THE TELEGRAPH L 9 PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, 1-1 v GEORGE BERGNER, • • TEKsta.—..SfitOLl Stallcaurriow. lbe funs TnirGRAPH is served to subscribers in the City a t fi,ti is per week Yearly sibscribers will be barged St IV OEMS LID 81311-WIVSLY TILIGISAM. VISGRAPHeIse publiSbeli twice a week dang the ge atien or the Legislature, and weekly during ri the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the ineitering rates, via: Single subscribers per Tear-.• • • -- Seven •• Ten i• Tale Lear 01 NMPAPIBIL eilbsoribers order the &MAUI:MALMO Of their MlN paperS, the publisher may 0011hUUe Bead them until 4 Leverages are paid. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newer'. from t he °Moe to which they are directed,. they are retrousible until they have settled the billitand Wei ed hem discontinued. filisallemeang. Os and after Monday, Nov. 4th, 1861, the malls at the Harrisburg Poet Wise will does es follows East. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. For all places adjacent to the line of the railroad, between Harris burg and Philadelphia.—WAT 6 80 A. M. !JAIL Fur New York, Philadelphia, Lan caster, Bainbridge, Columbia and Marietta 12.00 M. F o r Philadelphia, Lancaster and Middletown ~.„.. —.4:0 P. )L For New York, Philadelphia and Lancaster • 900 P. IL LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. For s'.l places between Harrisburg load Philadelphia, and adja- cent to the line of the Leba non Valley and Philadelphia and Reading Railroad.—WAY. Mau, "7.80 A. 11. wed. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD For all places between Harrisburg and Altoona.—WAY Atm.. ,11.80 , A. For Pittsburg, Johnstown,, Pa., Cin cienati, Columbui and Cleve. land, Ohio North. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. For all places between Harrisburg and Lock Itaven, and thaw adjacent to the line of the railroad.—WAY MAu. 12.00 M South. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. For Washington, Baltimore, York and all places along and ad jacent to the line of the rail road.—WAY Man, 10.00 A. M. For Washington, Baltimore and 4 York 9.00 Y. M. CIIM.BERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Hagerstown, Md., Chambers burg, Bbippensburg, Carlisle and Mechanicsburg 7.00 A. M. For all places between Harrisburg and Chambersburg along and adjacent to the line of the railroad.—WAY RAIL 12.80 P. M. SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA BAIL- ROAD For Pottsville, Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit btation and Auburn, 1240 P.M STAGE ROUTES. For Linglestown,Manada Hilt West Ilanover, Ono and Jonestown on Monday, Wednesday and Friday '• - 700 A: M. For Lisburn and Lewisburg on Sat urday 12 M. GEO. BERGNER, P. M. TREES ! TREES I TREES 1I I THE undersigned invite attention to their large and well:grown stook of ' FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, he., embracing a large and complete assortment APPLES, PEARS, PEACHES, PLUMS, CIINRnIEs APRICOTS, and NECTARINES, Standard for the 0/chard, and Dwarf WM° garden. ENGLISH WALNUTS, SPANISH CHERNUTS, HAZLE. NUTS, he , RASRERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CURRANTS and GOOSEBERRINS, ht great variety. GRAPES, OF CHOICEST KINDS ASPARAGUS, PHUBARB, ho., he. Also a fine stook o well formed, bushy EVERGREENS, suitable for the Cemetry and Lawn. DECIDUOUS TRIES for street planting, and a general assortment or Ornamental Trees and Flowering Shrubs. RogFEI of choice varieties, CAMELLIAS, BEJOINO PLAN CS, he. Our runt is remarkably thrifty and fine, and ite offer it at rims to suit the times. as- ktalogues mailed to all applicants. !mitten kDWARD J. EVANS h 00., Central Nurseries, York, Pa. sep2s.2md B. M. GILDEA, D. D. B• STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUR,E. AII opera lone, Surgical and'Maohaniml, scientalolly perromed Maros moderate. ieg TAKE NOTICE! rAT we have recently added to our al ready full stock OF SEGARB LA NORMATIS, HARI KART kx. MONO, OF PERFUMERY LA BANAMA, FOR Tat RANDERRCUMP ENCE, • • ODER OF MHHFC WWI'S ESSENCE BOHQUiff. Fors ?Re Hem . EAU LUSTAALE, CRYLTALIZRD POMATUM, POMATU MYRTLE' AND VIOLETIE FOR MR COMPLETION : TAW of vlagl , F y ROSE LE 4F POWDER, NEW MuWN HAY POWLIR, BLANC DE PiRLIEL OF SOAPS Beam Films MU BENZOIN, UPPER TES, VALET, NEW MOWN HAT JOlillY ÜB. Raving the largest stock and beet assor O tment of CL Toilet Articles, we Caney Mad we are better able than ore Oem- Milord to gel up a complete Toilet Set at any pace do nna. Cali ant see. Always on hand, a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, MEDI CMMA, CHEMICALS, dc., consequent of our recei v i ng aLmon daily, additions thereto. KkLLER'S DRUG AND FANCY' STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors Naiad lourth Street, South side. SOREFFER'S BOOK STORE t (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) JUST RECEIVED from the s.l t e2tr o Mills a lotot Ono CONMEINIAL NOTE , which we will sell at $1.26 per-ream.' 11,7,1 ,1 b 4 per mem ror NOTE PAPER, decorated with et and very handsome emblems and patriotic for 1009 WHITE lINVFLOPEB, with national and moieties, printed in two 00101na. :Riye US a call. THIS . NONTina • A Harp,tetnivr, SP/4F4D SA/4MON 11, = • k PRREMI AND ,VERY. DilikaAW X. fflp netUY hi. eve imui t t ditim W/L DOM ,146014 . • ‘1 //' . . . . • ~ s \ \\. '' ' 134- 1 1 V1 I F/ rl4 / I > 7. . , , t a ...1 ...:-. ... .. .•' , .. . . . • ~.-___l,,-.:0-Z)--------------: . . .'. . ' . , . ..... . . •., .r.. ... ' I ,ves., 4L fr.,' • V - I' ', r .ir .i.. r: ,. ... , ~..._. r . ~.,.1....,Y, C ..,:. ''. . 0.4 . . \ ' '..N , :.... ,- ..." ~ ----. i.1.1G10 '..--..., 1 . .- - . - 'O-.7 - -;: -- : , ..._ i , i i / • _ $2 00 12 00 12 00 .1 7 ;014, ,XVI. ' JD'. t?‘' 010., D w. GROSS & CO., Ajrb 'ELICerAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS,SMRE. KEEPERS' AND CONSUMERS; We. are daily 'adding to our assortment of goods all sack articles ad are desirable, and Would napectfully call your Mention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DAUG:B„ CREMIC.AIS da PAINTS, • di* Ellysiltuffit, Glass sidtratty, Artisi anoi Pooia, -8.00 P. X. Pare Ground - . ljaraing Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Spann' and PIO. Oils, 'Wiley Vials and Lamp Globes, Seiap, tilitlnges and'Corks„ &L t . dm., kit., oke., dero With a general variety of PERFUERRY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from' the besi manufacturers and Per turners of Brirope and this country. 'Beigg very large duelers in PAINTS, Wl= LEAD, UNSHED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S DOLORS, PAINT AND ARTISTS BRUSHES IN ALL TIME ITAREMIES, . . COLORS AND BRONZES t . • roi -A„, . --- .7. - -:---..., et ' o \ 4„c,'•R till.p.s); g 0 ; ---- .' -- ---- 0 • . .4 A;-•• D - - 4 ,- -- 41. --*•- ?" 0 , •••.0.-. ; •••• ;: • • ---- 0 0 "11U (, - ±i.,71 "- C - 0 3 1:i -.— -H a R F , i - .'i ,_:.;... We'respectftfily invite a call, feeling, corifl dent that we can supply the' wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH II JOEL'S AND MUTES'S POECIPILAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier: and Ocmoentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low se it can beynrohased in the dties. DIAYESIVMTIACAL FLUID EXTRACTS .L. L COAL 011.1 .. CARBON OIL 11 Being large . pnrchasani In. these Oils, we .can otler dose buyers. - Coal Oil Temps of the mat Improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND. . . GRAZIERS, dee of 'you who have no; given our HORSE LED 411 TILE. POWDERS a 'trial know no their eapediority, and the advantage they are in keeping Hones and Cattle healthy and in good condition. Thousands oan testify to the profit they have derived froin the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing qtiantity and quality of milk, besides improving the , general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long 13X. perience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and ons.arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage beatowe on our house, we hope by ' strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a oontinuanee of the favor of a dim:trim !long public. AkTRIMIkik: L. CHAVNL wkIAPIINTE:it AND BUILD. Vi i kak t i' , rip. 27 Nora 16601 81 , 04 L B-40/Hatill AMID= TO "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS--NEUTRAL IN NONE." RESTORATIV 1118 f HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 164 1861 1)11..‘JOI-INSOIN -3.3.AxammAcwFtP ',LOCK HOSPITAL. LirABl disciirvered the most certain, speedy ix. and effeetnel remedy in the world For DISEASES . OF DIPEIJDENOR. ROLM N . MIX TO TRIM. BOWL ITO Sisrcury Or .. Noxious Drugs. •$ -A Ouse Weatturesn, oit No Camas, or mom Ons so Two - • ' Weakness of tho Back or Llinies,Kilns it she Loins, LiMetions of the Kidneys and Bladde r, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thensWea Per. ars, Dyspepsia, fauguor,.LowSpirits,Confasysi deem, Pali Batten of the Heart, TimiditY,Tremitilingt, Dimness or Sight or Giddiness, Disease of this amnia, Affections of the Head, Throat, Nese or Skin—those terrible door dors arising from e indiscretion'M. iSolitary.Babits Ler Youth--Lhoao dreadful and destructive practises waine produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both Maraud mind. YOUNG MKN. Younistin especially who have hareem the victiment solitary Vice, that.dreadful and destructive behlt which annually sweeps to an nntithelj% geggr. Ogousande 01 young men of the most exalted talent and inilllatit lent ' who Might otherirlse haws entranced' hatelling Seliatile with We thunders of eloquence, or waked to eo :nay the living lyre, may call with hill confident*. iAinumas. Slanged poisons, onlboaa Ooritemplating 111111111140, be. .ng aware of physical weakness, should inuneth4g4y oat. pit Dr. J., and be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC WEAENBEI hueediately tiered atehtigi rigor redwed. He wbo places himself ands the street Dr, I:, way 'religiously confide In his bolter as a gentleman, ani eon, 'r e ligiously uponlits skill as ploorkitan. Wie-Cleioe No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltisnore, dd., on the left land side golniatont Baltimerwitreet, 1 loon from the corner, Be particular to observing the name or number, or you will mistake the plate. .41e. per. lcplar tor. Tiili iep Wads, with this emu, or Paltry ffewbug —Owbfwata, attracted by the repute non or Dr. Johnson, lurk-near. - Ali letters must contain a Postage:Ramp, Muse ea• the eply. DB,. JOEMMAN. • , , Dr, Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, ,andon_, gradttaterrOm one of the mond eminent'Colleges A' the United States, and the greatest part of 'whose . 'llfo nas been spent in the Hospitals of London; Yana , Pall* delphia and elsewhere, has greeted some ol,the,mnst as tonishing cures that were ever known. Many troahlf d with ringing in the ears and head when aelben:great tier loosniss, being alarmed at auditor' sound evlbsehraluise, Craquenthinabing,atteuded sometimeawith donne. , cent of mind were cured immediately, TARS PARTICULAR • NOTICK Dr. J. addressee Mir ttowa 'erbro' baring injured thaw. selves by urivxte mud •Tnaaraper indnigancies, that secret mad solitary skit WhighXuisla both body and kdnd, war titling them tbr 0141:113{ businessor society. ,„ Mak. are semis of tboald and meleuebOit berets pis'. &woo by early habitat of youth; - viz . Weakneas of 100 Back and Limbs , Pains In the oo Dimness at Wolof idusanbir , ?Orr, PalPitution .or tho. DP' *opals, Nervone Irrita Derangement of linnotions, General Debility. ,Symptoms of eimmorr • Cleo, ke. • • . • • w, efacraux, the fearful effects on the mind are inunh tO oe dreade4 :—Loes of ;Memory, Confuaket Idoes, ,. De pression of Spirits, Neil Forebodings, .AverMOO 11080016. ty, B e l t Alstrunt, Love of Solltude, Tkohllty, ate., are some of the elfeete. . Theasanai of parsons et all ages . can new judge matt la the cause of their decline to health, losing-their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervotui and eunsciatai; have a singular appearance about the 'eyes, cough, and symp-. • - ins of oonsampiton. - YOUNG KEN who have injured themselves loy a cattail? practical, in delped in when alone—it habit -rampantly learnedi fans evu.wmpanions, or at , school, the 'Gears at wallah• are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if riot cured, readers marriage impossible, and deetroye bath,irind and'body, abetted apply Immediately.' • • • What's. pity that a young man, the hopes of Ida coon. try, the darling of his pezents, shoidd 00 matched. from all prospects and et*tymenta lifelty.the.oonsainencer of deviating from : the : path ot. nnture, and led:4 3 girig in a certain secketi habit. i pireops map, lief °hams. . as ARRIAGB, erect that a sound mind and body are the most neoessary requisites to Pronto's ronnqblai ~s b nire atnium4 P#l Inteed there; thelournertmough iso silseeri pilgrimage; the Prospect hourly f darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed Witti.dekials, and tilled with the melancholy reilectionthat the happiness of another be comes blighted with one man, . _ OR: JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING RIKERY FOE 0; GANIO WEAKNESS. great and liapartaat t r, ,SiftwitnesiNflate mum are speedily cared, cute . * .vipr restored. rhonsande of the. boa , nere aM debilitated wba lad lost all hope, have tieenjmmedlately relieved. All Impedimenta to Marks:44e, Pliailiator Mental D i aqualid. etodos, Nervens,.Trembilet, Weedomts or llpeituttles ap the' eet feattlillind, speedily oared. , • • The mint thindands 'cured at this lunation within tee bad *oleo years, and the numerous important. Borsht' operations. performed by Dr, J., wilueased by the re porters of the papers, and many other persons, notices of which havenpp again and again ., before the public, besides Me sianthw as a ettatinnan ot.charaoter sled re epotugehi e. is a itient muss dee to , the afflicted. MU= OF 111PREIDENOL —When' the = misguided! and imprudent votary of plemure finds he has imbibed the deeds of this patent toe often happens that an 111-timad sense of sheltie dread of disc:ovary:deters him from applying kr those who,' from adatittion find re spectability can mane befriend him; delaying - till the coo ditatlonal symptoms of this honed disease make their appearance, affecting the : head, throat, Mee t , skin, doo m , Prolfreffdird on with frightful raPidlir;tilt dearirputa a period' to his dreadful safferingsby sending , him to titbit bourne from whence me traveler returns." ft, Is mid =holy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible , disease, owing to the muskilfulnem of ignoraat.pretend eta, who, by theme of that deoetkie town; 'sitinearril, rule the oonatitntion and make the residue of life miserable. To ibinesionna.—Tkiiii Donner's- Diplomas bang in bin ofilse. . . . . i f ir . L etter y meet contain a Stomp to WI on the'reply. .WPllelleadtes lent by Moll, • 1 = Nir•No. 7 Soulh Froderich . street,liaihmore. • aririo-dawly 3. R. INGE . RSOLL'S PATENT FOUNTAIN It dresses the hair without soiling the lingers. It erects a saving of One-half in the use of hair prepar ations. It ,does away with greasy hair-oil bottles. Ills handsomer article than the common hair-brush. It regulates the quantity of fluid u ed, to a drop. It is perfectly scar, and cannot spill over in the trunk or on the toilet. It carries enough of any preparation' o last for a voy age or a long journey. Its price fa moderate, and it saves Its own cost in three months, 'For Iwo at Keßer's Drag and Fancy Store, 91 Market street'two doors east of Fourth street, south side. castle • • " . • • . • • SCHEFFE'RS BOOK STORE.• (smut THE BABaniatnua mums.) UNION ENVELOPES_ OTE PAPER , of six. different desfigno i , IA ; printed to two colors sold by the thousand ante byttia reituint City Clash prices. , Also, Flags, Union *Breast 'Pins ? ! o gles , Union Rings nd Badges at very low pekoes. Wi' at elclsirvit-C4 frioicorooi. TO .FA RME,KB t, • Btrrnft - Igocik. (Toot and fresh) in one i potaid tong, iiad NW% MS in large and mall quillditinaMtannaiattineakans , essurssa. Grams:lse 011 1 .0MFA* 40.. 4 1 reitTAMMI l rerkii ingiS gyms the Gloat Muse. Ittbicat. Wiz. TO ariasamts HALM-BRUSH. BY' 4. .: ; .n : .:::. I :., 1 . ~. J 4 #• , . - Yronk.our Morning Edilion ,Later from- Washington. Officers Placed on the Retired List. No Trtule lit Present Permitted with Beaufort, S. C `GOVREAYEET TELEGRAPH • AR RANGEMENTS. Yaeancles-hv Iti'litud Academy at Newport, It. I. THE BALTIM ORE MECHANICS AND WORKINGMEN. REBEL FORCE AT MANAgSAS. W'ASHINGTON, Nov. 15 The Naval retiring board having found Com modore Lawrence Kearny incapacitated for pub lic service, he has by direction of the President of the United States heen placed on the retired list. Lieutenant Colonel James Edelin, of ma rine corps, has by his own request been placed on the retired list, having entered that branch of service in 1815. George N. Palmer, of New York, at Claudia, William S. Speer, of Ken- Lucky, at Zauibar, Hinton Roan Helher at Bennos Ayres. For the information of applicants to the gov ernment, too numerous to be answered indivi dually, there is authority for saying that thus far no decision has been made in regard to per mitting trade on Beaufort, S. C., or its vicinity. Anson Stager, of Ohio, having received the military appuintment of General Superintend ent of the Government telegraph, has in ac cordance with the instructions, entered upon the organira►tiun of that department. Thus the Gov exnment, 'under this popular and efficient gen timnan, will soon have in operation a complete system of telegraphs for the transmission and reception of official intelligence from available importanepoints. The Nivy Department has recently entended ,ine.ter siosiving Students at. the Naval Academy at Newport, B. 1., to the lath inst. Vacancies exist in the following named Con gressional Districts : Pennsylvania Ist, 3rd, Bth, twain 10th, 11th, 18th, 10th, 18th, 19th ' and 20th. 'Members of Congress representing these districts have ixien desired to make im mediate nominations. No notice can be taken of applications by candidates directly to the Department, as the law gives the nomination to members of Congress. The law does not alit thorize the appointments at large to be made by the President'or Secretary of'the Navy, and there is 'no way tosecure anappointment except ing through nomination by a member of Congress from the district in which the applicant actually resides. Candidates are required to be between 14 and 18 years of age, and - their precise age and actual place of residence must be stated in making their nomination. Congress at the extra session made no provision for filling va cancies from the States in rebellion. A delegation of prominent citizens of Balti more have visited Withington to make an ap peal in behalf of the workingmen of that city. They say by the violence and (actionable oppo sition of a , treasonable minority, Baltimore has been involved in disaster and distress beyond What is dire to the mere existence of a state of war, and their troubles have been still further aggravated by the disabled condition of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad—the principal artery of their trade and source of their prosperty. Of the misfortunes of the merchants, however they did not propose to complain, but they appeared to plead for such relief as the Government could afford to the laborers and mechanics of Bald more. The almost total suspension during the past six: months of the trade and manufactures upon which so • large a proportion of the them are dependant, has brought famine to their doors and arousedlhe most gloomy fore boding* of the approaching winter. The great majority have always been loyal. They have furnished many of their number to the army and navy, and have, by their overwhelming votes at the late election vindicated the honor of the State and demonstrated their own fidelity and zeal. The delegation expressed the belief that the Government would consult economy rather than policy in causing more than heretofore vessels to be repaired 'and constructed in Baltimore. They further suggested the expe diency of establishing there a Naval Depart ment, and also a branch clothing bureau. By furnishing employment in these and, other ways so far as the government has power to the laboring classes, the effect would be not only to encourage loyal men, but to confirm the waver ing and attract those who for a time have been seduced by the misrepresentations of the rebels or intimidated by threat daily made and acted out by 'withdrawing all custom and patronage from the friends of the government. They express their warmest wishes for the prosecution to a successful issue of the war now waging for the preservation of the dignity, unity and stability of our common country. - To this address of the delegation the Presi dent eplied as follewa Garmuamel: thank: you, for the eddies *hi& priltit*tiretitated- to' me - in hehay 'of tiii4l:4l4ielialthhote.. have deplores , - 03:6 calamities which the sympathy of some : guided citizens 'red Maryland had bitinght down on that patriotic and heretofore flourishing : State. The propspetity of Bal timore up to- the 19th of April last was 'OM of the'wonders produced by the American Union. He wholitrangledidnuself from what. ever motive is not more unreasonable than were those citizens' of.BallimOre who , in a single night destroyed the Baltirdore and Ghio Railroad, the Horthern Centtalliallroad,and the Railmad from Baltimore to Philadelphia. From the day when that mad transaction occarred, the Govern ment of the United. States has been diligently engaged in endeavoring 4o restore these "great avenues to their former usefulness, and at the same time to save Baltimore and Maryland from the danger of complete ruin through an unnecessary and unnatural rebellion. I congratulate you upon the declaration which the people of Baltimore and of Maryland have made in the recent election of their approbation of these efforts of the federal Government and of their enduring loyalty to the Union. I re gard the results of these elections as auspicious of returning loyalty throughout all the inaur rectionary State. Your wishes for a fair participation by the me chanics and laboring men of Baltimore in the benefits of supplying the government with ma terials and provisions are reasonable and just. They have deserved that participation. Loy alty has involved them in some danger, and has demanded of them some sacrifice. Their wishes as you have communicated them shall be referred to the proper department and lam sure that every member of the adminis tration will cheerfully lend him aid to carry them out as fax as it can be done constitution ally with the prudence and economy which ought always to regulate public service. The Government has satisfactory information that the rebel force at Manassas has been in no wise diminished. It has been determined to urge upon Con gress to pass a law giving jurisdiction to the Provost Court in civil cases. The President has been memoralized on the subject. Secretary Seward will soon issue a reply to a deputation of Baltimore mechanics that has been here, and will promise to - give them gov ,emment work. The following Vettnsylvarda soldiers have died : Charles Byeorof the Fourth Cavalry and E. D. Weston, of tlieFOrty-fifth regiment:• Brigadier General Jantes'Cooper,-of Pannsyl vania and Brigadier General Burnside, of Rhode Island, arrived here to:day.' The First KMIBII Oavair3r Regiment. Colonel Dennison's, froclamition to illbsonrians. IRAN , Eavrome, N0v.14 The First Kansas Cavalry regiment, CoL Den nison, has lefthere for Sedalia, Missouri, to pro tect supply trains and other government pro perty at that and neighboring whits. Dennison has issued a proclamation to the peo - ple of Jackson, Lafayette, .oani, Johnson- and Pettis counties, Mo., from which the following extracts are made "We march to enforcei the laws and sustain the Government. Every loyal citizen is ex pected to give evidence of his loyalty by active efforts for the protection , of,. the tag. For four months our armies havernarched through your country. Your profeared friendship has been a fraud—yeur oaths of allegiance have been shams .and perjuries. You feed the Re bel army ; you act as spies while claiming to be true to the. Union. We do not care about your past political opinions. No man will be persecuted because , he differs from us ; but neutrality , is ended. If you are patriotic you must fight—if you are traitors, you will be punished; The time for fight ing has come. Every man who feeds, bar bora, protects or in any way gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the'Union will be held responsible for his treason with his life and property, while all the property of the Union men and all their rights will be resolute ly respected. Traitors will everywhere be treated as out laws, enemies of God and man—too base to hold any description of property, and having no rights which loyal men are bound to respect to the last dol lar ; and the lastslave of the rebels will be taken and turned over to the General Govern ment. Playing war is played out, and when ever Union troops are fired upon the answer will boom forth from cannon, and desolation will follow. All the land between Fort Leavenworth and the Head-quarters of the Army of the West is under the jurisdiction of the United States, and we propose to have a regular road over it, and safe communication through it, no matter at what cost of rebel treason and blood. FROM KENTUCKY. Retreat of Zolliooffer to Cumberland GEtprn I=l Lotasvnza, Nov. 15. Gen. Buell, who is to; succeed Gen. Sherman in this State, has arrived. A letter from Crab orchard, to the journal, 139 4 8 that . Zitlllooffer •bis Tebe. l 4 l orde 4risted.'col WobWia.Y..4 l . 1 1441cling 3 th'ANO frOin OnnikAnd s l .:o49. ol linker*Difiklill blasting Immense roelrafjpgighi 440 : 44# road. ftsam tint* gam Haring procured Steam Power Presses, we are prepar. ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING °revery oescryp. Lion. cheaper than it can b a done at any Wu* aetabhai.. ment In the country. Jar Four Ines or less constitute one halfsquare. Bight lines or more than fear constitute a square,. Half `square, one day $0 SS one week 1 00 tt One month 2 00 4. three months ........ 8 00 It 111 months ........ ............. II 00 u one year... ...... ............... 8 00 i e q u ar e, one day.. ........ .. • . ...... -- • • 50 one week 200 " one month . . ........... ......... 3 60 ‘‘ three months ..... .... .......... S 00 II ilia months. .... .... • 10 00 •' , one year... ......... . . . 15 00 tar Business notices Inserted to the it . :o " ddihnott, or .before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE ChNTS PER LINE for each insertion. NO 59. jar Marriges and Deaths in be charged as regular ad ,vertisementa FROM NEW YORK. Senators Gwin, Calhoun Benham and J. Brent Released on Parole• SEIZURE Or TWO SaMES. Arrival of Arms and Blankets for the Army. The Light Houses on the Coast of South Carolina to be Be-Lighted, Senator Gwin, Calhoun Benham and J. Brent, who w ere arrested by General Sumner, have been released on parole, and not to leave the country without permission of the Govern ment. The ships Lydia and John Cottele were seised as rebel property to-day. The steamship Edinburg brought a small quantity of arms, and her manifest shows an immense quantity of blankets and army cloth- A letter from Hilton Head of the 11th inst., states that the entire Fresnel lightning apparatus formerly used in the Hunting Island and Martin's Light House, was discovered in excel lent condition in the arsenal xt Beaufort. They were taken aboard the Wabash, and will be placed in their old positions. _ From the Upper Potomac. Skirmish with the Rebels at the POLNT OF ROCKS, Nov. 15. A skirmish occurred in Loudon county, Va., opposite the Point yesterday. Col. Geary had received information of an attempt of the rebels to erect fortifications in that neighborhood. He crossed the river with Capt. Chapman and twenty-five picked men of the Twenty-eighth regiment of Pennsylvania - volunteers and reconnoitered the vicinity. He discovered a force of the rebels upon whom he quietly closed and surprised them with a volley of shots. After firing,tunor three volleys the rebels - were routed, leaving three men and one horse dead upon the field. Gum Baos.—The inquiry is often made of late, "What is a gunny bag ?" The London Mechanics' Magazine tells us all about it. It is a bag made from the coarse spun fibres of a plant which grows in India, of which there are :many varieties. On the Coromandel coast this plant is called Gerd, and "gunny" is a corrup tion of this name. The Cultivation of the chvii, 'We,. or "gunny," has been carried on for centu ries in Bengal, and gives employment to tens of thousands of inhabitants. "Men, women and children," says Mr. Henley, "find occupation there. Boatmen, in their spare moments, pal ankeen carriers, and domestic servants—every body, being Hindoos, for Musselmen spin cot ton only--paeg their leisure moments, distaff in hand, spinning their gunny twist." The , pa tient and, despised Hindoo widow earns her bread in _this way. It is said that 300,000 tons of jute are grown in. India, of which 100,000 tons are exported as gunny bags, besides 100,- 000 tons in raw state. A.London company has established a manufactory in Calcutta at an ex pense of .£300,000. The gunny bag is used for a great variety of purposes. Sugar, coffee, spices, cotton, drugs—indeed almost every ar ticle which we pack in dry casks or in boxes is, in the East, packed in gunny bags. It is also made into mats, carpets, ropes, paper, and va rious other articles. It is related that the old gunny bags which contained sugar are sold , to the beer makers, who sweetest their beer by boiling the sugar out of the bags and then sell ing theni to the mat-makers. Some 6,000,000 to 10,000,000 of gunnies are exported to this country from India, mostly to North America, besides some 4000 to 5000 tons of the rope and raw jute. There are no manufactories of jute cloth in this country, though it is here made linto bed cords, &c. When used for purposes of defence the bags are filled with sand. They are no better than hemp or flax bags of the same strength, but much cheaper. A JURY in Hamilton, -C. W., have decided that mourning cannot legally be considered part of funeral expenses. The defendant was con nected with the Great Western Railway Com; pimp, and promised to pay the funeral exPeaune of a victim of an accident on the road. In the bill presented was an item for mourning fur nished the family. IXPROVNMENTS IN Tra.scateramo. —An h a _ provemenupon t Morse's and House's plans for transmitting news by wire has been made by Mr. E. F. Rtrnes, of New York. It a-insists in dividing, the capital letters of the . English lan guage and the Arabic numeral into five elemen tal straight lines, over' which the electric cur rent passes, clesing and opening in consonance with the forms of the lines, and communicating the forms to the terminal stations. Mesa g ea are printed at full length with great rapidity, theinstrnment being capable of transmitting several thousand letters a minute. NEW CowmanErr.—A new counterfeit .was extensively shoved in Philadelphia . on Saturday, on the Warren Rank of Massachusetts:' • It is a fine one • and' is thus described : Indtatioa-- 7*. eagle ataPillafir Qa. a. alijeklaaalski bading s t ,hsaket, on lower right hand corner,ednetWit, - with Woman and " child the letter: Mails . 1 14've;. , itisitiiresaauxi id be* dibisoe. ous counterfet. RAIRS uF ADVENTISIbIa NEW YORK, Nov. 16 Point of Rocks.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers