Piegraptj. A 11 li i ,!" li I: , Ft G , P A Thurvimi November Mtmv orrionss.—.Blank pay tolls and fur loughs handsomely printed accouling to the army regulations, on fine white and durable paper, are for sale at this office. Oleo -Veo.x.ows.—The semi-annual shesion of the Grand Lodge ei Pennsylvania, I. 0. of 0. F., commences' me Monday morning at Philadel phia. Grand Master D. Washburn, presides.— Lodge No. GS of this city is represented in the session by Mr Washington Barr. Trim }Toulon° SOCIABLES will give a grand soiree ttt Exchange Hall next Friday evening. The Sociables are a clever set of good natured gentlemen, who know how to get up such mat tax and we have no doubt their soiree will be one of the most recherche clamant, of the season. Tickets 50 cents, to be had at the door. 119 D Ills ARM BROKRN.—A son of Mr. E S. German, of the Religious Book Depository, Se cowl sti eat, while being swung around on Tubs itt arms length by a colored man, in a peke manner, had his right aim broken' at e li.w joint. He was immediately taken to ~„ 0 c ,,,f Dr. Roberts, who reduced the frac tire, lie is now doing as well ,as could be , vectra .2wler the circumstances. `OI.I,IFIC, FustinAL.—A volunteer compaily. au Camp Curtin passed through Third street dt an early hour yesterday,lfonning the es r to the remains of one of their compatriet i,"lnis, which they were taking to the depot t ;, r trauvortatiou to the relatives of the de craw& The men wore the ensignia of mourn in,g, and their slow, measured tread to the sound of a muffled drum, formed a very, solemn and impres•ive scene. Ls Tows.--Lieut. Wesley. Miller, of the Seventh United States Infantry was in town yesterday, looking• remarltably. well. The Lieutenant is stationed at Fort Columbus, New York harbor, and is on a visit to his father Lieut. Colonel Stephen Miller, of the First Min nesota Regiment, who is still confined to his room at the Pennsylvania House in this city by 'an illness contracted in the army shortly after the battle of Bull Run, in which he gallantly par:- ticipated I=l lions.—Mr. James Miller, of Peach Bot tom township, York county; Pa., left his home on Saturday morning, November 17, and has not been heard of since. lie is about thirty five years 'Of age, five feet nine inches'high,With black hair and whiskei s. Had on when he left home a dark monkey jacketaml brown pants, much worn, and 'Wait 'ri'dlog`a . bap mate, slight ly lame. For several years he has been subject to spells of mental derangement, and his friends are much distressed at his absence. Any infor mation addressed to has slater Mary - A.. Miller, Bald Eagle, York county, Pa , will be thank fully received. =MEI THANIGGIUNG Day.—To-day one week is the day set apart by Governor Curtin as a day of solemn thanksgiving to God, for the many blessings which Ile has bestowed upon us dur ing the year now rapidly' drawing to an end. When we take into c)nsideration the various and multiplied dangers through which we have passed, and contrast our position _with that of our misguided brethern who are engaged in this wicked rebellion, we can hut acknowledge that we have much for which we should be thankful. For though the gloom of war hangs like a dark shadow over our land, yet we are happily spared from the horrors attendant upon the presence of contending armies. The seat of the war is far removed from our borders, and our land has been blessed with abundance. Then let our hearts go out to God in praise and thanksgiving, for His mercies, and let us unite in the prayer, that peace and happiness may be speedily restored to our country by the defeat and dispersion of the rebels and traitors who are now arrayed against us. Indeed the events of the past six months conclusively show the whole tendency of the contest to be in favoi of the Union and against the rebels. Camas P LEAMVA.—Did you ever study the cheapness of %cane pleasures ? asks some esecel lent writer. Do you know how little it takes to make a multitude happy ? Such trifles as a penny, a word, or a smile, do the work. There are two or three boys passing along—give them each a chesuut, and how smiling they took? . they will not be cross for some time. A poor widow lives in the neighborhood, who is the mother of a half a dozen children ; send them half a peck of sweet apples, and they will be happy. A child has lost his arrow—the.world to him—and he mourns sadly ; help him find it, or make him another, and how quickly will the sunshine play upon his sober face. A' boy has as much 118 he can do to pile up a load of Wood ; assist him a few momenta, or speak a pleasant word to him, and he forgets his toil, and works away without minding it. Your ap prentice has broken a mug, or cut the vest too larg e , or slightly injured a piece of work.— Sap, "You scoundrel," and he feels miserable ; bet remark, "I am sorry," and he will try to do better. You employ a man—pay him cheer-. fully, and speak a pleasant word to him, and he leaves your house with a contented heart, to light up his own hearth with smiles of gladness. As you pass along the street, you meet a famil iar face—say, "Good morning," as though you felt happy, and it will work admirably in the heart of your neighbor. Pleasure is cheap— who will not bestow it liberally ? If there are Milks, sunshine and flowers all about us, let us hot grasp them with a miser's fist and lock them up in our hearts. No. Rather let us lake them and scatter them about us, in the ( `A of the widow, among the groups of chil in the crowded mart, where men of bust -4%, congregate, in our families, and every 7,be'i, We can snake the wretched happy, discontented cheerful, the afflicted realigned, to do tan i xceedingly cheap rate. Who will tefiu3e BeePr,-- oeep rof "kraa. ehlB " Ww 'readv diet=t 4 9 1 4440 th e . , A CAXP ABOtISHIIO.—Camp Crosaman, near Huntingdon, the head quarters of Gen. James' Mountain Brigade,, has been abolished. , The Huntingdon Jewimil saps thatlast Week v a.)? or der was reteived•from the Secretary of , ar t by Col. Iligray, ordegingpm to 411 out his regi• nient from the troops at Camp &sum, and the balance of the troops remaining after ;his regiment has been completed. to be forwarded immediately i to Harrisburg. The Journal adds that the troops' were in high spirits over the welcorne news, having become completely tired out with their protracted stay at that place.: COURT PROOERDINOB. Court. met 014 cecipek tt. The following additional true bills Have ben found.hy the Grand Jury : , Com. vs. Joseph M'Allister, astanit on 4.lth Martin. Continued. • obin. vs. John _Care, charged with larceny, on oath of Jamesqpx. COM. Vl3. John,Johnson, larceny, on oath of Andrew Swartz. Corn. vs Charles Miller, larceny, on oath of Ludwick Wells, - Com. vs. Prod, Keeney, assault and battery, on oath of Geo. Slough. Com. vs. Moses Johnson, larceny, on oath of John Kacy. Com, vs. Ellen Heard, arson, on oath of Amelia Still. Com. vs. Catherine Allen and Mary Main, charged with keeping adisdrderly bawdy lkoese, on oath o}• James Lewis. Tried yesterday. "got guilty, but directed Mary Main to pay the costa. • Com. vs. Eliza. Foster, charged with keeping a . dliorderly house, on bath of Tames Le w is. Tried yesterday. Not guilty, but directed to pay' the-costs. The case of the Com. vs. Jane Bowman, charged with concealing the death of a bastard child, was continued. Corn. vs. Joseph Swartz, charged with assault and battery on oath of Christ. Evy. Not guilty. Com. vs. Mary Tagg and Samuel Hoover, charged with an assault and battery. Not guilty, and Samuel Hoover psi casts. r Com vs. F. P. Manse and Harriet Muse :as sault and battery on oath of Wm. McKinido. Jury out When our report closed. SITOOKINg AND PROBABLY FATAL CASITALTT.- Miss Grace Hubley—one of the most highly, es teemed and useful ladies of Larictriterwas 'ter ribly and perhaps fatally burned by her clothes taking fire at the residence of her, sister, 'Mrs. Jenkins, in that city, Tuesday morning. , It appears . that Mrs. ..lenkbp . ,fieing absent on a visit to New York. Miss Hubley had caused a fire to be made in a low open grate, on first floor, with a view'of having the house properly warmed upon the return home of her !Miter, who was expected to-morrow. While standing in front of the grate, her dress accidentally caught fire, when she ran out into the open hall. She was seen by .a servant,, 3iho -losing her presence of mind, ran outlnto the street scream ing, the person of Miss Hubley in the meantime, becoming enveloped in fire, the Current through the open hall adding intensity to the flames. NeWton Lightner, req., who chanced to p ass just after the alarm was given, rushed in and threw his overcoat over the person of the un fortunate lady, which no doubt , Bayed , her from beinr burned to death on the spot. Other aid arriving, the flames were.finally, extingaish ed, with the aid of a hose, and Miss Hubley placed under the care of Drs. Ehler, itlee;and Muhlenbergi who did all within the reach of human means • to alleviate her' sufferings—to save her life being at once considered hopeless, the entire surface of the person having been badly burned. Miss Hubley was still alive yes terday afternoon, but no hopes were enter tained of her recovery. • Tns maw rimer last night admonishes as of the advent of winter, and soon we shall have the Icy King holding supreme sway. He is a hearty old fellow, this Winter "King—jolly, vigorous and decided—a blusterer, to be sure, but we forgive him that, for the sake of the host of compensatory qualities he possesses. He brings with him, sociality, mirth,' festivity and merry-meetings. Open-handed Hospitality at tends him, and holds court at the fireside, at the groaning board, and • in the convival snug gery. He binds more firmly the links of good fellowship, and surrounds Home with inew pleasures and gives it , flesh attractions, He delights us with the sleigh ride, for whiCh he spreads his royal, snowy ermine, without spot or blemish, over which we .glide; leaving our cares behind on the wind, which he dashes laughingly in our faces. He brings in old Ohristmes, with his thousand delights, his bonitY, his charity, his affectionate remem brances, his fun and his good cheer ; who brings together those who have been long estranged, and opens anew the flood-gates of feeling, and cements the bonds of friendship. Hut, alas i winter has 'another aspect to the poor. To thenr.it brings shivering and want and gloom and dreadful anticipations. Hun dreds, all about us, this morning, shrunk:from the prospect with 'feai: and dolor, when•they saw the white frost covering the ground, as they thought of the empty coal-bin and the little children, &eking shoes to . cover their naked feet. Winter 11 a grim monster to such as these, and we who love him, should try and soften the feeling of the poor against him, by robbing him of his roughness, and comforting those, his embrace chills and pinches. The poor are always with us, but this season, pov erty abounds to an unusual extent, and those who are blessed in basket and store, should be up and doing at once, to ameliorate to the ex tent of their power, the severity of winter upon those who are out of work and bread.. The poor fellows, too; 'among the mountains of Virginia, who are defending our rights and cause, must not be forgotten. Warm mittens, socks and under.clothes will be very acceptable to them now that the snow is covering the peaks of the Alleghenies and the Blue Ridge. Let ladies' "hose companies" be formed at once to knit and prepare these necessary comforts, so that the poor fellows may know that we are mindful of them. Our city is famous for its , charity ;'there never was a better chance for the ffla t ikir of it than now, and those who have to t*. should do so with a liberal band, rirmem beritig, It is more blazed to give than ‘re' *Ott" to tutsan. Wattgg - 6 • • • • • •'• • 4 me,wa Ph , ' r I ' #l-COM i ng NOR CA* 14 A/4 1 P0 • . , Tim SECOND PENNSYLVANIA - CAVALRY. ---Chirles F. Taggart, of Philadelphia, a native of Win chester. Va., w/18 - on Theeday commissioned by Gov. Curtin as Major •of the Second Pennsyl va,nia,Cayalty, Co!, R. Butler Price, cormanding. • • REGIMINT OF Tseoasss. - Henry C. Hickok, formerly Snperintndent of Schools for Penn sylvania,. proposes to raise a regiment of Penn sylvania School teachers. They should have command of the cannon purchased by the teachers. GARRISON FOR Fowl' Dmitwena. -- Colonel M'Carter's regiment, formerly encamped at Leb anon, but more recently at Camp Curtin, have received or2clen; ,to occupy and igturison Fort Delaware, on the Delaware Bay, below Phila delphia. ADvANOR Lome, No. 38, L 0. of deal Tem- . . , plars will be organized in the hall of the Ameri can mechanics, fourth story of. Wyeth's build ing, Market stieet n and Basberry alley, at half past seven o'clock this evening. Ilespectable ladies and gentlarci . en, not already connected with the order, are, respectfully invited to at tend and. join the Lodge. Pamela. —Wore the . Mayor. —Win. Angtir—a "bould Boger boy" •was arraigned for drunk eness and disorderly conduct. Discharged with a reprimmul. John Iteiley—a delapidated looking Irish vol unteer from Camp Curtin—was arrmigned for drunkeness and disorderly conduit. , Recom mitted. Mary Daugherty—one of the frail sisterhood with very red cheeks and a very dirty dress— was arraigned as a common vagrant. Recom mitted. Two Bottoms Hum At a late hour on Monday night, two soldiers of a Pennsylvania regiment were badly injured'at a bridge on the Northern Central gailway, near Monkton. They got on the top of one of the cars in this city, and though advised that it was dangerous in mead on retaining the place. When they near- Cd the bridge, a covered structure, they were both knocked off. The train was checked and theinjared men taken 'up - and taken to Balti more. Tllll Wesmscrrou MAP oF urn U. S.—Persons wishing to purchase copies of this new and ele gant map have but a short time left them to do so AS the agent intends leaving the city in a few days. It is a richly colored andleautiful ly illustrated roller map, 64x67 inches, drawn by the most accomplished experts, and executed by the best engravers that the country affords, including those employed by the Coast Survey Department and the D. S.3tint. Persorii wish- Mg to see 'the map can do so by calling at this office, where one is on exhibition. Orders so- Halted. Price $7.00 STABBED wrrnA BATONEL-011 Monday night a volunteer whose name we couldnot belonging to one of the caValty cempanies sta boned .44 %PIP -Pa,mgol?4; came to the city , arel: w .. hib ? -1 10°Pg'illIt4et street , in front of the Arica Home, he was met by a patrol guard, who attempted fo arrest and carry him to Camp Curtin. The cavalry Ulan at once produced his furlough to show that he did not belong to their can* and of course re fuied to follow them, when they. suddenly closed upon him, and in his efforts to release' himself he received a stab, from a bayonet which penetrated about half an inch in his left side„ near the heart, which caused him to fall in the sideway, where he lay for several minutes in an unconscious state. He, was finally taken into the drug store of Dr. Bannvart, who examined . and dressed the wound, after which he was taken charge of by a patrol of his own men, and conveyed to Camp Cameron. Persons who witnessed the conduct of the patrol guard on this occasion speak of it in unmeasured terms of condemnation. The cavalry man was perfectly sober at the time, and his arrest under the circumstaces was not only unwarranted, but • a perfect outrage. 14aarnen KINDLINOSI.—There is something, says a cotemporary, very fascinating about the Bight of shoe making. The fact that we -watch a cobbler at work with so much more in terest than a tailor can only be accounted for by the facts that leather "works up" so beauti fully, and that shoemaking is a species of sculpture or carving. We take comparatively little interest in the scissor work of the toiler, becaube scissors are a:•oOmplicatal, unerring machine compared with that simple implement, the knife used by the shoemaker. The latter is so apt to slip and spoil the work that the novice and the visitor watch its motions with deep solicitude. Morevor, the bovine cuticle being without "grain; and permitting the passage of the knife with equal readiness in all directions, the carving of it presents a much more interesting appearance than does that of any other product of nature that is used in manufactures. One thing especially interesting in shoe mak ing is the marvelous smoothness and polish which the warm iron gives to the leither, after , the artist has moulded it into the pedal form. Another reason why the manufacture of foot gear is more interesting than that of covering for the upper works is that shoemakers. have not spread themselves into big shore, slop-work and wholesaling as tailors have. You still find the best' of this kind of work done in little shops. But that which suggested this notice of the fol lowers of St. Crispin, and the co-workers of Hans Sachs, was the fact that we have one se rious charge to bring against the craft;!they, will put their leather scraps in the skive o' mornings. Whether they do it to get rid of them or to kindle their fires, we know not; but certain it is, that they by this means make their establishments worse nuisances than; those of bone boilers, distillers and other such noise some manufacturers. As one starts ont , these cold mornings, about the time whe&tuh dila tory artiste are kindling their shop fires, the eye and nose are , often sainted by ,a heavy soioke, which blinds the one and disgusts the other.— Perhaps on each occasion when a half mile of street is *is 'rendered. uncomfortable, thig shoe maker eaves about one cent g' the oPetatiorA Ries pzonnd'the lip b R& 7, 1;11 > 'u I= I===l I=l I=l SANFORD'S - CMALLi:NON HRATKIS set in Brick, Portable or. as Fireplace Heaters. The most powerful Healers known for warming Dwell ings, qurches, Schools, Sec. Send to lama., GM. slur agent at FlarriSburg; for . a full' distription and'an. unparalleled Mass Of -testimani; ' Tint Cossitormrrn parlor coal stove with radi c4ing and lOs 'batwing atttiblinvent, intro duced one year ago, already ranks as the loading istove for Piiirlore,'Sittingiltdoins Said 411 where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other parlor and cooking stoves of - the 'kat patterns to be had at the store and tinware establishment of LYMAN GEMENT, Market street. tf. PEW, Fuss, FOBS.-$l,OOO worth of furs re ceived from New York auction ; 100 fur capes ane muffs from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; 25 doz. hoop L skirts for 60c., 16c.,and $1 254 100 cloaks for $2, $2 60, $3 60 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 121, 18 and 20 cents; 361arge woolen blankets ; no pieces canton, flannel, at 121 cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; . 60 pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beatitiful set flow ers De Laines, at 22 and 26 cents ; reoeived a new lot of shirt breads, beautiful styles, at 8; Lewy's wholesale and retail (try good store. Wholesale buyers we would; especially invite to our large stock, to which we receive tidditiond , most every , day from New York auction. -; A CARI TO TEM LADDLN. • • • DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES •-ftesd the fo lo Mg' certificate" froth one of the Ars t ladies in Mica; N. Y., who called upon my agents Janet city (Er. .Wm. Bristol & Oo„) and , told them that she, of course, did not nisi her name made public, but If any me shoold doubt the won orfol effieie yo f lie. Davos. co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she cons!: ered it. a duty, as well, as" a pleasure, to her Knowledge of Bielr efficid-, as' administered tb her daughter ; a young I ady 1T years o.d. . She was fast go ing tato cons:mutton—bad' taken - coldLtultnlre became Mistreated' Two • box4lthee° Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and moo is now in robust health "-We were particular in, buying the genuine. • Pall and explicit directions accompanying etch box Price sl. Sold wholesale and, retail by C. R. KELLER, (uruggist,) 91 Marko. street, (able 'agent for) Harrisburg, Pa. By sending Nun $1 00 through .the liantsburg Post Office the Pilie trill • e vent otinildentially by mail to any part pf Abe country; ' , free of postage. ' N. 11.—Look out for counterfeit, 'Goy no Ogden nil of any kind. anima the box is signed.S.lo.:lbiare. A I others is 4 Woo Imposition aunt unewtel_thereforo, you 'AWL your -aeon end health , ( 10,3 AY pouting of ,be lag humbugged out of your money,.)4 buy only-4m a° wbe show the signature OF S. P.' Howe on every boi, widish liwispouttp, , ,w vddAft,-nenjount of the pow oeing • esenftviniiett. Ifhe , co m p os i og the above Pills ere made known to every Agent, ani they are Wife; and will perform all claimed for them. Soli also by, T. L Lumberger,Lebanon ;A. J. Hates Alpchitnicsburg .; starki,•Lesristowg k l,l3. Elliott, 0 ,4 - 115et.:13../O: Wild, Newvilbi . Alt ,shippens. burg ; J Spangler , Chamberaburg; E. T. I ler, YOrk ; J A. Wolf, Wrightsville; 'S. S. Stevens, Reading ; and . P. Hunter, Heading ; end by "one druggist" In every' town and VIP 140 in the tithed States; and b. •!, . • • . S. D. HOWE, deb 4m Sole Proprietor, New York. HAIR DYEI HAIR DYE! I Win. L BatthelOr's Hair Dye! The .only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known I All others are more lunation., and stieuld be avoided If you wish to escape rl iieele. GREY. RED tiR Kent HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and aatursillrown or lilac; without the least injury-jo.Hair or Bkiq.. IrIEEFSH-SI.DALS AND DlPLGAtitliava been awar ded to W. A. Baronnon ain ‘e 18 9, and over 200,000 appliritiOna bowl been made al the heir of the patrons of biz famous Dye. . - . Wtu A . BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not, to al.ttnguishod horn nature and la WARaci n r t r i. .notiointurala.tha least. however long i c t i, Ft z _Y . . be co lied, and the (Ceuta of bad Dees retn mod The prop. halr i s le SfisjtVtisAPhlwlth; llYhle b Is : arty app ed l a No. If nd Street 'New Fork. sold Ball thouiwoisMotitslAbe 13uA.1,41 by Druggists end Fatioy Muds D . 1 1 , 1 w l re lUhtn „Thiscbetor iiftd" " drtZlipoll' a 4 1; Tphileldgrairliti, on the Ibur; "ea or each 1191 Wiltatlite li`adnitty tlrDarelay Late 2.7.3 artiadway,,New . york. ait2riiwig. Ff ~,71,!t2ht'd - VAP, ; DR—OHLEMSEMAN'S Prfplirepl by Comelitua.L..p t M. D. INA.E I OI. I I' 6 1 11. k. I 'TE[E:¢om`binatiOn of lingredientB in these. Pills are the reciter a long and eittaileive Mediae. ! flies Ao lnildliilpp¢ operanou,.andmrtain correcting aliireegularitim,Paintuillieustrulabins, removing an eh struCtione, whether from, cold or otherwise, headache, paimin - the side, palpitation ot. the heart, whites, all , ner vous alrentiong,,hysterica,..fatigee, pain in the back and limbs hc., disturbed sleep, which arises from interrop towornatorti. • ; ' 'TO MAIMED UMW, Dr. Cheeseman , s Pills are invaluable, as they will bring on the- mouthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappo nted In the use of other Pills can place the utmost cozilldence in Dr. Ohoesemsn's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. 2hereis one omdition of the felnate4ttem is which the Pair snot be taken %Slithers! a PEW LIAR wawa: vie condition referred to is REONANCY— Lie result, ALLSCURRIAOR. Stied it the irrestielat to ten dency of the medicine to restore the sexual Anthem to a normal condition, that own the reproductive knees of thti tare cannotmaist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious. itspilcii-directionsorhich should be road, ac company each box. Price EL Sent by mail on snalas tng to Da. tkosnsuus L. OUNEINYAN, Bow 4,b81,. Post Office, New York City. told by one , Druggistln every.town in the United States R. B. HUfOHINGS, * General Agent for the United States. ' 14 Broadway, New York, To whom,all wkolokale orders Op*, be 04drosaed. MANHOOD • , HON LOST, 110 W RESTORED TIIST Published in's Sealed Envelcipe ; eji2nae 8 ate : A.Lektuto onJbe biSTITO, Treatment, and radical Cure of Bpermatorrhcea or :Seminal Weak. .beese. l 4l 42lll 4TarY Fallidsksohlßaxael DebilAy,.andAmped. 'lntents lo Marriage generali t y, Heryoainiess, LoOsumptlon, EptrOgy and : dental and — Aysical 'lncapacity, re uul molt from Self:Above, . BURT.. COL VER. VELL,II. - D,'Antlior - of t 5 e. Gresir.ikok et..k Boon to Thousands-of sidtererk' . lent finder seal, in a , plain envelope, to. any address, post paid, on receipt of six 'cents, or two. pelt* stamps, by .Dr.' CH. .T. C. KLINBi 127 Emery ,New York Pelt Office, 80x4588. sap9-daw2m . 'WH. O..LESALE UMBRELLA MAN Uk'AOTORY I 69, Market Street' .1 below' Third • 10 • HASIRMEIBITAG, PA. H. LE , E, .1(4 .A_NUFACTUREB. OF UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS go •Aintio °AXES, furnish Ste at LOW.Pat PRICE 4 Ulan otin be bought le soy of the Eastern cities. Country merchants will. . do ntell to call 4114 examine prices and quality„and convince Inept esivetrof this fact.. . ang.23-e1Y:" JOHN' EL - EINIETEVI3 BOOT _Si.SHOR'STORE. .•comit Ska-lblb OD WALNUT KS. Harrisburg "Pa: ,t LWAYS on hand a large assortment .of La. BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, .to., or the very best tnalities for Wies e gentlemeo,ltnd cbildrons' wear.— rrlees to suit the times. All buds or WORE MARE TO ORDER in the best style by superior' workmen ! REPAIRING doneatnhert notice. oritle-fitr JOHN B. SMITH,. Haritailwr. TO FARMERS 1 BBUTTER(good, sweet and fresh) in one pound rolls, and &Loth EGOS in. largo , and small gunntilksa taken at all times and , gash pal I or grpcerioa styes la exchange. litegolar 1 rates alwaya paid *nl9 WIC DOCK, JEL, & CO. Opposite in. Court Muse. " ALtottarAli. OFFICE—THIRD Etim:ll4,RD:Yg:EufFLieteerEfs7sea7 NEAR - OARS= 1.4 'At or. 41114 ,siggltAtiti9l 1241" alintligneons PupPiceeliisAvxu. 44.41 I • SEAD ,PROPOSALS,. endorsed "PROP& SM 'FOR FITEta at the office of the•undersigned Assistant Quartermas ter of volunteers, 11. B. A. ' atHarrisbm - gi Penn aYlwP..* m natal a m., pfFriday the,V2 day of November -lust., for supplying ; the troops at Camp Cur tin . with fuel, for a period not longer 'than foie "mentbs'l4 commence mile 27th of November", 1861 Vfi! Good, sound, merchantable hard wood for fu el, green or'dry, in cords of 128 cubic feet, the sticks to be four feetlong from point to curt". Good • merchantable anthracite coal, of the begg" size, in tons of 2240 lbs. The above to e delivered' subject to inspection at Camp Cur tin, near Harrisburg, Penna., in quantities as required, and at periods not more frequently than - three times in each week. The contract to continue for the time above specified unless sooner terminated by order of the Quartermaster Genendof the United States. The proposals must be accompanied by the actual signatures of the pasties tendering, and the actual signatures also of two sufficient sure ties in the sum of three thousand dollars, will ing to enter into bonds for the fulfilment of the contractt--euid if these sureties be not known to the undersigned—a certificate of some United Statts or State Judge or Alderman of this dis trict-ns to %heir sufficiency wig beirequired. 0- ~,,, oir ssiostissr.. Thri:titairigned . ptopOse to - deliver to the United States, atCamp'Curtin, Dauphin county, Pa, for the use of , the troops there stationed, as pet advertisement of• Nov. 18, 1861, good merchantable hard wood fuel (green or dry, as the case May be,) at $ per cord (of 128 cab. ft.) Goodimeaohantableitrithrseite coal (egg size,) in tons of 2,2401bs ,at $ per ton. A. B. Sureties : C. D. E. F. Addressed to Copt: 7. 0. Wtratar; A. Q. M., (Vol.) If. S. A. Raaarsammt, Ps. N. 8.--Lykena Valley Coal preferred. nolBdtd . 'EWE and .Seoond, Mourni ng DRESS GOODS, &C. Black and Purble Tanalse Cloth—Mlt and Wool, Plain Black Oluiels'llair Cloth, Extra Qtality, Blank and Purple Bog Volone Baps. La Pin's Sootier guilty Merinos & Cashmeres, Plain Black & B It. & Bray Worsted Poplins, ...a.,1 ,- iSitacklnabOetterad Kinellne Cloths, Now, Purple and Blank Figured Cashmeres, Llipiniiihttra 6 4 All Wool Detainee, Plain Black Engillih Chintzes, Superior snake of llipaccas, Very Beatinake of Bombazines, Blank k White All Wool Detainee, • Turin Cloths,New Article, Plain Figured Mobairs; • , Second Mourning Chietwasi Delaines, ke„ &0., Ettiti. AIM= FILM IN% Rip. FMCS, ftiI9I:RIOR BLACIC ASO WWI BOlMazza pure. • •do Pimple AMID Black do do A great many additions of new and desirable articles In the DRS:SSG-DODS LINICare made daily, Lent 113 417-4 Thibbet Shawls, Square do do do end Loon French Blanket Shawls, • Neat & Broken Bed. do do • logllsk limps Valhi. (every shia,) New Style Crepe Vette (very desirable) . _ do .dranadine do do Shroudiqg Flannels and Cashmeres, do Parernettas and Coburn's, Bleakl Gannildttil and G.lovaa, • Grey Mixed GaudGeLta and Glovak Mask Bordered Gan4keratdata (all kinds,) Sdleand Oitton llosiery , (blark„) j' ' -gillei t i r4 ll .ll4 c'B4" 7t emus ' Mors iris, (e La le for mourniogi) Our stoat, of, MALL .HOOOS OF THIS HIND" is onw complato and wa would .reatwaVully ask Itaa !DSOaction 'buyeal. CATHOART ARO BR, •e 8 • Next doem la the awrelsburg , Bank. -- 3E'37IZIPjECNIPL'IS .120 A ,I E, I 3etween .. Philad 1 hia 'Lam Raves, Juaturi Saone, Wilutaissrowr, hitlnOT, UNIONTOwy, •WaineNTOWEr; Mizaus, Lawniantan, NORVIDMHEIMAND, DABDaT,. TuVOIVION, Gamma:rove lorsamsrowic Unzaits. Moth, iittriltur; D A r IVRA'I3 d . The. Philadelphia Uopot being crontritily located the Drayage will be at the bluest rates. & Conductor goes through with each train to Muted to the wife delivery at all goodsghtrnsted to the - line: Goods delivered at the Depot Of 'FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Mar et 'Meet, Phil. by 5 o , olook Fr: M., will be (..livered in Harrisburg thepektonornies . Tretelk(alWkyltilalOW es by any Othe .ins. Perth:Mkt 4 atteittlom paid- , b Title 1t,.. to prompt and apeody.dedtvery of all Harris bu r.c ..00ds. TheAnderidgned thankful for pest patrol 4a hopes by strict attention to. business to merit a con InanOo of the isme. T. Pial'Haft, Philadelphia and itoadin elB-dlim Foot of. Market Sims ,ti trri;tberg FOR sE WZNG MACHINES. 'IOWA% isktobr 4etitoilt PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON; 200 _ it ADO . 1 . 03:"W.F4YR, , 8L4011 1 COLORED. 1 1,3Eff8 threkd bming match_particularly for Peaderttai.filites;iii-VEItYMONO, SMOOTH' AND Eil&S3l.o: atreagthittnotlmpaired by washing, or by frictidoof„qut gntei r le t hires, use !BrBol4' Patent (MN • -FOBATIYI'kEt. I I . HREAD, and Brooks Patent Si: Cord; Bed Ticket, :.FOE._UNDER .THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.—, Alsoon cases or IIMA B IOLriOB byIIDT&e Agent . no9-dem • at yesey street, New York. , UPSOLSTERII%. PALM. LEAF BUTTRESSES, COTTON TOP 'BUTTRESSES, HUSK ItATTRESSES, COTTON COM,VOR ES, ' - 'CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, • • CAMP STOOLS &c., &c., On hand and for sale n the very lsweet ratee for each. Hair Mattresses and Spring Bottoms mado to order. SOFAS, CHAIRS, - HAIR MATTRESSES &c„ Repaired and made equal. to new, very reasonable, all ay N 0.109, Market Street, between Fourth an i Fifth by oca.9.2md J. T. BABNITZ. Harrisburg Blind Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT. ITIANWNDS made to ordik; and repalriligMedW Mid expeditiously done. Per sons at a distance can have their work done by-addres sing a letter to the undersigned, Thankful for. peat pat ronage be hoped, by Milos attention to business, to Merit a continuance of the same. Mgr Satisfastaoll guaranteed both so to prices and workmpg A. R. SHARP. • WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO -DIOTIONARY fillißbeStAiduipand pronouncing Dic &4o=rattipi, imasua ; Also: Worcester's' ebsto ft vandal Quarto and . soaakillegaaariaar9W44 B,l3 : wow/. r• : %Naar thelfatilabara Brake. • FOR 8414 L 'ikty avid one Bailable as a Aurinytlin omWrais a drait i zze., To( etategge4l6ooo4*oll44 Market. and Want, Burke's Bow. 02064itit Matt[lantana. STEM EKLY - 11 - 1- 4 1 -1\ ItETW,IIEN HEIL JOEY W,t • 4ND Llltcs,ll,POOL.' LAN O IN4 .00 EMBARKING PAP ..— -" 4 / I ''' , “ gIiEENISTOWN, (Ireland.) rhe pool. N, ,, ar lora and Pedindelphin Ihmonerdp company Intend t, span:nine their full powered Clyde-built .ren CIIT _OF NEW YORE{, Saturday November le.; a.m. 1317RG; Sitorday November 23 ; CITY OF WAISIIING' TON, - bi'arprAay,, Wevemtrer SO ; WIC" every Sal °Pear. at Noon, from PNir 44, Worn) Irtv .r.. % 4sAL Wie ar PASIMCII4 gai FLAP CARTN ... WI erF.ERAGE $3O 00 do to [Andra 100,00 do to Loodoo ..1133 00 do to Palifl 00 do to P 4 rig 00 tko to Fkootori3Bs 00 1 do la Itimbore tS 00 Passougara .+lsotorWorded t0 .1 4.0 ,, te• Bremen. Row? - ... dal Autwe-p, Aar., equaltylow meet aar - lersubutielatillut to bring eukibtir Irtead • can buy tickets here at thk ibikreiot nitit, to lies , Turk: V""" •Liverpoot or Queenako**.llo.oabto, 075, 010ro Aad 3 - 145 '...§i.erase from thverp6. : l 14 00: 1002% Qa000000". These ateameni base most:tor socitnoitsoJesione for passengers. and Barry experieneM gorgeous. Th ey are both in Water-Ugh, Iran 3ention, end nave Potent Fire 'Annitillators on bawl: For further Information apolv In Liverpool to WILI .tlll INMAN, Agent, 22 WA or Street ; la Glasgow to WIC WM AN, 5 tit. Enoch Square ; Queenstown to C. AW. D. 81 , :THOUR &00 ;in I owlon to SIVI & Mk_ Y, 61 King William 3t. ; In P.trl-: to JULIIB PECOUIt, 5 mace de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JO IN G. it ALA, 11l Walnut street ; or At. no Company! offices. (NO. G. DALY., Agent, 16 Brlldway, Vew York. Or 0. O. 7Atamormen. Atteet.. Harrlnhere. ifirPes'• invagit FOIL Xtl —Hy er ler of the Secietir , of ' , late, al - 1 4 asseegera le:ving the tia.ted- Set tm are miatrtal to wo,:ure Pa soon,' b..fore going oo board the St amer. JOHN G AOlgrr. QM COAL 1!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN TRAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTri. T HESE Weight Carts are eettitled by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. Consumers can weigh their Goal at their own doors. It is of great im. penance during these har.t times for every one to know that they 011 T ?MR PULL lIONFST WZIGUT. Afarge supply of Oual always 1p be found on band, LYKRNII VALLEY all also,. BALT& CO'S WILINBARItH, all state. LORRERRY COAL, (the gatudite.artttio,) Sold by the oar load or single Um Alt CAW of the bast quality, lieliverediree tram all im purities AT PRIM To stir Till TIMM, by the boat or ca r load, single, halt or third or lona and by tae buothel. JAVA # WHZEI,HR. Harrisburg, Nov. 6, 1881 —y COAL! COAL ! ! $B, AND $2 25 PEE TON OF 2,000 LDS 0. D. FORSTER () t F if FIC4 , No M r : ti lr e itl r e ae t t S l tre o r, yard irn,l tout of tail des* In TREVOR7ON, WILKSBARRH, -LIKENS VALLEY; SUNBURY' and BROAD 10P COAL. Familial and Dealers may rely upon ont tiding a drat-rate article, and full ',Light, et the lowed. r4tet. th..krg promptly atteoded to. A i her iv, tom made to par etuutera paying for the coal when order d. present price, $3 and 32 25 per :Dn. Harrisourg, Oct. 23.—LI8ta ' COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! _ 'NEE subscriber is uow prepared to de " liver to the tutlams of Hari burg either by the Oar, Boat. Load or single Leo, the chuiauAt kind of Wilke barro, Snnhury, Le hems Valley and Pinegrore hauled out by tho Patent Weigh Girt, and fall weight goarentoed. Orders left at my °glue, 9th and Market will-receive prompt attention. tVID ltelDaßldlCH. Harrisburg Oct. 30. 1841.—lb:rd. COAL ! LORBMIR.I7 COAL 1! 11/10SE who want the real Genuine Old j_ Fashioned Pinogrove Coal from U Lorberry ?anal (by the oar load or otherwise ) adely GJ. GLRVCRICB, Jr , & S. Rantoul °Mae. nct22-Imd SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS II I HOME MANUFACTURE. TIIE OffEAPEST 1K TICE MARKET. THE undersigned I:aving • opened his Manufactory or Shirts Ac. , at No. t 2 Weet Market street, Harrisburg, Pa ' moe , respectrelly rehatit the patronage and attention of the ladim . Gentlemen and Merchants to the thilowiog assortment of goods alt of which are our own manufacture : antra, 81BlaRT BOSOMS, OoLLAAS, CLTFI3, WRIST. BANDB, NIGHT 81311IT8, &c., ko. &a., &c., Aftbso the particular attendee of the Ladles to onr large assortment of under garments he. , (from the latest. Im proved London and Pans solely) LitiliN COLLARS, COPPS, Bh,Thi &0., to great varieties, all of which being our own manuaracture we will sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons dallying of furnishing their own materials, c to have nutting, sewing &e., of every variety done accord log Warder. All ofthe above named roods for Gents weir , we krill make to measure, guaranteeing to Bt, and give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style durability and nt.terlal. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notion and most reationable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most reason able terms. P. S. Ladles wishing skirts or under garments of any discription, can have them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may he desired. , JAMES A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, an29-dem Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms next door to Hummel & Hillingorhs (tracery ,Store. Ajarge assortment of Gentlexi?enaVugnist i giOcuiid s '&0 ,in addition to the above ailindalwats r c heat, eaR for cash SOLDIERS' 'NICK NACK'S, OR Sale at , KILIIERV7/1117if &ND frAWYEITORE Camp. Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases,- Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, aoeF.ovelepes. s Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to set an outfit in email wares is at. lie 91, Market greet gar See "Fort Pickens" in the window. r1ZT.3:131E1.1Et.T.49.33..MM1L., QTATE Street near Third street a few !kJ doors below Brady's Hotel, lierrilMarg. A flee new Hearse Beady made cedins always on band and neatly fi e wbed to order. Silver plates:etc. Terms rea sonable. [ 3 u 30:030, 1 BAKER. GUM GOODS FOR THE ARAIY; MIR AI nets, Willows, Blankets. Coats, Caps, Leggins, Drinking; Cups, &a., irOa seas BT Win. S. suarsims., North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBUBG, PA. a11e146110 NEW BIICEEWHEIAT FLCdI7II ! .49500"8. UCK OUR 16a bags. Theq W rili ll yls sery enpKio ~ r,, ) bee:: sawed repredly Orr oar retail trade. far sale kw by wilt DOOl4 k. , t 05. MIS