Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, November 19, 1861, Image 2

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    1 =.
,ever float that iteAdatd sheet I
Where breather the foe but falls before at!
with Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's b streaming o'er uti
TtrelerFolonantr OF nig La.
Monday Morning, November 19, 1801.
There are some egotistically sagacious indi
vidnala and a few pot-house politicians, who
occiutionally exhibit their spleen in denouncing
every uumwho supports this war, as an ilboh-
Weld. With these gentry, the term is designed
to be one of opprobrium, and we have heard it
used; too, by gentlemen who would have the
world suppose that they are the most perfect
christians and exemplary citizens in the land.
The terM'AKtionea has became eo common,
that in many parts of the country it is regard
ed ea the most disgraceful which could be ap
plied to any individual, simply because of the
ignorance and the violence of the men who so
use it. But when we come to examine the
definition of the word and the object of those
to whom it is applied, the term itself is not so
disgraceful, nor will the memory of the men
to wham it is applied now, suffer much hereaf
ter When liberty, truth, virtue and wisdom are
more esteemed then they are now by the mass
of trued led. An Abolitionist may possibly be
a miscreant. If a man seeks to abolish what is
good—if he advocates the disrupture of entire
communities "or proclaimed that it would be
wise and politic to change all present forms of
religion—to give up the Trinity and the God
ilded--to swear hostility to the quality of jus
tiaeltiarlleave the arbitrators of right to the strong
arthstrid c Wage natures of brutal men—if all
this were proposed to he done by asystem of abo
litionism, then there would be some danger in
theyroPosition, scene real cause for - pebile alarm
—sdreepresent and future motive for stern oppo
slain, 'and soiree sense and reason In making
thiltletra 'abolitionist one of opprobrium and dis
gra& littt We deny that a single right, human
or divine, has ever been assailed by the aboll
tiffilete,of thy! country, and while making this
wedo not aammito be the advocate of
11444, faith - pr the defender of their propositions.
#rtnast they are constantly assailed we have a
right to refer to the motives which prompt such
assaults ; and in doing . so, it is well for the
cause of tenth that therpresent is so prolific in
the hotiors. perpetrated by the institution of
eltriery,' else would this whole strnggle, with
its lawful responsibilities and atrocities, be
forced upon the free states. And even with
the enormities of the slave power fresh in the
minds of the American people, there are politi
cians who bluster and blunder on in the same
path which has led to these troubles, and who
are determined .to persist to the end in the de
fence and advoiztcy of slavery.
If slavery had never existed in this country,
rebellion worild.never have had an adVocate' or
adherent. It was not the effort made to abol
ishelavery that has envenomed the tooth of
treat on, . Those who charge these things are
those who are ready to falsify for any purpose, '
regatdless whether it be for the destruction Of.
nations or the annihilation of truth. Our'
only source of discord is centered in this'
institution—our only danger is inculca- .
ted by its teachings—and our only cor
ruptions spring from its practices. The legisla
,of the country proves the truth of these
lattertituts, because from the very first Moment
kff that:Aro:auction into the proceedings of don.:
grese, we date our .
,sectional divisions and our'
national heartburnings. Its southern advocate'
made it the absorbing topic of debate, while the
northemlidalator yielded to it the Most sn
VMulelditrilgges. The independent spirit of
intelligentmen could not abide these agg-e t e-.
100113 without offering at least a show of resiat
tune: • They were not willing that the fame and
fititriendilialpS of the nation should all be ab
sorbed bY the prestige of slavery. And because
they have done so.--because they regard slavery
an's great moral, Imolai and political evil, the
„ •
xetneval of which would be a benefit to man
hil?dx they are derided aslanatics or denounced
ttixditionistis. , • .-
We leave the discussion of this subject to our
readers. affords food for reflection, and can
ordthe pondered by those who divest them.:
ear**, all prejudices. Se far as 'we are con.
earned, Wewould as soonderide the the memory
of the Weldinsei.or a Hugenonl as reproach - a
living mane lerdesiring the abolitlinent of sin
vex*. principle may lack present practice.;
tdlity in the wordly wisdom and estimation of
tie—be may be iu advance off the social safety,
distinctions and prejudices Of Idifellows—but
theanan, who desires to abolish slavery because
he. considers it a wrong to his brother , man,
pity the noble. promptings of a princlide'ln,
*4t?l Qo(l,' and must look to Go .l for hit
Auctmeottnent and reward until intelligence
and reason prevail to a greater extent in this
thau they do at present.
No9vartmas To rut SHOWN.-A dispatch from
Borgia, dated the llth says : The
Aczn3 been current here for the past dai
try that black Bags have been hoisted at bar
attuiesnin,- .and , Other plairee . Mt 'the
mast, which indicates that "no qnartgjOylitt e
given to invaders, and no quarters will be
The Wabash fired, during the entire action,
900 shots, being all 8,9, 10 and 11-inch shells,
with the exception of a few rifled cannon pro
jectiles of a new pattern, and which were used
simply as a matter of experiment. The Sus
quehanna fired 500 shots, the Blenville 185,
and the average of the gdriboats and the other
smaller ships may probably be set down at 150
each. There were, in all, 16 vessels engaged on
our side, and probably froth all of them were
fired not far from 8,500 shot and shell at the
two forts, Walker and Beauregard, the four
gun batteryand the three steamers.
The average " cod of each shot, reckoning
shell, rottrat shot; andrified (=non projectiles
of peculiar make, and taking into account the
value of the powder-used to fire them, may be
set down. at- oboist. $B. Thus the burned pOwder
and broken shell, iron of -the -battle of Port
Roy a l may be set down .as laving cost the
country not less than $2 . 8,000. Reckoning,
then, says the New-York Tribune, a few items
of this battle; beginning 'with the immense cost
of this fleet, whi,Ch luia been preparing since
August last, the pay of the solcßers, the value
of their food ; and the' expense of the ^ two lost
veseels oni'verrtnciderate Scale, the entire cost
is about as folloWs
Rent,of the vessels up to this time,
Pay of the soldiers, &c., up ,to this
:time . . .... .. . ..... 630,006
Value of r at ions consumed np io this
time 220 , 000
Value . of clothing worn out up to this
Value of powder hurried 28,000
Vane of the Governor and Peerless,
lost on the Catalina stale, $BO,OOO 160,000
We - see that'Preal en mcoln. has issued an
order directing - the Military authoritieS in Vir
ginia to suspend the civil authoritieS whenever
they claim to hold authority from Governor
Letcher, and triPlice - all the State officers under
arrest who atteMPt'io inteifere with - their time
time. We are glad that the President has ta
ken this step.- The-existence of the Richmond
authorities, 'and ''the ' 'exercise 'of their power,
have caused a great degree of,embarrassment
the army in occupation of the Virginia shores.
It Will not do' ikor us to trifle With these people.
If We mean to Crush treason in Virginia We must
go about the ivorir. in earnest. Our Administra
tion hail recognized , the. Wheeling Government
art the'bomt fide Obvernment of Virginia, and it
must secure the performance of their duties
without the interference of the rebel agents.—
This course will be the oourse of the army in its
progress thkongh the Cotton States. It is just
and Proper; annd rendered necessary by the pre
sent extraordinary and remarkable condition of
Dzare or 'Ex-Ron Snrrentsim.—Mr. Joel
B. Sutherland,' a Well-known citizen of Phila
delphia, died at his residence, in that city, on
Friday night, inthe seventieth year of his age.
The deceased was'brought - up to the medical
profession, but many years ago he dropped the
practice of medicine to enter into an active po
litical life. He Itll/3 Prothinent member of the
Jackson party in the old district of Southwark,
and he represented the First district in Con
gress from 1827 to 1837. He was a member of
the State -Legislature at the time President
Jackson vetoed the bill to recharter the Bank
of the United States, and Dr: Sutherland in
curred the indignation . of Ids party, at that time,
by voting for a recharter of the bank as a State
institution. The deceased was at one period an
amoebae judge in the. Court of Commtm Pleas,
and he also held• the position of resident physi
cian at the Lazaretto. He took part in the war
of 1812 ; ‘and,• of late years, ha has been active
in his efforts to obtain a substantial recognition
from the Federal thwernment of the services
rendered by the soldiers who fought in what he
termed "the second war of independence."
Pe.—The Wheeling Intelligencer of Thursday
says : A dispatch was received last evening by
she Governor, from Col. Boles, dated Catletts
burg, Ky.; the 12th, •stating that roar thousand
rebels were marching upon the town of Ceredo,
Wayne county, Va. The small force at that
place had fallen back upon Catlettsburg, where
they . had rallied some five or six. hundred sol
diers and Citizens, who intended to defend the
place to the death. Ceredo is only nine mile:,
from Guyandotte. Catlettsburg is at the mouth
of the Big Sandy. The minor portion of
Colonel Zeigler's regiment, heretofore stationed
at Ceredo, were sent up the Kanawha about a
week ago.
The same paper says :
The latest reports from Gurley are that fight
frig was still going- on 'there ' as later as Saturday.
Floyd's purposes seemed to be to cut off corn
mutuoation. Omagh, the _ferry boat that plies
across the river.. Gera. Bent am, with a large
force, Wattle= ".miles below .Gauley and two
miles above_Loupe creek,. and had crossed the
river by means of the steamer Silver Lake,
which had been detained for that purpose. Gen.
Benham is in a fair Way to cut off Floyd's re
treat, and,. as soon . as his w eldor' is made
/mown to KrienCnuis, an ,advance movement
Will be un bum* a body of
three hundred. secesh cavalry, were at Clinton,
with a view ,to captUre whatever steamer might
pass. This, place is on the Kilawha river, tive
miles below Cannelton.
• . A- AL °Pmts.— e opines from
Port loyal hate been apportioned between the
Navy Department and the Nevi ;rex& The
two cannon have been t4eikt , c; the Navy Yard,
o,pee . gpy . places, sdOrigiddapf the trophies of the
itteAlean war, which, meet the eye of every visi
tor as soon as he enters the premises. They are
aPt,,ea btleg!. r9Prqte*Ot "rifled vine of
the newest and moat approved,patterii," but old
faehipmed.amootti bore *Ad pieces, of European
roamifactqre , °Yet' llunitme Pzere ie en
graved a grawn, legicating that they, are Colo
, Theybear date- 180.
,`_Around the
rim of the breech t4p worOs "South Carolina"
are rmielzengraved. The flags are displayed
at the Navy Department
STemssum ittimr Htutatmori.Ptaitt Pe;mitt,
wall.a.,PareY of Aftr of the Lincoln . 'cavalry,
ventured some four miles within the ; enemy,'s
pickets a few days ago. He reports that many
of the dwellings,. built in fine taste and sur t
rounded by beautiful gardens and shrubbery,
have been deserted. by..tbair uurners, who have
notevenialtmeaMottlitir.centerits. He , mw
ellatekifare.and other, valuables ,iyhig ,on the
tables andin, the eltaetti l bMictings: in all
their apPoiptuterdeiveriug avileUga P.f, bpvjng
been. abraidouttliit NAP& cif _Abe
negroes teethe •Mefebei. .titaatit y. of
him to take them in safety to his camp. There
the North. a general desire expressed bythem to came
Penn*Dania Datlp zeitgraPh, (ilueottap November 19. 1861.
From our Evening Edition of Yesterday
From Washington.
The Father of the Late Col. Ellsworth
Appointed Military Storekeeper.
Visitors to the Heads of Departments.
Capture of a Foraging Party by the
Ephraim Ellsworth, father of the late Colonel
Ellsworth, has been appointed military store
keeper by the President, but isnot yet assigned
to duty.
The heads of Department have been so much
annoyed by visitors that they have not been able
to prepare their annual reports. They have,
therefore, been compelled to resolve to exclude
all visitors until after the meeting of Congress.
In view of this determination, parties who
contemplate visiting Washington for the pur
pose of having interviews with the heads of
Departments, are advised to defer their journey
hither until after the assembling of Congress.
A foraging party went out from Geu. Wads
worth's brigade yesterday, and having procured
a large supply of corn, they started back in the
afternoon. Five of the wagons became de
tached from the main body, and halting in the
road about two and a half miles to the left of
Falls Church, the men stacked their arms and
went toward a farm house to get something to
eat. A party of rebel cavalry who had been
scouting in the neighborhood, availing them
selves of the oppOrtuuity thus presented, sud
denly rushed between our soldiers and their
arms, thus rendering them powerless for re
sistance. The consequence was the capture of
five loaded wagons and it is supposed thirty-one
prisoners. About ten of the soldiers certkin' ly
escaped, and it may be that some of the others
may yet return, as it is not improbable that
they sought refuge in the woods. They all be
long to the Thirteenth New York regiment.
I he place where they were taken is beyond our
lines, and this unfortunate affair is the result of
their own carelessness.
It is understood that the Government will,
in the course of a few days, make arrangements
to open trade with Beaufort, S. C. It is report
ed that our forces there have captured fitteen
hundred bales of cotton. It is not stated
whether it will be sent North.
Col. Harding, of Missouri, has made arrange
ments by which the three month's Home
Guards of that State who were mustered into
service under authority of the late Geu'l. Lyon
will be paid.
George D. Keilog, of Chicago, has been ap
pointed Assistant Adjutant-General of volun
teers with the rank of captain, and assigned to
Geri'. Stanley's staff.
The steamer E. B. Hale arrived at the Navy
Yard on Saturday night. For a week or two
past she has been stationed at Stump Creek to
watch the rebel steamer George Page, but the
opening of the new rebel battery at Cockpit
Point forced her to move from that exposed
position, and she now lies at deep point when
on the lookout.
Her officers have no objections to an encoun
ter with the George Page as they have a
staunch little steamer and a fine battery aboard.
The Dawn ran the blockade on Saturday
night a week, the Hetzel on last Tuesday night
and six schooners on Thursday night last, all
bound down. Since then none but small yes- .
sels have passed either way.
All the schooners which have left Washing
ton or Georgetown have passed through safely,
and more are now at Indian Head.
The Confederates are busy at Freestone point,
and it is supposed are building a strong work
for a battew,. there.
Important from Havana.
—•— •
Mexico Reported to have Acceeded to the
Demands of England and Frances
The Heron Sisters Held for Ransom_
Nsw YORK, Nov. 18.
The steamer Cosmopolitan from Hanva4a,
has arrived with dates to the 11th inst.
The Spanish fleet for Mexico was only await
ing tilt arrival of vessels past due from Spain.
The Mexican news is not favorable. The
Juarez government owing to the disaffection of
Gen. Ortega, who had retired to his own State,
Zacatecas, which tells against the government.
Marques, with 4,00.0 troops, though once de
feated, was approaching the valley of Mexico,
but it was supposed he would be again de
The constitutional guarantee suspended by
Congress, has been restored by the edicts of
President Juarez.
A report prevailed that Mexico had acceeded
to the demands of England and France, but it
was not believed at the capital.
Chernaveco, only twenty-four miles from the
capital, was in the hands of the rebels. '
Eight hundred fillibusters had Rio Bravo and
were marching on Durango.
Max. Marestzeks' opera troupejiad been rough
ly handed on the way to Vera Cruz by the reac
tionists, and sustained considerable loss. Part
of the troupe including the sisters Nathalie
were taken to the• strongholds in the moun
tains for ransom. The sisters Nathalie are the
Miss Herons of this city, and this statement
will cause much anxiety to their friends and re
From Banta Rosa Island.
The Rebels Shelled off the Island with
Great Loss.
NEW Yons., Nov. 18.
Mr. Savage, United States vice Consul at
Havana, who returned from Key West on the
10th inst., reports that 1,600 rebels were dis
covered by the federal patrol on Santa Rosa
nflles from Port Pickens.
The commander of the fleet sent a force who
shelled the rebels off the Island with a great
loss.' - The supposed object of the enemy was to
get together a force of 6,000 or.more troops and
th n Make 4 fere° Pi ar Ch on Col : w camp
for anothei mild 'attack: " - • --
The above report le brought by the steamer
Cosmopolitan arrived to-day from Havana,
Weam.NoTow, Nov. 18
The Scene on Board the British Vessel.
How the News was Received in
' The Navy Department prefers not to publish,
at present, the official reports made by the offi
cers of the war steamer San Jacinto, in refer
ence to the capture of Mason and Slidell. the
-general facts are these : - Commander Wilkes,
evidently a - man Of "grit,'"was sent out to
bring home the San Jacinto from the coast of
Africa ; on his return he touched at Cienfuegos,
where he ascertained that Mason and Slidell
had run the blockade, .and were en route to
Europe, probably by , the way of. Cuba. He
sailed up and went into port at Havanna.
There he ascertained. that the Confederate com
missioners had been gone but a few hours,
having sailed in the British mail. steamship
Trent, the evening before, (7th Novem
ber.) He immediately put to sea, direct
ing his course so as to intercept the vessel.
When :about forty miles off Matanzas, in
the old Bahama Channel, the Trent nova in I
sight, and the two vessels were soon within
hailing distance. Commodore Wilkes sent a
shot across the bows of the Trent. To this no
attention was paid, when another was directed
near the bow. This brought the steamer to.—
Lieutenant Fairfax, to whim both of the Con
passengers were personally known, was
sent on board in a boat, supported with twu
more boats, filled with marines. Lieutenant
Fairfax went on deck and milled for Messrs.
Mason and Slidell, who soon appeared. Lieu
tenant Fairfax politely informed them of the
object of his mission, and asked them to go on
board his boat. To this they objected, Mason
remarking that they had paid their passage
to Europe, to the British Consul at Ha
vanna, (who acts as agent for the mail
steamship line,) and he would not leave
•without force. Lieut. Fairfax, pointing to his
marines drawn up on the decks of the British
steamer, said : "You see, sir, I have the force,
if that is what you require !" '"
Then you
must use it," replied Mason. With this Lieut.
Fairfax placed his hand upon the Senator's
shoulder and pressed him to the gangway.—
At this juncture the passengers rushed torward,
somewhat excited, and attempted to interfere.
the marines immediately showed their bay
onets, and Mason consented to the decision
of Lieutenant Fairfax, asking that he might
be permitted to make his protest in writing.
Just then a fine specimen- of an Englishman
rushed on deck in military or naval uniform
(the officer in command of the mails, probiz
uly,) and demandeq why passengers on board
that ship were molested. Lieut. Fairfax in
formed him that he had stated to Capt. Moir,
of the packet, why he arrested, two of his pas
sengers, and further than that he had no ex
planations to make. Protesta were then drawn
up, andklason and Slidell, with their secretaries
Eustis and McFatiand, went into the boats of
the San Jacinto. Com. Wilkes sent a message
to the ladies that his best cabin was at their
service if they desired to accompany the priso
ners back to the United States. They, how
ever, declined, and proceeded on the voyage.
The arrest was made un the Bth, and the San
Jacinto arrived with the prisoners at Fortress
Monroe on Friday. Lieut. Taylor was dispatch
ed to Washington with the official papers, and
the San Jacinto was ordered to New York,
whence the prisoners will be forwarded to Fort
Warren, in Boston harbor.
The Trent is not, as has been supposed, an in
tercolonial steamer, plying between the West
India Islands. She is a British international
packet, carrying the British mails, and plying
between Southampton, England, Vera Cruz,
Havana, St. Thomas, and thence track to South
Lieutenant Taylor arrived here at noon, yes
terday, and the news of the arrest created a
profound sensation, and very generaland almost
unbounded rejoicing. The act is, outside of
the departments, very generally approved,
though there are various opinions expressed in
the speculations as to the light in which Eng
land wilt view the transaction. One thing is
evident, England has always favored the right
of search; and it is a bad law, or rule, that will
not work equally well both ways. Captain
Wilkes was disposed to seize the packet, under
the charge of favoring the enemies of our coun
try, and bring her to Key West; but, finding
that it would seriously disappoint a large num
ber of passengers, he abandoned his purpose.
Oar Naval Force Increased at New
port News.
BAIMMORB, Nov. 18.
Passengers by the Old Point boat report all
quiet there and nothing new.
via Baltimore. j
There has been no flag of truce to Norfolk to
day and we consequently have no news from
the South.
A Spanish bark taken off Charleston by the
gun-boat Alabama has arrived here in charge
of a prize crew. She has has no cargo and will
probably be released.
Our naval force at Newport Ness . % has been
increased in order to check the rebel expededi
tion fitting out in the James River, of which
tLree formidable fire ships are said to form a
General Phelps' command are building com
fortable tents for their winter quarters, and
Newport News will, in a few days, present the
appearance of a large village. '
From the Lower Potomac.
The Federal Troops Preparing to Enter
the Eastern Counties of Virginia.
The Proclamation of Gen. Dix and
the Virginians.
Ba.rantoan, Nov. 15
The steamers Georgia and Georgiana arrived
this morning from Newton, Worcester county,
Four thousand federal troops were at that
point preparing to march into the Eastern
Shore counties of Virginia.
On the way up to the Pokomoke river a boat
was sent ashore and the proclamation of Gen.
Dix was read to a large number of Virginians
in a farm house who declared it entirely satis
factory and claimed the protection of the Gov
ernment from the rebels who were forcing them
into the evnfederate service againet their will.
The gun boat resolute had been givingthem
protection during the day but at night they
would have to seek shelter in the woods.
ill a r ri tb
On the leak ingt., by the Rev. r. S. Mies, Mr. Lill
WOAVOR, to Mien CEINS, Ott of Ms place.
New 2trierttstments
ALL persona indebted to the estate of
John Bower, late of Susquehanna townabip, deceas
ed are required to make pay niert to the subscriber and
all persons having claims against the said decedent will
present them for seltiernsut to
GEO. W. SEAL, of Harrisburg.
Administrator on the estate of John Bower, dec'd.
v v M
BREITENGER has removed his
restaurant from the of Dewberry alley
and Ifar. et street, to the house formerly occupied by the
"tted Lion hotel" in ilar,ert, street between Dewberry
alley and Third street which he bee refitted throughout
in the c•ost beantifu I manner, and hells now prepared to
rarnl,..h as usual, (oysters and all the delicacies of the
"season, in that reckerck style which has distinguished
his e.tablisnment from the time of first opening.
Doors open to 7 Commence to 8
ADMISSION 26 ota .
SALS FOR FUEL" will be received at the
office of the undersigned Assiitant Quartermas
ter of volunteers, U. S. A
' at H.arrisburg, Penn
sylvania until 3 p. m., of Friday the 22d day of
November inst., for supplying the troops at
Camp Curtin with fuel for a period not longer
than four months to commence on the 27th of
November, 1861, viz:
Good, sound, merchantable hard wood for fu
el, green or dry, in cords of 128 cubic feet, the
sticks to be four feet long from point to cud
Good merchantable anthracite coal, of the
"egg" size, in tons of 2240 lbs. The above to
be delivered subject to inspection at Camp Cur
tin, near Harrisburg, Penns, in quantities as
required, and at periods not more_frequently
than three times in each week.
The anima to , continue for the tiMiioolte
specified unless sooner terminated by order of
the Quartermaster General of the United States.
The proposals must be accompanied by the
actual signatures of the parties tendering, and
the actual signatures also of two sufficient 'nitre
ties in the sum of three thousand dollars, will
ing o'i:titer into bonds for the fulfilment of the
contrac-and if these sdretiea be noekrickin to
the undersigned—a-certificate of some-United
Stake or State Judge or Alderman of this dis
trict as to their sufficiency will be required.
The undersigned propose to- delive; to the
United States, at Camp Curtin;Danithin count',
Pa., for the use of the troops there stational,
as per advertisement of Nov. 18, 1861, good
merchantable hard wood fuel' (green or dry, as
the case maybe,) at $ per cord (of 128 cub. ft.)
Good merchantable anthracite coal (egg size,)
in tons of 2,240 lbs., at $ per ton. A. B.
C. D
E. F
Poet Office
Addressed to Capt. E. C. Wrtsox,
A. Q. M., (Vol.) U. S. A.
N. B.—Lykens Valley Coal preferred.
1 - WANT to buy all the Old 'Books I can.
tlnd; tbose having Old. .11 ,- olus, Pamphlets Rte. ; bid ,
away In garrets and bye places, con now convert suck
old accumulations into cash. I also want old letters writl
ten by celebrated Americana. I give from $2 to $2O for
letters written by Washington; and in .Proportion
Revolutionary commanders; bor. the signori of tre ;That
claratlon of Independence, uommodores, Eminent Civil.:
inns, Lawyers and Physicians. Those basing ,Old Letters
can sell them ;or gold by addressing Immediately, Er
Spring, Post Office, Rarrlsburg. ' Pa. Reports wanted.
no vlo•d3t*
TWO good, steady Journeymen Tailors
wante i imme - iate y. a S. HITTER.
MAW°, Nov .15, 1861.
THE subscriber offers for i Bale two ad-.
jointrig brine properties 'ocated on the west aids of
&noun street, above Locust street, Harrisburg.
For terms Uhl conclitioas apply to JOHN A. WEIR,
. . a .
NEW crrEaNa . .
(Room formerly occupied by the Podoffice.)
)ISHE- undersigned.have just! opened
new and large assortment of the latest styles of
°thing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order
all kinds or Gnats Wear, cut to the latest 'tyke andifash •
ions. We have always on hand a large stock of Ready.
made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing goods. •
rrtH.E undersigned offers for sale or 'rent,
his Distillery below Ear, lehure, between the Penn.:
aylvania Railroad and the Susquehanna river, with mown
-engine, pig pea, railroad siding and about eight , aores of
ground. Terms low. Apply to Ji O. Bomberger, Esq.,
Deshler of the Mechanics Savings Bank Barri.burg, or
oca26.tilmti litddonown.
in Confectionary, Foreign and Domestic Fruit.
Figs, Dates, Praoee, Kailas am Nuts of all kinds
Fresh and ,a 1 tee.h, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices, To.
basso, Segara and Canary Produce in general, Market
toreet, next door to. Parke House, also cssuer Third and
Walnut streets.
ect2B4l6m JOHN_ WISE.
Sable Furs,
Liberian Squirrel Furs,
French Sable Furs,
Silver Marten Fars
Water Mink Furs.
Great bargains in these Goods. Every article warren
ted to be eaazily as represented, at •
net 3' Neat to the . Harrisburg Bank.
; . NEAR xuarscEr.
Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth.
my 12 dtt
lITOULII, respectfully inform:, his old
v • tiatroarand the mobile gene ,Talir he ,
continue to gtve inutraokala on. the. =ALMFOK I4 4,.„ m '"
LODEON, VIOLIN &adobe arahnsolente_ok,glOßOuw"
RaSIEL HaspillarnaliP)Manitt (Mon PuPlolll*.lhair
bonus at any hour desired, or masons will be gives •
his residence, la Third street, a few doors below la
German Reformed Church.
Nero rAbnertisements.
-• . •
Major General MoCleEan's works,
rpHE ARMIES OF EUROPE : comp r i sh ,„ .4
criptions in detail of the Military 6,t,,,,e5.
of England, France, Russia, PruFsia, in
and Sardinia. Adapting their advantaaw
arms of the United States Service. Eaito all
hod ;"
ing the Report of Observations in Europ e d
ing the Crimean War, as Military Commission
er from the United States Government in
66. By Cm. B. MoCiattaz, Major-Generai'll
bY order of
S. Army. Originally published under th e
direction of the War Department
Congress. 1 vol. Bvo. Illustrated With fi ll ,
steel Portrait and several hundred Etatr.
This most interesting volume, prepared wi t h
great labor by General liicCuritaur, from u p i,
ous notes taken during his tour of obierratiot
i n Europe, under orders from the War Depart.
meat, opens to the reader much of Ins ~art,
military .istory and culture. Here nil b e
found his matured views on subjects of irme.
•diate and absorting interests, and the
and bold suggestions contained her,irl
now in position to realize, and is, in far,
day applying in practice. The book
inllo o Phecy, of which his present
hiliassured fame are the bright fulaiment
LAN, Major-General U. S. Army. To at,
added, the Basis of Instruction I[‘r the
Cavalry, from the authorized Tactio,, iklu
the formation of regiments and squadron;
:duties and posts of officers, less(, in tt,, , trt:%.
tone, illustrated by LUTII,-;
diagrams, with the signals and calls 1,
tree ; also, instructions for otfie,•r n ze d
oommiraioned officers on outp[ , ,t
' With a drill for the use of eaval-y
okirralaheut, mounted and dism,a,uted
12mo. Fully illustrated. $2.
PF3IP SE rt's
DAILY a n L 1 E!
Between Philade] 0111
Lebo JOIST •••tioRL, ,W•11-e.., •
thnosentwo, WAysirom,, N 111. 1 ,4,
exit% auirat,
Thto Philadelphia tiortit . Hitt . ktly
Drayage will be et the lo4esSl rate;. A L t g
theoughlrith each trslu 10 atteo t t 4 sa e Li
eIT goat ant:hated lA tbo lien . Gun Is 1e1.v,5,1 e
Depot of
FREED, WAHL) & FREED, C. %ler • Aet
degghla. by S Welocx. ' M, ",i
Harrisburg the next• cl
Freight (always) ts luw as by any di, ne
Particular &tumulus did.' by tai.. Lur 0. • ,
speedy delivery' tr lib Harris hu r net.
The underelgtied theukrul far past •at o e h
strict attention LO enema , ' to bums t con ,
game. T. l iii. Hsu
Pt:Wadelptit t and Realm
Feot Of Market qtr
ele. ilgm
, :ittikeilioiiihe hair without acollug th, huger..
It Wads a eavlug of one-half iu the use of Lar peFar
It WWI awly With mai hair o I hat!en.
It la hindsomer artlel, then the cows hair.brurn.
It regulates the inan.lty of UW3 11 1`1.1,1111) , .
Il is perfectly Team, and cauu..t spill over o, the truni
or on the roller.
. !XI curries enough of any preparation to lasi for 0101
age or a loog journey.
Its p - Ice Is moderate, sod It eaves is OR cog in thro
For Wale et` terlat's Drug and le incy Store, 91 11srtet
street two doors eist of Fourth strLet, tlUtllb s de.
A LL persons indebted to the Eatate of
Jolid 'B. Thompson, late of HarrtAbori,
are requ i te, d to, p.tyment to the I :hi:, std
persoaiMng claims molest. the said deeednt, pi*
sent them for smUement, to flamtlton Lag, of
Harris • erg, or. to GE°. W. 9 It WYE",
Admhalswator on the Estate of John B. Toomp2 u
mimed. . .. .
ianessteropn.,Slet. toet.,--eetel.*
large loiroloe of Now Styles of French
Ahsirle'riedired thfs'olbrslng by
001 C sT 13:ARTk BRUT HER.
A large assortment of 'Under Shirts and Drawer!,
sly" )
Gentlemeas' Traveling Shawls and Biailiele,
Every HitnYot Omits Ho lery,
Gotha, Ciaselmers, and Vedlinge,
great variety,)
Silk k Cashmere N'ck Ties &Craves,
Large Stock of Gloves
• • . Every kind of K,!peo Hers
HiNOVIR Eatli 0 Eric
A Large Steak of these Goods, to Se ect from
Wand at : . VATSCArTi
nol9 - Nett door ta the 11 ir rl qurg 44-
TATS Company are now at Darnstown ,
blarpland in Geo. Bank's Division, RIO W 301111,41
Dien newly all of whom are resileots of Nauru tt ca
ty. 10 more men are wanted to tilt up the f...miaL.F n
the maxlisioni standard of 101 men. Pal )112 Inteaui
to enter the military eervlce , pe app llc utau
undersigned, be found in suitable boas on I q
until the fall number Is obtained. when rAlgui:
.9luiPmenia will be procured for them and tr M4KMMI:G
lurn.shed to enable them toJom the Coop
stav6-2wd Walnut SlTtit.
Plain and Figured Repo
Rich Figured all Woof Delainee,
Plain kierinoes and Cashmeres,
Fancy Paris Dretslko,
Superior Plain Colo , ed Dres S
Warranted makes of plain black: glks,
New Styles Low Pricrd .05 416
et ea HCART 830111EWS
Next door :to the Harrisburg Bails sretSnilire,
1, 1 1 3 ,1 iA
J—P Flannels, Ti E c (Hat k E i E U El g dTD , Pl D 6Nelvi r Gre i: s ! cr ing ss,LlNS
Glogbands,Calicoes, Towliogs,
All kinds of Domestic Goods,
A siplendidLiiie'd Shawls.
All kinds of Men and Boyouu4 s Wear,
In great vorioty t be fat
csdoceicr ,,,
_LA Misses Head Dresses,
Ladies Hoods,
Mime.; Hoods,
Ladies Soutazs,
Misses Mitts, Lte,
A fresh tavola?. just opened et CATIICINS 51
Doo9Nex Burl burg ok•
t door
TWO Machinists, and Six wagon Mak
ers. Apply at the Harrisburg Car Works.
nol2 dtf w SILDROP iltisq•
i 1,..nti5300713.; "NAIL GLYN, 1101
11 -A
. .U 0 lav
OP y dN P
ANIL:Sr ,T 4 41.
01.11 hat 111 VINViArt 1!!
MADE from choice a n d plopselect lerh
and gnarankol by us tO be Witty
eLiki WM. DOOK 1;*