eltgraplj. Li AV I? I`4U R(I PA. _---------- Tborsday Prolog, November )4, 1861 Coss Coor. --The far:uers in this vicinity the are uow husking their corn, and report that yield this year is an abundant one. is Tows.—Hon. John Covcde was in town on Tuesday, Eltoppitg—li, Herr's Hotel. Mr. Covcde is a member of the Congressional Com with e to investigate the alleged frauds in army illtitteni, and is now en route to St. Louis. 13=C=I WOOED IN CIIIISCIL—A colored man named Jake Jones, was arrested Tuesday night in one of the charchesp Tanner's alley by.officer Camp bell. on a warrant issued by the Alderman of the Sixth Ward. The arrest was made during Divine dery ices, and created quite a sensation. APPOINTMENT P" THE GOVZINOR. — Isaac J. Wistar, fto werly Li utenant Colonel of the ticy,lity-ritst Pennsylvania regiment, recently commanded by , the late Colonel Baker, and heretofore known as the California regiment, vim on Monday last Appoit4ad C o l one l of the same by Gay. A ill , D e m.—These delicious birds have again inade their appearance in our vicinity. y„ t , ! d a y a huge flock was seen sporting Olt t 6.. Ssignehliana above the Harrisburg o ' , ultimately for them our sportsmen were Dot on hand, and so they enjoyed them selves wi bout molestation. I=l UNFORTLNATE CONDITION.—Laet Monday night a young man arrived in Baltimore by the six o'clock train over the Northern Central Rail way and took lodging at the Susquehanna House, opposite the Calvert Station, and regis tered his name as Mr. McKinney, Lockport, New York. He stated to Mr. Vordshell, the proprietor, that he was on his way to Wash ington on some private bAssiness, and seemed to be in good spirits, talking quite rationally. At about ten o'clock he retired to his room, a few minutes after which he rung the bell violently and a colored servant went to his room, and being alarmed at the appearance the young man presented, told the proprietor, who went to see what was the matter. When Mr. Vord shell entered the room, McKinney stated to him that two white men and five negroes were under the bed, and that they intended to kill him on account of his being in the Battle at Ball Run, which he could prove was false by his memorandum book. Mr. Vordshell being somewhat afraid of him, Bet the negro on watch and retired to his room : About one o'clock, the negro, who had fallen asleep, was suddenly awakened by hearing a crashing noise, and on opening the door McKinney was seen smashing the panes of glass, and also trying to get out of the window, which wag in the third story. The negro called a policeman, with whose help they caught hold and held him, or in less than a moment more he would have thrown himself from the window to the pavement below. He is married and has one child. He was taken to the middle district station house and letters sent to his friends at 'Lockport. =Z:==l Tas Cairs.—lccorrespondent of the Pittsburg Dispatch, writing from our city, thus speaks of Camps Curtin and Cameron : "After getting breakfast started out to Camp Curtin in com pany with a friend. I never saw a more beau tiful morning, at any season of the year ; the sun shone out clear and strong ; the air was calm, and roads good. On the road we met a number of squads of soldiers coining in to attend Divine service. Arriving at the entrance of the camp, our ears were greeted with the sweet strains of what at first seemed an organ playing a spirited anthem, but as the distance lessened it proved to be a brass band playing "Hail olumbia" to a slow time measure, while the leventh regiment was forming for Divine ser ice. It was a beautiful sight to see each com pany form in the lanes of their teats and then march out, forming a hollow square—less one side. The pulpit consisted of a dry goods box, with an upright board nailed on, and a rest on the top for a Bible, a blanket thrown over the whole, making quite a respectable pulpit. Col. Coulter then slipped out, and introduced to the soldiers of the Eleventh regiment their future chaplain, who opened his service with a beautiful and appropriate prayer, every man in the regiment uncovering his head while the prayer was being male. It was indeed a sol emn sight. After prayer they sang a hymn to the tune of "Old Hundred," and the way the men joined in would have delighted any advo cate of eongregational music. We did not wait for the sermon, but started through the camp, and found another regiment having the Gospel explained to them. The men appeared clean and contented, their tents were in good order, many having a fire in them on the prin ciple lately suggested in the press, viz : a trench dug through the centre of the tent, and a rough board chimney put up in the rear, the trench or fire covered over, and the fire put in. It is very simple and can be made in a few minutes by willing bands. The ground was warm and dry in the tents thus fixed. 'There are about four thousand five hundred men in Camp Cur tin, and the sickness is not great, although there is a good deal of diarrhea among the men, After dinner we went out to Camp Cameron, on the other side of Harrisburg, and were much more pleased with it than with Camp Curtin. tent seemed to be put down with an eye ••,n,fort, and the men Seemed more like reg :,,t, than any I have met. At four o'clock re all out on dress parade, 3,600 men, only troops I have seen whose disci oaches them in drill, was the Mime :intent that passed through Pittsburg "'II' weeks ago. It was a beautiful sight, jo , 11 . 1 ; cheerful appearance of the men 11,,,ke it more so. The whole parade , trd without music, not evens drum b, beat time for them. Out of the whole CA 11 tie t be forty are unwell, thirty-one of them nor called sick, and nine are sick.; but dan c—• 0 " 31181 Y- In camps Cameron and “Liut there are about 8,000 men." FRANK RIVER'S MILLODIAN, of Philadelphia, will open Brant's Hall in this city in about four weeks. The performances of this popular troupe are ripe with fun, variety and talent, and cannot fail to meet with abundant Rilron age in our community. SANFORD'S EFELOPIAN OPERA TROUPE will "re turn with songs to greet us" in the early part of next week, and will remain in our city f.r several days. This announcement will be hailed with pleasure by our play-going community, who look upon Sanford as the " ne plus ultra" of concert managers. Coxvenssouto.—Capt. C. C. Davie whose-col lar bone was dislocated by falling from a horse at Locust Grove, noticed on Tuesday, has so far recovered as to be able to leave his ratidence., We saw him on the streets yesterday, and he expects to be able to resume his duties at the camp in a few days. A Goon Exam:mg.—The members of company C, 63d regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, re- Witted last week, at one time, principaily through the hands of their captain, J. R. 'tams, nearly fourteen hundred darlara to their families in this and some of the adjoining Coun ties. We like to record facts like this, and ask other companies, of the same and otRJr regi ments. to emtdate the note example of compa n C, and beat them if they can. '%he Country is in no dakter'eftbah of defect ergaigurkruptoy with such men as those in the field. SHOOICING RAMEILOAD Aocmasr.—Last Mon day morning, a shocking and fatal accident occurred on the West Chester Railroad, a short distance from the junction with the Pennsyl vania Railroad. It seems that two young ladies named Hughes, accompanied by their brother, were riding in a carriage, and were about cross ing the railroad. The train from West Chester was approaching at the usual speed. As the horse reached the track, he turned suddenly. The carriage was upset, and the occupants were thrown upon the road. The train passed over the entire party. One of the young ladies was killed instantly. Her sister and brother were injured in such a manner that they were not expected to survive. POLlON.—Before the Mayor. —Joseph Scott —a gentleman ob color—was arraigned, charged with entering the residence of Richard Carter, somewhere in Tanner's Alley, and threatening to:break things generally. Fine.' $l, in de- Wilt of paying which be was re-committed to the Lock-up. Nathan Hendricks—a "bould calavery man" was up for drunkenness. Nathan plead "first offence," "very sorry" and all that sort of thing, and was let off with an injunction to sin no more. Thomas Lewis—a volunteer—was arraigned for breaking benches, and demolishing things generally in the city Lock up. Sent to prison for five days. Rev. Wm. Jones, and Daniel Yellets subsequently made information against Lewis for threatening them. rittINSYLVANIA Howse& —The Chester County Phi= says that the Chinese Sugar Cane has been successfully cnitivattd this year by many farpiers in the western part of Chester county. The crop is quite abundant and Mr. Cloud, near Coaranville, has a mill that is running day and night in the manufacture of molasses by steam ewer. The appreherision that sugar would be dear induced the farmers to go extensively into the cultivation of tha Sorghum. The same paper is also informed in Upper Oxford town ship, Chester county a mill has been erected for the manufacture of Sorghum molasses, which is now grinding sufficient cane to make from seventy-five to one hundred gallons per day. The charges for grinding the cane and making molasses are, under fifty gallons, fifteen cents per gallon ; for fifty gallons or over, twelve and a half cents per gallon. Thus it appears that molasses may in time become one of the staple products of the Keystone State. A Lrranear &MATZ —We understand that a number of young gentlemen of our city are about organizing what they term a Literary Senate for the purpose of mutual mental im provement. We cannot speak too highly of this project, and the thinking mind will readily see the benefits to be derived from such an asso ciation. Where they have been organized, the deepest interest is manifested by the mem bers and the community in general. Questions of general interest are discussed—views are ex changed—men become thoroughly acquainted with parliamentary rules which shdald govern all i meetings, and in short, men generally when thdy take hold of such a project, appear to manifest that same interest, as though they were really the Senators from the States which they represent. The young student who is preparing himself for his profession and the old practitioner, cannot prize this project too highly. if you consult the biography of the most illustrious statesman ever we have had, you will invariably find, they were at some time members of a debating society. Such was the career of Franklin, Hancock, Jefferson, Jackson, Sheriden, Webster, Clay, Douglas, Morris and many others who 'have by their eloquence, "raised monuments more durable than brass," whose names will never be uttered, but with profound respect. CANE SIAT Cauns.—Mrs. Rebecca Springer, Second street below Mulberry, Harrisburg, is prepared to manufacture cane seats for chairs, of any size and quality, at the very shortest no tice, and for the most reasonable prices. The public are respectfully invited to the encour agement of Mrs. Springer, not only as a most estimable lady, but as the manufacturer of a most splendid article of cane seat chairs. WI C OPENING.-- Next Thursday is "open ing day" at Mrs. A. B. Bickerton's, (formerly Carpenter,) milinary establishment, at the sign of the two golden eagles, Market street, near the bridge. Ladies desiring to be fully post ed in the fashions, and making purchases of any thing in the millinery line, should make it a point to be on hand. littlatcausrs AND mums whose business does not require the attention of a regular book keeper am have the services of an experienced accountant in postbag , and examining books, drswing'off accounts, &,0•:, by addressing Levi WlLtager, cor,nbitrud south Au. uoy. s-dt. 13tuttegluanicAlktitil (ptiqrratni, ?Aunt. THINGS As Tiny ARS IN HMULLSBIIIIG. —ln these unsettled times interruption and depression of business generally } it is-pleasant for us to hear as a common observation from all strangers that visit our beautiful citi, that Harrisburg has been greatly favored: incOha,ifloormaiicelioirit of the war in a tivain paint of View, and - in this connection Urich & Bowman are deteimined to offer such inducements in dry goods as will meet the abilities of all. SOuth east corner of Front and Market streets. SANFORD'S °MELLING& HIATBBS—To set in Brick, Portable or as Fireplace Heaters. The moist powerful ikaters known for warming _Dwell ings, Churches, Schools, 8, c. Send to Lyme( Gm- BRAT, agent at Harrisburg, for a full discription and an unparalleled massed . testimony. • THE CositoPcurrs parlor coal stove with radi ating vaadator and gasi burning aaachmeni, lintro duced one year ago, already ranks as the leading stove for Parlors, Sitting Booms and all places where a soft pleasant heat is desired; together with a large assortment of other: parlor and cooking stoves of the best patterneto be had at the store and tinware establishment of LYME& GILBERT, Market street. tf. r Funs, Finis, FURS.-$l,OOO worth of Suns re ceived from New York auction; 100 fur capes ane muffs, from $3 up to $l2, worth double ; 25 doz. hoop Skirts for 50t. 75c. and $1 '25 ; 100 cloaks for $2, $2 60, $3 60 up to $lO, very cheap. A large assortment of traveling bags, baskets and satchels ; 100 pieces of splendid Mirk calico at 8 and 10 centsli'yard—of stock ings we have a fidlessortnient ifor, ladies! men and children, woolen and cotton, at 12i, 18 and .!4 cents ; 36 large woolen,bbutkets ; 00 pieces ;ofltt'l ilaun'eir cents; re9 l , yellow and white tlaunel,orery "cheap ; 60 puzzissii whfie curtin fringes ; St half price ; 6eausiftti set Sow ers De Laines, at 22 and 25 cents ; received 'it new lot of shirt breasts, beautiful istyleskat/8. Lewy's whioleaile and retail 'dry goad IlitOr. Wholesale buyers we would especially iritite our large stock, to which we receive additions most every day from New York auction.: JIRLMROLD'S EXTRACT BMW, THE GREAT DIURETIC IiELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Tfirr GREAT DIURETIC. LIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. DELMBOI.D'S EXTRACT BUOEIU, THE GERAT DIURET/0. And a l'osi No and Specific Remedy for Diseases of the Bladder, Gravel, Dropsy, • Organic Weakness, And all Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Lea Advertisement in another'column. Oat it uut, and send for the Medicine at once. BEW:ARE .OF CO UNITERFBITS nova.d2m iI2OFYAT'9 WM PILLS AND Psalm:a. Brasile.- 'We from Gal Arklitral P010N1L..4.11• Gide?, of. sorolui. Ulcers, Scurvy, or •Lgruptiotts of the Ain; the' of the Life hdedleinee is truly astohlehingi often removing in a few nap', every veango of these loathsome Meows by their purifying aeon on the blood. Billione . ,Fev,ere„, Fever and 'Atue, - Dykipeiria, dropsy, sad Lu °hurt, most all diseases soon yield to their ourative4rciperties No family should be withoUt them, as, by_their timely much suffering aud airlifinsonsity , bd saved.. 1 .2 ?reverted by WA. Et. HOFF f, Nem' fora, aud or , ale by ell Druggists • novew-1, HAIR DYE ! HAIR 'DYE! I W.M. A. Batchelor's Hair 'Bye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known I All others are mere imitations, and eAtould be avoided If you wish to escape GREY, RED OR EMIT HAIR dyed teetotally to a, beatv 'Cul and natural Brown or Black, without the lea* injory to !Air or Skin. ii:DALS AND pinom A s have beim avoi ded to Wm. A. Baroesitoa in ap 111.9 t anti _over 200,000 applications here beam MAO tO:thit bar or , toe patrons of bie farm:mei/ye— . , Wm. A. BRYDEIRLDit'S'EfAIR DYE . proditrAii"Lie color not to be dlitloguiehee from nature and ireesumuiri not to injure in the least, however long it may be con U ntied, aad the ill a ffeots of bad Da ea- remedied. , She hair is invigorated for life by this spleadid Dye, which Is prop erly applied at No. leaseqd imet NeerYork.'. Sold fri sllAitclted tq4es thiettibWiatiffiltia Apra Drugalets and Fancy GoOSiDialera The Genuine has the name 'William A. Saki:haler," and eddies,' upon a steel plate engraving, on the four aides of each box, Wholactic Factory, 81 Barclay St., oct2.4awly !.+La4e233 Broa!iway, ,1 kirow, York. u. 7 • f . • '4* . . , • inrote.TAN tt't o-PERfAtz"6. DR. C H.E S .r.„1,14,L S Piepared by Coniellim D.'"Ctieeie l nuitt; D., • ' " combination of ingratlietita in these 11 Pills are the ro-uit Of a long lard exteielve eractice. They are mild in their operation, and certiin in correcting all irregulizititer, Baleful Ikte4truzitictrui, , reatoring all eb strautione, whither from cold or , otheririee, headache, - pain to the silo, pulottationot th ‘ e heart,..whitesosh ner- vous afTvinneiihyatnlrinngatie, paing_lge bankand tim!, 404 - 11iahlihadigietip, w bh h nwm tiktatjupt von or nature.' ' ' ' TO MARRIED LADIES, Dr. Cheeseman's Pills are Invaluable, as they will bring on the meanly period with regularity. Ladles who have been dleapo nted in the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence In Dr. Oheetteinseg ' giile doing all that they:epees/eat to: o. , . b:. iii N C 11 . Ihere u qlc cenditioN . ztheyentale fystestAn which lloe Pills cannot be taken produestia PECOLIA RESULT. The onolukoi *fir . red,to•fs,p 3 El(9 4 o44 7 C r— ag ;result MISCA , ERLAGE.-' addristirteirivristiele ten. dealt of the medicine to restore the sexual function: to a normal condition, that even thdreynnductive power of net ture cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and free, from anything 'elution& Exifl6lt directionai wlilohhhouid tie-road: Mt: , company pitch box. - Price .$l. Sant by -mail gm enclot • tog, grio Dk:ConaiLma L. Onidtasiten, Brix 4,581 'Post . Athos, New York Qty. bold by one Druggis tin every town in the United Stateg 401-INEPIAG7DiGai I Ti General Agennor me - United States: ' 14 Broadway, New York, To whom - all wholesale orders should be addressed. uoy29-dawly Dlir'DllPONOOtcioliDEir` nr4140 Fort iFEMATiES. , gamble nr.voitectiiii ; 4enic7tng obstracticas, frommtatßTF, 43,1p31!1, t . qui - . Ways sucaaanal. as-a pram: THESE PILLS HA.VEABEN USED BY the doctors for many years, both in Prime and America, with unparalleled itu• in every Case '; and Ile Is ured,hyiMany thotoMito Adige who told thenv, to make the Tills Mibßefer the alliiiatioh of those intibriti from any irregularities wluitevar, ae..well as to prevent an increase of Slimily wkere bealth.wl/1 ; wadi it.— Females partictdarlySituAted, - oi *Ma adSpbstmithem. selves so, are cautioned against these-lids:while in that condition, as they are env+ to-prodrice miscarriage, and the proprietor sesames no responsibility after this admo nition, although their mildness would prevent any nibs chiel to health.-=otherwise :the Tills are recemreended.- Full and asphalt directions accompany each box. Prise 11 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by S. S. Bums, Reading, JosasOx, lICILLoWe'r I. L. LislutßOlß, Lebanon, Damn, H. Hamm; Lancaster; J. Wats, Wtightsville •, T. Muisa, York and by one druggist ln every city andilllage in the ppm, and by S. D. Blows, sole proprietor, New York' N. R.--Look out for counterfeits. Buy no Golden . Pais Of any kind unless every box is signed B. I[l.. Mare. , of era are a base imposition. and. unsafe; ther4rolre, ae you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ng humbugged Out of your money,) buy only c( those who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every hos, which has recently been added on Iscomint Of the Pills being counterfeited . •..:dap-dinewly. HOW LOST HOW RESTORED JEST Published in a Sealed Envelope Price 6 cis : A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and radical Cure of Spermatorrhaa or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, 4ndluiped imenta to Marriage generally, Nervousness Lonsumption, Epilepsy and Fits : Mental and' Physical Incapacity,. re sulting from. Self Abuse, kco.—By CUL VIER WELL,.M. D., Author of the Orden Book dic. "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers," sent under seal,* a, plain envelope, to any.. &Oros, psU.paid,.on reSsfP_ CeLfix =wow Piro poogestamr» Ikt-1/4114,..44 O ALM,.. - • al2T.Tgsuflaiew seidtdawitu =l=l PURIFY TIM BLOOD NEWYOAK A CARD TO TEE EAlitliS MANHOOD Morning, November 14, 1861 Nem tAbvtrtisements. - - LDI.E RS' NICK RACK'S, pfeßale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STOKE. lamp Writing Cases, ) Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or R4zor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. l.eket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, • Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, • Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors. Bryn'. Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rub, er Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, andEnrelepes. Soldrrs Will see at a g lance that the place to get an outfit h war..si at No. 91, Market street. j p gr iee "Fort Ploktuds" in the window. nos 11 PRIPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. AD-Queßnits PitsNinxiainslittirne. QUARTEROLASDIR-GENERALPS OFFIOII Hammon:lo; Nov. 11, 1861. SElisl3l PROPOSALS will be received at this oft? up to twelve o'clock en, Saturday, 16th of ovember, 1861, to furnish the follow ing arty les of supplies, in such quantities and at Buell places as 'may be directed by this office: 500 tots (2240 pounds each tor 9 of Lykens Valley Egg Coal, with the privilege of in creasing ordiminishing the quantity.. 500 cords. of Oak Wood, bids limited to 250 ,cords; but perionk may bid for ons or more lots. The same to be inspected by proper persons selected as provided by, theActo HALE, fAssembly. B. C. novill4l3t. Quar. Mast. Gen. VERBEKE RIFLES. THIS BCompany are now at Darnetown, Maryland in Gen. Bank's Division, and numbers 91 men nearly all of whom are 'residents of Dauphin coun ty. 10,01°mo:ten are wanted to till up the Company to the maxima f standard °TAO' men. Persons intending to enter thitietilitary service, will open appllo,ation to the undersigned, a found in suitable board and quarterS, until the fu number is obtained. when clothing an e q uipments li be procured for them and transportation remain* to nable them to join the Company. 4 W. K. VERBEKE, covs.2wd i Walnut street. . . NEW BUOJEWSEAT FLOUR ! 4150QLBS. FAMILY BUCK WHICAT FLOUR (Extra) In 12Th and 2ND bap. l- r inuAbty la very tta slog been ab. selected , exinieisly 'or our retail trade. For sale low by noll. WN. WOK, Jr., at Co. • • WANTED. TWO Machinists, and Six Wagqn ers. Apply.al tbs Harrisburg Oar Works. nol2 dtf W. T. EIILD B.UP, Sup'l. FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 & 600 PDS. WR:I72, BLACK 0 COLORED. . , , . HIS thread' being made particularly for Sewing Machines, ts VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND E STIC. Its strength is not Mnpalred by washing, nor TA by friction of the needle. For Machines, use Brooks' Patent Glace, . , ... -. FOR UPPER THREAD,- aril, Brooks Patent 811 CArd,,,Hed Ticket, ~. FOR 'UNDER THREAD, , , . Sold by respectable dealers; throughout the oouutry.—. Also, Maass or 100 Malty MACON .1131108711:D N 013., by ~ , - J. ifx.-linosar SMITH, Sole Agent. mo i l-dem SS Vesey street, New York. NIM ,CLO THING STORE. . SHEILENBERGER'' & BROTHER, # ..., ._:- . , NO AMARKET STREET. (Room formeedy occupied by the Po : 41 4 r i".) • •-•- ~ . HE g .kiaidiriti'gritid -have_ just aliened a . i new and large assortment or' one latest styles .of chithiii: Are are also prepared to manufacture to order kinds indf GtWetr, cut to the ataststyaulfah : 4: . a4 w,Lya L s t ot i ea : y f ode clothing and Gentleman's Foretelling Goods. 009-08 m ' - ' 'g. BEIELLICNBIt4GSR & BRO. GENERAL ORDERS, NO 6. BLEAD•Iiiigats.PENNSYLVA N I A Muria, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, ' Harrtabarg, November 8, 1861. .#l3 bills of recruiting expenses consist chief of charges for subsistence of recrbits prior to their entry into a State Camp, General Order, No. 5, current series from this Office, is modifi ed as follows : That on and after November 10th instant, all, Such bills shall be referred to the Commissary general for settlement. By order Of 'the Governor, bommander-in- Chief, , Do 9 6t . ANTED.—AGENTS MALE and FE MALE, all over the - country to sell the great Union Prize and Recipe Packaged, containing the follow ing,:l articles : Six eeta•Cemmereifd Note paper ; six sheets Ladlee'NOte - s in streets Eadieeßillet Paper ; one AcoOmmodation Pe bolder ; two floe Steel Pena : ene Sufi Pencil ;• one atietit Blotting PapiW,; oils fine Atugrav log (allo)' of G-aeral McClellan ; six White kaveinpre, with patriotic Union Designs, In calors ;six,ladies' White Envelopes in beautiful colors ; six Bur ~Envelopes ; sev epty-five valuable ttaceipta. In (Willem to these arti cles ,we gip it eap[t„ . package a, . . . ..- ..SIWEBB PIEOII OF JRWELRY, of a richer quality than anything In th e market, ..,,-' , - -. t = aWORTJEUDULJBLE TIELID•PRICIII 'Paid for the WAR)e.: lijrnore Rateable article cannot be found In the market. Our Agents are making from $5 to s l 9..perflaY• Bentlistuatp tor our itlittnuriothOireular, conittinlog full part:l3llam • ' 2 ' = RItITARDI3 /i CO, * 102 Nassau street, N. Y nov746i COAL 111 ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVER'S COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTS. EZE Weight ( its are certified by the ± Sealer of ,Weightkand Measures. *Consumers can weigh their coal at theiltown doors„ It it of. great. int, portanoe during these hart times for every one to know that they oar TOTLit frOLL . HOIIEa WXLGOT, A large supply of cola' atwaye to he found on hand, LIFILENS VALLEY all SiZ9B. WILESBARRE, all Mau. rOttsERRI COAL , (theltenuine artiele,) geld by the oar load ovaingle ton. All coal of the best . quality, delivered free from all int purl&e AT PRIORI TO BOW TUB xuass, - by the boat Or. car load, single, half ortlnid or tons and by tne bushel. f • JARED N. WHEELER. Harrisburg, Nov. 6, 18SL—a • THREE STEAMENGINES FOR SALE. HE undersigned, offers for sale. ONE j 'NEW 30 HORSE ENGINE, and two Seeond-Hand engines of smaller site,. The enema+. will be sold cheap for or approved.paper • Apply' at the Steam Re gina W9t3e,Nxth mad,. between Wilma and Market, Harrisburg, Pa. JACOB M ull2 nos2-d3 w-w3t FOR R E NT.—The farm now geoupied byJohn Loban, adjoining (limp Curtin:" Poste - tn.'s' given on the Ann of Apra next,. 0t25 GEORGE W. PORTER. FOR SALE, TWO good Horses ; one suitable as a family horse; the other as a drau g ht horse. quire or George BurnamTlmrd street, between ' Market andwalnut, %rile', R4* - : ' hee...dtf TO E FOgits. O„tTs. OATS 1 i Cash paid for Oats :by JAMES M. WELEALE.E. QQA4I.I4OItB_EBRY .GOAL I I HOSE Alitkojc.so Itlte i real Gepuine,Old Fashioned Veegrove.Coal from the lorherry Mines thekeirAtiutetotharettetosPOlr • 4 I....*4ootiVamd e. & ECitailroe4 Ace. e HELMBOLDIS GENUINE PREPARATION HIG 'ILY CONCENTRATBD" _ LCSIP4.thiD FLUID Karma BUCHU, A Positive sod Spetide Remedy For Diiesses or the BLADDER, RIDNEYB, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELIANGs. Tbk Medicine increa-es the power of Digestion, and excites the ABEGnBENTS int healluy action, by, which the WATERY OR CAI OAREOUS depositions, and all UN= NATURAL ENLARGE eINTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INMAN ATIuN, and IS good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELMBOUYS EXTRACT BIICHII, • For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In discretion or abuse. ATTEN DED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breaching P=M Horror of Incense, Wakefulness, Dimness ci Vision, Pain In the Back, Universal Lsssitude of the Muscular System, Rot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skim, BrUptions on the Face, PALI ID 00UNrENANON, • These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soonlbPows IMPOTENCY. F 4TUITY, FPILEPITD'FICB, IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT MAY Tank& Who can say tbar they are not &egos tly followed by those T.DIRBFUL DIREASFS,'"_ "7.NSANTrY AND CONSIIMPTInN.r, Many are aware or the CaWie . Or Weir suffering, BUT NONE WILL OONFEN3. THE RECO; D 3 OF THE I‘RANESHYLIIIIIS, AnalheAfetanclielp Deets by Carsetpßiei, ens lieu' Witlllo , 4lTO tti inure &ism Asserrour. Sr s Tax coNiansiniiiN ONGA:.ANFACTRD.TVITH.. ORGANIC WEAR • ZS; Reqetres the aid of =Aids° to strengthen and Invigorst the System, Ina* Hauossint t EXTRACT BUCHU invariably dots, FERALE44EBIALE3-=-IrEIIALFS, OLD OR, YOUNG, SINGLE, kLaRitIeDiOkOONTE_ • trta mottasgs; • - IN MANY AFFEWIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Bucbu la unequalled by any other remedy, as in atom& or Retention, Irregularity, PaiMulness, or Supprestio n or Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrboutetate of toe Uterus, Lencorbcoa Whites; Str ity, and tot r all coatioliintit incident to lei', tine a arising from Indiscretion; Habits of Intafpntion, or In the Mum rth KO .Butsgim, MLOORT, OR usrmaxer MEDI ULNA PON UNPLEASANT AND DANURROUS DISTANRS. HS LA12301, D'a artuar .13 (MEW WRVS SWEET. DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little 19 :pane ; Little or no change in Diet.; inconvenie..oe; And no /*pour*. It causes a frequent desire and ghee Strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Caring Strictures of tee Urethra Allaying Pain and Imeammation, so frequent In the class of diseases, and expelling ail Poisonous, Disposed and worn-out Mailer. T/10084ND8 Div!' THCKIVANIA *HO mow BESS IHS VIOPMS QtrACXS, , and who have paid HWY Pi to be cured in a short time,have found they were deceived, and that the ROW has, by the use of ‘rowsurcri. arranensis," been dried up in the system, to .breas out in an aggravated Cork, and PERHAPS 417 ER MARSLAGS, tise Hata➢otn'e Erman'. Bum: for all affections and diseases 01 the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing to MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter cf HOW LUNG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of DIURETIO. HELIEBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Id THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired enact in all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECGMMENDED. Evidence qf : Lee matt ratab/6 and rationale character will accompany the medusa. CERTIFICATIS OF CURES, airomB to 20 yawn standing, Won Naas MOWN 70 BL/ENCE Rip F4IIE. Price $1 00 per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from obser vation. 14,EitRIBE SYMProsis IN ALL OONMIIKALTIONS. Cures Guaranteed • Adviee Grath; pi AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of tho city of Polladelphle, H. T. atuitiew, wait. being duly sworn, (loth say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, or other Injurious drags, but are purely vege table H. T. HEWERS D. Sworn and subscribed before ate,: tbis Eas day of No vember, UM WM. P. RIBBER°, A/derman, Ninth At. aoove Race, Phila. Address letters for inTormatien in confidence to H. T. ILELABOTA Depot, la& South Tenth Mt., bet. Chestnut, Plat, • BEWARE OF COUR TE RFAIITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to &Aloes "or lulus' otrit"'mul "omza" ABTICLIN ON THE NEMATION ATTALNND BY ' HehubOWN Genuine Preparauoa a, w Lavaca Ba, ha, " Ssrea , arilia, " " Unproven Sass .Wash. Sold by 9. K. Keller, D. W, Oroaf,, .I.Wyeth, C. A. AND ALL DRUGFIST3 EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER. ' • Cat ont ttte advertisement and send for It, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. novlB.ely /1111. E - I'.rI3SCRIBERS publib outcry at the CourtAlbase, afilarilaborg, on 9atur d el ay the 16th day of November beat, at two ,o'clock P Ei M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General The Farm of John Wallower, Senior, consisting of 186 acres, situated to Sustpiehrntut township, about three miles from Harrisburg, adjoining lands of John H. Fox, John Zinn and others. there are erected on the Farm a large Two. Story Stone House, a Bank Barn, Testun Houses, Stables, &c. There le also a large orullare of apt% peix, peach and cheff9 trees Of choice 'Wletleg P1iq 3 44 11 4t beiflok•-Orf, also, several veins c.f good Lime 4i one, Which 'have been and can be worked' te advantage. The property _will be reld ,b:ody or in percolate suit perrhv era: Lbnnitions will be liberal and be .announced on , day of sale. There will also be . offired for safe at the same time and place the undivided halt interest of--100 - acres oh' Coal Landa titillated on theAtlrt YOuntain, inlaykinis Valley, Cauptun county. O. tIESTER, C. F. IHUENCH, oct9.itoawd-wte Assignees. Lancaster inteliVencer and Carlisle Herald insert three times and send bill to this office immediately. FOR SALE OF RENT. /VIE undersigned' offers for sale or rent, -L his Distillery below Han isborg, between the Penn sylvania Railroad and the B Miquehanna;river, with steam , engine, pig pen, railroad' tiding and: about eight acres of ground. Terms 10w..' apply to J. C. Bomberger, lfaq.,, Cashier of the Meehaniee'Bevings Bart JA h; gami.bmg, or LI)B Lein, 0012/3-cilme • itindonown. O. D. FORSTER, OFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the foot Of North *oat; Wholetate Aar tail dealer in TREF9.I27OIf, ; WIT.R.VIARRE LYILEATS :vALLEr. scrsilujir and BROAD WE crltz • Fainting and Dealers may rely upon obtalalnealirst-rate article, and full weight, at the- lowest rates. Orders A promptly attended to. liberal . 4iscoent made: to par chai3ers paying for the coal' when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 26 per' ton. • Harrisburg, Oct. 25.--o3m COAL ! COAL I I COAL 1 ! • I . 'HE subscriber is now , prepared to dtt t liver to the citizens of. Hardshgrg, either by the Oar, Boat, loud or single Ton, the choicest kind of Wilk& barre, Sunbury, I.4kens Valley ant Pinegrove Coal, hauled out y the Patent Weigh,Chrt,, and full weigh , guaranteed. Ordersleft at my aloe, 9th and Margot will receive prompt attention, DAVID McCOBISICK. Harrisburg, Oct: 80. 1861.-Bwde WiiIa,MALE and. itEralb -lleA-VER in Confectianary,.gosign al24,ll. o Softici:Fr° 4 * Fisk, Dates , Prnuesi Sabine 'and Mite or all' triads.— _Fresh and t , al trtch, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices, Ta basco, Segars and Country :Produc in genend,„idaenet . street, next door to Parke Home, also ovreer Third and Wainut greets. ftt 2B- 0 51 11 . ~4patkr wips . . AIR, TOOTH, NALloiOlAKeaircHgl.T t LATHES ind ni/AinlikllßELlll l , in peat var i e ty at SALIM DRUG AND FANCY MEL ==!M=!t4l= Nun 20vertigments XAL Ira 00111101irll Yeeljll[ol2oil., DECLINE OR OHAIFGB OF LIFE, NO FAMILY StiOULHBE WITHOUT IT Assignees' Sale of Real Estate. ,COAL! COAL ! $B, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. Wtw eabpattstments. E LIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM: A NEW RIMEDY, A czars's REMEDY, J /*R ACUTE RHEUMATISM, (IHRONIO RHISHLATISH, RERTIMATIBM OR EVE rY MOD BOW STUEIRO.Of , No MATTER HOW LONG STANDING, PROPPL MIA WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN, Trembling, THE BEST TESTIMONY, BEST MEDICAL AUTMOSITY PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL [Facia °Maw. fleasrut RitPORIS.] May a 9, 1880,—Elleu S., mt. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack °facets rhenion tism,trein winch she waseoutined to her bed fintwoireeks and subtienent y from arelapse for four more. Fittehaa been well since then till list Bator day, while engaged in house cleanint, eh" :onk cold, had pain In her back. felt cold, hot bud so Cechted chill. Two days later her ankles be gan so awcli , wblah ems:follow. & try.• swelling of the knee jo cis and of the hands. She has now dell pain in bee shoulders. and her knuckles are very Wades, red and painful ; both hams are affe led, bat the right Is mot so. Thia, th en, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, ash Is now fashionably called, rhonmai Id fever. It is a well remaraed tyydcal ease We will carefully watch the cage, and from time to time call your attention to the Tie pin symptoms which present themselves. My chief °Neat In bringing her befnre you now, Is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended In the treatment of rheumatism. Itn anpropyfamine. Dr. AW,enarins, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, having derived great oenedt from its use in 250 cases which name under his care. Various com mehdatory testimonials reinecting It have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give it mother trill I mast confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies ; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I Mat 28,1860.—1 will now exhibit to you the patient for win:lm I prescribed Propylamine, and was then labor ing under an attack 01 acute rheumatism. She hes steadily taken It in doses of three grates every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than she ex pected to be for a week or more, judging from her other ethics. (the patient now walkers Into the room.) The improvement has steadily progressed, and you canard fall to notice a marked change in tee appearance of her /clots, which arexiow 'nearly all of their natural size The; tar our experiment would have seemed vary sue cessfdi ;:bdt, gentlemen, we must wait a littl3 while be fore we can give a decided opinion as to what to to be the result. Sere is and her patient who was placed on the use of the same medi Ana oa Sunday last chi has long been suffering from o 'lronic rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic affeation. The wrists and knuckles were much swillien and tease. She tor* the chloride or Propyla- Mae in three grain does every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of the joints has mesh dimin ished. THREE DAYS LATER I I Mar 26, 1860.--This is the care of acute rheumatism treamo with propyiamine, the first of those to which I called your attention at our last clinic,. She is evil very comfortable, and Is now I .king three grains thrie s daily. la this ease it bas seemed to be followed by very,sat islactory results. The second cme to which your Wen. time was called at our last lecture, has also contionad to do Idol t. hwlll now bring before you a very ettaracter tette case of acute, ihaumatism, and if the result be sat. factory, I think, as good jurymen, we shall Justly render our verdict in favor of propylarnine. He lea seaman, tot. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Haa had Gemstone! rheumatic pains, but not so as t keep his bed,iuntal eight days ago. The pains ,leagan in his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, toe Mints of the timer extremities. These pinta areal! swolten, tense and tender. His tongue Is tarred ; his akin, at prevent dry, though there has been much sweating. His pulse full and strong, and about go.-- 'Retics now need prOpylatniue fdr twenty-four boars. This gentleman is what may be called a atrieqy typical case of saute rheumatism. There was exposure t ould and wet, and this exposure is followed by a *sling of coldness, Severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower Joints. There is fever awl the profuse eweating, no genera ly atttendant on acute rheumatism. did not bring ibis patient before you with the inten tion of giving you a lecture on all the palate competed with rheumatism . but to again give a trial to the now remedy we are seating and to exhialt to you this typist! Owe, as I have called it, than welch there co aid not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in queition. We are, therefore, avoiding the use of all 'other medicines, even ano iynet, that Cher, may. be so misgivings as to which was LIT, efficient remedy. Yoe shall see the Case 01 a future clinic. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Jol4l9,lBBo.—The next of our convalescents to the ease of ectiterhetunatisto before you a; our oils& Cl May 16th, wllick 1 they called a typical case, and which it ,was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy, It W , 33 therefore steadily given In three grain doses every two hours for tour days. The patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to o elk about, 'as you See. Ido not hesitate to that have neves arenas severe A oum of acute rheumatism 'so soon restored to , health as • this man has been, and without being prepared to decide positive as to the val ue Of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to stale that in the eases in which we hive tried the. Chloride of Propylamine, the patients hive reudned their health much earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. For aid' reliort of,witich7the above is a eondeosed r el tP , a ff tMeit th e;. el ith i t t Medi:Ca and Surgical: porter. It is the report after a fair trial by the best sited icatauthority in this country, and makes It unnecessary to give numerous certificates from' astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY MD, ANy.FFEMUAL THE SA E RESULT WHAT IT HAD DONE, Bullock & Crenshaw, a firm well known to most medi cal men, by whom the Elixir Prop,lamina has been In. troduced, have sold to us the exclusive right to manufac ture It *wording to the original recipe, and -we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it, broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form we invite your attention to the PUBS Chawranuto CHLORIDO Paorrwann,lt PUBD PitOFILAMINZ LIQUID, PUBS PROPYLAWINI CONCIONTRILTYD, PURE looms PROPYLAMINO, Of which we are the sole manufacturers. We claim no other virtue for the Elixir Propyhunlne than is ‘ontained in . Pure Crysta li zed Chloride of Peony- famine THE ELIXIR IS AND MAY BE TAKEN ACCOaDING To ontEcrIONS, I BY ANY ONE, BY .IKVJERY ONN, WHO HAS RHSIIMATISK. OF ANY KIND. Sold in Harrisburg by AT 75'017i. Alla/nit Orders may be addressed to PROPYtAILINE A1.. 1 ."740717R1NG CO., Moe, Room No. 4, S. W. Cor. Rourth and Cheanurstreele, Or to either of the following Mitelesale Agents BULLOCK & CRINKEIXW, TBESCR, R.V.HARns *Co, . , JOUN M MABIs & 1 110 ,1 co .3P -,1-1k ntiAL.l - k..;ortult, mimic c-• . MORRIS Maar 11 DBLANI A.LIIB n0v7417 WILL enwiluzgirr, WILL COWRIT, DOOT•1B8 E &D RooTaßs tOmote TRY IT. DOCMS KNOW IT PATIRII lasvevi IT, TAT= THE RESULT. TN EVERY CASE, WHENEVER TRIED, WHENEVER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE CONY ENIENTi AND ALWAYS READY FOR IMMEDIATE' Lin,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers