Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 23, 1861, Image 2

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Forever fleet that standard sheet!
WhtelltsTathes the fee bat Zakt before est
With trittei , s lot) hinseath ear
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.rtIB UNION—THE COlihirrurnON—Aktr
TES littiFeltabilarr oFt TEIV LAW.
SatorAav,.kpernoop, November 23, 1861.
In the Liatrpoot Daily Pod of October 81st is
a paragraph, as follows, under the above head:
"We have reason to believe that ships belong
ing to,,tha Vatted States, now leaving this port,
are allbeing .pntin a :condition to repel any
attack that may be made upon them while on
the voyage to . New York or other Northern
ports, by the southern privateers. The merchant
vessels here arestrengthened in the upper decks
and bulwarks, and are pierced in order to carry
guns, all of which are of the - most improved
construction. 'Experienced gunners have been
engaged to work the cannon on board, and
initiate the crew of ,each vessel into the art of
gunnery, so that, should the vessels be attacked by
privateer; they would not be surrendered without a
struggle. 'The e,quliornents of these vessels, 'many
of which are now on, their way across the At
lantic, while others are ready to sail, are such
that privateers Will catch tarters should they
come near iiny, :of these quiet-loooking met;
chantmen, the cargoes of which (so we are told)
replenish many exhausted ' war depots. One
ship 4919'0n her way is said to carry 'lB 82's,
which, used, 'yroUld settle the account
of any southern,privateer afloat." It was full
time for English merchantmen to be put in
proper trim for repelling the southern pirates.
It was evidently the design of the adminis
tration that this should be a bloodless war, lilt
were possible.' It was' never the wish of 'the
true Wends of this Government to imbrue , their
hands is their brother's blood, nor to run off
their negroes ! Causes arose beyond the con
trol of the Commander in-Chief, and lives have
been the penalty, but where offered no lives
have ,been taken, „Look, for example, at Port
Royal and the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and
this" s 'evidently 'the course to be pursued. If
the rehels lei down their arms, they will
be protected in their persons and property by
the Ooverreitenk but if not, they must take the
cons -9*os:
It ie very apparent that they are not all trai
tors who are found in Secessla—they are not all
South with aretf the South, and as one section
after,arloilk Sha ll receive the protection they
long:for,,Altii Confederacy will find itself grow
ing vamp,' by degrees and beautifully less" so
fast that soon none will be left to do them rev
Mfifß CUt 'COWMEN ' Ta ARMY.—Among
thepeigh m erg of 41,13 present Congress now in the
acti*euientice , of ..the United States against the
rebelti," are 'ML' Jolm H. McClea rnend - and
Hon;'4#ol: Lovejoy, of Illinois ;* Kellogg,
Michigan ; Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts ;
Senator. Shuman, of Ohio; Hon. John S. Phelps
of Missotrel ; Hon. James S. Jackson, of Ken
tuckt; `,lcm.,*(cKee Dann, of Tndgane ; S e na
for lens, .of,Kausas, . and Edward McPherson,
of Pennsylvania. Colonel Curtis, of lowa, re
signed his seat to accept the appointment of
Brigadier -General.
Ws learn that the son of n distinguished citi
zen, Oi,lialtimore. in the French army, writes to,
his father that the French Ministers at a recent
meeting voted unanimously not to recognize
the independence of the southern confederacy.
He,eiso, stated that he knew of private indivi
dual" is gram* who would , lend the United
Stattitgirteernment $50;000,000 if it was needed
The feeling was general in'favor of standing by
the old Union and give her funds to its _sup
port. France was always true to the United
States and always will be.
Cinit PATAILBON, of Philadelphia, 'hose mis
management at Harper's Ferry, and in .the
neights:whigsl of Winchester, it is generally
supposed, lost ns the battle of. Bull Run, has
made his defence, and throws the blame on
Gen7Scott. As Gen. Patterson waited four
months, until Gen. Scott left fur Europe, before
making this statement s we prefer waiting to
heanGen.: Scott's reply before we accept an ex
partedefente so long delayed.
Jitaurt Proem—The Mate Gazette says-that
the New Jefimiy Vito Government does not con
template raising ;a t ,tenth regiment for some
time to come. The State has expended In rais
ing and equipping the men now in the field,
about $600,000, and is nor in funds to raise
more troops. As soon - as the accounts are ad
just:ad, aud,the money due from the Federal
Government received, a tenth and perhaps an
eleienth regiment, will be raised.
Thieeditor of that sound Union paper the
Ca Whig evidently feels good over the recent
Union victory in Maryland, and indulges in a
goodbit occasionally like this :
jady't infbrms us that a great many of
thillbitea 'men of this county are Unionists,
beatithetheY Want office. We will inform " a
"that a great many of the secession women
of the county are secessionists because they
want pra4B
- I
Ilritik f t e:494tir over Slenker , for President
Judgerbethe lludiritl.District composed of Mifflin
Snyder, and fifirionvOureties, vie 29: '
We agree vilth the North American that the
best among the gratifying 110111ihati **IV by
r the Secretary of the Treastiri to. the' i':" 1 4 44914 01
banks at 'gale:York was that the Overnin: -
had no intention of putting - the virii aun
n l ilf
I the Potomac into winter quarters without,xm
dertaking any offensive movement. It was
positively stated byldr. _Chase BIM asysteme . tio .
plan of vigorous action was resolved on, which
would produce results in many places' equally (
brilliant and effective with the demonstration
at Beaufort. There has been a general and deep
feeling of regret that the events did not indicate
this active policy spoken of by Mr. Chase ; but
we are very itatiri.eirttrigirafiee-hi-Ea
given us through those , who, in loaning the
'vast sums required by the government, had a
4ight to know something tif ithe policy under
which'it (the money) *mild < expendeid.
mad not be pro Per that other's han these idebbld
be informed as to the pOlfcy 4 . the Executive,
though' many *ill yet cling tejthe ides thatthe
pitblic judgment is that which should be in
formed, and should, be encouraged and made
confident quite as soonest:should the
,fevy caps
taliits to whom the application for money is
With this assurance that the policy of the
Executive is to advance with activity and
vigor everywhere, and especially on the Poto
mac, universal satisfaction will be felt. Troops
are pouring steadily into 'Washington at the
I rate of not less than ten , thousand weekly, and
their condition and efficiency are at the very
highest mark. The gain of war, material was
never so rapid on our side as now, and being
aosurred that this vast aggregate of farce is not
to lie up in idleness for the; winter,, the, higheat
hopes will be entertained. -The whole line of
the potomac has become darkened with mis
fortune and unpleasant incidents from the hour
the war opened until now. Norfolk, Haiper's
Ferry, and twenty other places wldeh we' have
not the heart to mention, call aloud for ven
geance. The whole of Eastern Virginia is get
ting an odor with us not unlike, that hanging
over Sumter and Charleston, and if it requires
a million of men to take Richmond, the nation
would gladly gather them if the government
win say that they may go there when gathered.
The mask battery business of the Potomac calls
loudly for vindicative justice. The rebels had
a present of two thousand five hundred cannon
made them at the outset, an& our poor soldiers
baVe done little along the Potomac for fora eight
dreary months but to run foul of some of these
guris, suffer losses, and retreat without taking
them. They will be taken some day, however,
and when they are captured let them, ap be
sent again to Norfolk, to be melted in one vast
heap where the navy-yard once was but where
there shall be no more shipbuilding, and refuge
for the smallest craft forever.
When Congress meets it will be found that
the full compliment of half a million of soldiers
will be made up. This number is not enough.
If by that time there has been no movement
against the rebels in Virginia, let at least two
finndred thousand more men be immediately
authorized. Already there have, bee, several
instances of the rejection of new regiments, but
let the first three days of the season See 1111 act
passed permitting the War Department,tto ac
cept every regiment which is offered until the
Union army reaches Richmond. When that
point is attained there, will probably be no,
necessity for further increase of the army ; but
it is suicidal to stop,the growth of, the 'artily
while the secessionists lie defiantly at Manassas;
and shoot our pickets lifter the same old fashion
along a line of fifty miles in length in front . of
To move effectively from Beaufort into South
Cirolina them mustXanaddillon,of twenty
five or thirty thousand men to the force of Gen.
Sherman. The army intended to operate on, the
Mississippi from Cairo should be fifty thousand'
stronger, though 4t isinot the
nnmbers will be under Gen. Hallock'a divest
den of that foroe. It may be necessary to• re
turn several thousand Men to soutti-Wesian
Missouri for the protection of that district, and,
indeed, we are at a loss to explain ; the POLY,
trader which Gen. Hunter has just withdrawn
nearly the whole of the army to St. Louis. The
settlement of affairs is not yet complete in Mil
sauri, witatexer movement may take place oh
the Missippi, star, even if Price's' arm is, pre-'
vented from 'returning' to Memphis, 'effort
will be made to stand out In Arkinsas , and to'
ravage Missouri as long as possible. Clearly
there are more forceswanted, ' at this critical
point of the great campaign, if, as we are glad
to be assured, the winter is to see the most ac
tive and vigorous movements yet Made.
WHAT a delightful place to live in New or
leans must be The levees deserted—ships rot
ting by the river side—storehouses abandoned
to the rats-shopsclosed at noon-day on Canal and
St. Charles streets—the grass iropping from the
chinks of the pavements. , Nothing "doing"—
no vessels coming in or going otitHiobixiir, ha
ving any money--nobody paying his debes.—:
And then everything is so aristomatiadly deail
Pork i4O per barrel ; lard 45 cents per pound ;
bacon 85 and 40 cents per pound—and' no po
titoes in the market. In addition to tins, crime
rampant—drunkenness and licentiousness put.
ting public decency to the blush—a hostile fleet
a few hours distant, threatening to destroY the
city. So early and terribly have been the fruits
of Treasfin 'Aliened I
A PRZOKIDENT.--Sh'ould England protest
against the overhauling of the steamer Trent,
having on board the Rebel Plenipotentiaries, it
may be pertinent to remind her of some quite
recent precedents in her min history. Here is
one : When Thomas FrancisMMeag er escaped
from a British penal colony, he sought refuge,
if our memory serves us, on board an American
vessel. The vessel was boarded by English' tif
fficers, and thoroughly searched,buefortunate
ly the search was numsfal.. Oiir Government
did not consider its flag insulted, and demanded
no redress for the "intuit." • 4
. cot
A Lamm CAulabu.-=Oneof the largeedVaiihim
ever made in the country, was cut at Algert
foundry, at South X•outon, l % fle t atter
noon, under the Migration of Capt, Taylor,, of
the 'United States ~N ai, y l a weighed 480,000
pounds •4 J 1 .1 14 0 1 4 ei sgsi 'SAO
pennogluania Wait Itiegrapl), Saitatag 'Afternoon, November 23. 1861
An Early Move ofthe Army.
. -
tis i;tecl,. that ti Wool, on Tuesday, -
. o • . ft tuAlliftliciti fo urlough, that 'the
r o
, dab it. 1,01. 0 r t e private ki l n of
ab,,.ce or th!'.ext elk, ks, as theetim
,.. t '
k 'Sr e " - -,` - :;:ndent of the World
also refers to this early movement of the troops
in the following paragraphs of his letter, da -0
the 19th inst. . '
i'l nTilatitnirttriffifitirlint 'aft dial
knowledge of thq ,mtitter, and revealing no
fazti3 otitainea tfirough , speataffacilities, it may
not be improper for me to state that there are
many indications of an immediate march to
Bull Run i • 1 ,
vs , , ~.
."Itr apPeatt ' ter titkiihat the ratillif odn
elude fo
e maintain thesr position of menace and
irefaitrtlffirtlMPOl'ffiTa c..
The , Richmond, ,..extriaiser ;owl% p i t his effect,
and defies Hatt' fort* tfiesii ito'do otlierivise.
They are really settling down into winter quax
ters opposi:pg a crescent shaped line of natural
stndartilidalldeMps.l444 dliq isivandil—an
&ea of which - the 'Potomac river forms the
chord, and within whose area the federal army
haste. long hidialf&gdifiittlortalia - erhariedrAnt.
( Pdr:the better maintenance of the rebel pod
'tiqxi, it iaatutcbretthat Genatmugegsgrdhak re
tiuredifrdixe Clfarl&Wa k 1 ir it 1
'Our Government is fully aware of the im
mense moral strength Iy4ich thekliebels would
phi at home and abroad' . if taisful in hold
ing their present lines until another spring. It
has ; dectelidAhat, I thqy shall not hold it up
ttarbed. General McClellan appreciates the
grays nature ,of the job .to
_• be ,done; but, he
kndws that' it 'nitutit be thine, kinfthatihe
tient North at length calls upon him to do it.
He !sees that.the otirtquept, of !the eneMr front=
hie him must preeede the fate of Secession. The
conquest lityolyes " brave, strajghtforwar,l, old
& -
fashion attack, in which—whether" it '
crowded into one fearful day, or . prolonged
through' Wgakii tif
battalions of patriot soldiers must pourout their
lifeiblood for the victory.
Woe of 'his' lleterthining td &France is'a,
Sure symptom of the progretwviro talre,made 7 _.
notlin numbers, since 50,000 more men would
be joyfully,, received at,tldsjuneture„but ,dis
biplane; ribkiligi airtfideiricei luSil , tide hive . ' taint.
adjuncts of artillery and equipment, and sus
tenance resources. ..
"The north neeti np, fear the ~I s eult.. This
time we are golng . tewNep MA: "t 4 are — iaiii to
tight and conquer ahem; . at or .utinu• the line from
which they have once driven us back. There
will be to Bull RberetittiliinfidPanics, because
thi3 time the battle will be preceded by no July
disorganization, and fought by no Centreville
'"As indipet.ed,,this,,greckt„rpview is, Witt
doeibt preliminary to a general striking of tents.
ten. leas told , the !Paymaster General
that he must gesthrclogh withAtie bi-monthly
Payment; as the regiments aia to leave the
ueighborhood. ~B ,xtriteraktutry, activitylprevails
in the transportation of ammunition and stores.
There t •are,other. ca fo,k"etP , Ntiri& arte
dratezi domeof 'iviachi calla)
and others of which must be seen by experienced
eyes bri:'"understojd. And I repeat that, if
we'do go forward, the public may have confi
dence that it will be to decisive victory."
The Peninsula and , North Carolina
From the. Evening Brdletin.j
From various sources we learn that the en
tire Penineula betiveen: thd Chesapeake and
Delaware Bays, has submitted to ,the
Delaware has always bean overwhelmingly
loyal. The recentvogeigiven by liarylluid has
amazed the rebels,exery.where f Azul ahow,n that
all' the noise made for secession there was raised
by, comparatively few persons.'Audit now ap
pears clearly that in the eastern shore of Vir
ginia the mass of the people are opposed to the
mad schemes that have brought upon them no
thing but Arouble, interference with their busi
.ness, interruption in their way *imarkets, with
no intelligible cause for a conflict. They have
consequently laid down their arms at the first
approach of our troops.
We are not to suppose that these Virginians
Are destitute of courage. We have no doubt
that in a good cause they would tight with the
hravery characteristic of our countrymen every
where. But why should • they fight General
LOckwood's troops?, They have no grievAnce,
rio quarrel. There is no earthly reason Why the
old flag should not fly upon theizcourt , houties,
and so the people have willed it.
' • The news frontiliorthi, Clarolin,acif„ fully re
liable, is vastly imporlant. We are told that at
a Conv,ention held S klatteras,,forty 7 five coun
ties were' rApresentedhy delegates and proxies.
The Convention have cnosen a provisional Gov
ernor, who is, authorized to originate, measure?
for eleciing or appointing members of Congress.
The ordinance of Secession is declared null and
yold. The Goverhor )laogfiled 414 :proclaim:
tion ordering an election for the Second Con
gressional district..,
We observe' that Governor PeirpOritrotVir
guys is--in i Washington. , ,Wq earnest!y, ho.
that` iiiarradOmiwit°46o. be made tr.OferiW
the dismemberment of Virginia. The action of
Accomao anclNorthampton counties is suLaddi
iitmal reason for, preserving the old common-
wealth inteet.'"Tli4 Ofreason
and all Virginia be restored to the Union.
An Emphatic Clergyman.
On the . 14th inst.; Gem Sherman sent out
Lieut. Warner of his staff, with a small force, to
make explorations in' the neighborhood of Hil
ton geo, and to offer his proclamation,, if they,
would accept it. They were met in a sort of
lane, on &marsh, at the ferry, Seabrook , laild
ing, by, Rev. .Mr., Walker, of, the .Episcopalian
order, who talked about peace and war add'
good will to men; ventured the remark that.on
sea we could fight well—that these pair of
islands were, of no "c•Cquat-w)littmt Aer-# 3l ,Yd
to accelit on behalf of the people the protection
Offered rr l thotigh p they were able to protect them .
selves; also that if they were whipped in a na
val engagement; he bedamned if we eohid lick
them, on ,land 7 rthe, land , vies their f:erttl;te
land was temiregard's aftection—nothing bits
he fear of the 'Potomiwprevents hini nowfrom
destroying our whole army. They met Major
Capt. Barnwell, Lieut. McKee during
the day, ,wholwere very polite, and had the
opinions of the Very Bev. Mr. Walker. The
detail retheried abtint 'Midnight,' having %en
gneelsonttic atfamia propel/et. Swea t , and re•
ported the substance of the above. Little mud
forts;ats the "dirty little"place 'we are' iitiw in,
they call of no account. o
They would not have the General's prods
mation, , Thep Aid hot- want. his .protection.'
They are all rebels, of the first water. courtesy
is thrbvin '' There is 'only one
,thing which can reach them.,,andAhat has not
been used but we hope it will be.
Faanter-Tnti-on P.itxritm--It. May interest
our sporting readers to learn that the tsvo cele
brated mares, " Lady Palmer" and "Phitbuih"
Weredriven a two mile heat to his road wagon
bY,t4e,crikl4l,4. in 9 n Jt4eCeAtreYille Council 14 -
the ether day,the unprecedented time, 'or
5:05i, the list milein 2:29f. Flora'Templels
fastest two miles to avragon is 6;07 ; and her
prformance was MA beaten Until thifilouble
team " wiped it out." for had the advan
tage of 'a skeleton wagon, "while 'on Tuesday
P 01 141: lin4 l - , `!Flatbush? ha4Ao,4tegft.Ao4.
:agon. The team is owned by Mr. Bonner,
and is without doubt the fastest in tiiiksolinkii. ,
_ _
: L
th e sea ?al,/ a :and
iiv /3tNnAga nigh
cross they /nsidi native
land, amippte_Vati;
1 / 4 4li o d in e
good 111°
ftom Washington.
Importaat_Sathern News.
Wisrusorott, Nov. 23.
*-' giEhitidtittiplfitintWedrietidaf, received
here, contain the message of. Jeff. Davis to the
rebel Congress. After the Venal congratula
tions, he says that the operations of the army
s p an to bdpiirde l ly intenttilited by the approach
ink wirtier,haVii afforded I Protection to the
country and shed a lustre upon its anus through
the trying vicieliudetfot liibli dian the arduous
raiz ;
campaign, hick entitle, our, brave volunteers
to oar p ' i and OutiVrade.i.. -
/ 'lle 'lOl, r'Llriori) tium seven
=blithe of war the enemy have not only failed
to ektemd their occupancy of our soil, but new
States and territories have been added to our
confederacy,, wlfile instead of their threatening
with of unchecked conquest they have been
driven at more than one point, to assumingthe
dekusive and upon'a fair comparison between
the two belligerents ali to men, military means
and financial condition, the Confederate States
are relatively much stronger now than when
the struggle commenced.
Re speaks in high terms of the people of Mis
souri -tea hbve condqeted the .war in the face
of almost . unparalleled difficulties, with a spirit.
; and success alike worthy of themselves and or
tilt great cause in which they are struggling:—
Finding that the Confederate States were about
to be invaded through Kentucky and that her
people being derived into a mistaken
security were unarmed and in danger of be
ing subjugated by the .Federal traces our
stories were marched into that State to repel
ale enemy and prevent their occupation of cer
rain stratagetic points which would have given
them great advantages iu the Contest, a step
which was justified not oily by the necessities
of self defence on the part of the confederate
States, but also by a desire to aid the people of
Kentucky. It was never intended by the
confederate' States' to conquer or coerce that
State, but on the contrary it was declared by
our Generals that they would withdraw their
troops if the federal government would do like
wise. Prbclamation was also made of the desire
to respect the neutrality of 'Kentucky and the
intention to abide by the wishes of her
people as soon as they were free to express their
opinions. These declarations were approved by
me and I should regard it as oue of toe best et=
recta of the march of our troops into Kentucky,
iflt should end in giving to her people liberty
of choice and a tree opportunity to decide their
own destitty according to their own 'will, while,
he says, the army has been chiefly instrumental
in prosecuting the great contest ; the navy has
also been effective in full proportion to its
lie speaks of the difficulties attending mail
transportation, someof which can be overcome
only by time and the hnproved condition of
cue country on the restoration of peace, but
others by legislation.
As to the financial system it has worked well
so far, and promises good results for the future.
By the extent that TreasUry notes may be is
sued, the Government is enabled to borrow
money without interest, and thus facilitate the
conduct of the war. This extent is measured
by the portion of the field of circula
tion which these notes can be made to occupy.
The proportion of the field thus occupied de
pends agEn upon the amount of the debts for
which they are receivable, and when due not
only to the. Confederate and State governments,
but also to corporations and individuals are
payable in this medium. A large amount of it
may be circulated at par. There is every rea
son to believe that the Confederate treasury
note is fast becoming such a medium. The pro
viBlo/1 that these notes'shall be convertible into
confederate stock bearing eight per cent. inter
est at the pleasure of the holder insures them
against a depreciation below the value of that
stock and no considerable fall in that value need
be feared so long as the interest eh. ll be punc
tually paid. The punctual payment of this in
terest has been secured by the act passed by you at
last session imposing such a rate of taxation as
must provide sufficient means for that purpose.
For' the succetistul prosecution of this war it is
indespenseble that the means of transporting
tiroope and military supplies be furnished as far
as possible in such a manner es not to interrupt
the commercial intercourse between our people,
nor, place a check upon their productive ener
In another part of the message he says we
have already two main systems of through
,transportation from the North to the South, one
from Richmond along the seabord, .the other
through Western Virginia to New. Orleans. A
third might be-secured by completing a link of 40
miles between Danville in Virginia and Green
borough in North Carolina, the construction
of this comparatively short link would give us
a through route from north to south in the in
terior of the 'Confederate States , and give us
access to a population and to many resources
from which we are now in a great measure de
barred. If, he says, further on, we husband our
means and make judicious use of our resources
it would be difficult to fix a limit to the period
chiring which we could conduct a war against
the adversary whom we now encounter.—
The very efforts which he makes to isolate
and invade us must exhaust his means
whist they serve to complete the circle and di
versify the productions of our industrial system.
Thereconstruction which he seeks to effect by
arms becomes daily more and more impossible.
Not only do the causes which induced us to
separate still exist in full force, but they have
been strengthened, and whatever doubt may
have lingered in the minds , of any must have
been completely dispelled by subsequent events.
if instead of being a d ssolution of a league it
whreindeed a-rebellion in -which we are en
engaged wepost fold, ample.yincliattion, for the
course we have adopted in the scenes which are
now being enacted in the United States. Our
people t s noir look z With, contemptuous. as
touishment on those with whom they
had been so recently associated. They
shrink with aversion from the tare idea of
renewing such a connection, etc. , witu such a peo-,
ple. We may be content to live at peace, but ths
separation is final and for the independence we
Wive asserted we will accept no atternative.--
Pavia characterizes the nature of the hostilities
on the part of `the United. States barbarous
wherever it is uncierstOod, iflhey convert th eir
soldieryipfti incendia ri es ant; rubbers . and itt-
Volve us in a species of war which dolma non
tx;gmbatants women and children as its victims
they mitstaietiect to tie treated as 'outlaws and
enembr,of ,mankbid. : There are,certain rights
of humanity; which are entitled to respect even
in war, and he whorefusestoregard them forfeits
his claim of capture to be considered as a prison
er of war, hut mustexpect to be dealt with as all
offenders against all law both human and divine.
But not content with violating our rights under
law of, nations at home, they have extended
these injuries to us within other jurisdictions.
The distinguished gentlemen whom, with
YOurapprovall. at_the last. tession, I" commis
sioned. to represent the Confederacy at certain
foreign courts, have been recently seized by the
captain of a United States ship on board a
auk* .**nte,r.dW. their voyage from the
neAtral Spaiiish;porthfafa 4 nuta, to
The UnitallitaiteitheA thus wildmed A-general
jurisdiction over the high seas, and by entering
a British ship sailing under its country's flag,
violating the riglos of embassy for most part
held sacred even amongst barbarians by seizing
our ministers whilst they were under the protec
tion and within the dominion of a neutral nation.
These gentlemen were as much under the juris
diction of the British Government upon that
ship and beneath its flag as if they had been on
its soil, and a claim on the part of the United
States to seize them in the streets of London
would have been as well founded as that to ap
prehend them where they were taken. Had
they been malefactors or citizens even of the
United States, they could not have been arrest
ed on a British ship or on British soil unless
under the express provisions of a treaty, and ac
cording to forms therein provided for the ex
tradition of criminals.
Davis _speaks, of Faulkner es having been
perfidiously arrested, and says in conducting
this war we have sought no aid and proposed
no alliances offensive or defensive abroad.
We have asked for a recognisedj place in
the great family of- nations, but in doing
so we demanded nothing for which we
did not offer a fair equivalent. The
advantages of intercourse are mutual among
nations and in seeking to establish digmnatic
relations we were only endeavoring , to place
this intercourse under the regulation of law.—
Perhaps we had the right if we had
chosen to exercise it to ask to know
whether the principle that blockades to be
binding must be effeohml so Solemnly announc
ed by the great powers of Europe at Paris
is to be generally enforced or applied
only to particular parties. Davis says
he has caused the evidence to be
collected, which prOves completely the utter
inefficiency of the proclaimed blockade of the
Southern coast, and shall direct it to be laid
before such. governments as shall afford the
means of being heard: But although'we should
be benefitted, be continues, by the enforcement
of the laws so solemnly declared by the
great powers of Europe. We are not de
pendent on that enforcement for a succesdul
prosecution of the war•. As long as hostilities
continue the Confederate States will exhibit
a steadily increasing capacity to fur
nish their troops with food, clothing and arms.
If they should be forced to forego many of
the luxuries and some of the comtorta of life
they will at least have the consolation of know
ing that they are thus daily becoming more
and more independent of of the world.
The message cooqudes as follows : „"While
the war which is waged to take from us the
right of self government, Can never attain that '
end, it remains to be seen how "far" it ,
may work a revolution in the industrial sys r ,
tern of the world which may carry -suf
fering to other lands as well as our own:-
In the meantime we shall continue this struggle
in humble dependence upon Providence from
whose searching scrutiny we cannot conceal
the secrets of our hearts and to whoa° rule we
confidently suKmit our destinies. For
the rest we shall depend upon ourselves.—
Liberty is always won where there exists the
unconquerable will tb be free, and we have
reason to know the strength that is given by a
conscious sense, not only of the magnitude but
of the righteousness of our cause."
A PRISON&B .81 Wilt A13148103111D
Burning of Wareaw by the itebelei
Judge Thomas L. Richards, who has been
confined as a prisoner of war, in the lands of
Col. Moore, of the Horne Guards, was shot dead
while standing at the window of the court house,
Memphis, Scotland county, on MOnday last.
Col. Moore has offered a reward of one thous
and dollars for the apprehensions of the assas
JIMPERSON Orrr, Mo., Nov. 22. Passengers
by the train from the west, report that the re
bets burned the town of Warsaw night before
last, to prevent it from being used as winter
quarters by our troops. The intelligencereach
ed Syracuse just before the train-arrived; and is
considered reliable.
A qutuititi of Government stores were de
A train of 200 men left" Sedalia a few days
ago for Leavenworth. A messenger from the
train reached Sedalia at 12 o'clock last night,
announcing that they had been• attacked near
Knob Noster by a fOrce of from 600 to 600 reb
els, and the train capture&
Refugees continue to continue here in crowds
—many being in a most destitute condition.
. ,
Several oqiments have :arrived :frpm NM;
more and Annapolis during the laiit twenty=
four hours, and Old Point has assumed an unu
sually bustling appearance. Forinidatdo:-Im
parations are being made for active• o*p}tions,
the theatre of which has not been `Malaga.
The ferry boats in'the roads are being
Oen. Butler came on from Washington' 4hits"
morning and he spent the day at Old Point on
the Rip Rape and Newport News. He will pro
ceed to Baltimbre to night. • ' -
Nzw Yoalc, Nov. 28
The ship Wm. Chamberlain, from Havre,
brings home the crew of the British bark Gar
land, spoken at sea in a sinking Condition.
MISS JANE WAGNER would respect
ftilly inform ber eastnners, and ail others, that
ata: will owl! on Tuesday next, a large assortment of
MILLINERY. - nov23-2t.
YOUNG'MAN who understands the
Grocery business, with industrious and strictly
moral babita. lO,De other need apply. One from the,
country preferred. £BY ir.TEUNtik.X.,.
Rarrisburg, Nov, 21.3L*
'DEMONS wishing to put up their win
ter supply of meat ran be tarnished at exceedingly
IoW prices,
Pork $6.25 per ]CO pounds, whole hog.
Beef $5 75 by side.
Apply at once as prices may advance.
J. WALLOWER, Jr, Agent.
n022-thw 6ffice Phil's. and Reading RR. Depot.
A PLEASANT SUET of well furnished
11_ fro, t rooms, socond floor with m
of g, iIaMAZ,
wardrobe,, &a. inquire at No. 5, toe t
slit et, (house lately oecupied by Gnu'. near the
river. • no2o-dlw*
very e - nvgirilent 'wifittiq D ea ; 19130 .Pord3lios,
teemorandtun Boolte, portmonstieS., Its,, "`
DTNIARIN FOR 1862'...=4 great. variety
at exceeding low prim. at
Doors open to 7. Commence to 8
ADMISSION - • 25 Qs.
aOLD PENS I—The Lirgest and U N
ILA. stock, from 51.00 to 54 01--warrant.-d—..
n 2 !) SHRFFER's R
NOTIONS. ---Quite a variety 0: 1 1 , 4 ,,
and'entertaioing articles—cbPan--11
n2D SEIK•FER's • I,(ll;sTwic
: NOTlCE.—Persona wanting Ni
16 , 13 please na'l on Marth,
Bailey's Tron Worts in the Firth rand G 0
as to competency can he given.
nn •j 14 •
Ppm Restaurant connected with ;I, t
jap es Mouse having been put in tirEt I. ii, ' ',.:
trfiqw ape" for visitors. ,
inE9 2wd WELLS cove.' pro r,,_
, WM. BREITENGEIt has lent v , .,1
roam:want from the corer o; it
sad Starket street, to the hence fortnerl:
omit Lim bowl , ' In etreot
alley apd;rpird street Which be Irtq rAtts.l it rest,
In the mit deanntui mann 'r, and he •51.,.
tart Ish u used, ()yawns slid all th • ,i.. 1 .
seamion, In that recherche style which .il-t
his eltablisnment From the lime of
N. B.—Private Rooms have tut; ;
t nottimodatien of Ladles and famiLei..
d.lor to the main entrance.
I - E undersigned offers for slit Nt;
, N EW 30 HORSE V NIGINE. i lud two :iiiid
MOM of ltreeller 8120., The engines wt.! tnr -nttr.. ~.e,i4f
or each or approied paper. Apply a . tai: .-1,,,, E r ,.
i on, Worse, with street, betuvem WA.ala In t Miriitit i
v2.18w ,, islaorg
was JAC • si %l 3
, . • ...
1171u31Rsi FURS! FURS
' Sable Flea,
Liberian Squirrel Furs.
Frefflb Sable lur.t.
'yer Marion Farr.
Water tunk
Giant bargains in these 4.4 aid,.. livery arta', x.rrir
UK to be ez ay es reprosented. at
Next to the Etarrtrburt: ed t.
(Room formerly =vied by the Pvwr.,,
r,HE undersigned have just ope:.ei ,i
jo t l .newand large assortment of tar I tto't ! , ..1
a . ,.
ct Wo & ti re ;i r isc) vir pre ci l t utr w on th u e ,
Imit. st , : v .t ir u:, ,, ,
. .
We have always on hand a largo sof: n;
made clothing and Gentleman's Formsu a, , l .
40041101 ' H. GIiELIENBE-Gs-, c ;1,',9
rpm undersigned offers for sale or rent.
Ws A Distillery below Ban laburz, b
lois Railroad and the Susquehanna river. Wit ,
engine, pig pen, railroad siding and about euvu .
ground. Terms low. Apply to J. C iLuu r
Mohler or the Iletthaalcs savings sank, Hen
to JA. L .1
tn ConfeaUonary, Foreign end Doinezor Frz ;
Dates, Prunes, Raiiinfl and Nuts uf diL
and rial tFi 6 , Soap, Candles, Var.g - ir, -
bilidO, sugars and Country Prodaro iu g-uplaL.
atreet, next dear to Parke Souse, also c..a.„er T ..ri
Waktht. 'grab.
large invoice of New Scylim of Freon ,:,:t
Shemin received ibis morning by
C AT ti ,:ART & LIE
A barge anortment of Under Shirts and Drawers,
(all sires,
Goatlamella' Traveling Shawls and Blankets,
Every Rind at Gkota Ho- lery,
Clothe, Caraimers, and Vestino,
(in great vorlety,)
& Cashmere Neck Tier &Cra , tp.
• Large ArPek of Wores S GarM.,etts...
Every kind at S•ir pen lere
A Large Stook of these Goode to se.oct. from No be
toped at • CATFICAerS
nous Next door to the H Prri.Ourg
immx.r.lErm rt.'s
Between Philadelphia
Wlll/511TOWN, WATIONfOWN MILTON ,sivissuu,
BORG, littirsx, Petrels,
The. Philedelphis Depot bete:: centrilly loc.tea tr.e
kayage wilt be at the lowest rates. A C !actor gor,,
all goods
with each train to attend too s
at y
WI goods entrusted to the line. Gds me
Depot of
FRIED, WARD & FREED, No. 61.1 Men.. A Stoat, Ph.te
delPhla. by 6 o'clock P. If, will be i.Plivered
Harrisburg the next mecum. ,
eke ht (always) as low as by any~arL other • ne. t
oular attention paid by ode hoe in reonlp
speedy and
delivery of all Rarrisbor owls.
aue undersigned thankful for pail vgro .e hope
strict attention to buelness tom erit a con lAC. of the
&ue. T. PRIPHER.
Philadelphia and lioidul
eip dem Feet of iltarivt.
Harrisburg, Pa.
LWA.YS on hand a large asserouPnt of
A DOME, Ra GAITEciS, ac., of tne vs) , best
mantles for ladies, gentlemen, and chOdrens, treas.--
Pelops to met the times. ell kinds of WORE MADE TO
ORDER In the beet style by superior Workmen
REPADIDIO done at Short. notice.
oittle.ittr JOHN B. 011 E, Harrisbnsg
eot Schools for Boys and Girls
L. School for boys will open on the first MOW in
'.September. the room is well ventilated, comfortibly
furnished, and in every respect adapted fur school Pm*
ICATHARINSI SUELWER'S School for girls, local e l
ithe same buildins, will open for the Sall term at Mu amote
Mae. The room has been elegantly lilted up to Mu
- tte health and oo
avumfort of echolars. aurr=dir
TWO Machinists, and Six Wagon Mak.
• ere. Apply at the Harrisburg Oar WDrks•
nol2.dtf W. T. EITI `t"
ME and WANT BRUSHES, fa gr eat varY
New `2thriertistments
JntlS a'GE.