portion of that state.— It is commonly known as "the Eastern Shore" of Virginia. The peninsula seems to be thor oughly sick of secession. Two BELUREGAMDS CAPTURED.—The pirate Beauregard, as well as the fort named in honor of the notorious, if not illustrious, rebel -Gen eral, who manufactured that surname, has been taken, and is now in the possession of the Na tionaeGovernment. It will make an interest ing trio when the magnificent warrior is added to the list of captives. Three is a magic num ber, is only necessary for General B. to fall into the hands of the federal troops to make it complete. . • A MORTAR FLEET is RhOttly to start from New York, to consist-of twelve schooners, owned by the government and already filled for ordi nary armaments. These schooners can. eater inlets and proceed up streams not navigable for larger craft, and in the.. expedition proposed, will be very effective in the destruction ofr abet batteries and entrenchments: The fleet • will sail in a few weeks: pettnegluanta Malty elegraph, tUantsbav 'Afternoon, - November 27. 1861 From the Eastern Shore of Virginia. From the Baltimore Patriot, Nov. 25. The schooner John Cooper, Captain Kelso, arrived here this morning from Pongoteague, Accomac county, Virginia, with a cargo of wheat, corn, oats, potatoes and peas. This is the first arrival from that section since the embargo has been removed. We had a conversation with Captain Kelso on board his vessel, and he .furnished us with some interesting information in relation to the condition of affairs in that section of Virginia. His vessel has been lying at Pongoteague since May last, and he was unable to leave until the present sink his vessel in order to block up the channel, time. He says the rebels at one time threatened to, but they were induced to forego their intention ; and he was glad when the op portunity presented itself that he was enabled to resume his trips to this port, to which he has been for some time a regular trader. Captain Kelso states that since the arrival of General Lockwood and the Federal troops the dispersion and disorganization of the rebel force in the neighborhood has been complete. The people are also happy and contented under the new order of things, so different from which they had been compelled to submit for some time past. They have been led to believe by the Secessionists that the "Yankees," as they were derisively called, were coming for the purpose of committing - the great est outrages upon persons and proper ty, and freeing all the negroes ; but, as soon as Gen. Dix's proclamation was circulated and read, and the conduct of the troops had come to be understood, they were satisfied that they had been deceived, and there was a great change in the sentiments of even many who heretofore sympathized with Secessia. So great, indeed, was this change, that Captain K. says the people would, as soon as the opportunity offered, go almost unanimously for the Union. Many necessaries of life have been exhorbi: tant high in Accomac and Northampton coun ties, but now that communication has been opened, hopes were entertained that the people would be better supplied. Grain of all kinds was fortunately very low, so that there was no actual suffering among the people. Up to the period of General Lockwood's ar rival, constant communication had been kept up with Richmond, and the man who had regu larly carried the mail to that place had made a large amount of money ; but this source of re venue has been completely cut off, and his game is now "blocked." Capt. Kelso has been visit ed by several prominent Union men since his arrival, and has been welcomed by them in the warmest manner. He is a good Union man, and has alwas been so from the beginning, and is, of course, greatly rejoiced that he halt been restored to that Union which he so dearly prizes. We extract the following paragraphs from the Richmimd Dispatch of the 20th instant : YANKEE BOOKS.—We are informed by one of our principal publishers, that the demand for Yankee books is not affected by the war, and that, a few days ago, he had an order for a considera ble number of Yankee arithmetic although his shelves are filled with a work by an eminent Southern scholar, which is confessed to be the best in the language. If the south is to continue a commercial tri butary of the north--if, above all, it is to look to the north for the education of its children, it is a subject and dependent province, and noth ing more or less, no matter by what mocking name of freedom it is deluded. How long a war will it require to win this people from dependence.upon the north ? Better it should last forever than that the priceless blood already shed should have been shed in vain. We have no reason to fear the north in war ; but when the army of bayonets becomes converted into an army of drummers, the struc ture of southern independence will be subject to a test more severe and terrible than any which Scott or McClellan are able to apply. As soon as this war is over, a Northern horde of salesmen will overrun the land, or come here to live, and vote down our liberties at the polls. If we do not make provision in our laws to pre vent these objects, Southern independence is an idle dream. There is stated to lie some heart-burning in the surrounding country toward Memphis, on account of the high, we may permit ourselves to say, the extortionate prices which salt has reached. The following particulars are given by a cor respondent, whose letter is published in the 'Memphis Appeal of the 14th inst. "A most psinful accident occurred here, late yesterday afternoon, being the explosion of the big pivot gun, the 124-pounder that has so fre quently made the hills and valleys, for thirty miles around Columbus, re-echo with its potent voice, The gun had been loaded during the progress of the battle of the 6th, while hot, but no opportunity offering itself, in the latter part Of the day, to use it to advantage against the enemy, it was allowed to remain loaded up to yesterday afternoon. I am told that General 'McGowan assured the gunners that the piece would explode, supporting himself by a lucid explanation of the principles upon which he based his supposition ; but the huge propor tions of the guns were supposed to be sufficient protection to those around against the mine of saltpetre embedded in the breach, and the gun was fired, exploded, and caught the magazine belonging to the piece, which lay immediately beneath the gnu, killing eight men, among whom were Lieut. of Artillery Snowden and John Dublin, a citizen of Columbus,-and se riously wounding five others, among whom are Major General Polk, who was knocked sense less by the concussion, having his clothes liter ally torn off him, Captains of Artillery Renker and Miller seriously though not dangerously Wounded, and Captain Pickett, of the Sappers and Miners, considerably bruised by the con cussion. We have already given an account of the :stone fleet which has been purchased by the government for the obstrubtion of the southern harbors. That portion of the fleet which was purchased in New Bedford is thus described by the Mercury: "The fleet yhich sailed from this port on the ,nioruing of the 20th instant consisted M sixteen vessels. The crews consisted of fourteen men each, except the South America, which, carried sixteen. The cost of these ships to the govern ment was about $lO per ton. Some of them were worth double that sum per ton, and all would have brought more than that if they had been broken up. Here, at least, the department has got full value for the money it has expend ed, and in the fitting of the vessels the govern ment has had the benefit of the supervision of some of our most experienced shipownefi.' "The destination of this fleet is a matter which the priblic has the largest liberty to Speculate. Whether the five thousand tons of Stone are to be used to increase the base•of the Rip Raps, or whether the ancient catapult is to be brought into use, and the stones are to be projected, or whether they are taking South foir the arming of the slaves, or whether they are to be sunk at the entrance of Charleston or Sa 'vannala, we are not informed The fact, that at light water mark in each vessel a hole has been bored, into which a lead pipe has been Inserted, the ends carefully nailed down on either side of the vessel, a plug driven in from the outside and another from within, and both secured by a rod passing through them and fastened within by a nut and screw, favors the sinking hypothesis ; and the additional fact thUt at the last moment, an old sea captain suggest ed putting 2-inch augers on board Mach , ship, urakea - it violently probable that .these Sixteep: From Rebel Regions RICA PRICE OF SALT BURSTING OF THE BIG GUN AT COLUMBUS, KY The New Bedford Stone Fleet whalers are to be put to the inglorious use of stopping rat holes. "In due time we shall hear the result of this novel expedition It has been admirably man aged in its inception, the ships are in charge of experienced navigators familiar with the south ern coast, and the orders of the department, whatever they are, will be executed to the let ter. We have large faith in the enterprise ; and as it is an exceedingly pacific mode of car rying on the war all our citizens will join in wishing .- it success!' ' •• • Another stone fleet ia fitting out in this vi cinity, to consist of twenty-five vessels, which will be ready to sail in a few days. BY TELECEPiI, From Washington. RECONNOISSANCE TO DRAINESTILLE Two Rebels Killed, One Wounded and Eleven taken Prisoners. IZZEIZZI WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 The following dispatch was received to-day from General McCall, dated Camp Pierpont:-- Colonel G. D. Bayard, with 700 men of the first cavalry Pennsylvania reserve, marched last night at nine o'clock with orders to proceed to Drainsville and capture a party of the enemy pickets understood to be there. He has just returned at noon to-day with 11 prisoners, hav ing killed two and wounded'one of the enemy. Two of the prisoners arc cavalry with their horses, arms and equipments. The remainder are footmen. Col. Bayard had his horse killed and is slightly wounded, and lam sorry to re port that surgeon Alexander and one of our men are wounded. The prisoners will be forth with sent to Washington. FROM FORTRESS MONROE • Nothing Further from = Fort Pickens A SUPPOSED UNION VICTORY BALTIMORE, Nov. 27. The Old Point boat has arrived, but brings no news of importance.. The passengers report that a flag of truce went up to Norfolk yesterday but brought no thing whatever in relation to the fight at Fort Pickens. This is considered a good sign, indi cating a victory on the part of the. United States forces. The U. S. transport Constitution arrived yes terday with troops destined to take part in Gen eral Butler's expedition against some Southern port as yet unknown. LATER FROM EUROPE. The London News Rebuking South em Sympathizers. ['HE MARKETS. HALM; Nov. 27. The Cunard steamship Canada arrived early this morning with Liverpool dates to Saturday, the 19th inst. She sailed at ten o'clock for Boston with thirty-nine passengers and 10,800 pounds in specie. The London Daily News has an editorial gen erally rebuking the Southern sympathizers in England, and especially depouncing the writer of a strong Southern letter in the Times. Sir James Thompson publishes a letter em phatically denouncing that he acted the part of a spy while in America. Ile affirms that he in terfered on neither side.' The financial programme of M. Fould,. French Minister of Finance proves satisfactory. Other important ministerial changes are ru mored. The Paris bourse has advanced. Rentes closed at 69f. 65c. LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFF MARKET, Nov. 16. Flour closed flat on Friday at 6d. &cline. Wheat was inactive, and Corn had declined 3d. ®6d. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 17.—THE COTTON MARKET.- The sales on Saturday amounted to 12,000 bales, including 7,000 bales to speculators and expor ters. The market closed firm but unchanged with an advancing 'tendency. Breadstuffs in active. Provisions dull. Important !Southern News. —.— The Recent Gun-boat Exploit in War wick River, GENERAL MANSFIELD TAKES COMMAND AT NEWPORT NEWS -0-- General Phelps Detached for Service on General Butler's Expedition, ===l Union Movement in Tennessee. RE BELS GETTING FRIGHTENED I===:n Proposed Evacuation of Norfolk FORTRESS MONROE, Nov. 25.—P. M. A Richmond Dispatch received here to-day contains some meagre accounts of the recent ex ploit of the U. S. gun boat Cambridge, in the Warwick river, on last Friday night. On the evening of. November 22d, about dusk, the gun boat Cambridge left Newport News, and ran up the Warwick river about two miles, where it was understood a rebel regiment was encamped. The rebels were stirred up by the shells of the Cambridge, and . vacated their camp with a loss of fifteen men killed, wounded and missing. The correspondent of the Dis patch thinks the huts of the Virginia volunteers, Colonel Fury ear, and the surrounding woods, were set on fire 'by the men, and left to burn. No mention is made of the rebel steamers Roa noke and Yorktown. The Cambridge went up within sight of Cabin Point, ,on the James river, but batteries. Generals Mansfield and staff left Fortress Monroe yesterday afternoon, and proceeded to take command of the post. It is understood that the force here will shortly be greatly in creased, and as General Mansfield is a' man in favor of active measures against the Rebels, it is probable he will not tarry long at the point, but will carry the Stars and Stripes _further up the "James river," if not across it. Colonel Phelps,. hitherto acting Brigadier- General, commanding at Newport News, has been detatched from' that post, it is said, and has been booked for service upon the great ex pedition fitting out at Annapolis under Major General Cutler and Comnaodore David D. Porter. "- The Richmond Deep - itch says, among other good things, that there is a band of "three thousand Union marauders in thd monntains of . gast Tennessee, under Parson 'Brdwnlow and Major Gilham, who are doing more mischief than the Yankees in Kentucky, but they will have to be stopped in their treasonable move ments, and we think they will be, as Gen. Lo vell is after them with the Home Guards of Memphis and Knoxville." The Rebels are getting scared at the great in flux of troops and vessels of war in this vicinity, and the Dispatch proposes that Norfolk should be abandoned in the event of an attack, and begs that Richmond, City Point and Yorktown be reinforced and strengthened immediately.— "Should Wool advance in force the army of the Potomac would be divided." FROM KENTUCKY. RUMORED ADVANCE OF BRECHINRIDGE Rumors are prevalent this afternoon, but gen erally discredited, that General John C. Breck inridge, with arrarge force, is advancing from Green River in the direction of Owensboro' or Henderson. LATER, LOUISVILLE, Nov. 26.—A young man who ar rived at Camp Calhoun, McLean county, on Sat urday last, reported that General Breckinridge was between Russelville and Greenville, and sixteen miles from Greenville with a regiment of cavalry and one of infantry. He intended crossing the Green River at Rochester, and also at Ashleyburg. Another force was to advance on Runisey, op posite Calhoun, and divert Colonel Crittenden until the other two forces got in his rear. The same informant says the Rebel Conven tion at Russelville made George W. Johnston Provisional Governor of Kentucky, and selected Bowling Green as the State Capital. SHIPMENT OF CANNON Thirteen rifled cannon for the Government arrived from the Cold Spring foundry to-day, including a 100 pounder which will carry five miles. The latter will be sent to Fortress Monroe. FATAL ACCIDENT George Havennyer, son of ea• Mayor Haven nyer, was crushed to death this morning in the machinery of the sugar refinery of Messrs. Havennyer & Townsend at Williamsburg. AT.eth 3.ontrttiiements WANTED, A GOOD PASTRY COOK at the Buehler Howe. n027-3td R. A. MARTIN, M. D., OHENS his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. Oahe in "Pa trtot and Union" Building, Third street above Market. n27-d2ivr,' WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DO TO WYETH'S HALL OPPOSITE NEW COURI-HOUSE. Consultations in German and English. oovl4•d3t FRESH BEEF AND PORK. DEMONS wishing to put up their win ter supply of meat. 'an be furnished at exceedingly low. prices, Pork $6.25 per 100 pounds, whole hng. Beef $5 75 " " " by side. Apply at once as prices may advance. J. WALLOWER, Jr, Agent. n022-diw office Philia. and. Betiding RR. Depot. QULDIEBAS CAMP COMPANION. A ► very convenient Writt'ng Desk ; also, Portfolios, Ifni:norm:lum Books, l'orimonoalos, &c .t n2O SCHEFEER'S BOOKSTORE. DIARIES FOR 1862.—A great variety at exceeding tow prices. at 020 SEETFFR'S BooKsro RE. sANFoRrs Opera TROUPE —AT— BRANT'S HALL. Doors open Ito 7. Commence ito 8 Admission 25 ots.---Children 15 ots. - - •'Gents, unaccompanied with Ladles, to the Parquette 10 cents extra. Parquette re served especially for Ladies and Gents accom panying them. ON THAT KSGIVINGDAY TWO PERFORMANCES Afternoon and Evening GOLD PENS I—The largest and best stook, from $l.OO to s4.oo—warranted—at ,w 2.0 SHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. NOTIONS.-- Quite a variety of useful and entertaining articles—cheap—at n2O BREWER'S BOOKSTORE. OPENING. lifiE Restaurant connected with the Jones Rouse having been put in first class condition 's now open for visit° re. tiol9-2wd WELLS °OVERLY, Proprietor. REMOVAL. BREITENGER has removed his restauraut from the corner of Dewberry alley and Market street, to the house formerly occupied by the "Red Lion hotel" in Marset street between Dewberry alley and Third street which he has refitted throughout in the most beautiful manner, and he's now prepared to furnish as usual, Oysters and all the delicacies of the season, in that recherche style which has distinguished bis establishment from the time of first opening. N. B.—Private Rooms have been fitted up for the ac commodation of Ladies and families. Entrance next door to the main entrance. novlB-dim FURS! rums ! FURS ! FURS ! Sable Furs, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Fur; Silver Marten Fur; Water Mink Furs. CAPS, CUFFS AND MUFFS, LARGE ASSORTMENT. Great bargains in these Goods. Every article warran ted to be exatly as represented, at CATHCART & BROTHER, ,nold • • - Next to the Harrisburg Bank. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. • (Room formerly occupied lry the Postoffice.) THE undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds cf Gents Wear, out to the stylet and fash ions.. We have always on hand a large stock of Ready made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. hog-1:13m H. RHELLBNBERGER .1; BRO. LOUISVILLE, Nov. 26 NEW YORK, Nov. 27 NEW YORK, Nov. 27 This most interesting volume, prepared with great labor by General McCLELLAN, from copi ous notes taken during his tour of observation in Europe, under orders from the War Depart ment, opens to the reader much of his own military history and culture. Here will be found his matured views on subjects of imme diate and absorbing interests, and the noble and bold suggestions contained herein he is now in position to realize, and is, in fact, every day applying in practice. The book is a strik ing prophecy, of which his present position and his assured fame are the bright fulfilment. REGULATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIELD SERVICE OF THE U. S. CAVAL RY IN TIME OF WAR. By Gm. B. Moan- Lan, Major-General D. S. Army. To which is added, the Basis of Instruction for the U. S. Cavalry, from the authorized Tactics, including the formation of regiments and squadrons, the duties and posts of officers, lessons in the train ing use of the horse, illustrated by numerous diagrams, with the signals and calls now in use ; also, instructions for officers and non commissioned officers on outpost and patrol duty. With a drill for the use of cavalry as skirmishers, mounted and dismounted 1 vol. 12mo. Fully illustrated. $2. nolB FOR SALE OF RENT. THE undersigned offers for sale or rent, X his Distillery below Harrisburg, between the Penn sylvania Railroad and the Susquehanna river, with steam engine, pig pen, railroad siding and about eight acres of ground. Terms low. Apply to J. C. Bomberger, EN., Cashier of the Meuhanieß Savings Bank, Harrisburg, or to,. JACOB L KIBY, oet264llm* Middletown. WANTED. TWO Machinists, and `big Wagon Mak ers. Apply at the Harrisburg Car Works. uol2-dtf W. T. HIELDSIIP, Supt. FOR SALE, , ` TWO good Horses, one suitable as a family horse, the other as a draught horse. En uire of George Hufeagle, Third street, between Market d Walnut, Burke's no6.dtf ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE-THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) NEAR MARKET. Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth. CITY OF FlARRlsnlilta. PENN'.II. royl2 dtt TO FAMERS. fIATS ! OATS ! Cash paid for Oats ILI -d by if JAMES M. WHEELER. nov6 Onewly replenished stock of Toilet J and Fancy Gonds is unsurpassed in this Gay, and ',feeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we Would res pectfully invite a call. KELLER, 91 Market street, two doors east ofikurth street, south d e. Wew 2brertisements Books for the Military! juaIrEVE,D ll T ORE N 0.51 Marketstr'eSete.HEAl4 H ARD E E'S TACTICS. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer cise and manoeuvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. By Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, 11. S. A. Vol. I.—Schools of the Soldier and Company ; Instructions for Skirmishers. Vol.]l.—School of the Battalion. INSTRUCTIONS IN FIELD ARTILLERY Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.— One vol. Bvo. $2.60. Cot. S. COOPER, Adjt.-Gen. H. S. A. Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled by Special Orders No. 134, of 1856, and Special Orders No. 116, of 1858, has the honor to sub mit a revised system of Light Artillery Tactics and Regulations recommended for that arm. WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil lery. WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery. HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar tillery. 04 VA LRY TACTICS Published by order of the War Department. First Part—School of the Trooper ; of the Pla toon and of the Squadron Dismounted. Second Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron Mounted. Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi ment. Three vols. 18mo. $3.75 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, February 10, 1841. The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the organization of Dragoon regiments, having been approved by the President of the United States, is now published for the government of the said service. Accordingly, instruction in the same will be given after the method pointed out therein; and all additions to, or departures from the ex ercises and manoeuvres laid down in this system are positively forbidden. J. R. POINSETP, Secretary of War. M'CLELLAN'S BAYONET EXERCISE. Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for the use of the Army of the United States. By GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Capt. First Regi ment Cavalry, U. S. A. Printed by order of the War Department. One vol. 12mo. $1.25. HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, t WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 31, 1851. Hon. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War. Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit a system of Bayonet Exercise translated front French by Captain Geo. B. M'Clellan, Corps, Engineers, U. S. Army. I strongly recommend its being printed for distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc tion." The inclosed extracts from reports of the In spector General, etc., show the value. I have the honor to be, sir, with high respect, your most obedient servant, WINFIELD SCOTT. Approved. C. M. CONRA.D, Secretary of War, January 2, 1852. R. JONES, Adjutant General Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars and postage stamps. Address GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa A NEW MILITARY WORK, JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE AT BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE, NO. 51 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA Major General MoClellan's Works.. HE ARMIES OF EUROPE : comprising des criptions in detail of the Military Systems of England, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sardinia. Adapting their advantages to all arms of the United States Service. Embody ing the Report of Observations in Europe dur ing the Crimean War, as Military Commission er from the United States Government in 1855- 56. By CEo. B. MoCr.guakx, Major-General U. S. Army. Originally published under the direction of the War Department, by order of Congress. 1 vol. Bvo. Illustrated with a fine steel Portrait and several hundred Engravings. $3.50.