'l' 11 El' h GRAP H E E.VEgit DAY, 1 GF,ORCi BERGNER. TEOIIO.- IselLs 41:d Deus TaxliftArfl ie seria 041:1SttLfelell will be ttl the ,t 6,tic..nle per week t ga;l.ly sabso e 4 do trEsso ..tND Sit3ll-WVERLY 11-n punlisued twice a.. Week during iuu of the I,egislature, and wastly during the re0,a,11,1,T. of ibt•;.•lriir and tarnished to gbecribara at Itir I;.'llll:gTel'sUbrs'cr,l;ers l ' .er year- .:.• ..... $2 00 00 `O3 l, u .......... . ......... ....10 00. It a TBR LAW Mt raiSrgEl ia. siubaaribers order the den,4iovounoce theit the oubligher, way i. continue to, seed 11240* 'pa oerage, are pnid dmmeets neglect or refuse to take their newepa. :man the oillee to which they are directed, they are mail they have gelded the bills and ordeied a•roa Waal. filiouilarwas —. -------- - ~ . TRBES ! TREES I ! TREES l'i I Tii N.: tthrie.rsigned invite I . ittention to their ~ ,rge awl well grown stock of . . f 1; u rr AND ORNAMENTAL TRESS; „, ~„, 1 ,., OD tat lag a large and amnplete axaoll4lol4 J• ' t I , E,ARA PEACHES, PLUMS, cu. dfRIC S, and NECTARINES, lei tn. inch Led, and Dwarf fo,r the garden. 136 WAMTS, SPANISH CHESNUT'S, HAZIE- N R.ks•IEK.F.II4B,,STRAWBERRIES, CURRANTS ',l'„'t BERRIES, in great varleny. illliPES, OF CHOICEST KINDS .111:6A4, &c Al4lta line stock o , ,rtue.l EVERGREENS, „„„„,,, for die Cometry and Lawn. ciIIUOUS TREES rol 1,1 and a general assortment of ornamood Trees and Flowering Shrubs. varieties, CAMELLIAS, BEDDING o marks* thrifty and flue, and we offer r,t tho umos. , ~ 4 • mailed to, all applicants. woi. - P.DWARI) J. EVAN 3 it CO., Central Nurseries, York, Pa. _5 •.:OLI R. NEWELL'S, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY No. 724 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tii.e the I ir g est and most complete Galleries in the Stale, where the best Pictures, kiaown to the iiwtegraphis art, are taken at prices no higher than arc paid for miserable caricatures. THE PROPRIETOR, A PRACTICAL iIIOTOO}LAPHER, attends personally, every alt. Ni:—and allows no picture to leave the Gallery Unless :Ives perfect satisfaction. Da g uerreotypes and Ambretypes, of absent or deceased photographed to any required size, or taken on l'avass, Me size, and painted in Oil by the best artists. Al this Gallery pictures can be taken In any weather a, 'wriest in cloudy days as when the ann shines. ' Persuus visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex, amine our specimens, which for price and gnality deft rompetition. 4kt-instructions given In the art of Photography R, NEWELL Gallery of Art, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia COMMENDATIONS From lion, Lewis D. Campbell, M. C., Ohio. Ply family and ithends all concur in the opinion that the (Newell) Picture is mere lifelike than anything they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by different Artists in various ways, but I have never yet hat one which presents so true to nature, all the features and expressions of countenance as this. From Mon. E. JO Mortis, late Minister to Daly. The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your por traits, conjoined with their durability. Of color and faith fulness as likenesses, cannot Rill to commend them to the attention and patronage' of all Who appreciate true rat. From Col. James Page Having occasion for a portrait, I procured one from Mr. Robert Newell, of the city for Philadelphia, a minia ture in Oil Colors, under the new proeets disceveredby Mtn, and take great pleasure in expressing the satisfaction given me, not only by the accuracy of the likeness, but, as artistic fluish in all respects, and recommend him to the patronage of those disposed to encourage the beau tiful art. ,JAYlad PAWL CHM Afteir of B. M. GILDER, D. D. S. STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All operations, Surgical and Mechanical, eoleatitloally performed. (Urges moderate. .108 SHOED SALMON! I FRESH AND VERY DELICATE. Put up neatly In five pound eau. 1.2.5 Jr../tteo. •, _ PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, vATOULD respectfully inform his old I patrons anti the public generally, that he will auctions to give instructions on the PIANO D'ultTE, ME. LODEON. VIOLIN and alto in the science el taoBol7oll FIAM, lie will w'th Walters wait new pupils it their homes at aoy hour desired, or !eSsons will be given a his resideoce, in Third street, rew doors below lb GPTIIIO RAhomed Church. decl64 l it tiCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE ! (Near the Ilarristrurg bridge.) 1.2 5 . JUST ,IiIIsa lot at CanEelVmEpantfrciora AL Nth: PAPER, wloob we will sell at $1.25 per ream. TOI 50 per ream for NOTE Parklit, decorated With m. tut and very llalltliOßlO emblems and patriotic motui. $l5O for 10124 a MR ENVFLOPEB, with national and patriotic emblems, printed to two cetera. Plnage goy s Ili a call . F. SOH F.FFER, 1521 a Harrisburg. ... NOTICE. A" persons indebted to the Estate of John B. Thai'sln, late or Harrisburg, deceased, are required to make ptyment, to the subs° fiber, and all pentoue having cinemas:deal the said decedent, will pre sent them for se , tlement, to Hamilton Alrieks, Esq., of Harrill' , urg. 'r to GEO. W. BCIIROYER, Administrator on the Estate ot John B. Thompson de cmsed Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 29, 18131.—detoaw* NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of John Bower, late of Susquehanna township, deceas ed are required to mako payment to the subscriber and all tyrants Saving claims against the said decedent will present them for settlement to GEO. W. AL, of Administrator on the estate o SE f John Harrisburg. Bower, deed. sovitliCtliw* SCHEFFEAS 800 K STORE. (slat TIM sessnisoas wawa.) UNION ENVELOPES. VOTE PAPER, of six different designs, „LI printed in two colors, sold by the thousand and by the ream at pity posh prices. t 4 Ake, bidos Flag;at very low P Union Bre ric ast. es . , blew, Union Rings Fins C all at rove MRlo'lll9l.'B ROOKSTORA. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY I No. 69, Market Street, beloto HAILEISBI7EG, PA. M. H. LEE, ItANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, L. PARtezolS and'v ALONG CANES, will furnish st LOWER PRIM than can be bought in any of astnrn cities. Country merchants will do well to IFXiitnirle prices and quality, and convince them ,a 6 1 this fact.aug2B-dif• VINE TOILET u 0 APS, POMADES, HAIR P "Wrikßi, COLOGNES and F EXTRACTd, of Prices and manufactures at SELLER'S ANco DRUG STORE is the place • buy Nen% Medicines. SI ORTED very,rcre ke.iuet received and tor isle by WY. WOOL f - - . - .- . . ~, , ,-, - . iri t, k t tt i e fitlf!'! , •!l'..!:t '1- it :. :."..::. , -", . - -..! t,... ' • .: ' .1 Y /./ "- ... - . . .. . H: . • __ z.. ,. ~,,, , 4 0 404 ,„ :-. -,,. . ,:,.,.,,„.„•,,„,...,.., „ ~..,........ .•• . . Ivt-',1,. eiiiiii." . .. ~ ._ .. , _____•-•- ..__ • ::::::. , T:' ,, 1".. 1 , „.41 , . , j,, :4..........„ . )..-,:)., : . ~,.. „„. , ..... . _, ; . , .. , ~ 4.. . ! ~ ~. „.1 ... rf . Lt. 1 ,- , .7G-,.. .., %-•- 7 . • 1 ' i - • f ' • • ' • • .: ' .. . . . - ' - ..1 . '''''. -''' 1 '''' : 17-- '"?',<'' ' ;.)>. ---. --'--,,-.' '' ' . -' '' . '• : * ' , I ) , . . . VOL XVI infirm 4arattet fp. atangportatint. ?t,IsiidYLVAINIA RAIL• ROAD!, WINTER I ; E4?FABLE. FIVE TRAiLltg., DAILY TO AND FROM , .11ILADELPHIA. • oil AND Arnim MONDATIO;VERBER 25th. 1861 Tlie Paseenger *Trains or the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive st Harrioburg and Philadelphiaas follows : • E INAIk THROUGH IiZi.PREdU TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.20 a. m. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7,40 nag LINE leaves Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 845 a. m., s t ud arrives at West Philadelphia at 1.00 p..m.• 11A1LTRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.16 p.: m. f and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 p.m. , AMOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisbiarg at 3.00 a. tn., and arrives at West Ptetn delpttlii 12.10 p: , . HARMS . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colima bla IMOMliiiriiiiirerk at 4.00 p. and arrives at West Philadolpithwttli 20 1 p. m. WEST* ARO. TH#OUGH IiPitiBII..TRAIN leaves PhibtilelPitia at 10.80 p. m. Harrisburg at 3.06ra. Altoona 8 40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p.' m. - Isaias Philadelphiaat 8.00 a. in., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1;20 p. M.; leaves Harrisburgat 7.46 a. ni., Altoona, -2.46 p. in,, and arrives al Pittsburg at 8.451) 4. • PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. in., flarrle burg 4:08 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving 'at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. M. • HARVRBIiRG"A*IIIII , IODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. &bpi at 2.80 p. and , arrivas at Itarrlabarg it 8.05 ^::)MOUNT JOY.ACCOMHODATION via Homo, Joy leaves "Lancaster at 11.34 a. m., arrives at. Harrisburg at 1.80 p, m. -SAMUSL D. YOUNG, Supt.! Nast, Mr. Poona. Railroad. Harrisburg, November 21, MI. —dif WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NEW MR LINE ROUTE. THREE TEAMS DAILY TO NEW TORII, AND PRIE.AbE)LtPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE•OF GABS. O , N AND AMA MONDAY, NOVEM BNB 4,1881, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reeding Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, tnr New -Ihrk , laud Pbiladolphis t as follows; ids EAST WARD. - RUMS LINK leaves Harrisburg at 3.30 a. m., 0n ar nyal of Pennsylvania Railroad &prom Train from the West, arriving in New York at 11.5 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pitt/ burg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.3 b a. m., arriving in New York at 5.30 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. PAK' I,l2l3.leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Yonntrvivatila. Railroad last Nan, arriving in New York at 9.60 nt., and PhibMelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaver Now Yortc at B a.m., and.Philadel plan at B_it tn. arriving at Hatrislitirg at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAM 4 leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia ail.lB p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p. m. 118PRE88 LINE leaves New York at 8 p. tn. , arri- Irbil' at 'Harrisburg al 8.10 a. m., and counseling with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pltteharg. A sleeping car la also attached to this train Connections aro made at Harrisburg with lamina on the Penneylaud% Northern Central end rnberlatid Va Rey Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Poltsvil le, Wilkesharre, Allentown, l lesion. aul. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, $6 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, AB 26 In No. 1 oars, and $2 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. CLYDE, nov4 General Agent, Harrisburg. WORSTED GOODS, T ADIES NITBIAS, 1.1 Misses Head Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Misses Hoods, Ladies Sontags, A Misses Mitts, &c., _Stc. fresh Invoice just opened at OaTHOANT'B, jurpii Next door to the Harrisburg Hank. I 1 4r a l IKE 1 a T A KM - 47 s E not objectionable when from a CIGAR based ad %Mrket sneak "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS---.A.EATTRAL. IN NONE." HARRISBURG, PA.. SATURDAY AFTERNOOL. NOYEIVI.BER:,, 1861 DR JOHNSON • LOCK BOSPIrt HAii.ditiiroitered the tiidet cerraitorgedl -and etreetusi‘renietly in the No lifeqr,447 or .r 1 6 ,1 1 . 0 1 1% P!riffPra 4V_ I.Ir!I,PRRI IiARRARIRRP 9R R 9 -64 4 1 9 1 0 1. P , 91 Ul' y'. • "Twd Dalrs.-fei ' Weakness ot the Beak or iambs, Nine the Loins; illtectlena or theltidneys and Illadder, - Orkiiik' Weakness, Nervons Debility, temayaPthePhydtrit are, Dyspepsia, Langnar, Lew Spirits,Vostmilas at AIM , reputation or the Heart, TiMidity, Trembling% ,theiegm. Dr slow' or aiddiO4,44, , oiseiDie or trie"stobiliefi,aelwil• of ate ifoltd;`l'broM, Write tot ilitin , atliaiii 'terrible 'Mier , dere arising trete the indiscretion ior !Satitsry, itiabits Youth—those riroadral:% l 4 itteitrPntira:prnatielm wikkO4. produce conatitaitional debility, render aurrisktiimneer sibie, and - geese& both body and wind: '" • . Young men especially who bawe hecomo the Malmo of Solitary 'nee , that dreadful kid destrunlatie halt iiblotb annually **Taps to an tottimety 'tholisaddsi. of , young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect; who Wlghi otherniso have eilluvwcd _ s ae/44W Senates ivith the thunders of eloquence, Cr wa k e °. hwy. the living' tyke; may call with hill coolldenes,' • Mlirrted poraoni ' or ;MOO onnielnigntlng nuir r iage , be ' mg "ware of physi cal weakneini, sboiddlminedbitely cow. mit' DP. 3 , end be'rotorod4o perfect health. ORGANIC wtelrim - • • • baxacciletelY Ceredandafail aver restored. e .Ihq Places tialf•V Arider , the R are P 5 Dr -J1 lq" rah misty wade n hid honor as a getittethate,ino Ode rely goon bleekattall phyakdan: ' • ' , " 4 ' " cm No. 7 South Broderick. street, Baltitnuits„ 454., op the look bend Ode FAN( fresn'AlAßßYLWON'fift, 7 kzits from the corner. Be .particular In oSterying tee o noniber, yen wfll mistake ' 'Be iise iloular ?Or ignorant., TM/iv Quaeka with• raise names,- or, Z'aitry Musbefg Cattlicales, attracted. by the reposer Unn'or.Dr. Jphatson, I nrk near. All totters must contain a Pcittime3tamp; to Vas on The' ehlY. • • Olt. JOHNSTON. Dr. Johnson member of the Royal Donegan: litnegeoes, iersion, gradnatetrom one ot %boniest enOnoqt,Dol legs, if the Rutted Oates, and the ,grffteit, part (4 whose lite has; been spent' la the tioimltabt o mob; .elebietiord; hairetteetiid Botewiet'the • meet tw. tentshlng lures that were ever latowp„ Ilanykoubhie with ringing iq We dam add bead wib l ea as bldporei. _pep volattese, being alarmed at redden sounds , bashitidoeie, with !helmet blushing, attended sometimes with dereneei ment of mind were oared itranediatety; . - - Tema PLRTt CULAB NOTIGH,_ Br. eresses a ma who havingTqT nr ein• selyea eo i.rtvnfeand tdiL mpei indnigenciee; that soarer and solitary a bit which rains both body and minch an. fitting them for either bindoeseor society • : : Thee, Are reale of the sad and inblanchely.iad,•4B 'm— amma by early habita of yotittit'vls : Whihnesa of the Back and Limbs, Pains Id the Head, Blanton! -of .•13igiatt , Loss of filnacular eower..Pitipitatkin. of, the. Eisart,-Dyn,-, eepitia, Noryous Irrltamßty Dttranowtout of the 0149cilye functions General Debility, Byniptotis lion. Ro MENTALLY. • • • theerems, the fearful each:con the Mod are mush to de dreaded c--Lose ofademorn Cooftudon of Ideal", qr. preeetoo of. Sotrite,,Xol, forebodings: average tosootl ty, Bvll'-dletruet, rhea of Sollteda,"rlmldltY, lame of the troll ofidefe. ' ' • • Theatiandsor pentane ot all ego, cannow judge what, in the CIAUBO. O O their 44PlintAll hitOtitt,leatt.tg their vigor, becoming, weak,,pale..pervous an .4 l, etinteutet have a singular appintratide about the dyes, cough, it d' sywn , ma of tionsompdon. • : . . • YOUNG MIN who have injured. themselves. by. .a cortniTrpraolieeon. deired In when alone--a .habit , fromeently , learned from arts ..Wininudoiii, or at' 86631, ;the infects of Which "aiti" nightly iblt, even iirheri asleep, and if render"' marriage impossible, and dealroye bethrinad and.body, shOntld apPIY llPAao Wbat. a pity that a. yeencinse, : the hope! ot Ids entan T : try, the darling hie parents,' Should be aunitelied froth all,proirpects and enjoymetita of life:by the tiOnsequintinia 'of deviating from the path , of nature, and indulging inf °etude secret habit, Sa menu mind, baccre content!, plettitg effect that a soond'earod Sad body are theirs:sit Reregister/ . rer nitrites- to promote Connubial bappineina-• Indeed wynnit thene r the journey ttutougb bewomes J1,M0577. Pll rilkAgL4 l °..QP 3 °,s 4l -4 ° °4 . 0 d a rkapi i t° th_view; 0 1 9 m' , a becomes shadowed with d'esOlr;mill dua4 Add die melencholy relleotteni 'bet The Itiippiness driotheilest . comes blighted with one owe: •-• (r. bit. JOHNSON'S INVitiONATiNi3 NEWBY' TOR . 04 Bt 'this great and IMPOrntlint remedy, rgins.arespeedur =rad ic and Cull reer 1 gnetlll3l+lX I,ot , the -most; poropoi Li F o il Keit !Ms ei ondAall hope, hive hoen hunind mind.. .401 int Lets to' Marriage, Phyldiat Mental On, Noire*, Tfembling, Weakness or , llllltau6tiktiliotl tbelnoet fearful kind, eiredily,ettred.., . o • ; .. :>: : The husky thointatide wed at ihiefinstiaticio eittniniei leettwelteriatrei and the mumernai treportegt-eurgkial operations •porthrined bit Dr , J., .ovltnesafiCb/...the,, poyters of the peponk and wet ewer Derl9l/4,n0R911,01 Wigab hiveappettree agate ad egete hesereltie Albite; bean ids stand:vas a'7eidatons of olikriatai AlPoPtanitV. Isa endleient Ruarwitea.to the afftloteda ce oiSkesre or IMPRODErtol3:—lfheo the'lmbiguttiee end heprodent votary orlileastini andeLhe'hait , imbibed. the seeds M MB pabguk Xs 16tre . 9(teal4PRVO ithalf an %Aimed swum opthe t me or , of discovery ; 4etegf 1 T o rtola aPPIYIng to - MOW who; freinednattidn and'fi totality. am alene'belliondhitiOlebiying ilitthifoe6D .'• et imbonal isymptoms.ot this hono'4llgame.insitiktbeir opimorance, affecting the head, throat, none, akin._ ho., fprograming on with ifUtttrul raiddity, tilidettib MBA' to, 1 i e al his dreaditaftknorromilr Mindrdg him tetethet . 1 reefinita Whence . lioitirlyekir Lrettnintatt , It leli mid=• holy Fast that thousands tell victims to thii,,terrible„ inn eethig h te the m 41111110038 of ~, J ekeetre4 RIII.V, tIi e 4 t4 ere 4 who, byi : 0 nee or Wit dendkimuen, etentery,, rin thh oonedintion. end -mike the residue entre mihieralit '' To arotaiesute.—The Doodles •Dipiotnaz bent WC ihir afirCaner must contain a litnusp {sus of MS rept!. .. agrlleinedles sent by isgrt4o.'7 Scruth.Prmisrlolistrnet; Sultmoris: WALLOWAR'I3'74INk • • utrotairuni* ' HA_BEISBURG- and PH iLADELP H IA Wm. A Burk, Agent, 812 'Markeg Phi*follkerk Livingtkni 4 , * Co. Special (Joncluotor 1n charge of eaph Grooda delivered it the Wirrokoise; go4el; phis; it 4% o'clock P:•11..,' Will be delivered - aArils cervical siortikig. •J. WALLOWER, 111.,•Agent;- • • my2l.dtt 00100 Roe.dieit Oefiet, •Rerriebura. • • JOHN WALLOWER* JBr, AO- • GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION 'MERCHANT • G OODS AND MERCHANDWE promptly' Gforwardpd by Philadelphia lad Reading,:Norihera Ceara', Camberiapd Valley and Peumayllealakftpilroada and OanaL HAMM AND DRAYING to and from all pasts of the' city to the differot Railroad depots will be clone at atc the lvery lowest rates IeAIIiLLISS removing will he promptly attended to t Orders eft at Brant's EuroPean Hotel; or at 00 .itfire of R. S. Zollinser, will receive prompt attention. tignafents of freightraspectrully tollcited; • f JOAN yrALLO Nati - ap2 .`4111,11..-aaa . Aunartha. PAW& Cagily: fited 1 1 4 3 4... w rsoldved br : ' WG q NP/A- RUBBER, -LBUFPALOAIORN-, SAW HOBS said-SMILL%DaII9BLNItixOOIfag, AID NAMTE,WaItib 1,7) era filtbita ast4r , W. 811 TO TYrwlT's EigV!!!'.. YOUNG Max. 11ARRIAGIE mARRIAGE,' GANIO WKA.III4F2B. EN ITEM I JD. tit'Vtasi •S -611.,, ';-.1.1 ~ 1 1,..1 : „„, ....,...„..„ ~,,„ ::,,,.: 9 - W.,-; slitOss-svcth 4 .. ItG 7 LS;S,. ST ;S,. ..... Aid frit E T E Eirr 13.0.21;811tIRG, pt Lat , I. , CI LIMNS? PHYSICIANS, STORE. NEPERS AND CONSUMERS, • 11 Si MEM ":" t a iire daily adding In, bin ; assortment of goa . all anclikartiolee as are , desirable, and i violild treePeetNliY, ,3 , l !.YOur' ' ',IOOti9O , to the. est ilid 'beet selected'atock in tide city,: of .1166 1 i MitEIIICALB Afg PAINT% 1,1 varnishes and Glues, 7. ) :*1 60 " , ( 4wil - tind - Ou Aran Colors asdipsols, Osiurle#!•iniptd Spiess Bajtoink INSI4 Red Alcohol, , • Sewed, Sperm mina Pine 011 e, , • .. , SSinee, VlMsand Let,..bp'Globee, 1 • 11 , ,, ~, k ...:1: - 14 ~ ~ .., •, ; ~. 1 , % -. On egl iAiEk!OPOOPQngall 1 1 1 / 4 11, ,POr i g l it 1 ' ' • " Ailii., ' Ait ' ; ' 4U, ' .' AGO., &C.", AM, ' ail ..`, i•• : , . with , it generalNariety of '". • • P, • ~....., „ 1 4 4 14 13 r A1 TTCT43 , TOlThoner Sitjatea:fOrft:thtib,ost I:FLinuf.So9irets and !sr Luieis of lihrope+and this ,cotmttir. • ing ver#lll4OcioithiirtiTo" PAIRII4.3VHITEI.P4AD,, • .... . .: LINSKIED OIL, VARNTIDEIES, WINDOVOWS, AIin:FITT COLCIPS, P , AND . of, ARTN. BRUSHES . 'lo'44ll KiAi-otaEk 4o3 , CIOLORS"ANDIOKINZES , 1 0F ALL • • We respec.tftuly invite a call, feeling, cot& del:a that We can Supply the wants of all on :terms to their satisfaction. • • TEEM t TEETH " .;: •. 'VO.W.TIwETSMOMANITTI3S47k VENT',SIRDICINEB AND HAIR MEI RESTORATIVES _ . • 01.011kMda, dir,e4 from the I.lriv—rietors. • , riyl3 helimedo.Agentalor Sepopliktr, whlok we sell it "otte' be' linteliatitid tn. tie cities. . , LYEit'S'.illolo4.,:gg.gnirulailAat .1 :::!_‘...,:, COAL:OIL .1 ,; CARBON 01:611 ... . , • : -- . :. f large- purchasers. In , these. Oils, we can 4.4 ,:., iiktfacementti to cline buyers. Coal Oil , 1 . ~, . pa .of .the lmoat Improved patteins,'very -'" 1 1 0* - Al! kinds of 4...ir cbUnked to bum I FANNIE RB.' AND a , GRA Z IPI R 8 , • ...‘ 13 J' 'l4 . .7.C.1 , : 'I . . : i oki'Of yo'a Who have not event our HORSE r I d4tijir:;..ito:vhvki . a idol: know no SlVenOribilti,' and the advantage' they are '.... Jun, .1:dq......-- .....:-, ~. :. . ..., rmvittg _Agrees- and Cattle healthy, and in 'eol-Aidltion:- ' ' ' - ' ~....;., ~ 'Thonsandn can testify to the profit they have d 4`.i11 i 4 fininilietuiSof our Cattle Powders by" the Ituneasiog - quantity and quality of . milk, hiii4iiiihroylni.* general and :health ap- Oarsnce of their Cattle. .. . . f Our long eu perience Lathe business gives as the advantage of a thorough knowlecige of the e, and our arrangements in the cities are . ch that we caaln g very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the .biset 'or ten*. Tieekfiri 6.t:6,Lil v iek. patronage bestewe .., . , on our housii, we hope by strict attention to •iiminesi, a careful seleetiun of DRUGS 04 4 inicea,*4, the desire to . pleaae all, to alt a contiquitaue of it►e favor of a diaoriza 'Mlakilig PiLb l 4 - . • ARp . Attl4l6`rfOrt r A : 30, ij,lig. - .., ND BtrithEß, v I • , .4,27 MA b i garawa k ti. ...1 1 gliF tt rA a it il f j• Nun 'llbvertistmtnts. ONLY . PRE PA4ATION WPTRY. 114*iereal Oonfiden9B Patrpage, STATAKEtti.MXI—EIIO3LERGYMA.N, j '.l.ALlii f ikViniroinitundelowsu parlour' lid/mld falsity to the t ai mi q ...Pro r r. . :5 ). 140 irt xitga„ ,Bu t r..B t e r ti t tut, e, end, gelittedusit of Vie Prftg 111111AMMOIRS In' its prides: A feur puitudalbt nuli mn be:bem"m4 sea ultutlmr or !Me, imp?stAble !bt . you to doubt. 47 Will 13444, New Voi:lt, Dec. 20th, 1868. Dittexamtu : Your. note of the 16th lasi., bas been re , sued, saying that You had heard that I had fleet beue , by the use etWoodbi ,, Rairliesterativei and request. it y certificate of tire. IlintAcl b ? ,d, no , dijectlon to I kward It to yob . cherrittliy,• becesteet thlek It dee.— * lige, ii about 60 years; the color of my hair auburn. aud i t acifned Whitt. Some lice Weis 'yaws duo it bo xed ' u tern gray,,and, the scalp on , the crown of my, head 10 '4 I I deniPillity and‘dindrliffto form upon it. Etta tit I host disagree:abilities buntatiedieltri time, and:about • loon months since a fourth' was added to them, by hair 6,14 off the top env' 'head end' - threstnniug to make bad: ~ - 'ln this unpleasant predicament, I was Induced to try WoOd'e Hair Restorathie, mainly to arrest , the falling! oil el . , my, hair , foil hat really , no exino tattoo that gray hale could ever be resteitd" to Its Original' color 'exoept Mini dyes. I wils,,however, greatly. surprised to. ifind elk+ the use , of two bottles only, that not only was the, pilling off lartssited, but the eolorWas restortePto the ' halm and samdbility, to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to %rot on my head, very much to the gratification of my wife . , it whose solieitation I was induced to try ft. . For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sex, • ikongly reethreneedlll husbands who value the ad niratlon af their wives to profit by. my example, and use it if growing gray. or getting bald. 1 , Frey respeoNully, , , REM A. LAVENDER. 24/1 J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New Fork , .It family - are absent frain the ' atty . ; and lam no long ar No. 11 Darrel place, . 1- • , • . libmanton, Ala„ July 20th, 1869. - , To Pao,. O. J. Woon : ‘Dearlir*:*Toter " Harr Restore. threrhas, desk my hair so mock good &nee I commenced thanes of it, that I wish to make ktioin to the PIIIII.IO ite eleatron the hair, whittirtire Vest: . A Mink or wo mat may ,bp nearly deprived of hair, and by, a resort to yon' - "Hair - ItradOratiVe " the hair - Will rettiro 'more benintluli than ever ; at least this . la .MY onstrionon . Beltbve it all!. Yours truly ' ' - • Wliti V. RRNEDV. 'Pi A—You canpublish the above if you like. By pub lishing In our Southern papers you 1111 get more patron.' age south. I see sever.d of year aertidutea Wthe Jio baciMercar y, a strong annthnr° paper. - W. B. Rowdy. WOOD'S HAIR attiqcgrolvs. Pium. 0. J. WOOD i. OW Sir : Raving had the Dilator i A Lao 1.0 1610 d beetiportionorray• heir, trona the aflame of 0 yellow fever, to Newt priaams. in 1861,, I was in do' to reako"a tend of your liieparstiott, Ind found It to wer as the very : thing needed, %Ey hair is 'now ,ttli and glossy and no words can express my oblige. Ito to you begiving to the affliated imoh a treasure. . i , laku.sy act'assuN. h acitSrative is put elk In bottles of three sizes, via : Largo ~,, , t. um, end small ; the mill kbolds half a pint, met retails ihr,One duller per bottle ; the medium holds, at le rat 'twenty ' per' cent More' in ' proportion than ' , he sot lit, retails few twe tiollaraper bottle ; the large tu.ide a 4 4 ,11, to per mad. more In proportion, and retails for J. J. vY ‘101) ?ropdotora, 441, groa4w!iy, New . York, and 1U Market ktroal, EILIAIIIII, MO. so di sold , by .111.!gooti ilrogipits and .Fancy; Good s Dealers. JylB-daweow . GROVER ilk .BAKER'S MIST NUMMI • T43,16-W N-41 A 0 KIN 8 „ With Hemmers, Fel l ers, Titcktra, Cor i detio • Bindert&c.. PRICES` FROM' $4O UPWARDS. • rO.g.E GROVER& 'BAKER` SEWING MA . 13111811800.,, make the •LORK OktHRZITMESTITaII 1,1YR,4 of the same patterns, and. at the, same prl et:their celebrated DOUBLIV ',COCA ',STITCH MA la the only company that makee hoth kinds , and: therefore the tudy - One that i cate supply aIL the wants of the public. • pnichaaers can take their chace of either stitob. With the privilege of exchanging for the other. 1- new et le of Shuttle .11.aehine, runs last 'and quiet, foryest makers, tailors, Shoe bhidtis; , ko. At the low Price' of `s4o: Office and Salesioont 780 Oheatint street Philadel pia -An agent will . soon , visitpsxrisburg, with their Bfactit ' ' noV7-dltwlyji ' • • n LADIES? , , . , FURS • . Elergeiit, beet and 'cheapest tietiort .meat in, the : city, : tonshitins re Sable r lUnk 'Sable, Si erlan Squirrel, se , La . Sets from $5 upwards. Furs Al , eleenV&Mid ?snaked.. DiAies'irill plenty tall r d: examine.say stopir,, pcdlteneas and fair-daaling Meetly niaintainoti. LIADEICH , Illintilik . - • . • ; ' ;Of every varletY, telling . otat cost. Gents' and Youths' ;/ . i . ; : - . • ,: •:, .1 - IAT AND CAI'S. Cilldren'a Fancy Hats:and taps of the latest fashion. OENTINKM'S kONNT,SEONO GOODS : , • •... .... . . . .. . ,tad Hosiery. Shirts made to order, warianted to fit. ! ARMY . AND NATt.3 .GOODS. ~. Officers of the Army and Navy Pagnlation Hats, Caps, Hirorcti, Belts;liihSe,`EnibroiderieS, &0., ke.; at the ve ry lowest prices. ; ...t. large assortment always on hand. CHARLES OARFOND & SON'S, 826 and 828 Chestnut Street, ' no26.2mwi* -. Under Continental Hotel. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE VATHEREA B lettorn of ...administration y,have been granted ;to. Peter. Reed, Jr, on the estate 'of eter Reed, Ir.; late of Saw:when na.township; Dauphin county.. Ail ; - persons who have claims against said decedent are hereby notiffed to pre sent the mane. to:-the tinderittned, sod those knowing themselves indebted, are requested to make payment to PRIER BXED, Jr., ne2o.3two Administrator of deed. NEW DRESS GOODS., EMBROIDERED RAPS, Plain and Figiired Reps , - Rica Figured all Wool Delainee, Plain IdeOnoes and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris. Dress Silks,. Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranteritnakes offolain black silks, NeW Styles Low Priced Delaines At UNHURT & BROTHER'S Next door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Square. BLEACHED TEDELINS (at eld .. Of:sap) LANS_ETS, SE:FMBGS, _KJ Flannels, . Ticking, Drillings, Gidghams,. Calicoes, ToWlings, All kinds of Domestic Goods, A splendid Line of Shawls. All kinds of Men and Boys wear, In great variety to be found at CATHCART'S, Inov4 Market Sqttre. (LT FRAMES , .! GILT FRAMES %T. BIESTER CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer,of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Gut al4Roacwoodatoonags &c. 48 CEEPENDT STREET, NEAR SECOND. HARRISBURG,. PA... Irmo* DirikErs, Square mad ovar portrait primly* of every descrlpitori.. . OLD FILAJNIDS RS. GILT TO Bum. NO. 66 TI3C ftiam tinting M. Having procured Steam Power ?limes, IF* are peeper. ed to execute JOB add BOOS PRINTING of every deacrip. tiun, ebeaper than it can be done at any new sashiia i,. meat in the country. ItAiIDS OF AVVE'KTINING _ . Sir Fonr lines or less constitute on e•half square. ligbt loot or more than four constitutes square. Self ;. , quare, one day 88 26 one week. 1 00 41 see month 2 00 ... three months i, tax m0nttdr.............• • •• •• • • 6 00 14 one year' LiOnciSquare DO , one day . .............. 8 00 ..... • • • •• •• • • •• ono week 2 00 o one month ..... 860 u three months 6 00 stxmonths.... ....10 00 . . 41 ...•• •'•. 16 00 4 jar Business notices Inserted In the Y•07445d iestn, or before Marriges and , Deaths, FIVE cum PIM LINE for each insertion. Jar Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular ad. V6ttieemeots IZERZI ir , FROM WASHINGTON Arrest of the Murderer of Lieut. Col. Van Gerber. WesnisoroN, Nov. 22 The principal in, the recent murder of Lieu tenant Colonel Van Gerber, in this city on lait Friday, has just been arrested. The evidence against him is very clear. He was `arrested in Baltimore a Philadelphian and Baltimorean who had been arrested on the charge having turned State's evidence. Judge Jeremiah, H. Black is in town to-disy The following Pennsylvania volunteers have died since last report : Chas. Mouser, Fourth, and George Bowers, Twenty-third. • The New Military Department. iIItAIKWAILMIN OP THY Lex; Ammar GmNsium's Omos, Washington, Not. 9. The following Departments are Wiled from the present Departments of the Weat, Cumber land, and Ohio: 1. The Department of New Mexico—to con sist of the Territory of New Mexico—to be commanded by Col. E. It. S. Canby, 11. S. A. 2. The Department of Kansas—to include the State of Kansas, the Indian Territory west of Arkansas, and the Territories of Nebraska, Colorado, and Dacotah—to be commanded by Major' General Hunter, headquarters at Fort Leavenworth. 3. The Department of the Missouri—to in clude the State of Missouti, lowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Arkansas, and that portion of Kentucky west of the Cumberland river—to be commanded by" Major General H. W. Hal leek, U. S. A. 4. The Department of the Ohio—to consist of the States of Ohio, Micliwart, Indiana, that portion of Kentucky east Of the Cumberland river, and the State of Tennessee—to be com manded by Brigadier General D. C. BnelL Headquarters at Louisville. 5. The Department of Western Virginia— to consist of that rcirt,on of Virginia included in the old Department of Ohio—to be com manded by Brigadier 'General W. B. liosecratui, U. S. A. By order, Julies P. Gsassons, Assistant Adjutant General. INFANTRY RITIRTITIN.—Sonia time ago, Mr. feonard Hawkins, of Starksboro', Vermont, in formed the President that his wife had presented him with three eons at a birth, and asking him to name them. The letter was referred to the Somata, of, Wari who named them respectively, Abraham lincoln, Gideon Welles and SIRiQZ I Cameron ; and in acquainting the happy father of the fact, the Secretary expressed the hope thatthe boys may live to do honor to their pa rents and their country. A few days since the father replied to the le+- ter, stating that he had named the children as suggested, concluding by remarks compliment ary to the President and his Administratlon, and expressing the belief that they will prove competent in the present political struggle. THE Rev. Dr. Channing, of London, and ear . Boderick Murchison, the - Geologist, have ex changed notes in the London papers on the sub ject of the internal regions. The _Knight, it appears, had in private conversation admitted the existence of an igneous sphere in• the geolo gical depths. The orator of Crown Court was reported ad having said, in a lecture at Man chester, that Bir Roderick idmitted the exis tence of a "boiling cauldron." The Reverend gentleman explains that his language was "a crust of fossil with a core of fire." the corres pondence presents the one as a believer in the geological hell, and the other in both geologi cal and theological. REPORT OF A COMITITEE OF INVERTIOATZON.— In Kentucky, Gen. Nelzon strictly prohibited any depredations upon theproperty of the citi zens by his troops, and a committee was ap pointed to inquire whether any offencias had been committed. Innaaking his return, one Joe Forman, amember of the committee, repor ted that there had heen sustained no Ices except "nos beehives and a chicken without any honey in it." Sam. Owens, the schoolmaster, who'waa on the committee, corrected the report to as to make it read : "With the exception of a chicken and two beehives, the Wier containing no honey"--- which rather spoiled'it, we think ! THE Weles .Rsveciss.,--The New York Com mercial Advertiser compiles a list of the losses on both sides since the outbreak of the rebellion, commencing with the attack of the Massachu setts troops "in Baltimore, and embracing the ntnnerbus fights and skirmishes that have since occurred, and the result is 88 follows:—Fedends —killed, 969 ; wounded, 2041 ; prisoners, 2874. Rebels—killed, 4049 ; wounded, 1064; prison ers, 2088. These figures, however, do not in dude the killed and wounded of scouting par ties of which there is no official record: COLONYL MULLIGAN, the hero of Lexington, has accepted an invitation•to lecture in Chicago. In his letter of acceptance, he says ; "Permit me to ask you to devote the proceeds to the widowi3 and orphans of those who fell at I=4- ton—the gallant men who "'Lay along the battery's side, Below the smoking cannon— Brave hearts from Severn and from. Clyde And from the banks of Shanon.' A Freßy EAsr nati Pape; from one of the camps in Kentucky : "Are we to Stay here always—must we forever stay and guard Kentucky; will we never be al lowed to go back to east Tennesiee, to our homes, and ourdestitute, unprotected &mined" He expresses an earnest desire to help In the hrashing of Zollicoffer on Tennessee CHANGZ oa Nema.—ln an order of (len. Sher man, dated Hilton Head, Nov. 16th, we find the following :---" The fort on Hilton Head will be known as " Fort Welles," and the one on Bay Point, heretofore called Fort Beaureord, will be known as " Fort Seward." Tn Commission to investigate the aco3unfa of the Western Mititaiv - Department have had filed before thein'three hundred andseventyfire .Asthis ixody sits -Withblowiddoore tle is known in detnii,of lte pnxisiOingib M=MMI writes to weinein-