9aiip 11ARRISBURG, PA Friday Afternoon, November 15, 1861. SMOKERS would do well to pay a visit to BANN vAar's Drug Store and examine a new stock of cigars and smoking tobacco. I=l INDIAN VoLuNTEERs.4 detachment „of about a dozen recruits from the Cattaraugus tribe of Indians, located in the Western part of New York State, arrived here this morning, to join one of the volunteer companies at camp Curtin. 'Cur FinsT SNOW,—This morning was ushered hi with a cold drizzling rain mixed with quite a brisk fall of snow, the first of the reason, ren dering anthracite fires, shawls, overcoats and "rubbers" being desirable companions: GRAND CIRCULAR HUNT.-A grand circular hunt is advertised to come off at Cold Spring, Lebanon county, on Tuesday, the 26th inst, and continue for two days or longer, if necessary.— The hunters will start from TAaak's Cold Spring - Hotel, and make that point the centre of their field of operations. Bears, deer, pheasants and other wild game a. e said to be unusually lihrity this fall in that region of country, so that there is every prospect that those engaging in the hunt will not only enjoy a high old time generally, but be will repaid for their tramp by a plentiful divey ofthe "spoils" and "trophies" of the expedition. Hunters from this city can reach Cold Spring by the Dauphin and Susque hanna Railroad, and will find most excellent accommodations at the Cold Spring Hotel. TEIE LECTURE THIS EVENING.-Our readers should not neglect to attend the free leclare to be given at the Court House this evering by Dr. A: Crane, professor of Phrenology and Physiology. The subject of the lecture is one that interests every person, and in the hands of the distin guished Professor will be treated in that plain, lucid manner that all may understand, and de rive much valuable information. The Doctor has travel( d extensively through Europe, and the United States, and has everywhere won the highest econiums from the medical faculty as well as the press for his skill in the treatment of diseases. A prominent feature of the lec ture this evening will be the examination and practical illustrations of persons selected from the audience by a committee, in which the an cestry, character, construction, &c., will be per. fatly described. I=l GOOD YOlt TILE FORTY-SLXTII REGIMENT AND THE VEREEKE RIFLES PARTICULARLY.—Capt. Geo. A. Brooks of the Verbtke Rifles of this city and neighborhood, arrived here-last night on special military service. The captain is looking re markable well, and represents the "Rifles" as being in an excelhint condition—both as re garde health and fighting trim. The - captain brought wills him the sum of seventeen hundred dollars, being the amount forwarded by the soldiers of his company from their pay to their wives and families in . this city and vicinity. The money has been deposited with the County Commissioners, and will be duly handed over to those entitled to receive it. Capt. Brooks informs us that -since the last "pay day" the men of the regiment to which he is attached— Knipe's gallant Forty-sixth—shave sent home to their families the sum of eighteen thousand seven hundred dollars. Such action as this:speaks volumns for the honor and nobleness of heart of our gallant volunteers. =CZ= GEN. ANDERSON'S BODY GUARD.—We have heretofore noticed the fact that a mounted body guard is now being formed for Gen. Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter. The requisition for the corps was made by the Secretary of War on Got , . Curtin, at the request of Gen. Anderson. The corps comprises one hundred picked men Every one of them was selected with special re ference to his qualifications, and all are men of intelligence and respectability. They are now at Carlisle Barracks perfecting themselves in drill. They are being fitted out in a very su- perior manner. Their equipments and horses A ••!- -`3m lot or piece of ground, situated in are far above the average in point of excellence. +(3town, thereon erected a two-story log Their uniform were made by Geo. C. Colliday, l')artied house, frame barn; with fruit of Philadelphia. The cloth is the best that can Fn old the lot the pr o pe r ty of Caleb be made, the color dark blue, and each garmon 0 o ' for $345 to Richard Fox, subject cut to measure. The corps will be a very MAO' widow's or a widow's dower.of $250. one. Failing to elect their officers, the company • All that certain lot or piece of ground, situa requested Gen. Anderson to decide for them, a ted in the township of Susquehanna, (now - in request that, from feelings of delicacy, he • thought proper to decline. The "Guard" will the city of Harrisburg,) the property of Solomon Schweitzer. Sold for $lOO to Aaron Bombaugh. leave Carlisle in a few dais, passing through this city en route for Kentuclq, when we,ven- A Certain piece or tract of land, situated in tore to say that Gen. Anderson will have as fine Jefferson township, containing thirteen acres, a body guard as any general in the army. In more or less, thereon erected a two-story log the whole hundred men there is not one who house and log barn or stable, &c:, the'propeity of would fail to sacrifice his life to preserve that David Goitres. Sold for $lBO to John Shott. of his chieftain. A certain lot or piece of ground, situated in Lykenstown, Wiconisco township, thereon erec ted a large two-story 'weather-boarded house, and stable, &c., on the lot is a pump with a good . well of water, and some choice fruit trees, as the property of Updegrove., Was up and sale continued till Friday the 22d inst. A Certain piece of land, situated in London derry township, containing two acres more or Ipss, thereon erected a two-story frame house, &c.; the property of John Dunkel and Eliza beth Dunkel. Sold for $255 to Edward Stover. All the right, title and interest of Albert J. Gillett in three certain adjoining lots of ground, situated in the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pa., thereon was erected a brick steam grist mill, (which was lately destroyed by fire,) two frame houses, with other frame buildings, &c., the property of Albert J. Gillett. Sold ,for $l,BOO to the Girard Insurance Company. I== Drprlinufa..—We learn fromthe West Chester papers that this disease has made its appearance in different parts of that county, and, in some localities proves quite fatal. In West Vincent, the families of George Emery and Aaron Hart man have each lost an interesting child. The family of Mr. Lewis Philips, of East Nantmeal township, has been sadly afflicted within the last few days. That dread disease, Diptheria, has been in his family, and of four interesting little children, three have been laid in the grave. Ida died October 26th, Alfred, October 30th, and Owen, November Ist. Horace is .the only sur vivor. Several other families in the same neighborhood have been afflicted with the same disease, but the editor of the Record understands no other cases have proved fatal or are likely to do so. This is the season when parents should be unusually prompt in attending to the first symptoms of throat or chest diseases in child ren. The old maxim which is fundamental in business affairs, holds equally true in the mat ter of health and life—D , fer not until to-morrow that which should be done to-day. Tar, BEST flavored Gum Drops can be had a BANYVART'S Diug Store. . • See Professor Wood's advertisementin another column. SHERIFF SALES.—The following properties were disposed of at Sheriff sale yesterday after noon at the court house in this city : A certain tract of land, situated in Washing ton township, Dauphin county, Pa., containing thirteen acres, more or less, thereon erected two houses—one frame 'weather-boarded and one frame and log house—a bank barn and a log bam,a tan yard and bark mill running by water, and a fine young orchard, and a never failip i k spring of water., Six., the property of David Matter. Sold for $2,310 to Jacob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, situated in Wiconisco township, Dauphin county, Pa., con taining thirty-five acres, more or less, thereon erected a.log house and log stable, and a first rate saw mill and circular saws about one-half mile from LyVenstown, the property of David Matter. Sold for $7OO to Jacob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, situated in Middle Paxton township, Dauphin countp, Pa., containing sixty acres, more or less, thereon erected two log houses one and a half stories high, a stable, &c.; on the lands is a good spring of water, &c., and the lands urik, good fences, the property of David Matter. for $7 to Jacob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, situated in Wiconisco foultiii,n, Dauphin county, Pa., con taining thrci ans tra :tad and fifty acres, more or less, unirol t ... frox, woodland, the property of David Matter. Sold for $lO to Jacob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, unimproved woodland, situated in Wiconisco township, Dau phin county, Pa., containing fifty-six acres, more or less, covered with the best young chest nut, white oak, rock oak and heavy yellow pine, the property of David Matter. Sold for $l3O to Jacob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, situated in Jackson township, Dauphin county, Pa., con taioing thirty-three acres, more or less, about three acres of which are cleared, with a young orchard, and a good spring of running water, &c., the property of David Mater. Sold for $142 to Jacob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, situated in Jackson township, Dauphin county, Pa., con taining one thousand and five acres, more or less, thereon erected a saw mill, about ten acres of an orchard, &c., the property of David Mat ter. Sold for $l4O to Jacob Rife. The undivided half part of a lot of ground, situated in Lykenstown, Wiseonisco township, thereon erected a new two story frame house, and a never-failing well of water and a pump, the property of David Matter. Sold for $270 to Jacob Rife, A certain lot or piece of ground, situated in Lykenstown, Wiconisco township, thereon erected a new two-story log and frame house, &c., the property of David Matter. Sold for $lOO to Jacob Rife. The ono undivided half part of lot No. 124, situated in Lykenstown, Wiconisco township, thereon erected a new double two-story frame house with basements, a new double one and a half-story frame house, a never-failing well of water with pump, &c., the property of David mrttor. nom 're'3avAY/ Two certain lob 3 of. ground, Nos. 44 and 46, situated in Elmtown, adjoining Lykenstown, the property of David Matter. sold for $43 to ' , Jacob Rife. Three certain lots of ground, Nos. 48, 50 and 52, in Elmtown, adjoining Lykenstown, the property of David Matter. Sold for $55 to Ja cob Rife. A certain piece or tract of land, situated in South Hanover township, containing twelve acres, the same more or less, the property of David F. Wagner. Sold for $3OO to Henry Balsbaugh. A certain lot or piece of ground, situated in Main street, in the borough of Middletown, Dauphin county, Pa., thereon erected a large two-story brick house, with wash and smoke house, stable, .well of good water, and a num ber of fruit trees, &c . ., with other improvements, as the ,property of Anna Miesse. Sold for $2,100 to Martin Nisle.y. A certain lot or piece of ground situated in Huromelstown, thereon erected a two-story log weather-boarded house and back building, large barn, hog pen, also fruit trees, iStc., the proper ty of Levi Jones. Sold for $650 to Susan Jones, subject to a widow's dower for $4OO. Ix laiaq - Dnia yesterdß to the visit .of, P. B. 'Housem, of Col. Stambaugh's regiment, to this city, we inadvertantly dubbed him Major. This is a mistake: He holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in Stambaugh's regiment, and a braver or better officer is not to be found. ~~•-- Evr La.4rimt and professional man should procure a bottle of very excellent Mucilage at . ;BAFJP7AAT'I3 Drug Store. Ipeunspliocatia telegraph, ix tbap 'Afternoon, November 15, 1861. THE GREAT GALE ON THE CHESAPEAKE.—We Piave already noticed the fact that a number of canal boats had been wrecked on the Chesa peake bay, during the great storm of last Sat urday a week. We have since learned that several residents:of this city were on board the canal boats at the time of the disaster, and nar rowly escaped with their lives. Capt. Grafius, of Montoursville, who was an eye-witness of the scene, furnishes the Lycoming Gazette with the following interesting narative, showing that those who follow the "raging canawl" some times experience equally as much danger as those "who go down to the sea in ships." The captain says f On Friday afternoon, Nov. Ist, the steamboat Lancaster, Capt. Tomlinson, with a convoy of nineteen canal boats, left the wharf at Havre-de-Grace, at about five o'clock. The wind was then brisk, but no apprehensions of danger existed. As night came on the gale increased in violence, and by ten o'clock a scene presented itself which baffles all description. 'The waves were tossing the boats about in all directions, and ever and anon the shouts of the boatmen announced that their craft had broken its fastening and was at the mercy of the waves. "The trumpet's voice with agonizing cries" vied with the roar of the wind ; the calls for assistance, the smashing of timber, the imprecations, prayers and orders, all combined to make night hideous and the place a bedlam. By twelve o'clock, p. m., ev ery boat except four had become detached from the steamer, and one after another were be coming wrecks. As the crew of each found their vessels giving way, they sought safety by escaping to another, and the same process again repeated until thirty-three ship-wrecked fugi tives had collected on the boat George W. Wat son, Capt. Jacob Wilson, of Middletown.— Capt. Wilson was loaded with lumber, but as the crews of other boats reached his in safety, he gradually cast overboard his less precious freight to provide for the living one now sent to-him by adverse fortune. With daylight came hope but not relief. The wind had yet abated none of its fury, and the whole of Saturday was passed without food and in a most terrible state of apprehension on board the boat. Beside the thirty-three referred to as having taken rendezvous with Captain Wil son, a few others were yet upon their own ves sels, enduring the dangers alone. One man, David Break, on the boat C. E. Eeckert, from Liverpool, is believed to have become insane from the excitement about him, and perished while in that condition. He refused to leave his boat, fought the waves with his hands, and at length sank exhausted on the platform of', his boat, from which he was soon washed over board. At about five o'clock on Saturday of ternoon, the storm having somewhat abated, with much danger and difficulty the whole par ty on Captain Wilson's boat was safely landed at North Point, Baltimore caunty, Md., where they were received and most hospitably enter tained and provided for by Mr. Ferdinand Ro- , ,thter, a worthy farmer of that place. Mr. Rothier and his estimable-lady,.although at mu - 0u - experrso - and fusel to receive compensation, which was ten= dered him, and may his only return, the grati tude and prayers for his welfare and: happiness.. of those who received his hospitality, prove ‘ his best reward. Among the boats lost were the 'Gov. A. G. Curtin and the Mary W. Chapman, both of Montoursville—the former belonging to. Mr. Thos. Brass, and the latter to Mr. Chas. L. Chapman, both worthy and industrious men. SOUTH CAumniA.—The thunder of Union ar tilery has awoke the guilty fears of South Caro lina's paricidal sons. Already they cry for help with minute guns, and retribution with its iron hand is marching fast upon Charleston, the Sodum of modern times; and the news gen erally tell us that we may soon expect stirring times in war, a may be seen every day in dry goods at Urich & Bowmans, corner of Front and Market streets. n0v.14. SANFORD'S CHALLENGE HEATERS—To set in Brick, Portable or as Fireplace Heaters. The most powerful Healers known for warming Dwell ings, Churches, Schools, 4c. Send to LYMAN GIL BERT, agent at Harrisburg, for a full discription and an unparalleled mass of testimony. THE COSMOPOLITE parlor coal stove with radi-, Wing ventilator and gas burning attachment, intro duced one year ago, already ranks as the leading stove for Parlors, Sitting Booms and all places where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other parlor and cooking stoves of the best patterns to be had at the store and tinware establishment of TAXAN GILBERT, Market street. tf. I=l Funs, FITRS, Funs.—sl,ooo worth of furs re ceived from New York auction; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from. $3 up to $l2, worth double ' • 25 doz. hoop skirts ; for 50c., 75c. and $1 25 ; 100, cloaks for $2, $2 50, $3 50 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of • traveling ba'gs, baskets and satchels ; 100 pieces of splendid dark calico at 8 and 10 cents a yard—of stock ings we have a full assortment for ladies, men and children, woolen and cotton, at 121, 18 and; 20 cents ; 36 large woolen blankets ; 60 pieces canton flannel, at 121 cents ; red, yellow and white flannel, very cheap ; GO pieces of white curtin fringes at half price ; beautiful set flow ers Be Laines, at 22 and 25 cents ; received •a new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful styles, at S. Lewy's wholesale and retail dry good store.' Wholesale buyers we would especially invite , to our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye ! The only Harmless and. Reliable Dye Known I All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided drat wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN IitsLALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awarl; ded to W. A. BATCHELOR sine 18. 9, and over 200,000, applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. " Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a. color not to bo distinguished from nature and is WARIONTUD not to injure in the least, however long it may be COnttn ued, and the ill < ffects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop.; arty applied at No. 18 frond Street New York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United Staterls Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Gentine has the name "William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay Si., Late 233 Broadway, Now York. oct2-dawly PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S LIES PILLS AND PLIMNLa BlTlEttn.r -tree from ati Mineral Poisons.—ln cases of Scrofula moors, Scurvy, or Eruptions of the Skin, the operation; of the Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing. in a few nays, every vestige of these loathsome, diseases h their purifying eifeuts ou the blood. Billions Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in' short,. most ail diseases soon yield to their curative properties No family should be without them, as by their tiMely. use much suffering and expense may be saved. Prepared by WM. B. MOTWAT, IL D., New York, and , for sale by all Druggists novaw-/y En l '2onertiontents. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING' IN TILE RARRISBURGi POST OFFICE, FRIDAY, NOY. 15, 1861. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAYING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LADIES' LIST, Eldredge, H Jacobs, L Allison, R H Jordan, E A Aungst, A E Jackson, A Anderson, N E Jackson, C Baird, M A Jones, M Barnhart, E Jones, R Baker, M Johnson, R Bell, M Jacobs, M Billings, E Janetta, H Barton, M Hempel, L A Bohanna, S Keller M Brown, A M Kore, Britten, S Lee, A V Brown, M P Lemon, J Brown, M Loafman, A Brattin, R Lauch, H Bricker, M A Lemen, M Bradley, S H 2 Lowe, N E Burget, X McClure, X Butturff, F J McCarter, A Corban, A McKeely, B McGarr. S A Car, M Chanelr, J McClintck, C Chritzman, B L McClintock, H- Carachner, E McGee, M Canal, A Mahan, M Colligan, B Mason, W Conner, M Machlin, M Coates, J Mooney, R Crow, C Ni yens, S Dubbs,.o OBryan, D Ensinger, H. M phodes, J Elliott, E Prendergast, M Elser, M E Reichardt, M Evans, C Rudy, S Evecastle, M Robinson, B Ewing, E Schmidt, M Etter, M Sheasley, E Flory, A M Shanabraugh, M A Forrest, M Shude, E Fyna, E C Shack, M Fritchey, E E Sheeslay, A E Garverick, R A Smith, L Grable, M A Smith, J Gamon, M Spoceler, M Galloway, M ' Swartz, F. Graff, H Swarger, E D Griffen, E Syle, A 0 Gore, L Thomas, M Grider, Al Travers. M Green, G Vansdall, C Hatfield, L Warnpler, J Harrison, A A . . Wachter, M Harding, B Wampler, J D Henderson, S Wagner, T E Heater, K. Wardee, E C Herr,,M Wenrich, J E Heartman, M Wert, M Riney, M C Weitzel, H T Honselder, K Weary, M Hibbs, S Wise, A Holterman, M Wood, M J Houlr, M Young, E Jones, E Yost, M Jhones, E Yice, E Jackson, L GP_INTIMMEN,S LIST. Armstrong, G . Goodrum:7s.-n-- - - Arnold, R a-ordon, Abbott, P Bardcastle, J Allbright, A • Herron, D Adams, J Hambright, G W Adams & Buck Hart, W Archibald, W 2 Hammer, J Allen, J M Hatch, S Aikens, J Hamilton, A Barshinger, B Halm, J B Barrett, It A Henderson, J B Besehore,'B Heitter, A M Bennett, A R Herold, V Barrett, J. , Henderson, W and J Bailey, C M Henderson, T J Banton, J Mugs, H Bates, J Herlinger, F Bain, G K Heart, W Barnet, B Henderson, F Bell, It F Hi Ilwood, W F Beegler, J Homer, G W Beam, J H, Holl, G Ilenfbrd, J H Hovis, E L Beatty, J M Hoke, J J Benitz, C • Hoover, J Blanchard, B Hyers, G A- Blair, W S Huffman, R Bickle, H S Hyde, E Billmeyer, H F Hughes, H , B , stgen, H 2 Hessler, N Brown, W Hunter, It Brightbill, J A - 2 "John the Baptist," Brown, Z Jones, S Brownlee, J W Jordan, P Brown, W H H Jonas, J W Brenneman. C Joy, J Byrnes, T H Jones, J R Thirkey, p , Jones, W Burk, D S & J § Jones, J Buffington, E Kendall, S Burns, J Keener, J Cassel, Widow Keller J W Campbell, T F Kendall, S F Carlan, J Kai g, G Campbell, J Kelling, G H Cassell, J Kelly, C K Carl, J Kessler, G W Clay, J Kernery, C Clark, It • KagY , Cleckner, F A Kiese, W Cox, . Kehl, W Conrad, L Kinsey,P Cormman, N W , Bailer,J S Cooper, J 'Knipple, A J Comflies, A Bretz, H Curren, P King, W Cross, W S Knapp, J••• Crawford, Capt Kirk, W Crown, H Lehi:Lard, J J Lamer, T Craven, J W Lash, B Darkes, J . Light, H Davis, W P Leidy, J Dermee, A Lancaster, A N vminston, W H Lantz, C Laurence, J K 2 Lyons, J Lyman, ,J W M'Dermatt, J 2 McClure, W McCaslin, W McCulla, R McLain, J McCarty, J McCullough, J McCroskey, A McConnell, G W McGau, W McFadden, C & D McGee, H McCormus, J McClaskey, J E Martin, J V Marks, J Maher, U Mackinikle, W Maurer, U Martin, Mr . Major, J A Martin, C •Matchett, Marker, J Maxwell, W C Markes, J Maderia. W J Mendham, C P Miller, D B. 2 Meriges, M Miller, J Davis, W M Davis, J Davis, E Dickey, H Doner, J , Doussay, W Duey, F Mubbs, C Dorman, H Driefus, S S Edderts, C Edwards J W Emminger, W B Elliott, J Enterline, J Emerson, H Elliott, C Ewan, G W Ewing, W Weirton, M. Flickinger, Fleming, J Faze, 4. M Foust, J M" Flanigan, C Force, J Faller, _ L ' Foman, J Freedman Col ' Gill, T Gwin, J A Gray, J N Goodwin, E OarAnennOr, S ME Mew rAt)riertistments Morgan, J Mongar, S B Morris, C S Morion, G Morgan, J H Moltz, J Myers, S S Mullen, Slf • Myers, S J Musser, J N Nesley, S Nathans, T Osborn, A S Orr, W G Orvis. R patterick, Perny, A Pain, E Patterson, G Phillips, J Payne, E Painter, I Pilkey, J Pittman, J Powell, D E Posey, M Purnelle, J Radle, jr., J Raver, A Randolph, G F Ralbriclr, W Rhover, W Reynolds, A Rockey, G A Roberts, T A Root, D T Russell, R N Robinson, P Rotschild, W Rogers, C • Roberts, J Rudy, F sarl, L Schaffrien, J Schultheiss, G Schlegel, H Sankey, P Sanford, T S Sattler, G Scully, F &Irak, J M Shamberger, A Shaffer, W Shaffer, S Shell, W Shuler, D Shruber, G Sheesley, A Sites, R Sinder, J V Sides, P Smith. G W Sinclear, Gr Smith, G Snyder, T G Smith, S H Snyder, F Smith, H Slagle, T Story, M L Smith, D 2 Smith, G Snively, J Spain, M Shutz, Sturgess, H Steele, M Star, C Strickey, W H Steward, J L Stanch, J Stoufer, J Stover, P D Stevens, T C Stibgen, J Thomas, J W Taylor, C 2 Tomkins, J Thompes, J J Thomas, W Trabe, F 2 Tibbens, C Vants, C Vinkle, H Vandine, 11 Valton, W P Walter, J B & Smith Wallace, D H Warde, W F Wareham, J Walker, J Warner, R Welch, D Whitney, N Wenrick, J J Weaver, J M WI 'eaver, D Wise, Williams, J C Wittel, J Wilson, E T Wise, E H Wilcox, G H Winebert, J Winegardner & Brown Wolf, C Worl, S Worley, J J Woomer, J Woodling, J Woodling, J B Wynn, A Wright, W P Wright, H B Young, W H Zigler, A Zellers, G W Zeigler, G H Zellers, G Zimmerman, G B MILITARY LIST. Ashwood, B W Loap, J Borrborn, Lindermuth, W H Bowen, J McDonald, J N Brooks, D Mclntire, W Baur, A Myers, W Bell, D More, F Beach, D P Miller, S Barnes, 3 W Mertz, H Brown, G L Nolan, M K Cassel, D proser, D Conroe, M Pemod, A Calvert, H B Hodenbach, J Dougherty, J Roche, D W '-..nt, W Ryan, T Deck, W Row, R DriPP B , TResides, W Dowing, M -- - ltiugAll. C W Ely, C 0 Seaton, iv Fox, W H Schimpt, J G French, S L Steckly, W Glasgon,J D Shonkley, G Grum, Stout, I N Greenswike, J Shuck, P Gin,ier, S Thomson, G A 2 Henderson, D W Young, D Harshbarger, S V inston, J Henderson, D W " Wolfer, F H Houtz, A S Ward, W J 'Jennings, A. Wykoff, D Kinsey, C W Zokuis er, T Keener, J W Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. One cent due on each. it GEO. BERGNER, P. M. STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. I It N tti ti AND EMBARKING PAS taIEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver• pool. 13.,w or; and. Philadelphia Steamship company Mien : spattiling their full powered Clyde-built iron Stet gisuip o follows : CI tY OF NEW YORE, Saturday NoVember 16 ; ERIN- Saterday .November 23 ; CITY OF WASHING TON, Saturday, November 30 ; awl every Saturday., at Noon, from Pier 44, Norte ll‘ver. I= EMT eniso $75 00 I STEERAGE.... $30 . 00 do to London $BO 00 I do to London ..$33 00 do to Paris $85.00 do to Paria .. $3B 00 do to liamburg..sBs 00 I do to Hamburg $35 00 Passengers also forwarded to. Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &C., at equally law. rates. air Nrsous knelling to -bring anittlistr friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown; Isfeabin, $75, $B5 and $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool $40:00. From Qutienstown $3O 00. Theao Steamers 'basic auperlor accommodations for passengers, and carry experionOod Surgeoes. .They built in Water-tight i t &dings, and have Patera F ire Annihilators on' board. for further information apply in . LiverpOol to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street.; in Glasgow to Wit. INMAN, 5 St. Enoch Square ; Queenstown to C. &W. ' D. SKY MOUR & CO. ; in London to lEVF6 & 61 King William St. ,• in Part. to .117LIIS DECODE, 5 Place de la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to JO IN G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices. ' JNO. 0. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway', New York. Or C. 0. Zimmerman. Agent, Rarrhbural - .03r PAS,ENGER FOR EUROPE.--By °r oar of the Secretary of State, ail passengers leaving the United States aregequired to procure Pa-sport's before going on board the St. aMer. JOHN G AcEvr. nol4•tr UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, . • COITON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON CO 54F0 a rs, CHAIR CUSHIONS, . LOUNGES, CARP . STOOLS &c., &c., On hand and for sale at the very lowest rates for cash. Hair Mattresses and Sperm Bottoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATTRESSES &c., Reptired and made equal to new, very reasonable, all a No. 109, Market street, between Fourth an! Fifth, by oct.9.2md J. T. BARNITZ. Harrisburg Blind 'Manufactory. SECOND STREET BELOW CHESTNUT YENITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing neatly and expeditiously done. Per sons at a distance can have their work done by addres slog a leper to the undersigned. Thankful for past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. rar-Satisfadtion guaranteed both este prices and work. ocl9-d6m vir ORCESTEICS ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY rill-lEls.)st defining and pronouncing ilk• llonary of the English language ; Also, Worcester's School Dictionaries. Webster'a Pictorial Quarto .and School Dictionaries for sale at , aplB-t1 Assignees' Sale of Real Estate. rrEi bUBSGRIBERS will sell by public outcry at the Court house, at Harrisburg, on Satur• day thel6 It day of November next, at two o'clock P The Farm of John Wallower, Senior, consisting of 186 acres, situated in Susquell tuna township, about three miles from Harrisburg, adjain ng lands of John H. Fox, John Zinn and others. There are erected on the Farm a largo Two story Stone House, a Bank Barn, Tenant Houses, Stables, &c. There is al.° a large orchard or apple, pear, peach and cherry trees of choice varieties in excellent bearing or der. Also, several V3illS cf grog Limo :item, which ;have been and can be worked to advantage. The property will be sold in a body or in parcels to suit pur,ht-ers. Conditions will be liberal and be announced on day of sale. There will also be all:red for sale at the same time and place the undivided hail interest of 150 acres oi Coal Lands silustat on the Short Mountain, in Lykens Valley, Dauphin county A. 0. WESTER, C. F. MUENCH, ncl.9 3ioawd-wts Assignees. Lanc,ister Intelligencer and Carlisle Herald insert three mes and send bill to this °thee immediately. ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGEI tiH: SE Weight Carts are eettified by the Sealer of Weights and Measures. COMSLIMEI weigh their coal at their own doom. It is of great int. penance during these hant times for every one to know that they GET TTIEIR FEU. HONFST WEIGHT. LUKENS VALLEY all siz3s. BALT& CO'S WILKSBArteIE, all sizes. LORBERRY COAL, (the gamine article,) Sold by the car load or single ton. All coal of the best quality, delivered tree !rpm all im puriti S AT TRACES TO SUIT THE TIMES, by the bilat Or car load, single, hall or third of toils auil by tae bur hid. JASIES y. WHEELER. flirrisburg, Nov. 6, IBOi.y COAL! COAL !! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, ()FF.ICE No, 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TREY - 0100N, WILKSBARRE, LYKENS VALLEY. • BROAD 70P COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rale article, and full w,ight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A. liberal ~.1,3c0m: made to pur ohasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 end 52 25 per ten. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d3m liver to the citiz,ns of Efarrieburg either by the Cnr, Boat. Load or Ton, the choicest kind. 01 Willis barre, L" kens Valley and Pini,greve Cl/111, hauled out by the P.ient weigh Cart, and full weight gunreateed. Orders left at my Milne, , Ith and 5.1.,r5.et will receive ',Tomtit attention. COAL I LORBEitla COAL I I riILIOSE who want the real Genuine Old Fashioned Piuegrove Coal from the Lorberry Mines (by the car load or otherwise.) auply to GEO. GAEVERICH, Jr., S. it S. Gailroad office. oet22-Imd SHIRTS! SHIRTS I I SHIRTS 11 ! THE undersigned ;laving opened his 1,. Manufactory of Shirts at No. 12 West Market street, Harrisburg, Pa , mos , respectfully solicits the patronage and attention of the Ladies, Gentlemen and ahich are our own manufttedure SHIR fS, SHIRT BOSOMS, OuLLANS, CUFFS, WRIST-BANDS, NIGHT SHIM, Ate. Arc., Also the particular attention of the Ladies to our large Assortment of under garments Ac., (from the latestim proved London and Paris styles,) LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS, Shard Ac., in great varieties, all of which being our own maunufacture we wilt sell cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Persons desirous of furnishing their own materials, C.lll have cutting, sewing Ate., of every variety done accord ing te order. All of the above named goods for Gents wear, we will make to measure, guaranteeing to St, and, give entire satisfaction to the purchaser for style durability and m terial. All special orders will be promptly at tended to upon the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Also Merchants supplied upon the most reason able terms. P. S. Ladies wishing skirts or under garments of any discription, can have them made to order by sending sample of such kinds pa may he desired. JADIFS A. LYNN, No. 12, Market street, au29-dOm Harrisburg, Pa. Rooms next door to Hummel it Killinger's Grocery Store. A. R. SHARP IMIMORE, Bridge view 2Dnertistments. COAL!!! Lugs supply of Coal always to be found on band, SUNBURY and COAL! COAL 11 COAL ! ! HE subscriber is cow prepared to de- D i.VID McCuRMICK Harrisburg, Oct. 30, 1861.-6wd* HOME MANUFACTURE. THE CLIEA.P.E!.T 1 THE iILEIRKE'T. A large assortment of Gent lemens' Furnishing Goods &c., in addition to the above can always be found cheap for cash SOLDIERS' NICK NACK'S, FOR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases,• Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases Pocket Ink Stands, . Pockeh Mirrors, • Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rub cer Tobacco Pouches, Wicker. Leather & Piatina Flasks, Leather Driukiug Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, i'aoir, andEuvelepes. Soldiers will see at a gliince teat the place to get an outfit in small wares at ,:so 91, Market street. Afir See "Fort Pick.ns" in the window, ETZTIZOO la."1"11161E.M.1 XL, la Br ..Q TATE Street near Third stre et, a few 0 doors below )3rady's Hotel, Harrisburg. A flse slew Hearse Ready made Coffins always on hand and neatly finished to order. Silver plates, &c. Terms rea sonable. Lni.3o-,13a0 0 1 C. BAKER. GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, SUCH AS Beds, Pillows, Blankets. Coats, C aps, Leggin, . Drinking Cups, &c., FOB SALE BY Vir DI. S. SHAFFER, North Side Market Square, near Buehler' s Hotel, A A "RRLSBURG, PA. augtl d3m* T.E.1.61 ENuIN r FOR 6AL6. 11.13:E undersigned offers for sale ONE NEW 30 HORSE ENGINE, and two Second-Hand engines of smaller size, The engines will be sold cheap tor.ca , h or approved paper. Apply at the Steam En gine Works, Sixth street, between Walnut and Mirget, Harrisburg, Ps. J 4003 Dl _LIZ nov2-O.Sw-w3t FOR SALE, T" good 'Horses, one suitable as a family horse, the other as a draught horse. Elk quire or George Zufnagte, Third street, neiwnen Market and Walnut, ,urke'e Ro no6-dtf TO FAKERS. OATS OATS ! ! Cash paid for Oats by JAMES M. WHEELER. nov6-dif ALT TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, HAT, • LATHER and INFANT 131tORRE:, in great variety 'S WIN AND FANCY STORE. nos tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers