Pailp bitgrapij. A fiRISBURG, PA Tuesday Morning, November A Basra in the army, celebrated for his ex cellent bread, gives the following receipe for waking yeast' Boil one lb. of flour, one fourth lb. of brown sugar and a little salt, .in t w o gallons of water for one hour. When milk warm bottle and cork it close. It will be ready for use in twe~ ntyour hours. As EINOINSSU Coml.—lt is understood that General Banks has signified to Governor Curtin; of Pennsylvania , his approval of the plan to ral,e an engineer corps under Captain Chills, and requesting his co operation in the' matter. The plan has also been approved by General bleClellan and General Alexander, the chief of he Engineer Department. WS AGAIN cellattention to the advertise ment beaded Old Books, Letters, &0., as they are wanted for a patrio ic purpose. We hope that any of our readers who have a collection of such old matter and are willing to dispose of the sae at a high price, will immediately ad dress a line to dr. R. Spring, at the Post Office of this city. o. Swam PRINTERS are abundant in the Feder al array. Several newspapershave been started a t points in the enemy's country, of which our troops hove taken possession, and the !last spec • ituen is the Zjuave Gazette, published by the Nineteenth Illinois Volunteers at Elizabeth town, Kentucky. The rebels were driven pell mell out of that city the other day, and the Illinois boys made a decent upon a secession newspaper office, tipped over the rebellious ar ticles, purged the concern of treason, and sent out the Gazette. The editors are Wm. B. Red field, of the Chicago Journal, who accompanies the Nineteenth as a correspondent, and Lieut. L Bridges. Sii soldiers, among whom is W. J. Renege, a Philadelphia typo, are the com positors. A BRAVO BOY.—On almost every vessel after the fight at Beaufort, the men were called aft and publicly thanked by their respective Cap tains. On the ship Bienville, particular men tion was made and special thanks ret lined, in presence of the ship's company, to William Henry Steele, a boy not fourteen years old, who conducted himself with distinguished bravery. He is a powder-boy, and not only never flinched or dodged a shot, but when two men were killed at his gun he did not turn pale or cease for an instant his duties, but handed the cartride he had in his hand to the gunner, stepped carefully over the bodies, and hastened below for more ammunition. Young Steele cannot fail to make such a sailor as his country will yet be very proud of. Poues—Before Me Mayor.—Two soldiers, one belonging to Capt. Gaylor's company and the other to Capt. Lapsley's company were arraign ed for threatening Mr. F. P. Haehnlen. The matter was amicably adjusted. John Mitchell and Sol. Ilochernian were ar raigned for lying around loose at an unreason able hour last Saturday night, Mitchell's head was in a shocking bad condition, the I result of several severe cuts, which bled profuiely. Moth erwell was discharged and Mitchell sent to a physician. Denis Carter—a "bould soger boy" from one of the camps was up for drunkenness. Put under marching orders for camp. Jacob Carpenter and David Lessig—both "drunks"—were each fined $l, which they paid end were discharged. Caroline Boon was up for drunkenness. She was only bailed out of prison last Saturday morning, where she had been put for keeping a disorderly house. Sent back to prison. &vim liffirratr. , —Our cotemporary of the Lancaster Express says that this is certainly a very delicate matter, yet as ordinary rules are modified by the exigencies of war, ladies need have no compunction now in " giving the mit ten," and a pair of them at that. This cold morning with its biting air, reminds ns of our soldiers, who perhaps were last night on picket duty, and obliged with hands stiff with cold. to carry their iron weapon through all the long hours of night, The gift of a pair of good vrarmmittena would be a generous present to our faithful soldiers A regular army officer suggests that woolen mittens are best, and should be knit with one finger, so as to allow the separate use of the forefinger and thumb. The Crimean war is said to have shown a great amount of suffering from frost bitten The yarn should be of the beat kind of Wool. Half a million pairs of mittens are wanted. What family fireside circle in city or country will delay In contributing a quota for this hu mane and patriotic purpose Tull:barony or Her Courstms.—ln the sum of 1798, a young man connected with the thea tre at Philadelphia as a singer, was about to receive a benefit on a certain Monday evening. Oa the Saturday afternoon previous he nailed on Joseph Hopkins, a rising young lawyer, tweety.eight years of age, with whom he had gone to school when both were bays. The actor tail he had but twenty boxes taken, and hie "benefit" would be a loss unless he could get a. Patriotic Bong written to the. "President's . Zech," then a popular air. The poets of the theatrical corps had tried their hand, but were tatidied that no words could be made to suit that air. Hopkins promised to make the at- . te mpt. At that time there was a great discus sion in the country as to the policy of America joining either France or England in the war t hen Waged between those two nations, and Party spirit ran very high. Hopkins endeav- N to write a song that should be independent q and above the interests, passion and policy 0 both belligerents, and look and feel exclu l d el for American honor and rights. He wrote C olumbia. It was announced on Monday tin k ti ll4 ng, and the theatre was crowded to excess, boat eontinted during the season, the qf !leag encored and repeated many times' eadh , the audience joining in the clacwas, 1.4 7 84 she sung at nights, in the etrecte, 14/arg4 ~rnbliee of citizens, inclediug Medi wn glelP4) and has now become a national song. Bra APPLE.-Mr. Jonathan Spayd, of Jefferson township, this county, laid upon our desk yes terday an apple raised this fall upon his farhi, which measured fourteen inches in circumference, and weighed eighken ounces, -!!~~ sammut November term of. Court com menced in our city yesterday: The morn ing session was principally devoted to the re ception of the constables returns, calling the list of Jurors, and the delivery of the Judge's charge to the grand Jury. The trial of prison ers commenced yesterday afternoon; but no cases were disposed of at the time of closing out re port. , Liteurtani.—Last Friday some rascal threw a stone into one , of the windows of the Old 12chOollresbyterian church fronting on Third 'street, and broke two or three panes of the costly, stained , glass , of._ that, establishment. New glees was put in on Saturday by Mr. Cruickshank, and yesterday one of these was discovered to be shattered, which leads to the belief that the act was dor e maliciously. We understand that the Trustees are about offericg a reward for the discovery of the perpetrators. I=:=El Am ENITATWAL CURB ran. rae Esa AOHg.— Take a sumll piece of cotton ,batting, cotton wool, make a depression in the centre with the end .of the finger, and fill it with as mph ground pepper as will rest on a live cent Diece, gather it into a ball and tie it up, dip the ball into sweet oil and insert it in the ear, covering the latter with cotton wool, and use a bandage or tap to, retain it in its place. Almost instant re lief Will be experienced, and the application is 'so gentle that an infant will not be injured by it, brit experience relief as well as adults. "Cuirass Bacirs.",-These delicious species of .the wild duck are said to be unusually plenty this season 'on the lower Susquehanna and •Chesapeake Bay, and hundreds are daily bagged .by sportsmen who flock thither trim all sec tions of the country. Our townsman, Mr. Samuel Knox, is the owner of a "shooting box" in that region, and has just returned home with At bountiful supply of the acquatic game, a late portion of which he has distributed among his personal friends, including, of course, "ye local" of the 'ramutera, for which we tender 'him our thanks. PROPOsAin ?a But Cante.--The proposals for supplying the Government with beef cattle :on the hoof were opened at Washington Jest Fridays Three lots of cattle were called ,by an advertisement of four thousand each, to be delivered by the 30th of November, or as soon after as Government directs at Harrisburg, Washington, Chambersburg or York. The Harrisburg lot bids ranged from $8 89 to s6—s3 55 was the lowest sum sent in. Twenty bids were below $4. Washington bids vatied from $8 80 to $5 01, and only three bidders were below $4 00. The lowest prices which bidders sent in were $8 70 and $3 90. Those delivered at Chambersburg or York ran from $3 25 to $4 95, the lowest, bid responding $8 88. In one instance a bidder offered to deliver cattleat Washington at $3 87, but wanted $6 00 to deliver them at Harrisburg. Tam Lux Chuor.--This' yenc 1: often entirely overlooked. Multitudes offarm ars have yet to gather the first leaf harvest. Gardeners very generally appreciate the Value of this article, and where it is accessitdesit en ters into their moat valuable composts. Most : farmers are so situated that they can gather , leaves in large quantities,. and would readily dol it, if they knew how well it would pay. Chem ical analysis shows that the leaves of plants are, rich in fertilizing matter, much richer than the wood. Eleven per cent. of the leaves of the elm are ashes, while the woos only gives two per cent. Other trees show a still greater dif ference. The constant growth of forests, even upon poor land, is doubtless owing to the an nual deposit of leaves upon the outface of% the earth. These, having drawn fertilizing matter from the subsoil through the roots, deposit on the surface, where it is available. Every one has noticed the rank grOvitti Of grass where leaves have been burned or permitted to decay. They are valuable to the farmer as bedding be fore they go into the compost heap. Nothing is better for the sty or stable than a good leaf bed. The time of rustling leaves has come in, the garden, upon.the lawn, in the orchard, and in the forest. Let them be gathered as the last of the harvest. Tam YOUNG nes with the billions complexion and scanty moustache, whose occupation since attaining his majority has consisted chiefly standing 'oh one leg at a bar-room door puffmg a foircent cigar-occaaionally varied by standing on the other leg at another bar-room, door and aiding the digestion of his brandy and water by the. mild influence of the seductive Cornish has suddenly disappered. We all know that youth , . He is a type`of his claw, and it would be mere superfluity to localize him. Well he is gone. We ancient haunts know him no more. He pours no more libations on the ishrine of , Dichisi.. The mustache is seen, no mere, and the four cent weed no longer distiii its va pours. The last we saw of him he warin close confab with a recruiting Seaxgeant. Recently, however, happening to be at Camp Cameron we recognised a familiar face, which rose before our astonished vision like the armed head in Macbeth. The head was surmounted by a pyramidal mass of shinning oil-cloth, while his other garments were extremely, excessively, frantically military. But though he had suffer ed a sea change into something rich and strange we knew, him—despite all foreign integuments we knew him--it was the billious youth of our hotel steps. He looked better, manlier, for the transmogrification. He was doing. something for his country, and he knew it, and the con sciousness sparkled in his eye, made hie mons ' t ache sprout, nerved, his dexter member, and Pervaded even his cerulian hued legs.— Listless loafer, who still remain'et inglorious while Uncle Sam summons thee to the field, go thou and do likewise 1 And if, perchance, the spirit of curiosity still lingers in thy bosom - 7thaonly spirit that survives there mayhap, tlimigi' liese Ar tot e lp e t: t e r toti act closely eillthytoiPerw—hoaumdwperlinupdtße in tlis lAttle'lietCh we fitlyonto answer as 1 AT/01--- 'Thou art thesnanr er &graph, attlesitap Morning, November 19,1661. Pawls To Surr Tna Taizs.—A large assort ment of gents' shirts 75c and upwards ; also, bosoms 12ic and upwards ; gents' collars 227jc and upwards, (all the real Irish linen ;) also, gents' jackets, all wool, $1 00 and upwards ; undershirts, drawers and over-ails 45c and up wards ; a large lot of gents' woolen and lambs wool hose 124 c and upwards ; cotton hose 10c and upwards ; the real mazenter ties, scarfs, &c., just received, 18c and upwards, (all silk.) A general assortment of gents' furnishing goods on hand ; also ladies' collars in great variety 8c and upwards, at the Haaarsauxa CHEAP SHIRT Maxureorosy, No. 12 Market street, next door to Hummels. Arrazirr OF Dammam —.Wyk hand Proceedings of a city Policeman.-A short time ago a lieutenant of one of the Pennsylvania. Volunteer compan ies stationed with the army on the Potomac, arrived in this city in search of two deserters named John Walls and Edward Cronister. Af ter a Conference with the police authorities, he secured the services of officer Campbell, and went to Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, where they succeeded ifi arresting John Walls, a notice of which appeared in the . TELEGRAPH at the time. Walls was brought to this city and confined in the Lock-up. The lieutenant then proceeded to Danville, leaving word with officer Campbell, that he would return to this city, either on the following Saturday or Sun day. night, and - Mho the deserters on to Wash ington. Thenext day officer Campbell succeed ed in arresting the other deserter, Cronster, and placed him also in the lock-up to await the return of his commanding offiter. Thui matters stood until last night, when the lieutenant returned from Danville, and after paying officer Campbell for his services, and the expense of keeping the deserters in the lock-up, he was met by officer Rad ibaugh, in full regimentals, who refused to deliver over the prisoners until he re ceived the sum of twenty-five dollars I This the lieutenant, of course, refused to pay, asserting that he bad already settled for the capture of the deserters, and the expense of keeping them in the lock-up, and would pay no more. The Chief replied that he would take the deserters to Washington himself, and left with the view of making his arrangements to go to that city in the train leaving at 8.20 o'clock yesterday morning. The lieutenant, with officer Campbell, then repaired to the residence of the Mayor, whom they aroused from his slumbers and made acqbaintedwith the position of affairs, when his honor at once wrote a note directing that the deserters should be givenup to the mili tary officer. This was taken tooftic' er Radabaugh, who still, however, persisted in his refusal to sur render the prisoners, who by this time he had hand-cuffed, and was about proceeding with them to the depot to await the departureof the I train. The lieutenant with officer Camp-: bell again repaired to the Mayor's residence, when hie honor becoming acquainted with the refusal of his chief officer to recognize his order, at once dressed himself and proceeded with the officers to a restaurant near the depot where they found Radabaugh with the two deserters, hand-uffed, awaiting the • departure of the. train to Waahington. The Mayor at once con-' fronted Radabaugh and demanded to know why h o l w t aiaregarded his ortrer. The crest-liillen chief made some incoherent reply, but was quick ly interrupted by an order from the Mayor to remove the hand-cuffs from the prisoners, to which he sullenly complied. The Mayor then' directed him to surrender his badge of office, to WWI the Chief responded, " I submit to my impenor of f icer," and handed over the silver, " Maltese." The deserters were then placed in' the custody of the military officer, who left with them in the morning train for Washington, after which the Mayor returned to his resi dence, while the Chief, in all the pomp of gold laced cap, military coat and pantaloons, was left alone to mourn over his departed greatness. We understand that this is not the first time the ex-Chief has disobeyed the order of the Mayor, and upon one or two occasions was detected in assuming extra official jurisdictions, which was severely commented upon by the press at the time, and which caused hill temporary suspen sion. SaNroan's CHAIM:NOM EiNATENS—To set in Brick, Portable or as Fireplace Heaters. The most power ful Beaters known for warming Dwell ings, Churches, Schools, tec. Send to Daum GIL- B&RT, agent at Harrisburg, for a full discription and an unparalleled mass of testimony. TER Cosmopourn parlor coal stove with radi ating ventilator and gas burning attachment, intro duced one year ago, already ranks as the leading stove for Parlors, Sitting Hooms and all places where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other parlor and cooking stoves of the best patterns to be had at the store and tinware tstablishment of LYMAN Guam, Market street. tf. Cons Baca STEPHIN.—Two of the great Con tributors to southern rebellion 'find treason, have been captured on the high seas in making their way to England, for the purpose of sowing discord and corruption in that country towards the United States. This is an important cap ture, (as they are no common sinners,) and .their crimes call for special punishment. Not only does the laws demand it, but the widow and orphan's tears cry to Heaven for vengeance, in thus speaking of the interest of our beloved country. Permit us on our own behalf to call your attention 4,0 a cheap lot of bleached and unbleached mulles just zecelied from a bank rupt auction sale very cheap. Urich & Bow man, corner of Front and Market streets. no.lB. FURS, Foxe, Foss.—sl,ooo 'worth of furs re ceived from New York auction 000 fur capes ane muffs, from $8 up to $l2, worth double ' • 26 doz. hoop skirts for 60c., 76c. and $1 25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 50, $3 60 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels; 100 pieces of splendid dark .calioo at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 12k, 18 and 20 cents ; 36 large woolen blankets ; 60 pieces canton flannel, at 1211. cents ; red, yellow and white . flannel, very cheap ; 60 pieces of white cuxtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers De Lathes, at 22 and 2$ cents ; received a new lot of shirt breasts; beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store. Wholesale buyers we would especially invite to our large stock, to,which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. BUTTER (gold, sweet and fresh) in one Pound d Nab EGOR to, large and small quantities taken at time. sod onaltsal , Owlet; I Itinkblymblui """j 1 4 4 , 14 as, 'k CO. angle Cooke the Omit Rowe. I=l I=l TO FARMERS MANHOOD • HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope ; Price 6 cts i A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Oure of Spermatorrham or eeminal Weak ness, Involuntary Kmissions, Sexuel Pebility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption, EldlePsT and Fite :- Mental and Physical IncapaCity m ini Mg from self Abuse, ke.—By RUBT J. iIIYLVKR WELL, M. D., Author of the Greta Book dc. "A Boon Itiousanas of eufferers " sent under seal, in a pdsin envelope, to any addr.m, post paid, on receipt oi six cents, or two postage irtamos. by Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE, 121 Bowery, New York, Post Lace, d 0546136. sep9.dsw3tn HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere hmtstiona, and should be avotded ifyou wish to escape ri +lours. Gala RED OR •RUSFY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beatuttul and natural Brown or BACA, without the least injury to Heir or Sam. FISTS:EN M' DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to War. A. SATOSIII.OR sin e 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made t the hair of tne patrons of bla famous Dye. Wit. A. BATCHRLOR'S HAIR DYE produces .a color not to be distinguished from nature and is wanaturran not to Injure Io the least, however long it tints be booth' ued, and the ill recta of bad D ••mt remedied. The hair is Invigorated for life by this soleudid Oye which is prop• Orly 'apullrd at No, 18 .-oud Street New Yo-k. .snld i • all the cites +•nd towns the United States, by Drugalats and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name '+William A Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four Bides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 288 'Broadway, Nair York oct2-d&wlq IMPORTAN Or TO FSRIA.LES DR. CllEßS.lirbi AN'S—PILL S Prepared by Cornelius L Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. THE combination of ingredients in theee Nils are the re wt of a long .od extensive practiee fn-y.aro mild in their operation, and nert.iii in correcting all irregultriti e.Painful Met.struations. removing all eb• strut:lions, whether trom cold or otherwise, headache, P.lO le the id paltdt aim et the heart, whites, all ner vous aff ctions, hysterire, indent!, pith in the back and limos, Em., disturbed steep, mach arises from taterrup• tion of nature. TO MARRIED i.A DIE?, Dr Cheetaman?a Pills are invaluable, as tbey wia brio; on the mobility period with regularity. Ladle+ who have been disapta Kited m the n. of other Pills can place the utmost coon leuce i u Dr. Otwaseame's Pdfs doing all Ulu they represent to do. NOTICE There is one emsdition of the female system it widek the Pills cannot be taken willsout prnistang a PS JULIA e F RESULT The condition Deferred to is PRBO VANO T Ike result AlsoA axe GE. Ssseis4 tho irresistib 'it ten. daisy of the' niaticine: 19 res'ore the sexual Atm:done to normal 'condition, Mat ecen Ike reproductive power of na ture =snot roars it Warranted pur,ly vegetable, and free from anything InjuriOuts. Exo.icit daemons, which atiou.d be road ac. corn nny elMh box.' airs $1 Sent by maU oa eoeloa mg $1 to Da . oItXXLZUS L. Onxnaidaia, non 4081, PO6l Wilms New York City. sold by one Druggirt In every tow. lo the United States It B. IIUrC4INGS, General Agent for the United Mmes. 14 Broadway, New York, To whom ail 001g:floosie orders should be addressed. uov29 diwly A CARD , TO THE LADIES DR. DIIPONOO'S - GOLDEN PIT.Lis FOE FEMALES, flowage eueerribAng,: mulating, anti remoTtig sI obstructiobs, from vthativer ease, and I- Ways suocamitil as • proven. ikre' 'IIIIE 8E PILLS HAVE BEEN USED BY 11 the doutare for many years, both In Prance luio America,. with unmtnillekid. success in every case ; Ana be is urged by many thousana ladies who used them, to mite the Pint Pehlie. for thekallevtidion of thopetsufferini from any Irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an increase of family wham health wilt nut eeir A nid lt.— Females particularly Miasmal, or theme anPpotiMg them. selves eo t ore cautioned against these Pile. while la that condition as they are stir to prOduce iniscarrliga, and the proprietor assumes .rip .rmsponsibility. agar thllx admo. chine, although their mi ldness would - prtnielit lay mit- Ohlea to health—odicwitie the fljta. are recommended. Tull and expliell directions accompany each bon. Prior tiljakebr box. ....30k1. vrboleifililino, remit by 8. &laming, akinalkax, thilairit.v ikprirocs, Thil4aphia, J i L. Lmdattniatt , I..labanon," lisansir Cf. Rafteen, 1 - facets:or; J. A. Wow. Wrightsville ; I. T. Mg.r.n, York • and by one Unwed be every City and village in the (Mon, and b , S. i t Myra, sole propitiator, NOW .York X. ~-4401 t eel Ibr oonmerfoite: ;Der no oea pule Et of any kind unless every ben Is signed 13. D. e. Ai, tha t . Others &that base imposition and unsafe; ore, as you value your lives and health, (to day nothing of ba ng bitmbugged out at year money): buy only - bf those who eliew' the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently been added oe account of the Pills h.',, maunterteloor . - -141-41-wasvrl v. FOR SEWING , MACHISES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 di 530 YDS. WHIIE, BLIICB re COLORED. '1 1 13.18 thread being made particularly for tewlug Machines, Is eileY STRONG, smoorm AND BLOTTO. Ile strength is not impaired by watibleg, nur by friction or the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, • FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Oord, Red Ticket, !OR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the °pantry.— Also, moans or 100 DOZIS mica, assort= Noe, id WM. isEMMY Shltrd, Sole Agent. no9•dBm 88 Pettey ttreet, New York. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Board Reduced to $2 per Day. SINCE the opening of this vast and corn moinous Hetet, in 1804, it has been the . single en• deavor'of the propi Imre to mate it the most aumntuous, convenient and comfdrtable bomb for the duns ano :Stranger on this asao toe /Alaimo. ; And .whatever basseemeo inteiy to &di:donne!: .o the comfort of its gooks they nave Mideavored, without re gaxii WOW, 10-provide, and to combine all the elements of individual and social enjitymeat which modirn art bee invented, add modern ta e approved ; and ills pat routeo whim' it commanded during Lou past sill years le a gratifying proof that their enrts have been hppre- Mated , To meet the exigencies of the lime; when all Fe re qttvpd to precut:4e the moot rigid economy, the tld. r amped Have Reduced the Price of Board to Two Dollars oar Day, • ai tho llama abating none of the luxuries with Which their table has hitherto been supplied. TRH slilh; , WHITCOMB &CO. New York, Sept. 2, 1.1031..—aep9-03m* GILT PB.A.MBS 1 GILT MAIMS! J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking. Glass aid , Picture Frames, GUI and Rosewood Mouldings Ac. 43 CHESNUT STREET, NEAR SECOND. ELA.B,I3.II3BURG, PA. French Mirrors, vquare and Oval Portrait Frames of every description. OLD FRODKii IEtE.OILT TO NEW. SCHEFFEMS 8001( STORE. • (man my ukuuussuso mows.) UNION ENVELOPES. VOTE PAPER, of six different designs, rs printed in two colors, sold • by the thousand ano by tbaltaat at City pub Waal. Alab, - Yraga, Union Breas t . ling, gag* Union Rings ad Badges at very low Pride& 0111 at dvg IVIRCOOkt,t. :VINE TOILET t A PS, POMADES, HAIR POWDCRS, COLOGNKS and EXIRACT3, 01 many styles prices and nutattricturas at HELLSRII DRUG AND P ANCV pg. __ ...... . NEW FLOUR 1 ... BUCKWHEAT A CK .• , ..500 .uis, ~FA4 4 1,7 131.:,, - o_ . mixitagunim ' FAMILY, 4,101 .• Toequilityls very stiptiler basins isibleoled expressly for our reiell trade. gor Bak y non WY. moos, Jr., 6 00. atistrilantatts. FREIGHT 'll#loo,oo 1 Howard 6dlope EXPRESS CO.'S MORT 1, QUICK ROUTE TO AND FROM NEW YORK. J • Goods Ordered . the Morning - Returned the sanlellight., •i.: 1 cffZ,tt Leave New Ycirk at 71 P. 'IL, by the, Fast Through Ex p. i l ia Tmix4.aulviag:in Harrisburg WITHOUT ORANGE OF --OARS. Order Goods marked 'OE4 HOPE gX I: "RAP§ 9°9 General Gies" iiMiSlWW.,..Ngicv York Branch " 412 .g For further information enquire of ,GEO. BAB.GNAR, Agen Hanstsamto, Aug. 1861.-dtf Black and Second Mourning DRESS (loops,. &O. Black and Parble Tam's* Cloth- 0 11k and Wool, Plain Black Ciameli'Hair Cloth. Ifatra Qtality, Black and enrol. Bog Velone Rena. Luolnie Superior Q iality Merinos & Unahnuereg , Plan Black Br. B k grey Worsted toolins, Blar& Smnordiired Baaelineplollas, New t Pornien.nd'eftalt Viliarnd Matioanrei, • Lupins Extra 6 4 AU Wonl 'Widnes, Plain Black Eogli Oblntaat, Su eerior make of Alpaocaa, • Very Beet make of Borribazioea, Black & White All Wool Delaluea, Turin. filioduh New Atalole, punagured Monalre, Second Mourning Chintrav, Debating, din„ aio., aro. ECM ASTI= BLACK Eva. RIP. BILKS. KITPARIOR BLACK AmD WHITS MOLIKAING . do FacarieAdu Fiume do do • • . A great many additions of new and desirable articles in the DBIIBBO4IOOB LlNEare made daily. Jong 16 4 17.4 Thibhet Shawls,' Square do do do and Long French Blanket Shawls, ' Neat & Broken Brdi do" do English crap Veils, (every Biz%) New Style Crepe Velle (very desirable) , do Grenadine do do Shrouding Flannels and Cashmeres, do Par/ mottos and Coburg., Blank Ganntletts and Gloves,, Grey Mixed Gauntletts and Gloves, Black Bordered Henekerahleta (all 1(.1124) Silk and Ootton Hollery, (blast,) 2d Mourning Collars and dleeves, - Balmoral Melina, (anittble'for mourding.) Our stock of "ALL 4 30033,0 F Tali Kt 41j" is now complete and we would respeoLtully ask the Inspection of buyers. OATEIOART k BROTEISR, nog Next door to Me agllsburg Rani. DB. T. J. MILES; SURGEON DENTIST' (AFTERS his'eerviees to the ettiz ! ene ky Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public.Mdronace, and gives sasurance 'that his best endeavors shell be given to rend r satiMactiOn In his pro fession. Being an old; well tried aentist r he feels . sate In limiting the putdio generally to call on' him, assuring bantam they. will nottstlissaUsthuttsith bhtservicels, Otikm NO:128 Market street, In.the hOuseformerly oc cupied by Jacob R. Ilby, near the Unittittlfito Rpm, Harrisburg. Pa .deist-Ot* • FLA.GB 1 FLAGS I 1 NOTE PAPER A.q.D.Ert V ISJ,Op Esiwith Niiireast &Agee, f,NlT6it paitga with rim of the city of Harriet. ay, printed,emi for solo ot SOHEPTEItiS HOOK STORE, 401 . %Phi , ha flarNabiri- ihridtc OUR newly repleninlind 'stook Toi et and Feuer Goods is- unsurpassed in thli city, and feeling confident of rendering addisisiotion, we You id ree petal ally invite acall. HPLLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth greet, south aide. Select 'Bohools for Boys and Girls RRONTATIIIIr . uticu_sip. Hl atl teitn • T HAELW,EI3 L School for bole, wt open on. the first Monday in September. no, room In well ventilated, comfort thly furntahFd„and in ever : y,rlirbi adapt", for school ply laTHAßlita ittELWat'S 2arks:ioeitei n the same , buildin ojets kwthis gbitimm at the same ClOl6. The roomha'sheen eSeiphibiyy dates// up to promote ho health suid.eismArt or Seilafira: 4% *“ '-aufazdLf 13PHOLgTERING. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COITON TOP ITATIRFASIPS, HUSE. MAT IMESSES, COTTON CO ',WOE S, CHAIR CUSHIONS, - LOUNGES. CAMP STOOLS &0., &c., Oa head and for sale as cue 'very lowest rates for cash. Hair lirdtresses add Illprbig , tiodoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, HAIR wkr:rßEssw k i., Retaired and made equal to rte. very re atou to le; all a No. 109,,Market Streer, betwee., Foarta as FAh. by oct9 2md J. T. ttaRNiTZ. Harrisburg' Blind Mtn . ufaoto4. SEGONILBT,RE,ELALLAIW.,..4IXT. VENITLAN BLINDS made to order ane' all rep thing neatly and . expediduualy d .ne. Per .wous at a distance can nave tneir work doue by addrist stag a to the undersigned. Toanstni fur past pat ronage be hopes, by strict atten ton to basil:less, to merit a continuance et' the same. sor 81thrs.,,tum gaerimeo d both asto prices and worit.-ast A. R. SHARP. 0e1946m WOROXIIITER ) I3 ROYAL QUARTO' DICTIONARY .13HE beet defining and pronouncing Die. X ilonary of the lintglish bu*utige ;Also. Worcestep Sebool Dictlanaries. Webster'a 'Pictorial Quarto and lchool Monona:les for gale at SCHEPFER'S BOOKSTORE, aplB-ti 1466 T the Harrisburg Bridge. FOR SALE, T" good Horses, one suitable as a randy home, the othec as s draught horse. En. (Ore of Geom.) guffaws, Thud *reel, between Market .nd Watni4, 1 4.urke i s 143 1. nOe.dtf TO A SUS: ' ' 'd Iqr ' `'oats t OATS rf Ab , 411. O 3' uov64lll' atter°. STijoßif-is the place Ix to and anythßig eadritahrfamem not VilaPt It not coMeatkaiable when from a CIGAR DWG STORE, 91 Market street. =1 . . STEAM Y e REIMERS NRIV Ten kip u ms'.Sl • • -• - n • dPoo •- r. •- ANI,INu AND. EMBARKING PAS. at pugevsTOWN, (Ireland.) TII• Liver pool; 11. w t ore and Philadelphia iteduniship oompany Mend d(leistatitne their roll powered Clyde-built lroa Steetnehips TORO CT rY OF NEW YORK, Saturday November 16 • IDIN• BURG, Saturday November 93 ; me or warms- TON, Saturday, November 30; arm ovary Smordlay, 01 Noon, from Pier 44 , 140 " W'v"r• Woe rija rutsir CABIN 176 ' 0 1 ) STKICRAGE,_ sap be do In L0nd0n.....00 do LoIXIOa —OM 00 do ,to Parts 186.00 . do to Poia Ott 00 do it) B.mburg..llB6 00 . do .00 UMW* t 36 00 Paiseogers also for* .to. Sayre, Br mw,. Boum , darn. Antwerp, &O ~ a t tor Parsons whoring to mai outthair Inehdlareses bliy tiekets here at the Ibllowiag rateia;boilnir TOI From .ivettoce or Queeeatowo; ink SU Lad 1106. "%Parade Into) Liverpool 340 . 00. from 4061matown, 130 00. . These Steamers' have 31.1perior aocalintiidalloon tit tasseigers, sod Berry eiperleaced Seigeoes. They we hullt In Wat•lr eight Trop Beotioue, and bare Patent Annihilators on board. turitter information apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Wa or Street ; In Glasgow to WY. Enoch square ; la Queenstown to CI: & W. D. SW SOUR & CJ ; In I .23 too to StViiB & MALT. It Kloa; Wilnarn itL ; in nut. to ULUS DICOOUE, 6 Mal da to Roar -9 ; to Yhlnoielptila to JO let G. //ALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at he Company's offices. i-,f_~ P.O. G. tiALE, Agent, - 1.6 Hroaduray, Neur'Yert. 0- O. 0. 7.lmmeripati. age.% I Rarliburti,,,e igirPAN-gNO FOK ES-ii.PE —By or ier of teu, war of lam, a I raeomgers the Unite* 3 . •t,4,3 are required to picture Pe POCMID b fore point es °Gard toe at ewer, JOHN G ooL some. 122111 ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS COAL BY THE PATENT WEIG CAUL-. T'" Weight Carts are cei tifkd by the 4 Seller of livti,hts and Siemuriti. Coo.umeret can weigh their cost at their ()en ,140f.f. It ia or cea.ies. ..211411; during IbeSe her f um t 4 'nr every 0110 10 know bet Joey Ger Tina rUU. s,s 8T waaxr viz LYKENS VALLEY' all B'l4. B ts. ars Wll.ltqle.gele. til sism. LOKBERKI t 0 (the g •bulue araak,) by the air load or sieve ten All coal orate q•tadty, •'t livered tree from all 181- multi 8 AT PLICho TO ..,Cflr Tag TAMM, by toe boat Or Car 108 d, Single, h.L or thin' or tons 8,1 , 1 by Lie bn•b-11. JA VIES w g KIAH., airriebutg, Nov. 6, 1881 COAL! COAL !! $B, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS O. D. FORSTE , FFICE . te. 74, Market Street, yard on Oacial, foot of :fortb straet. Whoiesalo and Re tail denier in TRE VOR7O IST, WILLIS A RR A', LP:ERNS I-ALLEY: BROAD TOP COAL Famlle and Dealers may rely upon °Mikan; a ilirst-rme article, and full wd,ght, at the lea.e.4 ratea. Orders premptly Kneaded to. A I'b'rtl 140,,0nt muds to pur - uhasors paying for the coal when ordered. Present priCe,s3 and $2 25 per ton. • ElarrisoUrg, 25.-43 tn subscriber is now prepared to de : 1 liver to the .atilt nut of Harrisburg either by the Oar, Had, Lnad,or slush Too, tae ehnimst kind of Wilk& iaarre, Sunnury, Ly bons Valley and Pinegrove OW, hsuled out by the Pasant Weigh Cart, and full weight guaranteed. Orders ief sat Itty odice, 4th and u lt ras' will receive prompt attention. D tVID *AWLS:MIL Harrisburg, Oct. 60. 1861.-Barda COAL I LORBERRY GOAL I I pliosE who want the real Genuine Old Fashiodied Pinegrovo Coal from the . Lorberry Mini. (by the ear load or otherwise.) apply to GEE. GUIVCRICH, Jr., a. a 9. Railroad adios. oct22,lmd SHIRTS! SHIRTS!! SHIRTS 11 HOME MANUFACTURE. THE undersigned Having opened his Manufactory of Shirts dn., at N 0.12 West motet street, Harrisburg, Pa , mos ireepectftdly solicits the patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and Merchants to the following assortment of goods rap( which are our own manufacture : musts, SHIRT BOSOMS, CULLA tit, W .BANDS, • NIGHT 8131111.T5, dtc., ha., ha., ' also the particular attention of the Ladies to our large assortment of under garments dm (from the latest Un proved London and Parts Style.,) LINNN COLL&RB, CUFFS, SN'TTG dte., in great varieties, all of which being our own mannufactare we will sell cheaper than ban be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirousof Combating their own materials, visa have cutting, sewing die., of every variety dons kJ cord log to order. Al, oftaa above named goods for Gents wets' , we will make to measure, guaranteeing to gt, and give eoth e satraction to the purchamer for style durability and m tended. ell special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest nouoe and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most mum able terms. P. S. Ladies wishing skirls or under garments of any ascription, eon bare them made to order by sending sample of such kinds as may be desired. JAMES A. LYNN, No. 12, hiarketatroa, au29-dem Harrbibarg, Pa. • Roo= next door to Hummel U rocer Sadie : 4. 1, • A largeliasortinent of Gentletaearg aralahlag India , in addiuou to the above can rtlwepe be found cheap ibr oath SOLDIERS' NICE NECK'S, FOR Sale at itkULER , S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cages, Needle or Sev4iig Cases, Shaving or R -sot Oases, Toilet Cages, March Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocks' Mirnprs, Pucker Koiws, Pock , t combs, Fiue Cumbs, Camp Mirrors. Bryer Pipes, :Culam-co Boxes, Judie. Rub er Tobscco Pouches, Wicker. Leather & Pia' ina Flasks, Leather britikit g Cu 8. Pens, Penbol'ers, Peocll.. 'ap r, andEurelepta Soldiers wilt see at a IV Ult . . Lust he place to ;fit an owe in salad attr al- at >s 91. Market street. ma --es "Pori Pick ma' a ha wic o IZFIVIJ3IIII ELZ"..9.13. RI R., . • ..... STATr4 intreet near Third etre et, a few d•Kors below Brady's ikam, el...rrlsberg. • A flee aewilearse -Heady made WWI", altsays-ob.babdtsind anew , liuisbed to delver plates, se. Terms ram, .u3e..•3ms) 0. BAKU!. GUM GO Orr-8 FOR THE ARMY, SUCH. AS Beds, PinaWs • Blankets. Coate, Cage. Leggin ;I, Drinking. Cups, - 1011. BAIA BY • • WM. S. SHAFFER, Ralißide fitarlietknare, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. .411K1011 btEs hi ENGIN aIS FOR IALE. MHE nedersigned offers for sale LINE NEW 80 1106b5 ItSGINE, and two itesood- Be Dd engines orAttositse size, Thwentees will be sold cheap I " 4 :o;7 k :r.a vv.,. Apply at the steam =- ISO- 0 ilk Week botirean Walnut anti H►rkK, usriisburg, JACOB Nut 37. noe24lBw-wat .. -1 I si ftiC.tattllcuttens COAL!!! age supph ot' kmal rlwsys W oe round on band. SUNBUK F and COAL! COAL I 1 COAL !I THE CHEAPEST lAr THE MARKET. 0311=3 nes It