Eeitgrapl. HARRISBURG, PA. Wednesday Morning, November 20, 1801. THE-REBEL COMMISSIONERS. The capture of the Rebel Commissioners Slidell and Mason has, elicited considerable dis cussion, and we present the following historical case in point from the New York Evening Pan, which says the earliest case of the seizure of an envoy sent by a beligerent to a neutral is des cribed by Thucycides, (Book ii. , c. 67,) who says that the Peloponinesians, being at war with the Athenians, sent messengers to Persia to negotiate an alliance with the people of that nation. But the Athenians caught the envoys in Thrace, and put them to death. "This might have been cruel," says Woolsey, (Inter national Law, p. 222,) "but was not against the modernist inter genlee." In the wars of the sixteenth century Venice, France and Germany exercised the same right of stopping hostile messengers in transits over their own or neutral territory. England has been particularly conspicuous in this manifestation of her belligerent power. In 1744 Marshal Belleiale, who was a regularly accredited l'itniott Miniatot Was m i litated: 6ir English troops in Hanover, and carried a pris oner to England. But the naval arrests are still more lertinent and explicit. Take tliat' Of the Atlanta (6. Robertson Admiralty Report, 440,) for one. The Atlanta was a Bremen ship, which, on a voyage from Batavia to Bremen, stopped at the Isle' of France, where she took on board . 'one Colonel Richmond, an officer of artillery and second in command in the Isle of France, who came as a planter of the island; also a package from the Governor, which prov ed, when the vessel was captured, to be des patches to the government of France, with which Great Britain was then at war. The captain was ordered, in case of pursuit by .a British vessel, to give the package to Colonel RiChMob,ll,4llo. atipe&TS Ao;liave been_ virtual despatch bearer, but passed as a civilian, "for the purpose, it is said, of avoiding imprison ment tit case of capture." On this point the British Admiralty Court— which bonder tied - the vessel as prize for "un neutml conduct," decided : " This might, per haps, be the real and only inducement for con senting to take him (Colonel Richmond) under that.disguise ; but even that is an accommoda tion which neutral shipmasters and supercar goes have no right to afford." As to the "sim .ple carrying of despatches," the Court calls it,. "a service highly injurious to the other bellige rents." The Susan, an American ship, was condemn ed in 'the British Admiralty Court in April 1, 1808, having been Ruptured on a voyage from Bordeaux to New York, for having on board a. packet addressed 'to the Prefect of the Isle of France. It appeared that this package contain ed ouly,a letter providing for the payment of the•prefect's salary; and the captain made affi davit Of his ignorance of the contents, and that the packet was delivered to him by, a' private Merchant. The defence insisted upon. " significance of such a communication and its want of connection with the political objects of the war;" but the British court condemned the vessel as prise, and though releasing the cargo, condemned also the master's private venture. Again, the American ship Hope, captured on, a voyage from Bordeaux to New York, and hay, ing on board various despatches to the officers of government in the French Wet Indies and' the Isle of France, was condemned in the BA , tish courts on the 9ffi. of April, 1808. She had on board a. French military officer of rank, who had been shipped in the character of a mer chant's clerk, going to New York to settle cer tain accounts. The master made affidavit of his ignorance, and stated that "in answer to a request made to him; he• had refused publicly in the coffee howls at Bordeaux, 'to take any public paperk" The court held him guilty, nevertheless, of criminal intent, and he lost his *hip. In September, 1780, ' Henry Laurens; oommiadoneis from the American Congress to , nPit; l 4,r?» w4if calitured onboard a Dutch (nen~ trai).7romel, laden. with tobacco and bound for Hollankldr. Laurens wan' taken ta and on Ctobber 6th, 1780, was committeCto the toirpt!"on Suspicion of high treason." He lapin) theikratar fifteen months; in dose con , flnenient,.imltLbeingallOwed for part of the time to hold . Intel:mole with any one, or even to walk in 4it4peti Ho was greatly enfeebled , by his confinement. ;He was finally exchanged aa &prisoner of war for Lord Cornwallis. Iris drietChes, which were taken at the ewe time wfth.hhosalf, were of such a nature as to lead to a declaration of war by England against Hol bad, • eitle3 of the steamer Caroline, 911 0 1 4 northern frontier, is still more important, and we shall consider it hereafter. 27rg 041tFORNIA TBAITO RS COMMRPTED The alleged secessionists from California, Mesere. Gnirk', Benham and Brett, who arrived in "this city cm the steamer Champion, have been transferred from their hotel to Fort Lafay ette esPrisonetrk The Superintendent recieittd the &the yeetekday, and - sent the rneri,dewn to' the`fpxtt4le gage lurises* gektts7tbapoliteke*lAtuirtaininßra4mdatreet, where'll. titilnevaill be egiunined°.. THE CONTRABAND MINISTER That the English newspaper writers will howl over the capture of Mason and Slidell, says the Bulletin of last evening on . board a British steamer, is to bo expected :air matter of course. The event will be welcome to them, as affording new material out of which to manufacture abuse of the United States. They have pro bably heard of it , by this time, al the Trent must be in England, the bearer of. the tidings of what will be called arriioutrage on the British flag." aln the absence of the, official reports of this important capture of first-class traitors, we do not think it necessary to hunt up precedentli in our own history, or that of other nations, by which it may be justified, though this can be done if it is needed. Commodore Wilkes anted like a faithful patriot and public servant, whose duty was to seize mischievous traitors wherever he met them, without any special reference to conventional punctilios, DiPlomacy may have its negotiations, and even its apologies.; But whatever course be adoptedloy the:administra tion, the sovereign American! people wilt tnever consent to the disavowal of an act which. has really brought se much joy .to f their hearta as could have been catastxl -by- the new , of a -great victory. Messrs. Mason and Slidell are citizens of the United "States, although:unworthy alba name; As such they have held high and 'responSible positions and received iumrlikune :enzolumente from the Federal Treasury. If they, invi. been threatened, while on_Nthii high eetas, with vio lence from a foreign power, they would -have been very glad to have 'obtained the protection of the naval power of the United States. 444- ing committed the higtiestCrime esiainst their country, they may have. lost the right,to that protectiorq bet they have nUt obtained immuni ty from punishment.: tritiffiAsee4ptains hive no right to make theiriships.places of refugefor American criminals.. : The English Clovemmsot has so often insisted oh the 40449,4 the right of visit and the -right of , match, ,evell in cases far less momentoda+ than tti* that; , itkannot; With any showof consistency, CoMpleshi because the captain of an American man-of-war has vi sited one of its merchant steamers and carried off a party of criminals. Rut we mustprepare for a howl from the. _ British press;, for its htudnesetnow is to howl at the United States. If the British Government shohld howl st, I ns also: isndshotAiLphreatru f Witit a 'War, trAiiittit yreparetirthat 'We have a half milliprt ofus *l dinnike ( the field, and the number could be' doubled before England could make any serious hostile demonstration. We are rapidly'gatineiviavY Which swill be air well able to contend witlithat of Great Britain as was our navy of-151546. Theltlecidfof the people is up, and ttiey - -zwillairstedn the Govern ment as cheerfully against foreign enemies as against domestic treason. • . .; AFFAIRS IN MISSOURI. Generals:Halle& and Hatnilkiii arrived at St. Louis on the 18th inst. Gene. Sturgis and Wyminvarrived . on:the'rith. The divisions of Generals Hunter, Sturgis atldPope have teethed different points orrine-teeitc- Bearnall, where they will'await orders front Gert-Halleek.," General Wyrnan's bripide teichai Rolla 'on Saturday, and the : divisiouti'of Sigel and Ashbot will arrive in alew days. General Wyman brought a number of rebel prisoners, including Colonel Price and several other officers. The Chicago 'Tribune says : General Minter's' retrograde movement from Springfield's • Obvi. , ously the only. counie,open Inm if .he would save his army front ; inaction and untold suffer ? . ing dating the Winter moral:et: . Let See What Were the set of fitetighe hid total': With When . he assumed the. comuutncl. An. army of forty thousand men, with a vast .nundier of cavalry and artillery, hories'arid baggage mule 4 eating theirleads Off—'nearly . brie . hundred - 'and'' fifty miles from any railroad—in -a -sparsely-bettled Country which.. has hem three times swept ..of. mod, whether for man 9r beast, trs by, the Bev-, enteen-year locust - withatill 'more deaolate Country front, •"direnry is ocivect, - whosEpresenee ought. -to call-for itquarter.of that display 4 force-such was the attitude of . affairs which he was called to face. Such was, the cOnditioncirthe extreme'ri g ht of the of the , West: .floi# Viirts it on the , eritretheleft 4 If there was much too gtear aloice at Springfield. knd tar too little, nicans ; ,of subsistence, : trart : portation and shelter exactly the 9Rioroito, con dlden was 'found itCairei There the forestiateio innigl, • bat • the inettnA cf feedingi and .moving :an army: exist: in. the great... eat ithuriclance,., 'l'9 4 transport rations iyp t qfppge, forr - forty thousand inen ascii/Mir anierale, from Sedalia - or'' Ithtlit it te' Springfield' thib4h l 'the" snow drifts of winter, and the mire of fall' and spring, wmild hetitnostitnot wholly J.En ' possible., And : then : oat° barracks for winter. quarters-4t to - 14AF all' the lumber the sane diatitticif; for there are hardly houses enough therei to ,comfortablyahelter the resident population. Every mile of forward movement would bet add to the. difficulties, of the 'situatichf,' Without ae4litiPlis"hini any 'Per- Cep t ible good. If Gle , Lybri had onelearth of forty thousand mi*.itLinlyll.atit;.when he beg earnestly for rah:if:comments, the occupa tion of Arkansas; )a.dth east and west; Would have beetraleasitild undertallinkfand he Might have hoped, if:ably isecondecLeraha- Mississippi river, to have taken''') adtitur onartersiaMent .Phis. But these golden nromentshave passed; the 'face Of "thingithark &singed ; alts a - retro; grade lii ve.nientqd l -theweitern tinny As , now' the. only. ovum - Whioh, sproMisetkihn sohliers either empOyment. food, daring 4 1 q coming fou months. - " " the Wall of the liftitdisipni there ii..vverk for theritto liable that any oonsiderablepprilionAtbe kmu ly ; will, remain t3 _ 4 911 4 9 xi i . „1.,11 L Z10 !T 4 '? /Ala" pi river utforta:ttts . obstruct man ri* belcivreuiro, and Mk - dead cmtylcii brief "period; .beloW.Stvrikinis.. .alince,l:iit the means Of keeping -::Pafent hanintlMMatinat and. furnishing abundant - supplies : tip moving" idtitlitv4f - te 'that - lino, "there nj nothing to . he desired? ": Etienwith' theiristffi.:- cient force left-rotaasublairiaddiesouri• our lines have advance ...'ifirabtinallyi fidritilronton, Cape Glirarcleau,..ap.4,,Cairo, to the parallel of Bloomfield and, Columbus, Aq I O.T.....BevAIATILJP miles stintlinf Inniton, - . and' tiventy:ffve - ndies below Greenville,-Where: Hardee was threads:l.d. lug us in August and September there "hi any field, MlNT.tkich the; WeatePlAnnYrerrny can now look for active usehilneee 80301499 kid this r anditmar be confident: lk.assuined that thirty,. or-fortyzAtiousatuL men thrown into:tha wail) ; at -,1441 )20:T.9 3 4?tiW: der the guidance of jkl:AliptouiLsoldier as Genend i . , T f h Wt °o4 l re snit of thelisk ' ' DzastmokthalkitziMilint alligrap 014 cot attisemmt. , 0111410 MALtgoinencoouptY, ' r l7- 44 ' cu gffi c e mg *l' ' •‘- el3d t • aluo f. .113 iA . • p --„, B 1 From our lUD log Edition of Yesterday Latest From Port Royal. The' TOM of Beaufort not Occupied by the 11. S. Troops. ARRIVAL OF A NURSER OF TROPHIES - Naar Tom, Nov. 19.. The United Stites transport "Atlantic his ar rived. She left Port - Royal at 8 o'clock p. m. on the 16th-inst... The town.of Beanfo# bad i not, up. to. that time,. been occupied by the, United . States troops, - The Atlantic brings home a number of pas stingers and invalids from the' army and navy and sixprisonerst , Everything was .quiet at Port }loyal. All the troops had been stationed and were in good health. SeVeral visits had Wen: made to Beau fOrt by a regiment or detachments, but they re tired leaving the place deserted. There had been no communication from, the opposite side of the Island confirming the re port, that ,the, Union pickets had been attacked, Th l e Itoreirancfridnertee•litid' been' nearly all hinded. The dlspatch.relative to a fleet being Been off Femandani bank is undoubtedly an error, as the fleet remained at . Port Boyal on the 16th The Atlantic brings a number of rebel tro phies and one bale of cotton. MOND DISPATCH. The Atlantic left the folldwing vessels at Port Warners Wakaill,`Powhattan; Mohi ain, Seminole, Flag, Unadilla, &mat, Feintline, Ottawa, Curlew, B. B. Forbes, Isaac. Smith, &ternary, 0. M. Pettitt, Piticabunitai, , penguin and Augusta. Transports Baltic, Vanderbilt, Ocean Queen ' Ariel, Empire city, Cahawba, R oanoke, k Marion, Oriental. Mitten z4e, Star of the Smith; Parliersburg,' Locust Point, Winfield Scott,. (condemned,) Potomac, McClellan, Daniel Webster, Illinois, Ben De ford, Great Republic, Ocean Express, Golden Eagle, Zenas and boffin also one. bark, two brigs, a large number,of coal schooners, nd, six trading vessels. The United States - steamers Snsqueltanna, Connecticut, Vandalia, Savannah and Sabine had sailed and the two latter were off Tybee and Port, Royal. The passengers 43y the Atlantic are Capt. Ls due, Quartermaster in U. S. A ; Col. Moore, New York Forty-seventh; W. T. Crane, O.' . G. 'Sawyer, Lieut. llarbaugh, Mr. Allen, Of the New York Forty-eighth; Captain Boyd, U. S. Marines; Capt. Hail, Major' Pangborn, U. S. flaymaster; Dr. Bloodgood; U. S. navy; Capt. Berthen and M. Newcom, 11 at, officer of _the Peerless, Captain Liitchfield and*A. B. Colder,. first engineer of the steamer Governor, Messrs. Johnson, Rogers; ' . Durigea, Lieutenant Sawyer, New York 47th ; Mr. May , chief engineer, and Mr. Wise assistant' engineer of the steamer Peerless ; Mr. Edialvissel, engineer ,ef Vixen ; Captrin M. Statt, ordmune eerpo, und,,five wounded men from the squadron • eight ,team sten, twelye,inen from the., steamer Peerless, and three shepherds from the quarter master's department. Also twelve sailors from the Spanish prize brig “Provideritia,mptriredl'off Charleston. WASlili 4 9 lo ; NCI% /9: Tenders of troops continue to, be wade to the War Department, and it is probable that before the meeting of Congress thfi: half million au thorized to be accepted,wiltibe supplied. Ars of additiogal regiments cif cavalry are .de (lined owisigto,aistaricienu ofthat .branch. of the army. Intelligence has just been received of the con fiscation of a.considerable -amount of property in South Carolina belonging-tcr notthern cdti was, among 4hoin -le included -Moon of • The guards have-'been withdrawn front .the residence of Judge Merrick, who has resumed liis seat in the Circuit Pourt,ber. gIIOCKI?iG MVB) 11A§5A*747713. ' In Hol!Won, Mass., an. elderly woman, and her daughter' naive, Beavert cleave been mur: tiered by Alvin Flnch. who Sid out their brains with •u'fiet 'iron - Fui:theu:sprneit the house dotih. It wus thought be was laborjrik under dedrum tremens when 13.ioonimitted 'the arfuliTirdlF-4.,.4e.4 9 # 1 ) , E9 1 , Waited. 13A: The Steamer. Sunshine arrived yesteltherom St. Louis. ANA of cpttmissary,44T,Mid-itdv bpament.wagEsis &finned - ter lAiteswalortti were taken Ord her. tt.. 'Waverly .tip a repels raider the anni‘tupipflee Shely,"; ' V • 6 IP ANDS NE BALE' OF COTTON. From Eastern Vuginia. The Rebele in A 009111,13 Oantr Lay Down *air Arm, THEY ASK THE raoprianolor OF OVE ARMY , . • !Le American' Flag Watthig Over Dram- mondstown. • Sentsinhul 'MD Nbv. , lB. via Baltimore. , All the 'United AtateB troops except the'rur- An legion, and the Second Delaware regiment ftNewton yesterday morning- for,Disie. ; A messenger with , a flag of trigm had arrived at Newton andsmummucated ,t 0 General Lock "wood oee , M arms in, it:comae county. Va., had laid down their , arme i and claimed ! his protection. Capt.. Richard's cavalry with Capt.Xerrill as hadadvanced as fig as PrurixmaitUttoom, and left there on Surdriy . mOrningfor North ampton county o,learn, the detspiiroliticin of .its citizens. A messenger fresh from Newtoirn arrived is the boat was.,leaving. Saleebmg, and informs your correspondent-that Capt. tterrill'had, re turned, and tilanavalry did notogo below, Dmm mond town, hut that: the stars and stripes are *raving over the plam.,.;-.; . , . Fromm TENDER OF TROOPEITO THE' WAR I DEPART $: 10 MORE CLVALIEtif TG , BE •• AVO1P1;111 Confiscation Of the iirbiieit , of Loy . shets in South .Carolina. . FTURE OF BToOI3 AND .QOM laevinwolainflriT, LATS49RBOI ipoim-Bctairi IThe 11 WkiWitoll/01#41:ttlitYt ; : _.:11 miter. ' _ ' .S9i2.lEf),ll'Llki OM NEW 'MEXICO AND KAN SAS. IN DIAN DEPREDATIONS. DEATH OF AN OLD ARMY OFFICER. 19,000 Militia Called for In New Mexico. Reiovery of Wagons and Oxen from the Rebels, The Babel force to,be Attacked Near Pleasant Sill• The Santa Fe and Carson City mail arrived yesterday, two days ahead of time, bringing Santa Fe dates to November 2nd. The messenger from Santa Fe reports all quiet along the road. The roads are good. The Navagoe Indians have been committing serious depredations in different parts of the territory, within the past few days. Captain Hatch has been appointed Brigadier General in the volunteer service, and will be ordered to the States soon to take command in pen. M'Clellan's army. At twelve o'clock on the first inst., flags were hung at half mast in Sante Fe and a salute fired to the memory of General Gibson, who for over forty years revions to his death had been Com missary General for the United States army. Col. Canby having made a requisition upon the Governor of New Mexico for twelve thou sand militia men for the United States Army service, the latter issued an order to the Major Generals of divisions in which he designates the proportion of men each is to furnish. The forces thus raised will be stationed at the different posts in the territory to garrison them whilst the regulars and volunteers are *service in the field. Four hundred men will be stationed at Fort Union, four hundred at Alberqueque, four htmdred at Santa Fe and two hundred at Fort Crai• Some of Bell and Jemison'a men who left here Saturday for Pleasant Hill, succeedel in capturing 22 wagons and 200 oxen belonging to the government train reported burnt by the rebels of that place. • A rebel force of 1,200 men • encamped three miles from Pleasant Hill, will be attacked to night. FROM FORTRESS MONROE• NO NEWS FROM THE FLEET. The United States steamer Rhode Island has returned from Key West and the Tortugas, but brings no news. She came up by the gulf stream and saw nothing of the fleet. The steamer Spaulding is expected from Hat teras Inlet to-morrow. Three small gun boats haVe today arrived, en route for Hatteras Inlet. There is no news about Old Point or from the south. ARRIVAL OF TEE TRANSPORT STEAMER ATLANTIC. ' The transport steamer Atlantic from Port Royal is signalled below. She will bring later advices from the fleet. This Tuesday morning, November 19, 1881, by the Rev. Franklin Moore, SULLIVAN S. COLLO, to WEN A salli Miotody both of this city. [We tem* our friends for their need remembrance of us amidst the pleasing festivities incident to the wedding occasion. May Heaven smile propitiously upon them, and strew the tootsteps of their matrimonial existence with never fading dowers. May they live long and hap py In the affections of each other, and furnish the world. a brilliant Mettration of the fact that On.the 18th. after s severe illness, Jima rummer, in• feet daughter of John and Maria Updegreve, aged 2 months and l 7 days. [The funeral will lake place from the residence of Its parents, Sixth ateet near State, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'cleek the friends of the family are respectfully In vited to attend.] NOTlCE.—Persons wanting a NURSE, ieriq please call on Martha Russell near .Mr. Bailey's Iron Worts In the 1/Ifth Ward. Good reference as to competency can he given. no"•0-dlw* • OPENING. • qIB E Restaurant connected with the 1. Jones House having been put in Ara ohm condition if now open for vteitors. nol9 2wd WELLS COVERLY, Proprietor. REMOVAL. BREITENGER has removed his W . cede urant from the corner of Dewberry alley and Market stik to the house formerly occupied by the 4 iMed Lion hote l"in fdarnet Street between Dewberry alley and Third street which be luta refitted threitgbout t the most beautiful manner, and bele now prepared to !tarnish as mull, Oysters and all the della:aeon of the skson, in that recaerchc style which has dibtiognished Ida ettablisitment from tile time of Ara opening. 1 novle-dlat SANFORD'S .Opera TROUPE BRANT'S - .HALL, FRIDAY EVE'G, NOV, E Doors open Ito 7. Commence }to 8 ADMISSION ~; 3b °to. nelB Boszoa= Nor. 19. ' • , TO TWO good, steady Journeymen Tailors wante I borne late y. H. S. HITTER.. ,Carlisle, Nov )# ‘ 1861.1 t PRIVATE, SALE. .„, THE enbaoribet , 4;ffere km Sale two Ittit jotoleg brick 4ropsersis located , on the west stitiof coed street, above Locust street, Etarnsburg. i Pbr terms sad condttioas amity *to JOHN A. , W 4415 Agent. ~, , novl4-det GEO. W. BOYKR. . . FURS :FURS 1 PIIRS-1 , FURS 1 Sable Furs, / yborbuz Squirrel Pure r ! , Fiesegi Sable Furs, Silver Merton Fere,- -.- . o: 7 m A ZI , : •";,lirite! pet Fars. cari, XVII% IitteIArATMOMMIC 1 Great beniqagi yt , iiitrieleoilia : Sr!" e ‘ i*Uultinr , rea-, rbibeeetalaM aliVeqreeeneed: lU' ' - • ' ..„,....„,.._„, qbiTtIOART A03E011174; . : nbllfi , '' I : I% - '-, = VW Ibitilimirinki*awira a ~,:-.7,...-4,, , 4. Karma Orrz, Nov. 18 FoRTEms Momos, Nov. 18 New Yoga, Nov. 19 Illarritb, "Marriage rightly understood Gives to the Under mod the good A Paradise blow." ID t t b . Ittim `2ontrtistintnik. New 'Abut - fist malts PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed: "PROPO SALS FOR FUEL" will be received at the office of the undersigned Assistant Quartermas ter of volunteers, 11.'S. A., at Harrifiburg, Penn sylvania until 3 p. m., of Friday the 22d day of November inst., for supplying 4.he troops at Camp Curtin with fuel for a period not longer than four months to commence on the 27th of November, 1861, via: Good, sound, merchantable hard wood for fu el, green or dry, in cords of 128 cubic feet, the sticks to befisur feetiong.frompoint to cud. Good merchantable anthracite coal, of the "egg". she, in tons of 2240 lbs. The above to be delivered subject to inspection at Camp Cur- tin, near Harrisburg, Penna., in quantities as required, and at periods not, more frequently than three times intaChNveeler '' 3 - The contract to continue for the time above specified unless sooner terminated by order of the Qua:kin:nester OenetalOthetUniteciStates, The proiossilii must be goboinpanied by the pctual signatures of the parties tendering, and '% be actual signatures also of two sufficient sure ties in the sum of three thousand dollars, will ing to epter,into„bonds for s the fulfilnienlkof the contract—and if theists sifiretieti tie notknO4n. to the undersigned—a certificate of some United Status or State Judge or Alderman of this dis trict as to their sufficseiscy WilF be required. FORM OF PROPOSAL The undersigned ipropose to deliver to , the United States, at Camp Curtin, Dauphin county, Pa., for the use of the troops there stationed, as per advertisement of Nov. 18, 1881, good merchantable hard wood fuel (green or dry, as the cuse l may"be,) at $ ' pet cord (of 128 cub. ft.) Good merchantable anthracite coal (egg size,) in tons of 2;240113s ,at $ per ton. L. B. t Sureties : C. D: E. F. Addressed to Capt. R C. Wrusos, A. Q. M., (Vol.) U. S. A. Elattarssnao, Pa. N. B.—LLykens Valley Coal preferred. • • • • noll3.dtd, NEW CLOTHING, STORE. SHELLENBERGAR & BROTHER, NO. 80,MAASET STREET. (Room formerly oemspie4,4 the Roslege.) THE undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of me latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds cf Gents Wear. cut to the lateststyle4 and fash ions. We have always on hand a large stook of Ready. made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. n0943m H. saELLENIISSGISIt & BRO FOR SALE OF RENT. fiIHE undersigned offers for sale or rent, his Diet'Rory below Bar labore, between the Penn sylvania Railroad mil the Susquehanna river, with steam engine, pig pen, railroad•aiding,and Aboat Men apres of ground. Terms low. Apply to C. Bomberger, Esq., Cashier of the Mealuades Savings Bank Barti.burg, or to JAOLIB oel2B4llm* Middletown. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER to Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— Figs, Data', Prunes, Ratans and Nuts or all kinds.— Fresh and ,a 1 tFI-11 Soap, Oendies, Vinegar, Spices, To. base.; Segue and Cunutry t Produce lu general, Market street, next door tb Pirko House, also • c4raer Third and Walnut street'. 0et28415m • JOHN WISE. ALDERMAN. HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE—THIRD STREET; (SHELL'S BOW, NEAR MARKET: " Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth CITY OF HABRISBIOLO, FSNN'A . my 12 dU Black and Second Mourning DRESS GOODS. &O Black and ruble Tamara Cloth— llk and Wool, Plain Black Camels Hair Cloth, Extra guilty, Black and Purple Bug Veloue Reps. Lushes snperior Q tansy rderinos, & Onthmeres, Plain Black & B k. ar. Gray Worsted Poplins, Black Emborder.ed Emeline Cloths, New, purple and Black Figured Cashmeres, Lupins Extra 0 1:1111 Wool Oelaineg, Plain Black Engli4ll Chintzes, Sorianor make of Alpaccas, Very Best i ßiake of Botnbasines, Black I White All Wool Mathes, Turin Cloths, New Article, FWD Figured Mohair.; Second Mourning Chintzes Delainea, acc„ &0., 10. Exrakinnotz Buck Eau. llate.afake. EITPIIRIORIILACH AND do PII/IPLI AND Buck do do A great many additions of now And desirable articles in the till 1i3.§0616D8 LINZ ate&ade daily . Long 16-4 17-4 Thlbbet Square • • do. do , _ . • do and Long French Blanket Malik, Neat & Broken Brd. du do loglishilrepe Veils. ((Ivory Edso v ) - 4 - "New — ..qyre CreOe'VeilhOttry cLisdrltirl do lirenadine d.o do mrondlng Flannels and Casitniiiies; do FarAmettaannd Cabin!, Black °Malaita arid GloveA. Grey Mixed Gauntietts and Gloves, Bleak Bordened'HaMkeruthati! ( 1 4 460, 4 1 0 Bilk and Cotton Hosiery, (blitolo 2d Mourning Collars and Sleeves, Balmoral Skirts ! , (suitable for mourning.) Oar stook of "ALL GOODS OF THI3 KIND" Is now complete and we' would nospooLfolly ask, the impaction of buyers. CATHCART & BROTHSR, non Next door to , the Itiirrisbarg Bank. 0 - FARMERS 1 BUTTER (kdod, and iti . one .upland rolls, and (rah EGGS In large and small quauttlddlakuri at'airtimen and cash pal • artrOterf se given In exchange. Regular =whet rates. always, paid augl9, Opnoptic the, uort Hong PROF. 4DOLPII, P. TELIPSER. wOULD respectfully inform ; his old patrons and the public generally, that 6. alb matinee to give lostruclieee on the PIANO ..FORTE, It& LODEON. VIOLIN esti% the ideate ot"MOBOUGH 11.623. retti .pleasure wait aeon .puplla at %belt 'tomes at 114 tiOni ifeetted, oe' lessons' wilrbe gtikir hie psidence, is ?Third Atrfiet, fin!, Soon - below th lermialteibriiietrCberth. " ' 64.64 if NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of 11' John Bower, late of Ansquehaiertit stsenahipolegleas. ed are required to make paywer t to the subscriber and all piisons bie'ving" olefins legating lib& mad deeedenthieth greet.= them for settlemAnt to 4EO: WI scAzi; brrniiristufrg. Administrator on the estate of John Bower, deed. n0v144161-Itia*- - ' ' THREE STEAM Et4iGllo3 FobEt43 ; Att rFIBE undersigned offers fur sale :ONE 1 NEW 30 HORSE ENGINE, aad two Second-Eland engtkieit or stainer size, -The engines will be sold-elm) for cash or approved : paper. Apply_ at the Steam En. "Harrisburg, works; birth street, between Walnut And ) liveltet, Harrisburg, Pa. JACOB YuLIZ nov2-d3w-wBt jOJECJff -13. g (Ohilnail 3 t77 BOOT ...16saQz, COMM SEWN D NalatTllT • Harrisburg, Pa. S LWAYS-ou-hand-alarge aseertinf:nt of amditi=rifeWnterer:iii al t Ettnneir.3B--t -411:48:saartEr" I CPailla. • ;"•• gi fts T • ;;',., 17-C)Wiliftot. New ahertistments. A NEW MILITARY WORK, JUST PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE AT BEHONER's CHEAP BOOR Mgt NO. 51 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. Major General McClellan's wor4 HE ARMIES OF EUROPE : con o iwi e i te . & c,riptions in detail of the Milita r y 5 . 4 te , of England, France, Russia, Proe m', Aust L 6 and Sardinia. Adapting their advantavestonl; arms of the United States Service E hi b ei all r ing the Report of Observations in Europ e 4, 7- ing the Crimean War, as Military Commissioni er from the United States Government in 1F4.. 56. By Can. B. MoCtzuts, Major-General U. 8. Army. Originally published under h ie direction of the War Department, by order of Congress. 1 vol. Bvo. Illustrated with ad m steel Portrait and several hundred E ttemein $8.50. 9. This most interesting volume, prepared wi t h great labor by General lAcCtattk,v, from Co l * one notes taken during his tour of ob6erNation in Eurepe„under orders from the War D e ment, opens tb the reader much of his o n military history and culture. Here win h e found his matured views on subjects of it ets . dials and absorbing interests, and the huble and bold suggestions contained herein he Li now in position to realize, and is, in fact, every d ay applying in Practice. The book is a sulk. trig prophecy, of which his present position end hhllss assured fame are the bright fulfilment .REGOLATIONS AND INSTRUCT I.GN THE FIELD SERVICE OE THE s uvAL. RY IN TIME OF WAR. By GEO B. Meitet tax, Major-General U. 8. Army. Tu Hui h a dd e d , th e Basis of Instruction fur the s cavalry, from the authorized Tactics, inc 14.1.23 the formation of regiments and squadron. th e daties and posts of officers, leasons la the frit:, frig use of the horse, illustrated by ouruerouf diagrams, with the signals and cans new in pie also, instructions for officers and non coniiial&ilorttld officers on outpost and pat ro l duty. With a drill for the use of cavalry a. skirmishers, mounted and diamounfed I y 7 l 12mo. Fully illustrated. $2. Post Office 1 :3 11BIPIECER'8 DAILY an LINE! Between Philadelnili a Lack }laud', Juan Suomi, t9tWJAsarusr , IINCr, UNIONISM; WateottTOWN, AbLtna, swisKin, NOlll3lllailllLaND. :•17Narkt, GIIOIIOI6OIFS, LTKaratows, 11¢.5 HOW, HAUSA; parfanS, AND HARRISBURG, The. Ptilladelpbla Dep twin: antra y Drayage will be at tbe 4.1.re91 rate, d C ,ndcaor rns through with each train to attend to Ina ,fe r :lsozery X an g" hkePlTUfiled to tut line. Goont. Li esProted at tEll D6PO4. of FEEdii, WARD O FREED, No. lilt mart t Pa ~t deltibti; bjrf °Work P, M., .111 be Eitirrisburg the eett morels,. Fralght (always) on' low es by toy other on Particular attention mid by we line et : r ompi „4 speedy delivery of eh flarrtsbur. nod,. The undersigned tbaukful for past twat: e thiti , strict attention to ItssAsees to merit A con u3sce .1• ue same. T. PEivR6R, ell 6 dem J. R. INGERSOLL'S PATENT FOUNTAIN H AIR-BRUSH, It dresses the hair without soiling the tiogem IL effects a anylog or one-halt in the use of oair prepsr. Mioc* rltidoes away with greasy hairoll bottles. It's handsomer articiJ than the cominai hairbrush. It regulates the quatuity or fluid u ed, at a dro.,. In is perfectly mam, and =anat spill c‘aa. a, the trunk or on the toilet. fit carries enough of any preparation to tilt tor troy age or a long journey: Its ;Hoe is moderate, and It as ves its own raft Hittite months Ft ii mile at Xeller's Drug and Pency Store, 91 Motet street two doors east of Fourth strcet south i de. 'octlo NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the Estate of B,Thatelisork, tale or Harrtiburz, d,ce34.1, are reNdb , mate-pill:dent to the some ixr, and eu 'persons having diSol4llBlloll{ the Said decant, pre sent OlegelAbV seitlemect, to Hamilton Alrets, EN, of Harris er to . G2O. W. S. ILIUM, Adminiarator on the Estate 01 John B. ihomieoa de ceased. Lancaster, Pa., Oat. 29, 1881.--datose* 584W1.8 ! SHAWLS' large 'ovoid*. of New. Styles of French Manta ISluiwis received, thlb tobibibg by bolaC,T :ART nROT FUR. AiFEINTLENEENI3 I 'WEAR. eil; laitiseitianttlitetutdf Alfdder Ekdris and Drawers, (all sizes, } Gentleman , Traveling Shawls and plumate, t Every Had of Geste Ho iery, ; ..: .' t t - Cil l othe, Consimers, and Veslinp, ((in great variety,) Silk CattmereaUtcs. Ties i Cracau l , Large S tork of 'noses & Gasatleei, i Every kind or Sipen leo, HANCTIR ECM GOP. i IA Large Stock of these Goods, to se from co be rug at, , C ect AT IICASTE 111013 . Next door tithe Hari burg dank VERBEICE RIFLES , r ts , & raying — are now at Darnstown , V.aryland in Den. DeMk's Division, and nunibari Ji int; tie.trly all of whom are residents of Daupluucaa ty. 10 more tam are wanted to Alt up the Catpaty to thietmaximuln standard of iii men. Perrin 3 1 4 enter the military service, will ultra spplicauon to ine undersigned, tie Nand in suitable boar 0,1 4 ,, r.:a 0, ritotir Atli: 'number ie obtained, when etsoing sid equipments will be procured for them and tr4strortatiot formatted to tattle them to jom the Compqn VEREFFZE, Icovs-2wd 'NEW DRESS GOODS. EMBROPERED REPS, lilaio and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wo,SDelainee, Alba liferinues and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Drees Silks, anPerlOr•Piaill Colo.ed Dress Silks, Warrinied m aka of plain black silks, ;02:_rdoortotneE,. 1143 w .1 S tliceeZY.PTr ildkopTild Eaar . BLEA,CELtD IitaBLINS (at old prices.) — ILANSETS, SHEETIN GS, 111 -.-.. A. kJ B Flannels, 'Ticking, Drildogs, Gingbains, Calicoes, Towiings, • ' All kinds of Dumtstic Goods, A splendid Liu° of Shawls. All kinds of Men and rioys wear, la great variety ti be fAoRT' und at CATHC S, Make' nov4 ) i 'WORSTED GOODS, TjADIES NITBIAS, Misses Head Dresses, 1 Ladies Hoods . }Bassi floods, Ladies Soetays, • misses Mitts, THC &x., & - c• 4 fresh Invoice just opened at CAART'S, Neat doer to thefurg gawkziov WANTED. rfIWO 3fachiiata, and Six Wagon Mak. ems- Apply at the Ilarrisbarg Oar Writs. Pon &I' N. T. muaup, Papq. c,HAPR,' TOOTH, NAIL. CLOTH , HAT, LATHES. And INFANT B WSW, in great Tariaii L.A.SLLET4IDPG AND FA,Na !..ToftN --...----‘ 1•1 r —OIDEB —ll - 1 Vilsi .NAIA Li !+ • igdADE frdiit 4 . 3iietce end Selected WWI lind italrahso6/ *is to be scrictbiaie4 (0. ... ,&, •tt • Plbiladelphk and It/full° Feel nr )(grip.' f rr 4p,