tq'titgrap. HARRISBURG; PA Friday Afternoon, November 22, tS6I, o r fgE LIGEIT FANTASTIC Tos."—Our readers should not forget the grand sorrie of the Har risburg Sociables which comes off at Exchange Elall this evening. Tickets fifty cents—to be had at the door. • HANDSOME SERENADE.—The band formerly at tached to Col. Seigle's and latterly to Colonel White's regiment, favored our office with a handsome serenade last night, for which we are tinder many oblig,itions. Iv TOWN.—Wm. H. Armstrong, Esq., the popular member of the last, and member elect of the next House or Representatives from the Lycoming district, was in town this morning, looking remarkably well. Mr. Armstrong is prominently spoken of as a candidate for the Speakership of the next House. I=l RECRUITS FOR THE CALIFORNIA BRIGADE.- Quartermaster Sergeant W. F. Fackler was to have arrived in town to-day to hunt up recruits fur the California Brigade. He is authorized to make arrangements for the transportation of recruits to Washington Quartermaster Fackler is the son of the late Joshua Fackler, formerly superintendent of the water-house in this city. POLICE —Before the Mayor.—Ellen Sharpe—a white female—was arraigned for keeping bad hours. Remanded to the Lock-up. John 0. Jones—a soldier—was up for drunk enness and disorderly conduct. Discharged with a reprimand. Bryant Clark, was arraigned for vagrancy and discharged with an injunction to leave the city. I=l AMITSRMENT TO NlGHT.—Sanford—the gay and incomparable—resumes his levees at Brant's Hall this evening, and of course a " full house" will be cm hand. The programme is overflowing with rich things, which will be served out in that recherche style for which the troupe are fa mous. Sanford is the Napoleon of Ethiopian Opera Managers, and never does things by halves. What he does is done well ;at least such are the sentiments of his friend—the uni• versal public I= THE Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Colonel William Maxwell, of Mercer county, now at Camp Curtin, near this city, were to have moved to-day for Annapolis, Maryland, and go thence with other regiments, to Port Royal, South Carolina. The regiment is filled to the proper standard. The ten com panies are commanded by Captains J. B. Moore, of this city ; Chase, of Titusville; Symington, Strawhecker, Maxwell and Hogland, of Mercer county : Griffin and Caulking, of Tioga ; Peck, of Bradford, and Hord. DAHLGREN GIINS.—A large number of Dahl gren guns have recently passed through our city over the Pennsylvania Railroad from Pitts burg to the Navy Yard at Philadelphia. A new proving ground will soon be used, near Wall's Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Heavy guns will be proved there now constructing at the Fort Pitt Works, and the necessity of un shipping them will thus be avoided : The guns are proved by ten rounds of service charges ; the firing, therefore, requires a longer time than the Rodman guns, and a heavy cast iron carriage has been constructed for them. TILE STATE EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION, called to meet in our city next Tuesday, promises to be very largely attended by the friends of edu cation throughout the State. The object of the Convention, as we have already stated, is to promote harmony of feeling and unity of pur pose amongst the educationists of every class and department of operation in the State ; and, so far as expedient and possible, to combine the whole into one united system, sustained by common effort. Arrangements have been made with the Railroads to facilitate the at tendance of persons who contemplate partici pating in the Convention. I===l "KAPPA Mu" LITERARY SOCIETY. — We learn that a literary association with the above name has been formed in this city by young men who are desirous of improving themselves in litera ture, composition, ethics, &c. Their motto is the Greek words "Kamnomen Manthem," or "we strive to learn." They meet every Wed nesday evening, in the Cadets of Temperance Hall, North Second street. At the first regular meeting, held last Wednesday evening, they organized by electing the following officers to serve the ensuing term : President, William T. Bishop, Jr.; Vice President, Oliver B. Yoder ; Edisor, G. Washington Fence ; Treasurer, Lu ther Straup; Recording Secretary, Thomas J. Finney ; Corresponding Secretary, Irvin S. Boas.. The society is a good institution ; and now that the long winter evenings are upon us, we hope to see it well sustained. COURT PROCEF.DINGS.—Court met at 8 o'clock a. m. Com. vs. James Davis, charged with —chibi ting obscene pictures. Guilty. Coin. vs. Rudolph Garman et al, charged with conspiracy, on oath of Liriah Rutter. Rudolph Garman, Barbara Garman, Jane Garman, Nancy Garman and David Shatzer guilty ; and Abraham Garman, John Garman and Fred. Baker not guilty. Coin. vs. John Corcoron, indicted at the last Court for involuntary manslaughter of John Harris on the 29th of July, 1861, at the wise end of the county. Not guilty. - Corm vs. John Waltzer, charged with assault and battery, on oath of J. Calvin Rawn. Plead guilty and submitted. Corn. vs. Charles Miller, charged with larceny, on the oath of Ludwig Wills. Not guilty. Com. vs. Andrew J. Snepley, charged with passing counterfeit money. Plead guilty and submitted. Com. vs. Frederick Keeney, charged with as sault and battery, on oath of George Blongh On trial when our report closed. ALTERED MLLE.—There are altered bills of the denominations of $5, $lO and $2O, on the Al lentown Bank in circulation. A PATRIOTIC LADT.—The Union Guards, Capt. Diller of Hanover, York county, now sta tioned a Camp Curtin, were recently made the recipients of fifty gum blankets, the gift of a patriotic lady named Miss Rebecca Billmyer, of Hanover. This is certainly a highly patriotic and generous gift, and the "boys" doubtless appreciate her generosity to the fullest extent. =mei DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.-A few nights since the dwelling house of Mr. Henry Rungey, on the line of the Northern Central Railroad near Wolf's Station, was totally destroyed by fire, communicated to the roof of the building by sparks from the locomotive attached to one of the freight trains. So rapid was the progress of the flames, that very few of the articles in the house were saved. The loss will be from $BOO to $9OO, which is, we are informed, par tially covered by insurance. A MAN DROWNED AT SAFE HARBOR.-011 Sat urday George Ottinger started from Safe Harbor on a duck hunt. He was seen to load his gun with a charge unre Lsonably heavy before he left the bank of the river ; in the evening the re port of a gun was heard on the river, and on Sunday morning the boat on which the unfor tunate man had gone out was found below the dam upside down. It is supposed that either his gun exploded and killed him, or that owing to the heavy charge the recoil threw him from the boat. Deceased leaves a wife and child to mourn his loss. A BIG SHAKE.- The editor of the Lancaster Ex press has received several communications relative to a shock or series of shocks felt in Lancaster county last Wednesday, shortly before noon. At the Bird-in-Hand, two distinct shocks were felt, and in Bart three windows were sensibly shook andhouses jarred. His correspondents offer various surmises as to the cause of the pheno menon, but the editor seems to think that the true explanation is furnished by the telegraph dispatch announcing the explosion of three of Dupont's powder mills at Wilmington last Wednesday. This may possible be the case, but if so it was a big shake. Deere Names Arno Corrornorr.—The names of the two soldiers, noticed in last Wednesday's TELEGRAPH as •having been badly injured by colliding with a covered bridge on the Northern Central Railroad, while riding on the top of a car, were Corporal David Smith and private Wm. M. Tate of Company C. Capt. Hicks, Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Regiment. It was during the passage of the regiment in the train from this city to Baltimore that the accident occurred. Corporal Smith had his right cheek badly cut to the bone, the wound being several inches in length and extending to the eye. He also received several contusions on his forehead. Private Tate was more seriously injured, receiv ing a cut over the right eye and on the nose, and was also internally injured. On the arrival of the train at Baltimore, a carriage was obtain ed by Captain Hicks and they were conveyed to the Adams House Hospital, where they were placed in one of the wards and are now receiv ing the necessary attentions of Assistant Sur geons Drs. Charles Page and George Taylor, and the Medical Assistants, Drs. William Longshaw and Samuel Wiel. The condition of Tate is re garded as somewhat critical, but Smith will re cover in a few days. M=ZMI YORK AFFAIRS. —We clip the following items of news from the York Republican : On Friday last, the officers and inmates of the York County Hospital were somewhat alarmed by the discovery that a bed in one of the rooms had caught fire, and was burning quite furiously.— The proper steps were at once taken to prevent a 'conflagration, and the flames were soon ex tinguished by a copious application of water from buckets. The excitement in the building is said to have been very great for a time, but the alarm did not get outside. We did not learn the origin of the fire, but it was most pre bably accidental. On Sunday morning at an early hour a de tachment of 11. S. Marines numbering about 800 men passed through this place on a train from Baltimore bound to the west. Their ap pearance elicited considerable interest among those who saw them, but owing to the unseason ableness of 'the hour at which they passed, but few were present at the depot. Information having been received at Wash ington that a certairr individual who has been acting as a spy and secret agent of the Confed erate Government, was engaged in enlisting re cruits in York county for the Federal army, an officer was sent hither to arrest him if he could be found. We have not yet asdertained whe ther he has been successful in his mission. Tn WOIINDKD. — The York Republican says that Mr. Robert Irwin, who was injured about three weeks since by falling from the cars at Conewago siding on the Northern Central Rail road, and suffered the amputation of his left leg is, we are happy to say, rapidly recovering under the professional services of Dr. E. H. Pants, assisted by Dr. Kerr. He still remains at the York County Hospital, were he receives every attention that can conduce to his comfort and recovery. The young man, whose leg was broken at the time of the accident near Howard tunnel, on the same Railroad, is now so far recovered that he is able to leave his bed though he is compelled to resort to the use of crutches.— He has been staying during his illness at King's Railroad Hotel, in York. Mr. Thomas Platz, who was injured last suin mer by the running off the track of a locomo tive on the N. C. R It.. by which his foot was painfully crushed, has also, after a protracted and tedious confinement, been enabled to get out again. He is also compelled to use crutch es, as his injury is far from being entirely well again. He has been attended by Dr. E H. Pentz, of York. • Mr. Daniel Platz, who was also injured on the railroad is still confined to his bed in York, and though his recovery is expected it will nec essarily be a considerable time before he will be able to get about again. /1110.1 See Professor Wood's adver ti se tneut in anothe ordlumn. Pcuttovluania telegraph, fribav 'Xfternoon, November 22, 18 . 61 To ARMY OFFICERS.—BIank pay rolls and fur loughs handsomely printed according to the army regulations, on fine white and durable paper, are for sale at this office. THE FEMALE SOLDIER —Sophia Crider, the young lady who played soldier at Camp Curtin, near this city about two months ago, and who was subsequently arrested on a charge of firing a barn at Plainfield, Cumberland county, has been set at liberty—the Grand Jury having dis missed the charge, as no proof of her guilt was presented. DISITNGUISIIED Passesosas. —Hon. John Pier pont, the newly erected Governor of the State of Kanawha, (Western Virginia t) Mr. Tarr, State Treasurer, and Col. Wilkinson, of Gen. Kelsey's command, also of Western Virginia, Hon. Lansing Stout, M. C. from Oregon, and. the Hon. Thomas H. Clay, of Kentucky, son of Henry Clay, passed through this city day before yesterday, en route to Washington. C Trespondenee of the Telegraph.] November 21, 1861 MR. EDITOR :—As I saw a communication in your pdper from a lady, desiring information about mittens with thumb and finger. I think I can furnish her with the desired information. A pair of these mittens are at the Pennsylvania House, in possession of Mrs. Captain Samuel Wilt. Crochet a chain of 46 stitches and unite the chain, then crochet three rows plain ; 4th row widen two stitches where the chain unites ; omit and widen alternate rows until thel.lth row—always widening where the chain unites. Then omit widening for three rows ' • 14th row commence widening again alternate until the 18th row ; after widening on the 18th row, make a chain of 4 stitches for the thumb, mak ing the thumb about 22 stiches around. Crochet 11 rows for the thumb and narrow it rapidly ; return to the inside of the hand, and crochet 8 rows ; then commence the finger, which is to be 20 stitches round. Crochet twelve or thir teen rows for the finger. Finidi the mitten a. row or two longer than the finger and narrow rapidly. This mitten is to be knit out of stock ing yarn. These mittens are much liked by the soldiers, as they are very warm and they have the free use of their hand. If you can obtain the Phil adelphia Inquirer of November 11th, you will . see the directions fig ,knitting three different kinds of soldiers mittens. Yours, . UNION, Mitten Knitter. A "New England lady" also responds to the call for information in this matter by furnish ing the following directions : "Cast twenty-six stitches on each needle. Rib two inches two and two. Commence the thumb by taking two stitches between these two seam stitches. Knit three rounds between each, widening until you have twenty ; take these twenty off for the thumb, make twelve stitches, then decrease every other round at the begin ning and end of the twelve until only three of the increased stitches remain. Snit a little more than an inch plain. Now for the finger : take off twenty stitches, make twelve, and knit the same as at the thumb ; knit about an inch and a half plain, then narrow every sixth stitch; knit six rounds, then every fifth, and five rounds, and so on. Then take up the finger, narrow to twenty-nine stitches, make the finger a little shorter than the mitten; now the thumb, reducing the stitches to thirty." PRESENTMENT OF THE GRAND JURY. - The Grand Jury of the present term of court visited the county prison and poor-house yesterday, and after thoroughly inspecting these institu tions, submitted the following presentment to the court, after which they were discharged: ro MP HONORABLB JUDOS of THP COMP OP DAUPHIN COUNTY : The Grand Jury of Dauphin county of Novem ber session, respectfully report—That the large number of bills submitted to them seems to in dicate that crime is on the increase in our com munity; the cause of this is owing no doubt to the great influx of strangers, drawn here by the present disturbed condition of our country. But in the judgment of the Grand Jury, much vice and crime could be prevented if the indi viduals having the charge of the various camps would exercise their authority to put a stop to the frequent and unnecessary visiting of the City on the part of the soldiers. They visited the Poor House, and are happy in being able to say that as a general thing the condition of the inmates is as comfortable as under the circumstances they can be ; but there is one exception to this; it consists in the large room appropriated exclusively to those who are afflicted with sores, lacerated limbs, &c. The beds and bedding in this apartment are not of the kind in respect to quantity and cleanliness that they should be. They trust that this will be remedied. They are of the opinion that it would be economical for the county to erect a suitable building for the sick and insane. There is no place now to put these afflicted creatures, and it is due them that proper provision be made, for their wants and necessities. They are not prepared to recommend any in crease of the Prison. The space between the main building and the wall would not admit of the erection of any structure that would answer the purpose, but they think that it would be wise and expedient to send the convicts sentenced to labor to the Penitentiary at Philadelphia. On careful inquiry they cannot discover any satis factory reason to recommend a change in the kind of labor at present in operation at the Prison. They would call attention to the danger our citizens are subjected to by the Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads. In conse quence of no watchman being by either of these corporations at their respective lines of track where they cross populous thoroughfares, many are subjected to great risk to their lives. We hope some measure may be adopted by which these corporations shall be compelled to adopt precautions to prevent accidents. JOHN L. SPEEL, Foreman. "Mite" for the Soldiers: I=t! [From our Horning Edition.] CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. The committee appointed by the House of Re presentatives at the last session of Congress to examine into alleged frauds in army contracts, will commence its sessions at the Jones' House in our city to-morrow. The following are the names of the Congressmen who compose the committee : Messrs. Van Wyck, New York, Chairman; Davis, Massachusetts; Steele, New Jersey ; Washburn, Illinois ; Holman, Indiana; Fenton, New York, and Jackson, Kentucky. It is expected that the committee will remain here for several days ; but of course their ses sions will not be open to the public, nor their proceedings known until submitted in the form of a report to the next Congress. Picsrociorrs &sour. —Mr. J. B. Coover, of this city, had his pocket picked at the Depot last night of a purse containing a check on the Dauphin Deposite Bank for $l5O, ten dollars in gold, and some papers of no value. Payment on the check was promptly stopped this morn ing, so that the thief only makes ten dollars by the operation. EAST RIVER Oysters, Terrapin, and all the other delecacies of the season, just received to day, and will be Served up this evening "piping hot" at the Philadelphia headquarters, under Herr's Hotel, Fester & Wickart, proprietors. ce ON THEM WAY TO OHABLBSTON.—It is not our purpose to detract from any of the loyal States the honest praise and gratitude to which they are entitled, but we must admit that we felt es pecially proud as a Peimsyvanian a few days since when in conversation with Lieut. M. D. Van Horn of Ohio, who is in our city recruiting for the regular army to hear him say that his suc cess in the Old Keystone was far beyond expecta tion notwithstanding the large number of vol unteers already gone from this State, the large lot of cheap Dry Goods at l7incu & Bowmkres, corner Front and Market' streets, perhaps will account for it. FURS, Yeas, AM.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; 25 doz. hoop ;skirts for 50c., 75c. and $1 25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 50, $3 50 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels ; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 12k, 18 and 20 cents ; 36 large woolen blankets ; b 0 pieces canton flannel, at 12i cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; 60 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers Be Laines, at 22 and 25 cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. SANFORD'S CHALLENGE IIEATHRS—To set in Brick, Portable or as Fireplace Heaters. The most powerful Heaters known for warming Dwell ings, Churches, Schools, Sfe. Send to LYMAN GIL BERT, agent at Harrisburg, for a full discription and an unparalleled mass of testimony. Tus COSMOPOLITE parlor coal stove with radi ating ventilator and gas burning attachment, intro duced one year ago, already ranks as the leading stove for Parlors, Sitting Rooms and all places where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other parlor and cookino• b stoves of the best patterns to be had at the store and tinware establishment of Mites GILBERT, Market street. tf. A CARn TO THE LADIES DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the fob ing certificate" .from one of the first ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my agents in that city (Mr. Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wise her name made public, but if any one should doubt the won 'erful efficiency of DR. Dtl - 2014- co's Golden Pills,. they might refer any Lady to her; as .'I she considered it. a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her 1I knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young.) ady 17 years old. • She was fast go ing into cOnslmptinu—bad taken cold—nature became obstructed Two boxes of these Golden entire ly cured her, and she is now in robust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying etch box Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. K. KULER, (Druggist,) 91. Market street, (sole agent for) Harrisburg, Pa. By sending him SI 00 through the Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will re sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. B.—look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden Pill, of any . kind unless the box Is signed S. D. Howe. AA others is a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, ae you ve.lce your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, wbich has recently teen added on account of the Pills heing .louinerreitoe. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, end they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg -, M. marks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott, Carlise ; S. G. Wild, ; J. C. Altick, Shipper's burg ; J Spangler, Chambersburg; E. T. r flier, York ; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; S. S. Stevens, Heading ; and S. P. Hunter, Reading, and. by "one druggist" in every town and village in the United States, and bs , S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. de3.4m HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! ! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided If you wish to escape ridicule. GREY. RED OR RUM HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Blacupwithout, the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFfEEN menAis AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wat. A. BATOSILOR sineel.B 9, and over 205,000 applications have been made t ) the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE woduces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARILYNTID not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill (Meets of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. Bold is all the cites and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box, Rrholesalelyactory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York oct2-dawly IMPORTANT TO FEMALES DR. HEESEXAN'S PILLS Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY TEIE combination of ingredients in these Mile are the result of a long and extensive Practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruatioaa, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, Zsc., disturbed sleep, which arises from interrup tion of nature. - TO MARRIED LADIRI, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. ladies who have been diaappo nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do NOTICE There is one condition of the female system in which the Pals cannot be taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT, The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result MISCARRIAGE, Such is the irrecietib is ten• deney of the medicine to restore the se-m=2 functions to a normal condition, that eoen the reproductive power of na ture cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything Injurious. Explicit directions, which should be road, ac company each box. Price $1 Sent by mail on enclos ing $1 to Ds. Colo - suns L. CHSZSZIKAN, Box 4,531, Post Office, New York City. Soid by one Druggis tin every town in the United States R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent for the United States. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom all wholesale orders should be addressed. nov29-dawly HELUBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHIT, - - THE GREAT DIURETIC HELRBOLD'S EXERACT BUCHU, TOE GREAT DIURETIC UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, JELELMBOLEtt.,t EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. See Advertisement in another column send for the Medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS navl3-d2m MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; Price 6 eta : ft Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermatorrhcea or Seminal. Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexuel Debility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity, re sulting from Self Abuse, &c.—By BOBT. J. CIA FEB WELL, M. D., Author of the Green Book &c. "A Boon to Thousands or SutTerers,” sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt .of six cents, or two postage stamps, by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 127. Bowery,,New Fork, Post Office, 80x4686. sep9-daw3m TO FARMERS I 11)pIITTER (good, sweet and fresh) in one pound rolls, and frtah EGGS in large and small quantities taken at all times and cash pal fl or grounded given in exchange. Regular market rates always paid WM. DOCK, J.R., & CO. Opposite the Court Reese. augl9 MBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "BIG'ILY CONCENTRATED" , COMPOUND FLUID arRACT BUCLIU, A Positive and Specitic Remedy For Menses of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLEI4:GS This Medicine inetwes the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS int , bealtay action, hy which the WA'URY OR CAI OAREOUS depositions, anc all U: , ;- NATURAL ENLARGINENTS are reduced, a - -; well Es PAIN AND INFt%3I,TIIN, and is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. ItELMBOLD'S FXTRACT BUCHII, For Weaknesses ArisPng from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, I.OBS of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembdug, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness cf Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on two Faze, PALI ID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOTENCY. F Y, EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "(IREFUL DBEASES," Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, THE REDO' DS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Ilfelan.7,hedy Deaths by Consumption, HEAR AMPLE WITNESS TO THE TEETH OF ]ER A...BRETTON THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGAEIC WEAKNESS, Regimes the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorat the System, Which HETAIZOLIPB EXTRACT BUCEU invariably does. LD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR GONTEMPLA. TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Ohlorosis or Retention, Irregularity,painfulness, or Suppresiion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucerhces Whites, Steril ity, and for all comphints incident to too sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the TAKE NO MORE BRASAII, dtitalka, OR UNPLEASANT MIDI OINK POE UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DISEASES. In all their Stages, Little or no change in Diet , And no Exposure , It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of tne Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imflammation, BO frequent In the class of diseases, and expelling ail Poisonous, Deceased and scorn-out Matter. THOUSANDS VDON THOUSANDS MHO HAVE BEEN IHE VICTIMS OF QUACKS, and who have paid HEAVY FEB to bo cured to a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the POI SON" has, by the use of ''POWERFUL ASTKLIGENTS," been dried up in the system, to brear. out In an aggravated form, and PX•RHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Use Harms°Lt's Rumor Buono for all affections and diseases of the whether existing in HALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter t f HOW LONG SVANDING. Diseases of these Organs reqntre the aid of DIURETIC. HELIRBOLD'S EXTIUCk BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired ellect in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOIfiIENDED. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will accompany the medicos. CERIIFICATIS OF CURES, From 8 to 20 yearss standing, WITH NAMES KNOWN TO SCIENCE AND FADE. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATIONS Cures Guaranteed I Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of th o city of Philadelnbi.t, H. T. nELABOLD, who being duly sworn, doth say, his nrcprations contain no narcotic, no micury, or other Minions drags, but are purely vege table H T. HELM.BOI D. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 231 day of No vember, 1854. WM P. HIBREED, A/demen t Ninth St above Race, Phila. Address letters for information in confidence to EL T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bet. Chestnut, Phila, BEWARE OF couNTEave.ITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DE &LEES, Who endeavor to dispose "oil =MR OWN" and "amen" ARTICLES ON THE RITUTATLON ATTAINED BY Helmbolit's Genuine Preparation s, Cc " Extract Bit Im, `` Sarsaparilla, " Improved R. , se Wash. Sold by C. K. Keller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, C. A Bantivart. AND ALL DRUGELSTS EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR HELUBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the advertisement and send tor It, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. novl34ily FOR SEWING 111A.CHINE8. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 re 500 YDS. WHILE, BLACK & COLORED. 'THIS thread being made particularly for I. sewing Machines, is VE6Y STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is nos unpaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Bed Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.— AJso, INCASE OF 100 DOZEN cacti - , ASSOETED NOS by WM. HENRY SJDTH, Sole Agent. no9-dem 36 Vesey street ; New York. UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COM.FORIS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS &c., On band and for sale at me very lowest rates for cash. Hair Mattresses and Sprang Bottoms made to outer. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Reraired and made equal to new, very reasonable, all a No. 109, Market street, between Fourth an I Fifth, by oet9.2md J. T. BARNITZ. THE GRJAT DIURETIC Harrisburg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. YENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing neatly and expeditiously done. Per• sons at a distance can have their work done by addres sing a letter to the undersi g ned. Thais tful for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. girSatisfautton guaranteed both as to prices and work. A. R. SHARP. oct9-d6in Cutit out, and W ORCESTER's ROYAL QUARTO DIUTIONARY tHE best defining and pronouncing Die tionary of the English language ; Alto, Worcester' School Dictionaries, Webster's Pictorial Quarto an School Dictionaries for sale at SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, apl3-tf Near the Harrisburg Bridge FOR SALE, T"good Horses, one suitable as a family horse, the other as s draught horse. En. wire of George Rufnagle, Third street, between Market nd Walnut, Burke's Row. nofr.dtf TO FAM E RS. OITS ! OATS ! I Cash paid for Oats by JAMFS M. WHEELER. nov6.dif TT ELLER'S DRUG ETORV, is-the place JUL to find anything in the Way Perfumery. Miscellaneous. 'INSANITY AND CONSIIMPUON." BUT NONE WILL CONFE.'S A TRIAL WILL ccEvICS. MIK MOST SKEPTICAL FEMALEi-FEMALE3-FEVIALES, DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. BEE SYMPEOM3 ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD I WITHOUT IT I HELMBOLD'S EMIZACT BCCHU Mita SECRET DISEASES. II it INARY ORGANS, STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORK - AND LIVERPOOL. f AN +ll NU AND VA - BARKING PAS G•Sf,_44 el QUEENISTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. New York and Philadelphia Steamship company inland spatetking their full powered Clyde-built iron iteamshipo as follows : EDINBURG, Satorday November 23 ; CITY OF MAN - , CHESTER, Saturday, November 30 ; NINA, Saturday 4)e °ember 7 ; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, Norm River. FIRST CABIN $75 00 STF.ERAGE.... $3O 00 do to London $BO 001 do to London ..$3B 0 0 do to Paris $B5 00do to Paris $3B 00 I do to Hambarg..sBo 09 do to Hamburg $35 VI Passengers also forwarded to Havre. Bremen, Rotter dam. Antwerp, &c., rd equally low rates 14-Persons wishim.: to bring 40. their Iriends can buy tickets here at the following r.tei, to New York: From Liverpool or Queecetow a; let Cabin, $75, SB5 and 8105. Steerage from Liverpool 8-10 00. From Queenstown, $3O 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers. and rry experienced Surgeons They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Firo Annihilators on hoard. For further Information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 12 Wafer Street • in Glasgow to WM. INMAN, 5 tit. Finooh Square ; in Queenstown to C. db W. D. SEYMOUR it CO. ; in Lon , iou In EiVFS Ai MALY, 61 King William St. ; in Pad:, to MLUS DECOUE, 5 Place de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JO' N G. O ALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at toe Company's offices. CBS ,SPAS-F,NGER FOR EUROPE—By order of the Secretark of Stale, a t passengers leaving the United Stqt. , s are required to procure PaQEmorta before going on board Inc St amer. JOHN G. DALE, AGeNT. ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. TH :ISE Weight Carts are certified by the Sealer or Weights and Measures. Consumers can weigh their coal at their own doors. It is or great int penance during these hard times for every one to know that they GET TEEM FULL UONFST WEIGHT. argo supply of Coal always to be found on hand, viz : LYKENS VALLEY ail siz,ls. BALTIL CO'S WILKSBAHRE, all sits. LORRS4I2ItIc COAL, (the genuine areele,) Sold by the car load or single ton All coal of the best quality, delivered.rree from all im puriti s AT PRICES TO dlrIT THE TIMM, by the boat or Car load, single, half or third or tons and by tae bushel. JAMES dl. WHEELER. Harrisburg, Nov. 6, 1881.—y COAL ! COAL ! ! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. le ORSTER, At little Expense No inconveuie ce FFICE No. 74, Market street, yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TREVOII2ON, WILESBAREE, LYKENS VALLEY, BROAD 10P COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaioing a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lo west rates. Orders promptly attended to. A Flieral discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal whoa ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Uct. 25.-13 m COAL! COAL ! ! ! !COAL t. 'HE subscriber iseow prepared to de- liver to the citiznas of Harrisburg either by the Car, Boat, pad or s'ioz,le Ton, the oh ncest kind of Wilks barre, Sunbury, I , 2,lrens Valley and Pinugrove Coal, hauled oat by the P maid, Weigh Cart, and full weight guarenteed. Orders left at my ottlee, 4th and 'Market will receive prompt attention. _ . Harrisburg, Oct. 30. 1861.-6svd* COAL ! Lolll3;qtßy 00m, I I EIHOSE who want the real Genuine Cid Faehiorlftd Pinegrove Coal from the Lorberry Mines by the car load or otherwise.) apply to , GEt). GARVERICH, Jr., S. & S. Railroad omee. oet22-Imd SHIRTS ! SHIRTS !! SHIRTS !! ! HOME MANUFACTURE THE CHEAPEST. IN" THE MARKET. THE undersigned having opened his Manufactory of Shirts &c., at No. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Ps , mos , respectfully solicits the patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods all of which are our own manufacture : SHLKIS, SHIRT BOSOMS, COLLARS, CUFFS, WRIST-BANDS, NIGHT SHIRTS, &c., ' &c.. &c., Also the particular attention of the Ladies to our large assortment of under garments &c. (from the latest im proved London and Paris styles, ) LlilN COLLARS, CUFFS, SETTS &c., in great varieties, all of which being our own manuuracture we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirousof furnishing their own materials, can have cutting, sewing &c., of every variety done accord ing to order. Slinfthe above named geode for Gents wear we will make to measure, guaranteeing to fit, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style. durability and m terial. All special orders will be prcimptly at tended to upon the shor teat notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon tho most reason able terms. P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments or any discription, can have them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired. JAMES A. LYNN, Nd. 12, Market street, au29-dBm Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms next door to Hummel & Killinger's Grocery Store. A large assortment of Gentlemens' Furuishing Goods ,to , in addition to the above can always be found cheap for cash. SOLDIERS' NICK NACIVS, F OR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. _ Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubcer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, andEnvelepes. d Soldiers wilt see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small wares is at Ne 91, Market street. ,wee "Fort Pickens" in the window. nos tf 'ETNTAM .IEI. rr AL IMAM Pt, STATE Street near Third street, a few doors below Brady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A tine oew , Hearse Ready made Cotrini always on band and neatly ftuisbed to order. Silver plates, Zee. Terms rea sonable. [ou3o-03m9 C. BIKER. GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, NM AS Beds, Willows, Blankets. Coats, Calls , • Loggias, Drinking; Caps, &c., FOR BALE BY WM.S—SHAFFER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. aug2l-(l3mx NEW nuc.KWHEii..T FLOUR ! 4,500'" F AiILY B LICK AT FLOUR (Extra) In 12* and 251 J bags. Tuequaidyisverysuperior,havingbeena*. selected expressly tor our retell trade. For sale low by noll WM. DOCK, Jr., & Co. filisctilantons. Rails OP PASSAGE .INO, G. DALE, Agent, BreAdwa.y, New York Or 0 0. 'Aininierroun. Arent, Harrignira COAL!!! SUNBURY and IRE=I3